[FairfieldLife] Is AI Possible?

2014-05-05 Thread jr_esq
Stephen Hawking thinks so, but adds a warning.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Astral Projection and Auras

2014-05-05 Thread John Carter
Hi Richard Thanks for the info.

On Saturday, May 3, 2014 5:39 PM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com 
On 5/3/2014 5:13 AM, John Carter wrote:
 Things have taken off since then, but I haven't, I cannot get out of 
 this decrepit body and perform an Astral Projection! I have read many 
 books – analysed Monroe, Rogo, Taylor and others, but still stay 
 firmly on Terra Firma.

Dear John - You can probably get most of the information you need about 
this subject by reading the threads about human levitation events 
witnessed by thousands of Rama followers.


This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Astral Projection and Auras

2014-05-05 Thread John Carter
Hi Michael
Thank you for the info.

On , John Carter john_carter_...@yahoo.com wrote:
Hi Richard Thanks for the info.

On Saturday, May 3, 2014 5:39 PM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com 
On 5/3/2014 5:13 AM, John Carter wrote:
 Things have taken off since then, but I haven't, I cannot get out of 
 this decrepit body and perform an Astral Projection! I have read many 
 books – analysed Monroe, Rogo, Taylor and others, but still stay 
 firmly on Terra Firma.

Dear John - You can probably get most of the information you need about 
this subject by reading the threads about human levitation events 
witnessed by thousands of Rama followers.


This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ending the Use of Dirty Fuels, Years of Living Dangerously...global warming

2014-05-05 Thread dhamiltony2k5
As an immediate start everyone should be spending no less that a third of their 
24 hour day in restful alertness in quiet time meditation. Four hours in the 
morning, four hours in the afternoon. This becomes critical in the remediation 
of the atmosphere and climate on a crowded planet now.
 Maharishi: It can be.
 Vernon: But in this age where there is so much stress and tension?
 Maharishi: For one thing, there could be a national policy to have an hour's 
silence morning and evening. An hour of silence. All the busses, all the 
trains, everything stops. No movement. Aeroplanes don't take off. And then a 
national calm hour, morning and evening for the whole country. 
 … It could be put on an automatic basis -some automatic timing devices. 
Everything should be purposely put off, everything stopped. And then the 
workers don't go to the factory at seven o;clock -only at nine o'clock, ten 
o'clock. They should have some life at home -in the freshness of the mornings. 
p-377-8 Conversations with Maharishi, Vol I. Vernon Katz MUM Press 2001


 At home, in the workplace, at school. Meditating A third of a day everyday for 
everyone now. The world would be so much a better place for everyone in so many 
ways if people everywhere would just stop to take quiet time meditation.

 People spending more quiet time, spent in effective spiritual practice, is 
really the only antidote. We simply must break the materialism of the world now.

 -Buck in the Dome


  !Picturing Armageddon!









 To really mediate this, we need much better public school education using and 
teaching all that is scientific towards a more invincible future. Like taking 
more quiet time employing effective transcending meditation into the 
educational design of our schools, employing quiet time meditation in to our 
workplaces, and taking meditation in to our homes and home-life. -Buck

 We need a revolution in the spiritual outlook of humanity right now. This is 
about public education.

 An Entrenched Materialism of our vast human race is the problem at core. The 
problem is fundamentally spiritual.

 We Must, 
 End the Use of Dirty Fuels, 
 Now. ..


 The problem is way too beyond just sustainability.

 We are talking survival.  As a species.
 It is quite time for a change. Radical change.
 -Buck in the Dome

 The World Simply Must

 End the Use of Dirty Fuels,
 Rampant Materialism, Hyper-Industrial Production and the Over-consumption of 
the consumer economies of the world at too high a level by too many people to 
be sustainable is the problem.


 sharelong60 writes: What does the Syrian war, destruction of Indonesian parks 
and Texas have in common?
 The premiere of a new Showtime series, Years of Living Dangerously, 
unexpectedly on global warming. 
 Its 1 hour. 
 Om Shanti






[FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread jedi_spock

--- authfriend@... wrote :

I still think you're painting with too broad a brush when you use the 
term society. Some elements of society take the position you describe, 
but others do not.

  --- curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

   C: Seems like a reasonable objection. 

J: And the negative reaction to criticism from atheists has a great deal 
to do with its hostility quotient. Simple disagreement doesn't tend to 
provoke the same response as And you're stupid to believe this.

   C: Since Madalyn O'hair for whom this was true, I haven't seen this 
  argument from any of the modern atheists. Which books have you read from 
  them? I have seen them say that certain ideas like a 5,000 year old earth 
  are stupid, but that is only because it really is.

  --- authfriend@... wrote :


   Indeed. But what does that make the person who believes it?

   Given the barrage of death threats and ad hominem attacks that vocal 
  atheist face, I think you might be holding them to a higher standard than 
  you are the religious side. Check out some of the debates with religious 
  people with Sam Harris. You will see much of his time spent deflecting 
  personal attacks during a supposed discussion of ideas. I think you are 
  putting the blame for this on the atheist as if they somehow deserve this 
  abuse. I have seen numerous debates where this is not the case that the 
  atheist started the personal attacks. I have even experienced it here on 
  FFL in discussions. Who fires the first shot is perhaps a debatable point 
  but in any case being stupid is not an atheist talking point about a god 
  belief. It is that it is an idea with poor reasons supporting it.

   Personally I don't believe people who believe in some god are stupid since 
  I have met people I consider smarter than I am who do. But whenever I have 
  had a discussion with them about it I have found their acknowledgement that 
   they have chosen to take a leap of faith and acknowledge that this choice 
  is beyond reason. I respect that.

   But many if not most atheists don't--they think it's stupid to make a 
  choice beyond reason.

   I do not respect people who deny evolutionary science or try to get 
  theological perspectives on creation into science curriculums in schools. 

J:Plus which, some of the most vocal atheists these days are also often 
quite ignorant about what religious belief entails. Not making the 
effort to acquaint oneself with what one is criticizing is perceived to 
be a function of intolerance, and rightly so, IMHO. Rather than 
facilitating full open discussion, it tends to slam the door on it. 
Those who most prominently speak for atheism need to get their act 
together, as far as I'm concerned (and speaking as a nonreligionist).

   C: One of the problems I learned from our Feser discussions is that 
  atheists don't care about obscure ontological arguments about a god since 
  it is the epistemological jumps that cause all the problems.

  The question is whether the atheists understand the ontological arguments 
  well enough to dismiss their significance. The arguments are philosophical, 
  of course, not empirical, which changes the role of epistemology in 
  evaluating their validity. And Feser repeatedly makes the point that some of 
  the most important terms and concepts of the Thomist arguments have been 
  misunderstood by modern theologians and philosophers (e.g., the distinction 
  between act and potency).

 As I pointed out, it is rare to find someone who does not include Aquinas in 
their classical version of god and this brings in the aspect of agency and 
interaction of god with the world and particularity with specific 
communications with mankind through certain books. That is the issue that 
concerns atheists.
  --- authfriend@... wrote :

   A lot of this and the paragraph that follows depends on what you mean by 
  interaction, communications, personal agenda, etc.--specifically, the 
  degree of anthropomorphism involved. The God of classical theism is the 
  ultimate abstraction. According to Aquinas, describing God in human terms, 
  like those I just quoted, can never be anything more than analogical.

   The distinction between God as a being and God as Beingness Itself is 
  crucial. It absolutely rules out the white bearded dude (as well as the 
  one God less attempt at rebuttal). And as I noted, it changes the role of 

I think, I did mention to you once that the classical theism 
is basicaly an abstract philosophical position, and the 
position of most religions are 'personalistic theism'.

You didn't agree with me then.

This is what classical theism basicaly argues for,

1) The Causalitical argument (first cause principle, prime 
2) The Teleological argument (the order and design of the 

3) The Ontological argument (if it is logically possible for 
God to exist, then 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is AI Possible?

2014-05-05 Thread jedi_spock

Artificial Intelligence or machine intelligence is basicaly 
linear in nature.  It uses boolean logic at every step. It 
might be fast, but still linear and lacks certain qualities 
of biological or natural intelligence.

Biological intelligence or human intelligence is non-linear 
in nature.  Pressures of survival stimulated by sensations 
of 'pleasure and pain', emotions of 'fear and anger', over 
millions or years created a non-linear brain.

The three parts of the brain, reptailian, mammalian and 
human parts of the brain are actually three brains, operating 
and having their own sense of time and space.

It is doubtful if AI would would be like human intelligence, 
but we can theoriticaly do what happened in the TV series 
'Fringe' by increasing the analytical intelligence in humans 
to override primitive parts of the brain.

 ---  jr_esq@... wrote :

  Stephen Hawking thinks so, but adds a warning.


Re: [FairfieldLife] the great founder hero

2014-05-05 Thread Michael Jackson
How bout some article on Marshy' sexual escapades? 

On Mon, 5/5/14, sri...@ymail.com sri...@ymail.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] the great founder hero
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, May 5, 2014, 3:03 AM
   of modern India and the Congress Party
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[FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread authfriend
Jason, don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 





 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jedi_spock@... wrote :

--- authfriend@... wrote :

I still think you're painting with too broad a brush when you use the 
term society. Some elements of society take the position you describe, 
but others do not.

  --- curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

   C: Seems like a reasonable objection. 

J: And the negative reaction to criticism from atheists has a great deal 
to do with its hostility quotient. Simple disagreement doesn't tend to 
provoke the same response as And you're stupid to believe this.

