[FairfieldLife] Re: Compassion (to Robin)

2012-01-17 Thread maskedzebra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

Dear Robin:  Can you explain this statement below?  I cut it out of the post it 
was in, but think that it can stand on its own without the surrounding context 
of what you were discussing then (the SC quote) - however I may be wrong there. 
 Are you saying simply that *man's existence and behavior* does not demonstrate 
compassion and that *the use of the word* is unwarranted, in this respect (in 
the 21st century)?  Or, are you saying something else?

[Robin: Just my own bias here, Emily, but I find the use of the word
compassion—almost in any context inside 21st Century existence—unreal and

Wiki discussion of compassion for different religions:


Dear Emily,

Your posts have become so good that I feel much more drawn to praising you for 
what you are now contributing to FFL rather than trying to answer your question 
here about compassion. I remember writing this, but after reading the wikepedia 
definition you provide here I think I have been outthought on this one, and 
that it would be better for me to just shut up about my problem with the 
reality of compassion. I think in some very specific sense I have always felt 
that compassion was too profound an idea to really connect up with the 
experience of any single human being. There is a depth there in the meaning of 
the word which makes it seem beyond what is humanly possible to experience. The 
Dalai Lama is said to be the embodiment of compassion—and I remember a friend 
of mine attending one of his lectures and insisting to me that he (the DL) 
radiated so much compassion that the entire auditorium filled up with the 
energy and light of this compassion. An aura of compassion, then, seemingly 
physicalized. But I don't know to what extent this kind of mystical compassion 
(ever heard Tibetan chanting? Doesn't sound like something close to what it 
means to be a human being—that is, to me. Like so much about the East it feels 
alien and impersonal) can be effectively translated into acts of grace and 
unselfishness—at least inside the natural movement of the human personality. I 
think compassion tends to have the ring of something very praiseworthy and 
noble and spiritual, but that I have not seen (I speak for myself only here) 
the display of this trait inside the personal actions of any human being I have 
met. I understand empathy, sympathy, unselfishness, generosity, feeling the 
pain and suffering of others. It is just, Emily, if someone told me: So and so 
is a compassionate person, I would tend to think that person was constructing 
and performing an act which carried with it the tokens of compassion, but then 
I would wonder: Is this so-called compassion something intrinsically real and 
personal to that person or is more a kind of posture of the very sincerest of 

Is Richard Gere, the devout Tibetan Buddhist and long-standing disciple of the 
Dalai Lama—who has received all the techniques available to the aspiring 
Tibetan Buddhist—someone who manifests compassion in any true existential 
sense? What actual good does the radiation of compassion do for anyone? For the 
world? For the universe? I am biased here, Emily, because once again I refer 
you to the excellent wikipedia article where I think a case *is* made for the 
human application of this idea. For myself, however, compassion has become one 
of those spiritual words which does not translate into an intense and beautiful 
(in terms of the aesthetics of the human heart) expression of the unique human 
person. Have you ever met someone, Emily, whom you would say: That person is 
compassionate—and mean by this that the person holds within their own self a 
certain quality which is wholly what they are, but which could be said to be 
the personal instantiation of this word compassion?

Now let me switch topics here and just say again how splendid and interesting 
are your posts since you really let loose around here. The fact of your not 
having done TM or known Maharishi appears at this point to make no difference; 
you are as much a part of this forum as anyone posting here, even though nearly 
every one of us (still here) is, I believe—with one exception—a TMer or former 
TMer. So we are all enjoying your intelligence and your perspective as you tell 
us about how you feel about all manner of things. FFL needs someone who writes 
as you do, Emily, and who can make us all so very interested in what you tell 
us about your experience of being Emily.

Writing about compassion more or less became for me, Emily, merely the pretext 
to talk to you. I really like what you say, Emily, and you are one of my 
favourite posters at FFL. I am sure I speak for the majority of FFL readers. 
And most importantly you have, it would seem, earned the respect of certain 
posters here who perhaps would have liked to dismiss your views, but have been 

[FairfieldLife] Hitopadesha quote of the week

2012-01-17 Thread cardemaister

uttamasyaapi varNasya niico 'pi gRham aagataH
puujaniiyo yathaayogyaM -- sarvadevamayo 'tithiH.

(uttamasya+api varNasya niicaH; api gRham aagataH
puujaniiyaH; yathaa-yogyaM -- sarva-deva-mayaH; atithiH.)

Even when a member of the lowest caste visits a
household of the highest caste, he should be worshipped 
there in the appropriate manner -- a guest represents
all the gods in himself. :0

[FairfieldLife] Code 9 - Officer Needs Assistance - The Documentary

2012-01-17 Thread nablusoss1008


Code 9 - Officer Needs Assistance - The Documentary
A Documentary
project in New York, NY
http://www.kickstarter.com/discover/cities/new-york-ny?ref=project  by
Dangerous Curves Productions
http://www.kickstarter.com/profile/1419004068  · send message

Don't want to forget? We'll remind you by email 48 hours before funding
Remind Me

* Project Home
* Updates 3
* Backers 34
* Comments 4
istance-the-documentary/widget Copy 10 About this project  
This powerful documentary explores the darker side of law enforcement as
it tells the stories of police officers and their families who are now
suffering the mental anguish of the careers they chose, which has led
some to suicide.  The number one killer of police officers is suicide.
Do you really know what it is like to be a police officer? Do you have
any clue the amount of highly stressful situations they may come up
against on a daily basis or the horrifying situations they are called
to? Imagine

You're a police officer. You dedicate your life to fighting crime,
fighting the war on drugs, putting the bad guys away, while trying to
keep society safe. You wear your uniform and your badge proudly.

After several years on the job you see the worst that the human race has
to offer. Your skin thickens and you become desensitized. You witness
things that no human being should ever witness. Disconnecting from your
feelings is the only way to protect yourself.

Your job eats away at your soulThe days grow darker.. You
are dealing with job related PTSD and you don't even know it.

Your family and friends watch as you fade away. The nightmares are
endless. You think back to the beginning, when you were told that you
would be putting your life on the line. They said there was a
possibility that you could get killed.

As you slowly pick up the gun to your head, did you ever once think that
this is what they meant?

is to help raise public awareness to the tragedy that is occuring but
it's main purpose is to reach out to those officers and their families
who are suffering in silence.  We want them to know that they are not
ALONE and that there is HELP for them. We want the Departments to know
that they need to start training these officers so that they never have
to reach the POINT OF NO RETURN.

We need to to raise funds to complete the film. As you may or may not
know, we will not receive any of the money raised if we do not meet our
goal of $25,000 (don't worry you will only be charged if we reach our
is to have this film aired in theatres/television in order to raise
public awareness and reach the officers and family members who need
help.  We would also like to see this film used as a training tool. This
film needs to have a powerful voice in order to help these officers and
demand that there be change within the departments.  This change must
include proper training starting in the academy and continue that
training throughout their careers so that officers and their families
know what to expect and what to do in order to get help.  This should
include a mental health check up once a year.

So PLEASE if you see that we are close or have reached our goal please
We have interviewed and wish to continue interviewing police officers
and their families from several states (California, New York, New
Jersey, Massachusetts,South Carolina...etc) in order to show the
magnitude of this problem and how each state is dealing with the issues.
We also have several interviews waiting to be conducted in Canada.

Backers money will be used for:

* Eqiupment Rentals (cameras, microphones, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
 Vaj:  Well, lets keep in mind, none of them's actually met you, let alone 
 spent some considerable time around you...on stage or in audience...
 Response: Nor have you, Vaj. Your eyes have never met my own. You have never 
 been in my physical presence. So this declaration of yours is sterilized by 
 this fact.

The FBI files Robin, the FBI files ! He knows them so well he actually believes 
he was there.

And I agree, what feste wrote was some of the best wording here in a long while 

Re: [FairfieldLife] What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2012, at 2:25 AM, maskedzebra wrote:

RESPONSE: No, Vaj, the only possible response here should have  
been: Robin, you are wrong. I *have* met you. I know you. And you  
will have to take back these words.

That fact should be already obvious, at least it is to several here.  
It doesn't matter to me if you take them back or not.

[FairfieldLife] Guest Blog: Ignacio Chapela On BASF’s Announcement to Move GMOs Out of Europe

2012-01-17 Thread nablusoss1008
Guest Blog: Ignacio Chapela On BASF's Announcement to Move GMOs Out
of EuropeBy Raj http://rajpatel.org/author/raj/  on 01/16/2012 in
Uncategorized http://rajpatel.org/category/uncategorized/
Ignacio Chapela http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignacio_Chapela  will be
familiar to readers of Stuffed and Starved. He's a soil biologist at
Berkeley and an outspoken critic of genetically modified crops, a
position which has focussed the wrath of the biotechnology industry upon
him. Here is a short analysis he penned earlier today on news from
Europe that chemical company BASF
http://www.basf.com/group/corporate/en/  will be pulling its GMO
operations from Europe, where they are unwelcome (because ineffective
and dangerous), and moving them to North Carolina.

Will the English-speaking media lose its nerve and write about it? Based
on past experience, my wager goes to the habitual policy of silence, and
I expect that the news will continue all but unrecorded in English. 
Most of us will not celebrate as we should.

Other languages do comment and give a little more detail, albeit still
briefly. In German, the word is printed clearly
http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/0,1518,809441,00.html :
BASF admits defeat, while in French
basf-stoppe-sa-production-d-ogm-en-europe_1630200_3244.html : The
number one chemical concern in the world, the German BASF has announced
on 16 January 2012 that it gives up the development and marketing of new
transgenic products intended for the European Union.

Clearly put: one of the largest among the few who banked on the GMO
route to do agriculture is giving up in its own home turf, defeated by
public opposition to its products which evidently do not live up to

You will find some records in the business websites, mostly deploring
the European hostility towards GMOs, the loss of jobs (about 150-170 in
Europe, although many are relocated to North Carolina, for an overall
loss of about 10 jobs altogether) and repeating again the idea that
rejecting GMOs in the environment is tantamount to committing economic
suicide and rejecting the future as if this was possible.

I say that the future holds very little promise for GMOs altogether, and
BASF is only the first to have the capacity to recognize the thirty
years of bad investments. They can afford this move, which is not
-plug-on-new-gm-crop-development-in-the-eu  and forms part of a
year-long reconfiguration of the company to navigate tighter economic
straits ahead, because they are diversified and have strengths in other
fields. Monsanto and Syngenta, for comparative example, have stood in
complete dependency of GMOs since their mothership companies shed them
off to swim or sink on transgenic markets twelve years ago; Bayer and
Dow stand somewhere in between. Where Monsanto's stock would have
floundered if they announced they were closing GMO R  D in St Louis,
Missouri, BASF's stock hardly budged on the equivalent news (it
actually ticked upwards in the Frankfurt exchange) – the timing of
the news release may well have been a token of deference to BASF's
partner Monsanto, protecting the latter's stock from the shock on a
day when the US stock markets are closed.

The reasons for the failure of BASF's products in Europe are many
and very diverse, but the fundamental truth stands that over the decades
no real benefit has offset the proven harm caused by GMOs.  It is fine
to blame the European public, but we know that this public is
no better or worse than our own in the US or anywhere else – had
there been a GMO equivalent of the iPad, masses would have thronged the
streets of Europe clamoring for their use. But it may be just as true
that BASF would continue to push GMOs into Europe were it not for the
tireless and creative work of many hundreds of thousands, the kinds of
numbers needed these days to make a self-evident point which counters
accepted official policy. So I say to our European friends: embrace the
credit that is hurled at you and loudly celebrate what will not be
announced as your victory in the newspapers.

We are left in desolate America, though, land of government by Monsanto,
where BASF is relocating its GMO headquarters (some specialty technical
BASF outfits remain in Ghent and Berlin). In the North it is impossible
to know where the nearest non-GMO plant may be, while in the South and
in Mexico the tragedy of GMO soy- and corn-agriculture continues apace,
driven by corrupt or willfully ignorant governments and against public
opinion much stronger and much more vocal than what we have seen in
Europe. Far from recognizing the failure of GMOs altogether, something
that should have happened at least a decade ago, BASF identifies the
opportunities offered by the brutal realities of the Third World,
opportunities which are better capitalized with 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-17 Thread Buck
Maharishi's National Yagya Program is a powerful application of the technology 
of Yagya on a national scale to prevent problems and improve the fortune of an 
entire nation. National Yagyas involve especially large groups of Maharishi 
Vedic Pandits located at the Brahmasthan (the geographic center and resonant 
power spot) of India.

These National Yagyas continue over many days or even weeks, depending on the 
size of the desired effect and the magnitude of the problem being averted or 
defused, for example a natural disaster, violent outbreak, or severe economic 

 While Yogic Flying produces a powerful, generalized, non-directed surge
 of positivity for the general well-being of society, Yagyas create a
 very focused, concentrated influence of positivity designed to
 neutralize specific threats. Like the threats that are looming today.
 Maharishi has designed the most powerful system of Yagya the world has
 ever seen. The Maharishi National YagyaSM program is a massive
 application of Yagya on a national scale, specifically engineered to
 produce the largest possible impact on an entire nation.
 Focus for 2012: Maharishi Yagyas® for the Nation
 Join us in this great endeavor, please.Let us launch this powerful new
 may abundant good fortune smile on America, and may Maharishi's
 great legacy of peace and enlightenment permanently bless the human
 Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-17 Thread raunchydog
To: English Wikipedia Readers and Community
From: Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director
Date: January 16, 2012

Today, the Wikipedia community announced its decision to black out the 
English-language Wikipedia for 24 hours, worldwide, beginning at 05:00 UTC on 
Wednesday, January 18 (you can read the statement from the Wikimedia Foundation 
here). The blackout is a protest against proposed legislation in the United 
States—the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of Representatives, 
and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the U.S. Senate—that, if passed, would 
seriously damage the free and open Internet, including Wikipedia.

This will be the first time the English Wikipedia has ever staged a public 
protest of this nature, and it's a decision that wasn't lightly made. Here's 
how it's been described by the three Wikipedia administrators who formally 
facilitated the community's discussion. From the public statement, signed by 
User:NuclearWarfare, User:Risker and User:Billinghurst:

It is the opinion of the English Wikipedia community that both of these 
bills, if passed, would be devastating to the free and open web. 

Over the course of the past 72 hours, over 1800 Wikipedians have joined 
together to discuss proposed actions that the community might wish to take 
against SOPA and PIPA. This is by far the largest level of participation in a 
community discussion ever seen on Wikipedia, which illustrates the level of 
concern that Wikipedians feel about this proposed legislation. The overwhelming 
majority of participants support community action to encourage greater public 
action in response to these two bills. Of the proposals considered by 
Wikipedians, those that would result in a blackout of the English Wikipedia, 
in concert with similar blackouts on other websites opposed to SOPA and PIPA, 
received the strongest support. 

On careful review of this discussion, the closing administrators note 
the broad-based support for action from Wikipedians around the world, not just 
from within the United States. The primary objection to a global blackout came 
from those who preferred that the blackout be limited to readers from the 
United States, with the rest of the world seeing a simple banner notice 
instead. We also noted that roughly 55% of those supporting a blackout 
preferred that it be a global one, with many pointing to concerns about similar 
legislation in other nations. 

In making this decision, Wikipedians will be criticized for seeming to abandon 
neutrality to take a political position. That's a real, legitimate issue. We 
want people to trust Wikipedia, not worry that it is trying to propagandize 

But although Wikipedia's articles are neutral, its existence is not. As 
Wikimedia Foundation board member Kat Walsh wrote on one of our mailing lists 

We depend on a legal infrastructure that makes it possible for us to 
operate. And we depend on a legal infrastructure that also allows other sites 
to host user-contributed material, both information and expression. For the 
most part, Wikimedia projects are organizing and summarizing and collecting the 
world's knowledge. We're putting it in context, and showing people how to make 
to sense of it. 

But that knowledge has to be published somewhere for anyone to find and 
use it. Where it can be censored without due process, it hurts the speaker, the 
public, and Wikimedia. Where you can only speak if you have sufficient 
resources to fight legal challenges, or, if your views are pre-approved by 
someone who does, the same narrow set of ideas already popular will continue to 
be all anyone has meaningful access to. 

