[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Yahoo Groups eating posts?

2006-05-06 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 jyouells@ 
  Seems that posts aren't showing up. Anyone else notice this 
 yesterday ?
 One of mine hasn't appeared yet...and it's five hours later.
 Gosh, a day without Shemp's posts is a day without sunshine...

You bet, Shemp. You kept it cloudy her all day. I'm trying to get the
pundits in to correct it. :)

(I've got 2 posts that are MIA for over 24hrs, but I'm hoping not to
influence the weather)

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Yahoo Groups eating posts?

2006-05-06 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  One of mine hasn't appeared yet...and it's five hours later.
 (I've got 2 posts that are MIA for over 24hrs...

That's nothing! Back in the old days, we had posts
that would go missing on the Internet for months.
But that was when you had to power up the computer
with a hand crank and walk ten miles to work barefoot
through the snow... :-)

The things we take for granted, eh? A couple of 
hundred years ago, you had to wait months for that
reply to your flameage to arrive by ship and mail. :-)

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] 'Life in the Super-Max?'

2006-05-06 Thread Robert Gimbel

I am thinking the people who end up at this prison, must be the worse 
of the worse?
People who have caused so much pain to others, so much inhumanity, 
that society has decided to lock them away, way away...for this life...
I guess it's just karma: such intention to cause so much harm and pain;
Produces a reaction for one to have time to ponder and perhaps realize 
and experience the pain, that's been caused;
This is how karma is balanced...

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Life in the Super-Max?'

2006-05-06 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel 

 I am thinking the people who end up at this prison, must 
 be the worse of the worse?
 People who have caused so much pain to others, so much inhumanity, 
 that society has decided to lock them away, way away...for this 
 I guess it's just karma: such intention to cause so much harm 
 and pain; Produces a reaction for one to have time to ponder 
 and perhaps realize and experience the pain, that's been caused;
 This is how karma is balanced...

You miss the point. In a sense, this fellow is fortunate
in that he's getting *feedback* from the universe as to
the nature of his thoughts and actions, and thus has been
provided the opportunity to learn about the karma that 
they generate. Thus he has been provided the opportunity
to *change* his thoughts and actions.

I would think that the worst of the worst would be
to receive no such feedback, and to get away with
horrific acts for a long time. Such people become the
George W. Bushes of the world, and carry their unsane
tendencies with them from lifetime to lifetime, do
the same horrible things over and over and over, lower-
ing their state of attention with every repetition,
strengthening the hold that their unsane self has
on them every time they give in to the samskaric 

In a way, you see this around you every day when you
interface with people who are angry and hateful and
who have been taught that such emotions are OK. Every
time they give in to the anger -- whether they act it
out or not -- they plunge once more into a state of
attention that has a predictable and inevitable karma,
one that *lowers* their overall state of consciousness
and makes them more *comfortable* with that low state
of attention, more convinced that such a hellish mind-
state is actually normal.

People raised to believe that emotions that have been
identified by Buddhists and other traditions as poisonous 
are normal, are in my opinion *much* worse off in the 
long run (that is, over the span of multiple incarnations) 
than those (like this terrorist wannabee) who get some 
instant karma feedback on the nature of their actions, 
or than those who were fortunate enough to be raised to 
believe that they have a *choice* as to the emotions they 
experience, and that that choice matters.

It's fascinating to spend time around people who have
been practicing mindfulness for many years, and who,
as a result, you *never* see indulging in anger and
hate and self-pity and the other lower emotions. It's
not like they *never* experience such emotions; it's 
just that they never allow them to go on for more than
a few moments before shifting gears and moving their
thoughts and emotions to something more productive. 

I'm thinking about all this lately because I've run into
a few such people in recent weeks, and have noticed the 
stark contrast of how they live their lives (and the 
resulting happiness and light that emanates from them), 
compared to the normal people around me who have never 
learned any of this stuff, and who thus tend to indulge 
their negative emotions like crazy. The karma of how
the latter choose to live *their* lives is equally
evident -- in my experience they tend towards unhappi-
ness and have a distinctly darker aura.

Some have been trained to think of practices that 
involve exercising some control over one's thoughts
and emotions as mood making, and to look down on
them as artificial. Their call, I guess, but I think 
that people who believe that are missing out on one of 
the most valuable techniques available to them in the 
spiritual smorgasbord. 

As far as I can tell, knowledge is structured in
consciousness is NOT just talking about the seven
states of consciousness. That's a simplistic way of
looking at things. *Within* the everyday Waking State
there are tens of thousands of states of attention,
*each* with its own characteristics, *each* with its 
own karma. Once one has figured out what the karma is 
for indulging in a low mindstate, why would anyone
*want* to linger in that low mindstate and thus exper-
ience that karma, if one had a choice.

One always has a choice. In my opinion, what one does
with that choice pretty much determines how happy they
are in this life, and sets up the preconditions for 
the next lives. Indulging in low mindstates is just like
any other habit; the more you do it, the more likely
you'll do it again. And vice-versa. The more often
you *catch* yourself falling into a low mindstate and
refuse to give into it...the more often you take advan-
tage of those moments of recognition to shift your
state of attention a notch or two higher, the more
likely it is you'll do *that* again.

Seems to me it all comes down to which habits one wants
to perpetuate.

Just a cafe rap on a Saturday morning...

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[FairfieldLife] Boston Globe- conference promotes meditation

2006-05-06 Thread Ron F

Conference promotes meditation in school   By Cristina Silva, Globe Staff | May 6, 2006 Twenty minutes of deep breathing and silence twice daily can help boost students' grades, improve their social skills, and ignite their creativity.Article Tools Printer friendlyE-mail to a friendEducation RSS feedAvailable RSS feedsMost e-mailedReprints  LicensingMore: Globe Education stories |Education section |Globe front page |Boston.com   Sign up for:Globe Headlines e-mail |Breaking News Alerts  That's the message Transcendental Meditation practitioners brought to more than 100 Boston-area educators yesterday during a three-hour conference on how to help students overwhelmed by social pressures and the stress of getting into college.The concept excited many attendees, who took notes intently and walked out chatting animatedly about how they might introduce the program to parents and students.''It sounds very powerful," said Jose A. Solis, a counselor at Madison
 Park Technical-Vocational High School in Boston. ''I think it could work."Donald Brown, principal of Roxbury Charter High Public School, said he was already considering creating a pilot meditation program for ninth-graders.''I had never heard of it before this," he said. ''We all talk about how we want to create an environment conducive to learning. This sounds like this is it."Maryalice Foley, assistant principal of B. F. Butler Middle School of Technology in Lowell, said the school had begun experimenting with different ways to reduce student stress this year over of the rise of gang violence.''Anything that can bring cohesiveness to the brain, that can calm them down, is good," she said.She said she thought some parents might be concerned about the unusualness of the practice.''I don't know if we would immediately call it Transcendental Meditation," she said.Organized by the New England
 Committee for Stress-Free Schools, the nonprofit group of educators and meditation practitioners has launched a two-week tour across the region to promote the benefits of meditation. In the past week, they made stops in Fairfield, Conn., and Providence.''There's an exorbitant amount of pressure on kids today," said G. Anthony Ryan, director of the Massachusetts Committee for Stress-Free Schools, a meditation group, before the conference began. ''Bullying, academic problems, drug use, this is a mechanism to combat all that." Ryan is assistant superintendent of the Hampshire Regional School District in Western Massachusetts.During yesterday's conference at the Harvard Club, educators heard testimonies from principals in Detroit and Washington, D.C., who said they had successfully introduced meditation in their schools and neurology specialists who said meditation stimulated the brain.Transcendental Meditation is practiced in at least 15
 schools nationally, according to the committee. Supporters believe the program, which requires participants to sit quietly in a deep rest for 20 minutes at the start and at the end of the school day, allows the brain to tap into a reservoir of energy and intelligence.The Transcendental Meditation Program is a nonreligious practice started by the East Indian spiritual leader Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Its most famous students include the Beatles, who made the practice popular in the late 1960s.At the conference, 17-year-old Owen Stowe said he loved art, but after transferring from a school that used meditation to Buckingham Browne  Nichols private school in Cambridge, he felt too stressed out to draw.Three years ago, Stowe decided to return to the Maharishi School, a private school in Fairfield, Iowa, and live with family friends. The school encourages students to meditate twice a day.Since then, the high school junior says he is
 so inspired he can't stop doodling in class. ''I'm a whole lot happier," he said.Cristina Silva can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED].  © Copyright 2006 Globe Newspaper Company.   
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Conference promotes meditation in school
Boston Globe - United States
... Thats the message Transcendental Meditation
practitioners brought to more than 100 Boston-area educators yesterday
during a three-hour 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Life in the Super-Max?'

2006-05-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Some have been trained to think of practices that 
 involve exercising some control over one's thoughts
 and emotions as mood making, and to look down on
 them as artificial.

And others have been trained to look down on
such people as living in a lower mindstate and
to congratulate themselves on exercising control
over their thoughts so as to avoid dwelling in
that mindstate.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Life in the Super-Max?'

2006-05-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anon_astute_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   Some have been trained to think of practices that 
   involve exercising some control over one's thoughts
   and emotions as mood making, and to look down on
   them as artificial.
  And others have been trained to look down on
  such people as living in a lower mindstate and
  to congratulate themselves on exercising control
  over their thoughts so as to avoid dwelling in
  that mindstate.
 Or others who are sitting on the edge of their seat just waiting 
 for Barry to post something so they can make a caustic remark, even 
 though hasn't responded in over a month to your childish rants.

Actually he's been attacking me quite regularly,
both directly and indirectly, and not even in
response to any rants from me. Funny how you
seem to have missed it.

 I guess that does prove who is the one who tried (oh so
 desperately) to keep the negativity going. And who probably
 started it. We now have scientific evidence!

