[FairfieldLife] Hilarious-voicemail-from-a-witness-to-traffic-accident-audio

2013-09-13 Thread Arhata Osho

Careful, dude. Never mess with an old lady.


Seriously, if you're ever in an auto accident, *this* is the guy you
want narrating it.  


[FairfieldLife] Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:RE:RE:

2013-09-10 Thread Arhata Osho
Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:RE:RE:

 From: authfri...@yahoo.com authfri...@yahoo.com


Oh, right, if I don't accept Krishnamurti as an authority on TM issues, I'm 
just putting my fingers in my ears.

Think you can make yourself look just a little more ridiculous, iranitea? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Judy sez (as expected): And no, I'm not going to listen to Krishnamurti, of 
all people, for insight into TM, especially as recommended by someone who can't 
figure out what the hell I'm talking about.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

iranitea, you are too funny. All that effort writing your helpful putdowns, 
and you never had any idea what Lawson and I were getting at in the first 
place--in fact, you have it precisely backwards. Every one of your assertions 
about what we think is wrong, including the final one that Lawson believes he 
needs to be concerned about Xeno. That one is particularly hilarious since 
his own words were exactly the opposite. Addicted to the TM process is almost 
as amusing.

And no, I'm not going to listen to Krishnamurti, of all people, for insight 
into TM, especially as recommended by someone who can't figure out what the 
hell I'm talking about.

Now, run along and find something else to be concerned about, please, some 
posts you are capable of understanding. And if the words confuse you, it's 
always better to ask what a person means rather than guessing and then giving 
them a lecture based on your confusion.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Lawsen and Judy, try to listen to this talk of J.Krishnamurti here 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYvV07c0p4Ynoredirect=1 especially from 4:30min 
onwards. If you can actually listen to it, and see the context to the question 
here, than I can cease to feel concerned about you ;-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

I think, you and Lawsen, on the one side, and Xeno, me and a few others around 
here probably, are living on two parallel lines that never meet, with reference 
to this statement of Lawsen. 

For example, I would agree with Xeno 100% and swear that you have no capacity 
to understand even what he is talking about. I stumbled over this very same 
sentence as Seraphita did. And I think I know were you (both) are coming from 
in this respect: It's the same, you may not know it's the *mantra* you are 
thinking, as it is so refined (it may be like a 'rhythm' or changed according 
to checking notes), and you may not know that you are even thinking the mantra 
as it is so refined. But the problem with all this is, as I think you both 
don't quite see, that you make the means (thinking of the mantra) into the end, 
to which this means should lead.

And here comes Xeno's point: Once you reached the end, the means becomes 
obsolete. You don't keep carrying the boat around with you, when you have 
reached the other shore. But the other shore looks different than you expected. 
So you realize at some point, that the means don't work anymore in the old, 
expected way. You could still use them - that was what Xeno was pointing out - 
for slightly different ends, more like, just to relax, or even wake up or to be 
in a harmonious  thought-space, but not anymore to transcend, as you are always 
already transcended - or to be in silence, as the silence of transcendence 
becomes *directly* accessible to you. 

Now, I am sure anybody can understand these thoughts, but - as I suppose - you 
are skeptic about Xeno's realizations, you simply don't accept what he says, 
and being addicted to the TM process, think he is meditating wrongly. And 
therefore Lawsens feeling that he needs to be concerned about Xeno

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Seraphita wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

That's a classic double-bind.

Not really. There's a right answer, as far as Lawson is concerned, which is, 
essentially, that the question (After all this time, what do you mean by 
'mantra' in the context of TM?) should be unanswerable in any specific terms 
by a really long-tem TMer. I had the same reaction to what Xeno wrote.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

If you even attempt to answer the question, then I become reasonably confident 
that I no longer need to pay attention to you in this context.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Tips on Posting to Discussion Groups, was RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:

2013-09-10 Thread Arhata Osho
Out of 20+ yahoogroups, and in addition to my own at Superconsciousness@, this is the only one with 'strange' protocols. Why?

On 09/10/2013 08:55 AM, punditster


  Arhata Osho wrote:
   Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: 
   RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:RE:RE:
  Maybe it's time to review some of the netiquette
  protocols for posting to discussion groups, because
  this is not working - you guys not even making any 
  sense anymore.
  1. Use the Subject line to describe the subject



And don't "hijack" a post to start a new topic.


2. Use the right angle bracket to indicate quoted text
  3. Try to use the Enter key to break lines at about 
  40-50 characters for easy reading and reply.



Completely unnecessary. Word wrap algorithms have been around long
before the Internet. I even wrote some that worked on the VIC-20.
Where you SHOULD use the enter key is to break your thoughts into
paragraphs. Nobody wants to read a wall of words.



Re: RE: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Describing Communal (Meditating) Fairfield

2013-09-09 Thread Arhata Osho



 From: gregorygor...@yahoo.com gregorygor...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, 9 September 2013, 16:07
Subject: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Describing 
Communal (Meditating) Fairfield

I learned tm in stpaul,minnesota a year ago and I  always wonder if ive 
actually transcended thought or not . I feel ive had a few deep experiences on 
rare occasions, kind of like I was freefalling through space for a second or 
now and then I feel like outside world totally disapperared while meditating, 
so silent inside myself. but It seemed like I didn't let my meditation 
naturally unfold. my teacher said I wouldn't have the same experience every 
time. ive been to a few checking sessions but its too far away for me to drive 
really. I wish the tm organization had videos on the mechanics of tm for people 
like me that have already paid to learn the technique but cant be present at 
group sessions etc that I could purchase or download .  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

There comes a point where techniques fail. Now I still do TM but not all the 
time. Most of the spiritual techniques I have had have failed to be relevant. 
If I have certain kinds of fatigue, TM seems OK, it is especially nice 
sometimes when I am transitioning out of sleep (this might seem very odd to 
some); at other times I do an analogue of Zazen, which is basically TM without 
a mantra, and not moving. When I am very clear, this kind of meditation does 
not present any resistance. One reason TM fails is it is designed to transcend 
thought; if thought is already 'transcended', it has nothing to do, so 
resistance is experienced because you are trying to do something that is not 
necessary, even if, as the story about this technique goes, the technique is 
supposed to be 'effortless'. 

As the experience of being becomes more pronounced as unity is uncovered, there 
is less and less for techniques to do, and at this point one has to start to 
figure out what to do on one's own. If meditation techniques failed because you 
gave up, the whole enterprise is a failure, but if they failed because 
everything that was supposed to happen more or less happened (the result might 
be somewhat different that what you expected), then you are awake, and the next 
step is integrating what you realised with the rest of your life and nobody can 
tell you how to do this, you have to figure it out for yourself (you know, 
'self-sufficiency'), and this is not a matter of technique: it is a matter of 
insight, balance, and resolve.

There are times too, before awakening, when you get overloaded with spiritual 
crap, and you need a vacation from it. You don't want to talk about it or hear 
about it. You want to do something else for a while. You can still practice 
techniques, you just do not give a damn for a while about what it is all 
supposed to be about. Which is good because it is not about what it is supposed 
to be about. That is the cover story, which is designed to keep you occupied 
while the techniques undermine from below and eventually show you the cover 
story was a fraud.

TM transcends thought inwardly, but eventually inwardly as a direction does not 
exist, roundabout 'cosmic consciousness'. Awakening (unity), transcends your 
whole conceptual world outwardly, and then outwardly as a direction does not 
exist either. At this point meditation becomes at best a maintenance utility, 
and at this point you really do have to get a life to make progress and give 
depth and stability in living seamlessly with what was realised. You have to 
get creative, because the people around you, unless you happen to run into a 
deeply enlightened individual with tonnes of experience, are not going to 
understand what you are experiencing, and their attempts to 'tell you what you 
should do' will just fumble repeatedly.

So, my apologies for butting into this conversation.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MichaelJackson wrote:

I have done it [TM] occasionally and it feels good once or twice then it kind 
of like J Alex was saying he can't even make himself do it.




[FairfieldLife] War in Syria: Evidence? from Jon Rappoport's blog

2013-09-06 Thread Arhata Osho
•I didn't see the evidence in Viet Nam. I declined to go. 
•I didn't see the evidence in Iraq. It was been proven non existent.
•I didn't see the evidence in Afghanistan through the increasing giant poppy 
fields that it was 'they' who created the horrible 9-11.
•I don't see the evidence in Syria's internal war that justifies our selective 
use of 'billions of dollars' to send a message to Assad.
•There are enough problems now and
 coming up in the world where I DO SEE A PROBLEM that needs our concerted 
effort of every US citizen!
Jon had written a very articulate viewpoint here:


Great article / posting, Jon.

Dave Pihlcrantz

[FairfieldLife] A US attack on Syria will Prolong the War

2013-09-04 Thread Arhata Osho
Less than 1% of people died from 'gassing' out of over 100,000 killed! Is this 
about gassing of innocent citizens?
 Wanta buy a bridge from Brooklyn?
 Follow the Money! Is it 'green oil' too
How's Iraq doing now? Afghanistan? About 'oil'? The American citizens finance 
these wars.
 Could that be YOU or people you know?

 From: Cort Greene cort.gre...@gmail.com


A US attack on Syria will Prolong the War
Posted on 09/04/2013 by Juan Cole
The struggle in Syria began peacefully in spring of 2011, but after about half 
a year it turned violent when the regime deployed tanks and other heavy 
munitions against the protesters. Some of the latter took up weapons and turned 
to violence in revenge. Thereafter the struggle spiraled into a civil war, in 
which the regime showed itself perfectly willing to attack civilian city 
quarters and kill indiscriminately. The struggle has killed over 100,000 
persons. As the regime became ever more brutal, the rebel fighters were 
increasingly radicalized. Now, among the more important groups is Jabhat 
al-Nusra or the Succor Front, a radical al-Qaeda affiliate.
President Obama’s plan to bomb Syria with cruise missiles will do nothing to 
hasten the end of the conflict. Instead, it will likely prolong it.
It should be remembered that the US couldn’t end the Iraqi civil war despite 
having over 100,000 boots on the ground in that country. It is highly unlikely 
that Washington can end this one from 30,000 feet.
The hope for avoiding another decade of killing is that the governmental elite 
and the rebels get tired of fighting and prove willing to make a deal. It is 
probably too late for Syria to succeed at the kind of transition achieved in 
Yemen. There, the president stepped down and his vice president ran for his 
seat. At the same time, members of the opposition were given seats in the 
cabinet. That kind of cohabitation with the former enemy is easier if too much 
blood hasn’t bee shed.
The best solution for Syria would be if President Bashar al-Assad steps down 
and the Baath Party gave up its dictatorial tactics. At the same time, the 
rebels would have to forewswear al-Qaeda-type extremism.
Probably each side would have to feel that they could not gain any substantial 
benefit from further fighting, for negotiations to have prayer of success.
The prospect of a US missile strike is emboldening the rebels. They 
increasingly hope that the US will come in militarily with them.
the rebels don’t look at the proposed US missile strikes as a limited affair or 
as solely related to chemical weapons use. Aside from al-Qaeda, they see the US 
as an ally. Thus, they are complaining that Obama’s indecisiveness is 
emboldening Syrian President al-Assad. The US is now part of their strategic 
calculations and they see decisive American action as an asset.
Obviously, such euphoria at the prospect of US military intervention on the 
rebel side is incompatible with the kind of “pacted” transition political 
scientists favor. The rebels will have every incentive to hold out for ever 
more forceful outside Syria intervention in the coming years.
By striking Syria, Obama has all but guaranteed that a negotiated solution 
becomes impossible for years to come. In the absence of serious negotiations, 
the civil war will continue and likely get worse. The US should give serious 
thought to what the likely actual (as opposed to ideal) reaction in Syria will 
be to the landing of a few cruise missiles. The anti-regime elements will 
celebrate, convinced that it will all be over quickly if the US gets involved. 
The last thing they will want will be to negotiate with the regime.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rep. Grayson: the military industrial complex wants the Syrian strike

2013-08-31 Thread Arhata Osho

 Obama has little more final say than you do over an earthquake.  Military 
Industrial Complex, yes.. The American public #1! Take 'oil' out of the 
equation and replace it with 'creative' positive solutions and there is no war 
or whatever you call it. A concerted effort by Americans in every community to 
ration their gas intake and use alternate forms of transportation would send us 
in another direction. I'm an activist in my community to do this - results? 
Just started at beginning of Summer. Big job - people are habitual and 
apathetic, but that's what Hitler loved.
Essentially, the country is comatose except for a small minority which needs to 
quickly, steadily increase in size.

BTW, the UN will do nothing. Russia and China will veto anything anybody wants 
to do against Assad. I just think Obama has made the US look very weak with his 
blurred lines and other foreign policies leading up to this. He'll probably end 
up lobbing a few cruise missiles and saying *taught them a lesson* and make us 
look even weaker. Assad won't be harmed and Al Qaeda knows he is weak and 
nothing to fear as does Iran. The next three years are going to be disastrous. 
He's nothing but a community organizer(agitator) that has gone global.

From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rep. Grayson: the military industrial complex 
wants the Syrian strike
On 08/30/2013 04:11 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:

It's looking as if the country is split just about 50/50 as to whether we 
should get involved. 
Where you reading that?  On Crackle? If you are reading in on MSM then it is 
because they are afraid of the administration and of losing ad dollars from the 
MIC.  How corrupt!  This and previous administrations have burned their bridges 
behind them.  The American public, right, left and center is no longer buying 
their lies.  We don't like chemical warfare but a lot of the public is 
wondering if it is BS or staged.  We are not the world's policemen and it is 
not our job to be clean up there.  Let the UN do it and the US can have some 
limited involvement that way. Except that won't make the MIC happy. 
However, it's very clear an overwhelming majority, 75-80%, want congress to be 
involved with any decision. Seems Obama administration is talking about 
*punishing* Assad. Didn't M say something about  the uselessness of *punishing*?

From: Bhairitu mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rep. Grayson: the military industrial complex 
wants the Syrian strike
The only Americans who want the strike are the military contractors.  Does 
that tell you something?  On 08/30/2013 01:59 PM, Mike Dixon wrote: 
Kind of damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Nobody wants to help him. 
Wasn't that what he was all about when elected, getting international 
cooperation on these kinds of *projects*? Bush had coalition of the willing, 
about 50 nations, Obama 0. Must be *racism* on a world stage.

From: Richard J. Williams mailto:pundits...@gmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Rep. Grayson: the military industrial 
complex wants the Syrian strike
On 8/30/2013 1:13 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:

It doesn't look like the rest of the world community wants another war 
either.  This is a question that has to be settled at the UN.  If Assad is 
guilty of violating the international law, he should be tried at the Hague 
for crimes against humanity.  In the meantime, the UN will more likely 
impose some kind of sanction against Syria.
It's obvious what we need to do - we've got to send in the troops and put a 
stop to this massacre. We need to band together the allied free nations and go 
in and stop these people from killing each other - we need to take over the 
whole Middle East and put a legitimate government in place - one based on human 
rights. These WMD are an outrage to all humanity! For God's sake, people!!! 
Don't just sit by and watch this killing on TV! Somebody go in there and help 
these poor women and children and old people! Bill Clinton didn't need no 
stinkin' UN to go and help the people in Bosnia and Srebrinika! And, while 
we're at it, we should go into North Korea, Russia and China and free those 
people too! 

Obama might still decide to aid the rebels with weapons and 
ammunition--perhaps even impose a no fly zone for Assad's air force.  But 
putting American troops on the ground would be a fatal mistake for Obama.  
He will ruin the already weak but recovering US economy.
--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, mailto:noozguru@... wrote: 
The dummies at the White House are still trying to sell a damn attack this 
morning despite the fact that Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to it. On 
08/30/2013 08:16 AM, s3raphita@... 

Re: [FairfieldLife]• RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:RE:RE:???? Searching in Neo

2013-08-31 Thread Arhata Osho

 I'm currently on 25 or so YahooGoups. Seems no one else here has yahoo group 
experience beyond here. Many 'weird' habits here - that I've seen no where 
else. Why?
Very strange. This RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: IS just one of them. Hey, people - 
kinda weird. Those more intelligent here speak up. The 'idiots' here of course 
will. Guru following is 'whoa-whoa - bullshit' - time to make YOU as the focus. 
Seems like a Christian site! If I don't like it, move on? I expect that comment 
from an 'idiot'


--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote:

  But you see a box a little above that line to the right, saying 'Advanced 
Search' - you need to click on that.
 Now you will see different entry fields for Author, Subject, Message, and 

Yes, as I just described in my earlier post.

Below that is a little box, which is ticked by default, saying 'Special notice 
only', you untick it.

It isn't ticked by default, actually. It's never been ticked for me. That's why 
I wasn't sure what you were talking about.

But when you clicked on the link, and from there on the 'advanced search', it 
was ticked?

--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Let's say you followed my link. It will, as you say display:

0 results from messages in FairfieldLife

But you see a box a little above that line to the right, saying 'Advanced 
Search' - you need to click on that.
Now you will see different entry fields for Author, Subject, Message, and Date. 
Below that is a little box, which is ticked by default, saying 'Special notice 
only', you untick it. Then submit the search. If you want to modify that 
search, just click on 'advanced search' again, from the search results page, 
and usually, at least in my firefox browser, you will still see what you have 
filled in before (I thought you would see it, when I posted the link, but these 
options aren't saved in the url)

--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@... wrote:

And where does one deselect 'Special notice only,' iranitea?

BTW, the page you linked to says:

0 results from messages in FairfieldLife

If you want to search for something in all your groups, first click Groups on 
the menu that runs across the top of the page.

--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

But you need to deselect 'Special notice only'.

I also think that the (advanced) search is for groups you are a member of, not 
for other groups.


--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Hi Xeno, I just tried to do a research on one of your old posts, and it worked.


--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@... wrote:

 It seems you need to search groups for a particular author etc., and then 
select advanced search. It is sort of confusing to combine search for all Yahoo 
groups and the web with the ability to do a specific search because when you 
are in a particular group that is generally your focus.

