[FairfieldLife] question for MZ

2011-06-22 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Hi. I'm a long-term lurker and very occasional poster on FFL. I had a close 
high school friend who went to MIU a few years before I did. He, as a freshman, 
attended your meetings and got royally confused and left MIU and the Movement, 
enrolling in Messiah College. From Maharishi to Messiah. These days, he's a 

By the time I got to MIU as a staff member, it was clear that RC was a dirty 
word. I picked up bits and pieces of the melodrama during that time and in 
later years. 

If you would, please tell me what the questions were you put to Maharishi in 
the lawsuit and what his responses were. I've wondered that for years.

[FairfieldLife] Re: question for MZ

2011-06-23 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Would you care to share the specifics of the questions (assuming you remember 

Also, given that you appear to be perhaps the only person in history to have 
gained "unity" consciousness and then later denounced it as some sort of put-on 
or hype or illusion, do you believe there's a real form of higher spirituality? 
If so, what do you think it is and how might one progress toward it?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Hi. I'm a long-term lurker and very occasional poster on FFL. I had a close 
> > high school friend who went to MIU a few years before I did. He, as a 
> > freshman, attended your meetings and got royally confused and left MIU and 
> > the Movement, enrolling in Messiah College. From Maharishi to Messiah. 
> > These days, he's a Calvinist. 
> > 
> > By the time I got to MIU as a staff member, it was clear that RC was a 
> > dirty word. I picked up bits and pieces of the melodrama during that time 
> > and in later years. 
> > 
> > If you would, please tell me what the questions were you put to Maharishi 
> > in the lawsuit and what his responses were. I've wondered that for years.
> RESPONSE: Nothing wrong with being a Calvinist, I think. Those questions put 
> to Maharishi (and the sounds he made in answer to them) are part of an 
> incredibly complicated legal and dramatic conflict between MIU and the 
> Movement I was creating. When (as it were) a gun was put to Maharishi's head, 
> he refused pointblank to endorse my tampering with the Sidhis by 
> acknowledging my enlightenment. The questions were designed to extort from 
> Maharishi a response which would have meant the destruction of the purity of 
> The Teaching. By his perfunctory answers (to speak euphemistically) he gave 
> expression to his extreme unhappiness that I by my sincere but quixotic 
> actions had created in him. The tape of his responses—played in court by 
> Bevan Morris—was strangely and inexplicably unsatisfactory. Nevertheless, the 
> questions—all about my putative enlightenment and my right to amend the 
> sidhis—were answered (if one can count audible short grunts as answers) in 
> the negative.
> But Maharishi himself appeared to be intensely ambivalent about the whole 
> thing. Which is why, accordingly, he instructed (I just heard about this 
> recently), Bevan to "leave Robin alone".
> That Maharishi guy, he was really something.The only real romance of my life.
> THere is a book in which the lawyers involved in this dispute are quoted 
> extensively. It's called Sacred Schisms, and I believe it can be 
> downloaded—but I'm not sure about this.
> I wish your friend well; if I may be permitted to say it, I think him 
> infinitely better off returning to Christianity than remaining at MIU. For I 
> think Christianity (Roman Catholicism) ONCE was the Truth. It's just that God 
> has withdrawn himself from his Church. Which is why and how the Eastern gods 
> invaded the West with impunity. They couldn't do this on such a massive scale 
> before. But I have gone beyond what you have asked me.
> >

[FairfieldLife] another question for MZ, and maybe William of Occam

2011-06-25 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Hi. I didn't receive answers to my last two questions, but I'll pose a third. 
AFAIK, you're the only person in recorded history to have achieved a unity-type 
state of consciousness or any other flavor of "enlightenment" and then denounce 
it as false. Are you aware of anyone else who has done so, and, if not, do you 
think you're the first and why? As I'm sure you'll agree, there is a long 
tradition of enlightenment in the East, and it would be surprising that no one 
else would have ever made the same claim, assuming your current consciousness 
reflects reality. 

"Yeah, I went through that Brahmi chetana thing. It was a big hoax. Sure wish I 
could convince the other six Sapta Rishis so they could move on with their 
lives. They were such nice Hindu boys before getting mixed up with yoga and 
Vedic cognition."

I'm not judging you or your assertion, just trying to get clarity as to your 
claim. I'm aware of people, like Krishnamurti, who renounced a guru position, 
and people who were on a path and rejected the path. Siddhartha Gautama comes 
to mind, when he rejected asceticism and veered off toward the Middle Way. 
Someone like Hindu-turned-Christian Rabindranath Maharaj, who wrote Escape into 
the Light, had a revered renunciate yogi as a father and himself grew up to 
become a yogic adept, complete with temporary "enlightenment" experiences that 
he eventually renounced, but he didn't consider himself to have *arrived* 
before he turned to Christianity. 

Do you still experience unity consciousness but have learned to disregard it or 
have you over time worked your way back to ordinary waking consciousness? Or, 
was the de-enlightenment as sudden as the enlightenment? To my understanding, 
you claim you were being used by Vedic gods. How did you get them to relinquish 

The claim that unity can be gained and then overcome and exposed as a lie is an 
even bigger mind-intercourse for TB's than FFL's shocking expose that Maharishi 
had sex. Or David Kaplan's wife coming aboard several years ago and claiming 
there were no Maharishi pandits and that, consequently, none would ever arrive 
in Fairfield (arguably, she was proven wrong on that one). Ergo, I think this 
is worth a bit more discussion, even if it is boring to some people. They don't 
have to read those posts, do they?

If your claim is false, and unity can't really be dismantled, then you must be: 

* an impostor who can convincingly appear to be RC (who rumor had it had 
committed suicide, anyway) and who wants to mess with TB's minds by making 
claims on his behalf


* RC, still in unity, but wanting to claim otherwise for some cosmic purpose 
(how could it not be cosmic, if he's in unity?)


* RC, who was in a temporary false unity, rather than THE WHOLE THING, THE REAL 
THING, and Maharishi was incapable of distinguishing between the two, which 
raises its own questions

If your claim is true, OTOH, then a vast fabric of Eastern traditions and 
writings spanning thousands of years and untold numbers of "saints" and sages 
is the biggest spoof in history and should receive at least passing 
acknowledgment on the Drudge Report.

I see no empirical way to distinguish between these options, just as there is 
no way to prove that the universe wasn't created just five minutes ago, 
complete with all its apparent history and all our memories of it. 

I used to be a TB. I now am too much of a skeptic to deny the possibility of 
anything, even everything I used to believe.

[FairfieldLife] WWWilliamofOccamD?

2011-06-26 Thread at_man_and_brahman

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> >
> > Hi. I didn't receive answers to my last two questions, but I'll pose a 
> > third.
> > AFAIK, you're the only person in recorded history to have achieved a 
> > unity-type
> > state of consciousness or any other flavor of "enlightenment" and then 
> > denounce
> > it as false. Are you aware of anyone else who has done so, and, if not, do 
> > you
> > think you're the first and why? As I'm sure you'll agree, there is a long
> > tradition of enlightenment in the East, and it would be surprising that no 
> > one
> > else would have ever made the same claim, assuming your current 
> > consciousness
> > reflects reality.
> MZ- thank you for taking the time to reply to the above questions that 
> someone posed.  I appreciate that you have really gone through an incredible 
> journey in your life andthere could be a good deal of truth of some sort in 
> your ideas about MMY, states of consciousness, and whether plain old reality 
> as we are born in to it is as real and good as it gets, assuming your brain 
> is healthy and does not start to malfunction and therefore modify your 
> perceptions of that reality.
> It does sound as if you have been faced with incredible challenges for the 
> past 24 years as you have - all alone - tried to deal with switching from one 
> state of unwanted consciousness, to another that you think is more the honest 
> reality. A lonely, confusing, apparently very complicated task that might 
> have been made even more so by the incredible intellect and unusual style of 
> thinking that you have.  I have no way of knowing if your interior battle for 
> the real reality is going to lead anywhere, but I hope you arrive at a place 
> that is relaxed and comfortable and is without the controlling efforts of the 
> forces and paradigms you are trying to escape.  Maybe no paradigm, just 
> simple being, is the healthiest way of living for all of us.  The obvious 
> response to your style and your writings is to ask if you ever get out of 
> your head and into your body - exercise, or get some medicine to stop the 
> onrushing thoughts - because it does not sound balanced, but then perhaps you 
> have tried all that.  Have you ever had a job or earned a living?  Or, this 
> is your journey and it is all consuming?I genuinely wish you well.
> > 
> > 

Thank you, Robin, for a very clear set of answers to my questions. I take it 
you've seen A Beautiful Mind? John Nash lived in a perceptual world opposed to 
"reality," and used his intellect to deconstruct the schizophrenia, a process 
taking the rest of his life. 

[FairfieldLife] Aquinas, reconsidered

2011-06-28 Thread at_man_and_brahman

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> >
> > Because in reading Catholic philosophers—like Aquinas—I find
> > myself intuiting the cosmos as they experienced it—I sort of
> > read this off of their writing.
> MZ, I have a question for you.
> Xeno called attention to the fact that Aquinas late in life
> had some kind of experience that "silenced" him and led him
> to declare, "All that I have written seems like straw to me."
> I'm wondering what you think happened to him. (If you've
> already commented on this, forgive me; I did a quick search
> but couldn't find anything.)
> And I have a hypothetical: Let's say you cut your spiritual
> teeth on the writings of Aquinas and thorughly internalized
> his views. You never encountered MMY, knew nothing about him
> or TM or the Eastern idea of enlightenment.
> One day in 1976, out of the blue, with no warning, you had
> the same experience you had on the mountain with MMY that
> you now refer to as "slipping into Unity Consciousness,"
> except that you had no preparation whatsoever and no context
> (and let's say it didn't last very long, a few hours or days).
> How would that have affected your take on Aquinas's writings?
> How long would it have taken you to decide that the experience
> wasn't "real" but Aquinas was?

Excellent question, Judy. My Catholic girlfriend posed exactly the same 
question over the weekend when I was trying to explain the whole RC thing and 
his detailed reply to my question. I'm not expert on Aquinas, but his epiphany 
what have been similar to that of Malcolm X at Mecca, when he had his own 
vision of a unity of sorts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Summa Wrestling and one more swipe at William of Occam

2011-07-04 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Robin, no one has taken up my suggestion to consider how William of Occam would 
treat your story. As you probably know, Occam's Razor says, "Pluralitas non est 
ponenda sine necessitate; "Plurality should not be posited without necessity." 
The simplest solution is the one most likely to be correct. In practice, "the 
simplest solution" is sometimes open for debate, but this principle is still 

I grew up in a Methodist family (though I do not belong to any church and have 
been a TM meditator for about 35 years), and find Catholicism, with its 
reliance on tradition and intercession, a poor substitute for whatever value 
lies in a more direct Biblical Christianity. That admitted bias and a few 
others I feel to be equally Occamian are the basis for what I write below. My 
thoughts are beginning to form regarding what may be questionable premises upon 
which you've structured an apparently logically sound argument, i.e., one in 
which the conclusions follow from the premises. If the premises are false, even 
a logically sound argument will provide a false representation of reality. 
[Yes, I'm clear you see Maharishi's teaching the same way.]

Here are my problems with what you've generously shared with FFL, as much as 
I've thought them through to date:

* I haven't read The Summa. I'd be surprised if it would impress me the same 
way it did you, not because of spending most of my lifetime influenced by 
Maharishi and his mantras but rather because I grew up Protestant. I don't 
believe the Bible to be the inerrant word of God, but I'm much more likely to 
look to it for the Christian message than to Aquinas or to other Catholic 
saints and scholars. Curtis appears to be saying much the same below. If the 
only hope of my being saved from the evil Vedic gods lies in attuning my mind 
to a Catholic Doctor, I'll take my chances. "If you have the conjoined bad luck 
to be both a Protestant and a TMer, you're screwed."

* You believe the Catholic church lost the Holy Spirit in the last century. I'd 
posit that whatever the Holy Spirit might be, Catholicism lost it within a few 
hundred years, at most, of the time of Jesus. Again speaking as a [nominal] 
Protestant, I look at the early history of Peter's church as one focused on 
accumulation of gold, jewels, and relics largely to the exclusion of simple 
original teachings, such as not storing up treasures where moths and rust 
corrupt and thieves steal. Aquinas might have been a great theologian, as such, 
but he lived in a world far removed from that of Jesus, and I don't accept that 
the thirteenth century was any more graced by God than our own. I understand 
your points about objective experience and how it seemed part and parcel of the 
great Christian writers of the time. I just don't think the experiences 
represented Biblical essence.

* If Vedic gods/fallen angels/evil mantras/whatever are determined to turn TM 
meditators away from God and toward unity consciousness as a false 
representation of reality, and you were one of the only poster children for 
their work, they are very ineffectual. Most meditators get nowhere close, no 
matter how many times they repeat their mantras or how many advanced techniques 
they have. As a friend of mine who is an initiator once told another initiator 
who was waxing skeptical about whether TM was the right path, "I don't mind 
bowing down to Vedic gods because, after I reach The God, they can kiss my 
butt." A few decades later, my friend has reached not CC, GC, or UC, and years 
of being married to a Catholic theology school graduate have not brought him 
closer to the Christian God. Catholicism's Jesus and the Vedic gods have both 
failed miserably, though both have had plenty of opportunity to take his soul. 
Most people who still practice TM have more sleepiness and daydreaming during 
meditation than mystical deviation from objective Truth as defined by Aquinas. 
If the Vedic gods can bring me a bit of life after the evening news, they can 
otherwise kiss *my* butt. Sometimes, they succeed, sometimes not. A meditating 
friend of mine once told his children that, if his head was above the pillow 
after a long day's toiling, he was meditating. If his head was below the 
pillow, he was sleeping.

* You agreed with me that you might be the only person in recorded history to 
win the spiritual Triple Crown: achieve unity consciousness, conclude 
intellectually that it was a false representation of reality, and then 
extricate yourself from it by some as-yet unexplained process. You don't seem 
to be concerned about the improbability thereof, assuming you were correct in 
all your determinations. In thousands of years, why hasn't anyone else in the 
spiritual/mystical literature of the world recorded the same thing if you're 
right? Why assume yourself to be special? 

Here's your pattern: You once thought you were part of a special group of 
people, knowers of Ultimate Truth (UT) 1.0. Upon becoming an *e

[FairfieldLife] Re: Summa Wrestling and one more swipe at William of Occam

2011-07-10 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Briefly, I'm delighted you've returned. I was feeling guilty, thinking I'd 
scared you off. I was writing the post below as you were responding to Curtis, 
and yes, there's overlap. Also, for the record, I have Protestant DNA, but I'm 
not a practicing Methodist. My family is interesting: Methodist parents, 
multiple Catholic sisters-in-law, two Catholic convert brothers out of three, a 
Catholic uncle, a Baptist aunt, a Christian Scientist great-grandmother, an 
ancestor who was a German Jew, and a grandfather who was Quaker. I'm the 
breakout Christian-for-Krishna. My girlfriend is a Catholic who's divorced from 
a Catholic more devout than the Pope. As I've helped her through four years of 
extricating herself from him and his choking, pre-Vatican II rigidity, I've 
learned a great deal about how devout Catholics think and have strengthened my 
resolve that Catholicism can really poison minds.

Anyway, I'm really quite harmless. I read a thousand posts here before 
bothering to upload one of my own. Your contributions have brought me out of my 
shell, but I also have no desire to engage in extended argumentation. I look 
forward to your promised responses.

BTW, yeah, I think Gothic Cathedrals are pretty cool and agree that Catholics 
corner the market.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> Summa Wrestling and one more swipe at William of Occam: at_man_and_brahman 
> poses a question or two for Masked Zebra:
> Robin, no one has taken up my suggestion to consider how William of Occam 
> would
> treat your story. As you probably know, Occam's Razor says, "Pluralitas non 
> est
> ponenda sine necessitate; "Plurality should not be posited without necessity."
> The simplest solution is the one most likely to be correct. In practice, "the
> simplest solution" is sometimes open for debate, but this principle is still
> useful.
> I grew up in a Methodist family (though I do not belong to any church and have
> been a TM meditator for about 35 years), and find Catholicism, with its 
> reliance
> on tradition and intercession, a poor substitute for whatever value lies in a
> more direct Biblical Christianity. That admitted bias and a few others I feel 
> to
> be equally Occamian are the basis for what I write below. My thoughts are
> beginning to form regarding what may be questionable premises upon which 
> you've
> structured an apparently logically sound argument, i.e., one in which the
> conclusions follow from the premises. If the premises are false, even a
> logically sound argument will provide a false representation of reality. [Yes,
> I'm clear you see Maharishi's teaching the same way.]
> Here are my problems with what you've generously shared with FFL, as much as
> I've thought them through to date:
> * I haven't read The Summa. I'd be surprised if it would impress me the same 
> way
> it did you, not because of spending most of my lifetime influenced by 
> Maharishi
> and his mantras but rather because I grew up Protestant. I don't believe the
> Bible to be the inerrant word of God, but I'm much more likely to look to it 
> for
> the Christian message than to Aquinas or to other Catholic saints and 
> scholars.
> Curtis appears to be saying much the same below. If the only hope of my being
> saved from the evil Vedic gods lies in attuning my mind to a Catholic Doctor,
> I'll take my chances. "If you have the conjoined bad luck to be both a
> Protestant and a TMer, you're screwed."
> RESPONSE: at_man_and_brahman: I choose not to debate with you on the merits 
> of Catholicism versus Protestantism. That has already been done for the past 
> nearly six centuries. Sure, I would like the opportunity to discuss this 
> matter with you, but it does not really interest me at this point in my life. 
> There is one key point to be made, and I think it best made by my favourite 
> writer—you will hate it, at_man_and_brahman, but at least you will know how I 
> would approach this matter. Anyway, it goes like this:
> "The Eucharistic act of consecration and Sacrifice has by tradition and by 
> the Church been embodied in a certain rite. At the Reformation this rite was 
> mortally wounded by alterations, was done to death: and it can no more have 
> life breathed into it again, than a corpse by galvanism be revivified."
> And my favourite poet comments: "The great aid to belief and object of belief 
> is the doctrine of the Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. 
> Religion without that is sombre, dangerous, illogical, with that it is—not to 
> speak of its grand consistency and certainty—*loveable*. Hold that an

[FairfieldLife] RC has few readers

2011-10-14 Thread at_man_and_brahman

Your posts are among the only ones I bother to read. I save many of them in a 
running file, knowing that I'll be reading them years from now.

It amazes me that no one seems to get the incredible weirdness of your core 
points, which we've discussed several times, namely that one person acquired 
within a single lifetime not just one but three Universal Truths, 1.0, 2.0, and 
3.0.* Sometimes, I wonder if even *you* get it.

Those who like your posts seem to be in a bit of fog, often thinking that you 
and they are kindred in some way. The fact is, you're a total anomaly, utterly 
unlike anyone else who posts here. Or more precisely, you hold a POV utterly 
unlike that of any other FFLer.

I don't fault you for any of this. I'm quite fond of it. In particular, I think 
your powers of elucidation are very solid--perhaps a tad wordy--and express 
your beliefs adequately to get and hold at least my attention. I assume you're 
familiar with the 80/20 rule?

I have mentioned before that you would probably find Escape into the Light a 
good read. 


It's the closest story I've read to yours, though still quite different. After 
all, you're an anomaly. 

*UT 1.0: Became a "knower of reality" under Maharishi, in the sense of being 
one of the chosen few who were leading his cause for the Age of Enlightenment

UT 2.0: Became enlightened, cognized a yet-higher truth, developed a following, 
and then did all in his power to create a new arena of intolerance within the 
Movement, setting the stage for other such breakaway higher-truth movements, 
especially Ravi Shankar/Art of Living

UT 3.0: Became a student of Tommy Aquinas, learning the real reality, and then 
became the first person ever to systematically dismantle his enlightenment 
through a conscious, though still-undisclosed, act of will

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> Robin renews his post to Bob Price having much fewer readers at this point. 
> Well, I guess the question then becomes: If all that you say is in some sense 
> true, Robin, you have not done the kind of job reality would have liked you 
> to have done in order for people to pay close attention to this truth. And so 
> be it. Reality it seems is *there* in my personal consciousness, but perhaps 
> I lack the requisite gift (bestowed only partially on me) to give adequate 
> and incisive expression to this truth about the matter of how objective one's 
> subjectivity is: as in: did Amsterdam hit the mark more than did San 
> Francisco?

