[FairfieldLife] Siddhis for enlightenment?

2009-01-16 Thread cardemaister

Why does it seem to be necessary to have at least the eight
mahaasiddhis for enlightenment? Well, it looks like one can't
become vitRSNa (YS I 16: guNa-vaitRSNyam) or akusiida (YS
IV 29) as to something one has not experienced or tasted,
can one?

That would be a bit like calling a eunuch a brahmacaarin...??  :D

akusIda or %{akuzIda} mfn. taking no interest or usury , without gain. 

vitRSNa mf(%{A})n. id. MBh. ; free from desire , not desirous of
(comp.) BhP. ; (%{A}) f. = next BhP. (cf. under %{vi-tRS}) ; %{-tA} f.
%{-tva} n. freedom from desire , satiety Ka1v.

vaitRSNya   n. (fr. %{vi-tRSNa}) quenching of thirst Mn. v , 128 ;
freedom from desire , indifference to (ifc.) MBh. BhP. Yogas. c. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 What if someone slipped you such a drug without you knowing
 it and it produced all of the experiences listed above. 
 Would you be able to distinguish what you were experiencing 
 from what you consider real enlightenment?
 * *Every* experience of enlightenment in human history,
 no matter what the path taken to achieve it, were nothing
 more (or less) than these same parts of the brain being
 activated and subjective experiences being provided 
 chemically to the brain? (In other words, it is a *purely*
 chemical experience, and has nothing to do with anything
 spiritual at all.)
 * Enlightenment were nothing more *than* these chemical
 changes in the brain and how we perceive them subjectively?
 * ALL of the dogma and mythology that has built up around
 enlightenment and the characteristics of the enlightened
 over the centuries was just people trying to come up with 
 some story to account for a purely chemical experience?
 It's just a what if question, posted to see who can have
 fun with it, and who it drives up the wall.  :-)

I think it's interesting that everyone who
replied went off on a tangent about drugs,
but that wasn't my point. I have very little
interest in drugs per se. I'll reiterate my
real point, just in case anyone is interested 
in taking the conversation in that direction.

My what if question was about whether there
might be **NO** spiritual or religious
component to the subjective experience that
people have called enlightenment through
the ages. That is, whether it might be purely
a physiological condition, one that happens
for any number of reasons, **NONE** of them
related to religion or spirituality.

I have no problem with this view, and consider
it quite possible. What I've noticed, however,
is that a lot of people seem incapable of look-
ing at the question that way. They seem to not
be able to view the subjective experience of
enlightenment as anything *but* a spiritual
experience, and in the context of God or
realization of God or becoming in tune with
the laws of nature or becoming perfect.

Me, I tend to believe that all that stuff was
just people trying to rationalize a simple
physiological experience and come up with 
socially-acceptable reasons for it, when in
fact there may be none. Clearly, if one looks
with an unbiased eye at the history of enlight-
enment, there is not an ounce of proof that
having the experience of what is termed 
enlightenment makes the person having it
any more perfect or any more free from mis-
takes or the ability to do things that pretty
much everyone considers wrong than anyone else. 
Historically, there is not an ounce of proof 
that their subjective experience has anything 
to do with God or realization of God or 
attuning themselves to the laws or will of 

But the myths are still there, in my opinion
because humans aren't content with having some
experience and just allowing it to be an exper-
ience. They have to come up with reasons for
the experience. And those reasons always tend
to come from the superstitious belief systems
that they had before they had the experience or
that they concoct around the experience.

I guess my only point in even bringing it up
in the first place is that I think that we are
far more likely to find any truth or meaning-
ful information about the phenomenon we call
enlightenment from researchers into it as
a *purely physiological experience* with *no*
religious or spiritual connotations than we
are from those who believe in those religious
or physical connotations. 

In other words, scientists investigating a 
purely drug-related experience would not be
tempted to project God or perfection onto
reports of that experience. But believers in all
of the historical religious or spiritual spec-
ulations about what such an experience means
will *always* project their beliefs onto it,
and thus color and invalidate their findings.

Research on enlightenment conducted by believers
in the religious or spiritual nature of enlight-
enment is *always* going to be bogus, because
the believers seemingly cannot divorce their
beliefs from what they are investigating.

[FairfieldLife] Re: abandoning thought

2009-01-16 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 14, 2009, at 11:28 PM, sparaig wrote:
  Doesn't sound at all like the Shamatha Project, but instead a gift
  from a friend in the early 70's. Whether it had anything to do with
  his research at that time or not, I have no clue.
  You seem to fail to understand my point:
  I'll make it clear: someone who practices Buddhism, studies Buddhism:
  gives their friends special presents of Buddhist retreats, is  
  consulted with
  on how to phrase questions ABOUT Buddhism when talking to the Dali  
  is hardly someone outside the tradition, regardless of whether or  
  not they
  have a Jewish last name.
 But someone who studies Buddhism does not necessarily practice Buddha- 
 dharma. Maybe he's lying and they lied about there being no Buddhist  
 researchers on the team, but I've seen no real evidence of that, your  
 posturings aside. It would be hard for someone who has spent years  
 researching advanced yogis not to have some interest in how they got  
 that way. These are extraordinary people we're dealing with. In fact  
 I would hope they did have a good grasp of the subject matter, along  
 with the as many of the numerous techniques and styles of meditation  
 that are out there. Otherwise how could they be an expert in their  
  There are many scholars of Buddhism who have no interest in  
  Buddhism, but simply researching it. Quite a few are Christians. No
  surprise here--although some interesting finds I hadn't seen--thanks
  Are you suggesting this guy isn't a practicing Buddhist, regardless  
  of whether
  or not he goes to Synagogue  (or the Uni-Uni Church for that matter)?
 I haven't followed him around or spied on him, but it has been said  
 (in regards to the Shamatha Project specifically) he is not a  
 Buddhist, so I take that to mean he does not practice buddha-dharma.  
 It wouldn't matter so much to me if he did, simply because I believe  
 Dr. Saron has integrity. But I suspect he just has a deep interest  
 based on meeting some truly extraordinary people.

So all TM researchers are full blown TBers that accept all that MMY says
without question, unlike the guys who practice Buddhist meditation, 
study Buddhist thought, are good friends with the Dahli Lama, etc...

They aren't Buddhist because they say so, whereas the TM researchers
are suspect merely because they practice TM or work at MUM...


[FairfieldLife] Coffee Prevents Alzheimer's and other coffee lore (was Re: Dear Jericho Jerry)

2009-01-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bh...@... wrote:

 Debbie Jarvis- When I was on the CEG at MIU in the late 70's, we
 heard that Debbie was supposed to be a connoisseur of coffee. So 
 one fine day a bunch of us Gov's/serfs wandered by her travel 
 office in the Admin. Bldg and she offered us a cup of gourmet 
 brew, which was great to have. No discussion was needed about 
 evolution and coffee.
 This, was back in the day when drinking coffee was taboo at the 
 MIU!!! I wonder if it still is...

[ A study in the news, followed by some cool quotes about coffee ]

Drinking coffee reduces Alzheimer's risk: study

Middle-aged people who consume modest amounts of coffee can
significantly lower their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease,
according to a new study by Finnish and Swedish researchers released
on Thursday.

Middle-aged people who drank between three and five cups of coffee a
day lowered their risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease
by between 60 and 65 percent later in life, said lead researcher on
the project, Miia Kivipelto, a professor at the University of Kuopio
in Finland and at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

The study, which was also conducted in cooperation with the National
Public Health Institute in Helsinki and which was published in the
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease this month, was based on repeated
interviews with 1,409 people in Finland over more than two decades.

They were first asked about their coffee-drinking habits when they
were in their 50s and their memory functions were tested again in
1998, when they were between 65 and 79 years of age.

A total of 61 people had by then developed dementia, 48 of whom had
Alzheimer's, the researchers said.

There are perhaps one or two other studies that have shown that
coffee can improve some memory functions (but) this is the first study
directed at dementia and Alzheimer's (and) in which the subjects are
followed for such a long time, Kivipelto told AFP.

She said it remained unclear exactly how moderate coffee drinking
helped delay or avoid the onset of dementia, but pointed out that
coffee contains strong antioxidants, which are known to counter

Some studies have also shown that coffee helps protects the nerve
system, which can also protect against dementia, she said, pointing
out that yet other studies show that coffee protects against diabetes,
which in turn is known to be linked to Alzheimer's.

No one can understand the truth until he 
drinks of coffee's frothy goodness.
- Sheik Abd-al Kadir, 1587 A.D. 

A morning without coffee is like sleep.
- anonymous

I believe humans get a lot done, not because 
we're smart, but because we have thumbs so we 
can make coffee. 
- Flash Rosenberg

Decaffeinated coffee is the devil's blend.
- anonymous

This coffee falls into your stomach, and 
straightway there is a general commotion.  
Ideas begin to move like the battalions of 
the Grand Army of the battlefield, and the 
battle takes place. Things remembered arrive 
at full gallop, ensuing to the wind. The light 
cavalry of comparisons deliver a magnificent 
deploying charge, the artillery of logic hurry 
up with their train and ammunition, the shafts 
of with start up like sharpshooters. Similes 
arise, the paper is covered with ink; for the 
struggle commences and is concluded with 
torrents of black water, just as a battle 
with powder.  
- Honore de Balzac

Decaffeinated coffee is kind of like kissing 
your sister. 
- Bob Irwin

Coffee, the finest organic suspension ever 
- Star Trek: Voyager

A mathematician is a device for turning 
coffee into theorems.
- Paul Erdos

Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven. 
- Jessi Lane Adams

Caffeine isn't a drug, it's a vitamin!
- anonymous

It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people 
who have a genuine medical need for coffee to 
wait in line behind people who apparently view 
it as some kind of recreational activity. I bet 
this kind of thing does not happen to heroin 
addicts. I bet that when serious heroin addicts 
go to purchase their heroin, they do not tolerate 
waiting in line while some dilettante in front 
of them orders a hazelnut smack-a-cino with 
cinnamon sprinkles.  
- Dave Barry

In Seattle you haven't had enough coffee until 
you can thread a sewing machine while it's 
- Jeff Bezos

Good communication is just as stimulating as 
black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Black as the devil, Hot as hell,
Pure as an angel, Sweet as love.
- Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord

Everybody should believe in something. 
I believe I'll have another coffee. 
- anonymous

Caffeine is my shepherd; I shall not doze.
It maketh me to wake in green pastures:
It leadeth me beyond the sleeping masses.
It restoreth my buzz:
It leadeth me in the paths of consciousness for its name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of addiction,
I will fear no Equal™:
For thou art 

[FairfieldLife] Re: was: MIT Blackjack. now: Shemp pierces delusions of grandeur

2009-01-16 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
mainstream20...@... wrote:

 Shemp at his best - he blows away the MIT delusions of grandeur.  
 Great, focused, unrelenting post, Shemp.  Thanks.

Well, gosh, thanks for appreciating my compulsiveness!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
 big snip..
  But what happens when the dealer's turn comes and HE goes over 
  Well, he may lose against any player that is still in the game 
  who held at 21 or under)...but EVEN THOUGH HE, THE DEALER, HAS 
  That, my friends, is the SOLE advantage the house has in 
  and the SOLE basis for the house making money in Blackjack.
  And it's also why the MIT people -- even with card counting -- 
  never, ever beat the house (and despite what the movie and the 
  may have told you, they didn't beat the house in the long run).

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Passage to India

2009-01-16 Thread shempmcgurk
I just rented and saw for the umpteenth time Lean's Lawrence of 
Arabia.  Hadn't seen it in about 15 years and unlike some other 
movie classics I have revisited not only did it hold up, it seemed 
even better than I remembered it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 
willy...@... wrote:

 This is a magnificent and exquisitely wrought 
 film, well nuanced and faithful in its adaptation 
 of E.M. Forster's classic novel of the same name. 
 Director David Lean, who had previously directed 
 such cinematic triumphs as Bridge on the River 
 Kwai and Lawrence of Arabia, outdid himself 
 with this film, which was nominated for eleven 
 Academy Awards and for which Peggy Ashcroft won 
 an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, as 
 did Maurice Jarre for Best Score. 
 Amazon Review:
 'A Passage to India'
 Director David Lean

[FairfieldLife] Winter Poem

2009-01-16 Thread bitingbirdie

It's winter in Iowa
And the gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour
At thirty-five below.
Oh, how I love Iowa
When the snow's up to your butt
You take a breath of winter
And your nose gets frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around
I could never leave Iowa
Cuz I'm frozen to the ground!


[FairfieldLife] Hillary's Confirmation Hearing for Secretary of State

2009-01-16 Thread raunchydog

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread curtisdeltablues
 In other words, scientists investigating a 
 purely drug-related experience would not be
 tempted to project God or perfection onto
 reports of that experience. But believers in all
 of the historical religious or spiritual spec-
 ulations about what such an experience means
 will *always* project their beliefs onto it,
 and thus color and invalidate their findings.
 Research on enlightenment conducted by believers
 in the religious or spiritual nature of enlight-
 enment is *always* going to be bogus, because
 the believers seemingly cannot divorce their
 beliefs from what they are investigating.

Since I was the first derailer I'll help you get back on to your topic.

Your post is an excellent exposition of what I have concluded.  That
the traditional understanding of the states of mind brought about by
meditation and other spiritual techniques are NOT best understood by
people from the past who tended to filter everything through their Uga
Booga spin. That was their model for everything.  Why does the sun
cross the sky?  A god pulls it across with a chariot of course!  What
happens when a person's mind settles down without thought?  They are
experiencing the source of the whole universe and the home of all the
laws of nature (another name for gods). 

By only viewing these experiences in the most fanciful possible way by
following old traditions the public is left with a skepticism that
anyone is really experiencing something interesting at all.  I think
they might figure that if you are imaginative enough to call a silent
state of you mind, your big Self (don't forget to use capital
letters) then you might just be making the whole thing up.  But I know
from my own experience that you can alter your mode of functioning.  I
don't know what it means and I extend that to neither did Maharishi.
 But is it an interesting aspect of our minds and might be useful in
some way outside the self realization model.  But it is going to take
a lot more time because most thoughtful people are either not inclined
to look at it as spiritual people do, or they have their own competing
spirituality that interferes.

I do think that good scientific methodology can transcend (dare I use
the term?) a researcher's bias.  You just need some oversight in
structuring it from a more impartial party.  It doesn't surprise me
that the people with the biggest belief load are also the ones most
interested in researching meditation.  They just need some help
containing their enthusiasm is skewing results.  TM researchers come
off as so innocent that I think the scientific community is not up
to speed on how quickly they would ditch the methods of good science
to make their guru look at them with approval with the latest research
reports.  This may be true of other groups.

