Re: [E-devel] Ibar dnd bug

2005-10-12 Thread The Rasterman
On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 21:21:34 -0400 Osei Poku <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

> Hi all,
> I noticed a small bug in Ibar. When you drag an icon, which doesnt have
> a corresponding eap file, from the border of a window to the ibar, an
> error dialog pops up complaining that this icon has no corresponding
> eap. The problem is the drag overlay animation on the ibar itself doesnt
> go away.  

aah indeed. this was on the TODO list actually. thanks for taking it off the
list! :)

> It is actually pretty trivial to fix but I have attached the patch to do
> so anyways.
> As a side question: How exactly do some windows now have icons in the
> top left corner even though I never associated an icon with them(ie
> there is no corresponding eap)?

e17 currently under goes 3 levels of "what the hell do i put up here as an icon"
1. look for a .eap with window name/class etc. match - if it find one - use
this. 2. look at any netwm process id or launch id parameters set on the client
window (*IF* it sets them). and if it matches a process e knows it launched -
FROm a .eap file (e actually tracks everything you launch from e and thus knows
this) and then it knows what .eap icon to use for an icon. 3. use a netwm
ARGB32 icon IF provides and set on the window. 4. give up (blank)

right now for 4. i'd like to just add a final fallabck and add some E icon
there instead but i havent bothered yet :)

> Finally, in the midst all the recent unrest in the E camp, I would just
> like to give a shout of thanks and appreciation to Raster and co for the
> most beautiful WM ... ever ... The other day, a friend of mine who
> swears by OS X, decided to give E17 a try because it looked so good.

can't resist a pretty face eh? :)

> Keep up the good work guys.

"we're not just a pretty face" - oh wait... yes we are! :)

- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)

This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions,
and more.
enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] The current state of E Widget ToolKit Libraries (EWTKL)

2005-10-12 Thread Gabriel Rossetti

Poor Carsten...
It is kind of funny in a sort of "dark humor", this thread sounds like
a bunch of women (If any women read this, don't get offened, I showed
this to a female friend and she laughed too) stiring up things and
talking about it at the hair dresser's :-). Like he said : "peace love
and flowery things".

Thanks to everyone that committed *any* code, as a programmer I know
that every little piece deserve's our encouragement.

Gabriel Rossetti

Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:

  On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 10:02:02 -0400 Michael Jennings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

On Tuesday, 11 October 2005, at 16:59:42 (+0900),
Carsten Haitzler wrote:

  my quote for this mail:

"can't we just all get along?"

Some of us can.  Those of us who are working as a team.  Our problem
is with those working *against* the team.

i dont see anything working against - its in parallel and its in a prototype
dir. is he commiting bad code to ewl to make it worse? how is it working


  ok everyone back off on the harsh language and mails. first. ETK is in


So what?  Sure, it's in proto for now.  But then what?

so is enterminus - has it mvoed from there in months? no. it's stayed. nice
toy. that's it.


  proto is a playground for code - a place to play with ideas IN code
that can be shared and looked at and commented on.

And so we're commenting.  Yay, the system worked!  :-)

  secondly - moom isnt such an excited newcomer - he's been around for
a while.  has likely contributed to about as much code as you have.

If that's true (which I doubt), then he's been doing it in secret
behind everyone's backs.  And while that may not worry you, it sure
worries me.

he hasn't


  is this project an ivory tower? or a bazaar?

Going behind everyone's back to undermine an existing project sounds a
lot more like an ivory tower than a bazaar to me.

how is it GOING BEHIND BACKS? its in the open. its in cvs. rtheres a
disagreement - between mimicking gtk's api to make it easy to port or learn, or
doing something different. how do YOU propose to have both teams work on the
same code? really?


  i can tell you - we dont have the resources to be an ivory tower. i
sure as hell don't have the time. i barely have the time to deal
with mail (like this one) and somewhere inbetween get some code
done. if we want to "manage" this ivory tower - who is going to
fulltime do that? who? thats going to snarf one DEDICATED* person
for their entire available time - i guarantee it now. and what if
they go away like about 98%** of people who come to contribute for a
week, then vanish do?

If you want to stay away from the ivory tower model and encourage the
bazaar, then why are you supporting (albeit indirectly) vigilantism
and underhanded political posturing?  Where would we be if everyone
chose to do everything their own way instead of cooperating and
working together?  We'd have about 15 different versions of
everything, and our progress would be severely stunted.

what? i have not been supporting anyone? i am trying to bloody well calm the
flamefest. but people keep trying to stoke up the fires. 


  if etk stay a play thing for simon and no one else ever wants to use
it - well that is a vote by the "public" as to if they want it or
not (the public being developers). if people jump on it and use it
everywhere suddenly - then well thats a vote for it. if this spurrs
freindly competition then BOTH EWL AND ETK benefit. you may not
rememebr or know of the days when e competed directly with
windowmaker, version for versions we played tit-for-tat feature
games. you know - we BOTH BENEFITTED. benefits are more than just
plain code - ideas, solutions and just swapping compliments and
encouragement are GREAT MOTIVATORS.

You keep going on and on about competition being good and new ideas
being good and all that.  You're ignoring the key issue here.  If
Simon had said, "Hey guys, I have some new ideas I'd like to try, a
somewhat different approach to an EFL-based widget set.  I thought I
might toss it into proto/ and see what people think," that would've
been different.

he did just that - he asked me - i went "put it in proto - see what peolpe
think". man. you guys are seeing reds under every bed. calm down. man i SAID to
put it into proto. i am not going to make email announcments every time someoen
wants to commit a tree of working code. cvs commits does it for me and i'm
alreayd spending too much time on this flamefest.

