[EVDL] EVLN Tesla "D" announcement - Dual motor and autonomous driving features.

2014-10-10 Thread Mike Nickerson via EV

OFFICIAL: Tesla Model S Dual Motor (D) Unveiled — 3.2 Second 0-60 Time, Longer 
Range. Autonomous Driving Hardware Now Standard

OFFICIAL: Tesla Model S Dual Motor (D) Unveiled — 3.2 Second 0-60 Time, Longer 
Range. Autonomous Driving Hardware Now Standard


It had all the makings of a Los Angeles party: loud music, an A-list celebrity 
guest list, and even a broken embargo an hour or so before the big reveal which 
then mysteriously disappeared from the Internet moments later. Yet this wasn’t 
a hollywood movie premiere: this was a reveal event for Tesla Motors 
[NASDAQ:TSLA] with the kind of hype you’d normally reserve for Apple.

Official: that ‘D’ means ‘Dual Motor,’ and it’s super-fast. (Photo: 
TeslaMotorsClub user @aldeman)

But it turns out all the hype was worth it, as we confirm that Elon Musk’s 
highly-anticipated ‘D’ announcement is the introduction of a Dual-Motor, 
All-Wheel-Drive Tesla Model S, capable of a higher efficiency than current 
rear-wheel drive Tesla Model S cars, a longer range, and a 0-60 time of just 
3.2 seconds. Although the announcement was made less than half an hour ago, the 
news was leaked earlier this evening on line by USA today, before it was 
hurriedly taken down thirty minutes or so before the big reveal.

“As you probably learned by the Internet because it’s impossible to keep 
anything private these days,” joked Musk shortly after joining the stage at the 
Tesla Hawthorn Design Studio. “The D stands for ‘Dual Motor’.”

With a flourish, Musk then showed a picture of the chassis of the Model S-D, 
with both electric motors marked.

“But why show you a picture when you can see the real thing?” Musk asked. 
“Release the titans!”

Elon Musk used robots to demonstrate the Model S’ new Dual Motor setup.

With that, one of the robots used in Tesla’s factory spring to life, emerging 
from the floor of the stage carrying a Tesla Model S-D chassis in its jaws, to 
whoops of delight from the assembled audience.

Unlike most all-wheel drive cars on the market, Musk explained, the Tesla Model 
S-D benefited from an all-electronic drivetrain system that could instantly 
shift torque from the front to the rear wheels as required, making it far more 
sure-footed than other all-wheel-drive models. What’s more, Musk explained, the 
inclusion of the second motor in the Model S means that overall, the car is far 
more efficient.

This results in an increased all-electric range without any modifications to 
the battery pack, up from 265 miles per charge on the Tesla P85 to 275 miles on 
the Tesla P85 D, while simultaneously decreasing the 0-60 mph time to just 3.2 

“That’s faster than a McLaren F1 [LM],” joked Musk.

While the Dual Motor Model S was the headline announcement of the evening 
however, perhaps more interesting for future car fans is the confirmation that 
Tesla has become the first automaker in the world to release its cars with 
autonomous driving hardware that makes it possible for a Tesla Model S fitted 
with it to drive itself — even if it’s currently restricted on public highways 
due to various legislative restrictions.

Confirming what many, including us, have surmised, each and every Tesla Model S 
coming off the factory at Tesla’s Fremont facility in California now comes with 
self-driving technology fitted as standard, paving the way for a future where 
Tesla cars can take over most of the strain of driving.

As Musk explained on stage, Tesla’s autonomous driving system comes in four 
distinct parts, all of which work together to ensure that all new Tesla Model S 
cars can not only keep you safe on the road but avoid other road users, detect 
everything from small animals and children to cars in your blind spot, and even 
greet you in the morning like Michael J Knight’s KITT in KnightRider.

“The first [part] is a forward-facing radar,” explained Musk. “It’s able to see 
through fog, sand…anything.” Located on the lower bumper assembly, the radar 
helps the Model S keep an appropriate distance from the car in front, as well 
as ensure it doesn’t hit any unseen obstacles in inclement weather. This is 
backed up by a camera — located behind the rear-view mirror — which has 
sophisticated image detection. As well as being able to read road signs, Musk 
said the camera is capable of detecting and recognising pedestrians and other 
road users.

Tesla’s four-stage autonomous drive hardware is now standard on all cars (P. 

“The third system is a 360 degree ultrasonic sonar,” Musk continued. ‘This 
establishes a protective cocoon around the car. It can see anything: a small 
child, a dog. And it can operate at any speed.” Explaining the system further, 
Musk said the ultrasonic sensor means that the Model S will now be capable of 
detecting anything in your 

[EVDL] OT: Alive, back-home after-surgery, and working on getting well ...

2014-10-10 Thread brucedp5 via EV

afk ...

While this post does have a whiff of EV stuff to it, it is mostly OT about
my medical stuff (so, lets try to not post OT medical responses if possible
- and if you are not interested, please delete this message now ... ).

I had checked into the VA Hospital yesterday morning, and my big/large mouth
had no problem taking in the breathing tube down my windpipe which my
anesthesiologist was quite concerned about after seeing on the CAT scan that
my left side thyroid goiter (growth) was pushing on my wind pipe, narrowing
it and pushing it to the side (I did not notice any of this as I was in no
pain, but all the VA doctors were hot to yank the whole thyroid, but got
them to back off a bit and only take the left side which was causing the

I am really glad I do not remember most of the beginning before they knocked
me out. Though my memory isn't as sharp as when I was younger, I can still
replay my life experiences a little too well (a good memory did have its
upside, when I could remember/visualize in my mind my homework pages I had
done the night before when taking a test that day - it let me be an A

All in all, I awoke doing pretty well, with all the doctors and staff
looking at me amazed at how large the goiter was (?). I had a large bandage
across my throat (looking something similar to ... )

Later, in a recovery bed and after most of the anesthesia had worn off,
though sore, I found I could talk which is something I was concerned I might
lose (it would be hard to talk plugins to the public if I could not speak,

After a night of not sleeping that well (strange place, lots of noises to
wake you up, people coming to wake you up to take a blood sample or a bp
reading after you had just gotten to sleep, etc.), this morning I got word
that I wasn't going to have-to stay the days they had said I would (in
comparison to a previous VA ward experience where they did not want to let
me go, it was like this ward was anxious to get me out of there ... ?). So,
until the release order came though, I had what seemed like anybody and
everybody wanting take a look at and or talk to Bruce.

