[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:03 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
  -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   What was missing in this post was the music. Here's
   some. Follow the links to other songs to hear more.
  What a joke, he's just a redicelous copyist of that poor Dire  
  Straits guitarist, whatever is his name. A sorry fellow indeed.
  Better listen to that unique american genious; John Scofield
  Chicken dog; Scofield, best gutarist since Jimi Hendrix;
 Add Euro-snob to Euro-trash.
 Thanks Nabby. Sorry for the interruption. I'm just talking 
 out loud while updating my address book's keywords.
 I always get a get out of people who confuse musical genres. 
 Hope you don't mind if I change yours?

He's also flat wrong. The two styles of finger-
picking couldn't be more different, and Richard's
preceded Mark Knopfler's (and was recorded on the
Fairport Convention albums) ten years before anyone
heard of Knopfler and Dire Straits. They sound 
similar only to someone whose appreciation of
guitarists is as marketing-blurb-driven as is 
his appreciation of spiritual teachers.

It's actually an interesting philosophical idea 
that Nabby is trying to push here -- that an artist
is only as good as the people he copies and whose
previous work he parrots. That may be true for 
Nabby in terms of how he approaches spirituality,
but it certainly isn't true for either Richard
Thompson or Mark Knopfler, both of whom started
with an appreciation of Those Who Came Before
(in Thompson's case, folk; in Knopfler's case,
folk, blues, rock, classical, CW and flamenco) 
but who then *took* those influences and set off 
on their own path, making their own music. Nabby
can't understand that when spiritual seekers do
it, and he can't understand it when musicians
do it. Because he can only follow, he assumes
that others can only follow as well. We *are*
talking, after all, about the person who is
waiting, waiting, waiting for Maitreya to come
along so that he can follow *him*.

Suggesting that Richard Thompson owes his style
to Mark Knopfler is even more stupid than saying
that a former TMer who has moved on to another 
path's success in later years -- whether that 
success be financial or social or spiritual -- is 
due to and attributable to his former association
with Maharishi. (Which Nabby has said in the past.)
That's like saying that we should give all the 
credit for Einstein's discoveries to his 
kindergarten teacher.

[FairfieldLife] 9/11 -- Escaping US-centric thinking

2009-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
When I first moved to Sitges one of the things that
surprised me a little was that there is a street here
called Calle Onze de Septembre. How interesting, thought
I, that tiny little Sitges would name a street after that

They didn't. They named it after a different September
11th event, one that happened a little earlier than the
one that Americans associate with the date. 295 years
earlier, to be exact, before America even existed as a

From Wikipedia:
On September 11, Catalonia (Spain) commemorates the 1714 Siege of
Barcelona defeat during the War of the Spanish Succession. As a
punishment for their support to the claim of Habsburg Archduke Charles
to the throne of Spain, institutions and rights of the territories of
the Crown of Catalonia and Aragon were abolished by the victorious
absolutist Bourbon monarchy in line with the political evolution
occurring in other parts of Europe at the same time.

In 1980, the restored Generalitat de Catalunya (autonomous Government of
Catalonia), as its first public act proclaimed 11 September La Diada,
the Catalan National holiday.

Organizations and political parties traditionally lay floral offerings
at the monuments of Rafael Casanova and General Moragues for their fight
against the Bourbon army. Catalan nationalists also meet in the Fossar
de les Moreres, where they pay homage to the defenders of the city who
died during the siege and were buried there. Throughout the day, there
are political demonstrations, concerts and celebration events. Many
citizens wave either senyeres or estelades and hang them on their

In other words, here in Catalunya this is a day of cele-
bration and remembering one's history with pride, not with
fear and regret and self pity. All the difference in the
world. I guess when countries have more than a couple of
hundred years of history they're more able to put time
into perspective.

They're also more able to see that one setback back in 1714
was not the end of the story, merely the beginning of it.
Catalunya took such a setback and attack on its liberty and
used it as a wake up call that eventually allowed them to
restore that liberty. The world is still waiting for America
to do the same.

[FairfieldLife] Re: astonishing skeletons discovered in Georgia

2009-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ghanesh PV ghan...@... wrote:

  snip Hindu-supremacist crap 
 Our Prehistoric EPICS are Treasure for the world capturing
 the advances of ancient humans and their connected living
 with Nature's forces. Many such People living in india has
 been surviving continuously thought-out there has been
 serious catastrophes of ancient times and passed on the
 knowledge/Artefacts/ monuments etc. to the modern day
 human civilisation, for us to learn, protect and pass it
 down to the civilisation that is yet to come.

The reality of India's glorious history and
what images of its gods are used for today,
in one photo:


[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-11 Thread cardemaister

Sepi Kumpulainen, The Singing Janitor (he might be slightly autistic):

Mä oon mahtava mies (I'm a mighty man)


[FairfieldLife] Thousands of years of evolution is accomplished in one sitting of meditation...

2009-09-11 Thread Dick Mays
MAHARISHI: ...On meditation depends our evolution, that is the 
very main point. The whole purpose of life and the whole process of 
evolution depends on our contacting the field of the Absolute in 
a conscious manner.

Therefore, through all that we do and experience, enjoy and suffer in 
life, we have always to be leaning towards creating a situation which 
will be conducive for much refined experiences during 
meditation. Most important, first primary thing in life.

If we keep our body free from tiredness - regulated activity of the 
day so that we don`t get tired - and keep the times of meditation 
regular, then we evolve very quickly.  Thousands of years of 
evolution is accomplished in one sitting of meditation...

Hochgurgel 1962 Maharishi

Jai Guru Dev

Roderick Richards
Kunsi Ashram

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Obama Pushes for Government Health Control

2009-09-11 Thread WLeed3


 From: john.f.t...@campaignforliberty.com
Reply-to:  no-re...@campaignforliberty.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 9/11/2009  2:34:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Obama Pushes for Government Health  Control

September 10, 2009 

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Last  night, President Obama made it clear he intends to push hard for a  
government-run Health Control system. His plans, if enacted, will result over 
 time in either a complete government takeover of Health Care, or the total 
 destruction of any meaningful private system. 

Now is the time  for us to raise our voices and insist Congress vote NO 
to this government  power grab.

Make no mistake, the Obama plan will cause the price  of insurance to 
skyrocket even further by increasing payouts and other costs  of doing 
putting many more Americans in the position of having to  drop their 

One plan currently being considered in the  Senate would impose a $3,800 
fine on families who refuse to  get health insurance. Health insurance will no 
longer be a free choice in our  country.  President Obama has long 
advocated a universal, single-payer  system, and that is the ultimate goal of 
enacting this so-called reform  package.

In regards to his deficit-neutral promise, the  Congressional Budget Office 
has _already stated_ 
  that HR 3200 will add over 
$200  billion to the deficit over the next ten years, and Social Security, 
Medicare,  and Medicaid are already trillions of dollars in the red.

Are we  really expected to believe that yet another government program on 
top of all  these will save money?

And, hidden throughout the over 1000 pages  that make up this bill are even 
more goodies for the allies of Big  Government, such as a massive payoff 
to Big Labor, who will reap millions of  new forced union dues and wield 
unprecedented power over government and  private health care _as reported_ 
AEC16992A8A38C78A8)  in The Wall Street  Journal.  

President Obama has repeatedly stated that  we cannot deal with the rising 
cost of health care by maintaining the status  quo. I wholeheartedly agree.

We must acknowledge that the root  cause of the health care crisis in this 
country is _government interference_ 
 . Of course, 
many in the  insurance industry have taken full advantage of their lobbying 
power and  monopolies, but they have been able to do this because of the  

It is government that prohibits individuals from  being able to shop across 
state lines for insurance.

It is  government that imposes thousands of mandates on insurance  

It is government that created HMOs in the  1970s.

It is government that has _skewed the market_ 
prop up third party  payers.

Simply put, the problems with health care in America are  TOO MUCH gover
nment interference already. The solution is to lessen government  control - NOT 
give them more power!

The Council for Affordable  Health Insurance has identified a total of 
2,133 mandated benefits and  providers currently required by state 
mandates they estimate  increase the cost of basic coverage from around 20% 
to as high as possibly  50%. Read their report _here_ 

If the president thinks we  can pay for his plan through saving billions of 
dollars by eliminating waste  and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid, then why 
don't we clean out those systems  now and return that money through tax cuts 
to the American taxpayer, providing  them extra funds to buy insurance if 
they want it?

Both major  parties believe the answer to our health care crisis is through 
government  intervention. They only differ in the degree of that  

It's time to choose freedom.

Americans  should be free to shop across state lines for health insurance, 
to easily go  outside the country for cheaper medications, and to buy health 
insurance  without being taxed on it.

Congress should give Americans control  over their health care by giving 
them control over their health care dollar  via tax credits and deductions 
similar to those outlined in Congressman Ron  Paul's Comprehensive Health Care 
Reform Act (HR 1495).

And  Congress should protect privacy rights by allowing patients and 
physicians to  opt-out of any government-mandated or funded system of 
health care  records, and by repealing the federal law creating an unique 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Campaign For Liberty Daily Update

2009-09-11 Thread WLeed3


 From: no-re...@campaignforliberty.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 9/11/2009  5:33:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Campaign For Liberty Daily  Update

Campaign For Liberty Daily News 
Friday, September 11th  2009

Note: this is the plain text version of the Daily Digest.  To  view in much 
more appealing rich text, visit  
http://campaignforliberty.com/msgopt.php?u=wmleed40k=aeUYR7xVOleHk (to  avoid 
being spam-blocked, be sure to add 
campaignforliberty.com to your email  account's list of allowed sites)

You have 2 contact requests pending  your approval:

You have 2  unread messages in your Campaign For Liberty  mailbox:

04/29/09  Steven Vasquez: Please post/blog your petition delivery  stories
04/08/09 Stoney22: County Brain  Storming



08/19/09:  Steven Vasquez [State]: S604 Audit the Fed Mass Action Month

Mass  Action Month

In last month's newsletter, we asked everyone to collect  signatures for a 
combined HR 1207/ S 604 petition so we can start targetting  the Senators 
and the remaining Representatives who have yet to sign up as  co-sponsors. We 
collected nearly 2,000 signatures from all over the state,  thank you all! 
Special kudos to the Columbia county crew who gathered over 500  signatures th

Based on this success and the summer recess in  Congress, this drive will 
now occur on a national wide level cummulating to a  special Mass Action Day.

We are winning, but we have not won, yet!  There are currently 282 
co-sponsors in the House and 23 co-sponsors in the  Senate. However, there are 
remaining Representatives and both Senators in  NY who have not co-sponsored 

With the newly announced Audit the  Fed web site, our efforts have been 
joined by several major organizations  representing millions of Americans. It 
will all accumulate on September 15th  with a major national action (see 
below) and the release of Ron Paul's new  book, END THE FED.

Multi-Person  PETITION*

*If you use the Multi-Person Petition, try to collect signatures from  the 
same Congressional District/Representative per page. (Recommended)   
Once you collect all the signatures (even if its one, one hundred, or one  
thousand), mail them to the address below. We will make copies and send the 
to  your Regional and County Coordinators for them to hand deliver them to 
your  Representative, and we will make copies to hand deliver all the 
petitions from  the state to both Senators in a big rally event to be announced 

Mail the completed petitions by September 8th  to:

Steven Vasquez
31 Burning Bush Blvd.
Ballston Lake, NY  12019

Do not wait until the last day, send them batches at a time,  as it takes a 
lot of work to prepare all the petitions in time for the big  September 
15th event, where across the nation, every Senator who has not  co-sponsored 
S604 will have a rally and petitions delivered at their regional  offices.

