Re: [expert] Webmin

2001-11-19 Thread Galileo

dgssoftware and currently all ports except ssh, are bolted down. How safe would it
dgssoftware be for me to allow the port 1 for webmin. Is this good or is there
dgssoftware some real threats associated with this. Webmin is already installed

The  MOST  secure way : make a ssh tunel to webmin. To webmin it will look like
you  are  coming  from  so  you can block acces to port 1 to the
outside world and you can set access in webmin only to
So  the  only way someone can acces webmin is to have a ssh account. If someone
has ssh account he doesn't need webmin ;)))

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[expert] Linux ISP

2001-10-28 Thread Galileo

I'm  looking  for  suggestions for building a linux only isp.
So far my solution look  like  this:
Postfix+Cyrus  using  autentification  try  pam from a mysql database for 
smtp/pop3/imap access.
Replex for mail administration.
Freradiusas radius   server   since   it  can  be  configured  to  use  mysq  database
for autentification  and  it  looks  like  the  best opensource radius.
Haven't yet decided  which  frontend  to  use  for  radius.
Proftpd  as  ftp and also uses autentification  from same database.
Apache+perl+php as webserver.
Open webmail as webmail application.
And ofcourse Mandrake as my favorite linux distribution.
Few questions :
Does Postfix ,proftpd and the rest of needed software that comes with mandrake 8.1
have  all  the  modules  needed for me to accomplish this or do I have to build
them my self?
For example I wasn't abble to find pam_mysql package for mandrake but I found a
package for Polish(ed) linux which should work.
Is  there any manual on this on the internet? I have found some howto pages but
they are to old and to outdated.
My  goal  is  to  use a database for all accounting so I wouldn't have to create
classical user accounts.
It  would  be  very  useful  to hear some real world experience from people who
already have it working.
Any suggestions, ideas, flames :)))
Sorry for my bad English and spelling mistakes I hate spell checkers ;)

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[expert] iptables

2001-10-21 Thread Galileo

Hello expert,

  Can somebody tell me what does this mean :

-s, --source [!] address[/mask]
Source specification. Address can be either a hostname, a network name, or a plain IP 
 The mask can be either a network mask or a plain number, specifying the number of 1's
 at the left side of the network mask ^^^
As a understand I can specify source/destination network in some other way the the 
/24 or /

What I wont to do is to write a iptables rule for a range of hosts (x.x.x.29-x.x.x.50)
in one line.
Can that be done.
Best regards,
 Galileo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Fwd: [expert] Modem question

2001-09-25 Thread Galileo

This is a forwarded message
From: Kari Suomela [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 25 September, 2001, 18:08:23
Subject: [expert] Modem question

===8==Original message text===

Tuesday September 25 2001 03:24, Galileo wrote to Kari Suomela:

 G If you have any knowledge in electronics yust do the foloing:
 G Open up an external modem and look whats inside and then look at 
 G the

I've only been in the business for over 30 years, so what do I know!

 G The cheapest modems are pci winmodems the pci hardware modems the
 G old style isa hardware and then external modems. Why do you think
 G external modems are the most expensive ones ? Yust because they 
 G have

Please refrain from posting your garbage, untill you can back it up 
with facts.

 G Anyboudy remembers blackquoters lists on BBS systems ?

... run by ignorant amateurs like you!


   KARICO Business Services
   Toronto, ON Canada

===8===End of original message text===

Looks like some people are to edgy. 30 years in a busines ? Don't
think so, by know you would learned some manners.

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Re[2]: [expert] 5 1/4 floppy drive

2001-09-25 Thread Galileo

bascule just my luck, the distro that scares me the most :-)

I belive you can format a 1.2 mb floppy as a 1.44. You need to use
some good quality media like basf.
This was the only way to install dos 6.2 with a 5.25 drive. So if
dos could linux also should.

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Re: [expert] Modem question

2001-09-24 Thread Galileo

Kari  GI Does it absolutely have to be PCI? External modems work far
Kari  GI better.

Kari  Since when?

If you have any knowledge in electronics yust do the foloing:
Open up an external modem and look whats inside and then look at the
pci modem. Everything will be clear to you.
Also there is another approach:
The cheapest modems are pci winmodems the pci hardware modems the
old style isa hardware and then external modems. Why do you think
external modems are the most expensive ones ? Yust because they have
their one power source and serial interface to a serial ( com) port?
Excuse me for my bad English.

An appeal to all the people on the list. Please try not to quote the
entire message you are replaying to, yust the important parts.
It's a bit difficult to download all that unusfull stuff, on a 33600
analog phone line. Anyway it's practicly unusfull when somebody quotes
an entire message adt writes his/her replay on the end.
Anyboudy remembers blackquoters lists on BBS systems ?

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Re[2]: [expert] litle rpm trick

2001-09-06 Thread Galileo

Clovis i could use wget to take it all, but only need tha packages i have
Clovis installed.  any other ideas?

use drakupdaterobot already does everything you need and more.

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