Very interesting angle Turq, thanks for reeling it back.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  What if someone slipped you such a drug without you knowing
  it and it produced all of the experiences listed above. 
  Would you be able to distinguish what you were experiencing 
  from what you consider real enlightenment?
  * *Every* experience of enlightenment in human history,
  no matter what the path taken to achieve it, were nothing
  more (or less) than these same parts of the brain being
  activated and subjective experiences being provided 
  chemically to the brain? (In other words, it is a *purely*
  chemical experience, and has nothing to do with anything
  spiritual at all.)
  * Enlightenment were nothing more *than* these chemical
  changes in the brain and how we perceive them subjectively?
  * ALL of the dogma and mythology that has built up around
  enlightenment and the characteristics of the enlightened
  over the centuries was just people trying to come up with 
  some story to account for a purely chemical experience?
  It's just a what if question, posted to see who can have
  fun with it, and who it drives up the wall.  :-)
 I think it's interesting that everyone who
 replied went off on a tangent about drugs,
 but that wasn't my point. I have very little
 interest in drugs per se. I'll reiterate my
 real point, just in case anyone is interested 
 in taking the conversation in that direction.
 My what if question was about whether there
 might be **NO** spiritual or religious
 component to the subjective experience that
 people have called enlightenment through
 the ages. That is, whether it might be purely
 a physiological condition, one that happens
 for any number of reasons, **NONE** of them
 related to religion or spirituality.
 I have no problem with this view, and consider
 it quite possible. What I've noticed, however,
 is that a lot of people seem incapable of look-
 ing at the question that way. They seem to not
 be able to view the 

[FairfieldLife] Following Bush's final speech Chris Matthews summarizes Bush

2009-01-16 Thread do.rflex


[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

  In other words, scientists investigating a 
  purely drug-related experience would not be
  tempted to project God or perfection onto
  reports of that experience. But believers in all
  of the historical religious or spiritual spec-
  ulations about what such an experience means
  will *always* project their beliefs onto it,
  and thus color and invalidate their findings.
  Research on enlightenment conducted by believers
  in the religious or spiritual nature of enlight-
  enment is *always* going to be bogus, because
  the believers seemingly cannot divorce their
  beliefs from what they are investigating.
 Since I was the first derailer I'll help you get back on to 
 your topic.

Thanks, Curtis. Your posts probably planted
the idea in my head in the first place, but
I've been thinking about it lately, and how
much prejudicial junk is built into the study
of enlightenment.

It's even in the language -- believers tend 
to always refer to it as a higher state of 
consciousness, not just a different one or 
an altered one.

 Your post is an excellent exposition of what I have concluded. That
 the traditional understanding of the states of mind brought about by
 meditation and other spiritual techniques are NOT best understood 
 by people from the past who tended to filter everything through 
 their Uga Booga spin. That was their model for everything.  Why 
 does the sun cross the sky?  A god pulls it across with a chariot 
 of course!  

This is what drives me up the wall with some
of JohnR's posts. He seems intent on reinter-
preting all of existence in terms of the Vedas,
as if they are somehow the master document,
and everything by definition *has* to fit into
their vision of things. Lately he's been trying
to do it with particle physics.

 What happens when a person's mind settles down without thought?  
 They are experiencing the source of the whole universe and the 
 home of all the laws of nature (another name for gods). 

When, in reality, all that we can legitimately
say that they are experiencing is the mind free
from thoughts. 

Why isn't that ENOUGH? Probably 95% of the people
on the planet would say, if asked, that such a
state cannot exist, because they haven't ever
experienced it. To me, the thoughtless state is
pretty whiz-bang neat *without* all the Uga Booga.

 By only viewing these experiences in the most fanciful possible 
 way by following old traditions the public is left with a 
 skepticism that anyone is really experiencing something 
 interesting at all. I think they might figure that if you are 
 imaginative enough to call a silent state of you mind, your big 
 Self (don't forget to use capital letters) then you might just 
 be making the whole thing up.  

Exactly. If the people being tested were being
honest, what they would say is that they are 
experiencing a thoughtless state, and that it
feels pretty neat. But when they describe it as
merging with the home of all the laws of the
universe and enlivening them, who would NOT
laugh at them who has not been pre-brainwashed
to use and understand that jargon used as a 
euphemism for something much simpler. To me,
the simple version would be easier for people
to understand, without the Uga Booga.

 But I know from my own experience that you can alter your mode 
 of functioning.  

As do I. I am **NOT** a skeptic about the exis-
tence of a state that we could call enlightenment.
Been there, done that, even if it only lasted for
days or weeks at a time. 

But I did **NOT** find that I was perfect during
those periods of time, or that I was in tune with
all the laws of nature or that I was one with God
during those periods. I've had these experiences off
an on now for 36 years, and I don't even *believe*
in God. :-)

 I don't know what it means and I extend that to neither did 

Exactly. I think that he did exactly what we see
JohnR and others doing in his wake -- consider the
old belief system the master document and then
try to reinterpret all experience *in terms of it*.
I suspect that almost everyone can see the bogosity
of such an approach. TM TBs on this forum can see 
it when Christians do it, but they seem to be unable
to see when *they* do it.

 But is it an interesting aspect of our minds and might be useful in
 some way outside the self realization model. But it is going to take
 a lot more time because most thoughtful people are either not 
 inclined to look at it as spiritual people do, or they have their 
 own competing spirituality that interferes.

Or, because they have never experienced anything
like these phenomena themselves, they have no
interest in them.

 I do think that good scientific methodology can transcend (dare I 
 use the term?) a researcher's bias. You just need some oversight in
 structuring it from a more impartial party. 

Or a partial party who is truly open-minded. I 
really like the Dalai Lama's 

[FairfieldLife] SSRS Talk-Guru

2009-01-16 Thread Peter
Here's a fun little talk that SSRS gave about the Guru function:

If you want to come to me … by Guruji

January 15, 2009 by Guru Kripa

If You Want To Come To Me - Sri Sri

Praising me is not enough. I am not satisfied by your praises,gratefulness and 
gratitude. Do not just keep me on the stage, on the altar, put flowers and say, 
Jai Gurudev!’ Keep me in your heart.When you are grateful, there is also a lot 
of gratitude and you feel like praising. But all this should be converted into 
your soul and make you blossom.

Once in a while when you have a problem, you come and say JaiGurudev. Don’t say 
it only some times, say it all the time,everyday and every minute. All these 
qualities you see in me are also in you.

Only when you keep me in your heart, does guru ship arise in you.Otherwise just 
doing pad puja (worshiping the feet), saluting and running away, nothing will 
be born in you. If you only want to garland flowers, then go to temples. There 
are many idols there. There is no need of a Guru then. Not only that, there are 
many people in the world,who love to sit and be garlanded. Go and garland them.

If you have come to me, then change. Change from inside.

There is no happiness in the world which you cannot get by being on the path of 
knowledge. Once you taste this nectar, everything else will be bitter. Once you 
begin to float in this, you will never experience a lack of anything in any way 
in your life.

Don’t keep me at a distance. By staying far away from me you have no benefit 
whatsoever. You are just wasting your time and mine too. Whatever I am, you are 
that too. Whatever you thought was impossible for you, I have come here to show 
you that it is possible.

This body, this prana, has only one mission. It has come for one reason - to 
introduce you all to your own self, to reveal the true self to you. Who are 
you? You are truth. You are shiva. You are beauty.

See, many people come here. Some come just to visit the place and say, “oh! 
nice.” some feel nice inside and say, “oh! nice energy!”they take few deep 
breaths and go back after one or two days in a good state of mind. Few others 
come and stay a little longer, while, while others just loot every thing. They 
take every thing. And that is good. Those are the kind of people I want. They 
must loot everything.

The shop is open. So loot all you can.

Yah baby!!!


[FairfieldLife] Re: SSRS Talk-Guru

2009-01-16 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

I can't decide if Ravi should get an A in Self-Esteem Class, or an F
for getting kinda carried away with himself.  But one thing I do know
is that I know myself fine and it has nothing to do with Shiva. (Or
Jesus)  It's just me in here and no one else gets any credit for me
knowing that.  Of course if he want's to call my self beauty I don't
mind.  I'm having a particularly good hair day today so I am
comfortable with that. (My bangs have that waterfall arch effect in
the front that places the ends of my bangs right over my right eye. I
can tell you if it wasn't for the maddening vagaries of gel I would
look this way EVERY day... till the wind hits it.)

Oh yeah, and for me praises,gratefulness and gratitude are more than
enough, and is MUCH appreciated.  (Insincere is OK too if there are
not undermining snickers when it is delivered.) I'm deep like that.

 Here's a fun little talk that SSRS gave about the Guru function:
 If you want to come to me … by Guruji
 January 15, 2009 by Guru Kripa
 If You Want To Come To Me - Sri Sri
 Praising me is not enough. I am not satisfied by your
praises,gratefulness and gratitude. Do not just keep me on the stage,
on the altar, put flowers and say, Jai Gurudev!’ Keep me in your
heart.When you are grateful, there is also a lot of gratitude and you
feel like praising. But all this should be converted into your soul
and make you blossom.
 Once in a while when you have a problem, you come and say
JaiGurudev. Don’t say it only some times, say it all the
time,everyday and every minute. All these qualities you see in me are
also in you.
 Only when you keep me in your heart, does guru ship arise in
you.Otherwise just doing pad puja (worshiping the feet), saluting and
running away, nothing will be born in you. If you only want to garland
flowers, then go to temples. There are many idols there. There is no
need of a Guru then. Not only that, there are many people in the
world,who love to sit and be garlanded. Go and garland them.
 If you have come to me, then change. Change from inside.
 There is no happiness in the world which you cannot get by being on
the path of knowledge. Once you taste this nectar, everything else
will be bitter. Once you begin to float in this, you will never
experience a lack of anything in any way in your life.
 Don’t keep me at a distance. By staying far away from me you have
no benefit whatsoever. You are just wasting your time and mine too.
Whatever I am, you are that too. Whatever you thought was impossible
for you, I have come here to show you that it is possible.
 This body, this prana, has only one mission. It has come for one
reason - to introduce you all to your own self, to reveal the true
self to you. Who are you? You are truth. You are shiva. You are beauty.
 See, many people come here. Some come just to visit the place and
say, “oh! nice.” some feel nice inside and say, “oh! nice
energy!”they take few deep breaths and go back after one or two days
in a good state of mind. Few others come and stay a little longer,
while, while others just loot every thing. They take every thing. And
that is good. Those are the kind of people I want. They must loot
 The shop is open. So loot all you can.
 Yah baby!!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

 the traditional understanding of the states of mind brought about by
 meditation and other spiritual techniques are NOT best understood by
 people from the past who tended to filter everything through their Uga
 Booga spin. That was their model for everything.  Why does the sun
 cross the sky?  A god pulls it across with a chariot of course! 

Which is ironic since pure consciousness, and the absence or
diminishment of the binding influence of samskararas -- more broadly
-- the diminishment of past experiential and cultural bias -- should
enable a spin-free state of true clarity. Seeing things as they ARE --
absent myriad layers of inner filters, narratives an mind-warping biases. 

TMO and other schools of thought posit that freedom increases as this
non-attachment -- reduction of inner bias -- grows. Ergo, if this
model was correct, then the more one transcends, then the more the
world should be seen in its transcendental pristine reality -- as it
IS. One may have been told ancient (chariots in the sky) or modern
narratives upon initiating transcendence practices, but all such
narrative should fall off the cliff as the sharp sword of knowledge 
dismembers and slays myth, bias and reveals what is. Trascendence --
per the theory -- should cleanse and open the doors of perception. 

The model does not predict what actually occurred in the TMO -- and
apparently other transcendence traditions -- and must be discarded by
rational beings. Instead of clarity and freedom, we obtained 
increased biases, ancient narratives having no scientific merit found
welcome reception in our hearts, hyper-infusion of what we wanted to
see completely obscured what actually was there -- all such
perversions grew, not diminished -- both individually and collectively.

Thus, either the theory, the model, is wrong, or the method does not
yield the fruit it promised. Perhaps transcendence, reduction of bias
and distortion within consciousness, actually attracts distortion,
like a vacuum attracting dirt. 

Or the method does not reduce to true transcendence, but some nether
world delusion of such -- behind which hidden chains stronger than the
ones we sought to dissolve.

The proof is in the pudding.  Maybe we should have tried the other  door.



 happens when a person's mind settles down without thought?  They are
 experiencing the source of the whole universe and the home of all the
 laws of nature (another name for gods). 
 By only viewing these experiences in the most fanciful possible way by
 following old traditions the public is left with a skepticism that
 anyone is really experiencing something interesting at all.  I think
 they might figure that if you are imaginative enough to call a silent
 state of you mind, your big Self (don't forget to use capital
 letters) then you might just be making the whole thing up.  But I know
 from my own experience that you can alter your mode of functioning.  I
 don't know what it means and I extend that to neither did Maharishi.
  But is it an interesting aspect of our minds and might be useful in
 some way outside the self realization model.  But it is going to take
 a lot more time because most thoughtful people are either not inclined
 to look at it as spiritual people do, or they have their own competing
 spirituality that interferes.
 I do think that good scientific methodology can transcend (dare I use
 the term?) a researcher's bias.  You just need some oversight in
 structuring it from a more impartial party.  It doesn't surprise me
 that the people with the biggest belief load are also the ones most
 interested in researching meditation.  They just need some help
 containing their enthusiasm is skewing results.  TM researchers come
 off as so innocent that I think the scientific community is not up
 to speed on how quickly they would ditch the methods of good science
 to make their guru look at them with approval with the latest research
 reports.  This may be true of other groups.
 Very interesting angle Turq, thanks for reeling it back.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   What if someone slipped you such a drug without you knowing
   it and it produced all of the experiences listed above. 
   Would you be able to distinguish what you were experiencing 
   from what you consider real enlightenment?
   * *Every* experience of enlightenment in human history,
   no matter what the path taken to achieve it, were nothing
   more (or less) than these same parts of the brain being
   activated and subjective experiences being provided 
   chemically to the brain? (In other words, it is a *purely*
   chemical experience, and has nothing to do with anything
   spiritual at all.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Rigged Trials at Gitmo: Air Force Major David Frakt

2009-01-16 Thread Richard Williams
  Apparently 61 of those freed from Club Gitmo 
  are back on the battlefield. snip
main wrote:
 .or more likely, trying to survive, driving 
 a cab.

Maybe they are are training to be suicide bombers 
using cabs - I wouldn't be surprised.

Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said that 
61 detainees released from Guantanamo have returned 
to the fight. Of those, 18 had been confirmed as 
being directly involved in 'terrorist activities'.

Read more:

'Closing Guantanamo, an Obama priority'
AFP, January 14, 2009

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Richard J. Williams 
willy...@.. . wrote:

 John posted:

  The Rigged Trials at Gitmo


 Apparently 61 of those freed from Club Gitmo 

 are back on the battlefield. snip

.or more likely, trying to survive, driving a cab.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The dismantling of the TMO as we know it

2009-01-16 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 9:27 AM, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@
   People with access to the tape
   library are not selected for courage and insight.
  Quote of the week !