At one point a group of ten (doctors and staff) came in (with me nak'd under
a sheet covering me up). A lot of 'WOW! that baby was HUGE!' (referring to
the chunk they cut out of me). I said with all these people wanting to see
me, with a sleepy smile I asked, 'What was it some kind of Guinness record?'
(they all laughed at that). The surgeon said no but it was huge. I asked how
huge? Meatball size? (partially closing my fingers like I was holding golf
ball sized meatball). She said no, more like (holding out her hand like she
was holding a large grapefruit).

At the end of our crowd chat, I asked if they were going to put it in a
medical alcohol jar to gawk and laugh at (they chuckled at that, as they
then filed out of my room).

Later, the surgeon came by, and she too was quite impressed in its size. So,
I suppose it is a good thing it is now out of me. She said my scar would
likely not be that bad as they were able to blend the cut along one of the
(old-man) folds that was already on my throat (would look something like ...

At that point I thought to myself, the scar was nothing as I was just glad I
could still speak so as to continue doing my EV-cause EVanglizing (i.e:
talking to the public, etc.).

As it turned out, later one of the several people that came by to talk to me
was a mature RN, that I got express my joy that I could still speak and
mentioned the EV-cause efforts I had been making since the 1990's. 

She said she and her husband had gotten a really good deal on a Ford Focus
Electric lease that they just could not pass up (they were only looking at
the huge money discount Ford offered). Even with a sore speaking voice and
all the pain from the surgery, I dropped into EVangel mode and congratulated
her on a nice EV (Bruce was excited to talk EVs again). 

But I also had her write down for her (techie) husband to know
where he could look up where all the public charging was all across the U.S.
(her eyes got wider like she did not even know that existed).

That led me to say it was too bad that her nice Focus EV did not have
level-3 charging. Keeping it brief and simple, I explained that whereas the
L2 charger they had in their garage would take hours, a L3 quick charge
would have only take 15 minutes (I say 15 because most drivers do not come
in totally empty, and it is an easier figure for the layman to remember).

She expressed they like their Electric so much, but wished it had a longer
range. I told her that the 200 mile range packs were coming. I used the
analogy of like the old VCR tapes that originally were once $6 each, in high

[EVDL] EVLN: Ghosn sez Leaf profitability is 'getting there'

2014-10-10 Thread brucedp5 via EV

Ghosn: 'We are getting there' on making Nissan Leaf profitable
By Sebastian Blanco  Oct 2nd 2014


 CEO Says The Tide Is Turning 

 After 19 months in a row of record sales in the US, the money picture for
the Nissan Leaf is steadily improving. To date (well, until the end of
September), Nissan has sold 63,944 Leaf EVs in the US and a total of around
140,000 globally. The company produces the electric vehicle in three
countries: Japan, the UK and the US and has sold more standard passenger EVs
than any other automaker. Add all that up and you get to an EV that is just
about to be profitable.

"We are getting into positive, which is good for this technology." – Carlos

 At least, it is according to Carlos Ghosn, the CEO of Renault-Nissan, who
spoke to reporters at that Paris Motor Show this week. "We are getting there
[to Leaf profitability]," Ghosn told Automotive News. "Are we amortizing and
depreciating everything we have spent? No. But if you look at margin of
profit – the direct cost of the car and the revenue of the car – we are
getting into positive, which is good for this technology."

 Automakers are notoriously closemouthed when it comes to sharing specifics
about the higher cost of alternative vehicle technologies compared to
standard ICE vehicles. Still, statements like this – as well as a knowledge
about how long it took Toyota to make money from the Prius and overall
industry amortization – show that Nissan could well be sitting pretty when
it comes to keeping EVs around for the long term. Given some of the other
news we've heard recently, it's got to be nice to have some stability.
[© green.autoblog.com]

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i3 EV's skinny tyre fashion trend reduces energy losses> lrr, +more
ElectraGirl's tire inch desires 

AZ Blue Skies plates becoming the domain of EVs

L3 Supercharger EVSE pit-stop opening in Sagamore Beach MA
EVLN: A ‘British Tesla’ could shift the UK car industry into top gear


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[EVDL] EVLN: A ‘British Tesla’ could shift the UK car industry into top gear

2014-10-10 Thread brucedp5 via EV

A ‘British Tesla’ could shift the UK car industry into top gear 
by Richard Brooks  3 October 2014

But where does the petrol go in? Anna Gowthorpe/PA

An early Tesla impresses then prime minister Gordon Brown. Lewis Whyld/PA

British-owned car manufacturing has been in decline in UK for decades but
the shift to electric cars might be just what is needed for a revival. The
recent announcement by US-based Detroit Electric that it will move its
production to the UK highlights some of the engineering strengths Britain
possesses – but will local entrepreneurs see it too?

Britain might be a minor player in the emerging hybrid and pure electric
vehicle (EV) market, but it was not always so. Indeed, the UK has a credible
claim to have invented both the electric locomotive carriage in the 1830s,
and the electric car in the 1880s. By the late 1880 and 1890s, the UK and
France were leading the world in the deployment of the vehicles, with an
electric taxi firm operating on London streets by the turn of the 20th

Sadly its time was not to be and during most of the 20th century, the
internal combustion engine made greater advances in price, range and
performance; electric vehicles were pushed into niche markets such as indoor
moving equipment or milk deliveries.

The decline in British industry throughout the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s meant
EV firms lacked access to both the most recent technology and domestic
car-makers who might operate as partners and clients. One of the reasons why
Japan played such a prominent early role is that advances made in industries
such as consumer electronics could be transferred across to automotive
mass-production – sometimes within the same group of companies.
The Tesla moment

Yet, to say Britain can’t compete because it lacks a “domestic champion”
car-maker would be letting its would-be innovators off too lightly. Tesla
Motors succeeded precisely because it wasn’t a large car maker, but a small
company with a big idea that was willing to take the risks it’s bigger
rivals wouldn’t.

In 2008, many automotive multi-nationals were sceptical of EV technology and
the electric cars they developed were typically less reliable and lower
powered than their petrol and diesel equivalents. Tesla upturned
expectations by aiming squarely at cash-rich early adopters.

It was an audacious pitch and Elon Musk, internet tycoon turned Tesla
founder, was not an experienced car-maker. He therefore turned towards the
British firm Lotus Cars to provide the “glider” or body of the car. In this
move Californian money and technology was married with British design and
production to provide an eye-catching, prestige vehicle that was also
sufficiently lightweight to suit the lower weigh-to-power ratio of EVs.

