Re: callable objects ?

2012-04-19 Thread David Bruant

Le 19/04/2012 01:00, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant wrote:

 var p = Proxy(target, {});
 p(); // throws exception because the proxy is reported as not 

  // a @call property
In the get trap of the proxy, the @call private name is transformed into
its public conterpart. When, by default, the trap forwards to the
target, the public alter-ego is coerced into a string. Consequently, the
actual @call property of the target isn't found.

Hmm, I see. The idea was to avoid leaking private names via hostile 
proxies, but here we have a friendly proxy that wants to get the 
private-named target property.
Yes. The interaction of proxies and private name has only been 
considered under the consideration that proxies can be hostile. And 
indeed, there are cases where there is no need to protect the private 
name from the proxy. One is publicly available private names (aka 
unique names).
That was the root of the reasoning behind Alternative proposal to 
privateName.public [1].

I've summurized some approaches [2] that could be taken.

With direct proxies, if the target already has the private-named 
property, and the handler ({} here) has no traps that might steal a 
non-substituted private name, why would we substitute the public name 
for the private @call?
This doesn't scale. Private names could be added or removed from the 
target by some who have direct access to it (not intermediated with a 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: callable objects ?

2012-04-19 Thread David Bruant

Le 19/04/2012 01:54, Brandon Benvie a écrit :
(or you simply don't trap the access, which is the route for 
[[prototype]], [[instanceof]], etc which now makes even more sense to 
me in light of this)
Not trapping seems like a valid option [1]. The rationale for the 
.public counterpart in the private name proposal is that the proxy 
should not have access to the private name. However, if it doesn't 
(directly or indirectly), it can't do anything useful. Under these 
conditions, the trap might as well not been called.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: destructuring: as patterns?

2012-04-19 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 19 April 2012 00:45, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Apr 18, 2012, at 2:48 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 David Herman wrote:
 *Please*, let's do this right.
 This says to me (what I originally expected) that duplicate property name at 
 any ply in an object pattern should be an early error.

 Anyone disagree?

I wholeheartedly agree.

 I'm not sure that the concern about repeated side-effects is very significant 
 given that any property access can have arbitrary side-effects including 
 adding and removing properties from the RHS object.

I agree with that, too, though my impression is that implementations
already get the exact sequences of such observable steps wrong in
quite a few other cases (I played around with corner cases when doing
proxies). The case above looks easy enough, but in general, the fewer
possible micro observations the better.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Shepherd.js - Implementing Harmony modules for today's browsers

2012-04-19 Thread Xavier CAMBAR
@David: I am all ears to your comments!

@Erik: As you may have read in this thread, it seems that the major request
is for the removal of comments. So, here I announce it: the feature has
just bumped to the top of the TODO list :)
Thanks for the pointers. I'll probably have a closer look at the functional
coverage of Traceur, as it has clearly evolved since I last watched it.

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:06 PM, Erik Arvidsson

 This is quite interesting. I really feel that the comment syntax is
 pretty ugly. Parsing JS is non trivial but it is not a performance
 issue. If you expect this to have some uptake I would expect it to use
 the real module syntax and not rely on comments.

 By coincidence I landed import support to Traceur last night. You
 might want want to check it out. It also doesn't use the latest syntax
 since the current BNF on the wiki is incomplete.

 Traceur does have a CodeLoader that allows loading external js files
 but it is not very convenient to use at this point. We have an open
 bug to allow offline compilation of modules with external


T: +33
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Legacy const, attempt 2 (Re: Legacy const)

2012-04-19 Thread gaz Heyes
On 18 April 2012 19:13, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:

 I've just had it pointed out to me that my original email made little
 sense, so let's try again:

 const has historically been needed in non-strict/strict code for web
 compatibility on non-IE code (typically either down to server-side UA
 sniffing or just explicitly non-support of IE). IE still doesn't support
 it, which may suggest it's not needed for compatibility any more, but as
 far as I can tell removing it would break enough to make it infeasible.

