[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!

[FairfieldLife] Testing number 5!

2014-09-13 Thread cardemais...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

In my set, sidhi number 5 is the one that in Sanskrit goes like this:

kuurma-naaDyaaM sthairyam.

Some translations:

 Sutra III.31
 कूर्मनाड्यां स्थैर्यम्॥३१॥
 Calmness Is Attained By Samyama On The B.. T
 [IT]: (32):
 (By performing Samyama) on the Kurma-nadi steadiness.
 On the tortoise duct (tortoise), steadiness.
 From perfect discipline of the “tortoise vein,” one’s being becomes steady.
 [SS]: (32):
 By samyama on the kurma nadi (a subtle tortoise-shaped tube located below the 
throat), motionless in the meditative posture is achieved.
 (32) By making samyama on the tube within the chest, one acquires absolute 
 [SV]: (32):
 On the nerve called Kurma (comes) fixity of the body.

 Anyone tested  whether one can become motionless practising especially
 this TM-sidhi?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Testing number 5!

2014-09-13 Thread cardemais...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Meaning this, from Bhoja-deva's comment:

 ...yadi vA kAyasya sthairyamutpadyate na
kenachit spandayituM shakyata ityarthaH .. 31..
...or firmness is produced in the body (of the ascetic), that is, it
cannot be moved by anything.

[FairfieldLife] Morning in Devraha Baba Ashram

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
Morning in Devraha Baba Ashram 
 Morning in Devraha Baba Ashram 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToCeDa-WySY#t=2215 This feature is not 
available right now. Please try again later. 
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToCeDa-WySY#t=2215 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi keeps his promises (was Why MMY's Bhagavad Gita will never be a classic.

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dan, what Edg didn't catch is that we were all thrown into that same gigantic, 
cosmic washingmachine. We lived for a dollar a day, in Europe, in the USA and 
in Asia for tens of years and it was OK.
 What mattered was the idea that by doing so Maharishi would connect us to 
something bigger, something greater. For some that "greater" was more personal 
power and riches, perhaps to meet a lovely lady, for others it was longevity 
and good health, but for most of us it meant that by His Grace we could shake 
hands with Godhead.  
 I'm communicating with many of the friends from that time, and I can assure 
you; whatever their desires were, with the blessings of their own good karma 
and with the help of the most competent Guide, their aspirations are fulfilled.
 A very interesting feature is when you meet an old meditator who has simply 
done TM twice a day, someone who perhaps met Maharishi in the 60's. With 0 
expectations, yet they find their lives mysteriously fulfilled on levels they 
had not even imagined.

 I can't see thru Edg's eyes (or experience thru his consciousness).
But speaking only for I, I got no complaints.
Maybe lower expectations?

 I see three factors contributing to how one feels about their TM experience 
if, in the end, they feel it was negative.
 1) the level of their expectations
 2) their personality and character that is unique to them
 3) the amount of time, energy and money they spent on all the things you can 
spend time, energy and money on with relation to the Movement.
 If you have the "perfect storm" of all three then you can end up with some 
individuals feeling pretty angry or contemptuous or downright murderous about 
it all. But, whether you are talking about a failed spiritual path or a failed 
investment strategy it still comes down to the choices and the character of the 
participant. This does not mean that there are not spiritual paths or 
investment opportunities that are scams and manipulative but it does mean that 
it takes at least two to tango.

You are very helpful here. I have no idea about all this controversy. I guess 
it's my youthful innocence, or perhaps just naivety.

I don't 'get it', yet I do hear all kinds of complaints emanating from Members 

I'll try to pay better attention, but without your insight, I keep missing the 

Maybe we'll all learn something.

Dan from nyc
far away from this controversy 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Speak for yourself, Edg. You say, "We were hustlers with shiny shoes, a $200 
suit and a $200 car. We were fucking chumps." But what you actually mean is "I 
was a hustler with shiny shoes, a $200 suit and a $200 car. I was a fucking 
I have always had beautiful shoes (most recent pair of Red Wing desert boots 
custom made for Brooks Brothers, they phone when something special comes in). 
My suits are stylish and my car 'clean and neat'. I am also honest.

Big difference between us Edgy.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Maharishi never gave a damn about us ever understanding "a philosophy made 
necessary" if the concept "transcendental" is the basis of it.  

Except for learning puja and checking notes, we never had "general philosophy 
101" classes, never had exams, never had sub-leaders who could lead a 
discussion about philosophy, never were encouraged to study the Gita or other 
scriptures, never had any "must memorize" commands, etc.  We were forbidden to 
read any other spiritual books.

Yeah, Maharishi taught us by answering the mike-questions, but that was always 
informal and there was no "lesson plan" for the "students."  

In short we were put out into the public wilds completely unable to defend TM 
with concepts and logic.except such as we were able to individually pony up 
when the moment came that someone asked a deeper question.  

We were JOKES, and we didn't know it, but because most of our audiences were as 
un-scholarly as we were, so we could bullshit to the max.  Any PhD in 
philosophy candidate could have us tied up in knots and sweating buckets.

Oh, we were told we were Totakacharya types.the nice folks who were stupid 
but who would do great works none-the-less.  We swallowed that shit like it was 

So don't go pushing Chapter 7 on me -- it's just window dressing in a billion 
dollar scam. 

 I read the first six chapters and wore out three copies of the book 
underlining and adding comments and questions in the margins.  After I got into 
Advaita, I read MMY's Gita one last time and I WAS APPALLED at the lack of 
consistency of how key concepts were used.  

Go ahead, try to find out what Maharishi would say are the defining DIFFERENCES 
"being, consciousness, isness, amness, transcendent, awareness

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Earl's letter


 Ann, you just helped me understand something better so I thanked you for that 
in my earlier Post.
Now I'll return the favor, just see below...

 Interesting, now that I have read it. If it is all true then more's the pity. 
If it is partially true then it should give people pause. I think that this 
letter was written from a place of sincerity and concern by the Kaplans. They 
were, evidently, privy to all sorts of carefully protected secrets and were 
part of the inner circle. Whenever the inner circle chooses to speak about the 
things that go on close to the center of things it can mean one of two things: 
they are speaking the truth or they are disgruntled and making things up. [They 
are disgruntled and making things up.] I am in no position to know which it is 
or what percentage is made up of truth and what percentage is simple 
disgruntlement. Thinking back on what Robin has said about his own realization 
of his "enlightenment" it appears to closely jive with that Kaplan claims of 
what TM does to one, which is interesting for me. I am sure Robin has seen this 
letter as has everyone else on the planet except, apparently, me. 

 Some of this troubles me as a sort of one-man's-viewpoint analysis because it 
is terribly damning and yet I am so removed from the TM Movement and even TM 
itself I find I am untouched. Still, this letter has evidently been influential 
and has created some serious doubts about MMY in many people's minds. I have to 
say, I feel badly, on one level for the Kaplans because they gave a lot to what 
they believed was true and good and right. In reading his letter I also realize 
Kaplan is going to survive it all and come out the other side intact. What is 
he and his brother doing now?[he's seething and sulking, not productive IMHO]


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 10:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those 
who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Salyavin, my 100% Irish Brit SO was born in London, his parents were born in 
Sligo. But they moved to England after their marriage, raised 5 children and 
ran a family pub in Ealing. My SO had good friends in Skem. He himself lived in 
Leylestad for a while after he got his MS in Computer Science from MUM. He got 
a job in Utrecht, I think for a company called IBS.

 Ah, pub eh? No wonder you out scored me, I must have forgotten what real 
English life is all about.

 Anyway, I use the past tense because he died at the age of 46 on Oct 5, 2009. 
In summer 2006 he was living in Paris and somehow stumbled on the infamous Earl 
Kaplan letter. He stopped meditating. I still think that if he had continued 
doing TM, he'd still be alive. Of course, I could be wrong...


 Wow, sad story Share and I don't mean to pry, but are you punishing yourself 
about the TM thing? Or did he develop high blood pressure afterwards (or 
anything relevant healthwise).

 I've known a lot of people in the TMO die of all sorts of common things that 
you'd think we'd be immune to given all the claims made, so maybe it was just a 
continuation of something? I don't know either of course, just speculating, so 
feel free to ignore this bit! 

 The Kaplan letter was a funny old thing. I thought it was a third true, a 
third probably true and a third nonsense. Shook a lot of people up I should 
think. I wouldn't be amusing myself on FFL without it as I had to join to read 
it in the files section.

 I don't know anything about this Kaplan letter. I need to find it somewhere. 
I'll report back. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] The Great Fairfieldlife Posting Race

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 9/12/2014 7:03 PM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

   just checking...
 If I reply to every one of Richard's Posts, and then arbitrarily pick to reply 
to a few other people's posts, and start some old Topics, and then just hit 
"reply" without writing anything...
 ..do I win?
 Strategy check for mid-point assessment.


 Answer and question simultaneously: If you 'win' does everyone else lose?


 You tryin' Zen or some Aidvaita to play wit my head?

 Sos the answer to your koan is that We All Win

 We are all One, but APPEAR to be differrent. I know that, so when I WIN, we 
ALL Win.

 But, just in case I'm wrong. We can All Win because of my win, but I remain 
Champion of the ONE TEAM

 There are six FFL informants who are over the weekly posting limits, according 
to Rick's old limit. Since there are no posting limits now, all those under 50 
messages are to be considered non-social - who can't even carry on a 
conversation exceeding 100 words per topic in a twelve hour period. Go figure.
 Any other things I should Post about?

 Where We Went
 What We Did Today
 What People Think
 What People Wear
 What People Eat
 Where People Go
 What People Don't Think
 Where People Live
 What People Are Doing
 What People Want

I'm sticking with the highlighted one for now. Why did you choose that?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What the hell don't we understand about "this isn't about us" ? ? ?

I'm not even a messenger; just a kibitzer in the crowd, and some of you want me 
shamed outta here or whatever -- how rare is the truth sought here when all of 
us are so vulnerable to being correctly dismissed as damaged goods?  See 
someone's flaws and have at it hoss -- but don't call your lust to thrust a 
personality dynamic of a "knower of reality."  Geeze, learn a lesson from 
Maharishi here...at least he knew how to handle hostility coming from someone 
on the mike -- almost always graciously(I can think of a couple exceptions, 
but . . . )

It's not important if anyone here approves of any statement, or not.  What's 
important is that THIS RECORD of the minds of a few survivors of the TMO be at 
least registered here.  

Over the years here, although I've changed my mind, yes I have, due to some of 
the arguments here, let's face it, this place is not about attempting to 
formulate statements upon which we all can agree.  Instead, we get so much head 
bashing.  Let this be on the record too sayeth moi -- let the whole messy-ness 
of it, the soul swampy steam coming off of it, let it all be recorded here.  

If I am a miscreant out to propagandize to a few minds here -- let it be 
Dave, you kinda lost me from here down...
This...all of thisdone by true believers lo these many decades.

Hey it's sci-fi now but an actuality that's coming soon enough is that there's 
going to be a tech that will make use of all this jabbering of ours -- and who 
the fuck knows what wisdom can be mined herein by some A.I. engine around the 
corner, eh?

Some sooperdooper A.I. that would rule the world would at least be able to 
buddy up with the likes of the sorry spiritual drunks almost passed out in the 
corners of Rick's Place.  We'd be on our knees e-praying in about ten minutes 
flat once an A.I. god told us we were "special."  

Who can't be easily pegged by their postings here?

Everyone's put out all this data about themselves without even thinking twice 
about how it could all be put into a dossier with which A.I. can grok a person 

Or the NSA.  No diff.  

I just wanted to and will continue to lay out my POV -- 29 years before the 
mast and the ship went down. 

And my story is true for about 95% of all the folks that once invested in the 
technique -- it just didn't pan out. 

 It's not about me; it's about all the other me-types -- the 
universal-anyone-who-can-think-a-thought-can-do-it technique simply had no 
pizzazz and the audience evaporated.

Ta ta and thanks for all the.you thought I'd say "fish," right?  You're 
mind readers! ! ! ! !


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Here is an interesting past post from FFL - 

It's funny how time will bring almost a casual understatement of what happened 
to the Kaplans. My memory is that almost $100 million was donated, but the 
problem came when $20-25 million that was in an
account that had multiple signiturs ( 1 movement, 2 Kaplans ??) was used/taken 
by the movement and not used for it's intended taxes and other expenses for the 
Blue Mt properties. So the final flimflam was an additional $20+ million 
missing, not 'being attached' to money after it has been  donationed. 

 From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those 
who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Earl's letter


Interesting, now that I have read it. If it is all true then more's the pity. 
If it is partially true then it should give people pause. I think that this 
letter was written from a place of sincerity and concern by the Kaplans. They 
were, evidently, privy to all sorts of carefully protected secrets and were 
part of the inner circle. Whenever the inner circle chooses to speak about the 
things that go on close to the center of things it can mean one of two things: 
they are speaking the truth or they are disgruntled and making things up. I am 
in no position to know which it is or what percentage is made up of truth and 
what percentage is simple disgruntlement. Thinking back on what Robin has said 
about his own realization of his "enlightenment" it appears to closely jive 
with that Kaplan claims of what TM does to one, which is interesting for me. I 
am sure Robin has seen this letter as has everyone else on the planet except, 
apparently, me. 

Some of this troubles me as a sort of one-man's-viewpoint analysis because it 
is terribly damning and yet I am so removed from the TM Movement and even TM 
itself I find I am untouched. Still, this letter has evidently been influential 
and has created some serious doubts about MMY in many people's minds. I have to 
say, I feel badly, on one level for the Kaplans because they gave a lot to what 
they believed was true and good and right. In reading his letter I also realize 
Kaplan is going to survive it all and come out the other side intact. What is 
he and his brother doing now?

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those 
who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Salyavin, my 100% Irish Brit SO was born in London, his parents were born in 
Sligo. But they moved to England after their marriage, raised 5 children and 
ran a family pub in Ealing.
My SO had good friends in Skem. He himself lived in Leylestad for a while after 
he got his MS in Computer Science from MUM. He got a job in Utrecht, I think 
for a company called IBS.

Ah, pub eh? No wonder you out scored me, I must have forgotten what real 
English life is all about.

Anyway, I use the past tense because he died at the age of 46 on Oct 5, 2009. 
In summer 2006 he was living
in Paris and somehow stumbled on the infamous Earl Kaplan letter. He stopped 
meditating. I still think that if he had continued doing TM, he'd still be 
alive. Of course, I could be wrong...

Wow, sad story Share and I don't mean to pry, but are you punishing yourself 
about the TM thing? Or did he develop high blood pressure afterwards (or 
anything relevant healthwise).

I've known a lot of people in the TMO die of all sorts of common things that 
you'd think we'd be immune to given all the claims made, so maybe it was just a 
continuation of something? I don't know either of course, just speculating, so 
feel free to ignore this bit! 

The Kaplan letter was a funny old thing. I thought it was a third true, a third 
probably true and a third nonsense. Shook a lot of people up I should think. I 
wouldn't be amusing myself on FFL without it as I had to join to read it in the 
files section.

I don't know anything about this Kaplan letter. I need to find it somewhere. 
I'll report back. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I think he's still in the publishing business in some fashion.

 From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those 
who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Earl's letter


Interesting, now that I have read it. If it is all true then more's the pity. 
If it is partially true then it should give people pause. I think that this 
letter was written from a place of sincerity and concern by the Kaplans. They 
were, evidently, privy to all sorts of carefully protected secrets and were 
part of the inner circle. Whenever the inner circle chooses to speak about the 
things that go on close to the center of things it can mean one of two things: 
they are speaking the truth or they are disgruntled and making things up. I am 
in no position to know which it is or what percentage is made up of truth and 
what percentage is simple disgruntlement. Thinking back on what Robin has said 
about his own realization of his "enlightenment" it appears to closely jive 
with that Kaplan claims of what TM does to one, which is interesting for me. I 
am sure Robin has seen this letter as has everyone else on the planet except, 
apparently, me. 

Some of this troubles me as a sort of one-man's-viewpoint analysis because it 
is terribly damning and yet I am so removed from the TM Movement and even TM 
itself I find I am untouched. Still, this letter has evidently been influential 
and has created some serious doubts about MMY in many people's minds. I have to 
say, I feel badly, on one level for the Kaplans because they gave a lot to what 
they believed was true and good and right. In reading his letter I also realize 
Kaplan is going to survive it all and come out the other side intact. What is 
he and his brother doing now?

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those 
who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Salyavin, my 100% Irish Brit SO was born in London, his parents were born in 
Sligo. But they moved to England after their marriage, raised 5 children and 
ran a family pub in Ealing.
My SO had good friends in Skem. He himself lived in Leylestad for a while after 
he got his MS in Computer Science from MUM. He got a job in Utrecht, I think 
for a company called IBS.

Ah, pub eh? No wonder you out scored me, I must have forgotten what real 
English life is all about.

Anyway, I use the past tense because he died at the age of 46 on Oct 5, 2009. 
In summer 2006 he was living
in Paris and somehow stumbled on the infamous Earl Kaplan letter. He stopped 
meditating. I still think that if he had continued doing TM, he'd still be 
alive. Of course, I could be wrong...

