[FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-19 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > One last try.  Think of the Vatican.  The place is 
> > > just *full* of toadies, sucking up to the current 
> > > Pope.  Does this mean that they're insincere in 
> > > their faith?  Of course not.  They're just being 
> > > toadies.
> > 
> > But are they sincere in their flattery?
> Many are.  Try to think of it in terms of business.
> You work for a strong, charismatic boss, like Bill
> Gates.  You *honestly* believe that he's brilliant.
> You *also* notice that the only ones who advance
> in the company are the ones who *tell* him he's
> brilliant; the ones who keep silent and just do a 
> good job stay in that dead-end job forever.
> So, in such a situation, if you decide that cater-
> ing to the ego of Mr. CEO is in the interest of
> your career, and you flatter him, are you suddenly
> insincere in what you're saying?  You admired him
> before and thought he was brilliant; you still do.
> Where's the difference?
> You're trying to project artificial, non-real-world,
> black-and-white moral values onto a gray world, man.

You're misusing "toady" according to the definition you provided.

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[FairfieldLife] [JFF] saMskRtam: about 'vi' and 'sam'; part 1

2005-10-19 Thread cardemaister

The general meanings of Sanskrit prefixes 'vi' and 'sam'
are like this:

['vi' rhymes with 'be' in 'become']

 vi 3 ind. (prob. for an original %{dvi} , meaning `" in two 
parts "' ; and opp. to %{sam} q.v.) apart , asunder , in different 
directions , to and fro , about , away , away from , off , without 
RV. &c. &c. In RV. it appears also as a prep. with acc. denoting `" 
through "' or `" between "' (with ellipse of the verb e.g. i , 181 , 
5 ; x , 86 , 20 &c.) It is esp. used as a prefix to verbs or nouns 
and other parts of speech derived from verbs , to express `" 
division "' , `" distinction "' , `" distribution "' , `" 
arrangement "' , `" order "' , `" opposition "' , or `" 
deliberation "' (cf. %{vi-bhid} , %{-ziS} , %{-dhA} , %{-rudh} , %{-
car} , with their nominal derivatives) ; sometimes it gives a meaning 
opposite to the idea contained in the simple root (e.g. %{krI} , `" 
to buy "' ; %{vi-krI} , `" to sell "') , or it intensifies that idea 
(e.g. %{hiMs} , `" to injure "' ; %{vi-hiMs} , `" to injure 
severely "'). The above 3. %{vi4} may also be used in forming 
compounds not immediately referable to verbs , in which cases it may 
express `" difference "' (cf. 1. %{vi-lakSaNa}) , `" change "' or `" 
variety "' (cf. %{vi-citra}) , `" intensity "' (cf. %{vi-karAla}) , 
`" manifoldness "' (cf. %{vi-vidha}) , `" contrariety "' (cf. %{vi-
loma}) , `" deviation from right "' (cf. %{vi-zIla}) , `" negation "' 
or `" privatlon "' (cf. %{vi-kaccha} , being often used like 3. %
{a} , %{nir} , and %{nis} [qq. vv.] , and like the Lat. {dis} , 
{se} , and the English {a} , {dis} , {in} , {un} &c.) ; in some cases 
it does not seem to modify the meaning of the simple word at all (cf. 
%{vi-jAmi} , %{vi-jAmAtR}) ; it is also used to form proper names out 
of other proper names (e.g. %{vi-koka} , %{vi-pRthu} , %{vi-viMza}). 
To save space such words are here mostly collected under one 
article ; but words having several subordinate compounds will be 
found s.v. 

sam 2 ind. (connected with 7. %{sa} and 2. %{sama} , and opp. to 3. %
{vi} q.v.) with , together with , along with , together , altogether 
(used as a preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives , 
like Gk. $ , &348389[1152 ,1] Lat. {con} , and expressing `" 
conjunction "' , `" union "' , `" thoroughness "' , `" intensity "' , 
`" completeness "' e.g. %{saMyuj} , `" to join together "' ; %{saM-
dhA} , `" to place together "' ; %{saM-dhi} , `" placing 
together "' ; %{saM-tap} , `" to consume utterly by burning "' ; %
{sam-uccheda} , `" destroying altogether , complete destruction "' ; 
in Ved. the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied , 
waters surrounded Agni "' ; it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in the 
sense of 2. %{sama} , `" same "' ; cf. %{samartha}) RV. &c. &c.  

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Awakening

2005-10-19 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 10/18/05 4:27 PM, uns_tressor at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 
> >> on 10/18/05 12:05 PM, markmeredith2002 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>  
> >>> 
> >>> HOw do you read attachments from the group website??
> >> 
> >> You can't. I would upload them to the files section
> >> but it is full. I just sent them to you privately.
> >> 
> > By virtute of being a member of YahooGroups, we all have
> > a large amount of web space. The files could be put there
> > and a link provided.
> > 
> > Go to "My Account" and then to "Build yout own web site"
> > and follow instructions.
> Costs money.

They still offer free webhosting:


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
[I wrote:]
> > The ones who are toadies are those who flatter the
> > pope in the hope of personal gain rather than because
> > they think he's wonderful.
> Believe whatever you want, Judy.
> This exchange really illustrates the difference
> between you and me.  You seem to believe that to
> perform questionable actions (toadying up to some-
> one to gain some benefit from that) one *has* to
> be insincere.  That's a point of view based on an
> idealized and non-real-world view of life.

No, Barry, this doesn't have anything to do with
beliefs, sorry.  I understand why you have to try
to change the subject to try to find some way to
put me down, rather than admit you're wrong about
the dictionary definition *you* posted.

But this is *only* about that definition.  You're
more than welcome, as I've already said, to use a
different definition as long as you don't claim it's
the same as the one you originaly posted.

You're also more than welcome to start a new
discussion about what I believe, as long as you
don't try to pretend it's relevant to the
discussion about the definition, because you
can't tell anything about what I believe based
on what I've said about that definition.  It's
apples and oranges.

And you're also completely wrong about what I
believe, because you absurdly tried to derive
my beliefs from what I explained about the
definition of "toady."

Plus which, your hypocrisy shows up big-time:

> IMO, you are (as usual) trying to make a shades-
> of-gray situation into black and white, and IMO
> for your usual reason -- you want to feel superior
> to someone.  If you convince yourself that a 
> person *has* to be insincere to be a toady, you
> can look down on them.

Would you like me to post some of what you said
on alt.m.t when you decided to begin calling
people who agreed with me on various points toadies?
Because that would make it crystal clear that *you*
look down on those you call toadies in that context.

> Me, I just recognize that
> the toadies are human and the students who aren't
> toadies are human and they're all just doing the
> best they can with what they've got.

I think I'll post this on alt.m.t for everyone to
get a chuckle from.  It'll be kind of hard, once
folks have read it, for you to use the "toady"
characterization as a putdown

> But you continue to project nefarious motivations
> onto people if you'd like.  It seems to be a trend,
> so much of one that somewhere along the line you
> seem to have decided that it makes you *happy* to
> think of people as nefarious and yourself as not.
> Personally, I don't think such a belief system
> really does make one happy, but I could be wrong.

This is just *too* rich.  It couldn't possibly be
a more accurate description of yourself.

OK, I can't resist.  Three quick selections from
Barry on alt.m.t:

"Grownups don't really feel the need to toady 
up to others in an attempt to gain either 
their approval or form some kind of consensus 
to feel that their view is correct.  They just 
pick a view and express it and let others 
decide for themselves."

"And, of course, as usual, *you* didn't jump on
board until after Judy had suggested it, you
spineless toady coward."

"Toady weak and wimpy and in over his head. Quick...
support toady."

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[FairfieldLife] Yagna by Choice -- Progress Report

2005-10-19 Thread Tom Pall
I went through a crash jump start in September, in which I appeased
all of the natal and transit planets in one yagna.  This took me to
what YBC calls the Turning Point, the point at which intentional
yagnas are allowed because impediments to them have been removed, and
the planets, for the time being, have been neutralized.  I finished a
Class A General MahaLakshmi Yagna, 25 Pundits X 15 days X 9 hours =
3375 Pundits/hours.  Yesterday was the last day.  My next planetary
yagynas are in December (Sun), January and February.  I'll be able to
have an intentional yagna in March.

Yes, there was massive purification during the MahaLakshmi Yagyna. 
There was also continuous support from YBC.  You're expected to keep
a diary, report experiences and ask questions.   I was told that
feelings and thoughts plus unstressing/purification I reported during
the MahaLakshmi Yagna were indicative of turning towards wealth
thinking, a pre-requisite to experiencing the wealth MahaLakshmi
bestows in all forms of life.  

I have November free so I asked if I could/should schedule another,
perhaps smaller MahaLakshmi Yagna, or wait until I see palpable signs
that the first yagna worked.  I also asked how long it usually takes
to see some results out of such intentional yagnas.

Unlike the "I don't know" or "The Gods give you what they want" that I
got from Ben Collins with Puja.net, I received definite answers.  I
was told that I should wait before doing another MahaLakshmi yagna
until I completely believed, without a doubt, that MahaLakshmi would
respond to my offering to Her positively and there was no doubt about
it.  I was reminded that my thoughts and experiences during the yagna
showed the start of the development of wealth thinking.  I was told
that results manifest in 1, perhaps 3 months, rarer cases as far out
as 6 months, that the manifestation is usually bigger than the
investment and that large manifestations take much longer for Nature
to organize.  

I was also told also that it is said in the Vedas that MahaLakshmi is
touching the vertu of patience. To help the process, it's highly
recommended to try to let go as much as I can of analysis and
expectation and try to almost forget, so that this detachment allows
even more freely and rapidly Nature to follow its course and serve me.
I was also told that it has been YBC's experience that most of
the time, Mahalskhmi delivers by different means then expected, so
this detachment will also support the natural manifestation.

So I will follow the advice and not perform another yagna in November,
even though it's not a planetary month, and I'll not analyze and wait

YBC suits me.  It's definitely in no way like other yagya groups: 
Puja.net, Dixit, those Promise? people in Fairfield, or Yajna.net. 
These people have 14 years experience in doing this and are very
meticulously recording the results.  They have answers to questions. 
When I was doing personal yagyas with Puja.net and in its Mahasponsor
group, I felt a very strong feeling of dependence, of insecurity of
the process and dependence on getting answers, any answers from Ben
Collins.  I was constantly calling or emailing Ben with this question
or that question.  I now see that I was doing that because I didn't
get any satisfying answers.  I don't feel that with YBC because the
answers are definite, they are insightful, they're well thought out
and are based on lots of experience. Apparently many observations and
responses to questions are the result of group consultations with the
Head and his senior pundits.

I'm posting this because there might be a seeker out there like I was
some years ago.  This is good stuff.  This is available.  I feel a
duty to report it.  Otherwise I do not receive email posts from FFL
nor do I care to read posts to it. I'm especially not interested in
reading posts after this very profound, mind and life altering
experience.  I've other things to do that interest me more.

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "purushaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---Thanks, Rory, interesting!.  Question:  Where does YHVH (YAHWEH) 
> fit into all of this?  Thanks again.

