[FairfieldLife] Re: McCain's Jyotish placements

2008-09-02 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The astrologers are all puttering around with his horoscope, 
> trying to rectify it. The right wing astrologers trying to 
> get an ascendant that shows he'll win and the left wing 
> astrologers an ascendant that will show he will lose.  ;-)

Exactly my point as well.

There is not an ounce of "seeing" in these raps.
It's just True Believers trying to find a way to
interpret irrelevant data so that it'll fit their
preconceptions and what they want to happen.

Same with all of the raps about Gustav and its
cosmic significance and who "caused" it by being
"evil" or out of touch with the "laws of nature."

Never seen so much bullshit in my life...

> Vaj wrote:
> > I really haven't looked at his dashas or his chart in any detail.
> >
> > The placements and their causes were from Goravani Jyotish and are  
> > unblended with no interpretation, just the raw data.
> >
> > On Sep 1, 2008, at 5:47 PM, John wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> Vaj,
> >>
> >> Although detailed and impressive, the analysis appears to come from a
> >> canned program.  What is your own jyotish assessment as to the
> >> possibility of McCain being elected as president of the USA?
> >> 
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Yoga trivia

2008-09-02 Thread cardemaister

Ten points and a Parrot Badge for that FFL'er who knows the correct
answer [guessing the preposition:] for:

What is pishaacaavesha(sp?)?  :D

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCain's Jyotish placements

2008-09-02 Thread cardemaister
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > The astrologers are all puttering around with his horoscope, 
> > trying to rectify it. The right wing astrologers trying to 
> > get an ascendant that shows he'll win and the left wing 
> > astrologers an ascendant that will show he will lose.  ;-)

I wonder if that's a bit like Einstein trying to 
find some proof that ~"Gott wuerfelt nix".  :D

[FairfieldLife] There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread sparaig
My 2 cents:





[FairfieldLife] Re: Evidence that Rove et al electronically rigged elections

2008-09-02 Thread TurquoiseB
This is the real issue, and why I laugh at 
posters here when they admonish me to take
this election seriously, instead of treating
it as circus entertainment and the candidates 

The candidates don't matter. The issues don't
matter. The outcome of the election has already
been programmed. 

Any nation dumb enough to allow its leaders to
institute "voting machines" that have never been
audited and that have no incorruptible "paper
trail" deserves everything it gets.

That's YOU, Americans.

NONE of the other nations on the planet who rely
on voting machines allowed unaudited machines with
no paper trail to be used. They would have had a
revolution first.

America just sat back and took it up the ass. They
didn't even ask the people fucking them to use a 
little K-Y.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This guy has come out and said, and he has documentary evidence to prove
> this,... that the Bush team has been stealing elections since and
> 2000.   Spoonamore has named Karl Rove's IT guy...Mike Connell, 
> Whenever Karl Rove wanted something done, he would say to Connell
'just make
> it happen', and this kind of thing has included Florida in 2000, Ohio in
> 2004, also Don Siegelman's stolen re-election in Alabama in 2002.
> suggests he was involved in the theft of Max Cleland's re-election in
> Georgia in 2002. 
> August 31, 2008 at 10:39:57
 831-377.html> Conspiracy Theorist!
> by Josh Mitteldorf 
> 31-377.html
> The reason that conspiracy theories - any conspiracy theories - are
> implausible on their face is that they require so much silent loyalty to
> pull off. "And why hasn't someone - anyone - come forward to tell this
> story? Do you mean to tell me there isn't one honest man close
enough to the
> inside of this thing - no one who would be willing to go public and blow
> this thing to pieces?"
> For four years now, election theft has been in the backwaters of
> journalism, while the mainstream press has steered clear of the
issue. Same
> old conspiracy theorists fussin' and bellyachin'. Neither have the
> Democratic victims of this fraud been willing to speak out. Al Gore (FL
> 2000), Max Cleland (GA 2002), and John Kerry (Ohio 2004) have not merely
> been silent on the issue, they have actively worked to discredit the
> that elections were stolen from them.
> Now it really gets weird. Two of Karl Rove's computer experts have come
> forward with details about how it was done. Stephen Spoonamore and
> Connell are lifelong Republicans, and insiders in campaigns going
back to
> George Bush, Sr in 1988. 
> Here's a segment from a transcript of Mark Crispin Miller's recent
 temid=119>  on the Thom Hartmann show:
> [Mark]: Spoonamore...a lifelong Republican and erstwhile member of the
> McCain campaign until he discovered so much about the Republicans'
> fraud that he resigned, and a prominent expert on computer crime.
Now two
> years ago, Thom, this guy gave a long interview to ... the news
division of
> one of the three major networks. It's up online, you know, people
can get it
> at
 -etc.html> my blog It's stunning... This guy has come out and
said, and
> he has documentary evidence to prove this,... that the Bush team has
> stealing elections since and including 2000. Spoonamore has named Karl
> Rove's IT guy...Mike Connell, a fervent Catholic and fanatical
pro-lifer who
> told Spoon that he has helped the Republicans to steal elections to
save the
> babies. I'm not making this up. Whenever Karl Rove wanted something
done, he
> would say to Connell 'just make it happen', and this kind of thing has
> included Florida in 2000, Ohio in 2004, also Don Siegelman's stolen
> re-election in Alabama in 2002. Evidence suggests he was involved in the
> theft of Max Cleland's re-election in Georgia in 2002. 
> The mystery is what sustains the veil of silence in the 'liberal media',
> including NPR, the New York Times, and even The Nation? And yet more
> mysterious: Why isn't this a campaign issue? There is little doubt that
> millions of votes will be stolen from Obama this November, via a devil's
> grabbag of dirty tricks. I know personally election integrity
activists who
> have approached the Obama campaign with solid evidence about
elections that
> have already been stolen from him, and Obama's staff has rebuffed them. 
> Now that the perps themselves have come forward, what is keeping the
lid on
> this story? We have no clear answers, but there is indirect evidence of

[FairfieldLife] Re: Evidence that Rove et al electronically rigged elections

2008-09-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This guy has come out and said, and he has documentary evidence to 
> this,... that the Bush team has been stealing elections since and 
> 2000.   Spoonamore has named Karl Rove's IT guy...Mike Connell, 
> Whenever Karl Rove wanted something done, he would say to 
Connell 'just make
> it happen', and this kind of thing has included Florida in 2000, 
Ohio in
> 2004, also Don Siegelman's stolen re-election in Alabama in 2002. 
> suggests he was involved in the theft of Max Cleland's re-election 
> Georgia in 2002.

Benjamin Creme, September 2006

Q. Who won the election in Mexico? 
A. Strangely enough, it was an almost completely free and fair 
election, unlike the last two elections in the United States – the 
last one being the most corrupt, I think, that has ever taken place 
in a modern state.
You must make sure that you do not have another election like that. 
Do not stand for it. The voting machines were pre-programmed to 
change every fifth vote for Kerry into one for Bush. Those elections 
were completely false. Ohio was won by Kerry, although he lost it. 
Florida was won by Kerry, so was New Mexico. The result would have 
been completely different but for the corruption. There was a massive 
vote against Bush but also a strong vote for him. But Kerry won the 
election and was denied it, just as in the previous election Al Gore 
won the election and was denied it. The world would be a completely 
different place had either Gore or Kerry become President. You might 
have had Maitreya out in the open now.


[FairfieldLife] Turq's Soapbox -- the ONLY important issue in the election

2008-09-02 Thread TurquoiseB
Make sure it's really an election, and that your
vote is counted.

* Demand that any voting machines used in your
state have been audited by computer professionals
external to the company that made them.

* Demand that they provide an incorruptible paper
trail of all votes that can be compared against
the electronic total.

* If this cannot be done in time for the election,
demand that the electronic voting machines be 
removed and that the election be held using paper
ballots. WHO CARES if the TV networks are upset
that they can't announce the winners instantly?
The important thing is that the votes are counted.

It's ALREADY too late to do anything about the
hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of votes
that already been disallowed by Republican tricks 
in an attempt to get rid of as many Democratic 
votes as possible. Go after the perpetrators AFTER 
the election.

If you DON'T do this, and BEFORE this election, no
one in other countries will have a moment's patience 
with any American whiner who complains about the 
results of the "election" afterwards. 

You are IN DENIAL, Americans.

You think that you don't have to pay attention to
stuff like this because "It can't happen here."

It's already happened. It's a done deal. Your vote
has ALREADY been stolen from you. The above three
steps are the only thing you can do at this point
to take it back.

If you don't, you are an active participant in the
gigantic cluster-fuck that America calls "democracy."

Sorry, but SOMEBODY had to tell it like it is.

And it won't help.

One of the main reasons I *left* America is that I 
threw myself heart and soul into organizations try-
ing to wake Americans up to what had been done to
them with these rigged voting machines. We got time
on nationwide TV...hell, at one point we put a 
MONKEY on camera on nationwide TV, and he did what
he had been taught to do, live, and changed the vote
on one of the Diebold machines in 30 seconds.

And nobody paid attention. Nobody did shit. The 
rigged machines were used in both of the last Presi-
dential elections, and you all know who "won."

And chances are it's going to happen again, and most
of you will sit there and bristle at being told the
truth about your so-called "democracy" and instead
of actually DOING SOMETHING, you'll rant at me.

But I don't live there. You do. And if you do nothing
to insure that your vote is really counted, you deserve
everything that happens to you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:McCain's *real* reason for picking Palin?

2008-09-02 Thread Vaj

On Sep 1, 2008, at 11:57 PM, Louis McKenzie wrote:

McCain does not want to talk with reporters.  I wonder why?

When you already come across with that Ronnie Raygun-early-signs-of- 
dementia persona, it's probably not best to be thrust into the  
spotlight in situations where you'd be forced to lie, after all, he  
just learning about his VP pick post hoc. It'll take a while till he  
remembers it all. It'd kinda be like trying to fly an advanced plane  
without knowing what you're doing: you crash. All the while having a  
VP with 5 kids, one a new born with Downs Syndrome, and expecting her  
to dump the kids for her new job. Can't you just imagine the looks on  
the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Military mafia, as the Veep and  
McCrazy are huddled in a bunker somewhere after the next terrorist  
attacks with Palin breast-feeding her baby? It's like some weird  
Republican Norman Rockwell painting.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Yoga trivia

2008-09-02 Thread Vaj

On Sep 2, 2008, at 3:55 AM, cardemaister wrote:

Ten points and a Parrot Badge for that FFL'er who knows the correct
answer [guessing the preposition:] for:

What is pishaacaavesha(sp?)?  :D

Are you talking about demonic possession? pizAca (demon who loves  
flesh); Aveza (entering)?

Ayudha- ? demonic possession by a war loving demon?

udara- ? demonic possession by the demon of gluttony (lit. "Stomach  

[FairfieldLife] MMY and Zambia?

2008-09-02 Thread Vaj
Anyone know what this is all about? It sounds like he was expelled  
from their country for trying to take it over with promises of  
"Heaven on Earth":

Zambia: Tale of Three Rulers, One Destiny
AllAfrica.com - Washington,USA
Jacob (Frederick Jacob Titus Chiluba) stole the birthright of a  
nation from the control of eastern gurus (such as Maharishi Mahesh  
Yogi and Ranganathan) and ...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amma teaches advaita to a 12-year-old boy !

2008-09-02 Thread Peter
My post was a joke and also trying to make a point about you grandstanding with 
your anti-advaita rhetoric all the time. 

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, yifuxero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: yifuxero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amma teaches advaita to a 12-year-old boy !
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 8:42 PM
> ---.You missed the point. To get the kids fucked up by you,
> just talk 
> about Neo-Advaita to kids.  Best to talk about soccer.
>  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Next time you can tell the kid something else,
> yifuxero, that is if 
> he doesn't get all fucked-up by your name.
> > 
> > 
> > --- On Mon, 9/1/08, yifuxero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > 
> > > From: yifuxero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amma teaches advaita
> to a 12-year-
> old boy !
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 7:23 PM
> > > -..Typical Neo-Advaitic delusion, not even true.
> First,
> > > there's 
> > > no "al else". Existence may be
> considered to be
> > > dreamlike but 
> > > according to Kashmir Saivism, is "real"
> and not
> > > an illusion.  From 
> > > Wiki:
> > > Matter is not separated from consciousness, but
> rather
> > > identical to 
> > > it. There is no gap between God and the world.
> The world is
> > > not an 
> > > illusion (as in Advaita Vedanta), rather the
> perception of
> > > duality is 
> > > the illusion.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
> "Richard J.
> > > Williams" 
> > >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > lurk wrote:
> > > > > Somebody like Vivekenanda. He might hit
> a 
> > > > > question like that out of the park.
> > > > >
> > > > "In everyone is God, the Atman; all
> else is 
> > > > but dream, an illusion."
> > > > 
> > > > 'The Complete Works of Swami
> Vivekananda'
> > > > Volume 5
> > > > Sayings and Utterances
> > > > http://tinyurl.com/5pn2kj
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > To subscribe, send a message to:
> > > 
> > > Or go to: 
> > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> > > and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups
> Links
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> >
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [FairfieldLife] Translation problem?