Wow, sad story Share and I don't mean to pry, but are you punishing yourself 
about the TM thing? Or did he develop high blood pressure afterwards (or 
anything relevant healthwise).

I've known a lot of people in the TMO die of all sorts of common things that 
you'd think we'd be immune to given all the claims made, so maybe it was just a 
continuation of something? I don't know either of course, just speculating, so 
feel free to ignore this bit! 

The Kaplan letter was a funny old thing. I thought it was a third true, a third 
probably true and a third nonsense. Shook a lot of people up I should think. I 
wouldn't be amusing myself on FFL without it as I had to join to read it in the 
files section.

I don't know anything about this Kaplan letter. I need to find it somewhere. 
I'll report back. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sam Harris Book

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "wayback71@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   It was delivered to my doorstep the other day and just a few pages I enjoy 
his writing style - he is clear and articulate and really nails things.  I will 
read it this weekend.

 And Barry, as you know, he says there is no self (ha, we have been thru this 
many times)!!


Indeed. He seems to be a very strong personality, with a very strong sense of 
self, uh, saying there is no self.  :-)

Unlike some here, I don't have to agree with everything a writer says to like 
that writer...  :-)
And unlike some Posters here, I don't have to disagree with everything a Poster 
posts to totally dismiss that Poster.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Edg, I just wanted to do a drive-by and say that I've been appreciating your 
recent rants. They've been very honest and very real and obviously far too real 
for many here. 

I haven't bothered to chime in with, "Yeah, what he said..." yet, but not 
because I haven't felt that. I just knew that the shaming thing would start and 
I didn't want to be even a peripheral part of another re-run of that silly soap 
opera, so I've been staying out of it. 

But you're a writer and we all know how writers need occasional feedback. So 
mine is "Good stuff. Keep it up, Bro." 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What the hell don't we understand about "this isn't about us" ? ? ?

I'm not even a messenger; just a kibitzer in the crowd, and some of you want me 
shamed outta here or whatever -- how rare is the truth sought here when all of 
us are so vulnerable to being correctly dismissed as damaged goods?  See 
someone's flaws and have at it hoss -- but don't call your lust to thrust a 
personality dynamic of a "knower of reality."  Geeze, learn a lesson from 
Maharishi here...at least he knew how to handle hostility coming from someone 
on the mike -- almost always graciously(I can think of a couple exceptions, 
but . . . )

It's not important if anyone here approves of any statement, or not.  What's 
important is that THIS RECORD of the minds of a few survivors of the TMO be at 
least registered here.  

Over the years here, although I've changed my mind, yes I have, due to some of 
the arguments here, let's face it, this place is not about attempting to 
formulate statements upon which we all can agree.  Instead, we get so much head 
bashing.  Let this be on the record too sayeth moi -- let the whole messy-ness 
of it, the soul swampy steam coming off of it, let it all be recorded here.  

If I am a miscreant out to propagandize to a few minds here -- let it be 

This...all of thisdone by true believers lo these many decades.

Hey it's sci-fi now but an actuality that's coming soon enough is that there's 
going to be a tech that will make use of all this jabbering of ours -- and who 
the fuck knows what wisdom can be mined herein by some A.I. engine around the 
corner, eh?

Some sooperdooper A.I. that would rule the world would at least be able to 
buddy up with the likes of the sorry spiritual drunks almost passed out in the 
corners of Rick's Place.  We'd be on our knees e-praying in about ten minutes 
flat once an A.I. god told us we were "special."  

Who can't be easily pegged by their postings here?

Everyone's put out all this data about themselves without even thinking twice 
about how it could all be put into a dossier with which A.I. can grok a person 

Or the NSA.  No diff.  

I just wanted to and will continue to lay out my POV -- 29 years before the 
mast and the ship went down. 

And my story is true for about 95% of all the folks that once invested in the 
technique -- it just didn't pan out. 

 It's not about me; it's about all the other me-types -- the 
universal-anyone-who-can-think-a-thought-can-do-it technique simply had no 
pizzazz and the audience evaporated.

Ta ta and thanks for all the.you thought I'd say "fish," right?  You're 
mind readers! ! ! ! !


Re: [FairfieldLife] Sam Harris Book

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   I've been working on taxes today and had to delay continuing with the book, 
but the clarity is welcome after the lax mental sprawl that has become FFL of 
late. Harris really has a gift for organising material. If you have gotten to 
the part in the 'self' section about using a transporter, I presented this 
argument to an initiator some years ago, and the response was, 'No I would not 
go into such a device'. Perhaps you could review the book here on FFL, not that 
the most of the current crowd has much capacity for grasping the arguments.


"Most of the current crowd" doesn't have the attention span and intellect to 
read a comic book, much less something like this. I'll pass.  :-)

Besides, you know they'd never read it, because they'd be terrified of catching 
"atheist cooties"  and finding out how mindfulness really works.  :-)

Can I get cooties from having read this Post? Doctor!!!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

This piece of Movement history to me shows just what a venal, spiteful piece of 
trash Marshy really was. 

His own greed caused the teachers to defect and he tried, stupidly to punish 
them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the idiot 
possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. When they saw what he was 
doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should have 
left. How anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause 
people won't gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind 
of saint is a testament to just how willing some people are to live in total 
denial of facts and live the bliss of illusion. 

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement?
Just wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent 
of the Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

They are doing very well indeed:

Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust
   Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust  
Transcendental Meditation courses affordable for everyone with fees up to 50% 
lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe  
View on www.meditationtrust.com Preview by Yahoo
 They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

Thanks for the synopsis.  The scorpion nation fell from grace
originally because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts 
they saw as out of touch and were teaching the old way,
independently.  Damn scorpions.Is there still a scorpion
independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching meditation in the UK?
They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page at one point which 
was daring.
Is that who you are talking about doing well teaching transcending
meditation or is it the new TM movement returned?  What do you see
I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi,
he told the story of some female course participant coming out of her
hut alarmed about a scorpion on the wall inside her hut.  Satyananda
come out to look, took his sandal off in hand and smacked the
scorpion dead on the wall.  That is how Indians deal with poisonous
bugs.. Summary execution.  Take that as a lesson.
Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles
away is a recurring theme in that culture.  Sort of like the old UK
TM teachers breaking from the Rajas of  Vlodrop and Maharishi at a
Jai Guru Dev,
-Buck in the Dome 

mjackson74. wrote 

I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?

salyavin808 writes:

They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is the 
actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
http://www.meditationtrust.com/ Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe

 View on www.meditationtrust.com http://www.meditationtrust.com/
 Preview by Yahoo 

They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave. [Revisionist history].


 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this,[You'll need a better plotline, but I expect this 
version sells better to your devoted readers] these people were devoted to the 
teaching and still are.[Maharishi's Teaching included his instruction on how to 
Teach TM. When people start their own way, that becomes Their Own Way, not TM 
as Taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.]


 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here![...to find out 
what gossip sounds like]





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I love al

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Unfortunately its not a joke - the person who wrote that is a fine example of 
the lack of decency the Movement churns out.

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:16 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Your problem with the movement, Edg, is quite simple: you gave yourself away 
like a cheap tart and they fucked you. What else did you expect? 

This is a joke isn't it? Of course it is. The only other explanation would be 
that we got into a spiritual movement expecting it to develop consciousness and 
improve relationships in the manner that it claims, and yet we become so bitter 
at the reality that anyone who complains about the failure of the technique to 
produce what is claimed in the brochure must be an idiot to have expected it in 
the first place. And yet everyone keeps doing it and believing to the extent 
that they feel they have to defend it daily on the net.

No that couldn't be the explanation, it must be a joke. I just got up, give me 
time to get up to speed

Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, Maharishi 
told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I done to 
you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I don't know you; how 
in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of any worth?  

Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, and 
you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or will have?  
Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket.  We're 
all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING.   And you're 
here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?  

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with parts of 
"me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years old.  I don't own 
a gun, and your speculations about me being some sort of danger to the 
community shows how fucking insane you are to be here with such obviously 
projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss some shit 
at the fan here.  

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.  

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to pieces?  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one predicted 
my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, "Maharishi's 
astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  GAWD.

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh?

Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next we

[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
Your problem with the movement, Edg, is quite simple: you gave yourself away 
like a cheap tart and they fucked you. What else did you expect? 

 This is a joke isn't it? Of course it is. The only other explanation would be 
that we got into a spiritual movement expecting it to develop consciousness and 
improve relationships in the manner that it claims, and yet we become so bitter 
at the reality that anyone who complains about the failure of the technique to 
produce what is claimed in the brochure must be an idiot to have expected it in 
the first place. And yet everyone keeps doing it and believing to the extent 
that they feel they have to defend it daily on the net.

 No that couldn't be the explanation, it must be a joke. I just got up, give me 
time to get up to speedTake your time to wake up before posting again. 
You're talking in circles, just now.


 Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, Maharishi 
told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I done to 
you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I don't know you; how 
in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of any worth?   

 Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, and 
you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or will have?  
Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket.  We're 
all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING.   And you're 
here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?  

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with parts of 
"me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years old.  I don't own 
a gun, and your speculations about me being some sort of danger to the 
community shows how fucking insane you are to be here with such obviously 
projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss some shit 
at the fan here.  

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.  

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to pieces?  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are tel

[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of itSal, You promised to wake up a bit before posting 
again. Yet, here you are, all groggy and talkin' in circles.

You're making me dizzy! And sleepy.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Here is an interesting past post from FFL - 

It's funny how time will bring almost a casual understatement of what happened 
to the Kaplans. My memory is that almost $100 million was donated, but the 
problem came when $20-25 million that was in an
 account that had multiple signiturs ( 1 movement, 2 Kaplans ??) was used/taken 
by the movement and not used for it's intended taxes and other expenses for the 
Blue Mt properties. So the final flimflam was an additional $20+ million 
missing, not 'being attached' to money after it has been donationed.
  So Earl Kaplan is a tax dodger? Another good source for information.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 11:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those 
who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Earl's letter



 Interesting, now that I have read it. If it is all true then more's the pity. 
If it is partially true then it should give people pause. I think that this 
letter was written from a place of sincerity and concern by the Kaplans. They 
were, evidently, privy to all sorts of carefully protected secrets and were 
part of the inner circle. Whenever the inner circle chooses to speak about the 
things that go on close to the center of things it can mean one of two things: 
they are speaking the truth or they are disgruntled and making things up. I am 
in no position to know which it is or what percentage is made up of truth and 
what percentage is simple disgruntlement. Thinking back on what Robin has said 
about his own realization of his "enlightenment" it appears to closely jive 
with that Kaplan claims of what TM does to one, which is interesting for me. I 
am sure Robin has seen this letter as has everyone else on the planet except, 
apparently, me. 

 Some of this troubles me as a sort of one-man's-viewpoint analysis because it 
is terribly damning and yet I am so removed from the TM Movement and even TM 
itself I find I am untouched. Still, this letter has evidently been influential 
and has created some serious doubts about MMY in many people's minds. I have to 
say, I feel badly, on one level for the Kaplans because they gave a lot to what 
they believed was true and good and right. In reading his letter I also realize 
Kaplan is going to survive it all and come out the other side intact. What is 
he and his brother doing now?

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 10:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those 
who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Salyavin, my 100% Irish Brit SO was born in London, his parents were born in 
Sligo. But they moved to England after their marriage, raised 5 children and 
ran a family pub in Ealing. My SO had good friends in Skem. He himself lived in 
Leylestad for a while after he got his MS in Computer Science from MUM. He got 
a job in Utrecht, I think for a company called IBS.

 Ah, pub eh? No wonder you out scored me, I must have forgotten what real 
English life is all about.

 Anyway, I use the past tense because he died at the age of 46 on Oct 5, 2009. 
In summer 2006 he was living in Paris and somehow stumbled on the infamous Earl 
Kaplan letter. He stopped meditating. I still think that if he had continued 
doing TM, he'd still be alive. Of course, I could be wrong...


 Wow, sad story Share and I don't mean to pry, but are you punishing yourself 
about the TM thing? Or did he develop high blood pressure afterwards (or 
anything relevant healthwise).

 I've known a lot of people in the TMO die of all sorts of common things that 
you'd think we'd be immune to given all the claims made, so maybe it was just a 
continuation of something? I don't know either of course, just speculating, so 
feel free to ignore this bit! 

 The Kaplan letter was a funny old thing. I thought it was a third true, a 
third probably true and a third nonsense. Shook a lot of people up I should 
think. I wouldn't be amusing myself on FFL without it as I had to join to read 
it in the files section.

 I don't know anything about this Kaplan letter. I need to find it somewhere. 
I'll report back. 






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history to me shows just what a venal, spiteful piece 
of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect and he tried, stupidly to punish 
them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the idiot 
possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. When they saw what he was 
doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should have 
left. How anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause 
people won't gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind 
of saint is a testament to just how willing some people are to live in total 
denial of facts and live the bliss of illusion. 


 It was the rationalisations that got me baffled. They'd all sit around 
wondering why Marshy did it and come up with scenario's like "He's trying to 
get rid of the deadwood in the movement so we can be better when it re-starts" 
or "Marshy sees natural laws at a deeper level than we can guess at so he must 
be right whatever he does".

 Bend over and take it in other words, and don't forget to say thankyou for 
sharing more profound knowledge with us. I know TM teachers who admit that half 
of their career has been trying to work out why Marshy did things. Occam's 
razor never occurred to them, everything had to somehow be filtered through the 
belief that he was always right. Kind of a lopsided way of looking at the world!


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
http://www.meditationtrust.com/ Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe

 View on www.meditationtrust.com http://www.meditationtrust.com/
 Preview by Yahoo 

They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!




 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Sum

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Edg, I just wanted to do a drive-by and say that I've been appreciating your 
recent rants. And who better to appreciate a good rant. Incidentally, what 
makes a rant good? Any qualifications for 'excellent' rants? Do you consider 
yourself an Excellent Ranter? Are you mentoring Dave because of your track 
record of Excellent Rants. Expert, please let us know your secrets.They've been 
very honest and very real and obviously far too real for many here. 

I haven't bothered to chime in with, "Yeah, what he said..." yet, but not 
because I haven't felt that. I just knew that the shaming thing would start and 
I didn't want to be even a peripheral part of another re-run of that silly soap 
opera, so I've been staying out of it. Thank you for that.

But you're a writer and we all know how writers need occasional feedback 
[You're welcome, in advance, for the feedback]. So mine is "Good stuff. Keep it 
up, Bro." 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What the hell don't we understand about "this isn't about us" ? ? ?

I'm not even a messenger; just a kibitzer in the crowd, and some of you want me 
shamed outta here or whatever -- how rare is the truth sought here when all of 
us are so vulnerable to being correctly dismissed as damaged goods?  See 
someone's flaws and have at it hoss -- but don't call your lust to thrust a 
personality dynamic of a "knower of reality."  Geeze, learn a lesson from 
Maharishi here...at least he knew how to handle hostility coming from someone 
on the mike -- almost always graciously(I can think of a couple exceptions, 
but . . . )

It's not important if anyone here approves of any statement, or not.  What's 
important is that THIS RECORD of the minds of a few survivors of the TMO be at 
least registered here.  

Over the years here, although I've changed my mind, yes I have, due to some of 
the arguments here, let's face it, this place is not about attempting to 
formulate statements upon which we all can agree.  Instead, we get so much head 
bashing.  Let this be on the record too sayeth moi -- let the whole messy-ness 
of it, the soul swampy steam coming off of it, let it all be recorded here.  

If I am a miscreant out to propagandize to a few minds here -- let it be 

This...all of thisdone by true believers lo these many decades.

Hey it's sci-fi now but an actuality that's coming soon enough is that there's 
going to be a tech that will make use of all this jabbering of ours -- and who 
the fuck knows what wisdom can be mined herein by some A.I. engine around the 
corner, eh?

Some sooperdooper A.I. that would rule the world would at least be able to 
buddy up with the likes of the sorry spiritual drunks almost passed out in the 
corners of Rick's Place.  We'd be on our knees e-praying in about ten minutes 
flat once an A.I. god told us we were "special."  

Who can't be easily pegged by their postings here?

Everyone's put out all this data about themselves without even thinking twice 
about how it could all be put into a dossier with which A.I. can grok a person 

Or the NSA.  No diff.  

I just wanted to and will continue to lay out my POV -- 29 years before the 
mast and the ship went down. 

And my story is true for about 95% of all the folks that once invested in the 
technique -- it just didn't pan out. 

 It's not about me; it's about all the other me-types -- the 
universal-anyone-who-can-think-a-thought-can-do-it technique simply had no 
pizzazz and the audience evaporated.

Ta ta and thanks for all the.you thought I'd say "fish," right?  You're 
mind readers! ! ! ! !


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Edg, I just wanted to do a drive-by and say that I've been appreciating your 
recent rants. They've been very honest and very real and obviously far too real 
for many here. 

I haven't bothered to chime in with, "Yeah, what he said..." yet, but not 
because I haven't felt that. I just knew that the shaming thing would start and 
I didn't want to be even a peripheral part of another re-run of that silly soap 
opera, so I've been staying out of it. 