 As such, we should spec it: likely block-scoped in modules, and
 function-scoped otherwise. We should only really not spec it if we can get
 everyone who currently supports it to drop it.

IE has consts, use execScript with vbs. I think Andrea did a blog post on

The const keyword is a little freaky overall, Firefox seems to support it
yet Opera (last time I checked) supports the keyword but doesn't perform a
const operation.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Shepherd.js - Implementing Harmony modules for today's browsers

2012-04-19 Thread Russell Leggett
On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Xavier CAMBAR wrote:

 Thanks for your comments, I'm glad you liked it.
 About CommonJS, the compatibility is the other way round. Shepherd can
 load commonJS modules without the addition of the in-comment syntax
 declaration. In such a case, require is wrapped to load whether an already
 loaded ES6 module or use commonJS's require. furthermore, exports or
 module.exports is used as the public API of the ES6 module (which is
 basically the definition :) ). This is really useful for 3rd party modules.

 Removing the comments would be possible, but it would require a much
 heavier parsing phase, and would probably require a full-blown JS parser,
 such as Esprima. it would be probably computationnally too heavy for the
 browser (read: for the user) without a systematic and automatic
 code-rewrite to ES5, optionnaly accompagned with some minification.

Yes, that's what I was getting at in my response. I know it would be a much
bigger effort, which is why I understand the approach. If I were to do the
project, though, I would assume that if it were done in the browser, that
would be purely for development - it should all be precompiled for
production. You could even use the module imports to do script

 On the other hand, the great advantage of using comments is that they act
 as placeholders for the syntax declaration, and are very easy to locate
 with a single regular expression.

This is beneficial for the implementation, but not the user.

 More realistically, I plan on allowing multiple module declarations in a
 single file (currently one only), where module implementations would be
 syntactically separated by the numerous definitions (ie, the implementation
 of a module ends at the beginning of the next module declaration).

 But yes, I am looking for an efficient way to remove the comments, which
 would be the only way Shepherd could be used as an efficient
 Harmony:modules polyfill. Maybe I'll have to play around with more
 minimalist placeholders, such as:

Personally, I think you'll want the full polyfill as a target. You can get
there incrementally by removing comments, but until it matches the full
spec, I don't think you'll see widespread adoption. IMHO anyway.

 module myModule {
   import x from X;
   export a, b, c, d;

 ...though the ending comment doesn't seem necessary.

 And please don't blame me for the possible terrible idea, I'm thinking
 aloud on this one! ;)

I think I would actually prefer comments over this. I wrote some code long
before module proposals that basically made my JavaScript files work like
Java files (Java is the other language we use), basically import
statements, exports were just based on the filename matching the class or
object definition inside. I would probably change it to be more like
modules if I did it now, maybe even how you did it. Anyway, point is, I put
the imports in the comments just like you for two reasons.

   1. easier to find with regexes, didn't have to parse full js
   2. didn't break existing JavaScript tooling i.e. syntax highlighting

Its the second reason that I would prefer your current comment based
solution over the new one you propose. Unless you support writing modules
the way I expect them to be written, I would rather have them in comments.

 The tradeoff to be found is the following: As of today, no browser has a
 stable release that allows harmony modules (yeah, the latest V8 has an
 option, well...). Whatsmore, the syntax is just a proposal which is updated
 almost every quarter. So do we want to allow files that work on today's
 engines and can be enhanced with Harmony:modules' features thankd to
 Shepherd, or do we want Harmony compliant files that won't run natively on
 any stable engine we can find today?

 I chose the first path, but the discussion remains open. I'll be happy to
 hear your thoughts on that point.

Support is coming. I look at it this way. Some day relatively soon, ES6
modules will be in node. Soon after that they will start showing up in
browsers. Over the course of the next year, I bet you'll see module support
in at least firefox and chrome. If you set your sights on full modules now,
you'll have code that doesn't need to be rewritten a year from now. A
polyfill will happen, do you want to write it?