   C: Since Madalyn O'hair for whom this was true, I haven't seen this 
  argument from any of the modern atheists. Which books have you read from 
  them? I have seen them say that certain ideas like a 5,000 year old earth 
  are stupid, but that is only because it really is.

  --- authfriend@... wrote :


   Indeed. But what does that make the person who believes it?

   Given the barrage of death threats and ad hominem attacks that vocal 
  atheist face, I think you might be holding them to a higher standard than 
  you are the religious side. Check out some of the debates with religious 
  people with Sam Harris. You will see much of his time spent deflecting 
  personal attacks during a supposed discussion of ideas. I think you are 
  putting the blame for this on the atheist as if they somehow deserve this 
  abuse. I have seen numerous debates where this is not the case that the 
  atheist started the personal attacks. I have even experienced it here on 
  FFL in discussions. Who fires the first shot is perhaps a debatable point 
  but in any case being stupid is not an atheist talking point about a god 
  belief. It is that it is an idea with poor reasons supporting it.

   Personally I don't believe people who believe in some god are stupid since 
  I have met people I consider smarter than I am who do. But whenever I have 
  had a discussion with them about it I have found their acknowledgement that 
   they have chosen to take a leap of faith and acknowledge that this choice 
  is beyond reason. I respect that.

   But many if not most atheists don't--they think it's stupid to make a 
  choice beyond reason.

   I do not respect people who deny evolutionary science or try to get 
  theological perspectives on creation into science curriculums in schools. 

J:Plus which, some of the most vocal atheists these days are also often 
quite ignorant about what religious belief entails. Not making the 
effort to acquaint oneself with what one is criticizing is perceived to 
be a function of intolerance, and rightly so, IMHO. Rather than 
facilitating full open discussion, it tends to slam the door on it. 
Those who most prominently speak for atheism need to get their act 
together, as far as I'm concerned (and speaking as a nonreligionist).

   C: One of the problems I learned from our Feser discussions is that 
  atheists don't care about obscure ontological arguments about a god since 
  it is the epistemological jumps that cause all the problems.

  The question is whether the atheists understand the ontological arguments 
  well enough to dismiss their significance. The arguments are philosophical, 
  of course, not empirical, which changes the role of epistemology in 
  evaluating their validity. And Feser repeatedly makes the point that some of 
  the most important terms and concepts of the Thomist arguments have been 
  misunderstood by modern theologians and philosophers (e.g., the distinction 
  between act and potency).

 As I pointed out, it is rare to find someone who does not include Aquinas in 
their classical version of god and this brings in the aspect of agency and 
interaction of god with the world and particularity with specific 
communications with mankind through certain books. That is the issue that 
concerns atheists.
  --- authfriend@... wrote :

   A lot of this and the paragraph that follows depends on what you mean by 
  interaction, communications, personal agenda, etc.--specifically, the 
  degree of anthropomorphism involved. The God of classical theism is the 
  ultimate abstraction. According to Aquinas, describing God in human terms, 
  like those I just quoted, can never be anything more than analogical.

   The distinction between God as a being and God as Beingness Itself is 
  crucial. It absolutely rules out the white bearded dude (as well as the 
  one God less attempt at rebuttal). And as I noted, it changes the role of 

I think, I did mention to you once that the classical theism 
is basicaly an abstract philosophical position, and the 
position of most religions are 'personalistic theism'.

You didn't agree with me then.

This is what classical theism basicaly argues for,

1) The Causalitical argument (first cause principle, prime 
2) The 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread jedi_spock

History is full of false prophets.  MMY is no exception.

Lenin predicted that communism will pave public toilets with 
gold.!  Hitler predicted a thousand year reich.  Prophet 
Muhammed even promised a X-rated paradise.

Moses was a genocidal killer who murdered even babies.  All 
religions and cultures are full of these kind of conmen and 

--- mjackson74@... wrote :

 Marshy was a liar and a fraud and his movement is an organization that 
perpetuates the fraud. So he deserves no consideration. 
 As to your much vaunted Marshy Effect, the main effect is to keep the True 
Believers in a mind numbed state, and to keep their money flowing into the 
pockets of lazy individuals like Bevan and Girish who are parasites living on 
the hard work of others. 
 As to the effect of TMSP in groups creating world peace - get online and look 
up the Little Rascals episode A Lad and a Lamp and you will see that if you, 
Buck, go to a flea market and buy an old brass lamp, rub it and say I wish 
Cotton was a money, I wish Cotton was a monkey over and over and over, then 
take the same brass lamp, rub it during program and say I wish they was world 
peace, I wish they was world peace over and over and over you will find that 
Cotton will actually become a monkey from your lamp rubbing and wishing it so 
long before you will get world peace from the genie of a lamp or doing TMSP in 
a group.
 On Mon, 5/5/14, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... dhamiltony2k5@... 
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
 A life well lived?  Consider
 repenting your spiritual sins and then come back
 and stop calling
 him, Marshy, Old Goat, lying son of bitch and all the other
 names you have called him.
 It is
 not too late,-Buck in the
 mjackson74 declares:
 I say this to you
 Steve and all my other critics here on FFL - If Marshy was
 enlightened, and if the TMO does much more good in the world
 than harm, I am willing to believe it, and I go on record
 that if those things can be proven to me then I will reverse
 every criticism I have ever leveled against the TMO and
 I will stop calling him, Marshy, Old Goat, lying son of
 bitch and all the other names I have called him. I will
 become a spokesperson for the TMO, telling my story of how I
 became convinced that TM is the best thing since sliced

 I will spearhead a push to get TM in ALL middle schools,
 high schools, colleges, universities and trade schools in
 the country and in all US protectorates around the globe.
 I will be part of a supreme effort to get TM in every single
 US military facility around the world, I will ask that TM
 and TMSP become part of every soldier, sailor, airman,
 marine and coast guard basic training and 
 I will ask that Congress pass a law that every single
 congressman upon becoming elected must learn TM and TMSP. I
 would also have it further mandated that before ANY
 important vote on the house and senate floor the entire
 congress would meditate together for half an hour. 

 Before Buck, Nabby, Feste, Sri and Steve spontaneously
 ascend into heaven over the idea of all of the above, thus
 far I see no proof nor even any credible evidence that
 Marshy was enlightened, nor that the TMO does more good than
 harm. Mostly I see and hear evidence of quite the opposite.
 Stories of Marshy's arrogance, elitist attitudes, Hindu
 fanaticism misuse and manipulation of people, and a great
 deal more of both personal experience and the collective
 experiences of friends, acquaintances and strangers that the
 TMO mainly tells us that all sorts of grand things are GONE
 happen, they are not happening now really for a variety of
 reasons but they are GONE happen, so keep giving generously
 and keep buying abundantly all our goods, service and
 nostrums so all this fabulous stuff will actually happen.
 Mostly the Marshy did and the TMO still today tells everyone
 to do it and buy it just cuz we say its real and true, not
 because it actually is true and real and good. They ask
 everyone to suspend their own common sense, their own wisdom
 and ability to discern truth and just believe whatever they
 are told by the TMO especially where what the TMO says today
 contradicts what was said yesterday. They want everyone just
 to believe and pay up even when the belief is obviously
 superstition such as hiding under your desks during a solar
 eclipse As to the claims and questionable research, I have
 to quote the wisdom of the Turq - If TM (and its adjunct
 programs) were any good, they wouldn't have to lie to
 sell them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread dhamiltony2k5
What a vile comparison.   You're no jedi.  Not even close.
 -Buck in the Dome
 Jedi_spock writes on FFL:
History is full of false prophets.  MMY is no exception.

Lenin predicted that communism will pave public toilets with 
gold.!  Hitler predicted a thousand year reich.  Prophet 
Muhammed even promised a X-rated paradise.

Moses was a genocidal killer who murdered even babies.  All 
religions and cultures are full of these kind of conmen and 

--- mjackson74@... wrote :

 Marshy was a liar and a fraud and his movement is an organization that 
perpetuates the fraud. So he deserves no consideration. 
 As to your much vaunted Marshy Effect, the main effect is to keep the True 
Believers in a mind numbed state, and to keep their money flowing into the 
pockets of lazy individuals like Bevan and Girish who are parasites living on 
the hard work of others. 
 As to the effect of TMSP in groups creating world peace - get online and look 
up the Little Rascals episode A Lad and a Lamp and you will see that if you, 
Buck, go to a flea market and buy an old brass lamp, rub it and say I wish 
Cotton was a money, I wish Cotton was a monkey over and over and over, then 
take the same brass lamp, rub it during program and say I wish they was world 
peace, I wish they was world peace over and over and over you will find that 
Cotton will actually become a monkey from your lamp rubbing and wishing it so 
long before you will get world peace from the genie of a lamp or doing TMSP in 
a group.
 A life well lived?  Consider
 repenting your spiritual sins and then come back
 and stop calling
 him, Marshy, Old Goat, lying son of bitch and all the other
 names you have called him.
 It is
 not too late,-Buck in the
 mjackson74 declares:
 I say this to you
 Steve and all my other critics here on FFL - If Marshy was
 enlightened, and if the TMO does much more good in the world
 than harm, I am willing to believe it, and I go on record
 that if those things can be proven to me then I will reverse
 every criticism I have ever leveled against the TMO and
 I will stop calling him, Marshy, Old Goat, lying son of
 bitch and all the other names I have called him. I will
 become a spokesperson for the TMO, telling my story of how I
 became convinced that TM is the best thing since sliced

 I will spearhead a push to get TM in ALL middle schools,
 high schools, colleges, universities and trade schools in
 the country and in all US protectorates around the globe.
 I will be part of a supreme effort to get TM in every single
 US military facility around the world, I will ask that TM
 and TMSP become part of every soldier, sailor, airman,
 marine and coast guard basic training and 
 I will ask that Congress pass a law that every single
 congressman upon becoming elected must learn TM and TMSP. I
 would also have it further mandated that before ANY
 important vote on the house and senate floor the entire
 congress would meditate together for half an hour. 