 This fellow obviously has no idea as to who has the key to the original
 tapes !

Indeed.  Yesterday  I came across this wonderful place to shop for DVDs and
the like call Pirate Bay (as opposed to Botany Bay, where I think I spent a
couple centuries).  Man, it's a good thing I have a lot of computers and
fast Internet access.  Do you know how long it's going to take for me to
upload the original tape library to Pirate Bay?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread Vaj

On Jan 16, 2009, at 9:52 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

I do think that good scientific methodology can transcend (dare I use
the term?) a researcher's bias.  You just need some oversight in
structuring it from a more impartial party.  It doesn't surprise me
that the people with the biggest belief load are also the ones most
interested in researching meditation.  They just need some help
containing their enthusiasm is skewing results.

I don't know that this is actually the case. While some leading age  
meditation researchers may have some unsubstantiated beliefs (we're  
contacting the unified field, I'm feeling actual presence of Jesus,  
etc.), most that I am aware of are either atheists, materialists or  
both and/or they adhere to the rules of a subjective science not  
necessarily understood (let alone approved of) by the believers of  
scientism. That is they may of a calibre of scientist who know and  
understand how to refine attention to the point of being able create  
a subjective inquiry which can be considered scientific. Just because  
scientific materialism has caused a belief in a taboo of subjectivity  
to become fashionable, doesn't render the taboo viable logically or  
factually nor does it invalidate the possibility of a subjective  
science. All it really tells us is that scientism is the fashionable  
belief in our time.

Also you should know that there is a school, largely inspired by the  
late great biologist and neuroscientist Francisco Varela, which looks  
to create a purely modern scientific model for understanding  
meditation experiences and their results based on Neurophenomenology.  
While a certain part of this is about 3rd person realities, i.e. the  
material exploration of phenomenon, but also includes 1st person  
methodologies, i.e. subjective science. In order to make 1st person  
methodologies reasonable and unbiased, it is required that such a  
subjective scientist refine attention, i.e. hone its instruments of  
subjectivity, appropriately. And of course the material aspects of  
these subjective states can also, simultaneously, be explored.

Work's like those of Varela, classics really, and the recent The  
Mindful Brain, by psychiatrist and Attachment expert Dan Siegel are  
excellent examples of this emerging paradigm.

[FairfieldLife] Rip, Rig and Panic

2009-01-16 Thread Richard J. Williams
...one of the most unique and passionate 
recordings ever made. - Andrew Stevenson

'Rip, Rig and Panic'
by Rahsaan Roland Kirk 
Polygram Records

Other titles of interest:

'We Free Kings'
by Rahsaan Roland Kirk
Polygram Records 

'Bright Moments'
by Rahsaan Roland Kirk
Atlantic Records

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

Sam Harris is also a resource in this area.  Thanks for the info.

 On Jan 16, 2009, at 9:52 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  I do think that good scientific methodology can transcend (dare I use
  the term?) a researcher's bias.  You just need some oversight in
  structuring it from a more impartial party.  It doesn't surprise me
  that the people with the biggest belief load are also the ones most
  interested in researching meditation.  They just need some help
  containing their enthusiasm is skewing results.
 I don't know that this is actually the case. While some leading age  
 meditation researchers may have some unsubstantiated beliefs (we're  
 contacting the unified field, I'm feeling actual presence of Jesus,  
 etc.), most that I am aware of are either atheists, materialists or  
 both and/or they adhere to the rules of a subjective science not  
 necessarily understood (let alone approved of) by the believers of  
 scientism. That is they may of a calibre of scientist who know and  
 understand how to refine attention to the point of being able create  
 a subjective inquiry which can be considered scientific. Just because  
 scientific materialism has caused a belief in a taboo of subjectivity  
 to become fashionable, doesn't render the taboo viable logically or  
 factually nor does it invalidate the possibility of a subjective  
 science. All it really tells us is that scientism is the fashionable  
 belief in our time.
 Also you should know that there is a school, largely inspired by the  
 late great biologist and neuroscientist Francisco Varela, which looks  
 to create a purely modern scientific model for understanding  
 meditation experiences and their results based on Neurophenomenology.  
 While a certain part of this is about 3rd person realities, i.e. the  
 material exploration of phenomenon, but also includes 1st person  
 methodologies, i.e. subjective science. In order to make 1st person  
 methodologies reasonable and unbiased, it is required that such a  
 subjective scientist refine attention, i.e. hone its instruments of  
 subjectivity, appropriately. And of course the material aspects of  
 these subjective states can also, simultaneously, be explored.
 Work's like those of Varela, classics really, and the recent The  
 Mindful Brain, by psychiatrist and Attachment expert Dan Siegel are  
 excellent examples of this emerging paradigm.

[FairfieldLife] Re: SSRS Talk-Guru

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
this is it-- exactly the same as Guru Dev said-- that the Guru is 
the conduit for aligning our minds to pure consciousness, and that 
we begin first by devoting ourselves to the guru, and then after 
some time realize the guru within us. i appreciate the concrete 
distinction that SSRS makes between superficial worship and 24x7 
devotion in the heart. 

to the SSRS analogy, there also comes a time when once the open shop 
has been fully looted, the devotee must then torch it.:)

thanks for sharing this.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... 

 Here's a fun little talk that SSRS gave about the Guru function:
 If you want to come to me … by Guruji
 January 15, 2009 by Guru Kripa
 If You Want To Come To Me - Sri Sri
 Praising me is not enough. I am not satisfied by your 
praises,gratefulness and gratitude. Do not just keep me on the 
stage, on the altar, put flowers and say, Jai Gurudev!’ Keep me in 
your heart.When you are grateful, there is also a lot of gratitude 
and you feel like praising. But all this should be converted into 
your soul and make you blossom.
 Once in a while when you have a problem, you come and say 
JaiGurudev. Don’t say it only some times, say it all the 
time,everyday and every minute. All these qualities you see in me 
are also in you.
 Only when you keep me in your heart, does guru ship arise in 
you.Otherwise just doing pad puja (worshiping the feet), saluting 
and running away, nothing will be born in you. If you only want to 
garland flowers, then go to temples. There are many idols there. 
There is no need of a Guru then. Not only that, there are many 
people in the world,who love to sit and be garlanded. Go and garland 
 If you have come to me, then change. Change from inside.
 There is no happiness in the world which you cannot get by being 
on the path of knowledge. Once you taste this nectar, everything 
else will be bitter. Once you begin to float in this, you will never 
experience a lack of anything in any way in your life.
 Don’t keep me at a distance. By staying far away from me you 
have no benefit whatsoever. You are just wasting your time and mine 
too. Whatever I am, you are that too. Whatever you thought was 
impossible for you, I have come here to show you that it is possible.
 This body, this prana, has only one mission. It has come for one 
reason - to introduce you all to your own self, to reveal the true 
self to you. Who are you? You are truth. You are shiva. You are 
 See, many people come here. Some come just to visit the place and 
say, “oh! nice.” some feel nice inside and say, “oh! nice 
energy!”they take few deep breaths and go back after one or two 
days in a good state of mind. Few others come and stay a little 
longer, while, while others just loot every thing. They take every 
thing. And that is good. Those are the kind of people I want. They 
must loot everything.
 The shop is open. So loot all you can.
 Yah baby!!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Research on enlightenment conducted by believers
 in the religious or spiritual nature of enlight-
 enment is *always* going to be bogus, because
 the believers seemingly cannot divorce their
 beliefs from what they are investigating...

But what about research conducted by scientists
who may not be 'believers'?

These characteristics, nine in number, were 
derived from a study of the literature of 
spontaneous mystical experiences reported 
throughout world history from almost all 
cultures and religions. 

In studying accounts of these strange, unusual 
experiences, an attempt was made to extract the 
universal psychological characteristics as free 
from interpretation as possible. 

Scientific evidence indicates that these 
universal characteristics derived from spontaneous 
mystical experiences also precisely describe 
experimental psychedelic ones. 

Nine characteristics can be listed as follows:

'LSD and Religious Experience'
Walter N. Pahnke

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
with any technique of transcendence, there comes a point where the 
devotee must make a choice, going with continuing dogmas, or going 
for realization; enlightenment, at ALL COSTS. 

it is safe and easy to fool ourselves into thinking if we continue 
to do right action, as defined by the ego, that the grand glory of 
enlightenment will be ours-- this is the trap-- for TMO it is 
following to the letter what the Maharishi said, and for Buddhists 
it is all the things the Buddhas say-- any tradition of 
transcendence has this trap. 

however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA, 
whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it is the 
TMO ideals of living a Vedic life. depending on our path, the dogma 
must be absolutely transcended in order top reach the goal, and once 
we are left naked and screaming in the darkness do we have any hope 
of becoming ourselves, becoming enlightened. anything else is just a 
circle jerk.

lots of the latter going on right here on FFL by the way. :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan no_re...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  the traditional understanding of the states of mind brought 
about by
  meditation and other spiritual techniques are NOT best 
understood by
  people from the past who tended to filter everything through 
their Uga
  Booga spin. That was their model for everything.  Why does the 
  cross the sky?  A god pulls it across with a chariot of course! 
 Which is ironic since pure consciousness, and the absence or
 diminishment of the binding influence of samskararas -- more 
 -- the diminishment of past experiential and cultural bias -- 
 enable a spin-free state of true clarity. Seeing things as they 
ARE --
 absent myriad layers of inner filters, narratives an mind-warping 
 TMO and other schools of thought posit that freedom increases as 
 non-attachment -- reduction of inner bias -- grows. Ergo, if this
 model was correct, then the more one transcends, then the more the
 world should be seen in its transcendental pristine reality -- as 
 IS. One may have been told ancient (chariots in the sky) or modern
 narratives upon initiating transcendence practices, but all such
 narrative should fall off the cliff as the sharp sword of 
 dismembers and slays myth, bias and reveals what is. Trascendence -
 per the theory -- should cleanse and open the doors of perception. 
 The model does not predict what actually occurred in the TMO -- and
 apparently other transcendence traditions -- and must be discarded 
 rational beings. Instead of clarity and freedom, we obtained 
 increased biases, ancient narratives having no scientific merit 
 welcome reception in our hearts, hyper-infusion of what we wanted 
 see completely obscured what actually was there -- all such
 perversions grew, not diminished -- both individually and 
 Thus, either the theory, the model, is wrong, or the method does 
 yield the fruit it promised. Perhaps transcendence, reduction of 
 and distortion within consciousness, actually attracts distortion,
 like a vacuum attracting dirt. 
 Or the method does not reduce to true transcendence, but some 
 world delusion of such -- behind which hidden chains stronger than 
 ones we sought to dissolve.
 The proof is in the pudding.  Maybe we should have tried the 
other  door.

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Years ago I posted to Usenet several comments 
  describing my experience searching for the 
  mysterious and legendary substance, the so-called 
  'magic' mushroom, mentioned by Carlos Casteneda 
  in his great book about don Juan, 'A Yaqui Way 
  of Knowledge'...
off wrote:
 This is scary.

You sound really scared. 

Don't panic - just put down the pipe and take a few 
deep breaths; eat a candy bar; then try to take a nap. 

At this point, it would be futile for you to try 
typing another silly one-liner.

He was a sensory feast to behold, seated in the 
highest position in the room on his throne chair 
that was placed directly underneath what looked 
like the same unbrella that Guru Dev hasd sat under 
as Shankaracharya. The man had a pure white halo 
that encircled his whole body.

Read more: 

Subject: Galaxy of Fire
From: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Mon, Jun 3 2002

[FairfieldLife] Obama's list of nine religious liberty issues

2009-01-16 Thread Arhata Osho
http://www.au. org/site/ PageServer? pagename= our_efforts_ 2009_nine_ in_09

Obama's list of nine religious liberty issues

As Barack Obama assumes the presidency, Americans United for

Separation of Church and State has prepared a list of nine religious

liberty issues that merit special attention from the White House.

Called 9 in '09, this campaign seeks to repair the damage that

occurred to the wall of separation between church and state during the

Bush administration.

Americans United calls on President Obama to make this list a priority.

1. Restrict Faith-Based Funding: The Bush administration' s dangerous

executive orders promoting the faith-based initiative should be

overridden. Religious organizations should not be singled out for

special government treatment and generous tax subsidies.

2. Ban Faith-Based Job Bias: An executive order should be issued

barring religiously based job bias in all publicly funded programs.

Not one dime in tax funds should go to faith-based organizations

that discriminate in hiring.

3. Select Good Judges: Give America judges who support the Bill of

Rights, including its church-state separation provision. Our country

deserves federal judges who will respect, not eviscerate, the First


4. Reform Justice Department: America must have a Justice Department

that understands its duty to uphold constitutional rights, not one

that parrots the views of extreme Religious Right legal groups.

5. Stop School Vouchers: Cease all federal tax funding for misguided

school voucher experiments in Washington, D.C., (or anywhere else)

that subsidize religious and other private schools.

6. Protect Military Personnel: Sever the tie between fundamentalist

groups and the military. The United States must have a military that

doesn't take a stand on theological issues and that does not pressure

its service personnel to adopt religious beliefs.

7. Defend Sound Science: Base public policy on science, not theology.

Public policy on issues such as stem-cell research and education about

human origins must be based on science, not religious dogma.

8. Resist Church Politicking: Oppose attempts to overturn the federal

ban on church politicking. No tax-exempt house of worship should be

permitted to engage in partisan politicking by endorsing or opposing

candidates for public office.

9. Oppose Sectarian Symbolism: Use the presidential bully pulpit to

oppose sectarian resolutions in Congress. We must see an end to

polarizing resolutions by Congress that promote one faith over others,

thus sending the message that some Americans are second-class citizens.

http://www.au. org/site/ PageServer? pagename= our_efforts_ 2009_nine_ in_09





[FairfieldLife] People who continue to meditate

2009-01-16 Thread Marek Reavis
Pasted below is an email I received today from an old highschool 
classmate whom I apparently initiated back in '73, and the first part 
of my reply to him.

Interesting in light of my guessistimation the other day re how many 
people might still be out there meditating but not part of any 
association with the TMO.


From: H..., Joe - St Louis, MO 
Subject: email from Joe H...
To: reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 7:11 AM


How are you doing ? 

I have not seen you since I took the TM class from you at St.Louis U 
in 1973. 

I have been meditating almost daily since then. 

It works for me ! 


Joe H... 

[first part of my reply]

Joe, great to hear from you!  And happy that you're still meditating 
and enjoy it. It's funny, too, because for several years now I've 
participated in an online forum, FairfieldLife, that is primarily 
(though not entirely) with former TM people.  One of the more recent 
discussion threads had to do with the topic of whether or not many 
people who learned TM early on, but didn't get involved in the TM 
movement, might continue to meditate.  I voiced the opinion that of 
the millions who were initiated, perhaps only a few thousand were 
still meditators. So I'm sitting here feeling a little chastened 
after reading your message. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread Vaj

On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA,
whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it is the
TMO ideals of living a Vedic life.