The Tesla strategy

Given Tesla’s success it is not surprising that others such as Albert Lam, a
former Lotus executive, emulated its strategy. Lam first moved into the EV
market by reviving the Detroit Electric brand – a firm that had been one of
the pioneers of electric vehicles in the early 1900s, before ceasing
production in 1939.

Today its flagship SP.01, marketed as “the fastest EV on the market” also
makes use of a Lotus designed body but goes a step further than Tesla by
basing its European factory in Royal Leamington Spa, West Midlands. Lam
himself is no stranger to the area: he has a degree from Coventry University
and has held positions in local car-makers Jaguar and Land Rover. No doubt
he is aware of the region’s association with low-volume prestige brands, its
excellent supply base, world-leading motorsports expertise and strong R&D
facilities focused on low-carbon vehicles.

Indeed, the British car industry looks attractive for overseas investors in
general. Nissan’s decision to assemble the market-leading Leaf in its
Sunderland plant makes sense: the UK has high-levels of productivity in the
sector (second only to Germany in Europe), favourable corporate tax levels,
a package of government incentives for electric vehicle consumers and a
buoyant car market. In short, the country has a lot to offer EV
Why are British firms having problems?

This being the case it’s worth asking why it has taken an American company
to recognise the value of these assets. Mostly it comes to down to
technology, money and perhaps some entrepreneurial caution.

The UK has its strengths but there are notable gaps to make the transition
to EV. Industry analyst Peter Harrop of IDTechEx notes that the UK is
“world-class in terms of innovative component suppliers” but “nowhere” in
terms of electric car batteries.

Another big problem is t

Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Russ Sciville via EV
Have you tried Jack at EVTV?

On Fri, 10/10/14, jerry freedomev via EV  wrote:

 Subject: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.
 To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" 
 Date: Friday, 10 October, 2014, 3:13
   Hi All,
             I have 3 EV's
 getting finished over the next few months and need some
 lithium Leaf, Volt or other EV production batteries about
 6kwhr worth.
             Was going to buy a
 totaled Leaf, Volt but they are going too high for me to
             Does anyone have
 any spare or know where I might find some at a good price
 offlist or on?
 know who 1eyedcruiser on Ebay is   selling EV
 parts and batteries?  I'd rather buy direct as don't
 have an ebay account I know of.
               The Ewoody
 is coming along nicely but slow.  I had a dead and to
 far gone CommutaCar EV I'm parting out using it's motor
 transaxle to make a nice 65-70mph EV trike pickup with the
 front half of my Streamliner handling test mule no longer
 need but had a title so converting it into a trike. It would
 be nice if I could start it off in Lithium.
    I need to tow a boat and an aero light
 travel trailer plus my cargo trailer my golfcart transaxle
 trike just couldn't do fast enough.
       Jerry Dycus
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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Russ Sciville via EV
Have you tried Jack at EVTV?

On Fri, 10/10/14, jerry freedomev via EV  wrote:

 Subject: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.
 To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" 
 Date: Friday, 10 October, 2014, 3:13
   Hi All,
             I have 3 EV's
 getting finished over the next few months and need some
 lithium Leaf, Volt or other EV production batteries about
 6kwhr worth.
             Was going to buy a
 totaled Leaf, Volt but they are going too high for me to
             Does anyone have
 any spare or know where I might find some at a good price
 offlist or on?
 know who 1eyedcruiser on Ebay is   selling EV
 parts and batteries?  I'd rather buy direct as don't
 have an ebay account I know of.
               The Ewoody
 is coming along nicely but slow.  I had a dead and to
 far gone CommutaCar EV I'm parting out using it's motor
 transaxle to make a nice 65-70mph EV trike pickup with the
 front half of my Streamliner handling test mule no longer
 need but had a title so converting it into a trike. It would
 be nice if I could start it off in Lithium.
    I need to tow a boat and an aero light
 travel trailer plus my cargo trailer my golfcart transaxle
 trike just couldn't do fast enough.
       Jerry Dycus
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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread jerry freedomev via EV
  Hi Russ and All,

I just looked and no good deals there for me.  Just Chinese 
ones I  can't afford and one 'Leaf' pack for $8900!!  I can buy 2, maybe 3 
totaled Leaf's for that if I had the money. 
 Really need to find out 1eyedcruiser name, contact 
info/number,  selling them, EV motors/controllers on Ebay or other sources. 

  Jerry Dycus 

On Friday, October 10, 2014 5:20 AM, Russ Sciville  

Have you tried Jack at EVTV?

On Fri, 10/10/14, jerry freedomev via EV  wrote:

Subject: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" 
Date: Friday, 10 October, 2014, 3:13

  Hi All,

I have 3 EV's
getting finished over the next few months and need some
lithium Leaf, Volt or other EV production batteries about
6kwhr worth.
Was going to buy a
totaled Leaf, Volt but they are going too high for me to
Does anyone have
any spare or know where I might find some at a good price
offlist or on?
know who 1eyedcruiser on Ebay is   selling EV
parts and batteries?  I'd rather buy direct as don't
have an ebay account I know of.
  The Ewoody
is coming along nicely but slow.  I had a dead and to
far gone CommutaCar EV I'm parting out using it's motor
transaxle to make a nice 65-70mph EV trike pickup with the
front half of my Streamliner handling test mule no longer
need but had a title so converting it into a trike. It would
be nice if I could start it off in Lithium.
   I need to tow a boat and an aero light
travel trailer plus my cargo trailer my golfcart transaxle
trike just couldn't do fast enough.

  Jerry Dycus
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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Willie2 via EV

On 10/10/2014 05:54 AM, jerry freedomev via EV wrote:

   Hi Russ and All,

 I just looked and no good deals there for me.  Just Chinese 
ones I  can't afford and one 'Leaf' pack for $8900!!  I can buy 2, maybe 3 
totaled Leaf's for that if I had the money.
  Really need to find out 1eyedcruiser name, contact 
info/number,  selling them, EV motors/controllers on Ebay or other sources.

Lists Leaf batteries and fractions.  Plus kits including BMS.  I don't 
know anything about them, haven't bought from them.

It does make sense that "1eyedcruiser" might be the secretive "cruiser" 
that posts here occasionally.  Personally, I would be wary of doing 
business with anyone that is so secretive.