Below are the list of sites of our major action in NY on  Tuesday, 
September 15th at 4PM. Each rally will start at Senator Gillibrand's  office to 
deliver the petitions, then moves to Senator Schumer's office to  deliver there 
before 4:30PM. We need as many people at each site to make a big  impression 
nationally! Make it to one of these cities.

New York  City

780 Third Avenue Suite 2601 New York, NY  10017

757 Third Avenue Suite 17-02 New York, NY  10017

Long Island

155  Pine Lawn Road #250, North Melville, NY 11747

145 Pine  Lawn Road #300, Melville, NY 11747


Gillibrand  (Room 821) and Schumer (Room 420) 
Leo W. O'Brien Federal Building 1  Clinton Square Room 821 Albany, NY  12207


726 Exchange Street Suite 511  Buffalo, NY 14210
130 South Elmwood Avenue #660 Buffalo, NY  14202

Gillibrand (Room 4195) and Schumer (Room 3040)  
Kenneth B. Keating Federal Office Building 100 State Street Room 4195  
Rochester, NY 14614

Bernanke is praying that you are  not going to do anything, that you are 
just going to sit there and let Obama  give the Federal Reserve full 
regulatory control over the entire financial  industry and print trillions of 
dollars to pay for socialized health  care. Well he doesn't seem to know what 
you or the Campaign for Liberty is  capable of, does he?
Feel our wrath, fear our liberty!

Here is a  flyer to pass to members of your meetups to encourage them to  


Recent  Featured Articles

09/11/09The Causes, Aftermath 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-11 Thread Vaj

On Sep 11, 2009, at 3:22 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Suggesting that Richard Thompson owes his style
to Mark Knopfler is even more stupid than saying
that a former TMer who has moved on to another
path's success in later years -- whether that
success be financial or social or spiritual -- is
due to and attributable to his former association
with Maharishi.

I first heard of RT when it was somewhere pointed out that Fairpoint  
Convention was the favorite live band of Led Zeppelin--and of course  
Fairport had RT as their lead guitarist. One of Jimmy Page's favs? I  
just had to hear them. And that was long before anyone had every  
heard of Mark Knopfler and long before Dire Straits even existed.

I think Nabby should just stick to listening to old Wings albums. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Contemporary accounts of phowa

2009-09-11 Thread Vaj

After finishing the nine cycles of ngondro, I practiced powa with
two other persons. We practiced individually, and I used to do the
powa practice by myself in the storeroom of Lopon Tenzin
Namdak's house. (The powa involves the transference of the consciousness
principle in the form of a tigle [Skt. bindu] through a hole at the top
of the head.) I also did my dark retreat in the same room. Since I
was not practicing intensively, it took me about a week to get the
result, which consisted of the fontanelle's softening and eventually
forming an actual opening. On a couple of mornings, I went
to Lopon Sangye Tenzin before the other students arrived and he
looked at the top of my head but saw that the fontanelle had not
yet softened. My friends teased me, saying my head was like stone,
and Lopon Sangye Tenzin suggested I do some group powa practice,
with me at the center and the older monks around me. Next
morning when Lopon looked, he was at last able to insert a blade
of kusha grass, which must stand upright in the hole in the fontanelle
to demonstrate that the practice has been successful. The
blade of grass was about twelve inches long and remained upright
for three days. Sometimes I forgot I had it in my head and
felt a painful sensation when I pulled my robe over my head, yanking
the blade of grass. Also, if I walked in the street when it was
windy, I felt as if an electric current were being channelled into the
center of my body through the grass.

After powa I did zhine [Skt.: shamatha] meditation on [the primordial  
letter] A with Lopon Sangye Tenzin

for quite a long time, and through this meditation I received the
direct introduction to Dzogchen.

The Dzogchen teachings lasted three years. The only interruptions
were for ganapujas and personal retreats. In fact, these were
very sacred kanye teachings (teachings about which the Guardians
are very sensitive). Often, even though a master may have the
Guardians' permission to give a teaching, if there are any samaya
(commitment) breakages or if respect for the teachings is lacking,
the master will receive indications about this in dreams from the
Guardians manifesting their displeasure. When this happened,
Lopon Sangye Tenzin would interrupt the teaching for one or two
days so we could do the Zhang Zhung Meri ganapuja to purify our

From Wonders of the Natural Mind by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

The Karma Kagyu school also employs methods, which help us to work  
with our inner energies, the existence of which is seldom experienced  
by people who do not aspire to recognise the nature of their own  
mind. These practices are called The Six Teachings of Naropa; one of  
them is Phowa, the practice of “conscious dying”. Through this  
practice, we learn to transfer our consciousness into the state of  
unlimited joy personified by the Buddha Limitless Light (Opagme in  
Tibetan, Amitabha in Sanskrit), the state that can never be lost  
again. One of the results of practising Phowa is that we loose all  
our fears. Phowa is not only a preparation for the last moments of  
our life and the lives of others but the transformation of our view  
towards death leads us to experience life from the position of new  
possibilities and develop our inner richness for the benefit of all  

Lama Ole Nydahl is one of few people from the West, who is fully  
qualified as a Lama and teacher of Tibetan Buddhist meditation. In  
September 1969, he and his wife, Hannah Nydahl, became the first  
Western students of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa. After the years of study  
and meditation, they started, upon Karmapa‘s wish, to integrate  
Tibetan Buddhism into our Western culture. Lama Ole is constantly  
travelling as a Lama all over the world and establishing meditation  
centres. Until now, about 450 such centres have appeared. Hannah is  
active as an interpreter of major Tibetan teachers of the Karma Kagyu  
lineage and organises their travels.

Karma Kagyu lineage
Karma Kagyu is one of the major schools of Diamond Way Buddhism. As a  
lineage of oral transmission it especially treasures meditation and  
can - through the interaction with a qualified teacher - bring about  
the full experience of the nature of mind. It‘s teachings come  
directly from the historical Buddha Sakyamuni. They were given the  
form of a path of lay practitioners by Indian Mahasiddhas, Naropa and  
Maitripa, and Tibetan yogis, Marpa and Milarepa. Afterwards, Gampopa  
developed a monastic tradition. Since the 12th century, the  
continuity of the lineage has been maintained by the individual  
incarnations of Karmapas. Today, great Buddhist teachers such as the  
17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje, Kunzig Shamarpa, and Lama Ole Nydahl  
transmit this unbroken tradition throughout the Western world.

The lineage of Phowa transmission
The Phowa which Lama Ole Nydahl teaches originates from the Longchen- 
Nyingthig tradition of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two american geniuses: Miles Davis and John Scofield

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:28 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
 In this musical idiom, I feel Pat Metheny is more meditational example  

Pat Methney is very good, but has an uneven production to say the least; it 
ranges from less than mediocre to brilliant.
John Scofield simply produces brilliant albums year after year.
Here they are together in The Red One; make up your own opinion...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Obama Pushes for Government Health Control

2009-09-11 Thread raunchydog
A mandate for health insurance without a public option or single payer
is not government health control, it is private insurance industry
health control enabled by the government. A bill without a public
option should trigger a bill without a mandate for insurance. Instead
Obama is pushing a bullshit mandate for insurance that triggers a
bullshit public option if all else fails. Disgusting.

Dennis Kuchinich responds to The Greatest Speech on Health Care Reform

Youtube: http://snipurl.com/rqu0h http://snipurl.com/rqu0h

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wle...@... wrote:

  From: john.f.t...@...
 Reply-to:  no-re...@...
 To: wle...@...
 Sent: 9/11/2009  2:34:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
 Subj: Obama Pushes for Government Health  Control

 September 10, 2009

 Dear Friend of Liberty,

 Last  night, President Obama made it clear he intends to push hard for
 government-run Health Control system. His plans, if enacted, will
result over
  time in either a complete government takeover of Health Care, or the
  destruction of any meaningful private system.

Wrong. The private insurance system is a leeching tick on the ass of the
American public. Obama's mandate without an option just offers them more
people to suck dry. Insurance is not about health care. It is about
PROFIT, and now a MANDATED PROFIT, profit propped up by your tax
dollars.  It will be the last nail in the economy's coffin.

 Now is the time  for us to raise our voices and insist Congress vote
 to this government  power grab.

 Make no mistake, the Obama plan will cause the price  of insurance to
 skyrocket even further by increasing payouts and other costs  of doing
 putting many more Americans in the position of having to  drop their

This is a likely scenario because private insurance will not have any
competition from a public option or single payer.

 One plan currently being considered in the  Senate would impose a
 fine on families who refuse to  get health insurance. Health insurance
will no
 longer be a free choice in our  country.  President Obama has long
 advocated a universal, single-payer  system, and that is the ultimate
goal of
 enacting this so-called reform  package.

 In regards to his deficit-neutral promise, the  Congressional Budget
 has _already stated_

8839244AEC16992A8A38C78A8)  that HR 3200 will add over
 $200  billion to the deficit over the next ten years, and Social
 Medicare,  and Medicaid are already trillions of dollars in the red.

 Are we  really expected to believe that yet another government program
 top of all  these will save money?

 And, hidden throughout the over 1000 pages  that make up this bill are
 more goodies for the allies of Big  Government, such as a massive
 to Big Labor, who will reap millions of  new forced union dues and
 unprecedented power over government and  private health care _as

 AEC16992A8A38C78A8)  in The Wall Street  Journal.

 President Obama has repeatedly stated that  we cannot deal with the
 cost of health care by maintaining the status  quo. I wholeheartedly

 We must acknowledge that the root  cause of the health care crisis in
 country is _government interference_

8839244AEC16992A8A38C78A8) . Of course,
 many in the  insurance industry have taken full advantage of their
 power and  monopolies, but they have been able to do this because of

Wrong. They have been able to do this because the insurance industry
controls the government.  After watching this whole fiasco unfold in
Congress, it clear Congress is doing the will of the insurance lobby and
not the will of the people, who WANT A CHOICE FOR AN OPTION.

 It is government that prohibits individuals from  being able to shop
 state lines for insurance.

 It is  government that imposes thousands of mandates on insurance

 It is government that created HMOs in the  1970s.

 It is government that has _skewed the market_

8839244AEC16992A8A38C78A8)  to
 prop up third party  payers.

 Simply put, the problems with health care in America are  TOO MUCH
 nment interference already. The solution is to lessen government 
control - NOT
 give them more power!

Wrong. The solution is to get rid of private insurance all together.

 The Council for Affordable  Health Insurance has identified a total of
 2,133 mandated benefits and  providers currently required by state
 mandates they estimate  increase the cost of basic 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Leaving the body at will

2009-09-11 Thread WillyTex
Vaj wrote:
 Late in my life, I practised Pho-wa, 
 an esoteric Tibetan technique for 
 rebirth in the Pure Land...

So, I wonder how, exactly, there can be
a 'rebirth' when, according to the
historical Buddha, there's no reincarnating
soul-monad. What is it, exactly, that
reincarnates? If there's no soul-monad,
what could be the re-birthing factor?

The Buddha stated on many occasions that
his doctrine was 'anata' - 'no soul'.
Apparently the Buddha did not teach a
doctrine of 'reincarnation', instead,
he professed the doctrine of 'causation'
by describing a 'twelve-fold chain'
leading to annihilation - 'nirvana'.

Apparently he meant that a Buddha does
not return and none of the stages in the
chain involved any kind of 'soul-monad' 
reincarnation. In fact, 'reincarnation'
is a contradiction in terms, because
there would have to be a reincarnating
'soul' in order to be born again.