[FairfieldLife] super-rare find on YouTube

2011-10-15 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Someone has posted a nearly complete video of the 1975 appearance of Maharishi 
on Merv Griffin: Grandma Walton, Mary Tyler Moore, and Clint Eastwood. View it 
now before it is removed, either by the Movement or by Merv Griffin Enterprises.


I'd love to see the 1977 appearance.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RC has few readers

2011-10-16 Thread at_man_and_brahman

You are correct. I *have* taken you in, tapping into your "vibes" even through 
the restrictive electronic conduits that barely and tenuously connect you in 
Toronto and me in Indianapolis. That process began when my friend from high 
school entered your merry band in Fairfield before I arrived in town, and it 
continued once I got there and did my best to learn who you had been. I've long 
wondered about Robin Carlson, so I'm making a study of him now that we've 
entered the same space.

I recognize that my own core points are more than a trifle weird (ask my 
girlfriend, who is not a TM lifer), so I'm not one to criticize. 

Re: 80/20 rule: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle
Ninety-five percent of your posts reach five percent of your audience, but do 
so effectively.

I do recommend Escape. It's somewhat more complicated than merely a Hindu 
conversion. The author recounts at length his father's life as a revered yogi, 
and, in subsequently detailing his own conversion and realization that all he 
believed *and experienced* as an aspiring yogi while growing up was the work of 
evil forces, he never seems to challenge the self-consistent integrity of what 
his father before him achieved. He recognizes that his father's life was beyond 
anything he can critique or even understand, so he doesn't waste ink trying to 
make sense of it or deconstruct it. 

No doubt, though he probably believes his father faced a day of reckoning with 
the Lord upon death, this book is about how *he* awakens and escapes into the 
light. He obviously remains in awe of his father, while categorically rejecting 
even the very spiritual material from which his father was made. I detect in 
you a similar feeling about Maharishi when you speak of him in the most 
superlative reverential language you have, yet argue that his spiritual power 
derived from dark forces. 

You might find this old book in a library, but you'll probably have to get it 
through Amazon. It's inexpensive. FWIW, this is one of two books my 
aforementioned friend from high school gave to me in an attempt to save my soul 
after leaving MIU/RC and going to Messiah College. So, it all comes back around.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> RC has few readers
> amab: Your posts are among the only ones I bother to read. I save many of 
> them in a
> running file, knowing that I'll be reading them years from now.
> RESPONSE: Ah, at_man_and_brahman [although I think I know you outside of this 
> incognito]: so nice to hear from you once again. I recall that perhaps two of 
> my favourite posts [favourite here means: where I had to go to write them, 
> and the fact that, for the most part, I had to plumb more than the 
> intellectual part of me to answer those two separate challenges to me: the 
> most serious and real place inside of me] were the ones demanded of my by 
> your searching questions. It inspires me to keep posting at FFL if there are 
> a few readers who appreciate—even in "the incredible weirdness of [my] core 
> points"—what I have to say. Again, those two (very long—euphemism for "a tad 
> wordy") posts I wrote *did me some good*. I owe you a debt of gratitude for 
> this.
> amab: It amazes me that no one seems to get the incredible weirdness of your 
> core points, which we've discussed several times, namely that one person 
> acquired
> within a single lifetime not just one but three Universal Truths, 1.0, 2.0, 
> and
> 3.0.* Sometimes, I wonder if even *you* get it.
> RESPONSE: Obviously—and of course you know this already—I consider this 
> reflection to be very significant. That is, true. I perhaps would find a 
> different way to put it, but by characterizing my philosophy as "the 
> incredible weirdness of your core points" you dramatically and truthfully 
> point out what is startling and original about me (or rather about how I 
> experience myself in relationship to reality). I think you could not say 
> something that would be any more relevant or revealing about me than this. 
> But may I be permitted a dangerous form of confidence—or even impertinence? I 
> really do "get it"—the significance, the implication of these "three 
> Universal Truths" [even as I think Bob Price has scored a few points in his 
> post about this]. But that you would say: "Sometimes, I wonder if even *you* 
> get it", again emphasizes how objective and definitive your understanding of 
> my claims really is. You *had* to say this, even for rhetorical effect, 
> because it is salutary to be reminded of just how impossible what I have said 
> are these o

[FairfieldLife] question for Barry regarding the Merv Griffin Show

2011-10-16 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Given that you were there, perhaps you can answer a question, or make a good 

At 1:18, Merv is about to introduce Clint. He says, "The man I told you about 
on the last show" What last show is he talking about?

This was the first time Maharishi had been on the show.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Someone has posted a nearly complete video of the 1975 
> > appearance of Maharishi on Merv Griffin: Grandma Walton, 
> > Mary Tyler Moore, and Clint Eastwood. View it now before 
> > it is removed, either by the Movement or by Merv Griffin 
> > Enterprises.
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF3xm-7j3zk
> Fascinating. Overcoming my usual disinterest in any
> audio or video of Maharishi, I gave it a look. Because
> I was there (I even found myself in audience shots), I
> was thinking that it might bring back some nostalgia
> for the era, and/or for him. The only thing I wound up 
> feeling was an overwhelming sense of "WHAT on earth
> could I have been THINKING to follow this guy for 
> so long?" 
> For me it was like going back and listening to some of
> the music of the late 60s. A little of that music still 
> holds up (like Jimi Hendrix). I listen to the rest and 
> think "The only thing that explains why I liked this 
> stuff is that I was stoned."
> Similarly, the only thing that explains to me why I 
> ever thought MMY was in the least interesting is that 
> I was young and naive and foolish. 
> It was fun to see Clint again, however. I got to drive
> him around during his visit to L.A. to film this show,
> and have fond memories of that experience to this day. 
> Seeing Harold Bloomfield -- at-the-time TM poster boy 
> who was later arrested for drugging and raping his own 
> patients -- not so much of a buzz. Guy was a slimeball, 
> even then; no one I knew who had to interact with him 
> has any pleasant memories of having had to do so.
> Anyway, coming on the heels of watching a similar Beatles
> nostalgia piece in the first part of the George Harrison
> movie, this clip reveals to me that my sense of nostalgia 
> is rather selective. Seeing clips of the Beatles does 
> nothing for me. Same with seeing clips of Maharishi. I 
> don't really regret having been young and naive and 
> foolish and spent all that time with him, because I guess
> that if I hadn't I wouldn't be who I am today, and I kinda
> like who I am today. But on another level, all I can do 
> is look at the giggling con man and think "What an IDIOT
> I was!" I guess on that level -- and that level alone --
> I am still learning from him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: question for Barry regarding the Merv Griffin Show

2011-10-16 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Merv was speaking directly to Maharishi when he said this, not to the audience. 
It was as though Maharishi had been on some previous show and had been told 
about Clint then. It didn't make sense. 

Maharishi's appearance took place in October. Apparently, it was rerun in 
December because I learned TM the following January after seeing it, along with 
a bunch of other people here in Indianapolis.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Given that you were there, perhaps you can answer a question, 
> > or make a good guess.
> > 
> > At 1:18, Merv is about to introduce Clint. He says, "The man 
> > I told you about on the last show" What last show is he 
> > talking about?
> > 
> > This was the first time Maharishi had been on the show.
> I assume he was talking about "yesterday's show."
> The rare thing wasn't that Maharishi was on the
> show; he was such a publicity slut that he'd have
> appeared on Dancing With The Stars if it had been
> running then. :-) 
> What was rare was that Clint Eastwood was on the
> show. Clint hated talk shows and had never done
> one before. The only reason he agreed to be on
> this show, even for his neighbor in Carmel Merv
> Griffin, was for the opportunity to meet MMY.
> Don't forget that at the time Clint was the
> biggest box office star in the world.

[FairfieldLife] alternative theory regarding MZ

2011-07-24 Thread at_man_and_brahman
My puzzlement about the unique claims of Robin Carlson continues. Here's a new 

Premise: waking state consciousness is derivative of unity consciousness, which 
is to say that unity is a natural state from which man has "fallen." If that is 
true, and if Robin indeed attained unity, perhaps his later intellectual 
conviction that unity falsely represented reality set up a fascinating, if 
improbable, sequence of events. If unity can accidentally, if you will, forget 
its own status and fragment into waking state, then would it be impossible for 
a person in unity to *intentionally* deconstruct unity and reestablish, 
artificially, waking state? If so, such an event could be predicated on an 
intellectual mistake, which surely could befall even those in unity.

Perhaps nobody else gives a shit, but I'm still chewing on this one. I do hope 
he eventually tries to answer my question about UTs 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. That 
should be interesting.

He appears to be lurking, so the bait is tossed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: alternative theory regarding MZ

2011-07-24 Thread at_man_and_brahman
> particular state(s) of consciousness we please. In fact, from one POV we are 
> continually cycling between ignorance and enlightenment, as we love our 
> I-points from "ignorance" -- when we are unconsciously lost in them and 
> identified with them -- into "enlightenment", when they are consciously 
> aligned with and identified with Us. 
> But again, that's just a game we play, to pass the time :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > My puzzlement about the unique claims of Robin Carlson continues. Here's a 
> > new thought. 
> > 
> > Premise: waking state consciousness is derivative of unity consciousness, 
> > which is to say that unity is a natural state from which man has "fallen." 
> > If that is true, and if Robin indeed attained unity, perhaps his later 
> > intellectual conviction that unity falsely represented reality set up a 
> > fascinating, if improbable, sequence of events. If unity can accidentally, 
> > if you will, forget its own status and fragment into waking state, then 
> > would it be impossible for a person in unity to *intentionally* deconstruct 
> > unity and reestablish, artificially, waking state? If so, such an event 
> > could be predicated on an intellectual mistake, which surely could befall 
> > even those in unity.
> > 
> > Perhaps nobody else gives a shit, but I'm still chewing on this one. I do 
> > hope he eventually tries to answer my question about UTs 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. 
> > That should be interesting.
> > 
> > He appears to be lurking, so the bait is tossed.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: alternative theory regarding MZ

2011-07-25 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I don't think he "fell" from unity. Though he refuses to describe his 
methodology, he has made it clear that he intentionally forced his 
consciousness into waking state. I hypothesize that a person in true, 
card-carrying unity--THE WHOLE THING, THE REAL THING--can intentionally shift 
his frame of reference back into waking state, though it must be horrendous to 
do so, not unlike dying and then intentionally pushing your soul back into your 
slimy, disgusting dead body, reanimating it. Though extremely improbable, it 
seems theoretically possible. I contend that this is what Robin has done, and 
that he has done this in response to a mistaken confidence in the Aquinas 

Several people who've answered my questions, now and in the past, regarding RC 
seem to have not read his posts very effectively. I appreciate your thoughts, 
but I don't think you understand what he's been trying to communicate to FFL.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > My puzzlement about the unique claims of Robin Carlson continues. Here's a 
> > new thought. 
> > 
> > Premise: waking state consciousness is derivative of unity consciousness, 
> > which is to say that unity is a natural state from which man has "fallen." 
> > If that is true, and if Robin indeed attained unity, perhaps his later 
> > intellectual conviction that unity falsely represented reality set up a 
> > fascinating, if improbable, sequence of events. If unity can accidentally, 
> > if you will, forget its own status and fragment into waking state, then 
> > would it be impossible for a person in unity to *intentionally* deconstruct 
> > unity and reestablish, artificially, waking state? If so, such an event 
> > could be predicated on an intellectual mistake, which surely could befall 
> > even those in unity.
> > 
> > Perhaps nobody else gives a shit, but I'm still chewing on this one. I do 
> > hope he eventually tries to answer my question about UTs 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. 
> > That should be interesting.
> > 
> > He appears to be lurking, so the bait is tossed.
> >
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > My puzzlement about the unique claims of Robin Carlson continues. Here's a 
> > new thought. 
> > 
> > Premise: waking state consciousness is derivative of unity consciousness, 
> > which is to say that unity is a natural state from which man has "fallen." 
> > If that is true, and if Robin indeed attained unity, perhaps his later 
> > intellectual conviction that unity falsely represented reality set up a 
> > fascinating, if improbable, sequence of events. If unity can accidentally, 
> > if you will, forget its own status and fragment into waking state, then 
> > would it be impossible for a person in unity to *intentionally* deconstruct 
> > unity and reestablish, artificially, waking state? If so, such an event 
> > could be predicated on an intellectual mistake, which surely could befall 
> > even those in unity.
> > 
> > Perhaps nobody else gives a shit, but I'm still chewing on this one. I do 
> > hope he eventually tries to answer my question about UTs 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. 
> > That should be interesting.
> > 
> > He appears to be lurking, so the bait is tossed.
> >
> What you have written here is exactly the case. Unity is always before us, 
> but there is like a fog that obscures the view. Whatever its cause, and 
> whatever we call that cause is not that important, though in the TMO it is 
> called 'stress'. What I say here presupposes the common view that this 
> 'stress' is completely gone by the state called cosmic consciousness is 
> false. Maharishi is supposed to have said 'you gain fulfilment in Brahman 
> consciousness but the unstressing goes on forever', so we might conclude from 
> this the 'stress free' state of CC was basically a come-on to get people to 
> keep up spiritual progress. Perhaps what it really means is that one can 
> experience oneself, even in CC, as separate from the stress, but the stress 
> is still there, it still has an effect on the experience of the outer world, 
> which includes all 'relative' perception, even the most subtle thought. 
> Others' experiences as related to me, and my own indicate that many see 
> through the fog, not necessarily permanently at first, but clearly, and yet 
> some small amount of fog or stress remains unnoticed. And so so

[FairfieldLife] Re: alternative theory regarding MZ

2011-07-25 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Well...it happened to everyone/the universe once, didn't it? If unity is the 
primordial state, somehow Average Joe got out of it through the course of 
innumerable incarnations and landed in the mud of waking. If that is possible, 
then why couldn't a person force this to happen in one lifetime? Isn't the 
lesser (waking) contained in the greater (unity), and consequently something 
that can be reestablished through an act of will?

Robin, even in posts from this evening, indicates that ~25 years of 
"metatherapy," or whatever he calls it, have imperfectly erased the foothold of 
unity (which he ascribes to fallen angels acting through him) in his mind and 
body. I'll leave it to Robin to address, but that sounds pretty much like what 
you're describing below. 

*If* this is possible, it seems like it could happen as the result of a 
mistaken belief entering into the picture. Robin won't accept, of course, this 
his new paradigm is mistaken, but if it is, it seems like unity could be 
intentionally dismantled as a result. What a shame that would be.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi"  wrote:
> Your premise IME seems highly improbable. A poor comparison but It's
> like you found a key and opened the door to a hidden room with
> treasures, sure you can close it and come back to where you where but
> the knowledge of the room and the ability to enter this room and use the
> treasures remain whether you choose to do it or not.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman"
>  wrote:
> >
> > My puzzlement about the unique claims of Robin Carlson continues.
> Here's a new thought.
> >
> > Premise: waking state consciousness is derivative of unity
> consciousness, which is to say that unity is a natural state from which
> man has "fallen." If that is true, and if Robin indeed attained unity,
> perhaps his later intellectual conviction that unity falsely represented
> reality set up a fascinating, if improbable, sequence of events. If
> unity can accidentally, if you will, forget its own status and fragment
> into waking state, then would it be impossible for a person in unity to
> *intentionally* deconstruct unity and reestablish, artificially, waking
> state? If so, such an event could be predicated on an intellectual
> mistake, which surely could befall even those in unity.
> >
> > Perhaps nobody else gives a shit, but I'm still chewing on this one. I
> do hope he eventually tries to answer my question about UTs 1.0, 2.0,
> and 3.0. That should be interesting.
> >
> > He appears to be lurking, so the bait is tossed.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: alternative theory regarding MZ

2011-07-25 Thread at_man_and_brahman
...in which case, there's no reason to discuss anything...with anyone...at any 

Even Reality itself is just another unreal belief.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> * * Thank you for your most thoughtful response, AAB. I am not actually 
> saying that Robin was in a temporary, false Unity -- I am saying that to be 
> "in" Unity Consciousness is itself by definition temporary and false, as to 
> be "in" any state of consciousness is temporary, time-bound, and hence 
> ultimately false. If an experience -- or a state of consciousness -- comes, 
> it will most certainly also go. Only what has always been and is now, shall 
> ever remain.
> To think oneself "in" a specific state of consciousness is to be identified 
> with and lost in the intellect, and hence not identified with Reality, with 
> Wholeness, with "Brahman," which is subtler than the intellect, and of course 
> subtler than any intellectual idea or belief or model of Reality. Any belief 
> or model is ultimately "straw" or false -- the seven states of consciousness 
> are false; Aquinas is false; idealism is false; materialism is false; monism 
> is false; dualism is false; polytheism is false; theism is false; atheism is 
> false -- any belief or model may well be provisionally useful but they are 
> all ultimately false. 
> All beliefs and models are secondary, a-posteriori creatures of the 
> intellect, which is itself a creature secondary to Reality, and so they all 
> ultimately fail along with the intellect itself to capture or describe the 
> primary, a-priori Reality. The best the intellect can do is to recognize its 
> own superimposing, complicating, divisive nature, and surrender into the 
> pristinely simple a-priori perfection of IS.
> I would suggest that insofar as anyone has abjured his belief that he is in 
> Unity, he is closer to Reality now, but IMO and IME any intellectual belief 
> -- whether it be in MMY or Aquinas or anything else -- is in the end yet 
> another subtle or not-so-subtle overlay upon and departure from Reality. Put 
> another way, we may perhaps say "God IS" (or "Reality IS" or "We ARE"), but 
> to add an adjective to that IS or ARE, is blasphemy, or taking the Name in 
> vain. 
> But then again, we are often blasphemous and even downright profane -- even 
> here and now, for example :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > I appreciate this thought, and agree this his actions and intentions while 
> > in unity appear askew. However, given that, in the TM Universe, Maharishi 
> > himself defined unity consciousness and to my understanding initially 
> > agreed that Robin was in it, to conclude independently of Maharishi that 
> > Robin was not in u.c. is troublesome. It adds too many complications to the 
> > story. 
> > As I stated in one of my initial posts on the matter, one of three things 
> > must be the case:
> > 
> > * RC is an impostor who can convincingly appear to be RC (who rumor had it 
> > had
> > committed suicide, anyway) and who wants to mess with TB's minds by making
> > claims on his behalf
> > 
> > or
> > 
> > * RC is still in unity, but wants to claim otherwise for some cosmic purpose
> > (how could it not be cosmic, if he's in unity?) [As an aside, a friend of 
> > mine attended one of his meetings in Fairfield back when. He heard Robin 
> > utter profanity and asked why a man in unity would do such a thing. Robin 
> > responded that he didn't remember doing it, but the universe must have had 
> > a need for him to speak profanely.]
> > 
> > or
> > 
> > * RC was in a temporary false unity (per your theory), rather than THE 
> > WHOLE THING, THE REAL THING, and Maharishi was incapable of distinguishing 
> > between the two, which raises its own questions
> > 
> > Having read a lot of RC's writing since that posting, I now feel the need 
> > to add a fourth.
> > 
> > * RC was in unity consciousness but acquired a false belief intellectually 
> > that impelled him to intentionally deconstruct unity to waking 
> > consciousness; his writings indicate that he is still partly under the 
> > "spell" of unity, which would make sense if he artificially forced himself 
> > back into waking state
> > 
> > I don't accept his twin hypotheses that Aquinas held Ultimate Truth 3.0 and 
> > that unity consciousness is a false representation of reality. The fourth 
> > option appears to provid

[FairfieldLife] RC, MUC, and RUC

2011-07-25 Thread at_man_and_brahman
The responses to my post about Robin Carlson were interesting. They revolve 
around a central theme, how unity consciousness is defined. 