Oh, blow it out your I/O port. Barry doesn't need
me to keep the negativity going. He was trashing
me on this forum before I even *got* here and is by
far the most consistently negative poster on FFL.

And if you were to go back and look at the early
alt.m.t traffic, you'd have all the scientific
evidence you needed to know which of us started it
and which of us relentlessly pursued it, as well as
which of us *resisted* it for quite some time until
it became clear that resistance was a mug's game.

And if you didn't happen to be in a mood to attack
me today, you'd have pointed out the hypocrisy in
his post just as I did above.

 Thanks for the anti-coherence Judy, you could negate a hundred 
yogic flyers with your 
 negative energy.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Yahoo Groups eating posts?

2006-05-06 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 jyouells@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   One of mine hasn't appeared yet...and it's five hours later.
  (I've got 2 posts that are MIA for over 24hrs...
 That's nothing! Back in the old days, we had posts
 that would go missing on the Internet for months.
 But that was when you had to power up the computer
 with a hand crank and walk ten miles to work barefoot
 through the snow... :-)
 The things we take for granted, eh? A couple of 
 hundred years ago, you had to wait months for that
 reply to your flameage to arrive by ship and mail. :-)

1982 or so maybe earlier 

The old days indeed: 300/1200 baud, Sprint data access- $30/month for
30hrs to 28 cities, dialup local node, dial-up the Well (was it San
Francisco?) then on to the DARPA net to read Usenet technical grouups
(sometimes from a C64) There were few public access points then, just
university and military. 


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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Yahoo Groups eating posts?

2006-05-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 jyouells@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
One of mine hasn't appeared yet...and it's five hours later.
   (I've got 2 posts that are MIA for over 24hrs...
  That's nothing! Back in the old days, we had posts
  that would go missing on the Internet for months.
  But that was when you had to power up the computer
  with a hand crank and walk ten miles to work barefoot
  through the snow... :-)
  The things we take for granted, eh? A couple of 
  hundred years ago, you had to wait months for that
  reply to your flameage to arrive by ship and mail. :-)
 1982 or so maybe earlier 
 The old days indeed: 300/1200 baud, Sprint data access- $30/month 
 30hrs to 28 cities, dialup local node, dial-up the Well (was it San
 Francisco?) then on to the DARPA net to read Usenet technical 
 (sometimes from a C64) There were few public access points then, 
 university and military.

And a few years later, bulletin boards, local ones,
direct phone connection, hosted by a dude on a computer
in his basement, for which there were regular live get-
togethers so everybody actually knew each other in the
flesh (sometimes even literally).

Then somebody figured out how to share messages between
local systems all over the country, and hookups like
RelayNet were born, still accessed by direct phone
connection to the local node. Sort of an alternate
version of Usenet that predated Usenet, at least as
a popular medium for ordinary folks.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Is Turquoise Showing Her Colors

2006-05-06 Thread anony_sleuth_ff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anon_astute_ff no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
Some have been trained to think of practices that 
involve exercising some control over one's thoughts
and emotions as mood making, and to look down on
them as artificial.
   And others have been trained to look down on
   such people as living in a lower mindstate and
   to congratulate themselves on exercising control
   over their thoughts so as to avoid dwelling in
   that mindstate.
  Or others who are sitting on the edge of their seat just waiting 
  for Barry to post something so they can make a caustic remark, even 
  though hasn't responded in over a month to your childish rants.
 Actually he's been attacking me quite regularly,
 both directly and indirectly, and not even in
 response to any rants from me. Funny how you
 seem to have missed it.
  I guess that does prove who is the one who tried (oh so
  desperately) to keep the negativity going. And who probably
  started it. We now have scientific evidence!
 Oh, blow it out your I/O port. Barry doesn't need
 me to keep the negativity going. He was trashing
 me on this forum before I even *got* here and is by
 far the most consistently negative poster on FFL.

You are perhaps assuming the posting under anon_astute_ff in this post
is not Turquoise. IMO, all its missing is a :) at the end of the post
to be classic Turquoise. Particularly the 'irony of the We now have
scientific evidence! -- a mocking of those who believe science,
statistics and rational thought have a role in both spiritual and
mundane life.

 And if you were to go back and look at the early
 alt.m.t traffic, you'd have all the scientific
 evidence you needed to know which of us started it
 and which of us relentlessly pursued it, as well as
 which of us *resisted* it for quite some time until
 it became clear that resistance was a mug's game.
 And if you didn't happen to be in a mood to attack
 me today, you'd have pointed out the hypocrisy in
 his post just as I did above.

I may be mistaken, apologies if so, but I am guessing you have pegged
a particular personality as posting under anon_astute_ff, or any/all
anons. Not always the case. While I post under anon at times, and some
apparently peg that name to a particular personality, I have the
advantage of knowing what posts are by others, not by me. Several, if
not a number of, posters use the anon handles. The value of which is
that it (may) be to have people focus on the content of each post,
judging it on its merits, not pre-pegging it to ones expectations of a
particular personality (a form of profiling and prejudice --
pre-judgement, imo). 

The usefulness of this attempt to reduce profiling may be waning --
if it ever had much merit. I, a frequent user of the public anon
handles, will discontinue their use.

It appears to me that Turquoise is having some fun and posting under
public anon names to provide support for his views -- since few if
any apparently do -- or even read his posts penned under his nom de
plume turq. 
  Thanks for the anti-coherence Judy, you could negate a hundred 
 yogic flyers with your 
  negative energy.

Again, classic Turq.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Turquoise Showing Her Colors

2006-05-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anony_sleuth_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anon_astute_ff no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
 Some have been trained to think of practices that 
 involve exercising some control over one's thoughts
 and emotions as mood making, and to look down on
 them as artificial.

And others have been trained to look down on
such people as living in a lower mindstate and
to congratulate themselves on exercising control
over their thoughts so as to avoid dwelling in
that mindstate.
   Or others who are sitting on the edge of their seat just 
   for Barry to post something so they can make a caustic remark, 
   though hasn't responded in over a month to your childish rants.
  Actually he's been attacking me quite regularly,
  both directly and indirectly, and not even in
  response to any rants from me. Funny how you
  seem to have missed it.
   I guess that does prove who is the one who tried (oh so
   desperately) to keep the negativity going. And who probably
   started it. We now have scientific evidence!
  Oh, blow it out your I/O port. Barry doesn't need
  me to keep the negativity going. He was trashing
  me on this forum before I even *got* here and is by
  far the most consistently negative poster on FFL.
 You are perhaps assuming the posting under anon_astute_ff in this 
 post is not Turquoise. IMO, all its missing is a :) at the end of 
 the post to be classic Turquoise.

Nice try, no cigar.

 Particularly the 'irony of the We now have
 scientific evidence! -- a mocking of those who believe science,
 statistics and rational thought have a role in both spiritual and
 mundane life.
  And if you were to go back and look at the early
  alt.m.t traffic, you'd have all the scientific
  evidence you needed to know which of us started it
  and which of us relentlessly pursued it, as well as
  which of us *resisted* it for quite some time until
  it became clear that resistance was a mug's game.
  And if you didn't happen to be in a mood to attack
  me today, you'd have pointed out the hypocrisy in
  his post just as I did above.
 I may be mistaken, apologies if so, but I am guessing you have 
 a particular personality as posting under anon_astute_ff, or any/all
 anons. Not always the case. While I post under anon at times, and 
 apparently peg that name to a particular personality, I have the
 advantage of knowing what posts are by others, not by me. Several, 
 not a number of, posters use the anon handles. The value of which is
 that it (may) be to have people focus on the content of each post,
 judging it on its merits, not pre-pegging it to ones expectations 
of a
 particular personality (a form of profiling and prejudice --
 pre-judgement, imo). 
 The usefulness of this attempt to reduce profiling may be 
waning --
 if it ever had much merit. I, a frequent user of the public anon
 handles, will discontinue their use.
 It appears to me that Turquoise is having some fun and posting under
 public anon names to provide support for his views -- since few if
 any apparently do -- or even read his posts penned under his nom de
 plume turq. 
   Thanks for the anti-coherence Judy, you could negate a hundred 
  yogic flyers with your 
   negative energy.
 Again, classic Turq.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Yahoo Groups eating posts?

2006-05-06 Thread Bhairitu

authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 jyouells@
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk

 One of mine hasn't appeared yet...and it's five hours later.
(I've got 2 posts that are MIA for over 24hrs...
   That's nothing! Back in the old days, we had posts
   that would go missing on the Internet for months.
   But that was when you had to power up the computer
   with a hand crank and walk ten miles to work barefoot
   through the snow... :-)
   The things we take for granted, eh? A couple of
   hundred years ago, you had to wait months for that
   reply to your flameage to arrive by ship and mail. :-)
  1982 or so maybe earlier
  The old days indeed: 300/1200 baud, Sprint data access- $30/month
  30hrs to 28 cities, dialup local node, dial-up the Well (was it San
  Francisco?) then on to the DARPA net to read Usenet technical
  (sometimes from a C64) There were few public access points then,
  university and military.

And a few years later, bulletin boards, local ones,
direct phone connection, hosted by a dude on a computer
in his basement, for which there were regular live get-
togethers so everybody actually knew each other in the
flesh (sometimes even literally).

Then somebody figured out how to share messages between
local systems all over the country, and hookups like
RelayNet were born, still accessed by direct phone
connection to the local node. Sort of an alternate
version of Usenet that predated Usenet, at least as
a popular medium for ordinary folks.


Or CompuServe which was around way back then too. I ring up quite a 
long distance bills for charges to access it since there were no local 
numbers for it where I was living.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Yahoo Groups eating posts?

2006-05-06 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Or CompuServe which was around way back then too. I ring up 
 quite a long distance bills for charges to access it since 
 there were no local numbers for it where I was living.

