[Eug-lug] Ubuntu, runlevels, and X

2006-08-25 Thread Garl Grigsby
Ok, I guess I need somebody to 'learn me' in the ways of Debian, well 
Ubuntu at least.

I've got a box I setup for my kids recently and I thought I'd put Ubuntu 
on it. Last night I realized I was running the unaccelerated nvidia 
driver. So I went to install the Nvidia binary drivers. After 
downloading the latest version, and installing a bunch of prereq's (damn 
apt kicks butt), I started the install.

One of the first things you run into is the requirement that the X 
server be down prior to starting the install. Being from the Redhat 
verse (well CentOS), I log'd out, switched to a console, and tried 'init 

Nothing. No change. X is happily running along. So I try it again, maybe 
I flubbed it somehow?!? Well what about 'init 2', that's got to work, 
right? Nope. After a bit of futzing I'm starting to get frustrated. So I 
decide I go to the one sure method: I try the magic alt-ctrl-backpace. 
Success! Fireworks! Happiness! My kids think I'm great, well, for a 
second. Then GDM starts right backup. WTF? Contemplating violence I try 
stopping GDM via '/etc/init.d/gdm stop'. That seems to do it, but only 
after the second time().

Now I start to wonder: Why didn't switching runlevels work. In the 
Redhat Verse the runlevels are as follows, as best I can remember off 
the top of my head:

   init 1 single user, maintenance mode
   init 2 multi user with no network (not sure, never used it much)
   init 3 multi user with network.
   init 4 nothing
   init 5 multi user with network and with X
   init 6 reboot land

So I start digging. From my poking, I gather that for Ubuntu, there is 
runlevel 1 and runlevel 2-5. 2-5 are all identical. What's the logic 
behind this? I know I can modify this to act more like what I'm used to, 
but I just want to understand the logic behind the all or nothing 
design... Anybody care to comment?

EUGLUG mailing list

Re: [Eug-lug] OSUOSL fundraising

2006-08-25 Thread Michael Miller


What is the final total?

On 8/22/06, Bob Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We have raised $160!

I have received funds from kbob, Rob H, Brian G, Tony N, and Jason L.
Jim D, you're covered until 9/1.

I am going to hand all the money over to the OSUOSL on Thursday night.
If anyone else wants in, now's your chance...

Bob Miller  Kbob
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EUGLUG mailing list

[Eug-lug] Correct Apache User and Group for easy editing

2006-08-25 Thread Martin Kelly
I've been having a problem with my Apache setup in that I'm not sure 
what user I should run it under. The default is www-data, and I could 
just add myself to the www-data group and be able to edit it under my 
user (martin). The problem with that is that when I create files with my 
normal user, they will be owned by martin and thus inaccessible to 
Apache. I could just edit the files with the www-data user, but that is 
annoying in terms of syncing together various files (.vimrc and such) 
between /home/martin and /home/www-data.

I attempted to have Apache run under the user martin by adding the 
following in my Apache config:

User martin
Group martin

but when I try to have a script create a directory, for example, it 
returns Permission Denied. This is Apache 2.0.55.

Does anybody have a good solution for this? For example, is there a way 
to make all files created by me in /var/www owned by www-data instead?

Thanks all.
EUGLUG mailing list

[Eug-lug] Could not start kdestartupconfig

2006-08-25 Thread Zeb Packard

I'm running Suse 10.0
Security patches are up to date

I'm not sure what happened last time but I restarted my computer and I
got could not start kdestartupconfig after logging in as certain

I also noticed that my ati radeon driver was uninstalled.
I tried deleting .kde, reinstalling the driver, but nothing worked.

I backed everything up, reinstalled and yesterday, after I had run
YOU, I was installing the ati radeon driver again and I rebooted and
got the same message.

I had installed and uninstalled the ati driver multiple times and it
would not show up in my general configuration.

Though, atiuninstall.sh wouldn't and when I tried yast to install and
uninstall it wouldn't show up (no 3d graphics card available or 3d
support not configured) , but yast package manager would show the
driver package as installed. I ran aticonfig after installation on
both manual and managed tries.

Eventually, after installing and uninstalling and rebooting on the new
Suse-install I received could not start kdestartupconfig.

I am currently not running my ati-driver and so far I haven't had any
problems, but I cannot isolate the source of the issue and would
prefer to just fix after the fact.

Thanx in advance
EUGLUG mailing list

Re: [Eug-lug] OSUOSL fundraising

2006-08-25 Thread Bob Miller
Michael Miller wrote:

 What is the final total?

We raised $200.

Mike Cherba 20
Jim Darrough20
Brian Gallagher 20
Rob Hudson  20
Jason LaPier20
Bob Miller  40
Mike Miller 20
Tony Newman 20
Larry Price 20

Thank you all for helping.

Bob Miller  Kbob
EUGLUG mailing list

Re: [Eug-lug] Ubuntu, runlevels, and X

2006-08-25 Thread Allen Brown

Having switched from RedHat to Debian some time ago, I
agree.  The RedHat model seems sensible.  I just don't
understand why Debian didn't embrace it.
Allen Brown  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.peak.org/~abrown/
  When you're angry, take a deep breath and count to ten.
  When you're really angry, swear.

Garl Grigsby wrote:
Ok, I guess I need somebody to 'learn me' in the ways of Debian, well 
Ubuntu at least.

I've got a box I setup for my kids recently and I thought I'd put Ubuntu 
on it. Last night I realized I was running the unaccelerated nvidia 
driver. So I went to install the Nvidia binary drivers. After 
downloading the latest version, and installing a bunch of prereq's (damn 
apt kicks butt), I started the install.

One of the first things you run into is the requirement that the X 
server be down prior to starting the install. Being from the Redhat 
verse (well CentOS), I log'd out, switched to a console, and tried 'init 

Nothing. No change. X is happily running along. So I try it again, maybe 
I flubbed it somehow?!? Well what about 'init 2', that's got to work, 
right? Nope. After a bit of futzing I'm starting to get frustrated. So I 
decide I go to the one sure method: I try the magic alt-ctrl-backpace. 
Success! Fireworks! Happiness! My kids think I'm great, well, for a 
second. Then GDM starts right backup. WTF? Contemplating violence I try 
stopping GDM via '/etc/init.d/gdm stop'. That seems to do it, but only 
after the second time().

Now I start to wonder: Why didn't switching runlevels work. In the 
Redhat Verse the runlevels are as follows, as best I can remember off 
the top of my head:

   init 1 single user, maintenance mode
   init 2 multi user with no network (not sure, never used it much)
   init 3 multi user with network.
   init 4 nothing
   init 5 multi user with network and with X
   init 6 reboot land

So I start digging. From my poking, I gather that for Ubuntu, there is 
runlevel 1 and runlevel 2-5. 2-5 are all identical. What's the logic 
behind this? I know I can modify this to act more like what I'm used to, 
but I just want to understand the logic behind the all or nothing 
design... Anybody care to comment?


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