Range of responses:

* RC was in a false UC, dubbed by Vaj-ji as "Maharishi UC" (MUC). 
* MUC is *real* UC (RUC) but Robin was in a false version of it. 
* RC was in MUC *AND* MUC is RUC, but MUC comes and goes, so RC being back in 
waking state is no big deal. That group ignores RC's claim that he 
intentionally forced himself out of MUC rather than having slipped out of it as 
a matter of course. They also discount Maharishi's implied teaching that MUC, 
though it can be glimpsed, is achievable as a permanent state. 

Others question whether Maharishi ever agreed that RC had reached MUC.

Lots of fun variations. 

For the sake of coherent discussion, I choose to minimize variables: neither to 
alter Maharishi's definition of UC nor challenge that RC had achieved it or 
that MUC is RUC. Further, I'm assuming Maharishi did declare RC to be in MUC, 
was qualified to do so, and implied that he had achieved it in a permanent or 
meta-permanent way.

What interests me is that RC establishes his entire claim around the gigantic 
pill of Aquinas's supremacy and a consequent theory of God and the Roman 
Catholic church that even he admits seems inexplicable, which I'm not prepared 
to swallow whole, and that he seems inadequately disturbed by his history of 
serial grandiosity. From FFL 282086:

ME: You agreed with me that you might be the only person in recorded history to
win the spiritual Triple Crown: achieve unity consciousness, conclude
intellectually that it was a false representation of reality, and then extricate
yourself from it by some as-yet unexplained process. You don't seem to be
concerned about the improbability thereof, assuming you were correct in all your
determinations. In thousands of years, why hasn't anyone else in the
spiritual/mystical literature of the world recorded the same thing if you're
right? Why assume yourself to be special?

RESPONSE: I do think the question you raise here warrants a full and
comprehensive response. I hope that I can give it in the near future,
at_man_and_brahman. It's such a good question, and I think it true that I have
not even begun to answer it in any of my posts so far.

ME: Here's your pattern: You once thought you were part of a special group of
people, knowers of Ultimate Truth (UT) 1.0. Upon becoming an *embodiment* of UT
1.0 (UT 1.5, if you will), you then created and taught a subcult that you,
uniquely, had UT 2.0, consisting of the missing ingredients of UT 1.0 (not
unlike Ravi Shankar more recently, with his cognition of Sudarshan Kriya). Now,
you believe you might be unique in all of history to have garnered UT 3.0 (that
UTs 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 were all constructs of fallen angels as revealed through
the writings of a man a large percentage of Christendom would regard as
possessing UT 0.5, at most), inclusive of a means to extricate yourself from UT
1.5. My memory of college statistics is that we should be multiplying the odds
of each of these improbabilities, using Bistro Mathematics (see Hitchhikers
Guide to the Galaxy), to get the combined improbability that you're in
possession of the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and

RESPONSE: Yes, certainly the odds are not favourable for me (to assume I have
The Answer). Very convincing disproof I'd say in this paragraph. Any advice you
would proffer me as to how to answer this? Just kidding: again this deserves to
be answered—not defensively, not with some attempt to prove that I am right; but
as the opportunity to test out the strength and viability of my present beliefs
against this worthy challenge. Even necessary challenge. I shall get to it when
I can, at_man_and_brahman. You are a mind that is to be respected. I shall have
to have my wits about me. So, then, I will attempt to address this question in
my next post. Thank you.

ME: "Don't be humble. You're not that great." -- Golda Meir

Robin, my mind is very different from CDB's. I don't aspire to a dance like 
you've enjoyed with him, but I think I'm posing a set of challenges to you of 
similar caliber to his. I do this not because I'm inherently skeptical or 
difficult. I usually post to FFL about once a year, though I read it every day. 
Because you've played a significant role in my earlier life via my friend who 
was your student and because of the uniqueness and importance of your case, I 
want to present you with the best questions I can, hoping for some level of 
Socratic interchange. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: RC, MUC, and RUC

2011-07-28 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Thank you, Robin. Yes, you did skip a few things I hoped you'd cover, but the 
tidal wave of thoughts contained here is nearly as rewarding.

I'll have to chew on this for a while. Lots to think about.

We may or may not have reason to chat via FFL again. It appears you've gone as 
far as you're able or willing with the challenges I've put to you, and no one 
else seems much to care anymore. If you'd like to pick up discussion 
one-on-one, now or in the future, Rick knows my direct email. I'd enjoy getting 
to know you better and becoming a friend. We are probably constitutionally 
incapable of accepting each other's frames of reference as factual, but I 
believe there is tremendous value in mere understanding.

My name is Paul, by the way.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> Dear at_man_and_brahman,


> Your first question elicited the most important post so far—back in June. 
> This may be just as important (important means = *for me*, not necessarily of 
> course, for others).
> No one can know what it has meant to me to have these conversations through 
> FFL. You,  authfriend, and CDB have drawn out from me what has helped me most.
> Robin

[FairfieldLife] Re: Esoteric Maharishi quotes

2011-02-18 Thread at_man_and_brahman

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Jai Guru Dev! 
> I'm Devala Rees. I considered trying to keep my identity secret,
> but decided against it for reasons that I like to think have more to do with
> openness, honesty, freedom, etc. than reckless bravado. 
> This document consists of quotes by His Holiness Maharishi
> Mahesh Yogi, and a few by His Divinity Guru Dev, about various topics. I'm
> sharing these quotes because I feel I should for many reasons, but
> essentially it's to inform whoever would like to read them. 
> Unless otherwise indicated, these quotes are excerpts from
> official transcripts of lectures by Maharishi.

Where are "official transcripts" available?

 Most of these lectures are
> available in the MUM Library. I apologize for the lack of titles; my copy of
> the transcripts doesn't include many of the titles that were given to the
> tapes of these lectures. The most common other sources are The Science of
> Being and Art of Living and Maharishi's commentary on the Bhagavad Gita,
> both of which should be available for purchase at the MUM Bookstore, and
> Beacon Light of the Himalayas, another official Spiritual Regeneration
> Movement publication. The Guru Dev quotes are from Strange Facts About a
> Great Saint by Dr. Raj R. P. Varma. 

This is an important piece of research.

I recently loaded onto my iPod about 18G worth of audio files of Maharishi, 
including ones quoted here. These came from Jerry Jarvis's site as well as 
http://spiritualregenerationmovement.pbworks.com and some other site that was 
up for a while with a load of recordings. There are some gems in all this 
stuff, including Maharishi in 1959 discussing the hazards of group meditation. 
That one was pretty strange.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What the Mayan Elders are Saying About 2012 by Carlos Barrios, Mayan Elder

2011-02-21 Thread at_man_and_brahman
With all due respect to the Mayan elders and all their ilk, this whole thing 
about the galactic center strikes me as complete BS. It's impossible to define 
an exact center to our galaxy, because the galaxy has no precise boundaries. 
Further, the idea that we somehow align with that center on a particular day of 
a particular year is absolutely absurd.

I'm also surprised this the Mayan elders fail to mention the prophecy of the 
return of Quetzalcoatl at the end of the cycle. I thought that was the whole 
big deal.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
>   SERI-Worldwide 
>   What  the Mayan Elders are Saying About 2012 by Carlos  Barrios
>   Carlos Barrios, Mayan  elder and Ajq'ij (is a ceremonial priest and
> spiritual  guide) of the Eagle Clan. Carlos initiated an  investigation into
> the different Mayan calendars  circulating. Carlos along with his brother
> Gerardo  studied with many teachers and interviewed nearly 600  traditional
> Mayan elders to widen their scope of  knowledge. 
> Carlos found out quickly there were several  conflicting interpretations of
> Mayan hieroglyphs,  petroglyphs, Sacred Books of 'Chilam Balam' and various
> ancient text. Carlos found some strong words for those  who may have
> contributed to the  confusion: 
> Carlos Barrios: "Anthropologists visit the  temple sites and read the
> inscriptions and make up  stories about the Maya, but they do not read the
> signs  correctly. It's just their imagination. Other people  write about
> prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say  that the world will end in
> December 2012. The Mayan  elders are angry with this. The world will not
> end. It  will be transformed."
> "We are no longer in the World of the  Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the
> World of the Fifth  Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of
> transition. As we pass through transition there is a  colossal, global
> convergence of environmental  destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing
> Earth  Changes."
> He continues: "Humanity will continue, but  in a different way. Material
> structures will change.  From this we will have the opportunity to be more
> human.  We are living in the most important era of the Mayan  calendars and
> prophecies. All the prophecies of the  world, all the traditions are
> converging now. There is  no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era
> is  action."
> Carlos tells us: "The indigenous have the  calendars and know how to
> accurately interpret it -- not  others. The Mayan Calendars comprehension of
> time,  seasons, and cycles has proven itself to be vast and  sophisticated.
> The Maya understand 17 different  calendars such as the Tzolk'in or
> Cholq'ij, some of them  charting time accurately over a span of more than
> ten  million years.
> "All was predicted by the mathematical  cycles of the Mayan calendars. -- It
> will change  --everything will change. Mayan Day-keepers view the  Dec. 21,
> 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World  of the Fifth Sun. It will be
> the start of a new era  resulting from and signified by the solar meridian
> crossing the galactic equator and the Earth aligning  itself with the center
> of the  galaxy."
> At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the  first time in 26,000 years the Sun
> rises to conjunct the  intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the
> ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an  embodiment of the Sacred
> Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree  remembered in all the world's spiritual
> traditions.  
> Some observers say this alignment with the heart  of the galaxy in 2012 will
> open a channel for cosmic  energy to flow through the Earth, cleansing it
> and all  that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of  vibration.
> Carlos reminds us: "This process has already  begun. Change is accelerating
> now and it will continue  to accelerate. 
> If the people of the Earth can  get to this 2012 date in good shape without
> having  destroyed too much of the Earth, we will rise to a new,  higher
> level. But to get there we must transform  enormously powerful forces that
> seek to block the  way."
> The date specified in the calendar Winter  Solstice in the year 2012 does
> not mark the end of the  world. Many outside people writing about the Mayan
> calendar sensationalize this date, but they do not know.  The ones who know
> are the indigenous elders who are  entrusted with keeping the  tradition.
> Carlos tells us: "The economy now is a  fiction. The first five-year stretch
> of transition from  August 1987 to August 1992 was the beginning of the
> destruction of the material world. We have progressed  ten years deeper into
> the transition phase by now, and  many of the so-called sources of financial
> stability are  in fact hollow. The banks are weak. This is a delicate
> moment for them. They could crash globally, if we don't  pay atte

[FairfieldLife] Re: What the Mayan Elders are Saying About 2012 by Carlos Barrios, Mayan Elder

2011-02-21 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Okay, I stand corrected to some degree. There is a definable gravitational 
center of the galaxy, and apparently it's been located with some high precision 
by Andrea Ghez and her team at UCLA. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2011, at 7:57 PM, at_man_and_brahman wrote:
> > With all due respect to the Mayan elders and all their ilk, this whole 
> > thing about the galactic center strikes me as complete BS. It's impossible 
> > to define an exact center to our galaxy, because the galaxy has no precise 
> > boundaries. Further, the idea that we somehow align with that center on a 
> > particular day of a particular year is absolutely absurd.
> From studying astronomy and writing some early Mac software for 
> archaeoastronomy, I know that the Galactic Center is a discrete, calculated 
> point in space. Although it sounds like airy fairy New Age BS, the GC is 
> located in many astronom. software. It's located at Right Ascension 17h 45m 
> 40.04 s, Declination -29° 00' 28.1". Because it's a calculable point, it can 
> also be calculated in a Jyotish chart. It's actually been known for close to 
> a hundred years.
> The GC also is located at a very powerful radio signal, along with the 
> super-massive blackhole that's right at the center of our galaxy. The GC is 
> actually observable as the brightest swath of the Milky Way if you live in an 
> area with little light pollution.

[FairfieldLife] ISO "Chatty" Patty Schneider

2011-12-02 Thread at_man_and_brahman
If anyone knows how to reach Patty, who used to run media relations at MIU, 
please let me know. She was married to Richard Schneider, who worked in 
Resources Development Office or some such place.

[FairfieldLife] Re: not a good sign- invincibility.org

2007-02-04 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin"  
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Looks like the TMO is reverse engineering the intentions of the 
> > large 
> > > > course in Fairfield. I have been checking the superradiance numbers 
> > > > periodically, and just now checked, and they are no longer making 
> > the 
> > > > results public.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > Its current through Feb 3. 
> > > 
> > > http://invincibleamerica.org/tallies.html
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Even if they were losing interest in sheer numbers, there would be some 
> > justification for this. When the invincibilityamerica thing started, 
> > TMO managers had no idea that the pundits would all of a sudden after 
> > several years of no-go, get granted visas. And since pundits, by virtue 
> > of their ability to perform yagyas, are much more powerful factors in 
> > creating orderliness than John and Jane Siddha, the numbers appropriate 
> > to the current situation in the U.S. may have already been reached.
> > 
> Not likely, according to theory. 
> 1500 squared = 2,250,000
> 1950 squared = 3,802,500
> the 1500 figure is less than 60percent of the 1950 figure. The pundits may or 
> may not 
> have an effect due to chanting but unless it's MUCH larger than the ME, it's 
> not enough. 
> More pundits are due soon, I understand, so regardless, the ME numbers will 
> attained 
> regularly, or so one assumes.

Besides, do we know for a fact that they
are doing yagyas at present? They don't have
access to mandaps yet, and the yagyas I've
witnessed involved a lot of fire and smoke,
not something the frats were designed for.

I would assume that they are not doing yagyas
until proper buildings are made available in 
Vedic City.

[FairfieldLife] Re: not a good sign- invincibility.org

2007-02-05 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman"
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin"  
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Looks like the TMO is reverse engineering the intentions of the 
> > > > large 
> > > > > > course in Fairfield. I have been checking the superradiance
> numbers 
> > > > > > periodically, and just now checked, and they are no longer
> making 
> > > > the 
> > > > > > results public.
> > > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > Its current through Feb 3. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > http://invincibleamerica.org/tallies.html
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Even if they were losing interest in sheer numbers, there would
> be some 
> > > > justification for this. When the invincibilityamerica thing
> started, 
> > > > TMO managers had no idea that the pundits would all of a sudden
> after 
> > > > several years of no-go, get granted visas. And since pundits, by
> virtue 
> > > > of their ability to perform yagyas, are much more powerful
> factors in 
> > > > creating orderliness than John and Jane Siddha, the numbers
> appropriate 
> > > > to the current situation in the U.S. may have already been reached.
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Not likely, according to theory. 
> > > 
> > > 1500 squared = 2,250,000
> > > 1950 squared = 3,802,500
> > > 
> > > the 1500 figure is less than 60percent of the 1950 figure. The
> pundits may or may not 
> > > have an effect due to chanting but unless it's MUCH larger than
> the ME, it's not enough. 
> > > More pundits are due soon, I understand, so regardless, the ME
> numbers will attained 
> > > regularly, or so one assumes.
> > >
> > 
> > Besides, do we know for a fact that they
> > are doing yagyas at present? They don't have
> > access to mandaps yet, and the yagyas I've
> > witnessed involved a lot of fire and smoke,
> > not something the frats were designed for.
> > 
> > I would assume that they are not doing yagyas
> > until proper buildings are made available in 
> > Vedic City.
> >
> I wonder whether ati-rudraabhiSeka-mahaa-yajña involves
> a lot of fire and smoke.

I believe I've seen pictures of it being done, and
the ghi offerings were plentiful and smoky. You
need the right setting to do this stuff.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield's future--MIU2

2006-08-31 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Though I was once reamed by LB for making
a statement to the effect that Fairfield is
Maharishi's territory and that other gurus
are behaving with poor ethics by moving onto
his doorstep, I have come to see that ethics
isn't the issue. It's plain market dynamics.

It was absolutely inevitable that people would
come into town to seek a part of the MIU/MUM
market, both for share of mind and share of 

A foundational concept in the community was
entrepreneurism within the TM family itself,
offering services and facilitating goods that
complemented the TM practice (e.g., Olde World 
Cafe and Portafoam Flight Cushions). No one 
in the early days realized the unavoidable fact 
that people from outside the TM family would 
come in to supply directly competing spiritual 
programs, and that a demand for them would 
arise within the TM group itself.

This is especially true given the monumental 
failure of the school. What failure do I refer to?
Given all that the school has to offer, the fact
that it hasn't grown consistently year after year
from its founding, perhaps even with 
double-digit growth, is a failure of staggering 
proportions. The lack of growth is probably 
attributable to vast buffoonery on the part of 
administrators, if not Maharishi himself. In 
that vacuum, it is only natural that many 
meditators would welcome competing spiritual 
services and programs into the town to create
expansion. After all, didn't SCI teach everyone
that, to be fulfilled, a man must display more
creative intelligence every day, and that one
of the fundamentals of progress is growth?
(Bonus question: Who can name the other
four fundamentals?)

To repeat an idea I brought up a long time ago,
and that was roundly ignored, one area in 
which this dynamic has not yet unfolded is 
in academic competition.

It seems to me that a fully mature market in Fairfield
would include a competing academic institution, one
offering the converse of MUM. Rather than being a
closed ashram disguised as a bonifide academic 
campus, the new place would be first and foremost
a serious academic facility, with embedded unaligned

Imagine a school striving for research and teaching
excellence, incorporating as many good ideas from
MIU/MUM as possible but encouraging debate, inquiry,
and free thinking. Meditator or not, anyone could 
attend, and those who did practice spiritual programs
could come from any background. Perhaps, many
of the best profs from MIU/MUM who have been 
dismissed over the years would be interested in
returning to teach and conduct research in MIU2.

Such a new school could become a hub for the
spiritual strands in Fairfield that compete with 
TM. The curriculum would maintain consciousness
as a central organizing principle, but with a
more scholarly and less sectarian bent.

If you were an academic like Amit Goswami,
author of The Self-Aware Universe, which of 
the two campuses in Fairfield would you be
drawn to visit or possibly join?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "L B Shriver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fairfield's Future
> Over the past several years, I have engaged in countless conversations about 
> the state 
> Fairfield and its prospects for the future. I have generally taken the 
> position that 
> best years are yet to come. A few years ago, most of the people I engaged on 
> this topic 
> were surprised by my position and only a few agreed. Within the past year, 
> however, I 
> would say that the majority agree: Fairfield's best years are yet to come.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield's future--MIU2

2006-08-31 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> It seems to me that a fully mature market in Fairfield
> would include a competing academic institution, one
> offering the converse of MUM. Rather than being a
> closed ashram disguised as a bonifide 

That should have been "bona fide." Pardon my
creative spelling.

> academic campus, the new place would be first and 
> foremost a serious academic facility, with embedded
> unaligned spirituality. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I Hate 55%off FFL Posts by Three Posters. Give them "time-outs"?

2006-09-21 Thread at_man_and_brahman
My experience with JS goes back even before
AMT. She and I were members of a 
mailing list in the early '90s. She posted
like a demon to that, too. I commented
to her once that I was amazed at how
she found the time to post so much,
and she responded, "You have no idea."

A billion posts later, her Energizer
Bunny keeps going and going.

FFL has become a cesspool, just as
AMT did long ago.