--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, anartaxius@... wrote:

I have not found any search tool that allows search like we did in the old 
interface. There is a search tool that allows searching for a particular post 
by number which is basically useless. This would mean we cannot use the past 
history of the forum to check up on who said what. I suppose that would keep 
conversations centred on the present mostly.

Has anyone found a way to search for particular text in the posts, I cannot 
find any advanced search functions?   

[FairfieldLife] List of Jewish Actors (You might be surprised)

2013-08-05 Thread Arhata Osho
Ones that will surprise you!!

Actorsfrequently mentioned on the web
List of Jewish actors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_actors‎Each entry should be accompanied by 
a reliable source identifying the individual as a Jewish actor. For more 
information on why reliable sources may consider ...
‎Zoe Weizenbaum - ‎Flora Cross - ‎Donna Feldman


Re: [FairfieldLife] Woo Woo Master Art Bell Returns

2013-07-30 Thread Arhata Osho

 google or youtube will due

 From: Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, 30 July 2013, 9:40
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Woo Woo Master Art Bell Returns

That is if you have Sirius XM radio:

Get out the tin foil!


[FairfieldLife] Australiaum: Hey, Australia! Keep those Muslim boat people comin’ in

2013-07-13 Thread Arhata Osho
Same as some of the yahoo groups I'm on, particularly the so called 'spiritual 
groups' who don't want to see this 'Muslimstuff'. 

Baby, it's all part of the big 'spiritual picture'. Get grounded! The spiritual 
doesn't fly right without seeing things as they are, and being active to change 
those spiritual/religions who cloister themselves claiming sanctity of their 
hogwash ways. BULLSHIT! Religion's purpose to the 'controllers' is to know who 
the 'irrelevant' are by grouping them  like sheep. You know - 'SHEEPLE'!

Hey, Australia! Keep those Muslim boat people comin’ inby BareNakedIslam
Keep giving them welfare and free housing. Don't worry if they refuse to 
work. They are making your country a multicultural third world slum. 
Happy, yet? h/t Debbie R
Read more of this post


[FairfieldLife] Fw: Christianity and Islam? Are they More the Same than not?

2013-07-11 Thread Arhata Osho

Are there any characters in either book who have credible, objective proof in 
modern times of having existed?
It's best you have an alternative spiritual path!Each has wisdom, but none that 
isn't covered by spiritual writers of today, and from their experience, AND 
without the atrocious negativity in both books.God's not picking either as the 
choice of the times.God doesn't answer to God or Allah in any case! Might as 
well call 'It', Ralph or Jennifer!

List of people in both the Bible and the Quran - Wikipedia, the free ...
2012). The Bible and Qur'an have many characters in common. Bible ( English), 
Qur'anic pronunciation (Arabic), Notes (Origin of Name). Aaron · Hārūn.


[FairfieldLife] 10 spiritually transmitted diseases. - BetterLife

2013-07-08 Thread Arhata Osho
cetera, is a spiritual beginner. No authentic 'spiritual person' wants 
followers, nor is one who follows!
10 spiritually transmitted diseases. - 
BetterLifezivorad.com/en/10-spiritually-transmitted-diseases‎by Dmitry 
 following 10 categorizations are not intended to be definitive but are offered 
as a tool for becoming aware of some of the most common spiritually transmitted 

[FairfieldLife] NSA Spying: NSA Revealed as God??

2013-06-24 Thread Arhata Osho
No more need to think JUST the old God is listening! THE US plays God!
Scan read these
 implications. Walk outside, and scream 'I'M WAKING UP'! Should Snowden get the 
Nobel Prize taken away from Obama?

In 1976, during Senate hearings into earlier government lawbreaking, 
Senator Frank Church warned: The National Security Agency's capability 
at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no 
American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor 
everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter. There
 would be no place to hide. If a dictator ever took over, the NSA could 
enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight 



June 24 2013

NSA Spying: So They Are 
Listening In, After All




Re: [FairfieldLife] Ed Snowden for President

2013-06-11 Thread Arhata Osho
Indeed. A great President should be willing to sacrifice his life for his 
country like the troops who do. Who was the last President to do so? Snowdon 

--- On Wed, 12/6/13, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:



  He's got more balls than Obama.



Re: [FairfieldLife] A rap about eternity by Jack Kerouac

2013-06-05 Thread Arhata Osho
In spite of his legacy in writing, he was one '#@*%#!' guy, but certainly 

--- On Wed, 5/6/13, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:



  Some -- including those who claim to revere On The Road and The Dharma 
Bums and The Subterraneans and those other Beat classics...but who have 
never actually read them -- tend to believe that Kerouac's career as a writer 
began and ended with Beat. Au contraire, Pierre. I have a couple of his 
unpublished works in joual (Quebecois French), given to me by a friend in 
Canada when I lived there, and they're lovely. He also wrote some poetry that 
was...at the very least...interesting, including the volume the quote below is 
from, and a number of scholarly articles on Buddhist thought that no one has 
read because...well...they're about Buddhist thought. 

These days, I find that the Beat novels and stories don't age well, and are 
too pretentious and self-involved to really get into. But some of the other 
stuff, taking his ability just RAP LIKE A MOFO and taking it in a different, 
less self-involved direction, I still find interesting. YMMV. 



[FairfieldLife] Want a personal relationship with Jesus?

2013-05-31 Thread Arhata Osho
It's pretty common knowledge among a few million that there is no credible, 
objective account of a Jesus, but from Google:

Mary Suzanne Luck is the current partner of Alan John Miller. 
When Mary Luck met AJ Miller back in 2007, she said that it was both the
 scariest and the most exciting time in her life. Eventually, AJ Miller 
revealed to her that she was not Mary Luck but infact Mary Magdalene.

Mary Luck now joins AJ Miller in promoting Divine Truth and provides her
 own talks and presentations. Like Miller, she has written several 
letters and documents and signs them as Mary Magdalene. In them she 
refers to Miller as Yeshua (Jesus).

Worth noting is that Mary Luck is not the first person who AJ Miller has named 
Mary Magdalene.
 Karen, the woman he left his wife and children for was also promoted as
 being Mary Magdalene. Sources claim that during his travels, Miller has
 discovered up to 10 women who are not themselves but are in fact, Mary 

--- On Fri, 31/5/13, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:




--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Seraphita s3raphita@... wrote:

 Well, here's your chance. A man claiming to be Jesus is gaining

 followers and causing concern among cult experts in Australia.

 Former IT specialist Alan John Miller, or AJ as he prefers to be known,

 runs a religious movement known as the Divine Truth.


 Mr Miller claims that not only is he Christ, but his partner, Australian

 Mary Luck, is in fact Mary Magdalene, who according to the Bible was

 present at the crucifixion. He said, I have very clear memories of the

 crucifixion, but it wasn't as harrowing for me as it was for others like

 Mary who was present. When you are one with God you are not in a state

 of fear, and you have quite good control over your body's sensations and

 the level of pain that you absorb from your body.





 (Maharishi always denied that Jesus suffered at all.)

Another Jim Jones!, this time in Australia, taking advantage of emotionally 
fragile people looking for hope and something to believe in.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Want a personal relationship with Jesus?

2013-05-31 Thread Arhata Osho
loving the 'son of God' is a fantasy. Jesus saves no one. The 'Sun of God' is 
another matter! 

--- On Fri, 31/5/13, John jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:



  There's also a Pastor Quiboloy in the Philippines who claims to be the 
Appointed Son of God.  He now has an international following of his message.  
So, take you pick.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Seraphita s3raphita@... wrote:

 Well, here's your chance. A man claiming to be Jesus is gaining

 followers and causing concern among cult experts in Australia.

 Former IT specialist Alan John Miller, or AJ as he prefers to be known,

 runs a religious movement known as the Divine Truth.


 Mr Miller claims that not only is he Christ, but his partner, Australian

 Mary Luck, is in fact Mary Magdalene, who according to the Bible was

 present at the crucifixion. He said, I have very clear memories of the

 crucifixion, but it wasn't as harrowing for me as it was for others like

 Mary who was present. When you are one with God you are not in a state

 of fear, and you have quite good control over your body's sensations and

 the level of pain that you absorb from your body.





 (Maharishi always denied that Jesus suffered at all.)



[FairfieldLife] I - You - Me - We? [1 Attachment]

2009-04-18 Thread Arhata Osho
I - You - Me - We?

April 18, 2009
The most important word in the English language is ‘iumewe’!? With out I and 
me, can ‘you’ really be known and is there any possibility for ‘us’ or ‘we’?  
Is not ‘help’ a word to consider but then, ‘I’ is needed and, certainly ‘you’! 
Words, words, who cares but, then again ‘we’ must, for what they mean to ‘you’ 
and ‘me’.  If ‘you’ or ‘I’ need ‘help’, ‘I’ may need ‘you’ or, you ‘me’!

Can ‘I’ trust ‘you’ to come to my aid to ‘help’?  Is not ‘trust’ a word that 
needs to be considered as one that ‘you’ and ‘I’ need to create for that bond 
that makes life a little sweeter.  It may be friends or family but can ‘we’, 
‘you’, or ‘I’ do without ‘friends’ or ‘family’ when ‘we’ need that ‘help’?  Can 
‘I’ do anything in life without others giving and, ‘I’ receiving?  

Does the world go round without any of ‘us’ connecting, preferably with 
something that keeps ‘us’ in harmony and away from harm’s way?  The world may 
not need ‘us’ as much as ‘we’ need it to give what ‘we’ need to sustain life.  
However, sustaining life isn’t enough to make ‘our’ world go round with harmony 
and oh yes, ‘love’.  Where ‘love’ is ‘love’ grows and provides the light and 
nurturing that ‘we’ all need!  Can ‘you’ find ‘love’ and ‘I’ too, so we can 
experience ‘we’ found love!

Does ‘meaning’ for living lose it’s luster if ‘love’ doesn’t fill ‘our’ hearts 
and every moment of living?  Can ‘I’ do without ‘you’ and ‘you’ without me for 
very long?  We are all interdependent on the sun, moon, and stars as well as 
all that’s here to keep our lives filled with the possibility of ‘hope’ and the 
‘love’ that can reach to ‘you’ and ‘I’ that make up the ‘we’.  Take away the 
‘breath of love’ and all of ‘us’ wither away as if ‘we’ never visited here to 
find and experience ‘love’.  I need you and you need me and, we, with love, 
have the freedom to create anything we want to make life better for ‘you’!
(stream of consciousness)

                Yesss Self Love Center



[FairfieldLife] Ginger and Its Medicinal Uses

2009-04-17 Thread Arhata Osho


What is Ginger 
Ginger is a strengthening food that has long been used to maintain health. 
Ginger has a long history of both culinary and medicinal use in Chinese, 
Japanese and Indian medicines. In ancient China , ginger was regarded as a 
healing gift from God and was commonly used to cleanse and warm the body. 

Qualities of Ginger
The major active ingredients in ginger are terpenes and oleoresin called ginger 
oil. These two, and other active ingredients in ginger, provide antiseptic, 
lymph-cleansing, circulation, and constipation relief qualities. 

Ginger is good for the respiratory system 

It is good to fight against colds and flu 

Ginger offers substantial protection from stroke and heart attack because of 
its ability to prevent blood clotting 

Ginger, a multifaceted herb, is crucial in the battle against cardiovascular 

Relieves headaches and pains 

Helps to clear sore throats 

Good for upset stomach and indigestion 

It is very effective as a cleansing agent through the bowels and kidneys and 
also through the skin 
Some of the problems cured by Ginger:

Kills influenza virus by improving immune system's ability to fight 
infections.. Ginger also relieves headaches.
Increases Circulation: 
Increases the muscular contractions of the heart atria, there by increase in 
overall circulation. Ginger has been proven to prevent internal blood clots and 
lowers blood pressure. Ginger Root stimulates the central nervous system 
controlling the heart and respiratory centers. Ginger helps reduce serum 
cholesterol, which can slow down circulation. 

Ginger Relieves Motion/Morning Sickness
Ginger is one of the most effective herbal remedies to get rid of Motion/ 
Morning Sickness.
Digestive Aid - Indigestion, Stomach Ache:
Ginger Root increases production of saliva in the mouth and dramatically 
increases digestive enzyme amylase in the saliva to additionally aid digestion. 
Ginger Root also contains a very effective digestive enzyme zingibain. 
Women's Health
Ginger Root is good for the uterus as well as the intestinal tract and may ease 
menstrual cramps.

Very cleansing - reduces pus in infected wounds as well as boils. Clears spots 
caused by chicken pox and shingles. Useful for burns, sores, sunburn, ringworm, 
warts, herpes, athletes foot and even for dandruff. 
Stress Protection:
Ginger Root appears to limit the effects of adrenergic stimulation and there by 
relieves the stress. 

As Ginger root is a proven anti-inflammatory agent, some arthritic victims may 
find it helpful. 
Ginger is sometimes recommended as an alternative to aspirin for people who can 
not take aspirin because of its irritating effect on the gastrointestinal 

Ginger cures following ailments: 

  Asthma - Adults

  Athlete's Foot


  Boils/ Blisters

  Cold Sores





  Glandular Fever

  Gum Infections

  Head Lice


  Insect Bites / Stings

  Mosquito Bites

  Mouth Ulcers


  Ringworm (tinea)

  Skin Conditions - Antiseptic

  Sore Throat


With all the benefits to the average person, ginger should be included in the 
diet every day. Especially for a person who are suffering from heart problems, 
cold/flu, stress problem, motion sickness a daily dose of ginger combined with 
other herbs to enhance their effectiveness is part of a sensible, healthy diet.





RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Pedophile sex in the Buddhist monasteries

2009-04-17 Thread Arhata Osho
What were the Maharish's private views on Pedophile sex? Did he have sex?
What's his sex story?


From: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
[mailto:FairfieldLi f...@yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues

Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 12:11 PM

To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Paedophile sex in the Buddhist


-- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com,
nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:


 For our dedicated Buddhists; Vaj and Barry the Turqey:


 Inside temples, stories abound of paedophile sex. Not only novices

  temple boys are vulnerable to this abuse. If the abbots are not the

  abusers themselves, they often involved other senior monks.


 Read more: http://tinyurl. com/bycgyb

I guess this is payback for the speculation that Maharishi loved loved Guru
Dev. (for you texters it would be the heart symbol) Turq didn't really take it
in that direction at all, and even stated that he didn't believe it. I was the
main speculator and Vaj's piece was just musing a bit, not a serious

I'm sorry that no one took up my mention of Nandkashore who used to sleep in
front of Maharishi's door like a dog. If you hung out with him a bit and heard
him talk about Maharishi you would have to be kind of thick not to ask..... 
really seems like somebody who (if he owned a CD player) would have EVERYTHING
Babs recorded. (Like butta that woman's voice, pure butta.) Unrequited? Part of
the tradition somehow? Cuz he was a gushing school girl I'm telling ya. 

In the first year or two
of FFL there was a post by a former Skin Boy suggesting that Nand Kishore and 
MMY did have a
sexual relationship: http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/FairfieldL ife/message/ 






Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama blackmailed by the MIC?

2009-04-17 Thread Arhata Osho
You mention 'Presidential Blackmail' - it's somewhat known what 'blackmail 
there was
on the Bushes, and the obvious one on Clinton - what's the inside scoop on 
Or is he clean from blackmail? I don't have the answer.yet?  Anyone suspect?

  Much buzz this morning on progressive talk about the dismay of Obama 

saying prosecutions against those who employed torture being off the 

table after the administration released memos showing how torture was 

used during the Bush administration.  Many posited that the military 

industrial complex has Obama blackmailed (as they seem to do to every 

president).  We should scream bloody murder and also wake up your 

apathetic neighbor and coworker.  Time to be provocateurs.   Call your 

Congressman.  Post comments on the White House blog.  Hold Obama's feet 

to the fire.





[FairfieldLife] Onward Christian Soldiers

2009-04-16 Thread Arhata Osho

  http://www.military religiousfreedom .org/press- releases/ harpers_blast. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Holy Bullshit

2009-04-15 Thread Arhata Osho
The same Mortimer Snerd!

  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, arhatafreespeech@ ... wrote:


 Holy Bullshit

 Religions have always insisted that nothing should change; these religions 


 are all in the service of death. I am giving you a totally new vision: a 


 religion of life not of death, a religion of intelligence not of 


 stupidity, a religion of dynamism not of stagnancy, a religion which will 


 keep you flowing with the flow of the total and will not in any way hold 


 you back from the movement of the total. It will keep you in tune with the 


 whole. I don't give a character to you, I only give consciousness. My 


 whole emphasis is on consciousness.



 Sitting is Zen, walking is Zen, talking is Zen, being silent is Zen. All 


 the only fundamental law, and then you will be out of all trips; 


 otherwise, it is difficult. You can go on changing from one trip to 


 another. A Christian can become a Hindu; this is just changing the train 


 -- the trip remains. A Hindu can become a Christian, and nothing changes, 


 only words; he will not go to the temple, he will go to the church.



 And the same can be done with me too, but remember that will be your 


 responsibility. I can also become a trip to you. I don't want to become a 


 trip to you, I want to become a liberation to you. From my side I want you 


 to be liberated, but still, your cooperation will be needed. The very idea 


 of liberation, and you can catch hold of it and make a trip out of it. And 


 your mind is very very efficient in making trips out of everything. Beware. 

     Rabbi Mortimer Snerd



  Was this the same Mortimer Snerd that used to work with Charlie McCarthy- 
great philosophers. 





[FairfieldLife] The Invisible $$$ War with Visible Results!

2009-04-13 Thread Arhata Osho
sorrry! The world Bank Now owns your country!



[FairfieldLife] Aid workers begin quitting Somalia | Middle East | Jerusalem Post*

2009-04-13 Thread Arhata Osho
Savages run amok! (only men)



Aid workers begin quitting Somalia | Middle East | 
Jerusalem Post*


[FairfieldLife] Immaculate Conception Coming? The End of Men?

