RE: [expert] Mandrake's Hardware Database

2002-11-12 Thread winisd
One thing here .When you cant install MDK9 on your machine , try to set off the 
"Pipeline Catch Control" from the Bios.I've been stopped while X Window try to enter 
the package mode and then everything is OK after i shut off the pipeline control in 


Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The motherboard I just installed 9.0 successfully on is not in the
>database. Is there a way for a mere mortal user to report such a case
>for database inclusion? I don't seem to find it on the web site.
>"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. . . ." Proverbs 8:13
> Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409
>Felix Miata  ***

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Re: [expert] No innovation in Linux / Steve Ballmer in town (October 22)

2002-10-25 Thread winisd
Yes, you are right but i has been raise up in a third world condition untill now that 
we are in good shape  nationally speaking but in a nation , your meaning of 
infrastructure will encompass telcos and here is why a free choice of OS mean a lot. 
So is solar power technology.In my childhood experiences , telephone is the first to 
make inroad to rural folks other than electricity and motorway linkage is the last one 
that count in .


>>hmmm,,, I think it might be possible to argue that logistical infrasrtucture
>is and will allways be more imoprtant to the quality of life of humans much
>more than any method of accounting or communictaition.

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Re: [expert] Enemies Purchased by Gates

2002-10-25 Thread winisd
There is still hope as Linux is now a global system of multi-racial and lingual , it 
span from Scandinavia's ,Europe and Asia. I would not see the end of true computing 
freedom of Linux because Japan's Laser Linux and China's RedFlag Linux is mean for 
their population and this will add to the overall "bargaining" power of free choice 
and when add up together , we got more people on Earth than Americans.,But this does 
not means that Americans should watch Tv till kingdom come , instead they should be 
more wise as not be what you guys called "Walmart" syndrome and care no less in life. 
Some of you guys is not rich either and then you will know that planet Earth still 
retain a free choice in computing and basic life value of freedom of choice, and 
espionage by criminal minded firm.Well guys and gals, i am not rich and i will not be 
able to support a family of 4 and then pay license of hundreds of $$ for each of the 
machines and this no mean either than i suppurt Linux because its free for me , but 
rather we know what will come if a commercial system is gaining into political power.
Such thing will not happen with Linux as states are adopting them too .
You know what? , Malaysian government will be starting to have our own version of 
Linux under the Multi-Media Super Corridor program and i see that is a good way to 
beat the American system of world domination.
Btw, i started with MDK 7 and the passage of configuring Netconf let me know many 
things in a short 3 months that i cant learn from using M$ even after 5 yrs.


Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 12:59, David Rankin wrote:
>> God help us.
>>     The poor misguided soul that is so easily led by a slick republican marketing 
>> The democrats have in fact fought zealously against allowing an expansion of 
>> office power contrary to what is claimed below. When you one day awake and can't 
>> health coverage for your family,
>And that is the standard Democratic fear mongering mantra that's intoned
>before every election, another Dem doom and gloom election tactic that's
>starting to fail, since it's basically bullshat.  BTW, tell me what
>cable or TV channel that the "slick republican marketing campaign" was
>broadcast on?  CNN? ABC? CBS? BBC? MSNBC?  Tell me how they have
>saturated the airwaves with their slick republican marketing.  I am very
>interested to know, because I believe it is not *I* that has been
>brainwashed having seen those channels.
>Power: the dems are not fighting against expansion of executive power,
>they are fighting for expansion of their own power.  The attempted
>violation of New Jersey election laws by the Democratic party is a prime
>example of that, as is "Stonewall" Daschle's block of 50 supreme justice
>nominees and economic/home defense bills.  The fear-doom/gloom-negative
>campaign mantra is a standard brainwashing tactic of the Dems to retain
>senior and welfare recipient votes.  Same tactic used by MicroSoft:
>Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.  Congratulations for continuing to promote
>that trend yourself.
>> find out that your once constitutionaly guaranteed
>> liberties are gone, and that the retirement you thought you had has evaporated, 
>maybe then
>Freedom: What constitutional liberties have been protected by the
>Democrats?  Let's talk facts here.  The DMCA was a bill proposed by
>DEMOCRAT Senator Friz Hollings of South Carolina right after he got an
>infusion of cash from Entertainment industry sources and
>Microsoft(several tens of thousands, if memory serves), and passed by a
>Democratically controlled Senate.  Do you deny that fact?
>The CBDTPA (Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act) was
>also introduced by Democrat Hollings.  Do you deny that?
>Today Americans pay 60c on the dollar for every dollar they make in
>taxes.  This was done to us by the pro-goverment Senate-majority
>Democrats.  Do you deny that?
>What about the attack on the software license behind the Linux operating
>system ?  Do you deny that Democrats are not behind that movement, in
>light of the following paragraph from the Wired article I posted?
>"Earlier this week, three members of the House of Representatives, Adam
>Smith (D- Wash.), Ron Kind (D-Wis.) and Jim Davis (D-Fla.), sent a note
>to 74 Democrats in Congress attacking Linux's GNU General Public License
>(GPL) as a threat to America's "innovation and security."
>This above is another totally Democratic action.  And yet Democrats are
>protecting our constitutional rights?
>Exactly what rights are being protected?  Your right to work in a Dem
>-controlled  workers (government or otherwise) union?  Your right not to
>be able to defend yourself in your own home? Your right to run only
>MicroSoft products?  Your right to be taxed 60 cents on the dollar for
>every dollar you make? Your right to be forcefully subjected to a death
>tax? Your right to be restricted on what 