And now? I'll be in Paris next week, for work and for
a friend's art opening, and I know from experience that
all I have to do is pick a cafe and open my laptop and
there I am, connected to the Net at high speed, via WiFi,
free. You get used to that level of being able to stay
in touch, and really miss it when there's a glitch.

The things we get attached to. Marshall McLuhan said it
well a few years before personal computers were even 
invented: Man shapes his tools, and thereafter his 
tools shape him.

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[FairfieldLife] Early Chat Groups, was: Is Yahoo Groups eating posts?

2006-05-06 Thread Rick Archer

on 5/6/06 11:51 AM, Bhairitu at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Or CompuServe which was around way back then too. I ring up quite a
 long distance bills for charges to access it since there were no local
 numbers for it where I was living.

I set up a little chat group based on FirstClass BBS software back in the
early 90's. I forget what it was called, but some now on FFL were members.
We once had a get-together at Revelations.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is Yahoo Groups eating posts?

2006-05-06 Thread Bhairitu

TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
   One of mine hasn't appeared yet...and it's five hours later.
  (I've got 2 posts that are MIA for over 24hrs...

That's nothing! Back in the old days, we had posts
that would go missing on the Internet for months.
But that was when you had to power up the computer
with a hand crank and walk ten miles to work barefoot
through the snow... :-)

The things we take for granted, eh? A couple of
hundred years ago, you had to wait months for that
reply to your flameage to arrive by ship and mail. :-)


The odd thing is I can't find anything on the problem anywhere like on 
CNET or the tech sections of the various news sites. When we had CNET 
radio in the Bay Area they would report such problems. But so many of 
these companies are sleazy about letting on that anything is wrong or 
that there was even a problem.

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[FairfieldLife] Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Curtis is from my area. Went on to DC, then TMex. Energetic.
Have not seen him in a long time. Hope he is well. 


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Yeah, it is. Pretty mean harmonica!

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[FairfieldLife] nis

2006-05-06 Thread cardemaister

2 nis ind. out , forth , away c. (rarely used as an independent word 
[e.g. AV. vi , 18 , 3 ; vii , 115 , 3 ; xvi , 2 , 1] , but mostly as a 
prefix to verbs and their derivatives [cf. %{niH-} %{kSi} c. below] , 
or to nouns not immediately connected with verbs , in which case it has 
the sense , out of ' , away from ' [cf. %{nirvana} , %{niS-kauzAmbi} 
c.] or that of a privative or negative adverb= 3. %{a} , without ' , 
destitute of ' , ` free from ' , un- ' [cf. %{nir-artha} , %{nir-
mala} c.] , or that of a strengthening particle ` thoroughly ' , 
entirely ' , ` very ' [cf. %{nih-zUnya} , %{niS-kevala} , %{nir-
muNDa}] ; it is liable to be changed to %{niH} , %{niz} , %{niS} , and %
{niS} and %{nI} ; cf. above and below). [543,3] 


niz-citta ( = nish-citta)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Turquoise Showing Her Colors

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anony_sleuth_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anon_astute_ff no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
 Some have been trained to think of practices that 
 involve exercising some control over one's thoughts
 and emotions as mood making, and to look down on
 them as artificial.

And others have been trained to look down on
such people as living in a lower mindstate and
to congratulate themselves on exercising control
over their thoughts so as to avoid dwelling in
that mindstate.
   Or others who are sitting on the edge of their seat just 
   for Barry to post something so they can make a caustic remark, 
   though hasn't responded in over a month to your childish rants.
  Actually he's been attacking me quite regularly,
  both directly and indirectly, and not even in
  response to any rants from me. Funny how you
  seem to have missed it.
   I guess that does prove who is the one who tried (oh so
   desperately) to keep the negativity going. And who probably
   started it. We now have scientific evidence!
  Oh, blow it out your I/O port. Barry doesn't need
  me to keep the negativity going. He was trashing
  me on this forum before I even *got* here and is by
  far the most consistently negative poster on FFL.
 You are perhaps assuming the posting under anon_astute_ff in this 
 is not Turquoise. IMO, all its missing is a :) at the end of the 
 to be classic Turquoise. Particularly the 'irony of the We now 
 scientific evidence! -- a mocking of those who believe science,
 statistics and rational thought have a role in both spiritual and
 mundane life.

I once tried to convince Judy that I was her alter-ego and that 
because of a dual personality she wasn't aware that she was posting 
under the pseudonym of Shemp McGurk.

But she wasn't buying any of it.

But: is it perhapsTRUE??

  And if you were to go back and look at the early
  alt.m.t traffic, you'd have all the scientific
  evidence you needed to know which of us started it
  and which of us relentlessly pursued it, as well as
  which of us *resisted* it for quite some time until
  it became clear that resistance was a mug's game.
  And if you didn't happen to be in a mood to attack
  me today, you'd have pointed out the hypocrisy in
  his post just as I did above.
 I may be mistaken, apologies if so, but I am guessing you have 
 a particular personality as posting under anon_astute_ff, or 
 anons. Not always the case. While I post under anon at times, and 
 apparently peg that name to a particular personality, I have the
 advantage of knowing what posts are by others, not by me. Several, 
 not a number of, posters use the anon handles. The value of which 
 that it (may) be to have people focus on the content of each post,
 judging it on its merits, not pre-pegging it to ones expectations 
of a
 particular personality (a form of profiling and prejudice --
 pre-judgement, imo). 
 The usefulness of this attempt to reduce profiling may be 
waning --
 if it ever had much merit. I, a frequent user of the public anon
 handles, will discontinue their use.
 It appears to me that Turquoise is having some fun and posting 
 public anon names to provide support for his views -- since few 
 any apparently do -- or even read his posts penned under his nom de
 plume turq. 
   Thanks for the anti-coherence Judy, you could negate a hundred 
  yogic flyers with your 
   negative energy.
 Again, classic Turq.

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[FairfieldLife] Crash

2006-05-06 Thread TurquoiseB

You're a movie bunch. 

I know I'm 'way behind the times and all, living in
the boonies of France, and that it won the Oscar for
Best Film and all, but I just got around to seeing
Crash tonight. I'm blown away. One of the highest
(in a spiritual sense) films I've seen in a long,
long time, possibly since American Beauty.

If you saw it, what did you think of it? I think
it's a passionate -- and compassionate -- lecture 
on interdependent origination. Bloody brilliant.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Turquoise Showing Her Colors

2006-05-06 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I once tried to convince Judy that I was her alter-ego and 
 that because of a dual personality she wasn't aware that 
 she was posting under the pseudonym of Shemp McGurk.
 But she wasn't buying any of it.
 But: is it perhapsTRUE??

On the level of Unity, it's absolutely true. 

Isn't that a scary thought? :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Crash

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 You're a movie bunch. 
 I know I'm 'way behind the times and all, living in
 the boonies of France, and that it won the Oscar for
 Best Film and all, but I just got around to seeing
 Crash tonight. I'm blown away. One of the highest
 (in a spiritual sense) films I've seen in a long,
 long time, possibly since American Beauty.
 If you saw it, what did you think of it? I think
 it's a passionate -- and compassionate -- lecture 
 on interdependent origination. Bloody brilliant.

I loved it. And as much as I liked Brokeback, Crash really did 
deserve to win Best Picture.

In a way it reminded me of the Sally Field film Places in the 
Heart. Both films kinda lead certain characters in unobvious 
directions and, yet, at the end there was a coming together in a 
sense of all the enemies, so to speak. When I first saw Places 
in the Heart I thought that last scene where all the characters of 
the movie -- both alive and dead -- come together in the church was 
corny but having seen it since several times I think it's one of the 
most moving and touching scenes I've ever seen.

Crash brought people you didn't think would come together, 
together. Whether it was the cop and the woman who he had fondled 
and abused during the traffic stop or the thief who frees the 
Koreans, characters did the unexpected and, in doing so, redeemed 
themselves. Now, this could have been a cheap cinematic trick and, 
indeed, because of it, it could have NOT worked. But it's harder to 
do than it looks and the filmmaker pulled it off. Wonderful, life 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Turquoise Showing Her Colors

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  I once tried to convince Judy that I was her alter-ego and 
  that because of a dual personality she wasn't aware that 
  she was posting under the pseudonym of Shemp McGurk.
  But she wasn't buying any of it.
  But: is it perhapsTRUE??
 On the level of Unity, it's absolutely true. 
 Isn't that a scary thought? :-)

And, yet again, Dennis dunks Margaret's pigtails in the inkwell.

And because Margaret won't be able to help herself, she'll come up 
with her own cutting comment soon enough.

Rest assured, readers of FFL, when the day comes that Judy and Barry 
no longer respond to each other will be the day that each has 
reached enlightenment.

Each is each other's last barrier...

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Crash

2006-05-06 Thread Bhairitu

TurquoiseB wrote:

You're a movie bunch.

I know I'm 'way behind the times and all, living in
the boonies of France, and that it won the Oscar for
Best Film and all, but I just got around to seeing
Crash tonight. I'm blown away. One of the highest
(in a spiritual sense) films I've seen in a long,
long time, possibly since American Beauty.

If you saw it, what did you think of it? I think
it's a passionate -- and compassionate -- lecture
on interdependent origination. Bloody brilliant.


It was one of my favorite movies from last year. Now I can't understand 
why Hollywood doesn't make more films like these (I'm sure there will be 
a bunch of far less than satisfying knock offs). It didn't cost a lot 
to make. Seems that most of the boobs that still go to multiplexes just 
want a bunch of junk.