My 2 cents. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  > 
> > If people don't want me here, just post that comment here on this 
> > thread and if enough people do so, I'll be happy to leave.
> Thats your perogative to take an all or nothing approach.  But, of
> course, my suggestion was that posters try to keep within 10% of total
> posts. Otherwise to take a voluntary "time out" -- to regroup and
> reduce the urge for their compulsive jag -- and to form new habits, or
> if they are too compulsive to do so, an auto-trigger to give them such
> a rest.
> My premise is that when thoughtful posters sees pages and pages of
> Spraig/Judy/Shemp posts, they just slap their forehead and go away.
> Massive compulsive, drivel-prone, anger-spewing, peak posters drive
> away thoughtful posters.
> I susggest the following: 
> * If over the next week, 10 people stand up and say they don't like
> this majority of (peak) posts by three posters, and ask to you to
> attempt to limit it to 10% each (aka "the kindely request"), then will
> you earnestly try to do so?  
> * Same for Judy and Sparaig -- and others as they may arise over time.
> * If you are unable to control your urges to 10% of posts, will you
> agree to "time-outs" aka temporary suspensions to allow you time to
> regroup?. Lets say one week for the first time, two weeks for the
> second and subsequent times.
> If you (Shemp), Judy and Sparaig agree to this (in the next day or
> so), I will agree to the following:
> If 10 people don't stand up a make "the kindly request", I will leave
> FFL. Thus illustrating that posters are driven away by a majority of
> posts by three people --  often drivel, anal-detailedness going
> nowhere, and ager vents, etc  IMO.
> I have participated regularly on FFL for four years. I no longer care
> to if I have to wade through such majority sludge as cited above. If
> nine others stand up make the "kindly request", then I think FFL can
> regain its health, vibrancy and friendly supportive environment of the
> past. 
> If not, i think the trend, 40% ===> 60% > ?, of posts by a few
> posters will continue as thoughtful posters drop out of the sludge,
> and the compulsive sludgers contine to jag on. 
> Thus: 
> I invite all posters to make the "the kindely request": 
> "I don't like the majority of FFL (peak) posts being made by only
> three posters, and kindly ask to them to attempt to limit it to 10% each.
> Separate from the above, I invite all posters to consider taking a
> "greener-pastures" pledge":
> If 
> i) Judy, Sparaig and Shemp agree to the earnestly try to each limit
> posts to 10% of total, if 10 people take make the "kindly request.  
> And if they are unable to do so , they agree to "time-outs" -- one
> week for the first time, two weeks for the second and subsequent
> times, and 
> ii) 10 FFL memebers as a whole don't support this initiative, that is,
> less than 10 make the "kindly request" within a week of i) occurring,
> then the member state their intention to move on to forums that are
> less clogged with posts by a small minority --- posts which often have
> a drivel, venting, or nonrespective content. 
> If several cycles of that doesn't work, I suggest that anyone can pull
> the stats and if someone is above 10% for a one-day or greater period,
> they are given a "time-out" for two weeks. Time-outs work for kids,
> and are hardly abusive. They help inform and provide feedback to
> people to help them "get a grip". For compulsive, rude, or obnoxious
> for whom repeated group consensus to "cool it' don't have an effect,
> then "time-outs" may be worth a try.
> I don't prefer the above time-outs. I prefer that 10 people stand up
> and say that they are sick of three people posting 50% or so of posts
> at peak times and ask them to please be become conscious of their
> effect of driving others away.
> Or we just start a new group, and don't give them the address. :)
> By the way, your stats are off.
> In Sept there have been 2841 posts. 130 by me. 4.5%. 6 a day.
> I like your idea of shooting for an average of 4. Some days, a bit
> more, some days a bit less.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I Hate 55%off FFL Posts by Three Posters. Give them "time-outs"?

2006-09-21 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I do not remember specifically what
I said. Apparently you do, so please
remind me. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > My experience with JS goes back even before
> > AMT. She and I were members of a 
> > mailing list in the early '90s. She posted
> > like a demon to that, too. I commented
> > to her once that I was amazed at how
> > she found the time to post so much,
> > and she responded, "You have no idea."
> I'm flattered you remember that response, but it
> looks like you've forgotten how you phrased your
> comment.
> (John Malkovitch fans may have a clue as to what
> it might have been like.)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I Hate 55%off FFL Posts by Three Posters. Give them "time-outs"?

2006-09-21 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I do remember. I asked you why you felt
the need to work so hard defending TM
to people who clearly could not be convinced
to see things a different way.

You replied, "You have no idea." I took this
to mean that you thought I had no idea
how much energy you put into this or
were capable of in the future.

No derogatory remarks about you were made
or implied.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > I do not remember specifically what
> > I said. Apparently you do, so please
> > remind me.
> Sorry, I don't remember specifically either.
> But my response quoted a famous line from a movie
> called "Reversal of Fortune," about the murderer
> Klaus von Bulow, played by John Malkovich.
> At the end of a scene in von Bulow is talking to
> his lawyer, as he's leaving, the lawyer says,
> "You're a very strange man, Mr. von Bulow."  And
> von Bulow replies, chillingly, "You have no idea."
> So I suspect you said something about what a
> strange person I was to make so many posts.
> I was making a funny, in other words.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
> > >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > My experience with JS goes back even before
> > > > AMT. She and I were members of a 
> > > > mailing list in the early '90s. She posted
> > > > like a demon to that, too. I commented
> > > > to her once that I was amazed at how
> > > > she found the time to post so much,
> > > > and she responded, "You have no idea."
> > > 
> > > I'm flattered you remember that response, but it
> > > looks like you've forgotten how you phrased your
> > > comment.
> > > 
> > > (John Malkovitch fans may have a clue as to what
> > > it might have been like.)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I Hate 55%off FFL Posts by Three Posters. Give them "time-outs"?

2006-09-21 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > I do remember. I asked you why you felt
> > the need to work so hard defending TM
> > to people who clearly could not be convinced
> > to see things a different way.
> > 
> > You replied, "You have no idea." I took this
> > to mean that you thought I had no idea
> > how much energy you put into this or
> > were capable of in the future.
> Well, it was a reference to the Malkovich line,
> and there must have been something in what you
> wrote for me to have used it.  It was intended
> to be jocular; whatever you said, it struck me
> funny at the time.
> Looking at your reconstruction above, it was
> probably your notion that I felt the need to
> work hard, and my response really meant I
> wasn't putting anywhere near as much energy
> into it as you assumed, exactly the opposite
> of how you interpreted it.  I guess I figured
> folks would recognize the line, remember
> Malkovich's over-the-top delivery, and realize
> I had meant it ironically.
> Sorry to have misled you all those years ago!
> Which forum was this, by the way?  TMNews,
> perhaps?  If so, that would have been well after
> I had started participating on alt.m.t in 1994.

It was an email list. I forget the name of the 
founder/moderator. Some guy in Kalifornia.
I think that was probably '92 or '93. I don't 
think AMT really much existed yet. People 
have been talking TM on the Internet
for a very long time, in Internet years.

I was not yet a Malkovich fan at the time.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: I Hate 55%off FFL Posts by Three Posters. Give them "time-outs"?

2006-09-21 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > Which forum was this, by the way?  TMNews,
> > > perhaps?  If so, that would have been well after
> > > I had started participating on alt.m.t in 1994.
> > 
> > It was an email list. I forget the name of the 
> > founder/moderator. Some guy in Kalifornia.
> > I think that was probably '92 or '93. I don't 
> > think AMT really much existed yet.
> Well, that's a puzzlement, because alt.m.t was
> my first venture onto the Internet, in 1994 (it
> began in 1993, I believe).  I wasn't on any
> email lists until sometime later.  Prior to
> that, I'd been on various bulletin board networks--
> RelayNet and so on.  But that doesn't seem to be
> what you're talking about.
>  People 
> > have been talking TM on the Internet
> > for a very long time, in Internet years.
> > I was not yet a Malkovich fan at the time.
> Apparently not.  Again, I'm sorry to have
> misled you.

It was John Cooke's list. My remembrance of
how far back that goes is apparently off. 
Still, AMT was pretty young.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Gas prices

2006-09-23 Thread at_man_and_brahman

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hey, has anybody here read a good explanation 
> for falling gasoline prices in the United States? 
> I don't see how supply is any higher or demand 
> any lower, which would be the purest explanations.
> Other explanations include superradiance and a 
> conspiracy to re-elect Republicans, but I'd prefer 
> to know what mainstream economists are positing.
> Thanks for any light you can shed.

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[FairfieldLife] master course on Charaka Samhita with Raj Vaidya Mishra

2006-10-04 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Some of you may be aware of the expertise 
of Vaidya Mishra. He comes from an
unbroken family tradition stretching back
5000 years. The Puranas tell of his 
ancestors and their great knowledge of
Ayurveda. Even today, he practices
"Shudh" Ayurveda, a pre-Buddhist form
that preserves special knowledge in many
areas unknown to the other vaidyas,
including a much more extensive marma
therapy than commonly practiced or 
taught. Vaidya Mishra worked for 
MAPI for roughly a decade, developing
some of its most popular products.

He will be offering a master course on the
principal textbook of Ayurveda, Charaka
Samhita, being inaugurated on
Dhanvatari Jayanti, October 19th, 2006.

In this course, he will explore Charaka
verse by verse, offering extensive 

If you would like to be a part of this
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn
Ayurveda as few people know it, contact
Health Synergies in Indianapolis at
(317) 356-2342.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 8000 in '88

2006-11-18 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I wrote on this two or three years back and
debated with some guy from Europe about
it. I was working full-time in the Movement
then and never heard a word about such a 
group. The (American) Movement was churning 
out lots of literature discussing the changes 
in the world, but the principal cause being
given for it at the time was the Festivals of
Music for World Peace (Gandharva Veda).
A videotape from the era about the 
GV tour says in its Mike Tompkins voiceover 
that it is the specific cause of "peace breaking 
out all over."

A few years back, on the Maharishi Channel,
a commercial starting playing that talked 
about the 1988-1990 pandit group and its role 
in creating peace. The tone of the assertion 
that the group existed was quite matter-of-fact.

>From what I can tell, it appears that old man 
Zimmerman was supporting a group and then 
got pissed off about something or other and 
withdrew support. For some reason, the group 
was not discussed openly at the time, and 
publications didn't acknowledge that it existed.

Some people in the US and elsewhere knew about
it and others did not, even people like me who 
were very well-informed. I started investigating
my archives when I saw this commercial, because
that's not what I remember having heard at the time.

A source for official historical milestones
in the Movement at the time was the little
Age of Enlightenment calendar books that
were published each year till about '92.

In their summaries of the events of each 
year, they say nothing about such a group
other than (1987) "Maharishi begins training
Vedic Scientists to create and maintain world
peace at the World Capital of the Age of 
Enlightenment, in Maharishi Nagar, India."
Then, they go on to talk about Gandharva

In February 1987, a brochure, "Maharishi's
Program to Create World Peace," gave a little
clue that a group was forming. Quoting
Neil Paterson, "We have been undertaking
to establish this group...at Maharishi Nagar
Already, there are over 2,000 students, faculty,
and staff in the school, and programs are
underway to recruit more students to
increase the size of the school to 10,000 very

Another book of the time, Maharishi's Programs 
to Create Heaven on Earth, also has a yearly 
summary. For *1991*, it says that "...a permanent 
group of 7000 YF is established at Maharishi 
Vedic Vigyan Vidya Peeth, in India"! Zimmerman's
money would have been gone by this point, so
I don't know what was up with the alleged 
"permanent" group, other than that it must not have
been parrticularly permanent by 1992.

To this maddening chronology, I'll add one more
note. Dick Swinehart, Purusha member, wrote
on 12 January 1992, "Then about Christmas,
Maharishi got the news from Dr. Mahapatra that
they had just surpassed 7000 flying together in
Maharishi Nagar!"

Also, I have videotapes of all the 12 January
celebrations of those years, and one or more
Guru Purnimahs, and none of those mentions
a large group of pandits in India during 1988-

If you're saying to yourself, "At_man, you idiot,
EVERYONE knew about this group back then. WTF
is wrong with you?" I'll take this to an unimpeachable

FFL's redoubtable LB Shriver was co-author of a major
article in The Fairfield Source in February 1990, 
"Freedom, Democracy, and Unity: The Global 
Consciousness of 1989." In it, he and Roger 
Pelizzari did a month-by-month analysis of 
world events in 1989 and related them to things
going on in the Movement. The closest mention
of a pandit group is the sentence referring to 
activities in January and February, "Maharishi
also said that he had begun using Vedic 
Technologies called Maharishi Yagyas to enliven
the qualities of wisdom, progress, and wealth
in the entire world in one stroke." The article,
while not mentioning GV, quotes Maharishi's 
description of the October 1-15 Taste of HoE 
Assembly, with 4000 CPs, "Maharishi 
commented that the coherence-creating 
effect of this gathering transformed the world,
as can be seen in the recent meteoric rise of 
freedom in many nations." Wouldn't this article 
have mentioned a big group in India if it was 
widely known about?

Like Schrodinger's half-dead, half-alive cat,
the big pandit group was both there and not
there during each of the years from 1987 to 1992,
depending upon whether its (revisionist) wave
function was collapsed or not, and was both
the cause and not the cause of erupting whirled

I hope that answered your question.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the new Peace Government website, permanentpeace.org, I read the
> following:
> "For three years, from 1988 to 1990, at a location just outside New
> Delhi, in India, a single philanthropist supported a group of 8,000
> experts in the Transcendental Meditation technique and the advanced
> TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying). Over those three years,
> every major conflict in the world peacefully resolved. F

[FairfieldLife] Re: 8000 in '88

2006-11-18 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning  wrote:
> >
> > Thats a great account. Yet so different from mine -- in terms of
> > "common knowledge".
> As I was reading it, I kept having vague little
> flashes of recognition.  Can't identify them as to
> source, but I think at one time I must have heard
> or read references to this group.  I suspect it
> was earlier than the Taste of Utopia assembly.

Not as such, Judy. ToU was Christmas season '83-'84.
That was long before Maharishi was starting to think
about a big pandit group, a sort of Aftertaste of 

I had access to every significant American Movement 
publication during those years. Not a one of them
makes a specific reference to a group of 7000 pandits
in NOIDA during 1988-1990. I also worked in the
Movement and attended courses during that time.
No official sources said anything about an existing 
large Indian pandit group. 

It astounds me how good the Movement can be at
keeping secrets, especially things like this or like
Maharishi's hospital stay in London around 1990.
I didn't have a clue about that until the late '90s,
reading John Knapp's interview with Chopra on 

[FairfieldLife] message 100,000 suggestion

2006-05-26 Thread at_man_and_brahman

I vote that Ron F be persuaded to make the
100,000th post. For those who don't know
about Transfinite Ron, see post 33361.

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[FairfieldLife] Mishra to offer courses in Indianapolis at end of June

2006-05-26 Thread at_man_and_brahman

Raj Vaidya Rama K. Mishra will be visiting
the new Integrative Health Synergies vastu
preventive health center at the end of June.
He'll kickstart its educational programs with
courses in weight and pain management,
Transdermal Marma System, Ayurveda
Face Lift, and Food As Medicine.

Vaidya-ji comes from an illustrious lineage
of raj vaidyas dating back 5000 years. His
family is mentioned in the Puranas.

Flyers (pdf) for his courses are downloadable 

weight management

pain management

Transdermal Marma System

Ayurveda Face Lift

Food As Medicine

Integrative Health Synergies will develop into
a world-class Ayurveda prevention center that
will include Mishra's marma panchakarma and
packages of knowledge and practical therapies
for common health concerns.

Fairfield is about seven hours of driving from
Indianapolis, if anyone from there would like
to come by.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Converting analog audio to digital

2006-06-18 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Get Amadeus, first off.

Then, a quick-n-dirty a/d converter is the iMic. I use a superior Edirol UA-1A 
connected to 
a mixing board. 

On your Mac, create a new user that has no haxies running. Run Amadeus from 
personality so that your hard drive is as unbusy as possible while you are 
recording. You'll 
get the cleanest result if you can record onto a reformatted hard drive other 
than the one 
with your OS, ideally with 8M of ram cache.

Normalize your Amadeus recording and then break it up into segments for 
conversion to 
separate mp3s.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 6/18/06 10:42 PM, curtisdeltablues at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I think you can use a line in cable that connects your headphone jack
> > of your recorder, to the mic jack on your computer.  You use your PC
> > recorder to make a wave file.  Most computer soundcards can record.It
> > will be a wave file though so you need a converter if you need it to
> > be MP3.  But for your purpose of listening to it on computer that wont
> > matter.  Has Vaj weighed in on this?
> > 
> Not yet. So just a simple cable. The signal doesn¹t have to be converted in
> any way? What software can I use to chop the recording up into segments
> (separate rhythms I¹m learning)?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis and Judaism

2005-12-06 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I have a copy of the video. It's probably
fairly rare in the U.S.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shukra69" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Apparently Maharishi has commented on the connection between ancient
> Jewish teachings and the knowledge he is presenting. I think there was
> a video or magazine available in Isreal where he is interviewed on
> this. Someone in the TM movement in Isreal would know about that.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Dr. Natan Ophir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > I am looking for anyone interested in comparative studies of TM-Sidhis 
> > with similar practical techniques in Judaism such as R. Yitzahk Sagi 
> > Nahor (R. Isaac the Blind, the 12th century father of Jewish 
> > Mysticism) on reaching the source of thought, the Admor of Piacezna's 
> > technique of quieting down the mind, Maimonides' Guide to the 
> > Perplexed 3,51 on Devekut Consciousness achieved through Meditative 
> > practice and many more...
> > 
> > Rabbi Dr. Natan Ophir
> >

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[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-Sidhis and Judaism

2005-12-07 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 12/7/05 10:01 AM, anonymousff at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman"
> > wrote:
> >> 
> >> I have a copy of the video. It's probably
> >> fairly rare in the U.S.
> > 
> > Anyway that you can make a copy of this video and email it to the files in 
> > the
> > group?
> We're near capacity now. I'm afraid a video wouldn't fit. But Paul has a
> server he could put it on.

A digitized video of a long tape like this, 
even at the lowest feasible resolution, 
would be larger than any server space I 
or FFL have available. It would be an in-
your-face copyright violation, as well.

Contact me.

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[FairfieldLife] from Sunthar Visvalingam

2005-12-14 Thread at_man_and_brahman
From: Dharma Mitra
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 9:49 PM
Subject: [Abhinavagupta] The Effects On Your Brain And Glands Of Meditation,
Chi Kung, Reiki -- What Do You Want To Know?

I'm doing some research of regular meditation, asana, and subtle energy
practitioners to learn what you would like to know about changes in your
bodies after extended practice of yoga, tai chi, chi kung, and other forms
of meditation, especially changes to glands, lymph, and brain function,
usage, mass, etc.

A recent report in NeuroReport, a neurology profession publication, has
demonstrated extended mass in the prefrontal lobe and other areas of the
brain from the peace-loving practices of longtime Buddhist meditators.
You've often heard of the biophysical effects of meditation and perhaps
witnessed some miracles in people's lives as they continue to practice
sadhanas with sincerity and implicit faith.

What have you pondered about regarding the effects of yoga, chi kung, reiki,
and such on your life, upon other or all practitioners?  Have you felt
changes in your body, in your brain,  perhaps shortly after having received
a new meditation lesson, a new pranayama, or simply having witnessed in
heart and mind a physical response also to the subtler realms of your human

I'm developing a proposal to medical centers to research this further, I
welcome your input to help sculpt what that proposal will request of them.
Tell me what you want to know or offer regarding furthering evolution
through these practices.  Do you want to know more about how the glands and
brains of meditators change, contribute to personal growth, and about how
these practices may affect your posterity, evolve  our species to new
thresholds of social, physical, psychic, as well as spiritual excellence
more common to everyone?

I have researchers in place to study the brains of meditators and subtle
energy practitioners, we're formulating the scope of this study now and I
wish your input to congeal the proper attention of our study.

There are many glands in the brain and elsewhere in our bodies that are
positively affected by meditation, pranayama/chi kung, and asanas.  This
current study is geared towards the brain and surrounding areas.

Your curiosity may help me develop a broad-ranging or focused study of
yogis, we may be able to make a snapshot of a quantum leap in evolution.  My
thinking is that before the last iceage, there was a certain general type of
humanoid on the planet, then after the iceage, CroMagnon appeared.  Yogis
have said that the iceage upon us now and the pole shift about to occur will
do the same thing in changing humans into a new species by the time the
poles have shifted and the imminent iceage is over.

I say yoga will prepare coming generations for that change, that the
prefrontal lobe, the foremost portion of the frontal lobe will be much
larger.  Along with serving as the theatre for imagineering, that area of
the brain is also seat of ethics in we humanoid critter people.

Prove to me that you too are evolving a fine prefrontal lobe of your own by
responding ethically and with courtesy with your conscientious suggestions
of what you, as a meditator want to know about the brain's changes resulting
from your practice.

And a mahâsamâdhi to you, too. :-)


Dharma Mitra
DharmaMitra2 AT gmail.com

They are "educated" who have learned much, remembered much, and make use of
their knowledge in everyday life.
And of these lessons integrated into their life, moral conscience is the
most imperative to learn and convey to others.
Their virtues give true meaning to education.