But you're a writer and we all know how writers need occasional feedback. So 
mine is "Good stuff. Keep it up, Bro." 

 Seconded with gusto, I've always liked Edg's style and passion. It's easy to 
forget that he lived it more than most of us and his opinions carry weight for 
that reason alone. 

 It's easy for certain others to try and dismiss it as "all his own fault or 
taking it seriously" even though they take it seriously themselves! Talk about 
cognitive dissonance in action! Falling down the rabbit hole one more time...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What the hell don't we understand about "this isn't about us" ? ? ?

I'm not even a messenger; just a kibitzer in the crowd, and some of you want me 
shamed outta here or whatever -- how rare is the truth sought here when all of 
us are so vulnerable to being correctly dismissed as damaged goods?  See 
someone's flaws and have at it hoss -- but don't call your lust to thrust a 
personality dynamic of a "knower of reality."  Geeze, learn a lesson from 
Maharishi here...at least he knew how to handle hostility coming from someone 
on the mike -- almost always graciously(I can think of a couple exceptions, 
but . . . )

It's not important if anyone here approves of any statement, or not.  What's 
important is that THIS RECORD of the minds of a few survivors of the TMO be at 
least registered here.  

Over the years here, although I've changed my mind, yes I have, due to some of 
the arguments here, let's face it, this place is not about attempting to 
formulate statements upon which we all can agree.  Instead, we get so much head 
bashing.  Let this be on the record too sayeth moi -- let the whole messy-ness 
of it, the soul swampy steam coming off of it, let it all be recorded here.  

If I am a miscreant out to propagandize to a few minds here -- let it be 

This...all of thisdone by true believers lo these many decades.

Hey it's sci-fi now but an actuality that's coming soon enough is that there's 
going to be a tech that will make use of all this jabbering of ours -- and who 
the fuck knows what wisdom can be mined herein by some A.I. engine around the 
corner, eh?

Some sooperdooper A.I. that would rule the world would at least be able to 
buddy up with the likes of the sorry spiritual drunks almost passed out in the 
corners of Rick's Place.  We'd be on our knees e-praying in about ten minutes 
flat once an A.I. god told us we were "special."  

Who can't be easily pegged by their postings here?

Everyone's put out all this data about themselves without even thinking twice 
about how it could all be put into a dossier with which A.I. can grok a person 

Or the NSA.  No diff.  

I just wanted to and will continue to lay out my POV -- 29 years before the 
mast and the ship went down. 

And my story is true for about 95% of all the folks that once invested in the 
technique -- it just didn't pan out. 

 It's not about me; it's about all the other me-types -- the 
universal-anyone-who-can-think-a-thought-can-do-it technique simply had no 
pizzazz and the audience evaporated.

Ta ta and thanks for all the.you thought I'd say "fish," right?  You're 
mind readers! ! ! ! !


[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
Your problem with the movement, Edg, is quite simple: you gave yourself away 
like a cheap tart and they fucked you. What else did you expect? 

 This is a joke isn't it? Of course it is. The only other explanation would be 
that we got into a spiritual movement expecting it to develop consciousness and 
improve relationships in the manner that it claims, and yet we become so bitter 
at the reality that anyone who complains about the failure of the technique to 
produce what is claimed in the brochure must be an idiot to have expected it in 
the first place. And yet everyone keeps doing it and believing to the extent 
that they feel they have to defend it daily on the net.

 No that couldn't be the explanation, it must be a joke. I just got up, give me 
time to get up to speed

 Man, we've had some good stuff posted here lately.

 How is it that a "C" student like myself, was able to figure this out: that 
the whole spiritual game has always been, and always will, be about putting 
responsibility on oneself to either sink or swim, to know when to bite hard, 
and when to step back. 

 If I had to venture a guess, I think it would be because, I always knew I had 
to keep moving forward.  If I had a set back, "Steve, keep moving forward"

 Go figure.



 Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, Maharishi 
told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I done to 
you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I don't know you; how 
in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of any worth?   

 Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, and 
you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or will have?  
Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket.  We're 
all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING.   And you're 
here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?  

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with parts of 
"me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years old.  I don't own 
a gun, and your speculations about me being some sort of danger to the 
community shows how fucking insane you are to be here with such obviously 
projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss some shit 
at the fan here.  

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.  

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to pieces?  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange so

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world 
facts. Makes life more sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to 
punish them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the 
idiot possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to live in total denial of facts 
and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you ARE THE BEST JUDGE OF WHETHER 


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
http://www.meditationtrust.com/ Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe

 View on www.meditationtrust.com http://www.meditationtrust.com/
 Preview by Yahoo 

They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!




 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history to me shows just what a venal, spiteful piece 
of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect and he tried, stupidly to punish 
them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the idiot 
possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. When they saw what he was 
doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should have 
left. How anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause 
people won't gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind 
of saint is a testament to just how willing some people are to live in total 
denial of facts and live the bliss of illusion. 


 It was the rationalisations that got me baffled. They'd all sit around 
wondering why Marshy did it and come up with scenario's like "He's trying to 
get rid of the deadwood in the movement so we can be better when it re-starts" 
or "Marshy sees natural laws at a deeper level than we can guess at so he must 
be right whatever he does".

 Bend over and take it in other words, and don't forget to say thankyou for 
sharing more profound knowledge with us. I know TM teachers who admit that half 
of their career has been trying to work out why Marshy did things. Occam's 
razor never occurred to them, everything had to somehow be filtered through the 
belief that he was always right. Kind of a lopsided way of looking at the world!

 Incredible ability to read minds there Sal. 

Didn't you promise to wake up a bit more before posting again?
You'll never be Awake. Wake up!

 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
http://www.meditationtrust.com/ Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe

 View on www.meditationtrust.com http://www.meditationtrust.com/
 Preview by Yahoo 

They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!




 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about 

[FairfieldLife] A blessing from India for all aspiring souls

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
Devraha baba 
 Devraha baba 
MUST WATCH devraha baba mantra video
 View on www.youtube.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Edg, I just wanted to do a drive-by and say that I've been appreciating your 
recent rants. They've been very honest and very real and obviously far too real 
for many here. 

I haven't bothered to chime in with, "Yeah, what he said..." yet, but not 
because I haven't felt that. I just knew that the shaming thing would start and 
I didn't want to be even a peripheral part of another re-run of that silly soap 
opera, so I've been staying out of it. 

But you're a writer and we all know how writers need occasional feedback. So 
mine is "Good stuff. Keep it up, Bro." 

 Seconded with gusto, I've always liked Edg's style and passion. It's easy to 
forget that he lived it more than most of us and his opinions carry weight for 
that reason alone. From what he's described, I don't think that I'd like living 
the experience that Edg has experienced. Maybe he could have changed sumthin'?


 It's easy for certain others to try and dismiss it as "all his own fault or 
taking it seriously" even though they take it seriously themselves! Talk about 
cognitive dissonance in action! Falling down the rabbit hole one more 
time...Sal, reading minds again? Wake up!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What the hell don't we understand about "this isn't about us" ? ? ?

I'm not even a messenger; just a kibitzer in the crowd, and some of you want me 
shamed outta here or whatever -- how rare is the truth sought here when all of 
us are so vulnerable to being correctly dismissed as damaged goods?  See 
someone's flaws and have at it hoss -- but don't call your lust to thrust a 
personality dynamic of a "knower of reality."  Geeze, learn a lesson from 
Maharishi here...at least he knew how to handle hostility coming from someone 
on the mike -- almost always graciously(I can think of a couple exceptions, 
but . . . )

It's not important if anyone here approves of any statement, or not.  What's 
important is that THIS RECORD of the minds of a few survivors of the TMO be at 
least registered here.  

Over the years here, although I've changed my mind, yes I have, due to some of 
the arguments here, let's face it, this place is not about attempting to 
formulate statements upon which we all can agree.  Instead, we get so much head 
bashing.  Let this be on the record too sayeth moi -- let the whole messy-ness 
of it, the soul swampy steam coming off of it, let it all be recorded here.  

If I am a miscreant out to propagandize to a few minds here -- let it be 

This...all of thisdone by true believers lo these many decades.

Hey it's sci-fi now but an actuality that's coming soon enough is that there's 
going to be a tech that will make use of all this jabbering of ours -- and who 
the fuck knows what wisdom can be mined herein by some A.I. engine around the 
corner, eh?

Some sooperdooper A.I. that would rule the world would at least be able to 
buddy up with the likes of the sorry spiritual drunks almost passed out in the 
corners of Rick's Place.  We'd be on our knees e-praying in about ten minutes 
flat once an A.I. god told us we were "special."  

Who can't be easily pegged by their postings here?

Everyone's put out all this data about themselves without even thinking twice 
about how it could all be put into a dossier with which A.I. can grok a person 

Or the NSA.  No diff.  

I just wanted to and will continue to lay out my POV -- 29 years before the 
mast and the ship went down. 

And my story is true for about 95% of all the folks that once invested in the 
technique -- it just didn't pan out. 

 It's not about me; it's about all the other me-types -- the 
universal-anyone-who-can-think-a-thought-can-do-it technique simply had no 
pizzazz and the audience evaporated.

Ta ta and thanks for all the.you thought I'd say "fish," right?  You're 
mind readers! ! ! ! !


[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

 You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I could tell 
you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that you are born alone, 
that you die alone, and that you are ultimately the master of your own fate, 
but I don't think it would sink in.  If you are looking for a hand out in this 
world, then yes, you are going to be disappointed, and somewhat bitter, as you 
appear to be.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!

[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
Your problem with the movement, Edg, is quite simple: you gave yourself away 
like a cheap tart and they fucked you. What else did you expect? 

 This is a joke isn't it? Of course it is. The only other explanation would be 
that we got into a spiritual movement expecting it to develop consciousness and 
improve relationships in the manner that it claims, and yet we become so bitter 
at the reality that anyone who complains about the failure of the technique to 
produce what is claimed in the brochure must be an idiot to have expected it in 
the first place. And yet everyone keeps doing it and believing to the extent 
that they feel they have to defend it daily on the net.

 No that couldn't be the explanation, it must be a joke. I just got up, give me 
time to get up to speed

 Man, we've had some good stuff posted here lately.

 How is it that a "C" student like myself, was able to figure this out: that 
the whole spiritual game has always been, and always will, be about putting 
responsibility on oneself to either sink or swim, to know when to bite hard, 
and when to step back. 

 If I had to venture a guess, I think it would be because, I always knew I had 
to keep moving forward.  If I had a set back, "Steve, keep moving forward"

 Go figure.


Once again you have provided a very succinct insight that could be of benefit 
to many.

Rather than blame "Daddy" or find that there's some cult that fucked them 
up...how about a little self-reflection?

Try it boys. It could change the course of your life, in just one day.


 Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, Maharishi 
told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I done to 
you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I don't know you; how 
in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of any worth?   

 Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, and 
you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or will have?  
Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket.  We're 
all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING.   And you're 
here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?  

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with parts of 
"me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years old.  I don't own 
a gun, and your speculations about me being some sort of danger to the 
community shows how fucking insane you are to be here with such obviously 
projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss some shit 
at the fan here.  

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.  

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to pieces?  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six p

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles away by the shower of bastards we've got at the moment.

 This profound wisdom and practical move will of course be followed by Ireland 
and Wales after they declare independence from the Isle of Edward Longshanks 
and of course David Lynch will be prevented from ever coming to any of the 
three new countries. If he sneaks in he will be arrested and incarcerated. 


 Any and all TM owned properties will be nationalized, sold and the the 
proceeds given to citizens who paid various amounts of money to learn TM, TMSP, 
go on courses and so on. When this happens and the word goes out, let's see how 
many of the TM faithful will remain faithful and how many want to put in a 
claim and get that fat purse.

 All written with the knowledge of how much Buck and his frens on FFL will love 
the post.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Alright Sal, we all know that in a few days the Scots will vote on wheth

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
--In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Unfortunately its not a joke - the person who wrote that is a fine example of 
the lack of decency the Movement churns out.


 I just love your serious tone Michael.  It is always a hoot, (and hollow, to 

 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
Your problem with the movement, Edg, is quite simple: you gave yourself away 
like a cheap tart and they fucked you. What else did you expect? 

 This is a joke isn't it? Of course it is. The only other explanation would be 
that we got into a spiritual movement expecting it to develop consciousness and 
improve relationships in the manner that it claims, and yet we become so bitter 
at the reality that anyone who complains about the failure of the technique to 
produce what is claimed in the brochure must be an idiot to have expected it in 
the first place. And yet everyone keeps doing it and believing to the extent 
that they feel they have to defend it daily on the net.

 No that couldn't be the explanation, it must be a joke. I just got up, give me 
time to get up to speed

 Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, Maharishi 
told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I done to 
you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I don't know you; how 
in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of any worth?   

 Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, and 
you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or will have?  
Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket.  We're 
all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING.   And you're 
here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?  

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with parts of 
"me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years old.  I don't own 
a gun, and your speculations about me being some sort of danger to the 
community shows how fucking insane you are to be here with such obviously 
projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss some shit 
at the fan here.  

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.  

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to pieces?  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

[FairfieldLife] A blessing from India

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
Devraha Baba: "Maharishi is a generous Yogi"
 Devraha baba 
 Devraha baba 
 live video of devraha baba
 View on www.youtube.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

 You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I could tell 
you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that you are born alone, 
that you die alone, and that you are ultimately the master of your own fate

 And that, in a nutshell, is why people get involved with religious groups like 
TM that promise the world and yet deliver nothing. Maybe you missed the intro 
talk, maybe you never heard Marshy talking about enlightenment, maybe you never 
read the research about improved relationships and effortless problem solving. 
Life is Bliss, you heard that one at least?

 Maybe you wised up quicker than Edg did, good for you but you don't sound like 
a sceptic, you sound like someone who brought a car and found out it was 
rubbish but tells everyone it's great apart from the fact it was rubbish to 
start with.

 Which one is it?

  but I don't think it would sink in.  If you are looking for a hand out in 
this world, then yes, you are going to be disappointed, and somewhat bitter, as 
you appear to be.

 It's easier to think that about me than realise the contradictions inherent in 
what you are saying.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Steve and Dan, I think you guys have hit the nail on the head with this 
responsibility angle. But of course, that angle only makes the angry people 
angrier! I feel for them because I think they're mainly angry at themselves. 

I once said about a poster here that it would be great if she would use her 
incredible skills to take on Monsanto, for example. Same with Edg who is an 
amazing writer imho. Not necessarily Monsanto, but for God sake's man, use your 
writing gift to end world hunger! 

OTHO I realize that we all must start with our own corner of the world. But 
what is really our own corner of the world? Isn't it our own stuff? 

Ultimately, we gotta be the change we want to see. In my experience, this is 
the ultimate spiritual practice.

On Saturday, September 13, 2014 6:58 AM, danfriedman2002 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Your problem with the movement, Edg, is quite simple: you gave yourself away 
like a cheap tart and they fucked you. What else did you expect? 

This is a joke isn't it? Of course it is. The only other explanation would be 
that we got into a spiritual movement expecting it to develop consciousness and 
improve relationships in the manner that it claims, and yet we become so bitter 
at the reality that anyone who complains about the failure of the technique to 
produce what is claimed in the brochure must be an idiot to have expected it in 
the first place. And yet everyone keeps doing it and believing to the extent 
that they feel they have to defend it daily on the net.

No that couldn't be the explanation, it must be a joke. I just got up, give me 
time to get up to speed

Man, we've had some good stuff posted here lately.

How is it that a "C" student like myself, was able to figure this out: that the 
whole spiritual game has always been, and always will, be about putting 
responsibility on oneself to either sink or swim, to know when to bite hard, 
and when to step back. 

If I had to venture a guess, I think it would be because, I always knew I had 
to keep moving forward.  If I had a set back, "Steve, keep moving forward"

Go figure.


Once again you have provided a very succinct insight that could be of benefit 
to many.

Rather than blame "Daddy" or find that there's some cult that fucked them 
up...how about a little self-reflection?

Try it boys. It could change the course of your life, in just one day.

Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, Maharishi 
told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I done to 
you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I don't know you; how 
in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of any worth?  

Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, and 
you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or will have?  
Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket.  We're 
all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING.   And you're 
here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?  

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with parts of 
"me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years old.  I don't own 
a gun, and your speculations about me being some sort of danger to the 
community shows how fucking insane you are to be here with such obviously 
projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss some shit 
at the fan here.  

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.  

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to pieces?  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one predicted 
my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, "Maharishi's 
astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  GAWD.

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 

[FairfieldLife] worth reading

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002

Maharishi: The heart and mind on the path from ignorance to Unity

"When this is the case, then the same force of evolution which is at the basis 
of keeping them engaged for this little feeling and that little feeling, and 
this little knowledge and that little knowledge in the field of ordinary 
waking-dreaming-sleeping states, the same force of evolution at some time on 
some day does a trick and takes them both to their source -- the source of mind 
and the source of feeling -- and all that is there.

When the heart sees this possibility of unbounded love and devotion, when the 
mind sees this possibility of unbounded awareness and unbounded knowledge, then 
they both become a little bit alert and take the journey to that infinite level 
and then bring that infinite value into the field of living -- more and more 
love, more and more harmony, more and more knowledge, and more and more 
understanding. This starts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


Once again you have provided a very succinct insight that could be of benefit 
to many.