2008-09-02 Thread Vaj

On Sep 2, 2008, at 1:07 AM, cardemaister wrote:

This is the first shloka, or whatever, of Spanda-kaarikaa
(from memory):

yasyonmeSanimeSaabhyaaM jagataH pralayodayau
taM shakticakravibhavaprabhavaM shankaraM stumaH |

Does the first line mean, that when Shankara (Shiva?)
opens His Eyes (unmeSa) the Material(?) Universe is annihilated
(pralaya),and when He closes His eyes (nimeSa) it is "created"
again (udaya)?

Literally that is what it says but it's not yogically what it means.  
It's really talking about the interdependent relationship between  
shiva (pure consciousness) and spanda-shakti. These are two  
inseparable ways of seeing: absorbed in pure consciousness or the  
outer world as appearing as consciousness. You can see it from either  
POV and still be in the nondual condition. It's a paradox about  
what's occurring, simultaneously, all the time; we're just not  
usually "awake" to that.

Unmesa is also the "gap" between two thoughts.

[FairfieldLife] More Vedic Pandits to arrive in Maharishi Vedic City, soon to reach 1,050 goal

2008-09-02 Thread michael
More Vedic Pandits to arrive in Maharishi Vedic City, soon to reach 1,050 goal
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    Translate This Article
1 September 2008

Speaking 27 August 2008 on Maharishi Global Family Chat, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime 
Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, reported that a new group of 
Maharishi Vedic Pandits will soon be arriving at the Vedic Pandit campus in 
Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA. 

The Maharishi Vedic Pandits in Maharishi Vedic City have been making a very 
special contribution to the Invincible America Assembly—in addition to 
participating in daily group practice of Yogic Flying, they also every day 
perform special Vedic performances to enliven peace, harmony, and all 
positivity in the national consciousness of the United States. 

The group of 30 Vedic Pandits will soon be arriving in Chicago, Illinois, by 
plane, said Dr Morris, and will then be driven to Maharishi Vedic City to join 
the group already in residence there. 'This will be the first group to arrive 
in a steady stream of new Pandits over the next several weeks,' he said. 'The 
ultimate goal is for there to be 1,050 Vedic Pandits together in Vedic City,' 
Dr Morris continued, 'a number for which Dr Howard and Dr Alice Settle resolved 
to provide financial support.' 

The Vedic Pandit campus in Maharishi Vedic City is also close to being 
finished, with only a few more buildings yet to be completed. 'This is quite 
exciting for the future,' remarked Dr Morris, 'especially considering all the 
new developments in the US right now.' 

© Copyright 2008 Global Good News® 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin and the Christian Taliban

2008-09-02 Thread sgrayatlarge
-The hate I read here is your hate for Palin.

Stop projecting

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Palin and the Christian Taliban.
> Sarah Palin believes women should shut up, and not have choices about
> their lives. This is the Christian version of the Taliban.
> PALIN ABSOLUTLEY HATES WOMEN'S RIGHTS, and therefore wants the 
return of
> an Absolute Patriarchy like in the bible days. Nothing is more sexist
> and anti-women than Palin's views.
> It is anti-science, anti-modern, anti-freedom, and anti-American.
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin and the Christian Taliban

2008-09-02 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -The hate I read here is your hate for Palin.
> Stop projecting

Palin has been outspoken about wanting to legally
deny women choice over their own bodies (abortion). 
And she's occasionally been nasty in her treatment 
of other women as she does so:




It seems to me that to expect respect as a strong
woman (or to defend her as if she deserves that),
one should first walk one's own talk in the way
you treat other women.

Laughing along as some shock jock ridicules a woman
you don't like politically doth not imply "woman 
who deserves my respect for getting where she got
to" in my book. 

Obviously, others points of view on this subject
vary, even on this forum.

> -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Palin and the Christian Taliban.
> > 
> > Sarah Palin believes women should shut up, and not have choices 
> > about their lives. This is the Christian version of the Taliban.
> > PALIN ABSOLUTLEY HATES WOMEN'S RIGHTS, and therefore wants the 
> > return of an Absolute Patriarchy like in the bible days. Nothing 
> > is more sexist and anti-women than Palin's views.
> > 
> > It is anti-science, anti-modern, anti-freedom, and anti-American.
> > 
> > OffWorld
> >

[FairfieldLife] Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread do.rflex

McCain became the GOP presumptive nominee back in early March. It
wasn't as if he didn't have plenty of time to make a well thought out
choice for VP. The following NYT report shows an example of what we
could expect from a knee-jerk, indecisive yet trigger-happy 'senior
moment' McCain presidency:

For starters:


"The Washington Post quoted advisers to Mr. McCain on Sunday as saying
Ms. Palin had been subjected to an F.B.I. background check...


...an F.B.I. official said Monday the bureau did not vet potential
candidates and had not known of her selection until it was made public."

"Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now
to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin's background. 

A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet
Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before
Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice. 

The campaign was still calling Republican operatives as late as Sunday
night asking them to go to Alaska to deal with the unexpected
candidacy of Ms. Palin."


Disclosures on Palin Raise Questions on Vetting Process

New York Times, September 2, 2008

ST. PAUL — A series of disclosures about Gov. Sarah Palin, Senator
John McCain's choice as running mate, called into question on Monday
how thoroughly Mr. McCain had examined her background before putting
her on the Republican presidential ticket.

On Monday morning, Ms. Palin and her husband, Todd, issued a statement
saying that their 17-year-old unmarried daughter, Bristol, was five
months pregnant and that she intended to marry the father.

Among other less attention-grabbing news of the day: it was learned
that Ms. Palin now has a private lawyer in a legislative ethics
investigation in Alaska into whether she abused her power in
dismissing the state's public safety commissioner; that she was a
member for two years in the 1990s of the Alaska Independence Party,
which has at times sought a vote on whether the state should secede;
and that Mr. Palin was arrested 22 years ago on a drunken-driving charge.

Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now
to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin's background. A Republican with
ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet Ms. Palin in Alaska
had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before Mr. McCain stunned
the political world with his vice-presidential choice. The campaign
was still calling Republican operatives as late as Sunday night asking
them to go to Alaska to deal with the unexpected candidacy of Ms. Palin.

Although the McCain campaign said that Mr. McCain had known about
Bristol Palin's pregnancy before he asked her mother to join him on
the ticket and that he did not consider it disqualifying, top aides
were vague on Monday about how and when he had learned of the
pregnancy, and from whom.

While there was no sign that her formal nomination this week was in
jeopardy, the questions swirling around Ms. Palin on the first day of
the Republican National Convention, already disrupted by Hurricane
Gustav, brought anxiety to Republicans who worried that Democrats
would use the selection of Ms. Palin to question Mr. McCain's judgment
and his ability to make crucial decisions.

At the least, Republicans close to the campaign said it was
increasingly apparent that Ms. Palin had been selected as Mr. McCain's
running mate with more haste than McCain advisers initially described.

Up until midweek last week, some 48 to 72 hours before Mr. McCain
introduced Ms. Palin at a Friday rally in Dayton, Ohio, Mr. McCain was
still holding out the hope that he could choose a good friend, Senator
Joseph I. Lieberman, independent of Connecticut, a Republican close to
the campaign said. Mr. McCain had also been interested in another
favorite, former Gov. Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania.

But both men favor abortion rights, anathema to the Christian
conservatives who make up a crucial base of the Republican Party. As
word leaked out that Mr. McCain was seriously considering the men, the
campaign was bombarded by outrage from influential conservatives who
predicted an explosive floor fight at the convention and vowed
rejection of Mr. Ridge or Mr. Lieberman by the delegates.

Perhaps more important, several Republicans said, Mr. McCain was
getting advice that if he did not do something to shake up the race,
his campaign would be stuck on a potentially losing trajectory.

With time running out — and as Mr. McCain discarded two safer choices,
Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and former Gov. Mitt Romney of
Massachusetts, as too predictable — he turned to Ms. Palin. He had his
first face-to-face interview with her on Thursday and offered her the
job moments later. Advisers to Mr. Pawlenty and another of the
finalists on Mr. McCain's list described an intensive vetting process
for those candidates that lasted one to two

[FairfieldLife] Right Wing White Christian America

2008-09-02 Thread do.rflex


Re: [FairfieldLife] Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 2, 2008, at 9:15 AM, do.rflex wrote:

A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet
Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before
Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential  

I wonder if part of the reason McCain didn't feel it was
necessary to vet Palin is because he may be fairly sure
the election has already been decided?  As Barry pointed
out, none of the things we need to assure fair
elections, the things the Democrats were elected to do
2 years ago, have been done.


[FairfieldLife] Are teh Scotch more talkative than the British?

2008-09-02 Thread cardemaister

Just saw a documentary on (The?) Cream. I was kinda surprised that
Jack Bruce has such a strong Scottish accent. At one point Jack
just kept talking and Ginger & Eric were merely smirking, like they'd've
found Jack's accent rather funny!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Are teh Scotch more talkative than the British?

2008-09-02 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just saw a documentary on (The?) Cream. I was kinda surprised that
> Jack Bruce has such a strong Scottish accent. At one point Jack
> just kept talking and Ginger & Eric were merely smirking, like they'd've
> found Jack's accent rather funny!

Oops, should I have used "English" instead of "British"?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin and the Christian Taliban

2008-09-02 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Palin and the Christian Taliban.
> Sarah Palin believes women should shut up, and not have choices
> about their lives. This is the Christian version of the Taliban.
> PALIN ABSOLUTLEY HATES WOMEN'S RIGHTS, and therefore wants the
> return of an Absolute Patriarchy like in the bible days. Nothing
> is more sexist and anti-women than Palin's views.
> It is anti-science, anti-modern, anti-freedom, and anti-American.

You support Ron Paul, and he's no less Talibangelical than Sarah
Palin. WTF?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma teaches advaita to a 12-year-old boy !

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > "In everyone is God, the Atman; all else is 
> > but dream, an illusion."
> > 
yifuxero wrote:
> ...the perception of duality is the illusion.
So, we are agreed that "the perception of duality
is the illusion", just like in a dream. This is
false knowledge according to Ramana Marshy.

Ramana Maharshi's Self-Inquiry Teaching in a Nutshell:

> > 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda'
> > Volume 5
> > Sayings and Utterances
> > http://tinyurl.com/5pn2kj

[FairfieldLife] Tao te Ching

2008-09-02 Thread Rick Archer
Tao Te Ching; Verse 28: Timothy Freke Trans.


To be filled with the masculine power of Yang,

Follow the feminine nature of Yin.

Be empty like a valley,

Where water gathers to form a stream.

Gather Natural Goodness,

Until you are like a little child again.


To be filled with light,

Acknowledge what is dark.

Be an example to the world.

Allow the stream of Natural Goodness

To carry you back to the infinite.


To be filled with honour,

Be humble about your shortcomings.

Be empty as a valley.

Follow the flow of Natural Goodness,

To the sea of Primal Simplicity.


The wise are aware of the whole,

While interacting with the parts.

This is how they can help without harming. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Lawson wrote:
> My 2 cents:
> "Palin made a decision to fake her own pregnancy 
> to keep her daughter's pregnancy out of the media." 
Maybe you should shut-the-fuk up about Palin's
daughter's pregnancy - it's really none of your
business and it's totally irrelevant to any of the
current political issues.
MONROE, Mich. - Democratic presidential candidate 
Barack Obama said on Monday the pregnancy of Republican 
vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's daughter was 
not relevant to the campaign and reporters should back 
off of it.

Read more:

'Media should back off Bristol Palin, Obama says'
Posted by Caren Bohan
Reuters, September 1st, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Soapbox -- the ONLY important issue in the election

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
> Make sure it's really an election, and that your
> vote is counted.
So, you're in favor of direct voting in presidential 

> * Demand that any voting machines used in your
> state have been audited by computer professionals
> external to the company that made them.
So, you're in favor of voting machines.

> * Demand that they provide an incorruptible paper
> trail of all votes that can be compared against
> the electronic total.
So, you're in favor of warehousing incorruptible paper 

> * If this cannot be done in time for the election,
> demand that the electronic voting machines be 
> removed and that the election be held using paper
> ballots. WHO CARES if the TV networks are upset
> that they can't announce the winners instantly?
> The important thing is that the votes are counted.
So, you're in favor of hand-counting paper ballots.

> It's ALREADY too late to do anything about the
> hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of votes
> that already been disallowed by Republican tricks 
> in an attempt to get rid of as many Democratic 
> votes as possible. Go after the perpetrators AFTER 
> the election.
So, you think it's too late to do anything.

> If you DON'T do this, and BEFORE this election, no
> one in other countries will have a moment's patience 
> with any American whiner who complains about the 
> results of the "election" afterwards. 
So, you think that American Dem voters are whiners.

> You are IN DENIAL, Americans.
So, you're IN DENIAL and refuse to vote.

> You think that you don't have to pay attention to
> stuff like this because "It can't happen here."
So, you htink that could never happen there in Spain?
> It's already happened. It's a done deal. Your vote
> has ALREADY been stolen from you. The above three
> steps are the only thing you can do at this point
> to take it back.
> If you don't, you are an active participant in the
> gigantic cluster-fuck that America calls "democracy."
So, you think American voters are in a gigantic 
cluster-fuck because they vote.
> Sorry, but SOMEBODY had to tell it like it is.
So, you think you're telling it like it is.