This a real paradox, isn't it? So, I
wonder why Vaj didn't mention it. I guess
he doesn't have all the answers. From
what I've read, Turq and Vaj believe
in the existence of a 'soul' because
they repeatedly use the expression of
a 'spiritual' life. So, I wonder, where
is the 'spirit' in the Buddha's teaching?

Not to mention that 'Pure Land' Buddhism
originated in China, not in Tibet!

All conditioned things are impermanent,
All conditioned things are Dukka -- 
Suffering, All conditioned or unconditioned 
things are soulless or selfless. 


Dhammapada 277, 278, 279

[FairfieldLife] Urge Congress to support ONLY a strong public option

2009-09-11 Thread raunchydog

Urge your member of Congress  to support only a strong public option.

Call now at (202) 224-3121

When you're done, click here to report your call and watch a video of
this week's petition delivery. 

Following President Obama's speech this week, little has changed in the
fight for a public health insurance option.

The insurance industry is still in the midst of a full-court press to
sabotage health care reform.  Those greedy insurance CEOs are calling in
every favor with corrupt members of Congress to kill the public option.

I went to Congress this week and delivered petitions signed by you and
63,692 other people calling on Congress to not back down on a public
option.  Now, I need you to call your member of Congress and reiterate
that demand: we need a true public option without co-ops or triggers.

Call your Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask them to take the
pledge for a strong public option.  When you're done, click here to 
report your call and watch the video
32/1946832125/VEsE/  of your petitions being delivered to Congress this

  [Watch the video of your petitions being delivered to Congress] 
It's still up to us to hold the line with enough votes in the House to
make sure the only thing that can pass is a strong public option.

To make sure that a public option passes, we need at least 40 members of
the House of Representatives to pledge to only vote for a bill with a
strong public option in both the House bill and in the bill that comes
out of Conference with the Senate.

So far, we have 17 firmly committed to doing so.  We have just 23 more
to go.  The way to get there is by making sure these Representatives
know where their constituents stand on a strong public option.

We need you to call your Representatives and say that you only support a
public option without co-ops or triggers, and you need them to do the

Call your Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask them to take the
pledge for a strong public option.  When you're done, click here to
report your call
32/1946832125/VEsC/ .

Thanks so much for calling.


Eve Gittelson (nyceve)
Firedoglake.com http://firedoglake.com/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wilson Dem challenger raises $400k off you lie

2009-09-11 Thread WillyTex
  The lie is, in fact, substantially true because 
  Democrats have defeated all efforts to include an 
  enforcement mechanism that would prevent illegal 
  aliens from being covered.
Judy wrote:
 Because the process of requiring proof of citizenship
 or legal residency before providing care, in order to
 weed out those not entitled to it, would put an
 unnecessary burden on those who *are* entitled to it.

So, there's to be no way to determine if an illegal
alien is on the Obama Care Plan - that's the problem.
So, it's true that the President lied - he said they
would NOT be covered, but there will be, as they are

  So, the American guest workers would be covered by 
  the Dem health insurance plan.
 Illegal aliens can already buy insurance. They'd
 certainly benefit from the *reform* measures along
 with everybody else, but to say they shouldn't is
 like saying they shouldn't benefit from the
 improvement in air quality provided by the Clean
 Air Act.
That's the problem! Why should illegal aliens benefit
from the Dem health care plan?

Representative Wilson could use a visit from Miss 
Manners. But he is telling the truth, and President 
Obama is not...

Read more:

'Joe Wilson Is Rude But Right'
by Kevin Williamson
NPR, September 11, 2009

And why didn't the President mention anything about
immigration reform? What is he going to say to the
immigrants when he proposes immigration reform? Will
he say that yes, you can remain in the U.S. as a 
guest worker, and you can pay income taxes, but sorry,
you're not entitled to any public option. I'm sure
that's going to go over like a lead balloon with the
millions of Hispanic voters!

 And if they aren't allowed to get health insurance,
 we'll have to subsidize their care at emergency
When an illegal goes to the emergency room, he
or she will be covered by emergency Medicaid. That's 
the problem, and that's why they are up in arms in

  How would you know if anyone was eligible to be 
  on the plan without some enforcement mechanism?
 Be on which plan?

How would you know if an applicant is an illegal or
not, on the Dem plan, if there are no enforcement 

And why hasn't the U.S. government sealed our borders 
to prevent illegal aliens from entering the U.S.? 

So many questions, so few answers from the President. 

Instead we get more lawyer talk, no details, lies and 
half-truths. But worse, why haven't any of the Dems 
called him out on this? To read the posts here by the 
partisan John Manning, there's no problem at all with 
the Dem bills. Go figure.

Joe Wilson should have thrown a shoe at the President, 
in my opinion. OK, I can see why someone like Manning
doesn't want us to know the truth, but how can the 
President stand there in front of all those people and 
not tell the whole story?

[FairfieldLife] Polls: Obama's Speech Buoys Public Support for Health Care Reform

2009-09-11 Thread do.rflex

CBS Poll: 

The day after Mr. Obama's congressional address, CBS re-interviewed 678 adults 
first questioned in a poll conducted August 27-31. 

Last week, just 40 percent of these adults approved of how the president was 
handling health care. More, 47 percent, disapproved. 

After the speech, 52 percent said they approved and only 38 percent said they 

Those are the best assessments for Mr. Obama's handling of health care shown 
all year by CBS News Polls. 


+ +

New AARP Poll: Obama Turns the Tide

A new poll conducted by the AARP show that Pres Obama's speech to congress has 
totally changed the landscape. The poll was conducted for folks 45 and over.

Before the speech 70% of respondents said they had at least some questions or 
concerns about what was being proposed by either party with regard to health 
care reform. This includes 77 percent of Independents.

• Of those who had questions and concerns prior 
to the address, nearly three-quarters said that 
their questions and concerns were talked about or 
addressed during the speech. This includes 72 percent 
of Independents.

• Nearly seven in ten of those who reported hearing 
their questions and concerns talked about or 
addressed said that they were supportive of the 
proposals being talked about related to health care. 

This includes 63 percent of Independents.

• For each political affiliation, a majority of 
respondents said that reform of the health care 
system should be a priority for political leaders 
to address in 2009. 

This includes 70 percent of Independents.

Also 58% of Democrats and 85% of republicans had concerns before the speech. 
After the speech 88% of democrats and even 56% of Republicans said their 
concerns were addressed. Overall 73% said their concerns were addressed.

63% of independents are now supportive of the proposal put forth by the 
president, along with 43% of Republicans. Overall 68% support the proposal.

76% now say healthcare should be a priority this year, including 70% of 
Independents and 56% of republicans.

Read more here: http://assets.aarp.org/rgcenter/health/pres_speech.pdf

[FairfieldLife] Research 2000: Obama at 56% Approval

2009-09-11 Thread do.rflex

Research 2000 http://www.dailykos.com/weeklypoll/2009/9/10  for Daily
Kos. 9/7/2009-9/10/2009. All adults. MoE 2% (Last weeks results in


PELOSI:33 (32)59 (59)+1REID:30 (31)59 (58)-2McCONNELL:18 (19)64
(63)-2BOEHNER:14 (15)62 (63)0

CONGRESSIONAL DEMS:38 (39)57 (56)-2CONGRESSIONAL GOPS:17 (18)70 (69)-2

DEMOCRATIC PARTY:40 (39)51 (52)+2REPUBLICAN PARTY:22 (23)68 (69)0

Full crosstabs here http://www.dailykos.com/weeklypoll/2009/9/10 .
This poll is updated every Friday morning, and you can see trendline
graphs here http://www.dailykos.com/weeklytrends .

I think it is reasonably fair to say that there has been a lot of
movement in the President's favorabilities over the past few weeks. But
this week's veer in President Obama's numbers is particularly sharp, and
will be a welcome sight for his supporters:

More here:  http://www.dailykos.com/weeklypoll/2009/9/10

[FairfieldLife] Re: Urge Congress to support ONLY a strong public option

2009-09-11 Thread WillyTex
raunchydog wrote:
 Urge your member of Congress  to support 
 only a strong public option...
Yes, I see a boondoggel approaching!

Ron Paul thinks the proposal will cost $2-$3 

Healthcare Is Not A Right!

When government and other third parties get 
involved, health care costs spiral. - Ron Paul

Lowering the Cost of Health Care:

Returning control over health care to the 
individual is the key to true health care 
reform. - Ron Paul

Comprehensive Health Care Reform Act:

[FairfieldLife] For the bored; more guitar heros. Enjoy !

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008
Trio Rypdal Vitous Gurtu - The Return of Per Ulv (The return of the Per the 
Wolf - a wolf-fellow in a classic american comic)


Terje Rypdal with Trilok Gurtu and  Miroslav Viotus:


Terje Rypdal Group: Waves


Terje Rypdal (Live in Oslo, 2000): Memory Lane (Slideshow)


Terje Rypdal - 2nd Movement (The Mountain Ape) Improvisation. Don't miss this 


Terje Rypdal and Tekro in Finnland; a gift for Cardemaister:


[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Nice post, Nabs.
   There may also be karma involved if the proper
   precautions aren't taken to prevent a pregnancy
   when it's not wanted.
  Agreed. The laws of karma are unfathomable. 
  Great is the human discrimination and intelligence ! 
  Unfortunately all the bored and lazy people of the world
  do know one thing that gives them instant gratification;
  The ability to evaluate the situation and perhaps say no,
  the ability to transcend the animal inside is grossly
  underrated in sosciety today. We are men, not animals
  after all.
 Well, some of us are women, actually.
 I don't have much objection to instant gratification
 as long as it's not so instant as to omit proper
 protection against pregnancy (and STDs).

Agreed Judy, condoms are a great thing ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Sep 10, 2009, at 8:47 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Chicken dog; Scofield, best gutarist since Jimi Hendrix;

Add Euro-snob to Euro-trash.
Thanks Nabby. Sorry for the interruption. I'm just talking
out loud while updating my address book's keywords.
I always get a get out of people who confuse musical genres.
Hope you don't mind if I change yours?
   Uh-oh, Vaj is drunk again.
  HaHa, what else is new ?
 Other than Judy's editorial lies?
 Nothing as exciting as she might assume.
 But I should've expected something from tagging MMY-as-bhogi. What can  
 I say? The attached always respond...it seems a knee-jerk kinda thang.
 Pavlov's bhogi (bhogini?)?

Sorry Vaj, but (again) you appear as a drunk Buddhist. 

What is it with Buddhists and alcohol ?

Serveral of the socalled Buddhist masters, these socalled Lamas who came from 
Tibet to America and acuired a substantial following of innoscent fools in the 
USA simply comitted suicide with alcohol.

What's the reality of their level of consciousness; is it due to all the 
straining ?

RE: [FairfieldLife] Thousands of years of evolution is accomplished in one sitting of meditation...

2009-09-11 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Dick Mays
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 6:31 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Thousands of years of evolution is accomplished in
one sitting of meditation...
MAHARISHI: ...On meditation depends our evolution, that is the very main
point. The whole purpose of life and the whole process of evolution depends
on our contacting the field of the Absolute in a conscious manner.
Therefore, through all that we do and experience, enjoy and suffer in life,
we have always to be leaning towards creating a situation which will be
conducive for much refined experiences during meditation. Most important,
first primary thing in life.
If we keep our body free from tiredness - regulated activity of the day so
that we don`t get tired - and keep the times of meditation regular, then we
evolve very quickly.  Thousands of years of evolution is accomplished in one
sitting of meditation...
Hochgurgel 1962 Maharishi
True. I was walking on all fours and didn't have opposable thumbs before I
learned TM.

[FairfieldLife] The Great 9-11 Mystery

2009-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
We know one thing: the butler didn't do it.

