2014-06-27 Thread David Nyman
On 26 June 2014 23:12, meekerdb wrote:

 Ok, thanks. I think I grasp your idea.  But ISTM you are taking fiction
 and artefact to mean untrue or non-existent.  I don't see that is
 justified.  Just because a water molecule is made of three atoms doesn't
 make it a fiction.  If our perceptions and cognition are successfully
 modeled by some theory whose ontology is atoms or arithmetic, then that is
 reason to give some credence to that ontology.  But I see no reason to say
 the perceptions and cognitions are now untrue and useless as a basis for
 inference simply because they are derivative in some successful model?

I fear you may not yet have quite grasped it, based on the last
sentence above. I don't mean to say that the perceptions and
cognitions themselves (i.e. the 1p part) are untrue or useless, it's
the fiction of their having a non-conceptual 3p correlative in a
hierarchical-reductive ontology. Furthermore, it wasn't at all my
intention to *equate* atomic and arithmetical ontologies, but to try
to be explicit about how they might be *differentiated*. To reiterate,
any theory based on atoms (i.e. some finite set of entities and
relations whose behaviour is postulated to underlie all other
phenomena in a hierarchical manner) is, at least in principle,
straightforwardly reductive without loss. It follows that any derived
level (such as a water molecule) is precisely a conceptual fiction,
convenient or otherwise, in the strong *ontological* (though not in
the explanatory) sense, as a molecule is ex hypothesi a composite
concept, not a member of the putatively basic set of ontological

This is hardly a surprise as it falls directly out of the strategy of
reductionism. I appreciate, nonetheless, that it is an unusual
distinction to make (as Bruno remarked, not many people see it)
because in any purely 3p discourse it may seem to be a distinction
without consequence, since there is in principle no loss of
theoretical effectiveness after the reduction. But the selfsame
distinction has crucial consequences in the unique context of
perception and cognition, when we wish to associate a 1p part with a
3p part, because it then becomes starkly apparent (or at least it
should) that no such non-conceptual part lies to hand, in the latter
case, beyond the entities of the basement level ontology.

As an example, let's consider computation in the role of the
putative 3p part. On this analysis, any instantiation of computation
based on atomic reductionism must be seen, from the ontological
perspective, as instantly degenerating to the primitive relations of
atoms. Of course (and this is what continues to confuse the picture)
nothing prevents our continuing to *conceptualise* the behaviour of
particularised composites of atoms as constituting computation *at the
1p level* of perception and cognition. But the selfsame theory
originates all 3p phenomena effectively at the level of the atomic
primitives, *independent* of any higher-level conceptualisation.
Hence, we find ourselves in the uncomfortable position of seeking to
justify the correlation of a specific 1p concept (e.g. computation)
with some 3p composite activity that has no independent ontological
legitimacy or effectiveness outside the confines of that very

This seems to me to be arguing in a particularly vicious circle. I
suspect it is this inherent circularity that drives some to dismiss
the 1p part as illusory and the 3p composition as real, but the
desperation of this move is revealed in the consequence that the
elimination of the first inevitably implies the simultaneous
disappearance of both! In my view the above argument exposes an actual
contradiction, or at least a serious inconsistency, in
hierarchical-reductive attempts to associate 3p and 1p phenomena in
general, without effectively eliminating the latter. Indeed, I think
it may be a more general and ultimately more convincing argument than
those deployed in Step 8 of the UDA. This brings us to the
consideration of whether the selfsame argument can be deployed against
an arithmetical ontology. If we can show that such an ontology (as you
have suggested) is a straightforward reductionism then indeed the same
criticism should go through. However, I think we can discern that this
is not the case.

Arithmetical relations, as deployed in comp, do indeed serve in a
certain sense as the primitives of the theory, but they are not
thereby a basement-level foundation on which the remainder of the
theoretical structure rests in a hierarchical-reductive organisation.
Rather, they appear in the theory as the minimum necessary to justify
the constructive existence of a computational domain in terms of which
logico-computational features of a generally epistemological nature
(notably self-reference) can be derived. It is the epistemological
consequences of the latter (notably the FPI) that then take over the
explanatory thrust, and it is impossible thereafter to 


2014-06-27 Thread David Nyman
On 27 June 2014 05:02, LizR wrote:

 Well my original phrase was convenient fiction and it was only intended to
 be considered relevant in a context of what is and isn't fundamental /
 primitive. Obviously the convenient fictions ARE very convenient,  for
 example I prefer to be thought of as Liz rather than a collection of 10^24
 atoms (or an infinite sheaf of computations as the case may be).

Yes, it does seem to be quite hard to stay on topic :-(


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2014-06-26 Thread David Nyman
On 26 June 2014 04:33, Kim Jones wrote:

*All political and sociological phenomena whatsoever CAN be reduced without
loss to the behaviour and relations of individual human beings.*

Yes of course, but that was my point. I offered the analogy as a toy model
of 3p reductionism per se. It's pretty clear that when we talking about,
say, a country having opinions or character, that this is merely a manner
of speaking. If we cared to, this manner of speaking could be reduced
without loss to the behaviour and relations of the individual human beings
who play the role of the fundamental entities in this reduction. However
it seems, for some reason, to be less obvious to most people in the case of
*physical* reductionism. Actually the reason is perhaps not so mysterious
after all, as it is difficult not to take for granted what is constantly
staring us in the face - hence the frequent confusion between what should
be considered ontologically, as opposed to epistemologically, basic.

But on reflection, can we really countenance an appeal to one convenient
fiction (computation) to explain another (consciousness) given a prior
commitment to the exhaustive hierarchical reducibility of both to the
ontological basement level of explanation? And in relying on
epistemological fictions in general to account for *epistemology itself*
are we not thereby in serious peril of merely arguing in a circle?

*If Bruno is right the only thing that is real are persons who are
essentially minds or computational relations anyway. Bruno is not saying
there is no sunstrate or 'hypothese'. He's dropping continual heavy hints
as to what it is. But, we just can't really describe that with a mind. The
hammer cannot hit itself. Blame Gödel or someone...*

Well, I've said before that I originally had misgivings that Bruno's schema
was vulnerable to a similar analysis as I have given above - i.e. that it
was in the end an exhaustive reductionism, in this case with number
relations as the basement level. But actually, on reflection, this cannot
be the case as it turns out to be impossible to reduce comp to number
relations tout court *without loss*. In fact, not less than everything
would be lost in such a reduction (assuming comp to be correct, of course):
the whole of physics, the entire possibility of observation, the whole kit
and caboodle. The emulation of computation and the universal machine in
arithmetic - with the concomitant umbilical connection to arithmetical
truth - make any straightforward hierarchical 3p reduction, along the lines
of physicalism, impossible in principle.

The totality of computation implies both the FPI (the indeterminism at
the heart of determinism) and a fundamental asymmetry of measure. Taken
together, these motivate a principled explanation of a consistent set of
observable (indexical) physical appearances, abstracted, as it were, from
the dross of the totality, by the unequal attention of a generalised
universal observer. Indeed the systemic inter-dependence of its explanatory
entities make a schema of this sort, as Bruno is wont to say, a veritable
vaccine against reductionism.

But is it correct? That's another question.


 On 26 Jun 2014, at 8:07 am, David Nyman wrote:

 The principal assumption then is that all phenomena whatsoever can be
 reduced without loss to some primitive (i.e. assumptively irreducible)
 basis, in which process the higher levels are effectively eliminated.
 Equivalently, one might say it's bottom-up all the way down. As an analogy,
 in the human sphere, this would be the contention that all political or
 sociological phenomena whatsoever can be reduced without loss to the
 behaviour and relations of individual human beings (i.e. what Margaret
 Thatcher presumably intended by there's no such thing as society).


 All political and sociological phenomena whatsoever CAN be reduced without
 loss to the behaviour and relations of individual human beings. In
 addition, when was Margaret Thatcher ever wrong about something? ;-)

 So you lose a few 'isms' in this view...sounds like a good idea to me.

 If Bruno is right the only thing that is real are persons who are
 essentially minds or computational relations anyway. Bruno is not saying
 there is no sunstrate or 'hypothese'. He's dropping continual heavy hints
 as to what it is. But, we just can't really describe that with a mind. The
 hammer cannot hit itself. Blame Gödel or someone...


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2014-06-26 Thread David Nyman
On 25 June 2014 23:58, meekerdb wrote:

 As a matter of sociology, you may well be right. But that apart, why
 wouldn't such putative 3p conscious processes be as vulnerable to
 elimination (i.e. reducible without loss to some putative ur-physical basis)
 as temperature, computation, or any other physically-composite phenomenon?

 You mean reducible in explanation, but not eliminable in fact.

No, I mean the precise opposite: eliminable in fact, but not in explanation.

 is explained by kinetic energy of molecules, but you can't eliminate
 temperature and keep kinetic energy of molecules. There's a difference
 between eliminating in an explanation or description and eliminating in

There is indeed. But as you yourself say below, we do suppose that all
3p describable phenomena can be reduced and hence that any
intermediate level in the hierarchy of reduction IS eliminable (i.e.
surplus to requirements) *in fact*. Such intermediate levels (be they
in terms of temperature or kinetic energy of molecules) are by
contrast NOT eliminable  from our explanations, simply because we lack
the capability to follow through any explanation at the
fully-reduced level.

 The principal assumption then is that all phenomena whatsoever can be
 reduced without loss to some primitive (i.e. assumptively irreducible)
 basis, in which process the higher levels are effectively eliminated.

 Or that all 3p describable phenomena can be reduced.  Which is what I
 suppose.  There may remain 1p phenomena (qualia?) which are not explicitly
 part of the reductive description, but which we suppose are still there
 because of the similarity of the 3p part to our 3p part which is
 consistently correlated with our 1p part (i.e. the reason we don't believe
 in p-zombies).

But our 3p part turns out to be one of the convenient
epistemological fictions that we have (inconveniently) eliminated
*in fact*. This is no kind of a problem for a purely 3p reduction, in
terms of which which all such intermediate levels are in the end
fictional, but every kind of a problem for the remaining 1p part,
which it is (to say the least) inconvenient to consider such a

 Equivalently, one might say it's bottom-up all the way down. As an analogy,
 in the human sphere, this would be the contention that all political or
 sociological phenomena whatsoever can be reduced without loss

 I think without loss is ambiguous.  It could mean that in a simulation of
 the phenomena we would not have to consider it (because it would arise from
 the lower level, e.g. markets) or it could mean that it wouldn't occur.

No, it just means that if you assembled all the relevant human players
in the appropriate relations you would ex hypothesi have reproduced
the higher-level phenomena. Hence the inverse reduction from the
sociological to the human can be accomplished unambiguously without
loss. It really is a case of bottom-up all the way down.


 On 6/25/2014 3:07 PM, David Nyman wrote:

 On 25 June 2014 22:01, meekerdb wrote:

 Note that I have not argued that the ability to 3p engineer consciousness
 will do anything to explain or diminish 1p conscious experience.  I just
 predict it will become a peripheral fact that consciousness of kind x goes
 with physical processes or computations of type y.

 As a matter of sociology, you may well be right. But that apart, why
 wouldn't such putative 3p conscious processes be as vulnerable to
 elimination (i.e. reducible without loss to some putative ur-physical basis)
 as temperature, computation, or any other physically-composite phenomenon?

 You mean reducible in explanation, but not eliminable in fact.  Temperature
 is explained by kinetic energy of molecules, but you can't eliminate
 temperature and keep kinetic energy of molecules. There's a difference
 between eliminating in an explanation or description and eliminating in

 And, should they indeed be eliminable in this way, what does that bode for
 any 1p accompaniments? Note, please, that I am not staking any personal
 belief on the reductive assumptions as stated; I'm merely attempting to
 articulate them somewhat explicitly in order to discern what might, and what
 might not, be legitimately derivable from them.

 The principal assumption then is that all phenomena whatsoever can be
 reduced without loss to some primitive (i.e. assumptively irreducible)
 basis, in which process the higher levels are effectively eliminated.

 Or that all 3p describable phenomena can be reduced.  Which is what I
 suppose.  There may remain 1p phenomena (qualia?) which are not explicitly
 part of the reductive description, but which we suppose are still there
 because of the similarity of the 3p part to our 3p part which is
 consistently correlated with our 1p part (i.e. the reason we don't believe
 in p-zombies).

 Equivalently, one might say it's bottom-up all the way down. As an analogy,
 in the human 


2014-06-26 Thread David Nyman
On 26 June 2014 00:08, LizR wrote:

 You mean reducible in explanation, but not eliminable in fact.
 Temperature is explained by kinetic energy of molecules, but you can't
 eliminate temperature and keep kinetic energy of molecules. There's a
 difference between eliminating in an explanation or description and
 eliminating in fact.

 I must admit I can't see that personally. If temperature is, in fact,
 molecular kinetic energy, then it doesn't actually exist at any level, it's
 just a convenient fiction, surely?

Spot on, Liz. Actually, we can consider both or either to be such
fictions, in terms of their mutual reducibility to some (exhaustive
and assumptively irreducible) basement level (string, anyone?). My
point is that the fundamental tenet of any 3p reductionism is
bottom-up all the way down. If that leads to inconvenient
consequences (not to mention a nasty dose of cognitive dissonance)
don't blame me, blame the assumptions.


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2014-06-26 Thread meekerdb

On 6/26/2014 6:10 AM, David Nyman wrote:

On 26 June 2014 00:08, LizR wrote:

You mean reducible in explanation, but not eliminable in fact.
Temperature is explained by kinetic energy of molecules, but you can't
eliminate temperature and keep kinetic energy of molecules. There's a
difference between eliminating in an explanation or description and
eliminating in fact.

I must admit I can't see that personally. If temperature is, in fact,
molecular kinetic energy, then it doesn't actually exist at any level, it's
just a convenient fiction, surely?

Spot on, Liz. Actually, we can consider both or either to be such
fictions, in terms of their mutual reducibility to some (exhaustive
and assumptively irreducible) basement level (string, anyone?). My
point is that the fundamental tenet of any 3p reductionism is
bottom-up all the way down. If that leads to inconvenient
consequences (not to mention a nasty dose of cognitive dissonance)
don't blame me, blame the assumptions.
I don't understand your point?  Are you saying that if there is a basement level 
explanation then everything above is a fiction?  I think of fiction = untrue.  If 
there is not a basement, then every explanation is a fiction, since there is always a 
lower level.  Or are you claiming there can be no reductive explanations of anything; that 
something is always left out?


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2014-06-26 Thread John Ross
Who knows.  Youmay be correct.  I may be correct.  Maybe we will find out one 


John R.


[] On Behalf Of Richard Ruquist
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 4:57 PM




On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 7:47 PM, John Ross wrote:

What is you answer as to what is beyond our Universe if it is not a shell?


The universe is not a shell. Rather it is a toroid that turns in on itself such 
that radiation can go around the entire universe but not escape from it. What 
lies beyond the universe is the Metaverse which contains a number of similar 
universe. Read all about the metaverse here:






I just answered your second question.




[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 4:11 PM


On 26 June 2014 11:07, John Ross wrote:

Your guess is as good as mine as to what’s beyond the shell.  The shell may be 
very thick and many universes could be combined in the shell like bubbles in a 


Well, I'm afraid that proves it isn't the Real Thing! :-)


If we have our own shell, it probable gets less and less dense with distance 
from the center of our Universe.  If there are other Universes out there, they 
probably have their own shell.


Unless I missed it, you haven't answered my question about why we don't observe 
the shell to be closer in one direction and more distant in another, as we 
should unless we're at the dead centre of the universe.

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2014-06-26 Thread David Nyman
On 26 June 2014 20:38, meekerdb wrote:

 I don't understand your point?  Are you saying that if there is a basement
 level explanation then everything above is a fiction?  I think of fiction
 = untrue.  If there is not a basement, then every explanation is a
 fiction, since there is always a lower level.  Or are you claiming there
 can be no reductive explanations of anything; that something is always left

Well, I attempted to address these points in my response to your
previous post. However, to re-iterate, I'm trying to draw a clear
distinction between explanatory and ontological assumptions. You may
personally take the view that in the end all we have is (attempts at)
explanation and in one sense (that of cognitive closure with respect
to ultimate reality) I would agree. Nevertheless, any exhaustively
reductive explanatory scheme is founded, ex hypothesi, on a bottom-up
hierarchy, such that the basement level entities and relations,
whatever we take them to be, are deemed fully adequate to support
(i.e. to be re-interpreted in terms of) all the levels above them.
IOW, they comprise, exhaustively, the ontology of the theory. It's in
that sense that higher levels in the hierarchy are (ontologically)
fictional; i.e. they are, however useful in an explanatory role,
surplus to requirements from an ontological perspective.

Not that, in any purely 3p reduction, anything is thereby left out.
How could it be, if all the higher levels are fully reducible to the
basement level? It's only when we consider the putative association of
1p phenomena with *intermediate* levels of the 3p hierarchy that a gap
appears, because now we are associating such 1p phenomena with a
level, that, whatever its *explanatory* power, has no independent
*ontological* purchase. Furthermore, at this point it becomes easier
to see that these explanatory fictions are, essentially, artefacts
of the perception and cognition we are seeking to explain; no doubt,
in the best cases (e.g. computation), of great generality and power,
but nonetheless, ex hypothesi, incapable of adding anything effective
to the bottom-up ontological hierarchy. If so, we seem to have arrived
at the position of attempting to found the aetiology of perception and
cognition on nothing more than its own fictions! But since these
fictions immediately degenerate, ontologically speaking, to the
basement level, it should be apparent that they are capable of
offering rather less independent ontological support than the smile of
the Cheshire Cat.


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2014-06-26 Thread meekerdb

On 6/26/2014 1:49 PM, David Nyman wrote:

On 26 June 2014 20:38, meekerdb wrote:

I don't understand your point?  Are you saying that if there is a basement
level explanation then everything above is a fiction?  I think of fiction
= untrue.  If there is not a basement, then every explanation is a
fiction, since there is always a lower level.  Or are you claiming there
can be no reductive explanations of anything; that something is always left

Well, I attempted to address these points in my response to your
previous post. However, to re-iterate, I'm trying to draw a clear
distinction between explanatory and ontological assumptions. You may
personally take the view that in the end all we have is (attempts at)
explanation and in one sense (that of cognitive closure with respect
to ultimate reality) I would agree. Nevertheless, any exhaustively
reductive explanatory scheme is founded, ex hypothesi, on a bottom-up
hierarchy, such that the basement level entities and relations,
whatever we take them to be, are deemed fully adequate to support
(i.e. to be re-interpreted in terms of) all the levels above them.
IOW, they comprise, exhaustively, the ontology of the theory. It's in
that sense that higher levels in the hierarchy are (ontologically)
fictional; i.e. they are, however useful in an explanatory role,
surplus to requirements from an ontological perspective.

Not that, in any purely 3p reduction, anything is thereby left out.
How could it be, if all the higher levels are fully reducible to the
basement level? It's only when we consider the putative association of
1p phenomena with *intermediate* levels of the 3p hierarchy that a gap
appears, because now we are associating such 1p phenomena with a
level, that, whatever its *explanatory* power, has no independent
*ontological* purchase. Furthermore, at this point it becomes easier
to see that these explanatory fictions are, essentially, artefacts

Ok, thanks. I think I grasp your idea.  But ISTM you are taking fiction and artefact 
to mean untrue or non-existent.  I don't see that is justified.  Just because a water 
molecule is made of three atoms doesn't make it a fiction.  If our perceptions and 
cognition are successfully modeled by some theory whose ontology is atoms or arithmetic, 
then that is reason to give some credence to that ontology.  But I see no reason to say 
the perceptions and cognitions are now untrue and useless as a basis for inference 
simply because they are derivative in some successful model?


of the perception and cognition we are seeking to explain; no doubt,
in the best cases (e.g. computation), of great generality and power,
but nonetheless, ex hypothesi, incapable of adding anything effective
to the bottom-up ontological hierarchy. If so, we seem to have arrived
at the position of attempting to found the aetiology of perception and
cognition on nothing more than its own fictions! But since these
fictions immediately degenerate, ontologically speaking, to the
basement level, it should be apparent that they are capable of
offering rather less independent ontological support than the smile of
the Cheshire Cat.


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2014-06-26 Thread LizR
On 27 June 2014 10:12, meekerdb wrote:

 On 6/26/2014 1:49 PM, David Nyman wrote:

 On 26 June 2014 20:38, meekerdb wrote:

  I don't understand your point?  Are you saying that if there is a
 level explanation then everything above is a fiction?  I think of
 = untrue.  If there is not a basement, then every explanation is a
 fiction, since there is always a lower level.  Or are you claiming
 can be no reductive explanations of anything; that something is always

 Well, I attempted to address these points in my response to your
 previous post. However, to re-iterate, I'm trying to draw a clear
 distinction between explanatory and ontological assumptions. You may
 personally take the view that in the end all we have is (attempts at)
 explanation and in one sense (that of cognitive closure with respect
 to ultimate reality) I would agree. Nevertheless, any exhaustively
 reductive explanatory scheme is founded, ex hypothesi, on a bottom-up
 hierarchy, such that the basement level entities and relations,
 whatever we take them to be, are deemed fully adequate to support
 (i.e. to be re-interpreted in terms of) all the levels above them.
 IOW, they comprise, exhaustively, the ontology of the theory. It's in
 that sense that higher levels in the hierarchy are (ontologically)
 fictional; i.e. they are, however useful in an explanatory role,
 surplus to requirements from an ontological perspective.

 Not that, in any purely 3p reduction, anything is thereby left out.
 How could it be, if all the higher levels are fully reducible to the
 basement level? It's only when we consider the putative association of
 1p phenomena with *intermediate* levels of the 3p hierarchy that a gap
 appears, because now we are associating such 1p phenomena with a
 level, that, whatever its *explanatory* power, has no independent
 *ontological* purchase. Furthermore, at this point it becomes easier
 to see that these explanatory fictions are, essentially, artefacts

 Ok, thanks. I think I grasp your idea.  But ISTM you are taking fiction
 and artefact to mean untrue or non-existent.  I don't see that is
 justified.  Just because a water molecule is made of three atoms doesn't
 make it a fiction.  If our perceptions and cognition are successfully
 modeled by some theory whose ontology is atoms or arithmetic, then that is
 reason to give some credence to that ontology.  But I see no reason to say
 the perceptions and cognitions are now untrue and useless as a basis for
 inference simply because they are derivative in some successful model?

 Well my original phrase was *convenient* fiction and it was only
intended to be considered relevant in a context of what is and isn't
fundamental / primitive. Obviously the convenient fictions ARE very
convenient,  for example I prefer to be thought of as Liz rather than a
collection of 10^24 atoms (or an infinite sheaf of computations as the case
may be).

