[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread m2smart4u2000
I never could figure out if I am supposed to write at the top or 
bottom of the reply page..

Charlie was certainly entertaining, and I really enjoyed his talks 
and stories. He was always available for personal questions and gave 
very practical advice, contrary to what one might expect. I think he 
and Helen saved a boat-load of people from going over the deep-end, 
just by caring enough to listen to them complain about their 
problems. The Lutes were very generous that way, and always kind and 
loving people. 
The space ships, blue star (planet?) and Christ stories were 
inspiring to me, even if they didn't happen! Charlie gets and A+ for 
spiritual entertainment. Lets see:

Take the spherical spaceships not the cigar shaped ones
Go with the good looking, not the lizards
When the blue star comes it will be light 24/7
Christ was a leo (duh)
Christ was blond and blue eyed (double duh)

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, I've got to admit, that over the 20+ years I heard Charlie 
 I did hear a few strange things, but then I think you have to 
 this Eastern 'religion' thing was new to all of us, and him at the 
 One thing struck me as odd when he said in 10 or X years (don't
 remember exact time) all the prisoners would just 'miraculously'
 disappear from the prisons, apparently to make way for the 'new 
 Finally toward the very end I quit going due to the small group of
 'groupies' that had 'worshiped' him, it gave me the creeps, 
 to them he was CC and higher.  I never looked at him that way, he
 enriched my life with his esoteric knowledge he gleaned from Max
 Heindel, Manly P. Hall and a few others.
 Also Charlie had character and integrity...yeah, perhaps he
 exaggerated a little but I never took those things seriously. 
 he was a great spiritual mentor and the closest thing to a personal
 guru I've ever had!  BillyG.
 P.S. One Friday night he said Lord Maitreya had been reborn on 
 a few nights later he said his 'reliable' source had been 'duped' 
by a
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock jedi_spock@ 
  This is what three TM-tutors in the indian TM-org told 
  TM was formulated about Two thousand years before the 
 of Adi Sankara..!!  TM is more than four thousand years old..!!
  GuruDev Bramananda Sarasvati taught TM to Maharishi,,,
 almost literaly giving it to him on a Silver plate..!!
   Maharishi did NOT travel by foot.  People sponsored his
 trips which he went by trains and buses.
  CurtisDeltaBlues curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 16:48:53 -
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days
Thanks for posting this Bob. There is a contradictions in his 
  from MMY's own account. Since he was so close to MMY it is
  interesting that he would tell a different story. I am beginning 
  wonder if it is MMY who told different versions to different 
  But for his official version that is played repeatedly on his 
  we are all familiar with that one so my pointing out the 
  certainly wont bring a flurry of resistance, it will just be an
  obvious fact that we can work out together...
  C: A few years before he became Shankaracharya, the old sage 
made one
  of his rare ventures out of the wilderness. It was at this time 
  Maharishi saw him in a procession and the experience was 
  like spiritual love at first sight. Maharishi, a twenty-year- old
  student, felt an overwhelming desire to be near and serve the 
  Me: In his taped account he came to see Guru Dev in a house at 
  for the first time and caught a flashy glimpse when a car 
  illuminated his face. There was no procession.
  C: He sought out the Guru Dev who told him to first finish his
  education and then come. Two years later, having earned his 
  Maharishi headed for the monastery of Jyotir Math in the 
  religious center of Badrinath, there to devote his life to the 
  Dev, to serve at the feet of my master. And this he did for 
  years until the swami passed on.
  Over the years, Maharishi would be asked hundreds of times to 
  about his past. Reporters were especially curious. But his 
answer was
  always the same: Once you take the vows of the monk, past life 
  He told me long ago that when you become a bramachari, or monk, 
you no
  longer relate to your family or to any of your background.
  Me: So is his obvious connection with his family in the indian
  movement a departure from his vows? He set them up with sweet 
  that is definitely relating to them, in fact showing them 
  If in fact they are actually getting big bank accounts from the
  movement's finances, this would also seem to 

[FairfieldLife] YEE-HAW! Ducks did it for Teemu (teh-moo) :0

2007-06-07 Thread cardemaister



[FairfieldLife] Re: What Does The self Fear Most?

2007-06-07 Thread TurquoiseB

I've been thinking about this primal identification
thang that you mentioned earlier, and have decided to
spend my last post of the week pondering it further.
I won't be able to follow up on any ideas you have
to offer on this subject until Saturday, but hopefully
you'll have some, and without the pressure of dogs who
want to be walked gnawing at my ankles, maybe I'll be 
able to do more justice to answering some of your 
questions then.  :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Would you agree that, for you, the word identification has 
  the same definition as attachment?  That's my stance.
 Hmmm. I've never really thought in those terms. I'll
 try to do so on the fly here. 

I'm still in the 'No' camp, and will attempt to 
explain why below.
  The ego cannot be ended, (since it doesn't exist,) but the 
  choosing process of identifying it as the I CAN be ended, 
  and once this inordinate attentioning on one small aspect of 
  amness stops, then the ego can be as wonderfully appropriate -- 
  in that, now, the ego is not puffed, hogging the spotlight, 
  and elbowing out all the other aspects of manifestation, but 
  is instead, a boon traveling companion, a biographer of the 
  . . .
  To me, enlightenment is not identifying.  Period.  The 
  least identification is having both feet on the slippery 
  Even pure being, amness, is a primal identification, and sure 
  enough, that slightest of all stains is all that's needed for 
  the sin of manifestation to occur when ego starts saying, I'm 
  that. I'm that. I'm that. Instead of, you know, neti, neti, neti.

Ok, here is the point that's intrigued me. I fully
admit to having read very little Advaita, where these
ideas seem to be coming from. I walked away from TM
and having much of an interest in the Hindu-based
philosophies 25 years ago, and wandered down paths
more frequented by Buddhists.

So when I first encountered, a few days ago, your use
of the term primal identification, and, even more
shocking (to me), sin used with regard to manifestation,
it kinda threw me for a loop. I must admit to having
NEVER entertained such a concept as sin with regard
to the manifest universe.

It struck me at the time as something more appropriate
to Western traditions, such as the ones that sprung
from the Bible. They tend to see manifest creation as
being, almost by definition, in a fallen state, as
existing somehow apart from Godhead or the Absolute
or whatever you wish to call it. And with your use of
the terms primal identification and sin of mani-
featation, I started to get the feeling that you 
regarded relative creation the same way.

So here's my rap...it may not be a very good rap, but
here it is anyway. :-)

It seems to me that the concept of relative creation
being separate from the Absolute, or existing in some
kind of fallen state as the sin of manifestation
is based on having *started* one's philosophical 
ponderings by accepting as a given an assumption. This
unchallenged assumption then defines almost everything
that follows.

The assumption is that there was a Creation, a moment
in time when the universe became manifest.

I do not accept that. My intuition tells me that the
Buddhists are more onto the reality of the situation
by positing an *eternal* universe, one that was NEVER
created -- it has been both Absolute and manifest in
the past, it is both Absolute and manifest now, and 
it will always be Absolute and manifest, simultaneously,
forever. There has never been a moment in which the
universe was *not* expressed in manifestation, and 
there will never *be* a moment in which the universe
is not expressed in manifestation. What we see around
us today is the way it has always been and the way it
will always be. There was never a Big Bang, (except
as a minor pimple eruption on the face of a far larger, 
eternal universe), and there will never be a final 
dissolution of the universe back into non-manifestation.

Do you begin to see how someone who believes this
(whether or not it is true) might not be so prone 
to look at the manifest universe as fallen, as in
any way lesser than a postulated pure Absolute, with
no manifest aspect to It?

The whole question of primal identification becomes
meaningless, because there is no moment that wes ever
primal. There is no question of fallen, because
there was never a moment in which the universe fell
from pure, unmanifest Absolute to an impure Absolute/
manifest pair. They have always been One.