2009-04-13 Thread Arhata Osho

Death of the father: British scientists discover how to turn women's bone 
marrow into sperm


Bye bye baby: The new science means the biological role of the father is under 

British scientists are ready to turn female bone marrow into sperm, cutting men 
out of the process of creating life.

The breakthrough paves the way for lesbian couples to have children that are 
biologically their own.

Gay men could follow suit by using the technique to make eggs from male bone 

Researchers at Newcastle upon Tyne University say their technique will help 
lead to new treatments for infertility.

But critics warn that it sidelines men and raises the prospect of babies being 
born through entirely artificial means.

The research centres around stem cells - the body's 'mother' cells which can 
turn into any other type of cell.

According to New Scientist magazine, the scientists want to take stem cells 
from a woman donor's bone marrow and transform them into sperm through the use 
of special chemicals and vitamins.

Newcastle professor Karim Nayernia has applied for permission to carry out the 
work and is ready to start the experiments within two months.

The biologist, who pioneered the technique with mice, believes early- stage 
'female sperm' could be produced inside two years. Mature sperm capable of 
fertilising eggs might take three more years.

Early-stage sperm have already been produced from male bone marrow.

Taking stem cells from an adult donor - possibly a cancer patient - removes the 
ethical problems associated with using embryos.

The race to find a cure for infertility is global..

Greg Aharonian, a U.S. analyst who is trying to patent the technologies behind 
female sperm and male eggs, said he wants to undermine the argument that 
heterosexual marriage is superior because it is aimed at procreation. I'm a 
troublemaker,  he said.

Read more... 

I was the daughter of a sperm donor - shame no-one told me

Scientists discover a way to reverse memory loss

Researchers at the Butantan Institute in Brazil, meanwhile, claim to have 
turned embryonic stem cells from male mice into both sperm and eggs. They are 
now working on skin cells..

If their experiments succeed, the stage would be set for a gay man to donate 
skin cells that could be used to make eggs.

These could then be fertilised by his partner's sperm and placed into the womb 
of a surrogate mother.

Irina Kerkis, a researcher at the Brazilian centre, said this development is 
possible, but raises ethical questions.

Laboratory-grown sperm and eggs offer hope for those left infertile by 
radiotherapy treatment when they were young.

The experiments could also provide an invaluable insight into dealing with 
infertility, a little understood condition that affects one in six couples.

Other scientists warn however that the research is still in its infancy and any 
treatment is still many years away from use in hospitals and clinics.

There are also fears that children born from artificial eggs and sperm will 
suffer severe health problems, like the mice in the Newcastle experiments.

Couples who have children from artificial sperm created from women would be 
able to have girls only. This is because the female sperm would lack the 
Y-chromosome needed for boys.

Robin Lovell-Badge, of the National Institute for Medical Research in London, 
said the creation of female sperm is at least a decade away.

Josephine Quintavalle, of Comment on Reproductive Ethics, a campaign group, 
said: We are looking at absurd solutions to very obscure situations and not 
addressing the main issue. Nobody is interested in looking at what is causing 
infertility - social reasons such as obesity, smoking and age.

All these things would provide solutions which wouldn't grab the headlines, 
but a lot more people would get the response they want - which is to be able to 
have their own children.

Mike Judge, of the Christian Institute faith group, said the Newcastle project 
flies in the face of research showing that children do best when raised by a 
married mixed- sex couple.

Children need male and female role models in their lives, he added. Yes, 
there are children raised by single parents through all sorts of circumstances, 
but when you are talking about deliberately creating children in that way, that 
is morally wrong.

Debra Matthews, a U.S. bioethicist, said: People want children and no one 
wants anyone else to tell them they can't have them.

An update of Britain's ageing fertility laws is going through Parliament and is 
likely to allow the use of artificial sperm and eggs in IVF treatment - but 
only for heterosexual couples.

The Newcastle research also paves the way for a woman to grow her own sperm and 
use it to fertilise her natural eggs, creating a child to which she is both 
mother and father.

Similarly, a man could be both father and mother to a 

[FairfieldLife] Fat Ugly - Simon Cowell Smiles Big!

2009-04-13 Thread Arhata Osho

Apr 13, 2009

Unknown singer stuns Web
A contestant who admits never being kissed stuns a popular British talent show. 
» Some moved to tears



[FairfieldLife] Save Sperm from Dead

2009-04-12 Thread Arhata Osho
By Rob Kall

   Poll: Should Harvesting Sperm Samples From The 
Dead To Produce Replacements  Be Allowed?

Missy Evans, mother of a son who was punched in the head, who then
fell, hit his head and died about a week later, wants to harvest her
son's sperm so she can produce a child many believe will replace her
son. Should dead people's reproductive cells be harvesed so
replacements could be created? 



[FairfieldLife] Conyers Publishes Report Documenting Bush Abuses

2009-04-12 Thread Arhata Osho

Let's see if it's leading to a formal hearing. Respect the Presidency, not 
necessarily the President's actions.

  Judiciary Chairman Conyers Publishes Report Documenting Bush Abuses

http://freedetainee s.org/4946


Source: U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Chairman John 
Conyers, Jr. (D-MI)

Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) announced 
the publication of the final version of the Democratic Committee staff report 
on systematic abuses of presidential power during the Bush administration. The 
report, titled Reining in the Imperial Presidency: Lessons and Recommendations 
Relating to the Presidency of George W. Bush, contains 50 separate 
recommendations designed to correct the imbalanced separation of power that 
characterized the George W. Bush presidency. 

Chief among Conyers' recommendations include continued congressional 
investigations like those the Judiciary Committee has pursued concerning Karl 
Rove's interactions with the Justice Department, a blue ribbon commission 
similar to the panel proposed in Chairman Conyers' H.R. 104, and independent 
criminal probes to be conducted by federal prosecutors.


Download PDF file of document at 

http://freedetainee s.org/4946


 * * * * * * ***




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[FairfieldLife] Is Humanity Finally Outgrowing Religion?

2009-04-11 Thread Arhata Osho
By W. Christopher Epler (Bill)

   Is Humanity Finally Outgrowing Religion?

Is religion, like a bad virus, finally running its course? Give a fool
enough rope and he will hang himself. Well, that's what happened to
anti-American neocons and their poisonous lobbies. Is the same thing
happening to instutional religion -- maybe even belief in God (check
out The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins)? After 8 years of Bush, it
became clear religious stupidity and genocidal war mongering IS
religion. Ugh



[FairfieldLife] Grade Obama (NBC poll)

2009-04-10 Thread Arhata Osho
Give President Obama a grade (click)


[FairfieldLife] We're being lied to about Pirates off Somalia

2009-04-10 Thread Arhata Osho
Who is the Robber?
The 'rest of the story'!

Pirating off Somalia has increase over the past four or five years as fishermen 
from Somalia realize that pirating is more lucrative. 


One cannot let that deliberate manipulation of the truth stand.


Some are clearly just gangsters. But others are trying to stop illegal dumping 
and trawling

Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates

Monday, 5 January 2009

http://www.independ ent.co.uk/ opinion/commenta tors/johann- hari/johann- 
hari-you- are-being- lied-to-about- pirates-1225817. html

Who imagined that in 2009, the world's governments would be declaring a new War 
on Pirates? As you read this, the British Royal Navy – backed by the ships of 
more than two dozen nations, from the US to China – is sailing into Somalian 
waters to take on men we still picture as parrot-on-the- shoulder pantomime 
villains. They will soon be fighting Somalian ships and even chasing the 
pirates onto land, into one of the most broken countries on earth. But behind 
the arrr-me-hearties oddness of this tale, there is an untold scandal. The 
people our governments are labelling as one of the great menaces of our times 
have an extraordinary story to tell – and some justice on their side.

Pirates have never been quite who we think they are. In the golden age of 
piracy – from 1650 to 1730 – the idea of the pirate as the senseless, savage 
Bluebeard that lingers today was created by the British government in a great 
propaganda heave. Many ordinary people believed it was false: pirates were 
often saved from the gallows by supportive crowds. Why? What did they see that 
we can't? In his book Villains Of All Nations, the historian Marcus Rediker 
pores through the evidence.

If you became a merchant or navy sailor then – plucked from the docks of 
London's East End, young and hungry – you ended up in a floating wooden Hell. 
You worked all hours on a cramped, half-starved ship, and if you slacked off, 
the all-powerful captain would whip you with the Cat O' Nine Tails. If you 
slacked often, you could be thrown overboard. And at the end of months or years 
of this, you were often cheated of your wages. 

Pirates were the first people to rebel against this world. They mutinied – and 
created a different way of working on the seas. Once they had a ship, the 
pirates elected their captains, and made all their decisions collectively, 
without torture. They shared their bounty out in what Rediker calls one of the 
most egalitarian plans for the disposition of resources to be found anywhere in 
the eighteenth century. 

They even took in escaped African slaves and lived with them as equals. The 
pirates showed quite clearly – and subversively – that ships did not have to 
be run in the brutal and oppressive ways of the merchant service and the Royal 
Navy. This is why they were romantic heroes, despite being unproductive 

The words of one pirate from that lost age, a young British man called William 
Scott, should echo into this new age of piracy. Just before he was hanged in 
Charleston, South Carolina, he said: What I did was to keep me from perishing. 
I was forced to go a-pirateing to live. In 1991, the government of Somalia 
collapsed. Its nine million people have been teetering on starvation ever since 
– and the ugliest forces in the Western world have seen this as a great 
opportunity to steal the country's food supply and dump our nuclear waste in 
their seas.

Yes: nuclear waste. As soon as the government was gone, mysterious European 
ships started appearing off the coast of Somalia, dumping vast barrels into the 
ocean. The coastal population began to sicken. At first they suffered strange 
rashes, nausea and malformed babies. Then, after the 2005 tsunami, hundreds of 
the dumped and leaking barrels washed up on shore. People began to suffer from 
radiation sickness, and more than 300 died.

Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the UN envoy to Somalia, tells me: Somebody is dumping 
nuclear material here. There is also lead, and heavy metals such as cadmium and 
mercury – you name it. Much of it can be traced back to European hospitals and 
factories, who seem to be passing it on to the Italian mafia to dispose of 
cheaply. When I asked Mr Ould-Abdallah what European governments were doing 
about it, he said with a sigh: Nothing. There has been no clean-up, no 
compensation, and no prevention.

At the same time, other European ships have been looting Somalia's seas of 
their greatest resource: seafood. We have destroyed our own fish stocks by 
overexploitation – and now we have moved on to theirs. More than $300m-worth of 
tuna, shrimp, and lobster are being stolen every year by illegal trawlers. The 
local fishermen are now starving. Mohammed Hussein, a fisherman in the town of 
Marka 100km south of Mogadishu, told Reuters: If nothing is done, there soon 
won't be much fish left in our coastal waters.

This is the context in 

[FairfieldLife] A Warning to Jews

2009-04-09 Thread Arhata Osho

  A Warning to Jews

When you see an article in the newspaper that the New York City Police 
Department is adding extra security to city Synagogues in anticipation of an 
attack, you’d better sit up and take notice. Such a piece appeared last week.
In the coming days or weeks Israel will be making an important decision that 
will affect Jews worldwide. That decision is it’s response to Iran’s nuclear 
program and Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s threat of destroying Israel 
as soon as he has the capability to do so.
Debate rages about how close Iran is to fielding nuclear weapon technology. 
Unfortunately by the time we find out it will be already be too late. 
Iran has a capability today that could make parts of Israel uninhabitable for 
tens of thousands of years. It can do so by delivering dirty bombs filled with 
radioactive particulates perched atop their already proven missile technology. 
They are button-push away from launch.
As has happened many times before, Israel is being painted into a corner from 
which it can only emerge through aggressive measures of self-defense. Indeed 
when our lives are threatened, Torah allows for a proactive strike against 
Israel is caught in a deadly Catch 22. If the country waits to react to Iran’s 
threats it will be too late, missiles will already be in the air. If it acts 
now it risks igniting a fierce regional conflict drawing the world into 
subduing Iran, which has already declared that if attacked it will strike at 
oil shipments in the Persian Gulf.. In many ways Iran is as much a global 
problem as it is Israel's.
Aside from attacking oil shipments, Iran has another weapon in its arsenal, one 
in which it is the authority; terrorism. Hence the warning.
Jews worldwide are in danger of being targeted in retribution for an Israeli 
incursion into Iran. I say this not to instill fear. On the contrary, it is a 
caution designed to make the 15 million Jews in the world aware so that they 
are forewarned and, as such, forearmed.
Whatever groups you belong to - temples, schools, and community organizations - 
should put security plans in place today. Today, not tomorrow. There will be no 
advance notice of a threat.
Personal protection plans likewise should be reviewed so that you and your 
family know what to do in the event of an emergency. Contacts with the local 
police is encouraged to make them aware of concerns so that they can react 
quickly should their help be needed. One can only hope that this warning is 
unnecessary. However, caution is the armor of the wise.
On a final note and this is addressed to the rest of the world. It is high time 
to acknowledge Israel as a world diplomatic ally and true partner as the U.S. 
does. As the sole democracy in the Middle East and the seat of Western 
religious faith, Israel is a true member of the international community; it has 
proven so again and again. 
Now is as good a time as any to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel and 
protect this tiny country from the forces that threaten it and its people. 
NYPD sees potential threat to synagogues from Hezbollah if Israel-Iran tensions 


Associated Press Writer

1:59 PM MDT, April 3, 2009


NEW YORK (AP) — The New York Police Department has prepared plans to
beef up security at the city's synagogues and other Jewish sites amid
escalating tensions between Israel and Iran, officials confirmed Friday.

Concerns that Muslim extremist groups might retaliate against civilians
in the city's Jewish community if Israel were to attack Iran's nuclear
facilities prompted the NYPD to put together a response plan that
includes deploying extra officers, including heavily armed Hercules
Teams, to synagogues, Jewish community centers and Israeli diplomatic

 The nation's largest police department revealed for
the first time this week that it took similar precautions in 2008 after
Imad Mughniyeh, a senior Hezbollah commander, was killed in a car
bombing in Syria. The group blamed Israel for Mughniyeh's death.

Just in case there was some kind of retaliation in New York, we had an
operational plan that was implemented within hours of knowing he was
hit, Mitch Silber, a top NYPD intelligence analyst, said Friday at a
briefing about security measures for the Jewish holiday of Passover.

There have been no specific threats reported against the city for the
weeklong holiday, which starts at sundown Wednesday. But officials say
the NYPD, since sharpening its focus on anti-terrorism after the Sept.
11, 2001, attacks, has kept a constant eye on militant groups like
Hezbollah for signs they might attack the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawk Cam ..

2009-04-09 Thread Arhata Osho
In the developing world of meditation, there is NO method that has any 
99% of Americans can't name much more than 2 forms of meditation, while there
 are infinite techniques of meditation including 'living in a meditative  

  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ ... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:


  Although no group of three meditators is representative 

  of the whole bunch. I know plenty of sweet, non-judgmental 



 Which comes back to my theory of meditaton, that it 

 doesn't really improve people in any way that matters 

 to people around them.  

Now this is worth examining.

First, I think that it's wise to remember that,

unless I am misinterpreting what you are saying,

that both of you are equating meditation in 

this discussion with Transcendental Meditation. 

I do not. My experience is that some other forms 

of meditation and spiritual practice do NOT lead 

to the types of abherrent behavior we see in Nabby, 

Off, Judy. 

In these other traditions if this type of behavior

was present before, and the three of them struggled 

to hang on to that behavior as desperately as these

three do, it would NOT have been allowed. Other 

techniques and/or counseling would have been provided 

to keep the abherrent behavior from going as far 

and becoming as entrenched as it seems to have 

become in them. 

Compare and contrast to the TM community as we knew 

it, where these three DON'T EVEN STAND OUT.

There are so MANY like them that my experience leads 

me to believe that there IS something in particular 

*wrong* with the TM approach if it allows behavior 

like this to not only go on for decades, but to be 

officially praised as being On The Program.

 It is an internal choice of a mental state that is 

 important only to the person who prefers it. 

Curtis, I think that different *forms* of meditation 

have different effects, and that some of those effects

seem to be more positive in the long run than others. 

Also, in many other spiritual traditions, they don't 

have the TM panacea belief that meditation ALONE 

will fix everything, and is all you need. They 

believe, in fact, just the opposite, that meditation 

alone will NOT fix everything, and that MANY other 

techniques of spiritual development are necessary.

So I'm not sure I can agree with your thesis unless

we are talking ONLY about TM, and its one size fits 

all / meditation is all you need mentality. It has 

not been my experience in some other spiritual com-

munities that 30+ years of following *their( disci-

plines results in a human being who seems to have 

learned nothing in all of those years.

Yes, any group is composed of individuals, and there

is variance between those individuals. But in any

group there is also a sameness, a kind of psychic

trademark of that spiritual tradition or practice.

And I'm not alone in the larger world of spiritual

seekers to have noticed that the TM tradition seems

to produce more of these bent and broken people

than other traditions do. 

I don't personally know WHY, but I do know that it

seems to be the case. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] WTC - New evidence for use of explosives

2009-04-07 Thread Arhata Osho
Good Info. Any countering information to this?

Study claims 'highly engineered explosive' found in WTC rubble 

Stephen C. Webster
Published: Saturday April 4, 2009


A team of scientists claim to have unearthed startling data from dust and 
debris gathered in the days and weeks after the World Trade Center towers 
collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001.

In a study published by the Open Chemical Physics Journal -- a peer-reviewed, 
scientific publication -- Steven E. Jones and Niels Harrit level a stark 
allegation: that within the dust and rubble of the World Trade Center towers 
lays evidence of a highly engineered explosive, contrary to all federal 
studies of the collapses.

We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have 
studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center, 
reads the paper's abstract. One sample was collected by a Manhattan resident 
about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, 
and a fourth about a week later. The properties of these chips were analyzed 
using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy 
dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).

The study, however, shows that the dust was collected from four different 
sites, three of which were not in the immediate area surrounding the fallen 
towers. Most of the samples are collections of dust taken from blocks away.