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2014-06-25 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 10 Jun 2014, at 13:37, David Nyman wrote:

On 10 June 2014 04:09, meekerdb wrote:

They're along for the ride like temperature is alftr on the  
kinetic energy of molecules.  Before stat mech, heat was regarded as  
an immaterial substance.  It was explained by the motion of  
molecules; something that is 3p observable but the explanation  
didn't make it vanish or make it illusory.

I would argue that, at the ontological level, the explanation *does  
indeed* make heat, or temperature, illusory. The whole point of  
the reduction is to show that there could not, in principle, be any  
supernumerary something left unaccounted for by an explanation  
couched exclusively at the primordial level, whatever one takes  
that to be. Given that this is the specific goal of explanatory  
reduction, what we have here is a precise dis-analogy, in that there  
*is indeed* a disturbingly irreducible something left behind, or  
unaccounted for, in the case of consciousness: i.e. the 1p  
experience itself.

By contrast, there is no need to grant the phenomena of temperature  
or heat any such supernumerary reality. One could indeed argue with  
some force that all such phenomena are themselves, in fine, specific  
artefacts, or useful fictions, of consciousness. That is, they are  
epistemologically or explanatorily, as distinct from ontologically,  
relevant. Primordial matter, as it were, in its doings, need take no  
account of such intermediate levels, which, by assumption, reduce  
without loss to some exhaustive set of primordial entities and  

This was the entire point of the argument (focused on steps 7 and 8  
of the UDA) that Liz excerpted: that there is a reduction/ 
elimination impasse that needs somehow to be bridged by any theory  
seeking to reconcile consciousness and any primordial substratum  
(or, pace Bruno, hypostase) with which it is supposed to be  
correlated. And hence we have an unavoidable problem, up to this  
point, with theories based on primordially-explanatory material  
entities and processes. The problem is that, in the final analysis -  
and it is precisely the *final* analysis that we are considering  
here - such theories need take no account of any intermediate level  
of explanation in order to qualify as theories of everything,  
since any phenomenon whatsoever, on this species of fundamental  
accounting, can always be reduced without loss to the basic physical  
activity of the system in question.

Ah! I remind you get the point. Still not sure many see it.

Self consciousness can become equivalent with the knowledge of at  
least one non justifiable truth, but the raw consciousness remains  
problematical and it seems I have to attribute it to all universal  
numbers, perhaps in some dissociated state.



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2014-06-25 Thread David Nyman
On 25 June 2014 17:26, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 The problem is that, in the final analysis - and it is precisely the
 *final* analysis that we are considering here - such theories need take no
 account of any intermediate level of explanation in order to qualify as
 theories of everything, since any phenomenon whatsoever, on this species
 of fundamental accounting, can always be reduced without loss to the basic
 physical activity of the system in question.

 Ah! I remind you get the point. Still not sure many see it.

 Self consciousness can become equivalent with the knowledge of at least
 one non justifiable truth, but the raw consciousness remains problematical
 and it seems I have to attribute it to all universal numbers, perhaps in
 some dissociated state.

In my experience it isn't just that they don't see it, but that something
in them fiercely resists seeing it. And this is, I think, because it
violates an implicit tenet of physicalism, which is that in the final
analysis there must be an exhaustive accounting of any state of affairs
that makes no fundamental appeal to the first person. From this
perspective, consciousness, in the first-personal sense, is considered, in
the last resort, as dispensable or else as a kind of epiphenomenal rabbit
to be produced at the last moment, by some sleight-of-matter, from the
physicalist hat. The problem, however, is that the process of dispensing
with the first person cannot itself be achieved without recourse to the
convenient fictions of that very epiphenomenon, which makes the whole
enterprise self-defeating and, indeed, egregiously question-begging.

It exasperates me when people adduce phenomena such as temperature or life
as analogous to consciousness, without noticing that the analogy is, at
best, a half-truth. It is true - or at least plausible - that there might
be some discoverable set of physical processes that could, in principle, be
shown to be correlated with the conscious states of any physical system we
deem to be conscious. But we are also forced to assume - ex hypothesi
physicalism - that all such processes are fully instantiated entirely at
the most basic level posited by the physical theory in question. This poses
no problem whatsoever, in principle, for temperature, or life, or any other
of the exhaustively 3p-describable levels stacked in a virtual hierarchy
on the foundation of physics. It is of no import that any higher level is
eliminated in such a reduction, because it is not, in the end, required
to do any work; in fact the very success of the reduction is that such
levels are revealed, in essence, as convenient fictions. It is uniquely in
the case of consciousness that this approach becomes self-defeating, unless
we are willing to allow the convenient fiction of consciousness itself to
be eliminated with all the rest. But then, if we do so allow, the very
phenomena on which we have been relying instantly vanish, like the Cheshire
Cat, leaving not so much as a smile behind.


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2014-06-25 Thread meekerdb

On 6/25/2014 11:27 AM, David Nyman wrote:
It exasperates me when people adduce phenomena such as temperature or life as analogous 
to consciousness, without noticing that the analogy is, at best, a half-truth. It is 
true - or at least plausible - that there might be some discoverable set of physical 
processes that could, in principle, be shown to be correlated with the conscious states 
of any physical system we deem to be conscious. But we are also forced to assume - ex 
hypothesi physicalism - that all such processes are fully instantiated entirely at the 
most basic level posited by the physical theory in question. This poses no problem 
whatsoever, in principle, for temperature, or life, or any other of the exhaustively 
3p-describable levels stacked in a virtual hierarchy on the foundation of physics. It 
is of no import that any higher level is eliminated in such a reduction, because it is 
not, in the end, required to do any work; in fact the very success of the reduction is 
that such levels are revealed, in essence, as convenient fictions. It is uniquely in the 
case of consciousness that this approach becomes self-defeating, unless we are willing 
to allow the convenient fiction of consciousness itself to be eliminated with all the 
rest. But then, if we do so allow, the very phenomena on which we have been relying 
instantly vanish, like the Cheshire Cat, leaving not so much as a smile behind.

Note that I have not argued that the ability to 3p engineer consciousness will do anything 
to explain or diminish 1p conscious experience.  I just predict it will become a 
peripheral fact that consciousness of kind x goes with physical processes or computations 
of type y.


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2014-06-25 Thread LizR
On 26 June 2014 09:01, meekerdb wrote:

  On 6/25/2014 11:27 AM, David Nyman wrote:

 It exasperates me when people adduce phenomena such as temperature or life
 as analogous to consciousness, without noticing that the analogy is, at
 best, a half-truth. It is true - or at least plausible - that there might
 be some discoverable set of physical processes that could, in principle, be
 shown to be correlated with the conscious states of any physical system we
 deem to be conscious. But we are also forced to assume - ex hypothesi
 physicalism - that all such processes are fully instantiated entirely at
 the most basic level posited by the physical theory in question. This poses
 no problem whatsoever, in principle, for temperature, or life, or any other
 of the exhaustively 3p-describable levels stacked in a virtual hierarchy
 on the foundation of physics. It is of no import that any higher level is
 eliminated in such a reduction, because it is not, in the end, required
 to do any work; in fact the very success of the reduction is that such
 levels are revealed, in essence, as convenient fictions. It is uniquely in
 the case of consciousness that this approach becomes self-defeating, unless
 we are willing to allow the convenient fiction of consciousness itself to
 be eliminated with all the rest. But then, if we do so allow, the very
 phenomena on which we have been relying instantly vanish, like the Cheshire
 Cat, leaving not so much as a smile behind.

 Note that I have not argued that the ability to 3p engineer consciousness
 will do anything to explain or diminish 1p conscious experience.  I just
 predict it will become a peripheral fact that consciousness of kind x goes
 with physical processes or computations of type y.

Indeed it's already a fact, as any drug (or brain scan operator) user can
tell you. But as you say this makes no inroads into explaining how
consciousness arises or what it is.

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2014-06-25 Thread meekerdb

On 6/25/2014 3:07 PM, David Nyman wrote:

On 25 June 2014 22:01, meekerdb wrote:

Note that I have not argued that the ability to 3p engineer consciousness 
will do
anything to explain or diminish 1p conscious experience.  I just predict it 
become a peripheral fact that consciousness of kind x goes with physical 
or computations of type y.

As a matter of sociology, you may well be right. But that apart, why wouldn't such 
putative 3p conscious processes be as vulnerable to elimination (i.e. reducible 
without loss to some putative ur-physical basis) as temperature, computation, or any 
other physically-composite phenomenon?

You mean reducible in explanation, but not eliminable in fact. Temperature is explained by 
kinetic energy of molecules, but you can't eliminate temperature and keep kinetic energy 
of molecules. There's a difference between eliminating in an explanation or description 
and eliminating in fact.

And, should they indeed be eliminable in this way, what does that bode for any 1p 
accompaniments? Note, please, that I am not staking any personal belief on the reductive 
assumptions as stated; I'm merely attempting to articulate them somewhat explicitly in 
order to discern what might, and what might not, be legitimately derivable from them.

The principal assumption then is that all phenomena whatsoever can be reduced without 
loss to some primitive (i.e. assumptively irreducible) basis, in which process the 
higher levels are effectively eliminated.

Or that all 3p describable phenomena can be reduced.  Which is what I suppose.  There may 
remain 1p phenomena (qualia?) which are not explicitly part of the reductive description, 
but which we suppose are still there because of the similarity of the 3p part to our 3p 
part which is consistently correlated with our 1p part (i.e. the reason we don't believe 
in p-zombies).

Equivalently, one might say it's bottom-up all the way down. As an analogy, in the human 
sphere, this would be the contention that all political or sociological phenomena 
whatsoever can be reduced without loss

I think without loss is ambiguous.  It could mean that in a simulation of the phenomena 
we would not have to consider it (because it would arise from the lower level, e.g. 
markets) or it could mean that it wouldn't occur.


to the behaviour and relations of individual human beings (i.e. what Margaret Thatcher 
presumably intended by there's no such thing as society).

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2014-06-25 Thread John Ross
Gravity is produced by neutrino photons produce by Black Holes with the
destruction of protons and anti-protons.  The neutrino entron in the
neutrino photons that reach the shell will be absorbed by an electron or a
positron.  If it is absorbed by an electron it will increase the mass of the
electron to almost the mass of a proton.  If the massive electron can
quickly capture two positrons the result will be a stable proton.  If not
the neutrino entron will be release as a neutrino photon with a 50 percent
chance of heading back into the universe.  If the neutrino photon is
absorbed by a positron an anti-proton could be produced which will be
destroyed by combining with a proton.


Your guess is as good as mine as to what's beyond the shell.  The shell may
be very thick and many universes could be combined in the shell like bubbles
in a Pepsi.  If we have our own shell, it probable gets less and less dense
with distance from the center of our Universe.  If there are other Universes
out there, they probably have their own shell.




Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 4:38 PM


If you are correct, and a random pulse of gravity condenses the positioning,
because it slows the positions down, it could initiate a collapse of the
universe. Walls cause me to imagine regions beyond the electrons and
positions, but what?

-Original Message-
From: John Ross
To: everything-list
Sent: 24-Jun-2014 17:21:46 +

The shell is mostly an approximately equal number of very cold electrons and
positrons, all traveling randomly at 2.19 X 106 m/s.  They are going too
fast to combine as positronium. 


J Ross


[ ] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:34 AM


So what is this photon reflector shell made from? Why wouldn't it absorb
rather than reflect. 



-Original Message-
From: John Ross
To: everything-list
Sent: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 12:47 pm

The light reflected by the shell of our Universe is the cosmic background
radiation that has been bouncing around our Universe since the Big Bang.
Radio wave radiation generated in our Universe reflects from the shell of
our Universe in about the same manner that radio waves generated on earth
reflect from the earth's ionosphere.


The muon or its predecessor should be accelerated by the earth's gravity.
If a canon ball is accelerated through space at the same rate as a feather,
then a muon should be accelerated at the same rate as a cannon ball.




[ ] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 3:05 PM


On 24 June 2014 09:15, John Ross wrote:

I don't believe there are extra dimensions in our Universe.  There may be
other universes outside of the shell of our Universe.  Or our shell may be
thick enough to contain additional Universes.  Our shell is mostly an equal
number of electrons and positrons that provide a perfect reflector of the
cosmic background radiation, like the shell of an integrating sphere.


So where does this radiation come from, that it reflects? 


The muon may be more stable when traveling fast as compared to floating
somewhere in a lab.  Or it or its predecessor may be traveling faster than
the speed of light.  If a muon normally travels at the speed of light.  How
fast would it travel if, in addition to its normal speed, it is subjected to
the pull of earth's gravity for a substantial period of time?


Muons travel slower than light.



[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 12:50 PM



On 24 June 2014 06:08, John Ross wrote:

I agree that clock's operate at different rates as space vehicles and high
speed aircraft approach the speed of light or are located at different
gravitational levels, but that does not prove that time passes at different


Why not? 


Would a faraway galaxy compute the time since the Big Bang as a time other
than about 13.8 billion years?


Generally speaking yes, however that doesn't prove what you think it does.
This has been discussed extensively here...!searchin/everything-list/block$20universe/


2014-06-25 Thread LizR
On 26 June 2014 10:58, meekerdb wrote:

  On 6/25/2014 3:07 PM, David Nyman wrote:

  On 25 June 2014 22:01, meekerdb wrote:

 Note that I have not argued that the ability to 3p engineer consciousness
 will do anything to explain or diminish 1p conscious experience.  I just
 predict it will become a peripheral fact that consciousness of kind x goes
 with physical processes or computations of type y.

  As a matter of sociology, you may well be right. But that apart, why
 wouldn't such putative 3p conscious processes be as vulnerable to
 elimination (i.e. reducible without loss to some putative ur-physical
 basis) as temperature, computation, or any other physically-composite

  You mean reducible in explanation, but not eliminable in fact.
 Temperature is explained by kinetic energy of molecules, but you can't
 eliminate temperature and keep kinetic energy of molecules. There's a
 difference between eliminating in an explanation or description and
 eliminating in fact.

I must admit I can't see that personally. If temperature is, in fact,
molecular kinetic energy, then it doesn't actually exist at any level, it's
just a convenient fiction, surely?

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2014-06-25 Thread LizR
On 26 June 2014 11:07, John Ross wrote:

 Your guess is as good as mine as to what’s beyond the shell.  The shell
 may be very thick and many universes could be combined in the shell like
 bubbles in a Pepsi.

Well, I'm afraid that proves it isn't the Real Thing! :-)

 If we have our own shell, it probable gets less and less dense with
 distance from the center of our Universe.  If there are other Universes out
 there, they probably have their own shell.

 Unless I missed it, you haven't answered my question about why we don't
observe the shell to be closer in one direction and more distant in
another, as we should unless we're at the dead centre of the universe.

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2014-06-25 Thread John Ross
Ground state electrons and positrons have no energy.  They are self propelled 
by their own internal Coulomb forces at 2.19 X 106 m/s.  That is why electrons 
don’t lose energy and fall into atomic nuclei.  They have no energy to lose.  
Electrons can capture entrons to become an energetic electron.  For example if 
an electron capture a 6 volt entron, by being in a circuit with a 6-volt 
battery, it can lose that entron in the filament of a flash light to help heat 
the filament to the temperature of the surface of the sun.


Ground state electron and positrons have a size of about 2 X 10-18 m, and they 
are traveling at 2.19 million meters per second.  Each of them are being 
repelled with their own Coulomb force which is always far greater than the 
attractive forces of their opposites.  So collisions are extremely rare.  


If atoms are present with orbiting electrons positrons will be attracted to the 
relatively stationary orbiting electrons and you will have your annihilatiorn.  
But atoms are not present in the shell.


John R


[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 3:29 PM


On 25 June 2014 09:22, John Ross wrote:

The shell is mostly an approximately equal number of very cold electrons and 
positrons, all traveling randomly at 2.19 X 106 m/s.  They are going too fast 
to combine as positronium. 


Why is a particle moving too fast to combine into positronium - at about 1% 
of lightspeed - described as very cold ? Temperature is an emergent property 
of the average kinetic energy of particles!

And why don't these particles collide and annihilate , which would give rise to 
a background radiation of the specific wavelength equivalent to the masses 
involved (corrected for doppler shift if the shell is receeding) ?

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2014-06-25 Thread John Ross
Particles are accelerated in accelerators by adding entrons to the particles.  
This changes the particles and gives the particles additional mass.  So this 
could explain time issues.


Much of my theory is supported by equations and derivations.


John R. 


[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 3:25 PM


On 25 June 2014 05:07, John Ross wrote:

“So what”.   My point is you cannot prove Einstein’s relativity theories are 
correct by citing small variations in the ticking of clocks.


You can't prove any theory is correct by any observation, you can only disprove 
theories. In this case the point is that the variations in clock rates are 
consistent with the theory that time dilation occurs (some of the variations 
are huge, in the case of particles in accelerators).


You know of at least two explanations of gravity: Einstein’s and mine.  I 
assume you have read my Chapter XX, “Black Holes and Gravity”.  My explanation 
is enormously simpler than Albert’s.


It isn't a theory, only a hunch, until you provide equations and show their 

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2014-06-25 Thread John Ross
The shell is expanding along with the rest of our Universe.  It is being 
inflated with photon pressure.  The cosmic background radiation is the same 
everywhere in our Universe, the same as if our Universe was a giant integrating 


The relevance is that muons could be traveling much faster than the speed of 
light.  Which would explain why more than the expected number reach sea level.




[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 3:22 PM


On 25 June 2014 04:48, John Ross wrote:

The light reflected by the shell of our Universe is the cosmic background 
radiation that has been bouncing around our Universe since the Big Bang.  Radio 
wave radiation generated in our Universe reflects from the shell of our 
Universe in about the same manner that radio waves generated on earth reflect 
from the earth’s ionosphere.


So is this shell expanding? Assuming that we are at an arbitrary point in the 
universe and not at its exact centre, why don't we observe the shell to be 
closed in one direction than another?


The muon or its predecessor should be accelerated by the earth’s gravity.  If a 
canon ball is accelerated through space at the same rate as a feather, then a 
muon should be accelerated at the same rate as a cannon ball.


Correct, but I don't see the relevance.


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2014-06-25 Thread John Ross
What is you answer as to what is beyond our Universe if it is not a shell?


I just answered your second question.




[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 4:11 PM


On 26 June 2014 11:07, John Ross wrote:

Your guess is as good as mine as to what’s beyond the shell.  The shell may be 
very thick and many universes could be combined in the shell like bubbles in a 


Well, I'm afraid that proves it isn't the Real Thing! :-)


If we have our own shell, it probable gets less and less dense with distance 
from the center of our Universe.  If there are other Universes out there, they 
probably have their own shell.


Unless I missed it, you haven't answered my question about why we don't observe 
the shell to be closer in one direction and more distant in another, as we 
should unless we're at the dead centre of the universe.

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2014-06-25 Thread Richard Ruquist
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 7:47 PM, John Ross

 What is you answer as to what is beyond our Universe if it is not a shell?

The universe is not a shell. Rather it is a toroid that turns in on itself
such that radiation can go around the entire universe but not escape from
it. What lies beyond the universe is the Metaverse which contains a number
of similar universe. Read all about the metaverse here:

 I just answered your second question.


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *LizR
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 25, 2014 4:11 PM
 *Subject:* Re: TRONNIES - SPACE

 On 26 June 2014 11:07, John Ross wrote:

 Your guess is as good as mine as to what’s beyond the shell.  The shell
 may be very thick and many universes could be combined in the shell like
 bubbles in a Pepsi.

 Well, I'm afraid that proves it isn't the Real Thing! :-)

 If we have our own shell, it probable gets less and less dense with
 distance from the center of our Universe.  If there are other Universes out
 there, they probably have their own shell.

 Unless I missed it, you haven't answered my question about why we don't
 observe the shell to be closer in one direction and more distant in
 another, as we should unless we're at the dead centre of the universe.

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2014-06-25 Thread LizR
On 26 June 2014 11:47, John Ross wrote:

 What is you answer as to what is beyond our Universe if it is not a shell?

That was a joke, the Coke vs Pepsi advertising campaign which used the
phrase It's the real thing

 I just answered your second question.

 Would you mind repeating it, I still can't see an answer... (the question
in question is: why don't we observe the shell to be closer in one
direction and more distant in another, as we should unless we're at the
dead centre of the universe?)

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2014-06-25 Thread meekerdb

On 6/25/2014 4:08 PM, LizR wrote:

On 26 June 2014 10:58, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/25/2014 3:07 PM, David Nyman wrote:

On 25 June 2014 22:01, meekerdb wrote:

Note that I have not argued that the ability to 3p engineer 
consciousness will
do anything to explain or diminish 1p conscious experience.  I just 
predict it
will become a peripheral fact that consciousness of kind x goes with 
processes or computations of type y.

As a matter of sociology, you may well be right. But that apart, why 
wouldn't such
putative 3p conscious processes be as vulnerable to elimination (i.e. 
without loss to some putative ur-physical basis) as temperature, 
computation, or
any other physically-composite phenomenon?

You mean reducible in explanation, but not eliminable in fact.  Temperature 
explained by kinetic energy of molecules, but you can't eliminate 
temperature and
keep kinetic energy of molecules. There's a difference between eliminating 
in an
explanation or description and eliminating in fact.

I must admit I can't see that personally. If temperature is, in fact, molecular kinetic 
energy, then it doesn't actually exist at any level, it's just a convenient fiction, surely?

Why not say it's a convenient quantity.  It's the average of some microscopic variables.  
If the microscopic variables are reified, why not their average?


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2014-06-25 Thread Kim Jones

 On 26 Jun 2014, at 8:07 am, David Nyman wrote:
 The principal assumption then is that all phenomena whatsoever can be reduced 
 without loss to some primitive (i.e. assumptively irreducible) basis, in 
 which process the higher levels are effectively eliminated. Equivalently, one 
 might say it's bottom-up all the way down. As an analogy, in the human 
 sphere, this would be the contention that all political or sociological 
 phenomena whatsoever can be reduced without loss to the behaviour and 
 relations of individual human beings (i.e. what Margaret Thatcher presumably 
 intended by there's no such thing as society).

All political and sociological phenomena whatsoever CAN be reduced without loss 
to the behaviour and relations of individual human beings. In addition, when 
was Margaret Thatcher ever wrong about something? ;-) 

So you lose a few 'isms' in this view...sounds like a good idea to me. 

If Bruno is right the only thing that is real are persons who are essentially 
minds or computational relations anyway. Bruno is not saying there is no 
sunstrate or 'hypothese'. He's dropping continual heavy hints as to what it is. 
But, we just can't really describe that with a mind. The hammer cannot hit 
itself. Blame Gödel or someone...