 Before Buck, Nabby, Feste, Sri and Steve spontaneously
 ascend into heaven over the idea of all of the above, thus
 far I see no proof nor even any credible evidence that
 Marshy was enlightened, nor that the TMO does more good than
 harm. Mostly I see and hear evidence of quite the opposite.
 Stories of Marshy's arrogance, elitist attitudes, Hindu
 fanaticism misuse and manipulation of people, and a great
 deal more of both personal experience and the collective
 experiences of friends, acquaintances and strangers that the
 TMO mainly tells us that all sorts of grand things are GONE
 happen, they are not happening now really for a variety of
 reasons but they are GONE happen, so keep giving generously
 and keep buying abundantly all our goods, service and
 nostrums so all this fabulous stuff will actually happen.
 Mostly the Marshy did and the TMO still today tells everyone
 to do it and buy it just cuz we say its real and true, not
 because it actually is true and real and good. They ask
 everyone to suspend their own common sense, their own wisdom
 and ability to discern truth and just believe whatever they
 are told by the TMO especially where what the TMO says today
 contradicts what was said yesterday. They want everyone just
 to believe and pay up even when the belief is obviously
 superstition such as hiding under your desks during a solar
 eclipse As to the claims and questionable research, I have
 to quote the wisdom of the Turq - If TM (and its adjunct
 programs) were any good, they wouldn't have to lie to
 sell them.


--- mjackson74@... wrote :

 Marshy was a liar and a fraud and his movement is an organization that 
perpetuates the fraud. So he deserves no consideration. 
 As to your much vaunted Marshy Effect, the main effect is to keep the True 
Believers in a mind numbed state, and to keep their money 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread Michael Jackson
Shall we then compare Marshy and Girish to Gandhi who was a sexual opportunist, 
abuser and big time liar? At least Gandhi helped India get free from the 
Scorpion Nation's dominance - the only thing Marshy liberated was people's 
money from their bank accounts to his!

And if you want me to repent, why don't you suggest Curtis, Barry, Sal and Edg 
repent too? Am I the only spiritual sinner here on FFL? 

On Mon, 5/5/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, May 5, 2014, 12:49 PM
   What a vile comparison.  You're no
 jedi.  Not even close.-Buck in the
 Jedi_spock writes on
 History is full of
 false prophets.  MMY is no exception.
 Lenin predicted that communism will pave public
 toilets with 
 gold.!  Hitler predicted a
 thousand year reich.  Prophet 
 even promised a X-rated paradise.
 Moses was a genocidal killer who murdered even
 babies.  All 
 religions and cultures are
 full of these kind of conmen and 
 mjackson74@... wrote :
 was a liar and a fraud and his movement is an organization
 that perpetuates the fraud. So he deserves no consideration.
 As to your much vaunted Marshy Effect, the main effect is to
 keep the True Believers in a mind numbed state, and to keep
 their money flowing into the pockets of lazy individuals
 like Bevan and Girish who are parasites living on the hard
 work of others. 
 As to the effect of TMSP in groups creating world peace -
 get online and look up the Little Rascals episode A
 Lad and a Lamp and you will see that if you, Buck, go
 to a flea market and buy an old brass lamp, rub it and say
 I wish Cotton was a money, I wish Cotton was a
 monkey over and over and over, then take the same
 brass lamp, rub it during program and say I wish they
 was world peace, I wish they was world peace over and
 over and over you will find that Cotton will actually become
 a monkey from your lamp rubbing and wishing it so long
 before you will get world peace from the genie of a lamp or
 doing TMSP in a group.
 A life well lived?  Consider
 repenting your spiritual sins and then come back
 and stop calling
 him, Marshy, Old Goat, lying son of bitch and all the
 names you have called him.
 It is
 not too late,-Buck in the
 mjackson74 declares:
 I say this to you
 Steve and all my other critics here on FFL - If Marshy
 enlightened, and if the TMO does much more good in the
 than harm, I am willing to believe it, and I go on record
 that if those things can be proven to me then I will
 every criticism I have ever leveled against the TMO and
 I will stop calling him, Marshy, Old Goat, lying son of
 bitch and all the other names I have called him. I will
 become a spokesperson for the TMO, telling my story of how
 became convinced that TM is the best thing since sliced
 I will spearhead a push to get TM in ALL middle schools,
 high schools, colleges, universities and trade schools in
 the country and in all US protectorates around the globe.
 I will be part of a supreme effort to get TM in every
 US military facility around the world, I will ask that TM
 and TMSP become part of every soldier, sailor, airman,
 marine and coast guard basic training and 
 I will ask that Congress pass a law that every single
 congressman upon becoming elected must learn TM and TMSP.
 would also have it further mandated that before ANY
 important vote on the house and senate floor the entire
 congress would meditate together for half an hour. 
 Before Buck, Nabby, Feste, Sri and Steve spontaneously
 ascend into heaven over the idea of all of the above,
 far I see no proof nor even any credible evidence that
 Marshy was enlightened, nor that the TMO does more good
 harm. Mostly I see and hear evidence of quite the
 Stories of Marshy's arrogance, elitist attitudes,
 fanaticism misuse and manipulation of people, and a great
 deal more of both personal experience and the collective
 experiences of friends, acquaintances and strangers that
 TMO mainly tells us that all sorts of grand things are
 happen, they are not happening now really for a variety
 reasons but they are GONE happen, so keep giving
 and keep buying abundantly all our goods, service and
 nostrums so all this fabulous stuff will actually happen.
 Mostly the Marshy did and the TMO still today tells
 to do it and buy it just cuz we say its real and true,
 because it actually is true and real and good. They ask

[FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread jedi_spock


 --- authfriend@... wrote :

 Jason, don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 
Listen Grandma, I always felt all these years, that Barry is 
the only person who is rude, cantankerous, to pull people 
into argument loops.

You seem to be guilty of the same.

Everytime I try to reach out to you and connect, you make me 
feel like a piglet.

As Xeno pointed out, your style of arguing is a bit 
polemical and sophistic.  

All that I did is differentiate the position of classial 
theism from the position of semitic religions.

   --- authfriend@... wrote :
I still think you're painting with too broad a brush when you use the 
term society. Some elements of society take the position you describe, 
but others do not.

  --- curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

   C: Seems like a reasonable objection. 

J: And the negative reaction to criticism from atheists has a great deal 
to do with its hostility quotient. Simple disagreement doesn't tend to 
provoke the same response as And you're stupid to believe this.

   C: Since Madalyn O'hair for whom this was true, I haven't seen this 
  argument from any of the modern atheists. Which books have you read from 
  them? I have seen them say that certain ideas like a 5,000 year old earth 
  are stupid, but that is only because it really is.

  --- authfriend@... wrote :


   Indeed. But what does that make the person who believes it?

   Given the barrage of death threats and ad hominem attacks that vocal 
  atheist face, I think you might be holding them to a higher standard than 
  you are the religious side. Check out some of the debates with religious 
  people with Sam Harris. You will see much of his time spent deflecting 
  personal attacks during a supposed discussion of ideas. I think you are 
  putting the blame for this on the atheist as if they somehow deserve this 
  abuse. I have seen numerous debates where this is not the case that the 
  atheist started the personal attacks. I have even experienced it here on 
  FFL in discussions. Who fires the first shot is perhaps a debatable point 
  but in any case being stupid is not an atheist talking point about a god 
  belief. It is that it is an idea with poor reasons supporting it.

   Personally I don't believe people who believe in some god are stupid since 
  I have met people I consider smarter than I am who do. But whenever I have 
  had a discussion with them about it I have found their acknowledgement that 
   they have chosen to take a leap of faith and acknowledge that this choice 
  is beyond reason. I respect that.

   But many if not most atheists don't--they think it's stupid to make a 
  choice beyond reason.

   I do not respect people who deny evolutionary science or try to get 
  theological perspectives on creation into science curriculums in schools. 

J:Plus which, some of the most vocal atheists these days are also often 
quite ignorant about what religious belief entails. Not making the 
effort to acquaint oneself with what one is criticizing is perceived to 
be a function of intolerance, and rightly so, IMHO. Rather than 
facilitating full open discussion, it tends to slam the door on it. 
Those who most prominently speak for atheism need to get their act 
together, as far as I'm concerned (and speaking as a nonreligionist).

   C: One of the problems I learned from our Feser discussions is that 
  atheists don't care about obscure ontological arguments about a god since 
  it is the epistemological jumps that cause all the problems.

  The question is whether the atheists understand the ontological arguments 
  well enough to dismiss their significance. The arguments are philosophical, 
  of course, not empirical, which changes the role of epistemology in 
  evaluating their validity. And Feser repeatedly makes the point that some of 
  the most important terms and concepts of the Thomist arguments have been 
  misunderstood by modern theologians and philosophers (e.g., the distinction 
  between act and potency).

   As I pointed out, it is rare to find someone who does not include Aquinas 
   in their classical version of god and this brings in the aspect of agency 
   and interaction of god with the world and particularity with specific 
   communications with mankind through certain books. That is the issue that 
   concerns atheists.
  --- authfriend@... wrote :

   A lot of this and the paragraph that follows depends on what you mean by 
  interaction, communications, personal agenda, etc.--specifically, the 
  degree of anthropomorphism involved. The God of classical theism is the 
  ultimate abstraction. According to Aquinas, describing God in human terms, 
  like those I just quoted, can never be anything more than analogical.