I am renting a lot of Asian films and can recommend 3 Elements which 
are 3 short horror films made by top Asian directors. After seeing the 
first one though you may never want to order pot stickers again. :) 
These are more high art than commercial film and so beautifully 
photographed. Makes the typical Hollywood film look like a sloppy cheap 
knock off of Asian films. :)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Crash

2006-05-06 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  You're a movie bunch. 
  I know I'm 'way behind the times and all, living in
  the boonies of France, and that it won the Oscar for
  Best Film and all, but I just got around to seeing
  Crash tonight. I'm blown away. One of the highest
  (in a spiritual sense) films I've seen in a long,
  long time, possibly since American Beauty.
  If you saw it, what did you think of it? I think
  it's a passionate -- and compassionate -- lecture 
  on interdependent origination. Bloody brilliant.
 I loved it. And as much as I liked Brokeback, Crash really 
 did deserve to win Best Picture.

I really am in the boonies...I still haven't seen 
Brokeback Mountain. 

 In a way it reminded me of the Sally Field film Places in the 
 Heart. Both films kinda lead certain characters in unobvious 
 directions and, yet, at the end there was a coming together in a 
 sense of all the enemies, so to speak. When I first saw Places 
 in the Heart I thought that last scene where all the characters 
 of the movie -- both alive and dead -- come together in the church 
 was corny but having seen it since several times I think it's one 
 of the most moving and touching scenes I've ever seen.

I haven't seen that film since it came out. I'll try 
to see it again.

 Crash brought people you didn't think would come together, 
 together. Whether it was the cop and the woman who he had fondled 
 and abused during the traffic stop or the thief who frees the 
 Koreans, characters did the unexpected and, in doing so, redeemed 

Exactly the theme I was thinking of in my rap about
Milarepa the other day. Although we still have to
deal with the karma of past actions, we *don't* have
to be bound by them. At every moment, we can ignore
the pull of the samskaric patterns and Do Something New.

I once heard a really cool Tibetan Buddhist nun 
give a whole dharma talk about that phenomenon...
that moment when you catch yourself about to fall 
into a samskaric rut and do the same old same old 
all over again...and INSTEAD you stop yourself, 

She went on and on about that moment, that cusp.
About how important it was to learn to recognize
those moments, and thus be able to take advantage
of them. About the incredible karmic effect *of*
taking advantage of those moments, and saying No
to a samskara. In her view, the making of that 
choice, the taking advantage of that cusp moment,
is all that is necessary to liberate you from
the samskara forever.

Wouldn't it be interesting to see a sequel of
Crash, and see where the lives of the characters 
who had one of those DO SOMETHING NEW moments in 
the film, and how it affected their later lives?

 Now, this could have been a cheap cinematic trick and, 
 indeed, because of it, it could have NOT worked. But 
 it's harder to do than it looks and the filmmaker pulled 
 it off. Wonderful, life affirming.

I was struck by the overall...forgive me for using
this word, but there really is no other...vibe of
the film. The vision, the sense of pacing, the music,
the overall tone -- they all struck me as coming from 
a very high place. If you asked me to list other 
American films that have struck me (and shocked
me) as coming from this high a place, on the spur 
of the moment only two spring to mind -- American 
Beauty and City Of Angels.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Crash

2006-05-06 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am renting a lot of Asian films and can recommend 3 Elements
 which are 3 short horror films made by top Asian directors. 
 After seeing the first one though you may never want to order 
 pot stickers again. :) 
 These are more high art than commercial film and so beautifully 
 photographed. Makes the typical Hollywood film look like a 
 sloppy cheap knock off of Asian films. :)

Can I assume you've seen Kwaidan, four classic ghost
tales, from the era of painted sets? Stunning.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Crash

2006-05-06 Thread Bhairitu

Correction, I just looked at the DVD box and the film is 3 Extremes 
not 3 Elements.

Bhairitu wrote:

TurquoiseB wrote:

 You're a movie bunch.
 I know I'm 'way behind the times and all, living in
 the boonies of France, and that it won the Oscar for
 Best Film and all, but I just got around to seeing
 Crash tonight. I'm blown away. One of the highest
 (in a spiritual sense) films I've seen in a long,
 long time, possibly since American Beauty.
 If you saw it, what did you think of it? I think
 it's a passionate -- and compassionate -- lecture
 on interdependent origination. Bloody brilliant.
It was one of my favorite movies from last year. Now I can't understand
why Hollywood doesn't make more films like these (I'm sure there will be
a bunch of far less than satisfying knock offs). It didn't cost a lot
to make. Seems that most of the boobs that still go to multiplexes just
want a bunch of junk.

I am renting a lot of Asian films and can recommend 3 Elements which
are 3 short horror films made by top Asian directors. After seeing the
first one though you may never want to order pot stickers again. :) 
These are more high art than commercial film and so beautifully
photographed. Makes the typical Hollywood film look like a sloppy cheap
knock off of Asian films. :)


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread Sal Sunshine
Curtis Mailloux...one of the truly great TM Nazis the TMO ever produced.  After he left the fold, he became as vehemently against as he had been pro before.  In his time, though , he was awesome.  He would regularly report people for the most minor TM infractions (such as wearing jeans to the Center--horrors!) as well   as  work on occasion to keep people off courses, TTC, etc.  You name it, he reported  it. Must have satisfied some primal urge for power, or something.  His defection really came as not much of a surprise...that level of stress most people just can't keep up for very long.  I've wondered over the years what became of him too.


On May 6, 2006, at 1:15 PM, jyouells2000 wrote:

Curtis is from my area. Went on to DC, then TMex. Energetic.
Have not seen him in a long time. Hope he is well. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Curtis Mailloux...one of the truly great TM Nazis the TMO ever 
 produced. After he left the fold, he became as vehemently against as 
 he had been pro before. In his time, though , he was awesome. He 
 would regularly report people for the most minor TM infractions (such 
 as wearing jeans to the Center--horrors!) as well as work on 
 occasion to keep people off courses, TTC, etc. You name it, he 
 reported it. Must have satisfied some primal urge for power, or 
 something. His defection really came as not much of a surprise...that 
 level of stress most people just can't keep up for very long. I've 
 wondered over the years what became of him too.

Saw it comming before DC - tried to help


 On May 6, 2006, at 1:15 PM, jyouells2000 wrote:
  Curtis is from my area. Went on to DC, then TMex. Energetic.
  Have not seen him in a long time. Hope he is well.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Crash

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
 shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   You're a movie bunch. 
   I know I'm 'way behind the times and all, living in
   the boonies of France, and that it won the Oscar for
   Best Film and all, but I just got around to seeing
   Crash tonight. I'm blown away. One of the highest
   (in a spiritual sense) films I've seen in a long,
   long time, possibly since American Beauty.
   If you saw it, what did you think of it? I think
   it's a passionate -- and compassionate -- lecture 
   on interdependent origination. Bloody brilliant.
  I loved it. And as much as I liked Brokeback, Crash really 
  did deserve to win Best Picture.
 I really am in the boonies...I still haven't seen 
 Brokeback Mountain. 
  In a way it reminded me of the Sally Field film Places in the 
  Heart. Both films kinda lead certain characters in unobvious 
  directions and, yet, at the end there was a coming together in 
  sense of all the enemies, so to speak. When I first 
saw Places 
  in the Heart I thought that last scene where all the characters 
  of the movie -- both alive and dead -- come together in the 
  was corny but having seen it since several times I think it's 
  of the most moving and touching scenes I've ever seen.
 I haven't seen that film since it came out. I'll try 
 to see it again.
  Crash brought people you didn't think would come together, 
  together. Whether it was the cop and the woman who he had 
  and abused during the traffic stop or the thief who frees the 
  Koreans, characters did the unexpected and, in doing so, 
 Exactly the theme I was thinking of in my rap about
 Milarepa the other day. Although we still have to
 deal with the karma of past actions, we *don't* have
 to be bound by them. At every moment, we can ignore
 the pull of the samskaric patterns and Do Something New.
 I once heard a really cool Tibetan Buddhist nun 
 give a whole dharma talk about that phenomenon...
 that moment when you catch yourself about to fall 
 into a samskaric rut and do the same old same old 
 all over again...and INSTEAD you stop yourself, 
 She went on and on about that moment, that cusp.

Fascinating explanation of a phenomenon I feel I experience every 

Yes, indeedy, I meet my cusp on a daily basis and more often than 
not I give in to the same old pattern again and again.

It's encouraging to hear that it's not just me but the rest of the 6 
billion inhabitants that go through this, too.

 About how important it was to learn to recognize
 those moments, and thus be able to take advantage
 of them. About the incredible karmic effect *of*
 taking advantage of those moments, and saying No
 to a samskara. In her view, the making of that 
 choice, the taking advantage of that cusp moment,
 is all that is necessary to liberate you from
 the samskara forever.
 Wouldn't it be interesting to see a sequel of
 Crash, and see where the lives of the characters 
 who had one of those DO SOMETHING NEW moments in 
 the film, and how it affected their later lives?
  Now, this could have been a cheap cinematic trick and, 
  indeed, because of it, it could have NOT worked. But 
  it's harder to do than it looks and the filmmaker pulled 
  it off. Wonderful, life affirming.
 I was struck by the overall...forgive me for using
 this word, but there really is no other...vibe of
 the film. The vision, the sense of pacing, the music,
 the overall tone -- they all struck me as coming from 
 a very high place. If you asked me to list other 
 American films that have struck me (and shocked
 me) as coming from this high a place, on the spur 
 of the moment only two spring to mind -- American 
 Beauty and City Of Angels.