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2014-06-25 Thread LizR
On 26 June 2014 15:05, meekerdb wrote:

  On 6/25/2014 4:08 PM, LizR wrote:

  On 26 June 2014 10:58, meekerdb wrote:

  On 6/25/2014 3:07 PM, David Nyman wrote:

  On 25 June 2014 22:01, meekerdb wrote:

 Note that I have not argued that the ability to 3p engineer consciousness
 will do anything to explain or diminish 1p conscious experience.  I just
 predict it will become a peripheral fact that consciousness of kind x goes
 with physical processes or computations of type y.

  As a matter of sociology, you may well be right. But that apart, why
 wouldn't such putative 3p conscious processes be as vulnerable to
 elimination (i.e. reducible without loss to some putative ur-physical
 basis) as temperature, computation, or any other physically-composite

  You mean reducible in explanation, but not eliminable in fact.
 Temperature is explained by kinetic energy of molecules, but you can't
 eliminate temperature and keep kinetic energy of molecules. There's a
 difference between eliminating in an explanation or description and
 eliminating in fact.

  I must admit I can't see that personally. If temperature is, in fact,
 molecular kinetic energy, then it doesn't actually exist at any level, it's
 just a convenient fiction, surely?

 Why not say it's a convenient quantity.  It's the average of some
 microscopic variables.  If the microscopic variables are reified, why not
 their average?

OK, it's a convenient quantity. The reason to reify the microscopic
variables is that (according to primitive materialism) you aren't reifying
them, they are what actually exists.

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2014-06-24 Thread John Ross
The light reflected by the shell of our Universe is the cosmic background 
radiation that has been bouncing around our Universe since the Big Bang.  Radio 
wave radiation generated in our Universe reflects from the shell of our 
Universe in about the same manner that radio waves generated on earth reflect 
from the earth’s ionosphere.


The muon or its predecessor should be accelerated by the earth’s gravity.  If a 
canon ball is accelerated through space at the same rate as a feather, then a 
muon should be accelerated at the same rate as a cannon ball.




[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 3:05 PM


On 24 June 2014 09:15, John Ross wrote:

I don’t believe there are extra dimensions in our Universe.  There may be other 
universes outside of the shell of our Universe.  Or our shell may be thick 
enough to contain additional Universes.  Our shell is mostly an equal number of 
electrons and positrons that provide a perfect reflector of the cosmic 
background radiation, like the shell of an integrating sphere.


So where does this radiation come from, that it reflects? 


The muon may be more stable when traveling fast as compared to floating 
somewhere in a lab.  Or it or its predecessor may be traveling faster than the 
speed of light.  If a muon normally travels at the speed of light.  How fast 
would it travel if, in addition to its normal speed, it is subjected to the 
pull of earth’s gravity for a substantial period of time?


Muons travel slower than light.



[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 12:50 PM



On 24 June 2014 06:08, John Ross wrote:

I agree that clock’s operate at different rates as space vehicles and high 
speed aircraft approach the speed of light or are located at different 
gravitational levels, but that does not prove that time passes at different 


Why not? 


Would a faraway galaxy compute the time since the Big Bang as a time other than 
about 13.8 billion years?


Generally speaking yes, however that doesn't prove what you think it does. This 
has been discussed extensively here...!searchin/everything-list/block$20universe/everything-list/jFX-wTm_E_Q/lzJdRBAgPocJ


There are other logical explanations for muon’s longer life when traveling fast 
as compared to floating around a lab. 


Such as?



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2014-06-24 Thread John Ross
“So what”.   My point is you cannot prove Einstein’s relativity theories are 
correct by citing small variations in the ticking of clocks.


You know of at least two explanations of gravity: Einstein’s and mine.  I 
assume you have read my Chapter XX, “Black Holes and Gravity”.  My explanation 
is enormously simpler than Albert’s.


John R.


[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 3:03 PM




On 24 June 2014 08:55, John Ross wrote:

All of the GPS satellites know exactly where they are relative to some position 
here on earth.  They are all in communication with each other and they know how 
fast a radio beam travels.  It would be a simple matter to regularly adjust 
their clock speeds so all of the clocks operate at the same speed as a master 
clock here on earth.  My guess is that is exactly what they do.  I doubt if it 
is possible to construct a clock that keeps time infinitely correctly.


So what? 


I think you have said before that if two theories explain the same thing, it is 
more likely than not that the simplest theory is correct.  I see no reason why 
time should pass more slowly if we go fast or quicker if we are in a reduced 


So far I only know of one (relatively simple :-) theory that explains these 


Here is a question for you:  We on a distance galaxy are watching a separate 
galaxy one light-year from a Monster Black Hole and speeding toward it at a 
speed of c.  A baby has just been born in the speeding galaxy.  How old will 
the baby be when the galaxy is consumed by the Monster Black Hole?  Our galaxy 
is stationary with respect to the Monster Black Hole.  My answer is the simple 


What is your answer? 




[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 3:21 PM



On 18 June 2014 08:43, wrote:

I understand clocks in satellites do not run at the same speed as clocks
here on earth.  However, I just can't understand why we would use
Einstein's equations to adjust the clocks on satellites when it would be
so easy to adjust them in accordance to the exact time here on earth.


That isn't the point. For all I know they may adjust them using clocks on 
Earth. The point is that the satellites provide yet another way to test special 
and general relativity, and since scientists are always trying to check their 
theories are correct, they consider it worthwhile to work out how fast or slow 
these theories say the satellites' clocks will run and compare this to the 
measured values. The results are in accordance with both theories - working out 
the time dilation due to the satellites' relative motion and their position in 
the Earth's gravity field gives the observed result.

Note that SR and GR give this result without needing any free parameters to be 
tweaked. SR involves simple geometry applied to 4 dimensional space-time; as 
far as I know the only free parameter is the speed of light. GR involves the 
gravitational constant (I think) but I'm told there are no simple ways in which 
the equations can be modified to give similar results. Hence the clock rate is 
forced to have a particular value in both theories - the result falls out 
naturally from the theories without any need to introduce any corrections that 
could equally well have given other results.

Here  is a 
more detailed description of this effect.


If you have a theory that can give the same result (with a similar lack of 
wriggle room for adjusting free parameters) then you should get some serious 
interest from scientists.


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2014-06-24 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

So what is this photon reflector shell made from? Why wouldn't it absorb rather 
than reflect. 
-Original Message-
From: John Ross
To: everything-list
Sent: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 12:47 pm

The light reflected by the shell of our Universe is the cosmic background 
radiation that has been bouncing around our Universe since the Big Bang.  Radio 
wave radiation generated in our Universe reflects from the shell of our 
Universe in about the same manner that radio waves generated on earth reflect 
from the earth’s ionosphere.
The muon or its predecessor should be accelerated by the earth’s gravity.  If a 
canon ball is accelerated through space at the same rate as a feather, then a 
muon should be accelerated at the same rate as a cannon ball.

[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 3:05 PM


On 24 June 2014 09:15, John Ross wrote:

I don’t believe there are extra dimensions in our Universe.  There may be other 
universes outside of the shell of our Universe.  Or our shell may be thick 
enough to contain additional Universes.  Our shell is mostly an equal number of 
electrons and positrons that provide a perfect reflector of the cosmic 
background radiation, like the shell of an integrating sphere.


So where does this radiation come from, that it reflects? 

The muon may be more stable when traveling fast as compared to floating 
somewhere in a lab.  Or it or its predecessor may be traveling faster than the 
speed of light.  If a muon normally travels at the speed of light.  How fast 
would it travel if, in addition to its normal speed, it is subjected to the 
pull of earth’s gravity for a substantial period of time?

Muons travel slower than light.


[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 12:50 PM



On 24 June 2014 06:08, John Ross wrote:

I agree that clock’s operate at different rates as space vehicles and high 
speed aircraft approach the speed of light or are located at different 
gravitational levels, but that does not prove that time passes at different 


Why not? 

Would a faraway galaxy compute the time since the Big Bang as a time other than 
about 13.8 billion years?

Generally speaking yes, however that doesn't prove what you think it does. This 
has been discussed extensively here...!searchin/everything-list/block$20universe/everything-list/jFX-wTm_E_Q/lzJdRBAgPocJ


There are other logical explanations for muon’s longer life when traveling fast 
as compared to floating around a lab. 

Such as?



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2014-06-24 Thread John Ross
The shell is mostly an approximately equal number of very cold electrons and 
positrons, all traveling randomly at 2.19 X 106 m/s.  They are going too fast 
to combine as positronium. 


J Ross


Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:34 AM


So what is this photon reflector shell made from? Why wouldn't it absorb rather 
than reflect. 



-Original Message-
From: John Ross
To: everything-list
Sent: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 12:47 pm

The light reflected by the shell of our Universe is the cosmic background 
radiation that has been bouncing around our Universe since the Big Bang.  Radio 
wave radiation generated in our Universe reflects from the shell of our 
Universe in about the same manner that radio waves generated on earth reflect 
from the earth’s ionosphere.


The muon or its predecessor should be accelerated by the earth’s gravity.  If a 
canon ball is accelerated through space at the same rate as a feather, then a 
muon should be accelerated at the same rate as a cannon ball.




From: [ ] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 3:05 PM


On 24 June 2014 09:15, John Ross wrote:

I don’t believe there are extra dimensions in our Universe.  There may be other 
universes outside of the shell of our Universe.  Or our shell may be thick 
enough to contain additional Universes.  Our shell is mostly an equal number of 
electrons and positrons that provide a perfect reflector of the cosmic 
background radiation, like the shell of an integrating sphere.


So where does this radiation come from, that it reflects? 


The muon may be more stable when traveling fast as compared to floating 
somewhere in a lab.  Or it or its predecessor may be traveling faster than the 
speed of light.  If a muon normally travels at the speed of light.  How fast 
would it travel if, in addition to its normal speed, it is subjected to the 
pull of earth’s gravity for a substantial period of time?


Muons travel slower than light.



[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 12:50 PM



On 24 June 2014 06:08, John Ross wrote:

I agree that clock’s operate at different rates as space vehicles and high 
speed aircraft approach the speed of light or are located at different 
gravitational levels, but that does not prove that time passes at different 


Why not? 


Would a faraway galaxy compute the time since the Big Bang as a time other than 
about 13.8 billion years?


Generally speaking yes, however that doesn't prove what you think it does. This 
has been discussed extensively here...!searchin/everything-list/block$20universe/everything-list/jFX-wTm_E_Q/lzJdRBAgPocJ


There are other logical explanations for muon’s longer life when traveling fast 
as compared to floating around a lab. 


Such as?



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2014-06-24 Thread LizR
On 25 June 2014 04:48, John Ross wrote:

 The light reflected by the shell of our Universe is the cosmic background
 radiation that has been bouncing around our Universe since the Big Bang.
 Radio wave radiation generated in our Universe reflects from the shell of
 our Universe in about the same manner that radio waves generated on earth
 reflect from the earth’s ionosphere.

So is this shell expanding? Assuming that we are at an arbitrary point in
the universe and not at its exact centre, why don't we observe the shell to
be closed in one direction than another?

 The muon or its predecessor should be accelerated by the earth’s gravity.
 If a canon ball is accelerated through space at the same rate as a feather,
 then a muon should be accelerated at the same rate as a cannon ball.

Correct, but I don't see the relevance.

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2014-06-24 Thread LizR
On 25 June 2014 05:07, John Ross wrote:

 “So what”.   My point is you cannot prove Einstein’s relativity theories
 are correct by citing small variations in the ticking of clocks.

You can't prove any theory is correct by any observation, you can only
disprove theories. In this case the point is that the variations in clock
rates are consistent with the theory that time dilation occurs (some of the
variations are huge, in the case of particles in accelerators).

 You know of at least two explanations of gravity: Einstein’s and mine.  I
 assume you have read my Chapter XX, “Black Holes and Gravity”.  My
 explanation is enormously simpler than Albert’s.

 It isn't a theory, only a hunch, until you provide equations and show
their derivation.

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2014-06-24 Thread LizR
On 25 June 2014 09:22, John Ross wrote:

 The shell is mostly an approximately equal number of very cold electrons
 and positrons, all traveling randomly at 2.19 X 106 m/s.  They are going
 too fast to combine as positronium.

Why is a particle moving too fast to combine into positronium - at about
1% of lightspeed - described as very cold ? Temperature is an emergent
property of the average kinetic energy of particles!

And why don't these particles collide and annihilate , which would give
rise to a background radiation of the specific wavelength equivalent to the
masses involved (corrected for doppler shift if the shell is receeding) ?

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2014-06-24 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List

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2014-06-23 Thread John Ross
I agree that clock’s operate at different rates as space vehicles and high 
speed aircraft approach the speed of light or are located at different 
gravitational levels, but that does not prove that time passes at different 


Would a faraway galaxy compute the time since the Big Bang as a time other than 
about 13.8 billion years?


There are other logical explanations for muon’s longer life when traveling fast 
as compared to floating around a lab. 


John R 


[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 6:53 PM


On 20 June 2014 06:48, wrote:

My point is that time passes at the same rate everywhere in our Universe,
no matter where you are or how fast you are traveling.  For example, if we
knew exactly when the Big Bang occurred, the time since the Big Bang
should be the same everywhere.


This is simply not true, as a large number of observations have shown.

Time doesn't pass at the same rate for particles moving near lightspeed, which 
have longer decay times than ones at rest.

Time doesn't pass at the same rate for satellites orbitting the Earth every 12 
hours as it does for people on the Earth.

Time doesn't pass at the same rate aboard an aircraft flying around the Earth 
as it does on the Earth's surface.

Time doesn't pass at the same rate at the top of a tower as it does at the 

These have all been measured.

See and

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2014-06-23 Thread LizR
On 24 June 2014 06:08, John Ross wrote:

 I agree that clock’s operate at different rates as space vehicles and high
 speed aircraft approach the speed of light or are located at different
 gravitational levels, but that does not prove that time passes at different

Why not?

 Would a faraway galaxy compute the time since the Big Bang as a time other
 than about 13.8 billion years?

Generally speaking yes, however that doesn't prove what you think it does.
This has been discussed extensively here...

  There are other logical explanations for muon’s longer life when
 traveling fast as compared to floating around a lab.

 Such as?

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2014-06-23 Thread John Ross
All of the GPS satellites know exactly where they are relative to some position 
here on earth.  They are all in communication with each other and they know how 
fast a radio beam travels.  It would be a simple matter to regularly adjust 
their clock speeds so all of the clocks operate at the same speed as a master 
clock here on earth.  My guess is that is exactly what they do.  I doubt if it 
is possible to construct a clock that keeps time infinitely correctly.


I think you have said before that if two theories explain the same thing, it is 
more likely than not that the simplest theory is correct.  I see no reason why 
time should pass more slowly if we go fast or quicker if we are in a reduced 


Here is a question for you:  We on a distance galaxy are watching a separate 
galaxy one light-year from a Monster Black Hole and speeding toward it at a 
speed of c.  A baby has just been born in the speeding galaxy.  How old will 
the baby be when the galaxy is consumed by the Monster Black Hole?  Our galaxy 
is stationary with respect to the Monster Black Hole.  My answer is the simple 




[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 3:21 PM


On 18 June 2014 08:43, wrote:

I understand clocks in satellites do not run at the same speed as clocks
here on earth.  However, I just can't understand why we would use
Einstein's equations to adjust the clocks on satellites when it would be
so easy to adjust them in accordance to the exact time here on earth.


That isn't the point. For all I know they may adjust them using clocks on 
Earth. The point is that the satellites provide yet another way to test special 
and general relativity, and since scientists are always trying to check their 
theories are correct, they consider it worthwhile to work out how fast or slow 
these theories say the satellites' clocks will run and compare this to the 
measured values. The results are in accordance with both theories - working out 
the time dilation due to the satellites' relative motion and their position in 
the Earth's gravity field gives the observed result.

Note that SR and GR give this result without needing any free parameters to be 
tweaked. SR involves simple geometry applied to 4 dimensional space-time; as 
far as I know the only free parameter is the speed of light. GR involves the 
gravitational constant (I think) but I'm told there are no simple ways in which 
the equations can be modified to give similar results. Hence the clock rate is 
forced to have a particular value in both theories - the result falls out 
naturally from the theories without any need to introduce any corrections that 
could equally well have given other results.

Here  is a 
more detailed description of this effect.


If you have a theory that can give the same result (with a similar lack of 
wriggle room for adjusting free parameters) then you should get some serious 
interest from scientists.

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2014-06-23 Thread John Ross
I don’t believe there are extra dimensions in our Universe.  There may be other 
universes outside of the shell of our Universe.  Or our shell may be thick 
enough to contain additional Universes.  Our shell is mostly an equal number of 
electrons and positrons that provide a perfect reflector of the cosmic 
background radiation, like the shell of an integrating sphere.


The muon may be more stable when traveling fast as compared to floating 
somewhere in a lab.  Or it or its predecessor may be traveling faster than the 
speed of light.  If a muon normally travels at the speed of light.  How fast 
would it travel if, in addition to its normal speed, it is subjected to the 
pull of earth’s gravity for a substantial period of time?




[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 12:50 PM


On 24 June 2014 06:08, John Ross wrote:

I agree that clock’s operate at different rates as space vehicles and high 
speed aircraft approach the speed of light or are located at different 
gravitational levels, but that does not prove that time passes at different 


Why not? 


Would a faraway galaxy compute the time since the Big Bang as a time other than 
about 13.8 billion years?


Generally speaking yes, however that doesn't prove what you think it does. This 
has been discussed extensively here...!searchin/everything-list/block$20universe/everything-list/jFX-wTm_E_Q/lzJdRBAgPocJ


There are other logical explanations for muon’s longer life when traveling fast 
as compared to floating around a lab. 


Such as?


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2014-06-23 Thread LizR
On 24 June 2014 08:55, John Ross wrote:

 All of the GPS satellites know exactly where they are relative to some
 position here on earth.  They are all in communication with each other and
 they know how fast a radio beam travels.  It would be a simple matter to
 regularly adjust their clock speeds so all of the clocks operate at the
 same speed as a master clock here on earth.  My guess is that is exactly
 what they do.  I doubt if it is possible to construct a clock that keeps
 time infinitely correctly.

So what?

 I think you have said before that if two theories explain the same thing,
 it is more likely than not that the simplest theory is correct.  I see no
 reason why time should pass more slowly if we go fast or quicker if we are
 in a reduced gravity.

So far I only know of one (relatively simple :-) theory that explains these

 Here is a question for you:  We on a distance galaxy are watching a
 separate galaxy one light-year from a Monster Black Hole and speeding
 toward it at a speed of c.  A baby has just been born in the speeding
 galaxy.  How old will the baby be when the galaxy is consumed by the
 Monster Black Hole?  Our galaxy is stationary with respect to the Monster
 Black Hole.  My answer is the simple answer.

What is your answer?


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *LizR
 *Sent:* Tuesday, June 17, 2014 3:21 PM

 *Subject:* Re: TRONNIES - SPACE

 On 18 June 2014 08:43, wrote:

 I understand clocks in satellites do not run at the same speed as clocks
 here on earth.  However, I just can't understand why we would use
 Einstein's equations to adjust the clocks on satellites when it would be
 so easy to adjust them in accordance to the exact time here on earth.

 That isn't the point. For all I know they may adjust them using clocks on
 Earth. The point is that the satellites provide yet another way to test
 special and general relativity, and since scientists are always trying to
 check their theories are correct, they consider it worthwhile to work out
 how fast or slow these theories say the satellites' clocks will run and
 compare this to the measured values. The results are in accordance with
 both theories - working out the time dilation due to the satellites'
 relative motion and their position in the Earth's gravity field gives the
 observed result.

 Note that SR and GR give this result without needing any free parameters
 to be tweaked. SR involves simple geometry applied to 4 dimensional
 space-time; as far as I know the only free parameter is the speed of
 light. GR involves the gravitational constant (I think) but I'm told there
 are no simple ways in which the equations can be modified to give similar
 results. Hence the clock rate is forced to have a particular value in
 both theories - the result falls out naturally from the theories without
 any need to introduce any corrections that could equally well have given
 other results.

 is a more detailed description of this effect.

 If you have a theory that can give the same result (with a similar lack of
 wriggle room for adjusting free parameters) then you should get some
 serious interest from scientists.

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 Everything List group.
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 email to
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2014-06-23 Thread LizR
On 24 June 2014 09:15, John Ross wrote:

 I don’t believe there are extra dimensions in our Universe.  There may be
 other universes outside of the shell of our Universe.  Or our shell may be
 thick enough to contain additional Universes.  Our shell is mostly an equal
 number of electrons and positrons that provide a perfect reflector of the
 cosmic background radiation, like the shell of an integrating sphere.

So where does this radiation come from, that it reflects?

 The muon may be more stable when traveling fast as compared to floating
 somewhere in a lab.  Or it or its predecessor may be traveling faster than
 the speed of light.  If a muon normally travels at the speed of light.  How
 fast would it travel if, in addition to its normal speed, it is subjected
 to the pull of earth’s gravity for a substantial period of time?

Muons travel slower than light.


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *LizR
 *Sent:* Monday, June 23, 2014 12:50 PM

 *Subject:* Re: TRONNIES - SPACE

 On 24 June 2014 06:08, John Ross wrote:

 I agree that clock’s operate at different rates as space vehicles and high
 speed aircraft approach the speed of light or are located at different
 gravitational levels, but that does not prove that time passes at different

 Why not?

 Would a faraway galaxy compute the time since the Big Bang as a time other
 than about 13.8 billion years?

 Generally speaking yes, however that doesn't prove what you think it does.
 This has been discussed extensively here...


 There are other logical explanations for muon’s longer life when traveling
 fast as compared to floating around a lab.

 Such as?

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 Everything List group.
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2014-06-22 Thread jross
I greatly appreciate the criticism of you, Liz and  John Clark, but I have
seen nothing  that has caused me to back down on any portion of my theory.
 I never expected that my defense of my theory would be easy, since I am
up against the Standard Model and Einstein's theories of relativity.

I do take some comfort in Stephen Hawking's conclusions in his Theory of
Everything that science has become too complicated and that we need to
discover a complete theory that in time should be understandable in broad
principal by everyone, not just a few scientists.

For more than 13 years I have been trying to discover that theory.  I
think I either have it or am pretty close.  I think there is a good chance
that this group could help me improve on my theory if its members would
begin to look at it more positively than they have in the past, at least
to the extent of allowing me to send the really interested people a copy
of my book.

John Ross

 On Thursday, June 19, 2014 11:35:58 PM UTC+1, Liz R wrote:

 On 19 June 2014 14:34, javascript: wrote:

 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:54:17 PM UTC+1, Liz R wrote:

 On 19 June 2014 02:01, wrote:

 My point is that the logic behind Einstein's special and general
 relativity theories is faulty.

