2011-12-03 Thread johnt
What if someone said YOU were connected to terrorism, no trial just their 
accusation off you go. It's OK for you as long as it doesn't happen to you. 
Total self centeredness.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, richardatrwilliamsdotus richard@... 

  Left unresolved by the new language is just 
  exactly what is constitutional when it comes to 
  detaining American citizens in the United States. 
  But opponents of the original provision said at 
  least it would remain up to judges, not 
 I'm not in favor of having any more terrorist 
 trials in downtown New York City, or anywhere else 
 in the U.S. As far as I'm concerned, just keep the 
 terroists down at Gitmo. 
 Nobody that I know around here wants a trial for 
 somebody like Osam bin Laden in their back yard! 
 Attorney General Eric Holder ordered the trial of 
 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four 
 others in a federal criminal court in Manhattan, 
 New York! Can you believe that!!!
 The question is should 9/11 suspects be tried in 
 NY courts, as ordered by US AG Eric Holder or have 
 military trials at Gitmo? 
 Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., compared the decision 
 to try accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 
 and other terrorists in New York City to trying Nazi 
 war criminal Hermann Goering in San Francisco. It's 
 ridiculous. These are war criminals and terrorists 
 and they should not be privy to regular courtroom 
  Senate Passes Controversial Defense Bill 
  FRIDAY, 02 DECEMBER 2011 12:00


2011-12-02 Thread johnt

Senate Passes Controversial Defense Bill| Print |
FRIDAY, 02 DECEMBER 2011 12:00

In the midst of allegations of police brutality and police aggression at the 
OWS protests, the U.S. Senate approved a bill that is said to explicitly 
create a police state: the National Defense Authorization Act. The NDAA, 
passed by a vote of 93 to 7, virtually stated that all of the United States may 
be considered a battlefield, and therefore the American military is permitted 
to indefinitely detain any American perceived to be a threat.

Several amendments were proposed by both Democrats and Republican Senators, 
which would have deleted the dangerous provisions that would allow the 
indefinite detention of American citizens. While most of those amendments were 
overwhelming voted down, a single compromise amendment was passed that was 
intended to quell fears that American citizens may be imprisoned indefinitely, 
though skeptics remain uncomfortable with the final outcome.

According to Firedoglake.com, sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA will:

1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without 
charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the 
United States;

(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside 
of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States 
itself; and

(3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, 
law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by 
the Department of Justice.

AddictingInfo.org adds:

A provision of S. 1867, or the National Defense Authorization Act bill, written 
by Senators John McCain and Carl Levin, declares American soil a battlefield 
and allows the President and all future Chief Executives to order the military 
to arrest and detain American citizens, innocent or not, without charge or 
trial. In other words, if this bill passes and the President signs it, OWS 
protesters or any American could end up arrested and indefinitely locked up by 
the military without the guaranteed right to due process or a speedy trial.

Both Senators Mark Udall (D) and Rand Paul (R) proposed amendments to the bill 
that would have weakened the more dangerous provisions. Udall's amendment would 
have eliminated provisions regarding the handling of terrorism suspects, while 
Paul's amendment had far more teeth and would have struck 1031 from the 
legislation altogether. Both amendments were overwhelmingly rejected, Udall's 
by a vote of 37 to 61 and Paul's by 30 to 67.

 The United States Senate has a solemn obligation to our men and women in 
uniform to pass a Defense Authorization Act, but we also owe it to those 
fighting the war on terror to prevent rushed, untested and legally 
controversial limitations on their operations. I can't support provisions that 
I believe will hurt our national security, Udall said prior to the vote. We 
haven't had time to adequately consider these provisions. We need to know what 
our military and intelligence experts — and our men and women in the field — 
actually need to most effectively prosecute the war on terror, especially 
before we change detainee provisions that are already working. I'm urging my 
colleagues to support my amendment so we can prevent a White House veto, move 
forward with the NDAA and reach a workable resolution on the detainee 

Senator Dianne Feinstein of California also proposed an amendment that would 
have limited mandatory military custody for suspected terrorists captured 
outside the United States, but that amendment was rejected as well by a vote of 
45-55. A second amendment proposed by Feinstein that would have prohibited U.S. 
citizens from being held in indefinite detention without being charged or 
brought to a trial failed by a vote of 45 to 55.

In the end, Senators Feinstein and Lindsey Graham worked out a deal to pass an 
amendment that states, Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect 
existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States 
citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States or any other persons who 
are captured or arrested in the United States. That compromise amendment 
passed 99 to 1, with only Senator Jon Kyl voting against it.

As noted by the Huffington Post:

The passage may head off a showdown with the White House, which had threatened 
to veto the entire bill on the grounds that the section on detentions tied the 
hands of counterterrorism officials in law enforcement and the military….

Left unresolved by the new language is just exactly what is constitutional when 
it comes to detaining American citizens in the United States. But opponents of 
the original provision said at least it would remain up to judges, not 

To this day the Supreme Court has never ruled on whether it is constitutional 
to indefinitely detain a 

[FairfieldLife] Early Christian meditation

2011-12-01 Thread johnt
MMY  what you put your attention on grows

According to both original Christian Churches the Name Jesus was the Word to 
be transcended on having the actual presence of the divine in what the Name 

Meditation on the Name Jesus has been practiced continuously in the Christian 
tradition. Eastern Orthodox Christians call this practice the Jesus Prayer 
and use it as either a phrase or just focus on the name Jesus.

In the current times this tradition has been formalized in the Catechism of the 
Roman Catholic Church, Scriptures, and Eastern Orthodox teaching.

Fr. Thomas Hopko, Dean Emeritus, St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary.