It sounds like you lack an experiential understanding of the  
difference between relative compassion and absolute compassion or  
what the nature of consciousness actually is.

There's ultimately nothing to transcend; what a silly belief.

[FairfieldLife] The Terrorist's Exit Speech

2009-01-16 Thread Bhairitu
Anyone else bother to watch Dubya's Exit Speech last night.  Pretty 
pathetic.  He tried his best to terrorize the country again with talk 
about terrorists trying to take over the country.  Let's see, they 
already have from what I see.  They ran the White House for the last 8 
years and robbed us of our money, our jobs, our houses while destroying 
the country as well as others abroad.  What a loser you are, Dubya.  You 
made your little place in history as the worst President the USA has 
ever had.  Hell even the local news opened that story with worst 
President talking about how even Nixon ranks higher.

Good riddance to bad rubbish!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reinventing the sacred; Get religious to improve self control?

2009-01-16 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

  From atheist materialist Deric Bownd's MindBlog:
 Reinventing the sacred
 Those of us who are hard core materialists and have no use for  
 explanations of the natural order provided by any of the main  
 religions do have the problem of aridity. Being an atheistic  
 secularist is not as warm and cuddly as the warm blanket of religious  
 certainty and the social support provided by some religious settings.  
 Even though I agree with sentiments in such recent books as The God  
 Delusion, The end of Faith and God is not Great I wish they  
 could come forward with more compelling alternatives for maintaining  
 the robustness of our evolved psychology.
 Stuart Kauffman, the guy who has done a number of books on chaos,  
 self organization, and emergence theory, has stepped forward to offer  
 a new book, Reinventing the Sacred, in which he suggests that we  
 turn our reverence towards a natural God seen not as a supernatural  
 Creator but as the natural creativity in the universe - a universe in  
 which the unpredictable emergence of novelty is a daily occurrence.
 If we reinvent the sacred to mean the wonder of the creativity in  
 the universe, biosphere, human history, and culture, are we not  
 inevitably invited to honor all of life and the planet that sustains  
 Noble sentiments, indeed, but still not developed into a form  
 accessible or useful to the vast majority of humans who crave  
 certainly and structure in their lives. Unpredictable emergence of  
 novelty is not exactly a warm blanket. I wish I had any better  
 Get religious to improve self control?
 Here is a curious piece by John Tierney noting the work of Michael  
 McCullouch, who provides evidence that religiosity correlates with  
 higher self-control among adults.
 “Brain-scan studies have shown that when people pray or meditate,  
 there’s a lot of activity in two parts of brain that are important  
 for self-regulation and control of attention and emotion,” he  
 said. “The rituals that religions have been encouraging for  
 thousands of years seem to be a kind of anaerobic workout for self- 
 In a study published by the University of Maryland in 2003, students  
 who were subliminally exposed to religious words (like God, prayer or  
 bible) were slower to recognize words associated with temptations  
 (like drugs or premarital sex). Conversely, when they were primed  
 with the temptation words, they were quicker to recognize the  
 religious words.
 What should a heathen like myself do?
 Dr. McCullough’s advice is to try replicating some of the religious  
 mechanisms that seem to improve self-control, like private meditation  
 or public involvement with an organization that has strong ideals.

 Charlie Lutes pointed out religion and spirituality are not the same
in one of his talks and, one of the ancient Chinese sages observed
that organized religion is the last place to go for understanding. 
 Unpredictable emergence of novelty looks like another term for
Murphy's law and, people needing predictability, should maybe be
working on their predicting.
  I didn't see it mentioned anywhere but I think that enlightenment
would include Mr. Murphy working in your best interest.  N.


[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
  however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA,
  whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it is 
  TMO ideals of living a Vedic life.
 It sounds like you lack an experiential understanding of the  
 difference between relative compassion and absolute compassion or  
 what the nature of consciousness actually is.
 There's ultimately nothing to transcend; what a silly belief.

it sounds to me as if you are claiming to be enlightened. or you are 
trapped by dogma. which is it please?

[FairfieldLife] Re: People who continue to meditate

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
glad to have one more in the plus column-- i think Sal was pretty 
accurate that around 5-10% still do the do.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Marek Reavis 
reavisma...@... wrote:

 Pasted below is an email I received today from an old highschool 
 classmate whom I apparently initiated back in '73, and the first 
 of my reply to him.
 Interesting in light of my guessistimation the other day re how 
 people might still be out there meditating but not part of any 
 association with the TMO.
 From: H..., Joe - St Louis, MO 
 Subject: email from Joe H...
 To: reavisma...@...
 Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 7:11 AM
 How are you doing ? 
 I have not seen you since I took the TM class from you at St.Louis 
 in 1973. 
 I have been meditating almost daily since then. 
 It works for me ! 
 Joe H... 
 [first part of my reply]
 Joe, great to hear from you!  And happy that you're still 
 and enjoy it. It's funny, too, because for several years now I've 
 participated in an online forum, FairfieldLife, that is primarily 
 (though not entirely) with former TM people.  One of the more 
 discussion threads had to do with the topic of whether or not many 
 people who learned TM early on, but didn't get involved in the TM 
 movement, might continue to meditate.  I voiced the opinion that 
 the millions who were initiated, perhaps only a few thousand were 
 still meditators. So I'm sitting here feeling a little chastened 
 after reading your message. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread Vaj

On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:33 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA,
whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it is


TMO ideals of living a Vedic life.

It sounds like you lack an experiential understanding of the
difference between relative compassion and absolute compassion or
what the nature of consciousness actually is.

There's ultimately nothing to transcend; what a silly belief.

it sounds to me as if you are claiming to be enlightened. or you are
trapped by dogma. which is it please?

I'm afraid you're a bit too binary for me my dear!

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread TurquoiseB
 with any technique of transcendence, there comes a point where the 
 devotee must make a choice, going with continuing dogmas, or going 
 for realization; enlightenment, at ALL COSTS. 
 it is safe and easy to fool ourselves into thinking if we continue 
 to do right action, as defined by the ego, that the grand glory 
 of enlightenment will be ours-- this is the trap-- for TMO it is 
 following to the letter what the Maharishi said, and for Buddhists 
 it is all the things the Buddhas say-- any tradition of 
 transcendence has this trap. 
 however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA, 
 whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it is 
 the TMO ideals of living a Vedic life. depending on our path, the 
 dogma must be absolutely transcended in order top reach the goal, 
 and once we are left naked and screaming in the darkness do we 
 have any hope of becoming ourselves, becoming enlightened. 
 anything else is just a circle jerk.
 lots of the latter going on right here on FFL by the way. :)

On the other hand, there is sometimes a value 
in following the right action (rules) of an 
Internet chat group, because when you transcend 
those rules and overpost, you are left naked and 
screaming in the darkness of not being able to 
post for a whole week.  

See you after midnight GMT Friday, September 
23rd, hon. You might want to spend some of the 
time until then becoming yourself. But if 
yourself's ability to transcend is anything 
like yourself's ability to count, I wouldn't...
uh...count on becoming enlightened.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] [was Re: WHAT IF?] vaj the enlightened one

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
got it --holy crap! vaj thinks he is enlightened! that is a hoot. 

so you really think you are a Buddha, dude? 

its funny, because you behave so arrogantly and caustically here and 
you want us to all believe it is the expression of your absolute 
compassion- lol.

this, ladies and gentlemen, is -precisely- what i am talking about 
when i said a devotee must transcend the dogma in order to gain the 
everlasting freedom of enlightenment.

what vaj does (besides using this silly name) is justify all of 
his anger and arrogance in terms of thinking it is absolute 
compassion that he is expressing. 

this is -exactly- the trap i was talking about-- making a mood, due 
to fear of questioning, or going against, the dogma of one's 
tradition. confusing Dharma with Dogma.

what is essential if we really want to get liberated, and not just 
fool ourselves as vaj has done, is absolutely transcend the dogma 
of our tradition.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, my servant vaj for being a 
perfect illustration of what i was talking about. your timing could 
not have been better! :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
   however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA,
   whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it 
   TMO ideals of living a Vedic life.
  It sounds like you lack an experiential understanding of the  
  difference between relative compassion and absolute compassion 
  what the nature of consciousness actually is.
  There's ultimately nothing to transcend; what a silly belief.
 it sounds to me as if you are claiming to be enlightened. or you 
 trapped by dogma. which is it please?

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
no problem hon-- had some good stuff to say-- as vaj just 
demonstrated, timing is everything-- have fun without me!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... 

  with any technique of transcendence, there comes a point where 
  devotee must make a choice, going with continuing dogmas, or 
  for realization; enlightenment, at ALL COSTS. 
  it is safe and easy to fool ourselves into thinking if we 
  to do right action, as defined by the ego, that the grand 
  of enlightenment will be ours-- this is the trap-- for TMO it is 
  following to the letter what the Maharishi said, and for 
  it is all the things the Buddhas say-- any tradition of 
  transcendence has this trap. 
  however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA, 
  whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it is 
  the TMO ideals of living a Vedic life. depending on our path, 
  dogma must be absolutely transcended in order top reach the 
  and once we are left naked and screaming in the darkness do we 
  have any hope of becoming ourselves, becoming enlightened. 
  anything else is just a circle jerk.
  lots of the latter going on right here on FFL by the way. :)
 On the other hand, there is sometimes a value 
 in following the right action (rules) of an 
 Internet chat group, because when you transcend 
 those rules and overpost, you are left naked and 
 screaming in the darkness of not being able to 
 post for a whole week.  
 See you after midnight GMT Friday, September 
 23rd, hon. You might want to spend some of the 
 time until then becoming yourself. But if 
 yourself's ability to transcend is anything 
 like yourself's ability to count, I wouldn't...
 uh...count on becoming enlightened.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
exactly what i would expect you to say-- in other words you want to 
keep your cake (ego) and eat it too! perfect-- you are proving my 
point every time you open that itty bitty little mouth of yours! 
right on-- thank you again, my servant vaj!:)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:33 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
  however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA,
  whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it 
  TMO ideals of living a Vedic life.
  It sounds like you lack an experiential understanding of the
  difference between relative compassion and absolute compassion 
  what the nature of consciousness actually is.
  There's ultimately nothing to transcend; what a silly belief.
  it sounds to me as if you are claiming to be enlightened. or you 
  trapped by dogma. which is it please?
 I'm afraid you're a bit too binary for me my dear!

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
i want to make a point here about enlightenment-- vaj argues below 
that he can both follow the dogma, and be -partially- enlightened. 

THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. unlike what his teachers have taught him (read 
$$$ and power for THEM), the experience of enlightenment is one of 
total freedom and complete independence. there is no need in such a 
state to refer back to where we are trying to go.

another servant to my point here is Barry who frequently mentions he 
was enlightened once, for a short time. this impermanent witnessing 
experience has nothing to do with enlightenment either. 

vaj argues the point that someone who has reached the destination 
needs to continue to look at the map. speaking of absolutes, this is 
absolute garbage.:) 

while enlightenment is not a static state, there is no relationship 
between religious dogma and enlightenment. dogma is useful for 
pointing us in the right direction, but is then naturally discarded 
once the goal is reached.

many seekers like Barry and vaj hold on to dogma because it is a 
convenient way of not letting go completely of their ego. fine-- no 
problem, but they shouldn't try to justify it in all sorts of 
bizarre ways. enlightenment is straightforward. no caveats. you are 
or you aren't, no dogma and no excuses. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:33 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
  however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA,
  whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it 
  TMO ideals of living a Vedic life.
  It sounds like you lack an experiential understanding of the
  difference between relative compassion and absolute compassion 
  what the nature of consciousness actually is.
  There's ultimately nothing to transcend; what a silly belief.
  it sounds to me as if you are claiming to be enlightened. or you 
  trapped by dogma. which is it please?
 I'm afraid you're a bit too binary for me my dear!

[FairfieldLife] Man refuses to drive 'No God' bus

2009-01-16 Thread claudiouk

maybe the slogan for a FFL bus should be:

There's probably no enlightenment so  don't worry and enjoy your life

certainly FFL and the TMO don't inspire much confidence 
in enlightenment etc

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread yifuxero
-Depends on how you define DOGMA. Ramakrishna remained a devotee of 
Kali after Self-Realization (Aurobindo - the Divine Mother, 
likewise); and Ramana remained a devotee of Arunachala Shiva.  Would 
these relationships be dogmas?

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
no_re...@... wrote:

 with any technique of transcendence, there comes a point where the 
 devotee must make a choice, going with continuing dogmas, or going 
 for realization; enlightenment, at ALL COSTS. 
 it is safe and easy to fool ourselves into thinking if we continue 
 to do right action, as defined by the ego, that the grand glory 
 enlightenment will be ours-- this is the trap-- for TMO it is 
 following to the letter what the Maharishi said, and for Buddhists 
 it is all the things the Buddhas say-- any tradition of 
 transcendence has this trap. 
 however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA, 
 whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it is 
 TMO ideals of living a Vedic life. depending on our path, the dogma 
 must be absolutely transcended in order top reach the goal, and 
 we are left naked and screaming in the darkness do we have any hope 
 of becoming ourselves, becoming enlightened. anything else is just 
 circle jerk.
 lots of the latter going on right here on FFL by the way. :)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   the traditional understanding of the states of mind brought 
 about by
   meditation and other spiritual techniques are NOT best 
 understood by
   people from the past who tended to filter everything through 
 their Uga
   Booga spin. That was their model for everything.  Why does the 
   cross the sky?  A god pulls it across with a chariot of course! 
  Which is ironic since pure consciousness, and the absence or
  diminishment of the binding influence of samskararas -- more 
  -- the diminishment of past experiential and cultural bias -- 
  enable a spin-free state of true clarity. Seeing things as they 
 ARE --
  absent myriad layers of inner filters, narratives an mind-warping 
  TMO and other schools of thought posit that freedom increases as 
  non-attachment -- reduction of inner bias -- grows. Ergo, if this
  model was correct, then the more one transcends, then the more the
  world should be seen in its transcendental pristine reality -- as 
  IS. One may have been told ancient (chariots in the sky) or modern
  narratives upon initiating transcendence practices, but all such
  narrative should fall off the cliff as the sharp sword of 
  dismembers and slays myth, bias and reveals what is. 
Trascendence -
  per the theory -- should cleanse and open the doors of 
  The model does not predict what actually occurred in the TMO -- 
  apparently other transcendence traditions -- and must be 
  rational beings. Instead of clarity and freedom, we obtained 
  increased biases, ancient narratives having no scientific merit 
  welcome reception in our hearts, hyper-infusion of what we wanted 
  see completely obscured what actually was there -- all such
  perversions grew, not diminished -- both individually and 
  Thus, either the theory, the model, is wrong, or the method does 
  yield the fruit it promised. Perhaps transcendence, reduction of 
  and distortion within consciousness, actually attracts distortion,
  like a vacuum attracting dirt. 
  Or the method does not reduce to true transcendence, but some 
  world delusion of such -- behind which hidden chains stronger 
  ones we sought to dissolve.
  The proof is in the pudding.  Maybe we should have tried the 
 other  door.