   The distinction between God as a being and God as Beingness Itself is 
  crucial. It absolutely rules out the white bearded dude (as well as the 
  one God less attempt at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Now Playing

2014-05-05 Thread Pundit Sir
Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades - Timbuk3

Timbuk3 was an American post-punk band which released six original studio
albums between 1986 and 1995. They are most well known for their Top 20
single The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades. The band's music has
been featured on more than 20 compilation and soundtrack albums.

Read more:

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Pundit Sir pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

 Bo Diddley

 If you ask me I'd say that there is nothing, just absolutely nothing,
 that you can do in your whole entire lifetime that will top the level of
 cool that Bo Diddley hit in this performance back in 1965. - Jason McHenry

 Bo Diddley- Live Performance

 Bo Diddley - 1955 45 RPM recording

 You Can't Judge a Book by the Cover

 One of the founders, if not the founder of rock 'n roll, Bo Diddley
 invented the rock signature beat, a simple five-accent clave driving
 rhythm. Hard edge electric guitar - one of the corner stones of rock. In
 2004, Rolling Stone ranked him No. 20 on their list of the 100 Greatest
 Artists of All Time.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Yep both MJ and the jedi-spock in this thread here, you'll both be known for 
eternity in some negative footnotes to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi by your own 
comparisons. Repent your ways before it is too late.   -Buck 
 What a vile comparison. You're no jedi.  Not even close.
 -Buck in the Dome


 Jedi_spock writes on FFL:
 History is full of false prophets.  MMY is no exception.

Lenin predicted that communism will pave public toilets with 
gold.!  Hitler predicted a thousand year reich.  Prophet 
Muhammed even promised a X-rated paradise.

Moses was a genocidal killer who murdered even babies.  All 
religions and cultures are full of these kind of conmen and 

 !Repent!  !Repent You Spiritual sinner(s)!

 mjackson74 declares:  
 Marshy was a liar and a fraud and his movement is an organization that 
perpetuates the fraud. So he deserves no consideration.

 Son, he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for the work he did in the world on 
behalf of science, spirituality and humanity. 
 As to your much vaunted Marshy Effect, the main effect is to keep the True 
Believers in a mind numbed state, and to keep their money flowing into the 
pockets of lazy individuals like Bevan and Girish who are parasites living on 
the hard work of others. 
 As to the effect of TMSP in groups creating world peace - get online and look 
up the Little Rascals episode A Lad and a Lamp and you will see that if you, 
Buck, go to a flea market and buy an old brass lamp, rub it and say I wish 
Cotton was a money, I wish Cotton was a monkey over and over and over, then 
take the same brass lamp, rub it during program and say I wish they was world 
peace, I wish they was world peace over and over and over you will find that 
Cotton will actually become a monkey from your lamp rubbing and wishing it so 
long before you will get world peace from the genie of a lamp or doing TMSP in 
a group.

 You are reflecting a projection.

 Son, look away from the mirror!

 MJ, step away from the mirror!

 Buck offers:
 Son that is a fool's proposition you
 are offering.  It is not even worth taking the time to
 discuss with you.  Your observations may be right but your
 thinking is wrong.   You clearly are letting yourself be bound by some
 past thought forms lodge in your system and
 holding that as hostage against your self, your immortal
 Soul. Something like, you are 'putting your light under
 a hat'. You should drop this anti-nonsense before it is
 late for you. I would kindly advise that you revisit FFL
 #368621  Re: [FairfieldLife] : The Interpenetrating
 Spiritual System, MMY's Shakti. 
 A life well lived?  Consider
 repenting your spiritual sins and then come back
 and stop calling
 him, Marshy, Old Goat, lying son of bitch and all the other
 names you have called him.
 It is
 not too late,-Buck in the
 mjackson74 declares:
 I say this to you
 Steve and all my other critics here on FFL - If Marshy was
 enlightened, and if the TMO does much more good in the world
 than harm, I am willing to believe it, and I go on record
 that if those things can be proven to me then I will reverse
 every criticism I have ever leveled against the TMO and
 I will stop calling him, Marshy, Old Goat, lying son of
 bitch and all the other names I have called him. I will
 become a spokesperson for the TMO, telling my story of how I
 became convinced that TM is the best thing since sliced
 I will spearhead a push to get TM in ALL middle schools,
 high schools, colleges, universities and trade schools in
 the country and in all US protectorates around the globe.
 I will be part of a supreme effort to get TM in every single
 US military facility around the world, I will ask that TM
 and TMSP become part of every soldier, sailor, airman,
 marine and coast guard basic training and 
 I will ask that Congress pass a law that every single
 congressman upon becoming elected must learn TM and TMSP. I
 would also have it further mandated that before ANY
 important vote on the house and senate floor the entire
 congress would meditate together for half an hour. 
 Before Buck, Nabby, Feste, Sri and Steve spontaneously
 ascend into heaven over the idea of all of the above, thus
 far I see no proof nor even any credible evidence that
 Marshy was enlightened, nor that the TMO does more good than
 harm. Mostly I see and hear evidence of quite the opposite.
 Stories of Marshy's arrogance, elitist attitudes, Hindu
 fanaticism misuse and manipulation of people, and a great
 deal more of both personal experience and the collective
 experiences of friends, acquaintances and strangers that the
 TMO mainly tells us that all sorts of grand things are GONE
 happen, they are not happening now really for a variety of

[FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread authfriend
Jason, I'm sorry you feel like a piglet. But I was obviously not trying to draw 
you into an argument but rather suggesting you butt out. You didn't add 
anything helpful; most of what you said was irrelevant to what Curtis and I 
were discussing; some of it repeated what I've been saying as if you thought I 
wasn't aware of it; and some of it was just plain wrong. (Also, look up the 
difference between refute and rebut. Curtis and Xeno and scientists haven't 
refuted classical theism; what they've done is try to rebut it.) 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jedi_spock@... wrote :


 --- authfriend@... wrote :

 Jason, don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 
Listen Grandma, I always felt all these years, that Barry is 
the only person who is rude, cantankerous, to pull people 
into argument loops.

You seem to be guilty of the same.

Everytime I try to reach out to you and connect, you make me 
feel like a piglet.

As Xeno pointed out, your style of arguing is a bit 
polemical and sophistic.  

All that I did is differentiate the position of classial 
theism from the position of semitic religions.

--- authfriend@... wrote :
I still think you're painting with too broad a brush when you use the 
term society. Some elements of society take the position you describe, 
but others do not.

  --- curtisdeltablues@... wrote :

   C: Seems like a reasonable objection. 

J: And the negative reaction to criticism from atheists has a great deal 
to do with its hostility quotient. Simple disagreement doesn't tend to 
provoke the same response as And you're stupid to believe this.

   C: Since Madalyn O'hair for whom this was true, I haven't seen this 
  argument from any of the modern atheists. Which books have you read from 
  them? I have seen them say that certain ideas like a 5,000 year old earth 
  are stupid, but that is only because it really is.

  --- authfriend@... wrote :


   Indeed. But what does that make the person who believes it?

   Given the barrage of death threats and ad hominem attacks that vocal 
  atheist face, I think you might be holding them to a higher standard than 
  you are the religious side. Check out some of the debates with religious 
  people with Sam Harris. You will see much of his time spent deflecting 
  personal attacks during a supposed discussion of ideas. I think you are 
  putting the blame for this on the atheist as if they somehow deserve this 
  abuse. I have seen numerous debates where this is not the case that the 
  atheist started the personal attacks. I have even experienced it here on 
  FFL in discussions. Who fires the first shot is perhaps a debatable point 
  but in any case being stupid is not an atheist talking point about a god 
  belief. It is that it is an idea with poor reasons supporting it.

   Personally I don't believe people who believe in some god are stupid since 
  I have met people I consider smarter than I am who do. But whenever I have 
  had a discussion with them about it I have found their acknowledgement that 
   they have chosen to take a leap of faith and acknowledge that this choice 
  is beyond reason. I respect that.

   But many if not most atheists don't--they think it's stupid to make a 
  choice beyond reason.

   I do not respect people who deny evolutionary science or try to get 
  theological perspectives on creation into science curriculums in schools. 

J:Plus which, some of the most vocal atheists these days are also often 
quite ignorant about what religious belief entails. Not making the 
effort to acquaint oneself with what one is criticizing is perceived to 
be a function of intolerance, and rightly so, IMHO. Rather than 
facilitating full open discussion, it tends to slam the door on it. 
Those who most prominently speak for atheism need to get their act 
together, as far as I'm concerned (and speaking as a nonreligionist).

   C: One of the problems I learned from our Feser discussions is that 
  atheists don't care about obscure ontological arguments about a god since 
  it is the epistemological jumps that cause all the problems.

  The question is whether the atheists understand the ontological arguments 
  well enough to dismiss their significance. The arguments are philosophical, 
  of course, not empirical, which changes the role of epistemology in 
  evaluating their validity. And Feser repeatedly makes the point that some of 
  the most important terms and concepts of the Thomist arguments have been 
  misunderstood by modern theologians and philosophers (e.g., the distinction 
  between act and potency).

   As I pointed out, it is rare to find someone who does not include Aquinas 
   in their classical version of god and this brings in the aspect of agency 
   and interaction of god with the world and particularity with specific 
   communications with mankind through certain books. That is the issue that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Shall we then compare Marshy and Girish to Gandhi who was a sexual 
opportunist, abuser and big time liar? At least Gandhi helped India get free 
from the Scorpion Nation's dominance - the only thing Marshy liberated was 
people's money from their bank accounts to his!