- Copywriting - Editing - Publishing - Publicity -

Thanks for this very interesting, unusual, and appropriate post. Just a
couple of directions for inquiry to kick-off this thread:

* Is it possible to *will* the enlargement of the pre-frontal lobes (with or
without meditation)? I had interesting experiments along these lines from
around age 14

* Study of such somatic changes (even in color of body-hair...) might be
extended to any intense (emotionally 'traumatizing') experience of
'self-rejuvenation' (as contrasted to just calm meditation).



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[FairfieldLife] question about Maharishi's brothers, for Paul Mason or others

2005-12-15 Thread at_man_and_brahman
My question is at the bottom

In Paul Mason's book, he writes:

Rumours have also circulated about 
another aspect of his 'private' life, 
about the presence of members of 
the family holding posts in his various 
organisations. The following report is 
said to have been carried by 
The Illustrated Weekly of India :

Among the yogi's relatives, his brother
 J P Srivastava's sons, Anand and 
Ajay Prakash, seem to be in charge 
of accounts and administration. 
The [Maharishi's] brother, reportedly, 
is not given much importance in the 
family hierarchy, for reasons that date 
back to the illustrious younger sibling's 
youth. Mahesh Yogi, apparently, had 
early in life forsaken hearth and home 
after being allegedly ill-treated by his brother

The yogi, is reportedly, fondest of his 
niece, Kirti, his sister Indira's daughter 
She has two brothers, Praful and Pramod. 
While Pramod has settled in West Germany 
through the benevolence of his uncle 
[the Maharishi], Praful operates from India, 
say sources. The Maharishi's munificence 
extends to more distant relatives as well. 
Girish Varna, the son of one of the yogi's 
paternal uncles, has comfortably settled

and, in post 78157, Bob Brigante writes:

posted on another list:

Maharishi's Brother is said to be 97, 
alive and kicking. He was recently seen
this past Oct 12th on victory day on the 
broadcast from the globalcountry of World
peace. He told a friend privately that there 
is a tradition in India not to talk about a 
saints life- just aspire to be like him yourself.

>From an inspirational point of view, 
we can guess at certain things about
Maharishi's life, but his real essence becomes 
more and more familiar based on our
own enlightenment.

Is it the case that there are two known brothers,
one Maharishi's enemy and one a devotee? And, 
are either of his listed nephews the one who runs the
controversial Raju clinic?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: question about Maharishi's brothers, for Paul Mason or others

2005-12-15 Thread at_man_and_brahman
FFL is wasted by all the eternal bullshit
between people exemplified by the thread 
following my original posted question.

I asked a direct and worthwhile question
about Maharishi's family that, of course,
was ignored in favor of people being 
pointlessly hateful with each other.

I'll ask my question again. It shows up at the
bottom of the information below.

In Paul Mason's book, he writes:

Rumours have also circulated about
another aspect of his 'private' life,
about the presence of members of
the family holding posts in his various
organisations. The following report is
said to have been carried by
The Illustrated Weekly of India :

Among the yogi's relatives, his brother
J P Srivastava's sons, Anand and
Ajay Prakash, seem to be in charge
of accounts and administration.
The [Maharishi's] brother, reportedly,
is not given much importance in the
family hierarchy, for reasons that date
back to the illustrious younger sibling's
youth. Mahesh Yogi, apparently, had
early in life forsaken hearth and home
after being allegedly ill-treated by his brother

The yogi, is reportedly, fondest of his
niece, Kirti, his sister Indira's daughter
She has two brothers, Praful and Pramod.
While Pramod has settled in West Germany
through the benevolence of his uncle
[the Maharishi], Praful operates from India,
say sources. The Maharishi's munificence
extends to more distant relatives as well.
Girish Varna, the son of one of the yogi's
paternal uncles, has comfortably settled

and, in post 78157, Bob Brigante writes:

posted on another list:

Maharishi's Brother is said to be 97,
alive and kicking. He was recently seen
this past Oct 12th on victory day on the
broadcast from the globalcountry of World
peace. He told a friend privately that there
is a tradition in India not to talk about a
saints life- just aspire to be like him yourself.

>From an inspirational point of view,
we can guess at certain things about
Maharishi's life, but his real essence becomes
more and more familiar based on our
own enlightenment.

Is it the case that there are two known brothers,
one Maharishi's enemy and one a devotee? And,
are either of his listed nephews the one who runs the
controversial Raju clinic?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: question about Maharishi's brothers, for Bob Brigante/response to Paul

2005-12-15 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Thanks, Paul,  for a direct response to my
question. There does appear to be
direct evidence that he has another
brother that perhaps Bob B. can 
provide more clarity to. 

Per another response, I personally disagree
with the issue of whether saints' lives are
amenable to biographies and am not
bound to any covenants set up by those
who do have that belief. Please let me
seek whatever information I want in 

To Paul, your choice to focus on part
of the message I sent, going off on a
new topic, is fine. Best to change the
subject line in that case. That particular
assertion wasn't/isn't of interest to me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Premanand Paul Mason" <[EMAIL 
> Hi - I know of only the one brother. But I am concerned about the 
> contention that there is a 'tradition' in India of not talking about 
> saints - a bizarre claim.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > FFL is wasted by all the eternal bullshit
> > between people exemplified by the thread 
> > following my original posted question.
> > 
> > I asked a direct and worthwhile question
> > about Maharishi's family that, of course,
> > was ignored in favor of people being 
> > pointlessly hateful with each other.
> > 
> > I'll ask my question again. It shows up at the
> > bottom of the information below.
> > 
> > In Paul Mason's book, he writes:
> > 
> > Rumours have also circulated about
> > another aspect of his 'private' life,
> > about the presence of members of
> > the family holding posts in his various
> > organisations. The following report is
> > said to have been carried by
> > The Illustrated Weekly of India :
> > 
> > Among the yogi's relatives, his brother
> > J P Srivastava's sons, Anand and
> > Ajay Prakash, seem to be in charge
> > of accounts and administration.
> > The [Maharishi's] brother, reportedly,
> > is not given much importance in the
> > family hierarchy, for reasons that date
> > back to the illustrious younger sibling's
> > youth. Mahesh Yogi, apparently, had
> > early in life forsaken hearth and home
> > after being allegedly ill-treated by his brother
> > 
> > The yogi, is reportedly, fondest of his
> > niece, Kirti, his sister Indira's daughter
> > She has two brothers, Praful and Pramod.
> > While Pramod has settled in West Germany
> > through the benevolence of his uncle
> > [the Maharishi], Praful operates from India,
> > say sources. The Maharishi's munificence
> > extends to more distant relatives as well.
> > Girish Varna, the son of one of the yogi's
> > paternal uncles, has comfortably settled
> > at NOIDA
> > 
> > 
> > and, in post 78157, Bob Brigante writes:
> > 
> > posted on another list:
> > 
> > Maharishi's Brother is said to be 97,
> > alive and kicking. He was recently seen
> > this past Oct 12th on victory day on the
> > broadcast from the globalcountry of World
> > peace. He told a friend privately that there
> > is a tradition in India not to talk about a
> > saints life- just aspire to be like him yourself.
> > 
> > From an inspirational point of view,
> > we can guess at certain things about
> > Maharishi's life, but his real essence becomes
> > more and more familiar based on our
> > own enlightenment.
> > ___
> > 
> > Is it the case that there are two known brothers,
> > one Maharishi's enemy and one a devotee? And,
> > are either of his listed nephews the one who runs the
> > controversial Raju clinic?
> >

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[FairfieldLife] TM and anxiety

2005-12-28 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From the website:
> "Scientific research has shown that the most
> beneficial meditation is Maharishi's Transcendental
> Meditation. The striking reduction of stress and
> anxiety caused by TM is 3 to 4 times greater than that
> achieved by most meditation or relaxation methods."
> Does anyone recall the TMO making this claim before?

Eppley's research from Stanford, about 15
years back. He did a metaanalysis of 
existing studies on reduction of trait
anxiety. Unless newer meditation techniques
have had such studies done, there would
be nothing to base a newer metaanalysis
on, though such a study would be valuable.

> Even if these studies were done, I'm sure they were
> done many decades ago. Maybe the TMO ought to compare
> TM with the myriad meditation techniques that have
> become available in the last ten years. Might get some
> of them on a faster path.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Mahesh speaks on Guru Dev in 1952

2006-01-18 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Who typed this? Apart from typos, the
spelling of siddhi is per modern Movement
service mark. Maharishi definitely wouldn't
have written it that way in 1952, and it looks
like something edited, sloppily, by a recent 
acolyte. Was anything else revised or deleted?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Paul Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   The Great Saint of the Himalayas is Coming 
> to Shower His Blessings on the Metropolis.
>   The Statement issued by: BAL BRAHMACHARI SHRI MAHESH JI.
>   Press conference convened by Shri Shankaracharya Reception Committee, Delhi 
> on the 
15th Oct., 1952 at 5 p.m. in the Young Man's Tennis Club Queen's Gardens, in 
>   **
>   It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you all and have your company here 
> this 
afternoon. It gives me enough encouragement and support to acquaint you with 
details of the mission for whose fulfilment His Holiness Shri Jagatguru 
Swami BRAHMANAND SARASWATI MAHARAJ will be visiting your city about the 12th of 
November 1952 and stay here for about a month for Dharmopdesh.
>   Swami Brahmand Saraswati Maharaj, the present Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath 
Badarikashram (in the Himalayas) is a magnetic personality with a sweet amalgam 
of High 
Wisdom and Love of humanity. He combines in himself the Knowledge of the self 
with the 
mysterious powers -- the sidhis arising out of yogic perfection and hard 
penances, which 
he has undergone throughout his life. He is a great living yogi and scholar and 
is revered 
by millions of Hindus as their Supreme Religious head.
>   This great Saint of the modern age was born in U.P. in a well to do and 
> renowned 
Brahman family in 1871 and was enthroned to the seat of His Holiness Jagatguru 
Shankaracharya in 1941 at Banares, during the ninth session of the All India 
Dharma Maha Sammelan convened by the Bharat Dharma Mahamandal in conjunction 
a countrywide support of almost all the ruling princes and different 
institutions all over the country. It may be recalled that it was a long 
persuation of about 
twenty years which could convince Param Virakt Swami Brahmanand Saraswati to 
the great responsibility of the Shankaracharya at the age of seventy.
>   From the tender age of nine when he came out of his home in Search of God, 
> till this 
time, his life was mostly spent in the lonely hidden regions of the Himalayas, 
Vindya Giris 
and the Amarkantakas which are rarely frequented by men and are chiefly 
inhabited by 
wild animals. For years together he has lived in hidden caves and thick forests 
where even 
the midday sun frets and fumes in vain to dispel the darkness that may be said 
to have 
made a permanent abode there in those solitary and distant regions.
>   But today he is easily accessible as he is now the presiding head of Shri 
> Jyotirmath 
which is the greatest religious institution of the Hindus of Northern India, 
covering all 
different creeds and sampradayas and branches lying under the fold of Hindu 
>   One unique principle of the great Sage that distinguishes him completely 
> from other 
living saints of today is that he does not accept money as gift from his 
visitors or disciples.
>   This brief description attempts to mirror a few hurried and short glimpses 
> of the life 
journey of this great living sage who has actually transformed into a living 
fact the inner 
latent potentiality of the soul. He has known the great universal Truth, whose 
realisation is 
teh aim of the entire scheme of life. For him the mists of ignorance have 
disappeared and having known the Divine Reality he has verrily become an 
embodiment of 
the great Divinity.
>   His aim of life, if the life of a realised soul can be said to possess any 
> such aim, is to 
broadcast the message of the Great Divine light that he has himself realised, 
the Light that 
is the Soul of all human beings. Having himself attained the pinacle of Self 
he aims at transforming the worldly minded people into the Godly minded, and 
his inner Divine touch to change the materialistic hearts of iron into 
spiritual hearts of 
>   His entire personality emanates the sweet perfume of spirituality. His race 
> radiates that 
rare light which comprises love, authority, serenity and self assuredness that 
comes only 
by ritious living and Divine Realisation -- one feels as if some ancient 
mentioned in the pages of the Upanishads has assumed human form and feels that 
it is 
worth while leading a pious life and to strive for the realisation of the 
>   His Spiritual teaching are simple and clear and go straight home to heart. 
> He strictly 
adheres to the course of inner development laid down by the Systems of Indian 
and ethics and he raises 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Hey, Ron, Do me a favor

2005-10-31 Thread at_man_and_brahman

Don't be so hard on FFL. It's a tremendous dump.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anonymousff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> don't spam us, we are not a dump.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron F <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Note: forwarded message attached.
> > 
> >   Hey Ron,
> >   Please post this message to all Lists.
> >  
> >    
>  Jason
> >  
> > ---OriginalMessage--
> >   Deepavali - the Festival of Lights
> >   
> >   India is a land of festivals where you will see at least one 
> major festival each
> > month. Deepavali (or Diwali) which literally means "rows of lamps" 
> is one of the
> > four main festivals of India. Throughout the world all Hindus 
> celebrate Deepavali or
> > Diwali with great pomp and enthusiasm.
> > 
> >   The celebration of Diwali lasts six days, beginning on the 12th 
> day of the month
> > of Kartik (as per the North Indian lunar calendar). The day before 
> Diwali, in order
> > to evoke the grace of God, women fast. It is not that God wants 
> you to go hungry or
> > takes pleasure in your suffering - the principle is that you gain 
> only by giving up.
> > That evening, devotees worship Gomata (the cow) and her calf and 
> feed them special
> > food. Women pray for the welfare of the entire family. This holy 
> day is called
> > Vasubaras. 
> > 
> >   The first official day of Diwali falls on the 13th of Kartik. 
> People set about
> > cleaning houses and shops, and decorating doorsteps and courtyards 
> with rangoli or
> > multi-coloured designs. They purchase gold ornaments, new vessels, 
> clothes, and
> > other such items. Devotees arise early in the morning before 
> sunrise and take oil
> > baths. If possible, they wear new clothes. In the evening, people 
> worship coins
> > representing wealth. Houses and courtyards glow from the lights, 
> and families
> > decorate with lanterns. This day of celebration is called 
> Dhantrayodashi or
> > Dhanteras. 
> > 
> >   The second day is called Naraka Chaturdashi. People take an oil 
> bath in the early
> > morning and then in the night they light lamps and burn 
> firecrackers. People visit
> > their relatives and friends, exchanging love and sweets. 
> > 
> >   On the third day, people worship Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. 
> People decorate
> > their houses with lit lamps and lanterns to welcome Lakshmi to 
> their home and
> > hearts. On this day businessmen close old accounts and open new 
> accounts. The earth
> > is lit up by lamps and the skies are coloured by the multi-hued 
> lights of fireworks.
> > 
> > 
> >   In North India, the Govardhana Puja occurs on the fourth day of 
> Diwali. Devotees
> > in the North build hillocks made of cow dung, symbolising 
> Govardhana, and decorate
> > and worship them. North Indians observe this day as Annakoot, or 
> the mountain of
> > food.
> > 
> >   The fifth day of the festival called Bhaiyya Dooj celebrates 
> unique and fun
> > customs. Every man dines in his sister's house, and, in return, 
> presents her with
> > gifts. North India calls it Yama Dwitiya. Thousands of brothers 
> and sisters join
> > hands and have a sacred bath in the river Yamuna.
> > 
> > The Legends 
> > Dhanteras 
> > The scriptures mention the divinity called Dhanvantari emerging 
> from the churning of
> > the ocean with a kalash (pot) filled with Amrit (ambrosia). Due to 
> the fact that
> > Dhanvantari, who revealed the science of Ayurveda to the world, 
> first manifested on
> > this day, all over India, doctors following the Ayurvedic system 
> of medicine
> > organise joyful celebrations of the annual Dhanvantari festival. 
> > 
> >   Naraka Chaturdashi
> >   There is a legend about a king of Prag-Jyotishpur, named 
> Narakasura. He was a
> > powerful king who misused power to harass his subjects. Sri 
> Krishna destroyed this
> > oppressive asura king on this day. Unjustly imprisoned people 
> celebrated their
> > freedom with friends and family. The citizens celebrated 
> deliverance from
> > Narkasura's reign by lighting lamps.
> > 
> >   Sri Rama
> >   Deepavali falls on a no-moon day - in fact the darkest day of 
> the year. The
> > illuminations and fireworks, joy and festivities, are to signify 
> the victory of
> > divine forces over the powers of darkness. On Deepavali day, 
> triumphant Sri Rama is
> > said to have returned to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana, the asura 
> king of Lanka.
> > 
> >   Goddess Lakshmi Devi The Puranas say that it was on this day 
> that Goddess Lakshmi,
> > who emerged from the churning of the ocean of milk, married Lord 
> Vishnu, the
> > repository of all divine qualities. 
> > 
> >   Govardhana Puja
> >   In order to shelter the gopis and gopas and their cows from the 
> torrential rains
> > sent by Indra, Krishna lifted a hill near Mathura called 
> Govardhana with his finger
> > and sheltered all the p

[FairfieldLife] Re: Great McCartney quotes 1

2005-12-02 Thread at_man_and_brahman
This is from McCartney's book Many Years
from Now. What he failed to mention is
that his brother Michael was an 
enthusiastic, if not exceptionally
accomplished, Yogic Flyer.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul: We were in India almost as tourists. We asked him, 'Can people  
> fly? Can people levitate? We've seen it in all the books and stuff.'  
> And he said, Oh yes, people can, yes.' We said, 'Can you?' He said,  
> 'No, I personally have not practiced this art.' We said, 'Well, who  
> could?' He said, 'I beliee there might be someone three villages away  
> from here.' We said, 'Can we get 'im?' There was an element of,  
> 'We're on holiday, after all. We've come all this way, could we have  
> a levitation display? It would be great to see people do it.' And he  
> half thought of fixing one up but nothing ever materialized. What  
> materilaized later is an actual flying course [the TMSP], a siddi  
> [sp]. Which I suspect slightly. I've seen it, the Natural Law  
> commercial for the election had a few people bunny-hopping, lotus  
> postion.  What we always imagined was you actually lift off. So I'm a  
> bit skeptical about that. But the interesting point I'm making was  
> that when we asked him, Maharishi did not know about it, did not know  
> anyone who did it, was not able to provide one; so it certainly was  
> not a high priority. Now they've modified their approach to include  
> that, and it's an expensive little course [the TMSP]. I know a couple  
> of people who've been on the course who say they can fly, but let's  
> put it this way, I've never seen 'em. I always say to them, "Get me a  
> film of you flying for one minute and I can guarentee you *News at  
> Ten* tonight with that."
> -Sir Paul McCartney
> I suspect he'll have a long wait.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Great McCartney quotes 1

2005-12-03 Thread at_man_and_brahman
One who has attained sufficient mastery
of [sic]flight to convince Sir Paul to call the
evening news, per the quotation.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pray tell, what is an "exceptionally accomplished
> yogic [sic]flyer"?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Latest from Farrokh

2005-12-04 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I respect Farrokh's stand. I'm a little curious,
though, about some of his remarks here.

First, he is apparently of the Brigante school,
thinking that the tomfoolery in the Movement
is purely the fault of its administrators and not
of the founder.

I have an undergraduate background in physics
and math, from MIU during the Hagelin years,
and I am a long way from being able to touch
Hagelin's level of math. It's unclear which works
of Hagelin's Farrokh is criticizing: his two TM 
monographs ("Is Consciousness the Unified Field?" 
and "Restructuring Physics from Its Foundation in 
Light of Maharishi's Vedic Science") or his published 
high-energy physics papers. 

The former are not particularly mathematics-based, 
so a series of courses in math is not really the right 
foundation to critique them; a long series of 
graduate-level courses in high-energy physics, 
for which the math would be a prerequisite, would 
be, however. It doesn't sound as though Farrokh 
has taken such classes. Even if he had, the 
monographs do not attempt to construct a 
finite unified field theory, a central point in 
Farrokh's critique.

Hagelin's published physics papers, similarly, do
not attempt to construct a finite unified theory, 
nor do they discuss Vedic science. Hagelin's most 
celebrated mainstream work was in grand unified 
theory and superstrings.

