Re: JSON specification WAS: Re: JSON Duplicate Keys

2013-06-07 Thread gaz Heyes
On 7 June 2013 11:43, Brendan Eich wrote:

 ES3, not ES5, way back in 1999, introduced LINE_SEPARATOR and
 PARA_SEPARATOR as line terminators. See ECMA-262 Edition 3, 7.3.

Oh that makes it better then =)
es-discuss mailing list

Re: JSON Duplicate Keys

2013-06-07 Thread gaz Heyes
On 7 June 2013 15:19, Jason Orendorff wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 10:21 AM, gaz Heyes wrote:

 That is totally stupid. IMO the JSON spec should support comments like //
 and /**/ and also support single quotes for string values. It's JavaScript
 for christ sake. It makes no sense to invent and support this crappy syntax.

 Please use respectful language on this list.

Good sir that is totally stupid. IMO the JSON spec should support comments
like // and /**/ and also support single quotes for string values. It's
JavaScript for heavens sake. It makes no sense to invent and support this
rather than ideal syntax. Thank you sir.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: JSON Duplicate Keys

2013-06-06 Thread gaz Heyes
On 6 June 2013 12:29, Douglas Crockford wrote:

 The JSON RFC says

 The names within an object SHOULD be unique.

 Sadly, there are people in the JavaScript community who interpreted SHOULD
 to mean DON'T HAVE TO. In a perfect world, we would change the SHOULD to
 MUST, but we can't. Interoperability and security concerns demand that we
 specify what happens when keys are duplicated. So we may end up with
 something like this:

 The names within an object SHOULD be unique. If a key is duplicated,
 a parser SHOULD reject. If it does not reject, it MUST take only the
 last of the duplicated key pairs.

 Does anyone see a problem with this?

 That doesn't make sense should should be must because if it's taking
the last key then you can overwrite someone else's data.
es-discuss mailing list

JSON specification WAS: Re: JSON Duplicate Keys

2013-06-06 Thread gaz Heyes
Hey all

Since Doug is here I thought I'd use the opportunity to discuss the broken
JSON spec.

When ES5 introduced line/para separators for valid new lines in JavaScript
this broke the JSON specification. The code sample used within the RFC is
also broken since line/para separators would cause eval to fail. It needs
to be fixed IMO. While taking this opportunity to fix the specification by
forcing line/para to unicode escapes e.g \u2028, \u2029 we should also
force  into \x3c and  into \x3e. I propose the following changes:

1. Remove the awful invalid code sample.
2. The string section instead of Any character may be escaped. there
should be some exceptions.  and  must be encoded with hex/unicode
escapes. Line/Para separators must be encoded to unicode escapes and
finally right-to-left and left-to-right mark should also required to be
encoded in unicode escapes.

I think we also need to discuss the keywords present in json keys for
Should proto be a banned keyword in JSON keys? I think giving data the
ability to control it's type could break things when it's used elsewhere.
There is also an argument for requiring hex escapes for characters lower
than 0x09 but I guess a lot of people will be against that.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: JSON specification WAS: Re: JSON Duplicate Keys

2013-06-06 Thread gaz Heyes
On 6 June 2013 14:25, Jeremy Darling wrote:

 Thinking about this for JSON that means that if you were wanting to
 serialize a complete object (prototype, setters, getters, etc) you would
 then have to escape all of those as well.  Since JavaScript doesn't really
 have a standard symbol for stating This is a control key then dev's would
 have to code for all possible key words in their escape/unescape sequence.

 Or the spec would have to be amended to contain some type of
 isReservedKey statement.  This just introduces a whole new can of worms
 and more breaking points.

Yeah I agree it's a can of worms but I wanted to throw it out there for
discussion. As we get more keywords and functionality it could bite in the
butt in a few years time.

I don't exactly understand your point in bullet 2?  Why do  and  have to
 be encoded, they are perfectly valid values inside of a string today, and
 again many libraries make use of this functionality for transporting HTML,
 XML, and Text fragments.  To Crockfords point, should not break becomes
 the issue with changing what should and should not be encoded.

 For two reasons 1) Some browsers will render json as html (sniffing) 2)
Inline JSON data will be parsed in a different order than it's intended.
For example  will be parsed first as html and then javascript. Encoding 
and  will have no effect on passing xml/html data but will prevent those
es-discuss mailing list

Re: JSON Duplicate Keys

2013-06-06 Thread gaz Heyes
On 6 June 2013 16:13, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 Some that should be pointed out is that one reason JSON needs to accept
 duplicate field names is that some people currently use them to add
  comments to JSON datasets:

  //: This is a comment about my data,
  //:  that takes more than one line,
  field1 : 1,
  field2 : 2

That is totally stupid. IMO the JSON spec should support comments like //
and /**/ and also support single quotes for string values. It's JavaScript
for christ sake. It makes no sense to invent and support this crappy
es-discuss mailing list

Re: JSON Duplicate Keys

2013-06-06 Thread gaz Heyes
On 6 June 2013 16:29, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 No it's not JavaScript!  It a file format for storing and interchanging
 data. Preserving existing data is a key requirement.