RE: [expert] Enemies Purchased by Gates

2002-10-25 Thread winisd
Americans ONLY? OK , i will fwd this to my full list of Americans dominated audio 
group .Btw, i feel as angry as any sensible American and i know about the RIAA 
issue.Yes , its our world too .Tell these f"uc"ers Dems
that no wonder why the world hate THEM.


Lyvim Xaphir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've written before about the relationship between the Democrats and the
>Entertainment industry (RIAA, etc) and the havoc they are wreaking with
>our digital rights (DMCA [Digital Millennium Copyright Act], CBDTA
>[Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act]).  For those
>of you who are new to the list since that time, consider yourselves now
>notified that your digital rights are under attack.  The time is coming
>when Linux itself could be outlawed, along with all free software.
>The real enemy here is not copyrighted media that needs to be hacked.
>The real enemies are the (elected) LAWMAKERS, who will enact laws that
>will allow the Federal authorities (FBI, SBI, etc) to be used as an
>auxillary arm of Microsoft and the Entertainment industries.  In other
>words, by using Democratic lawmakers to pass certain laws, they will
>have the power to totally control what software you run (Palladium) and
>also what OS's are legal to run (Linux vs Microshat).  Future
>non-compliance of said laws will bring the Federal authorities down on
>you courtesy of the Democrats.
>Do not be fooled by rhetoric.  The Democrats have historically been the
>party of slavery and in fact still are.  Power is their end goal; make
>no mistake about it.  SEE:
>Tom "Stonewall" Daschle (Senate majority leader) has done everything in
>his power to stop anything approaching progress in the Senate. (Judicial
>nominations, economic bills, etc) Every bill that has needed to be
>passed to help the economy has already been passed by the House, and is
>now stalled in the Senate.  Courtesy "Stonewall".  Therefore the primary
>goal of the Dems is not the health or safety of the nation at large, but
>rather the end goal of procurement of political power.  Some inkling of
>their end goal is apparent when the record of their attitude towards
>Digital Rights is examined.  Not only Digital rights, but basically
>anything that would help the individual rather than the Government is at
>The worst thing that good people can do in this is to do nothing.  This
>letter is primarily directed at Americans; although I do think that
>everyone else should be watching because what happens in America will
>affect the rest of the world.  I urge those of you who value your
>digital rights and those of you who love Linux to please vote in
>November; and my suggestion is to vote these Democrat parasites out of
>Remember that the Democrats represent government intrusion, digital
>rights erosion, and TAXATION.  When you watch C-span, don't be fooled by
>the liberal rhetoric or the subtle lean of C-Span to the left.
>The Republicans are not perfect by any means, but I can promise you that
>your individual rights will be more protected by the Reps than they will
>by the Dems.  The Republicans have historically been the party of
>freedom, Abraham Lincoln and anti-slavery.  And they still are.
>A good place to be further pro-active (other than voting pro-Republican
>in Novemember) is to visit the following site:
>Also remember:  just about everything you see on television is
>engineered to make liberals and democrats look good.  That is primarily
>how they maintain their power base (other than their death stranglehold
>on the public educational system.)  My recommendation is to listen to
>Fox news, talk radio hosts such as G. Gordon Liddy, Neal Boortz, Laura
>Ingram, and Rush Limbaugh. (yes, Rush Limbaugh is a good source of
>information, contrary to popular liberal misinformation) and flush the
>Try listening to the following Realplayer link between 12 and 3:00 EST -
>This is a real good place to start getting informed on the forces at
>work against the common people in our society today.
>Good luck to us all in November.
>P.S.  Since I submitted the piece on "Recording Netbroadcasts",  the
>DMCA has forced a large number of talk radio stations off the Internet
>by means of extortion (heavy taxation).  The Realplayer links in that
>article are dead, as are a huge number of other broadcast links.  The
>information itself is being throttled by the DMCA.  So get the
>information from the talk radio links that are left alive while you can.
>Kernel  2.4.18-6mdk     Mandrake Linux  8.2
>Enlightenment 0.16.5-11mdk    Evolution  1.0.2-5mdk
>Registered Linux User #268899