 In what way is it faulty? SR is based on the principle that all
 non-accelerating observers will see the same laws of physics. GR is
 on the principle that the laws of physics are the same for all freely
 falling observers. What's wrong with the logic?

 Time does not slow down when you go fast and is not affected by
 Clock speeds may be affected but not time.  Time passes at the same
 everywhere in our Universe.

 Did you look at the explanation of time dilation accessible from the
 link I posted?

 If not, here is a direct link to it ...  http://www.astronomy.ohio-

 Look in particular at the photon clock and tell me where the flaw in
 the logic is. If you can do that (thereby beating thousands of people
 who've tried over the century since SR was advanced) then it may
 worthwhile to consider Coulomb Grids as an alternative explanation

 p.s. addendum using this post (and the history behind it). I'm
 not jumping on you Liz by the way, because you are definitely one of
 people that, from my side of things, have become better and better in
 eyes during the time I've been

 Thank you, I appreciate that :-)

 (not longer to remain I might add, if for nothing else due to levels of
 ostrasization now well past the level at which anyone would be able to
 justify ongoing attention for long).

 I'm sorry to hear that.

 But, for reasons that were/are related to some of the interests I have
 been pursuing on these lists - this particular context not being a
 interest but more something changed or clarified from the norm. And
 mentioning here because in this case, the changes are much more about
 crystalizing what was already intuitive for the majority of people, I
 strongly guess including you...

 John Ross, who incidently I do agree deserves your kind attention due
 much evidence of long term hard work at his end,
 and possibly rather sadlyhas clearly succumbed to one of the top
 risks we all face when our ideas  for whatever reason have been either
 exposed to isolated conditions for a long time.or...I
 believe...circumstances a lot of celebrities understand all too
 well...which is about becoming exposed to the mind-set typically found
 fan clubs.

 Yes. Working away on something in isolation for years may be OK for a
 of literature, but less so for science - especially nowadays, with rapid
 developments, a huge number of scientists (it's no longer the preserve
 the idle rich, as seems to have been the case a couple of centuries
 and readily available information ... although Mr Ross obviously knows a
 few scientists personally, too. Fan clubs are an interesting one, I
 on the edges of some fan groups and they can get so intense...

 Exposure there just as harmful, because it's very hard not to be
 influenced by ambient ideas when they are coming from all direction. So
 that one, overlooked perhaps, can create the same basic properties that
 see in Mr. Ross. Joining the two scenarios I might illustrate something
 like 'domestication'.due to another fleeting memory...I get them
 when I
 address you for some reason,..this one was one of those postcards with
 silly drawing on the front and a joke caption. It was a bunch of
 wolves peeping through a bush to wood frame 'outback' house with a dog
 sitting outside chained to a post.

 One wolf is saying to another I'm telling ya, it ain't worth saving
 no more...look at his eyes! HE'S BEEN DOMESTICATED

 I'm fairly sure that's a Far Side cartoon and the caption's a bit
 - listing 


2014-06-22 Thread LizR
On 23 June 2014 04:53, wrote:

 I do take some comfort in Stephen Hawking's conclusions in his Theory of
 Everything that science has become too complicated and that we need to
 discover a complete theory that in time should be understandable in broad
 principal by everyone, not just a few scientists.

Theories tend to become easier to understand with time, as more people
popularise them and find new ways to explain them. As already mentioned,
this has happened to GR, which has gone from 3 people understanding it,
allegedly, to now - 100 years later - anyone who is prepared to take the
time and effort having a good chance.

Not so sure about QM, although supposedly anyone into new age nonsense has
a stake in it.

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2014-06-21 Thread ghibbsa

On Thursday, June 19, 2014 11:35:58 PM UTC+1, Liz R wrote:

 On 19 June 2014 14:34, javascript: wrote:

 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:54:17 PM UTC+1, Liz R wrote:

 On 19 June 2014 02:01, wrote:

 My point is that the logic behind Einstein's special and general
 relativity theories is faulty.

 In what way is it faulty? SR is based on the principle that all 
 non-accelerating observers will see the same laws of physics. GR is based 
 on the principle that the laws of physics are the same for all freely 
 falling observers. What's wrong with the logic?

 Time does not slow down when you go fast and is not affected by gravity.
 Clock speeds may be affected but not time.  Time passes at the same rate
 everywhere in our Universe.

 Did you look at the explanation of time dilation accessible from the 
 link I posted?

 If not, here is a direct link to it ...  http://www.astronomy.ohio-

 Look in particular at the photon clock and tell me where the flaw in 
 the logic is. If you can do that (thereby beating thousands of people 
 who've tried over the century since SR was advanced) then it may become 
 worthwhile to consider Coulomb Grids as an alternative explanation

 p.s. addendum using this post (and the history behind it). I'm definitely 
 not jumping on you Liz by the way, because you are definitely one of the 
 people that, from my side of things, have become better and better in my 
 eyes during the time I've been

 Thank you, I appreciate that :-)

 (not longer to remain I might add, if for nothing else due to levels of 
 ostrasization now well past the level at which anyone would be able to 
 justify ongoing attention for long). 

 I'm sorry to hear that.

 But, for reasons that were/are related to some of the interests I have 
 been pursuing on these lists - this particular context not being a direct 
 interest but more something changed or clarified from the norm. And 
 mentioning here because in this case, the changes are much more about 
 crystalizing what was already intuitive for the majority of people, I would 
 strongly guess including you...

 John Ross, who incidently I do agree deserves your kind attention due to 
 much evidence of long term hard work at his end, however...unfortunately 
 and possibly rather sadlyhas clearly succumbed to one of the top 
 risks we all face when our ideas  for whatever reason have been either 
 exposed to isolated conditions for a long time.or...I 
 believe...circumstances a lot of celebrities understand all too 
 well...which is about becoming exposed to the mind-set typically found in 
 fan clubs. 

 Yes. Working away on something in isolation for years may be OK for a work 
 of literature, but less so for science - especially nowadays, with rapid 
 developments, a huge number of scientists (it's no longer the preserve of 
 the idle rich, as seems to have been the case a couple of centuries back) 
 and readily available information ... although Mr Ross obviously knows a 
 few scientists personally, too. Fan clubs are an interesting one, I hover 
 on the edges of some fan groups and they can get so intense...

 Exposure there just as harmful, because it's very hard not to be 
 influenced by ambient ideas when they are coming from all direction. So 
 that one, overlooked perhaps, can create the same basic properties that we 
 see in Mr. Ross. Joining the two scenarios I might illustrate something 
 like 'domestication'.due to another fleeting memory...I get them when I 
 address you for some reason,..this one was one of those postcards with a 
 silly drawing on the front and a joke caption. It was a bunch of salivating 
 wolves peeping through a bush to wood frame 'outback' house with a dog 
 sitting outside chained to a post. 

 One wolf is saying to another I'm telling ya, it ain't worth saving him 
 no more...look at his eyes! HE'S BEEN DOMESTICATED

 I'm fairly sure that's a Far Side cartoon and the caption's a bit longer 
 - listing symptoms (those glazed eyes, etc) - hang on a minute while I 
 try my google-fu...nope, can't find it. But I'm 99% sure I know the one you 

 Anyway, in the Ross case it's a case of the more intuitive and well 
 recognized status. He has built himself into something, that no matter the 
 value of the original ideas...and there may bealso at some point began 
 to include probably small, rationalizations...that may well have started 
 out innocently as simplifications purely for thinking clearly about things, 
 that were large and complicated, and which may not have had anything to do 
 with the ideas at all. 

 But rationalizing is one of those things that once in a process, if near 
 the core of thinking even if not directly about the important thoughts 
 themselves, will nevertheless be carried by the knock-on consequences 
 perceived in the key ideas to other parts of the emergent structure of 


2014-06-19 Thread jross
Thanks for the advice.  However, I don't think you should feel sorry for
me for believing that I am right and everybody else is wrong.  I have a
feeling that even  you would admit that there is a possibility, however
unlikely, that i could be correct and Einstein (and all of those who
believe him) could be wrong.

It is true that the measured speed of light in a vacuum is always c.  On
that Einstein and I agree.  In accordance with my model, Coulomb grids
completely fill our Universe, every cubic nanometer of it (including all
vacuums) and light travels in Coulomb grids at a speed of c.  Therefore,
if the Coulomb grid is moving in the same direction as a beam of light at
a speed of b then the beam is moving at a speed of c plus b.  But we need
to have a reference to know how to figure the speed b.  That reference
could be the center of our Universe or the cosmic background radiation. 
In this respect my theory includes relativity features.  But it does not
require that the passage of time changes with speed or gravity or that
massive objects produce a curvature of space.

The article Liz cited is a nice article and it attempts to explain some of
Einstein's concepts simply.  However, I note that the article does not
attempt to explain Einstein's concept of gravity.  And I admit I do not
understand his concept of gravity.  Liz has earlier referred to as set of
equations that I gather relate to the curvature of space.  Since I am
convinced that space cannot be curved, I don't see how the equations can
accurately explain gravity.  It is possible that his equations accurately
predict the path of light as it passes by the sun.  But that would not
prove that massive objects curve space.

My theory provides a better simpler explanation of gravity.  There is a
Black Hole in the center of every galaxy.  The Black Hole continuously
consumes portions of its galaxy.  It breaks down the molecules and atoms
of the consumed portions into protons, electrons and positrons and
neutrino entrons and other entrons.  It produces anti-protons from the
electrons, positron and entrons and it allows the protons and anti-protons
to destroy each other to release more neutrino entrons some  of which
escape the Black Hole as neutrino photons to produce the gravity of the
galaxy and some of which help produce more anti-protons.

Some neutrino photos are temporally stopped in stars, planets and moons
and later released to give these objects their gravity.  Photons have a
mass that is equivalent to the energy of the photons. The paths of these
photons are curved by neutrino photons released from stars, planets and

I have shown on page 136 of my book that the consumption per earth-day of
an earth-size planet by the Black Hole in the center of the Milky Way
would produce a neutrino photon flux here on earth of about 68,000
neutrino photons per second per square meter.  Liz has my book.  She can
confirm that I have made this calculation.

I have read that gravity travels at the speed of light.  My neutrino
photons travel at the speed of light.  My theory also explains
anti-gravity as being carried by photons, much lower energy photons that
apply a photon pressure on the huge surface areas, of faraway galaxies.

My theory proposes the previously unknown entron (two circling tronnies)
that provide all of the mass of our Universe (except for the portion
provided by electrons and positrons).  if I am correct we could avoid a
lot of wasted efforts looking for the Higgs boson.

John Ross

 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:54:17 PM UTC+1, Liz R wrote:

 On 19 June 2014 02:01, javascript: wrote:

 My point is that the logic behind Einstein's special and general
 relativity theories is faulty.

 In what way is it faulty? SR is based on the principle that all
 non-accelerating observers will see the same laws of physics. GR is
 on the principle that the laws of physics are the same for all freely
 falling observers. What's wrong with the logic?

 Time does not slow down when you go fast and is not affected by
 Clock speeds may be affected but not time.  Time passes at the same
 everywhere in our Universe.

 Did you look at the explanation of time dilation accessible from the
 I posted?

 If not, here is a direct link to it ...

 Look in particular at the photon clock and tell me where the flaw in
 logic is. If you can do that (thereby beating thousands of people who've
 tried over the century since SR was advanced) then it may become
 to consider Coulomb Grids as an alternative explanation

 p.s. addendum using this post (and the history behind it). I'm definitely
 not jumping on you Liz by the way, because you are definitely one of the
 people that, from my side of things, have become better and better in my
 eyes during the time I've been (not longer to remain I might add, if for
 nothing else 


2014-06-19 Thread jross
My point is that time passes at the same rate everywhere in our Universe,
no matter where you are or how fast you are traveling.  For example, if we
knew exactly when the Big Bang occurred, the time since the Big Bang
should be the same everywhere.

John R

 On 19 June 2014 02:47, John Clark wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:01 AM, wrote:

  Time does not slow down when you go fast and is not affected by
 Clock speeds may be effected but not time.

 OK fine, but if it's not time then we're going to need a new word to
 describe whatever it is that clocks actually measure, lets call it zime.
 would submit that we could not tell even in theory if time stayed the
 or sped up or slowed down or went sideways or even ceased to exist. But
 certainly notice zime! Therefore there is no way to know if time even
 exists and given that it does absolutely positively nothing there is
 no reason to care if it does or not; but zime certainly exists and it
 a hell of a lot. There is nothing more important in our life than zime
 even if time exists it doesn't matter.

 I might just add, in case it isn't clear, that to say that clocks slow
 down is also to say that atomic vibrations and everything else slow down,
 including people's thoughts and perceptions. I should also mention that SR
 says this is a measurement effect while observers move at a constant speed
 relative to one another. It's only when they (or one of them) accelerates
 that you get a twin paradox where the overall elapsed time along one
 through space-time is not equal to another one, even though they have the
 same start and end points.

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2014-06-19 Thread LizR
On 19 June 2014 14:34, wrote:

 On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:54:17 PM UTC+1, Liz R wrote:

 On 19 June 2014 02:01, wrote:

 My point is that the logic behind Einstein's special and general
 relativity theories is faulty.

 In what way is it faulty? SR is based on the principle that all
 non-accelerating observers will see the same laws of physics. GR is based
 on the principle that the laws of physics are the same for all freely
 falling observers. What's wrong with the logic?

 Time does not slow down when you go fast and is not affected by gravity.
 Clock speeds may be affected but not time.  Time passes at the same rate
 everywhere in our Universe.

 Did you look at the explanation of time dilation accessible from the link
 I posted?

 If not, here is a direct link to it ...  http://www.astronomy.ohio-

 Look in particular at the photon clock and tell me where the flaw in
 the logic is. If you can do that (thereby beating thousands of people
 who've tried over the century since SR was advanced) then it may become
 worthwhile to consider Coulomb Grids as an alternative explanation

 p.s. addendum using this post (and the history behind it). I'm definitely
 not jumping on you Liz by the way, because you are definitely one of the
 people that, from my side of things, have become better and better in my
 eyes during the time I've been

Thank you, I appreciate that :-)

 (not longer to remain I might add, if for nothing else due to levels of
 ostrasization now well past the level at which anyone would be able to
 justify ongoing attention for long).

I'm sorry to hear that.

 But, for reasons that were/are related to some of the interests I have
 been pursuing on these lists - this particular context not being a direct
 interest but more something changed or clarified from the norm. And
 mentioning here because in this case, the changes are much more about
 crystalizing what was already intuitive for the majority of people, I would
 strongly guess including you...

 John Ross, who incidently I do agree deserves your kind attention due to
 much evidence of long term hard work at his end, however...unfortunately
 and possibly rather sadlyhas clearly succumbed to one of the top
 risks we all face when our ideas  for whatever reason have been either
 exposed to isolated conditions for a long time.or...I
 believe...circumstances a lot of celebrities understand all too
 well...which is about becoming exposed to the mind-set typically found in
 fan clubs.

Yes. Working away on something in isolation for years may be OK for a work
of literature, but less so for science - especially nowadays, with rapid
developments, a huge number of scientists (it's no longer the preserve of
the idle rich, as seems to have been the case a couple of centuries back)
and readily available information ... although Mr Ross obviously knows a
few scientists personally, too. Fan clubs are an interesting one, I hover
on the edges of some fan groups and they can get so intense...

 Exposure there just as harmful, because it's very hard not to be
 influenced by ambient ideas when they are coming from all direction. So
 that one, overlooked perhaps, can create the same basic properties that we
 see in Mr. Ross. Joining the two scenarios I might illustrate something
 like 'domestication'.due to another fleeting memory...I get them when I
 address you for some reason,..this one was one of those postcards with a
 silly drawing on the front and a joke caption. It was a bunch of salivating
 wolves peeping through a bush to wood frame 'outback' house with a dog
 sitting outside chained to a post.

 One wolf is saying to another I'm telling ya, it ain't worth saving him
 no more...look at his eyes! HE'S BEEN DOMESTICATED

I'm fairly sure that's a Far Side cartoon and the caption's a bit longer
- listing symptoms (those glazed eyes, etc) - hang on a minute while I
try my google-fu...nope, can't find it. But I'm 99% sure I know the one you

 Anyway, in the Ross case it's a case of the more intuitive and well
 recognized status. He has built himself into something, that no matter the
 value of the original ideas...and there may bealso at some point began
 to include probably small, rationalizations...that may well have started
 out innocently as simplifications purely for thinking clearly about things,
 that were large and complicated, and which may not have had anything to do
 with the ideas at all.

 But rationalizing is one of those things that once in a process, if near
 the core of thinking even if not directly about the important thoughts
 themselves, will nevertheless be carried by the knock-on consequences
 perceived in the key ideas to other parts of the emergent structure of
 thought, until eventually at a certain distance from the origin,  thet
 rationalizations and their consequences will dominate the process, for that


2014-06-19 Thread LizR
On 20 June 2014 06:48, wrote:

 My point is that time passes at the same rate everywhere in our Universe,
 no matter where you are or how fast you are traveling.  For example, if we
 knew exactly when the Big Bang occurred, the time since the Big Bang
 should be the same everywhere.

This is simply not true, as a large number of observations have shown.

Time doesn't pass at the same rate for particles moving near lightspeed,
which have longer decay times than ones at rest.

Time doesn't pass at the same rate for satellites orbitting the Earth every
12 hours as it does for people on the Earth.

Time doesn't pass at the same rate aboard an aircraft flying around the
Earth as it does on the Earth's surface.

Time doesn't pass at the same rate at the top of a tower as it does at the

These have all been measured.

See and

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2014-06-19 Thread LizR
On 20 June 2014 04:42, wrote:

 Thanks for the advice.  However, I don't think you should feel sorry for
 me for believing that I am right and everybody else is wrong.  I have a
 feeling that even  you would admit that there is a possibility, however
 unlikely, that i could be correct and Einstein (and all of those who
 believe him) could be wrong.

It is on a par with the Earth turning out to be flat after all, as far as
your views on time dilation are concerned.

 It is true that the measured speed of light in a vacuum is always c.

You've put measured in quotes - as opposed to what? The speed of light is
continually being measured as constant by the fact that we can see a
coherent picture of the world. When it varies we get interesting effects
like mirages. We don't see many of those outside the Earth's atmosphere,
indicating that c is constant in a vacuum.

 that Einstein and I agree.  In accordance with my model, Coulomb grids
 completely fill our Universe, every cubic nanometer of it (including all
 vacuums) and light travels in Coulomb grids at a speed of c.  Therefore,
 if the Coulomb grid is moving in the same direction as a beam of light at
 a speed of b then the beam is moving at a speed of c plus b.  But we need
 to have a reference to know how to figure the speed b.  That reference
 could be the center of our Universe or the cosmic background radiation.
 In this respect my theory includes relativity features.  But it does not
 require that the passage of time changes with speed or gravity or that
 massive objects produce a curvature of space.

 The article Liz cited is a nice article and it attempts to explain some of
 Einstein's concepts simply.  However, I note that the article does not
 attempt to explain Einstein's concept of gravity.  And I admit I do not
 understand his concept of gravity.  Liz has earlier referred to as set of
 equations that I gather relate to the curvature of space.  Since I am
 convinced that space cannot be curved, I don't see how the equations can
 accurately explain gravity.  It is possible that his equations accurately
 predict the path of light as it passes by the sun.  But that would not
 prove that massive objects curve space.

I believe GR explains gravity by saying that space-time operates on matter
in a manner that can be modelled as a curvature in a higher dimension. I
don't think it says that the curvature or the higher dimension necessarily
exist. However, GR has been tested to fairly high precision and shown to be
accurate, regardless of how one interprets the equations.

 My theory provides a better simpler explanation of gravity.

Hmm. But not, so far, as accurate, as far as I can tell. To quote the man
himself, a theory should be as simple as possible to explain the observed
facts, but no simpler.

 There is a
 Black Hole in the center of every galaxy.  The Black Hole continuously
 consumes portions of its galaxy.  It breaks down the molecules and atoms
 of the consumed portions into protons, electrons and positrons and
 neutrino entrons and other entrons.  It produces anti-protons from the
 electrons, positron and entrons and it allows the protons and anti-protons
 to destroy each other to release more neutrino entrons some  of which
 escape the Black Hole as neutrino photons to produce the gravity of the
 galaxy and some of which help produce more anti-protons.

This is a fascinating concept but I'm not sure it's crazy enough to be
true. You need some mathematical modelling before you can claim that
situation X produces result Y.

 Some neutrino photos are temporally stopped in stars, planets and moons
 and later released to give these objects their gravity.  Photons have a
 mass that is equivalent to the energy of the photons. The paths of these
 photons are curved by neutrino photons released from stars, planets and

How does that work?

 I have shown on page 136 of my book that the consumption per earth-day of
 an earth-size planet by the Black Hole in the center of the Milky Way
 would produce a neutrino photon flux here on earth of about 68,000
 neutrino photons per second per square meter.  Liz has my book.  She can
 confirm that I have made this calculation.

I'm sure you have but without the mathematical underpinning for the whole
theory it doesn't tell us much. For example, what is the cross section for
neutrino absorption by stars, planets, etc? Current theories make this
very, very low indeed, certainly not enough to provide a significant flux
that somehow provides gravity as a by-product.

 I have read that gravity travels at the speed of light.  My neutrino
 photons travel at the speed of light.  My theory also explains
 anti-gravity as being carried by photons, much lower energy photons that
 apply a photon pressure on the huge surface areas, of faraway galaxies.

 As I have mentioned before, this would be a differential pressure, so
lighter components should get pushed out of 


2014-06-18 Thread jross
My point is that the logic behind Einstein's special and general
relativity theories is faulty.

Time does not slow down when you go fast and is not affected by gravity. 
Clock speeds may be effected but not time.  Time passes at the same rate
everywhere in our Universe.

Light travels through Coulomb  grids which are curved by massive objects.

Gravity is produced in Black Holes with the destruction of protons to
release neutrino photons that keep stars in orbit around the Black Holes. 
Some of the neutrino photons are absorbed by stars and planets and later
released to give these objects their gravity.

When Einstein developed his relativity theories, he was not aware of
Coulomb grids or the internal structure of protons.

John Ross

 On 18 June 2014 08:43, wrote:

 I understand clocks in satellites do not run at the same speed as clocks
 here on earth.  However, I just can't understand why we would use
 Einstein's equations to adjust the clocks on satellites when it would be
 so easy to adjust them in accordance to the exact time here on earth.

 That isn't the point. For all I know they may adjust them using clocks on
 Earth. The point is that the satellites provide yet another way to test
 special and general relativity, and since scientists are always trying to
 check their theories are correct, they consider it worthwhile to work out
 how fast or slow these theories say the satellites' clocks will run and
 compare this to the measured values. The results are in accordance with
 both theories - working out the time dilation due to the satellites'
 relative motion and their position in the Earth's gravity field gives the
 observed result.