For ancient Christianity and for Eastern Orthodoxy through the ages, the very 
name Jesus, Yeshua, Joshua is the presence and the power of the Person of 
Christ himself. When you say that name, he is there. When you invoke that name, 
Jesus is present. His power is present. His might is present. His saving power 
is present. He is present! It's a parousia. It's a parousia before the presence 
of the Lord at the end of the ages, and at the end of the ages is when every 
knee in heaven and on earth will bow down before him to the glory of God the 

Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church

CCC 2666 But the one name that contains everything is the one that the Son of 
God received in his incarnation: JESUS. The divine name may not be spoken by 
human lips, but by assuming our humanity The Word of God hands it over to us 
and we can invoke it: Jesus, YHWH saves. The name Jesus contains all: God 
and man and the whole economy of creation and salvation. To pray Jesus is to 
invoke him and to call him within us. His name is the only one that contains 
the presence it signifies. Jesus is the Risen One, and whoever invokes the name 
of Jesus is welcoming the Son of God who loved him and who gave himself up for 


2011-11-08 Thread johnt
Not as far as I know but some of the subsequent practitioners may have. Milton 
Erickson did call the state of meditation (transcendence) the state of no 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
  You never will in a TM context, but if you study some of Milton
  Erickson, Bandler and Grinder and other related sources you will
  find that each part of a TM initiation has a well studied 
  neurolinguistic effect
 Did Erickson and Bandler and Grinder study the effects
 of TM initiation specifically, i.e., with the initiate
 hooked up to an EEG machine?
 If not, then you're just speculatively extrapolating,
 and not very convincingly. From what I understand,
 brainwave entrainment has been studied only using
 very regular sound frequencies, usually machine-
 generated, as the stimulus. The passing of the mantra
 from teacher to initiate in TM doesn't involve
 anything remotely near that regular.
 That is, if the mantra is even passed at all, rather
 than the teacher enlivening, or simply calling the
 student's attention to, a frequency already present in
 the student's mind. That sounds like what you're
 suggesting here:
  which in this case is very effective at producing a self
  transcending accessing cue which accesses an experience
  at a primal (original) level prior to subsequent
 But this doesn't necessarily involve entrainment per
 I'm in total agreement with Wilber, by the way, about
 the possibility of understanding religious/spiritual
 experience in either a mythical or a scientific
 context (the mythical context being a metaphorical
 version of the scientific one, when we finally figure
 out what the latter is).
 MMY offered both kinds of understanding (even if his
 nonmythical understanding was only quasi-scientific)
 and obviously enjoyed the mythical one himself.
 So I'm not at all opposed to the attempt to understand
 the process of TM in nonmythical terms. I just don't
 think the entrainment idea is sufficiently developed
 or studied to be cited as the definitive approach.
 (*) My own theory--not anything MMY ever discussed, as
 far as I'm aware--is that the mantra sounds live at
 the most subtle levels of the mind as devata, the
 processes of knowing. When the TM teacher calls the
 student's attention to one of them, it becomes chhandas,
 an object of knowledge. When we meditate, entertaining
 the mantra involves using that process of knowing (the
 mantra sound as devata) to *know itself* as that object
 of knowledge (the mantra sound as chhandas).
 That creates a feedback loop, like when a microphone
 apparatus picks up its own sound and magnifies it,
 only in this case it's a *negative* feedback loop,
 becoming (as it were) smaller and smaller until it
 extinguishes itself, leaving the mind without any
 distinctions between Rishi, the Knower; devata, the
 process of knowing; and chhandas, the object of
 That's obviously a horrendously crude description of
 a very vague concept, but I think it's at least
 potentially consistent with both the experience of
 TM and MMY's formulation of the Rishi/devata/chhandas
 structure of consciousness.
 Of course science hasn't identified any such thing as
 processes of knowing consisting of subtle sound
 frequencies at the basis of the mind, so this is even
 more wildly speculative than the entrainment theory.
 But if I were a neuroscientist, it's an angle I'd want
 to pursue.
   Nope. It's not necessarily what *TM* is, either. I don't
   know where johnt picked up this purported explanation,
   but I've never encountered it in the TM context.

From: johnt johnlasher20002000@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK

Why TM can't be learned from a book

A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave 
frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a 
frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state. This is only one 
of the Neuro effects of a TM initiation which is a very well crafted 
design of several which lead to a self transcending effect of the 


2011-11-07 Thread johnt
Since you seem to not be aware of it NLP deals extensively with sound vibration 
known as auditory tonal as contrasted to auditory digital which deals with 
the meaning of words. Read a little before you comment.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 The first thing any research needs to do is to learn the procedures and 
 they won't do that so they'll always be spectators and draw false 
 conclusions.  Shakti is simply life force, a concept beyond the ability 
 of contemporary science to understand.  One should also look into the 
 yoga of sound and understand how sound effects people, not in an NLP way 
 but a vibratory way.  It's more physics than  anything else.  Mantras 
 work due to their resonance and charged they work faster than when 
 they're not.  You'll see in books the instruction where one must repeat 
 a certain mantra 100,000 times to get results.  But that's from the book 
 and if give by a guru it may take only 100 repetitions.
 On 11/06/2011 09:22 PM, johnt wrote:
  No one can explain what the shakti energy is yet but they certainly agree 
  it can be passed on through the process known as entrainment. There is some 
  early research that may indicate that shakti can be seen on kirlian 
  photography and others can be seen being entrained by it, but it's still 
  early in the process of understanding.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  I'm talking about shakti which is an energy.  You should be experiencing
  it when you meditate.  I can transfer that energy to someone else
  without saying a word, just by touching them.  So explain that by NLP.
  You can't.  They are going down the wrong road though they wouldn't be
  the first researchers to do that by any means. ;-)
  On 11/06/2011 06:56 PM, johnt wrote:
  Then what is it saying. Be precise I value tradition in the sense that it 
  preserves elements that are life supporting, it doesn't tell me how it 
  works. That's what modern psychologists are only beginning to try and do 
  do. Vedic masters were masters of what's now becoming NLP, however people 
  just parroting what they heard doesn't show understanding.
  What exactly do YOU mean by charged
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
  Oh yes it does.  Centuries of tantrics and yogis would argue with you on
  that.  These guys you are talking about are blind men feeling an
  elephant. :-D
  On 11/06/2011 06:00 PM, johnt wrote:
  charge is a nice ooga booga term that says nothing. It's only part of 
  philosophy not science unless you understand it in the sense of Rupert 
  sheldrake' morphic field, in which case your saying the same thing I am.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@wrote:
  That's a wild ass theory trying to make the puja sound scientific.
  What the puja actually does is charge the mantra.  In other 
  you are given the mantra by someone who has enough juice to charge 
  mantra with shakti without the need for a puja.  Reciting a 3-4 minute
  puja takes it place.  It would have taken years to create even a small
  army of TM teachers the traditional way.  The traditional way is what
  Muktananda used and his instructors gave shaktipat along with the
  mantra.  It is also the way my tantra teacher has instructed me to 
  On 11/05/2011 11:48 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
  Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?
  From: johntjohnlasher20002000@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
  Why TM can't be learned from a book
  A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing 
  the puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person 
  learning meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process 
  know in neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or 
  brainwave synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause 
  brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus 
  having a frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state. This is 
  only one of the Neuro effects of a TM initiation which is a very well 
  crafted design of several which lead to a self transcending effect of 
  the mantra.