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Re: [EVDL] OT: Alive, back-home after-surgery, and working on getting well ...

2014-10-10 Thread Ben Goren via EV
On Oct 10, 2014, at 1:35 AM, brucedp5 via EV  wrote:

> After that EVangelizing, my throat was sore, but I was quite pleased I could
> still 'do-it'.

Wonderful news! Welcome back, and congratulations! We're quite lucky to live in 
a time with true miracle workers such as your surgical team

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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Gary Krysztopik via EV
Leaf batteries -

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 2:20 AM, Russ Sciville via EV 

> Have you tried Jack at EVTV?
> On Fri, 10/10/14, jerry freedomev via EV  wrote:
>  Subject: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.
>  To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" 
>  Date: Friday, 10 October, 2014, 3:13
>Hi All,
>  I have 3 EV's
>  getting finished over the next few months and need some
>  lithium Leaf, Volt or other EV production batteries about
>  6kwhr worth.
>  Was going to buy a
>  totaled Leaf, Volt but they are going too high for me to
>  afford.
>  Does anyone have
>  any spare or know where I might find some at a good price
>  offlist or on?
>   Anyone
>  know who 1eyedcruiser on Ebay is   selling EV
>  parts and batteries?  I'd rather buy direct as don't
>  have an ebay account I know of.
>The Ewoody
>  is coming along nicely but slow.  I had a dead and to
>  far gone CommutaCar EV I'm parting out using it's motor
>  transaxle to make a nice 65-70mph EV trike pickup with the
>  front half of my Streamliner handling test mule no longer
>  need but had a title so converting it into a trike. It would
>  be nice if I could start it off in Lithium.
> I need to tow a boat and an aero light
>  travel trailer plus my cargo trailer my golfcart transaxle
>  trike just couldn't do fast enough.
>  Thanks,
>Jerry Dycus
>  -- next part --
>  An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>  URL: <
> http://lists.evdl.org/private.cgi/ev-evdl.org/attachments/20141009/c177ec86/attachment.htm
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> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NEDRA)
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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Roland via EV
These are the batteries from the Hybrid Auto Center that I am going to use.  
You can get them preassemble or unassembled in metal case modules that contains 
four cells each connected two in series and then two in parallel for a voltage 
of 4.2 volts per cell or 8.4 volts maximum per modules at 66 a/h each. 

You can assemble as many modules together using threaded rods to fit the space 
you have.  They are copper connections and you can either make your own copper 
bus bars out of 1/2 inch I.D. A/C pure copper tubing flatten to 3/4 in wide 
that has  no other alloys which are use for the load terminals or you can 
purchase zinc plated bus bars from them.  The length of the bus bars depends if 
you want to parallel the modules together for increase a/h.

There are small sensor terminals that tap into the cells that uses 1/2 inch 
copper bus bars which also can be made out of 3/8 inch copper A/C tubing.   
This connection taps are use to connect the BMS circuits to.  

Each module weighs just over 8 lbs.  I am using 54 modules which three modules 
are connected in parallel for 189 ah and series the three modules for a maximum 
voltage of 226 volts.  For a long life, do not charge to the maximum voltage, 
best only to charge to about 90 to 95% of the maximum voltage.  Do not have 
your regenerative system on when above 90% SOC or this could damage your 
batteries or BMS units while driving with the BMS on. 

If your charger is NON-CAN control or cannot be control by a BMS which allows 
the current to be taper down to a low level before shut down,  you can use a 
lower maximum charge voltage below 95% which will allow it to shut down with 
out a tapering current. 

NO, These are not Chinese batteries that some are having problems with.  Made 
by the Toyota Company which I think that had the license right from GM back in 
1993 when they held the patent on them.  The patent ran out in 2013 which 
Toyota is now producing kits to change there hybrids to EV.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Willie2 via EV<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org> 
  To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org> 
  Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 5:21 AM
  Subject: Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

  On 10/10/2014 05:54 AM, jerry freedomev via EV wrote:
  >Hi Russ and All,
  >  I just looked and no good deals there for me.  Just 
Chinese ones I  can't afford and one 'Leaf' pack for $8900!!  I can buy 2, 
maybe 3 totaled Leaf's for that if I had the money.
  >   Really need to find out 1eyedcruiser name, contact 
info/number,  selling them, EV motors/controllers on Ebay or other sources.
  Lists Leaf batteries and fractions.  Plus kits including BMS.  I don't 
  know anything about them, haven't bought from them.

  It does make sense that "1eyedcruiser" might be the secretive "cruiser" 
  that posts here occasionally.  Personally, I would be wary of doing 
  business with anyone that is so secretive.

  For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 

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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Ben Goren via EV
On Oct 10, 2014, at 10:12 AM, Roland via EV  wrote:

> These are the batteries from the Hybrid Auto Center that I am going to use.  
> You can get them preassemble or unassembled in metal case modules that 
> contains four cells each connected two in series and then two in parallel for 
> a voltage of 4.2 volts per cell or 8.4 volts maximum per modules at 66 a/h 
> each. 

What would the maximum discharge / C rating be for those cells? Or, conversely, 
how many would you need to gang together to safely pull a thousand amps (round 
number) for several seconds?


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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread EVDL Administrator via EV
On 10 Oct 2014 at 11:12, Roland via EV wrote:

> These are the batteries from the Hybrid Auto Center that I am going to use. 

Did you mean to include a link in your post?  The word "these" doesn't seem 
to refer to anything.  :-(

>  four cells each connected two in series and then two in parallel for
> a voltage of 4.2 volts per cell or 8.4 volts maximum per modules at 66
> a/h each ... Each module weighs just over 8 lbs. 

I assume that by a/h you mean amp-hours, or AH.  (A/H would be amperes per 
hour, a meaningless unit.)

If so, that would be 554Wh per module.  Eight lbs is 3.6kg, for a specific 
energy of 154 wh/kg.  Pretty impressive!

> NO, These are not Chinese batteries that some are having problems with.
>  Made by the Toyota Company which I think that had the license right
> from GM back in 1993 when they held the patent on them.  The patent
> ran out in 2013 which Toyota is now producing kits to change there
> hybrids to EV. 

Now it sounds like you're talking about NiMH batteries.  But the specific 
energy above (154 wh/kg)  is more than double that which is normally 
available from NiMH (70 wh/kg).