> And it won't help.
So, you think nothing will help.

> One of the main reasons I *left* America is that I 
> threw myself heart and soul into organizations try-
> ing to wake Americans up to what had been done to
> them with these rigged voting machines. We got time
> on nationwide TV...hell, at one point we put a 
> MONKEY on camera on nationwide TV, and he did what
> he had been taught to do, live, and changed the vote
> on one of the Diebold machines in 30 seconds.
So, you ran away to hide in a Spanish village.

> And nobody paid attention. Nobody did shit. The 
> rigged machines were used in both of the last Presi-
> dential elections, and you all know who "won."
Because nobody listened to you.

> And chances are it's going to happen again, and most
> of you will sit there and bristle at being told the
> truth about your so-called "democracy" and instead
> of actually DOING SOMETHING, you'll rant at me.
So, you think we'll listen to you now.

> But I don't live there. You do. And if you do nothing
> to insure that your vote is really counted, you deserve
> everything that happens to you.
So, you're living over there, don't vote or pay taxes.


1. How many states in the U.S. have direct elections?
2. How many countries in the world have direct elections?
3. When are you going to read a book on political science?
4. Have you ever heard the term 'federalism' or 'republic'?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Tao te Ching

2008-09-02 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 2, 2008, at 9:40 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

The wise are aware of the whole,
While interacting with the parts.
This is how they can help without harming.

Sounds like a New-Age fortune cookie.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Sal Sunshine wrote:
> I wonder if part of the reason McCain didn't feel it was
> necessary to vet Palin is because he may be fairly sure
> the election has already been decided?  As Barry pointed
> out, none of the things we need to assure fair
> elections, the things the Democrats were elected to do
> 2 years ago, have been done.
Is the President of the U.S. elected by popular vote?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Turq's Soapbox -- the ONLY important issue in the election

2008-09-02 Thread gullible fool

* Demand that any voting machines used in your
state have been audited by computer professionals
external to the company that made them.

People like me who live in one of the many states where it's already a foregone 
conclusion which way the state's electoral votes will be going do not have to 
bother with stuff like this. I can tell you, without Pleaidian or Maitreyan 
advice, that my home state of Massachusetts will be voting democratic this 
year, as well as in 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032...you get the 
picture. There's no reason to even go to the polls. The only exception will be 
if the constitution is changed to allow a president to run for a third term and 
Ronald Reagan resurrects and gets the republican nomination to run once more, 
as he is the only republican to carry my state's electoral votes in my lifetime.
My state's electoral college even went democratic in 1988, when 41 other 
state's voted republican:
"...but mountain doesn't move!"

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Turq's Soapbox -- the ONLY important issue in the 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 7:11 AM

Make sure it's really an election, and that your
vote is counted.

* Demand that any voting machines used in your
state have been audited by computer professionals
external to the company that made them.

* Demand that they provide an incorruptible paper
trail of all votes that can be compared against
the electronic total.

* If this cannot be done in time for the election,
demand that the electronic voting machines be 
removed and that the election be held using paper
ballots. WHO CARES if the TV networks are upset
that they can't announce the winners instantly?
The important thing is that the votes are counted.

It's ALREADY too late to do anything about the
hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of votes
that already been disallowed by Republican tricks 
in an attempt to get rid of as many Democratic 
votes as possible. Go after the perpetrators AFTER 
the election.

If you DON'T do this, and BEFORE this election, no
one in other countries will have a moment's patience 
with any American whiner who complains about the 
results of the "election" afterwards. 

You are IN DENIAL, Americans.

You think that you don't have to pay attention to
stuff like this because "It can't happen here."

It's already happened. It's a done deal. Your vote
has ALREADY been stolen from you. The above three
steps are the only thing you can do at this point
to take it back.

If you don't, you are an active participant in the
gigantic cluster-fuck that America calls "democracy."

Sorry, but SOMEBODY had to tell it like it is.

And it won't help.

One of the main reasons I *left* America is that I 
threw myself heart and soul into organizations try-
ing to wake Americans up to what had been done to
them with these rigged voting machines. We got time
on nationwide TV...hell, at one point we put a 
MONKEY on camera on nationwide TV, and he did what
he had been taught to do, live, and changed the vote
on one of the Diebold machines in 30 seconds.

And nobody paid attention. Nobody did shit. The 
rigged machines were used in both of the last Presi-
dential elections, and you all know who "won."

And chances are it's going to happen again, and most
of you will sit there and bristle at being told the
truth about your so-called "democracy" and instead
of actually DOING SOMETHING, you'll rant at me.

But I don't live there. You do. And if you do nothing
to insure that your vote is really counted, you deserve
everything that happens to you.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sep 2, 2008, at 9:15 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet
> > Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before
> > Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential  
> > choice.
> I wonder if part of the reason McCain didn't feel it was
> necessary to vet Palin is because he may be fairly sure
> the election has already been decided?  As Barry pointed
> out, none of the things we need to assure fair
> elections, the things the Democrats were elected to do
> 2 years ago, have been done.
> Sal

I accept that as a strong possibility.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are teh Scotch more talkative than the British?

2008-09-02 Thread gullible fool

Oops, should I have used "English" instead of "British"?
Here in the US we think of the two as synonomous. 

"...but mountain doesn't move!"

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are teh Scotch more talkative than the British?
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 10:29 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just saw a documentary on (The?) Cream. I was kinda surprised that
> Jack Bruce has such a strong Scottish accent. At one point Jack
> just kept talking and Ginger & Eric were merely smirking, like
> found Jack's accent rather funny!

Oops, should I have used "English" instead of "British"?

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[FairfieldLife] Mother Meera's Darshan in Fairfield

2008-09-02 Thread Rick Archer
From: Mother Meera Fairfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 8:37 PM
Subject: Mother Meera's Darshan in Fairfield


Dear friends, 


We are so excited that Mother Meera will be giving Darshan very soon in
Fairfield on Thursday, Sept.11th!  We look forward to sharing this special
time with you.  You have a confirmed reservation for Thursday Sept. 11th at
7pm. Doors will open at 6:10pm.


We have secured a wonderful venue for the event. It is the Fairfield Arts
and Convention Center at 200 North Main St in Fairfield.
 www.fairfieldacc.com You can also check our
www.MotherMeera-Fairfield.com for up-to-date information.  Go to

airfield2008.pdf  for more details on Darshan, directions and hotels.


Please let us know if your plans have changed.


May Mother's Grace fill you with love and joy,


Mother Meera's Fairfield volunteer team



This e-mail was sent by Mother Meera Fairfield, located at P.O. Box 2183,
Fairfield, IA 52556 (USA). To receive no further e-mails, please click

here or reply to this e-mail with "unlist" in the Subject line.

[FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> Lawson wrote:
> > My 2 cents:
> > 
> > "Palin made a decision to fake her own pregnancy 
> > to keep her daughter's pregnancy out of the media." 
> > 
> Maybe you should shut-the-fuk up about Palin's
> daughter's pregnancy - it's really none of your
> business and it's totally irrelevant to any of the
> current political issues.

Palin is VP choice for 1 reason, she's the darling of the religious
right who have made family values and teen pregnancy a political issue
to smear the opposition for yrs.  Palin and McCain support abstinence
only sex ed which has been shown to not work and has not worked in
palin's family, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, wingnuts like willytex spent yrs
trashing chelsea clinton for no good reason and MCCAIN HIMSELF is
known for stirring up republican fundraisers for years with a
particularly distasteful joke about chelsea (why is chelsea clinton so
ugly?  because janet reno is the father.)  admit it willytex you still
love that joke, but now politicians' children are suddenly off target.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin has national security experience because . . .

2008-09-02 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > You mean you'd prefer a guy who graduated from college
> > to a gal who graduated from college?
> Her husband did not graduate from college and it is
> he who Richard is referring to on the energy fields.

OK. That wasn't clear to me. Are you both
assuming, then, that Palin's energy stances
are dictated by her husband?

> Your are working this angle pretty hard Judy.
> First you try to equate me attacking a person's
> chosen beliefs with being sexists against her
> non-chosen gender, and now this.  I'm starting
> to think that you are carrying a hammer and so
> everything is starting to look like a nail to
> you.

Yes, one's chosen and the other isn't. But
they're alike in that they're both used to
demean a person's character, abilities, and
intelligence *just by themselves*, without
relating them to anything the person has
actually done.

That's what you did regarding Palin's
religious beliefs. And since a few hours
earlier Barry attacked her as a "bimbo" and
a "ditzy broad," again without any evidence
that being a woman has negatively affected
her job performance or her public 
presentation as a VP candidate, it was hard 
to avoid making the connection with your

As to my carrying a hammer, there's some
truth to that, but it's because Clinton and
now Palin seem to have inspired a whole lot
of people to aim nails in their direction
rather than evaluating them on their record
and their positions.

It's aggravating enough that Democrats, who
are supposed to be so big on women's rights,
are wielding those nails at least as viciously
as Republicans.

But one would *think* that the members of a
supposedly spiritually oriented forum like
FFL would have risen above misogyny,
especially when MMY, who's the focus of so
much criticism here, is perceived to have
been misogynistic and has been subjected to
great scorn on that account.

Of all the members of FFL, Shemp was the 
only other person besides me to call Barry
on his disgusting smears of Palin. What he
said was OK with everybody else here, didn't
bother them at all. No problem calling a
nominee for vice president of the United
States a "bimbo."

Nor did anyone except me call you on your
slur of Palin for her religious beliefs. And
this from a group of people who constantly
rag on MMY and the TMO for disparaging other
spiritual paths!

The nails are bad enough, but the hypocrisy
is appalling.

And for the record: I'm not a Palin fan. I
find many of her personal beliefs repugnant,
I don't like what I've read about much of
what she's done in office, and I don't think
she is at all prepared to be vice president,
let alone president if McCain should croak.

But unlike some here, I object to unfair
attacks even when they're made against
politicians I don't like.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Voting Machines Can Never Be Trusted, Says GOP Computer Security Expert

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Rick Archer wrote:
> "Because they're stealing elections."
Under the U.S. system of representative democracy, 
the Electoral College elects the President and 
Vice President. We do not support direct nation-wide 
voting. The election is decided by the combined 
results of 51 State elections. 

Federalism was instituted in the U.S. by the 
founders in the U.S. Constitution in order to 
share power between States and the national 
government. In the U.S. the nation-wide popular 
vote has no legal significance.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sep 2, 2008, at 9:15 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet
> > Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before
> > Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential  
> > choice.
> I wonder if part of the reason McCain didn't feel it was
> necessary to vet Palin is because he may be fairly sure
> the election has already been decided?  As Barry pointed
> out, none of the things we need to assure fair
> elections, the things the Democrats were elected to do
> 2 years ago, have been done.

I wonder if McCain intentionally picked Palin, hoping she'd have to
pull an Eagleton, so that he could get Lieberman or Ridge on the ticket.

[FairfieldLife] Obama's bounce smaller than others

2008-09-02 Thread Tom
I'm wondering if Judy wasn't right all along.
Maybe Hillary was the better choice all along
and Barack is unelectable.  The way this is, 
McCain won't even need to fix the Diabold


"Barack Obama's post-Democratic National Convention bounce in the polls appears 
to be 
slightly smaller than the norm of past conventions, and it's gradually 

"On Saturday, Gallup reported Obama was ahead by 8 percentage points. By 
Monday, that 
lead had shrunk to 5 points. "

" Obama's 3-point bounce exceeds that of John F. Kerry, the Democratic 
nominee in 2004 who did not rise in the polls following his convention. But 
bounce is less than a third of what Al Gore received in 2000 and Bill Clinton 
received in 
1992. Even Bob Dole, following the 1996 Republican convention, received a 
bounce in the polls, 1 point more than Obama."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama's bounce smaller than others

2008-09-02 Thread Louis McKenzie
I dont understand the polls how is it that a guy can have 84000 people in a 
foot ball stadium have all the things in the convention and not move in the 
polls... Even McCain can have this stupid situation with the bimbo and still 
the polls dont change.?

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama's bounce smaller than others
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:15 PM

I'm wondering if Judy wasn't right all along.
Maybe Hillary was the better choice all along
and Barack is unelectable.  The way this is, 
McCain won't even need to fix the Diabold


"Barack Obama's post-Democratic National Convention bounce in the
polls appears to be 
slightly smaller than the norm of past conventions, and it's gradually

"On Saturday, Gallup reported Obama was ahead by 8 percentage points. By
Monday, that 
lead had shrunk to 5 points. "

" Obama's 3-point bounce exceeds that of John F. Kerry, the Democratic
nominee in 2004 who did not rise in the polls following his convention. But
bounce is less than a third of what Al Gore received in 2000 and Bill Clinton
received in 
1992. Even Bob Dole, following the 1996 Republican convention, received a
bounce in the polls, 1 point more than Obama."