The decision to shut down the English Wikipedia wasn't made by me; it was made 
by editors, through a consensus decision-making process. But I support it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread maskedzebra

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 2:25 AM, maskedzebra wrote:

RESPONSE: No, Vaj, the only possible response here should have been: Robin, 
you are wrong. I *have* met you. I know you. And you will have to take back 
these words.

Vaj: That fact should be already obvious, at least it is to several here. It 
doesn't matter to me if you take them back or not.

RESPONSE 2: No, no, no, Vaj: for what you say here to be true must mean that 
everyone but three persons at FFL are deliberately and wilfully refusing to 
grant you the chance to prove that you are not lying. In other words, only 
these three persons are sufficiently non-biased and impartial to be able to 
apprehend—both intuitively and objectively—that you are in fact telling the 
truth about TM, Maharishi, me, and those seminars. The rest of the FFL posters 
have some need *not* to believe you.

Now what could that be?

Not one poster at FFL—and there must have been hundreds and hundreds since the 
beginning of FFL—has ever conceived of the scenario whereby people at FFL would 
be scrupulous and skeptical about anyone claiming to be a TM meditator, 
claiming to be a TM initiator, claiming to know Maharishi personally.

The issue simply would never come up. After all, being initiated into TM is not 
some Secret Society with elaborate handshakes and a Skull  Bones harrowing 
initiation [where you have to give a complete account of your sexual history]. 
Your comments about TM—and everyone here has commented on TM: there must be 
5,000 such comments that have been made since Rick first created this 
forum—*drew attention to themselves, as they almost invariably exhibited the 
evidence of someone who had never done TM, let alone taught TM. 

Let us say that all the posters at FFL not only attended a specific play on 
Broadway but eventually auditioned for that play and acted in it. FFL, in this 
analogy, was formed to essentially talk about that play and what it was like 
not just to see it, but to be in it—and even to meet the playwright.

Along comes someone who professes to have seen the production of the play, 
acted in that production, and yes, known the author personally.

But in everything he says he conspicuously reveals that he could not have seen 
the play, because it was not mounted the way he says it was; he has the plot 
all wrong; and he discusses the leading actors in a way that is separated from 
the experience of having seen these actors live and on stage.

Now three persons, for reasons only known to them, seek to burnish the 
credentials of this controversial drama critic who has been highly critical of 
this production, but who suspiciously appears never to have seen the 
production. Evidently the supporters of this critic (who is disbelieved by the 
majority of posters at FFL as having seen the production, let alone acted in 
the Broadway company associated with the play) find him useful in their 
determination to pan the artistic integrity of the play—even as there are other 
critics of the play who believe the play to have some severe even fatal 
weaknesses—but who can examine the play's flaws without necessarily suspending 
their critical faculties when it comes to believing in the bona fides of this 
singular critic.

You are referring here to those three critics. Your response, then, Vaj, makes 
no sense. It is—if we take you at your word—not just that you don't care if you 
are believed or not (whether you have even been on Broadway; you go much 
further than this: You wish to impugn your own credibility by deliberately 
giving the impression that you have not seen the play, acted in it, met the 
author by making sure whenever you talk about the production you say things 
which no other member of the audience would say, let along someone who has 
acted in the production. Or who has discussed the play with its author.

Either this, or you are making the whole thing up.

Now there has been someone who has posted recently here at FFL who I recognize 
as a person who really did attend those seminars, someone who would presumably 
be familiar with you. Would you like me to ask them point-blank whether they 
remember you or not?

IIf any of what you say is true, Vaj, what's the game here? We have seen snow; 
we have played in the snow; we have built snowmen. You say you have stomped 
through the snow as well; but it is as if you keep telling us that snow is 
green and makes a lot of noise when it falls from the sky. In fact TM is not 
like this at all.

Be sure that we find your comments about other productions on Broadway [which 
you have indeed seen] to be interesting; but we wonder why you continue to 
pretend to have been a part of a production which leaves a particular 
impression on everyone who saw the production and especially those who acted in 
it, when you do not bear that impression upon your person whatsoever.

Same goes for the play I wrote and mounted. You either 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2012, at 8:41 AM, maskedzebra wrote:

Same goes for the play I wrote and mounted. You either saw the play  
or were a cast member, or you didn't see the play and did not  
appear on stage.

Those who profess to believe in your testimony have to work a lot  
harder to make the case for your credibility than those who find  
themselves continually ambushed by evidence you have never seen the  
play, a play which often is the center of discussion and argument  

Beats me, the whole damn thing, Vaj. You're intelligent, you're  
witty, you're knowledgable, you have a life, why dress up and  
pretend to play house?

Exactly. No need.

[FairfieldLife] International Guest Campus Brahmasthan of India

2012-01-17 Thread merlin

Experience the 

Brahmasthan of India 


O ~~~ O

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik
Hi Robin, As a long term point of perspective, I have been reading valve 
job's posts here for about six years, both on FFL and a forum where he used to 
post but was kicked off for revealing personal info (mine). 

These claims of his to be a TM teacher and now having met you previously, are 
fairly recent. He wouldn't have dared make them to the group that booted him - 
It is a small knowledgeable group and they would have called BS on him 

Why he is doing it now is as some sort of distraction from a blocked area of 
his life, sexual, spiritual, economic, social, who knows? The point being it 
has a lot to do with valve job, and nothing to do with you, though you appear 
to be the target for his self-distraction.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Jan 17, 2012, at 2:25 AM, maskedzebra wrote:
 RESPONSE: No, Vaj, the only possible response here should have been: Robin, 
 you are wrong. I *have* met you. I know you. And you will have to take back 
 these words.
 Vaj: That fact should be already obvious, at least it is to several here. It 
 doesn't matter to me if you take them back or not.
 RESPONSE 2: No, no, no, Vaj: for what you say here to be true must mean that 
 everyone but three persons at FFL are deliberately and wilfully refusing to 
 grant you the chance to prove that you are not lying. In other words, only 
 these three persons are sufficiently non-biased and impartial to be able to 
 apprehend—both intuitively and objectively—that you are in fact telling the 
 truth about TM, Maharishi, me, and those seminars. The rest of the FFL 
 posters have some need *not* to believe you.
 Now what could that be?
 Not one poster at FFL—and there must have been hundreds and hundreds since 
 the beginning of FFL—has ever conceived of the scenario whereby people at FFL 
 would be scrupulous and skeptical about anyone claiming to be a TM meditator, 
 claiming to be a TM initiator, claiming to know Maharishi personally.
 The issue simply would never come up. After all, being initiated into TM is 
 not some Secret Society with elaborate handshakes and a Skull  Bones 
 harrowing initiation [where you have to give a complete account of your 
 sexual history]. Your comments about TM—and everyone here has commented on 
 TM: there must be 5,000 such comments that have been made since Rick first 
 created this forum—*drew attention to themselves, as they almost invariably 
 exhibited the evidence of someone who had never done TM, let alone taught TM. 
 Let us say that all the posters at FFL not only attended a specific play on 
 Broadway but eventually auditioned for that play and acted in it. FFL, in 
 this analogy, was formed to essentially talk about that play and what it was 
 like not just to see it, but to be in it—and even to meet the playwright.
 Along comes someone who professes to have seen the production of the play, 
 acted in that production, and yes, known the author personally.
 But in everything he says he conspicuously reveals that he could not have 
 seen the play, because it was not mounted the way he says it was; he has the 
 plot all wrong; and he discusses the leading actors in a way that is 
 separated from the experience of having seen these actors live and on stage.
 Now three persons, for reasons only known to them, seek to burnish the 
 credentials of this controversial drama critic who has been highly critical 
 of this production, but who suspiciously appears never to have seen the 
 production. Evidently the supporters of this critic (who is disbelieved by 
 the majority of posters at FFL as having seen the production, let alone acted 
 in the Broadway company associated with the play) find him useful in their 
 determination to pan the artistic integrity of the play—even as there are 
 other critics of the play who believe the play to have some severe even fatal 
 weaknesses—but who can examine the play's flaws without necessarily 
 suspending their critical faculties when it comes to believing in the bona 
 fides of this singular critic.
 You are referring here to those three critics. Your response, then, Vaj, 
 makes no sense. It is—if we take you at your word—not just that you don't 
 care if you are believed or not (whether you have even been on Broadway; you 
 go much further than this: You wish to impugn your own credibility by 
 deliberately giving the impression that you have not seen the play, acted in 
 it, met the author by making sure whenever you talk about the production you 
 say things which no other member of the audience would say, let along someone 
 who has acted in the production. Or who has discussed the play with its 
 Either this, or you are making the whole thing up.
 Now there has been someone who has posted recently here at FFL who I 
 recognize as a person who really did attend those seminars, someone 

[FairfieldLife] Twitter #J17

2012-01-17 Thread raunchydog
Occupy Congress

[FairfieldLife] Monday at Camel Rock

2012-01-17 Thread marekreavis
Yesterday (1.16.12) air temp was 44 degrees, water temp five degrees warmer 
than that, but still cold enough that my hands, even in 5-mil thick gloves, 
were numb in just a few minutes and trading comments with my buddy as we sat on 
our boards waiting for a set became a hopeless attempt to form coherent sounds 
through stiff, uncooperative lips.

But it was a glorious day, all the same, sunny and bright with (undoubtedly 
snide) comments from the Aleutian cackling geese watching from the two peaks of 
Camel Rock occasionally reaching our ears through the steady crash and roar of 
the waves.

We surfed for about an hour-and-a-half on the slack tide, caught many 
unspectacular but exhilarating waves, before calling it a day. There are about 
130-140 stairs dug into the hillside that deliver you from the point overlook 
to the beach and when we got to the top, as we almost always do, we stopped and 
turned to look back at the break and marvel at how perfect it all was -- is.

We pulled ourselves out of our wetsuits, loaded up our boards, and walked back 
over one more time to gaze down at the waves and the surfers for another few 
minutes. I took a quick photo from my phone and will post it in an album after 
writing this.

Nothing more than that; no more meaning than that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 Beats me, the whole damn thing, Vaj. You're intelligent, you're witty, you're 
 knowledgable, you have a life, why dress up and pretend to play house?

That is part of the reason I think the whole Vaj is a fraud schtick lacks 
merit.  It does not account for motive.  Here is a guy who has hung around here 
for a really long time.  Judy has proposed some ideas of why he might be so 
interested in posting here, without having been a TMer, like having a loved on 
who was.  According to this thoery he had a relative who was harmed,so he took 
up a crusade for years to subtly undermine the movement by posting that TM is a 
beginners practice, that Maharishi does not represent the tradition he claims, 
to a bunch of people whose affiliation to the movement might be summed up in 
the word: raggedy?  So he doggedly peruses this with mission for years, 
impersonating a person who once gave a shit about Maharishi...

But that is not his only bizarre fixation on something with no personal 
experience.  No.  He has a second mission that he is invested enough in to post 
about here to once again dupe this group of Maharishi's misfit toys, he is 
fascinated with you.

See I was in the movement when you were rocking the boat Robin and I know that 
detailed knowledge about you was really not that easy to come by.  And I was a 
full-timer. The faithful hid behind a carefully prescribed set of rumors of 
denunciation.  They were recited when your name came up.  And in polite mind 
controlled movement society, you got no extra credit points for appearing too 
knowledgeable about the details of your blasphemy.  You scared us.  And the 
movement's judgement about our appearing to associate with you scared us even 
more.  Starting a sentence at dinner table over the Mexican Night's re-fried 
beans and rice (lard free, now THAT is blasphemy) with the phrase Robin's 
pamphlet says... even as a prelude to denunciation was the equivalent to 
quoting Karl Marx while defending yourself at the McCarthy hearings.  My 
favorite quote of that era about you was from a National big wig who said 
About HIM we don't even speak with all the drama of Bela Lugosi honing in on 
an innocent's neck. (kinda sexy, all vampire movies are kinda sexy even when 
they are blatantly homo-errotic, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise! Great pair for the 
if you were who would you do game BTW.

Vaj's story has some credibility for me because he has one at all.  The rest of 
us do-bees stayed as far away from you as our lotus posture emaciated legs 
could carry us.

I gunna try to sum up the reasons people believe Vaj is now a double imposter 
of a person with a personal connection to the movement and to you and I'm sure 
the people who are behind this position can beef up this skeleton.

Why people don't believe Vaj was a TM teacher or even a TMer:

He has said things that seemed to some people to contradict Maharishi's 
teaching concerning the practice of TM itself. (people used to use this 
technique on me to prove that I NEVER really understood Maharishi's teaching 
because I now express it though my current filter and derisive language.  In an 
interview I talked about getting my buzz from the technique and was highly 
denounced for such a non TM approved way to look at the practice.

He has denounced Robin's perspective on Maharishi's personal presence as silly 
because he believes he was a spiritual charlatan with zero woo-woo.  

He has refused to give dates about when he was taught TM or made a teacher, 
which we couldn't verify anyway.

(Please feel free to add to the list if you are interested in this.)

Why Robin doesn't believe Vaj ever met him in person or has personal knowledge 
of how he conducted himself as a guru:

Vaj claims to have met Robin in a hotel room and Robin does not remember this 

Vaj claims to have personal knowledge about goings on in Robin's cult including 
but not limited to bitch slapping the unenlightened (for their own good of 
course).  Robin denies these events happened.

Reasons Curtis believes that the probability of Vaj being both a TM teacher and 
having personal knowledge about Robin's activities while Robin was acting on 
the premise that he was in the KNOW and the rest of us weren't.(His Holy-Mess 
Maharishi was the exception to the I am and you aren't self perception):

I believe Vaj because in my mission to bring down the movement I need as many 
other partisan fighters as I can gather, so even in the face of overwhelming 
evidence that he never took TM, because he speaks out against Maharishi, he 
must be supported at all costs despite the obvious lie...


Anywhoo there are my reasons:

Vaj gives a shit.  No he REALLY gives a shit.  He appears personally offended 
that Maharishi would pretend to represent a tradition of knowledge that he 
values. (and which I still make jokes about like did you hear the one about the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2012, at 10:17 AM, futur.musik wrote:

These claims of his to be a TM teacher and now having met you  
previously, are fairly recent. He wouldn't have dared make them to  
the group that booted him - It is a small knowledgeable group and  
they would have called BS on him immediately.

The primary enlightened person on the list who gave me a hard time  
committed suicide shortly thereafter, so I don't know how  
knowledgeable I'd consider these folks. They were generally  
friendly folks and conversant in modern advaita-speak, but otherwise  
not really that experientially helpful. YMMV, but for me the let me  
talk about my enlightenment crowd weren't what I was lead to believe  
and, really, of little interest (to me).

Narcissus loves his mirror. It's just not so exciting watching him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monday at Camel Rock

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik
Sounds great Marek! I used to love a day in the ocean. Never considered before 
how surfers sit on their boards waiting for a set, and in the Winter that gets 
cold. I used to boogie board in the Winter, but that meant standing and waiting 
for a wave much closer in. In fact never dared to go in further than about 
mid-thigh during a storm, since Boogies aren't much in the open ocean. 

I remember once at a beach near Half Moon Bay, I was coming out of the water 
and the swells were so strong that one broke, and the water was moving so fast 
sloping up the beach, only about an inch deep, but it knocked me off my feet! 