- Russ


 On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 3:11 PM, Russell Leggett wrote:

 This is great! I've been considering doing the same thing, but I haven't
 found the time. When you say it is compatible with CommonJS modules, does
 that mean that you can do an import using ES6 syntax and have the result do
 a CommonJS require?

 The big thing I'm noticing is that all of the examples are inside of
 comments, and your module definitions including exports are all separate
 from the actual code for those exports. I'm assuming that means somebody
 couldn't actually take the ES6 module examples and 

Re: callable objects ?

2012-04-19 Thread Tom Van Cutsem
I still like the idea of distinguishing private from unique names,
where private = invisible via reflection  proxies and unique = visible
via reflection  proxies (cf. the thread David linked to).

As for how direct proxies might help: yes, I've previously proposed several
- One was to not allow proxies to trap private names, and always forward
private name access unconditionally, as mentioned by Brandon.
- The other was essentially Brendan's current proposal: if the trap is
missing, forward the private name access to the target without converting
it into a public object, except I also proposed factoring out private name
access into separate getPrivate/setPrivate traps. See:


2012/4/19 David Bruant

 Le 19/04/2012 01:54, Brandon Benvie a écrit :

  (or you simply don't trap the access, which is the route for
 [[prototype]], [[instanceof]], etc which now makes even more sense to me in
 light of this)

 Not trapping seems like a valid option [1]. The rationale for the .public
 counterpart in the private name proposal is that the proxy should not have
 access to the private name. However, if it doesn't (directly or
 indirectly), it can't do anything useful. Under these conditions, the trap
 might as well not been called.



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Re: callable objects ?

2012-04-19 Thread David Bruant

Le 19/04/2012 16:55, Tom Van Cutsem a écrit :
I still like the idea of distinguishing private from unique names, 
where private = invisible via reflection  proxies and unique = 
visible via reflection  proxies (cf. the thread David linked to).
Additionally to this proposal, if the getOwnPropertyNames 
non-configurability invariant (must report all sealed properties) can 
be renegociated to not necessarily include unique names, then proxies 
can use unique names as private names (and not be forced to disclose 
them on Object.getOwnPropertyNames()).

By the way, I'm realizing now that the getOwnPropertyNames trap does 
string coercion on elements of the array returned by the trap. How will 
this work with private names? Hopefully, these won't be coerced, but 
based on what? Will private names have a particular [[Native Brand]]?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Shepherd.js - Implementing Harmony modules for today's browsers

2012-04-19 Thread Xavier CAMBAR
You've made solid points here!

The various comments I've received from here and there show the same
direction: someday, modules will be available, and Shepherd will then be
unnecessary for supported engines. Polyfilling remains. If it ever gains
some momentum, it is highly related to how it follows the specifications
and remains usable in supported engines.

It appears then that removing comments is a must-have. Keeping
backward-compatibility maybe was a bad idea from the very beginning after
all. If you look at the example of the home page (, who will seriously consider developing a
module with the relevant code architecture in mind, and then proclaim Hey,
you can also use it as a good old module-less JS file, but it will put crap
all over you global scope by exposing its inner parts ? I hope no one will.

As a conclusion, Shepherd seems to be going its way to a compliant polyfill
for Harmony modules. I should change the script type to text=harmony to
reflect this :p

But you shouldn't expect the tools you use not to break. Unless they parse
the modules syntax, of course! This is why I hardly understand your point
on the *proposed* new syntax. It's much more lightweight, is parsed easily
(*I* am the only one happy, but that matters at some point ;) ) and works
natively on module-enabled engines.
It may IMO constitute a valid first step, as it reduces the effort for the
user drastically.


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 3:11 PM, Russell Leggett

 On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Xavier CAMBAR wrote:

 Thanks for your comments, I'm glad you liked it.
 About CommonJS, the compatibility is the other way round. Shepherd can
 load commonJS modules without the addition of the in-comment syntax
 declaration. In such a case, require is wrapped to load whether an already
 loaded ES6 module or use commonJS's require. furthermore, exports or
 module.exports is used as the public API of the ES6 module (which is
 basically the definition :) ). This is really useful for 3rd party modules.

