[FairfieldLife] Re: What happens to the Guru when they give shaktipat

2007-08-30 Thread Ron
I am the wrong guy to comment, I am not giving shatipat. Mother Meera sees 1000 
each weekend ( my details may be off). In one of her books I remember she said 
I am not a 
Guru. Mother Meera labels it her system of Dharshan. I attended it - it is 
about maybe 30 
seconds each person, first she looks in your  eyes, then touches your head.

Somewhere in one of the publications, it is explained by Mother Meera what is 
taking place 
in the process. As I recall, when she looks in your eyes, she sees the soul, 
when she 
toches your head, she is untieing these knots- seems to be connected with what 
MMY was 
describing with the fine tube - 100 times thinner than a human hair

Never been hugged by Amma.

Because I have taken the shaktipat from my Guru, I would agree with the 
comment- it is 
very rare for a Guru to be giving shatipat like this. It is coming from zero 
point balance, it 
will either aide in the awakening of Kundalni or balance those in the midst of 
a kundalini 
awakening. Energy work ( shaktipat session) by my Guru can last maybe 1-2 hours.

While I am at it, there is not doership for the enlightened- so there is not 
going to be 
recycleing energy or attempting anything. They explain there is no one to do 
this, no one 
to try to have their husband understand something. It simple IS, then life 

It is explained as consciousness knows what to do. I can say I relate to this 
very much and 
this statement ties in very much with being in the present moment. In saying 
consciousness knows what to do, I experience this to some degree. hard to 


 There are absolutely no Guru's who give hands on energy work –
 H. Amma has hugged 20-something million people so far.
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 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.10/977 - Release Date: 8/28/2007
 4:29 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Fairfield and Fairfield Life Could Bec

2007-08-30 Thread cardemaister
--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 Jim Flanegin writes snipped:
 --he needs to be able to discriminate 
 between reality and non-reality, regardless of how he expresses or 
 doesn't express this ability. I am not a fan of overblown 
 intellectual or academic arguments. A piercing intellect in an 
 enlightened state need never be obviously expressed-- it just is.:-
 Tom T:
 Patanjali final vs (55) of Chapter 3 
 When the translucent intellect is as clear as the Self. There is

sattva-puruSayoH shuddhi-saamye kaivalyam

In purity-equality(shuddhi-saamye; locative singular)
of sattva[and]puruSa (sattva-puruSayoH; genitive dual)
kaivalya (kaivalyam).

kaivalya n. (fr. %{ke4vala}) , isolation Va1m. ; absolute unity 
Veda7ntas. BhP. ; perfect isolation , abstraction , detachment from 
all other connections , detachment of the soul from matter or 
further transmigrations , beatitude MBh. KapS. Sa1m2khyak. c. ; for 
%{vaikalya} Ra1jat. vii , 1149 ; (mf(%{A})n.) leading to eternal 
happiness or emancipation MBh. xiii , 1101. 

'kaivalya' is derived from 'kevala':

kevala m. (nom. pl. %{e} RV. x , 51 , 9) f. (%{I} RV. x , 73 , 6 AV. 
S3Br. ; %{A} Mn. c. see Pa1n2. 4-1 , 30)n. (in comp. Pa1n2. 2-1 , 
49) exclusively one's own (not common to others) RV. AV. ; alone , 
only , mere , sole , one , excluding others RV. AV. TS. c. ; not 
connected with anything else , isolated , abstract , absolute 
[310,1] ; simple , pure , uncompounded , unmingled S3Br. c. ; 
entire , whole , all Mn. MBh. c. ; selfish , envious L. ;  

[FairfieldLife] Response to Kalki post and new sadaka report

2007-08-30 Thread Ron
Namaste GuruJi and Group, 


Another posting from the same kalki member: 
From the 2 people I know who had taken the leyham during the 21 day process it 
was a lot of being sick and having it come out both ends. One of the fellows 
had wonderful 
experiences and does so still 2 years later after the leyham wore off. 

0- well taking something that is making one purge and retch simply doesn't 
make sense. 

* The other fellow has increasing enjoyment in his life but still has obvious 
challenges, but 
dont remember him reporting much flash...But then again flash is not what 
waking up is 

0- it has nothing to do with flash. 

* As for me you can read my post from a few days ago, or read Arjuna Ardagh's 
into Oneness. Some of my on going experiences I discussed recently with my 
guru, Shree 
and her instruction was to continue to go inside and not to talk much about it. 

0- this can be understood if it becomes an ego draw. 

* Form your own conclusions but base them on your own experience and not 

0- one starts with what has been heard as am certainly not going to go and take 
one of their courses to figure out what is taking place there. Am not that 
but would like to find out being that am having some come here after having 

Maha Shanti OM 

Report from a new sadaka with commentary by Swami G:

 Namaste everyone,
Namaste - 

 It's hard to believe that I met Swami G just nine days ago (Monday,
 August 20th, 2007). It feels like it has been a lot longer than that.
 My concepts of time seem to be dissolving and changing—which is a good

0- one can get in a time warp that's for sure. 

 First let me say that I sincerely appreciate the fact that I met Swami
 G and that I found this online community. I've been catching up with
 all of the dialogue that has, and is, taking place here, and it's
 great to know that I have somewhere to go and interact with people who
 are going through and focused on working on the same thing. It has
 been really eye opening and very helpful—enlightening!

0- am glad you are benefiting from the online community. 

 I've been going through a long and intense period of change for the
 past 3 years, and especially for the past 6 months. I contacted Swami
 G because I could feel that something significant was about to happen
 and I figured that I could use some extra help and guidance. And sure
 enough, she has provided just that.

0- it's good that progress is being made. 

 I've had two sessions of bodywork done so far, and I can tell that it
 has been doing me some good. First of all, it has allowed me to gain
 confidence in Swami G as a person and as a Guru. The talks that I've
 had with her have also helped do this. 

0- you are welcome to have darshan and satsang anytime. 

 I've also noticed that I'm not able to dwell on, or get caught up in,
 my thoughts and thought patterns. This skill is something that I have
 been working on intensely for months now, but since I have been
 working with Swami G and the practices that she has given me, I have
 noticed a definite increase in my ability keep letting go everything,
 over and over again. And not just the easy stuff, either—I'm talking
 about everything and anything. And this seems to be the most major
 thing that is going on right now. It hasn't been easy, but it hasn't
 been that hard, either. And it hasn't been hard because Sri Kundalini
 and I have been slicing and dicing anything that's hard into
 pieces—into Consciousness—with awareness. 

0- most excellent - this will continue to increase with more and more 
falling away the further you go. 

 I've improved on the pranayama exercise as well. Being able to
 determine which nostril my breath is moving in and out of, and which
 one it isn't, wasn't very easy at first. But I've finally gotten the
 hang of it. I've turned it into a game. I haven't been able to notice
 if my breath gets evened out on both sides or not yet, but I'm sure
 that will happen soon enough. I've also found that bringing my
 awareness to my nostrils is a powerful centering technique for both my
 mind, and my eyes [I say my eyes because they have been moving around
 a lot during meditation, lately]. 

0- this will adjust and get better as time goes. 

 I can't say that I've been practicing the mantra diligently. Not in
 the way that I was instructed, anyway. I've been practicing Om Namah
 Shivaya for so long that I AM THAT just isn't working yet. What I've
 been doing instead is practicing the same technique with Om Namah
 Shivaya. In other words, I've replaced I AM THAT with Om Namah
 Shivaya for both the closed eyed and opened eyed practice—and I have
 been making sure that I make it resonate in the chest/heart area, as
 well—this I have been doing diligently.

0- ok - if this is working it's fine. 

 Note to Swami G: I think that you told me that this was OK for me to do.

 I've also been 

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Michael Dean Goodman
 Rick Archer wrote:

 It seems that no matter how clearly someone relates an experience,
 you misunderstand it.  Michael just related the time Muktananda
 visited MMY, and at one point in the evening, sat next to MMY on
 his couch and hugged him.  Hundreds of people were there and it was
 videotaped. I saw the tape myself. Re-read what Michael wrote –
 several times – and maybe it'll become clearer.