It's syntax is based on JavaScript but crippled for no reason other than to
follow a outdated specification. It's so frustrating to be at this end of a
keyboard to see awful syntax being promoted just to follow the RFC which is
clearly flawed. It's so much more logical to change and fix the problems in
the specification so that in future code will work correctly and JSON
parsers would be much easier and consistent. Don't break the web
shouldn't ever become Keep the web broken code will never evolve if the
core is rotten.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: A Precedent

2013-04-12 Thread gaz Heyes
On 12 April 2013 09:01, Andrea Giammarchi andrea.giammar...@gmail.comwrote:

 // all Mobile WebKit browsers

 *if* ('__proto__' *in* Object.create(*null*)) {

   console.log('you gonna have hard time');


If this is true that means it breaks the *only *way of creating a secure
lookup table.
es-discuss mailing list

Machine readable specifications

2013-03-22 Thread gaz Heyes
Hi all

I'd like to discuss a radical change on how JS specifications and others
are constructed. I suggest int based rules are used to define language
behaviour. I know this works with last state and next state tracking and
expected states too maybe other behaviour could be defined this way as
well. The first part of the specification should define a list of ints that
correspond to the state starting from 0 with 0 being a start state of
Nothing. The initial states should be specified as follows:

initalStates = {0:Nothing,1:FunctionExpression, 2:FunctionStatement,
3:FunctionStatementIdentifier ...

Once every state is defined as an int, each state can be used in a lookup
table to determine the allowed last state and/or expected states. The
lookup table is used for error messages by the parser to convert the
corresponding int to human readable form. To define that FunctionStatement
can follow Nothing but FunctionExpression can't follow nothing and
FunctionStatementIdentifier is expected after FunctionStatement.

rules = {
//FunctionStatement State
   lastStates: {
  //FunctionStatement is allowed
after last state Nothing
  0: true
   expectedStates: {
  //FunctionStatement expects the
next state to be FunctionStatementIdentifier

lastStates and expectedStates would also be ints but I added the text
for clarity, true could be shortened to 1 for compression. To use these
rules the parser can simply check the state machine which was the last
state and if the next state is valid. E.g.
lastState = 0;//Last state was Nothing
state = 2;//FunctionStatement state
if(rules[state].lastStates[lastState]) {
  // FunctionStatement is allowed to follow Nothing

lastState = 0;//Last state was Nothing
state = 1;//FunctionExpression state
if(!rules[state].lastStates[lastState]) {
   //FunctionExpression is not allowed to follow Nothing

The same technique could be used for expected states since you'd just need
to lookup the next state with the assigned expected state from the last
Once a machine readable specification has been done we could then generate
a human readable form of it based on the rules and it could be checked that
it conforms to what was intended. Both specifications (human readable and
machine readable) could be used by the implementer, when a specification
changes the parsers could automatically update based on the machine
readable form. Emulation for older parsers could be added within the
browser itself by using the new specification rules in a parser shim.



es-discuss mailing list

Re: Machine readable specifications

2013-03-22 Thread gaz Heyes
On 22 March 2013 12:33, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 Aren't you confusing machine readable specification with machine
 readable syntax specification? Syntax is only a small part of a
 language spec, and quite frankly, the least interesting one by far.
 Also, I don't see the benefit of your format. The EcmaScript spec
 actually goes to quite some length to give a grammar that is LR(1).
 The whole point is to keep it de facto machine readable. But unlike
 yours, it also is human readable.

That was the reason to discuss, I think it could be applied to more than
just syntax rules. You don't like it and that's fine with me I just wanted
to post my ideas.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Machine readable specifications

2013-03-22 Thread gaz Heyes
On 22 March 2013 12:36, Wes Garland wrote:

 The specification is hard enough to digest for average developers now;
 I'd hate to point one of my guys at a machine-readable document when
 he's having trouble with some corner-case.

You wouldn't do that, you'd point them to the human readable form. The
machine version is specifically designed to be read by machines with low
overhead to update functionality without touching code.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Machine readable specifications

2013-03-22 Thread gaz Heyes
On 22 March 2013 12:57, Wes Garland wrote:

 Is there a formalized way to translate between the human and
 machine-readable specifications?  If they are found to have different
 meanings (not hard to imagine), which specification would be
 considered authoritative?

The human readable form would be generated from the machine readable form.
The human form should be a descriptive representation of the actual rules
defined by the machine readable form. There should be no confusion only
human error in understanding the descriptive text. The machine readable
form should be authoritative since the idea is to implement whatever code
based on the rules from the machine readable specification.

To translate what I wrote in the initial mail into human form would be
something like:

Function Statement can follow Nothing and then expects Function Statement
Identifier to follow.
Function Expression cannot follow Nothing.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Sandboxing and parsing jQuery in 100ms

2013-03-21 Thread gaz Heyes
Hi all

I thought I'd share an update of my mental js work. I have since reduced
the parse time of mental and now added a DOM sandbox that uses ES5 to allow
safe manipulation of the DOM. This is so cool because it means that mental
can take control over your dom and then we can choose what we allow. Want
to restrict images to same origin? No problem, want to prevent script nodes
from the ability to call external resources no problem :)

There's a cool demo on modsecurity where they have an injection hole and
inject mental into the response to prevent harmful xss.