Maharishi has an undergrad background in physics,
at least a working knowledge of "Maharishi's Vedic
Science," and the experience of discussing physics
with Hagelin for decades. If Farrokh is correct that
Maharishi is an intellectual superstar, wouldn't
Maharishi himself be the best judge of whether
Hagelin is using his theories correctly?

What does Farrokh think of Schanbacher's work?

Most notably, given that Farrokh has constructed 
"wonderfully elegant solutions" to the problems 
of "the dimensionality of space and the origin 
of the symmetries of the Standard Model," it's 
just a matter of time until he wins multiple
Nobel prizes. 

That's pretty cool. You get on with your bad
self, Farrokh!

In this battle of crap vs crap, I think that
Farrokh still has the upper hand, 'cause he
makes sense in just about every other way.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "tmforlife108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My own approach is somewhat different. I applaud those who take a stand
> against the crap and the nonsense we all have to endure within the
> movement but I have chosen to take a stand against a different type of
> crap and the nonsense. I realised some time ago that the supposed
> scientific analysis of the relationships between modern science and
> Vedic science was in fact pseudo-scientific rubbish. Rather than turn
> around and walk away in disgust I resolved to do something about it. So
> I put myself through a series of courses in mathematics so that I could
> acquire the skills required. My reasoning being that although the
> present analysis is total nonsense, if the insights of Vedic science as
> proposed by Maharishi are true then it ought to be possible to use those
> insights to guide one to solutions to the deepest problems of modern
> physics. I've discovered that this inspiration is correct. But in a very
> unexpected way, or rather perhaps in a way that should have been
> expected for anyone who has had any contact with Maharishi's knowledge.
> When cast in mathematical terms the insight that the ultimate reality is
> of transcendental nature suggests that there can be no finite Unified
> Field Theory. Also the insight that this transcendental reality can be
> experienced as if it were a sequence of experiences happening one after
> the other, as expressed in the Apurusheya Bhashya, has very interesting
> mathematical consequences. Taking this point of view, then some of the
> deepest problems of modern physics such as the dimensionality of space
> and the origin of the symmetries of the Standard Model have wonderfully
> elegant solutions. I recently presented a paper outlining these ideas at
> a conference in Europe, (where I took prize for best lecture), and this
> initial paper will be published next year. Though it's nice to get some
> appreciation from experts who are utterly disdainful of John Hagelin,
> much remains to be done. So it will be some time yet before a complete
> analysis will be possible. 
> The interesting thing is that one can use use Maharishi's knowledge to
> solve these problems and hence give the knowledge true scientific
> credibility while at the same time demolishing just about everything
> John Hagelin has done. One wonders at the intellectual ineptitude that
> has allowed his ideas to gain credence within the movement. The more I
> study this field the more I find that his ideas are packed solid with
> errors of reasoning and elementary maths.  I know of many intelligent
> people within the movement who have their doubts about John Hagelin's
> ideas and even more doubts about Tony Nader's ideas but fail to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Latest from Farrokh

2005-12-04 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Post 80922

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did Farrokh write the passage quoted beneath yours?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Latest from Farrokh

2005-12-04 Thread at_man_and_brahman
My untidy snipping made it appear that 
"tmforlife108" said this. In fact, he or she
was quoting Farrokh.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did Farrokh write the passage quoted beneath yours?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Farrokh Requests Correction

2005-12-05 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I stand corrected. The author of this 
message still has some explaining to
do, though I imagine we'll never see

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "tmforlife108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I posted Farrok's letter.  I'm sorry if the wrong impression was given.  The 
> letter was 
> a gov in the UK.  Farrokh simply forwarded it to me.
> Daniel Jeffers
> Message: 6 
>Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2005 17:39:05 -0600
>From: Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re:Re: Latest from Farrokh
> Did Farrokh write the passage quoted beneath yours?
> on 12/4/05 5:27 PM, at_man_and_brahman at 
> wrote:
> > I respect Farrokh's stand. I'm a little curious,
> > though, about some of his remarks here.
> > 
> > First, he is apparently of the Brigante school,
> > thinking that the tomfoolery in the Movement
> > is purely the fault of its administrators and not
> > of the founder.
> > 
> > I have an undergraduate background in physics
> > and math, from MIU during the Hagelin years,
> > and I am a long way from being able to touch
> > Hagelin's level of math. It's unclear which works
> > of Hagelin's Farrokh is criticizing: his two TM
> > monographs ("Is Consciousness the Unified Field?"
> > and "Restructuring Physics from Its Foundation in
> > Light of Maharishi's Vedic Science") or his published
> > high-energy physics papers.
> > 
> > The former are not particularly mathematics-based,
> > so a series of courses in math is not really the right
> > foundation to critique them; a long series of
> > graduate-level courses in high-energy physics,
> > for which the math would be a prerequisite, would
> > be, however. It doesn't sound as though Farrokh
> > has taken such classes. Even if he had, the
> > monographs do not attempt to construct a
> > finite unified field theory, a central point in
> > Farrokh's critique.
> > 
> > Hagelin's published physics papers, similarly, do
> > not attempt to construct a finite unified theory,
> > nor do they discuss Vedic science. Hagelin's most
> > celebrated mainstream work was in grand unified
> > theory and superstrings.
> > 
> > Maharishi has an undergrad background in physics,
> > at least a working knowledge of "Maharishi's Vedic
> > Science," and the experience of discussing physics
> > with Hagelin for decades. If Farrokh is correct that
> > Maharishi is an intellectual superstar, wouldn't
> > Maharishi himself be the best judge of whether
> > Hagelin is using his theories correctly?
> > 
> > What does Farrokh think of Schanbacher's work?
> > Clements'? 
> > 
> > Most notably, given that Farrokh has constructed
> > "wonderfully elegant solutions" to the problems
> > of "the dimensionality of space and the origin
> > of the symmetries of the Standard Model," it's
> > just a matter of time until he wins multiple
> > Nobel prizes. 
> > 
> > That's pretty cool. You get on with your bad
> > self, Farrokh!
> > 
> > In this battle of crap vs crap, I think that
> > Farrokh still has the upper hand, 'cause he
> > makes sense in just about every other way.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "tmforlife108" 
> > wrote:
> >> My own approach is somewhat different. I applaud those who take a 
> stand
> >> against the crap and the nonsense we all have to endure within the
> >> movement but I have chosen to take a stand against a different type 
> of
> >> crap and the nonsense. I realised some time ago that the supposed
> >> scientific analysis of the relationships between modern science and
> >> Vedic science was in fact pseudo-scientific rubbish. Rather than 
> turn
> >> around and walk away in disgust I resolved to do something about it. 
> So
> >> I put myself through a series of courses in mathematics so that I 
> could
> >> acquire the skills required. My reasoning being that although the
> >> present analysis is total nonsense, if the insights of Vedic science 
> as
> >> proposed by Maharishi are true then it ought to be possible to use 
> those
> >> insights to guide one to solutions to the deepest problems of modern
> >> physics. I've discovered that this inspiration is correct. But in a 
> very
> >> unexpected way, or rather perha

[FairfieldLife] tidn't tknow vwat to tink

2006-04-10 Thread at_man_and_brahman
My understanding of the Muktanda/Maharishi
hug incident is that Muktananda startled 
Maharishi with an insistent hug, and that
Maharishi later commented, laughing,
"i tid not tknow vwat to tink!"

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FW: a non-meeting ?

2006-04-10 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From a friend in Germany:
> > Dear Rick,
> > 
> > I like your contributions,
> > but the Goodman`s account is so poor.
> > Not from his side. He writes enthusiastic.
> > 
> > But two super-guys meet, and Mr. M. can only sit still, closed eyes ?
> > And there is a contest, who can win in sitting longer and having eyes closed
> > longer ?
> > This is the wrong mental set-up of two guys, not communicating.
> > 
> > You have a guest and are not interested, what he says and does, but close 
> > eyes
> > and want to
> > win the sitting-competition ?
> > And the other guy only talks with "his" people, doing, what he normally 
> > does ?
> > Oh god, sure sign, that these guys really can`t help finding world peace.
> > It is shattered by the next little thing that is not exactly like your
> > meditation ?
> > 
> > How silly, how small..
> > I said goodbuy to Mr. M. at the MIU 7.000, when I saw him on stage and felt:
> > He is alone, does not have a friend, whom he can say, that he doesn`t like 
> > to
> > be maharishi all the time
> > 
> > And yes, in the puranas, when the holy guys meet, it all is the biggest
> > contest, and even infinitesimal small
> > things end up in universal wars over matters, that really don`t matter.
> > 
> > We really should de-construct the mind-set of this non-meeting.
> > And do it yourself.
> > Look into the foto, like Mr. M. said in one of his recent lectures.
> > 
> > when you look longer into the picture, at one time you start to "see" the
> > emotions.
> > And from what I get, Mr. M. is not at all sure what to feel, and not happy,
> > what to feel.
> > 
> > I asked more german friends to comment, since some of them also are in the
> > reading of emotions...

"I tid not tknow vwat to tink." -- Maharishi

> > 
> > 
> > cheers from sunny Hamburg

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[FairfieldLife] SUFlipped SU(5)

2006-04-10 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Apr 10, 2006, at 11:49 AM, sparaig wrote:
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Nice account.  But just out of curiosity, Michael, deep, Vedic
> > > > knowledge has accomplished exactly what?  In science or any 
> other
> > > > field.
> > > >
> > > > Sal
> > > >
> > >
> > > Ask Hagelin's associates who worked with him after he modified 
> Flipped
> > > SU(5) to fit the vedic cosmology model.
> > 
> > Yeah, I'm sure they found his attribution of the five quantum spin- 
> > types to the five tanmatras and to the doshas just so blissfully  
> > scientific. :-)
> >
> Heh. Whatever he did, it made Flipped SU(5) one of the top contenders 
> for a TOE for many years.

Flipped SU(5) is a grand unified theory, not a 
super unified theory, incorporating gravity. 
As such, it was not qualified to be a TOE.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: SUFlipped SU(5)

2006-04-10 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > On Apr 10, 2006, at 11:49 AM, sparaig wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Nice account.  But just out of curiosity, Michael, deep, 
> Vedic
> > > > > > knowledge has accomplished exactly what?  In science or any 
> > > other
> > > > > > field.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Sal
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Ask Hagelin's associates who worked with him after he 
> modified 
> > > Flipped
> > > > > SU(5) to fit the vedic cosmology model.
> > > > 
> > > > Yeah, I'm sure they found his attribution of the five quantum 
> spin- 
> > > > types to the five tanmatras and to the doshas just so 
> blissfully  
> > > > scientific. :-)
> > > >
> > > 
> > > Heh. Whatever he did, it made Flipped SU(5) one of the top 
> contenders 
> > > for a TOE for many years.
> > >
> > 
> > Flipped SU(5) is a grand unified theory, not a 
> > super unified theory, incorporating gravity. 
> > As such, it was not qualified to be a TOE.
> >
> OK...

In the title of my response, I meant to type
"SUSY Flipped SU(5)," rather the "SUFlipped SU(5)."
Wrong buttons got pushed. Nevertheless,
SUSY Flipped SU(5) is just a stepping stone
on the way to a completely unified field theory.

What *you* meant to write was the SUSY Flipped
SU(5) was one of the leading contenders for years
as the premier GUT.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Favorite movies to watch in Sat Yuga

2006-04-14 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know about the rest of you, but I always
> cringe when I hear Maharishi talk about Sat Yuga
> being near, because he seems to imagine it as this
> oh-so-pure but OH-SO-BORING time/place, a lot like
> the environments he tries to create around him.
> Me, I don't even *believe* in the whole Sat Yuga 
> thang, but I'm hoping that if there is such a thing,
> there will still be room for the things that are
> most uplifting about Kali Yuga -- love, humor, 
> a sense of irony, humor, inappropriate jokes, and
> humor.
> With this in mind, here are a few of my nominations
> for Films I'd Still Want To Watch In Sat Yuga:
> Groundhog Day
> City of Angels
> Amélie
> Don Juan de Marco
> McCabe and Mrs. Miller
> American Beauty
> Mindwalk
> Phenomenon
> Conan the Barbarian
> the Desperado trilogy
> Yojimbo
> The Usual Suspects
> Romy and Michele's High School Reunion
> Dirty Pretty Things
> Becket
> Aliens
> Bubba Ho-Tep
> Evil Dead II
> The Name of the Rose
> Immortal Beloved
> Blade Runner
> Buckaroo Banzai
> Pow Wow Highway
> A Fish Called Wanda
> Highlander
> Army of Darkness
> L.A. Story
> The Life of Brian
> Young Frankenstein
> What are yours?

Fight Club


Play It Again, Sam

Dr. Strangelove

2001, A Space Odyssey

Moulin Rouge

Being There


All That Jazz

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Peggy Sue Got Married

My Dinner with Andre

Citizen Kane

The Elephant Man

Edward Scissorhands

Harold and Maude

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Horror of the Blood Monsters

All That Jazz

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Rig Ved rec?

2006-05-15 Thread at_man_and_brahman

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know a translation of the Rig Ved that is still available 
> that Maharishi has recommended in the past?

H.H. Wilson's translation.

 Or does anyone recommend 
> one that is close to the way he teaches the meaning. I was thinking of 
> the 'Richo Akshare' (which I used to think of as the 'Rick Archer' 
> verse:-) verse for example: "The impulses of creative intelligence 
> expressed in the Verses of the Ved (all knowledge) exist in the 
> collapse of fullness in the transcendental field. In which reside all 
> the impulses of creative intelligence, the laws of nature, responsible 
> for the whole manifest universe"

Even Wilson differs substantially on 
the Rick Archer verse.

"God is imperishable, supreme, all pervading.
It is being dealt within the Vedas and the 
earth, the sun and other luminaries dwell
in Him. What will one do merely by studying
the Vedas if he does not know God. Those
who know Him, they dwell happily in Him."

> OffWorld

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Rig Ved rec?

2006-05-18 Thread at_man_and_brahman

Ooops. The translation I provided below was
not by H.H. Wilson. Big dufus that I am, I 
provided Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha's
translation of I.164.39.

Wilson's translation is

"All the gods have taken their seats upon
this supreme heaven, the imperishable
(text) of the Ved: what will he, who knows
not this, do with the Veda? But they who do
know it, they are perfect."

After reviewing many translations years ago,
Maharishi was convinced that Wilson's was
the most effective at inducing a flow of soma
and all of that. According to Gregg Wilson,
he also said that one day he would do a translation
that would cause "gushers" of soma.

Still waiting for that one.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know a translation of the Rig Ved that is still available 
> > that Maharishi has recommended in the past?
> H.H. Wilson's translation.
>  Or does anyone recommend 
> > one that is close to the way he teaches the meaning. I was thinking of 
> > the 'Richo Akshare' (which I used to think of as the 'Rick Archer' 
> > verse:-) verse for example: "The impulses of creative intelligence 
> > expressed in the Verses of the Ved (all knowledge) exist in the 
> > collapse of fullness in the transcendental field. In which reside all 
> > the impulses of creative intelligence, the laws of nature, responsible 
> > for the whole manifest universe"
> Even Wilson differs substantially on 
> the Rick Archer verse.
> "God is imperishable, supreme, all pervading.
> It is being dealt within the Vedas and the 
> earth, the sun and other luminaries dwell
> in Him. What will one do merely by studying
> the Vedas if he does not know God. Those
> who know Him, they dwell happily in Him."
> > 
> > OffWorld
> >

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[FairfieldLife] Yo

2006-05-22 Thread at_man_and_brahman

There's some deliciously crafted thought at 


It's worth an equally thoughtful perusal.

I don't agree with everything there, nor would 
I expect anyone else to, but it's potentially more 
useful than the Church of the Subgenius and 
less destructive than many other churches.

To appreciate the site, you have to get a 
representative sampling of the generous layers 
of videos.

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[FairfieldLife] Why 108?

2006-05-24 Thread at_man_and_brahman


a worthwhile analysis of this mystic number,
even more interesting than the latest
interpersonal spat on FFL

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why 108?

2006-05-24 Thread at_man_and_brahman

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> http://tinyurl.com/nxo52
> a worthwhile analysis of this mystic number,
> even more interesting than the latest
> interpersonal spat on FFL

rendered more interesting still when
connected to via the correct URL


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi - From a Purusha in Holland

2008-02-06 Thread at_man_and_brahman
How sure are you that this is a photo of
Maharishi dead? He doesn't appear to be
seated on a bed and his skin isn't pale.

It just looks to me like a picture
of him sitting with his eyes closed.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For those who read FFL via the website and therefore do not see
> attached files, I've uploaded the MMY Mahasamadhi photo that was
> attached to the post below to my webserver:
> http://alex.natel.net/ffl/images/mmy_mahasamadhi.jpg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays  wrote:
> >
> > From: "Steve Van Damme" 
> > 
> > Dear Friends,
> > 
> > On January 11, 2008, Maharishi gave his farewell address to his 
> > worldwide family, saying that he had fulfilled his "designed duty to 
> > Guru Dev" and was handing over all responsibilities to his Rajas and 
> > Ministers and national leaders, and retiring from activity. It was an 
> > emotion-filled tribute that followed, with all the assembled 
> > dignitaries of the Movement giving their personal appreciations and 
> > cherished memories. He asked his Rajas if he deserved a gift of a 
> > memorial, to himself and Guru Dev, for what had been brought to the 
> > world: a Tower of Invincibility in each of the countries overseen by 
> > the Rajas.
> > 
> > A couple weeks ago, it was resolved that the first tower would be 
> > built right next to Maharishi's house. The groundbreaking ceremony 
> > took place on Monday January 28. Offers of funding poured in from 
> > around the world.
> > 
> > Today, February 5, 2008, having fulfilled his duty to Guru Dev, 
> > Maharishi took mahasamadhi. He has left his mortal body, but he 
> > remains with us eternally in spirit, in our hearts, in the very 
> > Silence that permeates every grain of creation.
> > 
> > I remember the first time I saw Maharishi. It was in the auditorium 
> > at Humboldt University, California. He walked through the line of 
> > people on either side, gently taking the flowers people offered him. 
> > I didn't have any flowers, it was a new concept to me to give flowers 
> > to a man. But the feeling of gratitude was so overwhelming that it 
> > was so natural that I wished I had a flower--anything--to give. He 
> > glanced at me with a brilliant gleam in his eye, a smile, and a soft 
> > Jai Guru Dev as if to say, "It wasn't necessary, just enjoy." My 
> > heart melted in joy. It was a moment made indelible in my memory.
> > 
> > Tonight, around 7:30 pm everyone here collected in the big meeting 
> > tent where Maharaja Raam announced the news (which you can hear on 
> > the Maharishi Channel, see link below). We listened to sahasranam, 
> > and then did puja to Guru Dev. The air was saturated with incense, 
> > purity, and a sanctified transcendental bliss colored with a soft 
> > silent sadness. The Rajas and Directors were invited by Maharaja Raam 
> > to Maharishi's house, then everyone was invited to go.
> > 
> > The only time before when everyone was invited into Maharishi's house 
> > was just before he entered it the first time, about 10-11 years ago, 
> > no doubt with much celebration. This time it was quiet. Only a few 
> > whispers. A lady couldn't hold back and wept. Single file we slowly 
> > made our way upstairs to the brahmasthan room that Maharishi had 
> > spent so many hours in the past 10-11 years, pouring out an 
> > inexhaustible flow of knowledge and inspiration and guidance to 
> > Movement leaders, to Purusha and Mother Divine, and to the whole 
> > world, through every modern system of communication.
> > 
> > One has time to let the reality of events sink in while waiting in 
> > line. My thoughts touched on wonderful memories of Maharishi and also 
> > the events of the day. A mixture of joy and sadness on the solid 
> > ground of bliss. And a bit of pondering. What would happen now that 
> > he isn't directing and prodding his Movement to move at every turn? I 
> > felt the thoughts of some others, similar. Others emanated solid 
> > confidence. Indeed, this Movement is in very good hands.
> > 
> > Finally I reached the door of the brahmasthan. I could see the large 
> > room was full of Rajas and Ministers, meditating or just silently 
> > watching. It was also full of all sorts of gifts from years of 
> > celebrations, on tables, on shelves, and free standing. Devatas and 
> > elephants, Faberge eggs and flags, gold wish-fulfilling trees and 
> > building models, and innumerable other gifts with so much 
> > concentrated gratitude emanating from each. It was a beautiful gold 
> > and crystal wonderland. But the most striking decoration was the row 
> > of huge pictures of Guru Dev above--maybe 8--which Maharishi could 
> > see from his couch every day. They dominated everything. Maharishi's 
> > life always was 100% devotion to Guru Dev. As he said just a few 
> > weeks before, he offered his EVERYTHING to Guru Dev.
> > 
> > His mortal remains sat upright on a bed, wrapped in wh

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi - From a Purusha in Holland

2008-02-06 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I've seen pandits placing petals on his
head before. This is a typical Vlodrop

My guess is that no pictures will come
out of Maharishi's body seated in repose.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > It just looks to me like a picture
> > of him sitting with his eyes closed.
> But what's with the flower petals 
> on his head?
> I just read a Purusha member's 
> account of filing through Maharishi's 
> room to view his sitting body. It 
> reminded me of the scene as Alexander 
> the Great lay dying, when his troops 
> filed past his room. Only Alexander
> was still alive, and Maharishi was
> gone.
> Random fact: In America in the 19th 
> century, it was customary to photograph 
> people, dressed and sitting up, after 
> they died. The pictures of deceased 
> children I saw in American Heritage
> magazine gave me the willies, as this 
> picture of Maharishi did.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman"
>  wrote:
> >
> > How sure are you that this is a photo of
> > Maharishi dead? He doesn't appear to be
> > seated on a bed and his skin isn't pale.
> > 
> > It just looks to me like a picture
> > of him sitting with his eyes closed.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
>  wrote:
> > >
> > > For those who read FFL via the website and therefore do not see
> > > attached files, I've uploaded the MMY Mahasamadhi photo that was
> > > attached to the post below to my webserver:
> > > 
> > > http://alex.natel.net/ffl/images/mmy_mahasamadhi.jpg

[FairfieldLife] big question--Jennifer and Judith

2008-02-07 Thread at_man_and_brahman

If I'm remembering correctly, both of these
women had books waiting in the wings for
this very moment. Could you please find
out if they are planning to make their
stories known?