2011-11-07 Thread johnt
Frankly I don't give a rat's ass what you buy or don't

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Sorry but I just don't buy the NLP story.  It just sounds like a 
 ignorant flatlander theory.
 On 11/07/2011 12:54 PM, johnt wrote:
  Since you seem to not be aware of it NLP deals extensively with sound 
  vibration known as auditory tonal as contrasted to auditory digital 
  which deals with the meaning of words. Read a little before you comment.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  The first thing any research needs to do is to learn the procedures and
  they won't do that so they'll always be spectators and draw false
  conclusions.  Shakti is simply life force, a concept beyond the ability
  of contemporary science to understand.  One should also look into the
  yoga of sound and understand how sound effects people, not in an NLP way
  but a vibratory way.  It's more physics than  anything else.  Mantras
  work due to their resonance and charged they work faster than when
  they're not.  You'll see in books the instruction where one must repeat
  a certain mantra 100,000 times to get results.  But that's from the book
  and if give by a guru it may take only 100 repetitions.
  On 11/06/2011 09:22 PM, johnt wrote:
  No one can explain what the shakti energy is yet but they certainly agree 
  it can be passed on through the process known as entrainment. There is 
  some early research that may indicate that shakti can be seen on kirlian 
  photography and others can be seen being entrained by it, but it's still 
  early in the process of understanding.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
  I'm talking about shakti which is an energy.  You should be experiencing
  it when you meditate.  I can transfer that energy to someone else
  without saying a word, just by touching them.  So explain that by NLP.
  You can't.  They are going down the wrong road though they wouldn't be
  the first researchers to do that by any means. ;-)
  On 11/06/2011 06:56 PM, johnt wrote:
  Then what is it saying. Be precise I value tradition in the sense that 
  it preserves elements that are life supporting, it doesn't tell me how 
  it works. That's what modern psychologists are only beginning to try 
  and do do. Vedic masters were masters of what's now becoming NLP, 
  however people just parroting what they heard doesn't show 
  What exactly do YOU mean by charged
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@wrote:
  Oh yes it does.  Centuries of tantrics and yogis would argue with you 
  that.  These guys you are talking about are blind men feeling an
  elephant. :-D
  On 11/06/2011 06:00 PM, johnt wrote:
  charge is a nice ooga booga term that says nothing. It's only part 
  of philosophy not science unless you understand it in the sense of 
  Rupert sheldrake' morphic field, in which case your saying the same 
  thing I am.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@ wrote:
  That's a wild ass theory trying to make the puja sound scientific.
  What the puja actually does is charge the mantra.  In other 
  you are given the mantra by someone who has enough juice to charge 
  mantra with shakti without the need for a puja.  Reciting a 3-4 
  puja takes it place.  It would have taken years to create even a 
  army of TM teachers the traditional way.  The traditional way is what
  Muktananda used and his instructors gave shaktipat along with the
  mantra.  It is also the way my tantra teacher has instructed me to 
  On 11/05/2011 11:48 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
  Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?
  From: johntjohnlasher20002000@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
  Why TM can't be learned from a book
  A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing 
  the puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person 
  learning meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a 
  process know in neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave 
  entrainment or brainwave synchronization, is any practice that 
  aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a 
  periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding to the intended 
  brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM 
  initiation which is a very well crafted design of several which 
  lead to a self transcending effect of the mantra.


2011-11-06 Thread johnt
try reading some of Bandler and Grinder and some NLP research and educate 
yourself or just stay stupid

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?
 From: johnt johnlasher20002000@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
 Why TM can't be learned from a book
 A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the puja. 
 When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning meditation 
 he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in neurophysiology as 
 entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave synchronization, is any 
 practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a 
 periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding to the intended 
 brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM initiation which 
 is a very well crafted design of several which lead to a self transcending 
 effect of the mantra.


2011-11-06 Thread johnt
You never will in a TM context, but if you study some of Milton Erickson, 
Bandler and Grinder and other related sources you will find that each part of a 
TM initiation has a well studied neurolinguistic effect which in this case is 
very effective at producing a self transcending accessing cue which accesses an 
experience at a primal (original) level prior to subsequent conditioning.

 Nope. It's not necessarily what *TM* is, either. I don't
 know where johnt picked up this purported explanation,
 but I've never encountered it in the TM context.

  From: johnt johnlasher20002000@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
  Why TM can't be learned from a book
  A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
  puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
  meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
  neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
  synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies 
  to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding 
  to the intended brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM 
  initiation which is a very well crafted design of several which lead to a 
  self transcending effect of the mantra.


2011-11-06 Thread johnt
charge is a nice ooga booga term that says nothing. It's only part of 
philosophy not science unless you understand it in the sense of Rupert 
sheldrake' morphic field, in which case your saying the same thing I am.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 That's a wild ass theory trying to make the puja sound scientific.  
 What the puja actually does is charge the mantra.  In other traditions 
 you are given the mantra by someone who has enough juice to charge the 
 mantra with shakti without the need for a puja.  Reciting a 3-4 minute 
 puja takes it place.  It would have taken years to create even a small 
 army of TM teachers the traditional way.  The traditional way is what 
 Muktananda used and his instructors gave shaktipat along with the 
 mantra.  It is also the way my tantra teacher has instructed me to teach 
 On 11/05/2011 11:48 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
  Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?
  From: johntjohnlasher20002000@...
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK

  Why TM can't be learned from a book
  A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
  puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
  meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
  neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
  synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies 
  to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding 
  to the intended brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM 
  initiation which is a very well crafted design of several which lead to a 
  self transcending effect of the mantra.

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK (Denise)

2011-11-06 Thread johnt
In rereading my post I don't mean to say you're stupid. I just mean that there 
is a large body of knowledge that it's (stupid) not to look into if you really 
have the interest. Sorry if it seemed like I was saying you were stupid.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 Thanks.  I might.  Judy also pointed out that I don't understand the 
 meaning of the term brainwashing.  It was an off the cuff remark better left 
 unsaid - I apologize.  Stupid's o.k. with me though.  
 From: johnt johnlasher20002000@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 5:49 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
 try reading some of Bandler and Grinder and some NLP research and educate 
 yourself or just stay stupid
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@ wrote:
  Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?
  From: johnt johnlasher20002000@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
  Why TM can't be learned from a book
  A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
  puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
  meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
  neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
  synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies 
  to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding 
  to the intended brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM 
  initiation which is a very well crafted design of several which lead to a 
  self transcending effect of the mantra.