 I still say you are giving MMY way too much influence and power, crediting him 
with seemingly boundless corruption and negative effect on vast numbers of 
people. He may have been imperfect as a man, he may not have been enlightened 
(if there is such a thing - not in my books but, whatever) and he may have had 
sex with women. This hardly puts him in the league with half the adult 
population on the planet with regard to 'badness'. Sometimes your imagination 
appears to get the better of you MJ. At best, TM is a healing, restful, 
expanding practice and at worst it does nothing but provide an opportunity for 
a 20 minute nap. MMY's personal foibles are just that, personal foibles. To let 
his weaknesses or supposedly misleading 'scientific' assertions ruin the rest 
of your adult life is giving him influence over you that is probably not for 
the best. I also understand that you were 'abused' by other asshats in the 
Movement but MMY is not responsible for their idiocy or small mindedness. Put 
blame where blame is due.
 And if you want me to repent, why don't you suggest Curtis, Barry, Sal and Edg 
repent too? Am I the only spiritual sinner here on FFL? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 5/5/2014 6:59 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 Marshy was a liar and a fraud and his movement is an organization that 
 perpetuates the fraud
Well, it's settled then, the Kung Fu fighter has spoken. Rick - don't 
even bother to shut it down. All you other informants just go find 
yourself a new discussion group. It's over now - this discussion is over.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] the great founder hero

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 5/5/2014 7:08 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 How bout some article on Marshy' sexual escapades? 
You really got to work early this morning! Go figure.

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 7:19 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Jason, don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Would it be too much of a problem to indicate what it is you're 
responding to? Thanks.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] the great founder hero

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 5/5/2014 7:08 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 How bout some article on Marshy' sexual escapades? 
Look, I already told you MJ, I'm not gay. So, why would you be wanting 
to read about MMY's sexual escapades? I would think that keeping up with 
your own would be enough to handle, much less reading about other 
people's private sex life, or lack thereof. Maybe you need to get a grip.

Are you using the company computer on company time again? Go figure.

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 8:40 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
Jason, I'm sorry you feel like a piglet. But I was obviously not 
trying to draw you into an argument but rather suggesting you butt out. 

What side of the bed to you get up on?

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 8:18 AM, jedi_sp...@yahoo.com wrote:

Jason, don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Listen Grandma, I always felt all these years, that Barry is
the only person who is rude, cantankerous, to pull people
into argument loops.

You seem to be guilty of the same.

Everytime I try to reach out to you and connect, you make me
feel like a piglet.

As Xeno pointed out, your style of arguing is a bit
polemical and sophistic.

All that I did is differentiate the position of classial
theism from the position of semitic religions.

Well, I guess that settles it then - The Corrector told you to butt out, 
Jason. You're not welcome on this forum, The Judge has spoken. Now get 
the hell out of here and don't butt in anymore. This is a discussion for 
Curtis about Sam Harris, it's not about you or your opinions. It's all 
about Curtis and Judy and Barry. So, just butt out!

Where is Masked Zebra when we need him?

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is active.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread jedi_spock


MJ, quite a few people including Ann seem to have gotten 
over it.

Although I have never been directly involved in any org 
(officially), I have been in the periphery of many cults and 
religious organisations (including the TM-org).I have 
had a ringside view of the entire phenomena, though my 
interactions with all of them were unofficial.

It's not easy to get these abusers out of the mind, but the 
world is a much bigger place.  If Barry, Curtis, Salyawin, 
and even Ann could pick themselves up and move on, so can 

   --- mjackson74@... wrote :
   Shall we then compare Marshy and Girish to Gandhi who was a sexual 
   opportunist, abuser and big time liar? At least Gandhi helped India get 
   free from the Scorpion Nation's dominance - the only thing Marshy 
   liberated was people's money from their bank accounts to his!

 --- awoelflebater@... wrote :


  I still say you are giving MMY way too much influence and power, crediting 
  him with seemingly boundless corruption and negative effect on vast numbers 
  of people. He may have been imperfect as a man, he may not have been 
  enlightened (if there is such a thing - not in my books but, whatever) and 
  he may have had sex with women. This hardly puts him in the league with half 
  the adult population on the planet with regard to 'badness'. Sometimes your 
  imagination appears to get the better of you MJ. At best, TM is a healing, 
  restful, expanding practice and at worst it does nothing but provide an 
  opportunity for a 20 minute nap. MMY's personal foibles are just that, 
  personal foibles. To let his weaknesses or supposedly misleading 
  'scientific' assertions ruin the rest of your adult life is giving him 
  influence over you that is probably not for the best. I also understand that 
  you were 'abused' by other asshats in the Movement but MMY is not 
  responsible for their idiocy or small mindedness. Put blame where blame is 

   And if you want me to repent, why don't you suggest Curtis, Barry, Sal and 
  Edg repent too? Am I the only spiritual sinner here on FFL? 
How bout some article on Marshy' sexual escapades? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread authfriend
Click Show message history, dumbass. That's what it's for. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote :

 On 5/5/2014 7:19 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:

 Jason, don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 
 Would it be too much of a problem to indicate what it is you're responding to? 

 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
http://www.avast.com/ protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread Share Long
OK, Richard, I admit it, this got me giggling this morning...

Well, it's settled then, the Kung Fu fighter has spoken. Rick - don't 
even bother to shut it down. All you other informants just go find 
yourself a new discussion group. It's over now - this discussion is over.

On Monday, May 5, 2014 9:14 AM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com 
On 5/5/2014 6:59 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 Marshy was a liar and a fraud and his movement is an organization that 
 perpetuates the fraud

Well, it's settled then, the Kung Fu fighter has spoken. Rick - don't 
even bother to shut it down. All you other informants just go find 
yourself a new discussion group. It's over now - this discussion is over.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Share Long
Richard, are you saying that food and water aren't important issues?! As the 
Texans say, go figure!

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 10:02 PM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com 
On 5/4/2014 1:47 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

The food you eat and water you drink has glyphosates...

Addressing the important issues! 

   This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: One for those few who can admit to having been Deadheads...

2014-05-05 Thread j_alexander_stanley

 I was a Deadhead back in the 1980s, and the only thing I come away with from 
that video is an understanding of why Robert Hunter was not one of the 
musicians on stage. Ripple's a great song, and that performance had none of the 
magic that the Dead put into it. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote :

 And Barry, of course, is Oh-So-Superior to us poor benighted less-than-human 
losers who missed it. 

 No hierarchy there, nope nope nope.

 He must be superior - he can walk through Amsterdam and visit 
multi-dimensional reality after reality and take his female visitor with him. 
The rest of us poor shmucks have to do mundane things like visit the 
Rijksmuseum, take a canal tour or wander along the Prinsengracht. As far as the 
Grateful Dead are concerned I chose to miss it, as I have written about before 
here. No loss there. My only question is: What songs has Bawee written and 
will we remember them after he is dead?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 ...or human.

 These are a few moments of one of the unsung heroes of the Grateful Dead 
finally being recognized for what he brought to their mystique. If you weren't 
ever there, don't even bother to read further...you won't get it, because you 
missed it entirely. For those of you who were, hopefully this should serve as a 
reminder of what one person who devotes himself to his art can actually *do* 
with his life. Will anyone remember *your* songs when you're dead? If the 
answer is No, the fault is only yours. 


 If you ever understood the Grateful Dead, you will understand the feeling 
behind this awards presentation. If you never did, well what do you matter?  :-)


 If you can't last through the full nine minutes, chances are you missed the 
entire period of time this presentation celebrates, and will have missed it for 
all time. Your loss, OH so literally. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Gotta Love It

2014-05-05 Thread Share Long
Richard, I only mention this because I know you like to observe netiquette: 
because of the way you snipped, it looks like MJ said this. He didn't.

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 9:53 PM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com 
On 5/4/2014 2:37 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 Why I rejected religion and instead raised my son on Star Wars

This is funny - Stars Wars is based on a belief in The Force. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 8:53 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
He may have been imperfect as a man, he may not have been enlightened 
(if there is such a thing - not in my books but, whatever) and he may 
have had sex with women.

If even half of what Ned Wyn and Billy Clayton wrote about MMY is true, 
anyone would have to conclude that this guy, The Marshy, was just 
*/awesome!/* The guy must have been a */human dynamo/* - having young 
women into his room until 3:00 or 4:00 AM every night and then looking 
so fresh and rested in the morning at the lecture hall and then running 
a multi-national corporation all day.

How did he do it? He must have been getting so much /*powerful energy*/ 
from TM that nothing could stop him, or even keep up with him. Go figure.

From what I've read, MMY used to send the doorkeepers to their room to 
get some rest while he carried on until the early morning hours. Doing 
what - reading the mail or listening to poetry? Or, was he humping and 
bumping for hours on end? It's just simply */amazing/* what this guy, 
Mahesh, could do in 24 hours!

To say he was */enlightened/* is an understatement - the guy was */a 
genius/*! He had the power, the money, and the moves, and the charisma 
to motivate millions of people to work for him as bakers, cooks, and 
teachers and to give him millions of dollars so he could fly all over 
the world spreading his relaxation technique message. Now that's just 


This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote :

 On 5/5/2014 8:18 AM, jedi_spock@... mailto:jedi_spock@... wrote:

 Jason, don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 
 Listen Grandma, I always felt all these years, that Barry is 
 the only person who is rude, cantankerous, to pull people 
 into argument loops.
 You seem to be guilty of the same.
 Everytime I try to reach out to you and connect, you make me 
 feel like a piglet.
 As Xeno pointed out, your style of arguing is a bit 
 polemical and sophistic.  
 All that I did is differentiate the position of classial 
 theism from the position of semitic religions.