Also, unless I missed something, NiMH cells are around 1.2 volts nominal, 
and most lithium chemistries are around 3.2 to 3.5 volts per cell.  The 
voltage you state above doesn't match any of those.  Perhaps you could 
explain more clearly what batteries plan to use.  

Thanks, looking forward to hearing more.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Paul Dove via EV
Geez really dude! A little condescending and then you top it off with no 
knowledge of batteries!

It's obvious they are leaf batteries.

He was speaking of the link in the original message he relied to.

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 10, 2014, at 2:16 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV  
> wrote:
>> On 10 Oct 2014 at 11:12, Roland via EV wrote:
>> These are the batteries from the Hybrid Auto Center that I am going to use.
> Did you mean to include a link in your post?  The word "these" doesn't seem 
> to refer to anything.  :-(
>> four cells each connected two in series and then two in parallel for
>> a voltage of 4.2 volts per cell or 8.4 volts maximum per modules at 66
>> a/h each ... Each module weighs just over 8 lbs.
> I assume that by a/h you mean amp-hours, or AH.  (A/H would be amperes per 
> hour, a meaningless unit.)
> If so, that would be 554Wh per module.  Eight lbs is 3.6kg, for a specific 
> energy of 154 wh/kg.  Pretty impressive!
>> NO, These are not Chinese batteries that some are having problems with.
>> Made by the Toyota Company which I think that had the license right
>> from GM back in 1993 when they held the patent on them.  The patent
>> ran out in 2013 which Toyota is now producing kits to change there
>> hybrids to EV.
> Now it sounds like you're talking about NiMH batteries.  But the specific 
> energy above (154 wh/kg)  is more than double that which is normally 
> available from NiMH (70 wh/kg).
> Also, unless I missed something, NiMH cells are around 1.2 volts nominal, 
> and most lithium chemistries are around 3.2 to 3.5 volts per cell.  The 
> voltage you state above doesn't match any of those.  Perhaps you could 
> explain more clearly what batteries plan to use.  
> Thanks, looking forward to hearing more.
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> EVDL Administrator
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> EVDL Information: http://www.evdl.org/help/
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
> Note: mail sent to "evpost" and "etpost" addresses will not 
> reach me.  To send a private message, please obtain my 
> email address from the webpage http://www.evdl.org/help/ .
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> ___
> UNSUBSCRIBE: http://www.evdl.org/help/index.html#usub
> http://lists.evdl.org/listinfo.cgi/ev-evdl.org
> For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 
> (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NEDRA)

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 10, 2014, at 2:16 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV  
> wrote:
>> On 10 Oct 2014 at 11:12, Roland via EV wrote:
>> These are the batteries from the Hybrid Auto Center that I am going to use.
> Did you mean to include a link in your post?  The word "these" doesn't seem 
> to refer to anything.  :-(
>> four cells each connected two in series and then two in parallel for
>> a voltage of 4.2 volts per cell or 8.4 volts maximum per modules at 66
>> a/h each ... Each module weighs just over 8 lbs.
> I assume that by a/h you mean amp-hours, or AH.  (A/H would be amperes per 
> hour, a meaningless unit.)
> If so, that would be 554Wh per module.  Eight lbs is 3.6kg, for a specific 
> energy of 154 wh/kg.  Pretty impressive!
>> NO, These are not Chinese batteries that some are having problems with.
>> Made by the Toyota Company which I think that had the license right
>> from GM back in 1993 when they held the patent on them.  The patent
>> ran out in 2013 which Toyota is now producing kits to change there
>> hybrids to EV.
> Now it sounds like you're talking about NiMH batteries.  But the specific 
> energy above (154 wh/kg)  is more than double that which is normally 
> available from NiMH (70 wh/kg).
> Also, unless I missed something, NiMH cells are around 1.2 volts nominal, 
> and most lithium chemistries are around 3.2 to 3.5 volts per cell.  The 
> voltage you state above doesn't match any of those.  Perhaps you could 
> explain more clearly what batteries plan to use.  
> Thanks, looking forward to hearing more.
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> EVDL Administrator
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> EVDL Information: http://www.evdl.org/help/
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
> Note: mail sent to "evpost" and "etpost" addresses will not 
> reach me.  To send a private message, please obtain my 
> email address from the webpage http://www.evdl.org/help/ .
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> ___
> UNSUBSCRIBE: http://www.evdl.org/help/index.html#usub
> http://lists.evdl.org/listinfo.cgi/ev-evdl.org
> For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 
> (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NEDRA)
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For EV drag racin

Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Roland via EV
If you just type in your search engine - hybridautocenter.com - you will get to 
the main page.  

Then clickEV PARTS SHOP  

These batteries are from as Hybrid Auto Center. 

The cell specifications is: 

Cathode Material - LiMn2O2 with LiNi

Anode Material - Graphite 

Rated Capacity 33.1 ah per cell 

It look like you knew what I type meant ampere hour.  

I am a old geezer which my fingers may type something else other than I was 
thinking.   I started in the electrical with my father in 1944, so that will 
tell you how old I am. 


  - Original Message - 
  From: EVDL Administrator via EV<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org> 
  To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org> 
  Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 1:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

  On 10 Oct 2014 at 11:12, Roland via EV wrote:

  > These are the batteries from the Hybrid Auto Center that I am going to use. 

  Did you mean to include a link in your post?  The word "these" doesn't seem 
  to refer to anything.  :-(

  >  four cells each connected two in series and then two in parallel for
  > a voltage of 4.2 volts per cell or 8.4 volts maximum per modules at 66
  > a/h each ... Each module weighs just over 8 lbs. 

  I assume that by a/h you mean amp-hours, or AH.  (A/H would be amperes per 
  hour, a meaningless unit.)

  If so, that would be 554Wh per module.  Eight lbs is 3.6kg, for a specific 
  energy of 154 wh/kg.  Pretty impressive!

  > NO, These are not Chinese batteries that some are having problems with.
  >  Made by the Toyota Company which I think that had the license right
  > from GM back in 1993 when they held the patent on them.  The patent
  > ran out in 2013 which Toyota is now producing kits to change there
  > hybrids to EV. 

  Now it sounds like you're talking about NiMH batteries.  But the specific 
  energy above (154 wh/kg)  is more than double that which is normally 
  available from NiMH (70 wh/kg).

  Also, unless I missed something, NiMH cells are around 1.2 volts nominal, 
  and most lithium chemistries are around 3.2 to 3.5 volts per cell.  The 
  voltage you state above doesn't match any of those.  Perhaps you could 
  explain more clearly what batteries plan to use.  