 Removing the comments would be possible, but it would require a much
 heavier parsing phase, and would probably require a full-blown JS parser,
 such as Esprima. it would be probably computationnally too heavy for the
 browser (read: for the user) without a systematic and automatic
 code-rewrite to ES5, optionnaly accompagned with some minification.

 Yes, that's what I was getting at in my response. I know it would be a
 much bigger effort, which is why I understand the approach. If I were to do
 the project, though, I would assume that if it were done in the browser,
 that would be purely for development - it should all be precompiled for
 production. You could even use the module imports to do script

 On the other hand, the great advantage of using comments is that they act
 as placeholders for the syntax declaration, and are very easy to locate
 with a single regular expression.

  This is beneficial for the implementation, but not the user.

 More realistically, I plan on allowing multiple module declarations in a
 single file (currently one only), where module implementations would be
 syntactically separated by the numerous definitions (ie, the implementation
 of a module ends at the beginning of the next module declaration).

 But yes, I am looking for an efficient way to remove the comments, which
 would be the only way Shepherd could be used as an efficient
 Harmony:modules polyfill. Maybe I'll have to play around with more
 minimalist placeholders, such as:

 Personally, I think you'll want the full polyfill as a target. You can get
 there incrementally by removing comments, but until it matches the full
 spec, I don't think you'll see widespread adoption. IMHO anyway.

 module myModule {
   import x from X;
   export a, b, c, d;

 ...though the ending comment doesn't seem necessary.

 And please don't blame me for the possible terrible idea, I'm thinking
 aloud on this one! ;)

 I think I would actually prefer comments over this. I wrote some code long
 before module proposals that basically made my JavaScript files work like
 Java files (Java is the other language we use), basically import
 statements, exports were just based on the filename matching the class or
 object definition inside. I would probably change it to be more like
 modules if I did it now, maybe even how you did it. Anyway, point is, I put
 the imports in the comments just like you for two reasons.

1. easier to find with regexes, didn't have to parse full js
2. didn't break existing JavaScript tooling i.e. syntax highlighting

 Its the second reason that I would prefer your current comment based
 solution over the new one you propose. Unless you support writing modules
 the way I expect them to be written, I would rather have them in comments.

 The tradeoff to be found is the following: As of today, no browser 

Re: callable objects ?

2012-04-19 Thread Brendan Eich

David Bruant wrote:
By the way, I'm realizing now that the getOwnPropertyNames trap does 
string coercion on elements of the array returned by the trap. How 
will this work with private names? Hopefully, these won't be coerced, 
but based on what? Will private names have a particular [[Native Brand]]? 

My understanding (not necessarily reflected in the private name objects 
proposal, alas) was that we would not break *any* existing reflection 
facility (for-in, Object.getOwnPropertyNames, etc.) by suddenly 
returning non-string property names. No reflection on private names.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Legacy const, attempt 2 (Re: Legacy const)

2012-04-19 Thread Brendan Eich

gaz Heyes wrote:
IE has consts, use execScript with vbs. I think Andrea did a blog post 
on it:

Any port in a storm, but c'mon -- we're talking about 'const x = 42;' 
written in JS. That has never been supported in IE and I recall an IE 
blog post (from Allen, if memory serves) about why not.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Legacy const, attempt 2 (Re: Legacy const)

2012-04-19 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Apr 19, 2012, at 10:58 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 gaz Heyes wrote:
 IE has consts, use execScript with vbs. I think Andrea did a blog post on it:
 Any port in a storm, but c'mon -- we're talking about 'const x = 42;' written 
 in JS. That has never been supported in IE and I recall an IE blog post (from 
 Allen, if memory serves) about why not.

But that was then and the world is different today. I certainly don't know 
anything about the plans for IE10.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Shepherd.js - Implementing Harmony modules for today's browsers

2012-04-19 Thread Rick Waldron
On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Russell Leggett

 Support is coming. I look at it this way. Some day relatively soon, ES6
 modules will be in node. Soon after that they will start showing up in
 browsers. Over the course of the next year, I bet you'll see module support
 in at least firefox and chrome.