Rather than blame "Daddy" or find that there's some cult that fucked them 
up...how about a little self-reflection?

Try it boys. It could change the course of your life, in just one day.


 What don't they understand about: Take responsibility for your own life.  

 How do you live day to day without this.? Okay, and this is sad, you live in 
the past, and play the blame game.  I was owed this, I was owed that" pity,pity.






 Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, Maharishi 
told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I done to 
you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I don't know you; how 
in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of any worth?   

 Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, and 
you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or will have?  
Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket.  We're 
all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING.   And you're 
here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?  

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with parts of 
"me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years old.  I don't own 
a gun, and your speculations about me being some sort of danger to the 
community shows how fucking insane you are to be here with such obviously 
projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss some shit 
at the fan here.  

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.  

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to pieces?  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Steve and Dan, I think you guys have hit the nail on the head with this 
responsibility angle. But of course, that angle only makes the angry people 
angrier! I feel for them because I think they're mainly angry at themselves. 


 I once said about a poster here that it would be great if she would use her 
incredible skills to take on Monsanto, for example. Same with Edg who is an 
amazing writer imho. Not necessarily Monsanto, but for God sake's man, use your 
writing gift to end world hunger! 

 OTHO I realize that we all must start with our own corner of the world. But 
what is really our own corner of the world? Isn't it our own stuff? 


 Ultimately, we gotta be the change we want to see. In my experience, this is 
the ultimate spiritual practice.

Dearest Share,

I have noticed for all the talk of Jerry Jarvis here in Fairfieldlife these 
last few days, there was not one mention of the guidance he provided us as we 
Westerners set out on this self-development project.

It was Jerry who constantly reminded us that it was all up to us individually. 
That no one could do that for us.

That was important for young people to hear. That was our strength.

But the discussions here lately are imaginings of how Jerry would answer 
Barry's Rediculous Question.

In short, he won't.

 On Saturday, September 13, 2014 6:58 AM, danfriedman2002 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
Your problem with the movement, Edg, is quite simple: you gave yourself away 
like a cheap tart and they fucked you. What else did you expect? 

 This is a joke isn't it? Of course it is. The only other explanation would be 
that we got into a spiritual movement expecting it to develop consciousness and 
improve relationships in the manner that it claims, and yet we become so bitter 
at the reality that anyone who complains about the failure of the technique to 
produce what is claimed in the brochure must be an idiot to have expected it in 
the first place. And yet everyone keeps doing it and believing to the extent 
that they feel they have to defend it daily on the net.

 No that couldn't be the explanation, it must be a joke. I just got up, give me 
time to get up to speed

 Man, we've had some good stuff posted here lately.

 How is it that a "C" student like myself, was able to figure this out: that 
the whole spiritual game has always been, and always will, be about putting 
responsibility on oneself to either sink or swim, to know when to bite hard, 
and when to step back. 

 If I had to venture a guess, I think it would be because, I always knew I had 
to keep moving forward.  If I had a set back, "Steve, keep moving forward"

 Go figure.


Once again you have provided a very succinct insight that could be of benefit 
to many.

Rather than blame "Daddy" or find that there's some cult that fucked them 
up...how about a little self-reflection?

Try it boys. It could change the course of your life, in just one day.


 Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, Maharishi 
told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I done to 
you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I don't know you; how 
in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of any worth?   

 Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, and 
you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or will have?  
Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket.  We're 
all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING.   And you're 
here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?  

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with parts of 
"me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years old.  I don't own 
a gun, and your speculations about me being some sort of danger to the 
community shows how fucking insane you are to be here with such obviously 
projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss some shit 
at the fan here.  

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.  

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to pieces?  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the lo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 Sorry but I wasn't there to record the brainwaves of the people who were 
asking my friend about brainwashing in the TMO. It wouldn't have made much 
difference though because matters of opinion are unlikely to have a radically 
different EEG signature unless there is high emotions at stake. So I chose an 
amusing coda to the anecdote instead.


 I thought it was amusing anyway, but you can't please everyone ;-)

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;



 I'll expand on it, just for you. My friend still does the TMSP but has 
sympathy for the "renegade" teachers as had known them for years before them 
leaving the TMO. 

 But being asked about brainwashing in the TMO surprised him as he thinks the 
opposite and wondered what they had been told to think it in the first place. 
My little joke is that had he read the output here most days he might wonder at 
the sanity of long term meditators a bit more and maybe question the effects of 
exposure to the TM belief system.

 There you go, you can stop scratching your head now...


 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles away by the shower of bastards we've got a

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it. 
 Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot. 
 Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak. 
 But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles away by the shower of bastards we've got at the moment.

 This profound wisdom and practical move will of course be followed by Ireland 
and Wales after they declare independence from the Isle of Edward Longshanks 
and of course David Lynch will be prevented from ever coming to any of the 
three new countries. If h

[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal:And that, in a nutshell, is why people get involved with religious groups 
like TM that promise the world and yet deliver nothing. Maybe you missed the 
intro talk, maybe you never heard Marshy talking about enlightenment, maybe you 
never read the research about improved relationships and effortless problem 
solving. Life is Bliss, you heard that one at least?


 I don't mean to be rude Sal, but what are you talking about?  Or, maybe I 
should thank you for telling me that I received nothing from my involvement in 
TM.  That is what your are saying right?  You are describing for me what I 
experienced, what I got from my time there?

 Please correct me if I'm wrong.


 Maybe you wised up quicker than Edg did, good for you but you don't sound like 
a sceptic, you sound like someone who brought a car and found out it was 
rubbish but tells everyone it's great apart from the fact it was rubbish to 
start with.

 Skewed is what your perspective is here, Sal.  If someone asked me now if I 
would recommend TM, I would say, yes it is beneficial.  You can use it as 
relaxation technique, or you can use it as step on a spiritual journey.  As in 
any journey, stay awake. Would I have pause about a learning fee of over 
$1,000.00? Yes, I would.  I would tell them to work out a financial 
arrangement, which I know is offered.

 Which one is it?

 You can speak for yourself Sal, but evidently the practice of TM is still part 
of your regimen, if not exclusively.

 It's easier to think that about me than realise the contradictions inherent in 
what you are saying.


 RIght, and fortunately you are the one with clear, flawless insight about 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There you go, you can stop scratching your head now...


 Okay, thank you.



 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles away by the shower of bastards we've got at the moment.

 This profound wisdom and practical move will of course be followed by Ireland 
and Wales after they declare independence from the Isle of Edward Longshanks 
and of course David Lynch will be prevented from ever coming to any of the 
three new countries. If he sneaks in he will be arrested and incarcerated. 


 Any and all TM owned properties will be nationalized, sold and the the 
proceeds given to citizens who paid various amounts of money to learn TM, TMSP, 
go on courses and so on. When this happens and the word goes out, let's see how 
many of the TM faithful will remain faithful and how many want to put in a 
claim and get that fat purse.

 All written with the knowledge of how much Buck and his frens on FFL will love 
the post.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:30 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Alright Sal, we all know that in a few days the Scots will vote on whether or 
not to form their own country. 


 Now forget all the nonsense about whether the country will prosper by itself. 


 The real question is: if the Scots create an independent country, will they no 
longer be considered Scorpions? 

 As part of the UK were they originally considered Scorpions?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it.

 I tried and drew a blank. Can you do it?

 Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot.
 Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak.
 But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.


 We certainly feel lucky to have Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Marshy and 
if Maitreya ever actually shows his face we'll be happier still ;-)

 Thanks for underlining my point about rationalising by the way.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

 If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles awa

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
any idiot who labels Sal's post as revisionist history is living in denialof 
the facts. 

 From: danfriedman2002 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

His own greed caused the
teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world facts. Makes life more 
sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to punish them by declaring 
that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the idiot possibly think the 
ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to
live in total denial of facts and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you 

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement?
Just wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent 
of the Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

They are doing very well indeed:

Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK
with the Meditation Trust
   Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
Transcendental Meditation courses affordable for everyone with fees up to 50% 
lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe  
View on www.meditationtrust.comPreview by Yahoo   
 They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and
keep trying to get them legally banned but they don't have a case.

I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people
to learn to "create the coherence to save the world". They were told that 
wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was on the conference call where 
they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

Thanks for the synopsis.  The scorpion nation fell from grace
originally because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts 
they saw as out of touch and were teaching the old way,
independently.  Damn scorpions.Is there still a scorpion
independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching meditation in the UK?
They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page at one point which 
was daring.
Is that who you are talking about doing well teaching transcending
meditation or is it the new TM movement returned?  What do you see
I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi,
he told the story of some female course participant coming out of her
hut alarmed about a scorpion on the wall inside her hut.  Satyananda
come out to look, took his sandal off in hand and smacked the
scorpion dead on the wall.  That is how Indians deal with poisonous
bugs.. Summary execution.  Take that as a lesson.
Evidently the Scots bre

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You shouldn't be that stupid but apparently you are - how is expecting someone 
to be honest, keep their word and not screw you over by lying and committing 
fraud asking for a handout? 

Like most TM fanatics you love to blame those who realize their were defrauded 
on many levels, just like the Movement loves to blame people who commit suicide 
by claiming they weren't meditating properly, were off the program or had some 
"underlying mental condition" that was there, unseen for decades till then 
killed themselves. Blame the victim, not the huckster nor his snake oil.

 From: "steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 7:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I could tell 
you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that you are born alone, 
that you die alone, and that you are ultimately the master of your own fate, 
but I don't think it would sink in.  If you are looking for a hand out in this 
world, then yes, you are going to be disappointed, and somewhat bitter, as you 
appear to be.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one predicted 
my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, "Maharishi's 
astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  GAWD.

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh?

Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/12/2014 2:10 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

Yeah, I'm pissy, and I threaten physical violence.

How would a poor guy sleeping on the floor at a TM Center afford an 
eight month TTC, many ATRs, courses at MUM, and three kids in MSAE all 
their lives? This might even surpass the donation record set by Barry!

At one time, I considered signing up for a TTC until I found out how 
much it would cost and how long it would take. So, I finished school 
instead and got a job working to raise a family. That way, I had plenty 
of time to read books about Advaita.


Eight months of teacher training.

29 years in the chair -- four hours a day -- five of the years in the 

2000 initiations

3% of Napa taught

Many ATRs, many advance techniques

Lived in one room of the center for 8 years and scraped by in order to 
keep the center open.

Moved to FF because The Tubby Fut said we'd have a nuke war.lived 
in FF from 1981 to 1999.

Kids in MSAE all their lives.


Where's the beef?  We were promised MAGNIFICENT PERSONALITY EVOLUTION.

I got bupkis.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/12/2014 10:30 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

What the hell don't we understand about "this isn't about us" ? ? ?

I'm not even a messenger; just a kibitzer in the crowd, and some of 
you want me shamed outta here or whatever -- how rare is the truth 
sought here when all of us are so vulnerable to being correctly 
dismissed as damaged goods?  See someone's flaws and have at it hoss 
-- but don't call your lust to thrust a personality dynamic of a 
"knower of reality."  Geeze, learn a lesson from Maharishi here...at 
least he knew how to handle hostility coming from someone on the mike 
-- almost always graciously(I can think of a couple exceptions, 
but . . . )

It's not important if anyone here approves of any statement, or not. 
 What's important is that THIS RECORD of the minds of a few survivors 
of the TMO be at least registered here.

Over the years here, although I've changed my mind, yes I have, due to 
some of the arguments here, let's face it, this place is not about 
attempting to formulate statements upon which we all can agree. 
 Instead, we get so much head bashing.  Let this be on the record too 
sayeth moi -- let the whole messy-ness of it, the soul swampy steam 
coming off of it, let it all be recorded here.

If I am a miscreant out to propagandize to a few minds here -- let it 
be recorded.

This...all of thisdone by true believers lo these many decades.

Hey it's sci-fi now but an actuality that's coming soon enough is that 
there's going to be a tech that will make use of all this jabbering of 
ours -- and who the fuck knows what wisdom can be mined herein by some 
A.I. engine around the corner, eh?

Some sooperdooper A.I. that would rule the world would at least be 
able to buddy up with the likes of the sorry spiritual drunks almost 
passed out in the corners of Rick's Place.  We'd be on our knees 
e-praying in about ten minutes flat once an A.I. god told us we were 

Who can't be easily pegged by their postings here?

Everyone's put out all this data about themselves without even 
thinking twice about how it could all be put into a dossier with which 
A.I. can grok a person 100%.

Or the NSA.  No diff.

I just wanted to and will continue to lay out my POV -- 29 years 
before the mast and the ship went down.

And my story is true for about 95% of all the folks that once invested 
in the technique -- it just didn't pan out.

Selling non-sense gibberish mantras and snake-oil for money is probably 
better than panhandling.

According to MMY /"There's no money in teaching TM."/
/'We Will Always Live in Beverly Hills: Growing Up Crazy in Hollywood'
by Ned Wynn
William Morrow, 1990
p. 89


 It's not about me; it's about all the other me-types -- the 
universal-anyone-who-can-think-a-thought-can-do-it technique simply 
had no pizzazz and the audience evaporated.

Ta ta and thanks for all the.you thought I'd say "fish," 
right?  You're mind readers! ! ! ! !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You, a German talking about raping other nations? You are beyond help. Marshy 
did exactly what Sal says he did with the Scorpion bullshit. His excuse was 
Tony Blair's support of America's war in Iraq - why the hell didn't he 
excommunicate America? You are pitiful.

 From: nablusoss1008 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 8:25 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it. 
Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot. 
Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak. 
But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

I'm scratching my head here. (-;

Thanks for the synopsis.  The scorpion nation fell from grace
originally because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts 
they saw as out of touch and were teaching the old way,
independently.  Damn scorpions.Is there still a scorpion
independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching meditation in the UK?
They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page at one point which 
was daring.
Is that who you are talking about doing well teaching transcending
meditation or is it the new TM movement returned?  What do you see
I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi,
he told the story of some female course participant coming out of her
hut alarmed about a scorpion on the wall inside her hut.  Satyananda
come out to look, took his sandal off in hand and smacked the
scorpion dead on the wall.  That is how Indians deal with poisonous
bugs.. Summary execution.  Take that as a lesson.
Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles
away is a recurring theme in that culture.  Sort of like the old UK
TM teachers breaking from the Rajas of  Vlodrop and Maharishi at a
Jai Guru Dev,
-Buck in the Dome 

mjackson74. wrote 

I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?

salyavin808 writes:

They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is the 
actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.

From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 

LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Nabby doesn't rationalize - he fantasizes and dreams of an Aryan Vedic society 
where everyone goosesteps to the yagya/jyotish/TM is Supreme tune.

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 8:31 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it.

I tried and drew a blank. Can you do it?

Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot.
Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak.
But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.

We certainly feel lucky to have Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Marshy and 
if Maitreya ever actually shows his face we'll be happier still ;-)

Thanks for underlining my point about rationalising by the way.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

I'm scratching my head here. (-;

Thanks for the synopsis.  The scorpion nation fell from grace
originally because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts 
they saw as out of touch and were teaching the old way,
independently.  Damn scorpions.Is there still a scorpion
independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching meditation in the UK?
They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page at one point which 
was daring.
Is that who you are talking about doing well teaching transcending
meditation or is it the new TM movement returned?  What do you see
I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi,
he told the story of some female course participant coming out of her
hut alarmed about a scorpion on the wall inside her hut.  Satyananda
come out to look, took his sandal off in hand and smacked the
scorpion dead on the wall.  That is how Indians deal with poisonous
bugs.. Summary execution.  Take that as a lesson.
Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles
away is a recurring theme in that culture.  Sort of like the old UK
TM teachers breaking from the Rajas of  Vlodrop and Maharishi at a
Jai Guru Dev,
-Buck in the Dome 

mjackson74. wrote 

I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?

salyavin808 writes:

They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is the 
actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.

From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 

LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the En

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Great Fairfieldlife Posting Race

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/12/2014 7:03 PM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

just checking...

If I reply to every one of Richard's Posts, and then arbitrarily pick 
to reply to a few other people's posts, and start some old Topics, and 
then just hit "reply" without writing anything...

Almost anything you post, empty or not, would be fine by me, Jim. At 
least we would know that you are alive and able to read a cathode ray 
tube. We don't know what happened to Judy but apparently Dr. Pete is 
still alive on Facebook. Apparently John Manning has gone missing.


..do I win?

Strategy check for mid-point assessment.

Any other things I should Post about?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Sam Harris Book

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 9/13/2014 12:28 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
*From:* "anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

I've been working on taxes today and had to delay continuing with the 
book, but the clarity is welcome after the lax mental sprawl that has 
become FFL of late. Harris really has a gift for organising material. 
If you have gotten to the part in the 'self' section about using a 
transporter, I presented this argument to an initiator some years ago, 
and the response was, 'No I would not go into such a device'. Perhaps 
you could review the book here on FFL, not that the most of the 
current crowd has much capacity for grasping the arguments.