Charlie Sheen has written a letter to President Obama regarding 
reopening the 9-11 investigation.  Here is the text of the letter with 
20 points supporting why the investigation should be reopened plus a 
video from Sheen.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Urge Congress to support ONLY a strong public option

2009-09-11 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

 raunchydog wrote:
  Urge your member of Congress  to support 
  only a strong public option...
 Yes, I see a boondoggel approaching!
 Ron Paul thinks the proposal will cost $2-$3 
 Healthcare Is Not A Right!

Well, isn't that just great! If Ron Paul has his way employers will drop group 
coverage, and individuals will fend for themselves without the benefit of group 
leverage to get affordable insurance. Worse, no one will be able to afford ever 
increasing private FOR PROFIT health insurance. 

Tax incentives work for wealthy people but the vast majority of people don't 
make enough money to make up the difference on ever rising, uncontrolled 
premiums. Health saving accounts? HA! Sure that's great for wealthy people. 
One, or two catastrophic illness or an accident and even wealthy people could 
kiss their savings accounts goodbye.

For the sake of protecting the health of the nation from epidemics, job loss, 
loss of life and human suffering, securing Health Care, not health insurance, 
is not only a right but a necessity. 

Libertarians are heartless Republicans who smoke pot. 

 When government and other third parties get 
 involved, health care costs spiral. - Ron Paul
 Lowering the Cost of Health Care:
 Returning control over health care to the 
 individual is the key to true health care 
 reform. - Ron Paul
 Comprehensive Health Care Reform Act:

[FairfieldLife] Saving Sci-Fi from the Friday Night Death Slot

2009-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
If Dollhouse dies, let it die on Tuesday—not in an unmarked Friday 
grave alongside lepers like Ghost Whisperer. 


Of course Turq gets the show by other means (not even DVR) so he can 
cruise the bars. ;-)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Urge Congress to support ONLY a strong public option

2009-09-11 Thread It's just a ride
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 11:23 AM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Well, isn't that just great! If Ron Paul has his way employers will drop 
 group coverage, and individuals will fend for themselves without the benefit 
 of group leverage to get affordable insurance. Worse, no one will be able to 
 afford ever increasing private FOR PROFIT health insurance.

 Tax incentives work for wealthy people but the vast majority of people don't 
 make enough money to make up the difference on ever rising, uncontrolled 
 premiums. Health saving accounts? HA! Sure that's great for wealthy people. 
 One, or two catastrophic illness or an accident and even wealthy people could 
 kiss their savings accounts goodbye.

 For the sake of protecting the health of the nation from epidemics, job loss, 
 loss of life and human suffering, securing Health Care, not health insurance, 
 is not only a right but a necessity.

 Libertarians are heartless Republicans who smoke pot.

Are you surprised? Ron Paul was the darling of Rus.  Like Rus have any
sense at all.  Ron Paul is just Ronald Reagan in a new century with
even more extreme values.  His whole philosophy of libertarianism is
that the poor die, the rich prosper and can get to do whatever they
want, no laws, no restrictions in place for them.  I have had distain
for Rus for years.  Ron Paul is just the latest embodiment of why I
hold such distain for Rus.

I'll bet there are still plenty of Ron Paul bumper stickers and
posters stlll about FF.

[FairfieldLife] Proof of citizenship requirement to be added to Senate bill

2009-09-11 Thread do.rflex

- Illegal alien Health Care Bill Controversey -

The controversy over Republican Rep. Joe Wilson's shouting out You Lie! at 
the President over his claim that illegal immigrants wouldn't benefit from 
health-care reform apparently sparked some reconsideration of the relevant 

We really thought we'd resolved this question of people who are here 
illegally, but as we reflected on the President's speech last night we wanted 
to go back and drill down again, said Senator Kent Conrad, one of the 
Democrats in the talks after a meeting Thursday morning. 

Baucus later that afternoon said the group would put in a proof of citizenship 
requirement to participate in the new health exchange — a move likely to 
inflame the left. 

TIME: http://snipurl.com/rr8l4   [www_time_com] 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Leaving the body at will

2009-09-11 Thread yifuxero
---Willytex, you seem to fear new things...(not born in some ancient Vedic 
era). Yet you like MMY. He may be responsible for tweaking TM so that's it's no 
longer a hard concentration traditionalist technique.
   No problem regarding reincarnation:  what a body is, subtle or gross, is a 
bunch of components coming together in space-time.  Some of the components are 
left-overs from previous so-called incarnations of other bunches of 
components. Thus, individuals are constantly changing aggregates of components.
 Right, the Pure Land seems to be a relatively recent invention.  So what?  
Lots of good things are relatively new.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

 Vaj wrote:
  Late in my life, I practised Pho-wa, 
  an esoteric Tibetan technique for 
  rebirth in the Pure Land...
 So, I wonder how, exactly, there can be
 a 'rebirth' when, according to the
 historical Buddha, there's no reincarnating
 soul-monad. What is it, exactly, that
 reincarnates? If there's no soul-monad,
 what could be the re-birthing factor?
 The Buddha stated on many occasions that
 his doctrine was 'anata' - 'no soul'.
 Apparently the Buddha did not teach a
 doctrine of 'reincarnation', instead,
 he professed the doctrine of 'causation'
 by describing a 'twelve-fold chain'
 leading to annihilation - 'nirvana'.
 Apparently he meant that a Buddha does
 not return and none of the stages in the
 chain involved any kind of 'soul-monad' 
 reincarnation. In fact, 'reincarnation'
 is a contradiction in terms, because
 there would have to be a reincarnating
 'soul' in order to be born again.
 This a real paradox, isn't it? So, I
 wonder why Vaj didn't mention it. I guess
 he doesn't have all the answers. From
 what I've read, Turq and Vaj believe
 in the existence of a 'soul' because
 they repeatedly use the expression of
 a 'spiritual' life. So, I wonder, where
 is the 'spirit' in the Buddha's teaching?
 Not to mention that 'Pure Land' Buddhism
 originated in China, not in Tibet!
 All conditioned things are impermanent,
 All conditioned things are Dukka -- 
 Suffering, All conditioned or unconditioned 
 things are soulless or selfless. 
 Dhammapada 277, 278, 279

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two american geniuses: Miles Davis and John Scofield

2009-09-11 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:28 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
  In this musical idiom, I feel Pat Metheny is more meditational example  
 Pat Methney is very good, but has an uneven production to say the least; it 
 ranges from less than mediocre to brilliant.
 John Scofield simply produces brilliant albums year after year.
 Here they are together in The Red One; make up your own opinion...

For some peculiar reason, I have never much liked guitar as
a jazz instrument. Furthermore, can't find any justification
for the drummer's heavily syncopating playing style, other than
perhaps he wants it sound as jazzy as possible...

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 Suggesting that Richard Thompson owes his style
 to Mark Knopfler is even more stupid than saying
 that a former TMer who has moved on to another 
 path's success in later years -- whether that 
 success be financial or social or spiritual -- is 
 due to and attributable to his former association
 with Maharishi. (Which Nabby has said in the past.)
 That's like saying that we should give all the 
 credit for Einstein's discoveries to his 
 kindergarten teacher.

Barry, you are a fool.

My list is:


After the last listing one would need to think...

Yet there is more, much more. 

For example Barrys suggestion; here it is for all to enjoy; unfortunately 
Barrys favorite can't play or sing, nor can his teahers of meditation;


[FairfieldLife] Re: Thousands of years of evolution is accomplished in one sitting of meditation...

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays dickm...@... wrote:

 MAHARISHI: ...On meditation depends our evolution, that is the 
 very main point. The whole purpose of life and the whole process of 
 evolution depends on our contacting the field of the Absolute in 
 a conscious manner.
 Therefore, through all that we do and experience, enjoy and suffer in 
 life, we have always to be leaning towards creating a situation which 
 will be conducive for much refined experiences during 
 meditation. Most important, first primary thing in life.
 If we keep our body free from tiredness - regulated activity of the 
 day so that we don`t get tired - and keep the times of meditation 
 regular, then we evolve very quickly.  Thousands of years of 
 evolution is accomplished in one sitting of meditation...
 Hochgurgel 1962 Maharishi
 Jai Guru Dev
 Roderick Richards
 Kunsi Ashram

Beautiful points Roderick. Thanks for sharing this !
Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery

2009-09-11 Thread shempmcgurk
Is it any wonder that ordinary Americans will believe the crap about global 
warming when they believe stuff like this?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 We know one thing: the butler didn't do it.
 Charlie Sheen has written a letter to President Obama regarding 
 reopening the 9-11 investigation.  Here is the text of the letter with 
 20 points supporting why the investigation should be reopened plus a 
 video from Sheen.

[FairfieldLife] Hannah Nydahl

2009-09-11 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] Guru Dev on Birth-sickness - What it is and How toTreat it

2009-09-11 Thread do.rflex

Possessed of birth-sickness, the root of that great terrible tree is desire.

According to the disease so indeed is the medicine, afterwards there is 
benefit. For the purpose of treating insignificant diseases, petty medicines 
are used, but for incurable illnesses, special drugs have to be used. 

Man who has fallen into the cycle of desires, is oppressed lifetime after 
lifetime by bhavaroga (birth-sickness). In order to be free from this great 
disorder you must have the influence of a very effective remedy.

The difference between an incurable illness and birth-sickness is that an 
incurable illness destroys only one life, however, life with birth-sickness is 
a giddiness in the head which occurs in many births and life after life until 
one is having to live and die in great suffering. 

The great pains of life and death have just one little cause. Possessed of 
birth-sickness, the root of that great terrible tree is desire. Pointlessly 
rooted desire spreads its branches and this great fearful tree of 
birth-sickness stays nourished.

From lifetime after lifetime nourishment is pointlessly coming to this [rooted 
desire]. For the purpose of eradicating this [desire] a lot of time is to be 
spent until it is cut off, then this can be cut. 

Therefore, to calm the interminable lifetimes of desires a long time of 
meditation is necessary.

[Shri Shankaracharya (Guru Dev) UpadeshAmrita kaNa 18 of 108]
translation - Paul Mason © 2007

[FairfieldLife] Phowa

2009-09-11 Thread yifuxero
The term also applies to helping others at the time of death; so the question 
as to the other usage (conscious ejection of the subtle body from the 
physical prior to death) remains open as to which Tibetan Lamas are adept at 
this.  It's not all presumed that all Tibetan Lamas can perform the out-of-body 
Phowa before death; although anybody is free to perform the second version: 
helping others at the time of their death.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery

2009-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
Actually Shemp, a lot of the people over on Prison Planet don't believe 
in global warming.  Where does that put you?  :-D

shempmcgurk wrote:
 Is it any wonder that ordinary Americans will believe the crap about global 
 warming when they believe stuff like this?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 We know one thing: the butler didn't do it.

 Charlie Sheen has written a letter to President Obama regarding 
 reopening the 9-11 investigation.  Here is the text of the letter with 
 20 points supporting why the investigation should be reopened plus a 
 video from Sheen.




[FairfieldLife] TIME: Studies of the Arctic Suggest a Dire Situation

2009-09-11 Thread do.rflex

Studies of the Arctic Suggest a Dire Situation   By Bryan Walsh
Saturday, Sep. 05, 2009
[Icebergs that have broken away from the Jacobshavn glacier in
Greenland.] Icebergs that have broken away from the
Jacobshavn glacier in Greenland. Ashley Cooper / Corbis

Climate change is happening everywhere, but nowhere faster than in the
Arctic, where annual temperatures in the far North are warming twice as
fast as the rest of the globe. Sea ice on the polar cap is shrinking and
permafrost is melting, putting animals like the polar bear — and the
Arctic people who depend on them — in increasing danger.
While there's no doubt that the Arctic is warming — year after year,
it becomes more clearly visible — it is actually a new phenomenon.
In a new study published in the Sept. 4 Science, researchers led by
Darrell Kaufman at Northern Arizona University and the National Center
for Atmospheric Research constructed a climate record of the Arctic over
the past 2,000 years, and found that the region had been cooling for
almost all of that time period.