Nice question, many thanks, purushaz! Here's how I understand it at 
the moment: Within the pivotal 13-state (Brahma-Brahma-Brahma) at the 
center of the center (Brahma) egg, the 13 points of consciousness may 
be viewed as a cluster of 12 "Adityas" or "apostles" surrounding the 
central "Aditi" or "Christ" as his/her (*our*) radii or rays, the 
whole forming a hypersphere or vector-equilibrium matrix. One can 
then "flatten" the hypersphere into a disk and see the 12 radii as 
zodiac-signs (constellations) or planets arranged in a double-helix 
pattern around and including this central 13th-point (which actually 
is itself a light-dark, male-female pair, symbolized by Earth and 
Pluto, and perhaps Sirius A and B, and the Vishnu-Shiva double-cone 

We can then see how the planetary/constellation chakras in this Brahma-
body pair off to form strata of different densities or "kingdoms" -- 
from mineral to vegetable to animal to human (center) to ancestral to 
angelic to gods, each of which kingdoms replicates or reflects the 12-
fold pattern of the whole within its own confines. Within the angelic 
kingdom we perceive the qualities of music and sound (vibration, 
akasha, mahat, bliss) differentiating into the various vowels and 
(eventually) the consonants. Using these sounds to express the Whole 
we can generate various patterns like YHWH (from highest midsummer 
solstice Y to midpoint fall-equinox H to lowest midwinter solstice W 
to midpoint spring-equinox H, in a grand cross going around the 
circle), which is very similar to another grand cross -- AKNI 
(Libra/Green A to Capricorn/Indigo K across the gap of the winter 
solstice -- maximum density and darkness, between Taurean-Equinox 
Capricorn and Aquarius -- to Aries/Red N to Cancer/Amber I), or yet 
another -- IOUUA or IOWA (pronounced EE-AW-WAH), from Leo I to Scorpio 
O to Aquarius UU to Taurus A. 

So as we see it at this point anyhow, all of this is a part of Brahma-
loka, specifically in what we might call Mahar-loka, corresponding to 
details of the Solar Plexus and the Full Moon Nakshatra and Brahman 
Consciousness as it stands in itself (Brahma-Brahma-Brahma) -- 
although again, none of this will probably be viewable upon first 
conscious immersion in and as Brahman -- for one thing, when first 
comprehending the speed of light, the light itself appears to 
disappear (Dark Night of the Soul), and the first thing one is likely 
to notice on finally admitting the perfection of Now and admitting 
Self as Brahman is that everything is "frozen" Self. It can be kind of 
overwhelming, and a lot of this material above doesn't really become 
evident until or unless one begins to ask "How does THAT Wholeness  
manifest all of THIS appearance of maya?" and starts to conceive the 
Hiranyagarbha, the gunas and all the rest :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: [JFF] saMskRtam: about 'vi' and 'sam'; part 1

2005-10-19 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> The general meanings of Sanskrit prefixes 'vi' and 'sam'
> are like this:
> ['vi' rhymes with 'be' in 'become']
>  vi 3 ind. (prob. for an original %{dvi} , meaning `" in two 
> parts "' ; and opp. to %{sam} q.v.) apart , asunder , in different 
> directions , to and fro , about , away , away from , off , without 
> RV. &c. &c. In RV. it appears also as a prep. with acc. denoting `" 
> through "' or `" between "' (with ellipse of the verb e.g. i , 
181 , 
> 5 ; x , 86 , 20 &c.) It is esp. used as a prefix to verbs or nouns 
> and other parts of speech derived from verbs , to express `" 
> division "' , `" distinction "' , `" distribution "' , `" 
> arrangement "' , `" order "' , `" opposition "' , or `" 
> deliberation "' (cf. %{vi-bhid} , %{-ziS} , %{-dhA} , %{-rudh} , %{-
> car} , with their nominal derivatives) ; sometimes it gives a 
> opposite to the idea contained in the simple root (e.g. %{krI} , `" 
> to buy "' ; %{vi-krI} , `" to sell "') , or it intensifies that 
> (e.g. %{hiMs} , `" to injure "' ; %{vi-hiMs} , `" to injure 
> severely "'). The above 3. %{vi4} may also be used in forming 
> compounds not immediately referable to verbs , in which cases it 
> express `" difference "' (cf. 1. %{vi-lakSaNa}) , `" change "' or 
> variety "' (cf. %{vi-citra}) , `" intensity "' (cf. %{vi-karAla}) , 
> `" manifoldness "' (cf. %{vi-vidha}) , `" contrariety "' (cf. %{vi-
> loma}) , `" deviation from right "' (cf. %{vi-zIla}) , `" 
negation "' 
> or `" privatlon "' (cf. %{vi-kaccha} , being often used like 3. %
> {a} , %{nir} , and %{nis} [qq. vv.] , and like the Lat. {dis} , 
> {se} , and the English {a} , {dis} , {in} , {un} &c.) ; in some 
> it does not seem to modify the meaning of the simple word at all 
> %{vi-jAmi} , %{vi-jAmAtR}) ; it is also used to form proper names 
> of other proper names (e.g. %{vi-koka} , %{vi-pRthu} , %{vi-
> To save space such words are here mostly collected under one 
> article ; but words having several subordinate compounds will be 
> found s.v. 
> sam 2 ind. (connected with 7. %{sa} and 2. %{sama} , and opp. to 3. 
> {vi} q.v.) with , together with , along with , together , 
> (used as a preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives , 
> like Gk. $ , &348389[1152 ,1] Lat. {con} , and expressing `" 
> conjunction "' , `" union "' , `" thoroughness "' , `" 
intensity "' , 
> `" completeness "' e.g. %{saMyuj} , `" to join together "' ; %{saM-
> dhA} , `" to place together "' ; %{saM-dhi} , `" placing 
> together "' ; %{saM-tap} , `" to consume utterly by burning "' ; %
> {sam-uccheda} , `" destroying altogether , complete 
destruction "' ; 
> in Ved. the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied , 
> waters surrounded Agni "' ; it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in 
> sense of 2. %{sama} , `" same "' ; cf. %{samartha}) RV. &c. &c.

Now, as many of us might know, the 39th verse of the famous
"asya-vaamasya-suukta" of Rgveda (I 164?) begins like this:

Rco akSare parame vyoman...

The word "vyoman" is mighty interesting. It belongs, IIRC, 
to the same class of masculine gender words as, say, "raajan".
Its nominative singular (the "basic" form) is "vyomaa",
like "raajaa" is the "basic" form of "raajan".
In "Rco akSare" "vyoman" is irregular locative form for
"vyomani". The regular ending of locative singular in Sanskrit
is 'i'. In the adjective attribute "parame" 'i' is "hidden" in
'e' which here is sandhi for 'a' + 'i' (parama + i). Thus, "parame
vyoman(i)" can be translated for instance to "in the highest
It's tempting to analyse "vyomaa" as contraction of the prefix
"vi" + "om" + "aa". Thus, if "om" represents the point value
"vi-om-aa" might represent infinity, which according to
Maharishi, if we've understood correctly, is inherent, or something,
in every point of creation.

Just for fun! Not to be taken all too seriously!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Awakening

2005-10-19 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > > I don't know squat. I just posted something I
> > > > thought people would enjoy
> > > > reading.
> > > 
> > > How long have you experienced clear squat
> > > consciousness?
> > 
> > I am squat, thou art squat, all this is 
> > nothing but squat.
> >
> We squat, dude. [apologies to RA Heinlein]

Squat alone is.

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 although again, none of this will probably be viewable upon 
> conscious immersion in and as Brahman -- for one thing, when first 
> comprehending the speed of light, the light itself appears to 
> disappear (Dark Night of the Soul), and the first thing one is 
> to notice on finally admitting the perfection of Now and admitting 
> Self as Brahman is that everything is "frozen" Self. It can be kind 
> overwhelming, and a lot of this material above doesn't really become 
> evident until or unless one begins to ask "How does THAT Wholeness  
> manifest all of THIS appearance of maya?" and starts to conceive the 
> Hiranyagarbha, the gunas and all the rest :-)

This last phrase is slightly misleading -- upon the sobriety of 
Brahman, one may well undertake mental-body ascension into the bliss-
pool of Higher Self/Council of Guides and transmission of these 
energies into earth-plane heart-service/healing, and, -- as "K.C." 
further develops -- embracing (upon inquiry into the nature of the 
three primary rays or gunas) denser, astral-body ascension via DNA 
pyramid/mountain, OM-portal initiation and introduction to the Council 
of 13 (12 + 1) Masters, and so on, *before* complete(r) comprehension 
of the Self as embracing Hiranyagarbha and the place of the gunas and 
pyramid/mounts of Vishnu/Shiva within it :-)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Yagna by Choice -- Progress Report

2005-10-19 Thread Peter
Have you tried Jesus? ;-)

--- Tom Pall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I went through a crash jump start in September, in
> which I appeased
> all of the natal and transit planets in one yagna. 
> This took me to
> what YBC calls the Turning Point, the point at which
> intentional
> yagnas are allowed because impediments to them have
> been removed, and
> the planets, for the time being, have been
> neutralized.  I finished a
> Class A General MahaLakshmi Yagna, 25 Pundits X 15
> days X 9 hours =
> 3375 Pundits/hours.  Yesterday was the last day.  My
> next planetary
> yagynas are in December (Sun), January and February.
>  I'll be able to
> have an intentional yagna in March.
> Yes, there was massive purification during the
> MahaLakshmi Yagyna. 
> There was also continuous support from YBC.  You're
> expected to keep
> a diary, report experiences and ask questions.   I
> was told that
> feelings and thoughts plus unstressing/purification
> I reported during
> the MahaLakshmi Yagna were indicative of turning
> towards wealth
> thinking, a pre-requisite to experiencing the wealth
> MahaLakshmi
> bestows in all forms of life.  
> I have November free so I asked if I could/should
> schedule another,
> perhaps smaller MahaLakshmi Yagna, or wait until I
> see palpable signs
> that the first yagna worked.  I also asked how long
> it usually takes
> to see some results out of such intentional yagnas.
> Unlike the "I don't know" or "The Gods give you what
> they want" that I
> got from Ben Collins with Puja.net, I received
> definite answers.  I
> was told that I should wait before doing another
> MahaLakshmi yagna
> until I completely believed, without a doubt, that
> MahaLakshmi would
> respond to my offering to Her positively and there
> was no doubt about
> it.  I was reminded that my thoughts and experiences
> during the yagna
> showed the start of the development of wealth
> thinking.  I was told
> that results manifest in 1, perhaps 3 months, rarer
> cases as far out
> as 6 months, that the manifestation is usually
> bigger than the
> investment and that large manifestations take much
> longer for Nature
> to organize.  
> I was also told also that it is said in the Vedas
> that MahaLakshmi is
> touching the vertu of patience. To help the process,
> it's highly
> recommended to try to let go as much as I can of
> analysis and
> expectation and try to almost forget, so that this
> detachment allows
> even more freely and rapidly Nature to follow its
> course and serve me.
> I was also told that it has been YBC's experience
> that most of
> the time, Mahalskhmi delivers by different means
> then expected, so
> this detachment will also support the natural
> manifestation.
> So I will follow the advice and not perform another
> yagna in November,
> even though it's not a planetary month, and I'll not
> analyze and wait
> around.
> YBC suits me.  It's definitely in no way like other
> yagya groups: 
> Puja.net, Dixit, those Promise? people in Fairfield,
> or Yajna.net. 
> These people have 14 years experience in doing this
> and are very
> meticulously recording the results.  They have
> answers to questions. 
> When I was doing personal yagyas with Puja.net and
> in its Mahasponsor
> group, I felt a very strong feeling of dependence,
> of insecurity of
> the process and dependence on getting answers, any
> answers from Ben
> Collins.  I was constantly calling or emailing Ben
> with this question
> or that question.  I now see that I was doing that
> because I didn't
> get any satisfying answers.  I don't feel that with
> YBC because the
> answers are definite, they are insightful, they're
> well thought out
> and are based on lots of experience. Apparently many
> observations and
> responses to questions are the result of group
> consultations with the
> Head and his senior pundits.
> I'm posting this because there might be a seeker out
> there like I was
> some years ago.  This is good stuff.  This is
> available.  I feel a
> duty to report it.  Otherwise I do not receive email
> posts from FFL
> nor do I care to read posts to it. I'm especially
> not interested in
> reading posts after this very profound, mind and
> life altering
> experience.  I've other things to do that interest
> me more.
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Awakening