Re: [expert] No innovation in Linux / Steve Ballmer in town(October 22)

2002-10-25 Thread winisd
So we have to support AMD more, afterall AMD is as "American" as ,Microsuck.Intel is 
the Devils advocate.We know who we are .,and dont forget that browsers "technology" of 
M$ is a clone of Mosaic and do M$ pay back to the world ?NO.


Oliver Thieke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi List, hi Steve B.   ;-) !
> > "Linux is very, very, very expensive for customers to take care of,"
>Talking about a home environ he might be right. But in a corporate
>environ ?  win2k and XP-Pro are there as complicated and difficult to
>administrate as LX/UX...  The decisive difference is not the
>cost/complexity of administration but the number of applications
>(still, unfortunately).
> > "Linux is a cloned operating system - it cloned Unix and now
> > it wants to clone Windows. "
>So what ?  To clone a proven, well-designed system for cheap hardware
>is maybe a good idea, hmmm.  M$ is still in the process of cloning...
>And Mac OS-X is a clone (or fusion of UX, Obj-C-Lib's and MAC-GUI) too...
> > "It would be nice to get some innovation."
>And what about M$ ?  Which innovations do they provide ?  Declaring
>the web browser as a vital OS' component ? They just get it half-way
>right on the third attempt...  And what about their innovations ?
>   + C#:                heavily influenced by SUN's Java
>   + GUI:               invented by PARC Xerox & spread by Apple Mac
>   + Win NT:            based on co-development with IBM (OS/2)
>   + Office Apps:       invented by VisiCalc
>   + TCP/IP:            invented by DARPA & spread by UX
>   + Web:               invented at CERN and NCSA (UIUC),
>                        first denied an neglected by M$...
>   + User Admin (ADS):  clone of Novell's NDS and LDAP
>   + Authetification:   based on Kerberos (ADS)
>   + SMB/CIFS:          original SMB protocol introduced by IBM
>   + MS SQL:            Sybase clone
>And their own "innovations" - WINS and NT domain. Gone...
>And security ?  One of my favorite quotes:
>"Honestly, security experts don't pick on Microsoft because we have some
>  fundamental dislike for the company.  Indeed, Microsoft's poor products
>  are one of the reasons we're in business.  We pick on them because they've
>  done more to harm Internet security than anyone else, because they
>  repeatedly lie to the public about their products' security, and because
>  they do everything they can to convince people that the problems lie
>  anywhere but inside Microsoft.
>  Microsoft treats security vulnerabilities as public relations problems.
>  Until that changes, expect more of this kind of nonsense from Microsoft
>  and its products."
>  Bruce Schneier, cryptogram Jan, 2002
>To broaden the discussion:  the only thing I fear for the future and
>from M$ is the whole subject of TCPA, DRM and "Palladium"...
>It will be based on Hardware, will give M$ a deeper control of
>the PC and the software installed on it and might be a serious
>threat for the OpenSource Software and movement...
>Cheers from the city without the wall ;-).