 Well, I guess that settles it then - The Corrector told you to butt out, 
Jason. You're not welcome on this forum, The Judge has spoken. Now get the hell 
out of here and don't butt in anymore. This is a discussion for Curtis about 
Sam Harris, it's not about you or your opinions. It's all about Curtis and Judy 
and Barry. So, just butt out!
 Where is Masked Zebra when we need him? 
 I guess he doesn't realize we need him.

 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
http://www.avast.com/ protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 9:40 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Click Show message history, dumbass. That's what it's for.

Look, you troll, MJ and I are reading these messages in email because 
/*Yahoo Groups Neo sucks*/. What is the problem that you can't seem to 
format anymore - you used to be a professional. What happened?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote :

On 5/5/2014 7:19 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:

Jason, don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Would it be too much of a problem to indicate what it is you're
responding to? Thanks.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jedi_spock@... wrote :


MJ, quite a few people including Ann seem to have gotten 
over it.

Although I have never been directly involved in any org 
(officially), I have been in the periphery of many cults and 
religious organisations (including the TM-org).I have 
had a ringside view of the entire phenomena, though my 
interactions with all of them were unofficial.

It's not easy to get these abusers out of the mind, but the 
world is a much bigger place.  If Barry, Curtis, Salyawin, 
and even Ann could pick themselves up and move on, so can 

 Wha...? Even me? LOL

   --- mjackson74@... wrote :

   Shall we then compare Marshy and Girish to Gandhi who was a sexual 
   opportunist, abuser and big time liar? At least Gandhi helped India get 
   free from the Scorpion Nation's dominance - the only thing Marshy 
   liberated was people's money from their bank accounts to his!

 --- awoelflebater@... wrote :

  I still say you are giving MMY way too much influence and power, crediting 
  him with seemingly boundless corruption and negative effect on vast numbers 
  of people. He may have been imperfect as a man, he may not have been 
  enlightened (if there is such a thing - not in my books but, whatever) and 
  he may have had sex with women. This hardly puts him in the league with half 
  the adult population on the planet with regard to 'badness'. Sometimes your 
  imagination appears to get the better of you MJ. At best, TM is a healing, 
  restful, expanding practice and at worst it does nothing but provide an 
  opportunity for a 20 minute nap. MMY's personal foibles are just that, 
  personal foibles. To let his weaknesses or supposedly misleading 
  'scientific' assertions ruin the rest of your adult life is giving him 
  influence over you that is probably not for the best. I also understand that 
  you were 'abused' by other asshats in the Movement but MMY is not 
  responsible for their idiocy or small mindedness. Put blame where blame is 

   And if you want me to repent, why don't you suggest Curtis, Barry, Sal and 
  Edg repent too? Am I the only spiritual sinner here on FFL? 
How bout some article on Marshy' sexual escapades? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread Michael Jackson
what makes you think I haven't? 

On Mon, 5/5/14, jedi_sp...@yahoo.com jedi_sp...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, May 5, 2014, 2:35 PM
 MJ, quite a few
 people including Ann seem to have gotten 
 over it.
 Although I have never been directly involved in
 any org 
 (officially), I have been in the
 periphery of many cults and 
 organisations (including the TM-org).    I have 
 had a ringside view of the entire phenomena,
 though my 
 interactions with all of them
 were unofficial.
 It's not easy to get these abusers out of
 the mind, but the 
 world is a much bigger
 place.  If Barry, Curtis, Salyawin, 
 even Ann could pick themselves up and move on, so can 
 mjackson74@... wrote :
   Shall we
 then compare Marshy and Girish to Gandhi who was a sexual
 opportunist, abuser and big time liar? At least Gandhi
 helped India get free from the Scorpion Nation's
 dominance - the only thing Marshy liberated was people's
 money from their bank accounts to his!
 awoelflebater@... wrote :
  I still
 say you are giving MMY way too much influence and power,
 crediting him with seemingly boundless corruption and
 negative effect on vast numbers of people. He may have been
 imperfect as a man, he may not have been enlightened (if
 there is such a thing - not in my books but, whatever) and
 he may have had sex with women. This hardly puts him in the
 league with half the adult population on the planet with
 regard to 'badness'. Sometimes your imagination
 appears to get the better of you MJ. At best, TM is a
 healing, restful, expanding practice and at worst it does
 nothing but provide an opportunity for a 20 minute nap.
 MMY's personal foibles are just that, personal foibles.
 To let his weaknesses or supposedly misleading
 'scientific' assertions ruin the rest of your adult
 life is giving him influence over you that is probably not
 for the best. I also understand that you were
 'abused' by other asshats in the Movement but MMY is
 not responsible for their idiocy or small mindedness. Put
 blame where blame is due.
   And if you want me to repent, why don't
 you suggest Curtis, Barry, Sal and Edg repent too? Am I the
 only spiritual sinner here on FFL? 
 How bout some article on Marshy' sexual escapades? 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: awoelfleba...@yahoo.com awoelfleba...@yahoo.com

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote :

Where is Masked Zebra when we need him?

I guess he doesn't realize we need him.

Speak for yourself. For me, never having to endure his psychoses again is 
possibly too soon. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 9:56 AM, Share Long wrote:

OK, Richard, I admit it, this got me giggling this morning...

What is it with these discussion group bullies that troll here and try 
to tell us what to think? Whose newsgroup is this, anyway?

Share, I still can't understand why these informants stalked me and Alex 
over here in the first place. Don't they have anything better to do than 
trying to start a flame war on Yahoo with their pathetic dejection 
stories from twenty or thirty years ago?

Why don't they just leave us TMers alone so we can discuss the mechanics 
of consciousness instead of butting in starting at 5:00 AM in the 
morning? It's bad enough they are using the company computer on company 
time - maybe they should just go straight to the TM-Free blog or the 
Rick Ross site. Go figure.


Well, it's settled then, the Kung Fu fighter has spoken. Rick - don't
even bother to shut it down. All you other informants just go find
yourself a new discussion group. It's over now - this discussion is over.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread Share Long
Richard, as a great Internet sage once told me: some people just feel better 
when they have someone to talk to (-:

On Monday, May 5, 2014 10:22 AM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com 
On 5/5/2014 9:56 AM, Share Long wrote:

OK, Richard, I admit it, this got me giggling this morning...

What is it with these discussion group bullies that troll here and
try to tell us what to think? Whose newsgroup is this, anyway?

Share, I still can't understand why these informants stalked me and
Alex over here in the first place. Don't they have anything better
to do than trying to start a flame war on Yahoo with their pathetic
dejection stories from twenty or thirty years ago? 

Why don't they just leave us TMers alone so we can discuss the
mechanics of consciousness instead of butting in starting at 5:00 AM
in the morning? It's bad enough they are using the company computer
on company time - maybe they should just go straight to the TM-Free
blog or the Rick Ross site. Go figure.


Well, it's settled then, the Kung Fu fighter has spoken. Rick - don't 
even bother to shut it down. All you other informants just go
yourself a new discussion group. It's over now - this discussion
is over.

   This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 5/5/2014 8:11 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 And if you want me to repent, why don't you suggest Curtis, Barry, Sal 
 and Edg repent too? Am I the only spiritual sinner here on FFL? 
Curtis has a degree in philosophy from MUM and he was the leader of the 
TM Center in DC for years - he's way over your head in the learning and 
teaching department. Sal is way over your head too, since you were just 
a baker for a few years. And, Edg went to MUM for years learning about 
physics and stuff. Barry was a seller of spiritual snake oil for over 
twenty years - you'll probably never top that, even if you joined a cult 
today and stayed for the rest of your life. These guys are way out of 
your league, Pal.

Get some smarts - you are a nobody posting to an obscure chat room on 
the internet. Get back to us when you've accomplished something, 
anything. Have a nice day.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, are you saying that food and water aren't important issues?! 
As the Texans say, go figure!

We are in a drought down here, Share - so most people around here don't 
care if some farmers want to use Roundup on their farms. Go figure.

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 10:02 PM, Richard J. Williams 
pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

On 5/4/2014 1:47 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

The food you eat and water you drink has glyphosates...

Addressing the important issues!

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Bhairitu

On 05/04/2014 08:23 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 5/4/2014 10:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 You used to berate people who quoted the New York Times.

Only if they were subscribers and paid for it.

When we go to Starbucks it's either The New York Times or The Wall
Street Journal. We like to see what the liberals and conservatives are
saying, so I read the Times and Rita read the Journal. Nothing in either
about Monsanto. Go figure.

That might tell you something about the New York Times and the Wall 
Street Journal.  Do they also carry ads for Round-Up?  They aren't going 
diss their crony pals.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is AI Possible?

2014-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
Computers are basically calculators on steroids.  They calculate.  
Humans are pattern learning and matching machines.  You can program a 
computer to be a pattern learning and matching machine too.  For all we 
know they can be programmed to feel to and have some consciousness.  I 
also see the entire universe as one big machine based on patterning.  
Free will?  Nice to believe in if that is your destiny. :-D

On 05/05/2014 04:46 AM, jedi_sp...@yahoo.com wrote:

Artificial Intelligence or machine intelligence is basicaly
linear in nature.  It uses boolean logic at every step. It
might be fast, but still linear and lacks certain qualities
of biological or natural intelligence.

Biological intelligence or human intelligence is non-linear
in nature.  Pressures of survival stimulated by sensations
of 'pleasure and pain', emotions of 'fear and anger', over
millions or years created a non-linear brain.

