[expert] xinetd + Apache/Samba ?

2001-08-15 Thread Jean-Philippe Essert

I just updated from LM 7.1 to 8.0 so now I have to 
learn how to use xinetd instead of inetd.
I read that xinetd could run any services I wanted. 
I guess that's right for the services that inetd was already running 
(cvspserver, ftpd,...).
Had someone tried to run other (new?) services via 
xinetd ? Did it work ?
I tried sshd and it seems to be working 
Has somebody tried to run an Apache server or a 
Samba server via xinetd?

[expert] automount / supermount

2001-08-15 Thread Jean-Philippe Essert

Can someone tell me the difference between 
automount and supermount ?
After reading the Mini-How-TO, I think I got most 
of how automount was working, but I don't understand anything in 
Do they do the same things? What are the 
differences? Can they conflict?

Re: [expert] CHMOD Question

2001-01-04 Thread jean-philippe

I don't understand what you ask.
Maybe what you want is :
  chmod 0750 /Directory/*/*
This will chmod all the files in every directories in /Directory/

Or you want to chmod every files without chmod'ing the directories?
 => find /Directory -type f -exec chmod 0750 {} \;


Sevatio Octavio wrote:
> Yes, "chmod 0750 /directory/*" would work but...
> What if there were many directories in "/directory" and you wanted to
> chmod all the files in those directories at once?
> Seve
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> On 1/4/01, 4:08:48 AM, jean-philippe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding
> Re: [expert] CHMOD Question:
> > Sevatio Octavio wrote:
> > >
> > > >From the Console:  How do you chmod just the files in a directory tree
> > > without going into each directory?
> > >
> > > Seve
> > "chmod 0750 /directory/*" should work
> > HTH
> > Flupke
> > --
> > << There's no place like ~! >>
> > Gois Jean-Philippe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > E-Systems & information technology
> > 22 Av Jean Mermoz
> > B-6041 Gosselies

<< There's no place like ~! >>

Gois Jean-Philippe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
E-Systems & information technology
22 Av Jean Mermoz
B-6041 Gosselies

[expert] IP alias trouble

2000-11-15 Thread jean-philippe


I have a range of IP adresses on the internet going from a.b.c.64 to
I have two machines in my DMZ (a.b.c.66 and 68).
All this works without a problem.

The trouble comes when I try to add an IP alias :
Here is the command I use to create it :
  /sbin/ifconfig eth0:1 a.b.c.90 netmask broadcast

If I add it to a.b.c.66, everything works fine. I can access my new
address (a.b.c.90) from anywhere.
But if I take out the alias from this card and make the same alias on
the other machine, then I can only access it from the local network (eg
from the DMZ)!! If I try to connect (www, ftp, pop3, ping, anything!) to
a.b.c.90 from anywhere on the internet, it doesn't work! (The server
does not respond).

I checked that it was not a firewalling problem, but all the rules are
set to "ACCEPT". I alsop though that it could be a routing problem (but
then I don't understand why it would have worked when the alias was on
the other machine), or maybe a "promiscuous mode" trouble or something,
but I wasn't able to solve anything.

Can somebody help me?

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Re: [expert] Upgrade from within Linux

2000-11-08 Thread jean-philippe

Ashley Moore wrote:
> George, thanks for the info.
> I must say, strange answers : george is pretty sure that it can be done!
> Brukhard is absolutely certain it can't !!!
> Ashley Moore.

I think that one George meant that you can make an update of mdk while
the system is running, but Brikhard meant rather that you can't start
the installation program (the prg that is on the mdk CD and that handles
all the steps of partitionning, configuring lilo, the network, ...)
without booting on the CD.

And I also think that they are both right

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Re: [expert] switch /usr partition ?

2000-11-08 Thread jean-philippe

Bill Shirley wrote:
> > > What about (logged as root) :
> > >
> > > cp -a /usr /home2/
> > > mv /usr /usr.bak
> > > ln -svf /home2/usr /usr
> > > rm -rf /usr.bak
> >
> > It is not a good idea to do it with cp. All the files permitions and
> > ownership would be lost.
> > Beside, non regular files would also cause trouble. I would do it like
> > this :
> NOT TRUE.  cp -a copies files and retains their permissions, ownership, and dates 
> It also copies symlinks correctly.  AFAIK, it is the easiest way to do it.
> Bill
> >
> > first make a backup of /home2 in /home/old.home2.tgz and clean /home2
> >tar cvzpf /home/old.home2.tgz /home2
> >rm -rf *
> >
> > then transfer files from /usr to /home2
> >   (cd /usr && tar cpf - .) | (cd /home2 && tar xvpf -)
> >

You're right, bill. I didn't know about this '-a' option. But I still
prefer the "tar" version.
I just find it nicer.


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Re: [expert] switch /usr partition ?