[FairfieldLife] [was Re: WHAT IF?] Bevan and John Hagelin = Barry and vaj

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
one more point, to bring some balance vis a vis Buddhists and TMO, 
Barry and vaj are a lot more like Bevan and John Hagelin that it 
may appear. Although Barry and vaj see their allegiance to His 
Holiness the Dalai Lama and Bevan and John see their allegiance to 
the Maharishi, all four of them are operating in much the same 

if SSRS is asking us to loot the store, all four of these guys are 
living in the halfway house. all are trying to both be dogmatic and 
at the same time gain enlightenment. there is absolutely no 
difference between trying to hold onto the ego in Buddhism and 
within the TMO. NO difference.

sure, as with Buddhist practice, you may think that if you do good 
stuff for others, then you are becoming enlightened. same as living 
in a vastu house in the TMO. the initial AHA with both practices is 
useful in broadening the mind. but as Bevan, John, Barry and vaj 
so openly demonstrate, an addiction to dogma will never result in 
enlightenment. all you end up with is mood making. 

it is clear to anyone on this board that both Barry and vaj can be 
really nasty guys. and both too espouse compassion. this is 
identical to Bevan and John, who on the one hand espouse a Vedic 
lifestyle, while humping married women on the side. no difference. 

there is no way to fake the goal of a spiritual tradition by 
continuing to follow dogma. all four of these seekers are ego 
tripping, and all four are never going to gain enlightenment using 
that approach. 

sorry to pick on you guys, Barry and vaj-- its just that you are 
perfect servants for the point i am making.:)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
no_re...@... wrote:

 i want to make a point here about enlightenment-- vaj argues 
 that he can both follow the dogma, and be -partially- enlightened. 
 THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. unlike what his teachers have taught him 
 $$$ and power for THEM), the experience of enlightenment is one of 
 total freedom and complete independence. there is no need in such 
 state to refer back to where we are trying to go.
 another servant to my point here is Barry who frequently mentions 
 was enlightened once, for a short time. this impermanent 
 experience has nothing to do with enlightenment either. 
 vaj argues the point that someone who has reached the 
 needs to continue to look at the map. speaking of absolutes, this 
 absolute garbage.:) 
 while enlightenment is not a static state, there is no 
 between religious dogma and enlightenment. dogma is useful for 
 pointing us in the right direction, but is then naturally 
 once the goal is reached.
 many seekers like Barry and vaj hold on to dogma because it is a 
 convenient way of not letting go completely of their ego. fine-- 
 problem, but they shouldn't try to justify it in all sorts of 
 bizarre ways. enlightenment is straightforward. no caveats. you 
 or you aren't, no dogma and no excuses. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:33 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
   however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE 
   whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether 
   TMO ideals of living a Vedic life.
   It sounds like you lack an experiential understanding of the
   difference between relative compassion and absolute 
   what the nature of consciousness actually is.
   There's ultimately nothing to transcend; what a silly belief.
   it sounds to me as if you are claiming to be enlightened. or 
   trapped by dogma. which is it please?
  I'm afraid you're a bit too binary for me my dear!

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 -Depends on how you define DOGMA. Ramakrishna remained a devotee of 
 Kali after Self-Realization (Aurobindo - the Divine Mother, 
 likewise); and Ramana remained a devotee of Arunachala Shiva.  Would 
 these relationships be dogmas?
not at all-- devotion doesn't codify though or action. it is a simple 
and natural alignment of the heart. devotion to Buddha for example 
doesn't dictate any particular action or behavior. following the dogma 
that has grown up around the Buddha, does. 

same with the TMO-- which codifies certain activities in order to gain 
enlightenment, as opposed to a natural and simple devotion to Guru 
Dev. True devotion is an expression of freedom- absolute freedom. 
dogma is an expression of absolute prison.

devotion is a straightforward path to the object of devotion. dogma 
presupposes specific thoughts or actions are necessary in order to 
culture a relationship with the suppsed object of devotion. this is a 
perversion of devotion.

this is why i used Bevan, Barry, vaj, and John H. as people that are 
addicted to dogma-- the real TBs. 

when any of them feels a certain way, they are unable to openly 
express it, because they are constrained that acting naturally will 
conflict with the dogma that they are addicted to. this is a sad 
mangling of the qualities of the Buddha or of Guru Dev. nonetheless it 
is the trade off that these individuals, and many others, make, in 
order to not fully lose themselves in the absolute freedom guaranteed 
by enlightenment. 

[FairfieldLife] [was Re: WHAT IF?] Bevan and John Hagelin = Barry and vaj

2009-01-16 Thread yifuxero
-Your definition of dogma may be overly broad.  It's not the 
content, but the character of binding duality.  Thus, to assess 
another person as you are doing is rather presumptuous; since you 
have expressed various political viewpoints.
 By your same approach, your political viewpoints can just as easily 
be construed as dogma.
 To be really consistent, you would have to come to the absurd 
conclusion that Ramana Maharshi has not Enlightened since he 
continued to be a devotee of Arunachala Shiva.

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
no_re...@... wrote:

 one more point, to bring some balance vis a vis Buddhists and TMO, 
 Barry and vaj are a lot more like Bevan and John Hagelin that it 
 may appear. Although Barry and vaj see their allegiance to His 
 Holiness the Dalai Lama and Bevan and John see their allegiance to 
 the Maharishi, all four of them are operating in much the same 
 if SSRS is asking us to loot the store, all four of these guys are 
 living in the halfway house. all are trying to both be dogmatic and 
 at the same time gain enlightenment. there is absolutely no 
 difference between trying to hold onto the ego in Buddhism and 
 within the TMO. NO difference.
 sure, as with Buddhist practice, you may think that if you do good 
 stuff for others, then you are becoming enlightened. same as living 
 in a vastu house in the TMO. the initial AHA with both practices is 
 useful in broadening the mind. but as Bevan, John, Barry and vaj 
 so openly demonstrate, an addiction to dogma will never result in 
 enlightenment. all you end up with is mood making. 
 it is clear to anyone on this board that both Barry and vaj can 
 really nasty guys. and both too espouse compassion. this is 
 identical to Bevan and John, who on the one hand espouse a Vedic 
 lifestyle, while humping married women on the side. no difference. 
 there is no way to fake the goal of a spiritual tradition by 
 continuing to follow dogma. all four of these seekers are ego 
 tripping, and all four are never going to gain enlightenment using 
 that approach. 
 sorry to pick on you guys, Barry and vaj-- its just that you are 
 perfect servants for the point i am making.:)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
 no_reply@ wrote:
  i want to make a point here about enlightenment-- vaj argues 
  that he can both follow the dogma, and be -partially- 
  THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. unlike what his teachers have taught him 
  $$$ and power for THEM), the experience of enlightenment is one 
  total freedom and complete independence. there is no need in such 
  state to refer back to where we are trying to go.
  another servant to my point here is Barry who frequently mentions 
  was enlightened once, for a short time. this impermanent 
  experience has nothing to do with enlightenment either. 
  vaj argues the point that someone who has reached the 
  needs to continue to look at the map. speaking of absolutes, this 
  absolute garbage.:) 
  while enlightenment is not a static state, there is no 
  between religious dogma and enlightenment. dogma is useful for 
  pointing us in the right direction, but is then naturally 
  once the goal is reached.
  many seekers like Barry and vaj hold on to dogma because it is 
  convenient way of not letting go completely of their ego. fine-- 
  problem, but they shouldn't try to justify it in all sorts of 
  bizarre ways. enlightenment is straightforward. no caveats. you 
  or you aren't, no dogma and no excuses. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:33 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE 
whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether 
TMO ideals of living a Vedic life.
It sounds like you lack an experiential understanding of the
difference between relative compassion and absolute 
what the nature of consciousness actually is.
There's ultimately nothing to transcend; what a silly belief.
it sounds to me as if you are claiming to be enlightened. or 
trapped by dogma. which is it please?
   I'm afraid you're a bit too binary for me my dear!

[FairfieldLife] [was Re: WHAT IF?] Bevan and John Hagelin = Barry and vaj

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
i think my point is much clearer in my post to specifically address 
your question. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... 

 -Your definition of dogma may be overly broad.  It's not the 
 content, but the character of binding duality.  Thus, to assess 
 another person as you are doing is rather presumptuous; since you 
 have expressed various political viewpoints.
  By your same approach, your political viewpoints can just as 
 be construed as dogma.
  To be really consistent, you would have to come to the absurd 
 conclusion that Ramana Maharshi has not Enlightened since he 
 continued to be a devotee of Arunachala Shiva.
 -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
 no_reply@ wrote:
  one more point, to bring some balance vis a vis Buddhists and 
  Barry and vaj are a lot more like Bevan and John Hagelin that 
  may appear. Although Barry and vaj see their allegiance 
to His 
  Holiness the Dalai Lama and Bevan and John see their allegiance 
  the Maharishi, all four of them are operating in much the same 
  if SSRS is asking us to loot the store, all four of these guys 
  living in the halfway house. all are trying to both be dogmatic 
  at the same time gain enlightenment. there is absolutely no 
  difference between trying to hold onto the ego in Buddhism and 
  within the TMO. NO difference.
  sure, as with Buddhist practice, you may think that if you do 
  stuff for others, then you are becoming enlightened. same as 
  in a vastu house in the TMO. the initial AHA with both practices 
  useful in broadening the mind. but as Bevan, John, Barry 
and vaj 
  so openly demonstrate, an addiction to dogma will never result 
  enlightenment. all you end up with is mood making. 
  it is clear to anyone on this board that both Barry and vaj 
  really nasty guys. and both too espouse compassion. this is 
  identical to Bevan and John, who on the one hand espouse a Vedic 
  lifestyle, while humping married women on the side. no 
  there is no way to fake the goal of a spiritual tradition by 
  continuing to follow dogma. all four of these seekers are ego 
  tripping, and all four are never going to gain enlightenment 
  that approach. 
  sorry to pick on you guys, Barry and vaj-- its just that you 
  perfect servants for the point i am making.:)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
  no_reply@ wrote:
   i want to make a point here about enlightenment-- vaj argues 
   that he can both follow the dogma, and be -partially- 
   THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. unlike what his teachers have taught him 
   $$$ and power for THEM), the experience of enlightenment is 
   total freedom and complete independence. there is no need in 
   state to refer back to where we are trying to go.
   another servant to my point here is Barry who frequently 
   was enlightened once, for a short time. this impermanent 
   experience has nothing to do with enlightenment either. 
   vaj argues the point that someone who has reached the 
   needs to continue to look at the map. speaking of absolutes, 
   absolute garbage.:) 
   while enlightenment is not a static state, there is no 
   between religious dogma and enlightenment. dogma is useful for 
   pointing us in the right direction, but is then naturally 
   once the goal is reached.
   many seekers like Barry and vaj hold on to dogma because it 
   convenient way of not letting go completely of their ego. fine-
   problem, but they shouldn't try to justify it in all sorts of 
   bizarre ways. enlightenment is straightforward. no caveats. 
   or you aren't, no dogma and no excuses. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:

On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:33 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ 

 On Jan 16, 2009, at 12:02 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

 however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE 
 whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or 
 TMO ideals of living a Vedic life.

 It sounds like you lack an experiential understanding of 
 difference between relative compassion and absolute 
 what the nature of consciousness actually is.

 There's ultimately nothing to transcend; what a silly 

 it sounds to me as if you are claiming to be enlightened. 
 trapped by dogma. which is it please?

I'm afraid you're a bit too binary for me my dear!

[FairfieldLife] Gallup: Obama Wins 83% Approval Rating for Transition

2009-01-16 Thread do.rflex

PRINCETON, NJ -- President-elect Barack Obama receives a remarkably
high 83% approval rating for the way in which he has handled the
presidential transition, significantly higher than the approval level
for either of his immediate predecessors just before they first took

Obama's transition approval rating has actually increased slightly
over the last month, despite the fact that he has encountered a few
speed bumps in terms of his Cabinet appointments, including the
withdrawal of his appointee for commerce secretary, New Mexico Gov.
Bill Richardson, who was forced to drop out owing to investigations
into possible improper business dealings in his home state.

Gallup asked Americans in January 1993 and January 2001 the same
transition approval question concerning Bill Clinton and George W.
Bush, respectively. In both instances, Americans were quite positive,
although at a level well below their approval of Obama today.

~~Gallup Poll - More here: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

On topic:  The problem with personal experience is our resistance to
acknowledging the possibility of mistake, of cognitive errors.  People
Know their experience was meaningful and why would they want to hear
that it was ordinary?

Off topic:

In follow-up interviews conducted two months later 67 percent of the
volunteers rated the psilocybin experience as among the most
meaningful of their lives, comparing it to the birth of a first child
or the death of a parent, and 79 percent reported that it had
moderately or greatly increased their overall sense of well-being or
life satisfaction. Independent interviews of family members, friends
and co-workers confirmed small but significant positive changes in the
subject's behavior and more follow-ups are currently being conducted
to determine if the effects persist a year later.

Further scientific investigation is warranted to determine how the
drug achieves its effects as well as how they might be used in the
treatment of the ennui and anguish of impending death as well as
alcoholism and other forms of drug addiction, argues Charles
Schuster, a neuroscientist at Wayne State University and a former
director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in a commentary on
the paper. The misuse of these substances … cannot be allowed to
continue to curtail their use as tools for understanding the
neurobiology of human consciousness, self-awareness and their
potential as therapeutic agents.

This is from a Scientific American article.  I don't have an online

[FairfieldLife] [was Re: WHAT IF?] Bevan and John Hagelin = Barry and vaj

2009-01-16 Thread yifuxero
--- HA! Gotcha.  Now you're judging people on what relative matters 
constitute dogma and which topics are not.  You say genuine 
devotion is not dogma but genuine Buddhist or genuine Shiva devotion 
is OK, as well as your previously expoused political convictions 
prior to the election.. 
 Why not devotion to a dogma?  One can be devoted to a dogma and 
still be Enlightened. Why not?  What matters (again) is the nature of 
the binding attachment, not the CONTENT.
 You're confusing the two.
Take an extreme case:  Certainly, everybody would agree that the 
Roman Catholic Church teaches DOGMA.
Your'e saying it would be impossible for a person who at one time is 
a True Believer (TB) in the dogma to get Enlightened without giving 
up the dogma.
 Sorry - non-sequitur.