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread Bhairitu
do.rflex wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> On Sep 2, 2008, at 9:15 AM, do.rflex wrote:
>>> A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet
>>> Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before
>>> Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential  
>>> choice.
>> I wonder if part of the reason McCain didn't feel it was
>> necessary to vet Palin is because he may be fairly sure
>> the election has already been decided?  As Barry pointed
>> out, none of the things we need to assure fair
>> elections, the things the Democrats were elected to do
>> 2 years ago, have been done.
>> Sal
> I accept that as a strong possibility.
Gustav may have made the Republicans tone down their opening night but 
maybe not.  The whole convention may be a wet wash cloth as far as 
generating any enthusiasm which might further validate this premise.  
However the police in the area seem to have drunk Nazi juice and are 
even harshly arresting credentialed news reporters.  Cops in this 
country have WAY too much power and we their employers need to reign 
they WAY in.  Even the ones around here strut around like "I am 
something" idiots.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sources of the TM Puja

2008-09-02 Thread Bhairitu
Peter wrote:
> Thanks Vaj. I love doing puja. I have the traditional picture of Guru Dev, 
> but I 
> also have little  pictures of MMY, SSRS, Ramana Maharishi, Jesus and Buddha 
> (all 
> who have helped). When you do puja a door to the transcendent opens and such 
> grace pours through.
> It doesn't matter to me where or how MMY got the puja, its a miracle every 
> time 
> its done.
Not really a miracle, just the Sanskrit phrases being evoked enliven 
shakti (because they have that sound quality).  And of course with that 
shakti enlivened and elevate it carries to the mantra being given 
during  the initiation so the recipient gets an enlivened mantra even if 
the teacher isn't enlightened.  It's a very mechanical process.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's bounce smaller than others

2008-09-02 Thread Tom
There seem to be a number of things you
don't understand Louis.

The polls did change. 

McCain rose while Obama slipped.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I dont understand the polls how is it that a guy can have 84000 people in a 
> foot ball 
stadium have all the things in the convention and not move in the polls... Even 
can have this stupid situation with the bimbo and still the polls dont 
> --- On Tue, 9/2/08, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama's bounce smaller than others
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:15 PM
> I'm wondering if Judy wasn't right all along.
> Maybe Hillary was the better choice all along
> and Barack is unelectable.  The way this is, 
> McCain won't even need to fix the Diabold
> machines.
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/13068
> "Barack Obama's post-Democratic National Convention bounce in the
> polls appears to be 
> slightly smaller than the norm of past conventions, and it's gradually
> depreciating."
> "On Saturday, Gallup reported Obama was ahead by 8 percentage points. By
> Monday, that 
> lead had shrunk to 5 points. "
> " Obama's 3-point bounce exceeds that of John F. Kerry, the Democratic
> presidential 
> nominee in 2004 who did not rise in the polls following his convention. But
> Obama's 
> bounce is less than a third of what Al Gore received in 2000 and Bill Clinton
> received in 
> 1992. Even Bob Dole, following the 1996 Republican convention, received a
> 4-point 
> bounce in the polls, 1 point more than Obama."
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: McCain's Jyotish placements

2008-09-02 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The astrologers are all puttering around with his horoscope, 
>> trying to rectify it. The right wing astrologers trying to 
>> get an ascendant that shows he'll win and the left wing 
>> astrologers an ascendant that will show he will lose.  ;-)
> Exactly my point as well.
> There is not an ounce of "seeing" in these raps.
> It's just True Believers trying to find a way to
> interpret irrelevant data so that it'll fit their
> preconceptions and what they want to happen.
> Same with all of the raps about Gustav and its
> cosmic significance and who "caused" it by being
> "evil" or out of touch with the "laws of nature."
> Never seen so much bullshit in my life...
There seems to be something to astrology as life patterns seem to play 
out that are shown in the chart.  However I bet we could take a lot of 
peoples charts here, take their names off of them and then tell 
astrologers that they are "presidential candidates" and they will come 
up with all kinds of reasons as to why they will win the election.  IOW, 
electing a president has a lot more to it than the candidate's horoscope.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's bounce smaller than others

2008-09-02 Thread bettyblue109
Louis read this, it explains why Obama did not bounce:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I dont understand the polls how is it that a guy can have 84000 
people in a foot ball stadium have all the things in the convention 
and not move in the polls... Even McCain can have this stupid 
situation with the bimbo and still the polls dont change.?
> --- On Tue, 9/2/08, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama's bounce smaller than others
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:15 PM
> I'm wondering if Judy wasn't right all along.
> Maybe Hillary was the better choice all along
> and Barack is unelectable.  The way this is, 
> McCain won't even need to fix the Diabold
> machines.
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/13068
> "Barack Obama's post-Democratic National Convention bounce in the
> polls appears to be 
> slightly smaller than the norm of past conventions, and it's 
> depreciating."
> "On Saturday, Gallup reported Obama was ahead by 8 percentage 
points. By
> Monday, that 
> lead had shrunk to 5 points. "
> " Obama's 3-point bounce exceeds that of John F. Kerry, the 
> presidential 
> nominee in 2004 who did not rise in the polls following his 
convention. But
> Obama's 
> bounce is less than a third of what Al Gore received in 2000 and 
Bill Clinton
> received in 
> 1992. Even Bob Dole, following the 1996 Republican convention, 
received a
> 4-point 
> bounce in the polls, 1 point more than Obama."
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin has national security experience because . . .

2008-09-02 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 2, 2008, at 10:58 AM, authfriend wrote:

It's aggravating enough that Democrats, who
are supposed to be so big on women's rights,
are wielding those nails at least as viciously
as Republicans.

Hey, we're Democrats, we believe in equal-opportunity

But one would *think* that the members of a
supposedly spiritually oriented forum like
FFL would have risen above misogyny

Enough with the self-righteous crap, Judy.
There hasn't been any misogyny here, only differences
of opinion which have been entirely fair.  Your attempting
to silence those who disagree with you by tossing "misogynist!"
in their direction won't change that.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin has national security experience because . . .

2008-09-02 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 2, 2008, at 10:58 AM, authfriend wrote:

The nails are bad enough, but the hypocrisy
is appalling.

Why settle for just hors d'oeuvres when you can have
the whole enchilada?

Physician, heal thyself.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 2, 2008, at 11:07 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:

I wonder if McCain intentionally picked Palin, hoping she'd have to
pull an Eagleton, so that he could get Lieberman or Ridge on the  

Another interesting thought.


[FairfieldLife] Facist Thugs Arrest Reporters at RNC

2008-09-02 Thread Bhairitu
*Police in this country are getting out of hand.  We must reign them in 
(or fire them).

I'm listening to Amy Goodman and he reporters on Thom Hartmann and one 
just said that the police arrested a reporter from a Republican magazine 
too.  Cops gone psycho.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama's bounce smaller than others

2008-09-02 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 2, 2008, at 11:22 AM, Louis McKenzie wrote:

Even McCain can have this stupid situation with the bimbo...

Oops, it appears Barry's illness is catching...:)

C'mon, Louis, that's a bit unfair...after all, she *is*
smarter than McCain...hopefully


Re: [FairfieldLife] Facist Thugs Arrest Reporters at RNC

2008-09-02 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 2, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

I'm listening to Amy Goodman and he reporters on Thom Hartmann and one
just said that the police arrested a reporter from a Republican  

too.  Cops gone psycho.

I wonder how long it'll be before they start arresting each other?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin has national security experience because . . .

2008-09-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > > You mean you'd prefer a guy who graduated from college
> > > to a gal who graduated from college?
> > 
> > Her husband did not graduate from college and it is
> > he who Richard is referring to on the energy fields.
> OK. That wasn't clear to me. Are you both
> assuming, then, that Palin's energy stances
> are dictated by her husband?

I just want the person making energy policy to have at least a college
degree and I value it over "on the ground' experience that Richard was
touting.  I don't think I am alone in this.

> Nor did anyone except me call you on your
> slur of Palin for her religious beliefs. And
> this from a group of people who constantly
> rag on MMY and the TMO for disparaging other
> spiritual paths!

I still don't understand why you feel you were calling me on a slur
because I spoke out against using Biblical teachings on the same level
as scientific knowledge in schools.  Your objection to me calling it
an "old book" is not a slur except to people who believe it is God's
word, and I don't put you or almost any poster here in that category.
If I was talking to a Bible believer I probably wouldn't use that
term.  But here it sums up my position concisely in a phrase.  I
suspect you might be getting offended on behalf of people who don't
read this forum.

As far as your correction in her positions, that is appreciated.  I am
still not clear where she is drawing her lines.  As I said I think
that offering creationism as an alternative scientific view is way out
of line.  It belongs in a religion class.  There is no scientific
debate between these positions. 

I am a fan of religious education and personally believe that teaching
world religions in every school is critical for people to understand
other cultures.  It also doesn't hurt that it can loosen the grip of
one's own cultural bias for the religion you grew up in.  At least it
had that effect on me.

I figured that you were not defending Palin's POV.  And I also
understand that you have the kind of fine tuned misogyny meter that I
have for religious beliefs affecting policy decisions.  We each have
out "up" issues. Criticizing what someone believes and expecting it to
affect their policy decision is important in politics to me. 
Especially after the last eight years.

Trying to protect people's religious beliefs as if they are sacred has
caused a lot of problems IMO.  People are welcome to be offended by me
calling the Bible an "old book", but  I want them to understand that I
am equally offended when they use their belief in putting their hand
on that book in a courtroom as if it confers a greater likelihood of
telling the truth in a trial. 

As far as calling Barry on the phrases he uses to get a rise out of
you, I don't think you can realistically believe that anyone else here
should rise to the same bait Judy.  I don't believe Barry is a
misogynist. And I don't believe women here are in need of any
protection from me.

We each have our arenas that we like to call people on in this forum.
 Most of them (my own included) are very predictable.


> > Your are working this angle pretty hard Judy.
> > First you try to equate me attacking a person's
> > chosen beliefs with being sexists against her
> > non-chosen gender, and now this.  I'm starting
> > to think that you are carrying a hammer and so
> > everything is starting to look like a nail to
> > you.
> Yes, one's chosen and the other isn't. But
> they're alike in that they're both used to
> demean a person's character, abilities, and
> intelligence *just by themselves*, without
> relating them to anything the person has
> actually done.
> That's what you did regarding Palin's
> religious beliefs. And since a few hours
> earlier Barry attacked her as a "bimbo" and
> a "ditzy broad," again without any evidence
> that being a woman has negatively affected
> her job performance or her public 
> presentation as a VP candidate, it was hard 
> to avoid making the connection with your
> slur.
> As to my carrying a hammer, there's some
> truth to that, but it's because Clinton and
> now Palin seem to have inspired a whole lot
> of people to aim nails in their direction
> rather than evaluating them on their record
> and their positions.
> It's aggravating enough that Democrats, who
> are supposed to be so big on women's rights,
> are wielding those nails at least as viciously
> as Republicans.
> But one would *think* that the members of a
> supposedly spiritually oriented forum like
> FFL would have risen above misogyny,
> especially when MMY, who's the focus of so
> much criticism here, is perceived to have
> been misogynistic and has been subjected to
> great scorn on that account.
> Of all the members of FFL, Shemp was the 
> only other person besides me to call Barry
> on his disgusting smears of Pali

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's bounce smaller than others

2008-09-02 Thread Louis McKenzie
WHY?  Is the smear working? or are the polls accurate?

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's bounce smaller than others
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:30 PM

There seem to be a number of things you
don't understand Louis.

The polls did change. 

McCain rose while Obama slipped.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I dont understand the polls how is it that a guy can have 84000 people in
a foot ball 
stadium have all the things in the convention and not move in the polls... Even
can have this stupid situation with the bimbo and still the polls dont
> --- On Tue, 9/2/08, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama's bounce smaller than others
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:15 PM
> I'm wondering if Judy wasn't right all along.
> Maybe Hillary was the better choice all along
> and Barack is unelectable.  The way this is, 
> McCain won't even need to fix the Diabold
> machines.
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/13068
> "Barack Obama's post-Democratic National Convention bounce in the
> polls appears to be 
> slightly smaller than the norm of past conventions, and it's gradually
> depreciating."
> "On Saturday, Gallup reported Obama was ahead by 8 percentage points.
> Monday, that 
> lead had shrunk to 5 points. "
> " Obama's 3-point bounce exceeds that of John F. Kerry, the
> presidential 
> nominee in 2004 who did not rise in the polls following his convention.
> Obama's 
> bounce is less than a third of what Al Gore received in 2000 and Bill
> received in 
> 1992. Even Bob Dole, following the 1996 Republican convention, received a
> 4-point 
> bounce in the polls, 1 point more than Obama."
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin has national security experience because . . .

2008-09-02 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Of all the members of FFL, Shemp was the 
> only other person besides me to call Barry
> on his disgusting smears of Palin. What he
> said was OK with everybody else here, didn't
> bother them at all. No problem calling a
> nominee for vice president of the United
> States a "bimbo."

Because she so clearly doesn't get it, I'll explain.