The reality is that Simon and Hisham have been whining for ages about
"design problems" with EWL that even *they* can't identify.  They've
also been badmouthing and undermining other pr

[E-devel] Ibar dnd bug

2005-10-12 Thread Osei Poku
Hi all,

I noticed a small bug in Ibar. When you drag an icon, which doesnt have
a corresponding eap file, from the border of a window to the ibar, an
error dialog pops up complaining that this icon has no corresponding
eap. The problem is the drag overlay animation on the ibar itself doesnt
go away.  

It is actually pretty trivial to fix but I have attached the patch to do
so anyways.

As a side question: How exactly do some windows now have icons in the
top left corner even though I never associated an icon with them(ie
there is no corresponding eap)?

Finally, in the midst all the recent unrest in the E camp, I would just
like to give a shout of thanks and appreciation to Raster and co for the
most beautiful WM ... ever ... The other day, a friend of mine who
swears by OS X, decided to give E17 a try because it looked so good.
Keep up the good work guys.

Index: e_mod_main.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/enlightenment/e17/apps/e/src/modules/ibar/e_mod_main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.84
diff -u -3 -r1.84 e_mod_main.c
--- e_mod_main.c	8 Oct 2005 19:38:13 -	1.84
+++ e_mod_main.c	13 Oct 2005 01:03:02 -
@@ -1662,6 +1662,15 @@
 	 E_Dialog *dia;
+	 e_box_freeze(ibb->box_object);
+	 e_box_unpack(ibb->drag_object);
+	 evas_object_del(ibb->drag_object);
+	 ibb->drag_object = NULL;
+	 evas_object_del(ibb->drag_object_overlay);
+	 ibb->drag_object_overlay = NULL;
+	 e_box_thaw(ibb->box_object);
+	 _ibar_bar_frame_resize(ibb);
 	 dia = e_dialog_new(e_container_current_get(e_manager_current_get()));
 	 e_dialog_title_set(dia, _("Cannot add icon"));

Re: [E-devel] The current state of E Widget ToolKit Libraries (EWTKL)

2005-10-12 Thread Jason Smith
On Oct 11, 2005, at 11:33 AM, Michael Jennings wrote:Then stop trying to get in the middle.  People have valid concerns that should be addressed.  There are questions to which Nathan and Dan deserve answers that only Simon and Hisham can give.  I respect that you're trying to play peacemaker, but in doing so, you're only making the rift worse and preventing communication.  This all boils down to that:  COMMUNICATION.  If everyone, yourself and myself included, would put a higher priority on communications, this type of thing would be far less frequent. I am not a developer so I am sorry if I misunderstand what is happening here, but from my perspective this is something that Simon and Nathan/other EWL developers need to work out.You tell raster "Then stop trying to get in the middle"   Shouldn't everyone take this advice?  This is only going to get more heated and destructive until the ETK group and the EWL group talk to each other about it.Jason

Re: [E-devel] The current state of E Widget ToolKit Libraries (EWTKL)

2005-10-12 Thread Jose O Gonzalez

On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 11:01:15 -0400 Michael writes:
> On Tuesday, 11 October 2005, at 23:33:18 (-0400),
> Jose O Gonzalez wrote:
> > I remember reading once, long ago, an interview by an excited
> > newcomer named Michael Jennings.. an interview he did of two, more
> > or less, old-timers known as "raster" and "mandrake".
> You are mistaken.  Was I a newcomer once?  Yes, absolutely, though
> it's been almost 10 years.  But I'd been around for quite awhile by
> the time mandrake showed up.

Perhaps so... I'd defer to raster and mandrake and you on that.
As I *dimly* recall, this was around the time of the unveiling of
e16 and eterm (my first experience with e was around e13 and I can't
recall if eterm was around then), and you certainly *seemed* to come
across, in that interview, as an excited newcomer -- to enlightenment.
But if you were instead an *excited old-timer*, then even better :)
If anyone can find a link to that interview somewhere, I'm sure
everyone would find it an interesting read :)

> > If ewl is indeed the "official" gui toolkit of enlightenment, and 
> it
> > is the result of years of work... then how is it that none of the
> > major programs that are associated as being "e"... actually use 
> it?
> > None do.
> Also not true.

Ummm... that would very much depend on what one's list of *major*
programs associated as being "e"... consists of.
Perhaps you could give your list of such and pick out those that
use ewl.. so that a more "official" ratio can be ascertained.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions,
and more.
enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] [PATCH] Hide the Analog Clock

2005-10-12 Thread Bryan Taylor

No, the ANALOG_STYLE_ENABLED is handled by the 'else' portion of the
'if' statement.  Still, I can put ANALOG_STYLE_ENABLED in the
script if you would like me to.  I am currently using this
modification and
haven't noticed any problems with making the analog clock disappear and
reappear correctly.  Let me know if you encounter any other
problems with this patch.