Loved American Beauty, didn't really car for City of Angels. I 
dunno, it's probably that Nicholas Cage is in it. I just don't care 
for him. And it's not his acting I don't like; it's his voice. To 
me, there is a disconnect between his voice and his 
character/acting. I call it Ryan O'Neill voice. Ryan O'Neill 
could have been a much bigger star than he was but he has this 
terrible voice that makes him sound like a phony. The only movie I 
ever liked that he starred in was a movie from about 30 years ago 
called The Driver where O'Neill, like a Clint Eastwood character 
in a spaghetti Western, is seen and not heard; that is, he talks 
very little. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Crash

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  I am renting a lot of Asian films and can recommend 3 Elements
  which are 3 short horror films made by top Asian directors. 
  After seeing the first one though you may never want to order 
  pot stickers again. :) 
  These are more high art than commercial film and so beautifully 
  photographed. Makes the typical Hollywood film look like a 
  sloppy cheap knock off of Asian films. :)
 Can I assume you've seen Kwaidan, four classic ghost
 tales, from the era of painted sets? Stunning.

Some interesting Asian films NOT to miss:

Old Boy a Korean film that out-Tarantinoes Tarantino. You'll 
never be the same again.

Eat Drink Man Woman Ang Lee's wonderful film about daughters and 
gourmet chefs. It was so good that it was remade into a Mexican-
American version called Tortilla Soup. Actually, both movies are 

The Wedding Banquet. Everyone thinks Ang Lee only did one movie 
with a gay theme. Actually, Brokeback Mountain is his 
second. The Wedding Banquet was his first and almost as good.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Curtis Mailloux...one of the truly great TM Nazis the TMO ever 
 produced. After he left the fold, he became as vehemently against 
 he had been pro before. In his time, though , he was awesome. He 
 would regularly report people for the most minor TM infractions 
 as wearing jeans to the Center--horrors!) as well as work on 
 occasion to keep people off courses, TTC, etc. You name it, he 
 reported it. Must have satisfied some primal urge for power, or 
 something. His defection really came as not much of a 
 level of stress most people just can't keep up for very long. 
 wondered over the years what became of him too.

I only knew him from passing but he was at MIU for the several years 
when I was there ('75-'79). Seemed pleasant enough. I remember him 
as being very talkative...that's about it.

But what you say above reminds me a bit of Pat Ryan who was also at 
MIU at the same time. Ryan also left the Movement and became an 
infamous TM-EX. I don't want to knock the guy too much but when I 
knew Pat it was when as a 17 or 18 year old he had just arrived at 
MIU and was skeptical and cynical about the teaching and went out of 
his way to find out secrets and go to meetings that anti-TM 
fundamentalists were holding in town and then corresponding with 
them for years afterwards. I mention this because years later when 
he then became a TM teacher and then years later left the TMO he 
made it seem that all the revelations about TM that he had come to 
realize were new to him. The reality was that he was told all of 
this stuff by the fundies about 15 years prior. So he knew exactly 
what he was getting into and he can't feign innocence about having 
the wool pulled over his eyes by the evil cult.

Another thing about Pat (and I should say I thought he was a sweet 
kid...kinda like a puppy dog who would follow you everywhere): when 
Pat came to MIU he was illiterate. That is, he wrote and read at, 
literally, a Grade 2 or 3 level. To his credit, that first year he 
worked his ass off improving himself and bringing himself up to a 
level where he was pretty much at par with everyone else. But I 
mention this because: 1) MIU accepted him despite this handicap 
(okay, they were probably desparate for students and this was 
probably their motivation); and 2) teachers, TAs and others at MIU 
helped Pat overcome his illiteracy. It would be nice that while he 
trashed the TMO and all things TM, he could acknowledge their part 
in helping him overcome his illiteracy.

 On May 6, 2006, at 1:15 PM, jyouells2000 wrote:
  Curtis is from my area. Went on to DC, then TMex. Energetic.
  Have not seen him in a long time. Hope he is well.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Crash

2006-05-06 Thread Bhairitu

shempmcgurk wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  shempmcgurk wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
TurquoiseB wrote:
You're a movie bunch.

I know I'm 'way behind the times and all, living in
the boonies of France, and that it won the Oscar for
Best Film and all, but I just got around to seeing
Crash tonight. I'm blown away. One of the highest
(in a spiritual sense) films I've seen in a long,
long time, possibly since American Beauty.

If you saw it, what did you think of it? I think
it's a passionate -- and compassionate -- lecture
on interdependent origination. Bloody brilliant.

It was one of my favorite movies from last year. Now I can't
why Hollywood doesn't make more films like these (I'm sure
  will be
a bunch of far less than satisfying knock offs). It didn't
cost a
to make.
  You're right, Crash cost a measley $6.5 million in production
  costs which is a pittance...and DESPITE several big names, who
  obviously did it for scale because they believed in it:
Seems that most of the boobs that still go to multiplexes just
want a bunch of junk.
  Quite right! So Hollywood is making the junk that people
  want...and, hey, if they would continue to go see quality
  like Crash then Hollywood would continue to do it. But the
  don't, so whose fault is that? Not Hollywoods's.
  But if you look at people like the Weinstein's (Miramax) who exist
  and live in Hollywood and, although are technically independents,
  they work with the Studio system yet have, IMHO, put out more
  quality movies in their existence than anyone else ever has.
  Take a look at what these guys have done:
  So it IS possible to do. We'd all just like to see more of it.
  Miramax WAS owned by Disney and a year or so ago the Weinstein's
got it
  back from Disney.
  Lion's Gate is the distributor for Crash. They also happened to
  distribute the 3 Elements DVD too. Kevin Smith (Clerks) on
  commentary for one of his movies said as the Lion's Gate logo came
  Lion's Gate where your film winds up when no one else wants
it. :) 
  They do distribute a lot of good little independent films.
  Sony Classic Films is another good indie and foreign distributor.
  And if you have a fast broadband connection you can buy and burn
  own DVDs online here:

How long does it take to download?

Once you do it, do you leave it on your computer or, as you say
above, do you always burn a DVD with it and then erase what is on
the computer...or do you burn it DIRECTLY onto the DVD and it's
never on the computer?

And, I assume they charge for the download?

How much?


How long depends on the size of the DVD and your broadband connection. 
They have some small test DVDs and some DVDs that are almost 4 GB. 
However their download system allows you to download in segments. You 
do burn a DVD and their software embeds your name into the start screen 
and into the files. Their software will also burn the DVD for you. I 
suspect most of their users have cable broadband which is faster than 
the usual DSL (unless you buy a faster service). BTW, the US lags far 
behind other countries in broadband speed like Korea which has 21 mbps 
broadband. So much for competition.

They have some freebies which are old public domain movies. The rest 
vary in price from $1.99 and up tough usually around $7.99. Just peruse 
their catalog. A friend is distributing some films on this site.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
  Curtis Mailloux...one of the truly great TM Nazis the TMO ever 
  produced. After he left the fold, he became as vehemently 
  he had been pro before. In his time, though , he was awesome. 
  would regularly report people for the most minor TM infractions 
  as wearing jeans to the Center--horrors!) as well as work on 
  occasion to keep people off courses, TTC, etc. You name it, he 
  reported it. Must have satisfied some primal urge for power, or 
  something. His defection really came as not much of a 
  level of stress most people just can't keep up for very long. 
  wondered over the years what became of him too.
 I only knew him from passing but he was at MIU for the several 
 when I was there ('75-'79). Seemed pleasant enough. I remember 
 as being very talkative...that's about it.
 But what you say above reminds me a bit of Pat Ryan who was also at 
 MIU at the same time. Ryan also left the Movement and became an 
 infamous TM-EX. I don't want to knock the guy too much but when I 
 knew Pat it was when as a 17 or 18 year old he had just arrived at 
 MIU and was skeptical and cynical about the teaching and went out 
 his way to find out secrets and go to meetings that anti-TM 
 fundamentalists were holding in town and then corresponding with 
 them for years afterwards. I mention this because years later when 
 he then became a TM teacher and then years later left the TMO he 
 made it seem that all the revelations about TM that he had come to 
 realize were new to him. The reality was that he was told all of 
 this stuff by the fundies about 15 years prior. So he knew exactly 
 what he was getting into and he can't feign innocence about having 
 the wool pulled over his eyes by the evil cult.
 Another thing about Pat (and I should say I thought he was a sweet 
 kid...kinda like a puppy dog who would follow you everywhere): 
 Pat came to MIU he was illiterate. That is, he wrote and read at, 
 literally, a Grade 2 or 3 level. To his credit, that first year he 
 worked his ass off improving himself and bringing himself up to a 
 level where he was pretty much at par with everyone else. But I 
 mention this because: 1) MIU accepted him despite this handicap 
 (okay, they were probably desparate for students and this was 
 probably their motivation); and 2) teachers, TAs and others at MIU 
 helped Pat overcome his illiteracy. It would be nice that while he 
 trashed the TMO and all things TM, he could acknowledge their part 
 in helping him overcome his illiteracy.

Fascinating to hear about Curtis and Pat. I never
knew them as TMers, only afterwards, when they hung
out on alt.m.t posting long, extremely hostile, and
generally quite dishonest anti-TM screeds.

Haven't seen hide nor hair of that old anti-TM crowd
on alt.m.t for some years now. Man, they were vicious.

I sure wish I'd known what you just said about Pat
having heard the negative stuff from the fundamentalists
*before* he became a TM teacher.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread Sal Sunshine
Apart from shock therapy, I'm not really sure what might have helped at that point. I left DC to move here in 91 and, although my memories of that time are, of course, growing more vague  by the minute, I had thought he was still  Center Chairman.  
If he became CC in 85, and already by 90 he was TM-Ex, his reign of terror lasted  fewer years than I thought.  Sort of comforting, in a silly kind of way...I outlasted him!  For some reason I had him freaking out around the mid-90s or so.  
That's probably  just when I became aware of his new vocation, so to speak.  