Summer temperatures in the Arctic cooled by an average of 0.2 degrees C
each thousand years, thanks chiefly to wobbles in the Earth's orbit
around the sun that gradually reduced the amount of sunlight hitting the
Arctic. Left unchecked, the Arctic would have continued that slow
cooling for thousands of more years, until the Earth's orbit wobbled
again. (See pictures of the effects of global warming.)
But then something else happened — us. The Science researchers found
that during the 20th century, as human beings began pouring greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere, the Arctic stopped cooling and started
warming. Even though the Arctic is still gradually getting less
sunlight, it's still getting hotter — summer temperatures in the
Arctic are 1.4 degrees C higher than they would have been if the cooling
had continued unabated, according to the study. The most recent decade
recorded — from 1999 to 2008 — was the warmest of the past 2,000
years. The recent warming trend has been so strong that researchers say
it might have even kept the Earth from slipping into a new Ice Age —
although now, of course, the world needs to deal with the opposite

Another study released this week by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
examines that problem and its potential future effects — and it's
not pretty. The WWF researchers found that Arctic sea ice is melting at
a faster rate than expected, and that the massive land sheets in
Greenland and parts of Antarctic are vulnerable. The report predicts
that global sea level will rise more than 3 ft. by 2100, significantly
higher than scientists had previously believed. What we're finding is
truly sobering, says Martin Sommerkorn, the senior adviser for the
WWF's Arctic Program. (See the top 10 green ideas of 2008.)

The study also found that the methane locked in Arctic permafrost is
increasingly at risk of being released if warming continues — a
positive feedback cycle that would accelerate climate change. But the
impacts of a hotter Arctic go beyond that. The WWF study found that as
the Arctic warms, it could alter weather patterns beyond its borders,
affecting temperature and rain patterns in Europe and North America.
The Arctic is the global refrigerator for the climate system, says
Sommerkorn. Change it, and you might see even more dry summers in the
Southwest and wetter winters in the Mediterranean. It's another
reminder that in this season of climate change politics, we're running
out of time to make a difference.

[FairfieldLife] Throwing the baby out with the bath water.

2009-09-11 Thread yifuxero
Ole Nydahl says that Buddhism can do without the pujas, and the mantras can be 
put into other languages.
Sounds to me like throwing the baby out with the bathwater
Wiki says:

 [edit] Ideals of Diamond Way Buddhism
Diamond Way describes itself as an adaptation of the Karma Kagyu to Western 
culture, combined with a need to dispense with unnecessary Tibetan customs, 
trappings and organisational structures,[9] They feel this has culminated in a 
distinct Western approach and style of practice.

Ole Nydahl describes Diamond Way as a lay tradition offering methods for people 
who have jobs, partners, families and responsibilities. He states ...our work 
is grown on the basis of friendship and trust... since the Diamond Way 
teachings aim to bring freedom and independence, it is people who already have 
those qualities who are generally attracted to our centers.[7] He also says he 
is keen to avoid what was perceived to be the more exotic or ritualistic 
aspects of Tibetan Buddhism such as pujas sung in Tibetan with Tibetan musical 
accompaniment. In 1998 Ole Nydahl stated I simply don't want the gifted and 
critical people who discover us to step right into a puja, as has repeatedly 
happened in the past. They then think they landed with the Catholics or some 
sect, and we won't get a second chance to benefit them or their like-minded 
friends. [7] Instead, most mediation texts (except mantras) are translated and 
used in native European languages.[10]

[FairfieldLife] Studies of Arctic Suggest a return to past conditons a warm sea OK was so befor

2009-09-11 Thread WLeed3

This was the case 3 time in at least geologic past for that ocean so a  
return to more normal times for that region. The region is recovering from our  
last ice age. I note 14 to 22 thousand years ago Buffalo was inder more 
than a  mile of ice  may be again some time just a normal course of events so 
we  must adjust as we have in the past.
In a message dated 9/11/2009 4:02:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
do.rf...@yahoo.com writes:

Studies of the Arctic Suggest a Dire Situation
By Bryan Walsh Saturday, Sep. 05, 2009


Icebergs that have broken away from the Jacobshavn  glacier in Greenland. 
Ashley Cooper / Corbis

Climate change is happening everywhere, but nowhere faster than in the  
Arctic, where annual temperatures in the far North are warming twice as fast  
as the rest of the globe. Sea ice on the polar cap is shrinking and 
permafrost  is melting, putting animals like the polar bear — and the Arctic 
who  depend on them — in increasing danger.While there's no doubt that the  
Arctic is warming — year after year, it becomes more clearly visible — it is 
 actually a new phenomenon. In a new study published in the Sept. 4  
Science, researchers led by Darrell Kaufman at Northern Arizona  University and 
the National Center for Atmospheric Research constructed a  climate record of 
the Arctic over the past 2,000 years, and found that the  region had been 
cooling for almost all of that time period. 

Summer  temperatures in the Arctic cooled by an average of 0.2 degrees C 
each thousand  years, thanks chiefly to wobbles in the Earth's orbit around 
the sun that  gradually reduced the amount of sunlight hitting the Arctic. 
Left unchecked,  the Arctic would have continued that slow cooling for 
thousands of more years,  until the Earth's orbit wobbled again. _(See pictures 
the effects of global warming.)_ 
But then something else happened — us. The Science researchers found  that 
during the 20th century, as human beings began pouring greenhouse gases  
into the atmosphere, the Arctic stopped cooling and started warming. Even  
though the Arctic is still gradually getting less sunlight, it's still getting  
hotter — summer temperatures in the Arctic are 1.4 degrees C higher than 
they  would have been if the cooling had continued unabated, according to the 
study.  The most recent decade recorded — from 1999 to 2008 — was the 
warmest of the  past 2,000 years. The recent warming trend has been so strong 
researchers  say it might have even kept the Earth from slipping into a new 
Ice Age —  although now, of course, the world needs to deal with the 
opposite  problem. 
Another study released this week by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) examines  
that problem and its potential future effects — and it's not pretty. The 
WWF  researchers found that Arctic sea ice is melting at a faster rate than  
expected, and that the massive land sheets in Greenland and parts of 
Antarctic  are vulnerable. The report predicts that global sea level will rise 
than  3 ft. by 2100, significantly higher than scientists had previously 
believed.  What we're finding is truly sobering, says Martin Sommerkorn, the 
senior  adviser for the WWF's Arctic Program. _(See the top 10 green ideas 
of 2008.)_ 
The study also found that the methane locked in Arctic permafrost is  
increasingly at risk of being released if warming continues — a positive  
feedback cycle that would accelerate climate change. But the impacts of a  
Arctic go beyond that. The WWF study found that as the Arctic warms, it  
could alter weather patterns beyond its borders, affecting temperature and  
patterns in Europe and North America. The Arctic is the global  
refrigerator for the climate system, says Sommerkorn. Change it, and you  
might see 
even more dry summers in the Southwest and wetter winters in the  
Mediterranean. It's another reminder that in this season of climate change  
we're running out of time to make a  

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery

2009-09-11 Thread shempmcgurk
On the videotape, Sheen says he represents the families of the victims.

I was not aware that he was an official spokesman for the victims' 
families...are they?

The people involved in this are at the height of kookiness.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Actually Shemp, a lot of the people over on Prison Planet don't believe 
 in global warming.  Where does that put you?  :-D
 shempmcgurk wrote:
  Is it any wonder that ordinary Americans will believe the crap about global 
  warming when they believe stuff like this?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  We know one thing: the butler didn't do it.
  Charlie Sheen has written a letter to President Obama regarding 
  reopening the 9-11 investigation.  Here is the text of the letter with 
  20 points supporting why the investigation should be reopened plus a 
  video from Sheen.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery

2009-09-11 Thread shempmcgurk
It is a reflection on Barack Obama -- a very negative one -- that he would meet 
for 20 minutes with this nutcase, Charlie Sheen.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Actually Shemp, a lot of the people over on Prison Planet don't believe 
 in global warming.  Where does that put you?  :-D
 shempmcgurk wrote:
  Is it any wonder that ordinary Americans will believe the crap about global 
  warming when they believe stuff like this?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  We know one thing: the butler didn't do it.
  Charlie Sheen has written a letter to President Obama regarding 
  reopening the 9-11 investigation.  Here is the text of the letter with 
  20 points supporting why the investigation should be reopened plus a 
  video from Sheen.

[FairfieldLife] History of Pure Land Buddhism

2009-09-11 Thread yifuxero

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery

2009-09-11 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 3:13 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery
It is a reflection on Barack Obama -- a very negative one -- that he would
meet for 20 minutes with this nutcase, Charlie Sheen.
I think it was a hypothetical meeting, that Sheen scripted.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery

2009-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
 Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 3:13 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery
 It is a reflection on Barack Obama -- a very negative one -- that he would
 meet for 20 minutes with this nutcase, Charlie Sheen.
 I think it was a hypothetical meeting, that Sheen scripted.
And BTW inspired by the fact his dad, Martin Sheen, also wrote a 
hypothetical letter to Obama.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dennis Kucinich co-sponsors HR 676

2009-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
As usual Kucinich is right on target.  We really should just make the 
program Medicare for everybody.  So what if it put the health insurance 
companies out of business?  It won't because they'll just take their 
assets and go into some other form of insurance.   No skin off their 
nose so don't listen to their sob story lies.  Mexico offers health care 
at $250 a year.  Turq said he could get health care in France for $350 a 
year.  Many people in this country pay more than that a month for health 
care in the US.   This morning on Ed Schultz's show a caller from Canada 
who is an American expat said he pays $56 a month for Canadian care and 
he is probably in his 50s or 60s.  Why can't we have that here?

I'll tell you why.  The 900 pound gorilla in the room that scares 
everyone is laissez faire capitalism.  It has created these huge 
monsters like the for profit health insurance companies that while 
denying a few hundred thou to someone for care they pay their fat cat 
CEO millions.  See why capitalism breed unfairness and inequity?  The 
countries that have good public health care programs may well be more 
socialist than the US.  But I don't recall seeing state run corner 
stores, gas stations, super markets, theaters, etc.  No you have the 
government run areas that is appropriate such as health care.  You allow 
limited capitalism in areas where it makes sense.   But as we've seen 
recently the majority of the US populace doesn't even know what 
socialism really is let alone capitalism.

raunchydog wrote:
 Dennis Kucinich responds to The Greatest Speech On Health Care Reform EVAH!

 YouTube Video http://snipurl.com/rqu0h


[FairfieldLife] Fed survey shows US recession may be over

2009-09-11 Thread do.rflex
Fed survey shows US recession may be over

WASHINGTON – The recession is ending and the economy is finally
growing again.

That's the message implicit in the Federal Reserve's latest survey of
businesses around the country, which found economic activity stabilizing
or improving in most regions.

Economists warn the expansion is fragile and will have staying power
only if consumers start spending more money. Rising unemployment that
keeps Americans cautions could make for a plodding recovery in the
months ahead.

All but one of the Fed's 12 regions indicated economic activity either
was stable, showed signs of stabilization or had firmed, according
to the Fed's survey. The one exception was the St. Louis region, which
reported the economic decline is moderating.