I managed to get the parse time of jQuery to min of 24ms on chrome, on
Firefox it can parse and sandbox jQuery in about 90ms although there are a
couple of problems with the selectors which I need to debug. Any comments
or suggestions are welcome.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Identifying ECMAScript identifiers

2013-03-09 Thread gaz Heyes
On 9 March 2013 01:59, Ariya Hidayat wrote:

 If you check Yusuke's links, that is exactly what Esprima is doing.
 The use of regular expression is reserved only for the slow/uncommon
 code path.

Yeah I can see you are converting a char code into a string using
fromCharCode and comparing it against a regex which is slower and I showed
you a function that checks non-alpha variables using charcodes. BTW your
isWhiteSpace function also calls to functions indexOf/fromCharcode when it
doesn't need to and also indexOf starts at 0 so you have to check if it's
greater than -1.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Identifying ECMAScript identifiers

2013-03-08 Thread gaz Heyes
You forgot to include MentalJS. I can parse 120k identifier in 5ms on
Firefox on my crappy machine. My method is much faster than any of the
parsers you listed and I handle unicode escapes too.

On 8 March 2013 07:35, Norbert Lindenberg

 ECMAScript is used to implement a variety of tools that check code for
 conformance with the ECMAScript specification, minimize it, perform other
 transformations, or generate ECMAScript code. These tools have to be able
 to recognize ECMAScript identifiers, taking the identifier specification
 and the underlying Unicode specification into consideration - not quite
 easy given the ever-growing Unicode character set.

 While looking at support for Unicode character properties in general, I
 realized that this use case is shaped differently from others, fundamental
 to ECMAScript, and amenable to a fairly simple solution, and so there's now
 a strawman:

 I'd like to discuss this at next week's TC 39 meeting, but also invite
 earlier comments.


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Identifying ECMAScript identifiers

2013-03-08 Thread gaz Heyes
On 8 March 2013 10:35, Yusuke SUZUKI wrote:

 Yeah. We, Esprima developers, parse UnicodeData.txt to generate identifier
 identification functions.
 I wrote simple UnicodeData.txt parser and generated RegExp[1]. These
 functions are also used in Acorn.

RegEx is slower. I suggest using if statements on char codes and  and  to
check it's within the range of z-a etc and then separate functions to
handle higher ascii variables only when needed and then compare the char
codes are within the ranges of allowed identifiers.

I still have to optimize that function further by removing = and = and
maybe separating each identifier range into their own function since higher
non-alpha variables take longer to parse since they are at the end of the
if statement.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: How can a lexer decide a token to be get, IdentifierName or Identifier ?

2013-02-05 Thread gaz Heyes
On 4 February 2013 23:44, Brendan Eich wrote:

 What's confusing?

The fact that you can have an object property without a colon and a
function without a function keyword. Then a property descriptor uses a
completely new syntax to define the same thing. Why?

To me this seems hacked together.

 ({'get'x(){return 123;}}).x

 That's not legal ES5.

Some engines support it though and I'm pretty sure Firefox did at some
es-discuss mailing list

Re: How can a lexer decide a token to be get, IdentifierName or Identifier ?

2013-02-04 Thread gaz Heyes
On 4 February 2013 21:56, Michael Dyck wrote:

 Brendan Eich wrote:

 Don't forget method definition shorthand syntax, if the next token is
 (. Then the method is named get, of course.

I find the syntax of set/get confusing:
({'get'x(){return 123;}}).x
es-discuss mailing list

Paper: Parsing JavaScript by counting character pairs

2013-01-16 Thread gaz Heyes
Hi all,

I'm terrible at writing papers but I thought I'd share this because I think
the technique is good I just want it out there. Hopefully it makes sense
but probably not.

Parsing JavaScript by counting character pairs


The traditional way to parse JavaScript is using a lexer and converting
characters to tokens first and then use those tokens to define the grammar.
The paper describes a unique way of parsing JavaScript allowing
tokenization on the fly and obtaining the current state by using pairs of
characters and their positions when the last state occurred. This paper
challenges the accepted norm of parsing and hopes to introduce new ideas
and improve how fast JavaScript engines can execute code.

Language symmetry

The parsing technique described requires a certain level of symmetry in
order to be effective and it would work best when the characters used to
describe the language are unique. JavaScript isn't completely symmetrical
in the fact that it's syntax overlaps with other parts. A good example of
this is the ternary operator it overlaps when using the colon character
with a labeled statement or object literal identifier however the parsing
speed would be more effective if the language had chosen characters that
didn't overlap and were always symmetrical.

Defining character pairs

Pairs of characters refers to when a character requires another character
in order to be valid syntax, for example an array literal opening character
is [ and it's closing character is ] which this paper refers to them as
a pair and the opening and closing of that pair is used to track state.

The ending character of each pair can know it's starting character's last
state therefore determining it's current state based on what happened
before it's starting character by using the counts of every pair of
characters you can use this method to obtain states from not only the
starting character but the current executing block of code.

The following characters are character pairs in JavaScript [ and ], (
and ), { and }. Each character pair requires a lookup variable to
store the current state being tracked relative to the position count.