Richard, Rick is correct in what he says here to you.  I am clear with
my words, and said exactly what I meant to say in my telling of the
story of the meeting of Maharishi and Swami Muktananda.  Your extrapo-
lation of my words, bending them into something very different, is in-
deed strange!  Please CAREFULLY re-read what I wrote.

Richard, I've never said anything remotely like what you've repeated-
ly attributed to me.  I've let it pass for days, thinking that you'd
drop it, but you continue to repeat your bizarre interpretation of my
story, and to plaster my name along with it - so you've inspired this
note.  I'll correct your errors below.

 Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] replied:

 But according to Mr. Goodman, he never once,
 despite having spent years in the upper echelons
 of the TMO, and countless hours in the presence
 of the Marshy, never once saw anyone wrap the
 Marshy in a hug, sit down next to him, or snuggle
 up against the Marshy, but you and the others are
 convinced that the Marshy took to bed countless
 female students over a number of years for the
 purpose of sexual gratification.

 Rick Archer wrote:

 It's clear from Michael's account that Muktananda hugged him as a
 fellow yogi.

Richard, Rick is mostly correct - although I'd say he hugged him as a
'force of nature', as a 'cosmic polarity', rather than simply as 'an-
other yogi'.  The main point is that I didn't even remotely hint at any
kind of mundane, individual sexual energy in that scene.  Cosmic 'sex-
ual energy' - yes, in the sense of the cosmic duality of silence and
activity, Shiva and Shakti, yin and yang, fullness moves, emptiness

 Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] replied:

 So, who are you going to believe, Rick - Michael Dean
 Goodman and dozens of others, who spent years with
 the Marshy, in his room or outside his door, who all
 said they never saw Marshy hug anyone, or one or two
 disgruntled back-sliders who said they saw Marshy
 hug many female students?
 In your case, you obviously believe the few disgruntled.

I've never claimed to have ...spent years with the Marshy, in his room
or outside his door.  Richard, you just MADE THAT UP!!!

I was too busy working at my job on International Staff, or on my assign-
ments on projects out in the world, or diving deep within on courses.  I
have no direct perceptual knowledge of what Maharishi did in his room -
one way or the other.  [I am not supporting what Rick claims to have
been told - just saying that I wasn't in a position to personally know.
Very few people were.]

I never said that I never once saw anyone wrap the Marshy in a hug, sit
down next to him, or snuggle up against the Marshy in the vastly expand-
ed way that you've chosen to interpret it.  My meaning was clear: in lec-
ture halls or group meetings, in the places where I and most people saw
Maharishi, whether live or on videotape, in those thousands of hours that
most of us could witness Maharishi's behavior, I don't remember ever see-
ing anyone sit down next to Maharishi, or touch him, or hug him.  Again,
I wasn't privy to what Maharishi did in private, and I made no comment

I call Maharishi by the name he uses to speak of himself.  This is com-
mon courtesy.  To change someone's name (to shorten it, make it 'cutesy',
or whatever - as in 'The Marshy') is usually the mark of strongly-gripped
individual ego - either to show off, or to appear more intimate than we
actually are, or to put someone down, or to express anger in a childish
way.  Maharishi is my Master; for me, he delivered; I'm delighted with
where he's guided me.  I don't want my name and words to be associated
with strange, disrespectful versions of his name, like you've invented.

It would be like my calling you (Richard Williams) 'the Rich/hard [boy
who] Wills yams', or 'Willytex', or any such nonsense, over and over,
just to show off how clever my individual intellect is at word-play or
at disrespecting you.  I could demean you in that way to score a few
ego points - but what a waste of human intellect and heart!

In conclusion, please stop twisting my words - and using my name -
to make some point that is important to you.  And please stop as-
sociating me with your disrespectful word games.  I resent being
used!  At least without consent.  ;)



Michael Dean Goodman, Ph.D.
The PremYoga Center, Co-Director
PARA - The Center for Realization, Director
The Relationship Institute, Director

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lahiri Mahasaya on CC

2007-08-30 Thread Vaj

On Aug 29, 2007, at 10:19 PM, tertonzeno wrote:

b. that Yogananda taught a modified form of Kriya yoga,
not the original.

Interesting that's essentially what I heard, that it was at least a  
reduced set of kriyas.

The friend who decided to get initated into kriya-yoga was somewhat  
surprised at the time because he had read Autobiography of a Yogi  
years before but when he went to learn there were already a number of  
competing factions with competing claims.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Remembering the Life of Mahatma Gandhi'

2007-08-30 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 8/29/07 6:37:05 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

I heard  that Gandhi in his philosophy of passifism once commented 
that the jew of  Germany should have sat quietly in silent protest 
while Hilter  exterminated them. Has anyone else heard anything about 

Should have? Isn't that what they did?Thus the saying *never  again*.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at 

[FairfieldLife] 'Where Have All the $Billions$ Gone? Long Time Passing...'

2007-08-30 Thread Robert
Bush Wants $50 Billion More for Iraq War  Planned Request Signals Confidence 
That Congress Won't Prevail on PulloutBy Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 29, 2007; Page A01   President Bush plans to ask Congress 
next month for up to $50 billion in additional funding for the war in Iraq, a 
White House official said yesterday, a move that appears to reflect increasing 
administration confidence that it can fend off congressional calls for a rapid 
drawdown of U.S. forces.
  The request -- which would come on top of about $460 billion in the fiscal 
2008 defense budget and $147 billion in a pending supplemental bill to fund the 
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq -- is expected to be announced after congressional 
hearings scheduled for mid-September featuring the two top U.S. officials in 
Iraq. Army Gen. David H. Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker will assess 
the state of the war and the effect of the new strategy the U.S. military has 
pursued this year.
 Play Video 
  VIDEO | President Bush discusses the war in Iraq and the war on terror during 
his speech to the American Legion convention in Reno, Nev.
   var technorati = new Technorati() ; 
 ; technorati.article = new item('Bush Wants $50 Billion More for Iraq 
 Bush plans to ask Congress next month for up to $50 billion in additional 
funding for the war in Iraq, a White House official said yesterday, a move that 
appears to reflect increasing administration confidence that it can fend off 
congressional calls for a rapid drawdown of U.S. forces.','Thomas E. Ricks') ;  
   document.write( technorati.getDisplaySidebar() );  
Save  Share Article  What's This?  Digg






  The request is being prepared now in the belief that Congress will be 
unlikely to balk so soon after hearing the two officials argue that there are 
promising developments in Iraq but that they need more time to solidify the 
progress they have made, a congressional aide said.
  Most of the additional funding in a revised supplemental bill would pay for 
the current counteroffensive in Iraq, which has expanded the U.S. force there 
by about 28,000 troops, to about 160,000. The cost of the buildup was not 
included in the proposed 2008 budget because Pentagon officials said they did 
not know how long the troop increase would last. The decision to seek about $50 
billion more appears to reflect the view in the administration that the 
counteroffensive will last into the spring of 2008 and will not be shortened by 
  Some consideration is being given to trimming the new request by a few 
billion dollars, the White House official said. But, he added, this is pretty 
close to a done deal. Almost all the spending is relatively noncontroversial, 
he added, with the vast majority of it necessary just to keep the U.S. military 
operating in Iraq. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity 
because he is not authorized to talk to reporters, said that the supplemental 
requests are likely to be rolled together and considered as one package.
  The revised supplemental would total about $200 billion, indicating that the 
cost of the war in Iraq now exceeds $3 billion a week. The bill also covers the 
far smaller costs of the war in Afghanistan. The Pentagon said recently that 
the cost of the Iraq war has surpassed $330 billion, while the war in 
Afghanistan has cost $78 billion.
  We have said previously that after General Petraeus reports, we will be 
evaluating what adjustments may need to be made to our pending [fiscal 2008] 
supplemental request, which was sent up in February with the rest of the 
budget, White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said last night. I'm going to 
decline to speculate on this, as General Petraeus has not testified. Nor have 
any decisions been made at this stage about whether, when or what specific 
changes could be made.
  A House Appropriations Committee aide said that an additional White House 
spending request has been anticipated but that it was expected to be far 
smaller, perhaps about $30 billion. We haven't seen the details, but we'll 
give it the scrutiny it deserves, said Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senate 
Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.). It's long past time for giving blank 
checks to the administration.
  Despite widespread media anticipation of next month's Iraq hearings, Pentagon 
insiders say they do not expect them to result in any major changes in military 
strategy. The sessions are expected to occur the week of Sept. 10, with 
Petraeus and Crocker appearing before a total of four committees in the House 
and Senate.
  I don't see any 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What happens to the Guru when they give shaktipat

2007-08-30 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While I am at it, there is not doership for the enlightened- so 
there is not going to be 
 recycleing energy or attempting anything. They explain there is no 
one to do this, no one 
 to try to have their husband understand something. It simple IS, 
then life flows.