I popped the zipper on my suit awhile back. I oughta get it repaired.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, marekreavis reavismarek@... wrote:

 Yesterday (1.16.12) air temp was 44 degrees, water temp five degrees warmer 
 than that, but still cold enough that my hands, even in 5-mil thick gloves, 
 were numb in just a few minutes and trading comments with my buddy as we sat 
 on our boards waiting for a set became a hopeless attempt to form coherent 
 sounds through stiff, uncooperative lips.
 But it was a glorious day, all the same, sunny and bright with (undoubtedly 
 snide) comments from the Aleutian cackling geese watching from the two peaks 
 of Camel Rock occasionally reaching our ears through the steady crash and 
 roar of the waves.
 We surfed for about an hour-and-a-half on the slack tide, caught many 
 unspectacular but exhilarating waves, before calling it a day. There are 
 about 130-140 stairs dug into the hillside that deliver you from the point 
 overlook to the beach and when we got to the top, as we almost always do, we 
 stopped and turned to look back at the break and marvel at how perfect it all 
 was -- is.
 We pulled ourselves out of our wetsuits, loaded up our boards, and walked 
 back over one more time to gaze down at the waves and the surfers for another 
 few minutes. I took a quick photo from my phone and will post it in an album 
 after writing this.
 Nothing more than that; no more meaning than that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread maskedzebra
RESPONSE: This response of yours, Vaj, reminds me of what the antithesis would 
be of Seth Rogan's first words at the Golden Globe Awards when he stepped out 
with his co-presenter Kate Beckinsale to announce the nominees for Best Actress 
in a Film, Musical or Comedy.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 8:41 AM, maskedzebra wrote:
  Same goes for the play I wrote and mounted. You either saw the play  
  or were a cast member, or you didn't see the play and did not  
  appear on stage.
  Those who profess to believe in your testimony have to work a lot  
  harder to make the case for your credibility than those who find  
  themselves continually ambushed by evidence you have never seen the  
  play, a play which often is the center of discussion and argument  
  Beats me, the whole damn thing, Vaj. You're intelligent, you're  
  witty, you're knowledgable, you have a life, why dress up and  
  pretend to play house?
 Exactly. No need.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monday at Camel Rock

2012-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
Thanks for proving once and for all that I am a complete pussy Marek!  Give me 
the address so that I can send my nutsack to the appropriate facility in one of 
those plastic mailing bags they use to send in your outdated cell phones.

In Kayaking there is a fear of the effect in cold water called the gasp effect 
of hitting too cold water and having your lungs involuntarily suck in enough 
water to drown you.  I know that they use wetsuits to counter this. Is that 
something you have heard about and is it a factor for surfers?

I'll check back for your answer later because it has come to my attention that 
now that I am nuts-free I can pursue my interest in vintage Barbie dolls 
dressed up as dominatrixes without shame. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, marekreavis reavismarek@... wrote:

 Yesterday (1.16.12) air temp was 44 degrees, water temp five degrees warmer 
 than that, but still cold enough that my hands, even in 5-mil thick gloves, 
 were numb in just a few minutes and trading comments with my buddy as we sat 
 on our boards waiting for a set became a hopeless attempt to form coherent 
 sounds through stiff, uncooperative lips.
 But it was a glorious day, all the same, sunny and bright with (undoubtedly 
 snide) comments from the Aleutian cackling geese watching from the two peaks 
 of Camel Rock occasionally reaching our ears through the steady crash and 
 roar of the waves.
 We surfed for about an hour-and-a-half on the slack tide, caught many 
 unspectacular but exhilarating waves, before calling it a day. There are 
 about 130-140 stairs dug into the hillside that deliver you from the point 
 overlook to the beach and when we got to the top, as we almost always do, we 
 stopped and turned to look back at the break and marvel at how perfect it all 
 was -- is.
 We pulled ourselves out of our wetsuits, loaded up our boards, and walked 
 back over one more time to gaze down at the waves and the surfers for another 
 few minutes. I took a quick photo from my phone and will post it in an album 
 after writing this.
 Nothing more than that; no more meaning than that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik
Ha-ha! That was awesome

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 RESPONSE: This response of yours, Vaj, reminds me of what the antithesis 
 would be of Seth Rogan's first words at the Golden Globe Awards when he 
 stepped out with his co-presenter Kate Beckinsale to announce the nominees 
 for Best Actress in a Film, Musical or Comedy.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Jan 17, 2012, at 8:41 AM, maskedzebra wrote:
   Same goes for the play I wrote and mounted. You either saw the play  
   or were a cast member, or you didn't see the play and did not  
   appear on stage.
   Those who profess to believe in your testimony have to work a lot  
   harder to make the case for your credibility than those who find  
   themselves continually ambushed by evidence you have never seen the  
   play, a play which often is the center of discussion and argument  
   Beats me, the whole damn thing, Vaj. You're intelligent, you're  
   witty, you're knowledgable, you have a life, why dress up and  
   pretend to play house?
  Exactly. No need.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik
Just so I understand you clearly, you are saying that a person who gave you a 
hard time, had no integrity or knowledge, about *anything* apparently, because 
they took their own life. Because they committed suicide, that nullifies 
anything they said or contributed in your direction, at least. 

You are unwell in your heart.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 10:17 AM, futur.musik wrote:
  These claims of his to be a TM teacher and now having met you  
  previously, are fairly recent. He wouldn't have dared make them to  
  the group that booted him - It is a small knowledgeable group and  
  they would have called BS on him immediately.
 The primary enlightened person on the list who gave me a hard time  
 committed suicide shortly thereafter, so I don't know how  
 knowledgeable I'd consider these folks. They were generally  
 friendly folks and conversant in modern advaita-speak, but otherwise  
 not really that experientially helpful. YMMV, but for me the let me  
 talk about my enlightenment crowd weren't what I was lead to believe  
 and, really, of little interest (to me).
 Narcissus loves his mirror. It's just not so exciting watching him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monday at Camel Rock

2012-01-17 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, marekreavis reavismarek@... wrote:

 Nothing more than that; no more meaning than that.

What could possibly be more than a great day doing 
what one loves? Thanks for reminding folks here what
it means to have a life.

Given the number who seem to specialize in demonstrating
that they don't, the reminder seems timely.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, marekreavis reavismarek@... wrote:

 Yesterday (1.16.12) air temp was 44 degrees, water temp five degrees warmer 
 than that, but still cold enough that my hands, even in 5-mil thick gloves, 
 were numb in just a few minutes and trading comments with my buddy as we sat 
 on our boards waiting for a set became a hopeless attempt to form coherent 
 sounds through stiff, uncooperative lips.
 But it was a glorious day, all the same, sunny and bright with (undoubtedly 
 snide) comments from the Aleutian cackling geese watching from the two peaks 
 of Camel Rock occasionally reaching our ears through the steady crash and 
 roar of the waves.
 We surfed for about an hour-and-a-half on the slack tide, caught many 
 unspectacular but exhilarating waves, before calling it a day. There are 
 about 130-140 stairs dug into the hillside that deliver you from the point 
 overlook to the beach and when we got to the top, as we almost always do, we 
 stopped and turned to look back at the break and marvel at how perfect it all 
 was -- is.
 We pulled ourselves out of our wetsuits, loaded up our boards, and walked 
 back over one more time to gaze down at the waves and the surfers for another 
 few minutes. I took a quick photo from my phone and will post it in an album 
 after writing this.
 Nothing more than that; no more meaning than that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2012, at 10:59 AM, maskedzebra wrote:

RESPONSE: This response of yours, Vaj, reminds me of what the  
antithesis would be of Seth Rogan's first words at the Golden Globe  
Awards when he stepped out with his co-presenter Kate Beckinsale to  
announce the nominees for Best Actress in a Film, Musical or Comedy.

Not sure what to say: I didn't watch or record it, sorry Robin.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread turquoiseb
Good post, Curtis. The one point you left out is that 
RWC is no more original in his denunciations of Vaj than
he is about anything else. The guy seems *incapable* of
having an original idea; everything he's saying about
Vaj came directly from Judy, or her words filtered 
through Jim or Ravi or Nabby. *No one else* ever had
any doubts about Vaj's TM pedigree until she started
her Gotta find a way to demonize Vaj so no one will
believe him when he makes valid points campaign. 

In the past you're outlined some of the reasons you don't
believe this Vaj was never a TMer bullshit, and I agree
with them. But the reason I disbelieve it the most is 
because he knows stuff -- trivia, inside jokes, etc. --
that *no one on earth would care about* but an old TMer.
You kinda have to have been in the cult to even CARE.
No one else would be insane enough TO care. 

As I reminded people a few days ago, all of this is not
really about RWC answering Vaj's claims; he has no inten-
tion of ever doing that. It's all about him trying to
get Vaj (or you) to engage in head-to-head battle with
him so that he can get his sick ego-rocks off. Nothing
has changed since he ran the same routine in Fairfield.

He was an absolute nobody trying desperately to get 
attention then, and he's an absolute nobody trying des-
perately to get attention now. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  Beats me, the whole damn thing, Vaj. You're intelligent, you're witty, 
  you're knowledgable, you have a life, why dress up and pretend to play 
 That is part of the reason I think the whole Vaj is a fraud schtick lacks 
 merit.  It does not account for motive.  Here is a guy who has hung around 
 here for a really long time.  Judy has proposed some ideas of why he might be 
 so interested in posting here, without having been a TMer, like having a 
 loved on who was.  According to this thoery he had a relative who was 
 harmed,so he took up a crusade for years to subtly undermine the movement by 
 posting that TM is a beginners practice, that Maharishi does not represent 
 the tradition he claims, to a bunch of people whose affiliation to the 
 movement might be summed up in the word: raggedy?  So he doggedly peruses 
 this with mission for years, impersonating a person who once gave a shit 
 about Maharishi...
 But that is not his only bizarre fixation on something with no personal 
 experience.  No.  He has a second mission that he is invested enough in to 
 post about here to once again dupe this group of Maharishi's misfit toys, he 
 is fascinated with you.
 See I was in the movement when you were rocking the boat Robin and I know 
 that detailed knowledge about you was really not that easy to come by.  And I 
 was a full-timer. The faithful hid behind a carefully prescribed set of 
 rumors of denunciation.  They were recited when your name came up.  And in 
 polite mind controlled movement society, you got no extra credit points for 
 appearing too knowledgeable about the details of your blasphemy.  You scared 
 us.  And the movement's judgement about our appearing to associate with you 
 scared us even more.  Starting a sentence at dinner table over the Mexican 
 Night's re-fried beans and rice (lard free, now THAT is blasphemy) with the 
 phrase Robin's pamphlet says... even as a prelude to denunciation was the 
 equivalent to quoting Karl Marx while defending yourself at the McCarthy 
 hearings.  My favorite quote of that era about you was from a National big 
 wig who said About HIM we don't even speak with all the drama of Bela 
 Lugosi honing in on an innocent's neck. (kinda sexy, all vampire movies are 
 kinda sexy even when they are blatantly homo-errotic, Brad Pitt and Tom 
 Cruise! Great pair for the if you were who would you do game BTW.
 Vaj's story has some credibility for me because he has one at all.  The rest 
 of us do-bees stayed as far away from you as our lotus posture emaciated legs 
 could carry us.
 I gunna try to sum up the reasons people believe Vaj is now a double imposter 
 of a person with a personal connection to the movement and to you and I'm 
 sure the people who are behind this position can beef up this skeleton.
 Why people don't believe Vaj was a TM teacher or even a TMer:
 He has said things that seemed to some people to contradict Maharishi's 
 teaching concerning the practice of TM itself. (people used to use this 
 technique on me to prove that I NEVER really understood Maharishi's 
 teaching because I now express it though my current filter and derisive 
 language.  In an interview I talked about getting my buzz from the 
 technique and was highly denounced for such a non TM approved way to look at 
 the practice.
 He has denounced Robin's perspective on Maharishi's personal presence as 
 silly because he believes he was a spiritual charlatan with zero woo-woo.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

2012-01-17 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Teaching the Knowledge

 As  a teacher, there is a different, more difficult lesson that must
 accepted personally: if someone chosen by the Unified Field to be a
 prophet or a leader refuses to teach the truth, as Jonah did for
 example, then Nature will visit a terrible punishment on them.

 However,   the reverse is even more true�Nature will grant favor
 delight  to those who do preach the truth.

 Om, Om, Om, come back, come back  to meditation you sinners.

 The bell tolls for thee,

 In warm regard of natural  law,

 -Buck in FF

This kind of heavy handed Buck. Fortunately I am not immune to being
heavy handed in thought, and as Barry would possibly say, overbearing
and pompous. If the unified field is truth, one cannot actually speak
it, one can only point to it because it is transcendent to speech. All
speech in the world in reference to it is as a lie. Nature is not
personal, it visits on one without regard to person. Favour and delight
are the experience of those who experience the unified field, but nature
remains the same impersonal force of will that is the unified field,
enlightened or unenlightened. It is not will as a person imagines will
to be; it is far more mysterious and inscrutable.

The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
mark. In the West the Christian idea of sin seems to be the predominant
meaning, and it has many connotations that seem to go quite beyond
simply missing the mark. But usage that is common here has many
judgmental implications that really serve no useful purpose if your aim
is to point people in the direction of enlightenment.

If you 'look' at the process of transcendental meditation, what you
experience is you are handing off the process and letting nature take it
over. That is it. If we are able to culture our system to do that under
all circumstances, we are home free. It is the personal sense of will
that interferes with this process in daily life.

'Transcendental meditation' as a principle can be practiced many ways;
Maharishi seems to have discovered a compact technique that encapsulates
this principle; it is quite a stroke of genius. There are those that
have come by the principle in other ways that have been successful;
whatever works to imbue this principle in our lives is more powerful
than simply following a rigid formula in regard to what truth might be.

You seem to be starting to sound like the vengeful force that permeates
the Torah and other books that Christians call the Old Testament.
Difference of opinion is advantageous in religion. The several sects
perform the office of a Censor morum over each other. Is uniformity
attainable? Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the
introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined,
imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What
has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools, and
the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the
earth. - Thomas Jefferson (Notes on the State of Virginia, 1787)

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
Yes I agree about the insider's perspective in jokes as being probably the most 
internally compelling affinity with another veteran in the we represent 
supreme knowledge war.

I can't share your total denunciation of Robin since I did share a bunch of 
great posts with him before he was taken over by a consuming interest in my 
flaws.I obviously enjoy him more than you do.

I agree that Judy has set the agenda for this angle and I have to give credit 
for her forceful personality that so many have taken up this perspective.  (And 
yes I know it is possible that everyone just came to this conclusion 
independently, but I don't find this as likely.)

The real question that needs answers is if you WERE who would you do between 
Brad and Tom.  Before you react as I first did with Of course Brad because he 
us so uber hot that even a straight guy can see it, I would like to make a 
counterpoint that he is hot in that scruffy masculine sort of way that really 
doesn't work for your average hetero playing this game, despite the fact that 
he would be the obvious choice to have a post whatever-went-on beer with...  
Tom OTHO, although a completely loathsome creature, would make a more passable 
chick if seen in dim light through multiple beer goggles especially if he would 
be willing to slip into an aquamarine teddy that brings out his eyes. (not that 
I have made such a mental image or suggest your doing so, but if you do don't 
forget to hide his big man feet in some pink Hello Kittie slippers or 

Sorry to have inflicted you with a desire to scrub out the back of your eyes 
with these images.  The desire to rid yourself of them only makes it worse. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 Good post, Curtis. The one point you left out is that 
 RWC is no more original in his denunciations of Vaj than
 he is about anything else. The guy seems *incapable* of
 having an original idea; everything he's saying about
 Vaj came directly from Judy, or her words filtered 
 through Jim or Ravi or Nabby. *No one else* ever had
 any doubts about Vaj's TM pedigree until she started
 her Gotta find a way to demonize Vaj so no one will
 believe him when he makes valid points campaign. 
 In the past you're outlined some of the reasons you don't
 believe this Vaj was never a TMer bullshit, and I agree
 with them. But the reason I disbelieve it the most is 
 because he knows stuff -- trivia, inside jokes, etc. --
 that *no one on earth would care about* but an old TMer.
 You kinda have to have been in the cult to even CARE.
 No one else would be insane enough TO care. 
 As I reminded people a few days ago, all of this is not
 really about RWC answering Vaj's claims; he has no inten-
 tion of ever doing that. It's all about him trying to
 get Vaj (or you) to engage in head-to-head battle with
 him so that he can get his sick ego-rocks off. Nothing
 has changed since he ran the same routine in Fairfield.
 He was an absolute nobody trying desperately to get 
 attention then, and he's an absolute nobody trying des-
 perately to get attention now. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
   Beats me, the whole damn thing, Vaj. You're intelligent, you're witty, 
   you're knowledgable, you have a life, why dress up and pretend to play 
  That is part of the reason I think the whole Vaj is a fraud schtick lacks 
  merit.  It does not account for motive.  Here is a guy who has hung around 
  here for a really long time.  Judy has proposed some ideas of why he might 
  be so interested in posting here, without having been a TMer, like having a 
  loved on who was.  According to this thoery he had a relative who was 
  harmed,so he took up a crusade for years to subtly undermine the movement 
  by posting that TM is a beginners practice, that Maharishi does not 
  represent the tradition he claims, to a bunch of people whose affiliation 
  to the movement might be summed up in the word: raggedy?  So he doggedly 
  peruses this with mission for years, impersonating a person who once gave a 
  shit about Maharishi...
  But that is not his only bizarre fixation on something with no personal 
  experience.  No.  He has a second mission that he is invested enough in to 
  post about here to once again dupe this group of Maharishi's misfit toys, 
  he is fascinated with you.
  See I was in the movement when you were rocking the boat Robin and I know 
  that detailed knowledge about you was really not that easy to come by.  And 
  I was a full-timer. The faithful hid behind a carefully prescribed set of 
  rumors of denunciation.  They were recited when your name came up.  And in 
  polite mind controlled movement society, you got no extra credit points for 
  appearing too knowledgeable about the details of your blasphemy.  You 
  scared us.  And 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

Not getting into the whole Vaj-Robin thing since I have zero
firsthand knowledge of any of it. But:

 Why people don't believe Vaj was a TM teacher or even a TMer:
 He has said things that seemed to some people to contradict 
 Maharishi's teaching concerning the practice of TM itself.
 (people used to use this technique on me to prove that I
 NEVER really understood Maharishi's teaching because I now
 express it though my current filter and derisive language.
 In an interview I talked about getting my buzz from the
 technique and was highly denounced for such a non TM
 approved way to look at the practice.