In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... 

 i think my point is much clearer in my post to specifically address 
 your question. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ 
  -Your definition of dogma may be overly broad.  It's not the 
  content, but the character of binding duality.  Thus, to assess 
  another person as you are doing is rather presumptuous; since you 
  have expressed various political viewpoints.
   By your same approach, your political viewpoints can just as 
  be construed as dogma.
   To be really consistent, you would have to come to the absurd 
  conclusion that Ramana Maharshi has not Enlightened since he 
  continued to be a devotee of Arunachala Shiva.
  -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
  no_reply@ wrote:
   one more point, to bring some balance vis a vis Buddhists and 
   Barry and vaj are a lot more like Bevan and John Hagelin that 
   may appear. Although Barry and vaj see their allegiance 
 to His 
   Holiness the Dalai Lama and Bevan and John see their 
   the Maharishi, all four of them are operating in much the same 
   if SSRS is asking us to loot the store, all four of these guys 
   living in the halfway house. all are trying to both be dogmatic 
   at the same time gain enlightenment. there is absolutely no 
   difference between trying to hold onto the ego in Buddhism and 
   within the TMO. NO difference.
   sure, as with Buddhist practice, you may think that if you do 
   stuff for others, then you are becoming enlightened. same as 
   in a vastu house in the TMO. the initial AHA with both 
   useful in broadening the mind. but as Bevan, John, Barry 
 and vaj 
   so openly demonstrate, an addiction to dogma will never result 
   enlightenment. all you end up with is mood making. 
   it is clear to anyone on this board that both Barry and vaj 
   really nasty guys. and both too espouse compassion. this is 
   identical to Bevan and John, who on the one hand espouse a 
   lifestyle, while humping married women on the side. no 
   there is no way to fake the goal of a spiritual tradition by 
   continuing to follow dogma. all four of these seekers are ego 
   tripping, and all four are never going to gain enlightenment 
   that approach. 
   sorry to pick on you guys, Barry and vaj-- its just that you 
   perfect servants for the point i am making.:)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
   no_reply@ wrote:
i want to make a point here about enlightenment-- vaj 
that he can both follow the dogma, and be -partially- 

THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. unlike what his teachers have taught 
$$$ and power for THEM), the experience of enlightenment is 
total freedom and complete independence. there is no need in 
state to refer back to where we are trying to go.

another servant to my point here is Barry who frequently 
was enlightened once, for a short time. this impermanent 
experience has nothing to do with enlightenment either. 

vaj argues the point that someone who has reached the 
needs to continue to look at the map. speaking of absolutes, 
absolute garbage.:) 

while enlightenment is not a static state, there is no 
between religious dogma and enlightenment. dogma is useful 
pointing us in the right direction, but is then naturally 
once the goal is reached.

many seekers like Barry and vaj hold on to dogma because it 
convenient way of not letting go completely of their ego. 
problem, but they shouldn't try to justify it in all sorts of 
bizarre ways. enlightenment is straightforward. no caveats. 
or you aren't, no dogma and no excuses. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Sacred Confusion

2009-01-16 Thread yifuxero
---thx: bolsters my position (imo) on dogmas since to be 
judgemental in this area regarding what is and what is not dogma 
presumes that in the vast sea of Mind (ultimately, the entire 
relative aspect of Brahman); there are certain prohibited categories 
dependent solely on the content.
 As your excellent discourse below says, what matters more is having 
an open door to new ideas; and that at any given moment, there is a 
vast ensemble of Mind-entities that one can relish without being 
attached to - and at the very next moment, throwing those away into 
the dustbin.
 Whether those discarded notions constitute dogmas or useful, 
creative ideas, or genuine devotion, matters not; as such matters 
pertain to attachment.
 Nobody has yet come up with any mechanism whatsoever that measures 
anybody elses (let alone our own); level of attachment to Mind-
entities, dogma or not.
 Thus, to say Hagelin is not Enlightened solely on the basis of his 
True-Believer-ism would be presumptuous to say the least.
 Also, there's evidence suggesting that there's no connection between 
morals and Enlightenment.
 So if there's no connection between MORALS and Enlightenment, why 
not DOGMA and Enlightenment? 

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, arhatafreespe...@... wrote:

 Sacred Confusion   
 Who is not born in confusion!
 Confusion is a divine opportunity to seek non confusion.
 To admit confusion is a quality of a true intelligent person.  
Those who say they are not confused, are usually drifting in their 
small and fearful egos.  Don¢t get confused that those who feign 
clarity are not just in denial of their buried confusion.
 To be released from life¢s confusions is to be ¡dead¢!  Even the 
¡enlightened¢ are confused - not about who they are, but about most 
all of life¢s other manifestations and curiosities. Denial and 
avoiding confusion is to entrench one into ¡false bliss and 
 The admission of ¡confusions¢ is a doorway into the discovery of 
more and more information and experiences that create further 
confusion, but with a release of that which no longer needs to be 
¡dwelled on¢.
 Stalk life with awareness and sensitivity, and life unfolds into 
greater and greater clarity. There are no answers without ¡confusion¢ 
hidden in the subtle mysterious shadows. Celebrate confusions and be 
free in admitting them as answers will flow in, particularly from 
those who appreciate the humbleness.  In New York, I sold financial 
services for a young company started by two attorney who had the 
wonderful characteristic of always
 looking for other¢s answers to the obvious confusion of ¡how to 
attract more business¢.
 People have constant dilemmas on how to meet more positive and 
friendlier people. Few males or females escape the ¡confusion¢ of 
finding a ¡soul mate¢ type. Staying unburdened by that ¡disconcerting 
state¢ will enhance the possibilities.
 Lack of information and experience is merely an opportunity to 
search and, remain open to answers to remove mysteries that are 
usually open to discovery.  To ignore and deny ¡lacking insight¢ into 
the depths of love and who one really is, is to be frozen into a 
robotic state.  Nothing happens without the acknowledgment of 
wondering and confusion followed by freeing the ¡discombobulation¢ to 
receive truths.
   Yesss Self Love Center
                     Est. 1991
    Port Townsend, Washington USA
    Copyright January 16, 2009

[FairfieldLife] [was Re: WHAT IF?] Bevan and John Hagelin = Barry and vaj

2009-01-16 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... 

 --- HA! Gotcha. 

HA HA-- no you didn't!

 Now you're judging people on what relative matters 
 constitute dogma and which topics are not.  You say genuine 
 devotion is not dogma but genuine Buddhist or genuine Shiva 
 is OK, as well as your previously expoused political convictions 
 prior to the election.. 
  Why not devotion to a dogma?  One can be devoted to a dogma and 
 still be Enlightened. Why not?

one can be enlightened and do whatever they want, including 
theoretically being devoted to a dogma (though i'd have to see it to 
believe it). the point i am making is that adherence to dogma will 
not get you enlightened. it is a trap, plain and simple, and must be 
transcended in order to reach the goal. adherence to dogma is just 
giving the ego an out, or an in, if you prefer.

[FairfieldLife] Software Glitch at Facebook

2009-01-16 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
Yesterday the the group received a message, via facebook, seems to have been
a software glitch at facebook.  Our group, and a few other people who got
the message, are not members of facebook, yet, though the software there
sent the message to nonmembers despite not being told to do so.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience of that, facebook.com has been notified
about their software disfunction.



[FairfieldLife] Brasscheck TV: Know your weapons - white phospheros

2009-01-16 Thread Arhata Osho
It's been around since WW I when it
was a horror in the trenches. 

It causes a kind of fire you can't
put out with a fire extinguisher
and if it gets on human flesh, it
will burn straight down the the 
bone - and keep burning. 

Now the Israeli military is dropping it
from time to time on Gaza neighborhoods.  

Of course, that's just a rumor...unless
you see the video. 

Who are you going to believe?

The Israeli war party PR department
or your own eyes? 


P.S. Update:

Posted January 15, 2009

The headquarters of the United Nations Relief 
and Works Agency (UNRWA) in the Gaza Strip was 
attacked today by Israeli artillery, sparking 
a fire which continues to burn. The compound 
was reportedly housing 700 civilian refugees and 
storehouses of increasingly scarce food aid at 
the time of the attack.

But perhaps even more pressing is the nature of 
the attack, which UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness 
said was hit with shells containing the incendiary 
agent white phosphorus. What more stark symbolism 
do you need? asked the spokesman. You can't put 
out white phosphorus with traditional methods such 
as fire extinguishers. You need sand. We don't have 

Though Gunness says Israeli Defense Minister 
Ehud Barak termed the attack a grave mistake, 
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert defended the attack, 
saying it made him sad but it was legitimate 
self defense. 

- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues. 

That's how we grow. Thanks. 


Brasscheck TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:


[FairfieldLife] Minnesotan's Global Warming Song

2009-01-16 Thread Arhata Osho
Some nice winter humor.

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=qJUFTm6cJXMeurl=http:// 
www.grouchyoldcripple. com/feature=player_ embedded



[FairfieldLife] Immortality -- logically explained

2009-01-16 Thread Duveyoung

Does ya want to live forever?  Nah, you want something better than
that, right?  The above article shows the way to think about you and
how that you can be detected from 13 billion light years from
Earth.and so much more.  The article postulates that our universe
may be a hologram.

The article shows the beginnings of a body of knowledge that could
lead to an understanding of how everything is recorded by the
universe.  One example they give is that a black hole's information
cannot be destroyed by the evaporation of that black hole.  The law of
conservation of information is thus supported.

The article deals mainly with the graininess of space-time and asserts
that we now are on the precipice of being able to see the tiniest
aspect of creation with a new method of magnifying brought about by a
theory which yielded immediate and practical results.

The so much more part:  If we look at the history of knowing, we
find that knowing another's mind to be one of the ultimate but
far-distant possibilities of today's science.   Already we're getting
experiments that have machines detecting mental operations and, though
but clunky, they are demonstrating the the skull is not a perfectly
opaque shield of one's inner sanctum.  

So, now let's take that a step farther, and we can see, say, 100 years
or less from now, that we will have some pretty amazing mind
recorders being used like today's DVRs.  Okay, just to be sure, let's
say 500 years from now.  A blink in time only.

But another step forward can be imagined: recording one's all as we
see the Transporter Beam technology on Star Trek doing.  Here we see a
machine that instantly clones one and destroys the old body/mind
while doing so.  If ever there was a spiritual challenge presented
intellectually to the masses that went unrecognized for its spiritual
worth, this is it.  Star Trek says quite plainly:  Soul? What soul? 
God creates?  Oh, we do that too!  Like that.

The next step is to think of the Holodeck technology on the Captain
Picard ship.  Here we see not only the ability to digitally embody a
personality, but also the ability to program that personality such
that it can interact with real personalities without being obviously
giving away that it is but a construct of coding.  The Holodeck's
Sherlock Holmes will be able to confront a mystery and solve it --
and not instantly like a computer thingy might be expected to do, but
instead to do it as Sherlock would have done it and not have anyone
gripe, Oh, I know Sherlock and he's no Sherlock.

Aside: watch the film with Michael Keaton in Multiplicity for funzies
exploring all the pitfalls of such technology.

Multiplicity:  http://tinyurl.com/7x3zrh

The next step is imagining an instrument so sensitive that by
surveying merely its local radiation, the entire history of the
universe can be extrapolated down to the least jiggle of a quark
billions of light years distant.  The article handles a goodly hunk of
the theory of how such a technology might work, so it's not a
completely screwball notion.  Anyhoo, in the billions of years of
history, on the rare but still plentiful enough planets, there's been
long lived enough civilizations that can be easily thought of as
having invented all the above technology.

Therefore: right now somewhere, there's a Holodeck in which you can
be instantly created and you (a clone of you) can be interacted
with.  Get that?  You are already not only immortal but FAMOUS!  The
universe is so big, the minds so plentiful, that there's probably a
legion of big brains out there that are getting PhDs on your
personality and how your disturbance of the force has effected the
evolution of, well, everything.

Talk about being someone with God's potency!  Everyone one of us are
not just pebble tossing into a very small pond, but hey, here we are
with minds that willynilly are quarking a sphere of influence
radiating out from us at the speed of light -- or maybe even at the
speed of thought!  If ya had the intellect, just one thought should be
able to mantra-fy the entirety of creation!  (On the other hand, Meher
Baba never came up with the one word that would do that as he

So there's yer immortality -- kinda flat, eh?  Not what you were hoping?  

How's 'bout that Holodeck having the computing power to show you what
your personality would do if downloaded into an ant, gorilla,
porpoise, alien, Indra, Shiva?  See?  You can have a zillion
incarnations.  Now we're talking omnipotence baby!  

And don't miss that your own brain's ability to remember and to create
dreams might just be a wonderful Holodeck created with precise
programming loaded into a biologically grown computer.  You might be
the end product of a billion years of scientific study from three
million planets' best minds -- they seeded Earth long ago and voila!

The ultimate use of the above musings are to see the intellectual need
to disidentify with what is perceived 

[FairfieldLife] Apparitions (was Re: The Inquisition gets to ¨certify¨ miracles now)

2009-01-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Since stories about the Vatican have been in 
  the air on FFL today, here´s another one.
 Vaguely related...
 The BBC recently ran a rather odd supernatural drama called
 Apparitions starring Martin Shaw as a maverick exorcist battling
 demons. I suppose not many folks on FFL could have seen it. 
 I say odd because it seemed to presuppose in the viewer a Catholic
 metaphysics of exorcism, demons, the End of Days and so forth. 

And because it's odd. To the max.

Curious, I downloaded the series and started
watching it. I'm not sure I'll continue. It is
very scary, and what scares me the most in it
is that many Catholics really think like this.

Why I might not finish watching it is that it's
icky. Why I might finish watching it is that 
it's very ballsy. This is *not* a lightweight
popularization of exorcism for TV; this is a
full-blown questioning of faith, on pretty
much all levels. 

I mean, you've got yer Mother Teresa possessed
by demons, yer Pope Pius possessed by demons,
yer everyday priests possessed by demons, and
you've got yer candidate for Chief Exorcist,
who is more than willing to watch all of his 
friends get killed and possibly lose their 
souls as he pursues his vision of his own faith.

This is one fuckin' weird TV series.

 I have to say I found it all very unpleasant and unattractive - 
 an oppressive atmosphere of the religion of blood replete 
 with the threat of hell and damnation, the torments of the soul, 
 demons, the Devil, and horrific suffering (in one scene some 
 poor sod is skinned alive).

Absolutely. Imagine what it must be like to
*dwell* on this stuff every day, as the 
believers in exorcism and Satan must do.
What we're seeing onscreen is what it looks
like inside their heads. Very, very scary.

 My missus was brought up Catholic in Liverpool, which is a place 
 where the divide with Protestants is very keenly felt. 

I've never been the slightest bit Catholic,
and after watching the first two episodes of
this show, if I believed in a God I would 
thank Him for that. :-)

Re what you said about Catholics being in 
the ascendancy in the UK, I did a little
Googling and they seem to be up in arms about
this series. I can certainly see why. Although
the issues being dealt with are strong matters
of faith, and have been dealt with by that
very church for centuries, I'm not sure they
like the creators of this series airing their
dirty laundry in public.

I do thank you for mentioning this series,
whether I wind up watching the rest of it or
not. The creators of the serious *clearly*
wanted to make people think, and they achieved
that goal with me. 