  Thanks, looking forward to hearing more.

  David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
  EVDL Administrator

  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  EVDL Information: http://www.evdl.org/help/<http://www.evdl.org/help/>
  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
  Note: mail sent to "evpost" and "etpost" addresses will not 
  reach me.  To send a private message, please obtain my 
  email address from the webpage 
http://www.evdl.org/help/<http://www.evdl.org/help/> .
  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 

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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Cor van de Water via EV
The Leaf pack uses 2 parallel cells in their modules and all modules are
in series, so in order to know the max amperage that the *Leaf* can draw
(and presumably that is also the safe max value for the buddy paired
cells) is to take the Power spec of the Leaf and divide it by the pack
For example if it can deliver 170kW and the pack is nominal 340V then
the pack is delivering 170,000/340 = 500A.
Since the pack consist of 2 paralelled cells, each cell is delivering
250A in this example.
That would mean that you need 4 cells parallel (or 2 modules) to safely
deliver 1000A, similar to what the Leaf would do in this example.
I don't have the specs of the Leaf handy, so please update the example
with the actual numbers from the Leaf to calculate the actual cell load.
NOTE that the cells's own specs might be lower than what the Leaf is
pulling, since it is possible that the Leaf has other protections (temp,
SoC, time, ...) that will protect the cells even when operated beyond
their specs. I have worked on MC that (over-)loaded cells up to 4x their
max spec. Those (NiMH) cells did not live long however...
Hope this helps,

Cor van de Water
Chief Scientist
Proxim Wireless Corporation http://www.proxim.com
Email: cwa...@proxim.com Private: http://www.cvandewater.info
Skype: cor_van_de_water Tel: +1 408 383 7626

-Original Message-
From: EV [mailto:ev-boun...@lists.evdl.org] On Behalf Of Ben Goren via
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 11:53 AM
To: Roland; Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

On Oct 10, 2014, at 10:12 AM, Roland via EV  wrote:

> These are the batteries from the Hybrid Auto Center that I am going to
use.  You can get them preassemble or unassembled in metal case modules
that contains four cells each connected two in series and then two in
parallel for a voltage of 4.2 volts per cell or 8.4 volts maximum per
modules at 66 a/h each. 

What would the maximum discharge / C rating be for those cells? Or,
conversely, how many would you need to gang together to safely pull a
thousand amps (round number) for several seconds?


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For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 

Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Roland via EV
Forgot to add in the specifications.  See specifications below:  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Roland via EV<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org> 
  To: EVDL Administrator<mailto:evp...@drmm.net> ; Electric Vehicle Discussion 
  Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 5:26 PM
  Subject: Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

  If you just type in your search engine - hybridautocenter.com - you will get 
to the main page.  

  Then clickEV PARTS SHOP  

  These batteries are from as Hybrid Auto Center. 

  The cell specifications is: 

  Cathode Material - LiMn2O2 with LiNi

  Anode Material - Graphite 

  Rated Capacity 33.1 ah per cell

  Added specifications:; 

  Average voltage 3.8V 

  Maximum charge voltage 4.2V 

  Recommend to only charge to 95% of the maximum voltage of 4.2 voltage for a 
longer life. Do not shut off charger above 95%, taper or lower the current 
first than turn off the charger like it is done with a lead acid battery.   

  Use a BMS system that can interface with the charger that first lowers the 
charge ampere first before it shuts down, otherwise you will damage the BMS and 
maybe some cells. 

  I using a PFC-50B charger that does not have interface with the BMS, 
therefore I have to program it to stop charging at the acceptance voltage of 
about 95% of the rated maximum voltage and dial the timer to taper the current 
until the State of Charge does not go over 100% with the time out I selected. 
  I am a old geezer which my fingers may type something else other than I was 
thinking.   I started in the electrical with my father in 1944, so that will 
tell you how old I am. 


- Original Message - 
From: EVDL Administrator via 
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion 
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

On 10 Oct 2014 at 11:12, Roland via EV wrote:

> These are the batteries from the Hybrid Auto Center that I am going to 

Did you mean to include a link in your post?  The word "these" doesn't seem 
to refer to anything.  :-(

>  four cells each connected two in series and then two in parallel for
> a voltage of 4.2 volts per cell or 8.4 volts maximum per modules at 66
> a/h each ... Each module weighs just over 8 lbs. 

I assume that by a/h you mean amp-hours, or AH.  (A/H would be amperes per 
hour, a meaningless unit.)

If so, that would be 554Wh per module.  Eight lbs is 3.6kg, for a specific 
energy of 154 wh/kg.  Pretty impressive!

> NO, These are not Chinese batteries that some are having problems with.
>  Made by the Toyota Company which I think that had the license right
> from GM back in 1993 when they held the patent on them.  The patent
> ran out in 2013 which Toyota is now producing kits to change there
> hybrids to EV. 

Now it sounds like you're talking about NiMH batteries.  But the specific 
energy above (154 wh/kg)  is more than double that which is normally 
available from NiMH (70 wh/kg).

Also, unless I missed something, NiMH cells are around 1.2 volts nominal, 
and most lithium chemistries are around 3.2 to 3.5 volts per cell.  The 
voltage you state above doesn't match any of those.  Perhaps you could 
explain more clearly what batteries plan to use.  

Thanks, looking forward to hearing more.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
EVDL Information: 
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
Note: mail sent to "evpost" and "etpost" addresses will not 
reach me.  To send a private message, please obtain my 
email address from the webpage 
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 


Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Ben Goren via EV
On Oct 10, 2014, at 4:26 PM, Roland via EV  wrote:

> If you just type in your search engine - hybridautocenter.com - you will get 
> to the main page. 

And, unless I'm mistraken, these would be the four-cell (2S2P) battery modules:


To answer my question: they're rated 9C peak / 4C continuous. So, each 
individual module has enough amperage to max out a single AC-51, and you'd need 
20 such modules for ~144 volts...which is close enough to their standard 
24-module package, which they spec as 182V / 60ah (540A peak / 240A 
continuous)...and a whopping 96kg / 212lbs, but only $2650. Times two for a 
dual-motor setup...(424lbs!)...but something to definitely keep in mind for my 
1964 1/2 Mustang PHEV conversion.


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Re: [EVDL] OT: Alive, back-home after-surgery, and working on getting well ...