Not even remotely equivalent, Curtis. From my perspective,
it's the clueless misrepresentation of the very most basic
instructions for practice that's the giveaway.

And that's supported now, on the record, by something like
eight teachers, mostly former, who represent varying degrees
of support for/antipathy toward TM.

I make the point once again: Nobody, to my knowledge, has
ever questioned the TM-teacher credentials of even the very
most derisive of the TM critics on FFL--except for those of

OK, there's one comment on Vaj vs. Robin that I can make
based on firsthand knowledge: Entirely aside from the issue
of whether Vaj was a TM teacher, Vaj has frequently lied or
attempted to mislead about a range of TM-related material,
including about some of the TMers here and about what's
been said in the discussions.

As far as I can tell, Robin has not. Indeed, a number of
folks have remarked on his evident scrupulous, at times
painful, honesty.

So given a question about which none of the rest of us has
any solid information, just going by the degree of
credibility Vaj and Robin have established in their
participation on FFL, I'm strongly inclined to trust
Robin's account of Vaj's claim to have known him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 11:25 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  Good post, Curtis. The one point you left out is that
  RWC is no more original in his denunciations of Vaj than
  he is about anything else. The guy seems *incapable* of
  having an original idea; everything he's saying about
  Vaj came directly from Judy, or her words filtered
  through Jim or Ravi or Nabby. *No one else* ever had
  any doubts about Vaj's TM pedigree until she started
  her Gotta find a way to demonize Vaj so no one will
  believe him when he makes valid points campaign.
 Very observant and accurate, thanks!


[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
In my short time on this forum, I have never felt Vaj was a TM meditator, so 
perhaps I have missed something. I agree that he makes valid points worth 
thinking about. I am not familiar with what must be the material Barry refers 
to in thinking Vaj is a TM meditator, or at least has been close to some of 
them. Making a valid point does not mean one has to be in the specific context 
of a person you are arguing with.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 11:25 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
  Good post, Curtis. The one point you left out is that
  RWC is no more original in his denunciations of Vaj than
  he is about anything else. The guy seems *incapable* of
  having an original idea; everything he's saying about
  Vaj came directly from Judy, or her words filtered
  through Jim or Ravi or Nabby. *No one else* ever had
  any doubts about Vaj's TM pedigree until she started
  her Gotta find a way to demonize Vaj so no one will
  believe him when he makes valid points campaign.
 Very observant and accurate, thanks!

Re: [FairfieldLife] English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

2012-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
On 01/17/2012 05:40 AM, raunchydog wrote:
 To: English Wikipedia Readers and Community
 From: Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director
 Date: January 16, 2012

 Today, the Wikipedia community announced its decision to black out the 
 English-language Wikipedia for 24 hours, worldwide, beginning at 05:00 UTC on 
 Wednesday, January 18 (you can read the statement from the Wikimedia 
 Foundation here). The blackout is a protest against proposed legislation in 
 the United States—the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of 
 Representatives, and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the U.S. Senate—that, if 
 passed, would seriously damage the free and open Internet, including 

 This will be the first time the English Wikipedia has ever staged a public 
 protest of this nature, and it's a decision that wasn't lightly made. Here's 
 how it's been described by the three Wikipedia administrators who formally 
 facilitated the community's discussion. From the public statement, signed by 
 User:NuclearWarfare, User:Risker and User:Billinghurst:

  It is the opinion of the English Wikipedia community that both of 
 these bills, if passed, would be devastating to the free and open web.

  Over the course of the past 72 hours, over 1800 Wikipedians have 
 joined together to discuss proposed actions that the community might wish to 
 take against SOPA and PIPA. This is by far the largest level of participation 
 in a community discussion ever seen on Wikipedia, which illustrates the level 
 of concern that Wikipedians feel about this proposed legislation. The 
 overwhelming majority of participants support community action to encourage 
 greater public action in response to these two bills. Of the proposals 
 considered by Wikipedians, those that would result in a blackout of the 
 English Wikipedia, in concert with similar blackouts on other websites 
 opposed to SOPA and PIPA, received the strongest support.

  On careful review of this discussion, the closing administrators 
 note the broad-based support for action from Wikipedians around the world, 
 not just from within the United States. The primary objection to a global 
 blackout came from those who preferred that the blackout be limited to 
 readers from the United States, with the rest of the world seeing a simple 
 banner notice instead. We also noted that roughly 55% of those supporting a 
 blackout preferred that it be a global one, with many pointing to concerns 
 about similar legislation in other nations.

 In making this decision, Wikipedians will be criticized for seeming to 
 abandon neutrality to take a political position. That's a real, legitimate 
 issue. We want people to trust Wikipedia, not worry that it is trying to 
 propagandize them.

 But although Wikipedia's articles are neutral, its existence is not. As 
 Wikimedia Foundation board member Kat Walsh wrote on one of our mailing lists 

  We depend on a legal infrastructure that makes it possible for us to 
 operate. And we depend on a legal infrastructure that also allows other sites 
 to host user-contributed material, both information and expression. For the 
 most part, Wikimedia projects are organizing and summarizing and collecting 
 the world's knowledge. We're putting it in context, and showing people how to 
 make to sense of it.

  But that knowledge has to be published somewhere for anyone to find 
 and use it. Where it can be censored without due process, it hurts the 
 speaker, the public, and Wikimedia. Where you can only speak if you have 
 sufficient resources to fight legal challenges, or, if your views are 
 pre-approved by someone who does, the same narrow set of ideas already 
 popular will continue to be all anyone has meaningful access to.

 The decision to shut down the English Wikipedia wasn't made by me; it was 
 made by editors, through a consensus decision-making process. But I support 

Google will also be joining the protest tomorrow. Though Google won't be 
blacked out they are going post a notice on the site:

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:

In my short time on this forum, I have never felt Vaj was a TM  
meditator, so perhaps I have missed something. I agree that he  
makes valid points worth thinking about. I am not familiar with  
what must be the material Barry refers to in thinking Vaj is a TM  
meditator, or at least has been close to some of them. Making a  
valid point does not mean one has to be in the specific context of  
a person you are arguing with.

You have to understand, from my POV, TM is passe. At a certain point,  
I stopped relating to it as a valid practice in terms of where I was  
at. So in order to relate to it at all, it meant I had to re-inhabit  
that old discarded mindset. I got to a point where I didn't enjoy,  
nor did I find it valuable to be putting my consciousness, my new  
wine, in that old skin anymore.

[FairfieldLife] Woz concedes advantages of Android over iPhone

2012-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
He wishes that his iPhone could to the things his Android phone does:

And only in crass commercial capitalist Amerika would Siri devolve into 
an advertising medium:

I used to ask, 'What are the prime numbers greater than 87?' and it 
would answer. Now instead of getting prime numbers, I get listings for 
prime rib, or prime real estate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

2012-01-17 Thread Buck
 The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the

Yes; !Amarkoners repent!  Yes, it is in the Greek I pray for these really big 
Amarkoners here to return home.  These TM expatriates.  The ex-patriots indeed. 
 Here we have one of the biggest natural law peace-creating things going on and 
these guys spurn it always puking on it here.  That is spiritual sin in the 
Greek way as also per the FFL Resolution on Sin too.  Is perfectly fair to 
judge who is with us in this natural law too as transcendentalists and who is 
against it, and us.  It is calling sin for what it is, a sin a sin.

Thank you for your very learned comments.

An old and Kindly meditator,
-Buck in FF 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
anartaxius@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  Teaching the Knowledge
  As  a teacher, there is a different, more difficult lesson that must
  accepted personally: if someone chosen by the Unified Field to be a
  prophet or a leader refuses to teach the truth, as Jonah did for
  example, then Nature will visit a terrible punishment on them.
  However,   the reverse is even more true�Nature will grant favor
  delight  to those who do preach the truth.
  Om, Om, Om, come back, come back  to meditation you sinners.
  The bell tolls for thee,
  In warm regard of natural  law,
  -Buck in FF
 This is kind of heavy handed Buck. Fortunately I am not immune to being
 heavy handed in thought, and as Barry would possibly say, overbearing
 and pompous. If the unified field is truth, one cannot actually speak
 it, one can only point to it because it is transcendent to speech. All
 speech in the world in reference to it is as a lie. Nature is not
 personal, it visits on one without regard to person. Favour and delight
 are the experience of those who experience the unified field, but nature
 remains the same impersonal force of will that is the unified field,
 enlightened or unenlightened. It is not will as a person imagines will
 to be; it is far more mysterious and inscrutable.
 The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
 mark. In the West the Christian idea of sin seems to be the predominant
 meaning, and it has many connotations that seem to go quite beyond
 simply missing the mark. But usage that is common here has many
 judgmental implications that really serve no useful purpose if your aim
 is to point people in the direction of enlightenment.
 If you 'look' at the process of transcendental meditation, what you
 experience is you are handing off the process and letting nature take it
 over. That is it. If we are able to culture our system to do that under
 all circumstances, we are home free. It is the personal sense of will
 that interferes with this process in daily life.
 'Transcendental meditation' as a principle can be practiced many ways;
 Maharishi seems to have discovered a compact technique that encapsulates
 this principle; it is quite a stroke of genius. There are those that
 have come by the principle in other ways that have been successful;
 whatever works to imbue this principle in our lives is more powerful
 than simply following a rigid formula in regard to what truth might be.
 You seem to be starting to sound like the vengeful force that permeates
 the Torah and other books that Christians call the Old Testament.
 Difference of opinion is advantageous in religion. The several sects
 perform the office of a Censor morum over each other. Is uniformity
 attainable? Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the
 introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined,
 imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What
 has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools, and
 the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the
 earth. - Thomas Jefferson (Notes on the State of Virginia, 1787)

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik
It goes deeper than that. When I first joined FFL about 5 or 6 years ago, you 
never spoke about TM as someone who had even done it. Your big thing at the 
time was promoting Buddhist practices. It is much more recent, about the last 
two years, that you have tried to convince people that you practiced and taught 

To the extent that you claim these things, I don't care, but when you use these 
false credentials to bolster the things you say regarding TM and Maharishi, 
that is dirty pool and you know it. 

Why have you stopped talking about your experiences of Buddhist practices? 
These are recent, and no doubt far more interesting.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
  In my short time on this forum, I have never felt Vaj was a TM  
  meditator, so perhaps I have missed something. I agree that he  
  makes valid points worth thinking about. I am not familiar with  
  what must be the material Barry refers to in thinking Vaj is a TM  
  meditator, or at least has been close to some of them. Making a  
  valid point does not mean one has to be in the specific context of  
  a person you are arguing with.
 You have to understand, from my POV, TM is passe. At a certain point,  
 I stopped relating to it as a valid practice in terms of where I was  
 at. So in order to relate to it at all, it meant I had to re-inhabit  
 that old discarded mindset. I got to a point where I didn't enjoy,  
 nor did I find it valuable to be putting my consciousness, my new  
 wine, in that old skin anymore.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2012, at 12:45 PM, futur.musik wrote:

It goes deeper than that. When I first joined FFL about 5 or 6  
years ago, you never spoke about TM as someone who had even done  
it. Your big thing at the time was promoting Buddhist practices. It  
is much more recent, about the last two years, that you have tried  
to convince people that you practiced and taught TM.

To the extent that you claim these things, I don't care, but when  
you use these false credentials to bolster the things you say  
regarding TM and Maharishi, that is dirty pool and you know it.

Why have you stopped talking about your experiences of Buddhist  
practices? These are recent, and no doubt far more interesting.

If by recent you mean, the last thirty years, then I guess you  
could call that recent. Really it's the wrong audience to discuss  
such things - I would tend only to discuss such things: 1) in a  
teaching situation, 2) by people who share the same vows and  
permissions that I do and that have sufficient experience.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 12:45 PM, futur.musik wrote:
  It goes deeper than that. When I first joined FFL about 5 or 6  
  years ago, you never spoke about TM as someone who had even done  
  it. Your big thing at the time was promoting Buddhist practices. It  
  is much more recent, about the last two years, that you have tried  
  to convince people that you practiced and taught TM.
  To the extent that you claim these things, I don't care, but when  
  you use these false credentials to bolster the things you say  
  regarding TM and Maharishi, that is dirty pool and you know it.
  Why have you stopped talking about your experiences of Buddhist  
  practices? These are recent, and no doubt far more interesting.
 If by recent you mean, the last thirty years, then I guess you  
 could call that recent. Really it's the wrong audience to discuss  
 such things - I would tend only to discuss such things: 1) in a  
 teaching situation, 2) by people who share the same vows and  
 permissions that I do and that have sufficient experience.

So that leaves you solely the option of talking as a false authority about TM 
and Maharishi. Yeah, I see your point.

[FairfieldLife] Live from Occupy Congress

2012-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
Today Occupy protesters are in Washington, DC for Occupy Congress.  
Watch the video stream here:

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Duveyoung
For what it's worth, a good friend of mine told me that Robin, SCREAMING ALOUD 
AT HER, slapped her in the face in front of the audience -- trying to get the 
demons out of her.  That was all I needed to know about Robin.  All his 
writings are for shit if he isn't willing to own up to the fact that he thought 
bitch slapping was spiritual therapy.  