[FairfieldLife] Inspirational and Heart Touching Story Family.

2009-01-16 Thread Arhata Osho

Inspirational and Heart Touching Story Family.   

  I ran into a stranger as he passed by, Oh excuse me
please, was my reply.    He
said, Please excuse me too; I wasn't watching for you. We were very
polite, this stranger and I. We went on our way saying good-bye.    But
at home a difference is told, How we treat our loved ones, young and
old. Later that day, cooking the evening meal, my son stood beside me
very still. As I turned, I nearly knocked him down. 

  Move out of the way, I said with a frown.  He walked away, his little heart 
broken. I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.  While
I lay awake in bed, God's still small voice came to me and said, While
dealing with a stranger, common courtesy you use, but the children you
love, you seem to abuse. 


and look on the kitchen floor, you'll find some flowers there by the
door. Those are the flowers he brought for you. He picked them himself:
pink, yellow and blue. He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,
and you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes.  

  By this time, I felt very small, and now my tears began to fall. 

   I quietly went and knelt by his bed, Wake up, little one, wake up, I said. 
Are these the flowers you picked for me?    He
smiled, I found 'em, out by the tree. I picked 'em because they're
pretty like you. I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue.  I said, Son, 
I'm very sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldn't have yelled at you that 
way.    He said,
Oh, Mom, that's okay. I love you anyway. 

 I said, Son, I love you too, and I do like the flowers, especially the blue. 
you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for
could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family we left
behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to
think of it,we pour ourselves more into work than to our own family -
an unwise investment indeed, don't you think?  

  So what is behind the story? Do you know what the word FAMILY means?  FAMILY 
(M)OTHER, (I) (L)OVE (Y)OU!   A
young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood
street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for
kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he
thought he saw something.    As
his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the
Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and spun the Jag back to the
spot from where the brick had been thrown. 

jumped out of the car, grabbed some kid and pushed him up
against a parked car shouting, What was that all about and who are
you? Just what the heck are you doing?! Building up a head of steam he
went on. That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a
lot of money.. Why did you do it?  

mister, please. I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to do, pleaded the
youngster. I threw the brick because no one else would stop... Tears
were dripping down the boy's chin as he pointed around the parked car.    It's
my brother, he said. He rolled off the curb and fell out of his
wheelchair and I can't lift him up. Sobbing, the boy asked the
executive, Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair?
He's hurt and
he's too heavy for me.  

beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in
his throat. He lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took
out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts, checking to see
that everything was going to be okay. Thank you and may God bless
you, the grateful child said to him.  

man then watched the little boy push his brother down the sidewalk
toward their home. It was a long walk back to his jaguara long,
slow walk. He never did repair the side door. He kept the dent to
remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a
brick at you to get your attention.  

Lessons from the Mail:   God
whispers in your soul and speaks to your heart. Sometimes when you
don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at you. It's your
choice: Listen to the whisper - or wait for the brick.

Close to your Heart because you might wake up one day and realize

that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones. 
  Remember this always in life. 






[FairfieldLife] from Pammy Icke's blog

2009-01-16 Thread Arhata Osho



A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above.  See yours in just 2 easy steps!


[FairfieldLife] Impeach Obama

2009-01-16 Thread I am the eternal
I am already very bored with this dude.  Can't we swap him out for someone a
bit more exciting?

[FairfieldLife] Honey Bees and Gentically Modified Crops

2009-01-16 Thread arhatafreespeech
Genetically Modified Crops Implicated in Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder.eml 

Genetically Modified Crops Implicated in Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder




the disappearance of honeybees continues, researchers are trying
desperately to discover the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).
General concensus at this point is that there is more than once cause
and the latest culprit may be genetically modified crops. This is one
area of research being neglected as mainstream scientists insist GM
crops are safe.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

We covered this topic before, and I observed that there was a huge rush
to pin the blame on pesticides and mites, but that the pesticides and
mites had been around for quite a while but CCD has started up just
when GM crops were introduced into farms, and that bees fed with non GM
pollens were immune from CCD.

There is a great deal of money at stake, and the history of the behavior of 
American pharmaceutical companies when a lot of money is on the line is not 

There is a great deal of money invested in GM crops, and hence a great
deal of pressur eto NOT investigate whether pollen from GM crops is the
cause of CCD, even though GM pollen has already been shown as harmful to benign 


If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would
only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination,
no more plants, no more animals, no more man.

Albert Einstein




[FairfieldLife] Re: Immortality -- logically explained

2009-01-16 Thread wayback71
Edg, I don't read fFL consistently enough to know who you are or what you have 
about here.  I have read the Jericho Jerry, SSRS, and now now the hologram 
posts you 
made.  Whoever you are, you have an incredible mind/intellect of your own - or 
maybe  a 
slight flavor of mania allows you to think  and write with such intensity and 
wit. Seems the 
TMO/MMY thing really really spoiled anything spiritual for you. Maybe it is 
the rage 
combined with knowing the mindset of a seeker so very well that propels you.  
I can kind 
of understand your feelings about Jerry - wanting him to open up about how in 
the world 
he has rationalized it all. The SSRS stuff is too bitter for my taste.  The 
hologram response 
so clever I smiled. Sorry you got burned so badly.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 Does ya want to live forever?  Nah, you want something better than
 that, right?  The above article shows the way to think about you and
 how that you can be detected from 13 billion light years from
 Earth.and so much more.  The article postulates that our universe
 may be a hologram.
 The article shows the beginnings of a body of knowledge that could
 lead to an understanding of how everything is recorded by the
 universe.  One example they give is that a black hole's information
 cannot be destroyed by the evaporation of that black hole.  The law of
 conservation of information is thus supported.
 The article deals mainly with the graininess of space-time and asserts
 that we now are on the precipice of being able to see the tiniest
 aspect of creation with a new method of magnifying brought about by a
 theory which yielded immediate and practical results.
 The so much more part:  If we look at the history of knowing, we
 find that knowing another's mind to be one of the ultimate but
 far-distant possibilities of today's science.   Already we're getting
 experiments that have machines detecting mental operations and, though
 but clunky, they are demonstrating the the skull is not a perfectly
 opaque shield of one's inner sanctum.  
 So, now let's take that a step farther, and we can see, say, 100 years
 or less from now, that we will have some pretty amazing mind
 recorders being used like today's DVRs.  Okay, just to be sure, let's
 say 500 years from now.  A blink in time only.
 But another step forward can be imagined: recording one's all as we
 see the Transporter Beam technology on Star Trek doing.  Here we see a
 machine that instantly clones one and destroys the old body/mind
 while doing so.  If ever there was a spiritual challenge presented
 intellectually to the masses that went unrecognized for its spiritual
 worth, this is it.  Star Trek says quite plainly:  Soul? What soul? 
 God creates?  Oh, we do that too!  Like that.
 The next step is to think of the Holodeck technology on the Captain
 Picard ship.  Here we see not only the ability to digitally embody a
 personality, but also the ability to program that personality such
 that it can interact with real personalities without being obviously
 giving away that it is but a construct of coding.  The Holodeck's
 Sherlock Holmes will be able to confront a mystery and solve it --
 and not instantly like a computer thingy might be expected to do, but
 instead to do it as Sherlock would have done it and not have anyone
 gripe, Oh, I know Sherlock and he's no Sherlock.
 Aside: watch the film with Michael Keaton in Multiplicity for funzies
 exploring all the pitfalls of such technology.
 Multiplicity:  http://tinyurl.com/7x3zrh
 The next step is imagining an instrument so sensitive that by
 surveying merely its local radiation, the entire history of the
 universe can be extrapolated down to the least jiggle of a quark
 billions of light years distant.  The article handles a goodly hunk of
 the theory of how such a technology might work, so it's not a
 completely screwball notion.  Anyhoo, in the billions of years of
 history, on the rare but still plentiful enough planets, there's been
 long lived enough civilizations that can be easily thought of as
 having invented all the above technology.
 Therefore: right now somewhere, there's a Holodeck in which you can
 be instantly created and you (a clone of you) can be interacted
 with.  Get that?  You are already not only immortal but FAMOUS!  The
 universe is so big, the minds so plentiful, that there's probably a
 legion of big brains out there that are getting PhDs on your
 personality and how your disturbance of the force has effected the
 evolution of, well, everything.
 Talk about being someone with God's potency!  Everyone one of us are
 not just pebble tossing into a very small pond, but hey, here we are
 with minds that willynilly are quarking a sphere of influence
 radiating out from us at the speed of light -- or maybe even at the
 speed of thought!  If ya had the intellect, just one thought should be
 able to 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-01-16 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jan 10 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Jan 17 00:00:00 2009
806 messages as of (UTC) Fri Jan 16 23:32:20 2009

62 enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
50 authfriend jst...@panix.com
50 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
47 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
42 I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
39 Arhata Osho arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
36 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
35 Richard J. Williams willy...@yahoo.com
33 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
32 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
31 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
27 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
24 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
24 ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
22 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
19 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
18 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
18 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
17 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
13 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
13 Marek Reavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
11 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
11 arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
10 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 9 Peter drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 9 Paul Mason premanandp...@yahoo.co.uk
 8 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 8 Richard M compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 8 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 7 guyfawkes91 guyfawke...@yahoo.com
 6 BillyG. wg...@yahoo.com
 5 Nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 5 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 4 gullible fool ffl...@yahoo.com
 4 Richard Williams willy...@yahoo.com
 3 wayback71 waybac...@yahoo.com
 3 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 metoostill metoost...@yahoo.com
 3 boo_lives boo_li...@yahoo.com
 3 billy jim emptyb...@yahoo.com
 3 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 2 pranamoocher bh...@hotmail.com
 2 peterklutz peterkl...@yahoo.com.au
 2 geezerfreak geezerfr...@yahoo.com
 2 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 2 drpetersutphen drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 2 claudiouk claudi...@yahoo.co.uk
 2 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 grate.swan no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 william108wm william10...@yahoo.com
 1 uns_tressor uns_tres...@yahoo.ca
 1 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 1 satvadude108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 nayakanayaka nay...@gmx.net
 1 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 menkemeyer menkeme...@yahoo.com
 1 martyboi marty...@yahoo.com
 1 johnbloggs1080 j...@parsons-chiro.co.uk
 1 bitingbirdie bitingbir...@yahoo.com
 1 bettyblue109 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 wle...@aol.com
 1 Sadhu Tantrika dharmamit...@gmail.com
 1 Patrick Gillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 1 Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer.  
Who'd've Thunk It? dharmamit...@gmail.com

Posters: 64
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

[ed11 wrote:]
  however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA, 
  whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it is 
  the TMO ideals of living a Vedic life. depending on our path, the 
  dogma must be absolutely transcended in order top reach the goal, 
  and once we are left naked and screaming in the darkness do we 
  have any hope of becoming ourselves, becoming enlightened. 
  anything else is just a circle jerk.
  lots of the latter going on right here on FFL by the way. :)
 On the other hand, there is sometimes a value 
 in following the right action (rules) of an 
 Internet chat group, because when you transcend 
 those rules and overpost, you are left naked and 
 screaming in the darkness of not being able to 
 post for a whole week.  
 See you after midnight GMT Friday, September 
 23rd, hon. You might want to spend some of the 
 time until then becoming yourself. But if 
 yourself's ability to transcend is anything 
 like yourself's ability to count, I wouldn't...
 uh...count on becoming enlightened.  :-)

Translation: Barry is *ecstatic* to be free of the
agony of having ed11 kick him around for a few days.
He's now planning all the posts he'll make 
demonizing ed11 while she's not here to respond,
while salivating at his elaborate fantasies of her
gnashing her teeth and tearing her hair.

This is the biggest thrill Barry's enjoyed for
some time, so we shouldn't be too hard on him.
Control freaks, after all, are happiest when other
people are being controlled (by them, if at all
possible). When such an opportunity to exult 
presents itself, they really can't be expected to,
er, control their enthusiasm.

[FairfieldLife] Ricardo Montalban, RIP

2009-01-16 Thread authfriend



(This was his *real chest*, BTW, not a prosthesis.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread Sal Sunshine

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

[ed11 wrote:]

however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA,
whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it is
the TMO ideals of living a Vedic life. depending on our path, the
dogma must be absolutely transcended in order top reach the goal,
and once we are left naked and screaming in the darkness do we
have any hope of becoming ourselves, becoming enlightened.
anything else is just a circle jerk.

lots of the latter going on right here on FFL by the way. :)

On the other hand, there is sometimes a value
in following the right action (rules) of an
Internet chat group, because when you transcend
those rules and overpost, you are left naked and
screaming in the darkness of not being able to
post for a whole week.

See you after midnight GMT Friday, September
23rd, hon.

If only.


[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  See you after midnight GMT Friday, September
  23rd, hon.
 If only.

Wow, I missed that. He really *is* out of his mind
with joy.

[FairfieldLife] Bishop Spong on Heaven and Hell

2009-01-16 Thread yifuxero
Joanfrom Highlands, North Carolina, writes:
Do you believe in heaven and hell, the blissful heaven and the 
burning hell? And do you believe in Jesus Christ as your personal 
Dear Joan, [reply from Bishop Spong]:

Answering your two questions is impossible until some terms are 
defined and some explanations are given. When you define heaven 
as the blissful heaven and hell as the burning hell, you reveal 
an evangelical mindset that asserts a particular understanding that 
you are requesting that I either affirm or deny. It is to bind the 
discussion to your frame of reference. That immediately suggests that 
you do not want real answers, you want affirmation. I cannot give you 
that nor would I be interested in doing so. With that background, 
however, let me proceed to respond. I think it would be fair to say 
that I do not believe in a blissful heaven or a burning hell as 
evangelicals define those terms. I do believe in life after death and 
shall try to explain both why and in what way in my next book, which 
is scheduled for publication in September of 2009. 

You define heaven and hell as places of reward and punishment where 
God evens out life here on Earth. I regard that as primitive, 
childlike thinking that transforms God into a parent figure who 
delights in rewarding goodness and punishing sinfulness. This 
portrays God as a supernatural, judging figure and it violates 
everything I believe about both God and human life. 

If anyone pursues goodness in the hope of gaining rewards or avoiding 
punishment, that person has not escaped the basic self-centeredness 
of human life and it becomes obvious that such a person is motivated 
primarily by self-interest. The Christian life is ultimately revealed 
in the power to live for others, to give ourselves away. It is not 
motivated by bliss or torment. Both of those images are little more 
than human wish fulfillment.

The fiery pits of hell are not an essential part of the Christian 
story. If one would take Matthew's gospel and especially the book of 
Revelation out of the Bible, most of the references to hell as a 
fiery place of torment would disappear. That is a quite foreign theme 
to Paul, Mark, Luke and John. Evangelicals never study the Bible 
deeply enough to make this distinction. They basically talk about a 
book they do not understand.