The three parts of the brain, reptailian, mammalian and
human parts of the brain are actually three brains, operating
and having their own sense of time and space.

It is doubtful if AI would would be like human intelligence,
but we can theoriticaly do what happened in the TV series
'Fringe' by increasing the analytical intelligence in humans
to override primitive parts of the brain.

 --- jr_esq@... wrote :

 Stephen Hawking thinks so, but adds a warning.


[FairfieldLife] Metabolic typing made easy

2014-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
Every so once in a while I search on the Internet for more articles and 
information on metabolic typing which is sort of a modern day body type 
system along the lines of ayurveda or Chinese medicine. It is often 
complicated and difficult to explain and practitioners often are looking 
for better and simpler ways for the public to discover their functioning 
body type.  Here's Dr. Oz's good attempt at it.  It's a simple quiz and 
there are also some videos and menu articles available there:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Share Long
Huh?! Richard, how is Roundup related to drought? I thought it was a pesticide.

On Monday, May 5, 2014 10:44 AM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com 
On 5/5/2014 9:58 AM, Share Long wrote:

Richard, are you saying that food and water aren't important issues?! As the 
Texans say, go figure!

We are in a drought down here, Share - so most people around here
don't care if some farmers want to use Roundup on their farms. Go

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 10:02 PM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com 
On 5/4/2014 1:47 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

The food you eat and water you drink has glyphosates...

Addressing the important issues! 

   This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 5/5/2014 11:08 AM, Share Long wrote:
 Huh?! Richard, how is Roundup related to drought? I thought it was a 
During a drought, farmers around here use well water for farming and 
husbandry and some use Roundup. Most city folk don't care about that 
much, they just want to get a cold beer after work. A few go to Whole 
Foods to get organic produce, but most folks just eat steak and potatoes 
anyway, or tacos, and they aren't concerned much with pesticides used on 
edible foods.

Most people just think Roundup is for weeds in your driveway. Go figure.

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 5/5/2014 10:51 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
 On 05/04/2014 08:23 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 On 5/4/2014 10:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  You used to berate people who quoted the New York Times.
 Only if they were subscribers and paid for it.

 When we go to Starbucks it's either The New York Times or The Wall
 Street Journal. We like to see what the liberals and conservatives are
 saying, so I read the Times and Rita read the Journal. Nothing in either
 about Monsanto. Go figure.

 That might tell you something about the New York Times and the Wall 
 Street Journal.  Do they also carry ads for Round-Up?  They aren't 
 going diss their crony pals.
So far, I haven't read any editorials or opinion pieces in either paper 
about Roundup, pro or con. But they have a lot to say about Putin, 
Obama, and Ukraine. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 10:32 AM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, as a great Internet sage once told me: some people just feel 
better when they have someone to talk to (-:

So, we are actually */helping people/* by reading and responding to 
their messages? Go figure.

On Monday, May 5, 2014 10:22 AM, Richard J. Williams 
pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

On 5/5/2014 9:56 AM, Share Long wrote:

OK, Richard, I admit it, this got me giggling this morning...

What is it with these discussion group bullies that troll here and try 
to tell us what to think? Whose newsgroup is this, anyway?

Share, I still can't understand why these informants stalked me and 
Alex over here in the first place. Don't they have anything better to 
do than trying to start a flame war on Yahoo with their pathetic 
dejection stories from twenty or thirty years ago?

Why don't they just leave us TMers alone so we can discuss the 
mechanics of consciousness instead of butting in starting at 5:00 AM 
in the morning? It's bad enough they are using the company computer on 
company time - maybe they should just go straight to the TM-Free blog 
or the Rick Ross site. Go figure.


Well, it's settled then, the Kung Fu fighter has spoken. Rick - don't
even bother to shut it down. All you other informants just go find
yourself a new discussion group. It's over now - this discussion is over.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Great oppurtunity for rethinking

2014-05-05 Thread Share Long
Richard, yes, it remains one of Life's Great Mysteries (-:

On Monday, May 5, 2014 11:26 AM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com 
On 5/5/2014 10:32 AM, Share Long wrote:

Richard, as a great Internet sage once told me: some people just feel better 
when they have someone to talk to (-:

So, we are actually helping people by reading and responding to their messages? 
Go figure.

On Monday, May 5, 2014 10:22 AM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.com 
On 5/5/2014 9:56 AM, Share Long wrote:

OK, Richard, I admit it, this got me giggling this morning...

What is it with these discussion group bullies
that troll here and try to tell us what to
think? Whose newsgroup is this, anyway?

Share, I still can't understand why these
informants stalked me and Alex over here in the
first place. Don't they have anything better to
do than trying to start a flame war on Yahoo
with their pathetic dejection stories from
twenty or thirty years ago? 

Why don't they just leave us TMers alone so we
can discuss the mechanics of consciousness
instead of butting in starting at 5:00 AM in the
morning? It's bad enough they are using the
company computer on company time - maybe they
should just go straight to the TM-Free blog or
the Rick Ross site. Go figure.


Well, it's settled then, the Kung Fu fighter has spoken. Rick - don't 
even bother to shut it down. All you other
informants just go find 
yourself a new discussion group. It's over
now - this discussion is over.

   This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Bhairitu

On 05/05/2014 09:21 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 5/5/2014 10:51 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
 On 05/04/2014 08:23 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 On 5/4/2014 10:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  You used to berate people who quoted the New York Times.
 Only if they were subscribers and paid for it.

 When we go to Starbucks it's either The New York Times or The Wall
 Street Journal. We like to see what the liberals and conservatives are
 saying, so I read the Times and Rita read the Journal. Nothing in 

 about Monsanto. Go figure.

 That might tell you something about the New York Times and the Wall
 Street Journal. Do they also carry ads for Round-Up? They aren't
 going diss their crony pals.

So far, I haven't read any editorials or opinion pieces in either paper
about Roundup, pro or con. But they have a lot to say about Putin,
Obama, and Ukraine. Go figure.

Ads for Round-Up, ads, Richard, not opinion pieces.  People use Round-Up 
to kill weeds in their gardens.  It has glyphosates in it. Perhaps you 
ought to read up of glyphosates.

We get it. You want to be a good little puppy and do as your corporate 
masters say. :-D

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is AI Possible?

2014-05-05 Thread jr_esq

 In order for a machine to have artificial intelligence, it would have to 
process information based on the human senses, such as seeing, hearing, 
touching, tasting, and feeling.  As such, it would be able to understand and 
communicate with human beings.

 Also, the programming of the human senses would have to be related to Nature 
at large, such fire, earth, water, air, and ether in order for the machine to 
understand and communicate in terms of human intelligence.

 Further, the machine would have to be programmed to understand the various 
levels of human consciousness, such as waking, sleeping, dreaming, and the 
other higher states of consciousness.

 Assuming that a machine can be programmed to mimic these qualities, would the 
machine be able to think spontaneously on its own and transcend the thoughts or 
information that it's processing?

 IMO, these machines could mimic intelligence but for specific purposes, such 
as playing chess, playing jeopardy and predicting the weather which can be done 
by brute computation of data.  Or, maybe even predicting the stock market.  But 
they would not be human.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jedi_spock@... wrote :

Artificial Intelligence or machine intelligence is basicaly 
linear in nature.  It uses boolean logic at every step. It 
might be fast, but still linear and lacks certain qualities 
of biological or natural intelligence.

Biological intelligence or human intelligence is non-linear 
in nature.  Pressures of survival stimulated by sensations 
of 'pleasure and pain', emotions of 'fear and anger', over 
millions or years created a non-linear brain.

The three parts of the brain, reptailian, mammalian and 
human parts of the brain are actually three brains, operating 
and having their own sense of time and space.

It is doubtful if AI would would be like human intelligence, 
but we can theoriticaly do what happened in the TV series 
'Fringe' by increasing the analytical intelligence in humans 
to override primitive parts of the brain.

  ---  jr_esq@... wrote :

  Stephen Hawking thinks so, but adds a warning.


[FairfieldLife] Banksters practice meditation

2014-05-05 Thread Bhairitu
Let's see the poor practice TM and the bankers mindfullness?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Is AI Possible?

2014-05-05 Thread jr_esq

 Yes, there are some people who think that the universe is a machine from the 
Big Bang to the end of the universe.  The mechanisms of how this whole thing 
came about and how it will end are still being debated by various theories and 
actual scientific data.

 It appears to me that the argument for a universe based on consciousness is 
fairly strong one.   As I've mentioned here fairly often, it takes 
Consciousness to conceive and create space and time.  Without it, how is it 
possible for a universe to exist?

 Can a quantum fluctuation of the tiniest particle create space and time?  I 
don't think so.  But some of the popular physicists today, like Hawking and 
Krauss, are forced to make this conclusion because they're looking for a 
quantifiable matter or force which would explain the Big Bang.  By doing so, 
they come up with an absurd conclusion that the universe created itself.  Is 
that logical? 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, noozguru@... wrote :

 Computers are basically calculators on steroids.  They calculate.  Humans are 
pattern learning and matching machines.  You can program a computer to be a 
pattern learning and matching machine too.  For all we know they can be 
programmed to feel to and have some consciousness.  I also see the entire 
universe as one big machine based on patterning.  Free will?  Nice to believe 
in if that is your destiny. :-D 
 On 05/05/2014 04:46 AM, jedi_spock@... mailto:jedi_spock@... wrote:
 Artificial Intelligence or machine intelligence is basicaly 
 linear in nature.  It uses boolean logic at every step. It 
 might be fast, but still linear and lacks certain qualities 
 of biological or natural intelligence.
 Biological intelligence or human intelligence is non-linear 
 in nature.  Pressures of survival stimulated by sensations 
 of 'pleasure and pain', emotions of 'fear and anger', over 
 millions or years created a non-linear brain.
 The three parts of the brain, reptailian, mammalian and 
 human parts of the brain are actually three brains, operating 
 and having their own sense of time and space.
 It is doubtful if AI would would be like human intelligence, 
 but we can theoriticaly do what happened in the TV series 
 'Fringe' by increasing the analytical intelligence in humans 
 to override primitive parts of the brain.
  ---  jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
  Stephen Hawking thinks so, but adds a warning.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is AI Possible?