I put Robin and Ravi in the same category.  Totally in love with their brains 

I have compassion, cuz we all loves the brains, but my friend never agreed to 
be slapped and humiliated in order to up-notch her spiritual ken, and I count 
that as assault and battery.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  Beats me, the whole damn thing, Vaj. You're intelligent, you're witty, 
  you're knowledgable, you have a life, why dress up and pretend to play 
 That is part of the reason I think the whole Vaj is a fraud schtick lacks 
 merit.  It does not account for motive.  Here is a guy who has hung around 
 here for a really long time.  Judy has proposed some ideas of why he might be 
 so interested in posting here, without having been a TMer, like having a 
 loved on who was.  According to this thoery he had a relative who was 
 harmed,so he took up a crusade for years to subtly undermine the movement by 
 posting that TM is a beginners practice, that Maharishi does not represent 
 the tradition he claims, to a bunch of people whose affiliation to the 
 movement might be summed up in the word: raggedy?  So he doggedly peruses 
 this with mission for years, impersonating a person who once gave a shit 
 about Maharishi...
 But that is not his only bizarre fixation on something with no personal 
 experience.  No.  He has a second mission that he is invested enough in to 
 post about here to once again dupe this group of Maharishi's misfit toys, he 
 is fascinated with you.
 See I was in the movement when you were rocking the boat Robin and I know 
 that detailed knowledge about you was really not that easy to come by.  And I 
 was a full-timer. The faithful hid behind a carefully prescribed set of 
 rumors of denunciation.  They were recited when your name came up.  And in 
 polite mind controlled movement society, you got no extra credit points for 
 appearing too knowledgeable about the details of your blasphemy.  You scared 
 us.  And the movement's judgement about our appearing to associate with you 
 scared us even more.  Starting a sentence at dinner table over the Mexican 
 Night's re-fried beans and rice (lard free, now THAT is blasphemy) with the 
 phrase Robin's pamphlet says... even as a prelude to denunciation was the 
 equivalent to quoting Karl Marx while defending yourself at the McCarthy 
 hearings.  My favorite quote of that era about you was from a National big 
 wig who said About HIM we don't even speak with all the drama of Bela 
 Lugosi honing in on an innocent's neck. (kinda sexy, all vampire movies are 
 kinda sexy even when they are blatantly homo-errotic, Brad Pitt and Tom 
 Cruise! Great pair for the if you were who would you do game BTW.
 Vaj's story has some credibility for me because he has one at all.  The rest 
 of us do-bees stayed as far away from you as our lotus posture emaciated legs 
 could carry us.
 I gunna try to sum up the reasons people believe Vaj is now a double imposter 
 of a person with a personal connection to the movement and to you and I'm 
 sure the people who are behind this position can beef up this skeleton.
 Why people don't believe Vaj was a TM teacher or even a TMer:
 He has said things that seemed to some people to contradict Maharishi's 
 teaching concerning the practice of TM itself. (people used to use this 
 technique on me to prove that I NEVER really understood Maharishi's 
 teaching because I now express it though my current filter and derisive 
 language.  In an interview I talked about getting my buzz from the 
 technique and was highly denounced for such a non TM approved way to look at 
 the practice.
 He has denounced Robin's perspective on Maharishi's personal presence as 
 silly because he believes he was a spiritual charlatan with zero woo-woo.  
 He has refused to give dates about when he was taught TM or made a teacher, 
 which we couldn't verify anyway.
 (Please feel free to add to the list if you are interested in this.)
 Why Robin doesn't believe Vaj ever met him in person or has personal 
 knowledge of how he conducted himself as a guru:
 Vaj claims to have met Robin in a hotel room and Robin does not remember this 
 Vaj claims to have personal knowledge about goings on in Robin's cult 
 including but not limited to bitch slapping the unenlightened (for their own 
 good of course).  Robin denies these events happened.
 Reasons Curtis believes that the probability of Vaj being both a TM teacher 
 and having 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread maskedzebra
RESPONSE: My entire argument rests on this single piece of evidence. Because it 
is Classic Vaj. You want to know how seriously and sincerely Vaj is dedicated 
to his testimony about his TM, Maharishi, and Robin past? Study this. It is a 
microcosm of everything he has ever said in rebuttal to my refusal to believe 
in the veracity of his claims. I mean it, folks. We have found our man. And 
Jesus wept.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 10:59 AM, maskedzebra wrote:
  RESPONSE: This response of yours, Vaj, reminds me of what the  
  antithesis would be of Seth Rogan's first words at the Golden Globe  
  Awards when he stepped out with his co-presenter Kate Beckinsale to  
  announce the nominees for Best Actress in a Film, Musical or Comedy.
VAJ: Not sure what to say: I didn't watch or record it, sorry Robin.

[FairfieldLife] A Critique Of Sam Harris et al Neural Correlates of Religious Belief

2012-01-17 Thread PaliGap
Brains, fMRI, scientific method and stuff:


Did you know that regions of your brain light up when you
think about Santa Claus or God? And that these regions are
thought to be associated with various behaviors like excess
emotion, schizophrenia, and other, gentler forms of nuttiness?

It's all true. Scientists regularly stick people's heads
inside machines, ask the people to think of this or that, and
then watch as the machines show regions of the brain glowing
orange. The scientists then employ statistical methods guaranteed
to generate over-confidence, but which allow the scientists to
write papers which contain broad, even bracing, claims about all
of humanity and of how everybody's brain functions.

This sort of thing is all the rage, so much so that hardly a
week passes without new headlines about what secrets the Whitecoat
Brigade have uncovered in the brain (this week: Study shows how
scientists can now `read your mind').

It is therefore of great interest to us to examine this
phenomena and see what it means

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2012, at 1:04 PM, futur.musik wrote:

So that leaves you solely the option of talking as a false  
authority about TM and Maharishi. Yeah, I see your point.

No, as someone who practiced TM/TMSP and as someone familiar with the  
foibles of Mahesh Yogi, I can comment as I please, albeit as someone  
with broader experience in tantric Hinduism and Buddhist tantra.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread maskedzebra
RESPONSE: Someone was, from behind a curtain, hit with a book during one 
seminar. But this was the impetuous and rash—and unpreventable—act of a single 
person who came up on the stage without warning, and suddenly did the deed 
which precipitated a lawsuit. The individual so struck withdrew her lawsuit not 
very far in to her deposition. What happened to her was wrong, and I was 
embarrassed and compromised by this sudden violence. Lavern, I think was the 
name of the innocent victim. This act was never repeated in any subsequent 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@... wrote:

 For what it's worth, a good friend of mine told me that Robin, SCREAMING 
 ALOUD AT HER, slapped her in the face in front of the audience -- trying to 
 get the demons out of her.  That was all I needed to know about Robin.  All 
 his writings are for shit if he isn't willing to own up to the fact that he 
 thought bitch slapping was spiritual therapy.  
 I put Robin and Ravi in the same category.  Totally in love with their brains 
 I have compassion, cuz we all loves the brains, but my friend never agreed to 
 be slapped and humiliated in order to up-notch her spiritual ken, and I count 
 that as assault and battery.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
   Beats me, the whole damn thing, Vaj. You're intelligent, you're witty, 
   you're knowledgable, you have a life, why dress up and pretend to play 
  That is part of the reason I think the whole Vaj is a fraud schtick lacks 
  merit.  It does not account for motive.  Here is a guy who has hung around 
  here for a really long time.  Judy has proposed some ideas of why he might 
  be so interested in posting here, without having been a TMer, like having a 
  loved on who was.  According to this thoery he had a relative who was 
  harmed,so he took up a crusade for years to subtly undermine the movement 
  by posting that TM is a beginners practice, that Maharishi does not 
  represent the tradition he claims, to a bunch of people whose affiliation 
  to the movement might be summed up in the word: raggedy?  So he doggedly 
  peruses this with mission for years, impersonating a person who once gave a 
  shit about Maharishi...
  But that is not his only bizarre fixation on something with no personal 
  experience.  No.  He has a second mission that he is invested enough in to 
  post about here to once again dupe this group of Maharishi's misfit toys, 
  he is fascinated with you.
  See I was in the movement when you were rocking the boat Robin and I know 
  that detailed knowledge about you was really not that easy to come by.  And 
  I was a full-timer. The faithful hid behind a carefully prescribed set of 
  rumors of denunciation.  They were recited when your name came up.  And in 
  polite mind controlled movement society, you got no extra credit points for 
  appearing too knowledgeable about the details of your blasphemy.  You 
  scared us.  And the movement's judgement about our appearing to associate 
  with you scared us even more.  Starting a sentence at dinner table over the 
  Mexican Night's re-fried beans and rice (lard free, now THAT is blasphemy) 
  with the phrase Robin's pamphlet says... even as a prelude to 
  denunciation was the equivalent to quoting Karl Marx while defending 
  yourself at the McCarthy hearings.  My favorite quote of that era about you 
  was from a National big wig who said About HIM we don't even speak with 
  all the drama of Bela Lugosi honing in on an innocent's neck. (kinda sexy, 
  all vampire movies are kinda sexy even when they are blatantly 
  homo-errotic, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise! Great pair for the if you were who 
  would you do game BTW.
  Vaj's story has some credibility for me because he has one at all.  The 
  rest of us do-bees stayed as far away from you as our lotus posture 
  emaciated legs could carry us.
  I gunna try to sum up the reasons people believe Vaj is now a double 
  imposter of a person with a personal connection to the movement and to you 
  and I'm sure the people who are behind this position can beef up this 
  Why people don't believe Vaj was a TM teacher or even a TMer:
  He has said things that seemed to some people to contradict Maharishi's 
  teaching concerning the practice of TM itself. (people used to use this 
  technique on me to prove that I NEVER really understood Maharishi's 
  teaching because I now express it though my current filter and derisive 
  language.  In an interview I talked about getting my buzz from the 
  technique and was highly denounced for such a non TM approved way to look 
  at the practice.
  He has denounced Robin's perspective on Maharishi's personal presence as 
  silly because he believes he was a spiritual charlatan with zero woo-woo.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:
  In my short time on this forum, I have never felt Vaj was a TM  
  meditator, so perhaps I have missed something. I agree that he  
  makes valid points worth thinking about. I am not familiar with  
  what must be the material Barry refers to in thinking Vaj is a 
  TM meditator, or at least has been close to some of them. Making 
  a valid point does not mean one has to be in the specific 
  context of a person you are arguing with.
 You have to understand, from my POV, TM is passe. At a certain 
 point, I stopped relating to it as a valid practice in terms 
 of where I was at. So in order to relate to it at all, it meant 
 I had to re-inhabit that old discarded mindset. I got to a point 
 where I didn't enjoy, nor did I find it valuable to be putting 
 my consciousness, my new wine, in that old skin anymore.

That's really it. I can force myself to use TM speak
here, but it's like trying to talk to (or relate to) 
people as if they were in grade school, and still talk-
ing and thinking the way they thought in grade school. 

The language used by Maharishi was just so vague and 
inaccurate and misleading that it's a real bringdown 
to have to use that same language these days, having
learned that there are better ways to conceptualize 
things, and express them.  

[FairfieldLife] The Scientific Yagya

2012-01-17 Thread Vaj
Hearing another Vedic supremacist cult, with a much larger following,  
and heavily comprised of various scientists, spieling their own BS on  
yagyas is quite eye-opening:

A case in point is the worldwide popularity of the
Gayatri Parivar, a Haridwar-based organization which
teaches 'scientific spirituality' through the recitation ofthe
Gayatri mantra, accompanied by collective performance
of yagnas, often on a truly massive scale involving many
thousands making oblations to 1008 fires simultaneously.
Started by Shriram Sharma in 1953 and now headed by his
son-in-law Pranav Pandya, a medical doctor, the Parivar
now runs a research institute and a deemed university in
Haridwar, meditation and research centres in Mathura and
Noida, and has branches in the US, Britain, Australia, and
New Zealand and claims more than 70 million members
worldwide, The members are largely professionals like
doctors, engineers, lawyers, and corporate CEOs in India
and abroad.

The crafty genius of the Gayatri Parivar lies in redesigning
ancient Vedic mantras and rituals-like the famous asvamedha [horse
sacrifice] yagna - for the twenty first century by smuggling in  

sounding language. Take, for example, the Parivar's definition
of yagna-which it calls ‘yagyopathy’- reproduced here
from its website:

Yagna, a scientific method aimed at the fines utilization of the
subtle properties of sacrificed matter with the help of thermal
energy of fire and the sonic vibrations of the mantras...Slow
combustion, sublimation and most prominently transformation
into vapour phase of the sacriticed herbal and plant medicinal
and nutritious substances takes place in the yagya-fire. Inhalation
therapy and environmental purification are the paramount
applications of yagna apart liom the enormous sublime impact
and auspicious spiritual effects called with reverence in the
Shastric literature.

ln other words, yagnas are really about vaporizing and
inhaling the beneficial chemicals from the bumt offerings.

The Gayatri Parivar has made this energy-based metaphysic
concrete in its very popular, horse-free recreation of the
famous horse sacrifice or asvamedha yagna, In its unique and
original interpretation of this ancient and rather gory ritual
in which a sanctified horse was killed, the Gayatri Parivar
has declared that the asva, or horse, in asvamedha actually
means 'demon animals of evil tendencies' within your heart
and soul which the yagna, accompanied by chants of the
Gayatri mantra, is supposed to tame. This novel interpretation
is combined with another rather democratic innovation: as
many as 1008 yagna fires are bumed simultaneously and
hundreds and thousands of people, regardless of caste and
class, are invited to pour ghee, herbs, grains, and other
sanctified material into the fires while chanting the Gayatri
mantra. Considering that the Gayatri mantra was meant to
be imparted only to the twice-born boys at the time of the
upanayana ([sacred thread]initiation) ceremony using it on a mass scale
without consideration of caste and gender is undoubtedly
democratic in its spirit. While the yagna is going on, priests
are at hand for performing life-cycle rituals like namkaran
(naming ceremony) and even marriages. The collective
chanting and vaporizing of ghee, herbs, and grains is
supposed to release massive amounts of ‘spiritual energy'
which gets stored in the 'energy field’ that can be accessed
by others later.

These mass yagnas are spreading from the north into the
rest of the country The temple town of Tirupati hosted an
asvamedha, as did the state of West Bengal. The Gayatri
Parivar's centrepiece, the asvamedha, is also spreading into
other countries with significant NRI communities: the yagna
has been performed in Chicago and Los Angeles in the US,
and more recently irr New Zealand.

Who participates in these mammoth rituals? The Gayatri
Parivar attracts the professional middle classes and the well-
to-do NRI community along with its central theme of
popularizing the Gayatri mantra and yagnas, the Parivar also
offers courses in 'moral upliftment and stress management'
to government and private sector professionals. The
Gayatri Parivar’s clients include well-known public sector
enterprises like Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, National
Thermal Power Corporation, Sales Tax departxnent, Labour
department, Department of Education, and a number of
national banks.

The Gayatri Parivar's utterly novel and scientific
reinterpretation of the Gayatri mantra and the horse yagna is
clearly an invented tradition. It invents a whole new way of
explaining the significance of a ritual with an ancient lineage
in a language borrowed from modern science. (...)

Meera Nanda, The God Market

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Vaj

On Jan 17, 2012, at 1:40 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

This is projected demonization at its worst.

How dare you summarize the World Teacher Seminar in one sentence!  
There was the drama, the stage...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monday at Camel Rock

2012-01-17 Thread Duveyoung
 We are not worthy.  We bow.  

Nice write up.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, marekreavis reavismarek@... wrote:

 Yesterday (1.16.12) air temp was 44 degrees, water temp five degrees warmer 
 than that, but still cold enough that my hands, even in 5-mil thick gloves, 
 were numb in just a few minutes and trading comments with my buddy as we sat 
 on our boards waiting for a set became a hopeless attempt to form coherent 
 sounds through stiff, uncooperative lips.
 But it was a glorious day, all the same, sunny and bright with (undoubtedly 
 snide) comments from the Aleutian cackling geese watching from the two peaks 
 of Camel Rock occasionally reaching our ears through the steady crash and 
 roar of the waves.
 We surfed for about an hour-and-a-half on the slack tide, caught many 
 unspectacular but exhilarating waves, before calling it a day. There are 
 about 130-140 stairs dug into the hillside that deliver you from the point 
 overlook to the beach and when we got to the top, as we almost always do, we 
 stopped and turned to look back at the break and marvel at how perfect it all 
 was -- is.
 We pulled ourselves out of our wetsuits, loaded up our boards, and walked 
 back over one more time to gaze down at the waves and the surfers for another 
 few minutes. I took a quick photo from my phone and will post it in an album 
 after writing this.
 Nothing more than that; no more meaning than that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monday at Camel Rock

2012-01-17 Thread marekreavis
Curtis, no need to send me anything in the mail, but thanks for the thought 

Yeah, the cold water immersion reaction is definitely real and even yesterday, 
the first time I got dumped I came up gasping; it was all I could do to 
frustrate the impulse while I was still underwater. And the only thing I had 
exposed was my face. But after that first time it was fine for the rest of the 

The problem I'm having now is that I'm still 15 pounds lighter than I used to 
be after a couple of major surgeries this last summer and that was all my 
natural insulation, so even with a good wetsuit, I start to get cold after an 
hour or so when the water gets down into the 40s. You'd be surprised how much 
different just a few degrees can make. Once the water gets to around 52 degrees 
I generally don't even wear a hood, though I always wear booties and generally 
gloves, regardless. I'm always impressed with the folk who don't wear either, 
though I only noticed a few people yesterday without gloves on.