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK (Denise)

2011-11-06 Thread johnt
By the way I think what you would find is that we go through life brainwashed 
and transcending the conditioned sense of self gradually releases one from 
this (or at least loosens the grip). 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@... wrote:

 In rereading my post I don't mean to say you're stupid. I just mean that 
 there is a large body of knowledge that it's (stupid) not to look into if you 
 really have the interest. Sorry if it seemed like I was saying you were 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@ wrote:
  Thanks.  I might.  Judy also pointed out that I don't understand the 
  meaning of the term brainwashing.  It was an off the cuff remark better 
  left unsaid - I apologize.  Stupid's o.k. with me though.  
  From: johnt johnlasher20002000@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 5:49 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
  try reading some of Bandler and Grinder and some NLP research and educate 
  yourself or just stay stupid
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@ wrote:
   Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?
   From: johnt johnlasher20002000@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
   Why TM can't be learned from a book
   A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
   puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
   meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
   neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
   synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave 
   frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency 
   corresponding to the intended brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro 
   effects of a TM initiation which is a very well crafted design of several 
   which lead to a self transcending effect of the mantra.


2011-11-06 Thread johnt
Then what is it saying. Be precise I value tradition in the sense that it 
preserves elements that are life supporting, it doesn't tell me how it works. 
That's what modern psychologists are only beginning to try and do do. Vedic 
masters were masters of what's now becoming NLP, however people just parroting 
what they heard doesn't show understanding. 

What exactly do YOU mean by charged

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 Oh yes it does.  Centuries of tantrics and yogis would argue with you on 
 that.  These guys you are talking about are blind men feeling an 
 elephant. :-D
 On 11/06/2011 06:00 PM, johnt wrote:
  charge is a nice ooga booga term that says nothing. It's only part of 
  philosophy not science unless you understand it in the sense of Rupert 
  sheldrake' morphic field, in which case your saying the same thing I am.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  That's a wild ass theory trying to make the puja sound scientific.
  What the puja actually does is charge the mantra.  In other traditions
  you are given the mantra by someone who has enough juice to charge the
  mantra with shakti without the need for a puja.  Reciting a 3-4 minute
  puja takes it place.  It would have taken years to create even a small
  army of TM teachers the traditional way.  The traditional way is what
  Muktananda used and his instructors gave shaktipat along with the
  mantra.  It is also the way my tantra teacher has instructed me to teach
  On 11/05/2011 11:48 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
  Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?
  From: johntjohnlasher20002000@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
  Why TM can't be learned from a book
  A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
  puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
  meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
  neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
  synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave 
  frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency 
  corresponding to the intended brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro 
  effects of a TM initiation which is a very well crafted design of several 
  which lead to a self transcending effect of the mantra.


2011-11-06 Thread johnt
No one can explain what the shakti energy is yet but they certainly agree it 
can be passed on through the process known as entrainment. There is some early 
research that may indicate that shakti can be seen on kirlian photography and 
others can be seen being entrained by it, but it's still early in the process 
of understanding.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@... wrote:

 I'm talking about shakti which is an energy.  You should be experiencing 
 it when you meditate.  I can transfer that energy to someone else 
 without saying a word, just by touching them.  So explain that by NLP.  
 You can't.  They are going down the wrong road though they wouldn't be 
 the first researchers to do that by any means. ;-)
 On 11/06/2011 06:56 PM, johnt wrote:
  Then what is it saying. Be precise I value tradition in the sense that it 
  preserves elements that are life supporting, it doesn't tell me how it 
  works. That's what modern psychologists are only beginning to try and do 
  do. Vedic masters were masters of what's now becoming NLP, however people 
  just parroting what they heard doesn't show understanding.
  What exactly do YOU mean by charged
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
  Oh yes it does.  Centuries of tantrics and yogis would argue with you on
  that.  These guys you are talking about are blind men feeling an
  elephant. :-D
  On 11/06/2011 06:00 PM, johnt wrote:
  charge is a nice ooga booga term that says nothing. It's only part of 
  philosophy not science unless you understand it in the sense of Rupert 
  sheldrake' morphic field, in which case your saying the same thing I am.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
  That's a wild ass theory trying to make the puja sound scientific.
  What the puja actually does is charge the mantra.  In other traditions
  you are given the mantra by someone who has enough juice to charge the
  mantra with shakti without the need for a puja.  Reciting a 3-4 minute
  puja takes it place.  It would have taken years to create even a small
  army of TM teachers the traditional way.  The traditional way is what
  Muktananda used and his instructors gave shaktipat along with the
  mantra.  It is also the way my tantra teacher has instructed me to teach
  On 11/05/2011 11:48 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
  Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?
  From: johntjohnlasher20002000@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
  Why TM can't be learned from a book
  A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
  puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
  meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
  neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
  synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave 
  frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a 
  frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state. This is only one 
  of the Neuro effects of a TM initiation which is a very well crafted 
  design of several which lead to a self transcending effect of the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK (Ken Wilber)

2011-11-06 Thread johnt
Ken Wilber's Integral Psychology offers a way of understanding religious 
traditions while allowing that there are different levels of understanding. One 
can be describing a tradition in a mythical manner with descriptions of deities 
and magical forces. Then again one can describe the same thing from the 
rational approach. Both ways of describing a truth are accurate but the 
psychological framework is different. For example the process of meditation can 
be understood as removing samskaras or it can be understood as removing 
subconscious psychological conditioned programs. Transcending can be understood 
as bringing one to Pure Being, Sat, or progressively allowing one to experience 
successively prior stages of experiences until they experience the most basic 
experience and the prior to that consciousness with no contend. As ken Wilber 
puts it:

There are arguably the two most important tasks of religion in the 
21st-century. The first is to fix our broken religious institutions, creating 
genuine rational approaches to spirituality in all of our major traditions that 
can actually meet people where they are while nurturing their growth through 
magical, mythical, rational, postmodern, and integral stages of development. 
This alone would help relieve the incredible cultural tension that currently 
exists between religion and science, closing the massive gap that between faith 
and reason. The second is to revive the esoteric teachings at the core of every 
religion for an entirely new generation of spiritual seekers, practitioners, 
and church-goers. By bringing the transformative practices of contemplation, 
meditation, and prayer to the forefront of worship, we can begin tapping into a 
very real technology of liberation, offering an alternative to blind faith by 
allowing people to experience for themselves the effulgent divinity of the 
world, of our relationships, and of our own blessed hearts and minds.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@... wrote:

 No one can explain what the shakti energy is yet but they certainly agree it 
 can be passed on through the process known as entrainment. There is some 
 early research that may indicate that shakti can be seen on kirlian 
 photography and others can be seen being entrained by it, but it's still 
 early in the process of understanding.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  I'm talking about shakti which is an energy.  You should be experiencing 
  it when you meditate.  I can transfer that energy to someone else 
  without saying a word, just by touching them.  So explain that by NLP.  
  You can't.  They are going down the wrong road though they wouldn't be 
  the first researchers to do that by any means. ;-)
  On 11/06/2011 06:56 PM, johnt wrote:
   Then what is it saying. Be precise I value tradition in the sense that it 
   preserves elements that are life supporting, it doesn't tell me how it 
   works. That's what modern psychologists are only beginning to try and do 
   do. Vedic masters were masters of what's now becoming NLP, however people 
   just parroting what they heard doesn't show understanding.
   What exactly do YOU mean by charged
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
   Oh yes it does.  Centuries of tantrics and yogis would argue with you on
   that.  These guys you are talking about are blind men feeling an
   elephant. :-D
   On 11/06/2011 06:00 PM, johnt wrote:
   charge is a nice ooga booga term that says nothing. It's only part of 
   philosophy not science unless you understand it in the sense of Rupert 
   sheldrake' morphic field, in which case your saying the same thing I am.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
   That's a wild ass theory trying to make the puja sound scientific.
   What the puja actually does is charge the mantra.  In other 
   you are given the mantra by someone who has enough juice to charge 
   mantra with shakti without the need for a puja.  Reciting a 3-4 minute
   puja takes it place.  It would have taken years to create even a small
   army of TM teachers the traditional way.  The traditional way is what
   Muktananda used and his instructors gave shaktipat along with the
   mantra.  It is also the way my tantra teacher has instructed me to 
   On 11/05/2011 11:48 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
   Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?
   From: johntjohnlasher20002000@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
   Why TM can't be learned from a book
   A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing 
   the puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person 
   learning meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process


2011-11-05 Thread johnt
Why TM can't be learned from a book

A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the puja. 
When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning meditation he 
also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in neurophysiology as 
entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave synchronization, is any 
practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a 
periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state. 
This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM initiation which is a very well 
crafted design of several which lead to a self transcending effect of the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: CNN Health: 10 herbs and spices that can help with weight loss

2011-11-05 Thread johnt
Low carb definitely has researched health benefits and you can even do it 
vegetarian or vegan. Goggle Flexi Diet

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  On 11/05/2011 07:32 AM, Tom Pall wrote:
   I fear as usual our resident metabolic typing, supplements as wonder drug
   crazies will feel compelled to post their b.s. once I hit the send button
   for this post.
  Boogety boogety:-P
  Yup, a lot of anti-kapha spices there.  They work very well and bit by 
  bit mainstream medicine is beginning to catch on.  Since Tom wants me to 
  drive him crazy with metabolic typing stuff I need to mention you can 
  also overshoot the moon and speed the metabolism too much then when you 
  eat carbs they'll turn to fat.  Not anything crazy, just basic biochemistry.
 I think macronutrient ratio would have a far bigger effect on weight loss 
 than using herbs. Feed me a plate of rice and beans, and I'm going to be 
 voraciously hungry in a couple hours, no matter how many herbs you mix in 
 with it. But, 8oz of steak with a few tablespoons of butter will completely 
 sate my appetite for six hours. I often experiment with eating and not eating 
 various foods, and the one thing that is consistently true for me is that 
 whenever I eat starchy food on a regular basis, my appetite is increased and 
 I gain weight. The effect is more pronounced with grains and starchy root 
 vegetables, but even dried beans have that effect. The one metabolic typing 
 questionnaire I took online pegged me as a protein type, and that is clearly 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Steve Jobs diet quirks (cancer)

2011-11-03 Thread johnt
Most cancers require glucose to survive. Since a ketogenic diet relys on fat 
metabolism rather than glucose metabolism (glycogenesis vs. lipogenesis) many 
cancer tumors starve to death or have their growth dramatically slowed. Lot's 
of research. A very low carb diet can produce this and can be vegetarian or 
even vegan if so desired.Google  `Flexi Diet' .

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  On 11/02/2011 06:19 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
   Interesting article on Steve Jobs dietary quirks (not too unlike some
   quirks people have here) and comments by nutritional experts:
   Lots and lots of speculation going on. The fruitarians are saying he'd 
   have never gotten cancer if only he'd stuck to fruitarianism all along. 
   The low-carbers think he should have ditched all the cancer-food carbs 
   and switched to a ketogenic diet. I'd side with the ketogenic diet over 
   fruitarianism, but I really think he should have jumped at the chance to 
   have that rare, survivable fucker cut out of his body early, when he had 
   the chance.
   A friend of mine in FF was diagnosed with ovarian cancer early enough 
   that she would have likely survived had she gotten surgery. But, she 
   opted for a yearlong death spiral, doing all sorts of new-age alternative 
   nonsense. Honestly, I think she really just wanted outta here.
  My brother was never into anything new age but came down with colon 
  cancer at age 52.  The last few months he was into trying anything but I 
  knew it was too late.  Now if he had just eaten the diet he was eating 
  in his last few months he may have never gotten cancer in the first place.
 It is not only diet that is causing cancer. Lot's of vegetarians die of 
 In the seventies, I remember science teachers saying cancers would be 
 creeping up in the next twenty years  or later because of all the nuclear 
 testings and bombs dropped, etc.  I buy this story before the belief that 
 diet causes cancer. 
 Although, I do believe relief can be had for any ailment with a healthy diet 
 and make life feel a bit better. Diet takes the blame out of all the 
 government testings, thereby liability is passed to the individual exposed to 
 all the crap. 
 Another theory is our lives have changed so much due to work, environment, 
 moving around etc.,  that the body is trying to adapt by  evolving at an 
 accelerated rate (evolution gone haywire), increasing the incidences of 
 cancer tumors, (they do grow their own supply of veins). Somewhere, there is 
 an article on the net supporting the later and it made sense.  it is not a 
 mystery black mass like in one of the Hollywood movies I saw. lol... 
 I can't find it right now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Steve Jobs diet quirks (cancer)

2011-11-03 Thread johnt
Most cancers require glucose to survive. Since a ketogenic diet relys on fat 
metabolism rather than glucose metabolism (glycogenesis vs. lipogenesis) many 
cancer tumors starve to death or have their growth dramatically slowed. Lot's 
of research. A very low carb diet can produce this and can be vegetarian or 
even vegan if so desired.Google  `Flexi Diet' .