Therefore the idea of the sin of manifestation is,
for me, ludicrous. It's looking at an eternal universe
and saying, Y'know dude, you're great and all, but I
liked you better when you were just One instead of
One Plus Many. That makse sense only if you believe
that there *was* a time when this universe you're
speaking to *was* One, and that it somehow fell to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m2smart4u2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I never could figure out if I am supposed to write at the top or 
 bottom of the reply page..
 Charlie was certainly entertaining, and I really enjoyed his talks 
 and stories. He was always available for personal questions and gave 
 very practical advice, contrary to what one might expect. I think he 
 and Helen saved a boat-load of people from going over the deep-end, 
 just by caring enough to listen to them complain about their 
 problems. The Lutes were very generous that way, and always kind and 
 loving people. 
 The space ships, blue star (planet?) and Christ stories were 
 inspiring to me, even if they didn't happen! Charlie gets and A+ for 
 spiritual entertainment. Lets see:
 Take the spherical spaceships not the cigar shaped ones
 Go with the good looking, not the lizards
 When the blue star comes it will be light 24/7
 Christ was a leo (duh)
 Christ was blond and blue eyed (double duh)
charlie had a well known dislike of brown skinned people - jesus being
middle eastern looking probably rubbed his prejudices the wrong way.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Marshy just happened to be in the upstairs room 
  by coincidence when he saw Guru Dev?
Rick Archer wrote: 
 He wasn't in his room. He was on an outside veranda 
 and had never seen him before. And couldn't see him 
 because it was dark, until a car's headlight
 illuminated his face.
So, Rick, you're thinking that Marshy just happened to 
be on the veranda when the car's lights flashed on Guru 
Dev's face. So, how do you think Marshy got on the 
veranda, by climbing over the fence in the middle of 
the night? Or, maybe Marshy crashed the site by hiding 
in a closet until Guru Dev came out on the veranda.

According to Paul Mason, Marshy's biographer, it is 
possible that Marshy had been intitiated by Guru Dev 
nineteen years before Marshy became a brahmacharya 
(Mason 21).

  According to the official account, Raj Varma had been 
  a devotee of Guru Dev for many years before Marshy 
  actually met Guru Dev. Lots of people, including Marshy, 
  probably saw Guru Dev in various processions over the 
  years. However, the first time Marshy actually met Guru 
  Dev face-to-face was in the upstairs room at the time 
  of the flashing headlights.
 Maybe it was an upstairs room. I recall his saying it 
 was a veranda. In any case, you're speculating, because 
 is MMY told the story he had never seen GD before. He 
 never mentioned having seen him in processions, etc. 
 Maybe he had, but he said this was the first time he 
 saw him.

You need to get some smarts, Rick. Guru Dev was in full 
sight of the general public for close to sixty years, 
at probabbly every single Kumbha Mela and Ardha Khumba 
Mela, in front of millions of people. His photographic 
image was probably on the alter of Uncle Raj Varma for 
years in the family living room. And when Uncle Raj Varma 
was painting all those images of Guru Dev I guess you 
think that Marshy was totally blind. Go figure. 

Work cited:

'The Maharishi'
By Paul Mason
Element Books, 1994 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread Vaj

On Jun 7, 2007, at 2:00 AM, m2smart4u2000 wrote:

Take the spherical spaceships not the cigar shaped ones

And skip the red colored ones.

Go with the good looking, not the lizards
When the blue star comes it will be light 24/7
Christ was a leo (duh)
Christ was blond and blue eyed (double duh)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
  For someone who makes TMO status claims 
  you don't seem to be able make much sense.
Curtis wrote:
 Me: I have made no such claims, troll.
Well, I note that you aren't denying your 
lack of good sense.

Somehow I got the impression that you used 
to work for the Marshy and the TMO and attended 
TTC. If not, then what are you doing here trying 
to tell me all about the comings-and-goings, or 
lack thereof, of the Marshy, Charlie Lutes and
Jerry Jarvis?

Curtis wrote:
But for his official version that is played 
repeatedly on his courses, we are all familiar 
with that one so my pointing out the difference
certainly wont bring a flurry of resistance, it 
will just be an obvious fact that we can work 
out together...

Lutes' account of MMY's early days:

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 6:25 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days


You need to get some smarts, Rick. Guru Dev was in full 
sight of the general public for close to sixty years, 
at probabbly every single Kumbha Mela and Ardha Khumba 
Mela, in front of millions of people. 

This is not true. He was a recluse all his life and didn't become
Shankaracharya until his early 70's - 72 I think. Until then, he was unknown
to the general public.

His photographic 
image was probably on the alter of Uncle Raj Varma for 
years in the family living room. And when Uncle Raj Varma 
was painting all those images of Guru Dev I guess you 
think that Marshy was totally blind. Go figure. 

He didn't paint those images until after GD became Shankaracharya.

As MMY told the story, when he first met GD, the latter hadn't become
Shankarcharya yet, so he wasn't in processions and wasn't well-known. As we
know, GD told MMY to finish college. By the time he finished, GD had become
Shankaracharya. That being the case MMY's parents were more supportive of
MMY joining GD's ashram full-time than they might have been had he been a
relative unknown.

I can't vouch for the veracity of these points. I'm just relating them as I
heard MMY tell them when he told the story of meeting GD.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Posting Totals

2007-06-07 Thread gullible fool

I think adhering to the 35 post limit would be more
likely to happen if anything over 35 got deleted.
Would you want to spend time composing posts that no
one read?

--- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of gullible fool
 Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 7:37 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Posting Totals
 Rick, Shemp is already over 35, yet I am still
 requests to approve moderated posts by him. Is he
 wasting his time with these posts, or are you
 approving these once the next week comes around? You
 once said extra posts would get deleted. 
 I approve them when the new week starts. I don't
 mind doing it. of course,
 then he doesn't have too many to play with the
 following week. I would
 consider him more courteous if he would just adhere
 to the guidelines
 everyone else has agreed to and adheres to.


Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! 

[FairfieldLife] Resolving Contradictions

2007-06-07 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  I think I covered all of this in my earlier reply
  to larry.potter's posting. To claim that your beliefs
  equate with truth, you pretty much have to be claiming
  that your state of consciousness equates with truth.
  To state that such-and-such belief is one of your
  convictions, you have to assume that you will *remain*
  in the state of consciousness from which that belief
  appears to be true forever. To assert that this convic-
  tion is true for others, you have to declare that
  attaining that SOC/POC (or *regressing* to that SOC/POV)
  would be better for them than the SOC/POV they have
  currently. You may be comfortable doing that. I am not.
  End of story.
  Those who are uncomfortable with contradictions are
  uncomfortable with life.
 It appears you have misunderstood me—I am not making the point that 
 if I believe something, others should believe it, or attempt to 
 believe it too. Not at all. 
 Rather, I am making the point that if I believe something (not 
 necessarily forever), and if someone contradicts my belief, I can 
 reconcile it with my own belief, as opposed to folding up and 
 declaring, Well said. 
 That was the nature of my question to you, and it still remains 
 unanswered. It seems from your answer to Rory that you have no 
 answer for his statement that there is no difference between self 
 and Self, which you plainly don't see the same way. Rather than 
 resolving the contradiction, you stated, Well said. It was this 
 capitulation to which my remarks were addressed. 
 Should I then conclude that it is you who are uncomfortable with 
 contradictions, and choose to dismiss them as just another SOC, 
 vs. resolving them? And further, that anything else you disagree 
 with or see another way is handled the same way, by simply 
 capitulating without resolution? :-)

Jim's point, or perhaps my extrapolations of it, helps delineate two
differnt views on contradictions. There is what I percieve (perhaps
incorrectly) the Turq, Tom T, Rick view that (my interpreation of
their views): contradictions are ineveitable, they are everywhere, and
one should simply, passively,  accept them.