Here's a great article from today's New York Times:


Now those two (Mr. Boomer and Mr. Turk) are some manly men! And the one guy, 
Turk, is even older than I am. With some good fortune I hope to keep doing what 
I'm doing until I'm way up in my 70s, maybe even beyond that. It will be a sad 
day when the only waves I can surf will be those I mind-surf while watching 
from shore.

Enjoy Barbie as you find her.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Thanks for proving once and for all that I am a complete pussy Marek!  Give 
 me the address so that I can send my nutsack to the appropriate facility in 
 one of those plastic mailing bags they use to send in your outdated cell 
 In Kayaking there is a fear of the effect in cold water called the gasp 
 effect of hitting too cold water and having your lungs involuntarily suck in 
 enough water to drown you.  I know that they use wetsuits to counter this. Is 
 that something you have heard about and is it a factor for surfers?
 I'll check back for your answer later because it has come to my attention 
 that now that I am nuts-free I can pursue my interest in vintage Barbie dolls 
 dressed up as dominatrixes without shame. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, marekreavis reavismarek@ wrote:
  Yesterday (1.16.12) air temp was 44 degrees, water temp five degrees warmer 
  than that, but still cold enough that my hands, even in 5-mil thick gloves, 
  were numb in just a few minutes and trading comments with my buddy as we 
  sat on our boards waiting for a set became a hopeless attempt to form 
  coherent sounds through stiff, uncooperative lips.
  But it was a glorious day, all the same, sunny and bright with (undoubtedly 
  snide) comments from the Aleutian cackling geese watching from the two 
  peaks of Camel Rock occasionally reaching our ears through the steady crash 
  and roar of the waves.
  We surfed for about an hour-and-a-half on the slack tide, caught many 
  unspectacular but exhilarating waves, before calling it a day. There are 
  about 130-140 stairs dug into the hillside that deliver you from the point 
  overlook to the beach and when we got to the top, as we almost always do, 
  we stopped and turned to look back at the break and marvel at how perfect 
  it all was -- is.
  We pulled ourselves out of our wetsuits, loaded up our boards, and walked 
  back over one more time to gaze down at the waves and the surfers for 
  another few minutes. I took a quick photo from my phone and will post it in 
  an album after writing this.
  Nothing more than that; no more meaning than that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 ... I am always up for a discussion where I am the guy 
 who tells you what is in my mind and you are the guy who 
 represents your own. Is that really too much to ask in
 a dialogue here?

Seemingly, yes.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
On 01/17/2012 10:16 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
 For what it's worth, a good friend of mine told me that Robin, SCREAMING 
 ALOUD AT HER, slapped her in the face in front of the audience -- trying to 
 get the demons out of her.  That was all I needed to know about Robin.  All 
 his writings are for shit if he isn't willing to own up to the fact that he 
 thought bitch slapping was spiritual therapy.

 I put Robin and Ravi in the same category.  Totally in love with their brains 

 I have compassion, cuz we all loves the brains, but my friend never agreed to 
 be slapped and humiliated in order to up-notch her spiritual ken, and I count 
 that as assault and battery.


And TM'ers especially are overly impressed with their own intellects.  
Thing is I seem to recall a passage from MMY's commentary on the Gita 
about becoming too impressed with the intellect and that it is not the 
goal of enlightenment.  The intellect is very relative and people can go 
over the edge with it like Willy Coyote. ;-)

But FFL isn't the only place where verboseness is worshiped. I also find 
that on many political forums people feel the need to write an essay 
rather than a briefer post on a subject.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-17 Thread azgrey

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@... wrote:
 Agreed, just as scientists have been able to extend the range of their senses 
 by invention, we need finer instrumentation, and a way to filter out the 
 grosser vibrations to be able to sense these other phenomena. By using 
 conventional crude apparatus, there is little more to discover, imo.

87 ACI

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-17 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@ wrote:
  Agreed, just as scientists have been able to extend the range 
  of their senses by invention, we need finer instrumentation, 
  and a way to filter out the grosser vibrations to be able to 
  sense these other phenomena. By using conventional crude 
  apparatus, there is little more to discover, imo.
 87 ACI


[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 
 I agree that Judy has set the agenda for this angle and I
 have to give credit for her forceful personality that so
 many have taken up this perspective.  (And yes I know it
 is possible that everyone just came to this conclusion 
 independently, but I don't find this as likely.)

(Response below, to you and Barry both.)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  Good post, Curtis. The one point you left out is that 
  RWC is no more original in his denunciations of Vaj than
  he is about anything else. The guy seems *incapable* of
  having an original idea; everything he's saying about
  Vaj came directly from Judy, or her words filtered 
  through Jim or Ravi or Nabby. *No one else* ever had
  any doubts about Vaj's TM pedigree until she started
  her Gotta find a way to demonize Vaj so no one will
  believe him when he makes valid points campaign.

Not true. As Barry knows (Curtis may not), such doubts
were raised on alt.m.t as well. Barry's pal do.rflex was
particularly assertive in challenging Vaj's TM credentials.
Of course he was an acolyte of mine then, but guess who
has been equally assertive on this point since do.rflex
switched his allegiance to Barry?

Gosh, I wonder why it's never occurred to me to question
*Barry's* TM credentials, or Curtis's, or those of any of
the other militant TM critics. If I'm so influential that
the tactic succeeds in leading folks to disbelieve Vaj's
valid points just because I questioned those credentials,
surely it would work on the rest of the critics.

Not to mention that Barry has informed us all that few
consider my posts (or those of Ravi or Jim or Robin)
interesting enough to even read (except by Curtis in his
Mother Teresa mode). Guess Robin and all the other Vaj-
detractors must be reading my words filtered through
Nabby, huh?

This notion that Thoroughly Boring Judy, to whom few pay
any attention, controls the minds of a sizable flock of
dummies who are incapable of independent thought--
including at least one who thoroughly loathes her (he
even began one of his denunciations of Vaj with the
words I hate to agree with Judy here)--has long since
exceeded its shelf life.


And BTW, I never said anything about Vaj not having
actually known Robin. So that, at least, is original
with Robin.


  As I reminded people a few days ago, all of this is not
  really about RWC answering Vaj's claims; he has no inten-
  tion of ever doing that. It's all about him trying to
  get Vaj (or you) to engage in head-to-head battle with
  him so that he can get his sick ego-rocks off. Nothing
  has changed since he ran the same routine in Fairfield.

Um, Robin didn't start this latest battle; Vaj did. Ditto
with Curtis. In fact, I don't believe Robin has started
*any* battles here (with the exception of his prologed
disagreements with Curtis, which were concluded, if not
resolved, some time ago). All the others have begun with
gratuitous slams from others.

Be interesting to know what Barry thinks could conceivably
constitute an answer from Robin to Vaj's claims. Curtis, I
believe you're familiar with the proposition that you can't
prove a negative, right?

[FairfieldLife] George Harrison the last performance

2012-01-17 Thread nablusoss1008
Forget Turq, Curtis and the Vaj fellow, they've lost it. 

Listen to George Harrison instead:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monday at Camel Rock

2012-01-17 Thread Duveyoung
Here's Marek on December 21, 2012.



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@... wrote:

  We are not worthy.  We bow.  
 Nice write up.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, marekreavis reavismarek@ wrote:
  Yesterday (1.16.12) air temp was 44 degrees, water temp five degrees warmer 
  than that, but still cold enough that my hands, even in 5-mil thick gloves, 
  were numb in just a few minutes and trading comments with my buddy as we 
  sat on our boards waiting for a set became a hopeless attempt to form 
  coherent sounds through stiff, uncooperative lips.
  But it was a glorious day, all the same, sunny and bright with (undoubtedly 
  snide) comments from the Aleutian cackling geese watching from the two 
  peaks of Camel Rock occasionally reaching our ears through the steady crash 
  and roar of the waves.
  We surfed for about an hour-and-a-half on the slack tide, caught many 
  unspectacular but exhilarating waves, before calling it a day. There are 
  about 130-140 stairs dug into the hillside that deliver you from the point 
  overlook to the beach and when we got to the top, as we almost always do, 
  we stopped and turned to look back at the break and marvel at how perfect 
  it all was -- is.
  We pulled ourselves out of our wetsuits, loaded up our boards, and walked 
  back over one more time to gaze down at the waves and the surfers for 
  another few minutes. I took a quick photo from my phone and will post it in 
  an album after writing this.
  Nothing more than that; no more meaning than that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monday at Camel Rock

2012-01-17 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@... wrote:

 Here's Marek on December 21, 2012.

That was fuckin' AWESOME, dude. Nice find.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   We are not worthy.  We bow.  
  Nice write up.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, marekreavis reavismarek@ wrote:
   Yesterday (1.16.12) air temp was 44 degrees, water temp five degrees 
   warmer than that, but still cold enough that my hands, even in 5-mil 
   thick gloves, were numb in just a few minutes and trading comments with 
   my buddy as we sat on our boards waiting for a set became a hopeless 
   attempt to form coherent sounds through stiff, uncooperative lips.
   But it was a glorious day, all the same, sunny and bright with 
   (undoubtedly snide) comments from the Aleutian cackling geese watching 
   from the two peaks of Camel Rock occasionally reaching our ears through 
   the steady crash and roar of the waves.
   We surfed for about an hour-and-a-half on the slack tide, caught many 
   unspectacular but exhilarating waves, before calling it a day. There are 
   about 130-140 stairs dug into the hillside that deliver you from the 
   point overlook to the beach and when we got to the top, as we almost 
   always do, we stopped and turned to look back at the break and marvel at 
   how perfect it all was -- is.
   We pulled ourselves out of our wetsuits, loaded up our boards, and walked 
   back over one more time to gaze down at the waves and the surfers for 
   another few minutes. I took a quick photo from my phone and will post it 
   in an album after writing this.
   Nothing more than that; no more meaning than that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monday at Camel Rock

2012-01-17 Thread marekreavis
Cool video, Edg. Here's one, a bit more true to reality, done by a stand up 
paddle board surfer at Camel Rock using a Go Pro on the nose of his board. 
Gives you a good idea of the place and the vibe, at least when the waves are 
small during the summer.



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@... wrote:

 Here's Marek on December 21, 2012.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   We are not worthy.  We bow.  
  Nice write up.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, marekreavis reavismarek@ wrote:
   Yesterday (1.16.12) air temp was 44 degrees, water temp five degrees 
   warmer than that, but still cold enough that my hands, even in 5-mil 
   thick gloves, were numb in just a few minutes and trading comments with 
   my buddy as we sat on our boards waiting for a set became a hopeless 
   attempt to form coherent sounds through stiff, uncooperative lips.
   But it was a glorious day, all the same, sunny and bright with 
   (undoubtedly snide) comments from the Aleutian cackling geese watching 
   from the two peaks of Camel Rock occasionally reaching our ears through 
   the steady crash and roar of the waves.
   We surfed for about an hour-and-a-half on the slack tide, caught many 
   unspectacular but exhilarating waves, before calling it a day. There are 
   about 130-140 stairs dug into the hillside that deliver you from the 
   point overlook to the beach and when we got to the top, as we almost 
   always do, we stopped and turned to look back at the break and marvel at 
   how perfect it all was -- is.
   We pulled ourselves out of our wetsuits, loaded up our boards, and walked 
   back over one more time to gaze down at the waves and the surfers for 
   another few minutes. I took a quick photo from my phone and will post it 
   in an album after writing this.
   Nothing more than that; no more meaning than that.

[FairfieldLife] TV Review: Alcatraz

2012-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
Nice shots of the San Francisco with scenes shot in Vancouver, BC 
standing in for SF.  Hint: SF does not have a range of mountains.  There 
is one small peak to the north (Mt. Tam) and the Oakland Hills to the 
east (hardly mountains).  Of course scenes the foliage was totally wrong 
for the Bay Area.

But don't waste your time as this is another formulaic TV cop and 
sidekick series using the villain of the week gimmick.  It confirms 
that broadcast TV is indeed being used like a drug for the great 
unwashed.   I guess after Lost we expect more from J.J. Abrams but I 
fear it's all about the money these days and a paycheck for the 
creators.  Not even Jorge Garcia (Hurley on Lost) can save this one.   
Oh, I need to mention the first villain is Charlie Jade. ;-)

I've gotten spoiled watching BBC series like Being Human where they 
don't insult the audience's intelligence.  But Being Human is also an 
exceptional series, right up their with Dexter but with maybe even 
better writing and acting.  Forget that it is about supernatural 
characters like vampires, ghosts and werewolves, these are human 
stories and finale of the third season was exceptional.

Not so with the second season of the North American version produced 
for Syfy.  The actors in the BBC version are far better and for some 
reason they've taken to renaming 3 of the characters such as Sally 
instead of Annie (the ghost).  I need to watch an episode or two of 
Syfy's season one because the first episode of season two seems dumbed 
down a bit for Syfy 18 to 35 audience.  It's also sillier lacking some 
of the subtler British humor.  I watched the first season of the BBC 
version last year after Syfy's first season.  Seemed to me the Syfy 
season one changed little of the dialog or scripts they used from the 
BBC version.  Looks like Syfy execs have put their mediocre ideas into 
their second season.  Too bad and I also can't stand the 1930's RCA 
audio equalization that NBC owned companies use.  It's way out of date 
and sound terrible on a state of the art surround system with it's 
booming bass range (those interested can see that EQ curve with the free 
Audacity software).

[FairfieldLife] Re: George Harrison the last performance

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik
Excellent find! He was my favorite Beatle.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 Forget Turq, Curtis and the Vaj fellow, they've lost it. 
 Listen to George Harrison instead:

[FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

2012-01-17 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Nice shots of the San Francisco with scenes shot in Vancouver, BC 
 standing in for SF.  Hint: SF does not have a range of mountains.  
 There is one small peak to the north (Mt. Tam) and the Oakland 
 Hills to the east (hardly mountains).  Of course scenes the 
 foliage was totally wrong for the Bay Area.
 But don't waste your time as this is another formulaic TV cop and 
 sidekick series using the villain of the week gimmick.  

Sadly, that sentence pretty much nails it.

 It confirms that broadcast TV is indeed being used like a drug 
 for the great unwashed. I guess after Lost we expect more 
 from J.J. Abrams but I fear it's all about the money these days 
 and a paycheck for the creators. Not even Jorge Garcia (Hurley 
 on Lost) can save this one.   

He's the only reason I watched the two opening episodes.
As you say, he's probably not gonna save this one.

As for Being Human ( the series, not the condition :-)
I haven't gotten to that one yet, so I reserve judgment 
until I do. 

[FairfieldLife] MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-17 Thread Rick Archer
Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a

with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each Heart.

Maharishi Speaks with

Mother Divine

No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'



[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik
I have never read before MMY talking about direct Celestial communication. Good 
stuff! Thanks for finding this! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
 with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each Heart.
 Maharishi Speaks with
 Mother Divine
 No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2012-01-17 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jan 14 00:00:00 2012
End Date (UTC): Sat Jan 21 00:00:00 2012
378 messages as of (UTC) Tue Jan 17 23:10:17 2012

49 futur.musik futur.mu...@yahoo.com
40 Yifu yifux...@yahoo.com
38 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
23 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
21 authfriend jst...@panix.com
20 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
20 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
19 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
17 obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
17 Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
17 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
13 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
12 maskedzebra no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 seventhray1 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 9 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 8 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
 7 richardatrwilliamsdotus rich...@rwilliams.us
 6 Susan waybac...@yahoo.com
 4 marekreavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
 4 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 3 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 3 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 3 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 3 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 wgm4u anitaoak...@att.net
 2 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 2 PaliGap compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 ynorthr ynor...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 shainm307 shainm...@yahoo.com
 1 azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 awoelflebater no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Jean jeanjes...@q.com
 1 Jason jedi_sp...@yahoo.com

Posters: 33
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
Where have I heard this type of claim before...oh yeah:

n 1977, Roberts claimed to have had a vision from a 900-foot-tall Jesus who 
told him to build City of Faith Medical and Research Center, and the hospital 
would be a success.