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  On 11/02/2011 06:19 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@  wrote:
   Interesting article on Steve Jobs dietary quirks (not too unlike some
   quirks people have here) and comments by nutritional experts:
   Lots and lots of speculation going on. The fruitarians are saying he'd 
   have never gotten cancer if only he'd stuck to fruitarianism all along. 
   The low-carbers think he should have ditched all the cancer-food carbs 
   and switched to a ketogenic diet. I'd side with the ketogenic diet over 
   fruitarianism, but I really think he should have jumped at the chance to 
   have that rare, survivable fucker cut out of his body early, when he had 
   the chance.
   A friend of mine in FF was diagnosed with ovarian cancer early enough 
   that she would have likely survived had she gotten surgery. But, she 
   opted for a yearlong death spiral, doing all sorts of new-age alternative 
   nonsense. Honestly, I think she really just wanted outta here.
  My brother was never into anything new age but came down with colon 
  cancer at age 52.  The last few months he was into trying anything but I 
  knew it was too late.  Now if he had just eaten the diet he was eating 
  in his last few months he may have never gotten cancer in the first place.
 It is not only diet that is causing cancer. Lot's of vegetarians die of 
 In the seventies, I remember science teachers saying cancers would be 
 creeping up in the next twenty years  or later because of all the nuclear 
 testings and bombs dropped, etc.  I buy this story before the belief that 
 diet causes cancer. 
 Although, I do believe relief can be had for any ailment with a healthy diet 
 and make life feel a bit better. Diet takes the blame out of all the 
 government testings, thereby liability is passed to the individual exposed to 
 all the crap. 
 Another theory is our lives have changed so much due to work, environment, 
 moving around etc.,  that the body is trying to adapt by  evolving at an 
 accelerated rate (evolution gone haywire), increasing the incidences of 
 cancer tumors, (they do grow their own supply of veins). Somewhere, there is 
 an article on the net supporting the later and it made sense.  it is not a 
 mystery black mass like in one of the Hollywood movies I saw. lol... 
 I can't find it right now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Prime Minster Dr Bevan Morris reported on recent advances in the Movement.

2011-10-31 Thread johnt
Maybe if you read some of the research on the neurolinguistic effects of myth 
and ritual for example HOW GOD CHANGES YOUR BRAIN by Andrew newberg M.D. and 
Mark Robert Waldman), Joseph Campbell, Jung, Bandler and Grinder, and others, 
you might be able to understand the relationship between religious ritual and 
science. But Oh! I forgot, you aren't really interested in knowing about 
anything, only criticizing others. I still can't understand why you post to 
this list. Wouldn't a list that's more your persuasion be appropriate.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Oct 30, 2011, at 5:43 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
  Maharishi's Global Family Chat Summary
  October 28, 2011
  Prime Minster Dr Bevan Morris reported on recent advances in the Movement.
  Dr Morris began by commenting on how powerful the three Vedic performances 
  were on the 24th, 25th, and 26th in enlivening the qualities of 
  Dhanvantari, Hanuman and Mahalakshmi.
 Well thank god it had nothing to do with Hinduism. This sounds so scientific. 
 I wonder if it affected experiments at LHC? One can almost feel the effect - 
 at the subtle level - the god particles radiating off the pundits.
 Jai Guru Bev!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Prime Minster Dr Bevan Morris reported on recent advances in the Movement.

2011-10-31 Thread johnt
Try and read ken Wilber to understand they ways in which people worship When 
there are problems it's from the more mythic fundamentalist levels, not 
understanding these practices as neurolinguistics. Do some actual research.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Oct 31, 2011, at 2:03 PM, johnt wrote:
  Maybe if you read some of the research on the neurolinguistic  
  effects of myth and ritual for example HOW GOD CHANGES YOUR BRAIN  
  by Andrew newberg M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman), Joseph Campbell,  
  Jung, Bandler and Grinder, and others, you might be able to  
  understand the relationship between religious ritual and science.  
  But Oh! I forgot, you aren't really interested in knowing about  
  anything, only criticizing others. I still can't understand why you  
  post to this list. Wouldn't a list that's more your persuasion be  
 History and repeatability is all I need to know that worship of gods  
 or goddesses simply leads to incredible suffering. Pick up the paper,  
 you can see on an almost daily basis how it torments the planet. Once  
 we isolate the god genes better, hopefully we'll eventually be able  
 to eradicate this disease through selective abortion.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Prime Minster Dr Bevan Morris reported on recent advances in the Movement.

2011-10-31 Thread johnt
It's obvious you are incapable of understanding the implications of the 
research so never mind

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 If you've read my posts, I think you'll find I'm quite familiar with KW. 
 Science can be used as a fundie mythos as well. In India it's been common for 
 decades for blue meme right-wing Hindutva fundies to use physics and science 
 in general to promote their agendas...
 Mahesh was just a more recent version, with better marketing skills. But he 
 was still a hardcore rightwinger fundie, promoting a mythic Vedism which is 
 mostly fiction. 
 Vedic Creation science is still Creation Science...
 On Oct 31, 2011, at 8:04 PM, johnt johnlasher20002000@... wrote:
  Try and read ken Wilber to understand they ways in which people worship 
  When there are problems it's from the more mythic fundamentalist levels, 
  not understanding these practices as neurolinguistics. Do some actual 

[FairfieldLife] GREAT ARTICLE

2011-10-23 Thread johnt
Occupy Wall Street: No Demand is Big Enough
By Charles Eisenstein
Created 10/06/2011 - 08:31