Judy and Shemp were the only people mentioned in my
first post this week, the *only* one I've had to 
write this week to get them to go ballistic and 
"post out" --


In that post, I stated not only my premise (that 
both of them are likely candidates for Borderline
Personality Disorder), and posted the symptoms of
the disorder (first and foremost of which is a
tendency to go ballistic and seek revenge when
anyone "abandons" them, and I clearly stated my 
intention (to abandon them).

That is exactly what I have done for the rest of the
week, and will do in the future. I haven't replied
to anything they posted, and have not mentioned them,
even implicitly. Instead, I have merely posted my
usual over-the-top stuff here, about both spirituality
and politics, and ignored their silly asses.

And so how did they react?

Exactly according to the symptomology of BPD. Judy 
spent a quarter of her posts for the week trashing
me and attempting to get others to do the same, and
Shemp spent 10% of his posts doing the same thing.

And now they've both "posted out." 

Do less, accomplish more.  :-)

I didn't have to respond to them, I didn't have to
do anything extraordinary to get them to go ballistic
like this; I just posted what I felt like posting, and
they responded *exactly* as I expected them to.

And they will again next week. (Or at least Judy will.)

And I'll ignore them again next week, too, no matter
how much and how often they trash me, and no matter
how much they desperately attempt to get me to interact
with them.

And they'll both keep doing the same old BPD stuff 
anyway, EVEN THOUGH I'm patiently explaining to them
what I'm up to.

That said, Palin really IS a bimbo and a cunt, as far 
as I can tell from everything that has been written 
about her.  So, however, is John McCain. 

It's not about misogyny; it's about calling a spade
a spade.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's bounce smaller than others

2008-09-02 Thread Louis McKenzie

For all accounts Obama did all of the below but did not move..?? Who are 
they polling?
By Dick Morris  

agrees that when Barack Obama finishes his historic outdoor acceptance
speech on Thursday night and the 75,000 adoring fans in attendance
finally quiet down, he will bounce up in the polls, likely to as much
as a 10-point lead or even more.
Obama is at his best when delivering a telepromptered speech to a
large and enthusiastic crowd. What would be a major task for some is
just batting practice for this skilled orator. But how long will his
bounce last?
To make it stay and not let McCain dissipate it with the Republican
convention that will follow hard on the heels of the Democratic
gathering, Obama needs to give a State of the Union speech, not a
campaign speech, to his national television audience.

His trademark dialogue with his audience, in which they take turns
repeating lines like “Yes we can” or “Not this time,” works well on a
sweaty primary night when Obama declares victory, but it won’t be
enough on Thursday night. His Berlin speaking style, threading the
needle and walking the tightrope between policy options and broad
principles with which no one can really disagree, will also lead to a
quickly fading bounce. He may satiate his partisan audience, but he
will not prevent the electorate from feeling a hunger for substance the
next day.
Rather, Obama’s model should be Al Gore’s acceptance speech in 2000
or Bill Clinton’s in 1996. Both were virtual State of the Union
speeches, delivered to an audience rather than to Congress, but
televised and just as widely seen. In those speeches, his predecessors
canvassed each aspect of public policy and articulated a program or
initiative to move it forward. Each topic got its paragraph, punctuated
at the end with an applause line. Then came a transition sentence into
the next topic. This rote formulation, repeated over and over, sounds
boring to speechwriters and may lack the emotional eloquence for which
Obama is famous, but the time has come for the Democratic candidate to
answer the question being asked about him all over: in effect, where’s
the beef?
For his acceptance speech to carry him over through the week of the
Republican convention and into the fall, it has to be a compendium of
policy departures, outlining, in specifics, what he plans to do as
president. He must lay out his future course plainly and in detail.
Rhetorical flourishes will not serve as a replacement for hard
proposals. To quote Obama, “Not this time!”
Television commentators may deplore the laundry list approach to
such a speech, and his audience may find itself less moved or thrilled
than usual, but he’ll just have to disappoint the folks. America knows
that Obama offers hope and change and fresh approaches. But we don’t
know what that means. We don’t understand exactly where he will take
us, and his recent flipping and flopping obscures whatever clarity we
might once have had.
But now Obama can set us straight and give himself an enduring
platform for the rest of his campaign. In the primaries, Hillary was
the candidate of issues and Obama was the voice of hope. When Clinton
was expounding upon the details of her healthcare plan, Obama was
soaring in his rhetoric promoting change. That was good enough for the
primaries. But it won’t work in this speech. Can Obama do it? “Yes, he
can.” But will he?

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, bettyblue109 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: bettyblue109 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's bounce smaller than others
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:40 PM

Louis read this, it explains why Obama did not bounce:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I dont understand the polls how is it that a guy can have 84000 
people in a foot ball stadium have all the things in the convention 
and not move in the polls... Even McCain can have this stupid 
situation with the bimbo and still the polls dont change.?
> --- On Tue, 9/2/08, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama's bounce smaller than others
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:15 PM
> I'm wondering if Judy wasn't right all along.
> Maybe Hillary was the better choice all along
> and Barack is unelectable.  The way this is, 
> McCain won't even need to fix the Diabold
> machines.
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/13068
> "Barack Obama's post-Democratic National Convention bo

[FairfieldLife] Omkara as Ganapati, the True concept

2008-09-02 Thread sriswamijisadhaka
Jaya Guru Datta

This link provides a long and very beautifully detailed discourse on
Veda, Puranas, Ganapati, Varnas, puja,

Sept. 3rd is Ganesh Chaturti, the 4th day of the Bright moon in
Bhadrapada month, it is a day that celebrates Ganapati becoming the
leader of all Ganas.

This discourse by Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji, who is
"name-form" reveals
the essence of OMKARA as Ganesh and it's varying stories depending on
the Purana and Kalpa.


May Ganapati bless all devotees of the Almighty One.

Sri Guru Datta

Jai Ganesha

[FairfieldLife] Comparing mayor palin and mayor malloy of ffld

2008-09-02 Thread boo_lives
It's come out how after being elected mayor of wasilla, palin tried to
fire all the city's dept. heads in what seems to be partly a political
purge and partly an enforcement of her religious beliefs.  This led me
to think of major malloy in ffld - there was quite a bit of worry
among townies about a meditator being mayor, but the 1st decision
malloy made was to reappoint all the dept heads in ffld who had
experience in running the city day to day.   This one act did wonders
 in relieving the town's anxiety and showed that he was in fact a good
executive who was interested in sound city functioning not enforcing
some meditator philosophy.  The whole idea that palin has good
"executive" experience is demolished by the fact that she seems to
have consistently in her career put politics and religion ahead of
solid executive decisions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread Louis McKenzie
Well most Christian folks would first recognize that she was a little W.   
then they would ask Jesus to forgive her.  I am not hearing any calls for 
forgiveness I am hearing well she is going to get married so that makes it ok.

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 12:44 PM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> Lawson wrote:
> > My 2 cents:
> > 
> > "Palin made a decision to fake her own pregnancy 
> > to keep her daughter's pregnancy out of the media." 
> > 
> Maybe you should shut-the-fuk up about Palin's
> daughter's pregnancy - it's really none of your
> business and it's totally irrelevant to any of the
> current political issues.

Palin is VP choice for 1 reason, she's the darling of the religious
right who have made family values and teen pregnancy a political issue
to smear the opposition for yrs.  Palin and McCain support abstinence
only sex ed which has been shown to not work and has not worked in
palin's family, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, wingnuts like willytex spent yrs
trashing chelsea clinton for no good reason and MCCAIN HIMSELF is
known for stirring up republican fundraisers for years with a
particularly distasteful joke about chelsea (why is chelsea clinton so
ugly?  because janet reno is the father.)  admit it willytex you still
love that joke, but now politicians' children are suddenly off target.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's bounce smaller than others

2008-09-02 Thread Louis McKenzie
I would like to see polls that show young people, women catholics and so 
forth.   I'll bet those polls show Obama in better position they are not 
showing these polls.

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, bettyblue109 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: bettyblue109 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's bounce smaller than others
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:40 PM

Louis read this, it explains why Obama did not bounce:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I dont understand the polls how is it that a guy can have 84000 
people in a foot ball stadium have all the things in the convention 
and not move in the polls... Even McCain can have this stupid 
situation with the bimbo and still the polls dont change.?
> --- On Tue, 9/2/08, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama's bounce smaller than others
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:15 PM
> I'm wondering if Judy wasn't right all along.
> Maybe Hillary was the better choice all along
> and Barack is unelectable.  The way this is, 
> McCain won't even need to fix the Diabold
> machines.
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/13068
> "Barack Obama's post-Democratic National Convention bounce in the
> polls appears to be 
> slightly smaller than the norm of past conventions, and it's 
> depreciating."
> "On Saturday, Gallup reported Obama was ahead by 8 percentage 
points. By
> Monday, that 
> lead had shrunk to 5 points. "
> " Obama's 3-point bounce exceeds that of John F. Kerry, the 
> presidential 
> nominee in 2004 who did not rise in the polls following his 
convention. But
> Obama's 
> bounce is less than a third of what Al Gore received in 2000 and 
Bill Clinton
> received in 
> 1992. Even Bob Dole, following the 1996 Republican convention, 
received a
> 4-point 
> bounce in the polls, 1 point more than Obama."
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well most Christian folks would first recognize that she was a
little W.   then they would ask Jesus to forgive her.  I am not
hearing any calls for forgiveness I am hearing well she is going to
get married so that makes it ok.
this blog sums up my views on bristol:

"Bristol Palin is a girl who did something that millions of teenagers
have done - have sex.  And she is now facing the most obvious
consequence of that choice - pregnancy.  She is not an evil person,
she is not a blight on society, she is not deserving of public
shaming.  She was deserving of proper information about sexual health
and pregnancy prevention, something that her mother repeatedly and
vocally fought against. 

I begrudge Bristol Palin and her family nothing, and hope that she has
a healthy and vibrant child who grows up to change the world for the
better.  I just wish that we all had the benefit of being a prominent
Republican's child when it came time for judgment to be passed on us
for our sex lives."


[FairfieldLife] (unknown)

2008-09-02 Thread Daryn J. Hamilton

Where is MUM?
Not here!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sep 2, 2008, at 9:15 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> > A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet
> > Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before
> > Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential  
> > choice.
> I wonder if part of the reason McCain didn't feel it was
> necessary to vet Palin is because he may be fairly sure
> the election has already been decided?  As Barry pointed
> out, none of the things we need to assure fair
> elections, the things the Democrats were elected to do
> 2 years ago, have been done.
> Sal

My post is probably completely ignorant of the facts (per usual!).

Nevertheless as a fairly disinterested Brit observer who is still
trying to decide whether he would  prefer Obama or McCain (not that it
matters), my *bullshit* alarms go off big-time when exposed to this
(Democrat) conspiracy theory (?) about the US voting machines.

I prefer the "cock-up" theory of history. Here in the UK, all attempts
to *modernise* the voting system seem to have generated corresponding
allegations of increased electoral fraud. And here, in the last ten
years or so, that is by an administration well to the left of the US

[FairfieldLife] Where is MUM?

2008-09-02 Thread Daryn J. Hamilton

http://green. yahoo.com/ blog/greenpicks/ 198/how-green- is-your-college. html

Where is MUM?
Not here!


[FairfieldLife] Re: McCain's Jyotish placements

2008-09-02 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > The astrologers are all puttering around with his horoscope, 
> > trying to rectify it. The right wing astrologers trying to 
> > get an ascendant that shows he'll win and the left wing 
> > astrologers an ascendant that will show he will lose.  ;-)
> Exactly my point as well.
> There is not an ounce of "seeing" in these raps.
> It's just True Believers trying to find a way to
> interpret irrelevant data so that it'll fit their
> preconceptions and what they want to happen.

The astroligical data are meaningless without the seer or the 
interpreter of these data.  It requires a jyotishi who has the gift 
and sensitivity to understand the meaning of these data and interpret 
their significance.  As such, the jyotishi can have a better idea of 
how the karma is manifesting for the person and can make predictions 
of what can happen to the person in the future.

Since the jyotishi is a person, he can be swayed perhaps unknowingly 
to interpret a chart based on his biases and prejudices.  In essence, 
there is a dynamic or synergistic relationship between the person and 
the jyotishi.  It is ideal if the person can find a jyotishi who can 
interpret his/her chart at the right place and at the right time.

> Same with all of the raps about Gustav and its
> cosmic significance and who "caused" it by being
> "evil" or out of touch with the "laws of nature."

Granted that it is difficult to fathom the laws of nature and 
interpret the manifestation of karma.  Various cultures, with a 
tradition of belief in a Creator, have written about how Nature can 
justify destroying a city or a group of people.  We see this in the 
Old Testament when Yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.  The prophet 
at the time had to bargain with Yahweh to prevent the cities from 
being destroyed.  In the end, the agreement was violated.  Thus, the 
cities were destroyed.

For people without the tradition of belief, then any natural disaster 
can be and are interpreted as mere coincidence or part of the 
statistical distribution of probabilities.  It other words, the 
nonbelievers would have to be satisfied with the whims of nature, or 
accept that "it's a crap shoot out there".  Or, say that "Never seen 
so much bullshit in my life..."