So convenient how God supports a person's organizational ambitions like that!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
 with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each Heart.
 Maharishi Speaks with
 Mother Divine
 No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-17 Thread futur.musik
Since most people don't have this experience there are folks who fake this to 
take advantage of others. Too bad - leads to rampant cynicism. However there 
are indications wrt the experience that can speak to its validity, or not. 
Maharishi's account reads as genuine. Can you guess why? No, *not* because it 
is Maharishi... 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@... 

 Where have I heard this type of claim before...oh yeah:
 n 1977, Roberts claimed to have had a vision from a 900-foot-tall Jesus who 
 told him to build City of Faith Medical and Research Center, and the hospital 
 would be a success.
 So convenient how God supports a person's organizational ambitions like that!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
  with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each Heart.
  Maharishi Speaks with
  Mother Divine
  No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'

[FairfieldLife] Wow

2012-01-17 Thread awoelflebater
Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts they range from 
the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-your-eyes cat fights. Something's 
got some of you going but I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that 
they are right. Good luck to you all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

2012-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
On 01/17/2012 01:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 Nice shots of the San Francisco with scenes shot in Vancouver, BC
 standing in for SF.  Hint: SF does not have a range of mountains.
 There is one small peak to the north (Mt. Tam) and the Oakland
 Hills to the east (hardly mountains).  Of course scenes the
 foliage was totally wrong for the Bay Area.

 But don't waste your time as this is another formulaic TV cop and
 sidekick series using the villain of the week gimmick.
 Sadly, that sentence pretty much nails it.

 It confirms that broadcast TV is indeed being used like a drug
 for the great unwashed. I guess after Lost we expect more
 from J.J. Abrams but I fear it's all about the money these days
 and a paycheck for the creators. Not even Jorge Garcia (Hurley
 on Lost) can save this one.
 He's the only reason I watched the two opening episodes.
 As you say, he's probably not gonna save this one.

 As for Being Human ( the series, not the condition :-)
 I haven't gotten to that one yet, so I reserve judgment
 until I do.

You might find the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of Portlandia 
hilarious.  It has to do with Battlestar Gallactica and I think I posted 
the first segment link here a week or so ago.  It's where a couple 
decide to watch the first episode of BSG before they go to a party and 
wind up watching the whole series finishing a week or so later.  But 
wait there's more!  Two more segments in fact with the third being the 
most hilarious.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread emptybill
How about something more than just another one of your unsubstantiated

Where did you learn TM/TMSP?
What were the dates and places of initiation?
Who were your TM/TMSP course teachers?

You should take these questions seriously.
You are perilously close to being branded on FFL as a bold-face liar.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Jan 17, 2012, at 1:04 PM, futur.musik wrote:

  So that leaves you solely the option of talking as a false
  authority about TM and Maharishi. Yeah, I see your point.

 No, as someone who practiced TM/TMSP and as someone familiar with the
 foibles of Mahesh Yogi, I can comment as I please, albeit as someone
 with broader experience in tantric Hinduism and Buddhist tantra.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY Speaks with Mother Divine (not the THMD Course)

2012-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
I believe in the phenomenon just not the interpretation of what it means.  It 
is well known capacity of our brains. In some conditions our ability to 
distinguish inner and outer mental experience gets confused.  That is my take 
on the sincere ones. I have no reason to believe that Roberts was less sincere 
in having a dramatic experience than Maharishi.  It is just funny how 
convenient they both came out to be for their own desires. 

I am not really sure that Maharishi is not just reporting a dramatic 
conversation he had with himself in the context of a temple using Mother Divine 
as an artistic literary device.  That would be my best guess.  He was reporting 
his thoughts in a more dramatic way taking some poetic license to punch the 
story up a bit.  He did a similar thing I believe when he claimed that 
Vasishtha came onto him last night!  It lead to a perspective about the Vedas.  
I have my doubts that he saw himself in as mystical a light as he projected to 
us.  Judith's book makes me believe he was more of a poetic devise guy than a 
I just talked to Mother Divine for real real guy.  YMMV

But my guess is that there are way more people who actually experience 
something dramatic than people who are outright lying through their teeth.  
I've had ones like it so I understand how compelling they are.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, futur.musik futur.musik@... wrote:

 Since most people don't have this experience there are folks who fake this to 
 take advantage of others. Too bad - leads to rampant cynicism. However there 
 are indications wrt the experience that can speak to its validity, or not. 
 Maharishi's account reads as genuine. Can you guess why? No, *not* because it 
 is Maharishi... 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  Where have I heard this type of claim before...oh yeah:
  n 1977, Roberts claimed to have had a vision from a 900-foot-tall Jesus who 
  told him to build City of Faith Medical and Research Center, and the 
  hospital would be a success.
  So convenient how God supports a person's organizational ambitions like 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Here is a transcript of a tape recording of Maharishi speaking about a
   with Mother Divine on dealing withe negativity in the world  in each 
   Maharishi Speaks with
   Mother Divine
   No. 59, 'Living the Good Life'

[FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

2012-01-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
Portlandia is my new favorite show and Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein  are 
my new favorite sketch comics.  (Louis CK is still tops in stand up)  Did you 
know they were musicians first?  They did a great piece on them on CBS Sunday 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 On 01/17/2012 01:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  Nice shots of the San Francisco with scenes shot in Vancouver, BC
  standing in for SF.  Hint: SF does not have a range of mountains.
  There is one small peak to the north (Mt. Tam) and the Oakland
  Hills to the east (hardly mountains).  Of course scenes the
  foliage was totally wrong for the Bay Area.
  But don't waste your time as this is another formulaic TV cop and
  sidekick series using the villain of the week gimmick.
  Sadly, that sentence pretty much nails it.
  It confirms that broadcast TV is indeed being used like a drug
  for the great unwashed. I guess after Lost we expect more
  from J.J. Abrams but I fear it's all about the money these days
  and a paycheck for the creators. Not even Jorge Garcia (Hurley
  on Lost) can save this one.
  He's the only reason I watched the two opening episodes.
  As you say, he's probably not gonna save this one.
  As for Being Human ( the series, not the condition :-)
  I haven't gotten to that one yet, so I reserve judgment
  until I do.
 You might find the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of Portlandia 
 hilarious.  It has to do with Battlestar Gallactica and I think I posted 
 the first segment link here a week or so ago.  It's where a couple 
 decide to watch the first episode of BSG before they go to a party and 
 wind up watching the whole series finishing a week or so later.  But 
 wait there's more!  Two more segments in fact with the third being the 
 most hilarious.

[FairfieldLife] Falling Bloom

2012-01-17 Thread Yifu
Falling Bloom, by Andrius


[FairfieldLife] Open Green

2012-01-17 Thread Yifu
by Andrius Balciunas, Lithuania

[FairfieldLife] Hope in Prison of Despair

2012-01-17 Thread Yifu
by Evelyn De Morgan


[FairfieldLife] Peaceful Reflection

2012-01-17 Thread Yifu
Antaratma's Elena Ray:

[FairfieldLife] Beach at Lincoln Park, Chicago

2012-01-17 Thread Yifu

[FairfieldLife] Re: What A Week

2012-01-17 Thread nemodomi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 How about something more than just another one of your unsubstantiated
 Where did you learn TM/TMSP?
 What were the dates and places of initiation?
 Who were your TM/TMSP course teachers?
 You should take these questions seriously.
 You are perilously close to being branded on FFL as a bold-face liar.


As a sometimes-mostly-lurker here, I want to thank you for bringing out the BIG 
GUNS! You've just upped the entertainment value significantly for me. :-)

By way of (re-?)introduction, I'd like to play along ...

 Where did you learn TM/TMSP?

Reading, PA / the Academy in the Catskills.

 What were the dates and places of initiation?

Wow. Who'd even wanna bother remembering those tedious details?! But I'll give 
it my best shot:

Reading, PA, October, 1970. Bonus points: Initiator was David Katz, late of 
cheesecake-production fame. More bonus points: I once attended a Charlie Lutes 

1st advanced technique: Philadelphia, PA, ca. 1972. Bonus points: Initiator was 
that nasty lady who was, I think, the only one who was handing out techniques 
at that time.

 Who were your TM/TMSP course teachers?

Eesh. Apparently GMO-brain has settled in. Lemme probe ...

SCI Course: Orono, ME, ca. 1971. Teachers? No idea.

T.T. part one: Catskills Academy, ca. 1974. Teachers were some nice guy whose 
name I totally forget and some nice gal named Jean(ne). And I'm pretty sure 
that Rick was some sort of assistant teacher at that one.

[Hiya Rick! :-) :-) :-) I'm the guy whom that nice guy whose name I totally 
forget described as one who speaks in aphorisms. I'm sure you recall. Heh.]

T.T. part two: Biarritz, France, ca. 1976. No recollection of teachers' names, 
though I could still recite the mantras list for ya if ya like.

Sidhis/Governors course: Catskills Academy, ca. 1978. Don't recall any 
teachers' names. Never hopped, either. Poo.

(I could also provide a scan of my now-useless Governor of the Age of 
Enlightenment card if I were actually interested in proving anything to anyone.)

Now to my questions ...

 You should take these questions seriously.
 You are perilously close to being branded on FFL as a bold-face liar.

This has me intrigued. I'm not familiar with the branding process on this 
forum. Is it done by popular vote, or simply by unilateral decree? If the 
former, how much participation here would qualify one to vote?

Thanks in advance, and, as always, JGD!

p.s. People, please trim your posts. Seriously.

[FairfieldLife] Russian Woman Reclining

2012-01-17 Thread Yifu
by Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii, 1910


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

2012-01-17 Thread Bhairitu
No, I didn't know that but Portland is a very weird place.

On 01/17/2012 07:01 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
 Portlandia is my new favorite show and Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein  
 are my new favorite sketch comics.  (Louis CK is still tops in stand up)  Did 
 you know they were musicians first?  They did a great piece on them on CBS 
 Sunday Morning.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 01/17/2012 01:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
 Nice shots of the San Francisco with scenes shot in Vancouver, BC
 standing in for SF.  Hint: SF does not have a range of mountains.
 There is one small peak to the north (Mt. Tam) and the Oakland
 Hills to the east (hardly mountains).  Of course scenes the
 foliage was totally wrong for the Bay Area.

 But don't waste your time as this is another formulaic TV cop and
 sidekick series using the villain of the week gimmick.
 Sadly, that sentence pretty much nails it.

 It confirms that broadcast TV is indeed being used like a drug
 for the great unwashed. I guess after Lost we expect more
 from J.J. Abrams but I fear it's all about the money these days
 and a paycheck for the creators. Not even Jorge Garcia (Hurley
 on Lost) can save this one.
 He's the only reason I watched the two opening episodes.
 As you say, he's probably not gonna save this one.

 As for Being Human ( the series, not the condition :-)
 I haven't gotten to that one yet, so I reserve judgment
 until I do.
 You might find the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of Portlandia
 hilarious.  It has to do with Battlestar Gallactica and I think I posted
 the first segment link here a week or so ago.  It's where a couple
 decide to watch the first episode of BSG before they go to a party and
 wind up watching the whole series finishing a week or so later.  But
 wait there's more!  Two more segments in fact with the third being the
 most hilarious.

[FairfieldLife] Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii

2012-01-17 Thread Yifu
Pioneer in color photography, self-portrait, 1912


[FairfieldLife] South end of Bowery, Coney Island

2012-01-17 Thread Yifu

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

2012-01-17 Thread Buck
Friends I want to share with you all one of the greatest sermons ever given 
that was written by a Transcendentalist.

You know in working with livestock, inflection is often nine tenths of the 
communication.  It is not at all so much what is said, but how it is said.  I 
see that much of the problem with discussions here on this list is that people 
can't hear how things are being said as to what is being said.  Likewise, in 
this whole discussion around the FFL resolution on sin, it seems something is 
being lost in the print that keeps people from converting.  

  Take a listen to this.  It sounds remarkable like to how I sound when I 
write.  I hope this is helpful to some of you who have trouble with what I 
write here.


Kindly from the Unified Field ever vigilante,


  The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
 Yes; !Amarkoners repent!  Yes, it is in the Greek I pray for these really big 
 Amarkoners here to return home.  These TM expatriates.  The ex-patriots 
 indeed.  Here we have one of the biggest natural law peace-creating things 
 going on and these guys spurn it always puking on it here.  That is spiritual 
 sin in the Greek way as also per the FFL Resolution on Sin too.  Is perfectly 
 fair to judge who is with us in this natural law too as transcendentalists 
 and who is against it, and us.  It is calling sin for what it is, a sin a sin.
 Thank you for your very learned comments.
 An old and Kindly meditator,
 -Buck in FF 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   Teaching the Knowledge
   As  a teacher, there is a different, more difficult lesson that must
   accepted personally: if someone chosen by the Unified Field to be a
   prophet or a leader refuses to teach the truth, as Jonah did for
   example, then Nature will visit a terrible punishment on them.
   However,   the reverse is even more true�Nature will grant favor
   delight  to those who do preach the truth.
   Om, Om, Om, come back, come back  to meditation you sinners.
   The bell tolls for thee,
   In warm regard of natural  law,
   -Buck in FF
  This is kind of heavy handed Buck. Fortunately I am not immune to being
  heavy handed in thought, and as Barry would possibly say, overbearing
  and pompous. If the unified field is truth, one cannot actually speak
  it, one can only point to it because it is transcendent to speech. All
  speech in the world in reference to it is as a lie. Nature is not
  personal, it visits on one without regard to person. Favour and delight
  are the experience of those who experience the unified field, but nature
  remains the same impersonal force of will that is the unified field,
  enlightened or unenlightened. It is not will as a person imagines will
  to be; it is far more mysterious and inscrutable.
  The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
  mark. In the West the Christian idea of sin seems to be the predominant
  meaning, and it has many connotations that seem to go quite beyond
  simply missing the mark. But usage that is common here has many
  judgmental implications that really serve no useful purpose if your aim
  is to point people in the direction of enlightenment.
  If you 'look' at the process of transcendental meditation, what you
  experience is you are handing off the process and letting nature take it
  over. That is it. If we are able to culture our system to do that under
  all circumstances, we are home free. It is the personal sense of will
  that interferes with this process in daily life.
  'Transcendental meditation' as a principle can be practiced many ways;
  Maharishi seems to have discovered a compact technique that encapsulates
  this principle; it is quite a stroke of genius. There are those that
  have come by the principle in other ways that have been successful;
  whatever works to imbue this principle in our lives is more powerful
  than simply following a rigid formula in regard to what truth might be.
  You seem to be starting to sound like the vengeful force that permeates
  the Torah and other books that Christians call the Old Testament.
  Difference of opinion is advantageous in religion. The several sects
  perform the office of a Censor morum over each other. Is uniformity
  attainable? Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the
  introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined,
  imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What
  has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools, and
  the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the
  earth. - Thomas Jefferson (Notes on the State of Virginia, 1787)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