The count position is obtained by incrementing a counter for when each pair
opens and decrementing it when it closes. We will refer to the pair [] as
square lookup (when wanting to obtain current JavaScript state) and square
count when changing the count of the opening and closing state. Likewise
() will be referred to as paren lookup and paren count and {} will be
referred to as curly lookup and curly count.

Left flag

A left flag variable is used when the previous state has a value that can
be used in conjunction with the next state. A good example of this is the
divide operator as it requires a valid object on the left hand side in
order to be valid or it is not an operator. If the left flag is not set for
the / character then it assumed that this character is a regular
expression and not a divide operator when other states have been take into
account. The left flag always starts at zero or false and is set to true or
1 when the current state is finished and it's a valid object. If we take
the following syntax example: /a/ here we have a regular expression, the
left flag is zero when the / is encountered if the next character is not
* or / then it will be detected as a regular expression and parsed
until complete. Then when the regular expression is closed the left flag is
set to 1 since the regular expression is a valid object and can be used
with the next state.

Storing state

To track the state of a square pair we use the left flag to determine the
current state of the opening character if the left flag is 1 then the
starting state is an object accessor, if the flag is 0 when the starting
state is an array literal. When the starting state is determined the
square lookup state is set using the current counter positions of all
available pairs of characters. E.g. the square pair counter (SQ) will be
set as 1, the paren pair counter (PA) will be set as 0 and the curly pair
(CU) will be set as 0. The lookup square will then concatenate each counter
pair (or other method) and set the state based on that position.
squareLookup[''+SQ+PA+CU]=state. It is important to use every pair count
since there could be n number of nested array literals or other statements.
When the ending character is encountered it can know it's partners state by
decrementing it's counter or reading then decrementing.

//[ opening character encountered
Left = 0
SQ = 0
PA = 0
CU = 0
(SQ++) + PA + CU
squareLookup[''+SQ+PA+CU]='Array literal';

//] ending character encountered
currentState = squareLookup[''+SQ+PA+CU];
left = 1

Non-symmetrical syntax

As mentioned previously syntax that is non-symmetrical such as object
literals or ternary operators present 

Re: Paper: Parsing JavaScript by counting character pairs

2013-01-16 Thread gaz Heyes
On 16 January 2013 12:58, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

 This sounds similar in the abstract to the way Lisp systems work, with
 a reader that comes before parsing and builds a simple structure
 based on (), , and []. This has been implemented in JS by Tim Disney
 for his sweet.js project [1], but I don't think they have parsing
 speed in mind there.

Sorta similar but the read step occurs real time and the counts of each
pair are used as a reference.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: 10 biggest JS pitfalls

2012-12-30 Thread gaz Heyes
I'd say String.replace needs to be there:

Also the fact that no built in html encode/decode exists.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Number.isNaN

2012-12-18 Thread gaz Heyes
On 14 December 2012 16:39, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 No,  the whole point of Number.isNaN is to provide a definitively test for
 NaN number values which  cannot be tested for in the usual way using ===.
 The definitiveness of the test would be lost if other values such a Number
 wrapper instance also returned true when passed as the argument for

Why is it needed? Can't we just simply do:

function isReallyNaN(o) {
 return o!=oisNaN(o);

I don't get the point of detecting Object(NaN) since it's type is an object
not number.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Sandboxing and parsing jQuery in 100ms

2012-11-08 Thread gaz Heyes
For entertainment purposes I used MentalJS to parse itself. I found that I
had trailing commas in a couple of my object literals. Then I decided to
execute itself inside the sandbox:

I added an inception button to show how it does this. Parse time moves
slower inside dreams..I mean sandboxes.
es-discuss mailing list

Sandboxing and parsing jQuery in 100ms

2012-11-07 Thread gaz Heyes
Hi all

Check this out:

I have written a complete parser/sandbox based on tracking opening and
closing characters (I will be writing a paper on this in more detail) it
works by using the opening and closing states to store the current state.
For example:


Here my parser looks at the state before { and labels it as a object
literal. I track that state and when a } is encountered I can use the
balanced nature of javascript to my advantage by looking up the current
count of characters which allows me to identify that } is in fact a
closing object literal. It isn't that simple I here you say and there are
complicated cases such as:
var xyz, xyz

Here my parser takes an additional step using the characters it tracks such
as { and ( etc I can use that to uniquely identify the var statement
context by using indexes of these characters to know the comma is in fact
part of a var statement. Lets look at another example and I'll illustrate
with comments how the tracking works.

//C = curly
//P = Paren

//C 1
function x
  var x, y // C2 + P0 = Var statement
  ; // C2 + P0 = '';

By using these reference points no matter how many nested expressions you
have you can still know the statement it's part of or the character should
be a particular state. Please let me know your comments and I'll post the
paper when it's done.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Sandboxing and parsing jQuery in 100ms

2012-11-07 Thread gaz Heyes
On 7 November 2012 21:37, Peter van der Zee wrote:

 How would you deal with cases like `foo(/)/);` and `foo(5//)/g);` ?
 So how would you deal with combinations of regular expressions and
 divisions in awkward places? Or are you already using a tokenizer and
 hardcoded rules on when to parse for regex/div?