Jim's view appears to be that one should not simple accept
contradiction, but recognize it, work with it, attack it and
struggle or playfully try to resolve it.

In my post the other day I said 
Contradictions abound in material Soc ..

- Such contradictions are oftne the genesis of breakthoughs in art,
science, techology, business and humor.

The thought that I did not complete, which Jim's post has inspired me
to do, is to point out that the above breakthroughs in art,
science, techology, business and humor (Arthur Koestlers' Act of
Creation is an excellent into to this concept, with many examples) are
acheived by the people who are not passively resigned to accepting
contradictions, but rather recognize it and struggle to resolve it.
the resolution often comes through some new fusion of insight, that
resolves the contradiction. This may also be parallel to spiritual
insight and awakenings. Higher states may resolve the paradoxes of
lower states. Struggling to resolve the paradox of one state may set
the field for, ripen the fruit so to speak, for a breakthrough, to a
a higher state.

[FairfieldLife] Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread BillyG.
The prana is the vitality of the physical body and the vehicle of the
soul (jivatman) which enables it to communicate with the world, it's
not the soul per-se but the vehicle of the soul/consciousness.

When this vital energy is caught up in the senses/body it is blind to
the spiritual worlds, the key to spiritual awareness is the reversal
of these vital pranas in the vital/astral body.

The vital energies existing in the etheric body are like energies that
are in constant motion and their direction is down or towards the
senses. Pratyhara is the beginning of the reversal of this direction
much like a gradual slowing of a freight train, once the freight train
actually  *stops* the breath also stops! because the breath is a
*bi-product* of prana not the prana itself.

Once the pranas start spinning clockwise (hitherto purportedly they
are spinning counter-clock wise and outward towards the senses) and
*reverse* their direction, awareness in the spiritual worlds commences,
not before. Remember the prana is the vehical of soul/consciousness. 

Like a freight train reversing it's direction, it takes as much
'effort' and dedication to accomplish this task as well. MMY said (in
Italy) it could take a million years to reach CC (or accomplish this
task fully) unless you come to these courses .

[FairfieldLife] Great ghastly logos of all time

2007-06-07 Thread uns_tressor
As a response to the ludicrous logo for the 2012 Olympics
which apperently cost £400,000, The Independent did a story
on dreadful logos:
But they left out the picture of the Instituto de Estudos Orienta
logo, a pagoda behind a setting sun. here it is:
Can this be bettered?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Totals

2007-06-07 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think adhering to the 35 post limit would be more
 likely to happen if anything over 35 got deleted.
 Would you want to spend time composing posts that no
 one read?

I suggest they be deleted, and the offending poster be limited to 25
posts the next week or two. If they oofend twice in a row(or amonth)
then limit them to 15. etc. 

This approach tries to use the best of both Rick's idea (limit the
following week's posts) and gull's idea not to cater to excesses. 

 --- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  On Behalf Of gullible fool
  Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 7:37 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Posting Totals
  Rick, Shemp is already over 35, yet I am still
  requests to approve moderated posts by him. Is he
  wasting his time with these posts, or are you
  approving these once the next week comes around? You
  once said extra posts would get deleted. 
  I approve them when the new week starts. I don't
  mind doing it. of course,
  then he doesn't have too many to play with the
  following week. I would
  consider him more courteous if he would just adhere
  to the guidelines
  everyone else has agreed to and adheres to.

 Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with
Yahoo! FareChase.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Guru Dev was in full sight of the general public 
  for close to sixty years, at probabbly every single 
  Kumbha Mela and Ardha Khumba Mela, in front of 
  millions of people. 
Rick Archer wrote: 
 This is not true. 

According to the Official Biography of Guru Dev, he was
initiated by his guru, Swami Krishnananda Saraswati, at
the Kumbha Mela at Allahabad. It would be very difficult 
to be invisible with millions of people standing around, 
would it not? He may have been unknown to the larger 
general public, but Uncle Raj Varma knew about Guru Dev
when Guru Dev was staying at Jabalpur.

  His photographic image was probably on the alter of 
  Uncle Raj Varma for years in the family living room. 
  And when Uncle Raj Varma was painting all those images 
  of Guru Dev I guess you think that Marshy was totally 
 He didn't paint those images until after GD became 

Maybe so, but there are numerous photographs of Guru Dev 
taken by Uncle Raj before Guru Dev became the Shankaracharya,
according to Uncle Raj, writing in 'Strange Facts About 
a Great Saint'.

 As MMY told the story, when he first met GD, the latter 
 hadn't become Shankarcharya yet, so he wasn't in 
 processions and wasn't well-known. As we know, GD told 
 MMY to finish college. By the time he finished, GD had 
 become Shankaracharya. That being the case MMY's parents 
 were more supportive of MMY joining GD's ashram full-time 
 than they might have been had he been a relative unknown.
You may be mistaken here: according to Marshy, he served
at the feet of Guru Dev for thirteen years, so Marshy would
have been with Guru Dev for a couple of years before Guru
Dev became the Shankaracharya, since Guru Dev passed in 1953.

According to Paul Mason, Marshy's biographer, Marshy may have
been a Guru Dev devotee up to nineteen years before Guru Dev 
became the Shankaracharya.

 I can't vouch for the veracity of these points. I'm just 
 relating them as I heard MMY tell them when he told the 
 story of meeting GD.

Maybe so, but that doesn't explain how the Varma family came
to know all about Guru Dev, if he was a relative unknown. It
may be true that Guru Dev was a unknown to the general public
but apparently he was very famous among sadhaks and devotees.

According to Raj Varma, Guru Dev caused quite a stir in 
Jabalpur when he came to visit. Raj says that there were 
numerous people who came to take darshan of Guru Dev.

Apparently Guru Dev was almost famous in some circles, 
otherwise, how would a committee of pundits down in Kashi 
have come with his name in order to nominate him for the

Bottom line is that Charles Lutes doesn't say anyhting 
about an Aunt being in the Upper Kashi with Marshy, asking 
him to take her down to South India. Lutes doesn't say 
anything about any 'flashing car lights on a veranda' 
either. Lutes does say that another sadhu suggested to
Marshy that he go to South India, just as I have previously

All I'm saying is that Guru Dev was very much known in 
some circles and that Marshy may have met him years before 
Marshy became a brahmacharaya. There may or may not have 
been flashing car lights, and it may be that it was on a 
veranda, not in upstairs room, however, Guru Dev did make
quite an impression on the Varma family, Mahesh included. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Totals

2007-06-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
  I think adhering to the 35 post limit would be more
  likely to happen if anything over 35 got deleted.
  Would you want to spend time composing posts that no
  one read?
New wrote:
 I suggest they be deleted, and the offending poster be 
 limited to 25 posts the next week or two. If they oofend 
 twice in a row(or amonth) then limit them to 15. etc. 
 This approach tries to use the best of both Rick's idea 
 (limit the following week's posts) and gull's idea not 
 to cater to excesses. 
Maye so, but what about the quality? And what about the news
of Marshy's comings-and-goings? I get the impression from
reading this forum that NOTHING much goes on in Fairfield.

Has any respondent actually been inside a Marshy Golden Dome
lately? Or even on the MUM campus? 

Apparently Barry went to a flea market a few Sunday's ago
and one morning he went to a sidewalk cafe for some latte.
Judy must think that she's the only person here who reads 
the nrespapaper. Hey! Geezerfreak - why do all your messages
begin with RE: and end on one line?

As far as I'm concerned, almost ALL of the messages to this 
forum could be deleted, with the exception of Card, who seems
to have a real interest in things Indian.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread Peter

Giant snip.

I'll go with MMY's telling of the story of how and
when he met GD over Charlie's because MMY was actually
there! I remember hearing, from a tape, very clearly
MMY joking about how he first saw GD in a flash of
light from a car's lights when he was sitting with GD
for the first time on a pourch or veranda somewhere.


Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search 
that gives answers, not web links. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 Maybe so, but that doesn't explain how the Varma family came
 to know all about Guru Dev, if he was a relative unknown. It
 may be true that Guru Dev was a unknown to the general public
 but apparently he was very famous among sadhaks and devotees.

Thats is my impression from MMY's talks and the Real Thing ?  bio.
That SBS was well know as a great saint -- of upanishdic stature --
many years prior to becoming S of JM. 

And there is that photo of a relatively young SBS in lotus, and I
think quite a few others. That led me to obeleive that while SBS was
off  in caves  and mountians most of the time, he ventured into the
world periodically. Like for kums, as RW says. And perhaps other sadhu

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Totals

2007-06-07 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 As far as I'm concerned, almost ALL of the messages to this 
 forum could be deleted, 

Then why do you torture yourself by reading posts that have no
interest or value to you? Surely you must have a higher priority of
thigs to do rather than reading meaningless (to you) posts.

Or is this a tapas thing? :)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Giant snip.
 I'll go with MMY's telling of the story of how and
 when he met GD over Charlie's because MMY was actually
 there! I remember hearing, from a tape, very clearly
 MMY joking about how he first saw GD in a flash of
 light from a car's lights when he was sitting with GD
 for the first time on a pourch or veranda somewhere.

Peeking through a (highly placed) window is how I heard him tell it.
SBS may have been unaware of the intruders


 Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search 
 that gives answers, not web links. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread Vaj

On Jun 7, 2007, at 10:45 AM, new.morning wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 Maybe so, but that doesn't explain how the Varma family came
 to know all about Guru Dev, if he was a relative unknown. It
 may be true that Guru Dev was a unknown to the general public
 but apparently he was very famous among sadhaks and devotees.

Thats is my impression from MMY's talks and the Real Thing ? bio.
That SBS was well know as a great saint -- of upanishdic stature --
many years prior to becoming S of JM.

And there is that photo of a relatively young SBS in lotus, and I
think quite a few others. That led me to obeleive that while SBS was
off in caves and mountians most of the time, he ventured into the
world periodically. Like for kums, as RW says. And perhaps other sadhu

Swami Rama, who learned Sri Vidya from SBS and where to go for  
further instruction, met him while he was still living in caves. The  
story is told in his book _Living with the Himalayalan Masters_.   
Willytex can probably post the chapter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Resolving Contradictions

2007-06-07 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Jim's view appears to be that one should not simple accept
 contradiction, but recognize it, work with it, attack it and
 struggle or playfully try to resolve it.
 In my post the other day I said 
 Contradictions abound in material Soc ..
 - Such contradictions are oftne the genesis of breakthoughs in art,
 science, techology, business and humor.
 The thought that I did not complete, which Jim's post has inspired 
 to do, is to point out that the above breakthroughs in art,
 science, techology, business and humor (Arthur Koestlers' Act of
 Creation is an excellent into to this concept, with many examples) 
 acheived by the people who are not passively resigned to accepting
 contradictions, but rather recognize it and struggle to resolve it.
 the resolution often comes through some new fusion of insight, that
 resolves the contradiction. This may also be parallel to spiritual
 insight and awakenings. Higher states may resolve the paradoxes 
 lower states. Struggling to resolve the paradox of one state may 
 the field for, ripen the fruit so to speak, for a breakthrough, 
to a
 a higher state.

Again, I couldn't say this better myself. It seems that to accept 
contradictions passively as Yes, that is the state of the world is 
to actually *deny* the contradictory state, and just cave in to one 
reality or the other. This is not accepting the contradiction. This  
is not truly living within the paradox. It is flip-flopping, taking 
the position that if my point of view doesn't fit the reality I am 
faced with, I will discard it wholesale, and accept another point of 
view. That seems a cold and detached way to spend one's spiritual 
wealth. Where is the fierceness, the committment, the love? Just 
give it up? 

To truly live within the paradox is to work with it, embrace it, 
wrestle with it like a dog with a bone, until finally it makes sense 
in day to day life. 

Try on a simple one for size, my personal fave: The world is as you 
are. Those few words express an immense contradiction; I am 
percieving the world through my senses and my sense of I as a 
world outside of myself, as separate from me, and yet, the 
expression says that exactly who I am determines what the world is, 
even that assh*le who just cut me off in traffic, or the person who 
just doesn't get it on FFL, or the person behind an unreasonable 
demand. How to reconcile this? 

Do I, on the one hand, just capitulate and say, yes, I am the 
assh*le, the clueless one, the unreasonable one, and then act as 
such, satisfied that I am whatever impinges on me, or perhaps find 
that silent space within me, and convince myself that I am Unity and 
all of those are in union with me, we are all Oneness, without 
really understanding the I, You, Us equation in each of those 
situations? And what happens when I have to confront people who 
don't fit in my world, every single day? Do I come up with some half-
baked idea that yes-they-are-me-and-I-am-them and just continue 
on, pretty much unchanged? 

Or as new morning says, and I heartily agree, do I work within 
myself to truly reconcile this expression and all it means, and 
continue to do so, until a new experiential paradigm emerges, and I 
live the reality of the expression? Yes, yes, and more yes! And then 
on to the next contradiction, the next lesson offered up to the 
hidden solution within me.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

   For someone who makes TMO status claims 
   you don't seem to be able make much sense.
 Curtis wrote:
  Me: I have made no such claims, troll.
 Well, I note that you aren't denying your 
 lack of good sense.

Me: trollish comment.

 Somehow I got the impression that you used 
 to work for the Marshy and the TMO and attended 
 TTC. If not, then what are you doing here trying 
 to tell me all about the comings-and-goings, or 
 lack thereof, of the Marshy, Charlie Lutes and
 Jerry Jarvis?

Who is this Marshy you speak of?  Is it a friend of MMY?  I am an
expert in the comings-and-goings of MMY because I once owned a black
light poster of him with the Beatles.  I also once read a Time
magazine article that had some details about the movement in 1975 or
76, I think MMY was on the cover.  So I think that qualifies me to
argue with you about the details of tapes you have obviously not heard
 of MMY giving his own account of his history without your help making
up nonsense.

 Curtis wrote:
 But for his official version that is played 
 repeatedly on his courses, we are all familiar 
 with that one so my pointing out the difference
 certainly wont bring a flurry of resistance, it 
 will just be an obvious fact that we can work 
 out together...
 Lutes' account of MMY's early days:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread Vaj

On Jun 7, 2007, at 10:04 AM, BillyG. wrote:

The prana is the vitality of the physical body and the vehicle of the
soul (jivatman) which enables it to communicate with the world, it's
not the soul per-se but the vehicle of the soul/consciousness.

When this vital energy is caught up in the senses/body it is blind to
the spiritual worlds, the key to spiritual awareness is the reversal
of these vital pranas in the vital/astral body.

The vital energies existing in the etheric body are like energies that
are in constant motion and their direction is down or towards the
senses. Pratyhara is the beginning of the reversal of this direction
much like a gradual slowing of a freight train, once the freight train
actually *stops* the breath also stops! because the breath is a
*bi-product* of prana not the prana itself.

Once the pranas start spinning clockwise (hitherto purportedly they
are spinning counter-clock wise and outward towards the senses) and
*reverse* their direction, awareness in the spiritual worlds  

not before. Remember the prana is the vehical of soul/consciousness.

Like a freight train reversing it's direction, it takes as much
'effort' and dedication to accomplish this task as well. MMY said (in
Italy) it could take a million years to reach CC (or accomplish this
task fully) unless you come to these courses .

This is an important technique and taught in many of the higher yogas  
of both Hindu and Buddhist tantra.

It is not taught in TM or the TMSP.