2012-01-17 Thread Yifu
Was Reborn by David Sandlin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Friends I want to share with you all one of the greatest sermons ever given 
 that was written by a Transcendentalist.
 You know in working with livestock, inflection is often nine tenths of the 
 communication.  It is not at all so much what is said, but how it is said.  I 
 see that much of the problem with discussions here on this list is that 
 people can't hear how things are being said as to what is being said.  
 Likewise, in this whole discussion around the FFL resolution on sin, it seems 
 something is being lost in the print that keeps people from converting.  
   Take a listen to this.  It sounds remarkable like to how I sound when I 
 write.  I hope this is helpful to some of you who have trouble with what I 
 write here.
 Kindly from the Unified Field ever vigilante,
   The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
  Yes; !Amarkoners repent!  Yes, it is in the Greek I pray for these really 
  big Amarkoners here to return home.  These TM expatriates.  The ex-patriots 
  indeed.  Here we have one of the biggest natural law peace-creating things 
  going on and these guys spurn it always puking on it here.  That is 
  spiritual sin in the Greek way as also per the FFL Resolution on Sin too.  
  Is perfectly fair to judge who is with us in this natural law too as 
  transcendentalists and who is against it, and us.  It is calling sin for 
  what it is, a sin a sin.
  Thank you for your very learned comments.
  An old and Kindly meditator,
  -Buck in FF 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
  anartaxius@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
Teaching the Knowledge
As  a teacher, there is a different, more difficult lesson that must
accepted personally: if someone chosen by the Unified Field to be a
prophet or a leader refuses to teach the truth, as Jonah did for
example, then Nature will visit a terrible punishment on them.
However,   the reverse is even more true�Nature will grant favor
delight  to those who do preach the truth.
Om, Om, Om, come back, come back  to meditation you sinners.
The bell tolls for thee,
In warm regard of natural  law,
-Buck in FF
   This is kind of heavy handed Buck. Fortunately I am not immune to being
   heavy handed in thought, and as Barry would possibly say, overbearing
   and pompous. If the unified field is truth, one cannot actually speak
   it, one can only point to it because it is transcendent to speech. All
   speech in the world in reference to it is as a lie. Nature is not
   personal, it visits on one without regard to person. Favour and delight
   are the experience of those who experience the unified field, but nature
   remains the same impersonal force of will that is the unified field,
   enlightened or unenlightened. It is not will as a person imagines will
   to be; it is far more mysterious and inscrutable.
   The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
   mark. In the West the Christian idea of sin seems to be the predominant
   meaning, and it has many connotations that seem to go quite beyond
   simply missing the mark. But usage that is common here has many
   judgmental implications that really serve no useful purpose if your aim
   is to point people in the direction of enlightenment.
   If you 'look' at the process of transcendental meditation, what you
   experience is you are handing off the process and letting nature take it
   over. That is it. If we are able to culture our system to do that under
   all circumstances, we are home free. It is the personal sense of will
   that interferes with this process in daily life.
   'Transcendental meditation' as a principle can be practiced many ways;
   Maharishi seems to have discovered a compact technique that encapsulates
   this principle; it is quite a stroke of genius. There are those that
   have come by the principle in other ways that have been successful;
   whatever works to imbue this principle in our lives is more powerful
   than simply following a rigid formula in regard to what truth might be.
   You seem to be starting to sound like the vengeful force that permeates
   the Torah and other books that Christians call the Old Testament.
   Difference of opinion is advantageous in religion. The several sects
   perform the office of a Censor morum over each other. Is uniformity
   attainable? Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the
   introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined,
   imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

2012-01-17 Thread Emily Reyn
I watched a couple of clips on utube.  This one is great and so true and a bit 
musical.  I do the waterfront walk featured here every time I go.  


Portland is my favorite nearest city and it is a *great* place.  I wish I had 
left Seattle and bought a house there years ago.  I really am going to have to 
buy a TV as soon as it stops snowing here - I am missing so much of this 
amusing stuff.  Up to 6 new inches (about 3 have fallen so far) are predicted 
(well, up to 14 in places, those places where nobody commutes) and school has 
been cancelled for two days now and the headline on the front of the paper this 
morning was Megastorm looms for area.  Ha ha.  We are such wimps.  Time to go 

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

No, I didn't know that but Portland is a very weird place.

On 01/17/2012 07:01 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
 Portlandia is my new favorite show and Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein  
 are my new favorite sketch comics.  (Louis CK is still tops in stand up)  Did 
 you know they were musicians first?  They did a great piece on them on CBS 
 Sunday Morning.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 01/17/2012 01:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
 Nice shots of the San Francisco with scenes shot in Vancouver, BC
 standing in for SF.  Hint: SF does not have a range of mountains.
 There is one small peak to the north (Mt. Tam) and the Oakland
 Hills to the east (hardly mountains).  Of course scenes the
 foliage was totally wrong for the Bay Area.

 But don't waste your time as this is another formulaic TV cop and
 sidekick series using the villain of the week gimmick.
 Sadly, that sentence pretty much nails it.

 It confirms that broadcast TV is indeed being used like a drug
 for the great unwashed. I guess after Lost we expect more
 from J.J. Abrams but I fear it's all about the money these days
 and a paycheck for the creators. Not even Jorge Garcia (Hurley
 on Lost) can save this one.
 He's the only reason I watched the two opening episodes.
 As you say, he's probably not gonna save this one.

 As for Being Human ( the series, not the condition :-)
 I haven't gotten to that one yet, so I reserve judgment
 until I do.
 You might find the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of Portlandia
 hilarious.  It has to do with Battlestar Gallactica and I think I posted
 the first segment link here a week or so ago.  It's where a couple
 decide to watch the first episode of BSG before they go to a party and
 wind up watching the whole series finishing a week or so later.  But
 wait there's more!  Two more segments in fact with the third being the
 most hilarious.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

2012-01-17 Thread Emily Reyn
I leave eternity to thee...  

I think a few sacred harp singers are needed...Idumea


And am I born to die?
To lay this body down!
And must my trembling spirit fly
Into a world unknown?
A land of deepest shade,
Unpierced by human thought
The dreary regions of the dead,
Where all things are forgot.
Soon as from earth I go
What will become of me?
Eternal happiness or woe,
Must then my portion be!
Waked by the trumpet sound,
I from my grave shall rise;
And see the Judge with glory crowned,
And see the flaming skies!

 From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 8:20 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

Friends I want to share with you all one of the greatest sermons ever given 
that was written by a Transcendentalist.

You know in working with livestock, inflection is often nine tenths of the 
communication.  It is not at all so much what is said, but how it is said.  I 
see that much of the problem with discussions here on this list is that people 
can't hear how things are being said as to what is being said.  Likewise, in 
this whole discussion around the FFL resolution on sin, it seems something is 
being lost in the print that keeps people from converting. 

Take a listen to this.  It sounds remarkable like to how I sound when I write.  
I hope this is helpful to some of you who have trouble with what I write here.


Kindly from the Unified Field ever vigilante,


  The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
 Yes; !Amarkoners repent!  Yes, it is in the Greek I pray for these really big 
 Amarkoners here to return home.  These TM expatriates.  The ex-patriots 
 indeed.  Here we have one of the biggest natural law peace-creating things 
 going on and these guys spurn it always puking on it here.  That is spiritual 
 sin in the Greek way as also per the FFL Resolution on Sin too.  Is perfectly 
 fair to judge who is with us in this natural law too as transcendentalists 
 and who is against it, and us.  It is calling sin for what it is, a sin a sin.
 Thank you for your very learned comments.
 An old and Kindly meditator,
 -Buck in FF 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
   Teaching the Knowledge
   As  a teacher, there is a different, more difficult lesson that must
   accepted personally: if someone chosen by the Unified Field to be a
   prophet or a leader refuses to teach the truth, as Jonah did for
   example, then Nature will visit a terrible punishment on them.
   However,   the reverse is even more true�Nature will grant favor
   delight  to those who do preach the truth.
   Om, Om, Om, come back, come back  to meditation you sinners.
   The bell tolls for thee,
   In warm regard of natural  law,
   -Buck in FF
  This is kind of heavy handed Buck. Fortunately I am not immune to being
  heavy handed in thought, and as Barry would possibly say, overbearing
  and pompous. If the unified field is truth, one cannot actually speak
  it, one can only point to it because it is transcendent to speech. All
  speech in the world in reference to it is as a lie. Nature is not
  personal, it visits on one without regard to person. Favour and delight
  are the experience of those who experience the unified field, but nature
  remains the same impersonal force of will that is the unified field,
  enlightened or unenlightened. It is not will as a person imagines will
  to be; it is far more mysterious and inscrutable.
  The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to miss the
  mark. In the West the Christian idea of sin seems to be the predominant
  meaning, and it has many connotations that seem to go quite beyond
  simply missing the mark. But usage that is common here has many
  judgmental implications that really serve no useful purpose if your aim
  is to point people in the direction of enlightenment.
  If you 'look' at the process of transcendental meditation, what you
  experience is you are handing off the process and letting nature take it
  over. That is it. If we are able to culture our system to do that under
  all circumstances, we are home free. It is the personal sense of will
  that interferes with this process in daily life.
  'Transcendental meditation' as a principle can be practiced many ways;
  Maharishi seems to have discovered a compact technique that encapsulates
  this principle; it is quite a stroke of genius. There are those that
  have come by the principle in other ways that have been successful;
  whatever works to imbue this principle in our lives is more powerful
  than simply following a rigid formula in regard to what 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

2012-01-17 Thread seventhray1

Can TV really be this funny?  This is really going to sound strange, but
it's been a long time since I've watched anything along these lines, and
I really enjoyed this intro, and I also watched some of the clips on
youtube which I enjoyed very much.  What is strange is that probably the
last TV series I got excited about was Maxheadroom.  I think I only
watched a couple episodes, but this Portlandia really clicked with me. 
Plus, I have a sister who lives there.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 I watched a couple of clips on utube. Â This one is great and so
true and a bit musical. Â I do the waterfront walk featured here
every time I go. Â


 Portland is my favorite nearest city and it is a *great* place. Â I
wish I had left Seattle and bought a house there years ago. Â I
really am going to have to buy a TV as soon as it stops snowing here - I
am missing so much of this amusing stuff. Â Up to 6 new inches (about
3 have fallen so far) are predicted (well, up to 14 in places, those
places where nobody commutes) and school has been cancelled for two days
now and the headline on the front of the paper this morning was
Megastorm looms for area. Â Ha ha. Â We are such wimps. Â
Time to go skiing. Â

 From: Bhairitu noozguru@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 7:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TV Review: Alcatraz

 No, I didn't know that but Portland is a very weird place.

 On 01/17/2012 07:01 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  Portlandia is my new favorite show and Fred Armisen and Carrie
Brownstein are my new favorite sketch comics. (Louis CK is still tops in
stand up) Did you know they were musicians first? They did a great piece
on them on CBS Sunday Morning.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@ wrote:
  On 01/17/2012 01:16 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@ wrote:
  Nice shots of the San Francisco with scenes shot in Vancouver, BC
  standing in for SF. Hint: SF does not have a range of mountains.
  There is one small peak to the north (Mt. Tam) and the Oakland
  Hills to the east (hardly mountains). Of course scenes the
  foliage was totally wrong for the Bay Area.
  But don't waste your time as this is another formulaic TV cop and
  sidekick series using the villain of the week gimmick.
  Sadly, that sentence pretty much nails it.
  It confirms that broadcast TV is indeed being used like a drug
  for the great unwashed. I guess after Lost we expect more
  from J.J. Abrams but I fear it's all about the money these days
  and a paycheck for the creators. Not even Jorge Garcia (Hurley
  on Lost) can save this one.
  He's the only reason I watched the two opening episodes.
  As you say, he's probably not gonna save this one.
  As for Being Human ( the series, not the condition :-)
  I haven't gotten to that one yet, so I reserve judgment
  until I do.
  You might find the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of Portlandia
  hilarious. It has to do with Battlestar Gallactica and I think I
  the first segment link here a week or so ago. It's where a couple
  decide to watch the first episode of BSG before they go to a party
  wind up watching the whole series finishing a week or so later. But
  wait there's more! Two more segments in fact with the third being
  most hilarious.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-17 Thread authfriend
But if we conviced each other we were right, we wouldn't
have anything to argue about! ;-)

If you have something more edifying you'd like to bring
up for discussion, please feel free. Or tell us a bit
about yourself.

Or just hang around for awhile--we go through phases,
some of which you may find of greater interest.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@... wrote:

 Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts they range from 
 the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-your-eyes cat fights. Something's 
 got some of you going but I'm not sure anyone is convincing anyone else that 
 they are right. Good luck to you all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wow

2012-01-17 Thread pranamoocher
Never heard a clearer description of FFL.
Welcome to the Jungle!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@...

 Just a newbie here at FFL. Glancing through all of the posts they
range from the mundane (movie reviews) to scratch-out-your-eyes cat
fights. Something's got some of you going but I'm not sure anyone is
convincing anyone else that they are right. Good luck to you all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

2012-01-17 Thread seventhray1

Wow, that was neat.  Great pictures.  It brought me back to a reverence
for Native Americans.  I admit that over the last few years, my
perception has focussed on some of the brutality they displayed in
fighting their enemies, and less about their relationship with the
earth.  This helped move me back in that direction.

We've been meaning to do some some DNA testing.  We think there is some
Indian on my wife's side.  A mysterious women in the geneology, but
sanitized because it wasn't considered proper. But my son had mongolian
patches on his behind as a child, and those are particular to native
american as well as some other racial groups.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...

 I leave eternity to thee... Â

 I think a few sacred harp singers are needed...Idumea


 And am I born to die?
 To lay this body down!
 And must my trembling spirit fly
 Into a world unknown?
 A land of deepest shade,
 Unpierced by human thought
 The dreary regions of the dead,
 Where all things are forgot.
 Soon as from earth I go
 What will become of me?
 Eternal happiness or woe,
 Must then my portion be!
 Waked by the trumpet sound,
 I from my grave shall rise;
 And see the Judge with glory crowned,
 And see the flaming skies!

 From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 8:20 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Judgment:

 Friends I want to share with you all one of the greatest sermons ever
given that was written by a Transcendentalist.

 You know in working with livestock, inflection is often nine tenths of
the communication. It is not at all so much what is said, but how it is
said. I see that much of the problem with discussions here on this list
is that people can't hear how things are being said as to what is being
said. Likewise, in this whole discussion around the FFL resolution on
sin, it seems something is being lost in the print that keeps people
from converting.

 Take a listen to this. It sounds remarkable like to how I sound when I
write. I hope this is helpful to some of you who have trouble with what
I write here.


 Kindly from the Unified Field ever vigilante,


   The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to
miss the
  Yes; !Amarkoners repent! Yes, it is in the Greek I pray for these
really big Amarkoners here to return home. These TM expatriates. The
ex-patriots indeed. Here we have one of the biggest natural law
peace-creating things going on and these guys spurn it always puking on
it here. That is spiritual sin in the Greek way as also per the FFL
Resolution on Sin too. Is perfectly fair to judge who is with us in this
natural law too as transcendentalists and who is against it, and us. It
is calling sin for what it is, a sin a sin.
  Thank you for your very learned comments.
  An old and Kindly meditator,
  -Buck in FF
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Xenophaneros Anartaxius
anartaxius@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
Teaching the Knowledge
As a teacher, there is a different, more difficult lesson that
accepted personally: if someone chosen by the Unified Field to
be a
prophet or a leader refuses to teach the truth, as Jonah did for
example, then Nature will visit a terrible punishment on them.
However, the reverse is even more true�Nature will grant
delight to those who do preach the truth.
Om, Om, Om, come back, come back to meditation you sinners.
The bell tolls for thee,
In warm regard of natural law,
-Buck in FF
   This is kind of heavy handed Buck. Fortunately I am not immune to
   heavy handed in thought, and as Barry would possibly say,
   and pompous. If the unified field is truth, one cannot actually
   it, one can only point to it because it is transcendent to speech.
   speech in the world in reference to it is as a lie. Nature is not
   personal, it visits on one without regard to person. Favour and
   are the experience of those who experience the unified field, but
   remains the same impersonal force of will that is the unified
   enlightened or unenlightened. It is not will as a person imagines
   to be; it is far more mysterious and inscrutable.
   The Greek word for sin in the Bible is 'amarkon' which means to
miss the
   mark. In the West the Christian idea of sin seems to be the
   meaning, and it has many connotations that seem to go quite beyond
   simply missing the mark. But usage that is common here has many
   judgmental implications that really serve no useful purpose if
your aim
   is to point people in the direction of enlightenment.
   If you 'look' at