[FairfieldLife] important Sage of a New Generation quotation

2008-02-07 Thread at_man_and_brahman
This is paraphrased, but Maharishi was asked
at the end of this film from the early '70s for 
what he would like to be remembered. Maharishi
looked a million miles into the distance and
then said, disarmingly, "Nothing."



"But you will be remembered!"

"That will be up to those who will remember me!"


That beautiful moment
--->>faster forward--->>
Maharishi asking the rajas days before his death
for a memorial, yielding plans for Towers of 
Immortality "here, there, and everywhere."

Of all the things that saddens me about Maharishi's
death, that saddens me the most. It's so Citizen Kane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: important Sage of a New Generation quotation

2008-02-07 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Let me add more detail:

Maharishi explained that in these 
forty-eight Brahmananda Saraswati 
Nagar to be built in India, Vedic
Pandits will maintain coherence in 
world consciousness through their 
daily performance of Yagya and
Yogic Flying; and he connected this 
with the establishment of the Towers 
of Invincibility around the
world.  Maharishi asked: `Where 
should we build them? Where do 
we want to have them—the Invincible
Towers of the world? I want to put to 
the Rajas that I would like a gift of 
having achieved the goal. The
history of the world will never be the 
same. See if I deserve that, and where 
we would like to have such
a memorial of the great task that the 
world will never be the same old suffering 
world. I wanted a gift. I
think I have completed what I have ever 
done— and I am very sensitive about it. 
I am making an appeal
to the Rajas—do it in the name of Guru 
Dev. We would want to associate success 
with Guru Dev and
Guru Dev with the twelve Jyotir Linga. 
Rajas, think for five minutes if you 
would give me a favour.'

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
> This is paraphrased, but Maharishi was asked
> at the end of this film from the early '70s for 
> what he would like to be remembered. Maharishi
> looked a million miles into the distance and
> then said, disarmingly, "Nothing."
> "Nothing?"
> "Nothing."
> "But you will be remembered!"
> "That will be up to those who will remember me!"
> (laughter)
> That beautiful moment
> --->>faster forward--->>
> Maharishi asking the rajas days before his death
> for a memorial, yielding plans for Towers of 
> Immortality "here, there, and everywhere."
> Of all the things that sadden me about Maharishi's
> death, that saddens me the most. It's so Citizen Kane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: important Sage of a New Generation quotation

2008-02-07 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I want to put to 
> > the Rajas that I would like a gift of 
> > having achieved the goal. The
> > history of the world will never be the 
> > same. See if I deserve that, and where 
> > we would like to have such
> > a memorial of the great task that the 
> > world will never be the same old suffering 
> > world. I wanted a gift. I
> > think I have completed what I have ever 
> > done� and I am very sensitive about it. 
> > I am making an appeal
> > to the Rajas�do it in the name of Guru 
> > Dev. We would want to associate success 
> > with Guru Dev and
> > Guru Dev with the twelve Jyotir Linga. 
> > Rajas, think for five minutes if you 
> > would give me a favour.'
> > 
> > 
> So... you have seen this on video tape?
> Lawson (not saying that it didn't happen, but that some certain "spin" might 
> be put on 
> wording of what was actually said vs what was SAID was said)

Have not seen. This is an "official" transcript.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jai?

2008-02-08 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Hindi vs Sanskrit

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the Beatles' Across the Universe 'jai' is IMO
> pronounced so that it rhymes with 'high'. The most
> common pronunciation seems to rhyme with 'hey'.
> I guess the first one might be the more "authentic"
> pronunciation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting link about Maharishi's childhood and birthplace

2008-02-11 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://premendra.indiainteracts.com/2008/02/11/maharishi-mahesh-yogi-
> was-born-in-chhattisgarh-not-jabalpur/

I don't know who the author is, but he
or she contradicts Rajneesh, who claimed
that Maharishi was born in Chichli.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's call to the dome & Satyanand quote...

2008-02-13 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I agree with everyone who finds the apparent
claim that Bevan & company have direct 
knowledge of the hereafter extremely disturbing, 
even if not considered in the light of the old
Maharishi lecture that was posted.

But...I've heard Maharishi do the same thing.
On at least one occasion, I've heard him imply
that he had just gotten off the cosmic phone
with Guru Dev. For instance, I remember a 
late-night phone call to MIU during a Guru
Purnimah back in the '80s during which
Maharishi essentially said that earlier in the day
he'd been in direct "contact" or "communion"
or something with Guru Dev *and* Mother
Divine and, from that, had some new
initiative for everyone.

I'm not suggesting the Bevan has the same ability
(or that Maharishi did), but I am not as uncomfortable
with Maharishi's claim as with Bevan's.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Notes on Bevan's talk from Vlodrop: 
> It was dawn in Vlodrop and Bevan had not slept for 2 days, yet he spoke for
> an hour. He spoke as a brother sharing his heart with those he loves. The
> first thing he said was that when Maharaja Nader Ram refers to Maharishi as
> the most illustrious in the Vedic Tradition of Masters, it is not an
> exaggeration, it is the truth.  There has never been a Saint of Maharishi's
> caliber in any time, in any place.  Also when Nadar Ram said that all of the
> dwellers in Heaven were welcoming Maharishi with open arms that it was not
> just some phrase to uplift our hearts.  It is the reality. Bevan said that
> this kind of thing is "beyond our ken," but for some reason Maharishi was
> not absorbed into the Absolute.  He went to Heaven to live in the most
> glorious manner that the Creator and all the Gods could bestow.  Even they
> are amazed at all that he accomplished.  He changed Kali Yuga (the era of
> darkness) into Sat Yuga (the era of enlightenment) for eternity. Bevan told
> us the story of being at the 12 year Khumba mehla in 1989 when Maharishi
> sent the pundit boys to pay homage to the eldest Saint in India. The Saint
> had a platform located some distance away from the crowds where he would not
> be disturbed and from where he could see everything.  When he saw 1,000
> pundit boys coming toward him across the sandy beach, dressed in their
> saffron robes with the little hats that Maharishi had bought them, marching
> in files in unison, chanting the Vedas as Maharishi had taught them - the
> Saint puffed up with joy and pride and folded his arms across his chest and
> exclaimed, "Maharishi has returned the Vedic Tradition to India, Maharishi
> single handedly has revived the Vedic Culture. 
> Bevan then gave the chronology of events leading up to Maharishi's passing.
> He said that looking back on events he could see that Maharishi was
> seriously preparing us when after the European Parliament, he called for the
> World Congress of Rajas. Then on December 31 Maharishi unexpectedly called a
> meeting at noon when traditionally he would give the address at midnight
> before going into silence.  Bevan read that address to us.  
> (You can read it at: www.globalgoodnews.com HYPERLINK
> "http://www.globalgoodnews.com"; \n  (in the
> left column, click "Maharishi's Recent Addresses," click "archive" ; then
> click the one dated Dec. 31.  You can also watch this talk by clicking
> "watch live" above Maharishi's picture.)
> All this time Bevan was talking to us reminding us that our hearts were the
> perpetual memorials because they were the seats of Guru Dev and Maharishi.
> Our consciousness is Guru Dev and Maharishi. 
> At the end Bevan gave us the reasons why there was such celebration and
> rejoicing with Maharishi's passing and why he personally was glad. Bevan was
> glad because Maharishi was fulfilled, his work was done, he had finished the
> job that Guru Dev had given him, changing Kali Yuga into Sat Yuga.  He was
> also glad because for the last year the physiology had been such a pressure
> to Maharishi.  He was also glad because Nadar Ram had been taking care of
> Maharishi for all of us, for 24 hours a day, for weeks and Nadar Ram let
> everyone know immediately.  Bevan said he was also glad was that, "Nothing
> really happened.  It is as if Maharishi is with us even more; nothing has
> changed, everything is still the same - functioning as if Maharishi were
> still here."  The final reason that he was glad was because we were all
> experiencing what Maharishi had predicted, that he could do more for us in
> Silence. 
> ---
> Brahmachari Satyanand
> Maharishi's friend and fellow disciple of Guru Dev, speaking in 1967 about
> Guru Dev's 'nirvana':
> 'When in 1953 Guru Dev left this mortal frame and attained nirvana I was at
> Benares, another place of pilgrimage for Hindus, and at that moment I was
> staying in the ashram of Guru Dev. Everybody kne

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deepak Chopra: The Maharishi Years - The Untold Story: Recollections of a Fo

2008-02-13 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Deepak finally confirms my suspician, based
on the old Knapp/Chopra interview, that Chopra
thought that Maharishi might have been
poisoned during this orange juice event.

This explains why he was subsequently removed
from India and placed with European Purusha.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopra/the-maharishi-years-the_b_86412
> .html"http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopra/the-maharishi-years-the_b_
> 86412.html 
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.4/1275 - Release Date: 2/12/2008
> 3:20 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deepak Chopra: The Maharishi Years - The Untold Story: Recollections of a Fo

2008-02-13 Thread at_man_and_brahman
A likely culprit, though not foreign,
would be someone connected with
Swaroopranand, since he claims that
Maharishi poisoned Guru Dev.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Deepak finally confirms my suspician, based
> > on the old Knapp/Chopra interview, that Chopra
> > thought that Maharishi might have been
> > poisoned during this orange juice event.
> > 
> > This explains why he was subsequently removed
> > from India and placed with European Purusha.
> Anyone knows who "the foreigner" with the poiseness juice was ?`Rick, 
> any rumours ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deepak Chopra: The Maharishi Years - The Untold Story: Recollections of a Fo

2008-02-13 Thread at_man_and_brahman
For historical comparison, see the archived
interview with Deepak from 1996 by John
Knapp. The URL was tough to track down:


It's at least good to see that Deepak has
kept this amazing story pretty consistent
over eleven years. He must have been just
itching to talk about this again, and probably
regretted spilling any beans back then.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopra/the-maharishi-years-the_b_86412
> .html"http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopra/the-maharishi-years-the_b_
> 86412.html 
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.4/1275 - Release Date: 2/12/2008
> 3:20 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi illness timeline

2008-02-16 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I'll try to get around to it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > I have videotapes of all the Jan.12ths and all
> > the GPs from those years. Maharishi was there
> > for each.
> Interesting, thanks. Would you feel like having a
> look at the Guru Purnima celebration from 1990
> and seeing if MMY appeared any less robust than
> usual? It would have been only three months after
> he fell ill if it was in April of that year.
> RUTH--did you see this question fom me?
> > > Hmm, I just checked on Amazon. I looked "inside the
> > > book," and the copyright page of the revised edition
> > > of "Perfect Health" has the first copyright date as
> > > 1991. What could account for the discrepancy with
> > > the LOC?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi illness timeline

2008-02-16 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I have videotapes of all the Jan.12ths and all
the GPs from those years. Maharishi was there
for each. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsimplicity" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > 
> > > I'm inclined to think it was his physical 
> > > security they were all concerned about rather
> > > than his health per se.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > It's still very unclear when this illness took
> > > place. In different published interiews and
> > > articles, Chopra (who is the only person to
> > > have discussed the illness in public, as far as
> > > I'm aware) has cited the late '80s, 1991, and
> > > 1996. (The second part of the title of Chopra's
> > > "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" may reflect
> > > Chopra's problems with getting dates correct.)
> > > 
> > > Chopra associates the onset of MMY's illness with
> > > the publication of his book "Perfect Health," but
> > > that's not possible, for various reasons, some
> > > of which I've outlined previously.
> > > 
> > > 1996 isn't possible either, so we're left with
> > > late '80s. MMY moved into Vlodrop in 1990,
> > > presumably right after his recovery, so he must
> > > have fallen ill before then, but certainly not as
> > > early as 1986. In any case, there were several
> > > years in between his focus on "perfect health"
> > > and his illness.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > I just checked to see when Perfect Heath was published.
> > It came out in April 1990 and was written in 1989, according
> > to LOC records.  FWIW.
> > 
> > Sure would be nice to have a nice neat timeline, wouldn't it?
> Thanks! That gets us closer, if *anything* about
> Chopra's "Untold Story" is correct. Apparently he's
> mistaken 1990 for 1991, and April for August (same
> initial letter, at least). If MMY fell ill when the
> book came out, as Chopra says, that would have been
> April 1990; and he would have recovered by sometime
> later that year, when we know he moved into Vlodrop.
> If so, then he wasn't out of circulation for an
> entire year; and if he spent any time in the country
> alone with Chopra, it could have been for only a
> few months at most.
> He'd have missed Guru Purnima in July 1990; that's
> such a big occasion in the movement that it's odd
> it wasn't a source of gossip and alarm among enough
> TMO people that it would have seeped down to the
> rank and file. So I'm still dubious about the whole
> country-idyll business. I'll bet he was back in
> Vlodrop by Guru Purnima.
> Hmm, I just checked on Amazon. I looked "inside the
> book," and the copyright page of the revised edition
> of "Perfect Health" has the first copyright date as
> 1991. What could account for the discrepancy with
> the LOC?
> It sure is strange that MMY became desperately ill
> on the day a book by Chopra called "Perfect Health"
> was published. Now I'm wondering if telling the
> story that way wasn't a subtle little dig from Chopra
> behind all his devotional sentimentality. He didn't
> *have* to mention the book at all; it played no other
> role in the story.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi illness timeline

2008-02-17 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I spoke a hint quickly. I have videos of the
1990 and 1991 12Jans, but not the GPs.

Maharishi is speaking before the assembly
of 7000 in Maastrict in the 1991 video.

Both years, he looks fit as a fiddle.

It doesn't appear that Deepak is up on stage
in 1991.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
> I'll try to get around to it.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > I have videotapes of all the Jan.12ths and all
> > > the GPs from those years. Maharishi was there
> > > for each.
> > 
> > Interesting, thanks. Would you feel like having a
> > look at the Guru Purnima celebration from 1990
> > and seeing if MMY appeared any less robust than
> > usual? It would have been only three months after
> > he fell ill if it was in April of that year.
> > 
> > RUTH--did you see this question fom me?
> > 
> > > > Hmm, I just checked on Amazon. I looked "inside the
> > > > book," and the copyright page of the revised edition
> > > > of "Perfect Health" has the first copyright date as
> > > > 1991. What could account for the discrepancy with
> > > > the LOC?
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: chance to question Deepak publically - any suggestions ?

2008-02-20 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I'd ask him whether he thinks Swami
Swarooprananda might have been 
responsible for poisoning Maharishi,
given that SS says that Maharishi
poisoned Guru Dev. I'd preface that
question by asking whether he stills
thinks Maharishi was poisoned.

It would be a good idea to try to 
clarify the real year in which 
Maharishi's alleged illness took
place, per recent discussion here.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Just got an e-mail from an independenet bookstore announcing Deepak tonight 
> will 
> a new book 'The Third Jesus' to the public.  This bookstore opens the floor 
> to questions 
> the author.  I'm scheduled to hand out the snack at my son's Boy Scout 
> meeting tonight, 
> I'm thinking of going to the bookstore instead.  Any suggested questions for 
> Deepak ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: was: questions for Deepak publically. now: Deepak, give Rick a call, please

2008-02-21 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Thanks for connecting with him. Were my
questions included?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Deepak was so happy to hear me give your greeting, Rick.  During the book 
> signing, as 
> was handing the book back to me: 
> "Rick Archer of Fairfield says, 'Hi'."  
> "Oh, yes !"
> "Rick would like you to call. Here is a note from him, and questions from 
> others."
> Deepak willingly reached for your note, (across which I had written, in red 
> ink, 'Please 
> Rick Archer, 02/20/08 - I also circled the text of your note to him). 
> Attached to your 
> were the original post of 'My Dinner with Dr. Mahapatra', a page of Ruth's 
> questions, and 
> the page of extended message summaries. He was all smiles.
> I leaned toward him, and said, "and thank you for speaking so glowingly of 
> Maharishi 
> tonight." 
> He put his hands together, and said  "Jai Guru Dev" !  
> There were still many in line.  I left his table at that point. 
> He definitely received your note, etc.  He might even be lurking on FFL. All 
> the materials 
> handed to him had Yahoo Groups - Fairfield Life all over them. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> >  
> > 
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > On Behalf Of mainstream20016
> > Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 3:22 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: chance to question Deepak publically - any
> > suggestions ?
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Rick, Ruth, et al,
> > Deepak will see each of your questions. For clarity, I found the original 
> > and reprinted FFL # 48039 separately to supplement your note, Rick, to
> > Deepak. Ruth, he 
> > will see each of your questions. He will also see the expanded messages
> > section that 
> > gives the initial response of the rest of you who commented..and get a feel
> > for everyone 
> > else's questions. Thanks for your input.
> > 
> > What happened with this? Did you see him?
> > 
> > 
> > No virus found in this outgoing message.
> > Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.9/1290 - Release Date: 2/20/2008
> > 8:45 PM
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: More Charlie anyone?

2007-08-26 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Yes, please.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a kind offer for about 40 more Charlie audios.
> Is there any interest for these?
> If so, I'll post more links when I have time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Introductory couse in Vedic Astrology

2007-08-26 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I had a Jyotish reading from Pandit Shastri
in 1999 at MUM. Many Jyotishis have looked 
at my chart over the years. This guy, with 
his 1200-year lineage was one of the best. 
Should be a great course.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Terton Zeno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> -
> Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 
> Dear Friends,
>   It is a great pleasure to announce our new 12 Lesson -Introductory Course 
> in Vedic 
Astrology.  This course was recently designed to make the learning of Vedic 
simple, interesting and enjoyable.  
>   This is a course for beginners and definitely gives a clear understanding 
> of the basics 
of Vedic Astrology as well as a broad comprehension of the entire arena of 
>   This course is being presented as an online webinar, featuring a one hour 
> lesson each 
week starting September 15, 2007 weekend. Visual aids, charts, main points and 
materials will be mailed to you so the lessons will be easy to follow at home.
>   The topics for this course are attached to this email.
>   The Instructors for this course will be Ken Krumpe and Pundit Ramanand 
> Shastri.  
Biodatas are also attached to this email.
>   The donation for this course is $385.  As part of this donation all course 
> participants 
will receive a Life Reading from Pundit Shastri and also a Birth Time 
Rectification by email.  
Each student will also get a print-out of their Vedic Astrology chart. 
>   Every student will have an opportunity to ask Pundit Shastri questions 
> regarding their 
own chart during the course.  If you have already had a Life Reading with 
Pundit Shastri he 
will do your next Yearly Reading for you.
>   Since there are already 15 students for this course it is definitely 
> happening.  If you 
would like more information or would like to apply for this course please 
respond to this 
email or call us at 808-876-1370 from 11 AM till 5 PM Hawaii Standard Time,  
seven days 
per week.   We request that everyone respond by September 10th, 2007
>   This course is being offered as part of a more extended 12 lesson course 
> for USA 
certification in Ayurveda.  The entire course is 5 hours per week via webinar.  
The Vedic 
Astrology course is one hour of this 5 hour Ayurveda course each week.  If you 
would like 
more information about the entire extended course please let us know and we 
will email 
the information and application forms to you.  The extended Ayurveda program 
for those 
who are interested is $1500 for 12 weeks.
>   With Warmest Regards,
>   Ken and Janet Krumpe
> -
> Choose the right car based on your needs.  Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car 
> Finder tool.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-14 Thread at_man_and_brahman
The E(8) Lie group is an essential component
of the E(8)xE(8) heterotic superstring that
Hagelin was involved with at CERN.