 Note that SR and GR give this result without needing any free parameters
 be tweaked. SR involves simple geometry applied to 4 dimensional
 space-time; as far as I know the only free parameter is the speed of
 light. GR involves the gravitational constant (I think) but I'm told there
 are no simple ways in which the equations can be modified to give similar
 results. Hence the clock rate is forced to have a particular value in
 both theories - the result falls out naturally from the theories without
 any need to introduce any corrections that could equally well have given
 other results.

 Here is
 a more detailed description of this effect.

 If you have a theory that can give the same result (with a similar lack of
 wriggle room for adjusting free parameters) then you should get some
 serious interest from scientists.

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2014-06-18 Thread John Clark
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:01 AM, wrote:

 Time does not slow down when you go fast and is not affected by gravity.
 Clock speeds may be effected but not time.

OK fine, but if it's not time then we're going to need a new word to
describe whatever it is that clocks actually measure, lets call it zime. I
would submit that we could not tell even in theory if time stayed the same
or sped up or slowed down or went sideways or even ceased to exist. But we
certainly notice zime! Therefore there is no way to know if time even
exists and given that it does absolutely positively nothing there is also
no reason to care if it does or not; but zime certainly exists and it does
a hell of a lot. There is nothing more important in our life than zime but
even if time exists it doesn't matter.

  John K Clark

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2014-06-18 Thread LizR
On 19 June 2014 02:01, wrote:

 My point is that the logic behind Einstein's special and general
 relativity theories is faulty.

In what way is it faulty? SR is based on the principle that all
non-accelerating observers will see the same laws of physics. GR is based
on the principle that the laws of physics are the same for all freely
falling observers. What's wrong with the logic?

 Time does not slow down when you go fast and is not affected by gravity.
 Clock speeds may be affected but not time.  Time passes at the same rate
 everywhere in our Universe.

Did you look at the explanation of time dilation accessible from the link I

If not, here is a direct link to it ...

Look in particular at the photon clock and tell me where the flaw in the
logic is. If you can do that (thereby beating thousands of people who've
tried over the century since SR was advanced) then it may become worthwhile
to consider Coulomb Grids as an alternative explanation.

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2014-06-18 Thread LizR
On 19 June 2014 02:47, John Clark wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:01 AM, wrote:

  Time does not slow down when you go fast and is not affected by gravity.
 Clock speeds may be effected but not time.

 OK fine, but if it's not time then we're going to need a new word to
 describe whatever it is that clocks actually measure, lets call it zime. I
 would submit that we could not tell even in theory if time stayed the same
 or sped up or slowed down or went sideways or even ceased to exist. But we
 certainly notice zime! Therefore there is no way to know if time even
 exists and given that it does absolutely positively nothing there is also
 no reason to care if it does or not; but zime certainly exists and it does
 a hell of a lot. There is nothing more important in our life than zime but
 even if time exists it doesn't matter.

 I might just add, in case it isn't clear, that to say that clocks slow
down is also to say that atomic vibrations and everything else slow down,
including people's thoughts and perceptions. I should also mention that SR
says this is a measurement effect while observers move at a constant speed
relative to one another. It's only when they (or one of them) accelerates
that you get a twin paradox where the overall elapsed time along one path
through space-time is not equal to another one, even though they have the
same start and end points.

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2014-06-18 Thread ghibbsa

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:54:17 PM UTC+1, Liz R wrote:

 On 19 June 2014 02:01, javascript: wrote:

 My point is that the logic behind Einstein's special and general
 relativity theories is faulty.

 In what way is it faulty? SR is based on the principle that all 
 non-accelerating observers will see the same laws of physics. GR is based 
 on the principle that the laws of physics are the same for all freely 
 falling observers. What's wrong with the logic?

 Time does not slow down when you go fast and is not affected by gravity.
 Clock speeds may be affected but not time.  Time passes at the same rate
 everywhere in our Universe.

 Did you look at the explanation of time dilation accessible from the link 
 I posted?

 If not, here is a direct link to it ...

 Look in particular at the photon clock and tell me where the flaw in the 
 logic is. If you can do that (thereby beating thousands of people who've 
 tried over the century since SR was advanced) then it may become worthwhile 
 to consider Coulomb Grids as an alternative explanation

p.s. addendum using this post (and the history behind it). I'm definitely 
not jumping on you Liz by the way, because you are definitely one of the 
people that, from my side of things, have become better and better in my 
eyes during the time I've been (not longer to remain I might add, if for 
nothing else due to levels of ostrasization now well past the level at 
which anyone would be able to justify ongoing attention for long). 

But, for reasons that were/are related to some of the interests I have been 
pursuing on these lists - this particular context not being a direct 
interest but more something changed or clarified from the norm. And 
mentioning here because in this case, the changes are much more about 
crystalizing what was already intuitive for the majority of people, I would 
strongly guess including you...

John Ross, who incidently I do agree deserves your kind attention due to 
much evidence of long term hard work at his end, however...unfortunately 
and possibly rather sadlyhas clearly succumbed to one of the top 
risks we all face when our ideas  for whatever reason have been either 
exposed to isolated conditions for a long time.or...I 
believe...circumstances a lot of celebrities understand all too 
well...which is about becoming exposed to the mind-set typically found in 
fan clubs. 

Exposure there just as harmful, because it's very hard not to be influenced 
by ambient ideas when they are coming from all direction. So that one, 
overlooked perhaps, can create the same basic properties that we see in Mr. 
Ross. Joining the two scenarios I might illustrate something like 
'domestication'.due to another fleeting memory...I get them when I 
address you for some reason,..this one was one of those postcards with a 
silly drawing on the front and a joke caption. It was a bunch of salivating 
wolves peeping through a bush to wood frame 'outback' house with a dog 
sitting outside chained to a post. 

One wolf is saying to another I'm telling ya, it ain't worth saving him no 
more...look at his eyes! HE'S BEEN DOMESTICATED

Anyway, in the Ross case it's a case of the more intuitive and well 
recognized status. He has built himself into something, that no matter the 
value of the original ideas...and there may bealso at some point began 
to include probably small, rationalizations...that may well have started 
out innocently as simplifications purely for thinking clearly about things, 
that were large and complicated, and which may not have had anything to do 
with the ideas at all. 

But rationalizing is one of those things that once in a process, if near 
the core of thinking even if not directly about the important thoughts 
themselves, will nevertheless be carried by the knock-on consequences 
perceived in the key ideas to other parts of the emergent structure of 
thought, until eventually at a certain distance from the origin,  thet 
rationalizations and their consequences will dominate the process, for that 

In the case of John Ross, the rationalizing make this process useless for 
him personally. So I say this just as a pointer, that I hope there's a 
personal value in play for you. Which there can well be, when someone is 
acclepted and on the inside of a human network, which is also substantially 
present and taking note, or potentially. 

But not for John. The best anyone can do for him, is wish him well in his 
journey, which definitely looks to have - at some point anyway - involved a 
large amount of the stuff that we tend to associate with good guys. Wish 
him well. Maybe he'll come out the other end with a stunning theory that 
changes the world. If he gets through that valley of the dead theory, all 
by his vulnerable little self. That's the way it. Can't change it for the 
better. Not for him. Can only make 


2014-06-17 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 16 Jun 2014, at 02:01, LizR wrote:

On 16 June 2014 11:08, meekerdb wrote:
On 6/15/2014 3:03 PM, LizR wrote:
And it depends a lot on what you think about mathematics; whether  
it's just a precise and and strictly logical subset of language or  
whether it's really real ur-stuff.

Yes, that's one way to rephrase what I just said. My only addition  
is that if you think the former, then you should explain why it  
works so well.

I should think that's obvious.  What works to well was invented by  
us to describe the world as *we* experience it.

I don't buy that solipsistic stuff. I'm fairly sure the science  
we've invented could have been discovered by anyone in the universe.

Notice we keep having to invent new mathematics as our instruments  
and observations get better.

You keep trying to slip in invented as though we aren't  
discovering how the world works. But we are, as having it kick back  
in thousands of ways (computers work, aeroplanes work, antibiotics  
work, rockets to the Moon work...) has shown.

Did Plato include non-commutative geometry or transfinite cardinals  
among his perfect forms?

Was there some point to that sentence? Looks like a hand waving  
attempt to discredit Platonism tout court. We're not supposed to be  
here to play silly rhetorical games (and you didn't even specify the  
I'm being a politician hat). So Plato didn't predict future maths,  

You are right. Aristotle didn't predict future math too, nor future  

The question is only which theory explains better the facts, without  
eliminating person and consciousness.

There are huge parts of mathematics which seem to do no work  
whatsoever. Just look at (try entering liz), a  
favorite of a mathematician friend of mine.  I'd say that's a mark  
against Platonism; yet it's just what you'd expect if they are just  
extensions of a logical language game.

What you wouldn't expect if they are just extensions of a logical  
language game is for someone to invent maths that turns out to have  
physical applications centuries later. Yes that's happened several  

Even Einstein eventually understood that there is a possibilly non  
trivial and fundamental mathematical reality.

The doctrine that math is only a language is called conventionalism.  
It is debunked by elementary arithmetic and elementary computer science.

Meanwhile, maths with no application is exactly what you'd expect if  
the MUH is true. Not saying this is evidence for the MUH, but at  
least it's consistent with it. But not with we're making up science  
as a logical language game / cultural construct stuff.

I can understand mathematical theory, or mathematical structure or  
mathematical truth, but mathematical universe is quite fuzzy for  
me. (But then I am a mathematician, and I am aware of the failure of  
all serious attempt to get a unifying theory. This does not mean there  
is no big interest of what mathematicians found when searching for  
such mathematics, which go from arithmetic itself to category theory,  
n-category theory, toposes.
Assuming comp adding anything to the natural numbers is misleading at  
the ontological level. The numbers themselves will add the axioms  
needed in their relative histories.

I'm open to suggestions, of course, but so far Tegmark's MUH seems  
to be the only one I've heard that seems to have any philosophical  

How about some empirical teeth.

Having any type of teeth puts it ahead of the competition.

When I said I'm open to suggestions I meant ones which at least fit  
in with our current state of knowledge, not appeals to ideas that  
we're inventing science as a language game, or rhetorical tricks  
about Plato not inventing calculus. You're better than this, Brent,  
I actually feel rather insulted by the level of response you've  
given me this time.

You should not.  take it easy. Brent might have got a cold or  
something. He seems indeed usually more convincing.


Do you really think I'm so stupid that I can just be fobbed off with  
postmodernist nonsense, rather than some decent arguments?

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2014-06-17 Thread jross
I understand clocks in satellites do not run at the same speed as clocks
here on earth.  However, I just can't understand why we would use
Einstein's equations to adjust the clocks on satellites when it would be
so easy to adjust them in accordance to the exact time here on earth.

 On 17 June 2014 07:57, wrote:

 I don't know about Einstein's 13 tensor equations and their exact

 You should at least know that that is how a physical theory works.

  I just don't believe space can be curved.

 Why not? It just needs a higher dimension. Actually there are
 interpretations of Einstein's equations that don't require space to be
 curved, but just change the distances within it to give the same result
 (somehow - I'm not very up on this, but I think the explanation involved a
 picture by MC Escher).

 And I do believe Coulomb fields can be curved.

 I'm not sure what this means. How, and in what way?

 Our Universe is not a mathematical structure; it is a
 combination of atoms and molecules and light and other things that can
 explained with physics.  We just need to use the right physics.

 So why is maths so effective at explaining the nature of existence?

 As for correcting the clocks in satellites, I doubt if they rely on
 Einstein's equations.

 You're wrong. They do.

 My understanding is that his equations say that
 time passes slower at high speeds and faster at reduced gravity.  The
 simple way to correct for time variations in the satellites is to adjust
 the clocks every now and then to make sure they are consistent with the
 time here on earth.  My guess is that is what they do.

 They have to be adjusted constantly, since GPS would drift out by several
 meters / day otherwise. The point is that the time dilation of the GPS
 clocks is exactly what is predicted by Einstein's equations. If you're
 going to attempt to explain the universe, you need to do at least as well
 as relativity.

 PS I still have some questions about this cold plasma shell thing by the

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2014-06-17 Thread LizR
On 18 June 2014 08:43, wrote:

 I understand clocks in satellites do not run at the same speed as clocks
 here on earth.  However, I just can't understand why we would use
 Einstein's equations to adjust the clocks on satellites when it would be
 so easy to adjust them in accordance to the exact time here on earth.

That isn't the point. For all I know they may adjust them using clocks on
Earth. The point is that the satellites provide yet another way to test
special and general relativity, and since scientists are always trying to
check their theories are correct, they consider it worthwhile to work out
how fast or slow these theories say the satellites' clocks will run and
compare this to the measured values. The results are in accordance with
both theories - working out the time dilation due to the satellites'
relative motion and their position in the Earth's gravity field gives the
observed result.

Note that SR and GR give this result without needing any free parameters to
be tweaked. SR involves simple geometry applied to 4 dimensional
space-time; as far as I know the only free parameter is the speed of
light. GR involves the gravitational constant (I think) but I'm told there
are no simple ways in which the equations can be modified to give similar
results. Hence the clock rate is forced to have a particular value in
both theories - the result falls out naturally from the theories without
any need to introduce any corrections that could equally well have given
other results.

Here is
a more detailed description of this effect.

If you have a theory that can give the same result (with a similar lack of
wriggle room for adjusting free parameters) then you should get some
serious interest from scientists.

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2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 13 Jun 2014, at 04:52, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/12/2014 7:03 PM, David Nyman wrote:

On 13 June 2014 02:42, meekerdb wrote:

Simply because you can give something you call a basic  
accounting of a

painting by specifying the placement of pigments on a canvas doesn't
preclude also describing it as a Monet of water lillies.  You've  
chosen a
level and called it basic and then complain that it leaves  
something out.

I'd say it's just incomplete.

You're right, it doesn't preclude it, but neither does it demand it.
The painting wouldn't be any the less what it is *physically* were it
to remain uninterpreted in perpetuity.

Yes it would.  Physics is interaction - not just existence,

Physics talk only on many things, but a priori does not talk about  
existence, unless you mean physicist physics.

and in fact QM teaches us that *things* don't exist without  

Like Mermin telling that today we know definitely that the moon does  
not exist when we don't look at it?

It seems to me that this kind of weirdness exists only when we take QM  

That's where I think Bruno's step 8 is misleading.  If pursued  
rigorously I think it would require a whole world to implement all  
the counterfactuals.

I don't think so. You need only the computations, which defines all  
the counterfactuals, and the logic of counterfactuals will be one (or  
many) among the main arithmetical modalities (hypostases). Step 8 just  
shows that making primitive matter genuinely necessary for  
consciousness reintroduce a non turing emulable, nor FPI-recoverable  
magic at the place where classical comp provides an experimental  
tool to measure that magic (which means that comp is false, or we are  
lied on the fundamental level (i.e. we are in an emulation done at a  
low level, in our hidden normal reality level).

Physics just don't address the question of theology and metaphysics.  
The problem is that there is a widespread confusion due to the fact  
that many take physics for a theology, but that is physicalism. That  
might be true, but comp illustrates this is not necessarily the case,  
and evidences (from both the empirical reality, and the arithmetical  
reality) adds that the fundamentalreality might be not a physical  
one. With comp, it has to be arithmetical from outside/3p and is  
theological from inside, with the physical appearing to be the border  
of the universal mind (of the universal machine). It is the place  
where God loses control, and usually considered negatively by the  
mystics (roots of suffering, illusion,

 And if you only prove that an artificial consciousness can exist in  
an artificial world you have proved much except that artificial is  

How could a universal machine can do would make an artificial  
consciousness emulated at the right level through the truth of  
arithmetical relations (actually deductible from the addition and  
multiplication axioms) wou

Step 8 extends that relativity on the set of true arithmetical  

You need consciousness to be physical in a non Turing emulable and non  
FPI-recoverable  sense to escape the conclusion.

Logically you can always add something like holy matter to escape the  
conclusion, as step 8 cannot falsifies logically the primitive  
matter (which is not logical indeed), but step 8 shows it to be  
equivalent with don't ask about consciousness.

The point is that the
completion (i.e. the interpretation of the pigments on canvas as a
particular work by Monet) is a supernumerary epistemological
consequence that is not required (in the strict terms of this view)  

singularise or otherwise determine the physical state of affairs.

I think you are assuming the point in question, i.e. that all the  
physical interactions of brains with the painting and the rest of  
the world are irrelevant and that the physical description of the  
painting is *just* the pigment on the canvas.  You take all that  
other interaction, which also has both physical and psychological  
description and leave it out and then you say the physical  
description leaves out something essential.  That seems to imply  
that you believe philosophical zombies are possible?

It is just that if you need if the physical can bring all the relevant  
descriptions, and that such description can be truncated digitally,  
and that yet you still survived, then *you* have to believe in  
infinitely many zombies in arithmetic.

If you were able to convince me of the existence of primitive matter  
validly, there would be a local measure one (with respect to here and  
now) of Brent Meeker-zombies in arithmetic convincing validly a  
similar infinities of Bruno-Marchal-zombies. I think that even a  
zombie cannot make a valid deduction of something which we know (from  
the very definition of arithmetic) that it is trivially false.

Comp *has* a notion of primitive matter (the sum on all  


2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

I thought I have commented this, but my computer claims I did not.
Anyway, i make precisions.

On 13 Jun 2014, at 17:07, David Nyman wrote:

On 13 June 2014 01:27, meekerdb wrote:

But although we may speculate that consciousness and physical  
events both
depend on computation (perhaps only in the sense of being  
described) it doesn't follow that a UD exists or the conscious/ 
world is an illusion.  People throw around it's an illusion so  

that it ceases to distinguish rhinoceri from unicorns.

You're right, oftentimes they do. But I wouldn't include Bruno in
people here (if you see what I mean). Once one assumes the existence
of the UD (or rather its infinite trace) the hard problem then becomes
one of justifying in detail every aspect of the *appearance* of matter
through its interaction with mind.

So here I would just like to insist that we don't need to assume the  
existence of the UD, nor of its traces. Both exist in the (sigma_1)  
true arithmetical sentences.

Then, as Bruno is wont to say, the
problem turns out to be (at least) twice as hard as we might have

Yes. We did have a consciousness problem, and now we have a matter  

As to the admissibility of the UD, for me, in the end, it's
just another theoretical posit. As it happens, it strikes me as
sufficiently motivated, because once computation is fixed as the base,
I don't see how one would justify restricting its scope to certain
computations in particular.

Well, we could have taken only the total computable functions (despite  
this is not a computable, nor even semi-computable). That set has no  
proper universal dovetailing, but the UD dovetails completely through  
it, with the price of dovetailing on the non total computable  
functions too, generating the infinite histories.

It also suits my Everything-ist predilection (when I'm wearing that
hat) to see the world-problem formulated in terms of a
self-interpreting Programmatic Library of Babel. But my preferences
are neither here or there, of course. What counts, as always, is how
fruitful a theory turns out to be. So the proof of the comp pudding,
in the end, will lie in its ultimate utility.

If it helps people to conceive one can be rational and non  
aristotelian, then it can help us to regain with a non authoritarian  
theology, respectful of the person from the universal numbers to the  
many gods and who know the one.
But utility is a quite relative and indexical notion. Truth is I  
think the most intrinsic useful notion, and the search for truth seems  
to me useful per se. (I agree that is debatable though, and this did  
not mean than all truth we can find can be communicated or justified,  
certainly not as such).

By that point, should it
come, I guess most people will have stopped quibbling about the
existence, or otherwise, of the number 2.

It should be clear then, under such assumptions, that neither a
conscious state, nor any local physical mechanism through which it  

manifested, can any longer be considered basic;

Aren't conscious thoughts epistemologically basic.  They are things  
of which

we have unmediated knowledge.

Yes, they are. But on the comp assumption, they're still in a specific
sense derivative. Admittedly this is a subtle distinction that must be
handled with care. For example, I don't think that it wouldn't be
accurate to say that conscious thoughts are caused by arithmetic or
computation. It's more that the epistemological consequences turn out
to be a logical entailment of the original ontological assumptions.
And part of that entailment is that there is indeed a we that can
have unmediated knowledge of certain truths.

With Theaetetus, knowledge becomes  mediated beliefs/representation +  
unmediated truth.
Consciousness of the mediated beliefs is mediated by the  
unmediated truth, I think.


rather, *both* must
(somehow) be complex artefacts (albeit with distinctive derivations)
of a more primitive (in this case, by assumption, computational)
ontology. The relevant distinction, then, is between this set of
relations and the alternative, in which both consciousness and
computation are assumed to be derivative on a more basic (hence
primitive) formulation of matter.

I can agree with that.  It is consistent with my point that  
matter is undefined and could be anything if we just called it ur- 

instead of matter.

Good. Perhaps that's all a little clearer, then.


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2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 13 Jun 2014, at 23:22, David Nyman wrote:

On 13 June 2014 20:44, meekerdb wrote:

physicalism, in accounting for the origin of matter (which is  

This makes it coherent, at least in principle, to ask for an
exhaustive physical accounting of any given state of affairs. In the
final analysis *everything* must be reducible, by assumption, to one
or another description of some basic set of underlying physical

Under computationalism, by contrast, the epistemological logic is
absolutely central in differentiating the lawful appearances of  

from the exhaustive redundancy of the computational base. Hence on
these assumptions, even in principle, no state of affairs above the
level of the basic ontology could ever be exhaustively accounted for
by any catalogue of descriptions, however sophisticated or
multi-levelled, of its merely physical dispositions, absent the
selective logic of its epistemology.

?? Too dense for me.

I think logic can be accounted for in 3p and can be observed in  
brains, as

in computers.

I'm sorry if it's hard to follow my drift, but I'm also a little
flummoxed that we're still flogging this particular horse. Why is such
a fundamental distinction between physicalism and computationalism
still so contentious after all the to-ing and fro-ing on this very
point on this list over the years? We are not debating the correctness
of either of the theories under discussion, but rather the
distinctively different role that is played by their various
conceptual elements.

To summarise, then: physicalism is the hypothesis that an exhaustively
reduced account of any state of affairs whatsoever can, in principle,
be rendered by reference to a particular, restricted class of
fundamental entities and relations. Given this scope, it must be true,
ex hypothesi, that any and all higher-order derivatives, for example
computational or neurological states, are re-descriptions (known or
unknown) of the basic entities and relations and hence always fully
reducible to them. Consequently such higher-order concepts, though
explanatorily indispensible, are ontologically disposable; IOW, it's
the basic physics that, by assumption, is doing all the work.