> > Vaj wrote:
> > > I really haven't looked at his dashas or his chart in any 
> > >
> > > The placements and their causes were from Goravani Jyotish and 
> > > unblended with no interpretation, just the raw data.
> > >
> > > On Sep 1, 2008, at 5:47 PM, John wrote:
> > >
> > >   
> > >> Vaj,
> > >>
> > >> Although detailed and impressive, the analysis appears to come 
from a
> > >> canned program.  What is your own jyotish assessment as to the
> > >> possibility of McCain being elected as president of the USA?
> > >> 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Where is MUM?

2008-09-02 Thread Vaj
If you're really interested in truly green, real sustainability-based  
and interdisciplinary college education, then skip the cult college  
in FF and check out the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine.  
They're the real deal and one of a kind:


On Sep 2, 2008, at 2:09 PM, Daryn J. Hamilton wrote:

http://green. yahoo.com/ blog/greenpicks/ 198/how-green- is-your- 
college. html

Where is MUM?
Not here!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin has national security experience because . . .

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
> That said, Palin really IS a bimbo and a cunt...
So, it's is all about Palin being a female.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sources of the TM Puja

2008-09-02 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Vaj. I love doing puja. I have the traditional picture of
Guru Dev, but I also have little  pictures of MMY, SSRS, Ramana
Maharishi, Jesus and Buddha (all who have helped). When you do puja a
door to the transcendent opens and such grace pours through.
> It doesn't matter to me where or how MMY got the puja, its a miracle
every time its done.

I fully agree, Peter. In my observations, the Puja we learned as TM
teachers is very badly under-recognized and under-appreciated in its
ineffable significance - even by many [if not most] TM teachers. Among
other practical characteristics of teaching, I consider it [when done
properly] a direct *conscious* two-way doorway to Divinity and a
direct connection to Guru Dev. That's been my experience.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Comparing mayor palin and mayor malloy of ffld

2008-09-02 Thread gullible fool

This led me to think of major malloy in ffld - there was quite a bit of worry
among townies about a meditator being mayor, but the 1st decision
malloy made was to reappoint all the dept heads in ffld who had
experience in running the city day to day.

You have to admit, though, that a lot of meditators would be flighty 
appointments. First of all, forget about anyone on campus, because no one on 
faculty or staff would have the time free, and no one who is rounding, such as 
Purusha, Mother Divine, and CCP, would have the time free or even want to be 
involved in something off campus. Only meditators who live in town would be 
possibilities. How many would be available, not be OTP, and be well-known 
enough to Ed for him to make a favorable decision about hiring them? Probably 
very few, if any. 
Of course, it would have been a public relations disaster as well.

...have you "posted out" yet?

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Comparing mayor palin and mayor malloy of ffld
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:17 PM

It's come out how after being elected mayor of wasilla, palin tried to
fire all the city's dept. heads in what seems to be partly a political
purge and partly an enforcement of her religious beliefs.  This led me
to think of major malloy in ffld - there was quite a bit of worry
among townies about a meditator being mayor, but the 1st decision
malloy made was to reappoint all the dept heads in ffld who had
experience in running the city day to day.   This one act did wonders
 in relieving the town's anxiety and showed that he was in fact a good
executive who was interested in sound city functioning not enforcing
some meditator philosophy.  The whole idea that palin has good
"executive" experience is demolished by the fact that she seems to
have consistently in her career put politics and religion ahead of
solid executive decisions.

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and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > > "Palin made a decision to fake her own pregnancy 
> > > to keep her daughter's pregnancy out of the media." 
> > > 
> > Maybe you should shut-the-fuk up about Palin's
> > daughter's pregnancy - it's really none of your
> > business and it's totally irrelevant to any of the
> > current political issues.
> >
boo wrote:
> ...you still love that joke, but now politicians' 
> children are suddenly off target.
Stop the lying, "boo".

MONROE, Mich. - Democratic presidential candidate 
Barack Obama said on Monday the pregnancy of Republican 
vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's daughter was 
not relevant to the campaign and reporters should back 
off of it.

Read more:

'Media should back off Bristol Palin, Obama says'
Posted by Caren Bohan
Reuters, September 1st, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where is MUM?

2008-09-02 Thread feste37
MUM offers a lot more than just Green. I don't see the two colleges as
comparable. They have different purposes. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you're really interested in truly green, real sustainability-based  
> and interdisciplinary college education, then skip the cult college  
> in FF and check out the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine.  
> They're the real deal and one of a kind:
> http://www.coa.edu/html/about.htm
> On Sep 2, 2008, at 2:09 PM, Daryn J. Hamilton wrote:
> >
> >
> > http://green. yahoo.com/ blog/greenpicks/ 198/how-green- is-your- 
> > college. html
> >
> > Where is MUM?
> > Not here!

[FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Louis McKenzie wrote:
> I am not hearing any calls for forgiveness I 
> am hearing well she is going to get married 
> so that makes it ok.
It none of your business, Louis, so shut-the-fuk 
up about it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
boo wrote:
> "I just wish that we all had the benefit of being a 
> prominent Republican's child when it came time for 
> judgment to be passed on us for our sex lives."
Maybe you should just shut your pie-hole talking about
other people's private sex life. You are not qualified
to judge anyone.

MONROE, Mich. - Democratic presidential candidate 
Barack Obama said on Monday the pregnancy of Republican 
vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's daughter was 
not relevant to the campaign and reporters should back 
off of it.

Read more:

'Media should back off Bristol Palin, Obama says'
Posted by Caren Bohan
Reuters, September 1st, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Comparing mayor palin and mayor malloy of ffld

2008-09-02 Thread feste37
I don't agree. Why do you feel the need to bash meditators? You are
just trying to revive an old, outdated stereotype of meditators being
"flighty." Why? It's not true. There are plenty of excellent people in
Fairfield, meditators and nonmeditators. Why try to revive this
unnecessary and inaccurate division? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This led me to think of major malloy in ffld - there was quite a bit
of worry
> among townies about a meditator being mayor, but the 1st decision
> malloy made was to reappoint all the dept heads in ffld who had
> experience in running the city day to day.
> You have to admit, though, that a lot of meditators would be flighty
appointments. First of all, forget about anyone on campus, because no
one on faculty or staff would have the time free, and no one who is
rounding, such as Purusha, Mother Divine, and CCP, would have the time
free or even want to be involved in something off campus. Only
meditators who live in town would be possibilities. How many would be
available, not be OTP, and be well-known enough to Ed for him to make
a favorable decision about hiring them? Probably very few, if any. 
> Of course, it would have been a public relations disaster as well.
> ...have you "posted out" yet?
> --- On Tue, 9/2/08, boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: boo_lives <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Comparing mayor palin and mayor malloy of ffld
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 1:17 PM
> It's come out how after being elected mayor of wasilla, palin tried to
> fire all the city's dept. heads in what seems to be partly a political
> purge and partly an enforcement of her religious beliefs.  This led me
> to think of major malloy in ffld - there was quite a bit of worry
> among townies about a meditator being mayor, but the 1st decision
> malloy made was to reappoint all the dept heads in ffld who had
> experience in running the city day to day.   This one act did wonders
>  in relieving the town's anxiety and showed that he was in fact a good
> executive who was interested in sound city functioning not enforcing
> some meditator philosophy.  The whole idea that palin has good
> "executive" experience is demolished by the fact that she seems to
> have consistently in her career put politics and religion ahead of
> solid executive decisions.
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: McCain's Jyotish placements

2008-09-02 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > The astrologers are all puttering around with his horoscope, 
> > > trying to rectify it. The right wing astrologers trying to 
> > > get an ascendant that shows he'll win and the left wing 
> > > astrologers an ascendant that will show he will lose.  ;-)
> > 
> > Exactly my point as well.
> > 
> > There is not an ounce of "seeing" in these raps.
> > It's just True Believers trying to find a way to
> > interpret irrelevant data so that it'll fit their
> > preconceptions and what they want to happen.
> The astroligical data are meaningless without the seer or the 
> interpreter of these data.  

And, some would say, they are equally meaningless
with them.  :-)

To be honest, John, having done it, I have far more
faith in "seeing" per se, without any of the Jyotish
mumbo-jumbo and bullshit, than I do with it.

> It requires a jyotishi who has the gift 
> and sensitivity to understand the meaning of these data and 
> interpret their significance.  

And since we only have their *claims* about their 
ability to do this, what you're saying is that Jyotish
is a meaningless crapshoot, right?  :-)

> As such, the jyotishi can have a better idea of 
> how the karma is manifesting for the person and can make 
> predictions of what can happen to the person in the future.

As can anyone else with an ounce of intuition, with,
as far as I can tell, equal chance of being right.
Possibly a *greater* chance of being right, because
the purely intuitive "seer" isn't tempted to interpret
things the way he's been taught to.

> Since the jyotishi is a person, he can be swayed perhaps 
> unknowingly to interpret a chart based on his biases and 
> prejudices.  

In other words, even if they know what they're doing,
it's still a crapshoot.  :-)

> In essence, there is a dynamic or synergistic relationship 
> between the person and the jyotishi.  

Indeed there is. The Jyotishi spouts the bullshit,
and the person he spouts it to pays for the bullshit.
Very dynamic and synergistic indeed.  :-)

> It is ideal if the person can find a jyotishi who can 
> interpret his/her chart at the right place and at the right time.

Don't forget to have them enter from the right 
direction and face the right direction as the chart
is being drawn up. Swinging a dead cat around in a 
circle over your head first couldn't hurt, either. :-)

> > Same with all of the raps about Gustav and its
> > cosmic significance and who "caused" it by being
> > "evil" or out of touch with the "laws of nature."
> Granted that it is difficult to fathom the laws of nature and 
> interpret the manifestation of karma.  

I would say -- as do the very scriptures you claim
to revere -- that it is *impossible* to fathom the
"laws of nature" and the ways of karma.

However, some make a living by trying to convince 
people that they know better than these scriptures,
while claiming to admire them. So it goes. :-)

> Various cultures, with a 
> tradition of belief in a Creator, have written about how 
> Nature can justify destroying a city or a group of people.  

Every single one of them, IMO, as fictitious as the
"Creator" they believe in. 

> We see this in the Old Testament when Yahweh destroyed 
> Sodom and Gomorrah.  The prophet at the time had to bargain 
> with Yahweh to prevent the cities from being destroyed. In 
> the end, the agreement was violated.  Thus, the cities 
> were destroyed.

The "prophet" made all this shit up. And *he* probably
got people in his time to pay him for doing so, too.

> For people without the tradition of belief, then any 
> natural disaster can be and are interpreted as mere 
> coincidence or part of the statistical distribution of 
> probabilities.  

You mean, "as what it is?"  :-)

> It other words, the nonbelievers would have to be satisfied 
> with the whims of nature, or accept that "it's a crap shoot 
> out there".  

Whereas the "believers" can pay some bullshit artist to
tell them pretty lies about "why" all these random events
happened, and thus feel all "special" because they "under-
stand." Yeah, right.

> Or, say that "Never seen so much bullshit in my life..."

Never seen so much bullshit in my life.

[FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> Louis McKenzie wrote:
> > I am not hearing any calls for forgiveness I 
> > am hearing well she is going to get married 
> > so that makes it ok.
> > 
> It none of your business, Louis, so shut-the-fuk 
> up about it.

The Grand Old Party started the whole "we are the family values" party
routine.  Their opinions concerning other people's sex lives have
caused a great deal of problems in the U.S., IMO. The results of
spending money on abstinence education education for teens and
blocking information on contraception has predictable consequences, as
does attempting to limit access to abortions for people not ready to
become responsible mothers.  The details of their own actual family
lives are as revealing as your repeated use of the phrase
"shut-the-fuk up."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Richard M wrote:
> Here in the UK, all attempts to *modernise* the 
> voting system seem to have generated corresponding
> allegations of increased electoral fraud. And here, 
> in the last ten years or so, that is by an 
> administration well to the left of the US Democrats.
Do they have direct voting in the U.K.?

"One main criticism of many parliamentary systems is 
that the head of government is in almost all cases not 
directly elected."

Parliamentary system:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 2, 2008, at 1:10 PM, Richard M wrote:

My post is probably completely ignorant of the facts (per usual!).

Nevertheless as a fairly disinterested Brit observer who is still
trying to decide whether he would  prefer Obama or McCain (not that it
matters), my *bullshit* alarms go off big-time when exposed to this
(Democrat) conspiracy theory (?) about the US voting machines.

I prefer the "cock-up" theory of history. Here in the UK, all attempts
to *modernise* the voting system seem to have generated corresponding
allegations of increased electoral fraud. And here, in the last ten
years or so, that is by an administration well to the left of the US

You could be right. But all indications that I've read about
seem to feel that significant tampering has gone on in 3
of the last 4 US elections, not to mention good old-fashioned
intimidation as well as deleting names off the voter rolls.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Facist Thugs Arrest Reporters at RNC

2008-09-02 Thread Bhairitu
Sal Sunshine wrote:
> On Sep 2, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
>> I'm listening to Amy Goodman and he reporters on Thom Hartmann and one
>> just said that the police arrested a reporter from a Republican magazine
>> too.  Cops gone psycho.
> I wonder how long it'll be before they start arresting each other?
> Sal
They probably already have.  Some of the troublemakers at protests are 
often police undercover making sure that the protest isn't too peaceful 
looking.  They were even doing this back in the 1960s.  We could easily 
spot the phonies back then.