2005-10-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- jyouells2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > > I don't know squat. I just posted something
> > I
> > > > > > thought people would enjoy
> > > > > > reading.
> > > > > 
> > > > > How long have you experienced clear squat
> > > > > consciousness?
> > > > 
> > > > I am squat, thou art squat, all this is 
> > > > nothing but squat.
> > > 
> > > We squat, dude. [apologies to RA Heinlein]
> > >
> > 
> > Squat alone is. 
> Aham Squatasmi

Squatastah kuru karmani

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> So as we see it at this point anyhow, all of this is a part of 
> loka, specifically in what we might call Mahar-loka, corresponding 
> details of the Solar Plexus and the Full Moon Nakshatra and 
> Consciousness as it stands in itself (Brahma-Brahma-Brahma) -- 

Using the terminology of the conventional lokas considered to exist 
in the egg of Brahma, we have:

An unnamed loka in T.C-II (Brahma-Vishnu-Vishnu), just inside the 
transcendental "skin" or just atop the denser edge of the "ring-pass-
not" of the bottom of Brahma's egg,
Bhu or Bhur-loka in C.C. (Brahma-Vishnu-Brahma), 
Bhuvarloka in G.C. (Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva), and
Swarloka in U.C. (Brahma-Brahma-Vishnu) -- from these three, souls 
yet return to earthly reincarnation; 

Maha- or Maharloka in the onset of B.C. (Brahma-Brahma-Brahma), and
Janaloka in "ripened B.C." (Brahma-Brahma-Shiva), the complement of 
Unity -- in either of these two, souls are liberated, and do not 
need to return to earthly incarnation, though many do, for further 
refinement in service;

Tapaloka in what we have been calling "Krishna" (Brahma-Shiva-
Vishnu), the complement of G.C., and
Sat-loka or Satya-loka in what we have been calling "Shiva" (Brahma-
Shiva-Brahma), the complement of C.C. -- from these two, there is no 

another unnamed loka in the complement of T.C.-II (Brahma-Shiva-
Shiva), on the transcendental skin or just below the subtlest edge 
of the "ring-pass-not" of Brahma's egg, at the juncture of the gap 
into Shiva's egg.

However, we may also see these 7 lokas in macrocosm as spanning the 
entire range of the 27 states of consciousness from conception to 
dissolution, with Bhur-loka at Conception (state 0), Bhuvarloka at 
Birth (state 4), and Swargaloka-I at Transcendence-I (state 8), all 
in Vishnu's egg; 
Swargaloka-II at Transcendence-II (state 9), Maharloka at B.C. 
(state 13), and Janaloka-II at complement of Transcendence-II, 
Brahma-Shiva-Shiva (state 17), all in Brahma's egg; 
and Janaloka-I at complement of Transcendence-I, Shiva-Vishnu-Vishnu 
(state 18), Tapaloka at Death, Shiva-Brahma-Brahma (state 22), and 
Satyaloka at Dissolution, Shiva-Shiva-Shiva (state 26), all in 
Shiva's egg.

No matter how we term the lokas, from the 26th state of Dissolution 
(Shiva-Shiva-Shiva, or Bliss-Bliss-Bliss, or pure Energy), we may go 
to its flip-side, the 27th state, which is Conception (Vishnu-Vishnu-
Vishnu, or Love-Love-Love, or pure Matter: Solve et Coagula. 

We may visualize the 27th state as 27 points of consciousness, thus: 
Unity, the 12th state (Brahma-Brahma-Vishnu) appears as an 
icosahedron, with twelve points and no rational center. Adding 
a "solar seed" center-point gives us the 13th state, B.C., brought 
on at the full fusion with one's Self or "Solar Angel": a 13-point 
(Brahma-Brahma-Brahma) cuboctahedron or vector-equilibrium matrix 
(one center point, 12 vertices; Aditi and the Adityas or Christ and 
the Apostles) with 14 faces -- eight triangles, six squares. This 
B.C. state contains in seed-form a complete key to Universal Space 
(conjoined tetrahedra and octahedra), but not yet "unfolded." 
Ripened B.C. (Brahma-Brahma-Shiva), the complement of Unity, is 
visualizable as the 14-point, 12-face rhombic dodecahedron -- thus, 
the "inverse" of U.C. and B.C., a figure-ground "destruction" and 
reversal of the prior states; what was emptiness is now fullness, 
and vice-versa: one turns "inside out" and "outside in." 

Dissolution (26th state) involves fusing these two -- U.C. (the 12) 
and ripened B.C. (the 14) together in a perfect Whole, where Self-
Other, male-female figure-ground are *both* entertained perfectly 
fully in the physiology, as was mentioned earlier in discussions 
here with Akasha. Adding the central I-point to this 26-point 
Dissolution precipitates the 27-point Conception, at which point "I" 
am equally and fully self-other, male and female simultaneously, in 
the physiology.


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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> Oops - below should be "Complement of Transcendence-*II* (Brahma-
> Shiva)" and "...incorporating the Bliss-complements of 
> *I* (Shiva-Vishnu-Vishnu), just in case anyone actually is reading 
> of this. My apologies for the linear density of all the above; it 
> look a lot simpler if you draw it in a diagram of three connecting 
> circles (each containing 9 points), along the 
vertical "shishkebab" of 
> the 27 points of "I" -- and if you draw a trigram for each of the 
> accompanying guna-states, with Vishnu (V) being an unbroken line 
> no gaps), Brahma (B) being a broken line or two short lines (1; 1 
> gap), and Shiva (S) being a twice broken or three short lines (2; 
> gaps) and follow the guna progression out from 0 (V-V-V; 0-0-0) to 
> (S-S-S; 2-2-2) in base-three sequence -- then you can really see 
> beauty of the mirroring of the guna-states around the central 
pivot of 
> Brahma-Brahma-Brahma :-)
> > (Brahma-Shiva-Vishnu), "Shiva" or complement of C.C. (Brahma-
> > Brahma), and the Complement of Transcendence-I (Brahma-Shiva-
> at 
> > the subtlest end of the egg of Brahma.
> > 
> > From here we move across another gap into the egg of Shiva with 
> 9 
> > states of Bliss: incorporating the Bliss-complements of 
> Transcendence-
> > II (Shiva-Vishnu-Vishnu), 

Thanks Rory. As I am not at a point of seeing this directly, nor do 
I have such an interest currently, nonetheless it is a similar 
experience in the mind, as listening to the Veda being chanted is to 
the body. In other words there is a recognition at some pre-
intellectual level of your cognitions, and a deep satisfaction in 
reading them. It satisfies my heart, without my intellect truly 
comprehending what you have written, yet somehow knowing it 
is "right", and my world in some undefined way is a better place for 

You use the phrase of perceiving all as 'frozen' Self. Now that 
directly correlates with my current experience. As if for every 
slice of time or reflection, all is seen as my Self. 

Yet the day to day experience is more like an infinite ocean of 
Oneness with each of us rising like a wave out of the ocean, yet not 
completely separate from it. So when I view my world from a more 
settled state, I more easily see the vastness and connectedness of 
it; its oceanic nature. Yet, day to day, running here and there, the 
wave characteristics predominate. Further, if I want to resolve 
anything or bring a process to conclusion, the wave to ocean/ocean 
to wave dynamics are what I focus on for guidance.

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> So as we see it at this point anyhow, all of this is a part of 
> loka, specifically in what we might call Mahar-loka, corresponding 
> details of the Solar Plexus and the Full Moon Nakshatra and Brahman 
> Consciousness as it stands in itself (Brahma-Brahma-Brahma) -- 

though insofar as it expresses mantric sound/bliss/mahat/akasha, YHWH 
would stem specifically from the subloka of the Kinnaras, Angels, or 
High Elves/High Gandharvas, and presumably Tapaloka, which in the 
macrocosm would correspond to the cosmic Throat, 22nd or "Death"-state 
of Shiva-Brahma-Brahma and the center of Shiva's egg.