By contrast, computationalism, as formulated in the UDA, leads to the
hypothesis of an arithmetical ontology resulting in a vastly redundant
computational infinity. This being the case, there is a dependency
from the outset on a fundamental selective principle in order to
justify the appearance of a lawlike observational physics; IOW before
it can advance to the stage that physicalism has already assumed at
the outset. That selective principle is a universal observational
psychology, based on the universal digital machine, whose primary
role is to justify the singularisation of a particular, lawlike
physics that comports with observation.

It should be clear, therefore, that the psychology of observation is
not itself reducible to basic physics in this scheme of things. That
would be an egregious confusion of levels. Moreover, it is not
straightforwardly reducible to the underlying arithmetical entities
and relations, because the selective principle in question *depends
on complex, computationally-instantiated epistemological states and
their relation to modes of arithmetical truth. Absent those states and
modes, there would be no physics, no observer and nothing to observe.
Consequently, neither computation, nor the epistemological states it
emulates, are dispensable (i.e. fully reducible) in this schema.

Well said.



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2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Jun 2014, at 00:01, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/13/2014 2:22 PM, David Nyman wrote:

On 13 June 2014 20:44, meekerdb wrote:

physicalism, in accounting for the origin of matter (which is  

This makes it coherent, at least in principle, to ask for an
exhaustive physical accounting of any given state of affairs. In  
final analysis *everything* must be reducible, by assumption, to  

or another description of some basic set of underlying physical

Under computationalism, by contrast, the epistemological logic is
absolutely central in differentiating the lawful appearances of  

from the exhaustive redundancy of the computational base. Hence on
these assumptions, even in principle, no state of affairs above the
level of the basic ontology could ever be exhaustively accounted  

by any catalogue of descriptions, however sophisticated or
multi-levelled, of its merely physical dispositions, absent the
selective logic of its epistemology.

?? Too dense for me.

I think logic can be accounted for in 3p and can be observed in  
brains, as

in computers.

I'm sorry if it's hard to follow my drift, but I'm also a little
flummoxed that we're still flogging this particular horse. Why is  

a fundamental distinction between physicalism and computationalism
still so contentious after all the to-ing and fro-ing on this very
point on this list over the years? We are not debating the  

of either of the theories under discussion, but rather the
distinctively different role that is played by their various
conceptual elements.

To summarise, then: physicalism is the hypothesis that an  

reduced account of any state of affairs whatsoever can, in principle,
be rendered by reference to a particular, restricted class of
fundamental entities and relations.

So those fundamental entities can be numbers and the relations can  
be functions in arithmetic?

I guess David meant physical fundamental entities, that is  
observable. The physicalist declares that something is real if it is  

Platonist and mystics, or believers, tends to assume that the  
observable has some non observable reason to exist. They bet on  
something else, going from numbers (Pythagorus), an intelligible  
reality (Plato), mathematics (Xeusippes), the one (Plotin), ... and  
yes the fairy tales god(s) (once research in theology get forbidden,  
be it with plants, dances, or logic and math, still today).

Given this scope, it must be true,
ex hypothesi, that any and all higher-order derivatives, for example
computational or neurological states, are re-descriptions (known or
unknown) of the basic entities and relations and hence always fully
reducible to them. Consequently such higher-order concepts, though
explanatorily indispensible, are ontologically disposable; IOW, it's
the basic physics that, by assumption, is doing all the work.

I see nothing in your explication that really defines or  
distinguishes physicalism from any other 'ism that proposes to  
explain everything in terms of some fundamental entities.  I tried  
to give a definition that physical meant sharable in an  
operational sense.

Sharable by who? By the universal numbers? I am all with you.

Did you reject that definition?  In the above you seem to just  
assume that we know what is meant by physicalism and physics and we  
just know it's inadequate.

By contrast, computationalism, as formulated in the UDA, leads to the
hypothesis of an arithmetical ontology resulting in a vastly  

computational infinity.

And this is different from string theory because string theory  
assumes real numbers which makes it bigger than a computational  

Yes. That's why Tegmark is fuzzy on the ontology. The term  
mathematica can't be defined in mathematics. All attempts have  
failed up to now. My be with Quine NF, ...

But with Church thesis we do have the miracle of a something both  
universal, and effective. The universal machine, and the limiting  
border of its capacities, which by the first person delay invariance  
get in touch with the machines statistically stable machine's point of  

This being the case, there is a dependency
from the outset on a fundamental selective principle

Which is?

The consciousness of the owner of the memory diary.

in order to
justify the appearance of a lawlike observational physics

The justification of lawlike observation in physics is a topic of  
research, mostly centered around hopes that decoherence theory will  
explain the appearance of the classical world, which is necessary  
for observation.

Decoherence theory does not need to make the other world  
disappearing. That would reintroduce linearity where it can't be, if  
QM is correct. Decoherence just explains why it is hard to get the  
trace of the interference effect with the macroscopic states.

; IOW before
it can 


2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Jun 2014, at 01:43, LizR wrote:

On 14 June 2014 10:01, meekerdb wrote:
On 6/13/2014 2:22 PM, David Nyman wrote:
On 13 June 2014 20:44, meekerdb wrote:
physicalism, in accounting for the origin of matter (which is basic).
This makes it coherent, at least in principle, to ask for an
exhaustive physical accounting of any given state of affairs. In the
final analysis *everything* must be reducible, by assumption, to one
or another description of some basic set of underlying physical

Under computationalism, by contrast, the epistemological logic is
absolutely central in differentiating the lawful appearances of matter
from the exhaustive redundancy of the computational base. Hence on
these assumptions, even in principle, no state of affairs above the
level of the basic ontology could ever be exhaustively accounted for
by any catalogue of descriptions, however sophisticated or
multi-levelled, of its merely physical dispositions, absent the
selective logic of its epistemology.
?? Too dense for me.

I think logic can be accounted for in 3p and can be observed in  
brains, as

in computers.
I'm sorry if it's hard to follow my drift, but I'm also a little
flummoxed that we're still flogging this particular horse. Why is such
a fundamental distinction between physicalism and computationalism
still so contentious after all the to-ing and fro-ing on this very
point on this list over the years? We are not debating the correctness
of either of the theories under discussion, but rather the
distinctively different role that is played by their various
conceptual elements.

To summarise, then: physicalism is the hypothesis that an exhaustively
reduced account of any state of affairs whatsoever can, in principle,
be rendered by reference to a particular, restricted class of
fundamental entities and relations.

So those fundamental entities can be numbers and the relations can  
be functions in arithmetic?

It appears so, so far, from observation of how physical theories  
that work have been constructed.


Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT

Physical theory with numbers and so on:


Hmm... Liz, how quick you are here. I see the point, but for an  
outsider out of context, this will seem unfair.

I guess you will agree that even if God did the world, God did it  
is still not acceptable as an explanation.

We would like to know why and how, and what did God, for example.

yet the formula above, which looks like a solution of the SWE for a  
particles in some spherical forces field, and this is pretty uself,  
as it gives the precise amplitude of probability to find a particle  

But yes this does not explain better than God did it when we ask  
about a fundamental equation, where here we will ask why and how are  
particles, why that equation and not some others, and where do such  
laws come from, and why does it hurt, also.

The fundamental must tackle the origin of the fundamental questions  


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2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Jun 2014, at 01:46, LizR wrote:

On 14 June 2014 10:01, meekerdb wrote:
On 6/13/2014 2:22 PM, David Nyman wrote:
Moreover, it is not
straightforwardly reducible to the underlying arithmetical entities
and relations, because the selective principle in question *depends
on complex, computationally-instantiated epistemological states

What's an epistemological state of an arithmetical entity?  Sounds  
like an egregious confusion of levels to me. :-)

Well, our knowledge is, if comp is correct! :-)


It is not different from the epistemological state of a machine, or  
better, of the person associated to the machine.

And with Theatetus applied to the arithmetical beweisbar predicate of  
Gödel, we do obtain, thanks to incompleteness, the necessary nuances  
to have first person person ([]p  p), and matter sharable first  
person ([]p  p), although on p sigma_1, matter appears already in  
the first person.

Those epistemological state does not apply to any arithmetical  
entities, but provably to those who will have relative self- 
referentially correct 3p discourse about themselves, including the 3p  
description of the other discourses.


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2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Jun 2014, at 02:26, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/13/2014 4:48 PM, LizR wrote:

On 14 June 2014 10:01, meekerdb wrote:

Consequently, neither computation, nor the epistemological states it
emulates, are dispensable (i.e. fully reducible) in this schema.

It's not clear what emulates means.  I think Bruno proposes that  
arithmetical computation actually instantiates modal states like  
belief.  But I think that may be stretching the meaning of  
belief.  If belief is  defined in terms of propensity  
to act certain ways in certain contexts, then it seems it can be  
physically instantiated too.

Yes, as a propensity to act in a certain way, a belief is doubtless  
a complex data structure. (But if comp is correct it's a finite one.)

Of course saying physically instantiated is assuming what you're  
trying to prove.

Proof is for logicians and mathematicians who come armed with  
assumptions they call axioms.

Proof is for all human beings, and alien or machines, who does not  
want to waste time with contradictory beliefs.

Logicians just studies proofs and their working, like entomologists  
studies insects. But they proves their metatheorem about proofs and  
meaning in the usual informal ways, using english or natural  
languages, like all scientists.

It happens that the working of universal machines has many relation  
with proof systems, although those are not equivalent. basically  
computability is sigma_1 provability, but provability is a quite  
different notions, it obeys different laws than the computable.

Physically instantiated isn't even a sentence, so you must be  
referring to If belief is defined in terms of propensity to act  
certain ways in certain contexts, then it seems it can be physically  
instantiated too.  I don't think that's just an assumption, it's an  
inductive inference given some ostensive definitions.

Right. But you computer has been able to get the point, and send the  
mail. The net physically instantiantes application and their  
computations, and we can argued that the part of computations  
physically instanciated has always grown since the  
invention:discovery of the DNA. Acceleration occurs with the  
successive layers of universal systems, like DNA, cells' colony, brain  
(the amoebas get the cable!), languages, thought, computers, the  
internet, etc.



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2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Jun 2014, at 05:32, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/13/2014 5:45 PM, LizR wrote:

On 14 June 2014 12:26, meekerdb wrote:
On 6/13/2014 4:48 PM, LizR wrote:

On 14 June 2014 10:01, meekerdb wrote:

Consequently, neither computation, nor the epistemological states it
emulates, are dispensable (i.e. fully reducible) in this schema.

It's not clear what emulates means.  I think Bruno proposes that  
arithmetical computation actually instantiates modal states like  
belief.  But I think that may be stretching the meaning of  
belief.  If belief is defined in terms of propensity to act  
certain ways in certain contexts, then it seems it can be  
physically instantiated too.

Yes, as a propensity to act in a certain way, a belief is  
doubtless a complex data structure. (But if comp is correct it's a  
finite one.)

Of course saying physically instantiated is assuming what you're  
trying to prove.

Proof is for logicians and mathematicians who come armed with  
assumptions they call axioms.

That's right, which is why maths and logic appear to be the only  
things we can know about for sure. The question is whether that has  
any ontological implications. I don't know of any way to prove that  
it does or doesn't, which is why I remain agnostic.

Physically instantiated isn't even a sentence, so you must be  
referring to If belief is defined in terms of 
propensity to act certain ways in certain contexts, then it seems  
it can be physically instantiated too.  I don't think that's just  
an assumption, it's an inductive inference given some ostensive  

Do you want me to wear my fingers out? Obviously I'm referring to  
the quote immediately above, that's why it's there! Anyway, if  
that's an inductive inference it appears to be one that assumes the  
materialist position, unless you are being explicitly agnostic on  
what physically means (but most people who use it like that  
aren't, so I'd expect you to say so).

I thought I'd been pretty clear that it's ill defined, a point on  
which I agree with Bruno.  I tried to define it in the exchange with  
David, but he seemed to reject my definition and just assumed  
everybody knows what it means.

The materialist position is the starting point of comp, so it will  
trip over the reversal unless you can point out where Bruno's gone  

I wrote several paragraphs on why I don't find Bruno's arguments  
very persuasive.

It is a 99,9% deductive argument, but in step 8 we point to reality,  
in which case we need Occam razor to eliminate the non relevant  
axioms. Step 8 shows that you have to build a very special magical  
theory of primitive matter to escape the conclusion, or you compare  
the classical comp with nature, and this might give you a clue for  
that experimental theory of primitive matter.

My point is that we just don't know, today, but I give a way to test  
this, and clues, that QM is going in the comp direction, even if we  
might improve at some stage the knowledge theory.



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2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Jun 2014, at 15:54, wrote:

I have not attempted to correlate my theory with the thinking of  
Plato and

Aristotle.  I would be happy to discuss this with you (my cell phone
number is 858-353-0997) or to consider your specific thoughts as to  
how my

theory relates to the thinking of these fellows.

Very roughly speaking, you have the materialists who believes there is  
a material universe with some primitive ontology (the aristotelians,  
with 0 ot more gods added), and those who thinks that the material  
reality is the sign of something else (which can be numbers  
(Pythagorus), or some god, or whatever.

The first will tend to make physics the fundamental theory. The second  
will tend to make theology or mathematics, or computer science, or  
arithmetic (or something else) fundamental.

It would be long to explain comp, which implies arithmetic will do for  
the ontological realm, or anything Turing equivalent) but you can read  
my sane04 paper and my last one, provided by Kim recently (which I  
should make online, but I procrastinate that kind of things).

I can send you the other one out of line, if you desire.


John Ross

On 12 Jun 2014, at 18:28, wrote:

I am well aware of the two slit experiment.  You can't send tronnies
one-by-one anywhere.  They exist in twosomes and threesomes as
positrons or entrons.  The entron is the energy-mass of each photon.
Photons are self propelled by internal Coulomb forces of their
In the two-slit experiment the entron goes through one slit but its
Coulomb force wave goes through both slits.

Like  Bohm and de Broglie. Today, this is known to introduce non  

physical action.

My theory does not deal with consciousness.

It might the grain of dust which forces us to revise our opinion on
Plato, on mind and physics.

I argue that if the brain works like a machine, that is mainly in a
local causal way (no magic), then Plato is right and the physical
reality is the border of the universal mind, i.e. the mind of the
universal machine (Turing, Church, Post, ...).

I am afraid that the Ross theory is still in the frame of taking
Aristotle theology for granted.


On 08 Jun 2014, at 20:33, John Ross wrote:

I am not trying to prove quantum mechanics incorrect.  I am trying
to prove my theory is correct.  If my theory is correct, and  

mechanics is inconsistent withmy theory then quantum mechanics may
very well be incorrect.  There is also a possibility that on some
issues the two theories may both be correct.

QM is the only theory (or scheme of theories) which has not been
refuted for more than a century. All others theories in physics  
been shown wrong in less than few years, when they are not  

to be wrong at the start (wrong does not imply not useful in some

So my question, which has been already asked, is simply what  

when you send tronnies, one by one, (or compounds of tronnies) on a
plate with two close small holes? (have you heard and think about
Young two slits experience?).

You lost me with Turing emulable.

We can come back on this later, but as you seem not so much
in consciousness, that might be out of your topic, at least for  

Taking consciousness into account + the hypothesis that the brain
is a
natural computer might force us to make physics into a sort of
illusion entirely reducible to the study of machine's psychology or
theology. See my URL or post, if interested.



] On Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 2:35 AM

On 07 Jun 2014, at 22:18, John Ross wrote:

I do not explain consciousness.

Fair enough. You are not searching to explain everything.
Unfortunately, consciousness has something to say on the very  

of the beliefs in the physical laws. You are still an Aristotelian
theologian (taking matter for primitive or granted with the naive
identity relation (brain/mind)). To defend that relation, between
brain and mind, you will need some special sort of actual
infinities. With the thesis that a brain (or body) is Turing
emulable, you can still attach consciousness to a brain, but you
cannot attach a brain to consciousness, you can only attach an
infinity of relative universal machine states to a consciousness.
This might explain the many-world aspect of quantum mechanics.  
It is

not yet clear to me what is your position on quantum mechanics, or
your explanation of the two slits experiment.



] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 6:02 PM
Subject: Re


2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 15 Jun 2014, at 22:16, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/14/2014 11:42 PM, LizR wrote:

On 15 June 2014 01:54, wrote:
I have not attempted to correlate my theory with the thinking of  
Plato and

Aristotle.  I would be happy to discuss this with you (my cell phone
number is 858-353-0997) or to consider your specific thoughts as to  
how my

theory relates to the thinking of these fellows.

Aristotelianism is philosophical shorthand (so to speak) for  
theories which assume that matter/energy and space/time are  
primitive, which means they cannot be explained by anything  
simpler. Aristotle thought that all that existed were atoms and  
the void

No, although that's what Bruno implies.  Aristotle believed in  
substances which had inherent properties including teleological  
propensities (air rises, stone fall).  He denied that a vacuum was  
possible.  It was Democritus and Epicurus that hypothesized atoms  
and void.

The point is that he believed in physical substances.

which is still roughly what materialist scientists think (Brent  
may disagree with this, but from what I've read this appears to be  
the tacit assumption of the majority of physicists).

I'd say working hypothesis - but why not? They're doing physics.

The evidence for this view is mainly that it appears self-evidently  

I think that's a very limited view.  It has only been self-evident  
for few hundred years -

I think that even a cat find evident that there is milk, there, and I  
am pretty sure the cat believe in some primitive substance, even if he  
is not capable to acknowledge such a fact.

and only among a small segment of the world's population.  Even on  
this list some argue that there must be some extra magic in humans  
and they can't be *just* matter.

But with comp the point becomes that eventually primitive matter is  
just all magic by itself.

Platonism is shorthand for theories which assume that the  
universe is in some sense a reflection of some hidden underlying  
'perfect forms - the modern take on this, due to Max Tegmark and  
others, is that these perfect forms are mathematical structures. I  
don't pretend to know what this would mean in practice, although A.  
Garret Lisi attempted to produce a TOE based on this idea (however,  
this hasn't stood up to scrutiny). Tegmark has suggested that the  
evidence for this view is that over the last 500 or so years, maths  
has been the royal road to physical explanations - there is  
nothing in physics which isn't maths plus what he calls surplus  
baggage - an interpretation of some underlying maths. Whether this  
has ontological significance is still unknown.

And it depends a lot on what you think about mathematics; whether  
it's just a precise and and strictly logical subset of language or  
whether it's really real ur-stuff.

It is neither. It is a bunch of truth though. Nothing in math is  
stuffy. Stuffy, like hard, soft, smelly, touchable belongs to the  
mathematical imagination of numbers (assuming comp and all is well),  
no doubt helped by long and deep (linear) histories.



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2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 15 Jun 2014, at 23:49, John Mikes wrote:

How much was a day before Creation?
and: wht happened 7 days before creation? who gave birth?

Very good question.

Comp is lucky for not being asked to answer this, as the outer god can  
be limited to the sigma_1 arithmetical truth, and it is not dependent  
of time or space or energy or primitive matter, or anything, actually.  
It does defines infinities of time, though (computations).

Physical time and space and energy is an invention/discovery of the  
inner God, or universal soul, mathematically circumscribed at the  
propositional level by S4Grz1.

And I am not saying it is true, but only that it follows from comp +  
the classical theory of knowledge, and that the theory is utterly  
precise about physics, and indeed is confirmed up to now by quantum  
mechanics (thanks to a result by Goldblatt + a result by myself).

It is a theory in competition with the physicalist/materialist/ 
naturalist conception of reality, despite many physicalist/materialist/ 
naturalist believes in comp (and thus are inconsistent or vague).

I would be happy if my work can help scientists to be more cautious  
and *agnostic* about which of Plato and Aristotle have the less wrong  
conception of reality.

The beauty of comp is that it forces comp to be modest and agnostic on  
that point all by itself, preventing proselytism, and making it for  
what it is: a theology, with special funeral rite, like when accepting  
an artificial brain.

Anyway, if we let the multinationals get monopolies, we might end up  
with artificial brain whatever we say to the doctor (like vaccination  
is obligatory), by social coercion or laws (mixing health and  
politics) in a world where people are no more encouraged to think and  
take responsibility.

You might say yes to the doctor, because you can't afford the price of  
oxygen and the class of upper level types of objects.

That is not for tomorrow.



On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 6:11 AM, Bruno Marchal  

On 15 Jun 2014, at 02:22, LizR wrote:

On 15 June 2014 02:37, John Mikes wrote:
Liz wrote:
E.G.: Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT - Physical theory  
with numbers and so on:

I think I never had the perseverance to decipher such a long  
expression, now I certainly don't.

Question: how much is the NUMERICAL NUMBER OF GOD?

According to The Pixies, God is Seven, which is just about the  
age he acts in most of the Old Testament.

Wow. Interesting. At the creation time, God was only a seven day baby.

We might not hold him/she/it for having been responsible of its act.

Not sure that is consistent with the platonist God which is truth,  
or at least approximated by an encirclement of truth, and might not  
have an aging predicate. That would be like saying 23 is prime, OK,  
but since whence?


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2014-06-16 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 16 Jun 2014, at 00:03, LizR wrote:

On 16 June 2014 08:16, meekerdb wrote:
On 6/14/2014 11:42 PM, LizR wrote:

On 15 June 2014 01:54, wrote:
I have not attempted to correlate my theory with the thinking of  
Plato and

Aristotle.  I would be happy to discuss this with you (my cell phone
number is 858-353-0997) or to consider your specific thoughts as to  
how my

theory relates to the thinking of these fellows.

Aristotelianism is philosophical shorthand (so to speak) for  
theories which assume that matter/energy and space/time are  
primitive, which means they cannot be explained by anything  
simpler. Aristotle thought that all that existed were atoms and  
the void

No, although that's what Bruno implies.  Aristotle believed in  
substances which had inherent properties including teleological  
propensities (air rises, stone fall).  He denied that a vacuum was  
possible.  It was Democritus and Epicurus that hypothesized atoms  
and void.

Oh yes, you're quite right, it was too. But please bear in mind that  
the point of this post is to explain to Mr Ross the Aristotle /  
Plato distinction that gets bandied around on this forum.  
Aristotelean in this context is just shorthand for primitive  
materialism, as far as I know.
which is still roughly what materialist scientists think (Brent  
may disagree with this, but from what I've read this appears to be  
the tacit assumption of the majority of physicists).

I'd say working hypothesis - but why not? They're doing physics.

Exactly my point. I don't know why you made such a fuss about saying  
they didn't.
The evidence for this view is mainly that it appears self-evidently  

I think that's a very limited view.  It has only been self-evident  
for few hundred years - and only among a small segment of the  
world's population.  Even on this list some argue that there must be  
some extra magic in humans and they can't be *just* matter.