They claim their analysis has uncovered active thermitic material: a 
combination of elemental aluminum and iron oxide in a form of thermite known as 
nanostructured super-thermite. 

Thermite, used in steel welding, fireworks shows, hand grenades and demolition, 
can produce a chemical reaction known for extremely high temperatures focused 
in a very small area for a short period of time.

According to the Navy's Small Business Innovation Research, super-thermite is 
restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), which 
controls the export and import of defense-related material and services.

This finding really goes beyond anything that has previously been shown, said 
Jones in a media advisory. We had to use sophisticated tools to analyze the 
dust because this isn't just a typical explosive, RDX or CD4 or something -- 
this is a highly engineered material not readily available to just anyone. 

Read the whole story:
http://tinyurl. com/cw3q35
http://rawstory. com/news/ 2008/Scientists_ find_active_ superthermite_ 
in_WTC_0404. html





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WTC - New evidence for use of explosives--nuts

2009-04-07 Thread Arhata Osho
One not being able to see and understand that said below, certainly means they
are programmed with nonsense like the masses.

  menkemeyer wrote:

 Here is the truth if you can handel it. we live in an age where the 
 President of the United States can't even get a blow job in the White 
 House with out the whole world finding out. you really think the 400 or 
 so people it would take to pull of the lose change type conspiracy 
 have  never talked or anybody has found out anything about it. you all 
 live in a paralell universe where people make up stories, then teach 
 themselves how to believe them, then want other people to be as crazy as 
 they are.


 Have another crazey day.


There are many ways to cover the tracks of 400 people (it has been 

estimated that it might have been only 200 or less).  One is 

compartmentalizatio n.  An example of that would be someone without the 

clearance would be kept from knowing what someone with higher clearance 

knows.  Or it is not in their area so they are told they can't have 

access to that information.  Also people may have been involved that had 

no idea that what they did contributed.  There has been an accusation 

which should be entertained whether it is the truth or not that the 

remote planes were flown by military staff who believed they were flying 

a simulation for the war games going on that day.  They didn't realize 

what they had done until they took a break to check sports scores and 

saw the news.  Supposedly they were threatened with death or family 

member death if they spoke out (but who would believe them anyway).  Now 

that may well be a work of fiction but a logical scenario that might 

have played out.

You are aware there were war game exercises going on that day?

You are aware that the traffic controllers were trying to verify if what 

they were seeing was real or part of the game?

And if some people spoke out they would be discredited as being kooks 

anyway.  But some with credibility who wanted to speak out are probably 

no longer with us.

As much as 24 is a work of fiction (and often silly as to be a comedy) 

I think the current scenario is a good attempt to show that false flag 

and the interests of the military industrial complex can take precedent 

over the interests of the public.  I have a relative, retired military, 

who spoke vehemently about the Clinton administration leaving the 

military weak.  It is not that much of a stretch to believe that some of 

these folks would support an operation like 9-11 if they thought that it 

would regain military supremacy for the US.  Right wingers are very hard 

core and very stubborn about these things.  That makes them dangerous.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WTC - New evidence for use of explosives--nuts

2009-04-07 Thread Arhata Osho
The one explaining how 9-11 could have been an inside job and how people could
keep quite.

Which post are you referring to?

Arhata Osho wrote:

 One not being able to see and understand that said below, certainly means they

 are programmed with nonsense like the masses.





   menkemeyer wrote:


 Here is the truth if you can handel it. we live in an age where the 
 President of the United States can't even get a blow job in the White 
 House with out the whole world finding out. you really think the 400 or 
 so people it would take to pull of the lose change type conspiracy 
 have  never talked or anybody has found out anything about it. you all 
 live in a paralell universe where people make up stories, then teach 
 themselves how to believe them, then want other people to be as crazy 
 as they are.






 Have another crazey day.





 There are many ways to cover the tracks of 400 people (it has been 

 estimated that it might have been only 200 or less).  One is 

 compartmentalizatio n.  An example of that would be someone without the 

 clearance would be kept from knowing what someone with higher clearance 

 knows.  Or it is not in their area so they are told they can't have 

 access to that information.  Also people may have been involved that had 

 no idea that what they did contributed.  There has been an accusation 

 which should be entertained whether it is the truth or not that the 

 remote planes were flown by military staff who believed they were flying 

 a simulation for the war games going on that day.  They didn't realize 

 what they had done until they took a break to check sports scores and 

 saw the news.  Supposedly they were threatened with death or family 

 member death if they spoke out (but who would believe them anyway).  Now 

 that may well be a work of fiction but a logical scenario that might 

 have played out.

 You are aware there were war game exercises going on that day?

 You are aware that the traffic controllers were trying to verify if what 

 they were seeing was real or part of the game?

 And if some people spoke out they would be discredited as being kooks 

 anyway.  But some with credibility who wanted to speak out are probably 

 no longer with us.

 As much as 24 is a work of fiction (and often silly as to be a comedy) 

 I think the current scenario is a good attempt to show that false flag 

 and the interests of the military industrial complex can take precedent 

 over the interests of the public.  I have a relative, retired military, 

 who spoke vehemently about the Clinton administration leaving the 

 military weak.  It is not that much of a stretch to believe that some of 

 these folks would support an operation like 9-11 if they thought that it 

 would regain military supremacy for the US.  Right wingers are very hard 

 core and very stubborn about these things.  That makes them dangerous.

















[FairfieldLife] Hot off Press - Yesss Center's Documentary (Easter More)

2009-04-07 Thread Arhata Osho
Watch this with the upcoming Easter season! Acharya S/DH Murdock has created a
recently published book exposing, through years of research, more of the true 
story of Christianity!  She is a very special friend and associate of the Yesss
Center. Comments welcome!



YouTube - Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection*


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WTC - New evidence for use of explosives--nuts

2009-04-07 Thread Arhata Osho
9-11 story obviously is different than the government line. The country, 
would go topsy turvey if the real story came out, which it won't in our 
lifetime if ever.
It's a 'follow the money' situation. Transparency - ha! Never happen with WTC's.

WTC 7 of course is a key.  My nephew was in military intelligence with a pretty 
understanding of 'intelligence' - he said, 'if the CIA is there, the building 
is 'set' to
implode!  You can bet no one would have rented in WTC 7 if they new that!  I 
had been
on every floor of all 3 buildings many times with many memories.

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, off_world_beings 
no_re...@.. . wrote:

  Curtis, have you ever worked for the federal government? 

No, but I did business with enough of them to know that they aren't special in 
any way. And for a while there, after 9-11,the people involved would have had 
to have been James Bond to keep it all together.

Arhata was

  being a bit ambiguous in his reply but I think he means that people

  buying the official story are the ones programmed with nonsense.

You may be right.  Arhata, pick a card...but before you answer, I hope you will 
read what Off has written below.  He is on the conspiracy team.


 And everyone forgets the 'suicide' of the government scientist who was

 going to be investigated for the anthrax, and several other fishy deaths

 and suicides that seem way too many coincidences since they were always

 people who may have given damning evidence if they lived -- but guess

 what, they conveniently died in plane crashes or 'committed suicide'




 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

 mailto:FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com , Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:


  curtisdeltablues wrote:

   --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

 mailto:FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com , Arhata Osho arhatafreespeech@ 



   The one explaining how 9-11 could have been an inside job and how

 people could

   keep quite.



   They couldn't.  This is one of those topics that pop up from time to

 time that drives anti-conspiracy posters nuts, and then it disappears. 

 Government dweebs don't keep their mouthes shut and NOT rat out their

 friends and co-conspirators to save their asses.  You nailed it brother.

  Curtis, have you ever worked for the federal government?   Arhata was

  being a bit ambiguous in his reply but I think he means that people

  buying the official story are the ones programmed with nonsense.


 And everyone forgets the 'suicide' of the government scientist who was

 going to be investigated for the anthrax, and several other fishy deaths

 and suicides that seem way too many coincidences since they were always

 people who may have given damning evidence if they lived -- but guess

 what, they conveniently died in plane crashes or 'committed suicide'







[FairfieldLife] Egypt 'wife swap' couple jailed*

2009-04-07 Thread Arhata Osho
I fully condone wife swap. I watch it on TV

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Egypt 'wife swap' couple 


[FairfieldLife] Mental Health: Managing Anger

2009-04-06 Thread Arhata Osho
This is  a terrific outline of pro's and con's of anger.  Good to make part of 
anyone's repertoire!  

Mental Health: Managing Anger

Anger is a very powerful emotion that can stem from feelings of frustration, 
hurt, annoyance, or disappointment. It is a normal human emotion that can range 
from slight irritation to strong rage.
What Is Anger?
Anger is a very powerful emotion that can stem from feelings of frustration, 
hurt, annoyance or disappointment. It is a normal human emotion that can range 
from slight irritation to strong rage.
Anger can be harmful or helpful, depending upon how it is expressed. Knowing 
how to recognize and express anger in appropriate ways can help people to reach 
goals, handle emergencies and solve problems. However, problems can occur if 
people fail to recognize and understand their anger.
What Are the Dangers of Suppressed Anger?
Suppressed anger can be an underlying cause of anxiety and depression. Anger 
that is not appropriately expressed can disrupt relationships, affect thinking 
and behavior patterns, and create a variety of physical problems. Chronic 
(long-term) anger has been linked to health issues such as high blood pressure, 
heart problems, headaches, skin disorders and digestive problems. In addition, 
anger can be linked to problems such as crime, emotional and physical abuse, 
and other violent behavior.
What Steps Can I Take to Help Manage My Anger?

When you start feeling angry, try deep breathing, positive self-talk, or 
stopping your angry thoughts. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Slowly repeat 
a calm word or phrase such as relax or take it easy. Repeat it to yourself 
while breathing deeply until the anger subsides. 
Although expressing anger is better than keeping it in, anger should be 
expressed in an appropriate way. Frequent outbursts of anger are often 
counter-productive and cause problems in relationships with others. Anger 
outbursts are also stressful to your nervous and cardiovascular systems and can 
make health problems worse. Learning how to use assertiveness is the healthy 
way to express your feelings, needs and preferences. Being assertive can be 
used in place of using anger in these situations. 
Seek out the support of others. Talk through your feelings and try to work on 
changing your behaviors. 
If you have trouble realizing when you are having angry thoughts, keep a log of 
when you feel angry. 
Try to gain a different perspective by putting yourself in another's place. 
Learn how to laugh at yourself and see humor in situations. 
Practice good listening skills. Listening can help improve communication and 
can facilitate trusting feelings between people. This trust can help you deal 
with potentially hostile emotions. 
Learn to assert yourself, expressing your feelings calmly and directly without 
becoming defensive, hostile or emotionally charged up. Consult self-help books 
on assertiveness or seek help from a professional therapist to learn how to use 
assertiveness and anger management skills. 
What Else Can I Do to Deal With My Anger in a Healthy Way?
If you believe that your anger is out of control and is having a negative 
affect on your life and relationships, seek the help of a mental health 
professional. A psychologist or other licensed mental health professional can 
work with you to develop techniques for changing your thinking and your 
behavior. A mental health professional can help you to deal with your anger in 
an appropriate way. Choose your therapist carefully and make sure to seek 
treatment from a professional who is trained to teach anger management and 
assertiveness skills.

Reviewed by the doctors at The Cleveland Clinic Department of Psychiatry and 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Fw: Do What You Are Told! - kirwan

2009-04-06 Thread Arhata Osho
Hi Hagen
 Give an example of more pin-pointedness from Arhata's 
end. I think I do that but, since
I'm on the computer, instead of doing public displays of free speech on the 
Venice boardwalk
where I stuck a lot of pins to make some people fart, belch, rage and what have 
you, I cool it
a bit online.however, I can send some here, but that might be dangerous!
(and it's just about the weather season for more outdoor free speech in Port 
Townsend, Wa but not as wild as Venice)

From time to time I find precious stones 
amongst the flood of mails coming from Arhata Osho's and Arhata Free Speech's 
side. Nevertheless many of these contributions I have to delete in order not to 
feel frustrated of not knowing which to select. Sometimes I think less would 
even be more including: Less loudness, more pin-pointedness from Arhata's 
It is high time for a restructuring of 
society: From value-exchange- emphazized to availability -emphazized 
economics/ecologics . No money necessary, only proof for qualification. Those 
are qualified will have access to resources. No poverty, minor work 
done by computers and robots, richness only to a certain extent (trees also do 
not grow unlimitedly to the sky).

  - Original Message - 
  Arhata Osho 
  To: Arhata ; arhatafreespeech@ yahoo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 11:05 
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fw: Do What You 
  Are Told! - kirwan




  Do What You Are Told!
  Jim Kirwan





[FairfieldLife] Re: A Woman Arrived at the Gates of Heaven.....

2009-04-05 Thread Arhata Osho
A woman arrived at
the Gates of Heaven. While she was waiting for Saint Peter to greet
her, she peeked through the gates. She saw a beautiful banquet table.
Sitting all around were her parents and all the other people she had
loved and who had died before her. They saw her and began calling
greetings to her, Hello - How are you! We've been waiting for you!
Good to see you.

When Saint Peter came by, the woman said to him, This is such a wonderful 
place! How do I get in?
You have to spell a word, Saint Peter told her.

Which word? the woman asked.


The woman correctly spelled Love and Saint Peter welcomed her into Heaven..

a year later, Saint Peter came to the woman and asked her to watch the
Gates of Heaven for him that day. While the woman was guarding the
Gates of Heaven, her husband arrived.

I'm surprised to see you, the woman said. How have you been?

I've been doing pretty well since you died, her husband told her. I
married the beautiful young nurse who took care of you while you were
ill. And then I won the multi-state lottery. I sold the little house
you and I lived in and bought a huge mansion. And my wife and I
travelled all around the world. We were on vacation in Cancun and I
went water skiing today. I fell and hit my head, and here I am. What a
bummer! How do I get in?

You have to spell a word, the woman told him.

Which word? her husband asked.

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis , she replied.  :):):):)

Moral of the story: Never make a woman angry . . . there will be Hell to pay!

The longest word currently listed in the Oxford dictionary is the
supposed lung-disease pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis (45




Re: [FairfieldLife] Smooth Jazz 94.7 LA -The Wave

2009-04-05 Thread Arhata Osho
Love Kenny G
Musical Starstreams is good 'valium' too I alternate between the two...and 
a little 
of this and that including some rap

Smooth Jazz is like Valium.  The term of course is the opposite 

hard jazz which many jazz musicians played.  One of the kings of 

Smooth Jazz is Kenny G who back in the '70's used to sneak into the 

DoubleTree Inn in Renton (near Seattle) as a high school kid to listen 

to the jazz trio I played in.

Much of this style of music started out as fusion jazz back in the 

70's with Creed Taylor, Deodato, etc. who did a commercialized version 

of jazz with some RB influence.  Prior to that if you had sprung the 

13th, 11th and sharp 9th chords sprinkled throughout the smooth jazz 

of today you would have been accused of playing dischords to which the 

witty musician would usually reply which chord?  Dis chord or dat chord?

BTW, Valium is based on the chemical structure of valerian root or 

jatamansi (the Indian variety). 

Arhata Osho wrote:



 I listen to my favorite radio station in Los Angeles on my computer while I 
 work - 

 try it - less the commercials, it's great! Reduces any stress!


 Smooth Jazz, 94.7 The WAVE, KTWV-FM, Los Angeles - HomepageSmooth Jazz, 94.7 
 The WAVE, the Original Smooth Jazz radio station based  in Los Angeles, CA 
 and streaming Smooth Jazz worldwide.

 http://www.freedomo fspeech.netfirms .com/









2009-04-04 Thread Arhata Osho
What you have fer breakfast?

 People seem to think that Barack Obama is going to save this 
country from ruin during this crisis were in. But they are going to be very 
disappointed because Obama will die suddenly and mysteriously after only a few 
days in office (first 100 days maybe) without really acomplishing much of 
anything. Other than to raise taxes.   
The bible says in Rev. 17:10 that there are 
7 kings 5 are fallen and 1 is(present tense). I figured out who the first 6 
kings were when Geoge W. Bush was President(During his frist term) and i 
realilized that there were still 5 former pres. still alive at that point in 
time. They were Ford, Carter, Reagan,  Bush, Clinton. And of course Geoge W. 
would be #6 who is spoken of in the present tense because of course he was the 
president then at that point in time, and still is untill Obama becomes king #7 
on Jan. 20th.   
  I saw in 1 of my 
visions where my wife said to some other women the president is allready 
dead. In the vision she was in Fargo, N. Dak. and she was looking in the 
direction of a plane that had just taken off from the airport in Fargo. I thing 
that plane might have been airforce 1.  
   Acording to the catholic bible in 
Dan. 11 the person who is king or pres. just before the anti-christ comes along 
will die during a crises. Which is where we are now and its probably going to 
get worse. 
 I started  my web page in 2004.  www.prophetelijahsp 
eaks.freewebspac e.com  read the black print.I knew Who the frist 6 kings 
were. And i knew that whoever became pres. after Geoge W. Bush would be the 7th 
king. I thought for sure that people
 would be smart enough to see that Bush was wrong in going to war in Iraq. And 
that they would never reelect him, but i was wrong. And after the election i 
thought forsure that they would wake up and come to there senses and impeach 
him. But i was wrong again. But now that Obama has been elected i finely know 
for sure that he is the 7th king the bible speaks of and the 1 my wife spoke of 
in my vision.  
 Also The angel Gabriel told me that Jimmy Carter is the 
anti-christ. So he will be the 8th king and is also one of the previous 7 kings 
as it says in Rev.17:10. Gabriel also told me that Jimmy Carter was going to 
change his name and divorce his wife.  






[FairfieldLife] Smooth Jazz 94.7 LA -The Wave

2009-04-04 Thread Arhata Osho

I listen to my favorite radio station in Los Angeles on my computer while I 
work - 
try it - less the commercials, it's great! Reduces any stress!
Smooth Jazz, 94.7 The WAVE, KTWV-FM, Los Angeles - HomepageSmooth Jazz, 94.7 
The WAVE, the Original Smooth Jazz radio station based  in Los Angeles, CA and 
streaming Smooth Jazz worldwide.