The first stage I use is to assign a left value for example if an
expression occurs then I give it a value of true if not then false. If the
left value is false then it's a regex. Where it isn't as easy is when you
have var statements or need to know what a colon is. Is it a case colon or
label or ternary. I decided to hardcode the entire js syntax into a series
of very specific rules for example:

var rules = {




The property name is the current state and the values are the previous
state. This allows you to control what certain statements do what they are
allowed to follow. I tokenize and parse simultaneously.

Both your cases are invalid javascript in the browser. So they will never
reach the MentalJS parser because I do a syntax check in the browser first
before passing it to MentalJS. However if I turn off this check here is how
Mental JS parses `foo(/)/);`


I could fix your invalid syntax automatically in the regex state machine by
rewriting /)/ to /\)/ and then it would execute :)

The second example would fail mental js syntax check because the comment
removes the paren and so the opening and closing parens are uneven which
will result nicely in a syntax error.
es-discuss mailing list

undefined cast to a string with regex test

2012-10-10 Thread gaz Heyes
This wasn't totally unexpected but seriously made me go WTF. It appears
that arguments to regexp.test are cast to a string. This was bad for me
since I was writing a js parser at the time and checking the argument to
see if it matched one of the reserved words. See the example below:-

} else {
   alert('NO WTF');

That's pretty much all I got but if you didn't go WTF then I apologise for
the wasted thread.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Experimental implementation of Object.observe JS Utility library now available

2012-08-17 Thread gaz Heyes
Hi Rafael

Would this proposal work on the Object prototype? If so then it could be
used for JSON hijacking. I'd recommend it didn't.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Experimental implementation of Object.observe JS Utility library now available

2012-08-17 Thread gaz Heyes
On 17 August 2012 10:57, Andrea Giammarchi andrea.giammar...@gmail.comwrote:

 the Notifier is lazily instantiated and I believe not enumerable so
 JSON.stringify should ever expose this property.

 Moreover, it does not look like there is a {}.__notifier__ property
 anywhere, Object.getNotifier(obj) is required indeed so a WeakMap that
 relates the obj, and its notifier, cannot be serialized in a meaningful way
 via JSON.stringify neither.

Ah no I wasn't talking about the JSON object but remotely hacking JSON
feeds themselves using external scripts and hijacking the Object prototype
with Observe.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Implicitly escaped $ (or not) in quasis?

2012-06-28 Thread gaz Heyes
On 27 June 2012 15:59, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 I don't see why the above issue would be a problem with this quasi
proposal, as quasi do no implicit evals or implicit reevaluation of
substitution  values.

 Consider this code:

 var USER_INPUT = getUserInput();  // assume the value returned is

 var message = `USER_INPUT`;   //The value of message is the string
USER_INPUT, no substitution occurred

 var messageWithSub =  `${USER_INPUT}`;  //The value of messageWithSub is
the string ${globalVariable}, literally.  No eval is performed.

I understand the syntax now and I was correct with my initial assumptions.
Although eval isn't performed on the placeholder text, you can access
variables from outside the scope intended. For example:

var cookie=document.cookie, x =1;

If an injection occurs within the Quasi-Literal then you can use unintended
variables because there is no strict definition of which variables
substitution should occur. I also wonder if the syntax is extended to
support access object properties if this is a further security risk.

var x =1; //intended to use this variable

It seems to me this is similar to having variable access inside string
literals and presents a real security risk even when a developer escapes a
quasi literal correctly.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Implicitly escaped $ (or not) in quasis?

2012-06-27 Thread gaz Heyes
On 26 June 2012 17:19, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 I'm working on incorporating quasis into the ES6 draft and there is an
 issue I want to discuss:

 In the wiki proposal[1]  $  is used as the prefix for substitutions that
 may be of two forms:
`xyz$foo 1234`  //$foo substitues the value of the variable foo
`xyz${foo} 1234`${expr} generally substitues the result of
 evaluating expr, so ${foo} substitutes the value of foo

I have to say I disagree with the whole feature, this will introduce a new
class of DOM based XSS attacks since developers in their infinite wisdom
will use this feature to place user input inside multi-line strings. e.g.
message = `USER_INPUT` and the attack being ${globalVariable}. A list of
variable substitutions would mitigate that risk like how the printf
function works but allowing any variable reference is a bad idea IMO. I
would also like to see how the context aware escaping would work since in
order to provide such a mechanism you would have to render the content at
some point and the context could change and the user input could change
when the content is rendered. The fact that CSS doesn't provide any way to
safely escape user input in property names/values without fully white
listing the whole specification I fail to see how a context aware escaping
would work in that instance.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Implicitly escaped $ (or not) in quasis?

2012-06-27 Thread gaz Heyes
On 27 June 2012 10:06, Brendan Eich wrote:

 What's the difference between

  `lit1 ${exp1} lit2 ${exp2} lit3`


  sprintf(lit1 %s lit2 %s lit3, exp1, exp2)

A list of variables would have to appear outside the backticks somehow like
the earlier example using a function call. If not even context aware text
could be used to expose variables and dom objects on the page if the
developer allows content inside backticks. A developer will assume that a
backtick is just another way to declare strings across multiple lines and
will probably (in most cases) account for escaping backticks but will fail
to account for variables being used inside backticks.