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Re: [expert] No innovation in Linux / Steve Ballmer in town (October 22)

2002-10-25 Thread winisd
Sorry guys, i have to keep this mail intact , so here's my rant.
The notion of free market MONOPOLY is not evil , just as we drink Coke occasionally 
althought its not a health drink .But its about softdrinks, not something as important 
as a computer operating system where we are in this age of technological importance , 
in terms of survival of our species.
A OS is crtical to our species as what it means to banking ,governance ,democracy and 
the free world.We are here in the age of globalisation and here is what the issue as 
"nifty" as a debate of OS that count.Look at the world today ,its about education and 
poverty .We in the free world enjoyed much , even me in Malaysia, but what about those 
in the African continent where flies is more than Africans? Computer is what will lead 
these unfortunate people to the forefront of world economies.,and we know we will have 
inter-cultural peace if we have unlucky brethen's who have ACCESS to computer in order 
to be I.T literate.Then only we have a balanced world of educated friends of the 
world.Education defecienncy will lead to ignorance and violence.We can't blame poor 
people who riot and kill , among other things you know .

So here is why a responsible company will need to do .If it can't make its system free 
by self supporting with partnership with other corporate circles and survive on that , 
then it shouldn't be so expensive as costing a month of labor for a third world 
citizens to buy M$.He got a family to raise and he got no solution of OS substitution 
when it come to OS to educate and give his sons and daughters and chance for their 
future. And M$ is not doing well considering the it make BILLIONS out of our world .I 
know the U.S supreme court ordered it to do "Charity" but M$ do it by donating its 
system at market cost and then just called it a quit, so simple. I can rant forever 
but other than the moral discontent here , M$ is not a good system after all .For 
business people , they will pay the license no doubt , but if i am the boss of my shop 
and then one day my Win98 let me down and i lost my business money by using it 
becaouse of crash ,virus ,hackers and illegal transmission of my data by my own Win98 
OS, then can i bring Microsoft to court ? Surely not .I can go on ranting but we know 
what all this means.


"Philip Webb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>021024 Jim C wrote:
>> Hmmm... correct me if I am wrong because I am not sure about this
>> but didn't X-Window exist before the GUI Windows?
>yes, long before: it came out of Bell Labs, like most IT innovations.
>Apple put it into the consumer market with the Mac,
>which M$ then belatedly imitated & faced a lawsuit over.
>Ballmer is doing the standard Big Lie:
>attribute to your enemy the very vices or crimes you are guilty of yourself.
>"He wasn't democratically elected, he's been cracking down on opposition,
>he's got an overwhelming arsenal of weapons of mass destruction
>& can't stop trying to obtain more, he keeps threatening other countries":
>now who does that make you think of, if you don't live in the USA?
>Linux & the other free software developers are the termites
>who are eating away at the foundations of the tyrant's palace,
>which will one day crumble to dust: Shelley wrote a poem re it (Ozymandias).

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RE: [expert] No innovation in Linux / Steve Ballmer in town (October 22)

2002-10-25 Thread winisd
How expensive is USD 10 for standard version which is what  most computer users will 
need ? Even the commercial version of Linux is cheaper than Windows, and this also 
depend on which MS we are talking about .Linux no innovation ?Well, maybe because 
there is too much innovation already build in that the Linux world have to think for 
new ideas .The funny thing is that Microsoft who said so much about "innovation" is 
now using OpenGL for its games , so why not DirectX ? why?


>> -Original Message-
>> From: Jim C [mailto:jcllings@;]
>> Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:26 PM
>> Subject: Re: [expert] No innovation in Linux / Steve Ballmer in town
>> (October 22)
>> > "Linux is very, very, very expensive for customers to take 
>> care of," he
>> > said. "Linux is a cloned operating system - it cloned Unix 
>> and now it wants
>> > to clone Windows. "It would be nice to get some innovation." 

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Re: [expert] A computer that won't install Windows.