[FairfieldLife] Suicide Gunman in NY!

2009-04-03 Thread Arhata Osho
Now it's at least 13!

Apr 3, 2009

6 shot, hostages taken in N.Y.
As many as 41 people have been taken hostage at an immigration center in 
Binghamton, N.Y.. » Report


[FairfieldLife] Afghan leader accused of bid to 'legalise rape'

2009-04-01 Thread Arhata Osho
And we support this idiot!
Afghan leader accused of bid to 'legalise rape' - Asia, World ...Mar 31, 2009 
... Afghanistan's President, Hamid Karzai, has signed a law which.
 - 133k - Cached - Similar pages



[FairfieldLife] URGENT ACTION NEEDED - Bill to outlaw organic farming!

2009-04-01 Thread Arhata Osho

Please take action and call your congressman and senators - 

contact info below - 

We need to make our voices heard or this will pass! 

Please forward to your e-mail list!

The US House and Senate are about (in a week and a half) to vote on bill that 

There is an enormous rush to get this into law within the next 2 weeks before 
people realize what is happening.

Main backer and lobbyist is Monsanto – chemical and genetic engineering giant 
corporation (and Cargill, ADM, and about 35 other related agri-giants). This 
bill will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and poisonous 
insect sprays dictated by the newly formed agency to make sure there is no 
danger to the public food supply. This will include backyard gardens that grow 
food only for a family and not for sales.

If this passes then NO more heirloom clean seeds, but only Monsanto genetically 
altered seeds that are now showing up with unexpected diseases in humans.

There is a video on the subject:


And another one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeWVkTU1s1E

The name on this outrageous food plan is Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 
(bill HR 875).


Get on that phone and burn up the wires. Get anyone else you can to do the same 
thing. The House and Senate WILL pass this if they are not massively threatened 
with loss of their positionthey only fear your voice and your vote.

The best thing to do is go 
to http://pr1.netatlantic.com/t/9661579/7800477/598244/0/

All you have to do is put in your zip and it will give you your congressperson 
and how to get in touch with them.

When you call their office someone will answer the phone, politely and 
respectfully just tell them that you are calling to express your views on HR 
875. Tell them your views, they'll take your name and address and pass your 
comments along to the congressperson. The following link  
http://pr1..netatlantic.com/t/9661579/7800477/598245/0/ is a list of the U.S. 
senators with their contact info.

Thank you all for taking such quick action on this important threat to our 
health and wellness.

all the best,

Mary Kay Finn

Thrive Wellness and Nutrition

310 399-2329

Assisting you to achieve great health.

New Low Prices on Dell Laptops – Starting at $399 


[FairfieldLife] New GM Logo

2009-04-01 Thread Arhata Osho






2009-04-01 Thread Arhata Osho

In LA, this happens,  as I saw it many times - stupid stuff!
Are anyone's days entirely free of offenses that can get you arrested? 



By Robert Neuwirth 



I spent 24 hours in the slammer the other day. My crime? Well, the police 
couldn't tell me when they locked me up. The prosecutor and judge couldn't 
either, when I was arraigned the following day. I found out for myself when I 
researched the matter a few days after being released: I had been cited for 
walking my dog off the leash – once, six years ago. 


Welcome to the ugly underside of the zero-tolerance era, where insignificant 
rule violations get inflated into criminal infractions. Here's how it worked 
with me: a gaggle of transit cops stopped me after they saw me walk between two 
subway cars on my way to work. 


This, they told me, was against the rules. They asked for ID and typed my name 
into a hand-held computer. Up came that old citation that I didn't know about 
and they couldn't tell me about. I was immediately handcuffed and brought to 
the precinct. There, I waited in a holding cell, then was fingerprinted 
(post-CSI memo: they now take the fingers, the thumbs, the palms, and the sides 
of both hands) and had the contents of my shoulder bag inventoried. I could 
hardly believe it: I was being arrested without ever having committed a crime. 


I was held overnight in the Midtown North Precinct lock-up (shoelaces and belt 
confiscated, meals courtesy of the McDonald's dollar menu). In the morning, my 
fellow convicts and I were led, chain-gang style, to the Manhattan Community 
Court next door. The judge there dismissed the charge against me – because no 
one ever does time for that kind of crime. A few days later, at Brooklyn's 
central court, my warrant was lifted for time served – again because no one 
is ever locked up for breaking the leash law. 


If the cops had simply written me a ticket, I would have paid it, and I would 
have also had to pay to vacate my outstanding warrant. But by cuffing me and 
holding me overnight, the city spent quite a bit of money (it took two police 
officers approximately six hours each just to arrest and process me), while the 
fines assessed against me were rescinded. 


While I was inside, I was astounded by the kinds of things that take up police 
and court time. A couple of people nabbed for being in various parks after 
dark. One of them was walking his dog. Two young men accused of riding their 
bicycles on the sidewalk. 


Three people arrested for sleeping in a subway station. My roommate in the 
lock-up was an articulate and self-aware 60-year-old whose sin was that he 
bought a bottle of booze and had taken a swig on the street. In the cell next 
to us: two costumed Mariachis busted for busking on the subway. They were 
repeat offenders. Their weapons: a guitar and an accordion. 


With zero tolerance, we have finally done it: We have criminalized everyday 
life. After all, in the course of their life people sometimes ride their bikes 
on the sidewalks. And once upon a time not too long ago, it was normal to go 
into the parks after dark. My friends and I did all the time, particularly if 
we had time to kill before or after the opera, the symphony, or a jazz or rock 
concert. We walked brazenly between subway cars. Some of us even – horror of 
horrors! – played music on the street or in the subway without a license. 


And, though my parents would not be happy to know it even now, we sometimes 
drank beer in public – making sure, in an important but legally meaningless 
gesture, that the bottle was in a paper bag. If I did any of this on a regular 
basis today, I'd probably be considered a behavioral recidivist and sent to 
Riker's Island. 


I can laugh away my time in a cell—my life suddenly turned into an update of 
Alice's Restaurant. But I get angry when I think of kids in their teens or 
20s being treated the way I was. I'm not against hard time for criminal, 
violent or anti-social behavior. But slapping young people behind bars and 
giving them an arrest record simply because the normal things they do are 
trivial rule violations is not only wasteful, it's downright criminal. 



Robert Neuwirth, a longtime contributor to City Limits, is the author of 
Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World, and is at work on a 
new book about the global reach of the informal economy.


 * * * * * * ***




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[FairfieldLife] The Art of Well Being

2009-03-31 Thread Arhata Osho
This is quite good!

TheArtOfIllness.pps (707KB)



[FairfieldLife] Brasscheck TV: A skeptical look at global warming

2009-03-30 Thread Arhata Osho
Are the oil companies conspiring to keep
us addicted to fossil fuels?

No doubt. 

But Al Gore never talks about that, does he? 

Instead he talks about carbon taxes which keeps
the oil companies in business - and further impoverishes
an already struggling world population. 

Here's the real story on Al Gore and the so called
global warming menance: 


- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues. 

That's how we grow. Thanks. 


Brasscheck TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:


[FairfieldLife] Sightings of Jesus

2009-03-30 Thread Arhata Osho
As further evidence for my contention that Believing is Seeing, 

here's the latest roundup of Jesus sightings collected on YouTube:  

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=JvjGIkl2yDY



[FairfieldLife] Jewish Buddhism

2009-03-30 Thread Arhata Osho
Jewish Buddhism

 If there is no self,

 whose arthritis is this?


 Be here now.

 Be someplace else later.

 Is that so complicated?


 Drink tea and nourish life.

 With the first sip ... joy.

 With the second ... satisfaction.

 With the third, peace.

 With the fourth, a Danish.


 Wherever you go, there you are.

 Your luggage is another story.


 Accept misfortune as a blessing.

 Do not wish for perfect health,

 Or a life without problems.

 What would you talk about?


 The journey of a thousand miles

 Begins with a single   oy.


 There is no escaping karma

 In a previous life, you never called,

 you never wrote, you never visited.

 And whose fault was that?


 Zen is not easy.

 It takes effort to attain nothingness.

 And then what do you have?



 The Tao does not speak.

 The Tao does not blame.

 The Tao does not take sides.

 The Tao has no expectations.

 The Tao demands nothing of others.

 The Tao is not Jewish.


 Breathe in. Breathe out.

 Breathe in. Breathe out.

 Forget this and attaining Enlightenment will be

 the least of your problems.


 Let your mind be as a floating cloud.

 Let your stillness be as the wooded glen.

 And sit up straight.

 You'll never meet the Buddha with such rounded shoulders.


 Be patient and achieve all things.

 Be impatient and achieve all things faster.


 To Find the Buddha, look within.

 Deep inside you are ten thousand flowers.

 Each flower blossoms ten thousand times.

 Each blossom has ten thousand petals.

 You might want to see a specialist.


 To practice Zen and the art of Jewish motorcycle maintenance,

 do the following:

 Get rid of the motorcycle.

 What were you thinking?


 Be aware of your body.

 Be aware of your perceptions.

 Keep in mind that not every physical sensation is

 a symptom of a terminal illness.


 The Torah says, Love thy neighbor as thyself.

 The Buddha says there is no self.

 So, maybe you are off the hook.


 Though only your skin, sinews, and bones remain,

 though your blood and flesh dry up and wither away,

 yet shall you meditate and not stir

 until you have attained full Enlightenment.

 But, first, a little nosh



[FairfieldLife] The Birthday Clock............Just Amazing!!

2009-03-30 Thread Arhata Osho


Birthday Clock


It tells you how many hours and how many seconds you have been alive on this 
earth and when you were probably conceived. This is cool. After you've finished 
reading the info, click again, and see what the moon looked like the night you 
were born. This is neat. Who says our time clocks aren't ticking.  

Enjoy and have a fantastic day!!! 

Click this: 

Birthday Calculator


Get what you want at ebay. View photos of singles in your area 



[FairfieldLife] Leaving Computers on overnight= $2.8 Billion a Year!

2009-03-29 Thread Arhata Osho



Leaving computers on overnight = $2.8 billion a year : 
Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech* 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Arhata Osho
Outsiders have no clue what TM means let alone the infinite amount of 
available.  Take a poll of 'meditators' (including Yoga people), and they have 
0 interest!

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, authfriend jst...@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:


  So no, Judy, I've never been religious. And yes,

  I have always viewed most religion as the *anti-

  thesis* of self discovery. Still do.


 Total agreement.


 If I could follow up:


 But you now believe that TM is a religion, not a

 means of self-discovery? 

I believe that many in the TM movement have

turned basic TM into a religion, one that has

something but not everything to do with its

origins *as* a religious technique. I believe

that the environment of the *TMO* is very

definitely religious in nature currently, and

is actively seeking to hide that.

 Because it seems that for

 a few years, at least, you were having the

 experience of self-discovery as a result of the


I was pursuing my own self discovery while

practicing the TM technique. I am not con-

vinced that all of the discovery happened

as a result of that practice. In fact, I

think that a lot of it just happened, similar

to the way that shit just happens. 

*At the time*, I would have credited TM 

for those experiences; now I would not and

do not. 

I am trying to be as precise as I possibly

can here.

 What if you had learned TM and continued to

 meditate but never became a TM teacher or went any

 further with the techniques or teachings? Would you

 ever have come to be uncomfortable with the practice

 because you felt it was religious?

If I had never become a TM teacher, I am

fairly confident that I would have given

up on the TM technique at the five-year mark.

One of my reasons for attending TM Teacher

Training was to either jumpstart the tech-

nique such that I began perceived sufficient

benefits from TM to continue practicing it, 

or quit altogether. The jumpstart worked, 

for a number of years, but then when I no

longer perceived sufficient benefit, I quit.

I did NOT stop TM because I thought it was

religious. I stopped primarly because as 

far as I could tell it was doing nothing 

to further my self discovery. 

Secondarily, I guit because as a TM teacher

I was being asked to lie and do other things

on a regular basis that I found to be con-

trary to my own ethics and repulsive to my


Thirdly, I quit because the TM movement was

clearly going in a direction I did not want

to go -- towards becoming more of a cult, 

and away from openness and transparency. The 

question of whether that direction was in 

the direction of becoming more of a religion 

would not and did not occur to me. It was 

just no longer an organization I wanted to 

be associated with.

 If you had stuck with basic TM but then read the

 translation of the puja years later and been told

 the mantras were the names of Hindu deities, would

 that have soured you on the practice? 

No. Not me personally. It would have soured

some friends who *started* from a fairly

religious background; I did not. At the time,

all I would have cared about was that it 

seemed to work. 

I now see that seeming to work period as 

more of a *contrast* between my life up till

then, practicing no form of meditation reg-

ularly, and then practicing *some* form of

meditation regularly. *Of course* I felt 

some benefits at the start. When I stopped 

feeling those benefits, I moved on and found 

other techniques from which the sense of them 

working and providing continuing benefits

did not fade and has not faded in any of 

the years since.

 Would it have

 become less about self-discovery for you?

No. It would have been irrelevant.

But it would not have been irrelevant to, say,

the former Catholic priest who shared a trailer 

with me at Humboldt. If the origin and the 

nature of the mantras had not been hidden from 

him, he would never have begun TM. Some months

later, he *did* learn about those origins,

and dropped TM like a hot potato. He also

felt betrayed and lied to.

That's because IMO he *was* betrayed and lied 

to, by people like yourself who were trying to

protect him from knowledge he didn't need

to know.

 You say, The vast majority of religions -- modern

 and ancient -- strove to *prevent* that kind of inner

 exploration rather than facilitate it.


 Would it be fair to say Hinduism is one of the

 minority of religions that still strives to facilitate

 inner exploration?

Absolutely not, not in my opinion. Mainstream

Hinduism *in India* probably attempts to limit 

and prevent the mystical experience as much as 

the Catholic Church does, and stresses faith

more than anything else. But many of the off-

spring of Indian Hinduism, transplanted to 

the West, found that Westerners were more 

Re: [FairfieldLife] What's Happening To America ?

2009-03-28 Thread Arhata Osho

Has anyone else noticed that things have not been the
same since the terrorist attack on September 11,
2001? - - we've experienced catastrophic disasters
from floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and fires from
drought, etc. on a scale never known before in all of
history. Not only that, but the greed and corruption
that has been brought to light recently makes me and
most others wonder what's become of this nation and
where is it heading.

I would not believe anything of this sort could or would
happen if it wasn't written out so clearly about what's
to come, but the evidence is undeniable. Here's the
forecast for OUR very near future.

http://www.theameri cannightmare. org/1-GGG1122. html






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert to Push TM in Public Schools

2009-03-28 Thread Arhata Osho
Checks in the envelope . . where to mail it!

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Arhata Osho 
arhatafreespeech@ ... wrote:

 Outsiders have no clue what TM means let alone the infinite amount of 
 meditations available.  Take a poll of 'meditators' (including Yoga people), 
 and they have 0 interest!

But if they forked over $2,500 they could get the HIGHEST teaching!  You must 
convince them that whatever they are doing is only a relative benefit and lacks 
the mega mojo of full blown TM mantra meditation.  If you can't get them to 
fork over the cash please at least see if you can get them to feel badly about 
their own practice.  Maharishi will bless you for this. (By bless I mean ignore 
which is how he blessed the rest of us.) 














 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, authfriend jstein@ 




  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:




   So no, Judy, I've never been religious. And yes,


   I have always viewed most religion as the *anti-


   thesis* of self discovery. Still do.




  Total agreement.




  If I could follow up:




  But you now believe that TM is a religion, not a


  means of self-discovery? 




 I believe that many in the TM movement have


 turned basic TM into a religion, one that has


 something but not everything to do with its


 origins *as* a religious technique. I believe


 that the environment of the *TMO* is very


 definitely religious in nature currently, and


 is actively seeking to hide that.




  Because it seems that for


  a few years, at least, you were having the


  experience of self-discovery as a result of the






 I was pursuing my own self discovery while


 practicing the TM technique. I am not con-


 vinced that all of the discovery happened


 as a result of that practice. In fact, I


 think that a lot of it just happened, similar


 to the way that shit just happens. 




 *At the time*, I would have credited TM 


 for those experiences; now I would not and


 do not. 




 I am trying to be as precise as I possibly


 can here.




  What if you had learned TM and continued to


  meditate but never became a TM teacher or went any


  further with the techniques or teachings? Would you


  ever have come to be uncomfortable with the practice


  because you felt it was religious?




 If I had never become a TM teacher, I am


 fairly confident that I would have given


 up on the TM technique at the five-year mark.


 One of my reasons for attending TM Teacher


 Training was to either jumpstart the tech-


 nique such that I began perceived sufficient


 benefits from TM to continue practicing it, 


 or quit altogether. The jumpstart worked, 


 for a number of years, but then when I no


 longer perceived sufficient benefit, I quit.




 I did NOT stop TM because I thought it was


 religious. I stopped primarly because as 


 far as I could tell it was doing nothing 


 to further my self discovery. 




 Secondarily, I guit because as a TM teacher


 I was being asked to lie and do other things


 on a regular basis that I found to be con-


 trary to my own ethics and repulsive to my






 Thirdly, I quit because the TM movement was


 clearly going in a direction I did not want


 to go -- towards becoming more of a cult, 


 and away from openness and transparency. The 


 question of whether that direction was in 


 the direction of becoming more of a religion 


 would not and did not occur to me. It was 


 just no longer an organization I wanted to 


 be associated with.




  If you had stuck with basic TM but then read the


  translation of the puja years later and been told


  the mantras were the names of Hindu deities, would


  that have soured you on the practice? 




 No. Not me personally. It would have soured


 some friends who *started* from a fairly


 religious background; I did not. At the time,


 all I would have cared about was that it 


 seemed to work. 