[FairfieldLife] Dr Robert Schneider proposes medical insurance coverage for Transcendental Meditation Technique

2008-09-02 Thread michael
Dr Robert Schneider proposes medical insurance coverage for Transcendental 
Meditation Technique
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News1 September 2008

Speaking 27 August 2008 on Maharishi Global Family Chat, Dr. Robert Schneider, 
Professor and Director of the Institute of Natural Medicine and Prevention at 
Maharishi University of Management and National Director of Health for the 
Global Country of World Peace in the US, reported on a new initiative to seek 
reimbursement from health insurance providers for the cost of learning the 
Transcendental Meditation Technique. 

'Over the last four decades, scientific studies on the TM Technique have shown 
a complete range of benefits for mental, physical, and social health,' said Dr 
Schneider, 'especially for cardiovascular disease—the leading cause of 
mortality in both developed and developing nations.' Based on this scientific 
research, and on a growing demand in the US for better healthcare, the 
Department of Health for Invincible America has prepared a proposal for health 
insurance providers titled, 'Achieving Better Health and Reducing Healthcare 
Costs Through the TM Programme: Why Healthcare Insurers Should Cover the TM 
Technique as First Line or Adjunctive Treatment for High Blood Pressure and 
Coronary Heart Disease.' 

The proposal includes a thorough summary of all scientific research on 
Transcendental Meditation and heart disease and related health disorders. Among 
the research included is a study on how TM leads to a reduction in sympathetic 
nervous-system activity, which, in turn, leads to reduced endocrine activity, 
improved recovery from stress, and reduced anxiety and depression. 'These 
constitute some of the major risk factors for coronary heart disease, according 
to both modern medicine and Maharishi Ayur-Veda,' said Dr Schneider. From the 
standpoint of modern science, however, the solution for such stress-related 
disorders would be anti-depressant drugs, which produce unwanted—sometimes 
dangerous—side-effects, and psychotherapy, which has a low rate of 
effectiveness. 'Neither of these modern approaches even addresses the risk of 
heart disease associated with stress-related disorders,' Dr Schneider added. 

In addition, the summary includes research on how the practice of 
Transcendental Meditation leads to a lowering of blood pressure, a decrease in 
insulin resistance—the main risk factor for developing diabetes, lowering of 
cholesterol levels, and a reduction in smoking and alcohol consumption. 

Another benefit seen only with TM is an improvement in mortality rates for 
patients with heart disease. Accordingly, there is a decreased need for 
hospitalization, decreased inpatient medical care, and, from an economic point 
of view, a reduction in medical expenses. 'The cost of healthcare presents a 
major issue for the upcoming presidential election,' said Dr Schneider. 'Each 
candidate is expressing America's collective consciousness by devising means of 
reducing this cost, but neither of them has come up with a proven method for 
doing so.' Dr Schneider hopes that, in reviewing this definitive research, 
insurance providers will recognize the Transcendental Meditation Technique as a 
definite solution for the crisis in cardiovascular health and for the rising 
costs in nationwide healthcare. 

© Copyright 2008 Global Good News® 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > It none of your business, Louis, so shut-the-fuk 
> > up about it.
> >
Curtis wrote:
> The details of their own actual family lives are as 
> revealing as your repeated use of the phrase 
> "shut-the-fuk up."
Shut-the-fuk up, Curtis, about other people's private 
sex life. It's none of your business - it's not 
relevant to the campaign. I know this is going to be
real difficult for you, but you really do need to
keep your pie-hole shut about other people's religious
beliefs and their private sex life. It's none of your
business and it's not pertinent to the campaign.

[FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Lawson wrote:
> > My 2 cents:
> > 
> > "Palin made a decision to fake her own pregnancy 
> > to keep her daughter's pregnancy out of the media." 
> > 
> Maybe you should shut-the-fuk up about Palin's
> daughter's pregnancy - it's really none of your
> business and it's totally irrelevant to any of the
> current political issues.

Thus showing the current starategy: keep Palin's OWN strange
decisions out fo the media concerning the birth of her son by
linking it to her daughter. Fact is, as I said, it isn't about Bristol
but about Palin. If Trig is really Sarah Palin's son, then the crazy
woman scenario is the truth. On the toher hand, if Trig were
Bristol Palin's son, then you wouldn't have evidence of just
how reckless Sarah Palin is. By refusing to talk about Sarah Palin's
decisions surrounding the birth of Trig, you're ignoring a HUGE issue
concerning Sarah Palin's judgement, if not sanity.

Which is the main reason why they outed her daughter's pregnancy
 rather than  merely releasing the birth cirtificate of her son:

now ALL matters surrounding her children, no matter how relevant 
otherwise, are off limits.

As Obam says, they don't know how to run a country, but the Republicans
know how to run a campaign.


[FairfieldLife] Alsaka voter on Sarah Palin

2008-09-02 Thread Rick Archer
As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on
Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I
know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that
he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in
the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life
time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow
indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and
bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial
hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars
that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school
system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the
country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,
but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are
many, most without teeth) could think this use of funds is
appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial
hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to
informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet
the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The
only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has
consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power
plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home
town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will
unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy
its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,
a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education
level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.
Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and
other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put
Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.
These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the
serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as
they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears,
and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the
wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.
She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't
like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's
performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal
firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't
close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin
isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues
that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics (admittedly a weak area for 

McCain) or of international affairs, she knows nothing of national

government, social security, unemployment, health care systems --

you name it. Alaska may be near the Russian border, but we don't

actually have alot of interaction. The idea of her meeting with heads
of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in
the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John
McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that
the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and
possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate
as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try
to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her
today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and
Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she
did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a
worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you
think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine
her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To
those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of
Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified
McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I
guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the
poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.
While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is
obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,
a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and
unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.
I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

[FairfieldLife] Re: Facist Thugs Arrest Reporters at RNC

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
Bhairitu wrote:
> We could easily spot the phonies back then.
Do you recognize this guy, a friend of yours?


"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars 
and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill 
your parents." - Bill Ayers

"In the 1960s and 1970s he was a radical activist. 
In 1969 he co-founded the violent radical left 
organization Weatherman, active during the 1960s 
and 1970s, and was one of its top leaders."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's bounce smaller than others

2008-09-02 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For all accounts Obama did all of the below but did not move..?? Who are 
> they polling?

"LIkely voters" -those that have a *history* of voting in the past. That is, 
of the newly-registered Obama supporters are being counted.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sources of the TM Puja

2008-09-02 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  
> > Thanks Vaj. I love doing puja. I have the traditional picture of
> Guru Dev, but I also have little  pictures of MMY, SSRS, Ramana
> Maharishi, Jesus and Buddha (all who have helped). When you do 
puja a
> door to the transcendent opens and such grace pours through.
> > It doesn't matter to me where or how MMY got the puja, its a 
> every time its done.
> I fully agree, Peter. In my observations, the Puja we learned as TM
> teachers is very badly under-recognized and under-appreciated in 
> ineffable significance - even by many [if not most] TM teachers. 
> other practical characteristics of teaching, I consider it [when 
> properly] a direct *conscious* two-way doorway to Divinity and a
> direct connection to Guru Dev. That's been my experience.

Very sublime effects and a great gift from a great Taecher.

[FairfieldLife] Polls show Obama's lead is expanding...

2008-09-02 Thread sparaig
Links to polls are embedded in original webpage:


More And More Polls Show Obama's Lead Expanding
By Eric Kleefeld - September 2, 2008, 9:46AM
It's starting to look like John McCain's historic selection of Sarah Palin 
hasn't done him any 
favors in the polls.

Here's this morning's Rasmussen tracking poll: Obama 51%, McCain 45%, outside 
of the 
±2% margin of error. Obama was up 49%-46% yesterday, suggesting that Palin's 
may have helped him to double his lead in just one day of sampling.

And the new Hotline/Diageo poll has Obama up 48%-39%, compared to a 44%-40% 
from just one week ago.

Late Update: Three more polls all show Obama leading by a substantial margin. 
The daily 
Gallup tracking poll has Obama up 50%-42% -- the first time ever that he's 
reached the 
50% threshold in their poll. The USA Today/Gallup poll has Obama up 50%-43%, 
and ARG 
has Obama up 49%-43%.

There is also yesterday's CBS poll, which gave Obama a 48%-40% lead.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alsaka voter on Sarah Palin

2008-09-02 Thread boo_lives
Attacking palin as a redneck is stupid, americans love a cute redneck.
 Stick to the facts that contradict the whole ridiculous PR campaign
trying to make her out to be a reformer and a maverick -- things like

Despite her claims of fiscal discipline, the Politico reports, "she
racked up nearly $20 million in long-term debt as mayor of the tiny
town of Wasilla--that amounts to $3,000 per resident... This despite,
as noted below, she also managed to get more than $4,000 per resident
from the feds in a single year."

And how did she get all that federal pork?  She hired a DC lobbyist
connected with convicted felon jack abramanoff.

The real code words for palin are Fiscal Irresponsibility, Federal
Pork, DC Lobbyists, Republican felons.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on
> Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I
> know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that
> he picked her.
> The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in
> the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life
> time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow
> indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and
> bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial
> hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars
> that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school
> system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the
> country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,
> but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are
> many, most without teeth) could think this use of funds is
> appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial
> hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to
> informative web sites.
> She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet
> the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The
> only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has
> consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power
> plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home
> town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will
> unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy
> its environment.
> Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,
> a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education
> level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.
> Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and
> other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put
> Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.
> These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the
> serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as
> they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears,
> and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the
> wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.
> Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.
> She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't
> like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's
> performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal
> firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't
> close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin
> isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues
> that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.
> Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics (admittedly a weak area for 
> McCain) or of international affairs, she knows nothing of national
> government, social security, unemployment, health care systems --
> you name it. Alaska may be near the Russian border, but we don't
> actually have alot of interaction. The idea of her meeting with heads
> of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.
> In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in
> the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John
> McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that
> the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and
> possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate
> as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try
> to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her
> today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and
> Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.
> To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she
> did not get the nomination, please don't think that S

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alsaka voter on Sarah Palin

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
> "The most accurate description of her is red neck."
Well, I guess Rick agrees with this, but in fact
the Palins' enviable blue-collar lifestyle could help 
the McCain-Palin campaign. The party's just starting 
for McCain-Palin!


"While Democratic policy tries to help blue-collar 
workers by making it easier for them to attend college 
and get office jobs—that is, by encouraging them to 
cease to be blue-collar—Palin's Alaskan story offers 
hope from within the blue-collar culture. She validates 
the goodness of life in rural America because she has 
embraced a particularly exotic, turbocharged version 
of this life. Her biography, bound to be emphasized 
by Republicans, thus makes a powerful appeal to one 
of the country's most decisive constituencies."

Read more:

'Working-Class Hero'
By Adriaan Lanni and Wesley Kelman
Slate, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2008

'Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political 
Establishment on Its Ear' 
by Kaylene Johnson
Epicenter, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Report in the New York Times on Half-baked Palin Pick

2008-09-02 Thread Richard M
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> Richard M wrote:
> > Here in the UK, all attempts to *modernise* the 
> > voting system seem to have generated corresponding
> > allegations of increased electoral fraud. And here, 
> > in the last ten years or so, that is by an 
> > administration well to the left of the US Democrats.
> >
> Do they have direct voting in the U.K.?
> "One main criticism of many parliamentary systems is 
> that the head of government is in almost all cases not 
> directly elected."
> Parliamentary system:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_system

No, we don't vote directly for the top job. And in fact right now this
is a controversial issue as our Great Helmsman, Gordon Brown, has
never led his party to an election victory. You'd be unwise to bet on
him ever doing so what's more!

Until recently the only way us Brits could vote was to haul arse into
a voting cubicle and place your cross against a name. But increasing
voter apathy and poor poll turnouts have led to politicians' flirting
with ways to make it easier to vote (as if that was the problem -
duh!). I'm afraid though that our level of innovation is not as
advanced as the U.S.'s: Our technological *revolution* has been
limited to the introduction of votes by snail mail. Many believe that
even this modest innovation has been a step too far with plenty of
allegations of fraud & incompetence. For example, a recent report by
the well-regarded charity, The Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust, stated: 

* Experienced election observers have raised serious concerns about
how well UK election procedures measure up to international standards.
* There have been at least 42 convictions for electoral fraud in the
UK in the period 2000-2007.
* Greater use of postal voting has made UK elections far more
vulnerable to fraud and resulted in several instances of large-scale fraud

We all have our problems, eh?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin and the Christian Taliban

2008-09-02 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -The hate I read here is your hate for Palin.

Correct, I hate the Taliban and their oppression of women --- you, on
the other hand, obviously support that agenda. Palin's views are the
direct road to a Christian Taliban. I hate Christian and Muslim
Fundamentalists. I think they are dirt, slime, bleow animal level. They
should stand aside, because civilized modern humans will not accept
their Draconian, women-hating agenda.