This sounds confused. The entire Universe acts as the agency of the 
Divine, and therefore we can conclude that nothing ever happens. 

However, in terms of localized phenomenon as absorbed by the senses, 
stuff very much *does* happen. So, on the one hand you speak of the 
subjective expeience of the enlightened, and on the other the 
perception of localized phenomenon. But someone, either you or your 
guru, is scrambling the two up.

So trying to say that the outcome of localized events is not 
dependent on desire and karma is just sowing confusion in the minds 
of those who don't have the subjective experience of enlightement, 
and of no help whatsoever. Maharishi talks about this in the Gita. 
Perhaps your guru and the enlightened one who's husband can't 
understand her need to read his words and clear up their thinking.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Dean Goodman

 My meaning was clear: in lecture halls or group meetings, in
 the places where I and most people saw Maharishi, whether live
 or on videotape, in those thousands of hours that most of us
 could witness Maharishi's behavior, I don't remember ever seeing
 anyone sit down next to Maharishi, or touch him, or hug him.  
 Again, I wasn't privy to what Maharishi did in private, and I
 made no comment on that.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk Quota - Now New Orleans

2007-08-30 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016
 When he resurfaced recently, I hoped he would update us on life for
him, his family and 
 friends in NOLA,  24 months after the levees broke. Maybe he'll
resurface, for a thoughtful
 post on the topic. I remember his optimism about 6 or 8 months ago.
 I hope things are 
 getting better there for all. 
Till we hear from Kirk, here's a good summary of what it's like in New
Orleans:  http://docbrite.livejournal.com/2007/08/29/

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
Dr. Peter Sutphen wrote:
 Don't stop now, babycakes.
So, it has been established that both the Marshy and 
the Mukta were reprobates in a conspiracy to seduce 
their female students and then tried to cover it up. 

And it has been established that the Marshy and the 
Mukta actualy met in public and congratulated each 
other in their deceptions and profligacy in a public 
display with a bear hug in front of numerous sexually 
assaulted females. 

What a farce!

And it has been established that numerous male 
students were Marshy's primary recruiters. And it has 
been established that said recruiters for years sought 
to withhold this information and even to this day are 
in a state of denial. 

So, the so-called personal secretaries were in fact 
Marshy ENABLERS who decieved the poor students under 
the pretence of spirituality, and charged them money 
for non-sense gibberrish syllables, fraudulent claims 
of obtaining enlightenment in 5-7 years, and claims 
of levitation and the abilty to fly through the air.

And again, to this day, there are individuals high up 
in the TMO who post here and will not be truthful about 
these issues or be honest about their enabling activities. 

And the moderator of a spiritual forum won't answer my 
simple question of What happened to all the money. 

But I'm the delusional one. Go figure.

And to think, that one informer has the gall to add the 
status claim of Tantra Counselor to his title and the 
other calls himself a Doctor and another miscreant
claims to be studying to be an Tantric Acharya who
teaches Power Touch Yoga. 

This is just outrageous!

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 10:18 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda


And the moderator of a spiritual forum won't answer my 
simple question of What happened to all the money. 

I think Dr. Pete and Michael Goodman used it to start a dog fighting ring in
Boca Raton. But seriously, what money are you asking about?


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Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.12/979 - Release Date: 8/29/2007
8:21 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
 And the moderator of a spiritual forum won't answer 
 my simple question of What happened to all the money. 

Rick Archer wrote: 
 But seriously, what money are you asking about?
All the money collected by the TMO enablers since 1956.

Other questions: 

How much TMO money has been sent to India to the Marshy's 

And what recompense has been given to the victims since 
the alleged events occurred?

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
And the moderator of a spiritual forum won't answer my
simple question of What happened to all the money

Me:(acting a bit trollish)
If Rick would just accept his omniscient status conferred by his being
a moderator it would solve a lot of problems here.  Just the other day
I asked him where I put my car keys and he played dumb like he didn't
know!  Outrageous! Go figure!

Troll again:
But I'm the delusional one. Go figure.

Me: (now on full blown troll mode)
Not delusional exactly, although you may well be that too.  It is more
that your posts rarely connect in a way that makes sense to this
reader.  The closest thing to the communication style you exhibit is
guy before he gets ejected from the bar.  One confrontational non
sequitur follows another.  When I read your posts I imagine you like this:


Now you may be a teetotaler and never drink for all I know.  But if I
were you I would go with the I was totally wasted when I wrote that
over the alternative, I am completely sober but completely unhinged.

Oh yeah and even for guys like me who enjoy goofing on MMY, the
Marshy routine is soo over.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 Dr. Peter Sutphen wrote:
  Don't stop now, babycakes.
 So, it has been established that both the Marshy and 
 the Mukta were reprobates in a conspiracy to seduce 
 their female students and then tried to cover it up. 
 And it has been established that the Marshy and the 
 Mukta actualy met in public and congratulated each 
 other in their deceptions and profligacy in a public 
 display with a bear hug in front of numerous sexually 
 assaulted females. 
 What a farce!
 And it has been established that numerous male 
 students were Marshy's primary recruiters. And it has 
 been established that said recruiters for years sought 
 to withhold this information and even to this day are 
 in a state of denial. 
 So, the so-called personal secretaries were in fact 
 Marshy ENABLERS who decieved the poor students under 
 the pretence of spirituality, and charged them money 
 for non-sense gibberrish syllables, fraudulent claims 
 of obtaining enlightenment in 5-7 years, and claims 
 of levitation and the abilty to fly through the air.
 And again, to this day, there are individuals high up 
 in the TMO who post here and will not be truthful about 
 these issues or be honest about their enabling activities. 
 And the moderator of a spiritual forum won't answer my 
 simple question of What happened to all the money. 
 But I'm the delusional one. Go figure.
 And to think, that one informer has the gall to add the 
 status claim of Tantra Counselor to his title and the 
 other calls himself a Doctor and another miscreant
 claims to be studying to be an Tantric Acharya who
 teaches Power Touch Yoga. 
 This is just outrageous!

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 11:11 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda


 And the moderator of a spiritual forum won't answer 
 my simple question of What happened to all the money. 

Rick Archer wrote: 
 But seriously, what money are you asking about?
All the money collected by the TMO enablers since 1956.

Other questions: 

How much TMO money has been sent to India to the Marshy's 

It would be interesting to know this Richard, but as Curtis pointed out, I
am not omniscient.

And what recompense has been given to the victims since 
the alleged events occurred?

Not sure what you’re talking about here.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.12/979 - Release Date: 8/29/2007
8:21 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 And the moderator of a spiritual forum won't answer my
 simple question of What happened to all the money
 Me:(acting a bit trollish)
 If Rick would just accept his omniscient status conferred by his being
 a moderator it would solve a lot of problems here.  Just the other day
 I asked him where I put my car keys and he played dumb like he didn't
 know!  Outrageous! Go figure!
 Troll again:
 But I'm the delusional one. Go figure.
 Me: (now on full blown troll mode)
 Not delusional exactly, although you may well be that too.  It is more
 that your posts rarely connect in a way that makes sense to this
 reader.  The closest thing to the communication style you exhibit is
 guy before he gets ejected from the bar.  One confrontational non
 sequitur follows another.  When I read your posts I imagine you like
 Now you may be a teetotaler and never drink for all I know.  But if I
 were you I would go with the I was totally wasted when I wrote that
 over the alternative, I am completely sober but completely unhinged.
 Oh yeah and even for guys like me who enjoy goofing on MMY, the
 Marshy routine is soo over.