Looking out upon the withered American Dream, many of us feel a deep sense of 
betrayal. Unemployment, financial insecurity, and lifelong enslavement to debt 
are just the tip of the iceberg. We don't want to merely fix the growth machine 
and bring profit and product to every corner of the earth. We want to 
fundamentally change the course of civilization. For the American Dream 
betrayed even those who achieved it, lonely in their overtime careers and their 
McMansions, narcotized to the ongoing ruination of nature and culture but 
aching because of it, endlessly consuming and accumulating to quell the 
insistent voice, I wasn't put here on earth to sell product. I wasn't put 
here on earth to increase market share. I wasn't put here on earth to make 
numbers grow.
We protest not only at our exclusion from the American Dream; we protest at its 
bleakness. If it cannot include everyone on earth, every ecosystem and 
bioregion, every people and culture in its richness; if the wealth of one must 
be the debt of another; if it entails sweatshops and underclasses and fracking 
and all the rest of the ugliness our system has created, then we want none of 
No one deserves to live in a world built upon the degradation of human beings, 
forests, waters, and the rest of our living planet. Speaking to our brethren on 
Wall Street, no one deserves to spend their lives playing with numbers while 
the world burns. Ultimately, we are protesting not only on behalf of the 99% 
left behind, but on behalf of the 1% as well. We have no enemies. We want 
everyone to wake up to the beauty of what we can create.
Occupy Wall Street has been criticized for its lack of clear demands, but how 
do we issue demands, when what we really want is nothing less than the more 
beautiful world our hearts tell us is possible? No demand is big enough. We 
could make lists of demands for new public policies: tax the wealthy, raise the 
minimum wage, protect the environment, end the wars, regulate the banks. While 
we know these are positive steps, they aren't quite what motivated people to 
occupy Wall Street. What needs attention is something deeper: the power 
structures, ideologies, and institutions that prevented these steps from being 
taken years ago; indeed, that made these steps even necessary. Our leaders are 
beholden to impersonal forces, such as that of money, that compel them to do 
what no sane human being would choose. Disconnected from the actual effects of 
their policies, they live in a world of insincerity and pretense. It is time to 
bring a countervailing force to bear, and not just a force but a call. Our 
message is, Stop pretending. You know what to do. Start doing it. Occupy Wall 
Street is about exposing the truth. We can trust its power. When a policeman 
pepper sprays helpless women, we don't beat him up and scare him into not doing 
it again; we show the world. Much worse than pepper spray is being perpetrated 
on our planet in service of money. Let us allow nothing happening on earth to 
be hidden.
If politicians are disconnected from the real world of human suffering and 
ecosystem collapse, all the more disconnected are the financial wizards of Wall 
Street. Behind their computer screens, they occupy a world of pure symbol, 
manipulating numbers and computer bits. Occupy Wall Street punctures their 
bubble of pretense as well, reconnects them with the human consequences of the 
god they serve, and perhaps with their own consciences and humanity too. Only 
in a hallucination could someone imagine that the unsustainable can last 
forever; in puncturing their bubble, we remind them that the money game is 
nearing its end. It can be perpetuated for a while longer, perhaps, but only at 
great and growing cost. We, the 99%, are paying that cost right now, and as the 
environment and the social fabric decay, the 1% will soon feel it too. We want 
those who operate and serve the financial system to wake up and see before it 
is too late.
We can also point out to them that they sooner or later they will have no 
choice. The god they serve, the financial system, is a dying god. Reading 
various insider financial websites, I perceive that the authorities are 
flailing, panicking, desperately implementing solutions they themselves know 
are temporary just to kick the problem down the road a few years or a few 
months. The strategy of lending even more money to a debtor who cannot pay his 
debts is doomed, its eventual failure a mathematical certainty. Like all our 
institutions of exponential growth, it is unsustainable. Once you have stripped 
the debtor of all assets - home equity, savings, pension - and turned every 
last dollar of his or her disposable income toward debt service, once you have 
forced the debtor into austerity and laid claim even to his future income (or 
in the case of nations, tax revenues), 


2011-10-10 Thread johnt

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vimanas - Ancient Indian flying machines

2011-10-08 Thread johnt

It's possible that the 5000 year old stories were myths remaining of an earlier 
civilization that existed eons before. after 12,000 years or more even steel 
would be just red dirt. They have found in other places shoe prints in coal 
deposits millions of years old. Puzzle.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, martyboi martyboi@... wrote:

 Seems like they would have found metal pieces or remnants of crafts built 
 3000 to 5000 years ago by now. Or at least they would have found their 
 version of the Lockheed Skunk Works as it would have required huge 
 factories to build and maintain them. 
 The Vamana descriptions are very intriguing when analysed in terms of modern 
 technology...but so are Jules Verne's ideas from the 1800's whose 
 descriptions of modern technology were quite prescient.
 Perhaps they were following the prime directive and made sure to clean up 
 after themselves.
 I wonder if MMY ever discussed these fables?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vimanas - Ancient Indian flying machines

2011-10-08 Thread johnt
Another example


What does a 200 million year old fossil with a shoe print tell us?
Yu Wenlong, Ed., PureInsight.org

A recent exhibit of a collection of prehistoric fossils at the Biology and 
Geography Research Institute of the Science Academy of China has attracted a 
lot of attention. The collection belongs to a retired schoolteacher in Urumqi, 
Xijiang Province, China who has been collecting fossils for 30 years. One 
particular fossil dated 200 million years ago has a shoe print on it.
The schoolteacher discovered the fossil on Red Mountain in Urumqi City in 1997. 
The shoe print is on a slate rock and measures approximately 10 inches. It is 
clearly a shoe print. On the heel portion of the shoe print, there is a 
prehistoric codfish fossil about five inches long.

The retired schoolteacher determined that it was a left shoe print based on the 
distribution of its weight on the slate rock. Scientists determined the age of 
the prehistoric codfish fossil to be 200 millions years of age. This means that 
men wore shoes at least 200 million years ago.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, martyboi martyboi@... wrote:

 Seems like they would have found metal pieces or remnants of crafts built 
 3000 to 5000 years ago by now. Or at least they would have found their 
 version of the Lockheed Skunk Works as it would have required huge 
 factories to build and maintain them. 
 The Vamana descriptions are very intriguing when analysed in terms of modern 
 technology...but so are Jules Verne's ideas from the 1800's whose 
 descriptions of modern technology were quite prescient.
 Perhaps they were following the prime directive and made sure to clean up 
 after themselves.
 I wonder if MMY ever discussed these fables?

[FairfieldLife] ONE ISSUE

2011-10-05 Thread johnt

Corporate greed
Foreign Wars
Financial fraud
Unsafe medicine
Government food pyramids 
Representatives not in the social security system.


Stop the politicians from getting money. They represent their donors not you. 
Their donors pay for TV spots and ads. An honest poor man cannot get on the 


Government should give a fixed rate to all candidates who get a certain number 
of supporters. Then they cannot spend one penny more, not even their own money. 
Give a poor person, with a beneficial approach the opportunity to be heard and 
elected. That's democracy not filtered news paid for like the politicians.

This one thing would stop wars, (military industrial) medical abuses (drug 
companies) foreign interest lobby's, bankers influence, unregulated financial 
markets, and on and on. Politicians would be forced to do the will of the 
people not the will of their financial donors.