Businesses in most Fed regions said they were cautiously positive
about the economic road ahead. The survey, known as the Beige Book, does
not include precise figures.

Analysts predict the economy is growing in the current quarter, which
ends Sept. 30, at an annual rate of 3 percent to 4 percent. That's
mostly because businesses, which had slashed investments during the
recession, are spending more.

Auto sales have been lifted by the government's recently ended Cash for
Clunkers program. Manufacturing and the battered housing market, which
led the country into recession when it collapsed, have also shown signs
of improvement.

The problem for the economy is that the expected growth this quarter
comes mainly from the auto companies and other manufacturers, which are
refilling their depleted stockpiles.

Those inventories had dwindled as factories and retailers sought to
bring what they had more in line with reduced sales. Any robust growth
in the economy might be short-lived if shoppers don't step up their

In the Fed survey, most regions of the country reported that the
clunkers program had boosted sales. Other merchants struggled. And
consumer spending remained soft in most places.

Still, the assessments of businesses on the front lines of the economy
were brighter than those they provided for the last edition of the Fed
survey in late July.

At that time, most regions of the country reflected only that the
recession was easing its grip. That's a pretty significant change in
tone from the previous Fed report, said Brian Bethune, economist at IHS
Global Insight.

In Wednesday's survey, the Dallas region indicated that economic
activity had firmed. The Fed regions of Boston, Cleveland,
Philadelphia, Richmond and San Francisco mentioned signs of
improvement. The Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Minneapolis and New
York regions described activity as stable or showing signs of

The survey's findings will figure into discussions when Fed Chairman Ben
Bernanke and his colleagues meet Sept. 22-23. The Fed is expected to
keep interest rates at record lows, probably for some time, to help
nurture the recovery.

There are presently some signs that the economy is stabilizing and even
reviving in certain areas, despite mixed signals, Richard Fisher,
president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, said in a speech in

In most regions, manufacturers reported modest improvements. In and
around San Francisco, orders rose for semiconductors. Richmond, Atlanta,
Chicago and Minneapolis reported increases or planned increases in
automobile production. Several regions noted more production for
prescription drugs.

The market for homes is still is still weak — though it flashed some
signs of improvement. In most places, buyer demand was stronger for
cheaper homes, and in and around Philadelphia sales were up for more
expensive homes, too.

Fed regions credited a tax incentive for first-time home buyers with
increasing sales. Home prices kept falling in most parts of the country,
though in the Dallas and New York regions, the survey found prices

There was plenty of bad news in the survey. In the commercial real
estate market, demand stayed weak, and construction fell in all parts of
the country. And the job market was still sickly all over the nation.

The nation's unemployment rate, which stood at 9.7 percent in August,
could top 10 percent this year. Fisher, of the Dallas Fed, called for
uncomfortably high unemployment as businesses keep cutting costs.

After the sudden growth expected in the current quarter, many analysts
expect the economy to slow a bit through the rest of this year and into

The Fed's survey found that staffing companies in most of its regions
saw a pickup in demand for temporary workers. That's an encouraging
sign: Employers typically use more temp workers before they hire new

Still, several regions noted that businesses and local governments were
imposing wage freezes or cutting compensation.

With the labor market 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery

2009-09-11 Thread Mike Dixon
I think he just wanted his autograph.

--- On Fri, 9/11/09, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net wrote:

From: shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 8:13 PM


It is a reflection on Barack Obama -- a very negative one -- that he would meet 
for 20 minutes with this nutcase, Charlie Sheen.

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Bhairitu noozg...@.. . wrote:

 Actually Shemp, a lot of the people over on Prison Planet don't believe 
 in global warming. Where does that put you? :-D
 shempmcgurk wrote:
  Is it any wonder that ordinary Americans will believe the crap about global 
  warming when they believe stuff like this?
  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  We know one thing: the butler didn't do it.
  Charlie Sheen has written a letter to President Obama regarding 
  reopening the 9-11 investigation. Here is the text of the letter with 
  20 points supporting why the investigation should be reopened plus a 
  video from Sheen.
  http://www.prisonpl anet.com/ twenty-minutes- with-the- president. html


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fed survey shows US recession may be over

2009-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
Keep in mind that Ben Bernanke lied to Congress back in the spring of 
2008 regarding the looming economic crisis. I wouldn't trust the Fed at 
all. In fact one should look up it's history which will give you 
additional pause. It was formed by a bunch of banksters which is like 
letting the fox guard the hen house.

do.rflex wrote:
 Fed survey shows US recession may be over

 WASHINGTON – The recession is ending and the economy is finally
 growing again.

 That's the message implicit in the Federal Reserve's latest survey of
 businesses around the country, which found economic activity stabilizing
 or improving in most regions.

 Economists warn the expansion is fragile and will have staying power
 only if consumers start spending more money. Rising unemployment that
 keeps Americans cautions could make for a plodding recovery in the
 months ahead.

 All but one of the Fed's 12 regions indicated economic activity either
 was stable, showed signs of stabilization or had firmed, according
 to the Fed's survey. The one exception was the St. Louis region, which
 reported the economic decline is moderating.

 Businesses in most Fed regions said they were cautiously positive
 about the economic road ahead. The survey, known as the Beige Book, does
 not include precise figures.

 Analysts predict the economy is growing in the current quarter, which
 ends Sept. 30, at an annual rate of 3 percent to 4 percent. That's
 mostly because businesses, which had slashed investments during the
 recession, are spending more.

 Auto sales have been lifted by the government's recently ended Cash for
 Clunkers program. Manufacturing and the battered housing market, which
 led the country into recession when it collapsed, have also shown signs
 of improvement.

 The problem for the economy is that the expected growth this quarter
 comes mainly from the auto companies and other manufacturers, which are
 refilling their depleted stockpiles.

 Those inventories had dwindled as factories and retailers sought to
 bring what they had more in line with reduced sales. Any robust growth
 in the economy might be short-lived if shoppers don't step up their

 In the Fed survey, most regions of the country reported that the
 clunkers program had boosted sales. Other merchants struggled. And
 consumer spending remained soft in most places.

 Still, the assessments of businesses on the front lines of the economy
 were brighter than those they provided for the last edition of the Fed
 survey in late July.

 At that time, most regions of the country reflected only that the
 recession was easing its grip. That's a pretty significant change in
 tone from the previous Fed report, said Brian Bethune, economist at IHS
 Global Insight.

 In Wednesday's survey, the Dallas region indicated that economic
 activity had firmed. The Fed regions of Boston, Cleveland,
 Philadelphia, Richmond and San Francisco mentioned signs of
 improvement. The Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Minneapolis and New
 York regions described activity as stable or showing signs of

 The survey's findings will figure into discussions when Fed Chairman Ben
 Bernanke and his colleagues meet Sept. 22-23. The Fed is expected to
 keep interest rates at record lows, probably for some time, to help
 nurture the recovery.

 There are presently some signs that the economy is stabilizing and even
 reviving in certain areas, despite mixed signals, Richard Fisher,
 president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, said in a speech in

 In most regions, manufacturers reported modest improvements. In and
 around San Francisco, orders rose for semiconductors. Richmond, Atlanta,
 Chicago and Minneapolis reported increases or planned increases in
 automobile production. Several regions noted more production for
 prescription drugs.

 The market for homes is still is still weak — though it flashed some
 signs of improvement. In most places, buyer demand was stronger for
 cheaper homes, and in and around Philadelphia sales were up for more
 expensive homes, too.

 Fed regions credited a tax incentive for first-time home buyers with
 increasing sales. Home prices kept falling in most parts of the country,
 though in the Dallas and New York regions, the survey found prices

 There was plenty of bad news in the survey. In the commercial real
 estate market, demand stayed weak, and construction fell in all parts of
 the country. And the job market was still sickly all over the nation.

 The nation's unemployment rate, which stood at 9.7 percent in August,
 could top 10 percent this year. Fisher, of the Dallas Fed, called for
 uncomfortably high unemployment as businesses keep cutting costs.

 After the sudden growth expected in the current quarter, many analysts
 expect the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery

2009-09-11 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
 Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 3:13 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Great 9-11 Mystery
 It is a reflection on Barack Obama -- a very negative one -- that he would
 meet for 20 minutes with this nutcase, Charlie Sheen.
 I think it was a hypothetical meeting, that Sheen scripted.

You're right.

And Charlie Sheen is a stupid, fucking deceitful idiot because the disclaimer 
goes BELOW his signature, not above it.

[FairfieldLife] Respect and Civility

2009-09-11 Thread do.rflex


[FairfieldLife] On the short Sadhana of Amitabha Buddha and the Pureland of Dewachen

2009-09-11 Thread yifuxero
As the practice winds down, you visualize that light rays emanating from the 
commitment being. The
light rays dissolve all external environment into the three main figures of the 
commitment being.
Then, Chenrezig and Vajrapani dissolve into Amitabha Buddha. From Amitabha's 
four places, the
crown, throat, heart, and navel chakras, light rays emanate and strike you in 
the four corresponding
places. This cleanses and purifies you from all obscurations of body, speech, 
and mind. The light rays
transfer to you the four empowerments. The Amitabha Buddha melts into light and 
dissolves into
you through the point between the eyebrows. At this point, you enter the 
inseparability of emptiness
and appearance. You allow the mind to rest in its own natural sphere, the state 
of Mahamudra.
What has gone on up to now has to do with the developing stage practice of the 
deity yoga of
Amitabha Buddha. Everything that is concerned with the developing stage 
practice has a particular
point of reference. It has an object of meditation, a support of meditation. 
When Amitabha Buddha
dissolves into light and merges with you, you enter what is called the 
Completion Stage practice of
the Deity Yoga of Amitabha Buddha. In this stage, there is no fixed frame of 
reference. This is a state
beyond thought. A state transcends the conceptual mind. The purpose of the 
practice of the
Developing Stage of Deity Yoga is to overcome one's view of oneself and one's 
surroundings as
ordinary. It is to make divine your view of existence itself. It is to overcome 
your attachment to an
ordinary, demeaning view. The purpose of the completion stage practice is to 
overcome your view of
your self and your environment as divine. Therefore, having attained the 
beatific vision, you go
beyond the beatific vision by giving up your attachment to this divine view. It 
is said that the
developing stage practice perfects the accumulation of merit, and the 
completion stage practice
perfects the accumulation of wisdom. Both practices, taken together (in fact, 
they are an inseparable
unity), yield Buddhahood. This practice combines, in a quintessential way, the 
main practices of sutra
and tantra. This is a non-dual practice of sutra and tantra leading to non-dual 
realization, and nondual
accumulation of wisdom and merit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thousands of years of evolution is accomplished in one sitting of meditation...

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays dickm...@... wrote:

 MAHARISHI: ...On meditation depends our evolution, that is the 
 very main point. The whole purpose of life and the whole process of 
 evolution depends on our contacting the field of the Absolute in 
 a conscious manner.
 Therefore, through all that we do and experience, enjoy and suffer in 
 life, we have always to be leaning towards creating a situation which 
 will be conducive for much refined experiences during 
 meditation. Most important, first primary thing in life.
 If we keep our body free from tiredness - regulated activity of the 
 day so that we don`t get tired - and keep the times of meditation 
 regular, then we evolve very quickly.  Thousands of years of 
 evolution is accomplished in one sitting of meditation...
 Hochgurgel 1962 Maharishi
 Jai Guru Dev
 Roderick Richards
 Kunsi Ashram

Wonderful, thanks for posting this reminder !

[FairfieldLife] Videos of Maharishi on youtube

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Weight Control Research (was How Bevan got so big?)