You gotta love FFL with posts like this, my laugh for the day!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
Michael Dean Goodman wrote:
 I resent being used!
So, Dr. Goodman, you think that a visit by the Mukta, a 
known profligate, with the Marshy, a known sexual pervert, 
was an inspirational experience, yet, if what Rick and 
the others allege is true, would be a travesty of the 
spiritual life - a disgrace. A congratualtory bear hug
by two of the most infamous sexual deviates in the history 
of the enlightenment tradition. Someone is lying, fer sure!

But, Michael, why do you call yourself a Governor?

 International Governor, World Government of the Age 
 of Enlightenment

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
 And what recompense has been given to the victims 
 since the alleged events occurred?

Rick Archer wrote: 
 Not sure what you're talking about here.
Has the Marshy anyone ever offered to help in the 
rehabilitation of the women who suffered from the 
sexual predations of the Marshy or the Mukta? 

Or maybe at least an apology.

[FairfieldLife] Can you see it?

2007-08-30 Thread Vaj

(Give it a sec you will)

I recognized this immediately as I was walking through my front  
room... can you see what my son made? As a geek dad this made me  
laugh and almost made me cry.

[from digg.com]


[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
Michael Dean Goodman wrote:
  I call Maharishi by the name he uses to speak of himself. 
  This is common courtesy. To change someone's name (to 
  shorten it, make it 'cutesy', or whatever - as in 'The 
  Marshy') is usually the mark of strongly-gripped
  individual ego - either to show off, or to appear more 
  intimate than we actually are, or to put someone down, 
  or to express anger in a childish way. 
BillyG wrote:
 You gotta love FFL with posts like this, my laugh for 
 the day!!

So, why do you always call him Marshy?

But, I'm a childish show off trying to act 'cutesy' so as 
to appear more intimate when it is common knowledge that
his name is Mr. Varma?

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:11 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda


 And what recompense has been given to the victims 
 since the alleged events occurred?

Rick Archer wrote: 
 Not sure what you're talking about here.
Has the Marshy anyone ever offered to help in the 
rehabilitation of the women who suffered from the 
sexual predations of the Marshy or the Mukta? 

I don’t think he feels responsible for Muk’s behavior. Jennifer received
financial support for a while.

Or maybe at least an apology.

Not that I know of.

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Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.12/979 - Release Date: 8/29/2007
8:21 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Has the Marshy anyone ever offered to help in the 
  rehabilitation of the women who suffered from the 
  sexual predations of the Marshy or the Mukta? 
Rick Archer wrote:
 I don't think he feels responsible for Muk's behavior. 

But Marshy gave the Mukta a public hug - that sort of 
indicates his approval. I wonder what the victims thought 
about that scene. Or are you saying that the Marshy
didn't know about the Mukta's sexual proclivities.

 Jennifer received financial support for a while.

So, she got paid off not to reveal anything, thus continuing
in the deception as an enabler, if not a co-dependent.
  Or maybe at least an apology.
 Not that I know of.
Maybe Marshy is still in denial. I wonder why the Doctors
of Tantra that respond here don't try to help him with some
counseling. Mukta is dead but I wonder what kind of sexual 
harassment policy they have at MUM. From what I've read, 
none, at least that applies to certain administrators. But
it is interesting that there are at least five informers 
here that claim some kind of tantric status.

Go figure.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Can you see it?

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Vaj
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:11 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Can you see it?


(Give it a sec you will)


I recognized this immediately as I was walking through my front room... can
you see what my son made? As a geek dad this made me laugh and almost made
me cry.


Starship Enterprise. Very cool.


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8:21 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Can you see it?

2007-08-30 Thread Vaj

On Aug 30, 2007, at 1:35 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Vaj

Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:11 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Can you see it?

(Give it a sec you will)

I recognized this immediately as I was walking through my front  
room... can you see what my son made? As a geek dad this made me  
laugh and almost made me cry.

Starship Enterprise. Very cool.

Live long and prosper! :-)

For some more Trek humor check this out.

Ever seen those sappy motivational posters people put up in their  


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Remembering the Life of Mahatma Gandhi'

2007-08-30 Thread billy jim
If you'll check the source you'll see that this statement was made by 
suziezuzie (msilver1951) and that my contribution was to follow with an article 
discussing Gandhi's passifist views about the Jews. It was Martin Buber who 
answered Gandhi publicly. Anyone reading Gandhi's comments can see that he 
wouldn't have minded sending every Jew to the slaughter so he could prove that 
ahimsa was morally superior. 
  There is so much post-WWII cultural propaganda that people don't even know 
that the SS wanted to send the Jews out of Europe by train to their home in 
Palestine. The British refused this request because they didn't want the Grand 
Mufti of Jerusalem to lead Palestinian Muslims in rebellion against British 
colonialism. It is one of the ironies of history that the SS (who took the 
homes and possessions of the Jews by force) wanted to return all Jews to their 
homeland and it was therefore British who blocked this from happening (to 
protect their territorial interests). To this day the British still deny this 
truth. (See The Order of the Death's Head by German historian Heinz Hohne). 
  Gandhi's story had now become a westernized cultural hagiography. Western 
Buddhists (hand in hand with Satyagraha proponents) have been a large part of 
this effort to portray him as a saint. 
  For my part I take sides with the Jewish fighters in the Warsaw ghetto, who 
were respected even by the SS. On the other hand, if Gandhi's soul is back on 
Earth doing the same type of thing again then the Jihadists will slaughter him 
this time instead of an Indian nationalist. After all, Dar-as-salam (the realm 
of Islam) has no earthly boundaries. 
  In a message dated 8/29/07 6:37:05 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  I heard that Gandhi in his philosophy of passifism once commented 
that the jew of Germany should have sat quietly in silent protest 
while Hilter exterminated them. Has anyone else heard anything about 

  Should have? Isn't that what they did?Thus the saying *never again*.

  Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.


Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:31 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda


Rick Archer wrote:
 I don't think he feels responsible for Muk's behavior. 

But Marshy gave the Mukta a public hug - that sort of 
indicates his approval. I wonder what the victims thought 
about that scene. Or are you saying that the Marshy
didn't know about the Mukta's sexual proclivities.

Probably didn’t. Also, Muktananda hugged MMY, not vice versa.

 Jennifer received financial support for a while.

So, she got paid off not to reveal anything, thus continuing
in the deception as an enabler, if not a co-dependent.

I don’t know the purpose of the payments, nor their amount or duration.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.12/979 - Release Date: 8/29/2007
8:21 PM

[FairfieldLife] WAS Baba Muktananda - NOW Money to India

2007-08-30 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of Richard J. Williams
 Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 11:11 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda
  And the moderator of a spiritual forum won't answer 
  my simple question of What happened to all the money. 
 Rick Archer wrote: 
  But seriously, what money are you asking about?
 All the money collected by the TMO enablers since 1956.
 Other questions: 
 How much TMO money has been sent to India to the Marshy's 
 It would be interesting to know this Richard, but as Curtis pointed
out, I
 am not omniscient.

In the past 5 years, the tmo has transferred over $152 million from US
accounts into offshore accounts in the Jersey Islands.  This is just
from tmo IRS reports that are easily found at guidestar (ie entities
with Maharishi in the name of the account).  Who knows if this money
went to India or not, that's the value of offshore accounts in the
Jersey Islands, they're hidden from view.  If money is going into
private accounts it would be from those hidden accounts, not from some
US account.  My guess would be that about 1/2 gets spent on int'l
mov't projects like the pundits and 1/2 gets into the pockets of the

[FairfieldLife] Jumbo Romance

2007-08-30 Thread do.rflex

It's a very traditional love story - just on a bigger scale than usual.

A tame female elephant has fled an Indian circus after eloping with a
wild bull elephant that broke open a gate and led her off into the
jungle, her distraught handler said today.

The wild male, who wildlife officials believe was probably in musth -
the periodic condition in which bull elephants seek to mate - turned
up at the travelling circus when it stopped in the village of Kumar
Bazar, in West Bengal state, yesterday.