 I now see that seeming to work period as 


 more of a *contrast* between my life up till


 then, practicing no form of meditation reg-


 ularly, and then practicing *some* form of


 meditation regularly. *Of course* I felt 


 some benefits at the start. When I stopped 


 feeling those benefits, I moved on and found 


 other techniques from which the sense of them 


 working and providing continuing benefits


 did not fade and has not faded in any of 


 the years since.




  Would it have


  become less about self-discovery for you?




 No. It would have been irrelevant.




 But it would not have been irrelevant to, say

[FairfieldLife] Everything is Amazing, Nobody is Happy!

2009-03-28 Thread Arhata Osho
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=LoGYx35ypus



[FairfieldLife] China Converting to Christianity

2009-03-28 Thread Arhata Osho
Hmmm - could be worse! 
Of course I'm not referring to Islam!

One billion souls to save - Times Online*



[FairfieldLife] Anti-Depressant Drugs...One for TM???

2009-03-28 Thread Arhata Osho
If this video gives you anxiety, there's a solution!!!
If TM doesn't work, there may be an answer for TM!


[FairfieldLife] Most Amazing Movie of a No-kill Shelter for 500 Cats

2009-03-27 Thread Arhata Osho

Hope they neuter them!
--- On Fri, 3/13/09, susan fabrican sfabri...@mac.com wrote:

4 hours outside of LA!

     extraordinary!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwM6f0liHpo


[FairfieldLife] Islamic States Push to Criminalize 'Defamation of Islam'*

2009-03-26 Thread Arhata Osho
So much for 'free speech'!

American Thinker: Islamic States Push to Criminalize 
'Defamation of Islam'* 



[FairfieldLife] Get Mad as Hell ....video!

2009-03-26 Thread Arhata Osho



[FairfieldLife] Is 'Zeitgeist' Changing Religious Thinking?

2009-03-26 Thread Arhata Osho

Warning: 'Antichrist' movie tricking Christians* 




[FairfieldLife] Amazing Shipping Container Houses

2009-03-26 Thread Arhata Osho

Invented more than five decades ago, the modern shipping container is the 
linchpin in our global distribution network of products. In the containers go 
toys from China, textiles from India, grain from America, and cars from 
Germany. In go electronics, chocolate, and cheese.
While a number of resourceful people have converted shipping containers into 
make-shift shelters at the margin of society for years, architects and green 
designers are also increasingly turning to the strong, cheap boxes as source 
building blocks. 
Shipping containers can be readily modified with a range of creature comforts 
and can be connected and stacked to create modular, efficient spaces for a 
fraction of the cost, labor, and resources of more conventional materials.
Discover some of the exciting possibilities of shipping container architecture, 
from disaster relief shelters to luxury condos, vacation homes, and 
off-the-grid adventurers. See what makes them green as well as cutting edge.
(Photo: Kool-Kini / Flickr )

De Maria Design Redondo Beach House 
With its modern lines and appealing spaces, the award-winning Redondo Beach 
House by De Maria Design turns heads. The luxury beach-side showpiece was built 
from eight prefabricated, recycled steel shipping containers, along with some 
traditional building materials. According to the architects, the modified 
containers are nearly indestructible,  as well as resistant to mold, fire, 
and termites. Seventy percent of the building was efficiently assembled in a 
shop, saving time, money, and resources.
One of the containers can even sport a pool! The lessons learned from Redondo 
Beach House are being incorporated into a line of more affordable, accessible 
designs, soon available as Logical Homes.
(Photo: Urban Space Management)

London's Container City
Conceived by Urban Space Management, London's Container City first sprang up in 
the heart of the Docklands in 2001. It took just five months to complete the 
original 12 work studios, at a height of three stories. Shortly after that a 
fourth floor of studios and living apartments was added.
Container City was designed to be low cost, as well as environmentally 
friendly. Recycled materials made up 80% of building supplies. Architect 
Nicholas Lacey and partners and engineer Buro Happold used component pieces to 
build up adaptable living and work spaces.
(Photo: Kool-Kini / Flickr )

Container City II
Container City I was a success, and in2002, Urban Space Management added an 
addition, dubbed Container City II. Reaching five stories high, Container City 
II is connected to its earlier iteration via walkways. It also boasts an 
elevator and full disabled access, as well as 22 studios.
(Photo: Paul McCredie)

Need some flexibility with security? Need a temporary structure or small 
vacation home? Going off the grid? The Port-a-Bach system from New Zealand's 
Atelier Workshop might be a good fit.
Costing around $55,000, Port-a-Bach sleeps two adults and two children 
comfortably, in a dwelling that folds up into a fully enclosed steel shell. It 
comes with large internal storage cupboards and shelves; a stainless steel 
kitchen; bathroom with shower, sink and composting toilet; bunk beds and 
dressing room. Fabric screens allow you to shape internal space, as well as 
shelter the outdoor deck area.
Bach (pronounced Batch) is Kiwi slang for Bachelor Pad, and refers to the 
many small cabins that dot the famously picturesque country.
(Photo: Urban Space Management)

Cove Park Artists' Retreat
Set on 50 acres of gorgeous Scottish countryside, Cove Park is an artist's 
retreat designed to stimulate and reinvigorate. Urban Space Management first 
brought in three repurposed shipping containers in 2001, and the center became 
so popular that more units have been added.
Doesn't look like your average shipping box, does it?
(Photo: Bark Design Collective)

 All Terrain Cabin
Canada's Bark Design Collective built the All Terrain Cabin (ATC) as a showcase 
for sustainable (and Canadian!) ingenuity. The small home is based on a 
standard shipping container, and is said to be suitable for a family of four, 
plus a pet, to live off the grid in comfort and style.
The cabin folds up to look like any old shipping container, and can be sent via 
rail, truck, ship, airplane, or even helicopter. When you're ready to rest your 
bones, the cabin quickly unfolds to 480 square feet of living space, with a 
range of creature comforts.
(Photo: Courtesy of Ecopod)

The Ecopod 
Another container home designed for on- or off-grid living is the Ecopod. Made 
from a shipping container, an electric winch is used to raise and lower the 
heavy deck door (power is supplied by a solar panel). The floor is made from 
recycled car tires, and the walls have birch paneling (over closed-cell soya 
foam insulation). The glass is double paned to slow 

[FairfieldLife] Well......One of life Mysteries!

2009-03-25 Thread Arhata Osho



Re: [FairfieldLife] The TM Is Not A Religion Religion

2009-03-25 Thread Arhata Osho
A group professing consciousness and preset ways to use certain techniques, be 
prayer, acceptance of any doctrine, rules beyond common sense, meditation, etc.
that creates a sense of 'unwelcomeness' to reasonable strangers who come for 
participation, are 'religions'.  Denial of being this by participants of a 
group is characteristic of religions.  This of course is predicated on the 
premise that 'religions'
are 'undesirable' to be part of.  Religiousness is very different than things 
like: belief in God, worship of a Messiah figure be they called any number of 
other names.  Loving any head of a group exclusive of others of 'the same 
status' is not religiousness but again leans to cultism.  True consciousness 
sees things very different than members or followers of any doctrine or group 
and does not claim to be part of anything.

I am SO bored with this topic I can't chime

in with much more than a rant. I don't see

how anyone with an ounce of integrity can

*possibly* be arguing that the TMO does not

teach religiously- based ideas.

But I do understand WHY people don't have 

that ounce of integrity. They've been taught 

that when it comes to fundamental points of 

TM dogma that the ONLY thing that matters is

not only following them but defending them.

And one of the strongest and MOST drummed-

into-people' s-heads pieces of dogma during 

their TM instruction is TM Is Not A Religion.

It's said in every Introductory Lecture, 

*whether the subject comes up on its own or 

not*, it's said during each night of the three 

nights of checking, *whether the subject comes 

up on its own or not*, and it's said pretty 

much every time after that that the subject 

of religion comes up. For years. Ad absurdum.

This is arguably **THE** most fundamental piece

of TM dogma, probably repeated more often than

Thou shalt not strain on the mantra. 

And after all that much repetition, people just

lose all sense of perspective about it. The sub-

ject comes up, and they become mindless evangel-

ists for the TM Is Not A Religion Religion. 

They'll say ANYTHING rather than admit what 

MOST of them know to be the truth, that OF 

COURSE all of the TM dogma is based on Hindu

dogma. They'll lie, they'll deny, they'll come

with up excuses, they'll obfuscate, they'll

attempt to distract, they'll do ANYTHING 

rather than violate this First Commandment.

And personally I'm getting a little tired of it.

There seems to me to be NO QUESTION that 

teaching TM *as it is taught now* in American 

school systems violates the Constitution. TM 

Teachers are just not CAPABLE of teaching 

the basic technique 1) without a religious puja, 

and 2) without all of the directly-derived- from-

Hinduism explanations of what is really 

happening when you meditate during the three 

nights of checking, and afterwards.

The ONLY way to keep this essentially religious

dogma from being taught in schools is to not 

allow it to be taught there in the first place. 

We simply cannot TRUST TM Teachers to leave out

the parts of the dogma that are directly derived

from Hindu thought when they present the three

nights of checking, let alone afterwards, as they

try to suck these students into Advanced Tech-

niques and the Siddhis. And *everyone* here 

knows that that's exactly what they will do. 

It is EXACTLY the same situation that caused

Thomas Jefferson to write one of his most remem-

bered quotes, the one that graces the Jefferson

Memorial in Washington. This quote was written

in a letter to a friend discussing an attempt

by Christians to teach *their* dogma in a school

system. In that particular case, *they* promised

not to teach anything explicitly religious 

either, and NO ONE BELIEVED THEM. 


Instead, believe Thomas Jefferson. He had the

right idea:

I have sworn upon the altar of God 

eternal hostility against every from 

of tyranny over the mind of man.

Jefferson was talking about *preventing* the teach-

ing of religion in schools in America. The principle 

still stands. It stands in the case of Christianity, 

and it stands in the case of the TM Is Not A 

Religion Religion.

IMO, of course...





[FairfieldLife] Brasscheck TV: Elliot Spitzer was right -Escort not the Problem!

2009-03-25 Thread Arhata Osho
Why judge a politician for using an 'Escort'?  Listen to this and
 you'll see that 'Elliot Spitzer' was more of a hero!

Here's a video we produced and issued
a year ago.

Most people didn't get it at the time. 

Some accused us of spinning a wild conspiracy

While it's true that former NY governor Elliot Spitzer 
cavorted with prostitutes, if every politician who
does the same were busted, there'd be no one left
in Washington. 

So why was Elliot Spitzer really taken out by 
the Republican organized crime machine a year

Hint: AIG, Goldman Sachs, and sub-prime fraud.

We reported this a full year ago.

Brasscheck TV subscribers knew this back then. 
Now CNN and others are getting a clue.  



- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues. 

That's how we grow. Thanks. 


Brasscheck TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:


[FairfieldLife] Baruch Spinoza: Heretic Extraordinaire

2009-03-25 Thread Arhata Osho

[StruggleWithJudaism] Marci

Baruch Spinoza: Heretic Extraordinaire 
One of the most significant figures in the history of philosophy, Spinoza was 
excommunicated by the Jewish community.
Spinoza is an important figure in early modern Jewish history because he used 
modern critical methods to question Jewish tradition and authority. His 
rebellion earned him excommunication from the Jewish community; he lived the 
remainder of his life apart from the Jewish community, but never renounced his 
Judaism. In this way, he was a sort of proto-secularist. Reprinted with 
permission from The Jewish Religion: A Companion, published by Oxford 
University Press.

Spinoza Excommunicated
Spinoza's approach and his general independ­ent attitude to religion awakened 
the suspicions of both the Calvinists and the Jewish commu­nity in Amsterdam. 
On 27 July 1656, Spinoza was placed under the ban (herem) by the Amsterdam 
community. The ban, written in Portuguese, is still preserved in the archives 
of the Amsterdam community. The pronounce­ment preceding the ban reads: 
The chiefs of the council make known to you that having long known of evil 
opinions and acts of Baruch de Spinoza, they have endeavored by various means 
and promises to turn him from evil ways. Not being able to find any remedy, but 
on the contrary receiving every day more information about the abomin­able 
heresies practiced and taught by him, and about the monstrous acts committed by 
him, having this from many trustworthy witnesses who have deposed and borne 
witness on all this in the presence of said Spinoza, who has been convicted; 
all this having been examined in the presence of the Rabbis, the council 
decided, with the advice of the Rabbi, that the said Spinoza should be 
excommunicated and cut off from the Nation of Israel.
It has often been noted that, in view of Christian opposition to Spinoza's 
opinions, the Jewish community had little option in dissoci­ating itself from 
Spinoza's heresies. After he had been placed under the ban, Spinoza settled 
in various other Dutch cities, ending his days in The Hague where he lived an 
independent life earning his living by polishing lenses.
Spinoza on the Bible
Spinoza, in his Tractatus Theologico‑politicus, published in Hamburg in 1670, 
relies on Abraham IbnEzra's cryptic remarks regarding passages in the 
Pentateuch that must have been added after Moses, to put forward his view that 
Pentateuch was not compiled by Moses but [the prophet] Ezra…The belief that 
Moses wrote the Pentateuch at the dictation of God was shared by Christians 
as well as Jews in the seventeenth century. Small wonder, then, that Spinoza's 
views were seen at that time as rank heresy of the greatest danger to faith. 
Biblical criticism in the nineteenth century relied on Spinoza to develop the 
whole subject further. Many Jews today accept general principles of biblical 
criticism and reinterpret their faith accordingly, so that for them, Spinoza's 
view that Ezra is the true author of the Pentateuch is unacceptable on 
scholarly grounds, but the question of heresy does not enter into the picture.
Spinoza on God
It is quite otherwise with Spinoza's ideas about God as developed in his 
Ethics, published posthumously. Here Spinoza's views, which, it must be 
admitted, are difficult fully to comprehend, seem to suggest that there is no 
God as the Supreme Being, only as a philo­sophical idea, God corresponding to 
the uni­verse in totality. Spinoza's tight and carefully worked‑out scheme is 
deterministic with no apparent room for the doctrine of free will and, for him, 
there is no longer any need for Jews to remain a separate people who worship 
God in a special way. 
For Spinoza, God did not create nature but is nature, and neither intellect nor 
will can be ascribed to God. This, at least, is the usual understanding of 
Spinoza's pan­theism, although a few scholars have inter­preted his thought as 
rather more in accordance with traditional theism. In his lifetime Spinoza was 
accused of being an atheist. In a letter to Jacob Ostens (1625‑78), Lambert Van 
Velthuysen (1622‑85) openly states that in his view Spinoza's opinions are 
nothing more than a disguised form of atheism: 
He [Spinoza] acknowledges God and con­fesses Him to be the maker and founder of 
the universe. But he declares, that the form, appear­ance, and order of the 
world are evidently as necessary as the Nature of God, and the eternal truths, 
which he holds are established apart from the decision of God. Therefore he 
also expressly declares that all things come to pass by invincible necessity 
and inevitable fate ... He does this in accordance with his principles. For 
what room can there be for a last judgement? Or what expectation of reward or 
of punish­ment, when all things are declared to emanate from God with 
inevitable necessity, or rather, when he declares that this whole universe is 
God? For I fear that our author is not very 

[FairfieldLife] FDA Approves Depressant Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful

2009-03-25 Thread Arhata Osho
Who would have ever thought that these kind would FINALLY get recognized!

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=jd4tugPM83c







[FairfieldLife] Jewish Buddhism

2009-03-24 Thread Arhata Osho

Jewish Buddhism

If there is no self,

whose arthritis is this?
 Be here now.

Be someplace else later.

Is that so complicated?
 Drink tea and nourish life.

With the first sip ... joy.

With the second ... satisfaction. 

With the third, peace.

With the fourth, a Danish.
 Wherever you go, there you are.

Your luggage is another story.
 Accept misfortune as a blessing.

Do not wish for perfect health,

Or a life without problems.

What would you talk about?
 The journey of a thousand miles 

Begins with a single   oy.
There is no escaping karma

In a previous life, you never called,

you never wrote, you never visited.

And whose fault was that?
 Zen is not easy.

It takes effort to attain nothingness.

And then what do you have?

The Tao does not speak.

The Tao does not blame.

The Tao does not take sides.

The Tao has no expectations.

The Tao demands nothing of others.

The Tao is not Jewish. 
Breathe in. Breathe out.

Breathe in. Breathe out. 

Forget this and attaining Enlightenment will be 

the least of your problems.
 Let your mind be as a floating cloud.

Let your stillness be as the wooded glen.

And sit up straight.

You'll never meet the Buddha with such rounded 
 Be patient and achieve all things.

Be impatient and achieve all things faster.
To Find the Buddha, look within.

Deep inside you are ten thousand flowers.

Each flower blossoms ten thousand times. 

Each blossom has ten thousand petals.

You might want to see a specialist. 
To practice Zen and the art of Jewish motorcycle 

do the following:

Get rid of the motorcycle.

What were you thinking? 
 Be aware of your body.

Be aware of your perceptions.

Keep in mind that not every physical sensation 

a symptom of a terminal illness.

The Torah says, Love thy neighbor as thyself. 

The Buddha says there is no self. 

So, maybe you are off the hook.
Though only your skin, sinews, and bones remain, 

though your blood and flesh dry up and wither 

yet shall you meditate and not stir

until you have attained full Enlightenment.

But, first, a little nosh 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp

2009-03-24 Thread Arhata Osho
So 'herbs' are worthless if one has problems already manifesting!  Inneresting

Herbs are basically bullshit. They are fine if you are fine, they 
will not 

heal problems already manifesting. That's why all gurus eventually go to 

medical doctors.

- Original Message - 

From: Alex Stanley j_alexander_ stan...@yahoo. com

To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 8:26 AM

Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shemp

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From a friendly lurker

 Hey Rick I was just glancing at FFL and saw Shemp's post about being


 I would suggest he get a male hormone panel.

 Men at this age usually have a huge shift in the ratio of testosterone to

 estrogen and believe it or not there are ways to adjust this herbally and 


 might shift his mood.

 Thing is he has to be very careful who he goes to.  Not an 


 as they may want to use testosterone and that is the kiss of death.  Only

 herbally and nutritionally. ...