On May 6, 2006, at 5:46 PM, jyouells2000 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Curtis Mailloux...one of the truly great TM Nazis the TMO ever 
> produced.  After he left the fold, he became as vehemently against as 
> he had been pro before.  In his time, though , he was awesome.  He 
> would regularly report people for the most minor TM infractions (such 
> as wearing jeans to the Center--horrors!) as well   as  work on 
> occasion to keep people off courses, TTC, etc.  You name it, he 
> reported  it. Must have satisfied some primal urge for power, or 
> something.  His defection really came as not much of a surprise...that 
> level of stress most people just can't keep up for very long.  I've 
> wondered over the years what became of him too.
> Sal

Saw it comming before DC - tried to help

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread Sal Sunshine
Don't know Pat, but I agree...give credit where it's due.  I never hesitate to mention MIU when somebody asks me where I went to school.  It was still a great place to go back then (early 90s) and hadn't yet gotten too weird.  

Amazing he didn't get caught at some of those activities, (and that he was able to hide them well enough to go to TTC while others were kept off for far lesser reasons) considering the level of spying going on at that point, or so I thought.


On May 6, 2006, at 6:02 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:

I only knew him from passing but he was at MIU for the several years 
when I was there ('75-'79).  Seemed pleasant enough.  I remember him 
as being very talkative...that's about it.

But what you say above reminds me a bit of Pat Ryan who was also at 
MIU at the same time. Ryan also left the Movement and became an 
infamous TM-EX.  I don't want to knock the guy too much but when I 
knew Pat it was when as a 17 or 18 year old he had just arrived at 
MIU and was skeptical and cynical about the teaching and went out of 
his way to find out secrets and go to meetings that anti-TM 
fundamentalists were holding in town and then corresponding with 
them for years afterwards.  I mention this because years later when 
he then became a TM teacher and then years later left the TMO he 
made it seem that all the revelations about TM that he had come to 
realize were new to him.  The reality was that he was told all of 
this stuff by the fundies about 15 years prior.  So he knew exactly 
what he was getting into and he can't feign innocence about having 
the wool pulled over his eyes by the evil cult.

Another thing about Pat (and I should say I thought he was a sweet 
kid...kinda  like a puppy dog who would follow you everywhere): when 
Pat came to MIU he was illiterate.  That is, he wrote and read at, 
literally, a Grade 2 or 3 level.  To his credit, that first year he 
worked his ass off improving himself and bringing himself up to a 
level where he was pretty much at par with everyone else.  But I 
mention this because: 1) MIU accepted him despite this handicap 
(okay, they were probably desparate for students and this was 
probably their motivation); and 2) teachers, TAs and others at MIU 
helped Pat overcome his illiteracy.  It would be nice that while he 
trashed the TMO and all things TM, he could acknowledge their part 
in helping him overcome his illiteracy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread Sal Sunshine
And he looked the part as well.  He's probably changed somewhat over the years (haven't we all?) but back then he could have been a stand-ion for Tucker Carlson, the right-wing talk show host.  Even down to the bowties.


On May 6, 2006, at 6:21 PM, authfriend wrote:

Fascinating to hear about Curtis and Pat.  I never
knew them as TMers, only afterwards, when they hung
out on alt.m.t posting long, extremely hostile, and
generally quite dishonest anti-TM screeds.

Haven't seen hide nor hair of that old anti-TM crowd
on alt.m.t for some years now.  Man, they were vicious.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 And he looked the part as well. He's probably changed somewhat
 over the years (haven't we all?) but back then he could have been a 
 stand-ion for Tucker Carlson, the right-wing talk show host. Even 
 down to the bowties.

Oh, no sh*t, bowties!

Did you see the photo on his Web site? He's now a 
down-and-dirty blues guy, plays on the street for
money in the D.C. area, sort of a one-man-band kind
of thing. (Does NOT wear a bowtie!)

He's quite good, though, at least from the clips
from his CD. Terrific harmonica player. Has quite
a following, apparently.

I thought his singing lacked, um, well, something,
passion, maybe. Seemed like he was holding
back. But not when he played the harp, though.

 On May 6, 2006, at 6:21 PM, authfriend wrote:
  Fascinating to hear about Curtis and Pat.  I never
  knew them as TMers, only afterwards, when they hung
  out on alt.m.t posting long, extremely hostile, and
  generally quite dishonest anti-TM screeds.
  Haven't seen hide nor hair of that old anti-TM crowd
  on alt.m.t for some years now.  Man, they were vicious.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: House Senate ready to exploit high gas prices to sacrifice America's greatest wildlife sanctuary

2006-05-06 Thread Rick Archer

on 5/4/06 2:04 PM, shempmcgurk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The big outrage is that Robert Redford signed the letter!
 He is singularly responsible for taking pristine land whereever it
 is he lives (Utah? Idaho?) and built and built and built so that
 the whole town looks like a suburb of Los Angeles!

Nonsense. I've been to Sundance many times. You can barely see most of the
houses. They're tucked away in the trees. Can't see his at all. The
conference center and ski area are not a blight on the landscape. The whole
thing is rather small, on a winding mountain road at the base of Mt.
Timpanoogas. Climbing that mountain is the most beautiful hike I've ever
done. You start at 7,000' and climb up to 12,000', the latter part of the
hike hand and foot up a steep glacier. Not at all reminiscent of an LA

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

on 5/6/06 5:16 PM, Sal Sunshine at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Curtis Mailloux...one of the truly great TM Nazis the TMO ever produced. After he left the fold, he became as vehemently against as he had been pro before. In his time, though , he was awesome. He would regularly report people for the most minor TM infractions (such as wearing jeans to the Center--horrors!) as well as work on occasion to keep people off courses, TTC, etc. You name it, he reported it. Must have satisfied some primal urge for power, or something. His defection really came as not much of a surprise...that level of stress most people just can't keep up for very long. I've wondered over the years what became of him too. 

My wife was a guest in his and his (now divorced) wife Lauras house for a while after leaving Mother Divine. Curtis used to sleepwalk all over the house, sweeping things off tables and counters and cupboard shelves, and generally making a racket. This was when he was still in the movement.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: House Senate ready to exploit high gas prices to sacrifice America's greatest wildlife sanctuary

2006-05-06 Thread Rick Archer

on 5/6/06 8:10 PM, Rick Archer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nonsense. I've been to Sundance many times. You can barely see most of the
 houses. They're tucked away in the trees. Can't see his at all. The
 conference center and ski area are not a blight on the landscape. The whole
 thing is rather small, on a winding mountain road at the base of Mt.
 Timpanoogas. Climbing that mountain is the most beautiful hike I've ever
 done. You start at 7,000' and climb up to 12,000', the latter part of the
 hike hand and foot up a steep glacier. Not at all reminiscent of an LA

I forgot to mention, this is in Utah, near Heber City, which is southwest of
Salt Lake City.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread Sal Sunshine
Probably a result of stress.  To some degree, he and Laura were a perfect match, and I was surprised they didn't last longer.  Both were nice-looking, made of steel, extremely materialistic, and absolutely obsessed with the TMO.


On May 6, 2006, at 8:13 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

My wife was a guest in his and his (now divorced) wife Laura’s house for a while after leaving Mother Divine. Curtis used to sleepwalk all over the house, sweeping things off tables and counters and cupboard shelves, and generally making a racket. This was when he was still in the movement.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread Sal Sunshine

On May 6, 2006, at 7:37 PM, authfriend wrote:

 Oh, no sh*t, bowties!

Yep. He played the part well.

 Did you see the photo on his Web site?  He's now a
 down-and-dirty blues guy, plays on the street for
 money in the D.C. area, sort of a one-man-band kind
 of thing.  (Does NOT wear a bowtie!)

Looks like he's put on some weight, and of course gotten a bit older, 
but I can still see echoes of the old Curtis there. But really, in my 
wildest dreams I never would have imagined him playing on the street. 
I would have thought, post-TM, that he might have gone to work for some 
company or something. Or done something else very upscale. Just goes 
to show.

 He's quite good, though, at least from the clips
 from his CD.  Terrific harmonica player.  Has quite
 a following, apparently.

Apparently so. Good for him. I've only had the chance to listen to a 
couple of the tracks, but they are impressive.

 I thought his singing lacked, um, well, something,
 passion, maybe.  Seemed like he was holding
 back.  But not when he played the harp, though.

Haven't heard that one.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On May 6, 2006, at 7:37 PM, authfriend wrote:
  Oh, no sh*t, bowties!
 Yep. He played the part well.
  Did you see the photo on his Web site?  He's now a
  down-and-dirty blues guy, plays on the street for
  money in the D.C. area, sort of a one-man-band kind
  of thing.  (Does NOT wear a bowtie!)
 Looks like he's put on some weight, and of course gotten a bit
 older, but I can still see echoes of the old Curtis there. But 
 really, in my wildest dreams I never would have imagined him 
 playing on the street. I would have thought, post-TM, that he 
 might have gone to work for some company or something. Or done 
 something else very upscale. Just goes to show.

I suspect he's a person of extremes: from pro-TM
fanatic to anti-TM fanatic, from buttoned-up bowtied
executive type to grubby street musician...and I'd
imagine he plays the latter role just as well and
enthusiastically as he did the former.

Goodness only knows what he'll do if he gets tired
of playing a bluesman. Will he ever feel free of
the need to play a role, and play himself for a

  He's quite good, though, at least from the clips
  from his CD.  Terrific harmonica player.  Has quite
  a following, apparently.
 Apparently so. Good for him. I've only had the chance to listen 
to a 
 couple of the tracks, but they are impressive.
  I thought his singing lacked, um, well, something,
  passion, maybe.  Seemed like he was holding
  back.  But not when he played the harp, though.
 Haven't heard that one.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Probably a result of stress. To some degree, he and Laura were a 
 perfect match, and I was surprised they didn't last longer. Both 
 nice-looking, made of steel, extremely materialistic, and 
 obsessed with the TMO.

Didn't Curtis used to have blond hair? That would certainly be a 
sign of high stress if his follicles changed color...