It broke into an enclosure and led Savitri into the jungle, with the
pair being followed by three other female elephants in the same pen.
Their trumpeting alerted circus workers, who led them back.

When handlers called for Savitri to come to them, she looped her trunk
around the bull's leg and he protectively shielded her like in a
Bollywood blockbuster, the official said.

The forestry department said it would continue to monitor the pair to
ensure they did not cause any damage.


[FairfieldLife] 'Oneness Will Overcome'

2007-08-30 Thread Robert
In Our Oneness We Shall Overcome
  A Message from Kerry and her Angels
  August 29, 2007
  In all of our Oneness, what are we to do?  We are to walk in faith and remain 
in our joy.  Any challenges we are presented we are to turn to our inner 
knowing and act on it.  Doubt is no longer something to ponder.  Like a weed, 
it can take over and choke out the light of your faith.
  If we anticipate a cloud of doom, we will bring this cloud into our 
experience.  If we turn this cloud over to God Source it shall dissipate.  In 
other words, do not buy into it!  This is what it means to hold the light.  
  To be in our Oneness does not mean we will not have challenges.  What it 
means is we have the means to rise above our challenges.  To rise above is to 
see beyond the illusion and to remember, in our Oneness, all things are 
possible.  Command in God's name, in your Oneness, and it shall be done!
  To know that we are in a world where there are those who know Source and 
those who do not, we can forgive those who do not.  If we can hold the vision 
of the promise of this Heavenly realm, we can see through any cloud or 
illusion.  Rejoice with others who see and know!  We can receive the comfort 
and understanding that we may need to put it in God's hands and out of our 
present realm.  It is just a matter of practicing, readjusting our thinking, 
and choosing to believe.  
  To know, where we place our focus determines what we will manifest.  This is 
one thing we need to keep in mind at the present time.  Realigning our focus to 
embrace a different world is what we can do and be conscious where we place our 
attention and focus.  Focus on the Divine and connect with the Universal God 
Mind and we shall be guided through any murky waters.  Practice on the little 
things and then the big things will be just as easy in this simple knowing.  
Prove God in your life and demonstrate his love and gifts for all to see.  
  As God also created the Heavens and Universe, he also created life on other 
planets.  Just like Earth, there are those who know Him and those who do not.  
And there are also those who pretend to know God and serve Him.  When you know 
Him, you will know the difference.  Ask for the clarity to see, the fine tuning 
to hear and the wisdom to know.  Follow no one but your own divine inner 
guidance, God within.  
  Fear no thing and walk in your Oneness.  And when it is time to sleep cleanse 
your soul of any untruth, repent in choosing to think differently and align to 
Source so you can enjoy this wonderful gift of being in no time where you are 
at peace in the stillness of the night.  Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye 
shall find.  Lest we not forget this little phrase and experience the miracles 
in demonstrating the truth in this statement.
  Nurture yourself in the same way that you nurture others and bless everything 
you put into your body to raise its vibration to provide you with the 
nourishment that you need to maintain your health.
  And last but not least, give thanks for all the blessings you have been given 
and for your that which you request from above.  Blessed are the meek, for 
they shall inherit the Earth.
  Meek: Mild in manner, (patience without resentment), Submissive to Thy Will, 
and Moderate, not violent or forcing ones own will.
  In our Oneness, we shall overcome!
  In Love and Light,
  Kerry and her Angels


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[FairfieldLife] The (R) Evolution?

2007-08-30 Thread apprillia_s_d
Spiritual -(R)Evolution








Media (Musical-Visual) -(R)Evolution



Media (Free Ebook) -(R)Evolution




Forum -(R)Evolution




[FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk Quota - Now New Orleans

2007-08-30 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016
 mainstream20016@ wrote:
  When he resurfaced recently, I hoped he would update us on life for
 him, his family and 
  friends in NOLA,  24 months after the levees broke. Maybe he'll
 resurface, for a thoughtful
  post on the topic. I remember his optimism about 6 or 8 months ago.
  I hope things are 
  getting better there for all. 
 Till we hear from Kirk, here's a good summary of what it's like in New
 Orleans:  http://docbrite.livejournal.com/2007/08/29/

(from docbrite)
 A large percentage -- I've heard figures ranging from 60 to 75% -- of current 
Orleanians are on some form of antidepressant or anti-anxiety drug. The lines 
at the 
pharmacy windows have become a running joke. When a visiting expert gave a 
Point presentation on post-traumatic stress disorder recently, the entire 
dissolved into hysterical laughter.
Every month or so we get a news story about how many of us are on 
antidepressants, how 
many are abusing drugs or alcohol, etc. The numbers are frighteningly high. The 
buzzword is that we're not having PTSD, but continuing stress disorder from 
among wreckage and other constant reminders of what happened, still not having 
we can depend on, the increasingly out-of-control cost of living, etc. Many of 
my close 
friends are depressed, some so severely that I fear for their lives.

Mainstream writes:
Tremendous good could come from generously implementing the Principle of the 
Element, bringing light to counter darkness, and offering free TM instruction 
and free 
residence courses to the citizens of the post-Katrina plagued Gulf Coast.  The 
TMO has 
conducted massive initiations elsewhere, and what better place to prove what 
good an 
organization can do?  The Gulf Coast around New Orleans is atypical of the 
Southern U.S., 
and values a 'live and let live' approach to life, and could embrace TM for its 
simple yet 
profound stress-reducing effect.   Much goodwill and organizational 
revitalization lie in 
wait for the TMO among the rubble created by Katrina. May the TMO bring relief 
directly to 
the traumatized souls, and by so doing, it may also revitalize itself, and 
perhaps regain 
relevance, in the U.S.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk Quota - Now New Orleans

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of mainstream20016
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 3:12 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk Quota - Now New Orleans


Mainstream writes:
Tremendous good could come from generously implementing the Principle of the
Element, bringing light to counter darkness, and offering free TM
instruction and free 
residence courses to the citizens of the post-Katrina plagued Gulf Coast.
The TMO has 
conducted massive initiations elsewhere, and what better place to prove what
good an 
organization can do? The Gulf Coast around New Orleans is atypical of the
Southern U.S., 
and values a 'live and let live' approach to life, and could embrace TM for
its simple yet 
profound stress-reducing effect. Much goodwill and organizational
revitalization lie in 
wait for the TMO among the rubble created by Katrina. May the TMO bring
relief directly to 
the traumatized souls, and by so doing, it may also revitalize itself, and
perhaps regain 
relevance, in the U.S.

I can envision flocks of pigs, flying in formation over the big easy.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.12/979 - Release Date: 8/29/2007
8:21 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Remembering the Life of Mahatma Gandhi'