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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Alex Stanley
Thanks for posting that, Rory. It saves me the time and gasoline to drive to 
town tonight to get my fill of mind-numbing Hiranyagarbledygook.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A few interpolations and some expansions interleaved below:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> From here we move across a gap into the lighter side of 
> Transcendence-II as the densest form of Light or Consciousness in 
> the 9th state (Brahma-Vishnu-Vishnu), and so on through the 9 
> subgunas of Brahma or States of Consciousness -- through C.C. (10th 
> state, Brahma-Vishnu-Brahma); G.C. (11th state, Brahma-Vishnu-
> Shiva); and U.C. (12th state; Brahma-Brahma-Vishnu), and across the 
> pivotal midway-point of Crucifixion or Nirvana or Brahman (Brahma-
> Brahma-Brahma, or chit-chit-chit) at the 13th state (Nakshatric full 
> moon) -- and thereafter recapitulating the complement of all the 
> previous guna-states (with Vishnu/Love for original Shiva/Bliss, and 
> vice versa) in mirror order through the "warmed-up-Brahman" 14th 
> state of "Brahman-Shiva" (Brahma-Brahma-Shiva) or complement of 
> U.C.; 15th state of "Krishna" (Brahma-Shiva-Vishnu) or complement of 
> G.C.; 16th state of "Shiva-Brahma" (Brahma-Shiva-Brahma), or 
> complement of C.C.; and the 17th state (Brahma-Shiva-Shiva), the 
> Complement of Transcendence-I at the subtlest end of the egg of 
> Brahma.
> As first mentioned a year or so ago, from the model of the 
> progressive merger of Spirit and Matter across the egg of 
> Consciousness (Brahma), we define the states of Consciousness as 
> follows:
> T.C.-II (Brahma-Vishnu-Vishnu) as "THAT" or the Light of Pure 
> Consciousness (now not just the "subtlest Being" of T.C.-I), with 
> the Transcendence at the bottom end of the Brahmic egg being 
> stimulated by the ascent of Matter, coincidentally with the top end 
> of the Brahmic egg's now being enlivened by the descent of Spirit.
> C.C. (Brahma-Vishnu-Brahma) as "I am THAT" with enlivenment of 
> Avyakta (near the top of Brahmic egg) by Spirit/Energy/Purusha/Shiva 
> and Karmendriyas (near the bottom of Brahmic egg) by 
> Matter/Prakriti/Vishnu/Shakti, yielding a separate Self-
> Consciousness and concomitant automatic action (perfect flow);
> G.C. (Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva) as "Thou art THAT," with Spirit expanding 
> from Avyakta down to Mahat (Bliss), and Matter expanding up from 
> Karmendriyas to Indriyas (sense organs), yielding divine enrichment 
> of senses;
> U.C. (Brahma-Brahma-Vishnu) as "All this is THAT," as Spirit 
> expanding from Mahat down to Buddhi (Intuition, Higher Mind), and 
> Matter expanding up from Indriyas to Manas (Concrete or Lower Mind), 
> yielding a consciousness of an essentially unified field, with 
> ability to explore across spacetime, with now only the "Causal Self" 
> (or Solar Angel or Guru or God) still subtly separating the fields 
> of Spirit (Absolute) and Matter (Relative).
> At the onset of B.C. (Brahma-Brahma-Brahma) one embodies "There is 
> only THAT" as this Causal Self or Solar Angel (etc.) "dies" or is 
> immersed in the sudden mergence of Absolute and Relative; this is 
> experienced often as a Dark Night of the Soul; for the first (and 
> only) time, *no* permutation of Love (Vishnu) *or* Bliss (Shiva) is 
> present, yielding (in some cases) a rather stark sameness to 
> everything.
> At the ripening of B.C. (Brahma-Brahma-Shiva), the mirror of U.C., 
> one knows "THAT is All This" as Absolute and Relative completely 
> cross, with Purusha flooding down into Manas and Prakriti flooding 
> up into Buddhi. "Absolute" and "Relative" are gone; the remnants of 
> the small-self isolation disappear; Wholeness predominates; the Self 
> Understands the Self. The mind and heart are now understood as 
> unified and embracing the All. We find now that attention and breath 
> quicken the awareness-field into bliss.
> At the onset of "Krishna" (Brahma-Shiva-Vishnu), the mirror of G.C., 
> one sees "THAT Art Thou" as the Wholeness has now spread up as far 
> as Mahat and down as far as Indriyas, so that we again have blissful 
> sense-perception, but now completely in terms of the Self. One may 
> become a sort of Avatar as the Great Immensity of unconditional Love 
> to heal and assimilate the individual points of Wholeness within the 
> body. Knowing oneself as the Ocean, one may "incorporate" or 
> incarnate as any given individual in one's attention-field, and find 
> them within one's body.
> At the onset of "Shiva" (Brahma-Shiva-Brahma), the mirror of C.C., 
> one knows "THAT Am I" as the Wholeness has now spread up as far as 
> Avyakta and down as far as Karmendriyas, so we now see we are not 
> only separate from (all) action, but its ultimate cause or source, 
> and also its ultimate end or goal. We are able to "eat" all "sins."
> At the further ripening of "Shiva" (Brahma-Shiva-Shiva

[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for posting that, Rory. It saves me the time and gasoline 
> drive to town tonight to get my fill of mind-numbing 
> Hiranyagarbledygook.
> HA! Good one, Alex; a truly Vedic pronunciation if I ever saw one! 
> still, I hope you can make it tonight anyhow; it's always a pleasure 
> to see you :-)

Let me put the whole thing in more psychological terms -- Vishnu or 
Love is the force compacting everything denser and denser into 
materialization inside our psychology (and our body); Brahma or Light 
or Consciousness is the force wherein the unrecognized portions of 
ourselves (those in pain) come to our attention AS portions of 
ourselves; and Shiva is the Laughter or bliss wherein the Self-
recognition dissolves the pain as it (small "I") dies into the 
oblivion of the larger-I...:-)

Thus, something like the Byron Katie work shows us how our pain-spots 
(judgements, etc.) are merely unrecognized aspects of ourself (Vishnu-
qualities, not yet Brahma); when we acknowledge them (now Brahma 
seeing itSelf), they "disappear"... (Shiva)


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[FairfieldLife] the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread anonymousff
I had a disscusion Regarding the word 'knowledge'
in a different group settings and we had issues in
resolving the true meaning of the word.

we are used to by now to see knowledge as constructed
in consciousness.
our consciousness stays after we drop the body, is that
to say that the knowledge we gained stays with us or
is it brain dependent?

isn't knowledge in the common use of it in English
is part of our brain and information we accumulated,
then MMY expanded the term to mean something else.
(i'm not stating it's correct or not, just trying to understand
how the general usage of it applies vs. MMY use of the term.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi,
> I had a disscusion Regarding the word 'knowledge'
> in a different group settings and we had issues in
> resolving the true meaning of the word.
> we are used to by now to see knowledge as constructed
> in consciousness.
> our consciousness stays after we drop the body, is that
> to say that the knowledge we gained stays with us or
> is it brain dependent?
> isn't knowledge in the common use of it in English
> is part of our brain and information we accumulated,
> then MMY expanded the term to mean something else.
> (i'm not stating it's correct or not, just trying to understand
> how the general usage of it applies vs. MMY use of the term.

As I see it at the moment, the brain (bodymind, physiology, etc.) is 
usually the *last* to know, or to comprehend Knowledge; the brain is 
what finally grounds the knowledge from and of the Self out into 
this earthplane and our worldview. Before it contacts and changes 
the chemistry of the brain, knowledge appears as something like 
bliss-waves or lines of force (quantum-sized) which gradually 
densify and become more and more strongly electromagnetic (subtle-
body) while positioning themselves over various portions of the 
brain and "recording" the acquired or recognized data into the 
physiology, i.e., changing our mind. As the mind shifts, different 
sensory stimuli (always present but previously unnoticed) are now 
picked up and "eaten" to generate our new worldview...or something 
like that :-)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread Peter
There are all different types of knowledge and all
different ways of understanding it. Very, very complex

--- anonymousff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I had a disscusion Regarding the word 'knowledge'
> in a different group settings and we had issues in
> resolving the true meaning of the word.
> we are used to by now to see knowledge as
> constructed
> in consciousness.
> our consciousness stays after we drop the body, is
> that
> to say that the knowledge we gained stays with us or
> is it brain dependent?
> isn't knowledge in the common use of it in English
> is part of our brain and information we accumulated,
> then MMY expanded the term to mean something else.
> (i'm not stating it's correct or not, just trying to
> understand
> how the general usage of it applies vs. MMY use of
> the term.
>  Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> ~--> 
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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks for posting that, Rory. It saves me the time and gasoline 
> to 
> > drive to town tonight to get my fill of mind-numbing 
> > Hiranyagarbledygook.
> > 
> > HA! Good one, Alex; a truly Vedic pronunciation if I ever saw one! 
> > still, I hope you can make it tonight anyhow; it's always a pleasure 
> > to see you :-)
> Let me put the whole thing in more psychological terms -- Vishnu or 
> Love is the force compacting everything denser and denser into 
> materialization inside our psychology (and our body); Brahma or Light 
> or Consciousness is the force wherein the unrecognized portions of 
> ourselves (those in pain) come to our attention AS portions of 
> ourselves; and Shiva is the Laughter or bliss wherein the Self-
> recognition dissolves the pain as it (small "I") dies into the 
> oblivion of the larger-I...:-)
> Thus, something like the Byron Katie work shows us how our pain-spots 
> (judgements, etc.) are merely unrecognized aspects of ourself (Vishnu-
> qualities, not yet Brahma); when we acknowledge them (now Brahma 
> seeing itSelf), they "disappear"... (Shiva)
> :-)
> >


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[FairfieldLife] Re: the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread tazarmfune
How do you know?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are all different types of knowledge and all
> different ways of understanding it. Very, very complex
> subject!
> --- anonymousff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I had a disscusion Regarding the word 'knowledge'
> > in a different group settings and we had issues in
> > resolving the true meaning of the word.
> > 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-19 Thread bbrigante
12Oct2005 Victory Day celebration http://mou.org

In response to a press question, Maharishi explained why the effect 
is immediate. 'The science of Total Natural Law and the technology 
of Total Natural Law are not separate—they are the same,' Maharishi 
said. 'Total Natural Law—the Unified Field, the Constitution of the 
Universe, the light of God—has been sought by the wise throughout 
the ages. But now, in this scientific age, the omnipresent, 
omniscient, omnipotent Unified Field has been found to be within the 
Self of everyone. So it is just a matter of a few groups of 
individuals applying it within their own Self to produce an 
immediate global effect.' 

For this, Maharishi said, the Transcendental Meditation Technique 
provides every individual with the experience of the unmanifest 
field of Total Natural Law within his own self-referral 
consciousness. Maharishi also said the advanced Yogic Flying 
technique provides every individual with the ability to command 
Total Natural Law, the field of gravity, from within his own Self 
through the power of thought alone. 

'Gravity is the unifying value of Natural Law, which promotes the 
progress and well-being of everyone and everything in the universe,' 
Maharishi said. 'The force of gravity can be commanded by the mind 
through Yogic Flying to produce an immediate, ''push-button'' effect 
of progress and well-being for the whole world.' 


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-19 Thread Robert Gimbel
Charismatic in the sense of creating a mission for the people, the 
followers; of someone who has vision, and the belief in it; to get 
other's excited and enthusiastic to follow the leader in 
accomplishing the vision; the definition of leadership.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >
> > > > One last try.  Think of the Vatican.  The place is 
> > > > just *full* of toadies, sucking up to the current 
> > > > Pope.  Does this mean that they're insincere in 
> > > > their faith?  Of course not.  They're just being 
> > > > toadies.
> > > 
> > > But are they sincere in their flattery?
> > 
> > Many are.  Try to think of it in terms of business.
> > You work for a strong, charismatic boss, like Bill
> > Gates.  
>  -- mercy snip --
> Bill Gates - charismatic..?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread Peter
Ahh...ah...ah...ah...Bevan told me!

--- tazarmfune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How do you know?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > There are all different types of knowledge and all
> > different ways of understanding it. Very, very
> complex
> > subject!
> > 
> > --- anonymousff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi,
> > > I had a disscusion Regarding the word
> 'knowledge'
> > > in a different group settings and we had issues
> in
> > > resolving the true meaning of the word.
> > > 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Awakening

2005-10-19 Thread Peter

--- jyouells2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > > I don't know squat. I just posted something
> I
> > > > > thought people would enjoy
> > > > > reading.
> > > > 
> > > > How long have you experienced clear squat
> > > > consciousness?
> > > 
> > > I am squat, thou art squat, all this is 
> > > nothing but squat.
> > >
> > 
> > We squat, dude. [apologies to RA Heinlein]
> >
> Squat alone is.

Aham Squatasmi

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[FairfieldLife] WILMA!!!

2005-10-19 Thread Peter
Apparently some of us in south Florida have been
violating natural law so it looks like we are going to
get our collective asses kicked again by Ms. Wilma,
wife of Fred. Hmmm maybe it's all that "om" stuff
that's been resounding in my chitta. 

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[FairfieldLife] Peaceful plans set for islands

2005-10-19 Thread Rick Archer

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-19 Thread peterklutz
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > One last try.  Think of the Vatican.  The place is 
> > > just *full* of toadies, sucking up to the current 
> > > Pope.  Does this mean that they're insincere in 
> > > their faith?  Of course not.  They're just being 
> > > toadies.
> > 
> > But are they sincere in their flattery?
> Many are.  Try to think of it in terms of business.
> You work for a strong, charismatic boss, like Bill
> Gates.  