2014-10-10 Thread Mike Nickerson via EV
Welcome back!  I tried my best to post an update on the Tesla D announcement 
last night.  Didn't get it quite as nice as yours.  Tough standard to meet.


On October 10, 2014 7:41:53 AM MDT, Ben Goren via EV  wrote:
>On Oct 10, 2014, at 1:35 AM, brucedp5 via EV  wrote:
>> After that EVangelizing, my throat was sore, but I was quite pleased
>I could
>> still 'do-it'.
>Wonderful news! Welcome back, and congratulations! We're quite lucky to
>live in a time with true miracle workers such as your surgical team
>-- next part --
>A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
>Name: signature.asc
>Type: application/pgp-signature
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>For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA

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For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 

Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Roland via EV
Hello Cor, 

This company recommended for me to parallel three modules together which has 
two parallel cells per module.  This is a total of six cells at 33.1 ah per 
cell in parallel for a total of 198 ampere hour. 

The six parallel cells or the same as three modules are series together for 54 
modules groups which gives me 226 volts maximum. This becomes 226V x 198ah =
44.748kwr with a EV weight of 5600 lbs instead of the US Battery 180V x 250ah =
45 kwr with a EV weight of 7100 lbs. 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Cor van de Water via EV<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org> 
  To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org> 
  Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 5:51 PM
  Subject: Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

  The Leaf pack uses 2 parallel cells in their modules and all modules are
  in series, so in order to know the max amperage that the *Leaf* can draw
  (and presumably that is also the safe max value for the buddy paired
  cells) is to take the Power spec of the Leaf and divide it by the pack
  For example if it can deliver 170kW and the pack is nominal 340V then
  the pack is delivering 170,000/340 = 500A.
  Since the pack consist of 2 paralelled cells, each cell is delivering
  250A in this example.
  That would mean that you need 4 cells parallel (or 2 modules) to safely
  deliver 1000A, similar to what the Leaf would do in this example.
  I don't have the specs of the Leaf handy, so please update the example
  with the actual numbers from the Leaf to calculate the actual cell load.
  NOTE that the cells's own specs might be lower than what the Leaf is
  pulling, since it is possible that the Leaf has other protections (temp,
  SoC, time, ...) that will protect the cells even when operated beyond
  their specs. I have worked on MC that (over-)loaded cells up to 4x their
  max spec. Those (NiMH) cells did not live long however...
  Hope this helps,

  Cor van de Water
  Chief Scientist
  Proxim Wireless Corporation http://www.proxim.com<http://www.proxim.com/>
  Email: cwa...@proxim.com<mailto:cwa...@proxim.com> Private: 
  Skype: cor_van_de_water Tel: +1 408 383 7626

  -Original Message-
  From: EV [mailto:ev-boun...@lists.evdl.org] On Behalf Of Ben Goren via
  Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 11:53 AM
  To: Roland; Electric Vehicle Discussion List
  Subject: Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

  On Oct 10, 2014, at 10:12 AM, Roland via EV 
mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org>> wrote:

  > These are the batteries from the Hybrid Auto Center that I am going to
  use.  You can get them preassemble or unassembled in metal case modules
  that contains four cells each connected two in series and then two in
  parallel for a voltage of 4.2 volts per cell or 8.4 volts maximum per
  modules at 66 a/h each. 

  What would the maximum discharge / C rating be for those cells? Or,
  conversely, how many would you need to gang together to safely pull a
  thousand amps (round number) for several seconds?


  -- next part --
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  Name: signature.asc
  Type: application/pgp-signature
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  For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 

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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread EVDL Administrator via EV
On 10 Oct 2014 at 16:48, Paul Dove via EV wrote:

> Geez really dude! A little condescending ...

Oops, sorry! I really didn't mean it that way.  Mea culpa, I usually read my 
posts over and look for such things before hitting "send."  :-(

> and then you top it off with no knowledge of batteries! 

Yep, guilty as charged.  I admit that I have very little experience with 
lithium thus far.

That said, I've read some, and I've never seen any secondary lithium 
chemistry with a nominal cell voltage of 4.2 volts.  The highest nominal 
voltage I see here 


is 3.7 volts per cell for NMC type.  

I looked up lithium manganese dioxide, and all I found were references to 
primary batteries.  I must be missing something here.  Maybe it's because my 
freshman chemistry and physics were over 40 years ago. 

PS - I just saw Roland's later post.  Apparently 4.2v is the >maximum 
charging< voltage, not the nominal voltage.  So that makes more sense.

> It's obvious they are leaf batteries.

Sorry, that wasn't obvious to me.  Knowing that probably wouldn't have made 
it any clearer to me anyway, though.  :-(

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
Note: mail sent to "evpost" and "etpost" addresses will not 
reach me.  To send a private message, please obtain my 
email address from the webpage http://www.evdl.org/help/ .
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For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 

Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread John Lussmyer via EV
On Fri Oct 10 17:21:53 PDT 2014 ev@lists.evdl.org said:
>Hello Cor,
>This company recommended for me to parallel three modules together which has 
>two parallel cells per module.  This is a total of six cells at 33.1 ah per 
>cell in parallel for a total of 198 ampere hour.
>The six parallel cells or the same as three modules are series together for 54 
>modules groups which gives me 226 volts maximum. This becomes 226V x 198ah =
>44.748kwr with a EV weight of 5600 lbs instead of the US Battery 180V x 250ah =
>45 kwr with a EV weight of 7100 lbs.

54 Module Groups in series is more like 452V.
I use a pack of 3x40 for my F250, and have the charger set to stop at 328V.  
Pack is approx 180AH.


Bobcats and Cougars, oh my!  http://john.casadelgato.com/Pets
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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread Roland via EV
Hello John, 

There are 54 cell groups in the modules. 54 cell groups /2 = 27 module groups 
which are three parallel consider as one cell.  

Therefore 54 cell groups x 4.2 volts =  226.8 volts maximum. 

There are 9 modules groups with contains three parallel modules which becomes 
27 modules per battery.  I am using three batteries which have 9 modules at 8.4 
volts per module which contain two cell groups.  9 modules x 2 cells groups 
becomes 18 each 4.2 volt cells per battery.  

The total voltage per battery should be 18 x 4.2V = 75.6 volts 

The three sub batteries in series, the total pack  voltage should be 3 x 75.6 = 
226.8 volts. 

Are you confused yet.  It is best to draw out the wiring diagram to see it. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: John Lussmyer<mailto:cou...@casadelgato.com> 
  To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org> ; 
  Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 6:28 PM
  Subject: Re: Need Lithium batteries.