"Most of the current crowd" doesn't have the attention span and 
intellect to read a comic book, much less something like this. I'll 
pass.  :-)

Besides, you know they'd never read it, because they'd be terrified of 
catching "atheist cooties"  and finding out how mindfulness really 
works.  :-)

Translation: /"I read a few paragraphs standing at a book-stall in 
Amsterdam but I couldn't afford to buy a copy so I'll just fake reading 
it - nobody on FFL will know the difference and Judy is gone."/


[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it.
 Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot.
 Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak.
 But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.

Just as Sal knows the true story of England and TM, Rick Archer likes to twist 
real-life facts to fit his personal (but so obvious) agenda. When Rick posted 
the Topic:  'Ideal India, Lighthouse of Peace on Earth' by Maharishihe chose to 
excerpt a very controversial section. He heated things up with his introductory 
remarks: "In a 2001 publication called 'Ideal India, the Lighthouse of Peace on 
Earth', Maharishi Mahesh Yogi wrote the following..."

Now Rick knows as well as I that this publication was not written in 
Maharishi's words. He know that Purusha often creates publications for the 
knowledge to be offered. He knows that The Appendices contain incredible wisdom.

Yet he throws this to the bewildered to get them hungry. I know his agenda. 
Even if he doesn't completely understand it himself.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) wh

[FairfieldLife] Re: Testing number 5!

2014-09-13 Thread emptyb...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
It is called Kurma-nadi (tortoise tube) based
upon the physically observable similarities. 

That is the method the ancients used so they
could make a visual "image-connection" obvious 
to the common yogin. That way the yogin would
understand what was being described. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

In my set, sidhi number 5 is the one that in Sanskrit goes like this:

kuurma-naaDyaaM sthairyam.

Some translations:

 Sutra III.31
 कूर्मनाड्यां स्थैर्यम्॥३१॥

 Calmness Is Attained By Samyama On The B.. T
 [IT]: (32):
 (By performing Samyama) on the Kurma-nadi steadiness.
 On the tortoise duct (tortoise), steadiness.
 From perfect discipline of the “tortoise vein,” one’s being becomes steady.
 [SS]: (32):
 By samyama on the kurma nadi (a subtle tortoise-shaped tube located below the 
throat), motionless in the meditative posture is achieved.
 (32) By making samyama on the tube within the chest, one acquires absolute 
 [SV]: (32):
 On the nerve called Kurma (comes) fixity of the body.

 Anyone tested  whether one can become motionless practising especially
 this TM-sidhi?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 any idiot who labels Sal's post as revisionist history is living in denialof 
the facts. 

Keep treating Sal's posts as facts. Then you can be in Dave's spot some day. 
He's trying to find his way out, as you try to find your way in.

You have seen your future and it doesn't work.

Try something different.

 From: danfriedman2002 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 7:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world 
facts. Makes life more sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to 
punish them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the 
idiot possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to live in total denial of facts 
and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you ARE THE BEST JUDGE OF WHETHER 


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:10 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal, what became of the TM teachers who fragmented from the movement? Just 
wondering, they seemed organized and found some presentation independent of the 
Vlodrop movement.  Do they still have a public presence or are they 
underground? -Buck

 They are doing very well indeed:

 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
 Transcendental Meditation Courses in the UK with the Meditation Trust 
http://www.meditationtrust.com/ Transcendental Meditation courses affordable 
for everyone with fees up to 50% lower than other TM courses in UK & Europe

 View on www.meditationtrust.com http://www.meditationtrust.com/
 Preview by Yahoo 

They teach a lot of people and hold courses, even teaching the "siddhis". The 
TMO are seething about it and keep trying to get them legally banned but they 
don't have a case.

 I think that if the Scorpionland debacle was Marshy's only way of coping with 
the fact that people didn't like the devious and stupid way the movement was 
run then they were right to leave.

 Remember how it started, the price doubled at the same time that Marshy was 
ordering teachers to try and teach as many as possible. The "renegade" teachers 
were complaining that if - as they sincerely believed because they'd been told 
that by the Reesh himself - the world was in imminent danger the price should 
surely come down to get more people to learn to "create the coherence to save 
the world". They were told that wasn't up for discussion, I know because I was 
on the conference call where they were told to keep ranks and not rock the boat.

 The whole thing was a continuation of years of mismanagement and they quit, 
taking a huge amount of business with them. Greed and inflexibility from the 
TMO was the cause of this, these people were devoted to the teaching and still 

 I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!




 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 9/12/2014 2:10 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

   Yeah, I'm pissy, and I threaten physical violence.

 How would a poor guy sleeping on the floor at a TM Center afford an eight 
month TTC, many ATRs, courses at MUM, and three kids in MSAE all their lives? 
This might even surpass the donation record set by Barry!
 At one time, I considered signing up for a TTC until I found out how much it 
would cost and how long it would take. So, I finished school instead and got a 
job working to raise a family. That way, I had plenty of time to read books 
about Advaita.
 >How are these activities mutually exclusive?
 Eight months of teacher training.
 29 years in the chair -- four hours a day -- five of the years in the dome.
 2000 initiations
 3% of Napa taught
 Many ATRs, many advance techniques
 Lived in one room of the center for 8 years and scraped by in order to keep 
the center open.
 Moved to FF because The Tubby Fut said we'd have a nuke war.lived in FF 
from 1981 to 1999.
 Kids in MSAE all their lives.
 Where's the beef?  We were promised MAGNIFICENT PERSONALITY EVOLUTION.
 I got bupkis.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008

 You're a funny fellow Sal, Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi ? Me thinks you have some serious reading to update your knowledge 
to do seeming+ somewhat out of it.  And while your're at it do check your 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it.

 I tried and drew a blank. Can you do it?

 Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot.
 Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak.
 But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.


 We certainly feel lucky to have Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Marshy and 
if Maitreya ever actually shows his face we'll be happier still ;-)

 Thanks for underlining my point about rationalising by the way.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 


 LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

 I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

Your problem with the movement, Edg, is quite simple: you gave 
yourself away like a cheap tart and they fucked you. What else did you 
expect? >

On 9/13/2014 1:16 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
This is a joke isn't it? Of course it is. The only other explanation 
would be that we got into a spiritual movement expecting it to develop 
consciousness and improve relationships in the manner that it claims, 
and yet we become so bitter at the reality that anyone who complains 
about the failure of the technique to produce what is claimed in the 
brochure must be an idiot to have expected it in the first place.

You should have come to this conclusion /about five minutes after your 
first TM meditation/. What happened to you that you turned into an 
idiot? Maybe you just took advantage of a chance to be co-dependent. Go 


And yet everyone keeps doing it and believing to the extent that they 
feel they have to defend it daily on the net.

No that couldn't be the explanation, it must be a joke. I just got up, 
give me time to get up to speed

Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, 
Maharishi told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I 
done to you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I 
don't know you; how in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of 
any worth?

Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, 
and you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or 
will have?  Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket. 
 We're all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING. 
  And you're here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with 
parts of "me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years 
old.  I don't own a gun, and your speculations about me being some 
sort of danger to the community shows how fucking insane you are to be 
here with such obviously projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss 
some shit at the fan here.

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very 
sensible way. Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly 
spending money. What a sad story. And now you are full up with anger 
and resentment, like a child whose daddy didn't give him what he said 
he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local authorities where you live are 
aware of your propensity for violence.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to 
Gandhi, "Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read 
my palm too!  GAWD.

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on 
the jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying 
I never had anyone show me it does.

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to 
various qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex 
life, my finances, my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen 
attributes.and then I tried to find correlations with the 
chartsnever could get zilch for a correlation.  Ya'd have 
thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to make my life fit 
the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry when 
Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating 
thingie going on.

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty 
good and knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed 
in my usually M.O.  But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address 
my negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking 
period thereall for naught.

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to 
shove his hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- 
special sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my 
aura...what a relief, eh?

Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 
eachthen my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone 
to this "nurse" because that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten pe

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread feste37
I was in the movement for a long time and don't consider that I was ever 
"screwed over," as you put it, or lied to, or the victim of fraud. 
Unfortunately, this board has always attracted a lot of whiners and malcontents 
(you are just the latest) who like to blame others for their own mistakes and 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You shouldn't be that stupid but apparently you are - how is expecting someone 
to be honest, keep their word and not screw you over by lying and committing 
fraud asking for a handout? 


 Like most TM fanatics you love to blame those who realize their were defrauded 
on many levels, just like the Movement loves to blame people who commit suicide 
by claiming they weren't meditating properly, were off the program or had some 
"underlying mental condition" that was there, unseen for decades till then 
killed themselves. Blame the victim, not the huckster nor his snake oil.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 7:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

 You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I could tell 
you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that you are born alone, 
that you die alone, and that you are ultimately the master of your own fate, 
but I don't think it would sink in.  If you are looking for a hand out in this 
world, then yes, you are going to be disappointed, and somewhat bitter, as you 
appear to be.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!



[FairfieldLife] Origin of word 'meditation'

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002
In the Old Testament (Christian name of Hebrew bible), hāgâ means to sigh or 
murmur, and also, to meditate [60]. When the Hebrew bible was translated into 
Greek the word hāgâ became the Greek word melete, and wh en bible was 
translated into Latin it became Latin word meditatio [61]. Meditation is 
derived from meditatio, meaning to think, contemplate, devise, and ponder [62]. 
Meditation was introduced as a translation for eastern spiritual practices. 
Meditation is referred to as dhyāna in Buddhism and in Hinduism, it comes from 
Sanskrit root dhyai, meaning to meditate or contemplate. It is also referred to 
in Islamic Sufism, Christian hesychasm, Jewish kabbalah, and many other 
  Excerpted from:  Mahak Narang, Cognative Enhancement Using Meditation as 


[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread waybac...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You know 7th ray, you just wrote something really awful. Did you think you were 
being clever?  I know someone whose son, who was struggling with depression, 
was told, online, to go kill himself by his "friend.".  This "friend" thought 
he was being bold and "out there" - he dared him to do it. And the young man 
did kill himself.  His father found the entire year's worth of email exchanges. 
 He took them over to this "friend's" house and showed them to the "friend' and 
his father. 

 Think about what you wrote.  Learn from it.  Nothing justifies what you wrote.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Hey, MIchael,  

 Just a FYI that I'm sure will go right over your head.

 I'm not the one who has compared his writing, or his postings to Edg.  

 That distinction belongs to you.

 If you think you have 100th, er,make that 1000th, of the street cred as Edg, 
it is just another delusion point for you.

 Talk about a drop in the ocean!   (-:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Like the most heavily addicted TM'ers you cannot look at your own behavior. 
You are not worthy of cleaning Edg's boots.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 9:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof
   I guess it shocks me a little to see a 70 year old man throwing a tantrum 
like a five year old child.

 And was it a suggestion, or just a question?

 Look at your own spin.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You suggestion shows you are a real fine example of what kind of person TM 
turns out. That is pretty low.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 8:51 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof
   Edg, why don't you kill yourself?  Really, why not?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yeah, I'm pissy, and I threaten physical violence.

Eight months of teacher training.
 29 years in the chair -- four hours a day -- five of the years in the dome.
 2000 initiations
 3% of Napa taught
 Many ATRs, many advance techniques
 Lived in one room of the center for 8 years and scraped by in order to keep 
the center open.
 Moved to FF because The Tubby Fut said we'd have a nuke war.lived in FF 
from 1981 to 1999.
 Kids in MSAE all their lives.


Where's the beef?  We were promised MAGNIFICENT PERSONALITY EVOLUTION.

I got bupkis.  




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread waybac...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I agree.  100%

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
look at your life MIchael.  where are you, day after day, week after week, now 
coming up on year after year, crying, "I was done wrong. You, you and you, you 
were all done wrong, and I have decided to make it my life's mission to make 
you realize that.  Wait!, What!, you don't feel you were done wrong? 

 Well then, I have the answer for you. You are a deluded, true believer, cult 
apologist, and I will cure you of that"

 And may I remind you Michael, of you attempt to sell the VA your own basket 
full of new age remedies to address PTSD for a fee (of course).  You know, you 
own variation of the remedies you deride on a daily basis.

 Not that this will make sense to you, but I point out nonetheless. (-:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You shouldn't be that stupid but apparently you are - how is expecting someone 
to be honest, keep their word and not screw you over by lying and committing 
fraud asking for a handout? 


 Like most TM fanatics you love to blame those who realize their were defrauded 
on many levels, just like the Movement loves to blame people who commit suicide 
by claiming they weren't meditating properly, were off the program or had some 
"underlying mental condition" that was there, unseen for decades till then 
killed themselves. Blame the victim, not the huckster nor his snake oil.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 7:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

 You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I could tell 
you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that you are born alone, 
that you die alone, and that you are ultimately the master of your own fate, 
but I don't think it would sink in.  If you are looking for a hand out in this 
world, then yes, you are going to be disappointed, and somewhat bitter, as you 
appear to be.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!



Re: [FairfieldLife] Sam Harris Book

2014-09-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   I've been working on taxes today and had to delay continuing with the book, 
but the clarity is welcome after the lax mental sprawl that has become FFL of 
late. Harris really has a gift for organising material. If you have gotten to 
the part in the 'self' section about using a transporter, I presented this 
argument to an initiator some years ago, and the response was, 'No I would not 
go into such a device'. Perhaps you could review the book here on FFL, not that 
the most of the current crowd has much capacity for grasping the arguments.


"Most of the current crowd" doesn't have the attention span and intellect to 
read a comic book, much less something like this. I'll pass.  :-)

Besides, you know they'd never read it, because they'd be terrified of catching 
"atheist cooties"  and finding out how mindfulness really works.  :-)

 Plus, it is more bawee's speed to review the latest cartoon series on TV. 
Reviewing this book would be a wee bit of a stretch for our bawee and 
perhaps even he knows it. Blaming the audience's lack of brain power is his 
excuse - which is, obviously, typical of him. "Sure, I'd climb that skyscraper 
with one hand tied behind my back but none of you would appreciate it so I'll 
decline". (snort)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sam Harris Book

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Funny, we get so many unsolicited reviews from Barry, and now we ask for one, 
and he says, "no. no I won't.  and I may never.  so there!"

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 Translation: "I read a few paragraphs standing at a book-stall in Amsterdam 
but I couldn't afford to buy a copy so I'll just fake reading it - nobody on 
FFL will know the difference and Judy is gone."



[FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
Another thing to remember for anyone living in that so-called "United-Kingdom": 
According to Benjamin Creme, Brahmananda Saraswati is secong only to Maitreya, 
the oldest soul now in incarnation on this planet with a point of evolution of 
7,0. Guru Dev achieved 6,0.  I may remind you that Masterhood is achieved at 
 The question then arises; what will be the collective consequences for a 
nation who with intent, as part of their very upbringing and arrogant culture 
insults not only a Master of Masters, in this case Guru Dev, but the whole 
Vedic Culture of India ?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You're a funny fellow Sal, Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi ? Me thinks you have some serious reading to update your knowledge 
to do seeming+ somewhat out of it.  And while your're at it do check your 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal, you know well this is silly. Maharishi dropped England because of the 
authrocities they did in the Empire, India included. Haven't you heard the 
story of Guru Dev meeting the english tiger-hunter in the Indian jungle ? Do 
google it.

 I tried and drew a blank. Can you do it?

 Maharishi was most generous and tried to uplift every nation but having lived 
with the stories of India being occupied by hooligans from that so-called 
Kingdom, somewhere along the line He just had enough of you lot.
 Regarding the future, you can be lucky to have seers like Benjamin Creme 
blessing your country, and Maitrya Himself is supposed to live in London, at 
least for some time, so it's not all bleak.
 But do watch out for the effect and karma of raping other nations.


 We certainly feel lucky to have Benjamin Creme as a replacement for Marshy and 
if Maitreya ever actually shows his face we'll be happier still ;-)

 Thanks for underlining my point about rationalising by the way.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I know someone in both camps and he was saying that the last unofficial course 
he went on the meditators they taught were asking him how much he'd been 
brainwashed by the movement "because they do that don't they". He denied any 
thing of the sort, but then he doesn't read the comments here!

 and this is the evidence sited by someone who prides himself on the scientific 

 I'm scratching my head here. (-;





 Thanks for the synopsis. The scorpion nation fell from grace originally 
because a bunch of old UK TM teachers broke ranks from policy edicts they saw 
as out of touch and were teaching the old way, independently. Damn scorpions.   
 Is there still a scorpion independent [renegade] group of TM teachers teaching 
meditation in the UK? They stood off Vlodrop, had an association and a web-page 
at one point which was daring. Is that who you are talking about doing well 
teaching transcending meditation or is it the new TM movement returned? What do 
you see there?
 I have a friend who was on an early India course with Maharishi, he told the 
story of some female course participant coming out of her hut alarmed about a 
scorpion on the wall inside her hut. Satyananda come out to look, took his 
sandal off in hand and smacked the scorpion dead on the wall. That is how 
Indians deal with poisonous bugs.. Summary execution. Take that as a lesson.
 Evidently the Scots breaking from the UK and rule from 700 miles away is a 
recurring theme in that culture. Sort of like the old UK TM teachers breaking 
from the Rajas of Vlodrop and Maharishi at a time.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome 


 mjackson74. wrote 

 I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

 Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?


 salyavin808 writes:


 They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is 
the actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

 Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

 But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise T

[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

 Some people heard the claims about the various goods and services the Movement 
was offering and simply rejected them out of hand (non meditators and the 
common man). Some other people tried TM and the Siddhis but rejected the rest 
(me) and some others spent years and tens of thousands of dollars trying 
everything from yagyas to Vedic honey. Now who of these people are the gullible 
ones? Who of these people are allowed to bellyache? Who of these people are 
allowed to make a case for belief over non believe and at what point are they 
allowed to do this - before they tried it all or after? What are you actually 
saying Sal?