 -- mercy snip --

Bill Gates - charismatic..?

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2005-10-19 Thread Rasa Von Werder

In honor of October, the Witches month, and All Hallow's Eve, we
present two new galleries called



are original new photos taken by Rasa Von Werder as well as fine art
and provocative Wiccan beauties:




Wild woman, running naked in the woods. Leading her family in the Old
Ways, in the Old Religion of Instinct and Nature. Wicca, Pagan, Druid,
Witchcraft, Pantheism, Goddess Worship, Reverence for Mother Nature,
Mother Earth. Matriarchal woman of wisdom, herbs and spells. Conjuring
up the meaning of life far from 'civilization.' Unwashed heathens
ready to get even dirtier.

Matriarchy, Female Supremacy, Dominant Wife, Spouse and Crone,
Empowerment of Woman, Woman boss of family, home and community. Woman
in charge, making the rules, directing all those around her. Friendly
to animals, respecting the forest. Running naked and unafraid. No
scruples or needless repression. Running, laughing, wild and free like
the desert fox, rules made while we go along. We take our baths in the
pond in summer, in winter, rub ourselves with garlic to improve the
odor. If you can make love on a bed of pine needles and not feel a
thing, (concerning the needles) then this is for you!

No need to apply if you are patriarchal, orthodox, fundamentalist or
any uptight, buttoned up, judgemental, condemnatory group. If your
name is Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Pope Benedict the XIV, you are

Welcome, the mud is warm!

DEAR BELOVED MEMBERS On this group I would like to gather any data
concerned with Nature Religons and primitive Old Ways of worship,
ESPECIALLY MATRIARCHAL, and collect images of women in the setting of
Mother Nature.
Rasa Von Werder

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Re: [FairfieldLife] WILMA!!!

2005-10-19 Thread Rick Archer
on 10/19/05 3:45 PM, Peter at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Apparently some of us in south Florida have been
> violating natural law so it looks like we are going to
> get our collective asses kicked again by Ms. Wilma,
> wife of Fred. Hmmm maybe it's all that "om" stuff
> that's been resounding in my chitta.

Will it weaken significantly by the time it gets to your site of the

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[FairfieldLife] Re: press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bbrigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 'Gravity is the unifying value of Natural Law, which promotes the 
> progress and well-being of everyone and everything in the universe,' 
> Maharishi said. 'The force of gravity can be commanded by the mind 
> through Yogic Flying to produce an immediate, ''push-button'' effect 
> of progress and well-being for the whole world.'

Gravity is Love :-)

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > 
> > So as we see it at this point anyhow, all of this is a part of 
> Brahma-
> > loka, specifically in what we might call Mahar-loka, 
> to 
> > details of the Solar Plexus and the Full Moon Nakshatra and 
> Brahman 
> > Consciousness as it stands in itself (Brahma-Brahma-Brahma) -- 
> Using the terminology of the conventional lokas considered to 
> in the egg of Brahma, we have:
> An unnamed loka in T.C-II (Brahma-Vishnu-Vishnu), just inside the 
> transcendental "skin" or just atop the denser edge of the "ring-
> not" of the bottom of Brahma's egg,
> Bhu or Bhur-loka in C.C. (Brahma-Vishnu-Brahma), 
> Bhuvarloka in G.C. (Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva), and
> Swarloka in U.C. (Brahma-Brahma-Vishnu) -- from these three, souls 
> yet return to earthly reincarnation; 
Thanks again- 
If I understand what you have written above, is it so that 
those 'in' CC, GC, and UC are still working out earthly karma, and 
hence still bound to the wheel of earthly life and death, impression-

Further, since you describe ripened BC as turning the perception of 
Unity or UC inside out, which makes perfect sense, then it appears 
that Unity Conciousness has as its reference point the localized 

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Thanks again- 
> If I understand what you have written above, is it so that 
> those 'in' CC, GC, and UC are still working out earthly karma, and 
> hence still bound to the wheel of earthly life and death, impression-
> desire-fulfillment-impression?

That has been my understanding and experience, yes :-)
> Further, since you describe ripened BC as turning the perception of 
> Unity or UC inside out, which makes perfect sense, then it appears 
> that Unity Conciousness has as its reference point the localized 
> self?

Yes! Like the "prior" states, there is still a "me" claiming these 
states as its own -- whereas ripened B.C. erases that identification 

There is also a very good probability that not only are we each 
experiencing all the states simultaneously, but also in timespace 
sequence very rapidly -- perhaps every nanosecond or so, with every 
cycling of our personal Hiranyagarbha-field, but almost certainly one 
state each day throughout the 27 days of the Lunar cycle -- depending 
on what we put our attention on, of course :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Surprising news about your color printer

2005-10-19 Thread L B Shriver
Sleuths Crack Tracking Code Discovered in Color Printers

By Mike Musgrove
Washington Post Staff Writer

10/19/05 "Washington Post" -- -- It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it 
isn't. The 
pages coming out of your color printer may contain hidden information that 
could be used 
to track you down if you ever cross the U.S. government.

Last year, an article in PC World magazine pointed out that printouts from many 
laser printers contained yellow dots scattered across the page, viewable only 
with a special 
kind of flashlight. The article quoted a senior researcher at Xerox Corp. as 
saying the dots 
contain information useful to law-enforcement authorities, a secret digital 
"license tag" for 
tracking down criminals.

The content of the coded information was supposed to be a secret, available 
only to 
agencies looking for counterfeiters who use color printers.

Now, the secret is out.

Yesterday, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco consumer privacy 
said it had cracked the code used in a widely used line of Xerox printers, an 
invisible bar 
code of sorts that contains the serial number of the printer as well as the 
date and time a 
document was printed.

With the Xerox printers, the information appears as a pattern of yellow dots, 
each only a 
millimeter wide and visible only with a magnifying glass and a blue light.

The EFF said it has identified similar coding on pages printed from nearly 
every major 
printer manufacturer, including Hewlett-Packard Co., though its team has so far 
the codes for only one type of Xerox printer.

The U.S. Secret Service acknowledged yesterday that the markings, which are not 
visible to 
the human eye, are there, but it played down the use for invading privacy.

"It's strictly a countermeasure to prevent illegal activity specific to 
counterfeiting," agency 
spokesman Eric Zahren said. "It's to protect our currency and to protect 
people's hard-
earned money."

It's unclear whether the yellow-dot codes have ever been used to make an 
arrest. And no 
one would say how long the codes have been in use. But Seth Schoen, the EFF 
who led the organization's research, said he had seen the coding on documents 
by printers that were at least 10 years old.

"It seems like someone in the government has managed to have a lot of influence 
printing technology," he said.

Xerox spokesman Bill McKee confirmed the existence of the hidden codes, but he 
said the 
company was simply assisting an agency that asked for help. McKee said the 
program was 
part of a cooperation with government agencies, competing manufacturers and a 
"consortium of banks," but would not provide further details. HP said in a 
statement that it 
is involved in anti-counterfeiting measures and supports the cooperation 
between the 
printer industry and those who are working to reduce counterfeiting.

Schoen said that the existence of the encoded information could be a threat to 
people who 
live in repressive governments or those who have a legitimate need for privacy. 
It reminds 
him, he said, of a program the Soviet Union once had in place to record sample 
printouts in hopes of tracking the origins of underground, self-published 

"It's disturbing that something on this scale, with so many privacy 
implications, happened 
with such a tiny amount of publicity," Schoen said.

And it's not as if the information is encrypted in a highly secure fashion, 
Schoen said. The 
EFF spent months collecting samples from printers around the world and then 
them off to an intern, who came back with the results in about a week.

"We were able to break this code very rapidly," Schoen said.

© 2005 The Washington Post Company

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> Thanks for posting that, Rory. It saves me the time and gasoline to 
drive to town tonight to get my fill of mind-numbing 

HA! Good one, Alex; a truly Vedic pronunciation if I ever saw one! 
still, I hope you can make it tonight anyhow; it's always a pleasure 
to see you :-)

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > Thanks again- 
> > If I understand what you have written above, is it so that 
> > those 'in' CC, GC, and UC are still working out earthly karma, and 
> > hence still bound to the wheel of earthly life and death, 
> > desire-fulfillment-impression?
> That has been my understanding and experience, yes :-)

Although it is not precisely true that those enjoying B.C. etc. are 
*not* still working out their karma; it appears simply that they have 
cleared at least half of it, are free from the *need* for rebirth, and 
after B.C. they generally feel free and approach Life with the 
identity of a "finder," as Spirit moving into Matter, as opposed to 
identifying with the "seeker" -- as Matter (or Being, or even 
Consciousness) seeking Spirit. It *may* be that those completing and 
recognizing the entire 27-state cycle have cleared all of their karmic 
backlog (for example, upon recognizing and communicating it I now feel 
my "life-work is done" here), but I suspect there is always more work 
to be done, somewhere or other :-)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Surprising news about your color printer

2005-10-19 Thread WLeed3

Thanks L. B. Schreiber, for this info re my H/P color 
printer . I have always held  U in most high respect & if 
this news indeed proves true it sends you as you deserve to the TOP of the 
class. I am a libertarian by nature & hold our freedoms highly & now 
value this info you just imparted to us all my & I am sure all our 
collective, THANKS, 
Bill Leed now in FF. IA., Again thanks for sharing this in as you pointed out to 
me this public form for us all to KNOW & be educated 

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Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" 
> > wrote:
> > > Thanks again- 
> > > If I understand what you have written above, is it so that 
> > > those 'in' CC, GC, and UC are still working out earthly karma, 
> > > hence still bound to the wheel of earthly life and death, 
> impression-
> > > desire-fulfillment-impression?
> > 
> > That has been my understanding and experience, yes :-)
> Although it is not precisely true that those enjoying B.C. etc. 
> *not* still working out their karma; it appears simply that they 
> cleared at least half of it, are free from the *need* for rebirth, 
> after B.C. they generally feel free and approach Life with the 
> identity of a "finder," as Spirit moving into Matter, as opposed 
> identifying with the "seeker" -- as Matter (or Being, or even 
> Consciousness) seeking Spirit. 

Yes, yes, you put the distinction very well. Feels just like that 
too- when seeking, there is a persistent desire for ever more 
richness for experiences to be infused with, whereas in the finding 
experience, the richness can be almost overwhelming, precisely 
because it is so accessible.

It *may* be that those completing and 
> recognizing the entire 27-state cycle have cleared all of their 
> backlog (for example, upon recognizing and communicating it I now 
> my "life-work is done" here), but I suspect there is always more 
> to be done, somewhere or other :-)

Without a doubt- otherwise what is there to do?

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Thanks Rory. As I am not at a point of seeing this directly, nor 
> I have such an interest currently, nonetheless it is a similar 
> experience in the mind, as listening to the Veda being chanted is 
> the body. In other words there is a recognition at some pre-
> intellectual level of your cognitions, and a deep satisfaction in 
> reading them. It satisfies my heart, without my intellect truly 
> comprehending what you have written, yet somehow knowing it 
> is "right", and my world in some undefined way is a better place 
> it.

*lol* Many thanks, Jim -- I appreciate your appreciation! :-D

> You use the phrase of perceiving all as 'frozen' Self. Now that 
> directly correlates with my current experience. As if for every 
> slice of time or reflection, all is seen as my Self. 