  On Fri Oct 10 17:21:53 PDT 2014 ev@lists.evdl.org<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org> 
  >Hello Cor,
  >This company recommended for me to parallel three modules together which has 
two parallel cells per module.  This is a total of six cells at 33.1 ah per 
cell in parallel for a total of 198 ampere hour.
  >The six parallel cells or the same as three modules are series together for 
54 modules groups which gives me 226 volts maximum. This becomes 226V x 198ah =
  >44.748kwr with a EV weight of 5600 lbs instead of the US Battery 180V x 
250ah =
  >45 kwr with a EV weight of 7100 lbs.

  54 Module Groups in series is more like 452V.
  I use a pack of 3x40 for my F250, and have the charger set to stop at 328V.  
Pack is approx 180AH.


  Bobcats and Cougars, oh my!  
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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread jerry freedomev via EV
   Hi Willie2, Gary and All,

 Thanks, HAC was my backup plan and may have to use them though 
more than I can afford limiting me to fewer than I wanted. 
 But 6 kw still gives me more than 60 mile range that with fast charging and a 
7kw  45lb DC range extender I built will do the job better than the lead I have 
  For actual kwhr available lithium prices are getting very close to lead. Then 
the bonus of 1/3 the battery weight and hopefully longer life the tide has 

  Jerry Dycus 

On Friday, October 10, 2014 7:21 AM, Willie2 via EV  wrote:

On 10/10/2014 05:54 AM, jerry freedomev via EV wrote:
>Hi Russ and All,
>  I just looked and no good deals there for me.  Just Chinese 
> ones I  can't afford and one 'Leaf' pack for $8900!!  I can buy 2, maybe 3 
> totaled Leaf's for that if I had the money.
>   Really need to find out 1eyedcruiser name, contact 
> info/number,  selling them, EV motors/controllers on Ebay or other sources.
Lists Leaf batteries and fractions.  Plus kits including BMS.  I don't 
know anything about them, haven't bought from them.

It does make sense that "1eyedcruiser" might be the secretive "cruiser" 
that posts here occasionally.  Personally, I would be wary of doing 
business with anyone that is so secretive.

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Re: [EVDL] Need Lithium batteries.

2014-10-10 Thread ph...@bill-collins.net via EV
I've been looking at using LEAF batteries also.  Since I'm planning a lower
voltage system than the LEAF, I'm planning on paralleling groups of three packs.
I noticed that the packs bring out the center tap between the two series sets of
cells and I'm planning on paralleling the center connections as well as the ends
of the string, so forcing the cells in the three packs to stay balanced.
I missed the auction LKQ (a junkyard chain) had on ebay for a complete LEAF
battery for $2600, so I'm still looking for a cheap source.  The hybrid auto
center ones are much cheaper than something like Calb prismatic cells, but I'm
still hoping for a repeat of that $2600 price!
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Re: [EVDL] OT: Alive, back-home after-surgery, and working on getting well ...

2014-10-10 Thread Tom Keenan via EV
Glad everything went well, and welcome back!

Tom Keenan

> On Oct 10, 2014, at 1:35 AM, brucedp5 via EV  wrote:
> [ref
> http://electric-vehicle-discussion-list.413529.n4.nabble.com/afk-tp4671942.html
> afk ...
> ]
> While this post does have a whiff of EV stuff to it, it is mostly OT about
> my medical stuff (so, lets try to not post OT medical responses if possible
> - and if you are not interested, please delete this message now ... ).
> I had checked into the VA Hospital yesterday morning, and my big/large mouth
> had no problem taking in the breathing tube down my windpipe which my
> anesthesiologist was quite concerned about after seeing on the CAT scan that
> my left side thyroid goiter (growth) was pushing on my wind pipe, narrowing
> it and pushing it to the side (I did not notice any of this as I was in no
> pain, but all the VA doctors were hot to yank the whole thyroid, but got
> them to back off a bit and only take the left side which was causing the
> issue).
> I am really glad I do not remember most of the beginning before they knocked
> me out. Though my memory isn't as sharp as when I was younger, I can still
> replay my life experiences a little too well (a good memory did have its
> upside, when I could remember/visualize in my mind my homework pages I had
> done the night before when taking a test that day - it let me be an A
> student). 
> All in all, I awoke doing pretty well, with all the doctors and staff
> looking at me amazed at how large the goiter was (?). I had a large bandage
> across my throat
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Re: [EVDL] OT: Alive, back-home after-surgery, and working on getting well ...

2014-10-10 Thread Thos True via EV
Glad to hear that all went better than expected! Welcome back, and I for
one am anxiously awaiting the new posts.


On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 9:18 PM, Tom Keenan via EV 

> Glad everything went well, and welcome back!
> Tom Keenan
> > On Oct 10, 2014, at 1:35 AM, brucedp5 via EV  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > [ref
> >
> http://electric-vehicle-discussion-list.413529.n4.nabble.com/afk-tp4671942.html
> > afk ...
> > ]
> >
> > While this post does have a whiff of EV stuff to it, it is mostly OT
> about
> > my medical stuff (so, lets try to not post OT medical responses if
> possible
> > - and if you are not interested, please delete this message now ... ).
> >
> > I had checked into the VA Hospital yesterday morning, and my big/large
> mouth
> > had no problem taking in the breathing tube down my windpipe which my
> > anesthesiologist was quite concerned about after seeing on the CAT scan
> that
> > my left side thyroid goiter (growth) was pushing on my wind pipe,
> narrowing
> > it and pushing it to the side (I did not notice any of this as I was in
> no
> > pain, but all the VA doctors were hot to yank the whole thyroid, but got
> > them to back off a bit and only take the left side which was causing the
> > issue).
> >
> > I am really glad I do not remember most of the beginning before they
> knocked
> > me out. Though my memory isn't as sharp as when I was younger, I can
> still
> > replay my life experiences a little too well (a good memory did have its
> > upside, when I could remember/visualize in my mind my homework pages I
> had
> > done the night before when taking a test that day - it let me be an A
> > student).
> >
> > All in all, I awoke doing pretty well, with all the doctors and staff
> > looking at me amazed at how large the goiter was (?). I had a large
> bandage
> > across my throat
> ___
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> For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA (
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NEDRA)

Remember, it is not that the glass is half empty, in reality, the glass is
merely twice the size that it needs to be! -TNT'82
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