Bryan TaylorOn 10/11/05, Andrew Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do we not want ANALOG_STYLE_ENABLED too? =0 perhaps?Bryan Taylor wrote:> Hi all,>> I've created a patch that allows you to hide the analog clock while> still showing the digital clock.  This work is just a small extension of
> the patch in this thread:>>> --- default_clock.edc.old2005-10-10 20:33:
31.0 -0500> +++ default_clock.edc2005-10-10 20:32:32.0 -0500> @@ -195,16 +195,23 @@>   new v;>   new isAfternoon;>   new digiBuf[2];> + new alogBuf[2];
>   DIGITAL_STYLE_NORMAL = 1;>   DIGITAL_STYLE_24HOUR = 2;>> + ANALOG_STYLE_DISABLED = 1;> +>   get_text(PART:"digitalStyle", digiBuf, 2);> + get_text(PART:"analogStyle", alogBuf, 2);
>>   digitalStyle = atoi(digiBuf);> + analogStyle = atoi(alogBuf);>>   date(year, month, day, yearday, weekday, hour, minute, second);>   v = round(second);> @@ -281,6 +288,19 @@
>  set_state(PART:"digital_bg", "hidden", 0.0);>  set_state(PART:"digital_bg_overlay", "hidden", 0.0);>   }> +> + if (analogStyle == ANALOG_STYLE_DISABLED) {
> +set_state(PART:"bg", "hidden", 0.0)> +set_state(PART:"fg", "hidden", 0.0)> +> +set_state(PART:"seconds", "hidden", 
0.0);> +set_state(PART:"minutes", "hidden", 0.0);> +set_state(PART:"hour", "hidden", 0.0);> + }> + else {> +set_state(PART:"bg", "default", 
0.0)> +set_state(PART:"fg", "default", 0.0)> + }>}> }> parts {> @@ -293,6 +313,14 @@> normal: "e17_clock_bg.png";
>  }>   }> + description {> +state: "hidden" 0.0;> +visible: 0;> +image {> +   normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> +   middle: 0;> +}> + }>}>  #ifdef IND>  # undef IND> @@ -325,6 +353,14 @@>normal: "e17_clock_"IND"_"num".png"; \
> } \>  }> + description {> +state: "hidden" 0.0;> +visible: 0;> +image {> +   normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> +   middle: 0;> +}> + }>   HAND("00")>   HAND("01")>   HAND("02")> @@ -417,6 +453,14 @@>normal: "e17_clock_"IND"_"num".png"; \
> } \>  }> + description {> +state: "hidden" 0.0;> +visible: 0;> +image {> +   normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> +   middle: 0;> +}> + }>   HAND("00")>   HAND("01")>   HAND("02")> @@ -509,6 +553,14 @@>normal: "e17_clock_"IND"_"num".png"; \
> } \>  }> + description {> +state: "hidden" 0.0;> +visible: 0;> +image {> +   normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> +   middle: 0;> +}> + }>   HAND("00")>   HAND("01")>   HAND("02")> @@ -585,6 +637,14 @@> normal: "e17_clock_fg.png";
>  }>   }> + description {> +state: "hidden" 0.0;> +visible: 0;> +image {> +   normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> +   middle: 0;> +}> + }>}>part {>   name:  "digital_bg_area";> @@ -687,7 +747,7 @@>  text {> text: "00:00:00 AM";
> font: "Edje-Vera";> -   size: 15;> +   size: 16;> fit:  0 1;> align:0.5 0.5;>  }> @@ -705,6 +765,14 @@
>  visible: 0;>   }>}> +  part {>
"analogStyle";> + type:   TEXT;> + description {> +state: "hidden" 0.0;> +visible: 0;> + }> +  }> }> programs {
>program { --- cvs/e17/apps/e/src/modules/clock/e_mod_main.h2005-09-24> 08:42:05.0 -0500> +++ e_mod_main.h2005-10-10 20:31:44.0 -0500
> @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@> int>digitalStyle> ;> +   int> +  analogStyle> +   ;>  };>>  struct _Clock> @@ -35,6 +38,7 @@> E_Container *con;
> E_Menu  *menu;> E_Menu  *digital_menu;> +   E_Menu  *analog_menu;> Config_Face *conf;>> struct { --- cvs/e17/apps/e/src/modules/clock/e_mod_main.c2005-09-24
> 08:42:05.0 -0500> +++ e_mod_main.c2005-10-10 20:31:52.0 -0500> @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@>  static void_clock_

Re: [E-devel] Segfault in EET

2005-10-12 Thread The Rasterman
On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 18:27:10 +0200 Martin Geisler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi everybody,
> I updated from CVS today and after that I get a segfault when I do
> -binding-key-list or -binding-key-del with enlightenment_remote.
> I then moved my ~/.e directory out of the way to start fresh, and the
> segfault is still there.  I attached gdb to the enlightenment process
> and got this backtrace:

something is weird here. your bt does not match the code. it smells like you
have out of date code and/or headers somewhere... according to your bd the
evet->data is 0x11 - either the wrogn struct is being used or we have some much
weird stuff going on. as your backtrace (liske 2511 of e_ipc_handlers.h is:
#undef HDL

at the end of the mosue binding del handling code), i am suspecting something
weird has happend with your update, headers or compile... ?

> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> [Switching to Thread 1080719936 (LWP 3198)]
> 0x402db33b in strlen () from /lib/tls/
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x402db33b in strlen () from /lib/tls/
> #1  0x4011f4eb in eet_data_put_string (src=0x11, size_ret=0x11)
> at eet_data.c:326
> #2  0x4011f915 in eet_data_put_type (type=17, src=0x830, 
> size_ret=0x830) at eet_data.c:446
> #3  0x40120c1d in eet_data_descriptor_encode (edd=0x81140a8, 
> data_in=0x820, size_ret=0x11) at eet_data.c:1119
> #4  0x40120b22 in eet_data_descriptor_encode (edd=0x8114248, 
> data_in=0xbffdd7f4, size_ret=0x11) at eet_data.c:1161
> #5  0x080a8e57 in e_ipc_codec_3int_3str_list_enc (list=0x11, size_ret=0x11)
> at e_ipc_codec.c:598
> #6  0x08061132 in _e_ipc_cb_client_data (data=0x0, type=68, event=0x85099f0)
> at e_ipc_handlers.h:2511
> #7  0x400945cd in _ecore_event_call () at ecore_events.c:431
> #8  0x4009858e in _ecore_main_loop_iterate_internal (once_only=0)
> at ecore_main.c:629
> #9  0x40097bac in ecore_main_loop_begin () at ecore_main.c:82
> #10 0x0805c307 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffde74) at e_main.c:556
> This is another backtrace where the src and size_ret pointers are no
> longer equal:
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x402dd33b in strlen () from /lib/tls/
> #1  0x40120139 in eet_data_put_string (src=0x857dd00,
> size_ret=0xbffdea30) at eet_data.c:326
> #2  0x401205c3 in eet_data_put_type (type=11, src=0x857dd00,
> size_ret=0xbffdea30) at eet_data.c:446
> #3  0x401219a2 in eet_data_descriptor_encode (edd=0x81176f0,
> data_in=0x857dcf0, size_ret=0xbffdea80) at eet_data.c:1119
> #4  0x40121b0d in eet_data_descriptor_encode (edd=0x8117890,
> data_in=0xbffdeac4, size_ret=0xbffded78) at eet_data.c:1161
> #5  0x080a8e57 in e_ipc_codec_3int_3str_list_enc (list=0x11,
> size_ret=0x11) at e_ipc_codec.c:598
> #6  0x08061132 in _e_ipc_cb_client_data (data=0x0, type=68,
> event=0x8485fc0) at e_ipc_handlers.h:2511
> #7  0x400945cd in _ecore_event_call () at ecore_events.c:431
> #8  0x4009858e in _ecore_main_loop_iterate_internal (once_only=0) at
> ecore_main.c:629
> #9  0x40097bac in ecore_main_loop_begin () at ecore_main.c:82
> #10 0x0805c307 in main (argc=1, argv=0xb144) at e_main.c:556
> I hope this helps with the debugging, if not then just let me know how
> to provide more information.
> -- 
> Martin Geisler GnuPG Key: 0x7E45DD38
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>|  |
> Read/write Exif data  |  Show current weather|  A shell in a browser

- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)

This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions,
and more.
enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] [PATCH] Hide the Analog Clock

2005-10-12 Thread Bryan Taylor
You make a valid point.  I will add ANALOG_STYLE_ENABLED and then resubmit the patch.