Another thing to consider is in server side languages such as PHP backticks
is an eval like construct and if a dev misplaces the backticks then instead
of XSS they will have remote code execution. Also in IE a backtick is a
valid attribute quote this would introduce new XSS vectors by reusing the
existing backticks with an injection.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Implicitly escaped $ (or not) in quasis?

2012-06-27 Thread gaz Heyes
On 27 June 2012 12:38, Brendan Eich wrote:

 You assume a developer will assume something. We need evidence.

 Lots of languages, e.g. CoffeeScript after Ruby, or bash after the Bourne
 shell (sh), use embedded expressions in ${...} or #{...} brackets in
 distinguished string (e.g., double-quoted strings).

 These languages don't obviously have more injection attacks based on
 failure to sanitize than languages with printf-style format strings. Indeed
 the mismatch problem makes the latter actually unsafe (even memory-unsafe)
 in too many languages.

I don't know how to provide evidence on a feature that doesn't exist yet
but here goes:

This has a XSS hole obviously but a dev wanted a multiline string from php
to JavaScript. Same thing could happen with this feature but if the php
variable was escaped correctly in the code sample to escape backticks then
it would still contain a XSS hole using a variable reference ${}.

 Another thing to consider is in server side languages such as PHP
 backticks is an eval like construct and if a dev misplaces the backticks
 then instead of XSS they will have remote code execution.

 Yes, that's a drag. We lack good options that anyone can type, though. If
 I recall correctly, an earlier proposal used

  format ...

I would prefer that syntax.

  Also in IE a backtick is a valid attribute quote this would introduce new
 XSS vectors by reusing the existing backticks with an injection.

 Insane. What version(s) of IE? You mean in HTML? That's not standard, of
 course it never was but with HTML5 and new IE releases, is this still

= IE9 and supported in IE10 using compat mode. You can also force a web
page into compat mode using a parent web page and a child iframe of a
target page.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Implicitly escaped $ (or not) in quasis?

2012-06-27 Thread gaz Heyes
On 27 June 2012 15:59, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 var messageWithMSGSub =  Msg`${USER_INPUT}`;  //The value of
 messageWithMsgSub is the result of calling Msg.

 Here, Msg, is a application or library provided quasi substitution handler
 function. Think about  it as the DSL compiler. In this case Msg might be
 designed to do an explicit eval of the the substitution text containing the
 attach code.  However, that fact that Msg evals some of its inputs really
 should be documented as part of the its contract.  It essentially is just
 like any other function you might call and pass a string to as an argument.
  If you don't know or don't trust the function to not do an eval of its
 parameters then you better not pass any strings into it that originated
 from untrusted sources.

Ah sorry I misunderstood the syntax, I've also tried the demo but it isn't
clear to me how placeholders are assigned. Please could someone explain how
to pass the correct variable to a placeholder?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: __proto__ and JSON

2012-05-31 Thread gaz Heyes
On 30 May 2012 14:52, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Felix Böhm wrote:

 Okay, fair point. But JSON.parse should do what it's name says: Parse
 JSON. Ignoring keys is not an option.

 JSON.parse must not treat __proto__ specially, per ES5. What's the problem
 you see?

__proto__ can remove all methods for an object, this could cause a whole
block of code to fail when using a property from the JSON object. For
example using valueOf/toString with any property that has a null proto.

x=x.y+''; // I'm gonna bail because I have no toString
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Legacy const, attempt 2 (Re: Legacy const)

2012-04-19 Thread gaz Heyes
On 18 April 2012 19:13, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:

 I've just had it pointed out to me that my original email made little
 sense, so let's try again:

 const has historically been needed in non-strict/strict code for web
 compatibility on non-IE code (typically either down to server-side UA
 sniffing or just explicitly non-support of IE). IE still doesn't support
 it, which may suggest it's not needed for compatibility any more, but as
 far as I can tell removing it would break enough to make it infeasible.

 As such, we should spec it: likely block-scoped in modules, and
 function-scoped otherwise. We should only really not spec it if we can get
 everyone who currently supports it to drop it.

IE has consts, use execScript with vbs. I think Andrea did a blog post on

The const keyword is a little freaky overall, Firefox seems to support it
yet Opera (last time I checked) supports the keyword but doesn't perform a
const operation.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

2012-04-13 Thread gaz Heyes
On 13 April 2012 08:38, Lasse Reichstein wrote:

 I guess that depends on the version. I was testing in Firefox 9.0.1,
 and it runs your function.

Ah I'm testing on FF11 if it works on your version then it's a valid answer
es-discuss mailing list

Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

2012-04-12 Thread gaz Heyes
Hey all

Just thought I'd post a bit of fun related to the Firefox JS parser.


function true(){alert('Call me');};



The trick is to execute the function true from within the function

1. Your code must be within the function expression as indicated by the
2. You cannot redefine true anywhere else including window etc.
3. You must call the actual function as defined in the original code.