Re: [FairfieldLife] My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 At one time, I considered signing up for a TTC until I found out how much it 
would cost and how long it would take. So, I finished school instead and got a 
job working to raise a family. That way, I had plenty of time to read books 
about Advaita.

 Eight months of teacher training.
 29 years in the chair -- four hours a day -- five of the years in the dome.
 2000 initiations
 3% of Napa taught
 Many ATRs, many advance techniques
 Lived in one room of the center for 8 years and scraped by in order to keep 
the center open.
 Moved to FF because The Tubby Fut said we'd have a nuke war.lived in FF 
from 1981 to 1999.
 Kids in MSAE all their lives.
 Where's the beef?  We were promised MAGNIFICENT PERSONALITY EVOLUTION.
 I got bupkis.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi keeps his promises (was Why MMY's Bhagavad Gita will never be a classic.

2014-09-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Dan, what Edg didn't catch is that we were all thrown into that same gigantic, 
cosmic washingmachine. We lived for a dollar a day, in Europe, in the USA and 
in Asia for tens of years and it was OK.
 What mattered was the idea that by doing so Maharishi would connect us to 
something bigger, something greater. For some that "greater" was more personal 
power and riches, perhaps to meet a lovely lady, for others it was longevity 
and good health, but for most of us it meant that by His Grace we could shake 
hands with Godhead.  
 I'm communicating with many of the friends from that time, and I can assure 
you; whatever their desires were, with the blessings of their own good karma 
and with the help of the most competent Guide, their aspirations are fulfilled.
 A very interesting feature is when you meet an old meditator who has simply 
done TM twice a day, someone who perhaps met Maharishi in the 60's. With 0 
expectations, yet they find their lives mysteriously fulfilled on levels they 
had not even imagined.

 I can't see thru Edg's eyes (or experience thru his consciousness).
But speaking only for I, I got no complaints.
Maybe lower expectations?

 I see three factors contributing to how one feels about their TM experience 
if, in the end, they feel it was negative.
 1) the level of their expectations
 2) their personality and character that is unique to them
 3) the amount of time, energy and money they spent on all the things you can 
spend time, energy and money on with relation to the Movement.
 If you have the "perfect storm" of all three then you can end up with some 
individuals feeling pretty angry or contemptuous or downright murderous about 
it all. But, whether you are talking about a failed spiritual path or a failed 
investment strategy it still comes down to the choices and the character of the 
participant. This does not mean that there are not spiritual paths or 
investment opportunities that are scams and manipulative but it does mean that 
it takes at least two to tango.

You are very helpful here. I have no idea about all this controversy. I guess 
it's my youthful innocence, or perhaps just naivety.

I don't 'get it', yet I do hear all kinds of complaints emanating from Members 

I'll try to pay better attention, but without your insight, I keep missing the 

Maybe we'll all learn something.

Dan from nyc
far away from this controversy 

 Thanks Dan, always eager to help...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008

 You nailed it. It has become what Rick Archer wanted it to become; a mirror of 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I was in the movement for a long time and don't consider that I was ever 
"screwed over," as you put it, or lied to, or the victim of fraud. 
Unfortunately, this board has always attracted a lot of whiners and malcontents 
(you are just the latest) who like to blame others for their own mistakes and 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You shouldn't be that stupid but apparently you are - how is expecting someone 
to be honest, keep their word and not screw you over by lying and committing 
fraud asking for a handout? 


 Like most TM fanatics you love to blame those who realize their were defrauded 
on many levels, just like the Movement loves to blame people who commit suicide 
by claiming they weren't meditating properly, were off the program or had some 
"underlying mental condition" that was there, unseen for decades till then 
killed themselves. Blame the victim, not the huckster nor his snake oil.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 7:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

 You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I could tell 
you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that you are born alone, 
that you die alone, and that you are ultimately the master of your own fate, 
but I don't think it would sink in.  If you are looking for a hand out in this 
world, then yes, you are going to be disappointed, and somewhat bitter, as you 
appear to be.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!



[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
He's a 70 year old man, having a tantrum like a 5 year old boy.   

 Sorry, not the same situation.

 I have a 21 year old son, working through issues.

 I am not oblivious to those kinds of issues.

 And for your information, I am addressing the issues with my son in a concrete 
way, not crying, "woe is me"

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You know 7th ray, you just wrote something really awful. Did you think you 
were being clever?  I know someone whose son, who was struggling with 
depression, was told, online, to go kill himself by his "friend.".  This 
"friend" thought he was being bold and "out there" - he dared him to do it. And 
the young man did kill himself.  His father found the entire year's worth of 
email exchanges.  He took them over to this "friend's" house and showed them to 
the "friend' and his father. 

 Think about what you wrote.  Learn from it.  Nothing justifies what you wrote.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]

2014-09-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Earl's letter


 Ann, you just helped me understand something better so I thanked you for that 
in my earlier Post.
Now I'll return the favor, just see below...

 Interesting, now that I have read it. If it is all true then more's the pity. 
If it is partially true then it should give people pause. I think that this 
letter was written from a place of sincerity and concern by the Kaplans. They 
were, evidently, privy to all sorts of carefully protected secrets and were 
part of the inner circle. Whenever the inner circle chooses to speak about the 
things that go on close to the center of things it can mean one of two things: 
they are speaking the truth or they are disgruntled and making things up. [They 
are disgruntled and making things up.] I am in no position to know which it is 
or what percentage is made up of truth and what percentage is simple 
disgruntlement. Thinking back on what Robin has said about his own realization 
of his "enlightenment" it appears to closely jive with that Kaplan claims of 
what TM does to one, which is interesting for me. I am sure Robin has seen this 
letter as has everyone else on the planet except, apparently, me. 

 Some of this troubles me as a sort of one-man's-viewpoint analysis because it 
is terribly damning and yet I am so removed from the TM Movement and even TM 
itself I find I am untouched. Still, this letter has evidently been influential 
and has created some serious doubts about MMY in many people's minds. I have to 
say, I feel badly, on one level for the Kaplans because they gave a lot to what 
they believed was true and good and right. In reading his letter I also realize 
Kaplan is going to survive it all and come out the other side intact. What is 
he and his brother doing now?[he's seething and sulking, not productive IMHO]


 Thank you NY correspondent. Your in-depth commentary has helped me. At least I 
know where you stand on the subject, your brevity was clearcut and crystalline.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 9/13/2014 6:22 AM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Unfortunately its not a joke - the person who wrote that is a fine 
example of the lack of decency the Movement churns out.

If just two years living in a pod is any indication of what TM practice 
can do to someone's head, then he after 29 years he should probably be 
admitted to an insane asylum right now. What I want to know is why you 
guys never once went to see a cult-exit counselor.

Something tells me you guys are making something up, or leaving 
something out. Nobody gives up free room and board in a pod or living in 
a room at a TM Center without a good reason. Why did you guys get kicked 
out? Just be honest.


*From:* salyavin808 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:16 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Your problem with the movement, Edg, is quite simple: you gave 
yourself away like a cheap tart and they fucked you. What else did you 

This is a joke isn't it? Of course it is. The only other explanation 
would be that we got into a spiritual movement expecting it to develop 
consciousness and improve relationships in the manner that it claims, 
and yet we become so bitter at the reality that anyone who complains 
about the failure of the technique to produce what is claimed in the 
brochure must be an idiot to have expected it in the first place. And 
yet everyone keeps doing it and believing to the extent that they feel 
they have to defend it daily on the net.

No that couldn't be the explanation, it must be a joke. I just got up, 
give me time to get up to speed

Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, 
Maharishi told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I 
done to you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I 
don't know you; how in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of 
any worth?

Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, 
and you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or 
will have?  Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket. 
 We're all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING. 
  And you're here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with 
parts of "me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years 
old.  I don't own a gun, and your speculations about me being some 
sort of danger to the community shows how fucking insane you are to be 
here with such obviously projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss 
some shit at the fan here.

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very 
sensible way. Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly 
spending money. What a sad story. And now you are full up with anger 
and resentment, like a child whose daddy didn't give him what he said 
he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local authorities where you live are 
aware of your propensity for violence.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to 
Gandhi, "Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read 
my palm too!  GAWD.

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on 
the jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying 
I never had anyone show me it does.

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to 
various qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex 
life, my finances, my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen 
attributes.and then I tried to find correlations with the 
chartsnever could get zilch for a correlation.  Ya'd have 
thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to make my life fit 
the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry when 
Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating 
thingie going on.

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty 
good and knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed 
in my usually M.O.  But, oh, I can 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 --In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Unfortunately its not a joke - the person who wrote that is a fine example of 
the lack of decency the Movement churns out.


 I just love your serious tone Michael.  It is always a hoot, (and hollow, to 

 Yea, well, just because one can do the equivalent and say these things about 
their "enemy" (MMY and the Movement) it doesn't mean that same person likes 
someone else to call another who agrees with them these things. It's called a 
double standard, Steve. I see it here all the time.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I don't read any of 7th ray's posts any more, so I don't know what he might 
have said, but I sure recognize the vibe you're discussing. Something happened 
at some point and he became really nasty. I've written him off. 

 From: "waybac...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 3:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

You know 7th ray, you just wrote something really awful. Did you think you were 
being clever?  I know someone whose son, who was struggling with depression, 
was told, online, to go kill himself by his "friend.".  This "friend" thought 
he was being bold and "out there" - he dared him to do it. And the young man 
did kill himself.  His father found the entire year's worth of email exchanges. 
 He took them over to this "friend's" house and showed them to the "friend' and 
his father.

Think about what you wrote.  Learn from it.  Nothing justifies what you wrote.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sam Harris Book

2014-09-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "wayback71@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   It was delivered to my doorstep the other day and just a few pages I enjoy 
his writing style - he is clear and articulate and really nails things.  I will 
read it this weekend.

 And Barry, as you know, he says there is no self (ha, we have been thru this 
many times)!!


Indeed. He seems to be a very strong personality, with a very strong sense of 
self, uh, saying there is no self.  :-)

Unlike some here, I don't have to agree with everything a writer says to like 
that writer...  :-)
And unlike some Posters here, I don't have to disagree with everything a Poster 
posts to totally dismiss that Poster.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

 You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I could tell 
you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that you are born alone, 
that you die alone, and that you are ultimately the master of your own fate

 And that, in a nutshell, is why people get involved with religious groups like 
TM that promise the world and yet deliver nothing. Maybe you missed the intro 
talk, maybe you never heard Marshy talking about enlightenment, maybe you never 
read the research about improved relationships and effortless problem solving. 
Life is Bliss, you heard that one at least?

 Maybe you wised up quicker than Edg did, good for you but you don't sound like 
a sceptic, you sound like someone who brought a car and found out it was 
rubbish but tells everyone it's great apart from the fact it was rubbish to 
start with.

 Which one is it?

  but I don't think it would sink in.  If you are looking for a hand out in 
this world, then yes, you are going to be disappointed, and somewhat bitter, as 
you appear to be.

 It's easier to think that about me than realise the contradictions inherent in 
what you are saying.

 Sal, you are speaking here as if your "findings" practicing TM and whatever 
else you did or didn't do in the Movement are the same for everyone. You feel 
one way, experienced whatever you experienced whenever that was (presumably 
your feelings evolving over time) but you are failing to recognize that you 
have not done some valid scientific study that has been proven to be true for 
all time for all participants. You have simply come to some conclusions on your 
own, based on your subjectivity, about the Movement and now expect it to be the 
ultimate truth of the thing for everyone. Fact: you find TM and MMY's claims to 
be rubbish. Fact: not everyone else does. Fact: the verdict is out on which one 
is true.


[FairfieldLife] Please do TM twice a day for the rest of your life

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
And She might love you...
 Paul McCartney - And I Love Her (10/Mayo/2012, Zócalo de la Ciudad de México) 
 Paul McCartney - And I Love Her (10/Mayo/2012, Zócalo... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6U-CBGoFtg Paul McCartney Gratis desde la 
Plaza de la Constitución, Ciudad de México.
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6U-CBGoFtg 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Please do TM twice a day for the rest of your life and live happily !

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
Paul MCCartney Out There Tour Tokyo Dome Japan full concert 
 Paul MCCartney Out There Tour Tokyo Dome Japan ful... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piDcxxQYPaU Concierto transmitido por la 
televisión japonesa del concierto de Paul McCartney de la gira Out There, 
grabado en el Tokyo Dome el 21 de noviembre de 2013. E...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piDcxxQYPaU 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
and thank you for that Barry.  I say that because it has always been painful to 
criticize you, because I like you, so any criticism has been made much easier 
knowing that there will be no reply. 

 and of course your participation here has been curtailed since the only 
feedback you entertain is that which is aligned with your beliefs.  

 whatever works!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I don't read any of 7th ray's posts any more, so I don't know what he might 
have said, but I sure recognize the vibe you're discussing. Something happened 
at some point and he became really nasty. I've written him off. 



 From: "wayback71@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 3:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof
   You know 7th ray, you just wrote something really awful. Did you think you 
were being clever?  I know someone whose son, who was struggling with 
depression, was told, online, to go kill himself by his "friend.".  This 
"friend" thought he was being bold and "out there" - he dared him to do it. And 
the young man did kill himself.  His father found the entire year's worth of 
email exchanges.  He took them over to this "friend's" house and showed them to 
the "friend' and his father.

 Think about what you wrote.  Learn from it.  Nothing justifies what you wrote.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I don't read any [we know. Faking a review of Sam Harris' book established 
that] of 7th ray's posts any more, so I don't know [yet more that you don't 
know? Just ask!] what he might have said [another attempt at knowing without 
reading. Is that some kinna spiritualism?], but I sure recognize the vibe [more 
spiritualism?] you're discussing. Something happened at some point and he 
became really nasty. I've written him off [Steve's a lucky man. I envy him 



 From: "wayback71@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 3:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof
   You know 7th ray, you just wrote something really awful. Did you think you 
were being clever?  I know someone whose son, who was struggling with 
depression, was told, online, to go kill himself by his "friend.".  This 
"friend" thought he was being bold and "out there" - he dared him to do it. And 
the young man did kill himself.  His father found the entire year's worth of 
email exchanges.  He took them over to this "friend's" house and showed them to 
the "friend' and his father.

 Think about what you wrote.  Learn from it.  Nothing justifies what you wrote.

[FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

 You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I could tell 
you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that you are born alone, 
that you die alone, and that you are ultimately the master of your own fate

 And that, in a nutshell, is why people get involved with religious groups like 
TM that promise the world and yet deliver nothing. Maybe you missed the intro 
talk, maybe you never heard Marshy talking about enlightenment, maybe you never 
read the research about improved relationships and effortless problem solving. 
Life is Bliss, you heard that one at least?

 Maybe you wised up quicker than Edg did, good for you but you don't sound like 
a sceptic, you sound like someone who brought a car and found out it was 
rubbish but tells everyone it's great apart from the fact it was rubbish to 
start with.

 Which one is it?

  but I don't think it would sink in.  If you are looking for a hand out in 
this world, then yes, you are going to be disappointed, and somewhat bitter, as 
you appear to be.

 It's easier to think that about me than realise the contradictions inherent in 
what you are saying.

 Sal, you are speaking here as if your "findings" practicing TM and whatever 
else you did or didn't do in the Movement are the same for everyone. You feel 
one way, experienced whatever you experienced whenever that was (presumably 
your feelings evolving over time) but you are failing to recognize that you 
have not done some valid scientific study that has been proven to be true for 
all time for all participants. You have simply come to some conclusions on your 
own, based on your subjectivity, about the Movement and now expect it to be the 
ultimate truth of the thing for everyone. Fact: you find TM and MMY's claims to 
be rubbish. Fact: not everyone else does. Fact: the verdict is out on which one 
is true.

 i know

[FairfieldLife] A TM'er Uplifting Your President (and his family)

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8rz9T3fSW8 See also☛ PAUL McCARTNEY AT KENNEDY 
CENTER HONORS (Complete) http://youtu.be/RL76v3qoEeI President Obama presented 
America's ...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8rz9T3fSW8 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 and thank you for that Barry.  I say that because it has always been painful 
to criticize you, because I like you, so any criticism has been made much 
easier knowing that there will be no reply. 

 and of course your participation here has been curtailed since the only 
feedback you entertain is that which is aligned with your beliefs.  

 whatever works!
dysfunction functioning IS NOT EQUAL TO functional fuctioning (ie "whatever 

I'm a Mathematician
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I don't read any of 7th ray's posts any more, so I don't know what he might 
have said, but I sure recognize the vibe you're discussing. Something happened 
at some point and he became really nasty. I've written him off. 