Bryan Taylor
On 10/12/05, Andrew Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 07:00:36PM -0500, Bryan Taylor wrote:> HandyAndE,>> No, the ANALOG_STYLE_ENABLED is handled by the 'else' portion of the 'if'> statement. Still, I can put ANALOG_STYLE_ENABLED in the script if you would
> like me to. I am currently using this modification and haven't noticed any> problems with making the analog clock disappear and reappear correctly. Let> me know if you encounter any other problems with this patch.
Yes, I can see that it works - but I worry - if you want to SET it toENABLED you have no identifier...i.e. if this was correct there would be no need for DIGITAL_STYLE_NONEeither, cos it could be an else...
no?A>> Thanks,>  Bryan Taylor>> On 10/11/05, Andrew Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > Do we not want ANALOG_STYLE_ENABLED too? =0 perhaps?
> >> > Bryan Taylor wrote:> > > Hi all,> > >> > > I've created a patch that allows you to hide the analog clock while> > > still showing the digital clock. This work is just a small extension of
> > > the patch in this thread:> > >> > >
> > > --- default_clock.edc.old 2005-10-10 20:33:31.0 -0500> > > +++ default_clock.edc 2005-10-10 20:32:32.0 -0500> > > @@ -195,16 +195,23 @@> > > new v;
> > > new isAfternoon;> > > new digiBuf[2];> > > + new alogBuf[2];> > > new digitalStyle;> > > new DIGITAL_STYLE_NONE, DIGITAL_STYLE_NORMAL, DIGITAL_STYLE_24HOUR;
> > > + new analogStyle;> > > + new ANALOG_STYLE_DISABLED;> > >> > > DIGITAL_STYLE_NONE = 0;> > > DIGITAL_STYLE_NORMAL = 1;> > > DIGITAL_STYLE_24HOUR = 2;
> > >> > > + ANALOG_STYLE_DISABLED = 1;> > > +> > > get_text(PART:"digitalStyle", digiBuf, 2);> > > + get_text(PART:"analogStyle", alogBuf, 2);
> > >> > > digitalStyle = atoi(digiBuf);> > > + analogStyle = atoi(alogBuf);> > >> > > date(year, month, day, yearday, weekday, hour, minute, second);> > > v = round(second);
> > > @@ -281,6 +288,19 @@> > > set_state(PART:"digital_bg", "hidden", 0.0);> > > set_state(PART:"digital_bg_overlay", "hidden", 0.0);> > > }
> > > +> > > + if (analogStyle == ANALOG_STYLE_DISABLED) {> > > + set_state(PART:"bg", "hidden", 0.0)> > > + set_state(PART:"fg", "hidden", 
0.0)> > > +> > > + set_state(PART:"seconds", "hidden", 0.0);> > > + set_state(PART:"minutes", "hidden", 0.0);> > > + set_state(PART:"hour", "hidden", 
0.0);> > > + }> > > + else {> > > + set_state(PART:"bg", "default", 0.0)> > > + set_state(PART:"fg", "default", 0.0)> > > + }
> > > }> > > }> > > parts {> > > @@ -293,6 +313,14 @@> > > normal: "e17_clock_bg.png";> > > }> > > }> > > + description {
> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;> > > + visible: 0;> > > + image {> > > + normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";> > > + middle: 0;> > > + }
> > > + }> > > }> > > #ifdef IND> > > # undef IND> > > @@ -325,6 +353,14 @@> > > normal: "e17_clock_"IND"_"num".png"; \
> > > } \> > > }> > > + description {> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;> > > + visible: 0;> > > + image {> > > + normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> > > + middle: 0;> > > + }> > > + }> > > HAND("00")> > > HAND("01")> > > HAND("02")> > > @@ -417,6 +453,14 @@
> > > normal: "e17_clock_"IND"_"num".png"; \> > > } \> > > }> > > + description {> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;> > > + visible: 0;
> > > + image {> > > + normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";> > > + middle: 0;> > > + }> > > + }> > > HAND("00")> > > HAND("01")
> > > HAND("02")> > > @@ -509,6 +553,14 @@> > > normal: "e17_clock_"IND"_"num".png"; \> > > } \> > > }> > > + description {
> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;> > > + visible: 0;> > > + image {> > > + normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";> > > + middle: 0;> > > + }
> > > + }> > > HAND("00")> > > HAND("01")> > > HAND("02")> > > @@ -585,6 +637,14 @@> > > normal: "e17_clock_fg.png";
> > > }> > > }> > > + description {> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;> > > + visible: 0;> > > + image {> > > + normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> > > + middle: 0;> > > + }> > > + }> > > }> > > part {> > > name: "digital_bg_area";> > > @@ -687,7 +747,7 @@> > > text {
> > > text: "00:00:00 AM";> > > font: "Edje-Vera";> > > - size: 15;> > > + size: 16;> > > fit: 0 1;> > > align: 0.5 0.5;
> > > }> > > @@ -705,6 +765,14 @@> > > visible: 0;> > > }> > > }> > > + part {> > > + name: "analogStyle";> > > + type: TEXT;
> > > + description {> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;> > > + visible: 0;> > > + }> > > + }> > > }> > > programs {> > > program {
> > >> > >> > >> > > --- cvs/e17/apps/e/src/modules/clock/e_mod_main.h 2005-09-24> > > 08:42:05.0 -0500> > > +++ e_mod_main.h 2005-10-10 20:31:
44.0 -0500> > > @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@> > > int> > > digitalStyle> > > ;> > > + int> > > + analogStyle> > > + ;> > > };
> > >> > > struct _Clock> > > @@ -35,6 +38,7 @@> > > E_Container *con;> > > E_Menu *menu;> > > E_Menu *digital_menu;> > > + E_Menu *analog_menu;
> > > Config_Face *conf;> > >> > > struct {> > >> > >> > >> > > --- cvs/e17/apps/e/sr

Re: [E-devel] Shall we rationalise the web sites?

2005-10-12 Thread Blake Barnett

David Seikel wrote:

(This is cross posted to e-web at the request of benr.)

Yesterday on #edevelop there was a discussion on what to do with the
various web sites.  So that we may discuss this and
reach a consensus, I am posting the log here as an attachment, trying to
inline it screws it up.

One thing I'd like to bring up is that the forums on are 
seeing heavy usage and most of it is user releated.  I'm fine with this 
but it may be a good idea to do some DNS trickery for something like and have it point to a full forum.  I can host it in 
the same place, just need to get the theme consistent (user lando on has said he'll work on it).  This way when searching 
happens, it can pull up any of the pertinent information for ALL the 
forum sites.  Searches like this have been working very well on  (Drupal 4.7 will GREATLY improve the search functions as 
well.)  Also, if being tied to a database server is a major drawback, I 
know it's possible to use Drupal with SQLite.  If that would help we 
could work on that. 

Here's an outline of what I've been thinking of for the web sites. (or 
the E "site ring")

   1. site with marketing info, and general project info.
 a. This means NO documentation, only pointers to current 
content elsewhere.

 b. Should include release history.
 c. Should include a roadmap (obviously no dates.  hah!)
 d. Official screenshots.
 e. Logos, buttons, marketing goobers.
 f. Maybe an e17 usage counter eventually (once the code is in 

   2. for user related detailed information.
 a. The user guide should be focused on USERS.
 b. FAQs should focus only on users.
 c. Distinction between FAQs and knowledge base articles
   aa. For example, "Problem, Cause, Solution" stuff.
 d. Contributed themes, icon sets, screenshots.  In the future 
these should be at release quality only.  For now it's understood they 
are works in progress.

   3. for developer and theming information.
 a. An equivalent developer guide, and customization or theming 
guide need to be created.  This would consist of things like the 
edjebook, cookbook, etc.

 b. An online version of any man pages that get created.
 c. API documentation.
 d. Coding style guide (probably part of the developer guide, 
may be useful separate).

 e. Any UI guidelines that we come up with.  (HIG, etc. etc.)
 f. Developer and theming FAQs.