2007-08-30 Thread suziezuzie
Thanks for the article. One of the reasons, I understand, why the
German Jews didn't resist Hitler's plan of extermination was, from my
own experience as a Jew in the US, is that assimilated Jews in the
country that they are raised are more nationalistic than religious.
I'm saying this is true for the majority of secular Jews, not
orthodox, that inhabit a country over many generations. If you were to
ask me, what are you? I would tell you, I am an American first and
really have no feelings about being Jewish. This is the case for the
majority of American Jews living in the US today. When I was living in
Israel for 11 years, I noticed a strong nationalistic of their own
country of origin by those who had immigrated from their home
countries. Those born in Israel (Sabras) naturally felt Israeli
nationalism, not as a Jew, (since Israel is predominately a secular
state) but as an Israeli. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 suziezuzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I heard that Gandhi in
his philosophy of passifism once commented 
 that the jew of Germany should have sat quietly in silent protest 
 while Hilter exterminated them. Has anyone else heard anything about 
   Empty Bill helps out boys and girls!
   What Did Gandhi Do?
 One-sided pacifist.
   By David Lewis Schaefer
 In the weeks leading up to Operation Iraqi Freedom, American college
campuses were plastered with posters asking What Would Gandhi Do?
The implication, of course, was that the U.S. should emulate the
tactics of the celebrated Hindu pacifist who successfully led the
movement for Indian independence from Britain. 
 The analogy, it should go without saying, overlooks major
differences between the two cases. Whereas the 20th-century British
were far too benign an imperial power to choose to slaughter peaceful
resisters to their rule, there's no evidence that Saddam Hussein,
already responsible for the massacre and torture of hundreds of
thousands of his countrymen (to say nothing of the many more who died
in his aggressive wars against Iran and Kuwait) would likewise have
succumbed to friendly persuasion — Jacques Chirac to the contrary
notwithstanding. (It's not that we didn't try!) 
   It is interesting, in this regard, to recall how Gandhi himself
responded to the evil perpetrated by one of Saddam's role models,
Adolf Hitler. In November, 1938, responding to Jewish pleas that he
endorse the Zionist cause so as to persuade the British government to
open Palestine to immigrants fleeing Hitler's persecution, Gandhi
published an open letter flatly rejecting the request. While
expressing the utmost sympathy with the Jews and lamenting their
age-old persecution, Gandhi explained that the cry for the national
home for the Jews does not make much appeal to me, since Palestine
belongs to the Arabs. Instead, he urged the Jews to make that
country their home where they are born. To demand just treatment in
the lands of their current residence while also demanding that
Palestine be made their home, he argued, smacked of hypocrisy. Gandhi
even went so far as to remark that this cry for the national home
affords a colorable justification for the German
  expulsion of the Jews. 
   Of course, Gandhi added, the German persecution of the Jews seems
to have no parallel in history, and if there ever could be a
justifiable war in the name of and for humanity, a war against
Germany, to prevent the wanton persecution of a whole race, would be
completely justified. Hitler's regime was showing the world how
efficiently violence can be worked when it is not hampered by any
hypocrisy or weakness masquerading as humanitarianism. Nonetheless,
the Hindu leader rejected that notion, since I do not believe in any
war. And for Britain, France, and America to declare war on Hitler's
regime would bring them no inner joy, no inner strength. 
   Having rejected both the plea that Palestine should be offered as
a place of refuge for the Jews and the idea that the Western
democracies should launch a war to overthrow Hitler, Gandhi offered
only one avenue for the Jews to resist their persecution while
preserving their self-respect. Were he a German Jew, Gandhi
pronounced, he would challenge the Germans to shoot or imprison him
rather than submit to discriminating treatment. Such voluntary
suffering, practiced by all the Jews of Germany, would bring them, he
promised, immeasurable inner strength and joy. Indeed, if the
Jewish mind could be prepared for such suffering, even a massacre of
all German Jews could be turned into a day of thanksgiving and joy,
since to the God-fearing, death has no terror. 
   According to Gandhi, it would (for unexplained reasons) be easier
for the Jews than for the Czechs (then facing German occupation) to
follow his prescription. As inspiration, he offered an exact
parallel in the campaign for Indian civil rights in South Africa that
he had led decades earlier. Through their 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk Quota - Now New Orleans

2007-08-30 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of mainstream20016
 Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 3:12 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk Quota - Now New Orleans
 Mainstream writes:
 Tremendous good could come from generously implementing the Principle of the
 Element, bringing light to counter darkness, and offering free TM
 instruction and free 
 residence courses to the citizens of the post-Katrina plagued Gulf Coast.
 The TMO has 
 conducted massive initiations elsewhere, and what better place to prove what
 good an 
 organization can do? The Gulf Coast around New Orleans is atypical of the
 Southern U.S., 
 and values a 'live and let live' approach to life, and could embrace TM for
 its simple yet 
 profound stress-reducing effect. Much goodwill and organizational
 revitalization lie in 
 wait for the TMO among the rubble created by Katrina. May the TMO bring
 relief directly to 
 the traumatized souls, and by so doing, it may also revitalize itself, and
 perhaps regain 
 relevance, in the U.S.

 Rick wrote:
 I can envision flocks of pigs, flying in formation over the big easy.

Mr. Howard Settle, supporter of Invincible America, generates substantial 
revenue from oil 
production in or just off the coast of Louisiana, and has a business office in 
suburban New 
Orleans. Hopefully he can see the good and goodwill to be created by providing 
directly to the lives of the people and could fund the programs. Generous and 
persons generally want to maximize the effectiveness of their generosity.  
America nourishes the atmosphere of the country at large, and Free-TM Louisiana 
individually and directly benefit individual people, and begin to regenerate a 
appreciation of TM.  A future for the TMO requires domestic support, created by 
experience. There is little future for the TMO if it continues to rely on 
bringing in hired-
foreign-hands to generate coherence.
Pigs with funding fly quite nicely.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk Quota - Now New Orleans

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of mainstream20016
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 4:07 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk Quota - Now New Orleans


Mr. Howard Settle, supporter of Invincible America, generates substantial
revenue from oil 
production in or just off the coast of Louisiana, and has a business office
in suburban New 
Orleans. Hopefully he can see the good and goodwill to be created by
providing TM 
directly to the lives of the people and could fund the programs. Generous
and successful 
persons generally want to maximize the effectiveness of their generosity.
America nourishes the atmosphere of the country at large, and Free-TM
Louisiana would 
individually and directly benefit individual people, and begin to regenerate
a grass-roots 
appreciation of TM. A future for the TMO requires domestic support, created
by individual 
experience. There is little future for the TMO if it continues to rely on
bringing in hired-
foreign-hands to generate coherence.
Pigs with funding fly quite nicely.

I think you have a good idea. If I were you’d I’d contact Howard if I knew

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.12/979 - Release Date: 8/29/2007
8:21 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk Quota - Now New Orleans

2007-08-30 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 8/30/07 4:09:28 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Mr.  Howard Settle, supporter of Invincible America, generates substantial 
revenue  from oil 
production in or just off the coast of Louisiana, and has a  business office 
in suburban New 
Orleans. Hopefully he can see the good and  goodwill to be created by 
providing TM 
directly to the lives of the people  and could fund the programs. Generous 
and successful 
persons generally  want to maximize the effectiveness of their generosity. 
America  nourishes the atmosphere of the country at large, and Free-TM 
Louisiana would  
individually and directly benefit individual people, and begin to  regenerate 
a grass-roots 
appreciation of TM. A future for the TMO requires  domestic support, created 
by individual 
experience. There is little future  for the TMO if it continues to rely on 
bringing in hired-
foreign-hands to  generate coherence.
Pigs with funding fly quite  nicely.

U, I think SSRS has already tried to offer help  there.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at 

[FairfieldLife] Clearing the confusion, Kundlaini path

2007-08-30 Thread Ron
About the confusion:

I am not enlightened, so it would be not in the best interest to try to clear 
things up, only I 
can comment on my own experiences, observations, and then to some degree what 
have to say.

It was not long ago, that is was My Guru only which I took to be enlightened. 
The whole 
appeal to me in the first place was the simplicity of how it was explained, 
transmission came through in reading it, it literaly was the start of the 
change of 
consciousness.  Something like ( because of my TM background) I thought the 
only way 
was with any Guru was secretiveness, confusing the disciples with answers that 
do not 
answer anything, like playing games with the disciples, - sort of like the 
Hollywood portrail 
of a Guru where you are not sure what they are trying to say- like they speek 
in such a 
complicated way, you cant understand them, then one thinks , wow, they must be 

What a surprise this has been. And for the small group of disciples, there is 
no confusion- 
and for the enlightened in the group- they are not coached - yet the common 
ground is 

This new disciple that is enlightened, one year ago, there was noithing in the 
way of 
spirituality in her life. I have seen the whole thing from begining to end. She 
had a 
spontaneous Kundalini awakening, came in with fear and panic, after some time , 
left in an 
outrage, with a very superficial understnading of what is- come back and took 
off like a 
rocket ship- all in one year

These 3 are not speaking about enlightenment, they are speaking from it- there 
is no 
confusion. The message I gave, independantly, all 3 recognize it from their 
existence- it 
can be tested, then it would be seen that while not in communication with each 
other, that 
same essence is known- so there is this common denominator from which the 
understandings are there- no confusion- this is only on the part of the ones 
perceiving it
There is not much that can be done about it, I can only say that it is simple 
and down to 
earth and there are 20 other fellow sadakas that are not confused by my comments

My inspiration to do this, labeled so far as a parot, and preacher, is based on 
a new 
awesome existence. So I would repeat what i said, then if this is not clear, 
you can try 
going to my Guru, or the other 2 enlightened and have an exchange.