 For boosting testosterone and reducing estrogen dominance naturally, check 

 out Dr. William Wong's websites:

 http://www.drwong. us/

 http://www.naturalh ealthpodcasts. com/podcasts. html

  - - --

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 FairfieldLife- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com

 Or go to:

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 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links





Re: [FairfieldLife] Eating Too Much Red Meat May Shorten Life

2009-03-24 Thread Arhata Osho
Wouldn't it be a better world if men ate twice as much red meat? Is the value 
of men
over rated anyway? Could be a way of reducing the male population.

MONDAY, March 23 (HealthDay News) -- Diets high in red meat and in processed 
meat shorten life span not just from cancer and heart disease but from 
Alzheimer's, stomach ulcers and an array of other conditions as well, a U.S. 
National Cancer Institute study has found.

In fact, reducing meat consumption to the amount eaten by the bottom 20 percent 
seen in the study would save 11 percent of men's lives and 16 percent of 
women's, according to the study.

The consumption of red meat was associated with a modest increase in total 
mortality, said Rashmi Sinha, lead author of the study in the March 23 issue 
of Archives of Internal Medicine.

This fits together with the findings of the American Institute for Cancer 
Research and the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Cancer Society, 
which recommend limiting the consumption of red meat, added Sinha, who is a 
senior investigator with the nutrition epidemiological branch in the cancer 
epidemiology and genetics division at the Cancer Institute. This is something 
new in the sense of mortality.

Previous studies of red meat had mostly found an association with cancer 
incidence. The authors pointed out that many pooled studies had been conducted 
by vegetarian groups.

Last year, U.S. National Cancer Institute researchers reported that a 
quarter-pound hamburger or a small pork chop eaten daily could put you at 
increased risk for a variety of cancers. The message from the latest study 
echoes that finding: The more red meat and processed meat you eat, the greater 
your risk for dying of cancer.

But the American Meat Institute objected to the conclusion, saying in a 
statement that the study relied on notoriously unreliable self-reporting about 
what was eaten in the preceding five years. This imprecise approach is like 
relying on consumers' personal characterization of their driving habits in 
prior years in determining their likelihood of having an accident in the 

Meat is an excellent source of zinc, iron, B12 and other essential vitamins 
and minerals, the statement continued. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines say to eat 
a balanced diet that includes lean meat. In this way, you derive a wide array 
of nutrients from many different sources. It's the best return on a nutritional 
investment you can get.

Dr. Michael Thun, vice president emeritus of epidemiology and surveillance 
research at the American Cancer Society, however, said the study's findings 
support previous studies and also support the American Cancer Society 
nutrition guidelines.

Those guidelines include choosing fish, poultry or beans instead of beef, pork 
and lamb; choosing leaner cuts of meat; and baking, broiling or poaching meat 
rather than frying or charbroiling it.

For the study, the researchers looked at what more than a half-million people, 
ages 50 to 71, were eating over the span of a decade. Participants tended to be 
white and educated with fewer smokers and more vegetable-and- fruit eaters than 
in the general population. During that time, more than 71,000 people died.

Men and women eating the highest amount of red meat were found to have a 31 
percent and 36 percent, respectively, higher risk of dying from any cause than 
those eating the least amount.

Women eating the most processed meat were 25 percent more likely to die early 
than those eating the least of this type of meat, while men had a 16 percent 
increased risk, the study found.

Causes of death for those in the study included diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, 
ulcers, pneumonia, influenza, liver disease, HIV, tuberculosis, chronic 
obstructive pulmonary disease and more.

Dying from cancer also was more likely among those eating the most red meat: 22 
percent higher for men, 20 percent for women. The risk for death from cancer 
increased 12 percent for men and 11 percent for women who ate the greatest 
amount of processed meat.

Similarly, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease was higher by 27 
percent for men and 50 percent for women; for processed red meat, the risk was 
9 percent higher for men and 38 percent higher for women.

However, people who ate the most white meat showed a lower risk of dying..

The authors also noted a 24 percent higher risk of dying from heart problems 
among men who had never smoked and who ate more white meat. Women faced a 20 
percent higher risk.

Meat contains many carcinogens as well as saturated fat, which might explain 
the increased mortality risk, the authors stated.

Dr. Jay Brooks, chairman of hematology/oncology at Ochsner Health System in 
Baton Rouge, La., described the study's findings as provocative. 

The question is how much of it is the meat and how much is the extra 
calories, Brooks said. Calories per se are a strong 

[FairfieldLife] Gov. Palin Alaska's Biggest Disaster!

2009-03-24 Thread Arhata Osho

This isanother reason why we all need to keep informed
and do what little we can do to encourage greater communication and action.  
Here's where reading and sitting around just isn't enough.  Every voice can be 
heard by many
by putting it out there.  All these religious myths are an example - not an 
overnite answer
to those who can't see or hear or, just are not cued up for all important 
matters like this
Search ResultsNews results for 20th anniversary of Exxon spill20th Anniversary 
of Exxon Valdez Disaster - 3 hours ago
The March 24, 1989 Exxon Valdez tanker
 oil spill blackened hundreds of kilometres of ... to commemorate the 20th 
anniversary of the spill on March 24, 2009. ...CTV.ca - 343 related articles »

Stick Your Damn Hand In It: 20th Birthday of the Exxon Valdez Lie 

Submitted by Greg_Palast. Edited By nicole_powers.

Gail, Please! Stick your hand in it!

The petite Eskimo-Chugach woman gave me that you-dumb-ass-white-boy look.


She stuck it in,
 under the gravel of the beach at Sleepy Bay, her village's fishing ground. 
Gail's hand came up dripping with black, sickening goo. It could make you 
vomit. Oil from the Exxon Valdez.

It was already two years after the spill and Exxon had crowed that Mother 
Nature had happily cleaned up their stinking oil mess for them. It was a lie.. 
But the media wouldn't question the bald-faced bullshit. And who the hell was 
going to investigate
 Exxon's claim way out in some godforsaken Native village in the Prince William 

So I convinced the Natives to fly the lazy-ass reporters out to Sleepy Bay on 
rented float planes to see the oil that Exxon said wasn't there. 

The reporters looked, but didn't see it, because it was three inches under 
their feet, under the shingle rock of the icy beach. Gail pulled out her hand 
and now the whole place smelled like a gas station. The network crews wanted to 
puke. And now, with their eyes open, they saw the oil, the vile feces-colored 
smear across the glaciated ridge faces, the poisonous bathtub ring that ran 
for miles and miles at the high tide level.

And it's still there. Less for sure. But twenty years later. IT'S STILL THERE, 
GODDAMNIT. And I want YOU, dear reader, to stick your hand in it. I want YOU, 
President Obama, to stick your hand in it before you blithely fulfill your 
Palin-esque campaign promise for a little more
 offshore drilling.


Tuesday marks the 20th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez grounding and the 
smearing of 1,200 miles of Alaska's coastline with its oil. 

It also marks the 20th Anniversary of a lie. Lots of lies: catalogued in a 
four-volume investigation of the disaster; four volumes you'll never see. I 
wrote that report, with my team of investigators working with the Natives 
preparing fraud and racketeering charges against Exxon. You'll never see the 
report because Exxon lawyers threatened the Natives, Mention the f-word 
[fraud] and you'll never get a dime of compensation to clean up the villages. 
The Natives agreed to drop the fraud charge -- and Exxon stiffed them on the 
money. You're surprised, right?


Doubtless, for the 20th Anniversary of the Great Spill, the media will schlep 
out that old story that the tanker ran aground because its captain was drunk at 
the wheel. Bullshit. 

Yes, the captain was
 three sheets to the wind -- but sleeping it off below-decks. The ship was in 
the hands of the third mate who was driving blind. That is, the Exxon Valdez' 
Raycas radar system was turned off; turned off because it was busted and had 
been busted since its maiden voyage. Exxon didn't want to spend the cash to fix 
it. So the man at the helm, electronically blindfolded, drove it up onto the 

So why the story of the drunken skipper? Because it lets Exxon off the hook: 
Calling it a case of drunk driving turns the disaster into a case of human 
error, not corporate penny-pinching greed.

Indeed, the human error tale was the hook used by the Bush-stacked Supreme 
Court to slash the punitive damages awarded against Exxon by 90%, from $5 
billion, to half a billion for 30,000 Natives and fishermen. Chief Justice John 
Roberts erased almost all of the payment due with the la-dee-dah comment, What 
more can a corporation do?

Well, here's
 what they could have done: Besides fix the radar, Exxon could have set out 
equipment to contain the spill. Containing a spill is actually quite simple. 
Stick a rubber skirt around the oil slick and suck it back up. The law requires 
it and Exxon promised it.

So, when the tanker hit, where was the rubber skirt and where was the sucker? 
Answer: The rubber skirt, called boom -- was a fiction. Exxon promised to 
have it sitting right there near the Native village at Bligh Reef. The oil 
company fulfilled that promised the cheap way: they lied. 

And the lie was engineered at the very top. After the spill, we got our hands 
on a series of memos describing a secret 

Fw: [FairfieldLife] Re: More despondency?

2009-03-24 Thread Arhata Osho
Time to enjoy!

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
... wrote:

 I can really identify with Kirk today.


 I'm in a transition in my life in which I am feeling really, really low.


 I've lost almost all confidence in myself.  And I cry a lot (yeah, that's 
 pretty sappy considering that I'm a 54 year old male).


 Any kind words or advise (yes, I'm asking!) directed my way will be very 

I sometimes use paradoxical intention as a quick cure for,

say, mild to moderate headache or some emotional problems.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Paradoxical_ intention





[FairfieldLife] Re: Blind Man's Bluff

2009-03-24 Thread Arhata Osho

--- On Tue, 3/24/09, Patrick Michael ptk...@gmail.com wrote:

Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 7:18 PM

#yiv664351265  _filtered #yiv664351265 {margin:0.79in;}
#yiv664351265 P {margin-bottom:0.08in;}
Man's Bluff

are hard, life is getting ever more tough
unlike the children's game called Blind Man's Bluff
blindsided just when you think you've had enough
down a steep slope, into a thicket quite rough
paid down, then out of no where something implodes
turn upside down, frowning as the smile erodes
to do but make a path to find new inroads
Lilly pads floating on water for frogs and toads
has to bear the weight, carry the load
bear the brunt, women look for love bestowed
is a blessing, paying the rent holds the abode
real life Blind Man's Bluff requires a secure credit code!


[FairfieldLife] Love the Compassion of the Pope

2009-03-24 Thread Arhata Osho


In the mid-1980s, Pope Jon Paul 11 visited a squalid barrio in Tumaco, 
Columbia.  He was dressed to the holy hilt in his finest white 
vestments.  The cap, solid gold cross and Pontiff ducked through a hole cut 
into tin sheets and plastic and entered a shack that was the home of an 
unemployed peasant farmer, his pregnant wife and a half-dozen emaciated 
kids.  The lean-to structure and the family of hopelessness within were 
typical of the crowded barrios he had seen on his tour, which was little more 
than a cesspool of poverty and violence, a dump site of shattered dreams.  
No doubt the Pope was a seasoned observer of the sight of many countless 
children in slums with their stick limbs and swelling bellies, playing in the 
open sewers.  While in the hut, he tried to speak soft words of comfort 
over a cacophony of babies crying for want of food, as they sucked at breasts 
run dry from overwork and overbreeding.
The stench of dysentery shriveled the papal nostrils. The hollow and 
awestruck gaze of the farmer and his tattered tots made him weep.  He 
re-emerged from the shack, displaying tears like shining medals to the tropical 
sun and the relentless flashing eyes of cameras.  He declared with a moving 
voice, to the press and the world at large, I bless the people in this 
home  As he left the area, a papal aide was seen slipping $300 into the 
Columbian farmer's hand.
Upon the Pope's return from the South American crusade, he stressed with 
even more righteous certainty than ever before that all birth control and 
contraceptive methods are a sin.
John Hogue
The people here now don't care about Mother Earth, because when they 
die they're going to heaven.  They're going to get a harp, a pair of wings, 
and a halo, and they're going to be playing all the time.  It is very 
unattractive to me.  I don't even know how to play a harp.
Semu Huarte:   American Indian, Chumash Nation 1983
 Neutering cats and dogs are the 'rage' - Please send that Idea to the pope!


 Feeling the pinch at the grocery store?  Make dinner for $10 or less.



[FairfieldLife] Finding Free Stuff

2009-03-24 Thread Arhata Osho

Mar 24, 2009

Where to find free stuff
Many websites can connect you to people in your area who are giving away 
perfectly fine items.. » Best links
The art of swapping unwanted itemsEasy ways you can save $2,000 a year



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More despondency

2009-03-24 Thread Arhata Osho

I just wanted to tell a story. So I was at the suupermarket and 
then I chose 

a very slow line to check out. I was thinking as I was shopping how 

invisible I felt as if I simply didn't exist. So anyway, I was checking out. 

The line was taking forever, but I decided not to be a dick. So as I got to 

the cashier she asked for my ID for a bottle of wine. So I gave it to her 

and she started chatting with me.  She was a cute black girl and we 

discussed being Libras and yada yada, also my being 9 days and 25 years 

older than her.  But I didn't feel so invisible after that, so I had my 

godly luck of the day. A small thing. I am sure. Presented to you from - the 

Outer Limits.

- Original Message - 

From: Kirk kirk_bernhardt@ cox.net

To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 5:34 PM

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More despondency

 I remember this TV show that had a character who was 1. Crippled in a

 wheelchair.  2. A dwarf.  3. Jewish  4. Atheist  5. African American  He

 said, If I'm happy, no one has the right to be unhappy.

 Count yer blessings, bubs, others here can see them.


 Ever read George C. Chesbro?

  - - --

 To subscribe, send a message to:

 FairfieldLife- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com

 Or go to:

 http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/FairfieldL ife/

 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links





[FairfieldLife] Catholic Church $$$

2009-03-21 Thread Arhata Osho



[FairfieldLife] Arnold's Answering Maachine

2009-03-20 Thread Arhata Osho

Arnold's Pizza shop answering machine



Re: [FairfieldLife] Now We Really ARE Screwed

2009-03-20 Thread Arhata Osho
It'll all come out in the wash! 

A bare congressional desire to harm a politically 

unpopular group? 

The frantic passage of the Populist Rage Tax was 

a new low in the US government's response to this 

crisis. It shows just how likely we are to doom 

ourselves to a decade or more of misery–by choking 

our markets, closing our borders, turning our banks 

into tools of social policy, and wrecking what's 

left of our economy.

Read more:

'90% Tax? Now We Really ARE Screwed'

By Henry Blodget

Business Insider, March 19, 2009

http://tinyurl. com/c7a9kx





[FairfieldLife] Jim Hightower - Tax Code

2009-03-20 Thread Arhata Osho

Wednesday, March 18, 2009   |   Posted by Jim Hightower

 The rich truly are different from you and me, for they are treated differently.

I'm not talking about the merely affluent, but about the ultra-rich – those 
Wall Street elites who annually pocket tens of millions of dollars each through 
such financial entities as hedge funds and private equity firms. While you and 
I earn the bulk of our money from wages (or ordinary income, as economists so 
snobbishly call it), the richy-rich don't receive anything as pedestrian as 
income. No, no, they have gains. 

Aside from the snoot factor, what's the difference? The tax code. Our ordinary 
income is taxed by the feds at a rate of up to 35 percent. The very rich, 
however, who haul in most of their money from capital gains and stock gains, 
pay only 15 percent on this income. 

What's at work here is another big difference between us and them. They have 
lobbyists and are able to make impressive levels of campaign contributions to 
key politicians – so, the tax code has been deliberately perverted to benefit 
them. Oh, tut-tut, sniff these swell ones, we take big investment risks with 
our money and we fuel America's entrepreneurial spirit. So we are, in fact, 
special and deserve preferential tax treatment. 

Good grief, Daddy Warbucks, spare us your bloated sense of entitlement. Mostly, 
you're risking other people's money, and mostly you're buying up existing 
companies, which you then cannibalize by firing workers and selling off 
corporate parts to fatten your take. Nothing noble about it.

Income is income, and the superrich deserve no special break just because they 
make their money from money. As Warren Buffett has asked, why should 
billionaire investors like him pay a lower tax rate than our receptionists do 
or our cleaning ladies? It's a question of fundamental fairness.

Putting A Bull's-Eye On a Tax Loophole, The New York Times, March 10, 2009.

Two Americas, Two Tax Codes, The New York Times, March 9, 2009.


You're young only once, but you can always be immature.
--motto of The World Famous Lawn Rangers from Amazing Arcola, Illinois

We can't continue to have a system where Wall Street executives privatize all 
the gains and then socialize all the losses. --Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.)
This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in 
it. --John Adams
I can't understand why people are afraid of new ideas, I'm afraid of the old 
ones. --John Cage 
Whoever loves money, never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never 
satisfied with hir income. This too is meaningless. --Ecclesiastes 5:10
When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a 
cross. --Sinclair Lewis

Get help establishing your citizenship with these great immigration services. 
Click now!

Please support Acharya by visiting http://www.truthbeknown.com Help spread the 
word and post this site wherever you can!Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: Bailout - sometimes Moore is better

2009-03-20 Thread Arhata Osho
Good News!

#yiv1013870891 p {margin:0;}There's a new letter on MichaelMoore.com and it has 
some new insight into the movie. It's going to be focusing on the Wall Street 
Bailout or the financial crisis in the USA going on right now. The title of the 
movie could be 'Bailout' judging by the letter. 

Here it is in full: 


I am in the middle of shooting my next movie and I am looking for a few brave 
people who work on Wall Street or in the financial industry to come forward and 
share with me what they know. Based on those who have already contacted me, I 
believe there are a number of you who know the real deal about the abuses 
that have been happening. You have information that the American people need to 
hear. I am humbly asking you for a moment of courage, to be a hero and help me 
expose the biggest swindle in American history. 