I also hope to see an application repository surface either on 
or (maybe both, for releases, for in 
progress stuff?).  This would allow us to provide a web service that 
would update, install, enlightenment apps, modules.  Similar to klik[1] 
but focused on enlightenment stuff.

1. Klik is a distro/flavor agnostic software distribution method.


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[E-devel] Segfault in EET

2005-10-12 Thread Martin Geisler
Hi everybody,

I updated from CVS today and after that I get a segfault when I do
-binding-key-list or -binding-key-del with enlightenment_remote.

I then moved my ~/.e directory out of the way to start fresh, and the
segfault is still there.  I attached gdb to the enlightenment process
and got this backtrace:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1080719936 (LWP 3198)]
0x402db33b in strlen () from /lib/tls/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x402db33b in strlen () from /lib/tls/
#1  0x4011f4eb in eet_data_put_string (src=0x11, size_ret=0x11)
at eet_data.c:326
#2  0x4011f915 in eet_data_put_type (type=17, src=0x830, 
size_ret=0x830) at eet_data.c:446
#3  0x40120c1d in eet_data_descriptor_encode (edd=0x81140a8, 
data_in=0x820, size_ret=0x11) at eet_data.c:1119
#4  0x40120b22 in eet_data_descriptor_encode (edd=0x8114248, 
data_in=0xbffdd7f4, size_ret=0x11) at eet_data.c:1161
#5  0x080a8e57 in e_ipc_codec_3int_3str_list_enc (list=0x11, size_ret=0x11)
at e_ipc_codec.c:598
#6  0x08061132 in _e_ipc_cb_client_data (data=0x0, type=68, event=0x85099f0)
at e_ipc_handlers.h:2511
#7  0x400945cd in _ecore_event_call () at ecore_events.c:431
#8  0x4009858e in _ecore_main_loop_iterate_internal (once_only=0)
at ecore_main.c:629
#9  0x40097bac in ecore_main_loop_begin () at ecore_main.c:82
#10 0x0805c307 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffde74) at e_main.c:556

This is another backtrace where the src and size_ret pointers are no
longer equal:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x402dd33b in strlen () from /lib/tls/
#1  0x40120139 in eet_data_put_string (src=0x857dd00,
size_ret=0xbffdea30) at eet_data.c:326
#2  0x401205c3 in eet_data_put_type (type=11, src=0x857dd00,
size_ret=0xbffdea30) at eet_data.c:446
#3  0x401219a2 in eet_data_descriptor_encode (edd=0x81176f0,
data_in=0x857dcf0, size_ret=0xbffdea80) at eet_data.c:1119
#4  0x40121b0d in eet_data_descriptor_encode (edd=0x8117890,
data_in=0xbffdeac4, size_ret=0xbffded78) at eet_data.c:1161
#5  0x080a8e57 in e_ipc_codec_3int_3str_list_enc (list=0x11,
size_ret=0x11) at e_ipc_codec.c:598
#6  0x08061132 in _e_ipc_cb_client_data (data=0x0, type=68,
event=0x8485fc0) at e_ipc_handlers.h:2511
#7  0x400945cd in _ecore_event_call () at ecore_events.c:431
#8  0x4009858e in _ecore_main_loop_iterate_internal (once_only=0) at
#9  0x40097bac in ecore_main_loop_begin () at ecore_main.c:82
#10 0x0805c307 in main (argc=1, argv=0xb144) at e_main.c:556

I hope this helps with the debugging, if not then just let me know how
to provide more information.

Martin Geisler GnuPG Key: 0x7E45DD38

PHP Exif Library  |  PHP Weather |  PHP Shell|  |
Read/write Exif data  |  Show current weather|  A shell in a browser

Description: PGP signature

Re: [E-devel] The current state of E Widget ToolKit Libraries (EWTKL)

2005-10-12 Thread Michael Jennings
On Tuesday, 11 October 2005, at 21:36:56 (-0700),
Arlo wrote:

> The time put into etk is paid by those that work on it; so if they
> felt it was worth the time, then let them spend it.  They don't HAVE
> to work on the syndicated project.  Introducing a competitor they
> way they did may have been surprising, but it's not illegitimate.

I will refer you to my previous posts rather than rehashing old

> Those "defending" the ewl camp should reconsider consider why they
> are so adamant about defending it.  If etk is indeed better than the
> end user deserves etk.  If there are in fact flaws within ewl, then
> etk ought to at least help expose those through competition.  To
> censor etk because you feel threatened is arrogant.

This entire paragraph exists solely because its author has failed to
adequately comprehend or correctly interpret the discussion to this

No one feels threatened.  Frustrated?  Yes.  Confused?  Absolutely.
Discouraged?  A bit.  Why?  Let's review some facts:

1.  Simon has spoken out against EWL.
2.  Simon has mentioned specific flaws in EWL which are (were?) easily
3.  Simon has demonstrated twice now that he prefers to do his own
thing (first eclair, now ETK) rather than work with what's already
there (euphoria, EWL), though he doesn't really say why exactly.
4.  People have worked very hard on EWL and are quite satisfied with
its design and its progress to date.
5.  Their work has been dismissed out of hand, with little or no
reason, by a fellow developer who obviously possesses the talent
to spot problems *and* the talent to contribute to any project he
chooses to.