2014-05-05 Thread jedi_spock

IOW, it should actually have the five senses. Perhaps, a mix 
of pattern learning, match learning and theoritical learning 
can enable it perceive things similar to humans.

Yes, I think, it can think independently on it's own. Still, 
it would never be human.

  --- jr_esq@... wrote :


 In order for a machine to have artificial intelligence, it would have to 
process information based on the human senses, such as seeing, hearing, 
touching, tasting, and feeling.  As such, it would be able to understand and 
communicate with human beings.

 Also, the programming of the human senses would have to be related to Nature 
at large, such fire, earth, water, air, and ether in order for the machine to 
understand and communicate in terms of human intelligence.

 Further, the machine would have to be programmed to understand the various 
levels of human consciousness, such as waking, sleeping, dreaming, and the 
other higher states of consciousness.

 Assuming that a machine can be programmed to mimic these qualities, would the 
machine be able to think spontaneously on its own and transcend the thoughts or 
information that it's processing?

 IMO, these machines could mimic intelligence but for specific purposes, such 
as playing chess, playing jeopardy and predicting the weather which can be done 
by brute computation of data.  Or, maybe even predicting the stock market.  But 
they would not be human.


   --- jedi_spock@... wrote :
Artificial Intelligence or machine intelligence is basicaly 
linear in nature.  It uses boolean logic at every step. It 
might be fast, but still linear and lacks certain qualities 
of biological or natural intelligence.

Biological intelligence or human intelligence is non-linear 
in nature.  Pressures of survival stimulated by sensations 
of 'pleasure and pain', emotions of 'fear and anger', over 
millions or years created a non-linear brain.

The three parts of the brain, reptailian, mammalian and 
human parts of the brain are actually three brains, operating 
and having their own sense of time and space.

It is doubtful if AI would would be like human intelligence, 
but we can theoriticaly do what happened in the TV series 
'Fringe' by increasing the analytical intelligence in humans 
to override primitive parts of the brain.

---  jr_esq@... wrote :

Stephen Hawking thinks so, but adds a warning.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Gotta Love It

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 10:00 AM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, I only mention this because I know you like to observe 
netiquette: because of the way you snipped, it looks like MJ said 
this. He didn't.

If he had a son, he probably would raise his son on Star Wars, since he 
posted it, and obviously approves.

It is funny though, considering that /Star Wars/ is based on a */royal 
/*hierarchy of ruling classes and workers that believe in a Force that 
governs the universe. Sort of like a /TMO/ based on a/*raja*/ hierarchy 
of ruling classes and workers that believe in a Force that governs the 
universe. Go figure.

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 9:53 PM, Richard J. Williams 
pundits...@gmail.com wrote:

On 5/4/2014 2:37 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 Why I rejected religion and instead raised my son on Star Wars

This is funny - Stars Wars is based on a belief in The Force. Go figure.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 10:07 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

Where is Masked Zebra when we need him?

I guess he doesn't realize we need him.

You mean, he's not reading this forum? Go figure.

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 5/5/2014 10:12 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

Where is Masked Zebra when we need him?

I guess he doesn't realize we need him.

Speak for yourself. For me, never having to endure his psychoses 
again is possibly too soon. :-)

Where is Dr. Pete when we need him?

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 5/5/2014 11:48 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
 Perhaps you ought to read up of glyphosates.
It's just that most folks around here don't think it's important to take 
up arms to oppose the use of Roundup in gardens. Go figure.

The Toyota decision also reflects the continued erosion of California’s 
historic economic diversity, which provided both stability and a wide 
variety of jobs to the state’s workers.

'Taking a back seat to Texas'

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Bhairitu

On 05/05/2014 01:36 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 5/5/2014 11:48 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
 Perhaps you ought to read up of glyphosates.

It's just that most folks around here don't think it's important to take
up arms to oppose the use of Roundup in gardens. Go figure.

Your local talk radio/Internet host thinks it is important.  Maybe you 
just aren't paying attention.

The Toyota decision also reflects the continued erosion of California’s
historic economic diversity, which provided both stability and a wide
variety of jobs to the state’s workers.

'Taking a back seat to Texas'

Your local talk radio/Internet host is concerned about Californians 
moving to Texas.  When are you moving to California to set up your pot 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Banksters practice meditation

2014-05-05 Thread LEnglish5

 No doubt there are more mindfulness courses than TM courses, but quantity 
isn't quality.


[FairfieldLife] my political career greatly influenced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: BJD MP Dr Prasanna Patsani

2014-05-05 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Judy Greer Has the Perfect Solution for Coping With Stress

2014-05-05 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Today: American Heart Association doctor lecture online streaming

2014-05-05 Thread LEnglish5

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Tue 06-May-14 00:15:04 UTC

2014-05-05 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 05/03/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 05/10/14 00:00:00
282 messages as of (UTC) 05/05/14 23:54:58

 67 Richard J. Williams 
 26 Michael Jackson 
 24 LEnglish5
 22 steve.sundur
 19 dhamiltony2k5
 17 awoelflebater
 14 srijau
 14 authfriend
 14 Share Long 
 13 curtisdeltablues
 10 TurquoiseBee 
 10 Bhairitu 
  9 jedi_spock
  5 jr_esq
  4 anartaxius
  3 John Carter 
  2 nablusoss1008 
  2 cardemaister
  2 Rick Archer 
  1 turquoiseb
  1 salyavin808 
  1 s3raphita
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 Pundit Sir 
Posters: 24
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 5/5/2014 4:17 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 When are you moving to California to set up your pot ranch?
We may be changing our plans and moving to Denver, Colorado instead to 
set up an studio and art gallery.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Judy Greer Has the Perfect Solution for Coping With Stress

2014-05-05 Thread Share Long
Thanks, sri, I've always enjoyed Judy Greer in movies. Very cool that she's a 

On Monday, May 5, 2014 6:32 PM, sri...@ymail.com sri...@ymail.com wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Metabolic typing made easy

2014-05-05 Thread Share Long
thanks, noozguru, short test and I also like the names for the different types. 
I turned out to be a C type. I crave both sweet and salty. Helpful to know that 
I should be eating 33% of fat, protein and carbs. 

On Monday, May 5, 2014 11:05 AM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:
Every so once in a while I search on the Internet for more articles and 
information on metabolic typing which is sort of a modern day body type 
system along the lines of ayurveda or Chinese medicine. It is often 
complicated and difficult to explain and practitioners often are looking 
for better and simpler ways for the public to discover their functioning 
body type.  Here's Dr. Oz's good attempt at it.  It's a simple quiz and 
there are also some videos and menu articles available there:

[FairfieldLife] real relief of suffering

2014-05-05 Thread srijau

https://www. davidlynchfoundation.org/ africa.html#video=goWNosrfFvI 
 http://psychcentral.com/news/ 2014/02/11/meditation-helps- 
refugees-recover-from-ptsd/ 65732.html 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Today: American Heart Association doctor lecture online streaming

2014-05-05 Thread LEnglish5
It was interesting to watch the presentation. 

 Several things I took away from it:

 1) long-term exposure to air pollution is more dangerous than you might think, 
especially in places like India and China.

 2) There's  an acceptance amongst at least some TM researchers that 
head-to-head studies of TM vs mindfulness are going to happen. The question is 
really: who will pay for them and who will be willing to participate on the 
non-TM side?

 3) Robert Brook, from the American Heart Association, has no qualms with 
taking esriously the finding that TM reduced all-cause mortality by 48%. He 
commented that he had never seen research findings l iike that before.

 4) Brook himself is planning on collaborating in TM research, redoing a study 
done in China on how moment-by-moment changes in air pollution effects  
hypertension to see how the results might change when half of the subjects are 
doing TM. The prediction, as I understand it, is not only would TM practice 
reduce overall blood pressure, but that the reactivity to environmental stress 
might be changed in a beneficial way as well, so that the average would be 
lower, and the spike due the response to air pollution exposure might be lower 
as well. The measurements would be of the ambulatory BP type where blood 
pressure is monitored continuously and automatically, rather than in a clinical 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, LEnglish5@... wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Wise President Putin

2014-05-05 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote :

 On 5/5/2014 11:48 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
  Perhaps you ought to read up of glyphosates.
 It's just that most folks around here don't think it's important to take 
 up arms to oppose the use of Roundup in gardens. Go figure.

 We can hardly find Roundup any more in Victoria. It has been pretty much 
banned at the strength you used to be able to buy it. My husband, because he is 
a lawn fanatic, loves the stuff. I forbid him to use it and luckily he has a 
hard time getting his hands on it. But like any addict, he usually finds some 
source - in this case another woman who owns a sheep farm and can get the 
industrial strength stuff. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: To Curtis - Sam Harris

2014-05-05 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote :

 On 5/5/2014 10:07 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:

 Where is Masked Zebra when we need him? 
 I guess he doesn't realize we need him. 
 You mean, he's not reading this forum? Go figure. 
 I guess he has a life.

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