> -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Palin and the Christian Taliban.
> >
> > Sarah Palin believes women should shut up, and not have choices
> > their lives. This is the Christian version of the Taliban.
> > PALIN ABSOLUTLEY HATES WOMEN'S RIGHTS, and therefore wants the
> return of
> > an Absolute Patriarchy like in the bible days. Nothing is more
> > and anti-women than Palin's views.
> >
> > It is anti-science, anti-modern, anti-freedom, and anti-American.
> >
> > OffWorld
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alsaka voter on Sarah Palin

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
boo wrote:
> Stick to the facts that contradict the whole 
> ridiculous PR campaign trying to make her out 
> to be a reformer and a maverick...
"Palin slaughtered the incumbent in the primary--
posting a 30 point margin of victory--and went 
on to win the general (over a former Democratic 
governor) without seeming to break a sweat. She 
then quickly fulfilled an implicit campaign 
promise by slapping down ExxonMobil, BP, and 
ConocoPhillips in negotiations over a proposed 
Alaska natural gas pipeline, even though they, 
too, by all accounts, were well prepared to dine 
on her tender little frame. 

Not bad for a lightweight."

Read more: 

'The Case Against the Case Against Palin'
By Michelle Cottle and Christopher Orr
The Plank, Sept 2, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin and the Christian Taliban

2008-09-02 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Palin and the Christian Taliban.
> >
> > Sarah Palin believes women should shut up, and not have choices
> > about their lives. This is the Christian version of the Taliban.
> > PALIN ABSOLUTLEY HATES WOMEN'S RIGHTS, and therefore wants the
> > return of an Absolute Patriarchy like in the bible days. Nothing
> > is more sexist and anti-women than Palin's views.
> >
> > It is anti-science, anti-modern, anti-freedom, and anti-American.
> You support Ron Paul, and he's no less Talibangelical than Sarah
> Palin. WTF?>>

Incorrect. Ron Paul is against enforcing  women's rights to choose.
Palin says she is forthe oppression of women.

Sarah Palin believes women should shut up, and not have choices about
their lives.  Ron Paul does not believe this, as he states clearly. He
believes life is sacred and that should be respected, but it should not
be enforced on people.

Palin's version of Christianity is the Christian version of the Taliban.
PALIN ABSOLUTLEY HATES WOMEN'S RIGHTS, and therefore, by her own claims,
wants the return of an Absolute Patriarchy like in the bible days.
Nothing is more sexist and anti-women than Palin's views.

She believes women or doctors should be arrested for giving women their
constitutional rights, and she has clearly stated that she is
Anti-science several times on several differnt science topics. She
belongs in the dark ages.

If she does not believe this, then how will she refute it, when she,
like all fundies, want a return to Biblical laws, not modern man's laws,
and don't want to listen to the consensus of scientists around the
world, if it does not suit her agenda.

She is anti-science, anti-modern, anti-freedom, and anti-American.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: There's something about Sarah...

2008-09-02 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 2, 2008, at 2:20 PM, sparaig wrote:

Thus showing the current starategy: keep Palin's OWN strange
decisions out fo the media concerning the birth of her son by
linking it to her daughter. Fact is, as I said, it isn't about  
Bristol but about Palin.

Actually, it really isn't even about Palin, but about
McCain's judgement for having chosen her, apparently
almost completely unvetted.

If this is an example of his decision-making, get ready
for disaster if the Repugs are able to steal this one too.


[FairfieldLife] Sarah Palin: The Girl Next Door

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
"Palin's appeal is with working women who've 
had encounters with low-level sexism but, 
instead of whining about it, got back to work 
making happy, successful lives.

Her daughter's pregnancy highlights another 
part of Palin's appeal. Her normalcy. Here's 
a woman who has run a business, raised a 
family, who is sending a son off to Iraq, who 
has another son with a disability, and now 
has to help her teenage daughter face motherhood. 
These are experiences that millions of American 
moms have shared, can relate to and understand.

Sarah Palin is as accessible as Obama is exotic. 
Her life story is simultaneously exciting and 
mundane. All the way from Alaska, she comes to 
America as The Girl Next Door."

Read more:

'Sarah Palin's one cool customer'
By Michael Graham
Boston Herald, Tuesday, September 2, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin and the Christian Taliban

2008-09-02 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Palin and the Christian Taliban.
> >
> > Sarah Palin believes women should shut up, and not have choices
> > about their lives. This is the Christian version of the Taliban.
> > PALIN ABSOLUTLEY HATES WOMEN'S RIGHTS, and therefore wants the
> > return of an Absolute Patriarchy like in the bible days. Nothing
> > is more sexist and anti-women than Palin's views.
> >
> > It is anti-science, anti-modern, anti-freedom, and anti-American.
> You support Ron Paul, and he's no less Talibangelical than Sarah
> Palin. WTF?>

Incorrect. Ron Paul is against enforcing  women's rights to choose.
Palin says she is forthe oppression of women.

Sarah Palin believes women should shut up, and not have choices about
their lives.  Ron Paul does not believe this, as he states clearly. He
believes life is sacred and that should be respected, but it should not
be enforced on people.

Palin's version of Christianity is the Christian version of the Taliban.
PALIN ABSOLUTLEY HATES WOMEN'S RIGHTS, and therefore, by her own claims,
wants the return of an Absolute Patriarchy like in the bible days.
Nothing is more sexist and anti-women than Palin's views.

She believes women or doctors should be arrested for giving women their
constitutional rights, and she has clearly stated that she is
Anti-science several times on several differnt science topics. She
belongs in the dark ages.

If she does not believe this, then how will she refute it, when she,
like all fundies, want a return to Biblical laws, not modern man's laws,
and don't want to listen to the consensus of scientists around the
world, if it does not suit her agenda.

She is anti-science, anti-modern, anti-freedom, and anti-American.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Alsaka voter on Sarah Palin

2008-09-02 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Attacking palin as a redneck is stupid, americans love a cute 
> redneck.

I couldn't agree more. Plus, given my not incon-
siderable experience with rednecks, in America
and France and Spain, I don't consider her one.
She's far too well-spoken to be a redneck.

The "hunting from helicopters" thang is new, and
definitely lowers her a notch or two in my esti-
mation. If you're gonna hunt, *at least* have the
decency to get down there in the dirt with the 
animal whose life you're planning to take. 

> Stick to the facts that contradict the whole ridiculous PR 
> campaign trying to make her out to be a reformer and a 
> maverick...

I'd say stick to her record. That'll speak for 
itself, and at the same time speak more loudly 
about John McCain not being of sound mind and
body when he selected her.

It's now coming out, with admissions from the 
FBI and even the Republican camp, that there was
essentially NO vetting process. 

John McCain just went maverick.

And see what that's wrought.

He "flew by the seat of his pants" and made a 
quick decision based on his gut, and it got him
the same thing in his political life that it got 
him in his military life -- shot down.

The bottom line of Sarah Palin is NOT ABOUT HER.
It's about John McCain. He doesn't make rational,
well-considered decisions. He just wings it. 

Even scarier than the thought of Sarah Palin
taking over for McCain if he gets "elected" and
then dies is the thought of John McCain, if he
gets "elected," on the phone to Vladimir Putin,
with his finger on the nuclear button, about to
make another "gut decision" as sound as his
choice of Sarah Palin as Vice-President.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Polls show Obama's lead is expanding...

2008-09-02 Thread feste37
That's great news. Sarah Palin's is a joke candidacy and it looks as
it if it's had a negative effect on perceptions of McCain's judgment,
as well it should. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Links to polls are embedded in original webpage:
> as_lea.php
> or
> http://tinyurl.com/6rhh9z
> More And More Polls Show Obama's Lead Expanding
> By Eric Kleefeld - September 2, 2008, 9:46AM
> It's starting to look like John McCain's historic selection of Sarah
Palin hasn't done him any 
> favors in the polls.
> Here's this morning's Rasmussen tracking poll: Obama 51%, McCain
45%, outside of the 
> ±2% margin of error. Obama was up 49%-46% yesterday, suggesting
that Palin's scandals 
> may have helped him to double his lead in just one day of sampling.
> And the new Hotline/Diageo poll has Obama up 48%-39%, compared to a
44%-40% lead 
> from just one week ago.
> Late Update: Three more polls all show Obama leading by a
substantial margin. The daily 
> Gallup tracking poll has Obama up 50%-42% -- the first time ever
that he's reached the 
> 50% threshold in their poll. The USA Today/Gallup poll has Obama up
50%-43%, and ARG 
> has Obama up 49%-43%.
> There is also yesterday's CBS poll, which gave Obama a 48%-40% lead.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alsaka voter on Sarah Palin

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
> I'd say stick to her record. 
"Palin, for example, vetoed 300 pork projects 
in Alaska in her first year in office. She made 
a habit of knocking out big-government Republicans 
in her brief political career. For this, the 
44-year-old mother of five enjoys a sterling 
approval rating in a state with arguably the 
nation's most libertarian-minded populace."

"It's not about experience, it's about judgment." 
- Barak Obama 

'The Libertarian Case for Palin'
By David Harsanyi

[FairfieldLife] Morals Safe sex and Leadership

2008-09-02 Thread Louis McKenzie
I just did a check on Sara Palin on the internet, wikipedia has a biography on 
the governor one interesting thing is that she eloped with her husband when she 
was 24 because she was pregnant.   She too practiced unprotected sex before she 
was married.   

"Bristol Palin" and "Levi Johnston" redirect here.

Palin family members at the announcement of Palin's vice presidential
selection, August 29, 2008. From left: Todd, Piper, Willow, Bristol,
and Trig.

Palin eloped with her high-school boyfriend, Todd Palin, on August 29, 1988, 
when she was 24 years old.[6]
According to her mother, the reason was simple: "It was a shock but she
did it because she knew we couldn’t afford a big white wedding."[139] Their 
first son, Track, was born eight months after their wedding.[140] Todd works 
for BP as an oil-field production operator[141] and owns a commercial fishing 
business.[26] He is a champion snowmobiler, who has won the 2,000-mile 
(3,200 km) "Iron Dog" race four times.[6] The family lives in Wasilla.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alsaka voter on Sarah Palin

2008-09-02 Thread Louis McKenzie
Did anyone here ever see the program Commander and Chief with Gina Davis?   
They are looking at Sara Palin as this woman.   Realizing that most people in 
America use television as their most effective educational tool they have hoped 
that everyone will make that connection. Sara Palin even looks like the Gina 
Davis Character a soccer mom/ school teacher who becomes President.  The show 
was canceled with high rating and emmy nomination. 

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, Richard J. Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Richard J. Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alsaka voter on Sarah Palin
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 5:28 PM

TurquoiseB wrote:
> I'd say stick to her record. 
"Palin, for example, vetoed 300 pork projects 
in Alaska in her first year in office. She made 
a habit of knocking out big-government Republicans 
in her brief political career. For this, the 
44-year-old mother of five enjoys a sterling 
approval rating in a state with arguably the 
nation's most libertarian-minded populace."

"It's not about experience, it's about judgment." 
- Barak Obama 

'The Libertarian Case for Palin'
By David Harsanyi

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Polls show Obama's lead is expanding...

2008-09-02 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > There is also yesterday's CBS poll, which 
> > gave Obama a 48%-40% lead.
> >
> That's great news. 

CNN August 29 - August 31   

Obama   49  
McCain 48   

Obama +1

General Election:

"Liberals like to pretend they are tolerant and 
accepting of those who are different but when it 
comes to anyone not ensconced in their progressive, 
elitist dogma they mock and attack their lifestyle 
to inspire hate. But because governor Palin is 
endearing, authentic–and with this latest 
revelation–easy to identify with, she invokes 
panic in the left. Why else would they assail a 
very popular, promising lady and her children?"

Read more:

'Sarah Palin: Deeply Threatening to the Left?'
By Andrea Tantaros

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sources of the TM Puja

2008-09-02 Thread Vaj

On Sep 2, 2008, at 3:30 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

> Very sublime effects and a great gift from a great Taecher.

Too bad he didn't taech spelling!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Morals Safe sex and Leadership

2008-09-02 Thread feste37
I guess the traditional family values she believes in include shotgun

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just did a check on Sara Palin on the internet, wikipedia has a
biography on the governor one interesting thing is that she eloped
with her husband when she was 24 because she was pregnant.   She too
practiced unprotected sex before she was married.   
> Family
> "Bristol Palin" and "Levi Johnston" redirect here.
> Palin family members at the announcement of Palin's vice presidential
> selection, August 29, 2008. From left: Todd, Piper, Willow, Bristol,
> and Trig.
> Palin eloped with her high-school boyfriend, Todd Palin, on August
29, 1988, when she was 24 years old.[6]
> According to her mother, the reason was simple: "It was a shock but she
> did it because she knew we couldn¢t afford a big white
wedding."[139] Their first son, Track, was born eight months after
their wedding.[140] Todd works for BP as an oil-field production
operator[141] and owns a commercial fishing business.[26] He is a
champion snowmobiler, who has won the 2,000-mile (3,200 km) "Iron Dog"
race four times.[6] The family lives in Wasilla.

  1   2   >