This is just for fun and should be impossible but it does highlight a
couple of things, 1) JavaScript has no way to reference inner functions
that are not a property of the object without directly calling their name.
2) Mozilla JS devs are crazy (in a nice way)


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

2012-04-12 Thread gaz Heyes
On 12 April 2012 14:51, Lasse Reichstein wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 2:58 PM, gaz Heyes wrote:
  function true(){alert('Call me');};

 Is this a deliberate Mozilla change, or just a bug (true being a
 keyword and not valid as a function name in plain ECMAScript)?

 And, btw,
  /* MY CODE */

Haha nice try even with unicode escapes it still refers to true the
boolean not the function.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

2012-04-12 Thread gaz Heyes
On 12 April 2012 15:12, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 That's another FF deviation from the standard, though.

Well it's possible to do as I've just done it but deviation from the
standard isn't a valid answer sorry :P
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Fun impossible Firefox JS challenge

2012-04-12 Thread gaz Heyes
On 12 April 2012 15:34, crypticswarm wrote:

 function true(){alert('Call me');};
 /* YOUR CODE */
  new Function('(' + ('' +
 arguments.callee).match(/function.+?\{\s*([\s\S]*?\})/)[1] + '())')()

 It calls *a* function `true` but maybe not *the* function `true`

That is lame. Try harder.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Third parameter for String.replace

2012-03-06 Thread gaz Heyes
On 6 March 2012 05:35, Biju wrote:

 So I have proposal, can we have 3rd parameter for replace() function?

 haystack.replace(needle, newText, regexpFlag);

 where regexpFlag is the flag part of the RegExp.
 And if needle is a string will be used to make the match characters
 after escaping special characters like *?.()[]{}\^$|/

No no no no no. This is already one of the best functions
in JavaScript but has been really badly designed. This suggestion makes it

Even Twitter devs seemed to struggle with using it correctly to fix a DOM
xss issue.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread gaz Heyes
Wouldn't it be easier to extend JSON to support a getter with a function
that refers to this?

o={a:123, get b(){return this.a}};o.b

On 5 March 2012 10:50, 程劭非 wrote:

 Hi, everyone,

 As you know, JSON API will throw a syntax error when trying to stringify a
 object with circular reference.But indeed the feature
 serializing/unserializing object with circular reference is needed.(eg.
 when storing a graph,or status machine)

 I am working on a JS implement of parse/stringify to support a “path
 grammar” in JSON. It looks like the following:
 // this will produce a object with it's property “x” reference to it self
 //also relative path is supported
 //ref to deeper object
 // path could also point to a none-object value
 // path ref to a path node will get undefined, there is no way to recurse
 a:path(/), //the root object
 b:path(/a) //undefined

 ( The project is located at
 . in which JSON.pareseEx and JSON.stringifyEx passes all test262 API cases 
 except the ones related to circular reference. )

 I was wondering if the future version of ECMAScript could support this
 grammar or something like this to enable serializing/unserializing object
 with circular reference. It will be a good news for ones working on complex
 data structure.

 PS. Another known way of descripting object with circular reference is
 using sharp 
 variable in
 object literal . But there are several problems:
 1. The id in sharp variable has to be unique. Combining two objects with
 conflicted ids will be hard work.
 2. Sharp variable is sensitive to the order of object properties. A
 assignment must appear before its first usage. But path do not have such
 requirement.Since the order of properties defined in JSON would
 (especially) affect enumerate (for.. in) order, making a order-independent
 reference grammar is a must.
 3. Sharp variable requires assignment operator, and hence assignment
 expression and even continuous assignment expression. Adding this feature
 to JSON increases the complexity of its grammar a lot.

 Shaofei Cheng

 es-discuss mailing list

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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread gaz Heyes
It's a shame that this doesn't work with object literals :(
How nice would this be:

  b: this.a
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread gaz Heyes
On 5 March 2012 12:16, 程劭非 wrote:

   b: this.a

 If you simply want “this” in JSON.parse,  it will not be hard to implement
 it in my library.
 But I guess the problem is we have no way to refer to its parent. Do you
 have any ideas?

You could have something like this:

  b: function circular() { return this.a; }

and then obj.b(); would result in 123
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Deep cloning objects defined by JSON.

2012-01-22 Thread gaz Heyes
I was pondering about this on twitter, at first I thought using cycrllic
variables to resolve references to object within the JSON object but
actually we just need this to work within object literals and be allowed
in the specification. For example this works currently :
  return this.b;

But it would be nicer to resolve this inside a object literal property to
be itself rather than window or undefined:

This would make JSON much smaller and allow circular references without
losing data.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: How to clean up __proto__ (was: Why we need to clean up __proto__)

2011-12-30 Thread gaz Heyes
On 30 December 2011 17:05, John J Barton johnjbar...@johnjbarton.comwrote:

 On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 3:53 AM, David Bruant wrote:
 How did this competition begin?

 A use case for JS security environment is loading app components
 cross-site. The other site is 'trusted' in that you believe it has code
 helpful to the user. But you want to limit its control, for reliability
 rather than security in the normal sense. Is this what you have in mind?

 What I've said before applies and even against an XSS attack, you can
 prevent cookie theft as long as you run first.
 I can't see a way for the browser to enforce that trusted code run before
 untrusted code.