 On May 6, 2006, at 8:13 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
  My wife was a guest in his and his (now divorced) wife Laura's 
  for a while after leaving Mother Divine. Curtis used to 
sleepwalk all 
  over the house, sweeping things off tables and counters and 
  shelves, and generally making a racket. This was when he was 
still in 
  the movement.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Apart from shock therapy, I'm not really sure what might have helped at 
 that point. I left DC to move here in 91 and, although my memories of 
 that time are, of course, growing more vague by the minute, I had 
 thought he was still Center Chairman.
 If he became CC in 85, and already by 90 he was TM-Ex, his reign of 
 terror lasted fewer years than I thought. Sort of comforting, in a 
 silly kind of way...I outlasted him! For some reason I had him 
 freaking out around the mid-90s or so.
 That's probably just when I became aware of his new vocation, so to 
Curtis was here after his phase I of TTC (and before as well). He was
really intent on teaching then the movement took away all his phase
III work study credit (on an academy in FL, if I remember correctly)
but he made it all a second time and went to phase III. Initiations
had already nose dived before he went to phase III. I was surprised he
went so far in the other direction.

 His music sounds real good... I wonder what his take on is now?


 On May 6, 2006, at 5:46 PM, jyouells2000 wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
   Curtis Mailloux...one of the truly great TM Nazis the TMO ever
   produced. After he left the fold, he became as vehemently against 
   he had been pro before. In his time, though , he was awesome. He
   would regularly report people for the most minor TM infractions 
   as wearing jeans to the Center--horrors!) as well as work on
   occasion to keep people off courses, TTC, etc. You name it, he
   reported it. Must have satisfied some primal urge for power, or
   something. His defection really came as not much of a 
   level of stress most people just can't keep up for very long. I've
   wondered over the years what became of him too.
  Saw it comming before DC - tried to help

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Don't know Pat, but I agree...give credit where it's due. I never 
 hesitate to mention MIU when somebody asks me where I went to school. 
 It was still a great place to go back then (early 90s) and hadn't yet 
 gotten too weird.
 Amazing he didn't get caught at some of those activities, (and that he 
 was able to hide them well enough to go to TTC while others were kept 
 off for far lesser reasons) considering the level of spying going on at 
 that point, or so I thought.

Sal, in 1977 when all the formerly active teachers were heading for
the hills, I took over a center and the outgoing teacher 'borrowed' my
paycheck from the mail, and managed to cash it and headed for the
hills. I was using it for center rent. That was the major crack in my
 warm and fuzzy illusions. :)


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Crash

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 shempmcgurk wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   shempmcgurk wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ 

 TurquoiseB wrote:

 You're a movie bunch.
 I know I'm 'way behind the times and all, living in
 the boonies of France, and that it won the Oscar for
 Best Film and all, but I just got around to seeing
 Crash tonight. I'm blown away. One of the highest
 (in a spiritual sense) films I've seen in a long,
 long time, possibly since American Beauty.
 If you saw it, what did you think of it? I think
 it's a passionate -- and compassionate -- lecture
 on interdependent origination. Bloody brilliant.
 It was one of my favorite movies from last year. Now I 
 why Hollywood doesn't make more films like these (I'm sure
   will be
 a bunch of far less than satisfying knock offs). It didn't
 cost a
 to make.
   You're right, Crash cost a measley $6.5 million in 
   costs which is a pittance...and DESPITE several big names, who
   obviously did it for scale because they believed in it:
 Seems that most of the boobs that still go to multiplexes 
 want a bunch of junk.
   Quite right! So Hollywood is making the junk that people
   want...and, hey, if they would continue to go see quality
   like Crash then Hollywood would continue to do it. But the
   don't, so whose fault is that? Not Hollywoods's.
   But if you look at people like the Weinstein's (Miramax) who 
   and live in Hollywood and, although are technically 
   they work with the Studio system yet have, IMHO, put out more
   quality movies in their existence than anyone else ever has.
   Take a look at what these guys have done:
   So it IS possible to do. We'd all just like to see more of 

   Miramax WAS owned by Disney and a year or so ago the 
 got it
   back from Disney.
   Lion's Gate is the distributor for Crash. They also happened 
   distribute the 3 Elements DVD too. Kevin Smith (Clerks) 
   commentary for one of his movies said as the Lion's Gate logo 
   Lion's Gate where your film winds up when no one else wants
 it. :) 
   They do distribute a lot of good little independent films.
   Sony Classic Films is another good indie and foreign 
   And if you have a fast broadband connection you can buy and 
   own DVDs online here:
 How long does it take to download?
 Once you do it, do you leave it on your computer or, as you say
 above, do you always burn a DVD with it and then erase what is on
 the computer...or do you burn it DIRECTLY onto the DVD and it's
 never on the computer?
 And, I assume they charge for the download?
 How much?
 How long depends on the size of the DVD and your broadband 
 They have some small test DVDs and some DVDs that are almost 4 
 However their download system allows you to download in 
segments. You 
 do burn a DVD and their software embeds your name into the start 
 and into the files. Their software will also burn the DVD for 
you. I 
 suspect most of their users have cable broadband which is faster 
 the usual DSL (unless you buy a faster service). BTW, the US 
lags far 
 behind other countries in broadband speed like Korea which has 21 
 broadband. So much for competition.
 They have some freebies which are old public domain movies. The 
 vary in price from $1.99 and up tough usually around $7.99. Just 
 their catalog. A friend is distributing some films on this site.

Thanks for the info...

You say Korea has 21 mbps. I don't know what that means, actually. 
I have high speed internet through my cable TV company...how many 
mbps is that (whatever mbps means)?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
   Curtis Mailloux...one of the truly great TM Nazis the TMO ever 
   produced. After he left the fold, he became as vehemently 
   he had been pro before. In his time, though , he was 
   would regularly report people for the most minor TM 
   as wearing jeans to the Center--horrors!) as well as work 
   occasion to keep people off courses, TTC, etc. You name it, 
   reported it. Must have satisfied some primal urge for power, 
   something. His defection really came as not much of a 
   level of stress most people just can't keep up for very long. 
   wondered over the years what became of him too.
  I only knew him from passing but he was at MIU for the several 
  when I was there ('75-'79). Seemed pleasant enough. I remember 
  as being very talkative...that's about it.
  But what you say above reminds me a bit of Pat Ryan who was also 
  MIU at the same time. Ryan also left the Movement and became an 
  infamous TM-EX. I don't want to knock the guy too much but when 
  knew Pat it was when as a 17 or 18 year old he had just arrived 
  MIU and was skeptical and cynical about the teaching and went 
  his way to find out secrets and go to meetings that anti-TM 
  fundamentalists were holding in town and then corresponding with 
  them for years afterwards. I mention this because years later 
  he then became a TM teacher and then years later left the TMO he 
  made it seem that all the revelations about TM that he had come 
  realize were new to him. The reality was that he was told all 
  this stuff by the fundies about 15 years prior. So he knew 
  what he was getting into and he can't feign innocence about 
  the wool pulled over his eyes by the evil cult.
  Another thing about Pat (and I should say I thought he was a 
  kid...kinda like a puppy dog who would follow you everywhere): 
  Pat came to MIU he was illiterate. That is, he wrote and read 
  literally, a Grade 2 or 3 level. To his credit, that first year 
  worked his ass off improving himself and bringing himself up to 
  level where he was pretty much at par with everyone else. But I 
  mention this because: 1) MIU accepted him despite this handicap 
  (okay, they were probably desparate for students and this was 
  probably their motivation); and 2) teachers, TAs and others at 
  helped Pat overcome his illiteracy. It would be nice that while 
  trashed the TMO and all things TM, he could acknowledge their 
  in helping him overcome his illiteracy.
 Fascinating to hear about Curtis and Pat. I never
 knew them as TMers, only afterwards, when they hung
 out on alt.m.t posting long, extremely hostile, and
 generally quite dishonest anti-TM screeds.
 Haven't seen hide nor hair of that old anti-TM crowd
 on alt.m.t for some years now. Man, they were vicious.
 I sure wish I'd known what you just said about Pat
 having heard the negative stuff from the fundamentalists
 *before* he became a TM teacher.

So Pat was also a participant on amt? Interesting.

Yes, Pat knew all he had to know about TM from A to Z. There were 
virtually NO surprises at all for him from '75 onward.

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[FairfieldLife] [was Re: Crash] the resolution of samskaras

2006-05-06 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

snip Exactly the theme I was thinking of in my rap about
 Milarepa the other day. Although we still have to
 deal with the karma of past actions, we *don't* have
 to be bound by them. At every moment, we can ignore
 the pull of the samskaric patterns and Do Something New.
 I once heard a really cool Tibetan Buddhist nun 
 give a whole dharma talk about that phenomenon...
 that moment when you catch yourself about to fall 
 into a samskaric rut and do the same old same old 
 all over again...and INSTEAD you stop yourself, 
 She went on and on about that moment, that cusp.
 About how important it was to learn to recognize
 those moments, and thus be able to take advantage
 of them. About the incredible karmic effect *of*
 taking advantage of those moments, and saying No
 to a samskara. In her view, the making of that 
 choice, the taking advantage of that cusp moment,
 is all that is necessary to liberate you from
 the samskara forever.

yeah, pretty much. The thing I find myself watching these days are 
past patterns unwinding and just playing themselves out in front of 
me from my new perspective of freedom, freedom from the grip of the 
echo of the impression playing out in front of me. 

Since the grip of the desire is no longer present, the echo of the 
impression still occurs sometimes as karma, but my awareness is no 
longer bound to this echo of the impression. Therefore, while I 
wholly accept the situation occurring in front of me and do nothing 
to prevent it from occurring, my reactions as I live through it this 
time around are changed, providing me with the choice to leave 
further trails, or not, cause further echoes, or not, so that my 
relationship to the echo of the desire has become non-existent, as I 
continue on in freedom, vs. bound to the echo of past impressions.