2000-11-08 Thread jean-philippe

pgeorges wrote:
> "David M. Kufta" a écrit :
> >
> > I have a clients machine that curently has a /usr mount point of /dev/hdb1
> > /dev/hdb1 2.0G  1.5G  527M  74% /usr
> > This client has a partition /dev/hdc1 which is currently mounted as /home2
> > /dev/hdc1 7.9G   32M  7.8G   0% /home2
> >
> > I would like to use /dev/hdc1 as /usr and know there is a cpio command
> > syntax that will allow me to move his current /usr from hdb1 to hdc1 which
> > has more available space and would better suit his needs, however the
> > command line syntax escapes me.
> What about (logged as root) :
> cp -a /usr /home2/
> mv /usr /usr.bak
> ln -svf /home2/usr /usr
> rm -rf /usr.bak

It is not a good idea to do it with cp. All the files permitions and
ownership would be lost.
Beside, non regular files would also cause trouble. I would do it like
this :

first make a backup of /home2 in /home/old.home2.tgz and clean /home2
   tar cvzpf /home/old.home2.tgz /home2
   rm -rf *

then transfer files from /usr to /home2
  (cd /usr && tar cpf - .) | (cd /home2 && tar xvpf -)

mount the partitions as they should be mounted
   umount /home2 /usr
   mount /dev/hdc1 /usr

And then modify your /etc/fstab

And maybe it would not be a bad idea to do it in runlevel 1.


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Re: [expert] Running X apps locally from remote host

2000-10-24 Thread jean-philippe

Eric wrote:

> OK, I have read, re-read and read again the instructions on xauth ,
> etc..  I can't get anywhere.  Basically I'm trying to run an X
> application from an AIX machine on my local Mdk machine. I keep getting
> a connect refused, invalid cookie, etc...
> Basically, what can I do to allow __ANYone__ to just connect to my X
> server on my local machine.  It's a throw away machine in a wide open
> environment and I just want it to accept any connection!
> Can anybody point me in the right direction??

I think that all you have to do is a "xhost +" from the xserver.
Once you did this, what I usually do is starting an xterm on the remote
machine :
   xterm -display ip.xserver.net:0
And you will be able to run any apps on the remote machine from the xterm.

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Re: [expert] 7.1 on 486

2000-10-19 Thread Jean-Philippe Gois

George McConnell wrote:
> will 7.1 not install on a 486?

It will, but you have to download a dedicated iso file.
You'll find one at www.linuxiso.org/download and at most ftp mandrake

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Re: [expert] Vi/Vim - The editor from HELL! How do I set the defaulteditor so I can TRASH IT?

2000-08-16 Thread jean-philippe gois

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Mallard wrote:

> Why did Mandrake pick the most geekyist editor for a setup that is
> suposto be easy for users?
> Anyone else seen this joke of a program?
> With Vim all you have to do is spend a half hour trying to get it give
> you help, then scroll all the way to the bottom of a super long
> whoopy-do list of usless keyboard commands that you will forget a day
> after you use them. Please get rid of it!
> Try ":qw" to get out and save what you just did WTF is that? Did a human
> design this? That is if you figure out how to get into "insert" mode and
> out of it again. GET RID OF THIS! TRASH IT! Ban it from the Net!
> Couldn't use "X" or "E" for exit or maybe cntl-X or Z, no - had to be
> big geeks and do it some STUPID way. What the hell were these guys
> thinking? Do they live on this planet? Why does Mandrake support this?
> Trash it!
> Yea, I am pissed. All I wanted to do is set up my cron file ("crontab
> -e") and that brings up the "default" editor. Searching all over to find
> where the "default" editor is set up, couldn't find it. Another waste of
> time.
> I don't know who thinks this is some great thing, WOW! It has zillions
> of features! It's not 1982 anymore, we have word processors that have a
> better human interface than terminals did, get a life geeks! (directed
> at the guys who wrote and keep updating "vi" and "vim")
> Why not make the default editor a nice simple one, like maybe pico,
> where the commands are shown. I can't see anyone using a command line
> editor for much else than a few simple changes, there are better simple
> editors in KDE and such. Damn that really pissed me off, and on top of
> that you guys changed from "vi" (same stupid geeky crap) to "vim" (worse
> geeky crap) in 7.1 did someone request this? I want to know who!
> Figure if someone is a big enough geek to want vim, let them spend their
> life away trying to figure it out (and how to change the default editor
> to do it).
> Thanks for the soapbox, I had my say (please forward this to whoever
> makes these program installation choices, if he's not a big geek that
> is).
> Sorry for the bandwith waste, had to get this off my chest. Anyone else
> feel like I do about this?

You don't like vi? OK. It's your choice (thrust me, it's not mine! I 
love this editor!). But if you are too subjective and lazy to realize that
it is one of the most powerfull text based editor available, then I think
that your default editor should be ... Notepad.

  << There's no place like ~ ! >>

Jean-Philippe Gois
 e-systems - information technology
 Av Jean Mermoz 22
 B-6041 Gosselies, Belgium
 tel +32 (0) 71 34 94 00