Yes, I meant specifically to physicists. Bear in mind this is  
supposed to be a short summary for J Ross' benefit.
Platonism is shorthand for theories which assume that the  
universe is in some sense a reflection of some hidden underlying  
'perfect forms - the modern take on this, due to Max Tegmark and  
others, is that these perfect forms are mathematical structures. I  
don't pretend to know what this would mean in practice, although A.  
Garret Lisi attempted to produce a TOE based on this idea (however,  
this hasn't stood up to scrutiny). Tegmark has suggested that the  
evidence for this view is that over the last 500 or so years, maths  
has been the royal road to physical explanations - there is  
nothing in physics which isn't maths plus what he calls surplus  
baggage - an interpretation of some underlying maths. Whether this  
has ontological significance is still unknown.

And it depends a lot on what you think about mathematics; whether  
it's just a precise and and strictly logical subset of language or  
whether it's really real ur-stuff.

Yes, that's one way to rephrase what I just said. My only addition  
is that if you think the former, then you should explain why it  
works so well. I'm open to suggestions, of course, but so far  
Tegmark's MUH seems to be the only one I've heard that seems to have  
any philosophical teeth.

It is less wrong, but Tegmark is still mainly physicalist, and avoid  
the mind-body problem (and ignores computer science and mathematical  
logic). By mentioning self-reference Wheeler get closer. As in a quote  
of him by Jason, it seems he is only understanding now the FPI, but  
still not handling the points of view.

(You just find him more cute than me, I think.  Still, you should see  
me with my new glasses :)

Yes physicians and theologians are like french and british digging  
under the see for the channel tunnel, and it is normal that we should  
met at some point, but note the difference in the approach. Coming  
from comp and math, you can take into account simultaneously the truth  
and the provable, and the difference, for the machine, which enrich a  
lot the spectrum of rational discourses (indeed it go up to the  
theological in the sense of some greeks and indians, and chinese).


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2014-06-16 Thread meekerdb

On 6/16/2014 8:52 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Comp *has* a notion of primitive matter (the sum on all  computations below the subst 
level, or []p  t with p sigma_1), but it is defined as observable by a universal 

And is this not the same as the defintion I gave as the physical is what is 


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2014-06-16 Thread jross
I don't know about Einstein's 13 tensor equations and their exact results.
 I just don't believe space can be curved. And I do believe Coulomb fields
can be curved.  Our Universe is not a mathematical structure; it is a
combination of atoms and molecules and light and other things that can be
explained with physics.  We just need to use the right physics.

As for correcting the clocks in satellites, I doubt if they rely on
Einstein's equations.  My understanding is that his equations say that
time passes slower at high speeds and faster at reduced gravity.  The
simple way to correct for time variations in the satellites is to adjust
the clocks every now and then to make sure they are consistent with the
time here on earth.  My guess is that is what they do.

John Ross

 On 15 June 2014 02:13, wrote:

 Einstein says large masses create a curvature of space and that light
 beams are curved by these large masses.  I say that large masses produce
 Coulomb grids through which light travels.  Under both theories the
 of light are affected. I don't see any problem.

 OK, maybe you're right. It's possible all the CGs generated by all the
 masses involved average out to produce something akin to the smooth
 space-time curvature predicted by GR. Since neither of us has done the
 maths, who can say?

 Einstein and I reach the same conclusion.

 Hmm. He reached it via something like 13 tensor equations which can be
 solved to give exact results. You reach it via some vague wordy
 description... whether the universe is in fact a mathematical structure or
 similar, it sure *behaves* like it is, so personally, out of these
 approaches I would go for the maths and the exact predictions, which can
 actually be used for useful stuff like GPS and looknig for distant

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2014-06-16 Thread LizR
On 17 June 2014 07:57, wrote:

 I don't know about Einstein's 13 tensor equations and their exact results.

You should at least know that that is how a physical theory works.

  I just don't believe space can be curved.

Why not? It just needs a higher dimension. Actually there are
interpretations of Einstein's equations that don't require space to be
curved, but just change the distances within it to give the same result
(somehow - I'm not very up on this, but I think the explanation involved a
picture by MC Escher).

 And I do believe Coulomb fields can be curved.

I'm not sure what this means. How, and in what way?

 Our Universe is not a mathematical structure; it is a
 combination of atoms and molecules and light and other things that can be
 explained with physics.  We just need to use the right physics.

So why is maths so effective at explaining the nature of existence?

 As for correcting the clocks in satellites, I doubt if they rely on
 Einstein's equations.

You're wrong. They do.

 My understanding is that his equations say that
 time passes slower at high speeds and faster at reduced gravity.  The
 simple way to correct for time variations in the satellites is to adjust
 the clocks every now and then to make sure they are consistent with the
 time here on earth.  My guess is that is what they do.

They have to be adjusted constantly, since GPS would drift out by several
meters / day otherwise. The point is that the time dilation of the GPS
clocks is exactly what is predicted by Einstein's equations. If you're
going to attempt to explain the universe, you need to do at least as well
as relativity.

PS I still have some questions about this cold plasma shell thing by the

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2014-06-15 Thread LizR
On 15 June 2014 01:38, wrote:

 My model provides an explanation of everything including gravity which I
 understand is not explained by QM.  QM does not explain logically why
 electrons do not blow themselves apart.  I don't believe in quantum

Please elaborate. Certain Aspects* of quantum weirdness have been very well
tested experimentally,
and shown to hold.

  There is a universe.

The universe is a hypothesis we use to explain our observationsone that
seems to have held up quite well, although Bruno may have found an
unexpected hole in it.

* quantum physics joke :)

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2014-06-15 Thread LizR
On 15 June 2014 01:54, wrote:

 I have not attempted to correlate my theory with the thinking of Plato and
 Aristotle.  I would be happy to discuss this with you (my cell phone
 number is 858-353-0997) or to consider your specific thoughts as to how my
 theory relates to the thinking of these fellows.

 Aristotelianism is philosophical shorthand (so to speak) for theories
which assume that matter/energy and space/time are primitive, which means
they cannot be explained by anything simpler. Aristotle thought that all
that existed were atoms and the void which is still roughly what
materialist scientists think (Brent may disagree with this, but from what
I've read this appears to be the tacit assumption of the majority of
physicists). The evidence for this view is mainly that it appears
self-evidently true!

Platonism is shorthand for theories which assume that the universe is in
some sense a reflection of some hidden underlying 'perfect forms - the
modern take on this, due to Max Tegmark and others, is that these perfect
forms are mathematical structures. I don't pretend to know what this would
mean in practice, although A. Garret Lisi attempted to produce a
on this idea (however, this hasn't stood up to scrutiny). Tegmark has
suggested that the evidence for this view is that over the last 500 or so
years, maths has been the royal road to physical explanations - there is
nothing in physics which isn't maths plus what he calls surplus baggage -
an interpretation of some underlying maths. Whether this has ontological
significance is still unknown.

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2014-06-15 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 15 Jun 2014, at 02:22, LizR wrote:

On 15 June 2014 02:37, John Mikes wrote:
Liz wrote:
E.G.: Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT - Physical theory  
with numbers and so on:

I think I never had the perseverance to decipher such a long  
expression, now I certainly don't.

Question: how much is the NUMERICAL NUMBER OF GOD?

According to The Pixies, God is Seven, which is just about the age  
he acts in most of the Old Testament.

Wow. Interesting. At the creation time, God was only a seven day baby.

We might not hold him/she/it for having been responsible of its act.

Not sure that is consistent with the platonist God which is truth, or  
at least approximated by an encirclement of truth, and might not have  
an aging predicate. That would be like saying 23 is prime, OK, but  
since whence?


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2014-06-15 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Jun 2014, at 20:37, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/14/2014 1:08 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
If there were a reason why a primitive matter was needed (to select  
and incarnate consciousness), there would be number X and Nu which  
would emulate validly Brunos and Davids finding that reason, and  
proving *correctly* that they don't belong only to arithmetic,

?? Why might that not be a truth of arithmetic that is not provable?

p and ~[]p, like Gödel's sentence?

In this case it would be ~p and []p. despite [] correct.

In this reasoning we presuppose only arithmetic, which I think is  
neutral on primitive matter (even if not neutral on primitive matter  
appearance from inside). p is false.

Would it be true, the reversal would be even more fantastic: the  
existence of *primitive* matter would be a theorem of arithmetic.



which would be false, and that is  a mathematical contradiction,  
even if those Davids and Brunos are zombies. That makes physicalism  
just logically incompatible with mechanism (and that argument is  
simpler than step 8).

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2014-06-15 Thread ghibbsa

On Saturday, June 14, 2014 7:37:25 PM UTC+1, Brent wrote:

 On 6/14/2014 1:08 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote: 
  If there were a reason why a primitive matter was needed (to select and 
  consciousness), there would be number X and Nu which would emulate 
 validly Brunos and 
  Davids finding that reason, and proving *correctly* that they don't 
 belong only to 

 ?? Why might that not be a truth of arithmetic that is not provable? 


 Allowing the logic that a robust theory is its final product including 
only the consequences actually worked through, and only as far as they are 
worked through. The rest being philosophical or non-distinct. 

Also allowing that a robust theory in science speaks to an 'objective 
reality' in which for the same knowledge and accuracy, the same final 
product will materialize by *any* of whatever alternate theoretical routes 

THEN the logic is that while there are playoffs between going for simple 
initial postulates and computing from there, or devising more abstracted 
postulated relevant to the whole domain defining the final product, there 
cannot be a knowledge lighter or heavier route between such alternate 

If you go with simple initial postulates, then all you do is transfer the 
problem to the computation of consequence section. 

It is NOT logical to speak of simple postulates with non-distinct 
consequences for some apparently reasonable much larger domain, as equal to 
a theory that is robust across that domain. Like Relativity. It's immensely 
robust across a very large domain. Would it have been equal had Einstein or 
whoever, produced a theory that *suggested* a nature across the same 
domain, but offered no worked through methods and equations for that 

This sort of thing was fairly understood by the geniuses of yesteryear like 
Richard Feynman. What happened while I was getting stoned all those years? 
Did someone overturn these understandings? 


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2014-06-15 Thread meekerdb

On 6/14/2014 11:42 PM, LizR wrote:

On 15 June 2014 01:54, wrote:

I have not attempted to correlate my theory with the thinking of Plato and
Aristotle.  I would be happy to discuss this with you (my cell phone
number is 858-353-0997 tel:858-353-0997) or to consider your specific 
thoughts as
to how my
theory relates to the thinking of these fellows.

Aristotelianism is philosophical shorthand (so to speak) for theories which assume 
that matter/energy and space/time are primitive, which means they cannot be explained 
by anything simpler. Aristotle thought that all that existed were atoms and the void

No, although that's what Bruno implies.  Aristotle believed in substances which had 
inherent properties including teleological propensities (air rises, stone fall).  He 
denied that a vacuum was possible.  It was Democritus and Epicurus that hypothesized atoms 
and void.

which is still roughly what materialist scientists think (Brent may disagree with 
this, but from what I've read this appears to be the tacit assumption of the majority of 

I'd say working hypothesis - but why not? They're doing physics.

The evidence for this view is mainly that it appears self-evidently true!

I think that's a very limited view.  It has only been self-evident for few hundred years 
- and only among a small segment of the world's population.  Even on this list some argue 
that there must be some extra magic in humans and they can't be *just* matter.

Platonism is shorthand for theories which assume that the universe is in some sense a 
reflection of some hidden underlying 'perfect forms - the modern take on this, due to 
Max Tegmark and others, is that these perfect forms are mathematical structures. I don't 
pretend to know what this would mean in practice, although A. Garret Lisi attempted to produce aTOE on this 
idea (however, this hasn't stood up to scrutiny). Tegmark has suggested that the 
evidence for this view is that over the last 500 or so years, maths has been the royal 
road to physical explanations - there is nothing in physics which isn't maths plus what 
he calls surplus baggage - an interpretation of some underlying maths. Whether this 
has ontological significance is still unknown.

And it depends a lot on what you think about mathematics; whether it's just a precise and 
and strictly logical subset of language or whether it's really real ur-stuff.


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2014-06-15 Thread John Mikes
How much was a day before Creation?
and: wht happened 7 days before creation? who gave birth?

On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 6:11 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 15 Jun 2014, at 02:22, LizR wrote:

 On 15 June 2014 02:37, John Mikes wrote:

 Liz wrote:
 E.G.: Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT - Physical theory with
 numbers and so on:

 I think I never had the perseverance to decipher such a long expression,
 now I certainly don't.
 Question: how much is the NUMERICAL NUMBER OF GOD?

 According to The Pixies, God is Seven, which is just about the age he
 acts in most of the Old Testament.

 Wow. Interesting. At the creation time, God was only a seven day baby.

 We might not hold him/she/it for having been responsible of its act.

 Not sure that is consistent with the platonist God which is truth, or at
 least approximated by an encirclement of truth, and might not have an aging
 predicate. That would be like saying 23 is prime, OK, but since whence?


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2014-06-15 Thread LizR
On 16 June 2014 08:16, meekerdb wrote:

  On 6/14/2014 11:42 PM, LizR wrote:

  On 15 June 2014 01:54, wrote:

 I have not attempted to correlate my theory with the thinking of Plato and
 Aristotle.  I would be happy to discuss this with you (my cell phone
 number is 858-353-0997) or to consider your specific thoughts as to how
 theory relates to the thinking of these fellows.

  Aristotelianism is philosophical shorthand (so to speak) for theories
 which assume that matter/energy and space/time are primitive, which means
 they cannot be explained by anything simpler. Aristotle thought that all
 that existed were atoms and the void

 No, although that's what Bruno implies.  Aristotle believed in substances
 which had inherent properties including teleological propensities (air
 rises, stone fall).  He denied that a vacuum was possible.  It was
 Democritus and Epicurus that hypothesized atoms and void.

Oh yes, you're quite right, it was too. But please bear in mind that the
point of this post is to explain to Mr Ross the Aristotle / Plato
distinction that gets bandied around on this forum. Aristotelean in this
context is just shorthand for primitive materialism, as far as I know.

  which is still roughly what materialist scientists think (Brent may
disagree with this, but from what I've read this appears to be the tacit
assumption of the majority of physicists).

 I'd say working hypothesis - but why not? They're doing physics.

 Exactly my point. I don't know why you made such a fuss about saying they

  The evidence for this view is mainly that it appears self-evidently true!

I think that's a very limited view.  It has only been self-evident for
 few hundred years - and only among a small segment of the world's
 population.  Even on this list some argue that there must be some extra
 magic in humans and they can't be *just* matter.

Yes, I meant specifically to physicists. Bear in mind this is supposed to
be a short summary for J Ross' benefit.

Platonism is shorthand for theories which assume that the universe is in
some sense a reflection of some hidden underlying 'perfect forms - the
modern take on this, due to Max Tegmark and others, is that these perfect
forms are mathematical structures. I don't pretend to know what this would
mean in practice, although A. Garret Lisi attempted to produce a
on this idea (however, this hasn't stood up to scrutiny). Tegmark has
suggested that the evidence for this view is that over the last 500 or so
years, maths has been the royal road to physical explanations - there is
nothing in physics which isn't maths plus what he calls surplus baggage -
an interpretation of some underlying maths. Whether this has ontological
significance is still unknown.

 And it depends a lot on what you think about mathematics; whether it's
 just a precise and and strictly logical subset of language or whether it's
 really real ur-stuff.

 Yes, that's one way to rephrase what I just said. My only addition is that
if you think the former, then you should explain why it works so well. I'm
open to suggestions, of course, but so far Tegmark's MUH seems to be the
only one I've heard that seems to have any philosophical teeth.

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2014-06-15 Thread LizR
On 16 June 2014 09:49, John Mikes wrote:

 How much was a day before Creation?
 and: wht happened 7 days before creation? who gave birth?

 The Earth Mother?

She probably tidied up on the 8th day, too.

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2014-06-15 Thread meekerdb

On 6/15/2014 3:03 PM, LizR wrote:

And it depends a lot on what you think about mathematics; whether it's just 
precise and and strictly logical subset of language or whether it's really 

Yes, that's one way to rephrase what I just said. My only addition is that if you think 
the former, then you should explain why it works so well.

I should think that's obvious.  What works to well was invented by us to describe the 
world as *we* experience it.  Notice we keep having to invent new mathematics as our 
instruments and observations get better.  Did Plato include non-commutative geometry or 
transfinite cardinals among his perfect forms.  There are huge parts of mathematics which 
seem to do no work whatsoever. Just look at (try entering liz), a 
favorite of a mathematician friend of mine.  I'd say that's a mark against Platonism; yet 
it's just what you'd expect if they are just extensions of a logical language game.

I'm open to suggestions, of course, but so far Tegmark's MUH seems to be the only one 
I've heard that seems to have any philosophical teeth.

How about some empirical teeth.


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2014-06-15 Thread LizR
On 16 June 2014 11:08, meekerdb wrote:

  On 6/15/2014 3:03 PM, LizR wrote:

  And it depends a lot on what you think about mathematics; whether it's
 just a precise and and strictly logical subset of language or whether it's
 really real ur-stuff.

  Yes, that's one way to rephrase what I just said. My only addition is
 that if you think the former, then you should explain why it works so well.

 I should think that's obvious.  What works to well was invented by us to
 describe the world as *we* experience it.

I don't buy that solipsistic stuff. I'm fairly sure the science we've
invented could have been *discovered *by anyone in the universe.

Notice we keep having to invent new mathematics as our instruments and
 observations get better.

You keep trying to slip in invented as though we aren't discovering how
the world works. But we are, as having it kick back in thousands of ways
(computers work, aeroplanes work, antibiotics work, rockets to the Moon
work...) has shown.

 Did Plato include non-commutative geometry or transfinite cardinals among
 his perfect forms?

Was there some point to that sentence? Looks like a hand waving attempt to
discredit Platonism *tout court*. We're not supposed to be here to play
silly rhetorical games (and you didn't even specify the I'm being a
politician hat). So Plato didn't predict future maths, whoopy-do.

 There are huge parts of mathematics which seem to do no work whatsoever.
 Just look at (try entering liz), a favorite of a
 mathematician friend of mine.  I'd say that's a mark against Platonism; yet
 it's just what you'd expect if they are just extensions of a logical
 language game.

What you *wouldn't *expect if they are just extensions of a logical
language game is for someone to invent maths that turns out to have
physical applications centuries later. Yes that's happened several times.

Meanwhile, maths with no application is *exactly* what you'd expect if the
MUH is true. Not saying this is evidence for the MUH, but at least it's
consistent with it. But not with we're making up science as a logical
language game / cultural construct stuff.

 I'm open to suggestions, of course, but so far Tegmark's MUH seems to be
the only one I've heard that seems to have any philosophical teeth.

 How about some empirical teeth.

Having any type of teeth puts it ahead of the competition.

When I said I'm open to suggestions I meant ones which at least fit in with
our current state of knowledge, not appeals to ideas that we're inventing
science as a language game, or rhetorical tricks about Plato not inventing
calculus. You're better than this, Brent, I actually feel rather insulted
by the level of response you've given me this time. Do you really think I'm
so stupid that I can just be fobbed off with postmodernist nonsense, rather
than some decent arguments?

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2014-06-15 Thread meekerdb

On 6/15/2014 5:01 PM, LizR wrote:

On 16 June 2014 11:08, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/15/2014 3:03 PM, LizR wrote:

And it depends a lot on what you think about mathematics; whether it's 
just a
precise and and strictly logical subset of language or whether it's 
really real

Yes, that's one way to rephrase what I just said. My only addition is that 
if you
think the former, then you should explain why it works so well.

I should think that's obvious.  What works to well was invented by us to 
the world as *we* experience it.

I don't buy that solipsistic stuff. I'm fairly sure the science we've invented could 
have been /discovered /by anyone in the universe.

Notice we keep having to invent new mathematics as our instruments and 
get better.

You keep trying to slip in invented as though we aren't discovering how the world 
works. But we are, as having it kick back in thousands of ways (computers work, 
aeroplanes work, antibiotics work, rockets to the Moon work...) has shown.

Why does it show that rather than the success of our invention.  You seem determined to 
look at the result only in one way.  I'd say what we discover is which description's work 
with which phenomena.


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2014-06-15 Thread LizR
On 16 June 2014 12:14, meekerdb wrote:

 Why does it show that rather than the success of our invention.  You seem
 determined to look at the result only in one way.

Because that's the way that accords with our science-based experience about
the world, yes.

 I'd say what we discover is which description's work with which phenomena.

Yes, so would I, which is how we discover the laws of physics. We don't
invent them. Invent implies we made something new, created something that
might never otherwise have existed. But the laws of physics don't fall into
that category. If you keep using invent to mean discover you are just
blurring a useful distinction for no good reason.

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2014-06-15 Thread meekerdb

On 6/15/2014 5:51 PM, LizR wrote:

On 16 June 2014 12:14, meekerdb wrote:

Why does it show that rather than the success of our invention.  You seem 
to look at the result only in one way.

Because that's the way that accords with our science-based experience about the 
world, yes.

And how does we invented the math to fit the world *not* accord?

I'd say what we discover is which description's work with which phenomena.

Yes, so would I, which is how we discover the laws of physics.

How can we discover them and then discover they are wrong?

We don't invent them. Invent implies we made something new, created something that 
might never otherwise have existed. But the laws of physics don't fall into that category.

That's your story and you're sticking to it.


If you keep using invent to mean discover you are just blurring a useful distinction 
for no good reason.

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2014-06-15 Thread LizR
On 16 June 2014 13:12, meekerdb wrote:

  On 6/15/2014 5:51 PM, LizR wrote:

  On 16 June 2014 12:14, meekerdb wrote:

 Why does it show that rather than the success of our invention.  You seem
 determined to look at the result only in one way.

  Because that's the way that accords with our science-based experience
 about the world, yes.

  And how does we invented the math to fit the world *not* accord?

Because of the weasel word invent, and all the baggage it carries. We
only invent theories in the way that natural selection invents species -
it's part of the discovery process of what works.

 I'd say what we discover is which description's work with which phenomena.

 Yes, so would I, which is how we discover the laws of physics.

 How can we discover them and then discover they are wrong?

We can fail to discover them, too. I don't see a problem with that. The
important point is that they exist, and when we discover what they are,
they won't be a human invention, they will be how the world works. Even if
we don't discover them, they are still the way it works.

 We don't invent them. Invent implies we made something new, created
something that might never otherwise have existed. But the laws of physics
don't fall into that category.

 That's your story and you're sticking to it.

No, it's common English usage. But if all you can do is throw around
insults let's stop this discussion.