 From: "wayback71@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 3:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof
   You know 7th ray, you just wrote something really awful. Did you think you 
were being clever?  I know someone whose son, who was struggling with 
depression, was told, online, to go kill himself by his "friend.".  This 
"friend" thought he was being bold and "out there" - he dared him to do it. And 
the young man did kill himself.  His father found the entire year's worth of 
email exchanges.  He took them over to this "friend's" house and showed them to 
the "friend' and his father.

 Think about what you wrote.  Learn from it.  Nothing justifies what you wrote.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sam Harris Book

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "wayback71@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   It was delivered to my doorstep the other day and just a few pages I enjoy 
his writing style - he is clear and articulate and really nails things.  I will 
read it this weekend.

 And Barry, as you know, he says there is no self (ha, we have been thru this 
many times)!!


Indeed. He seems to be a very strong personality, with a very strong sense of 
self, uh, saying there is no self.  :-)

Unlike some here, I don't have to agree with everything a writer says to like 
that writer...  :-)
And unlike some Posters here, I don't have to disagree with everything a Poster 
posts to totally dismiss that Poster.


[FairfieldLife] TM'ers Uplifting Your President (and his family)

2014-09-13 Thread nablusoss1008
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8rz9T3fSW8 See also☛ PAUL McCARTNEY AT KENNEDY 
CENTER HONORS (Complete) http://youtu.be/RL76v3qoEeI President Obama presented 
America's ...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8rz9T3fSW8 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Edg, I just wanted to do a drive-by and say that I've been 
appreciating your recent rants. They've been very honest and very real 
and obviously far too real for many here.

I haven't bothered to chime in with, "Yeah, what he said..." yet, but 
not because I haven't felt that. I just knew that the shaming thing 
would start and I didn't want to be even a peripheral part of another 
re-run of that silly soap opera, so I've been staying out of it.

But you're a writer and we all know how writers need occasional 
feedback. So mine is "Good stuff. Keep it up, Bro."

On 9/13/2014 6:40 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Seconded with gusto, I've always liked Edg's style and passion. It's 
easy to forget that he lived it more than most of us and his opinions 
carry weight for that reason alone.

It's easy for certain others to try and dismiss it as "all his own 
fault or taking it seriously" even though they take it seriously 
themselves! Talk about cognitive dissonance in action! Falling down 
the rabbit hole one more time...

It's probably accurate to say that we all fell "down the rabbit hole" to 
a certain extent, but some a lot more than others. The important point 
is what we each did with our experience. Did you enjoy?

We don't know exactly why some people latched onto the TMO for prestige, 
for money, free rent and/or bread to eat. We don't know what they did 
after they got kicked out.

All we know is what they want to reveal in this discussion. There's 
probably a lot more to these stories than what meets the eye. Maybe some 
things are better left unsaid. Go figure.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

What the hell don't we understand about "this isn't about us" ? ? ?

I'm not even a messenger; just a kibitzer in the crowd, and some of 
you want me shamed outta here or whatever -- how rare is the truth 
sought here when all of us are so vulnerable to being correctly 
dismissed as damaged goods?  See someone's flaws and have at it hoss 
-- but don't call your lust to thrust a personality dynamic of a 
"knower of reality."  Geeze, learn a lesson from Maharishi here...at 
least he knew how to handle hostility coming from someone on the mike 
-- almost always graciously(I can think of a couple exceptions, 
but . . . )

It's not important if anyone here approves of any statement, or not. 
 What's important is that THIS RECORD of the minds of a few survivors 
of the TMO be at least registered here.

Over the years here, although I've changed my mind, yes I have, due to 
some of the arguments here, let's face it, this place is not about 
attempting to formulate statements upon which we all can agree. 
 Instead, we get so much head bashing.  Let this be on the record too 
sayeth moi -- let the whole messy-ness of it, the soul swampy steam 
coming off of it, let it all be recorded here.

If I am a miscreant out to propagandize to a few minds here -- let it 
be recorded.

This...all of thisdone by true believers lo these many decades.

Hey it's sci-fi now but an actuality that's coming soon enough is that 
there's going to be a tech that will make use of all this jabbering of 
ours -- and who the fuck knows what wisdom can be mined herein by some 
A.I. engine around the corner, eh?

Some sooperdooper A.I. that would rule the world would at least be 
able to buddy up with the likes of the sorry spiritual drunks almost 
passed out in the corners of Rick's Place.  We'd be on our knees 
e-praying in about ten minutes flat once an A.I. god told us we were 

Who can't be easily pegged by their postings here?

Everyone's put out all this data about themselves without even 
thinking twice about how it could all be put into a dossier with which 
A.I. can grok a person 100%.

Or the NSA.  No diff.

I just wanted to and will continue to lay out my POV -- 29 years 
before the mast and the ship went down.

And my story is true for about 95% of all the folks that once invested 
in the technique -- it just didn't pan out.

 It's not about me; it's about all the other me-types -- the 
universal-anyone-who-can-think-a-thought-can-do-it technique simply 
had no pizzazz and the audience evaporated.

Ta ta and thanks for all the.you thought I'd say "fish," 
right?  You're mind readers! ! ! ! !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Supreme Enlightenment and those who are jealous of it [ was Re: "Nice to hear from you, Rish]

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Earl's letter


 Ann, you just helped me understand something better so I thanked you for that 
in my earlier Post.
Now I'll return the favor, just see below...

 Interesting, now that I have read it. If it is all true then more's the pity. 
If it is partially true then it should give people pause. I think that this 
letter was written from a place of sincerity and concern by the Kaplans. They 
were, evidently, privy to all sorts of carefully protected secrets and were 
part of the inner circle. Whenever the inner circle chooses to speak about the 
things that go on close to the center of things it can mean one of two things: 
they are speaking the truth or they are disgruntled and making things up. [They 
are disgruntled and making things up.] I am in no position to know which it is 
or what percentage is made up of truth and what percentage is simple 
disgruntlement. Thinking back on what Robin has said about his own realization 
of his "enlightenment" it appears to closely jive with that Kaplan claims of 
what TM does to one, which is interesting for me. I am sure Robin has seen this 
letter as has everyone else on the planet except, apparently, me. 

 Some of this troubles me as a sort of one-man's-viewpoint analysis because it 
is terribly damning and yet I am so removed from the TM Movement and even TM 
itself I find I am untouched. Still, this letter has evidently been influential 
and has created some serious doubts about MMY in many people's minds. I have to 
say, I feel badly, on one level for the Kaplans because they gave a lot to what 
they believed was true and good and right. In reading his letter I also realize 
Kaplan is going to survive it all and come out the other side intact. What is 
he and his brother doing now?[he's seething and sulking, not productive IMHO]


 Thank you NY correspondent. Your in-depth commentary has helped me. At least I 
know where you stand on the subject, your brevity was clearcut and crystalline.
I stand by the real-world facts. I live by real-world facts. I do not confuse 
myself or bewilder my life.

I live in NYC. A city built on granite.

Proud NYer,



[FairfieldLife] Duveyoung's Rant

2014-09-13 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Hey Duveyoung, what a wonderful rant! I've pasted together many of your last 
posts to create an überrant, they have more sustaining power this way. Re: 'I 
got bupkis'. You got the whole secret right here, you got nada, zilch, blank, 
diddly, zero. Enlightenment is selling water by the river, always has been, 
always will be. That realisation should be a relief, because it is an inside 
job. Who did what to whom? Is anybody really there at home, or away from home? 
The dissatisfaction of finding out or the satisfaction of finding out depends 
on whether the realisation came when someone was at home, or not.

 For posterity: Duveyoung's Rant

 Yeah, I'm pissy, and I threaten physical violence.
 I was in the audience when Maharishi described how he came up with the 
mantras. (He may have given this explanation on other occasions...dunno.)

 It wasn't from Guru Dev...the technique might have been from Guru Dev, but the 
mantras were picked by Maharishi as he sat on his bed in a hotel room...if I 
remember correctly. There was never a moment when Guru Dev pulled Maharishi 
aside and gave birth to the technique as far as I can tell...merely from Guru 
Dev's talks did Maharishi get the concepts we're being told comes from 5,000 
years of tradition. But, nope, don't think so anymore. Can anyone add more to 
my dim memories of this?

 Maharishi never gave a damn about us ever understanding "a philosophy made 
necessary" if the concept "transcendental" is the basis of it.

 Except for learning puja and checking notes, we never had "general philosophy 
101" classes, never had exams, never had sub-leaders who could lead a 
discussion about philosophy, never were encouraged to study the Gita or other 
scriptures, never had any "must memorize" commands, etc. We were forbidden to 
read any other spiritual books.

 Yeah, Maharishi taught us by answering the mike-questions, but that was always 
informal and there was no "lesson plan" for the "students."

 In short we were put out into the public wilds completely unable to defend TM 
with concepts and logic...except such as we were able to individually pony up 
when the moment came that someone asked a deeper question.

 We were JOKES, and we didn't know it, but because most of our audiences were 
as un-scholarly as we were, so we could bullshit to the max. Any PhD in 
philosophy candidate could have us tied up in knots and sweating buckets.

 Oh, we were told we were Totakacharya types...the nice folks who were stupid 
but who would do great works none-the-less. We swallowed that shit like it was 

 So don't go pushing Chapter 7 on me — it's just window dressing in a billion 
dollar scam.

 I read the first six chapters and wore out three copies of the book 
underlining and adding comments and questions in the margins. After I got into 
Advaita, I read MMY's Gita one last time and I WAS APPALLED at the lack of 
consistency of how key concepts were used.

 Go ahead, try to find out what Maharishi would say are the defining 
DIFFERENCES "being, consciousness, isness, amness, transcendent, awareness, 
witness, soul, etc." I'll wait. No one...I repeat, NO ONE came off a TM 
teachers' training course being able to define these words without paradox or 
treating most of them as if they were synonyms of each other. We were hustlers 
with shiny shoes, a $200 suit and a $200 car.

 We were fucking chumps.

 Eight months of teacher training.

 29 years in the chair — four hours a day — five of the years in the dome.

 2000 initiations

 3% of Napa taught

 Many ATRs, many advance techniques

 Lived in one room of the center for 8 years and scraped by in order to keep 
the center open.

 Moved to FF because The Tubby Fut said we'd have a nuke war...lived in FF from 
1981 to 1999.

 Kids in MSAE all their lives.


 Where's the beef? We were promised MAGNIFICENT PERSONALITY EVOLUTION.

 I got bupkis.

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts." Not a single one predicted 
my future or knew stuff about me from my past. I went to Gandhi, "Maharishi's 
astrologer," when it was still allowed. Guy read my palm too! GAWD.

 Then there I consulted with about ten of the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon. Not saying jyotish doesn't work — just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does. 

 I did my jyotish diary for five years — actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life — on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, my 
dreams, my food, my sleep...about a dozen attributes...and then I tried to find 
correlations with the charts...never could get zilch for a correlation. Ya'd 
have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to make my life fit the 
stars better. You know, I should have wrote more poetry when Mercury was strong 
in the chart...and then point to it as if it had naturally occurred. Nope — I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Edg, I just wanted to do a drive-by and say that I've been 
appreciating your recent rants. They've been very honest and very real 
and obviously far too real for many here.

I haven't bothered to chime in with, "Yeah, what he said..." yet, but 
not because I haven't felt that. I just knew that the shaming thing 
would start and I didn't want to be even a peripheral part of another 
re-run of that silly soap opera, so I've been staying out of it.

But you're a writer and we all know how writers need occasional 
feedback. So mine is "Good stuff. Keep it up, Bro."

Seconded with gusto, I've always liked Edg's style and passion. It's 
easy to forget that he lived it more than most of us and his opinions 
carry weight for that reason alone.

On 9/13/2014 6:54 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
From what he's described, I don't think that I'd like living the 
experience that Edg has experienced. Maybe he could have changed sumthin'?

He should have known from his first TM meditation that a relaxation 
technique wasn't going to make him or anyone else enlightened. It sounds 
like he was practicing "guru yoga" instead of basic TM. If his story is 
true, then he must not have been practicing basic TM 15-20 minutes a day.

One can only speculate what people close to him must have gone through. 
It must have been really tough accepting that almost all of his money 
and time went into supporting a cult. It makes you wonder where he got 
all the money and how he could afford to send his kids to an expensive 
private school like MSAE.

It just doesn't make any sense that a guy would be so susceptible to the 
suggestions of others that he would put his whole family through hell 
for decades just to satisfy his fantasy of being a snake-oil salesman. 
Go figure.

It's easy for certain others to try and dismiss it as "all his own 
fault or taking it seriously" even though they take it seriously 
themselves! Talk about cognitive dissonance in action! Falling down 
the rabbit hole one more time...


Sal, reading minds again? Wake up!


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

What the hell don't we understand about "this isn't about us" ? ? ?

I'm not even a messenger; just a kibitzer in the crowd, and some of 
you want me shamed outta here or whatever -- how rare is the truth 
sought here when all of us are so vulnerable to being correctly 
dismissed as damaged goods?  See someone's flaws and have at it hoss 
-- but don't call your lust to thrust a personality dynamic of a 
"knower of reality."  Geeze, learn a lesson from Maharishi here...at 
least he knew how to handle hostility coming from someone on the mike 
-- almost always graciously(I can think of a couple exceptions, 
but . . . )

It's not important if anyone here approves of any statement, or not. 
 What's important is that THIS RECORD of the minds of a few survivors 
of the TMO be at least registered here.

Over the years here, although I've changed my mind, yes I have, due to 
some of the arguments here, let's face it, this place is not about 
attempting to formulate statements upon which we all can agree. 
 Instead, we get so much head bashing.  Let this be on the record too 
sayeth moi -- let the whole messy-ness of it, the soul swampy steam 
coming off of it, let it all be recorded here.

If I am a miscreant out to propagandize to a few minds here -- let it 
be recorded.

This...all of thisdone by true believers lo these many decades.

Hey it's sci-fi now but an actuality that's coming soon enough is that 
there's going to be a tech that will make use of all this jabbering of 
ours -- and who the fuck knows what wisdom can be mined herein by some 
A.I. engine around the corner, eh?

Some sooperdooper A.I. that would rule the world would at least be 
able to buddy up with the likes of the sorry spiritual drunks almost 
passed out in the corners of Rick's Place.  We'd be on our knees 
e-praying in about ten minutes flat once an A.I. god told us we were 

Who can't be easily pegged by their postings here?

Everyone's put out all this data about themselves without even 
thinking twice about how it could all be put into a dossier with which 
A.I. can grok a person 100%.

Or the NSA.  No diff.

I just wanted to and will continue to lay out my POV -- 29 years 
before the mast and the ship went down.

And my story is true for about 95% of all the folks that once invested 
in the technique -- it just didn't pan out.

 It's not about me; it's about all the other me-types -- the 
universal-anyone-who-can-think-a-thought-can-do-it technique simply 
had no pizzazz and the audience evaporated.

Ta ta and thanks for all the.you thought I'd say "fish," 
right?  You're mind readers! ! ! ! !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

On 9/13/2014 7:02 AM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

--In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Unfortunately its not a joke - the person who wrote that is a fine 
example of the lack of decency the Movement churns out.

I just love your serious tone Michael.  It is always a hoot, (and 
hollow, to boot)

Is he saying that the "Movement" turned him out to be indecent?

*From:* salyavin808 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:16 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Your problem with the movement, Edg, is quite simple: you gave 
yourself away like a cheap tart and they fucked you. What else did you 

This is a joke isn't it? Of course it is. The only other explanation 
would be that we got into a spiritual movement expecting it to develop 
consciousness and improve relationships in the manner that it claims, 
and yet we become so bitter at the reality that anyone who complains 
about the failure of the technique to produce what is claimed in the 
brochure must be an idiot to have expected it in the first place. And 
yet everyone keeps doing it and believing to the extent that they feel 
they have to defend it daily on the net.

No that couldn't be the explanation, it must be a joke. I just got up, 
give me time to get up to speed

Damn, that's good!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

No, I haven't approached my life in a very sensible way.  After all, 
Maharishi told us all to take leave of our senses!

Ha ha I laugh at my own joke, .. and you, you fuck.  What have I 
done to you, SHITFORBRAINS, that you're attacking me personally?  I 
don't know you; how in the fuck can you have an opinion about me of 
any worth?

Get of that high horse.  Ain't nobody here knows his/her next thought, 
and you're going to tell me what thoughts/feelings/emotions I have or 
will have?  Fucking turd!  '

Ain't no one getting off Earth with any clarity in their back pocket. 
 We're all DUMMIES.  We don't know jack shit about ALMOST EVERYTHING. 
  And you're here fizzing like a wet firecracker at me?

I've had my victories.  I have a good life now.  I struggle still with 
parts of "me."  I have NEVER been in a fist fight since I was 11 years 
old.  I don't own a gun, and your speculations about me being some 
sort of danger to the community shows how fucking insane you are to be 
here with such obviously projected assertions.

Here, have a big plate of steaming shit.  Eat. It.

I'm having such funzies todayI took myself off the leash to toss 
some shit at the fan here.

In real life, I'm Walter Mitty with THE WORLD'S FASTEST TRIKKE.