So there is no need to do something new, per se. We are just 
ourselves, and the situation resolves itself, naturally. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Don't know Pat, but I agree...give credit where it's due. I never 
 hesitate to mention MIU when somebody asks me where I went to 
 It was still a great place to go back then (early 90s) and hadn't 
 gotten too weird.
 Amazing he didn't get caught at some of those activities, (and 
that he 
 was able to hide them well enough to go to TTC while others were 
 off for far lesser reasons) considering the level of spying going 
on at 
 that point, or so I thought.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think Pat was denied acceptance to TTC the 
first time he applied.

 On May 6, 2006, at 6:02 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:
  I only knew him from passing but he was at MIU for the several 
  when I was there ('75-'79).  Seemed pleasant enough.  I 
remember him
  as being very talkative...that's about it.
  But what you say above reminds me a bit of Pat Ryan who was 
also at
  MIU at the same time. Ryan also left the Movement and became an
  infamous TM-EX.  I don't want to knock the guy too much but 
when I
  knew Pat it was when as a 17 or 18 year old he had just arrived 
  MIU and was skeptical and cynical about the teaching and went 
out of
  his way to find out secrets and go to meetings that anti-TM
  fundamentalists were holding in town and then corresponding with
  them for years afterwards.  I mention this because years later 
  he then became a TM teacher and then years later left the TMO he
  made it seem that all the revelations about TM that he had come 
  realize were new to him.  The reality was that he was told all 
  this stuff by the fundies about 15 years prior.  So he knew 
  what he was getting into and he can't feign innocence about 
  the wool pulled over his eyes by the evil cult.
  Another thing about Pat (and I should say I thought he was a 
  kid...kinda  like a puppy dog who would follow you everywhere): 
  Pat came to MIU he was illiterate.  That is, he wrote and read 
  literally, a Grade 2 or 3 level.  To his credit, that first 
year he
  worked his ass off improving himself and bringing himself up to 
  level where he was pretty much at par with everyone else.  But I
  mention this because: 1) MIU accepted him despite this handicap
  (okay, they were probably desparate for students and this was
  probably their motivation); and 2) teachers, TAs and others at 
  helped Pat overcome his illiteracy.  It would be nice that 
while he
  trashed the TMO and all things TM, he could acknowledge their 
  in helping him overcome his illiteracy.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 And he looked the part as well. He's probably changed somewhat 
 the years (haven't we all?) but back then he could have been a 
 stand-ion for Tucker Carlson, the right-wing talk show host. Even 
 to the bowties.

What makes someone right wing? Tucker Carlson is famously down on 
record as opposing the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

 On May 6, 2006, at 6:21 PM, authfriend wrote:
  Fascinating to hear about Curtis and Pat.  I never
  knew them as TMers, only afterwards, when they hung
  out on alt.m.t posting long, extremely hostile, and
  generally quite dishonest anti-TM screeds.
  Haven't seen hide nor hair of that old anti-TM crowd
  on alt.m.t for some years now.  Man, they were vicious.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: House Senate ready to exploit high gas prices to sacrifice America's greatest wildlife sanctuary

2006-05-06 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 

 on 5/4/06 2:04 PM, shempmcgurk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The big outrage is that Robert Redford signed the letter!
  He is singularly responsible for taking pristine land whereever 
  is he lives (Utah? Idaho?) and built and built and built so that
  the whole town looks like a suburb of Los Angeles!

Well, my source for this is.

Robert Redford himself!

And on the clip I saw on TV he actually showed a photo of his town 
BEFORE he came and then about 20 years later. The difference is 
very, very marked.

 I've been to Sundance many times. You can barely see most of the
 houses. They're tucked away in the trees. Can't see his at all. The
 conference center and ski area are not a blight on the landscape. 
The whole
 thing is rather small, on a winding mountain road at the base of 
 Timpanoogas. Climbing that mountain is the most beautiful hike 
I've ever
 done. You start at 7,000' and climb up to 12,000', the latter part 
of the
 hike hand and foot up a steep glacier. Not at all reminiscent of 
an LA

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread Rick Archer

on 5/6/06 10:12 PM, jyouells2000 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Apart from shock therapy, I'm not really sure what might have helped at
 that point. I left DC to move here in 91 and, although my memories of
 that time are, of course, growing more vague by the minute, I had
 thought he was still Center Chairman.
 If he became CC in 85, and already by 90 he was TM-Ex, his reign of
 terror lasted fewer years than I thought. Sort of comforting, in a
 silly kind of way...I outlasted him! For some reason I had him
 freaking out around the mid-90s or so.
 That's probably just when I became aware of his new vocation, so to
 Curtis was here after his phase I of TTC (and before as well). He was
 really intent on teaching then the movement took away all his phase
 III work study credit (on an academy in FL, if I remember correctly)
 but he made it all a second time and went to phase III. Initiations
 had already nose dived before he went to phase III. I was surprised he
 went so far in the other direction.
 His music sounds real good... I wonder what his take on is now?
Are we saying Curtis Mallioux (sp?) is now a musician? I missed something.
Does he have a web site?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: House Senate ready to exploit high gas prices to sacrifice America's greatest wildlife sanctuary

2006-05-06 Thread Rick Archer

on 5/6/06 11:10 PM, shempmcgurk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer
 on 5/4/06 2:04 PM, shempmcgurk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The big outrage is that Robert Redford signed the letter!
 He is singularly responsible for taking pristine land whereever
 is he lives (Utah? Idaho?) and built and built and built so that
 the whole town looks like a suburb of Los Angeles!
 Well, my source for this is.
 Robert Redford himself!
 And on the clip I saw on TV he actually showed a photo of his town
 BEFORE he came and then about 20 years later. The difference is
 very, very marked.

Hardly a suburb of LA. I would gladly live there. One of them most beautiful
places I've ever seen.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread gullible fool

 Are we saying Curtis Mallioux (sp?) is now a
 musician? I missed something.
 Does he have a web site?

His website is in the links section of the cdbaby



--- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 on 5/6/06 10:12 PM, jyouells2000 at
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine
  Apart from shock therapy, I'm not really sure
 what might have helped at
  that point. I left DC to move here in 91 and,
 although my memories of
  that time are, of course, growing more vague by
 the minute, I had
  thought he was still Center Chairman.
  If he became CC in 85, and already by 90 he was
 TM-Ex, his reign of
  terror lasted fewer years than I thought. Sort
 of comforting, in a
  silly kind of way...I outlasted him! For some
 reason I had him
  freaking out around the mid-90s or so.
  That's probably just when I became aware of his
 new vocation, so to
  Curtis was here after his phase I of TTC (and
 before as well). He was
  really intent on teaching then the movement took
 away all his phase
  III work study credit (on an academy in FL, if I
 remember correctly)
  but he made it all a second time and went to phase
 III. Initiations
  had already nose dived before he went to phase
 III. I was surprised he
  went so far in the other direction.
  His music sounds real good... I wonder what his
 take on is now?
 Are we saying Curtis Mallioux (sp?) is now a
 musician? I missed something.
 Does he have a web site?
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?

2006-05-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
  And he looked the part as well. He's probably changed somewhat 
  over the years (haven't we all?) but back then he could have been 
  a stand-ion for Tucker Carlson, the right-wing talk show host. 
  Even down to the bowties.
 What makes someone right wing? Tucker Carlson is famously down
 on record as opposing the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Carlson isn't the worst of the right-wingers; he
does occasionally have an independent thought.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Moussoui's Life sentence

2006-05-06 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
Please try reading what I wrote, feste.
   This is Judy's snotty way of saying that she's better than 
   Shea always does that (actually, when she's not telling 
you non 
  Er, no, it's my way of pointing out to Feste that
  he missed a couple of points in the post he's
  responding to.
 No it's not. It's your way of being rude and wanting to start an

Well, no, that's not it either. If you'd actually
read what I wrote with attention, you'd find that
we don't *have* an argument; we're in agreement.

 If you 
 think I have misread something you wrote, kindly clarify,

No, what I wrote was about as clear as I could
make it.

 but don't resort to unpleasant comments that attempt to demean the 
 person you are responding to.

Sorry you feel demeaned. That wasn't my intention
at all.

 It makes you sound prickly, petty and ungracious. I give you credit 
for being 
 better than that, but sometimes some little demon inside gets the 
better of you. 
   Ignore her.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ 

 You've no idea what Massaoui will be like in 10, 20, 30 or 
years. To 
 condemn someone of 37 to a life in a dungeon with almost no 
 is out of all proportion to the offense. People can change. 
seem to be 
 saying two things here. First, lock them up forever; 
second, if 
they show 
 genuine remorse, consider freeing them. Massaoui has no 
option. He 
 could become as saintly as Mother Teresa but it wouldn't do 
good in 
 that hell-hole. This guy needs help, which of course is 
those on 
 this board who relish the idea of vengeance.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend 
   Life without parole is an inhuman punishment.
  Until we discover ways to successfully rehabilitate
  nutcases like Moussaoui who want to murder innocent
  people en masse, they need to be kept away from
  We *should* be giving them the best psychiatric
  treatment, and if they can show that they've been
  healed, and can express genuine remorse, we might
  consider freeing them. But at this point the only
  option is to keep them locked up, not for 
  punishment but for society's protection.


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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Crash

2006-05-06 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 You say Korea has 21 mbps. I don't know what that means, actually. 
 I have high speed internet through my cable TV company...how many 
 mbps is that (whatever mbps means)?

Test yourself (throughput you get vs. what you pay
for) with: http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/

To my great surprise, Wanadoo/France Telecom being
the spawn of Satan and all, I pay for 8 Mbps and
get 8 Mbps consistently. 

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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