Basically, what they have to say is there is no one to do something- it simply 
IS, then life 
flows. Consciousness knows what to do. there are no driving desires, is it a 
very natural 
state, no  super state, and the 3 of them speak of the great mystery to it, and 
the cosmic 

First thing Sarojini is doing is dealing with the laughter, which is on going.

Since there is no do er, then if siddhis occur, this happens, but it is not 
from doing it, there 
are no desires for such things, no desires to know others thoughts, to have 
powers, to 
perform powers, etc- silly for me to tell you what they say, best is take 
them as am 
example- all 3 coming from similar backgrounds as all of us, Enlightenment is 
now, it is not too late, you are not too old- what an opportunity- the door is 
open, will you 
walk through it?

Funny, I was thinking. If I said that it is the birthright of any human 
anywhere to have 
enlightenment, then it is not one is higher than another- for enlightenment is 
One, this 
would be quite accepted.

If I said that it is also possible that a Guru can be from any country, any 
sort of human and 
also not be on a level as Guru is one- n, it has to be a male Indian  
or else not 
possible. It is non sense - Hollywood imagination

New posts:

 Come find the Beauty life has to Offer
Be a Great Existence -

Dear Swami,

Namaste and Om Namo Narayan- 

My name is Anthony, 

0- Hello 

* I'm an Australian living and working as an English Teacher here in Taiwan.

0- OK - Nee How Ma. - what part of Taiwan are you in ? 

* I have been practising Yoga, mantra, pranayama etc for many years, and spent 
2 yrs (96 
- 98) 
in India, training in various disciplines. However, to date I seem unable to 
rouse the latent energies of kundalini. I realise that this may be the work of 
anyway, but wonder whether diksha will make a difference in getting the process 

0- Absolutely it will. 99.9 % of people being worked with here awaken Kundalini 
and they 
are all progressing quite well to Realization. One entered Realization within 5 
years (it 
could have been done earlier if there was not a sticking point) and another 
rocketed to
Realization in one year. Can say though that it is quite possible and also 
valuable to take 
Diksha and have Kundalini awakened in a balanced manner here. 

you can join my yahoo group and see the results and speak with those being 
with here as to their experiences etc. 


Thanks for your time,
Warm Regards,

Maha Shanti OM 

Namaste and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lahiri Mahasaya on CC

2007-08-30 Thread billy jim
So how many of you inhabit you? Please explain. 
  Message #146579 August 15th, 2007 -
  --- Tertonzeno wrote:
  --Thanks, I'm a Buddhist and don't accept Patanjali as an Authority.
  Message #145659 , August 16th, 2007
  Tertonzeno wrote:
  ---Thanks, on Buddhist practice, I'll get more into this later.  I 
   practice TM but my Buddhist Guru is Hsuan Hua; whom I used to visit 
   during the 70's:
  Message #147828, August 30, 2007 -  Tertonzeno wrote:
  ---Thanks, Lahiri Mahasay is the lineage Uncle of my Kriya yoga Guru 
(initiated me into Kriya yoga in 1982 - Swami Satyeswarananda).
  d. he could perform the Kriya of out of body travel at will 
(mentioned by Patanjani), involving the mudra of connecting his 
tongue to his uvula.

Luggage? GPS? Comic books? 
Check out fitting  gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lahiri Mahasaya on CC

2007-08-30 Thread tertonzeno
---empty bill, you are a very astute observer and have keen 
insight!.  How many?  Ans: many!!  - but all will be explained in due 
time; but for now all I can say is that it's the power of the 
GOHONZON which reflects many facets of the one hologram; into one 
living organism, with no danger of the separate parts flying off into 
separateness.  Thus, one can reconcile the various parts without 
conflictyet, the whole and relationship between the parts remain 
Buddhist, not Hindu.  There are certain advantages in Buddhism over 
Hinduism, but the core nature of the advantage(s) can't be addressed 
through the type of intellectual analysis going on in this forum. 
(not to put such analysis down, but it's limited, not entering into 
direct cognition of the Buddhist true entity, represented by the 
Gohonzon). ps. The foregoing is not intended to make sense.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So how many of you inhabit you? Please explain. 

   Message #146579 August 15th, 2007 -
   --- Tertonzeno wrote:
   --Thanks, I'm a Buddhist and don't accept Patanjali as an 

   Message #145659 , August 16th, 2007
   Tertonzeno wrote:

   ---Thanks, on Buddhist practice, I'll get more into this later.  
practice TM but my Buddhist Guru is Hsuan Hua; whom I used to 
during the 70's:

   Message #147828, August 30, 2007 -  Tertonzeno wrote:

   ---Thanks, Lahiri Mahasay is the lineage Uncle of my Kriya yoga 
 (initiated me into Kriya yoga in 1982 - Swami Satyeswarananda).

   d. he could perform the Kriya of out of body travel at will 
 (mentioned by Patanjani), involving the mudra of connecting his 
 tongue to his uvula.

 Luggage? GPS? Comic books? 
 Check out fitting  gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread Peter
Dude, with all respect, you need to be back on your
Seroquel. I kid you not. You have symptoms of a mild

--- Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Has the Marshy anyone ever offered to help in
   rehabilitation of the women who suffered from
   sexual predations of the Marshy or the Mukta? 
 Rick Archer wrote:
  I don't think he feels responsible for Muk's
 But Marshy gave the Mukta a public hug - that sort
 indicates his approval. I wonder what the victims
 about that scene. Or are you saying that the Marshy
 didn't know about the Mukta's sexual proclivities.
  Jennifer received financial support for a while.
 So, she got paid off not to reveal anything, thus
 in the deception as an enabler, if not a
   Or maybe at least an apology.
  Not that I know of.
 Maybe Marshy is still in denial. I wonder why the
 of Tantra that respond here don't try to help him
 with some
 counseling. Mukta is dead but I wonder what kind of
 harassment policy they have at MUM. From what I've
 none, at least that applies to certain
 administrators. But
 it is interesting that there are at least five
 here that claim some kind of tantric status.
 Go figure.
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 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!' 
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to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dude, with all respect, you need to be back on your
 Seroquel. I kid you not. You have symptoms of a mild

Unethical *in the extreme* for a mental health
professional to publically attempt a diagnosis
of psychopathology via someone's posts on a Web
forum, *especially* as a putdown.

And that's what it was, a putdown. If Peter had
been seriously concerned for the person's mental
health, he could have communicated with him

This is utterly inexcusable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread yifuxero
---I agree, the facts - though limited in scope and circumstantial - 
point to obvious conclusions the tex. is in complete denial of. He's 

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dude, with all respect, you need to be back on your
 Seroquel. I kid you not. You have symptoms of a mild
 --- Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Has the Marshy anyone ever offered to help in
rehabilitation of the women who suffered from
sexual predations of the Marshy or the Mukta? 
  Rick Archer wrote:
   I don't think he feels responsible for Muk's
  But Marshy gave the Mukta a public hug - that sort
  indicates his approval. I wonder what the victims
  about that scene. Or are you saying that the Marshy
  didn't know about the Mukta's sexual proclivities.
   Jennifer received financial support for a while.
  So, she got paid off not to reveal anything, thus
  in the deception as an enabler, if not a
Or maybe at least an apology.
   Not that I know of.
  Maybe Marshy is still in denial. I wonder why the
  of Tantra that respond here don't try to help him
  with some
  counseling. Mukta is dead but I wonder what kind of
  harassment policy they have at MUM. From what I've
  none, at least that applies to certain
  administrators. But
  it is interesting that there are at least five
  here that claim some kind of tantric status.
  Go figure.
  To subscribe, send a message to:
  Or go to: 
  and click 'Join This Group!' 
  Yahoo! Groups Links

 Need a vacation? Get great deals
 to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread yifuxero
--Not necessarily. If another person's behavior is perceived to be 
adharmic, a first course of action would be to assist the individual 
in crashing the behavior as a form of tough love. (enter for 
example, the destructive energy of Kali); followed by a softer form 
of love.