It's only when you cut off the karmic winds (karma-vayu) that gnostic  
energies (jnana-vayu) appear. Until then ordinary, deluded  
consciousness predominates. And it is the jnana-vayu that serves as a  
support for recognition of nonconceptual gnosis.

The Buddhist master Dolopa says of these essential points of  

Therefore, as long as delusion has not ceased it is impossible for  
the manifestation of delusion, the cycle of birth and death, to cease.

As long as the circulation of the karmic pranas has not stopped, it  
is impossible for this stream of consciousness to stop.

While the stream of mind and mental events has not stopped, it is  
also impossible for this manifestation of delusion, the three worlds,  
to stop.

Therefore, with the wish to transcend the three worlds, whose nature  
is suffering, if you abandon all distractions and meditate upon the  
profound Vajra-yoga [of bringing karmic pranas into the central  
channel], the sublime amrita from the mouth of the excellent master,  
this circulation of karmic prana and mind together will stop.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
 It would be very difficult 
 to be invisible with millions of people standing around, 
 would it not? 


[FairfieldLife] Posting Totals

2007-06-07 Thread Rick Archer
New Morning, in case you're not keeping track, you just reached 35 posts for
the week.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is an important technique and taught in many of the higher 
 of both Hindu and Buddhist tantra.
 It is not taught in TM or the TMSP. snip

It has been an automatic *result* of the TM/TMSP (and in the pathless 
path emerging from and always underlying their built-in self-
transcendence); at any rate that has been my experience. Even 
wounded, pain-filled, rebellious, critical, superior, supercilious, 
arrogant, rage-filled, hate-filled, blaming, victimized, caught-in-a-
tape-loop, stuck-in-a-rut, unable-to-listen, particles in me 
eventually have found their ultimate rest in the irresistible grace-
flow of Love initiated with TM and TMSP, and more miraculous still, 
have even found that their very *rebellion itself* is and has always 
been perfect waves of perfect expression on the immense Ocean of 
His/my Being. There has never been an error.

If you wish, you may insert/imagine the obligatory YMMV here ...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is an important technique and taught in many of the higher yogas  
 of both Hindu and Buddhist tantra.
 It is not taught in TM or the TMSP.

I'm very pleased you understand this concept as many TM'ers are poorly
educated on this subject.

Although, MMY does teach Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara and Samyama, or
the higher limbs of Yoga, it's the lower two, Yama and Niyama he
almost completely ignores due to their religious implications.

It seems to me there are many ways to achieve this reversal of
awareness as it is more a bi-product of correct meditation and there
are many types of meditation. Prana-yama (lifeforce-control) is of
course fundamental...along with what you have mentioned.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  This is an important technique and taught in many of the higher 
  of both Hindu and Buddhist tantra.
  It is not taught in TM or the TMSP. snip
 It has been an automatic *result* of the TM/TMSP (and in the pathless 
 path emerging from and always underlying their built-in self-
 transcendence); at any rate that has been my experience. 

It would be interesting if you could share your experience
here...vis-a-vis this subject of prana.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread Rory Goff

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  This is an important technique and taught in many of the higher 
  of both Hindu and Buddhist tantra.
  It is not taught in TM or the TMSP. snip

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 It has been an automatic *result* of the TM/TMSP (and in the 
 path emerging from and always underlying their built-in self-
 transcendence); at any rate that has been my experience. Even 
 wounded, pain-filled, rebellious, critical, superior, supercilious, 
 arrogant, rage-filled, hate-filled, blaming, victimized, caught-in-
 tape-loop, stuck-in-a-rut, unable-to-listen, particles in me 
 eventually have found their ultimate rest in the irresistible grace-
 flow of Love initiated with TM and TMSP, and more miraculous still, 
 have even found that their very *rebellion itself* is and has 
 been perfect waves of perfect expression on the immense Ocean of 
 His/my Being. There has never been an error.


Oh, right -- and even particles so stuck-in-a-rut that they are in 
complete denial that they *are* rage-filled, etc...!..have *also* 
found their rest in Our Being. These sometimes take a little longer 
to realize the pre-existent perfection, but what is time in the face 
of the timeless? :-)


[FairfieldLife] Mad Money UnLimited

2007-06-07 Thread Jason Spock
Exc. Bevan Morris and Exc. John Hagelin announced in their press 
conference today that the Raam Currency will be available in UNLIMITED 
quantities from Today afternoon onwards.
He also said that the first two or three years of Vedic agriculture 
might result in loss, but will be compensated in future profits.

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 

[FairfieldLife] Tornado Watch

2007-06-07 Thread Dick Mays

urgent - immediate broadcast requested
Tornado Watch number 358
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
1135 am CDT Thu Jun 7 2007

The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a
Tornado Watch for portions of

   much of central and eastern Iowa
   small part of northwest Illinois
   part of western Upper Michigan
   parts of southeastern Minnesota
   much of western and northern Wisconsin
   Lake Superior

Effective this Thursday morning and evening from 1135 am until
1000 PM CDT.

... This is a particularly dangerous situation...

Destructive tornadoes... large hail to 2.5 inches in diameter...
thunderstorm wind gusts to 80 mph... and dangerous lightning are
possible in these areas.

The Tornado Watch area is approximately along and 85 statute
miles east and west of a line from 25 miles north northeast of
Kennedy Wisconsin to 45 miles south southwest of Ottumwa Iowa.
For a complete depiction of the watch see the associated watch
outline update (wous64 kwns wou8).

Remember... a Tornado Watch means conditions are favorable for
tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch
area. Persons in these areas should be on the lookout for
threatening weather conditions and listen for later statements
and possible warnings.

Other watch information... continue... ww 357...

Discussion... very strong shear profiles in place across watch with
approach of vigorous upper trough and deep surface low. Air mass
has become strongly unstable and weakly capped. Supercell
thunderstorms will develop rapidly along W edge of watch where
moisture/instability gradient located. Potential exists for
strong/long lived tornadoes to develop by mid afternoon along with
very damaging winds.

Aviation... tornadoes and a few severe thunderstorms with hail
surface and aloft to 2.5 inches. Extreme turbulence and surface
wind gusts to 70 knots. A few cumulonimbi with maximum tops to
550. Mean storm motion vector 24050.

... Hales

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lutes' account of MMY's early days

2007-06-07 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, geezerfreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
 willytex@ wrote:
  It would be very difficult 
  to be invisible with millions of people standing around, 
  would it not? 

kaaya-ruupa-saMyamaat *tad-graahya-shakti-stambhe*
cakSuH-prakaashaasaMprayoge *'ntardhaanam* (antardhaanam).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  This is an important technique and taught in many of the higher 
  of both Hindu and Buddhist tantra.
  It is not taught in TM or the TMSP.
 I'm very pleased you understand this concept as many TM'ers are 
 educated on this subject.
 Although, MMY does teach Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara and Samyama, 
 the higher limbs of Yoga, it's the lower two, Yama and Niyama he
 almost completely ignores due to their religious implications.
 It seems to me there are many ways to achieve this reversal of
 awareness as it is more a bi-product of correct meditation and 
 are many types of meditation. Prana-yama (lifeforce-control) 

In my understanding, the most popular sandhi-vigraha for
/praaNaayaama/ is /praaNa + aayaama/.

AyAma m. stretching , extending RPra1t. Sus3r. c. ; restraining , 
restrained , stopping Mn. MBh. Bhag. c. ; expansion , length 
(either in space or time) , breadth (in mensuration) Sus3r. 
A1s3vGr2. R. Megh. c. 

is of
 course fundamental...along with what you have mentioned.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It would be interesting if you could share your experience
 here...vis-a-vis this subject of prana.