When you ask about believing in Jesus Christ as your personal 
savior you are using stylized evangelical language. That language 
has no appeal at all for me. To assert the role of savior for Jesus 
implies a definition of human life as sinful, fallen and helpless. It 
assumes the ancient myth that proclaimed that we were created perfect 
only to fall into sin from which we need to be rescued. It was a 
popular definition before people understood about our evolutionary 
background. We have been evolving toward humanity for billions of 
years. Our problem is not that we have fallen from some pristine 
perfection into a sinful state from which we need to be saved, it is 
that we need to be empowered to become something that we have never 
been, namely fully human beings. So the idea that I need a savior to 
save me from a fall that never happened and to restore me to a status 
that I never possessed is in our time all but nonsensical. It is 
because we do not understand the nature of human life that we do not 
understand the Jesus role. I see in Jesus the power of love that 
empowers us to be more deeply and fully human and so I do not know 
how to translate your questions.

Sorry, but the old evangelical language that you use is badly dated 
and I believe quite distorting to my understanding of what 
Christianity is all about.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ricardo Montalban, RIP

2009-01-16 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:


Don't forget the soft corinthian leather!

 (This was his *real chest*, BTW, not a prosthesis.)


¿Quien es mas macho? Ricardo Montalban es mas macho!

Re: [FairfieldLife] People who continue to meditate

2009-01-16 Thread gullible fool

I used to work at a small business that was all TMers. One of my co-workers 
told me he made lots of calls to invite people who were on the Cambridge TM 
center list of intitiates and 90 percent of them said they did not meditate 
anymore. This was in 1978. 

Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Fri, 1/16/09, Marek Reavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

From: Marek Reavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
Subject: [FairfieldLife] People who continue to meditate
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 12:22 PM

Pasted below is an email I received today from an old highschool 
classmate whom I apparently initiated back in '73, and the first part 
of my reply to him.

Interesting in light of my guessistimation the other day re how many 
people might still be out there meditating but not part of any 
association with the TMO.


From: H..., Joe - St Louis, MO 
Subject: email from Joe H...
To: reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 7:11 AM


How are you doing ? 

I have not seen you since I took the TM class from you at St.Louis U 
in 1973. 

I have been meditating almost daily since then. 

It works for me ! 


Joe H... 

[first part of my reply]

Joe, great to hear from you!  And happy that you're still meditating 
and enjoy it. It's funny, too, because for several years now I've 
participated in an online forum, FairfieldLife, that is primarily 
(though not entirely) with former TM people.  One of the more recent 
discussion threads had to do with the topic of whether or not many 
people who learned TM early on, but didn't get involved in the TM 
movement, might continue to meditate.  I voiced the opinion that of 
the millions who were initiated, perhaps only a few thousand were 
still meditators. So I'm sitting here feeling a little chastened 
after reading your message. 

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Or go to: 
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [FairfieldLife] Man refuses to drive 'No God' bus

2009-01-16 Thread gullible fool

Easy fix for this guy's predicament is the bus company puts a bigger banner on 
the same side that contradicts the message.
Love will swallow you, eat you up completely, until there is no `you,' only 
- Amma  

--- On Fri, 1/16/09, claudiouk claudi...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

From: claudiouk claudi...@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Man refuses to drive 'No God' bus
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 1:25 PM


maybe the slogan for a FFL bus should be:

There's probably no enlightenment so  don't worry and enjoy your

certainly FFL and the TMO don't inspire much confidence 
in enlightenment etc

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Or go to: 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: SSRS Talk-Guru

2009-01-16 Thread grate . swan
The shop is open. So loot all you can.

Da gansta guru. cool.

Keep me in your heart. When you are grateful, there is also a lot of
gratitude .. But all this should be converted into your soul and make
you blossom.

Same concept as MMY presented in recent post / link from talks in
India. Same mechanics as Christians becoming absorbed in Christ. Or
the those who dwell on the Buddha nature -- perhaps. Certainly its the
mechanics of seeing the universe in Krishna's open mouth.

 This body, this prana, has only one mission ... to introduce you all
to your own self ..  You are truth. You are beauty.

   (an aside) 
   You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
   You're beautiful, it's true.

   I am beautiful no matter what they say
   Words can't bring me down
   I am beautiful in every single way

The mechanics are beyond role model (which may lead to dogma and
mood-making). Its more like catching a spark from a torch -- and
becoming ablaze. 

Torch that shop.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:

 Here's a fun little talk that SSRS gave about the Guru function:
 If you want to come to me … by Guruji
 January 15, 2009 by Guru Kripa
 If You Want To Come To Me - Sri Sri
 Praising me is not enough. I am not satisfied by your
praises,gratefulness and gratitude. Do not just keep me on the stage,
on the altar, put flowers and say, Jai Gurudev!’ Keep me in your
heart.When you are grateful, there is also a lot of gratitude and you
feel like praising. But all this should be converted into your soul
and make you blossom.
 Once in a while when you have a problem, you come and say
JaiGurudev. Don’t say it only some times, say it all the
time,everyday and every minute. All these qualities you see in me are
also in you.
 Only when you keep me in your heart, does guru ship arise in
you.Otherwise just doing pad puja (worshiping the feet), saluting and
running away, nothing will be born in you. If you only want to garland
flowers, then go to temples. There are many idols there. There is no
need of a Guru then. Not only that, there are many people in the
world,who love to sit and be garlanded. Go and garland them.
 If you have come to me, then change. Change from inside.
 There is no happiness in the world which you cannot get by being on
the path of knowledge. Once you taste this nectar, everything else
will be bitter. Once you begin to float in this, you will never
experience a lack of anything in any way in your life.
 Don’t keep me at a distance. By staying far away from me you have
no benefit whatsoever. You are just wasting your time and mine too.
Whatever I am, you are that too. Whatever you thought was impossible
for you, I have come here to show you that it is possible.
 This body, this prana, has only one mission. It has come for one
reason - to introduce you all to your own self, to reveal the true
self to you. Who are you? You are truth. You are shiva. You are beauty.
 See, many people come here. Some come just to visit the place and
say, “oh! nice.” some feel nice inside and say, “oh! nice
energy!”they take few deep breaths and go back after one or two days
in a good state of mind. Few others come and stay a little longer,
while, while others just loot every thing. They take every thing. And
that is good. Those are the kind of people I want. They must loot
 The shop is open. So loot all you can.
 Yah baby!!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bishop Spong on Heaven and Hell

2009-01-16 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 When you ask about believing in Jesus Christ as your personal 
 savior you are using stylized evangelical language. That language 
 has no appeal at all for me. To assert the role of savior for Jesus 
 implies a definition of human life as sinful, fallen and helpless. 

I have a different view.

I agree personal savior is stylized language often dispersing into
dogma. But building on a theme in an adjacent post, Christ (and many
others) are torches that can spark you ablaze. Put your attention on
that which they were/are (not personality and history). And become lit.

 Our problem is not that we have fallen from some pristine 
 perfection into a sinful state from which we need to be saved, it is 
 that we need to be empowered to become something that we have never 
 been, namely fully human beings. 

Another view. When and where did Consciousness cease to be aware of
itself? It never did. But somehow, we got off the train. So fallen
is not an incorrect image -- in a poetic sense. But returning to what
always was -- well its a a bit like recovery from a fall that never was. 

So the idea that I need a savior to 
 save me from a fall that never happened and to restore me to a status 
 that I never possessed is in our time all but nonsensical. 

My take is that having a torch -- to throw out a spark -- that sets me
ablaze -- to relight that which was always lit -- well you can call it
nonsensical.  But it is something beyond the senseses. Its
transsensical! :)

It is 
 because we do not understand the nature of human life that we do not 
 understand the Jesus role. 

What do you mean we kimosobe?

I see in Jesus the power of love that 
 empowers us to be more deeply and fully human and so I do not know 
 how to translate your questions.

Our views are aligned here. A torch of love can spark you to become
ablaze in love (with nothing -- that is no object, just love).
 Sorry, but the old evangelical language that you use is badly dated 
 and I believe quite distorting to my understanding of what 
 Christianity is all about.

Language is poetic. It has many levels, many meanings. Take what you
want and leave the rest.

[FairfieldLife] Re: SSRS Talk-Guru

2009-01-16 Thread grate . swan
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan no_re...@... wrote:

 The shop is open. So loot all you can.
 Da gansta guru. cool.
 Keep me in your heart. When you are grateful, there is also a lot of
 gratitude .. But all this should be converted into your soul and make
 you blossom.
 Same concept as MMY presented in recent post / link from talks in


perhaps an obscure reference -- here is the text i was referring to --
from a link in a paul mason post


And it took me about two years to understand because I quite remember
the time what is meant by it's 'The department of the Almighty'. And
now I understand it is this.

We have the picture of Guru Dev as when we do puja and that form, that
photo, that picture is the physical expression of the form which had a
mind that was fully enlightened and Omnipresent. So once we see the
form our eyes associate with the form very naturally because the
physical and mental run parallel.

And once the form is in our vision, in our awareness, then naturally
our mind gets in tune with the mind which occupied that form once upon
a time. The form was occupied by a mind, that mind is an all time
reality, eternal, the barriers of time are no barriers to it, continuum.

The body is no more but the form is there and once we tune our eyes
our vision, perception, cognition to that, because that was held up by
a mind that was enlightened, naturally our mind gets in tune and
because that mind was and is and will forever be Omnipresent,
immediately our mind gets in tune with the Omnipresent and right away
the help comes from where we are.

The help comes from Absolute Being which is the nature of our own
mind, but that image, that picture becomes a positive and concrete
medium to have that mechanics performed for our mind. So help comes
from our own Being because it comes through that form naturally our
devotion to that. It's the department of the Almighty which does it,
not the individual, its the department and it's only one way, it's not
two ways, its one way. The help is not given, it's received, it's
received by our ability to attune with that, and that ability develops
with devotion, surrender and service. These three things.

Automatically one is elevated to that level and help doesn't come from
outside, it comes from right where we are, from our own Being. But
those unaware of ones own Being have those mechanics to help them.

This is true of all the saints of the times throughout the world


Same mechanics as Christians becoming absorbed in Christ. Or
 the those who dwell on the Buddha nature -- perhaps. Certainly its the
 mechanics of seeing the universe in Krishna's open mouth.
  This body, this prana, has only one mission ... to introduce you all
 to your own self ..  You are truth. You are beauty.
(an aside) 
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
 The mechanics are beyond role model (which may lead to dogma and
 mood-making). Its more like catching a spark from a torch -- and
 becoming ablaze. 
 Torch that shop.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  Here's a fun little talk that SSRS gave about the Guru function:
  If you want to come to me … by Guruji
  January 15, 2009 by Guru Kripa
  If You Want To Come To Me - Sri Sri
  Praising me is not enough. I am not satisfied by your
 praises,gratefulness and gratitude. Do not just keep me on the stage,
 on the altar, put flowers and say, Jai Gurudev!’ Keep me in your
 heart.When you are grateful, there is also a lot of gratitude and you
 feel like praising. But all this should be converted into your soul
 and make you blossom.
  Once in a while when you have a problem, you come and say
 JaiGurudev. Don’t say it only some times, say it all the
 time,everyday and every minute. All these qualities you see in me are
 also in you.
  Only when you keep me in your heart, does guru ship arise in
 you.Otherwise just doing pad puja (worshiping the feet), saluting and
 running away, nothing will be born in you. If you only want to garland
 flowers, then go to temples. There are many idols there. There is no
 need of a Guru then. Not only that, there are many people in the
 world,who love to sit and be garlanded. Go and garland them.
  If you have come to me, then change. Change from inside.
  There is no happiness in the world which you cannot get by being on
 the path of knowledge. Once you taste this nectar, everything else
 will be bitter. Once you begin to float in this, you will never
 experience a lack of anything in any way in your life.
  Don’t keep me at a distance. By staying far away from me you have
 no benefit 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ricardo Montalban, RIP

2009-01-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
j_alexander_stan...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
 Don't forget the soft corinthian leather!

Ay-yi-yi. Señor, it is not just the Cordoba that
will answer your demands...
  (This was his *real chest*, BTW, not a prosthesis.)
 ¿Quien es mas macho? Ricardo Montalban es mas macho!

Sí! Sí! sigh

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Obama Wins 83% Approval Rating for Transition

2009-01-16 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Remember that penzoil commercial with the tag line, because 
starting your car is a terrible thing to do  (unlubricated parts 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... 

 PRINCETON, NJ -- President-elect Barack Obama receives a remarkably
 high 83% approval rating for the way in which he has handled the
 presidential transition, significantly higher than the approval 
 for either of his immediate predecessors just before they first 
 Obama's transition approval rating has actually increased slightly
 over the last month, despite the fact that he has encountered a few
 speed bumps in terms of his Cabinet appointments, including the
 withdrawal of his appointee for commerce secretary, New Mexico Gov.
 Bill Richardson, who was forced to drop out owing to investigations
 into possible improper business dealings in his home state.
 Gallup asked Americans in January 1993 and January 2001 the same
 transition approval question concerning Bill Clinton and George W.
 Bush, respectively. In both instances, Americans were quite 
 although at a level well below their approval of Obama today.
 ~~Gallup Poll - More here: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT IF?

2009-01-16 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
 [ed11 wrote:]
   however the goal is actually reached by TRANSCENDING THE DOGMA, 
   whether it is the Buddhist ideals of compassion or whether it is 
   the TMO ideals of living a Vedic life. depending on our path, the 
   dogma must be absolutely transcended in order top reach the goal, 
   and once we are left naked and screaming in the darkness do we 
   have any hope of becoming ourselves, becoming enlightened. 
   anything else is just a circle jerk.
   lots of the latter going on right here on FFL by the way. :)
  On the other hand, there is sometimes a value 
  in following the right action (rules) of an 
  Internet chat group, because when you transcend 
  those rules and overpost, you are left naked and 
  screaming in the darkness of not being able to 
  post for a whole week.  
  See you after midnight GMT Friday, September 
  23rd, hon. You might want to spend some of the 
  time until then becoming yourself. But if 
  yourself's ability to transcend is anything 
  like yourself's ability to count, I wouldn't...
  uh...count on becoming enlightened.  :-)
 Translation: Barry is *ecstatic* to be free of the
 agony of having ed11 kick him around for a few days.
 He's now planning all the posts he'll make 
 demonizing ed11 while she's not here to respond,
 while salivating at his elaborate fantasies of her
 gnashing her teeth and tearing her hair.
 This is the biggest thrill Barry's enjoyed for
 some time, so we shouldn't be too hard on him.
 Control freaks, after all, are happiest when other
 people are being controlled (by them, if at all
 possible). When such an opportunity to exult 
 presents itself, they really can't be expected to,
 er, control their enthusiasm.

Translation: Judy is obsessed with Barry. I leave FFL for months on end when 
I'm traveling 
or otherwise busy but when I do check in, there it is, as sure as death and 
taxes: Judy 
obsessing about Barry in nearly every post. Good thing she spins herself out so 
every week!