The inescapable conclusion based on this progression of facts is that
there must be something fundamentally wrong with EWL in Simon's mind.
But what is it?

We don't know the answer to that question; only Simon does.  But that
answer is significant and important to both projects, and to E as a
whole.  So we *will* wait for it.

> The only foul play that can arise from this is through bias and
> advertising.  If people become convinced that ewl or etk is better
> than the other without basing the claim on facts THAT will cause the
> project to suffer.

Thank you for restating my point, albeit in different words. :)

> Decisions need to come from clear reasoning and facts.  

Couldn't agree more.

> If you don't like it, ignore it, or better yet, explain why you
> don't like it or what it lacks or why your design is better.

The irony, of course, is that this is exactly what we're asking of
Simon.  We cannot respond to mere claims like "ETK is better than
EWL."  We need, as you put it, clear reasoning and facts.

> Like others have stated, competition is generally a good thing, but
> cooperation would be even better.


> Though for that to happen people need to calm down first and be
> reasonable, as Raster said.

Raster knows me, though many here don't, so he knows the following
about me:

1.  I'm very blunt and direct.  I call it like I see it, and I don't
mince words.
2.  I'm honest, perhaps overly so.  If I see someone doing or saying
something moronic, I'm far more likely to say, "You're a moron,"
than to say, "You may want to re-examine your words/actions as
they do not seem as well-thought-out as they should, in my
opinion, be."
3.  I come across more harshly than I actually am.  While I may seem
angry, I rarely am.  I don't get agitated easily.
4.  I don't readily back down.


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
n + 1, Inc.,   Author, Eterm (
 "If you can scrounge up another brain cell, you might captivate us
  further...but I doubt it.  You couldn't get a clue during
  clue-mating season in a field full of horny clues if you smeared
  your body with clue musk and did the clue mating dance."   -- OS2Bot

This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions,
and more.
enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] The current state of E Widget ToolKit Libraries (EWTKL)

2005-10-12 Thread Michael Jennings
On Tuesday, 11 October 2005, at 23:33:18 (-0400),
Jose O Gonzalez wrote:

> I remember reading once, long ago, an interview by an excited
> newcomer named Michael Jennings.. an interview he did of two, more
> or less, old-timers known as "raster" and "mandrake".

You are mistaken.  Was I a newcomer once?  Yes, absolutely, though
it's been almost 10 years.  But I'd been around for quite awhile by
the time mandrake showed up.

> If ewl is indeed the "official" gui toolkit of enlightenment, and it
> is the result of years of work... then how is it that none of the
> major programs that are associated as being "e"... actually use it?
> None do.

Also not true.


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
n + 1, Inc.,   Author, Eterm (
 "Or are you one of those folks who measures 'better' in terms of
  total installed base?  In which case, the cockroaches would like to
  know when you'll be vacating their planet."  -- Michael Paquette

This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions,
and more.
enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] emblem more userfriendly patch

2005-10-12 Thread Marcus Hüwe
thank you!
(i forgot that patch too :) )

Cheers Marcus

On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 23:46:59 -0400
dan sinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry it took so long (marked to deal with then forgot). This is in
> cvs now.
> dan
> On Sun, 2005-08-07 at 01:44 +0200, Marcus aka }-Tux-{ wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > if you start emblem with command-line-option and you had a little
> > typo you don't get an error message. I think it will be better to
> > get one, so i wrote a little patch (see attachment).
> > Perhaps someone finds it useful :)
> > 
> > 
> > Cheers Marcus

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Power Architecture Resource Center: Free content, downloads, discussions,
and more.
enlightenment-devel mailing list

Re: [E-devel] [PATCH] Hide the Analog Clock

2005-10-12 Thread Andrew Williams
On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 07:00:36PM -0500, Bryan Taylor wrote:
> HandyAndE,
> No, the ANALOG_STYLE_ENABLED is handled by the 'else' portion of the 'if'
> statement. Still, I can put ANALOG_STYLE_ENABLED in the script if you would
> like me to. I am currently using this modification and haven't noticed any
> problems with making the analog clock disappear and reappear correctly. Let
> me know if you encounter any other problems with this patch.

Yes, I can see that it works - but I worry - if you want to SET it to
ENABLED you have no identifier...

i.e. if this was correct there would be no need for DIGITAL_STYLE_NONE
either, cos it could be an else...