This shameless TM tie-in is a sort of 
Eight Degrees of Hagelin theory, if
you will. TM is only eight scalar degrees of 
separation, or vibrational modes of the
superstring, from anything, or something
like that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mathatbrahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > New mathematical discovery, the E8 Lie group. Has more data than the 
> > human genome.  Here's an image of it.: (makes a great mathematical 
> > mandala).
> > 
> > http://aimath.org/E8/mcmullen.html
> Oooo.  Dizzifying.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread at_man_and_brahman

I didn't say that the E(8)xE(8) heterotic
superstring theory had anything to do
with TM, nor did Hagelin at the time
he was at CERN. That came later. He
was still about two years from writing
his first TM/physics monograph.

My point was that *I* had made a connection
between the E(8) Lie group and TM by 
explaining that it had a relationship to
Hagelin himself, and by extension to
the TM universe.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All this theoretical physics stuff from Hagelin is a
> metaphor, and a poor metaphor at that. It is
> essentially incomprehensible and contributes
> absolutely nothing to the understanding of
> Realization.
> --- at_man_and_brahman
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The E(8) Lie group is an essential component
> > of the E(8)xE(8) heterotic superstring that
> > Hagelin was involved with at CERN.
> > 
> > This shameless TM tie-in is a sort of 
> > Eight Degrees of Hagelin theory, if
> > you will. TM is only eight scalar degrees of 
> > separation, or vibrational modes of the
> > superstring, from anything, or something
> > like that.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
> > "mathatbrahman" 
> > >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > New mathematical discovery, the E8 Lie group.
> > Has more data than the 
> > > > human genome.  Here's an image of it.: (makes a
> > great mathematical 
> > > > mandala).
> > > > 
> > > > http://aimath.org/E8/mcmullen.html
> > > 
> > > Oooo.  Dizzifying.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > To subscribe, send a message to:
> > 
> > Or go to: 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> > and click 'Join This Group!' 
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > 
> > 
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> > 
a little couch potato? 
> Check out fun summer activities for kids.
> http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=oni_on_mail&p=summer+activities+for

[FairfieldLife] Re: Message from Transfinite Ron

2007-05-28 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of lurkernomore20002000
> Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 11:57 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Message from Ron
> Is this the same "Ron" who was a fanatical, abrasive, pro-TM, TM-is-
> > the-best, anti-everyone-else's-system TMer? Or is it another Ron?
> > 
> > Same Ron, but he appears to have mellowed a lot.
> What is shocking is that he appears to have left Maharishi for a new 
> Guru. It doesn't sound like the same Ron, although I read only a very 
> small amount of the exchange. His postings used to be straight TM 
> dogma. At least it doesn't appear that he is prostelitizing for Guru 
> G. Only thing worse than spouting dogma about something, is finding a 
> new cause and then spouting that new dogma, saying the old dogma 
> suddenly became obsolete.
> He seems very balanced, sensible, and much more mature as a spiritual
> aspirant. And his writing style has improved dramatically. But I assure you,
> it's the same guy.

Transfinite Ron has evolved to a plane of
yet higher cardinality:

 Message 33361 of 33523  

From:  "at_man_and_brahman"  
Date:  Sat Aug 28, 2004  3:15 am 
Subject:  an offer that can't be refused

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
Ron F <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > The thing is there is no satisfaction of a deep
 > and lasting nature on the level of logic, it is
 > not a problem which has its solution on this
 > level, it is a spiritual problem which has the
 > solution on the level of consciousness. This is
 > not a vague statement, it is something I can
 > elaborate on forever if requested.

 I think that I speak for all of FFL in urging you,
 pleading with you from the bottom of our
 hridayams, to elaborate on this very point
 forever, starting now, either in one infinitely
 long post or in an infinite series of finite posts
 or in an infinite series of infinitely long posts.
 We, of course, won't be around to read much
 of what you'll say, and the Internet won't be
 a suitable medium for your commentary for
 very long*, but those are mere details to be
 worked out.

 The ages of Mother Divine will come and go
 as fireflies in the twilight as your commentary
 expands beyond all limits that only she can

 The Ved itself will be exposed as an
 infinitesimally puny subset of your commentary,
 a trifling imposter in the fullness of Ronology.

 Go, Ron. Start now. We'll stick around for as
 much as we can, and we'll encourage our
 descendents to follow the thread for as
 long as possible*.

 *The infinite series of finite posts is probably
 best given the eventual demise of the Internet.
 As this technology, or later this planet, comes
 to an end, the discontinuities inherent in posts
 of finite length, some of which can be arbitrarily
 brief, provide convenient stopping points for
 moving your commentary to a newer medium or
 planet or even universe as the need arises. If a
 single post were infinitely long, somewhere in its
 middle the Earth could be consumed by
 a nova-stage sol or intersecting cosmic string,
 for example, providing no node for you to find
 another planet from which to continue working.

 **For so long as our species stays attentive and
 continues to exist, or other intelligent species
 get and stay involved, you will probably want to
 make occasional shifts in the language of your
 commentary from early 21st century American
 English to newer forms of English and later
 languages. You might want to learn Sanskrit
 before you start the commentary. It is nature's
 language and should be so for the duration of
 your infinite project, but few beings will
 understand you, if that matters. As a professional
 proofreader, I'd be happy to proofread your
 commentary for the rest of my comparatively
 meaningless life. I charge by the hour.

[FairfieldLife] Vaidya Mishra pulse diagnosis course and consultations in July

2007-05-28 Thread at_man_and_brahman
The esteemed Raj Vaidya Mishra, whose lineage
extends through 5000 years, will be offering
a three-day course on pulse diagnosis in July
in Indianapolis. This course is intended 
primarily for health-care professionals, but
others are invited to attend. 

Indianapolis is about a six-hour drive from 

Vaidya Mishra's approach to Ayurveda is
much deeper than most other vaidyas, based
on the traditional training he received from his
father during seven years following his graduation 
from an Ayurvedic college.

If you are interested in attending or want more
information, contact me at 

Vaidya Mishra will also do three days of pulse
consultations following the course.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Giant Skeletons Found in India

2007-05-28 Thread at_man_and_brahman

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > http://fourwinds10.com/NewsServer/ArticleFunctions/ArticleDetails.php?
> Articl
> > eID=15307 
> > 
> > Click on the photos for a larger view, then click on the article 
> again to
> > return to it.
> >
> This is one of the most unbelievable things I've ever seen (especially 
> the second photo of the skeleton with two live humans beside it to give 
> perspective).
> However, they are SO fantastical that until proven otherwise, I must 
> consider the skeletons as fakes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vaidya Mishra pulse diagnosis course and consultations in July

2007-05-29 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Yes. It's old news. I could provide the 
reasons, but they're not particularly
interesting. The good news is that the
separation lets him practice Ayurveda
according to his family's very pure
tradition, including marma therapy.

Mishra has incredibly deep knowledge,
and taking an opportunity like this to
learn from him is well worth the time
and energy.

The Movement's Ayurveda-trained 
docs are missing some key elements.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "george_deforest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> AFAIK, Vaidya Mishra severed his ties with MAPI,
> and works independenly of the TMO now;
> but i dont know the details of why ...
> > pratap Mahapatra wrote:
> >
> > I was wondering if it is Vaidya Ramakant Mishra or someone else.
> > Is it TM movement organised?
> > 
> > at_man_and_brahman wrote:  
> > The esteemed Raj Vaidya Mishra, whose lineage
> > extends through 5000 years, will be offering
> > a three-day course on pulse diagnosis in July
> > in Indianapolis. This course is intended 
> > primarily for health-care professionals, but
> > others are invited to attend. 
> > 
> > Indianapolis is about a six-hour drive from 
> > Fairfield.
> > 
> > Vaidya Mishra's approach to Ayurveda is
> > much deeper than most other vaidyas, based
> > on the traditional training he received from his
> > father during seven years following his graduation 
> > from an Ayurvedic college.
> > 
> > If you are interested in attending or want more
> > information, contact me at 
> > at_man_and_brahman@
> > 
> > Vaidya Mishra will also do three days of pulse
> > consultations following the course.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Prison of the Mind, Sthapatya Veda

2007-05-30 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I work in a SV building. Customers really like
our brahmasthan, in which we have an atrium
garden and play Gandharva Veda 24/365.

Everyone who enters feels an unusual sense
of peace. We also held a Dhanvantari yagya

Life isn't perfect there, but I think it's worth
the extra planning and expense, particularly
if you can use natural building materials
and get good shine-through and cross
ventilation, both of which enhance the
prana in the building.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam"  
> wrote:
> >
> > I'm curious to know what ordinary mortals 
> > feel in these SV buildings. Anybody have 
> > anything to report?
> > 
> > 
> I have spent very little time in SV bldgs, but I have felt a clear 
> uplifting quality on entering these bldgs. I had the same sensation 
> when I entered the old SRM (Charlie Lutes organization in TM-ville) 
> bldg in W. Los Angeles, where thousands of initations had been 
> performed: a feeling of being lighter, a feeling of bliss and greater 
> self-awareness. The SRM bldg was not SV-compliant (it had north and 
> west entrances, but at least it did not have a south entrance), but 
> the experience was clear and persistent through many visits, and I am 
> not given to bliss-ninny mood-making -- I have had the same 
> experience on entering the SV bldgs in Fairfield, so I would 
> definitely spring for a compliant house, and plan to do so as soon as 
> I pay off the repair and upgrades on my aircraft.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unified Field Theory Part II

2007-06-11 Thread at_man_and_brahman
> I believe that light, being the first expression from consciousness is 
> the constant for all the forces that follow, gravity, 
> electromagnetism, strong, weak, etc., all being variations on light 
> itself.

Of course, you're aware that light, in the
sense of the sense of sight, is a special
case of electromagnetism?

Presumably, you're redefining light.

If so, is light a variation on light itself?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I figured out the unified field theory. It works like this. The 
> universe that you see is a creation of your own consciousness, you 
> created it, everything out there. The reason why your universe 
> doesn't interfere with mine is for the same reason that two 
> flashlight beams of light crossing one another don't interfere with 
> each other, the beam of light isn't effected by the other. I believe 
> that the order of creation is: consciousness, then light, and then 
> the forces, which in my opinion are all variations of light. Einstein 
> discovered that time and space change, the speed of light remaining 
> constant, that mass-light speed was equivalent to E or energy. I 
> believe that light, being the first expression from consciousness is 
> the constant for all the forces that follow, gravity, 
> electromagnetism, strong, weak, etc., all being variations on light 
> itself. It's consciousness that gives light it's constant. 
> Consciousness first creates light (and god said, "let there be 
> light") As the first of consciousness' creation, the universe is pure 
> light. And then with an innate desire within consciousness' to create 
> a single universe with its galaxies, stars and solar systems, light 
> then negates itself into expressions of matter, gravity, 
> electromagnetic, weak and strong forces. But in the end, it's our 
> creation, so we need to incorporate the creator and the creation. To 
> view the creation as separate from the creator always falls short. 
> The physics would have to show how light can transform itself into 
> gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak forces which deal with sub 
> atomic particles. And then infer that light came from consciousness. 
> And why is that? Because in the end, whose consciousness is it that 
> ponders its creation?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting story about Doug Henning

2007-06-16 Thread at_man_and_brahman

As I recall, the lovely Jeannie Jessup was 
one of the camera crew that night. Do 
mean to say that Jeannie was jaded? I can't 
imagine that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Very interesting point. It certainly does seem that
> MMY is much more interested by the idea than the
> actuality of the idea. I remember when Doug came to
> MIU and we had a big assembly in the dome where he
> presented the whole plan about vedaland. I was running
> a camera for MIU video and was talking through the
> intercom system with the other camera people and the
> director. We all were making fun of the idea (we all
> were long time TMer's) knowing that it never would be
> actualized. Just a pipe dream. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY - Kundalini tapes

2007-07-03 Thread at_man_and_brahman
I would *love* to hear those.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "william108wm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Someone asked about MMY Kundalini tapes?
> I have several audio tapes of MMY discussing Kundalini, chakras, etc.
> A friend gave me a whole box of audio tapes of MMY, recorded in India
> and Squaw Valley, Calif.. I have digitized a few including the
> Kundalini tapes but there are many more to go.
> One of the audio tapes I've done already is of Jerry Jarvis and
> Satyanand at a residence course in Cape Cod in 1968 or 69. Very
> nostalgic.  
> I would be happy to share them with anyone who would like to listen.
> Maybe someone has an FTP site that I can upload the audio files to.
> William

[FairfieldLife] last call for Vaidya Mishra in Indianapolis, 20-26 July

2007-07-15 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Raj Vaidya Mishra, famous for his years with
MAPI, will be offering a course on pulse
diagnosis and consultations at Health Synergies
in Indianapolis.


20-22 pulse course
24-26 consultations

Appointments for consultations are still available
on the 26th, Thursday.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Never cut TM program

2007-02-25 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > "Never cut your program. For every little section you take out of 
> > your 
> > > program, you take out an equal amount out of your happiness and 
> > success 
> > > in daily life. You must let nothing in life interfere with your 
> > > meditation. There will always be a force trying to keep you from 
> it."
> > >  
> > >-Maharishi
> > >
> > Bob, when did Maharishi say this? His last sentence is intriguing.
> >
> ***
> Dunno. It was just posted at another list without date attribution:
> http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/Transcendental_Meditation/ 
> (message 1436)

It's part of a longer quotation that's published
in some book. It might be in "The Maharishi."
The circumstance was Maharishi having
overworked himself and having fallen sick,
pneumonia I believe it was. I think the rest of 
the quotation has him saying that he wasn't
proving to be a very good example of how
to take care of one's own health.

I find it interesting that this part of the quotation
has survived and is often quoted, but the rest of
it is generally removed. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sthapatya Vedic Trailer

2007-03-03 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of Peter
> Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 6:30 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sthapatya Vedic Trailer
> --- sparaig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  > wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "Rick Archer"
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> >
> http://ph.groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/photos/view/4a28?b=3
> > >
> > 
> > One wonders if he/she keeps the brahmastan empty...
> I like it! The dude or dudette has right intent! Where
> was the photo taken?
> Probably campus, but I'm not sure.

It's at MERU, and is plainly visible (including kalash)
from orbit in Google Earth. The obvious clue is 
the orientation w/r/t the older structure behind it.
Anyone who's been to the campus will recognize the 
spot where this building is immediately.

GE confirms it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sthapatya Vedic Trailer

2007-03-04 Thread at_man_and_brahman
51deg09'23.71" N 6deg09'17.42" E

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of at_man_and_brahman
> Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 12:46 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sthapatya Vedic Trailer
> It's at MERU, and is plainly visible (including kalash)
> from orbit in Google Earth. The obvious clue is 
> the orientation w/r/t the older structure behind it.
> Anyone who's been to the campus will recognize the 
> spot where this building is immediately.
> GE confirms it.
> MERU meaning Vlodrop? How about a Google Earth link?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sthapatya Vedic Trailer

2007-03-04 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > On Behalf Of at_man_and_brahman
> > Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 12:46 AM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sthapatya Vedic Trailer
> > 
> > 
> > It's at MERU, and is plainly visible (including kalash)
> > from orbit in Google Earth. The obvious clue is 
> > the orientation w/r/t the older structure behind it.
> > Anyone who's been to the campus will recognize the 
> > spot where this building is immediately.
> > 
> > GE confirms it.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > MERU meaning Vlodrop? How about a Google Earth link?
> >
> ER, he's implying that the house behind is the monastery., and that mobile 
> home is 
> SV mansion...
> Gigantic bike.

Not exactly. If you look at the coordinates I 
provided, you'll see the whole campus, with 
Maharishi's building facing east in one corner
 of the campus. All other buildings with the 
same orientation are newer, facing east, 
including the trailer. The largest building on 
campus, dwarfing Maharishi's, is the monastery, 
at an angle ("wretched vastu," in Maharishi's 
words). There's a building jutting off one corner 
of it that is the older building visible in the 
trailer picture, directly behind the trailer. It 
is also near Maharishi's building. The trailer 
is near its end, away from the monastery 
(two others are closer to the monastery). 
You can even see the kalash on the roof, 
right over the front door. That's pretty 
amazing that the satellite imagery used 
in GE can resolve an object no more than 
2-3 feet in diameter.

[FairfieldLife] why lurkers don't post

2007-03-17 Thread at_man_and_brahman
Unless you're part of the in-crowd, it's a waste
of time to post. Particularly if you intend to
write something substantive or original or both. 
FFL thrives on insults and "me-too" idiocy. 

I scan FFL every day, mainly to see the 0.1% of
posts the headlines of which indicate some
major news. I've been doing that for years.

On the rare occasion that I post something,
it is usually ignored, apparently because
there's nothing in it that fuels a personal

This as an example of the
normative forces of the world that seek
equilibrium between the mundane and the
sublime. It's why utopia or "islands of heaven
on earth" are impossible to sustain even if
they can be created. They cannot avoid
intermixture with the dystopias that surround
them, no matter how high their barriers to 
entry are built.

FFL was a good idea, and like all good ideas it
attracted much to itself, most of it at a lower level.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mar 17, 2007, at 9:26 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> > Moderating a list, especially one this large would not be fun.  In  
> > fact
> > it would be a PITA. I know, I moderate a list.
> Don't be fooled by the membership size: most people do not post,  
> there is only a small segment that would need moderating.
> I'm left wondering if the huge segment of lurkers are simply AFRAID  
> to post (granted in most lists, only a minority post, but still,it  
> seems there should be more). Posting here is kinda like going  
> shopping in downtown Fallujah, you never know what might hit you. In  
> a day where employers check you internet presence as part of your pre- 
> interview background check, a place like this is truly dangerous.
> FairfieldLife = Digital Fullajah-Life ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: why lurkers don't post

2007-03-17 Thread at_man_and_brahman
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "at_man_and_brahman" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Unless you're part of the in-crowd, it's a waste
> > of time to post. Particularly if you intend to
> > write something substantive or original or both. 
> > FFL thrives on insults and "me-too" idiocy. 
> > 
> > I scan FFL every day, mainly to see the 0.1% of
> > posts the headlines of which indicate some
> > major news. I've been doing that for years.
> > 
> > On the rare occasion that I post something,
> > it is usually ignored, apparently because
> > there's nothing in it that fuels a personal
> > attack.
> > 
> > This as an example of the
> > normative forces of the world that seek
> > equilibrium between the mundane and the
> > sublime. It's why utopia or "islands of heaven
> > on earth" are impossible to sustain even if
> > they can be created. They cannot avoid
> > intermixture with the dystopias that surround
> > them, no matter how high their barriers to 
> > entry are built.
> A genuine utopia would uplift people as they entered.

I agree. However, it would not have
perfectly distinct boundaries. It would
intermix with whatever existed outside
of it, the two realities seeking equilibrium
with each other. 

> > 
> > FFL was a good idea, and like all good ideas it
> > attracted much to itself, most of it at a lower level.
> As defined by whom?

By the person who made the assertion.

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