My experience has been that Prana is like the covering of the Bodily 
Light; the more it is effortlessly surrendered into the mantric grace-
flow of the Divine Teacher, the more the pre-existent radiance of the 
Eternal Clear Light shines. The Clear Light is the Mirror of 
Consciousness, and shows itself to be the binding midpoint of Love and 
Bliss. These three -- Love, Light and Laughter -- are in turn a 
particular covering of Me, the Indescribable, the Unbound/Binding/Bound 
One, delighting in the adoration of Being every particle in my 
bodymind, playing in the stories of the fields of spacetime. From this 
vantage-point the progress has always been smooth and sure; at various 
points along the way such is most definitely *not* the case, much more 
like punctuated equilibrium, if not outright Hell on Earth ... all most 
excellent stories, it turns out :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread Vaj

On Jun 7, 2007, at 1:04 PM, BillyG. wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is an important technique and taught in many of the higher  

 of both Hindu and Buddhist tantra.

 It is not taught in TM or the TMSP.

I'm very pleased you understand this concept as many TM'ers are poorly
educated on this subject.

It was an important part of my training in both the Hindu tantras but  
espcially in the Buddhist anuttara-tantras, where the original  
versions of hatha-yoga are still intact.

One of the things I appreciated about Swami Rama's version of TM  
was after mantra-diksha and the gap was experienced they were  
taught how to make the karmic-prana empty into the central channel.  
His institute really trained people to become yogis.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Does The self Fear Most?

2007-06-07 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wish I had the writing skills to do what I want to do in this 
 But, NO ONE has such skills.  
 All the scriptures of the world were written by the smartest folks
 possible, and none of them ever produced anything in text that 
 you know, pick one's soul up like a crying toddler and, just with a
 whisper or two to the intellect, free one FOREVER. 

That's prolly impossible, even theoretically, cuz what ya hafta
challenge, is /maayaa/ by /brahma/, janmaadyasya yataH!  :D


[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  This is an important technique and taught in many of the higher 
  of both Hindu and Buddhist tantra.
  It is not taught in TM or the TMSP. snip
 It has been an automatic *result* of the TM/TMSP (and in the 
 path emerging from and always underlying their built-in self-
 transcendence); at any rate that has been my experience. 

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. That there is absolutely a result 
of clearing one's perception to see life as it really is through the 
practice of TM/TMSP. Doesn't need to be taught, just held on to long 
enough for it to happen.

Perhaps some confusion arises when this process of the 
rotating/counter-rotating pranas are seen as a strictly linear 
process. In other words that the rotation of prana towards the senses 
slows down and ceases in one's life, before the counter-rotation 
begins. Which must happen experience by experience, but not 
monolithically. in other words, we can experience both states before 
the rotation towards the senses is completely exhausted for all time. 
Then they join up in blissful union anyway, so the model no longer 

Anyway I find it fun when my intuition recognizes something and you 
then explain it in depth! Fun! :-) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mad Money UnLimited

2007-06-07 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 Exc. Bevan Morris and Exc. John Hagelin announced in their 
press conference today that the Raam Currency will be available in 
UNLIMITED quantities from Today afternoon onwards.

 He also said that the first two or three years of Vedic 
agriculture might result in loss, but will be compensated in future 


Sounds to me as if they are tripping over a jyotish interpretation.:-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread Peter

--- BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The prana is the vitality of the physical body and
 the vehicle of the
 soul (jivatman) which enables it to communicate with
 the world, it's
 not the soul per-se but the vehicle of the
 When this vital energy is caught up in the
 senses/body it is blind to
 the spiritual worlds, the key to spiritual awareness
 is the reversal
 of these vital pranas in the vital/astral body.
 The vital energies existing in the etheric body are
 like energies that
 are in constant motion and their direction is down
 or towards the
 senses. Pratyhara is the beginning of the reversal
 of this direction
 much like a gradual slowing of a freight train, once
 the freight train
 actually  *stops* the breath also stops! because the
 breath is a
 *bi-product* of prana not the prana itself.
 Once the pranas start spinning clockwise (hitherto
 purportedly they
 are spinning counter-clock wise and outward towards
 the senses) and
 *reverse* their direction, awareness in the
 spiritual worlds commences,
 not before. Remember the prana is the vehical of
 Like a freight train reversing it's direction, it
 takes as much
 'effort' and dedication to accomplish this task as
 well. MMY said (in
 Italy) it could take a million years to reach CC (or
 accomplish this
 task fully) unless you come to these courses .

And this act of reversal from prana moving out to
prana moving in will be experienced as poison by the
mind. It will be boring, dull, blank, etc. The mind
will do everything in the book to continue the outward
flow of prana. Bhakti utilizes this outward flow
moving through tamasic to rajasic to sattvic forms of
devotion. Finally the sattvic flow allows a
transcendance into parabhakti; devotion outside of the
gunas-Self worshipping Self.  

 To subscribe, send a message to:
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!' 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mad Money UnLimited

2007-06-07 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock jedi_spock@ 
  Exc. Bevan Morris and Exc. John Hagelin announced in 
 press conference today that the Raam Currency will be available in 
 UNLIMITED quantities from Today afternoon onwards.
  He also said that the first two or three years of Vedic 
 agriculture might result in loss, but will be compensated in future 
 Sounds to me as if they are tripping over a jyotish 


At one time, the Global Country was saying that they were going to 
back the Raam with gold, which would certainly put a crimp in the 
ability to print currency to give away to needy people in third-world 
countries. But, since the Raam is not backed by anything, of course 
it's available in unlimited quantities! The hitch is trying to buy 
tractors, seed, etc with an imaginary currency. 

Also, since a few businesses in Holland and elsewhere accept the 
Raam, I think the lifetime of this currency is going to be real 
short, since the recipients of unlimited Raam bucks in Africa will 
just fly it up to Holland to buy whatever stuff they can from the few 
small businesses that accept the Raam, and when the Global Country is 
unable to convert these bills into hard currency for paying vendors, 
the Raam will be withdrawn from circulation.

I don't think it's too long before the dreamy and virtual efforts of 
the Global Country are going to be replaced with an agenda that could 
actually work. Things that don't work, like Communism etc, just have 
a short shelf life.

Bob Brigante 

[FairfieldLife] U of I paper on Lynch weekend

2007-06-07 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The prana is the vitality of the physical body and
  the vehicle of the
  soul (jivatman) which enables it to communicate with
  the world, it's
  not the soul per-se but the vehicle of the
  When this vital energy is caught up in the
  senses/body it is blind to
  the spiritual worlds, the key to spiritual awareness
  is the reversal
  of these vital pranas in the vital/astral body.
  The vital energies existing in the etheric body are
  like energies that
  are in constant motion and their direction is down
  or towards the
  senses. Pratyhara is the beginning of the reversal
  of this direction
  much like a gradual slowing of a freight train, once
  the freight train
  actually  *stops* the breath also stops! because the
  breath is a
  *bi-product* of prana not the prana itself.
  Once the pranas start spinning clockwise (hitherto
  purportedly they
  are spinning counter-clock wise and outward towards
  the senses) and
  *reverse* their direction, awareness in the
  spiritual worlds commences,
  not before. Remember the prana is the vehical of
  Like a freight train reversing it's direction, it
  takes as much
  'effort' and dedication to accomplish this task as
  well. MMY said (in
  Italy) it could take a million years to reach CC (or
  accomplish this
  task fully) unless you come to these courses .
 And this act of reversal from prana moving out to
 prana moving in will be experienced as poison by the
 mind. It will be boring, dull, blank, etc. The mind
 will do everything in the book to continue the outward
 flow of prana. Bhakti utilizes this outward flow
 moving through tamasic to rajasic to sattvic forms of
 devotion. Finally the sattvic flow allows a
 transcendance into parabhakti; devotion outside of the
 gunas-Self worshipping Self.  
Interestingthere are so many paths to God, I guess like MMY said
at Humbolt, All roads lead to Rome. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread Vaj

On Jun 7, 2007, at 1:10 PM, Rory Goff wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  This is an important technique and taught in many of the higher
  of both Hindu and Buddhist tantra.
  It is not taught in TM or the TMSP. snip

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It has been an automatic *result* of the TM/TMSP (and in the
 path emerging from and always underlying their built-in self-
 transcendence); at any rate that has been my experience. Even
 wounded, pain-filled, rebellious, critical, superior, supercilious,
 arrogant, rage-filled, hate-filled, blaming, victimized, caught-in-
 tape-loop, stuck-in-a-rut, unable-to-listen, particles in me
 eventually have found their ultimate rest in the irresistible grace-
 flow of Love initiated with TM and TMSP, and more miraculous still,
 have even found that their very *rebellion itself* is and has
 been perfect waves of perfect expression on the immense Ocean of
 His/my Being. There has never been an error.