Very nice -- what I would probably call the 14th state, "ripened 
Brahman" (Brahma-Brahma-Shiva) :-)
> Yet the day to day experience is more like an infinite ocean of 
> Oneness with each of us rising like a wave out of the ocean, yet 
> completely separate from it. So when I view my world from a more 
> settled state, I more easily see the vastness and connectedness of 
> it; its oceanic nature. Yet, day to day, running here and there, 
> wave characteristics predominate. Further, if I want to resolve 
> anything or bring a process to conclusion, the wave to ocean/ocean 
> to wave dynamics are what I focus on for guidance.

Very nice indeed -- looks like what I've termed "Krishna" in the 
past, the 15th state (Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva) -- a lot of fun, and very 
rich because of its containing all 3 gunas and also reflecting the 
richness of G.C. (senses and bliss), now from Wholeness :-)

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Without a doubt- otherwise what is there to do?

I give up; what? :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-19 Thread peterklutz

Skip the first half of your definition and you stay true to the
dictionary. As far as concern the second half: MS 'success' is not the
result of charismatic leadership. The guy defaulted to where he is
today by once being given the assignement to build the PC operating
system today known as Windows. Everything after that has been the
machinations of a robber baron..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel"
> Charismatic in the sense of creating a mission for the people, the 
> followers; of someone who has vision, and the belief in it; to get 
> other's excited and enthusiastic to follow the leader in 
> accomplishing the vision; the definition of leadership.
>  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "peterklutz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > >
> > > > > One last try.  Think of the Vatican.  The place is 
> > > > > just *full* of toadies, sucking up to the current 
> > > > > Pope.  Does this mean that they're insincere in 
> > > > > their faith?  Of course not.  They're just being 
> > > > > toadies.
> > > > 
> > > > But are they sincere in their flattery?
> > > 
> > > Many are.  Try to think of it in terms of business.
> > > You work for a strong, charismatic boss, like Bill
> > > Gates.  
> > 
> >  -- mercy snip --
> > 
> > Bill Gates - charismatic..?
> >

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[FairfieldLife] Re: the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread anonymousff
I see what you mean, thank you for capturing the wave into words.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > I had a disscusion Regarding the word 'knowledge'
> > in a different group settings and we had issues in
> > resolving the true meaning of the word.
> > 
> > we are used to by now to see knowledge as constructed
> > in consciousness.
> >  
> > our consciousness stays after we drop the body, is that
> > to say that the knowledge we gained stays with us or
> > is it brain dependent?
> > 
> > isn't knowledge in the common use of it in English
> > is part of our brain and information we accumulated,
> > then MMY expanded the term to mean something else.
> > (i'm not stating it's correct or not, just trying to understand
> > how the general usage of it applies vs. MMY use of the term.
> As I see it at the moment, the brain (bodymind, physiology, etc.) 
> usually the *last* to know, or to comprehend Knowledge; the brain 
> what finally grounds the knowledge from and of the Self out into 
> this earthplane and our worldview. Before it contacts and changes 
> the chemistry of the brain, knowledge appears as something like 
> bliss-waves or lines of force (quantum-sized) which gradually 
> densify and become more and more strongly electromagnetic (subtle-
> body) while positioning themselves over various portions of the 
> brain and "recording" the acquired or recognized data into the 
> physiology, i.e., changing our mind. As the mind shifts, different 
> sensory stimuli (always present but previously unnoticed) are now 
> picked up and "eaten" to generate our new worldview...or something 
> like that :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I see what you mean, thank you for capturing the wave into words.
> :)

My pleasure! :-)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread Vaj

On Oct 19, 2005, at 2:20 PM, anonymousff wrote:

> I had a disscusion Regarding the word 'knowledge'
> in a different group settings and we had issues in
> resolving the true meaning of the word.
> we are used to by now to see knowledge as constructed
> in consciousness.
> our consciousness stays after we drop the body, is that
> to say that the knowledge we gained stays with us or
> is it brain dependent?
> isn't knowledge in the common use of it in English
> is part of our brain and information we accumulated,
> then MMY expanded the term to mean something else.
> (i'm not stating it's correct or not, just trying to understand
> how the general usage of it applies vs. MMY use of the term.

There are a number of words which describe "knowledge" in  
Sanskrit--"vidya" which describes "pure knowledge" would seem to be a  
good one.

But actually what you seem to be describing what tantric Buddhist  
theory would call "ascertaining consciousness". Depending on what we  
ascertain *with* determines how he perceive and if we truly perceive.  
In other words we have moments of "non-ascertaining consciousness".  
Forms of meditation, like TM, Shamatha or calming meditation which  
works at transcending gross thought and increasing attentional  
stability, increases the amount and quality of ascertaining  
consciousness. The traditional metaphor is that without attentional  
stability it is like trying to read by a flickering candle. In this  
style of meditation one learns to achieve continual attentional  
placement, which is a state where one is still subject to thought  
excitation. Because of this one uses "patched placement". One,  
without judging, brings attention gently back to focus, typically  
some object--a mantra, a mental object of some sort, etc. Eventually  
one should achieve "close attentional placement" where ones attention  
does not waver for the entire session. After that we can work at  
taming and pacification of the mind, eventually reaching complete  
pacification of the mind and pure attentional stability. Then full  
attentional vividness allows us to truly investigate consciousness.  
There can be no laxity. But once one reaches this level of attention  
and focus, one should be capable of meditating continuously and  
uninterruptedly for several hours at a time. Once one reaches  
balanced attentional placement, all we need is an initial intent or  
impulse and pure attentional placement occurs for long periods of time.

At this level the nervous system begins to really refine deeply and  
certain signs arise. With the achievement of pure sustained  
intention, one disengages the attention from the meditative objects,  
and the entire continuum of one’s attention is focused one pointedly,  
non-conceptually, and internally in the very nature of consciousness;  
the attention is withdrawn fully from the physical senses. Only at  
this level are we really capable of pure knowledge. One gains a pure  
sense of clarity, or a luminosity capable of manifesting as any  
appearances, and also the quality of cognizance, or the event of  
knowing. One groks sheer clarity and pure cognizance of experience-- 
the pure experiential definition of experience--rather than a subject  
attending to "object".

There's more than one way to do this. Different methods work for  
different people. Some people don't need objects or props of any kind  
but merely cultivate non-conceptual attention as their practice,  
without focusing on any. In this
method the eyes are left open, integrating everything into a unified  

All experience that leaves a karmic trace will be imprinted on our  
spiritual (not physical) gene. That's what transmigrates once you do  
the Big Samadhi. That pattern, that karmic hologram can extrapolate  
all that caused it and all it will cause. In other words, once you  
have attained unimpeded omniscience, you will grok all past *and*  
future lives--the future of course subtly shifting as events in the  
present "change".

In unattained humans memories of previous lives are not remembered.  
However once one reaches one of the higher bhumis ("stages") of the  
path, one gains recognition of many past lives in intimate detail. I  
met one lama who knew thousands of his lives. I was just reading  
_Blazing Splendor_, a memoir of a famous yogin, there's a story of  
this one student who challenges his master, having heard that he  
could recall 500 lives. He haughtily asked his teacher if he could  
tell him his 500 lives, to which the teacher responded "which do you  
want to know, my 500 past lives or my 500 future lives?" The student  
instantly, in the sense of shock, recognized the unimpeded  
omniscience of his guru. And that's really what it takes, a well  
established, unimpeded omniscience. Although really, someone who is  
omniscient can even tell you *your* past lives and the time of your  
death. It's not limited.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-19 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >
> > Sincerity has to do with the motivation for the behavior. If one 
> > doing the flattery out of desire to gain favor rather than 
> > he/she believes what they are saying, than they are not sincere. 
> > they DO believe what they are saying, then they are sincere, and 
> > the first definition above, they're not a toady.
> > 
> > Of course, feel free to squirm some more if you like.
> Lawson, you're falling into the same simplistic, either/or,
> black-and-white trap that Judy is.
> It is NOT an "either/or" situation.  There is NO CONFLICT
> between believing the flattery one is spouting and wanting
> to gain favor for spouting it.  You'd just like to believe
> that there is.

But would he spout it even if he knew there was no favor to be gained?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-19 Thread TurquoiseB
> > > > Neither the word nor the definition implied
> > > > insincerity to me.  Toady is as toady *does*.
> > > > It's about behavior, not the sincerity of
> > > > the behavior.
> > > 
> > > Nice try, no cigar.  The definition itself 
> > > characterizes the behavior in terms of motivations.
> > > "In the hope of gaining" and "Self-seeking" are both
> > > phrases describing motivations, not behavior.
> > > 
> > > And in both cases those motivations are contrary
> > > to what the *behavior* suggests--i.e., admiration
> > > of the person being flattered.
> > > 
> > > > Your mileage may (and probably
> > > > will) vary.  Such is life.
> > > 
> > > You can define "toady" however you like.  I'm
> > > pointing out that the definition you supplied implies
> > > (in the sense of "necessary consequence") that the
> > > behavior is insincere.
> > 
> > It implies it TO YOU.
> No, no.  Read what I wrote again, please: "implies
> (in the sense of 'necessary consequence')."  That's
> quite different from the "Gee, it sounds to me kinda
> like they mean..." sense of "imply."
> > And as usual, in your mind 
> > that means that there is only one possible way of
> > interpreting the word or concept -- it's the Judy 
> > Way or no way at all.  :-)
> You desperately need a course in semantics.  Really
> essential for someone who wants to be a writer.
> If you read that definition and don't think it 
> implies insincerity as a necessary consequence,
> that's a *mistake* on your part, not just a 
> different take on it.
> And of course you don't even attempt to deal with
> what I pointed out about the definition being
> based on motivation rather than just behavior.
> You used a dictionary definition to explain what
> you meant by "toady," but now you're saying you
> meant something quite different.  That's fine,
> but don't try to pretend it *isn't* different.
> > One last try.  Think of the Vatican.  The place is 
> > just *full* of toadies, sucking up to the current 
> > Pope.  Does this mean that they're insincere in 
> > their faith?  Of course not.  They're just being 
> > toadies.
> But again, Barry, we weren't talking about faith,
> we were talking about devotion to Maharishi,
> remember?  The toadies in the Vatican are those who
> are insincere in their professed devotion to the pope.
> They may well be perfectly sincere in their faith.
> The ones who are toadies are those who flatter the
> pope in the hope of personal gain rather than because
> they think he's wonderful.

Believe whatever you want, Judy.

This exchange really illustrates the difference
between you and me.  You seem to believe that to
perform questionable actions (toadying up to some-
one to gain some benefit from that) one *has* to
be insincere.  That's a point of view based on an
idealized and non-real-world view of life.  Me,
I've actually spent a lot of time *in* spiritual
communities, not on the periphery of them project-
ing what you'd like to believe about them onto 
the community, like you.  It's an *everyday 
occurrence* to find people who feel real bhakti
for a teacher -- to the depth of their hearts, 
without an ounce of insincerity -- and *at the
same time* are complete and utter toadies with
regard to that teacher *for their own benefit*.