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2014-06-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 13 Jun 2014, at 17:07, David Nyman wrote:

You're right, oftentimes they do. But I wouldn't include Bruno in
people here (if you see what I mean). Once one assumes the existence
of the UD (or rather its infinite trace) the hard problem then becomes
one of justifying in detail every aspect of the *appearance* of matter
through its interaction with mind. Then, as Bruno is wont to say, the
problem turns out to be (at least) twice as hard as we might have
feared. As to the admissibility of the UD, for me, in the end, it's
just another theoretical posit. As it happens, it strikes me as
sufficiently motivated, because once computation is fixed as the base,
I don't see how one would justify restricting its scope to certain
computations in particular.

By Gödel's traditional textbook presentation of the incompleteness  
theorem, the belief in the UD is equivalent with the believe in  
elementary arithmetic.

The computable facts are those are equivalent with sigma_1 sentences,  
and proof for sigma_1 sentences.

Actually p - []p is true for them. The löbian number can even prove  
p - []p,

but they still will not prove  []p - p for all sigma_1 propositions.
For example they still not prove t = []f - f (and f = 0=1 which  
is trivially sigma_0 and thus sigma_1).

Well, I meant that to believe in the UD is a theorem in arithmetic.  
Even a constructive one.

Thanks to many years of research the UD*, which is a sort of splashed  
universal machine, dovetailing on all her abilities, can be put in the  
explicit form below. You need only to believe in the existence of the  
solution of the following universal system of diophantine equations:

Nu = ((ZUY)^2 + U)^2 + Y

ELG^2 + Al = (B - XY)Q^2

Qu = B^(5^60)

La + Qu^4 = 1 + LaB^5

Th +  2Z = B^5

L = U + TTh

E = Y + MTh

N = Q^16

R = [G + EQ^3 + LQ^5 + (2(E - ZLa)(1 + XB^5 + G)^4 + LaB^5 + +  
LaB^5Q^4)Q^4](N^2 -N)

 + [Q^3 -BL + L + ThLaQ^3 + (B^5 - 2)Q^5] (N^2 - 1)

P = 2W(S^2)(R^2)N^2

(P^2)K^2 - K^2 + 1 = Ta^2

4(c - KSN^2)^2 + Et = K^2

K = R + 1 + HP - H

A = (WN^2 + 1)RSN^2

C = 2R + 1 Ph

D = BW + CA -2C + 4AGa -5Ga

D^2 = (A^2 - 1)C^2 + 1

F^2 = (A^2 - 1)(I^2)C^4 + 1

(D + OF)^2 = ((A + F^2(D^2 - A^2))^2 - 1)(2R + 1 + JC)^2 + 1

I don't show this to impress, but to illustrate that arithmetic is  
effectively universal at a rather law level of complexity  
(polynomials!). This results from the works of Putnam, Davis,  
Robinson, Matiyazevich, solving negatively Hilbert tenth problem, and  
Jones, getting a not to big universal (and thus Turing complete)  
system of polynomials.

Ontologically, you need only to believe in the solutions or non  
solutions of those equations.

Of course B^(5^60) is an abbreviation of B * (B * (B * ( ... 5^60  
times, when written in the {s, 0, +, *} language.

The solutions of that system emulates all Turing emulable processes.  
Each choice of the values of the variables A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I,  
J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, W, Z, U, Y, Al, Ga, Et, Th, La, Ta,  
Ph, and the two parameters:  Nu and X will do, or not do. In fact  
phi_Nu(X) converges iff the numbers A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,  
L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, W, Z, U, Y, Al, Ga, Et, Th, La, Ta, Ph  
exist verifying the universal diophantine equation. So (even without  
CT) anything computational is automatically provided by the minimal  
arithmetical realism (subtheory of any current physical theory).

In that sense, comp assumes less than any other theory.

If there were a reason why a primitive matter was needed (to select  
and incarnate consciousness), there would be number X and Nu which  
would emulate validly Brunos and Davids finding that reason, and  
proving *correctly* that they don't belong only to arithmetic, which  
would be false, and that is  a mathematical contradiction, even if  
those Davids and Brunos are zombies. That makes physicalism just  
logically incompatible with mechanism (and that argument is simpler  
than step 8).


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2014-06-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 13 Jun 2014, at 21:58, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/13/2014 9:30 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 13 Jun 2014, at 01:29, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/12/2014 9:22 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Further more, I'm not even sure that the reductionist program  
of looking for what's most fundamental (in a TOE) and reifying  
it is the right way to look at things.  It leads to making  
strings or numbers, which we never experience, real and  
everything we experience (on which we base or theories)  
illusory.  I think this called the error of the misplaced  

In that case we are just no machine and should never accept an  
artificial brain (or UDA is invalid of course).

That doesn't follow.  The doctor can still make a prosthetic  

Then you have to assume matter, and some magical non Turing  
emulable essential property, like its real existence to get  
consciousness (and prevent it in the arithmetical reality). that  
is akin to non-comp.

That's confusing (computation theory of mind)-(doctor can make  
artificial brain) with (doctor can make artificial brain)- 
(computational theory of mind).

Well, I was assuming you intended the guy to survive with the  
prosthetic brain.

We have by definition:

comp theory of mind - doctor can make (in principle) a successful  
artificial brain.

But I think you equivocate on comp theory of mind.  Your eight  
step argument is trying to get from (doctor can make an artificial  
brain) to (comp theory of mind); so it's circular to assume it by  
definition unless you mean two different things by comp theory of  
mind depending on which way the - or - goes.


Comp theory of mind is defined (with -, not - nor -) by yes  
doctor. It assumes nothing about existence or not of primitive  
matter. It assumes some physical reality rich enough to emulate  
universal machine like brain and doctors.
Then the reasoning show that any possible physical reality has to be  
recovered uniquely from arithmetic.

You introduce a difference between comp theory of mind (which is the  
comp hypothesis) and yes doctor, which is just a tool to explain  
what we mean by comp theory of mind.



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2014-06-14 Thread jross
My model provides an explanation of everything including gravity which I
understand is not explained by QM.  QM does not explain logically why
electrons do not blow themselves apart.  I don't believe in quantum
weirdness.  There is a universe.

John Ross

 On 12 Jun 2014, at 18:51, wrote:

 I don't see how consciousness is important is describing how our
 was created and how it works.  Our Universe existed for billions of
 before there was intelligent life to be conscious.

 IF there is a universe. We don't know that. But we do know that the
 computations exists in arithmetic, and that from the machine's points
 of view, an infinity of universal machines competes to continue them,
 below our substitution level. It explains intuitively and formally
 some quantum weirdness.

 Quantum mechanics is ok so long as it is consistent with my model.

 If the people are not happy, change the people! (Stalin, I think).

 If my theory does not fit nature, change nature!

 QM is not just positively confirmed since a long time, but it is
 confirmed in its most startling aspects.

 It is also the only theory which makes sense of liquid, solid, gaz,
 atoms and molecules, stars and black holes, particles and their
 relations (bosons, fermions, fractional spins, condensed states theory).

 theory includes an explanation of the results of the two-slit

 If is not a MW theory, or a Many Dream theory, I am afraid you will
 need non local indeterminist sort of magic.


 On 07 Jun 2014, at 22:18, John Ross wrote:

 I do not explain consciousness.

 Fair enough. You are not searching to explain everything.
 Unfortunately, consciousness has something to say on the very origin
 of the beliefs in the physical laws. You are still an Aristotelian
 theologian (taking matter for primitive or granted with the naive
 identity relation (brain/mind)). To defend that relation, between
 brain and mind, you will need some special sort of actual infinities.
 With the thesis that a brain (or body) is Turing emulable, you can
 still attach consciousness to a brain, but you cannot attach a brain
 to consciousness, you can only attach an infinity of relative
 universal machine states to a consciousness. This might explain the
 many-world aspect of quantum mechanics. It is not yet clear to me
 is your position on quantum mechanics, or your explanation of the two
 slits experiment.



 ] On Behalf Of LizR
 Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 6:02 PM
 Subject: Re: TRONNIES - SPACE

 On 7 June 2014 04:12, John Ross wrote:
 There is a theory of everything - my theory, The Ross Model.  You
 are a smart person and you are extremely interested in this subject,
 so sooner or later you will get around to reading my book.  And I
 predict you will be forced to agree with me.

 I haven't yet managed to discover what the ontology of the RM is -
 is the idea primitive materialism - that space, time, matter and
 energy are fundamental? Do you attempt to explain consciousness?

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2014-06-14 Thread jross
I have not attempted to correlate my theory with the thinking of Plato and
Aristotle.  I would be happy to discuss this with you (my cell phone
number is 858-353-0997) or to consider your specific thoughts as to how my
theory relates to the thinking of these fellows.

John Ross

 On 12 Jun 2014, at 18:28, wrote:

 I am well aware of the two slit experiment.  You can't send tronnies
 one-by-one anywhere.  They exist in twosomes and threesomes as
 positrons or entrons.  The entron is the energy-mass of each photon.
 Photons are self propelled by internal Coulomb forces of their
 In the two-slit experiment the entron goes through one slit but its
 Coulomb force wave goes through both slits.

 Like  Bohm and de Broglie. Today, this is known to introduce non local
 physical action.

 My theory does not deal with consciousness.

 It might the grain of dust which forces us to revise our opinion on
 Plato, on mind and physics.

 I argue that if the brain works like a machine, that is mainly in a
 local causal way (no magic), then Plato is right and the physical
 reality is the border of the universal mind, i.e. the mind of the
 universal machine (Turing, Church, Post, ...).

 I am afraid that the Ross theory is still in the frame of taking
 Aristotle theology for granted.


 On 08 Jun 2014, at 20:33, John Ross wrote:

 I am not trying to prove quantum mechanics incorrect.  I am trying
 to prove my theory is correct.  If my theory is correct, and quantum
 mechanics is inconsistent withmy theory then quantum mechanics may
 very well be incorrect.  There is also a possibility that on some
 issues the two theories may both be correct.

 QM is the only theory (or scheme of theories) which has not been
 refuted for more than a century. All others theories in physics have
 been shown wrong in less than few years, when they are not suspected
 to be wrong at the start (wrong does not imply not useful in some

 So my question, which has been already asked, is simply what happens
 when you send tronnies, one by one, (or compounds of tronnies) on a
 plate with two close small holes? (have you heard and think about
 Young two slits experience?).

 You lost me with Turing emulable.

 We can come back on this later, but as you seem not so much
 in consciousness, that might be out of your topic, at least for now.
 Taking consciousness into account + the hypothesis that the brain
 is a
 natural computer might force us to make physics into a sort of
 illusion entirely reducible to the study of machine's psychology or
 theology. See my URL or post, if interested.



 ] On Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
 Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 2:35 AM
 Subject: Re: TRONNIES - SPACE

 On 07 Jun 2014, at 22:18, John Ross wrote:

 I do not explain consciousness.

 Fair enough. You are not searching to explain everything.
 Unfortunately, consciousness has something to say on the very origin
 of the beliefs in the physical laws. You are still an Aristotelian
 theologian (taking matter for primitive or granted with the naive
 identity relation (brain/mind)). To defend that relation, between
 brain and mind, you will need some special sort of actual
 infinities. With the thesis that a brain (or body) is Turing
 emulable, you can still attach consciousness to a brain, but you
 cannot attach a brain to consciousness, you can only attach an
 infinity of relative universal machine states to a consciousness.
 This might explain the many-world aspect of quantum mechanics. It is
 not yet clear to me what is your position on quantum mechanics, or
 your explanation of the two slits experiment.



 ] On Behalf Of LizR
 Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 6:02 PM
 Subject: Re: TRONNIES - SPACE

 On 7 June 2014 04:12, John Ross wrote:
 There is a theory of everything - my theory, The Ross Model.  You
 are a smart person and you are extremely interested in this subject,
 so sooner or later you will get around to reading my book.  And I
 predict you will be forced to agree with me.

 I haven't yet managed to discover what the ontology of the RM is -
 is the idea primitive materialism - that space, time, matter and
 energy are fundamental? Do you attempt to explain consciousness?

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2014-06-14 Thread jross
Einstein says large masses create a curvature of space and that light
beams are curved by these large masses.  I say that large masses produce
Coulomb grids through which light travels.  Under both theories the paths
of light are affected. I don't see any problem.  Einstein and I reach the
same conclusion.

John R

 On 13 June 2014 03:50, wrote:

 Yes, light changes speeds many time as it passes through our Universe,
 it is always traveling at the speed of light through the grid it is
 currently traveling through.  There is no reason for it to become
  When light travels through a good prism or a microscope or a telescope
 can change speeds several times and it does not necessarily become

 My point is that a distant extended object will send light through regions
 of space which are at a large distances from each other on its way to our
 telescopes. So a galaxy which appears to us to be partly hidden by another
 galaxy is sending light through a region of space thousands of light years
 across. This region contains a large number of massive objects, such as
 stars. If these all have their own CGs, each one travelling at a different
 speed, the light signal would be effectively scrambled as it passed
 this varying landscape on its way to us.

 But it isn't, as thousands of astronomical pictures of galaxies at
 different distances which happen to lie along the same line of sight show.

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2014-06-14 Thread David Nyman
On 14 June 2014 04:32, meekerdb wrote:

 I thought I'd been pretty clear that it's ill defined, a point on which I
 agree with Bruno.  I tried to define it in the exchange with David, but he
 seemed to reject my definition and just assumed everybody knows what it

As I recall you proposed that physical might equate to sharable, in an
operational sense, and indeed I wouldn't demur from that as an
operational definition. But the question I was focusing on was the
mode of derivation of that particular set of operationally definable
entities and relations from whatever universe of possibility is
postulated by the underlying theory. And it is here that I would
contrast Bruno's approach with, say, string theory or the MUH, in that
the mode of derivation relies on epistemological logic from the
bottom up, as it were. This is why for me, if it can indeed be made to
work, such an approach seems to take more than a step or two towards
explicating the co-emergence of matter and mind from the
computational universe of possibility. In many, if not most, other
formulations, the latter is treated more like a metaphysical rabbit
that is assumed to pop out of the hat just in time, so to speak,
purely as an epiphenomenon of physical processes.


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2014-06-14 Thread John Mikes
Liz wrote:
E.G.: Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT - Physical theory with
numbers and so on:

I think I never had the perseverance to decipher such a long expression,
now I certainly don't.
Question: how much is the NUMERICAL NUMBER OF GOD?
John M

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 7:43 PM, LizR wrote:

 On 14 June 2014 10:01, meekerdb wrote:

 On 6/13/2014 2:22 PM, David Nyman wrote:

 On 13 June 2014 20:44, meekerdb wrote:

 physicalism, in accounting for the origin of matter (which is basic).
 This makes it coherent, at least in principle, to ask for an
 exhaustive physical accounting of any given state of affairs. In the
 final analysis *everything* must be reducible, by assumption, to one
 or another description of some basic set of underlying physical

 Under computationalism, by contrast, the epistemological logic is
 absolutely central in differentiating the lawful appearances of matter
 from the exhaustive redundancy of the computational base. Hence on
 these assumptions, even in principle, no state of affairs above the
 level of the basic ontology could ever be exhaustively accounted for
 by any catalogue of descriptions, however sophisticated or
 multi-levelled, of its merely physical dispositions, absent the
 selective logic of its epistemology.

 ?? Too dense for me.

 I think logic can be accounted for in 3p and can be observed in brains,
 in computers.

 I'm sorry if it's hard to follow my drift, but I'm also a little
 flummoxed that we're still flogging this particular horse. Why is such
 a fundamental distinction between physicalism and computationalism
 still so contentious after all the to-ing and fro-ing on this very
 point on this list over the years? We are not debating the correctness
 of either of the theories under discussion, but rather the
 distinctively different role that is played by their various
 conceptual elements.

 To summarise, then: physicalism is the hypothesis that an exhaustively
 reduced account of any state of affairs whatsoever can, in principle,
 be rendered by reference to a particular, restricted class of
 fundamental entities and relations.

 So those fundamental entities can be numbers and the relations can be
 functions in arithmetic?

 It appears so, so far, from observation of how physical theories that
 work have been constructed.


 Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT

 Physical theory with numbers and so on:


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2014-06-14 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List
6  6   6  !  Boo!   

Actually, The numerical number of God reminds me of some of the writings of 
Clifford Pickover, so sort of half-believes in his math magic. 

I think I never had the perseverance to decipher such a long expression, now I 
certainly don't. 
Question: how much is the NUMERICAL NUMBER OF GOD?
John M

-Original Message-
From: John Mikes
To: everything-list
Sent: Sat, Jun 14, 2014 10:37 am

Liz wrote:
E.G.: Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT - Physical theory with numbers 
and so on:

I think I never had the perseverance to decipher such a long expression, now I 
certainly don't. 
Question: how much is the NUMERICAL NUMBER OF GOD?
John M

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 7:43 PM, LizR wrote:

On 14 June 2014 10:01, meekerdb wrote:

On 6/13/2014 2:22 PM, David Nyman wrote:

On 13 June 2014 20:44, meekerdb wrote:

physicalism, in accounting for the origin of matter (which is basic).
This makes it coherent, at least in principle, to ask for an
exhaustive physical accounting of any given state of affairs. In the
final analysis *everything* must be reducible, by assumption, to one
or another description of some basic set of underlying physical

Under computationalism, by contrast, the epistemological logic is
absolutely central in differentiating the lawful appearances of matter
from the exhaustive redundancy of the computational base. Hence on
these assumptions, even in principle, no state of affairs above the
level of the basic ontology could ever be exhaustively accounted for
by any catalogue of descriptions, however sophisticated or
multi-levelled, of its merely physical dispositions, absent the
selective logic of its epistemology.

?? Too dense for me.

I think logic can be accounted for in 3p and can be observed in brains, as
in computers.

I'm sorry if it's hard to follow my drift, but I'm also a little
flummoxed that we're still flogging this particular horse. Why is such
a fundamental distinction between physicalism and computationalism
still so contentious after all the to-ing and fro-ing on this very
point on this list over the years? We are not debating the correctness
of either of the theories under discussion, but rather the
distinctively different role that is played by their various
conceptual elements.

To summarise, then: physicalism is the hypothesis that an exhaustively
reduced account of any state of affairs whatsoever can, in principle,
be rendered by reference to a particular, restricted class of
fundamental entities and relations.

So those fundamental entities can be numbers and the relations can be functions 
in arithmetic?

It appears so, so far, from observation of how physical theories that work have 
been constructed.


Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT

Physical theory with numbers and so on:



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2014-06-14 Thread John Mikes
Is 666 not the Apokalyps number?

On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 10:42 AM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 *6  6   6  !  Boo! *

  Actually, The numerical number of God reminds me of some of the writings
 of Clifford Pickover, so sort of half-believes in his math magic.

  I think I never had the perseverance to decipher such a long expression,
 now I certainly don't.
 Question: how much is the NUMERICAL NUMBER OF GOD?
 John M

 -Original Message-
 From: John Mikes
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Sat, Jun 14, 2014 10:37 am
 Subject: Re: TRONNIES - SPACE

  Liz wrote:
 E.G.: Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT - Physical theory with
 numbers and so on:

   I think I never had the perseverance to decipher such a long
 expression, now I certainly don't.
 Question: how much is the NUMERICAL NUMBER OF GOD?
 John M

 On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 7:43 PM, LizR wrote:

   On 14 June 2014 10:01, meekerdb wrote:

  On 6/13/2014 2:22 PM, David Nyman wrote:

 On 13 June 2014 20:44, meekerdb wrote:

 physicalism, in accounting for the origin of matter (which is basic).
 This makes it coherent, at least in principle, to ask for an
 exhaustive physical accounting of any given state of affairs. In the
 final analysis *everything* must be reducible, by assumption, to one
 or another description of some basic set of underlying physical

 Under computationalism, by contrast, the epistemological logic is
 absolutely central in differentiating the lawful appearances of matter
 from the exhaustive redundancy of the computational base. Hence on
 these assumptions, even in principle, no state of affairs above the
 level of the basic ontology could ever be exhaustively accounted for
 by any catalogue of descriptions, however sophisticated or
 multi-levelled, of its merely physical dispositions, absent the
 selective logic of its epistemology.

 ?? Too dense for me.

 I think logic can be accounted for in 3p and can be observed in
 brains, as
 in computers.

 I'm sorry if it's hard to follow my drift, but I'm also a little
 flummoxed that we're still flogging this particular horse. Why is such
 a fundamental distinction between physicalism and computationalism
 still so contentious after all the to-ing and fro-ing on this very
 point on this list over the years? We are not debating the correctness
 of either of the theories under discussion, but rather the
 distinctively different role that is played by their various
 conceptual elements.

 To summarise, then: physicalism is the hypothesis that an exhaustively
 reduced account of any state of affairs whatsoever can, in principle,
 be rendered by reference to a particular, restricted class of
 fundamental entities and relations.

  So those fundamental entities can be numbers and the relations can be
 functions in arithmetic?

   It appears so, so far, from observation of how physical theories that
 work have been constructed.


  Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT

  Physical theory with numbers and so on:


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2014-06-14 Thread meekerdb

On 6/14/2014 1:08 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
If there were a reason why a primitive matter was needed (to select and incarnate 
consciousness), there would be number X and Nu which would emulate validly Brunos and 
Davids finding that reason, and proving *correctly* that they don't belong only to 

?? Why might that not be a truth of arithmetic that is not provable?


which would be false, and that is  a mathematical contradiction, even if those Davids 
and Brunos are zombies. That makes physicalism just logically incompatible with 
mechanism (and that argument is simpler than step 8).

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2014-06-14 Thread LizR
On 15 June 2014 02:13, wrote:

 Einstein says large masses create a curvature of space and that light
 beams are curved by these large masses.  I say that large masses produce
 Coulomb grids through which light travels.  Under both theories the paths
 of light are affected. I don't see any problem.

OK, maybe you're right. It's possible all the CGs generated by all the
masses involved average out to produce something akin to the smooth
space-time curvature predicted by GR. Since neither of us has done the
maths, who can say?

 Einstein and I reach the same conclusion.

Hmm. He reached it via something like 13 tensor equations which can be
solved to give exact results. You reach it via some vague wordy
description... whether the universe is in fact a mathematical structure or
similar, it sure *behaves* like it is, so personally, out of these
approaches I would go for the maths and the exact predictions, which can
actually be used for useful stuff like GPS and looknig for distant

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2014-06-14 Thread LizR
On 15 June 2014 02:42, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

 *6  6   6  !  Boo! *

As anyone who watches QI will tell you, it's actually 616 (it's there in
Revelations, altho I forget the exact wording). Someone miscalculated.

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2014-06-14 Thread LizR
On 15 June 2014 02:37, John Mikes wrote:

 Liz wrote:
 E.G.: Physical theory with words: GOD DID IT - Physical theory with
 numbers and so on:

 I think I never had the perseverance to decipher such a long expression,
 now I certainly don't.
 Question: how much is the NUMERICAL NUMBER OF GOD?

According to The Pixies, God is Seven, which is just about the age he
acts in most of the Old Testament.

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