Oh, right -- and even particles so stuck-in-a-rut that they are in
complete denial that they *are* rage-filled, etc...!..have *also*
found their rest in Our Being. These sometimes take a little longer
to realize the pre-existent perfection, but what is time in the face
of the timeless? :-)


That's not my experience of non-proliferation of karmic winds at all,  
although your description was very colorful.

In some practitioners of the TMSP, what yogins are finding is  
exacerbation of the karmic nadis and entrapment in non-bindu  
resolving routes. Left unresolved and not re-routed to the central  
channel the prognosis is for lifetimes of suffering, and a downward  
turn on the wheel of samsara is almost guaranteed.

Cutting off of karmic winds has a very different, if not opposite  
effect. It closes the door to downward turning incarnations and sets  
one truly free. It's real signs are unmistakable once achieved.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jun 7, 2007, at 1:10 PM, Rory Goff wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
This is an important technique and taught in many of the 
of both Hindu and Buddhist tantra.
It is not taught in TM or the TMSP. snip
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff rorygoff@
   It has been an automatic *result* of the TM/TMSP (and in the
   path emerging from and always underlying their built-in self-
   transcendence); at any rate that has been my experience. Even
   wounded, pain-filled, rebellious, critical, superior, 
   arrogant, rage-filled, hate-filled, blaming, victimized, 
   tape-loop, stuck-in-a-rut, unable-to-listen, particles in me
   eventually have found their ultimate rest in the irresistible 
   flow of Love initiated with TM and TMSP, and more miraculous 
   have even found that their very *rebellion itself* is and has
   been perfect waves of perfect expression on the immense Ocean 
   His/my Being. There has never been an error.
  Oh, right -- and even particles so stuck-in-a-rut that they are 
  complete denial that they *are* rage-filled, etc...!..have *also*
  found their rest in Our Being. These sometimes take a little 
  to realize the pre-existent perfection, but what is time in the 
  of the timeless? :-)
 That's not my experience of non-proliferation of karmic winds at 
 although your description was very colorful.
 In some practitioners of the TMSP, what yogins are finding is  
 exacerbation of the karmic nadis and entrapment in non-bindu  
 resolving routes. Left unresolved and not re-routed to the 
 channel the prognosis is for lifetimes of suffering, and a 
 turn on the wheel of samsara is almost guaranteed.
 Cutting off of karmic winds has a very different, if not opposite  
 effect. It closes the door to downward turning incarnations and 
 one truly free. It's real signs are unmistakable once achieved.

Dude, I also heard that rock and roll is the work of the DEVIL. 
Ooh. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritually hot in FF, Karunamayi this Month

2007-06-07 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Lady Saint from India,
Visits FF for the 8th year

FW: paste
Sri Karunamayi in Iowa
June 18 - 21, 2007
Amma is the living embodiment of the infinite wisdom, love and 
compassion of Divine Mother. Her mission is one of universal peace 
and the spiritual elevation of humanity. 
Monday, June 18 7 pm Spiritual Discourse/Blessings
Roberts Hall, Route 1 South, Keosauqua, IA
All are invited to experience Amma's inspirational message and 
receive her blessings. 
Tuesday, June 19 9 am – 12 pm  Individual Blessings
Roberts Hall, Route 1 South, Keosauqua, IA
This program provides an opportunity to have a private audience with 
Sri Karunamayi and to seek her guidance and blessings. For more 
Wednesday, June 208 am - 6 pmOne Day Silent Retreat
Roberts Hall, Route 1 South, Keosauqua, IA
Amma's Silent Meditation Retreats provide a precious opportunity for 
those who want to deepen their spiritual practice in the presence of 
the Divine Mother. The silent retreat atmosphere allows one to be 
spiritually nourished with Amma's love and blessings through 
meditations and divine discourses. For more information 
Thursday, June 219 am – 1 pmHoma – Vedic Fire Ceremony
Aurora Farm, 2309 Kale Blvd., Fairfield, IA
A Homa is a sacred ceremony in which oblations are offered through 
the medium of fire according to Vedic scriptural injunctions while 
special mantras are recited. They are performed for the benefit of 
the entire world as well as the participants. Amma has stated that 
these ceremonies purify the earth's atmosphere, uplift the community 
and contribute to the health and prosperity of the individual. For 
more information: http://www.karunamayi.org/tour/HomaPrograms.shtml
For more information visit www.karunamayi.org or call 641-472-8422
All programs are free of charge except the retreat.
Please forward this email and share the news of Sri Karunamayi's 
visit to Iowa. Thank you.  end paste

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: FW: SOBERING

2007-06-07 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Don't me looking to the republicans for any help on this one- illegal 
immigration is policy for them. Possibly more so than the dems. 
Especially the bushies!:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's not my experience of non-proliferation of karmic winds at 
 although your description was very colorful.

Thank you. I did not go into detail yet again on early experiences of 
refinement/cessation of breath and the absorption into the rapture of 
the kundalini-flow up the sushumna through its chakras and into the 
spherical golden-light-body, and of the later dissolution of this Solar 
Witness into THAT, the Great Immensity, and so on, because I believe 
I've said it all before, and you apparently continue to discount it, or 
insist it's not possible through the TM  TMSP program -- perhaps 
because I have not, 30 years after the fact, recalled or related every 
infinitesimal stage like water-into-smoke or whatever that your 
currently-adopted tradition holds to be of utmost importance as 
a criterion for Awakening...?  

Of course, the biggest joke is, we only truly Awaken when we realize 
there *are* no criteria, no experiences, no stages, no *anything* that 
can get us from Here to Here! :-)

If you have found TM/TMSP to be of no value in your Awakening, well and 
good; I wish you all the best; your path is perfect and all paths lead 
back to Me for those with the courage to follow the Self Alone, but I 
will yet again point out that your particular experience or 
interpretation of TM/TMSP, while certainly valid for you in this 
moment, is not universal.
 In some practitioners of the TMSP, 

I wonder how many?

 what yogins are finding is  
 exacerbation of the karmic nadis and entrapment in non-bindu  
 resolving routes. Left unresolved and not re-routed to the central  
 channel the prognosis is for lifetimes of suffering, and a downward  
 turn on the wheel of samsara is almost guaranteed.

I can almost guarantee that *anyone* who's afraid of downward turns on 
the wheel of samsara will certainly undergo them! More of Me to Love, 
and all THAT. :-) I'm familiar with Joan Shivarpita Harrigan's 
Kundalini Vidya and her models of unsuccessful risings. I like her 
general outlay of subtle anatomy, and I'm sure she offers a wonderful 
service, but the nonculminating rising has certainly not been my 

This is not to say the TMO and its TM practitioners could not benefit 
from incorporating a good deal more awareness of the Kundalini process. 
I suspect we all bring our own issues to our own birth. Some births are 
messy, some are not. Blockages certainly occur, and can often be 
resolved through breath, easy attention, etc. On the other hand, I 
suspect too much attention on the Kundalini-process itself could also 
be inimical to one's true Awakening, as its presence or absence can be 
used as yet another criterion to deny the eternal perfection of the 
present, and for me at least, the conventionally understood Kundalini 
rising into the Golden Soul -- while unimaginably powerful, blissful, 
clear, etc -- was at most but a midway station, and perhaps not 
necessary for all -- to actual Awakening into THAT, compared to which 
it was but a candle in the Sun.