All correspondence with me will be kept confidential. Your identity will be 
protected and you will decide to what extent you wish to participate in telling 
the greatest crime story ever told. 

The important thing here is for you to step up as an American and do your duty 
of shedding some light on this financial collapse. A few good people have 
already come forward, which leads me to believe there are many more of you out 
there who know what's going on. Here's your chance to let your fellow citizens 
in on the truth. 

If you have any info that would help, please contact me at my private email 
address: bail...@michaelmoore.com. 

For the rest of you on my email list who don't work in the financial industry, 
you're probably wondering, What the heck is this all about? I thought he said 
he was making a romantic comedy! 

Well, I just can't say much right now. I'm sure you can understand why. One 
thing I can tell you is that you're gonna like this movie when I'm done with 
it. Oh, yeah... 

So, again, if you work for a bank, a brokerage firm or an insurance company -- 
or if you have seen things or heard things that you believe the American people 
have a right to know -- please contact me at bail...@michaelmoore.com. 

Thank you in advance for your help! 

Michael Moore 


[FairfieldLife] The Idoiots are Coming out of Their Holes

2009-03-20 Thread Arhata Osho


Bible boom in the Credit Crunch -Times Online*


[FairfieldLife] You Tube - Free Speech is Sacred!

2009-03-20 Thread Arhata Osho

For those wanting to do their part in society through 
'free speech' contact me for
'free speech' kits (free)!

YouTube - Free speech is sacred* 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Have a Very Good Morning

2009-03-19 Thread Arhata Osho
The internet dumbs down my messages, in person, you would experience a very 
different reality.  Yes, that seemed like a good comeback.

Hey Arhata,

Your response was really funny.  Sometimes I catch a peek into the person 
behind the Aunt with new computer forwarded email style that I mostly ignore. 
 Nice one!  (I agree with Kirk about the Have a Very Good Morning, post but 
it lead to this snarky response so you redeemed yourself!)












 That's fucking gay, and we had totally grey weather 

 for three solid days last week as it was gloomy as shit all during St Pat's 

 leading up, and my best friend is now moving. Best friend of fifteen fucking 

 years.  I don't have any other friends like him here and now I will 

 straight up lose my mind. Yep, have a great goddamn motherfucking 




   - Original Message - 


   Arhata Osho 

   To: arhatafreespeech@ yahoo.com 

   Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 6:26 


   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Have a Very Good 























 a Very Good Morning! !!

 Spring is a couple days 












Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Have a Very Good Morning

2009-03-19 Thread Arhata Osho
 Appreciate the comments.  Most of the stuff I write is 'old', usually an hour 
or so before
you get it.
As most may, I have multiple reasons for 'posting' both here and anywhere.
Always I look at reaction/response or, none as it often adds to things I write. 
is an example - I was emailing back and forth with a woman on a Muslim sight who
spent lots of time judging with no basis for it (in fact, she incited todays 
one), and yesterday, her reactions 'popped out' one on my views on religion 
Religions Are Dead, which oddly was published yesterday on Rense.com - so
it's always an unknown what will come up. 
Maybe I'll write something on 'fresh'!
Oh, and I'm not a fan of most who follow ANY guru/master/whatever (incliuding 
Osho) without them standing 'alone'.


You do sometimes submit fresh words, but so much of what you post seems 
dated.  Reason:  sue me, but the fact that you cut and paste and do not correct 
the errors due to translating your text's formatting into Yahoo speak screams 
to me that you're troll-posting your previous writings with no reason other 
than to be in the spotlight.  

Also, you always have that damned date in your signature so my knee jerk is to 
assume the post came from that era -- again, sue me, but it's a turn off.

Why don't you just post all your stuff to the files section and be done with it?

Meanwhile, when you do respond and interact, I find you interesting -- not 
often on a topic that grabs me -- but interesting.  You've got a tee shirt from 
paying some dues -- probably from being abused by Osho's group morals, so 
there's some wisdom to be tapped inside ya, but most of the time you come off 
as someone shouting from the back of the crowd just to hear his own voice -- a 
sin I have committed often enough that I'm an expert on this, so heed my advice 
-- if you engage us with fresh stuff, we'll be able to read you in context 
and that will be true intimacy.






[FairfieldLife] American's Mobilizing in Anger

2009-03-18 Thread Arhata Osho
Mar 17 08:39 

Fed-up Americans mobilize: More than 150 tea parties




[FairfieldLife] US Endorses International Gay Rights!

2009-03-18 Thread Arhata Osho
Finally, there is some consciousness at work!
Search ResultsNews results for Obama signs gay rightsObama to sign UN gay 
rights declaration - 4 hours ago
In reversal of Bush administration policy, United States President Barack Obama 
will sign the United Nations declaration that calls for the ...Radio 
Netherlands - 591 related articles »US endorses UN gay rights textMar 18, 2009 
... The Obama administration on Wednesday formally endorsed a UN statement 
calling for the worldwide ... a measure that former President George W. Bush 
had refused to sign. ... Washington backs UN declaration on gay rights ...



Re: [FairfieldLife] FOX Propaganda News Edits Biden Tape to Create Lie

2009-03-17 Thread Arhata Osho

When will right wing 'true believers' recognize that they're being lied to?


Fox News Edits Clip To Suggest That Biden Recently Declared `Fundamentals Of 
The Economy Are Strong'

Fox News's Martha MacCallum introduced a segment highlighting Council of 
Economic Advisers Chairman Christina Romer's claim yesterday that the 
fundamentals of the economy are sound. After weeks of economic doom and 
gloom, the Obama administration is now singing a slightly different tune, 
MacCallum said.

She then played clips of Romer and other administration officials making 
seemingly positive comments about the current state of the economy. One of the 
clips was of Vice President Biden saying, The fundamentals of the economy are 
strong! After the segment, MacCallum said, All right, well the mantra for the 
weekend is clear, looking at what was said over the course of the shows on 

Watch it: http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=xv0ge6ltyLA

But the clip of Biden seemingly making a recent remark about the strength of 
the economy is grossly inaccurate. The Biden statement was actually from last 
September — during the presidential campaign — when he was quoting Sen. John 
McCain (R-AZ). Here's what Biden really said:

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that's why John McCain 

could say with a straight face as recently as this morning 

and this is a quote, the fundamentals of the economy are 

strong. That's what John said. He says that We've made 

great progress economically in the Bush years.

Watch it: http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=G7CRDSZ3Pl4

Apparently, dishonestly rewriting history is perfectly acceptable at Fox now.

http://thinkprogres s.org/2009/ 03/16/fox- news-fundamental s/






2009-03-17 Thread Arhata Osho
Google 'TruthbeKnown.com and read my sister's research.  Her's on Jesus is #1
in the world. 
Belief is doubt.  Truth is very different.






[FairfieldLife] Re: [StruggleWithJudaism] Elders of Zion to Retire (Better late than never)

2009-03-16 Thread Arhata Osho
Sonow no ones in charge of the world?  The Elders of Islam are moving up?

Elders of Zion to Retire
Backward: A Purim Spoof

By Anthony Weiss
Published March 04, 2009, issue of March 13, 2009.




Author Archive



Elders of Zion, the venerable and shadowy Jewish organization that
controls the international banking industry, news media and Hollywood,
has announced that it is disbanding so that members can retire to
Florida and live out their golden years on the golf course.
had a good run, said one senior Elder, reminiscing over old
photographs of world leaders in his musty, wood-paneled office at an
undisclosed location. Maybe we ran the world for just a little too
long. Anyway, now it's Obama's problem.
After a
humiliating year left most of its financial holdings, as well as the
entire civilized world, on the verge of collapse, the organization has
re-defined its mission in terms of bridge games and making it to
restaurants for the Early Bird Special.

The Wild Bunch:
The Elders of Zion, pictured here in younger, more rambunctious days,
are hanging up their fezzes and heading south. Noted Morris (third from
left), `The only thing I'm looking to dominate now is a Piña Colada.'

announcement comes after a year in which many of the Elders' most
prized institutions suffered disheartening failures. The vaunted global
banking system, which lay at the heart of Jewish world domination for
almost two centuries, collapsed with astonishing rapidity, requiring
trillions of dollars in bailout funds. The newspaper industry, through
which the Elders have controlled world opinion, is in shambles, with
prominent papers declaring bankruptcy and forcing millions of readers
to form their own opinions. And, in the unkindest cut, Hollywood
suffered the humiliation of losing the Oscar for Best Picture to Indian
film Slumdog Millionaire. 
The organization' s
reputation for financial probity had also taken a hit amidst rumors of
billions in losses in private Kalooki games against Sheikh Hamad bin
`Isa of Bahrain. According to inside sources, the organization also
lost close to $1 trillion with disgraced investor Bernard Madoff.
before this past year, though, the Elders were facing hard times as
they struggled to stay relevant and attract young members. The
organization has tried to project a more youthful image, setting up a
Facebook page and founding a new Hipsters of Zion youth division,
which has sponsored a number of singles nights. But youngsters haven't
been interested.
World domination just doesn't
resonate with the younger generation of Jews, said Marvin Tobman, a
professor of non-profit management at San Diego State University and
expert on Jewish communal life. They want the fun of fixing the world,
not the responsibility of running it.
These recent troubles have worried even some of the Elders' sharpest critics.
always used to complain that Jews ran the world, said Reginald Weber,
author of Zionists and Zookeepers: The Unholy Alliance. But now I'm
starting to worry that nobody's in charge.





[FairfieldLife] The Protocols of the Drinkers of Coffee

2009-03-16 Thread Arhata Osho
Hate can make sense to the 'fear based, ignorant mind'.  For the 'fragile non- 
 minds this writing can make enough sense to further justify unexamined inner 
of millions - and, IT DOES!
Coincidentally, the CEO of Starbucks (Howard Schultz) is a contemporary of mine 
who was also in
the same Summer house as I was when we were both corporate salesmen for big
corporations in Manhattan (his was Xerox). He was and IS no more of a negative
 Zionist than I am or Santa Clause and Easter Bunny is (or, ARE THEY?)..
Words create illusions that control idiots!

Jewish World Review 

March 16, 2009

/ 20 Adar 5769

The Protocols of the Drinkers of Coffee

Melanie Phillips

If this were only a joke! 
What we are up against within the Islamic world is quite simply a wholesale 
negation of reason; nothing less

http://www.JewishWo rldReview. com |  

 From Egypt, further evidence that the Islamist hatred of the Jews is not 
caused by Israel's behaviour or even its existence. It's caused by... hatred of 
the Jews. Here, Egyptian cleric Muhammad Hussein Ya'qoub raves:

If the Jews left Palestine to
us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them.
Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels – not because I say so, and not
because they are killing Muslims, but because Allah said: 'The Jews say
that Uzair is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that Christ is
the son of Allah. These are the words from their mouths. They imitate
the sayings of the disbelievers before. May Allah fight them. How
deluded they are.' It is Allah who said that they are infidels.


Your belief regarding the Jews should be, first, that they are
infidels, and second, that they are enemies. They are enemies not
because they occupied Palestine. They would have been enemies even if
they did not occupy a thing. Allah said: 'You shall find the strongest
men in enmity to the disbelievers [sic]
to be the Jews and the polytheists. ' Third, you must believe that the
Jews will never stop fighting and killing us. They [fight] not for the
sake of land and security, as they claim, but for the sake of their
religion: 'And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you
back you're your religion, if they can.' 


This is it. We must believe that our fighting with the Jews is eternal,
and it will not end until the final battle – and this is the fourth
point. You must believe that we will fight, defeat, and annihilate
them, until not a single Jew remains on the face of the Earth.

Egypt, let us not forget, is
a `moderate' Arab state that has a peace agreement with Israel. It is
nevertheless a major source of barking-mad Jewish demonisation in the
Arab world. Here is
Egyptian Cleric Salama Abd Al-Qawi warning Muslims against the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion – the  notorious Czarist forged claim
that the Jews covertly rule the world — and many US companies :

They [the Jews]began
conspiring to annihilate the Islamic and Arab nation, to plunder its
resources, and to destroy its youth. Regretfully, the plots they
hatched are being implemented today in detail. One of their
conspiracies, which stemmed from their black hatred, was to gain
control over the entire global economy, bringing the world under their
thumb. So they founded huge companies, which, like spiders, send their
webs all over the world. The main goal of these companies was to erase
Islamic identity.
... Many
basic products, which may be found in many Muslim households, like the
Ariel, Tide, and Persil laundry detergents, are made by Zionist
companies. The Coca Cola and Pepsi companies and all their products –
Seven Up, Miranda, Fania, and all these products, all the carbonated
beverages, with very few exceptions that don't bear mention... Almost
all the carbonated beverages are Zionist-American products.
[...] Some restaurants, I'm
sad to say, are teeming with Muslim youth, and their safes are full of
the money of Muslims... McDonalds is Jewish-Zionist, Kentucky Fried
Chicken is Jewish-Zionist, Little Caesar, Pizza Hut, Domino's Pizza,
Burger King... By the way, all these products, which I have
mentioned... In addition, there is a new type of coffee these days...
All these are pure Zionist products, especially what is known as
Starbucks, the well-known coffee. It is Zionist.

Ah yes, Starbucks: home of the Zionist genocidal apartheid bean.. In January, 
Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi brought viewers of al Nas TV urgent news about 
the Starbucks logo:

Has any of you ever wondered
who this woman with a crown on her head is? Why do we boycott
Starbucks? ... The girl on the Starbucks logo is Queen Esther. Do you
know who Queen Esther was and what the crown on her head means? This is
the crown of the Persian Kingdom. This queen is the queen of the Jews.
She is mentioned in the Torah, in the Book of Esther. The girl you see
is Esther, the queen of the Jews in Persia...
Can you believe that in

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Uncertainty, The Darkness, and Waking Up at 3 A.M.

2009-03-16 Thread Arhata Osho
Where is the small town?
What  kind of a dog walks with you at that hour (here all females at night walk 
dogs in this very safe town).

March 15, 2009 

A  few days ago, I went out my door for a walk. After going down the gravel 
road in front of my house for a few minutes, I found myself staring straight on 
at a small group of deer. What a beautiful sight they were. As we stood there 
locked in a long gaze for several minutes, I noticed that instead of the five I 
had counted, there were actually ten. Eventually, they moved oh so slowly away 
and I progressed on with my walk.
On my way back home, as I neared my house, there they were again, as they had 
moved along on their journey, crossed though my land, and ended up along 
another stretch of the gravel road I was journeying upon. This time, there were 
eleven, but as we stood there looking at each other once again, another deer 
emerged, making a total of twelve.
Again, we had a wonderful encounter and interaction, and again we moved on with 
our own journeys.
It occurred to me, as I encountered this beautiful gentle energy of the deer, 
yet twice in one day, that they possessed a wonderful message. 
At first they appeared as five…the energy of change. Then came ten…the energy 
of new beginnings with the zero being an extra energy of special inner gifts. 
Progressing to eleven, a new portal was opened, with the dual number one 
serving as pillars of new beginning energy for a wonderful entry point. And 
then eventually, they emerged as twelve…the final energy of a higher way of 
being..of a new dimension…of completion and perfection.
And this is what is occurring now for so many of us.
First we experienced great change and much that was new. The energies were 
encouraging us to leave much of everything behind and to set up a very new 
foundation for ourselves. New and different was the theme. Change readying for 
new beginnings. Along with this, we progressed through a portal to a new and 
different shore. And currently, depending upon where you are on your journey 
home, there may be a strange and unsettling calm, a void or standstill, a space 
of no movement, and a wondering where you are now.
As always, we wait for the perfect time…we wait for enough souls to come to 
their own places on this journey…their own places in the new with their own new 
foundations now being set up. So in this way, after we progress to a certain 
point we may feel that not much is occurring, as the critical mass needs to be 
met before the next big surge forward and big experience of new and exciting 
adventures can arrive.
Yes, we are laying a very important new foundation now. We all need to be 
ready. From new web sites, to new cars, to new clothes, better health, or 
perhaps new homes and new friends, we are preparing for something very big…for 
the new dimension of completion and perfection.
We are now being asked to wait as everything is not quite where it needs to be 
before we move ahead. All the pieces are not yet together as a whole. It is not 
yet time. Shortly after the equinox on March 20th, there will be a bit of a 
shift along with the new moon on the 26th, and our new beginnings will then 
begin to open more fully. 
Waking Up At 3 A.M.
Part of this preparation involves waking up at around 3 a.m. every morning, 
unable to go back to sleep. The last time I saw this happening was a very long 
time ago, when we were adjusting to the higher vibrations and evolving very 
rapidly in the beginning stages of our spiritual evolutionary, or ascension 
There is a lot of energy running through us as we are preparing. Our souls want 
to get moving with their new roles, but it is not yet time. We are grounding in 
the new energies here in our new spaces, and thus, we indeed need to be here 
and not in another reality of dream time. We need a break from being gone as so 
much is occurring on all levels…we need to be here.
If you are one who is unusually sensitive, you may be finding it difficult to 
be out in the world, or to even have interactions at all with anything going on 
“out there.” Much of the old world can feel downright awful, as it is currently 
in such a major transition that the instability can throw us off balance and 
off course. Sensitives can oh so easily pick up these feelings of instability 
and uncertainty from others, but know as well, that the energies of the fall 
itself can be ever present as well.
The energy of uncertainly, as all the pieces are not yet together for a big 
thrust forward, can be felt at all levels. At our soul levels we always know 
what is occurring. Thus, our souls serve to protect us in every way by making 
it very clear what is occurring at higher levels. The uncertainly can manifest 
as fear and uneasiness, as a jittery feeling of insecurity and vulnerability, 
but it is only our souls telling us to wait a bit longer before we forge ahead. 
It can be 

[FairfieldLife] Alice Waters - 60 minutes

2009-03-15 Thread Arhata Osho
News results for alice watersAlice Waters' Crusade For Better Food - 5 hours ago
Alice Waters
has been preaching the virtues of cultivating fresh food for decades.
As Lesley Stahl reports, this world-renowned chef and restaurateur
hopes ...CBS News - 4 related articles »



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