> Thanks,
>  Bryan Taylor
> On 10/11/05, Andrew Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Do we not want ANALOG_STYLE_ENABLED too? =0 perhaps?
> >
> > Bryan Taylor wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I've created a patch that allows you to hide the analog clock while
> > > still showing the digital clock. This work is just a small extension of
> > > the patch in this thread:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- default_clock.edc.old 2005-10-10 20:33:31.0 -0500
> > > +++ default_clock.edc 2005-10-10 20:32:32.0 -0500
> > > @@ -195,16 +195,23 @@
> > > new v;
> > > new isAfternoon;
> > > new digiBuf[2];
> > > + new alogBuf[2];
> > > new digitalStyle;
> > > + new analogStyle;
> > >
> > >
> > > +
> > > get_text(PART:"digitalStyle", digiBuf, 2);
> > > + get_text(PART:"analogStyle", alogBuf, 2);
> > >
> > > digitalStyle = atoi(digiBuf);
> > > + analogStyle = atoi(alogBuf);
> > >
> > > date(year, month, day, yearday, weekday, hour, minute, second);
> > > v = round(second);
> > > @@ -281,6 +288,19 @@
> > > set_state(PART:"digital_bg", "hidden", 0.0);
> > > set_state(PART:"digital_bg_overlay", "hidden", 0.0);
> > > }
> > > +
> > > + if (analogStyle == ANALOG_STYLE_DISABLED) {
> > > + set_state(PART:"bg", "hidden", 0.0)
> > > + set_state(PART:"fg", "hidden", 0.0)
> > > +
> > > + set_state(PART:"seconds", "hidden", 0.0);
> > > + set_state(PART:"minutes", "hidden", 0.0);
> > > + set_state(PART:"hour", "hidden", 0.0);
> > > + }
> > > + else {
> > > + set_state(PART:"bg", "default", 0.0)
> > > + set_state(PART:"fg", "default", 0.0)
> > > + }
> > > }
> > > }
> > > parts {
> > > @@ -293,6 +313,14 @@
> > > normal: "e17_clock_bg.png";
> > > }
> > > }
> > > + description {
> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;
> > > + visible: 0;
> > > + image {
> > > + normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> > > + middle: 0;
> > > + }
> > > + }
> > > }
> > > #ifdef IND
> > > # undef IND
> > > @@ -325,6 +353,14 @@
> > > normal: "e17_clock_"IND"_"num".png"; \
> > > } \
> > > }
> > > + description {
> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;
> > > + visible: 0;
> > > + image {
> > > + normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> > > + middle: 0;
> > > + }
> > > + }
> > > HAND("00")
> > > HAND("01")
> > > HAND("02")
> > > @@ -417,6 +453,14 @@
> > > normal: "e17_clock_"IND"_"num".png"; \
> > > } \
> > > }
> > > + description {
> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;
> > > + visible: 0;
> > > + image {
> > > + normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> > > + middle: 0;
> > > + }
> > > + }
> > > HAND("00")
> > > HAND("01")
> > > HAND("02")
> > > @@ -509,6 +553,14 @@
> > > normal: "e17_clock_"IND"_"num".png"; \
> > > } \
> > > }
> > > + description {
> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;
> > > + visible: 0;
> > > + image {
> > > + normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> > > + middle: 0;
> > > + }
> > > + }
> > > HAND("00")
> > > HAND("01")
> > > HAND("02")
> > > @@ -585,6 +637,14 @@
> > > normal: "e17_clock_fg.png";
> > > }
> > > }
> > > + description {
> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;
> > > + visible: 0;
> > > + image {
> > > + normal: "e17_ibox_over_h.png";
> > > + middle: 0;
> > > + }
> > > + }
> > > }
> > > part {
> > > name: "digital_bg_area";
> > > @@ -687,7 +747,7 @@
> > > text {
> > > text: "00:00:00 AM";
> > > font: "Edje-Vera";
> > > - size: 15;
> > > + size: 16;
> > > fit: 0 1;
> > > align: 0.5 0.5;
> > > }
> > > @@ -705,6 +765,14 @@
> > > visible: 0;
> > > }
> > > }
> > > + part {
> > > + name: "analogStyle";
> > > + type: TEXT;
> > > + description {
> > > + state: "hidden" 0.0;
> > > + visible: 0;
> > > + }
> > > + }
> > > }
> > > programs {
> > > program {
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- cvs/e17/apps/e/src/modules/clock/e_mod_main.h 2005-09-24
> > > 08:42:05.0 -0500
> > > +++ e_mod_main.h 2005-10-10 20:31:44.0 -0500
> > > @@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
> > > int
> > > digitalStyle
> > > ;
> > > + int
> > > + analogStyle
> > > + ;
> > > };
> > >
> > > struct _Clock
> > > @@ -35,6 +38,7 @@
> > > E_Container *con;
> > > E_Menu *menu;
> > > E_Menu *digital_menu;
> > > + E_Menu *analog_menu;
> > > Config_Face *conf;
> > >
> > > struct {
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- c

Re: [E-devel] Enlightenment Website List (E-web) Revived

2005-10-12 Thread The Rasterman
On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 15:25:30 -0700 Ben Rockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

> Some of you might remember that once upon  a time there was a discussion 
> list for called E-Web.  Its still around, but has been 
> silent since mid-2003.  I didn't realize untill today that part of the 
> reason it has been so dead is the fact that it was a private (and thus 
> hidden) list. 
> Seeing as website related stuff is becoming more and more a part of the 
> discussion I thought now might be a good time to revive that list.  I've 
> modified the list description slightly to make it all inclusive.  I 
> intend for the list to be used for E related website discussion 
> reguardless of which website we're talking about, including, 
>,, cuddletech/e/, etc. is under the control 
> of the project as a whole and therefore is open to discussion by anyone 
> interested, but we can also use this list to help coordinate efforts 
> between other non-project owned sites and resources like Get_E, 
> Edevelop, etc. (Assuming the people running these types of site want to.)
> To a large extent Documentation efforts cross over heavily into the 
> website development, so all Doc related discussion is welcome there too. 
> I'm still involved with, although I haven't done jack in a long 
> time... I'm going to need to change that, litterally a years worth of 
> " things to fix and do" are piled up on my Newton TODO list and its 
> about time I start shooting those out.
> Anyone interested in the sites is encouraged to join and contribute in 
> which ever way you'd like to.
> Sign up here:
> If you have problems, let me know directly.

great idea! :)

- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)

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and more.
enlightenment-devel mailing list