I like much of what Joan S. Harrigan says, although we differ quite 
emphatically on the placement and function of the Hrit padma. The 
scriptures cited in Shyam Sundar Goswami's Layayoga agree far more 
closely with my own experience and Understanding on that -- which I 
find has been central to the understanding of the true relationship of 
Shiva and Shakti, as well as to the understanding of the 1 and the 12, 
the unfoldment of the 27 bodies of consciousness and so on. 

 Cutting off of karmic winds has a very different, if not opposite  
 effect. It closes the door to downward turning incarnations and sets  
 one truly free. It's real signs are unmistakable once achieved.

Yes, *its* real signs are indeed unmistakable once realized; the Self 
alone recognizes the Self. Oddly enough, no one else does, I find :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Great ghastly logos of all time

2007-06-07 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, uns_tressor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 But they left out the picture of the Instituto de Estudos Orienta
 logo, a pagoda behind a setting sun. here it is:
 Can this be bettered?

No, it cannot.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mad Money UnLimited

2007-06-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 7, 2007, at 4:08 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

At one time, the Global Country was saying that they were going to
back the Raam with gold, which would certainly put a crimp in the
ability to print currency to give away to needy people in third-world
countries. But, since the Raam is not backed by anything, of course
it's available in unlimited quantities!

It's backed with consciousness, Bob.

The hitch is trying to buy
tractors, seed, etc with an imaginary currency.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: FW: SOBERING

2007-06-07 Thread bob_brigante


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Subject: Fw: SOBERING
 Interesting, and this is only one State,   Look around your 
neighborhood and
 your state.
 ...If this doesn't open your eyes nothing will! 
 From the L.A. Times 
  1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County ( L.A. County has 10.2 
million people)
 are working for   cash and not paying taxes. This is because 
they are
 predominantly illegal immigrants 
working without a green card. 
  2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal 
  3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are 
illegal aliens 
  4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal 
 Mexicans on 
  Medi-Cal , whose births were paid for by taxpayers. 
  5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are 
  nationals here illegally. 
  6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in 
  7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are 
most likely 
  illegal aliens from south of the border. 
  8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal. 
  9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking. 
  10. In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million 
   (There are 10.2 million people in L.A. County ). 
   ;(All of the above are from the Los Angeles Times) 
 Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on
 Over 70% of the United States ' annual population growth 
 (and over 90% of California , Florida , and New York ) 
 results from immigration. 
 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens. 
 We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue. 
 Send copies of this letter to at least two other people ...  100 
would be
 even better.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Reversal of Subtle Pranas

2007-06-07 Thread emptybill
In some practitioners of the TMSP, what yogins are finding is 
exacerbation of the karmic nadis and entrapment in non-bindu 
resolving routes. Left unresolved and not re-routed to the central 
channel the prognosis is for lifetimes of suffering, and a downward 
turn on the wheel of samsara is almost guaranteed.

Perhaps I'm confused. Who are these yogins you are talking about – 
the SP practitioners themselves or some other practitioner (of 
something or other)?

It was an important part of my training in both the Hindu tantras 
but especially in the Buddhist anuttara-tantras, where the original 
versions of hatha-yoga are still intact. 

So you and BillyG are attempting to meta-critique TM and TMSP using 
nadi-prana theory from ascending/descending prana-yogas, one Buddhist 
and one Hindu?

One of the things I appreciated about Swami Rama's version of TM 
was after mantra-diksha and the gap was experienced they were 
taught how to make the karmic-prana empty into the central channel. 
His institute really trained people to become yogis.

Perhaps what I'm really missing is why you are using extra-contextual 
theories without establishing their proper role relative to TM/TMSP 
or even that these various theories/practices have any relevance to 
our common experience in TM practice?

Nadi-Prana yogas and the central channel are described as special 
practices for developing specific results. They are not considered 
necessary for generating profound realizations nor are they 
universally sponsored by most practice lineages in Buddhism, much 
less Hinduism. The language of the gap you are using here is one 
way to describe an experience of the indivisible matrix of mind – 
also know as the four parts without three. However, gap language is 
not really used to indicate transcendence during TM style 
meditations, as you seem to be doing. 

So what gives?

Since I'm new to the forum, I may have just missed the clarifying 
insights you presented in former days about these ideas. On the other 
hand, I did read some of your posts in the past and if my memory 
serves, you seem to be a vajrayana triumphalist. I could be wrong of 
course, and if so, no doubt you'll correct me in some generous and 
splendid manner!

Being a broken, old man, all of it could just be my dim memory. 
Toothless and bent over, tottering from one step to the other, I'm 
afraid I can't even find my way when I'm sitting down. Help me Obewan!

Now, staring at the blue glow from the monitor in the next room, I 
finally realize it is not really the moon. Didn't your Buddha warn 
you about shouting out your closed-fist teachings around people like 

[FairfieldLife] Wireless recharging

2007-06-07 Thread bob_brigante
today's WSJ:

Scientists Demonstrate
Wireless Electricity

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- A 60-watt light bulb that glows even though it's 
not wired to any power source could pave the way for wireless 
recharging of cellphone batteries and operation of mobile robots, 
scientists reported.

A team of Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers reported 
in Science Express, the online publication of the journal Science, 
that they had demonstrated wireless transmission of electric power by 
magnetically coupled resonators. They dubbed their 
technology WiTricity for wireless electricity.

Marin Soljacic, the physics professor who led the team, said that the 
technology is sufficiently proved that now is a good time to start 
thinking about commercializing it. He said that while further 
development is needed to improve efficiency, he thinks commercial 
products could be on a sale in a few years, if you started working 
very seriously. He said MIT would handle licensing of the technology.

While wireless transmission of electricity over radio waves is well 
known, it is very inefficient because most of the power is dissipated 
in directions other than the device that needs the power. Mr. 
Soljacic's team theorized that two copper coils tuned to resonate in 
identical magnetic fields would assure that the power was used only 
where it was needed.

Physicists know that resonant objects interact only with objects on 
the same resonance. For example, when an opera singer holds a note in 
a room filled with wine glasses filled to different levels, only one 
glass, which resonates with that note, is likely to shatter.

The researcher's technology uses a copper coil, attached to a power 
outlet to transmit electro-magnetic waves at set frequencies. A 
receiving coil attached to the base of the light bulb, can receive 
the power for a distance up to seven feet, making it appropriate for 

Mr. Soljacic, a 33-year-old who came to MIT after graduating from 
high school in his native Croatia, said he thinks manufacturers could 
include such coils in battery-powered devices such as laptop 
computers to make automated, wireless recharging possible.

He said he started considering the problem several years ago because 
he kept being awakened in the night by the sound of his cellphone 
beeping because its battery was getting low and he had forgotten to 
put it on its charger.

The technology doesn't work over long distances, but it functions 
well within average sized rooms in homes, he said. That might make it 
possible to build wireless devices that don't require batteries. He 
noted that many devices such as robot vacuum cleaners and laptop 
computers run on less energy than the light bulb his team lit up.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reversal of subtle pranas key to transcending...

2007-06-07 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rory Goff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, *its* real signs are indeed unmistakable once realized; the 
 alone recognizes the Self. Oddly enough, no one else does, I find :-)

Great expression, though I'd like to add that the awakened hearts of 
others who don't participate actively in any spiritual practice or 
meditation also find the Self friendly and blissful and attractive and 
happy, without necessarily knowing what it is that they are reacting 