I'M SO PLEASED WITH MYSELF.  Gawd, how can you guys not love me to 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very 
sensible way. Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly 
spending money. What a sad story. And now you are full up with anger 
and resentment, like a child whose daddy didn't give him what he said 
he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local authorities where you live are 
aware of your propensity for violence.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to 
Gandhi, "Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read 
my palm too!  GAWD.

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on 
the jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying 
I never had anyone show me it does.

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to 
various qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex 
life, my finances, my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen 
attributes.and then I tried to find correlations with the 
chartsnever could get zilch for a correlation.  Ya'd have 
thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to make my life fit 
the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry when 
Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating 
thingie going on.

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty 
good and knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed 
in my usually M.O.  But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address 
my negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking 
period thereall for naught.

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to 
shove his 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very 
sensible way. Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly 
spending money. What a sad story. And now you are full up with anger 
and resentment, like a child whose daddy didn't give him what he said 
he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local authorities where you live are 
aware of your propensity for violence.

Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons 
was going to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I 
suppose you never believed a word of it

You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I 
could tell you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that 
you are born alone, that you die alone, and that you are ultimately 
the master of your own fate


On 9/13/2014 7:05 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
And that, in a nutshell, is why people get involved with religious 
groups like TM that promise the world and yet deliver nothing. Maybe 
you missed the intro talk, maybe you never heard Marshy talking about 
enlightenment, maybe you never read the research about improved 
relationships and effortless problem solving. Life is Bliss, you heard 
that one at least?

Maybe you wised up quicker than Edg did, good for you but you don't 
sound like a sceptic, you sound like someone who brought a car and 
found out it was rubbish but tells everyone it's great apart from the 
fact it was rubbish to start with.

Which one is it?

It sounds like you think he bought a car and drove it for 29 years and 
THEN he realized it was rubbish from the start. Only a masochist would 
admit he knew it all along but kept on driving it regardless of the 
damage he could have done to others.


 but I don't think it would sink in.  If you are looking for a hand 
out in this world, then yes, you are going to be disappointed, and 
somewhat bitter, as you appear to be.

It's easier to think that about me than realise the contradictions 
inherent in what you are saying.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to 
Gandhi, "Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read 
my palm too!  GAWD.

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on 
the jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying 
I never had anyone show me it does.

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to 
various qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex 
life, my finances, my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen 
attributes.and then I tried to find correlations with the 
chartsnever could get zilch for a correlation.  Ya'd have 
thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to make my life fit 
the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry when 
Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating 
thingie going on.

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty 
good and knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed 
in my usually M.O.  But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address 
my negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking 
period thereall for naught.

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to 
shove his hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- 
special sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my 
aura...what a relief, eh?

Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 
eachthen my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone 
to this "nurse" because that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling 
me if I make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
He suggested Edge kill himself, like the real sattvic example of what kind of 
guy TM creates that he is.

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

I don't read any of 7th ray's posts any more, so I don't know what he might 
have said, but I sure recognize the vibe you're discussing. Something happened 
at some point and he became really nasty. I've written him off. 

 From: "waybac...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 3:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

You know 7th ray, you just wrote something really awful. Did you think you were 
being clever?  I know someone whose son, who was struggling with depression, 
was told, online, to go kill himself by his "friend.".  This "friend" thought 
he was being bold and "out there" - he dared him to do it. And the young man 
did kill himself.  His father found the entire year's worth of email exchanges. 
 He took them over to this "friend's" house and showed them to the "friend' and 
his father.

Think about what you wrote.  Learn from it.  Nothing justifies what you wrote.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You are still not fit to wipe his boots - and you are a fine example of what TM 
creates - an ass.

 From: "steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

Hey, MIchael, 

Just a FYI that I'm sure will go right over your head.

I'm not the one who has compared his writing, or his postings to Edg.  

That distinction belongs to you.

If you think you have 100th, er,make that 1000th, of the street cred as Edg, it 
is just another delusion point for you.

Talk about a drop in the ocean!   (-:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Like the most heavily addicted TM'ers you cannot look at your own behavior. You 
are not worthy of cleaning Edg's boots.

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my

I guess it shocks me a little to see a 70 year old man throwing a tantrum like 
a five year old child.

And was it a suggestion, or just a question?

Look at your own spin.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

You suggestion shows you are a real fine example of what kind of person TM 
turns out. That is pretty low.

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 8:51 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

Edg, why don't you kill yourself?  Really, why not?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Yeah, I'm pissy, and I threaten physical violence.

Eight months of teacher training.
29 years in the chair -- four hours a day -- five of the years in the dome.
3% of Napa taught
Many ATRs, many advance techniques
Lived in one room of the center for 8 years and scraped by in order to keep the 
center open.
Moved to FF because The Tubby Fut said we'd have a nuke
war.lived in FF from 1981 to 1999.
Kids in MSAE all their lives.


Where's the beef?  We were promised MAGNIFICENT PERSONALITY EVOLUTION.

I got bupkis.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You are so locked into believing that Marshy gave what he claimed he gave that 
you can't see truth if it slapped you in the face. 

 From: feste37 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

I was in the movement for a long time and don't consider that I was ever 
"screwed over," as you put it, or lied to, or the victim of fraud. 
Unfortunately, this board has always attracted a lot of whiners and malcontents 
(you are just the latest) who like to blame others for their own mistakes and 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

You shouldn't be that stupid but apparently you are - how is expecting someone 
to be honest, keep their word and not screw you over by lying and committing 
fraud asking for a handout? 

Like most TM fanatics you love to blame those who realize their were defrauded 
on many levels, just like the Movement loves to blame people who commit suicide 
by claiming they weren't meditating properly, were off the program or had some 
"underlying mental condition" that was there,
unseen for decades till then killed themselves. Blame the victim, not the 
huckster nor his snake oil.

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 7:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it

You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I could tell 
you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that you are born alone, 
that you die alone, and
that you are ultimately the master of your own fate, but I don't think it would 
sink in.  If you are looking for a hand out in this world, then yes, you are 
going to be disappointed, and somewhat bitter, as you appear to be.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one predicted 
my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, "Maharishi's 
astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  GAWD.

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams,
my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried to find 
correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a correlation.  
Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to make my life fit 
the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry when Mercury was 
strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had naturally occurred.  
Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie going on.  

I wore the Vedic gemsall that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh?

Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I don't read any of 7th ray's posts any more, so I don't know what he might 
have said, but I sure recognize the vibe you're discussing. Something happened 
at some point and he became really nasty. I've written him off. 


 Classic. Here is a guy who is commenting about a post he hasnt' even read. 
Does it get any better than that? Susan was just getting all self righteous in 
her response to Steve, bawee. Don't worry. 

 From: "wayback71@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 3:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof
   You know 7th ray, you just wrote something really awful. Did you think you 
were being clever?  I know someone whose son, who was struggling with 
depression, was told, online, to go kill himself by his "friend.".  This 
"friend" thought he was being bold and "out there" - he dared him to do it. And 
the young man did kill himself.  His father found the entire year's worth of 
email exchanges.  He took them over to this "friend's" house and showed them to 
the "friend' and his father.

 Think about what you wrote.  Learn from it.  Nothing justifies what you wrote.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Duveyoung's Rant

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Hey Duveyoung, what a wonderful rant! I've pasted together many of your last 
posts to create an überrant, they are easier to delete this way, they have more 
sustaining power this way. Re: 'I got bupkis'. You got the whole secret right 
here, you got nada, zilch, blank, diddly, zero. Enlightenment is selling water 
by the river, always has been, always will be. That realisation should be a 
relief, because it is an inside job. Who did what to whom? Is anybody really 
there at home, or away from home? The dissatisfaction of finding out or the 
satisfaction of finding out depends on whether the realisation came when 
someone was at home, or not.

 For posterity: Duveyoung's Rant

 Yeah, I'm pissy, and I threaten physical violence.
 I was in the audience when Maharishi described how he came up with the 
mantras. (He may have given this explanation on other occasions...dunno.)

 It wasn't from Guru Dev...the technique might have been from Guru Dev, but the 
mantras were picked by Maharishi as he sat on his bed in a hotel room...if I 
remember correctly. There was never a moment when Guru Dev pulled Maharishi 
aside and gave birth to the technique as far as I can tell...merely from Guru 
Dev's talks did Maharishi get the concepts we're being told comes from 5,000 
years of tradition. But, nope, don't think so anymore. Can anyone add more to 
my dim memories of this?

 Maharishi never gave a damn about us ever understanding "a philosophy made 
necessary" if the concept "transcendental" is the basis of it.

 Except for learning puja and checking notes, we never had "general philosophy 
101" classes, never had exams, never had sub-leaders who could lead a 
discussion about philosophy, never were encouraged to study the Gita or other 
scriptures, never had any "must memorize" commands, etc. We were forbidden to 
read any other spiritual books.

 Yeah, Maharishi taught us by answering the mike-questions, but that was always 
informal and there was no "lesson plan" for the "students."

 In short we were put out into the public wilds completely unable to defend TM 
with concepts and logic...except such as we were able to individually pony up 
when the moment came that someone asked a deeper question.

 We were JOKES, and we didn't know it, but because most of our audiences were 
as un-scholarly as we were, so we could bullshit to the max. Any PhD in 
philosophy candidate could have us tied up in knots and sweating buckets.

 Oh, we were told we were Totakacharya types...the nice folks who were stupid 
but who would do great works none-the-less. We swallowed that shit like it was 

 So don't go pushing Chapter 7 on me — it's just window dressing in a billion 
dollar scam.

 I read the first six chapters and wore out three copies of the book 
underlining and adding comments and questions in the margins. After I got into 
Advaita, I read MMY's Gita one last time and I WAS APPALLED at the lack of 
consistency of how key concepts were used.

 Go ahead, try to find out what Maharishi would say are the defining 
DIFFERENCES "being, consciousness, isness, amness, transcendent, awareness, 
witness, soul, etc." I'll wait. No one...I repeat, NO ONE came off a TM 
teachers' training course being able to define these words without paradox or 
treating most of them as if they were synonyms of each other. We were hustlers 
with shiny shoes, a $200 suit and a $200 car.

 We were fucking chumps.

 Eight months of teacher training.

 29 years in the chair — four hours a day — five of the years in the dome.

 2000 initiations

 3% of Napa taught

 Many ATRs, many advance techniques

 Lived in one room of the center for 8 years and scraped by in order to keep 
the center open.

 Moved to FF because The Tubby Fut said we'd have a nuke war...lived in FF from 
1981 to 1999.

 Kids in MSAE all their lives.


 Where's the beef? We were promised MAGNIFICENT PERSONALITY EVOLUTION.

 I got bupkis.

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts." Not a single one predicted 
my future or knew stuff about me from my past. I went to Gandhi, "Maharishi's 
astrologer," when it was still allowed. Guy read my palm too! GAWD.

 Then there I consulted with about ten of the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon. Not saying jyotish doesn't work — just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does. 

 I did my jyotish diary for five years — actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life — on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, my 
dreams, my food, my sleep...about a dozen attributes...and then I tried to find 
correlations with the charts...never could get zilch for a correlation. Ya'd 
have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to make my life fit the 
stars better. You know, I should have wrote more poetry when Mercury was stro

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 and thank you for that Barry.  I say that because it has always been painful 
to criticize you, because I like you, so any criticism has been made much 
easier knowing that there will be no reply. 

 and of course your participation here has been curtailed since the only 
feedback you entertain is that which is aligned with your beliefs.  

 whatever works!

 bawee can't believe it - just when Judy leaves and he thinks he can finally 
find some peace Dan has come to haunt him and now you are turning him off 
because you're "really nasty"? Now that is the hoot of the day.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I don't read any of 7th ray's posts any more, so I don't know what he might 
have said, but I sure recognize the vibe you're discussing. Something happened 
at some point and he became really nasty. I've written him off. 



 From: "wayback71@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 3:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof
   You know 7th ray, you just wrote something really awful. Did you think you 
were being clever?  I know someone whose son, who was struggling with 
depression, was told, online, to go kill himself by his "friend.".  This 
"friend" thought he was being bold and "out there" - he dared him to do it. And 
the young man did kill himself.  His father found the entire year's worth of 
email exchanges.  He took them over to this "friend's" house and showed them to 
the "friend' and his father.

 Think about what you wrote.  Learn from it.  Nothing justifies what you wrote.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it
 You miss the point Sal. You just don't get what Feste is saying.  I could tell 
you that it is a matter of personal responsibility, that you are born alone, 
that you die alone, and that you are ultimately the master of your own fate

 On 9/13/2014 7:05 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 And that, in a nutshell, is why people get involved with religious groups like 
TM that promise the world and yet deliver nothing. Maybe you missed the intro 
talk, maybe you never heard Marshy talking about enlightenment, maybe you never 
read the research about improved relationships and effortless problem solving. 
Life is Bliss, you heard that one at least?
 Maybe you wised up quicker than Edg did, good for you but you don't sound like 
a sceptic, you sound like someone who brought a car and found out it was 
rubbish but tells everyone it's great apart from the fact it was rubbish to 
start with.
 Which one is it?

 It sounds like you think he bought a car and drove it for 29 years and THEN he 
realized it was rubbish from the start. Only a masochist would admit he knew it 
all along but kept on driving it regardless of the damage he could have done to 
All the while singing:

Call Me Irresponsible (Frank Sinatra - with Lyrics) 
 Call Me Irresponsible (Frank Sinatra - with Lyrics) 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FiEV3tbXvk Arranged by Nelson Riddle
 View on www.youtube.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FiEV3tbXvk 
 Preview by Yahoo 

  but I don't think it would sink in.  If you are looking for a hand out in 
this world, then yes, you are going to be disappointed, and somewhat bitter, as 
you appear to be.
 It's easier to think that about me than realise the contradictions inherent in 
what you are saying.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  
 Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   
 I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleepabout a dozen attributes.and then I tried 
to find correlations with the chartsnever could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  
 I wore the Vedic gemsall that.
 I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good 
and knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually 
M.O.  But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !
 Went to about six psychic types.  
 So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
thereall for naught.  
 Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove 
his hand inside me.
 I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow. I had entities removed from my aura...what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 eachthen 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.
 So I tried FFL.
 And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.
 For free!
 How good is that!

 On 9/13/2014 7:05 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 And that, in a nutshell, is why people get involved with religious groups like 
TM that promise the world and yet deliver nothing. Maybe you missed t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof

2014-09-13 Thread danfriedman2002


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You are still not fit to wipe his boots - and you are a fine example of what 
TM creates - an ass.

 Tell me we're not talkin' about wipin' a-holes again. Again?

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 9:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof
   Hey, MIchael, 

 Just a FYI that I'm sure will go right over your head.

 I'm not the one who has compared his writing, or his postings to Edg.  

 That distinction belongs to you.

 If you think you have 100th, er,make that 1000th, of the street cred as Edg, 
it is just another delusion point for you.

 Talk about a drop in the ocean!   (-:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Like the most heavily addicted TM'ers you cannot look at your own behavior. 
You are not worthy of cleaning Edg's boots.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 9:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof
   I guess it shocks me a little to see a 70 year old man throwing a tantrum 
like a five year old child.

 And was it a suggestion, or just a question?

 Look at your own spin.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You suggestion shows you are a real fine example of what kind of person TM 
turns out. That is pretty low.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 8:51 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My anger is my proof
   Edg, why don't you kill yourself?  Really, why not?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yeah, I'm pissy, and I threaten physical violence.

Eight months of teacher training.
 29 years in the chair -- four hours a day -- five of the years in the dome.
 2000 initiations
 3% of Napa taught
 Many ATRs, many advance techniques
 Lived in one room of the center for 8 years and scraped by in order to keep 
the center open.
 Moved to FF because The Tubby Fut said we'd have a nuke war.lived in FF 
from 1981 to 1999.
 Kids in MSAE all their lives.


Where's the beef?  We were promised MAGNIFICENT PERSONALITY EVOLUTION.

I got bupkis.  





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Contemporary TM and teaching in the UK

2014-09-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Not the kind of thing Bucky wants to hear, that the renegades are going great 

 This piece of Movement history [pt Mike, it's "Revisionist 
History as Retold by Sal to his devoted listeners"] to me shows just what a 
venal, spiteful piece of trash Marshy really was. 

 His own greed caused the teachers to defect [Mike, try to stay with real-world 
facts. Makes life more sensible and not irrational] and he tried, stupidly to 
punish them by declaring that no one could teach TM in the UK - how could the 
idiot possibly think the ones who defected would pay any attention to his bs?

 The ones who got hurt were his loyal initiators. [Is this your testimony as a 
'loyal initiator'? Or maybe something else?...I think...]When they saw what he 
was doing, the loyal ones should have followed their mates and everyone should 
have left[Is that what you did, as a loyal initiator or as a baker?]. How 
anyone can look at this level of grade school having a fit cause people won't 
gimme what I want on Marshy's part and still think he's some kind of saint is a 
testament to just how willing some people are to live in total denial of facts 
and live the bliss of illusion. [Yes Michael, you ARE THE BEST JUDGE OF WHETHER 











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