IMO, you are (as usual) trying to make a shades-
of-gray situation into black and white, and IMO
for your usual reason -- you want to feel superior
to someone.  If you convince yourself that a 
person *has* to be insincere to be a toady, you
can look down on them.  Me, I just recognize that
the toadies are human and the students who aren't
toadies are human and they're all just doing the
best they can with what they've got.

But you continue to project nefarious motivations
onto people if you'd like.  It seems to be a trend,
so much of one that somewhere along the line you
seem to have decided that it makes you *happy* to
think of people as nefarious and yourself as not.
Personally, I don't think such a belief system
really does make one happy, but I could be wrong.

IMO, Bevan is completely devoted to Maharishi.
*At the same time*, he is one of the biggest 
toadies I have ever encountered in my entire life,
milking his situation for all the attention and
"benefits" he can get.  To you, such a situation 
seems incomprehensible; to me, it is common.  Go 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 19, 2005, at 2:20 PM, anonymousff wrote:
> > isn't knowledge in the common use of it in English
> > is part of our brain and information we accumulated,
> > then MMY expanded the term to mean something else.
> > (i'm not stating it's correct or not, just trying to understand
> > how the general usage of it applies vs. MMY use of the term.
> There are a number of words which describe "knowledge" in  
> Sanskrit--"vidya" which describes "pure knowledge" would seem to be 
> a good one.
> But actually what you seem to be describing what tantric Buddhist  
> theory would call "ascertaining consciousness".

For the record, although Vaj mentions TM as if it
were an example of what he goes on to describe,
that description in fact has nothing to do with
TM in terms of how it is practiced or the theory
Maharishi teaches.

 Depending on what we  
> ascertain *with* determines how he perceive and if we truly 
> In other words we have moments of "non-ascertaining 
> Forms of meditation, like TM, Shamatha or calming meditation which  
> works at transcending gross thought and increasing attentional  
> stability, increases the amount and quality of ascertaining  
> consciousness. The traditional metaphor is that without 
> stability it is like trying to read by a flickering candle. In 
> style of meditation one learns to achieve continual attentional  
> placement, which is a state where one is still subject to thought  
> excitation. Because of this one uses "patched placement". One,  
> without judging, brings attention gently back to focus, typically  
> some object--a mantra, a mental object of some sort, etc. 
> one should achieve "close attentional placement" where ones 
> does not waver for the entire session. After that we can work at  
> taming and pacification of the mind, eventually reaching complete  
> pacification of the mind and pure attentional stability. Then full  
> attentional vividness allows us to truly investigate 
> There can be no laxity. But once one reaches this level of 
> and focus, one should be capable of meditating continuously and  
> uninterruptedly for several hours at a time. Once one reaches  
> balanced attentional placement, all we need is an initial intent 
> impulse and pure attentional placement occurs for long periods of 
> At this level the nervous system begins to really refine deeply 
> certain signs arise. With the achievement of pure sustained  
> intention, one disengages the attention from the meditative 
> and the entire continuum of one's attention is focused one 
> non-conceptually, and internally in the very nature of 
> and
> the attention is withdrawn fully from the physical senses. Only at  
> this level are we really capable of pure knowledge. One gains a 
> sense of clarity, or a luminosity capable of manifesting as any  
> appearances, and also the quality of cognizance, or the event of  
> knowing. One groks sheer clarity and pure cognizance of experience--
> the pure experiential definition of experience--rather than a 
> attending to "object".
> There's more than one way to do this. Different methods work for  
> different people. Some people don't need objects or props of any 
> but merely cultivate non-conceptual attention as their practice,  
> without focusing on any. In this
> method the eyes are left open, integrating everything into a 
> presence.
> All experience that leaves a karmic trace will be imprinted on our  
> spiritual (not physical) gene. That's what transmigrates once you 
> the Big Samadhi. That pattern, that karmic hologram can 
> all that caused it and all it will cause. In other words, once you  
> have attained unimpeded omniscience, you will grok all past *and*  
> future lives--the future of course subtly shifting as events in 
> present "change".
> In unattained humans memories of previous lives are not 
> However once one reaches one of the higher bhumis ("stages") of 
> path, one gains recognition of many past lives in intimate detail. 
> met one lama who knew thousands of his lives. I was just reading  
> _Blazing Splendor_, a memoir of a famous yogin, there's a story of  
> this one student who challenges his master, having heard that he  
> could recall 500 lives. He haughtily asked his teacher if he could  
> tell him his 500 lives, to which the teacher responded "which do 
> want to know, my 500 past lives or my 500 future lives?" The 
> instantly, in the sense of shock, recognized the unimpeded  
> omniscience of his guru. And that's really what it takes, a well  
> established, unimpeded omniscience. Although really, someone who 
> omniscient can even tell you

[FairfieldLife] One Child left behind

2005-10-19 Thread johnlasher20002000


"The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."
- George W. Bush

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
- George W. Bush
"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and
that one word is 'to be prepared'."
- George W. Bush

"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in
the future."
- George W. Bush

"The future will be better tomorrow"
- George W. Bush

"We're going to have the best educated American people in the world."
- George W. Bush

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
- George W. Bush

"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a
firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."
- George W. Bush

"Public speaking is very easy."
- George W. Bush

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."
- George W. Bush

"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."
- George W. Bush

"For NASA, space is still a high priority"
- George W. Bush

"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."
- George W. Bush 
"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
- George W. Bush

God help America. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: One Child left behind

2005-10-19 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnlasher20002000 
> "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."
> - George W. Bush
> "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
> - George W. Bush
> "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and
> that one word is 'to be prepared'."
> - George W. Bush
> "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good 
judgments in
> the future."
> - George W. Bush
> "The future will be better tomorrow"
> - George W. Bush
> "We're going to have the best educated American people in the 
> - George W. Bush
> "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
> - George W. Bush
> "We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have 
> firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."
> - George W. Bush
> "Public speaking is very easy."
> - George W. Bush
> "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the 
> - George W. Bush
> "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."
> - George W. Bush
> "For NASA, space is still a high priority"
> - George W. Bush
> "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our 
> - George W. Bush 
> "It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
> - George W. Bush
> God help America.
Just a note to not mistake his indifference and indolence for  
stupidity. Bush is the epitome of the kid born with a silver spoon 
in his mouth. No matter how poorly he performs he knows he will 
always be a member of the upper classes. I seriously doubt he has a 
clue as to how the majority of his country's citizens live and think.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread Vaj

On Oct 19, 2005, at 10:14 PM, authfriend wrote:

> For the record, although Vaj mentions TM as if it
> were an example of what he goes on to describe,
> that description in fact has nothing to do with
> TM in terms of how it is practiced or the theory
> Maharishi teaches.

You obviously missed the point. TM is a form a Shamatha. Of the nine  
or so levels of Shamatha, TM just works with the beginning stages.  
Regardless, it is a form of Shamatha.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-19 Thread Rick Archer
on 10/18/05 10:31 PM, Peter at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> All that subtle energy and group coherence is very,
> very real. That's consciousness being pulled up into
> relative awareness burning out stress and creating
> bliss. That gets more and more intense until you start
> having sidhis in the subjective domain. I don't know
> of anyone that this "path" continued into the
> objective domain.

And what was also really cool was the time when we had over 8,000 flying
together during the Taste of Slobovia course - winter of 80-something. The
effect of such a large group was very palpable, at least to those in it.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: One Child left behind

2005-10-19 Thread authfriend
This poem was composed by Washington Post writer
Richard Thompson and consists entirely of
phrases spoken by our preznit and appearing in
published sources.


I think we all agree, the past is over. 
This is still a dangerous world. 
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty 
and potential mential losses. 

Rarely is the question asked, 
Is our children learning? 
Will the highways of the Internet become more few? 
How many hands have I shaked? 

They misunderestimate me. 
I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity. 
I know that the human being and the fish can coexist. 
Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream. 

Put food on your family! 
Knock down the tollbooth! 
Vulcanize society! 
Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnlasher20002000 
> "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."
> - George W. Bush
> "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
> - George W. Bush
> "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and
> that one word is 'to be prepared'."
> - George W. Bush
> "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments 
> the future."
> - George W. Bush
> "The future will be better tomorrow"
> - George W. Bush
> "We're going to have the best educated American people in the 
> - George W. Bush
> "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
> - George W. Bush
> "We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a
> firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."
> - George W. Bush
> "Public speaking is very easy."
> - George W. Bush
> "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the 
> - George W. Bush
> "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."
> - George W. Bush
> "For NASA, space is still a high priority"
> - George W. Bush
> "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our 
> - George W. Bush 
> "It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
> - George W. Bush
> God help America.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 19, 2005, at 10:14 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > For the record, although Vaj mentions TM as if it
> > were an example of what he goes on to describe,
> > that description in fact has nothing to do with
> > TM in terms of how it is practiced or the theory
> > Maharishi teaches.
> You obviously missed the point. TM is a form a Shamatha. Of the
> nine or so levels of Shamatha, TM just works with the beginning 
> stages.  Regardless, it is a form of Shamatha.

My point was, and still is, that although you mentioned
TM as if it were an example of what you went on to 
describe, that description in fact had nothing to do
with TM in terms of how it is practiced or the theory
Maharishi teaches.

And you should have made that clear.

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[FairfieldLife] To Rory - Re: Proclaiming ones enlightenment

2005-10-19 Thread matrixmonitor
---That's obvious. At any time before or after Enlightenment, take the 
Bodhisattva vow to help others, in any type of body appropriate for the 
task.  Do this for a couple of trillion mayayugas for an evaluation; 
then repeat as often as desired.. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > 
> > Without a doubt- otherwise what is there to do?
> I give up; what? :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Yagyas by Choice pics

2005-10-19 Thread matrixmonitor
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "matrixmonitor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


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[FairfieldLife] Shermer confronts the Dalai Lama

2005-10-19 Thread jiva jivazz

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--- Begin Message ---
Title: eSkeptic: October 19th, 2005

	eSkeptic: the email
newsletter of the Skeptics Society 
		Wednesday, October 19th, 2005 
			In this week’s eSkeptic, we reprint Michael Shermer’s review of The
Universe in a Single Atom : The Convergence of Science and Spirituality by
the Dalai Lama (Morgan Road Books, September 2005, ISBN 076792066X) that appeared in
the New York Sun “Arts & Letters” section on September 14,
the Carina Nebula (NASA image courtesy of GRIN) 
		Science Without Borders  
			a book review by Michael Shermer 
			In a 1987 lecture on “The Burden
of Skepticism,” the astronomer Carl Sagan opined: 
In science it often happens that scientists say, ‘You know
that’s a really good argument; my position is mistaken,’ and then they
actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They
really do it. It doesn’t happen as often as it should, because scientists are
human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the
last time something like that happened in politics or religion. 
			Well, Carl, here’s a bit of good news, from no less a personage
than His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who writes in the prologue of his latest book,
The Universe in a Single Atom: 
My confidence in venturing into science lies in my basic belief that
as in science so in Buddhism, understanding the nature of reality is pursued by
means of critical investigation: if scientific analysis were conclusively to
demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we must accept the findings
of science and abandon those claims. 
			Listen up, all ye who insist on squeezing the round peg of science into
the square hole of religion; if religious claims are not consonant with scientific
findings, it is wisest to err on the side of science, which employs self-correcting
machinery designed to weed out error, agenda, and bias. Not only do scientists
change their minds in the face of contradictory evidence, they do so regardless of
the religion, race, or nationality of the scientific colleagues who are doing the
			Science is international, or non-national, in this sense, a
characteristic His Holiness says is in harmony with the teachings of Buddhism.
“Because I am an internationalist at heart,” the Dalai Lama explains, 
one of the qualities that has moved me most about scientists is
their amazing willingness to share knowledge with each other without regard for
national boundaries. Even during the Cold War, when the political world was
polarized to a dangerous degree, I found scientists from the Eastern and Western
blocs willing to communicate in ways the politicians could not even imagine. 
			In my 1999 book, “How We Believe,” I outlined a three-tiered
model of the relationship of science and religion: 
the “conflicting worlds” model, in which science and
religion are at war and one must choose between them; 
the “same worlds” model, in which science and religion
are in harmony and one may have both simultaneously; and 
the “separate worlds” model, in which science and
religion are different methods to deal with different areas of human concern. Since
that time, hundreds of books have been published in the field of science and
religion studies, which has blossomed with its own journals and magazines, college
courses, scholarly conferences, and even an annual million-dollar cash prize for the
individual who most contributes to uniting science and religion (the Templeton
			I thus approached this book with trepidation — what else can be
said on this subject, especially by someone with no background whatsoever in
science? Yet, as I read I grew to respect the author, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai
Lama, who at the age of 6 was enthroned as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the
13th Dalai Lama, in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa. Born to a peasant family in a
small village called Takste

[FairfieldLife] Repost: More on Kombucha!