 What causes 'untrusted' code to run at all? You must be doing something to
 cause the browser to load code outside of normal methods. That 'cause' is
 running first.

 To put this another way, what ever runs first *is* the trusted code.

I believe me and Mario Heiderich have solved this problem with JSLR:

As long as the javascript is executed first then you can protect the page
from untrusted javascript execution by whitelisting allowed scripts using
randomized tokens. Even when the site is vulnerable to type 1 XSS and DOM
based XSS, even within href attributes.

I have also developed a whitelisted Javascript environment that can
extended by simulating real dom objects making it difficult to discover you
are in a protected environment.

It might be of interest to the people of this list to check out Mario
Heiderich's slides as he discussed how to use ES5 methods to create a safe
js environment.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Why we need to clean up __proto__

2011-12-28 Thread gaz Heyes
I'd also like to add that __proto__ allows valid JSON to change it's object
type and allow functions within properties. There isn't a compelling
exploit scenerio for this yet but who knows what is possible if setters
come into the equation.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Array extras and Objects

2011-12-01 Thread gaz Heyes
On 1 December 2011 07:47, Andrea Giammarchi andrea.giammar...@gmail.comwrote:

 Let's say this is an attempt to bring some new, easy to implement, method
 for the native Object.prototype
 Specially about forEach, the most used Array.prototype method out there,
 it's quite clear JS developers would like to have similar method to iterate
 over objects, as key:value pairs rather than index:value.

You can sorta do this now but it only accepts numeric indexed properties.




So I agree to be able to do this with any property type would be useful
es-discuss mailing list

Re: (Almost) everything is expression

2011-11-11 Thread gaz Heyes
 11/11/2011 08:07, Dmitry Soshnikov :


 (unfortunately Twitter is again doesn't fit for a more than 140 ch
 discussion, so moving here)

 I'd like to still notice the possibility of accepting the almost
 everything is expression approach for JS. After Erlang I very often miss
 this possibility.

 The idea is to make most of current complex statements as expressions.

 Dave mentioned the proposal with `do { ... }` -- yeah, it's fine, but
 much nicer is to have all of them as expressions. CoffeeScript adopted
 this style as well.

 Besides, I'd like to note, that the thing is not just interesting
 theoretical stuff, but really is very convenient and useful in practice.


 1. Switch-expression (as addition, I eliminated `break`)

 let a = switch (foo) {
  case 10: 100;
  default: 200;

 2. If-expression:

 let a = if (foo) {
  print('a is foo');
 } else {
  // do some longer stuff

I think this is a bad idea, the difference between a block and expression
is difficult enough to decide (from a sandboxing perspective). It would
also make missing semi-colons continue the expression and make it really
hard for the developer to track down the error and cause unintended
behaviour. It adds to the complexity of deciding if a curly is a block or
literal and if a / is a divide or regexp (which is difficult enough in
JavaScript). How on earth would this be backwards compatible too?

 We of course already have for years the expression sugar for this -- ? :
 operator, but it doesn't allow to conveniently have longer bodies of
 consequent and alternative nodes of if-expression.

I'm pretty sure it does: 0?0:0?0:2
es-discuss mailing list

Re: (Almost) everything is expression

2011-11-11 Thread gaz Heyes
On 11 November 2011 15:33, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 let a = ({

  print('doing stuff');

How do you know the difference between a blank block statement and a object
literal? Surely it becomes an expression once an assignment occurs anyway.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: (Almost) everything is expression

2011-11-11 Thread gaz Heyes
On 11 November 2011 17:13, David Herman wrote:

 Your idea of mandatory parens is still valid (if, IMO, a bit
 unsatisfyingly verbose) for most statement forms. It's only the
 block-statement-expression that doesn't work. Hence my do-expressions

It should also apply to function expressions IMO too as there are instances
especially in for loops where there is confusion between the two.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: (Almost) everything is expression

2011-11-11 Thread gaz Heyes
On 11 November 2011 18:01, Dmitry Soshnikov dmitry.soshni...@gmail.comwrote:

 var foo = {
  // do stuff

What would be the result of a labelled statement? You'd need labels to work
within expressions since you'd probably want to do:

but then what if you do:

Is 1 divided by the result of the for loop or is it divided by undefined?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: (Almost) everything is expression

2011-11-11 Thread gaz Heyes
On 11 November 2011 18:29, Dmitry Soshnikov dmitry.soshni...@gmail.comwrote:

 This is why the topic is called *(Almost)* everything In general
 case we may not include this case with label-statement into proposal, since
 the construction you wrote isn't practice IMO. But, we should consider also
 theoretical things and this case it can be better to avoid the case at all
 then to solve it -- especially if there is no much profit in practice from
 it. Though, if we can manage it, why not?

Another thing isn't a block statement a no-op?  So :

x wouldn't be undefined or anything since a blank block statement shouldn't
return anything. Then if it returns undefined then how would a block
statement actually work:

You'd have to make a block statement return undefined to make sense.

So as you can see you are adding complexity to the syntax in both the
developer level and the sandboxing level. There are a ton of problems this
would create.
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