2009-09-11 Thread nelsonriddle2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_re...@... wrote:

 http://snipurl.com/rq3et http://snipurl.com/rq3et  
 It has been known for some time that stress, and fatigue are probable
 causes of obesity. It's also well know that the Transcendental
 Meditation Program is an effective solution for stress management. So
 according to researchers using the Transcendental Meditation Program to
 control weight was just the next logical step.
 Brain Chemistry and Weight Loss through Meditation
 Unlike diet or exercise which achieve weight loss by focusing on
 improving the physical body, the Transcendental Meditation Program
 addresses the problem of weight gain by correcting mental imbalances.
 When the brain is not functioning correctly it sends incorrect messages
 to the body resulting in abnormal food cravings, unneeded fat deposits,
 and an overly slow metabolism.
 There is not one type of mental imbalance that causes obesity.
 Several different independent studies each show how a particular
 imbalance in the brain is responsible for weight gain. One common
 imbalance is low serotonin levels, caused by stress, fatigue, and an
 imbalanced diet. Another common imbalance is incorrect functioning of
 the hypothalamus, which can be triggered by many factors including
 stress and diet.

  Did you note the role of MSG and HFCS in the equasion?

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-09-11 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 05 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Sep 12 00:00:00 2009
579 messages as of (UTC) Fri Sep 11 23:46:47 2009

50 authfriend jst...@panix.com
48 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
47 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
44 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
38 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
33 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
32 babajii_99 babajii...@yahoo.com
24 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
24 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
22 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
22 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
21 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
20 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
18 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
18 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
13 meowthirteen meowthirt...@yahoo.com
12 jr_esq jr_...@yahoo.com
12 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
11 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
11 j_alexander_stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
11 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 8 nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 6 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 5 wle...@aol.com
 5 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 sgrayatlarge no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
 1 premanandpaul premanandp...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 1 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 1 hugheshugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
 1 gullible fool ffl...@yahoo.com
 1 bonniemargolis openings...@aol.com
 1 billy jim emptyb...@yahoo.com
 1 azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Paul Mason premanandp...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 Louis McKenzie ltm...@yahoo.com
 1 Ghanesh PV ghan...@gmail.com
 1 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com

Posters: 40
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Barry disgraces himself again (was Re: 9/11 -- Escaping US-centric thinking)

2009-09-11 Thread authfriend
You really have to be addicated to hatred, so 
sunk in a negative state of attention, so hard-
up for a putdown, that you resort to sneering at
the United States for having been traumatized by
the 9/11 attacks. Especially if you're an American 
who's run away from his own country.

And you have to be in pretty serious mental
decline to think you're actually putting the 
U.S. down by unfavorably comparing its degree of 
recovery eight years later to that of a country 
that took well over *250* years to get over its 
own national trauma enough to declare the 
anniversary of that trauma a holiday.

In addition to this absurdity, he overlooks all 
the other blatantly obvious differences between 
the two events that make any attempt to equate 
them ludicrous.

AND he shamelessly *mischaracterizes* the U.S.
response to 9/11, now and at the time.

Here's a chaser to help take away the taste of
Barry's latest lapse into rancid incoherence:

`You Are Alive'

I experienced 9/11 the same way almost all 
Americans did — on TV. And I reacted the same way 
a lot of them did — by going temporarily insane.

I like to think that most people who got caught 
up in that bellicose hysteria experienced the 
attacks as a spectatorial event, as unreal, and 
so their reaction was also unreal — like the 
payback-time montage in an action film or the 
impotent revenge scenarios we play out in our 
heads. It wasn't until I actually went to New 
York City a week after the attacks that I 
understood how empty and inappropriate an emotion 
anger was to bring to the circumstances; it was 
like picking fights at a wake. New Yorkers, who 
had been so profoundly wounded, hadn't given in 
to rage; what they were, mostly, was sad.

I hesitate to say this, but that was not only a 
ghastly time; it was also a beautiful time, in
the same way that a friend's funeral can be
beautiful. New Yorkers seemed to have had their
shells torn off, the gelid stuff of their inner
selves exposed and flinching at the air. 
Jealously tended hierarchies temporarily 
evaporated, and the worthless currency of human 
decency reacquired street value. Strangers made 
eye contact and got too choked up to speak. I 
heard about a wave of tender and desperate 
spontaneous sex — it would be the opposite of the 
truth to call it casual. Graffiti appeared that 
actually spoke instead of just marking territory, 
like the overheard murmurs of a city talking to 
itself or fitfully dreaming. I saw a spray-
painted message that would've seemed trite or 
sentimental a week before: YOU ARE ALIVE. 

Sept. 11 came at the end of an idyllic but 
somehow flaccid decade when a half-century's 
threat of mass immolation seemed suspended, and 
the single biggest news story in the U.S. was not 
Kosovo or Rwanda but an act of fellatio. Suddenly 
seeing the same people we sit in traffic or ride 
mass transit with dying horribly may have made 
some of us take leave of our reason, but it also 
restored things to a truer perspective. It 
reminded us, briefly, that life is real.

--Tim Kreider



And then there's A Fortress City That Didn't 
Come to Be, also in the NY Times. That would, of 
course, be New York City, former home of the 
World Trade Center, which quickly got over its 
fear and regret and self pity, rejected the 
fortress mentality, and reclaimed its pride and



Finally, words from President Obama at the 9/11
commemoration in Washington today:

...Through their own lives and through you, the 
loved ones they left behind, the men and women 
who lost their lives eight years ago today leave 
a legacy that still shines brightly in the 
darkness and that calls on all of us to be strong 
and firm and united. That is our calling today 
and in all the Septembers still to come

On a day when others sought to sap our 
confidence, let us renew our common purpose, let 
us remember how we came together as one nation, 
as one people, as Americans united. Such sense of 
purpose need not be a fleeting moment.

What were they saying in Catalonia eight years
after the Seige of Barcelona, I wonder?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:
 On Sep 10, 2009, at 8:47 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Chicken dog; Scofield, best gutarist since Jimi Hendrix;

Add Euro-snob to Euro-trash.
Thanks Nabby. Sorry for the interruption. I'm just talking
out loud while updating my address book's keywords.
I always get a get out of people who 
confuse musical genres. Hope you don't 
mind if I change yours?
   Uh-oh, Vaj is drunk again.
  HaHa, what else is new ?
 Other than Judy's editorial lies?

Editorial lies?? That's a new one. I wonder
what Vaj thinks those are.

It's so odd how someone who has had his own
lies repeatedly and definitively exposed and
documented thinks a really effective comeback
is to accuse the person who exposed them of
lying, but without specifying any lies, let
alone documenting them. Especially when
everybody else knows *he* knows she doesn't lie.

I'm reminded of the Republicans, who have been
so busy lying about Obama's health reform plan,
deciding it would be a great tactic to accuse
*him* of lying when he points out *their* lies.

 Nothing as exciting as she might assume.

Oh, heck, when one regularly drinks to 
excess, I don't imagine there'd be anything
exciting about it any longer.

 But I should've expected something from tagging
 MMY-as-bhogi. What can I say? The attached always
 respond...it seems a knee-jerk kinda thang.

I almost hate to bust up Vaj's fantasy, but
as Off_World pointed out earlier, nobody *cares*
about Vaj's nitwit views of Maharishi. I hardly
even looked at that post; it was the incoherence
and syntactic muddle of his attempt to slam
Nabby for preferring Scofield I found so amusing.

[FairfieldLife] Breathwork

2009-09-11 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?

I hope all is well for your loved ones in every realm of life.  We are all
aware of, and have experienced, subtler realms of being, some times through
conscious efforts and other times mysteriously in serendipity, and perhaps
grace.  I'm searching for personal experiences in arriving at such states
through breathwork.

Do you have, or do you know anyone who has experience using these breathing

Holotropic Breathing

Rebirthing Breathwork

Chi Kung/Qi Gong

or perhaps something similar to either?

If you do not have such experience, please forward this message to someone
you may know who does.

Which of these modalities have you invested your sincerity in practicing?

Are you currently practicing either of these breathworks?  If so, which

What was or is your experience toward gaining fluency in practicing this [or
each] breathwork modality?

What were some of the difficulties or obstacles in furtherinng your
endeavors of practicing this [or each] breathwork modality?

What were some, if any, symptoms you experienced for either breathwork
modality you practiced?

What, if any, were the greatest outcomes you experienced from your
breathwork, per modality?

What other symptoms did you experience in practicing your breathwork
modalities?  [describe as comfortable or uncomfortable].

Did you experience any subtle psychic insights that awakened you more
spiritually, transpersonally or occultly in any manner?

How so?

Were such experiences fleeting, transitory, or were you able to maintain
such skills over a period of time?

Your replies can be as anonymous as you want them to be, just be truthful.

Thank you,

Dharma Research

[FairfieldLife] Re: Weight Control Research (was How Bevan got so big?)

2009-09-11 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
  http://snipurl.com/rq3et http://snipurl.com/rq3et  
  It has been known for some time that stress, and fatigue are probable
  causes of obesity. It's also well know that the Transcendental
  Meditation Program is an effective solution for stress management. So
  according to researchers using the Transcendental Meditation Program to
  control weight was just the next logical step.
  Brain Chemistry and Weight Loss through Meditation
  Unlike diet or exercise which achieve weight loss by focusing on
  improving the physical body, the Transcendental Meditation Program
  addresses the problem of weight gain by correcting mental imbalances.
  When the brain is not functioning correctly it sends incorrect messages
  to the body resulting in abnormal food cravings, unneeded fat deposits,
  and an overly slow metabolism.
  There is not one type of mental imbalance that causes obesity.
  Several different independent studies each show how a particular
  imbalance in the brain is responsible for weight gain. One common
  imbalance is low serotonin levels, caused by stress, fatigue, and an
  imbalanced diet. Another common imbalance is incorrect functioning of
  the hypothalamus, which can be triggered by many factors including
  stress and diet.

   Did you note the role of MSG and HFCS in the equasion?


I don't know if MSG and HFCS are widely recognized as having some responsible 
for obesity (clearly, some researchers think so -- and televangelist Pat 
Robertson is ballistic on HFCS and diet soda ingredients), but they are almost 
certainly not factors in Bevan's diet -- his diet is ayurvedic, with 
ingredients and cooking that would be healthy if it wasn't for the fact that he 
just plain eats too much.

[FairfieldLife] The safe landing of Discovery

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008
What a great achievement of the americans on behalf of all humanity !

Why is this wonderful ? Because it represents the collective expansion of 
consciouness into realms hitherto unknown for the normal awareness of ordinary 
men, thus bringing awareness of infinity into his conscious thinking.

To all americans; thank you, and BRAVO !

[FairfieldLife] Some Americans insist the USA is a 'Christian' nation

2009-09-11 Thread do.rflex

You can't care for a person with brain cancer by dropping off an apple pie as a 
neighbor. Or even offering to help out with the laundry or helping out with 
household chores while a mother cares for a child with Leukemia.

It's a nice gesture but it does not pay for the care that a loved one needs to 
survive or live through a very much curable disease or condition. If the 
insurance isn't there to cover your particular illness, you will not get the 
care you need...

This is unforgivable that this nation is even arguing about health care for all 
when we have so much that has been granted and blessed on us.

Some people call America a Christian nation but if it comes time to put your 
money where your mouth is when the churches empty. Jesus would cry or should 
cry that his sacrifice was for not. I guess the Bible is only good for Sunday 
services. Monday through Saturday are discretionary as to how the money 
changers will work best to your personal advantage.

We need to get our act together America or the next declined health care need 
may just be yours.