2005-10-19 Thread cardemaister


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-19 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But would he spout it even if he knew there was no favor to 
> be gained?

Not my concern.  Bevan is an irrelevancy in my life.
I leave you to figure it out...  :-)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: press report: Peace Palace in Nova Scotia, Canada

2005-10-19 Thread gullible fool

> How high did you go and for how long?

I'm not sure how high I went up. Probably not too
high. It was straight up and I came down pretty fast.
I was impressed because it was, at least to me, a
sidhi. I've tried since then, but there's no way I
have ever been able to duplicate that kind of upward
movement when sitting in full lotus with back
completely straight, no matter how much muscular
effort I put into it and no matter how much shakti is

--- Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> on 10/17/05 11:55 PM, gullible fool at
> >  
> >> Even now though, when Maharishi and others talk
> >> about it, they imply that
> >> something other than muscular thrust is causing
> the
> >> body to lift up, i.e.,
> >> that Newtonian physics is being defied, which it
> >> isn't.
> > 
> > My very first hop was indeed a sidhi. Someone on
> my
> > flying block recommended I think to myself "I want
> to
> > hop" and I did and I went straight up. I was
> sitting
> > in full lotus with my back straight, and there's
> no
> > way I can do the usual hopping that is half shakti
> and
> > half muscular effort in full lotus with my back
> > straight. Someone witnessed it, too, so I know it
> > happened. It happened only once.
> How high did you go and for how long?

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[FairfieldLife] Vedic Astrologer warns: Yet another hurricane

2005-10-19 Thread George DeForest

this guy out of San Francisco is 
doing some
real good jyotish readings and daily podcasts.
he expects more "water damage" this week...
according to the planetary set-up.
so, just keep meditating!
george d.
- Original Message - 
From: sadasiva 

Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:34 PM
Subject: Yet another hurricane

Moon will pass through Ardra on Saturday and just like 
the last 3 times, we are looking at another Massive hurricane when it does. 
here is a dalogue i had w/ someone on another list about this:he 

"Are you saying that it is the combination of NNode in 
  Pisces, along with Saturn in Cancer being squared by Mars (Sidereal) that 
  is so virulent?" I 
replied:Yes I am. * Two of the three water signs have a slow moving 
malefic * Saturn is weak in cancer and aspected by a VERY powerful Mars 
in Aries. IN Vedic they are also in sambandha, mutual aspect, as Mars casts a 
4th house aspect forward and Saturn a 4th house backward (by Sign) SO Saturn 
(and therefore Cancer) gets the worst of it * North Node is a windy 
planet, (vata nature) and creates - so each time the Moon has entered Ardra 
(ruled by the NOrth node don't forget) the last 3 months we have had an event. 
pretty incredible. A hurricane is Hot Water and wind growing into a monstrous 
form. Mars, North node and Saturn maniplutaing / harming through water. (the 
signs) *Katrina happened when Jupiter and Venus (two water PLANETS) were 
also harmed in Virgo (Jupiter in enemy's sign - Venus Debilitated) * 
Rita happened after Venus left debility and was in Libra, (her own signs) thus 
not as bad as expected. * Wilma is now happening and Venus is in 
Scorpio, (ruled by a powerful Mars - the other water sign) so look out. The Sun 
is also Debilitated and Jupiter is combust and in Libra. (not a strong sign) 
In Jyotish, it is quite clear - at least to me it is. I 
predicted water troubles early this year, but i suspected terrorist, poisoning 
the water supply or something. (as the north node also rules poisons and 
radiation) Instead we have had these hurricanes. Which BTW, have led to major 
water concerns and poisoning. I knew there would be some major water problems, i 
was just not seeing the obvious, hurricanes - Weather patterns. This is 
a new type of Astorlogy for me to be learning about. he 

"Is Mars actually in close square to Saturn right now, in 
  Sidereal astrology? Tropically, they are no where near a close square. " 
I replied:Well 
technically by exact degree perhaps not yet, but given that Mars is retrograding 
TOWARD Saturn (the point of square by orb) the intensity is increased. I would 
not say "nowhere near" a close square though, considering every 90 degrees a 
square is formed, they are close to 10 degrees of orb and one planet is retro 
toward the square, Tropically or sidereally, the math is the same. But don't 
worry, that exact square is coming soon, a few times as Mars will retro then go 
direct over it. We have several looming threats of terrorism (notice the alerts 
increasing?) - avian flu, all kinds of other stuff possible when the EXACT orb 
hits. Sorry is this seems ominous and gloomy - welcome to life! -- It is 
all Mother nature doing her thing -- yet it is hard to see these tragedies - we 
all must keep prayers in our heart because these are dangerous times and there 
are more to come for a while,, IMO. BTW - I am not just saying these 
things now, but i cited the same things a month and a half ago when john posted 
about why this happened and that in Western Astrology there was no real good 
reason for it, (I am paraphrasing of course) the posting is in here somewhere. - 
if anyone cares to look,, I cited Node in PIsces, Saturn in cancer, Mars 
in Aries Soon to be retro. Jup and Venus harmed, Ardra Nakshatra. Since 
then 2 more times, astoundingly! - right now the Moon is 3 days from Ardra, so 
in 3 days (saturday) we will be dealing w/ massiva amounts of water and flooding 
- probably starting the day before as happened w/ Rita.. Mars's Nakshatra 
Mrgashira is he day before Ardra.

Free daily Horoscope - http://www.freedailyhoroscope.orgA Moment of Yoga - http://www.yogapodcast.netAstrology Readings, Classes, 
mantras, remedieshttp://www.vedicastrologycenter.net  m2f 
Sent using Mail2Forum (http://www.mail2forum.com). 
Read this topic online here:http://vedicastrologycenter.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=511#511 

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[FairfieldLife] Tom Pall and Yagyas

2005-10-19 Thread bostonbob53
You know, aside from the fact that I differ (to say it mildly) on 
Mr. Pall's views on race.

I can't help but be amused by Pall's latest posting.  It is so clear 
to me that he just wants to be told what to do! If you read 
the "instructions" he has been given, that yagna group is just 
setting him up for the "Lakshmi wasn't pleased with you.  You have 
to do more yagyas." scam.  Can't you just see it coming? Apparently 
Pall can't.  They got him so busy he doesn't have time to think, 
reflect, examine, question.

Why why why don't people want to think for themselves?  It seems 
that Pall was pissed at Ben Collins because he wouldn't feed him the 
answers he wanted to hear. We all want it to be so easyjust tell 
me what to do! 

So I'll bet that Pall is going to get separated from a lot of money 
and 6 months from now there wil be a new story.  Sort of like the 
whole Vedic City pundit thing...just one more condition to satisfy.

It's always just around the corner isn't it?


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Shurangama Sutra and TMer's Proclaiming their enlightenment.

2005-10-19 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Neither the word nor the definition implied
> > > insincerity to me.  Toady is as toady *does*.
> > > It's about behavior, not the sincerity of
> > > the behavior.
> > 
> > Nice try, no cigar.  The definition itself 
> > characterizes the behavior in terms of motivations.
> > "In the hope of gaining" and "Self-seeking" are both
> > phrases describing motivations, not behavior.
> > 
> > And in both cases those motivations are contrary
> > to what the *behavior* suggests--i.e., admiration
> > of the person being flattered.
> > 
> > > Your mileage may (and probably
> > > will) vary.  Such is life.
> > 
> > You can define "toady" however you like.  I'm
> > pointing out that the definition you supplied implies
> > (in the sense of "necessary consequence") that the
> > behavior is insincere.
> It implies it TO YOU.  And as usual, in your mind 
> that means that there is only one possible way of
> interpreting the word or concept -- it's the Judy 
> Way or no way at all.  :-)
> One last try.  Think of the Vatican.  The place is 
> just *full* of toadies, sucking up to the current 
> Pope.  Does this mean that they're insincere in 
> their faith?  Of course not.  They're just being 
> toadies.

But are they sincere in their flattery?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: In Fairfield: Ben & Jerry's Oreo budget mobile

2005-10-19 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > 
> > > and, of course, eat some Oreos.
> > 
> > Better yet, *don't* eat some Oreos. They're full of trans-fat.
> > 
> > They've just came out with *whole wheat* Oreos in a bid
> > to attract the health-food crowd.  I was delighted until
> > I looked at the label and saw that they're still using
> > partially hydrogenated oil.
> Newman's came out with organic Newman-O's:
> http://www.newmansownorganics.com/food_newman-os.html

How do they compare to JO-JO's?


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Surprising news about your color printer

2005-10-19 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "L B Shriver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Sleuths Crack Tracking Code Discovered in Color Printers
> "It's strictly a countermeasure to prevent illegal activity 
> specific to counterfeiting," agency spokesman Eric Zahren 
> said. "It's to protect our currency and to protect people's 
> hard-earned money."

Ha!  Intuition rules again!  I knew there was some
reason I used Tom Delay's printer to run off all
those $100 bills.  

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Tom Pall and Yagyas

2005-10-19 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "bostonbob53" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> You know, aside from the fact that I differ (to say it mildly) on 
> Mr. Pall's views on race.
> I can't help but be amused by Pall's latest posting.  It is so 
> clear to me that he just wants to be told what to do! 

That was my impression as well.  Exactly.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: the word 'knowledge' semantics & misc

2005-10-19 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi,
> I had a disscusion Regarding the word 'knowledge'
> in a different group settings and we had issues in
> resolving the true meaning of the word.
> we are used to by now to see knowledge as constructed
> in consciousness.
> our consciousness stays after we drop the body, is that
> to say that the knowledge we gained stays with us or
> is it brain dependent?
> isn't knowledge in the common use of it in English
> is part of our brain and information we accumulated,
> then MMY expanded the term to mean something else.
> (i'm not stating it's correct or not, just trying to understand
> how the general usage of it applies vs. MMY use of the term.

Is consciousness independent of the physical body?

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