2002-10-01 Thread winisd

I've been doing this since mdk8.2 .If this happen , you have to wipe everything on the 
with linux cd and then make it as a fat32 drive, Then go back to Windows DOS Fdisk and 
claim the who drive as single partition .Now you can reinstall Windows again and after 
that , you have to make sure that you defrag your Windows drive before you reinstall 
MDK9 again.


Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>James Sparenberg wrote:
>>   I've found it a computer that will not install windows.  Which really
>> sucks in this case.

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Re: [expert] A computer that won't install Windows.

2002-10-01 Thread winisd

Why not wipe everything on the hd and start all over again with mdk cd and 
format the hd into fat32 and then reinstall windows and mdk9 again ?Also, i think 
maybe you got this problem bcoz you didnt defrag windows first when you try to install 
mdk 9.


James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 23:49, Felix Miata wrote:
>> James Sparenberg wrote:
>> >   I've found it a computer that will not install windows.  Which really
>> > sucks in this case.
>> >    One of our employees got a set of Mandrake 9.0 disks from me, and
>> > took it home to install on her box.  It's already running win2000.  Well
>> > the first install she messed up somehow at the end (Not sure what she
>> > did but it wouldn't boot.) So she did the windows thing and re-installed
>> > it.  ... ooops.  Seems the first time she put lilo on the first
>> > partition from a set of disks she had. (I think she said it was 8,0) and
>> > the second was from the 9,0 and she put lilo in the mbr this time
>> > Linux went in like a dream... works great.  problem is when she tries to
>> > boot into Win2000  the lilo on hda1 (her win2000 partition) locks up
>> > and won't accept keystrokes. ugg.  Try to install win2000 again and let
>> > it repair itself no dice .. the dang box will not boot from the 2000
>> > CD (tried 2 different ones that work on other boxes) nor will it boot
>> > from any of the recovery CD's Nor can win98 install or winXP.  Linux
>> > works fine.
>> It could be an "active" partition issue. No windoze version will
>> tolerate more than one "active" primary partition, while linux pays no
>> attention to this concept and sometimes will happily make an additional
>> primary "active".
>thought of that one...Checked it out via DOS and Linux fdisk the
>win2000 aka hda1 is the only active partition.
>> > Now to the question.  What is the file on hda1 that would be the file
>> > that provides the lilo boot loader.  If I could remove that file the
>> > lilo in the MBR would be able to boot windwos.  Can't restore with lilo
>> > -u because the second install overwrote the first installs mbr backup.
>> > So all I can get with lilo -u is the hda1 lilo coming up and locking up.
>> > (2 keystoke max...)
>> > Turns out DOS and NT boot disks/cd's don't recognize her cdrom or cdrw
>> > ... so they can't load them up.  I would like to know what the file is
>> > though to remove from hda1 to destroy the unwanted lilo boot screen.
>> > Plan right now is to hang an older cdrom I have off of the box long
>> > enough to re-install windwoze and work from there. BTW Mandrake caught
>> > 100% of the hardware on this box without a problem.
>> I don't think it is a question of a file to "remove". The problem is the
>> partition boot sector, which needs lilo replaced with the standard
>> windoze version. With w9x, this is simply booting the rescue floppy to
>> do 'SYS C:'. In W2K, I don't think there is such a thing as a rescue
>> floppy. You'll probably need to find a different CD reader that will
>> boot the W2K CD. When you boot that, there is a menu option "repair an
>> existing installation". If you choose that, it brings up two more
>> choices, "recovery console", and "emergency repair process". The latter
>> is probably what you need.
>This is the plan... BTW 2000 does have an emergency rescue disk...
>Unfortunately you have to be able to boot into 2000 to use it since it's
>not a bootable disk... (explain the logic in this one please! ;) )  Like
>I said resetting the MBR is a breeze... it's just finding out where that
>second Lilo prompt is coming from (the one on hda1) is the bear... and
>yes.  I've got an old 24x cdrom going to the office with me tomorrow.
>(along with a 40 pin ribbon cable)
>> -- 
>> ". . . . in everything, do to others what you would have them do
>> to you . . . ."                                        Matthew 7:12 NIV

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