Don't worry about the Congressional politicians declaring doom and gloom, they 
have health care for life just because they were elected. Even if they serve 
just one term. Fully paid, no deductibles and free prescriptions. Speaking from 
the congressional pulpit is easy if the issue will never have any effect on 
your life.

~  -Mary Magdalene Health Care- by blogger Papamoka [a Christian]

Full essay here: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 I almost hate to bust up Vaj's fantasy, but
 as Off_World pointed out earlier, nobody *cares*
 about Vaj's nitwit views of Maharishi. I hardly
 even looked at that post; it was the incoherence
 and syntactic muddle of his attempt to slam
 Nabby for preferring Scofield I found so amusing.

Nitwit views; the power of two words. 
Thanks Judy ! 

[FairfieldLife] Sathya Sai Baba, 2009

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Sathya Sai Baba singing Govinda Krishna Jay Bhajan

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Pelosi Backs Off Public Option Parties Down

2009-09-11 Thread raunchydog
Do you think there's a House whip to assign parts? Okay,
you're going to be the fake Man of the People this time out.
You'll complain right up until the very end, and after you cast your
vote you'll talk about how all your concerns have been addressed.
Now you, we need something different from you. We want you to say you
still have reservations, but we were hamstrung by Republican
obstructionists and it's a start.  Comment from Seriously for:
And you wonder why we can't have a Public Option
t-have-a-public-option/  The Confluence September 11, 2009 by
dakinikathttp://snipurl.com/rrmxw http://snipurl.com/rrmxw

Posted on September 11, 2009 by dakinikat

I've thought the same thing as the commerter above for some time now.
After Obama said the public option was just a sliver of the overall
health insurance reform proposals and Sibelius accidentally told the
truth and said the public option was not an essential element of
Obama's health care reform, Oh Lordy, how the shit did hit the fan. The
netroots went wild and every pol in DC started to walk it back. Even the
worst insurance whore in Congress, Max Baucus, when confronted by his
Montana Central Committee about it, pissed his pants and said he wanted
a public option. Yeah right.  They ALL want a public option as long as
it morphs into a worthless co-op and eventually disappears from the
lexicon.  Every pol on the take from the insurance industry does not and
will not serve the will of the people. They talk out of both sides of
their mouths on the public option just so they can draw you in close
enough to put a knife in your back. RD

  [nancy-pelosi-5-29-08] H/T David Sirota and Open Left

I just got this link via David on Facebook.  I'm speechless but not

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the first time yesterday suggested she
may be backing off her support of the public option. According to CNN
ongress-soften-on-public-option/ , Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid said they would support any provision that increases
competition and accessibility for health insurance – whether or not
it is the public option favored by most Democrats.

This announcement came just hours before Steve Elmendorf, a registered
UnitedHealth lobbyist
http://disclosures.house.gov/ld/pdfform.aspx?id=300194089  and the
head of UnitedHealth's lobbying firm Elmendorf Strategies, blasted
this email invitation throughout Washington, D.C. I just happened to get
my hands on a copy of the invitation from a source – check it out:

From: Steve Elmendorf [mailto:st...@elmendorfstrategies.com]
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:31 AM
Subject: event with Speaker Pelosi at my homeYou are cordially invited
to a reception with

Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi

Thursday, September 24, 2009
6:30pm ~ 8:00pm

At the home of
Steve Elmendorf
2301 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Apt. 7B
Washington, D.C.

$5,000 PAC
$2,400 Individual

To RSVP or for additional information please contact
Carmela Clendening at(202) 485-3508 or clenden...@dccc.org

Steve Elmendorf
900 7th Street NW Suite 750  Washington DC 20001

Again, Elmendorf is a registered lobbyist for UnitedHealth
http://disclosures.house.gov/ld/pdfform.aspx?id=300194089 , and his
firm's website brags about its work for UnitedHealth on its website
http://www.elmendorfstrategies.com/clients.php .

[FairfieldLife] On 9/11/2001 NYSE closed @ 9605...On September 11th 2009,

2009-09-11 Thread bob_brigante

On September 11th 2001, Dow Jones closed @ 9605...On September 11th
2009, Dow Jones closed @ 9605

A harbinger of disaster?

[FairfieldLife] Sathya Sai Baba - Sings Bhajans 1

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Sathya Sai Baba - Sings Bhajans 2

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Russel Peters

2009-09-11 Thread jr_esq
This guy is a blast.


[FairfieldLife] Bhajan Bina Sukh Shanti Nahin

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Mike Judge's Extract

2009-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
So which dingus were you?   :-D

Mike Dixon wrote:
 I saw it the other day. It's ok. Reminded me of my first job LOL. I don't 
 think many people on this list will like it though. It makes the owner of a 
 small business seem like a nice, likeable, guy who does care about his 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Weight Control Research (was How Bevan got so big?)

2009-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
bob_brigante wrote:
 I don't know if MSG and HFCS are widely recognized as having some responsible 
 for obesity (clearly, some researchers think so -- and televangelist Pat 
 Robertson is ballistic on HFCS and diet soda ingredients), but they are 
 almost certainly not factors in Bevan's diet -- his diet is ayurvedic, with 
 ingredients and cooking that would be healthy if it wasn't for the fact that 
 he just plain eats too much.

If he eats too much then he isn't in balance.  He does have a kapha 
build so might even gain weight on a fast (probably by absorbing water 
out of the air like a dehumidifier).   And some people may not like the 
anti-kapha herbs because they are stimulating and might make their 
meditations less deep (OTOH, they might keep them from falling asleep 
during meditation too).  :-D

[FairfieldLife] Democrats have Mastered the Political Moonwalk

2009-09-11 Thread raunchydog
It seems like the Democrats capitulate to the right at least once a day
now.  Today it was Baucus and Conrad throwing immigrants under the bus
lth.html  to appease the guy who called the president a liar. 
Yesterday it was Yosi Sergant getting fired
986.html  as the NEA's communication director.
Before that, it was the firing of Van Jones, and before that it was
giving Bush administration officials a pass for promoting torture and
politicizing the DOJ.  Before that, it was taking impeachment off the
table.  And way way back before that, it was voting to give Dubya the
authority to invade Iraq.

Each time, Republicans screamed and hollered and lied and smeared like
it was the end of the world, and Democrats decided that instead of
fighting back, they would simply remove the offending piece from the
board in hopes of short-circuiting the debate.  After all, they weren't
giving up any of their core objectives or personnel, merely getting rid
of distractions so they could pursue their policy goals unimpeded.

And how has that cowardice-as-strategy worked out?  Every time the
Democrats caved, the country moved backward.  We got sucked into an
idiotic war which blew up the budget and thousands of lives to make the
world less safe.  Concepts like rule of law and government
accountability have become quaint relics of a bygone age.  Passionate,
committed, talented people are discarded like garbage while always-wrong
corporate creatures like Geithner, Summers and Rahm are bolted to the
White House floor.  And unless the progressives hold firm (because no
one else will
ongress-soften-on-public-option ), the public option will be the next

And the Republicans are still screaming.

The Democrats have mastered the political moonwalk: They're looking
forward, they're swinging their arms like they're moving forward, but
it's quite obvious that they're sliding backward.
Looking Forward, Moving Backward
By: Eli http://firedoglake.com/author/89/  Friday September 11, 2009
6:01 pm

http://snipurl.com/rro5d http://snipurl.com/rro5d

Youtube: How to do the Moonwalk

http://snipurl.com/rro9t http://snipurl.com/rro9t 

[FairfieldLife] Guitar Kitty

2009-09-11 Thread authfriend

  [gallery1-69]  http://www.flickr.com/photos/36189...@n02/3911476176/

[FairfieldLife] The Wannabe Guru

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] A wannabe guru with flowers

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] A guru deeply devoted to his looks

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Apology to Turing

2009-09-11 Thread authfriend
From Telegraph.com.uk:

Gordon Brown: I'm proud to say sorry to a real war hero
The treatment of code-breaker Alan Turing was utterly unfair, says Gordon Brown 
By Gordon Brown 
Published: 9:30PM BST 10 Sep 2009

Computer pioneer Alan Turing, who helped crack 
German Enigma codes during WWII This has been a 
year of deep reflection – a chance for Britain, 
as a nation, to commemorate the profound debts we 
owe to those who came before. A unique 
combination of anniversaries and events have 
stirred in us that sense of pride and gratitude 
that characterise the British experience. Earlier 
this year, I stood with Presidents Sarkozy and 
Obama to honour the service and the sacrifice of 
the heroes who stormed the beaches of Normandy 65 
years ago. And just last week, we marked the 70 
years which have passed since the British 
government declared its willingness to take up 
arms against fascism and declared the outbreak of 
the Second World War. 

So I am both pleased and proud that, thanks to a 
coalition of computer scientists, historians and 
LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) 
activists, we have this year a chance to mark and 
celebrate another contribution to Britain's fight 
against the darkness of dictatorship: that of 
code-breaker Alan Turing. 
Turing was a quite brilliant mathematician, most 
famous for his work on breaking the German Enigma 
codes. It is no exaggeration to say that, without 
his outstanding contribution, the history of the 
Second World War could have been very different. 
He truly was one of those individuals we can 
point to whose unique contribution helped to turn 
the tide of war. The debt of gratitude he is owed 
makes it all the more horrifying, therefore, that 
he was treated so inhumanely. 

In 1952, he was convicted of gross indecency – 
in effect, tried for being gay. His sentence – 
and he was faced with the miserable choice of 
this or prison – was chemical castration by a 
series of injections of female hormones. He took 
his own life just two years later. 

Thousands of people have come together to demand 
justice for Alan Turing and recognition of the 
appalling way he was treated. While Turing was 
dealt with under the law of the time, and we 
can't put the clock back, his treatment was of 
course utterly unfair, and I am pleased to have 
the chance to say how deeply sorry I and we all 
are for what happened to him. Alan and the many 
thousands of other gay men who were convicted, as 
he was convicted, under homophobic laws, were 
treated terribly. Over the years, millions more 
lived in fear in conviction. I am proud that 
those days are gone and that in the past 12 years 
this Government has done so much to make life 
fairer and more equal for our LGBT community. 
This recognition of Alan's status as one of 
Britain's most famous victims of homophobia is 
another step towards equality, and long overdue. 

But even more than that, Alan deserves 
recognition for his contribution to humankind. 
For those of us born after 1945, into a Europe 
which is united, democratic and at peace, it is 
hard to imagine that our continent was once the 
theatre of mankind's darkest hour. It is 
difficult to believe that in living memory, 
people could become so consumed by hate – by 
anti-Semitism, by homophobia, by xenophobia and 
other murderous prejudices – that the gas 
chambers and crematoria became a piece of the 
European landscape as surely as the galleries and 
universities and concert halls which had marked 
out the European civilisation for hundreds of 

It is thanks to men and women who were totally 
committed to fighting fascism, people like Alan 
Turing, that the horrors of the Holocaust and of 
total war are part of Europe's history and not 
Europe's present. So on behalf of the British 
government, and all those who live freely thanks 
to Alan's work, I am very proud to say: we're 
sorry. You deserved so much better. 



RE: [FairfieldLife] Sathya Sai Baba, 2009

2009-09-11 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Re: On 9/11/2001 NYSE closed @ 9605...On September 11th 2009,

2009-09-11 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_re...@... wrote:

 On September 11th 2001, Dow Jones closed @ 9605...On September 11th
 2009, Dow Jones closed @ 9605
 A harbinger of disaster?

Coinkydink or planned? Here's another one that makes you go H? The day 
after Obama's health care speech, stocks in health insurance companies went up. 

[FairfieldLife] Saints blessing America

2009-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

Amongst others

and those Who did not; 

Amongst others