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  Dude, with all respect, you need to be back on your
  Seroquel. I kid you not. You have symptoms of a mild
 Unethical *in the extreme* for a mental health
 professional to publically attempt a diagnosis
 of psychopathology via someone's posts on a Web
 forum, *especially* as a putdown.
 And that's what it was, a putdown. If Peter had
 been seriously concerned for the person's mental
 health, he could have communicated with him
 This is utterly inexcusable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lahiri Mahasaya on CC

2007-08-30 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tertonzeno [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 ---empty bill, you are a very astute observer and have keen 
 insight!.  How many?  Ans: many!!  - but all will be explained in 
 time; but for now all I can say is that it's the power of the 
 GOHONZON which reflects many facets of the one hologram; into one 
 living organism, with no danger of the separate parts flying off 
 separateness.  Thus, one can reconcile the various parts without 

So, how many facets of the one hologram are there? Or if this is a 
number approaching infinity, what can you tell me please about the 
shape and construction of the hologram?:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda

2007-08-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --Not necessarily.

It's unquestionably professionally unethical.

 If another person's behavior is perceived to be 
 adharmic, a first course of action would be to assist the 
 in crashing the behavior as a form of tough love. (enter for 
 example, the destructive energy of Kali); followed by a softer form 
 of love.
 - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
   Dude, with all respect, you need to be back on your
   Seroquel. I kid you not. You have symptoms of a mild
  Unethical *in the extreme* for a mental health
  professional to publically attempt a diagnosis
  of psychopathology via someone's posts on a Web
  forum, *especially* as a putdown.
  And that's what it was, a putdown. If Peter had
  been seriously concerned for the person's mental
  health, he could have communicated with him
  This is utterly inexcusable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lahiri Mahasaya on CC

2007-08-30 Thread yifuxero
--Thanks, Jim; I'm only replying, since you asked - I'm obligated to 
remain mum on the subject. First, the hologram in question 
(represented by the Gohonzon), is something relative, and be cognized 
but not through any Hindu Guru (they remain ignorant of the entity in 
question). It's a Buddhist Morphogenetic field. 2. It's not necessary 
to be Enlightened to cognize the entity or make use of it; but does 
require effort to participate in the entity as a process. One of the 
techniques involves listening to the chant of the Surangama mantra 
(over 800 verses). The forms are constantly changing and are 
infinite, but lest the vast array of forms boggle the mind, the 
entity itself offers a key which I call the targeting principle.  
 For example, say you are traveling in the Himalayas and a god 
appears out of nowhere saying this is the infinite relative 
kingdom - it's all yours.  This gift would be of limited value since 
there's too much information...too many choices. 
  A possible strategy would be to ask the god: dear god, I can't 
pick and choose what's of value so you tell me. The god refuses, but 
says he/she will offer a secondary gift called the targeting 
principle that will enable the seeker to make better choices among 
the infinite arrays of facets. 
 The entity in question - the morphogenetic field - was apparently 
invented by the Sakyamuni Buddha but he projected knowledge of the 
invention into the future through the assistance of Padma Sambhava 
and Nichiren.  Shankara overlooked  the entity.
  I have to take a break now and will get back to you later. 
- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tertonzeno tertonzeno@ 
  ---empty bill, you are a very astute observer and have keen 
  insight!.  How many?  Ans: many!!  - but all will be explained in 
  time; but for now all I can say is that it's the power of the 
  GOHONZON which reflects many facets of the one hologram; into one 
  living organism, with no danger of the separate parts flying off 
  separateness.  Thus, one can reconcile the various parts without 
 So, how many facets of the one hologram are there? Or if this is a 
 number approaching infinity, what can you tell me please about the 
 shape and construction of the hologram?:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lahiri Mahasaya on CC

2007-08-30 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --Thanks, Jim; I'm only replying, since you asked - I'm obligated 
 remain mum on the subject. First, the hologram in question 
 (represented by the Gohonzon), is something relative, and be 
 but not through any Hindu Guru (they remain ignorant of the entity 
 question). It's a Buddhist Morphogenetic field. 2. It's not 
 to be Enlightened to cognize the entity or make use of it; but 
 require effort to participate in the entity as a process. One of 
 techniques involves listening to the chant of the Surangama mantra 
 (over 800 verses). The forms are constantly changing and are 
 infinite, but lest the vast array of forms boggle the mind, the 
 entity itself offers a key which I call the targeting 
  For example, say you are traveling in the Himalayas and a god 
 appears out of nowhere saying this is the infinite relative 
 kingdom - it's all yours.  This gift would be of limited value 
 there's too much information...too many choices. 
   A possible strategy would be to ask the god: dear god, I can't 
 pick and choose what's of value so you tell me. The god refuses, 
 says he/she will offer a secondary gift called the targeting 
 principle that will enable the seeker to make better choices 
 the infinite arrays of facets. 
  The entity in question - the morphogenetic field - was apparently 
 invented by the Sakyamuni Buddha but he projected knowledge of the 
 invention into the future through the assistance of Padma Sambhava 
 and Nichiren.  Shankara overlooked  the entity.
   I have to take a break now and will get back to you later.
Sounds like a fascinating and wonderful exploration! Thanks for 
sharing this.:-) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Remembering the Life of Mahatma Gandhi'

2007-08-30 Thread Robert Gimbel
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, suziezuzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Thanks for the article. One of the reasons, I understand, why the
 German Jews didn't resist Hitler's plan of extermination was, from 
 own experience as a Jew in the US, is that assimilated Jews in the
 country that they are raised are more nationalistic than religious.
 I'm saying this is true for the majority of secular Jews, not
 orthodox, that inhabit a country over many generations. If you were 
 ask me, what are you? I would tell you, I am an American first and
 really have no feelings about being Jewish. This is the case for the
 majority of American Jews living in the US today. When I was living 
 Israel for 11 years, I noticed a strong nationalistic of their own
 country of origin by those who had immigrated from their home
 countries. Those born in Israel (Sabras) naturally felt Israeli
 nationalism, not as a Jew, (since Israel is predominately a secular
 state) but as an Israeli. 
It would be easier to look at it this way:
Adolf Hitler and Mahatma Gandhi were polar opposites, with similar 
Hitler wanted to establish the Old Fatherland of Germany.
Gandhi wanted to establish the Old Motherland of India.
Same agenda.
Polar opposite agendas: 
One method, the Gandhi Method, which has inspired other countless 
people throughout the world, including John Lennon and Martin Luther 
King,Jr. was God-like, 'in tune with the laws of nature, as Maharishi 
would say; higher consciousness, etc., transcendence of the ego for a 
higher cause.
One the other hand the Hitler Method, relied on fear and prejiduce 
against the Jewish people. Hitler claimed the Jewish people had 
swindled the German masses into poverty, and from the results of the 
defeat of WWI, and the world-wide depression. Also, he was acting on 
the wave of anti-semitism, world-wide, also, which included the 
support from the likes of Henry Ford, Joe Kennedy, and many countries 
had no sympathy for the Jews; even the United States would not let 
the Jews escape to this country, very sad dark period...
In which the German people as a whole population sank to the depths 
of depravity, death and demonic, murderous behavior.
The Jews, allowed themselves to be decieved to think they could 'rise 
above' the SS.. and that this phase would pass.
They didn't listen to the many signs: they were sleeping.
In both cases the leaders relied on the nationalism of the people:
In Germany it was to get the country back from the Jews.
In India, it was to get the country back from the British.
Same cause different means.
The Black People in this country have had the fortune of having 
intelligent people of the white community on their side, to take 
their side, even if it meant a civil war.
Lincoln, and others since then take the way of freedom and liberty.

In certain circumstances where the government has been allowed to run 
amuck, and becomes a police state, dictatorship, with all the 
military power, etc.
It becomes more and more difficult to produce quite the same effect, 
as in a democracy;
For example, remember the guy standing in front of the Chinese tank, 
during the demonstrations in China;
That was put down, and though change has occured in happens slowly.