In Chrome Canary, with Harmony flag enabled...

module Foo {}

(Foo in this); // true


But, Foo is still undefined.


  If you set your sights on full modules now, you'll have code that doesn't
 need to be rewritten a year from now. A polyfill will happen, do you want
 to write it?

 - Russ

es-discuss mailing list

Re: destructuring: as patterns?

2012-04-19 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Apr 18, 2012, at 2:48 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 David Herman wrote:
 *Please*, let's do this right.
 This says to me (what I originally expected) that duplicate property name at 
 any ply in an object pattern should be an early error.
 Anyone disagree?

I got as far as being ready to type into the spec. the first line to implement 
this restriction.  Then my reservations flamed-up. 

If you think of a destructuring declaration as simply a way to provide the 
initial values to a set of declaration is isn't so clear that duplicate 
property names are bogus.  Consider:

//initialize some variable with default objects
let {
 unidentifedAdult: mom,
 unidetifiedAdult: dad, 
 unidentiedChild: brother,
 unidentifiedChild: sister
 } = peopleConstants;

why is this less desirable than:

//initialize some variable with default objects
let mon = peopleConstants.unidentifiedAdult,
  dad = peopleConstants.unidentifiedAdult,
  brother = peopleConstants.unidentifiedChild,
  sister = peopleConstants.unidentifiedChild;

The former style is less familiar, but is it really bad enough to disallow at 
the language level?

Disallowing duplicate property names may make sense if you think about 
destructuring in ES declarations as  pattern matching (which it really isn't) 
or a means to break a composite into its constituent parts. But duplicate 
properties as initializers for a set of variables seem quite reasonable. 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Shepherd.js - Implementing Harmony modules for today's browsers

2012-04-19 Thread Xavier CAMBAR
I've worked on this branch during the evening:,
Currently, single line comments must still wrap the module declaration, but
this version offers a good comparison point in regards to the master branch.

I've seen this, it is encouraging that Google considers adding support. But
there's a long way to go before a stable release.
By the way, the V8 engine what will come in Node 0.8 has Harmony flags, and
one of them is about modules.


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Rick Waldron waldron.r...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Russell Leggett wrote:

 Support is coming. I look at it this way. Some day relatively soon, ES6
 modules will be in node. Soon after that they will start showing up in
 browsers. Over the course of the next year, I bet you'll see module support
 in at least firefox and chrome.

 In Chrome Canary, with Harmony flag enabled...

 module Foo {}

 (Foo in this); // true


  But, Foo is still undefined.


  If you set your sights on full modules now, you'll have code that
 doesn't need to be rewritten a year from now. A polyfill will happen, do
 you want to write it?

 - Russ

T: +33
es-discuss mailing list

Re: destructuring: as patterns?

2012-04-19 Thread David Herman
On Apr 19, 2012, at 2:18 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 //initialize some variable with default objects
 let {
 unidentifedAdult: mom,
 unidetifiedAdult: dad, 
 unidentiedChild: brother,
 unidentifiedChild: sister
 } = peopleConstants;
 why is this less desirable than:
 //initialize some variable with default objects
 let mon = peopleConstants.unidentifiedAdult,
  dad = peopleConstants.unidentifiedAdult,
  brother = peopleConstants.unidentifiedChild,
  sister = peopleConstants.unidentifiedChild;

Well, it's rare that you *need* to re-evaluate the dot-pattern. It saves 
typing, repetition (DRY!), side-effects, and running time to evaluate each 
selector only once:

let mom = peopleConstants.unidentifiedAdult,
dad = mom,
brother = peopleConstants.unidentifiedChild,
sister = brother;

And you should be able to do that just fine with nested as-patterns:

let { unidentifiedAdult: mom as dad, unidentifiedChild: sister as brother }


let { undentifiedAdult as mom as dad, unidentifiedChild as sister as 
brother }


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