Demand this, you the people. Don't let the powerful rich divert you into a 
myriad of issues. THERE IS ONLY ONE ISSUE. The one you'll never hear about on 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Declaration of the Occupation of New York City

2011-10-02 Thread johnt
The wall street occupancy group is too scattered in their goals. THERE SHOULD 
any money for campaigns. All candidates who garner a certain number of backers 
should get a flat rate sum from the government for their total campaign 
expense. They should not be allowed to spend a penny more, not even their own 

This one thing would stop wars, (military industrial) drug abuses (drug 
companies) foreign interest lobby's, bankers influence, and on and on.

A poor man with good policies would have an equal playing field with the rich. 
There isn't one issue that's being raised that this wouldn't solve.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 Declaration of the Occupation of New York City
 Posted on September 30, 2011
 by NYCGA http://nycga.cc/author/admin/  
 This document was accepted by the NYC General Assembly on september 29, 2011
 As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice,
 we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all
 people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that
 we are your allies.
 As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the
 human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must
 protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the
 individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that
 a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but
 corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the
 Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is
 determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations,
 which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression
 over equality, run our governments. We have peaceably assembled here, as is
 our right, to let these facts be known.
 They have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite
 not having the original mortgage.
 They have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give
 Executives exorbitant bonuses.
 They have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based
 on age, the color of one's skin, sex, gender identity and sexual
 They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the
 farming system through monopolization.
 They have profited off of the torture, confinement, and cruel treatment of
 countless animals, and actively hide these practices.
 They have continuously sought to strip employees of the right to negotiate
 for better pay and safer working conditions.
 They have held students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on
 education, which is itself a human right.
 They have consistently outsourced labor and used that outsourcing as
 leverage to cut workers' healthcare and pay.
 They have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with
 none of the culpability or responsibility.
 They have spent millions of dollars on legal teams that look for ways to get
 them out of contracts in regards to health insurance.
 They have sold our privacy as a commodity.
 They have used the military and police force to prevent freedom of the
 press. They have deliberately declined to recall faulty products endangering
 lives in pursuit of profit.
 They determine economic policy, despite the catastrophic failures their
 policies have produced and continue to produce.
 They have donated large sums of money to politicians, who are responsible
 for regulating them.
 They continue to block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on
 They continue to block generic forms of medicine that could save people's
 lives or provide relief in order to protect investments that have already
 turned a substantial profit.
 They have purposely covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping,
 and inactive ingredients in pursuit of profit.
 They purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control
 of the media.
 They have accepted private contracts to murder prisoners even when presented
 with serious doubts about their guilt.
 They have perpetuated colonialism at home and abroad. They have participated
 in the torture and murder of innocent civilians overseas.
 They continue to create weapons of mass destruction in order to receive
 government contracts. *
 To the people of the world,
 We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty
 Square, urge you to assert your power.
 Exercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a
 process to address the problems we face, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: John Lasher Post 290303

2011-09-25 Thread johnt
Just a range of the different views in Christianity, even those branches that 
have nearly the same beliefs, neither what would usually be considered 
fundamentalist, but with very different spins even in their monastic traditions.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 Was this post quoting an Orthodox monk just for our general info or did
 you have a question/consideration about his statement and view?
 I would like to know before I spend time discussing and commenting on
 If it is just general information then it is probably not significant to
 most people here, but that said, it was representative of that type of
 monastic outlook.
 What do you say?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Beautiful Prayer (what the current Roman Catholic Popes says re. TM)

2011-09-23 Thread johnt
In the following excerpts it is clear that the now pope Benedict and his 
predecessor were not instructing Catholics not to use Eastern forms of 
meditation but rather stating the proper way to use them consistent with the 
teachings of the Church. For example:

1   As a psycho-physical preparation for a truly Christian contemplation

2   The majority of the great religions sought union with God in prayer 
and pointed out ways to achieve it. The Catholic Church rejects nothing of what 
is true and holy in these religions.

3   The spiritual authors have adopted those elements which make 
recollection in prayer easier, at the same time recognizing their relative 
value: they are useful if reformulated in accordance with the aim of Christian 

4   Genuine practices of meditation which come from the Christian East and 
from the great non-Christian religions, can constitute a suitable means of 
helping the person who prays to come before God with an interior peace, even in 
the midst of external pressures.


Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 


Some use eastern methods solely as a psycho-physical preparation for a truly 
Christian contemplation;

The majority of the great religions which have sought union with God in 
prayer have also pointed out ways to achieve it. Just as the Catholic Church 
rejects nothing of what is true and holy in these religions, neither should 
these ways be rejected out of hand simply because they are not Christian. On 
the contrary, one can take from them what is useful so long as the Christian 
conception of prayer, its logic and requirements are never obscured.
The spiritual authors have adopted those elements which make recollection in 
prayer easier, at the same time recognizing their relative value: they are 
useful if reformulated in accordance with the aim of Christian prayer. For 
example, the Christian fast signifies, above all, an exercise of penitence and 
sacrifice; but, already for the Fathers, it also had the aim of rendering man 
more open to the encounter with God and making a Christian more capable of 
self-dominion and at the same time more attentive to those in need.
That does not mean that genuine practices of meditation which come from the 
Christian East and from the great non-Christian religions, which prove 
attractive to the man of today who is divided and disoriented, cannot 
constitute a suitable means of helping the person who prays to come before God 
with an interior peace, even in the midst of external pressures.
The Supreme Pontiff, John Paul II, in an audience granted to the undersigned 
Cardinal Prefect, gave his approval to this letter, drawn up in a plenary 
session of this Congregation, and ordered its publication.
At Rome, from the offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 
October 15, 1989, the Feast of Saint Teresa of Jesus.
Joseph Card. Ratzinger Prefect
1. The expression eastern methods is used to refer to methods which are 
inspired by Hinduism and Buddhism, such as Zen, Transcendental Meditation 
or Yoga. Thus it indicates methods of meditation of the non-Christian Far 
East which today are not infrequently adopted by some Christians also in their 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 You see what TM did to Basil Pennington? It destroyed the integrity 
 experientially of his Catholicism. Basil's own experience of TM determined 
 the perspective he articulates here. Such a perspective endorses the 
 universal truth of all religions, because what Pennington is describing is 
 what happens when you pray to a Hindu deity. His adherence to the strictly 
 Catholic vision of creation was fatally sabotaged by TM.
 Saint Francis Xavier [missionary to India] winced when he read this [what you 
 quote from Pennington] from his place in heaven. But he understood: after 
 all, what can one expect when the Holy Ghost abandons his Church? Basil had 
 no chance once he entered that Puja room.
 Thomas Keating, if I remember correctly, wrote in a newspaper about Maharishi 
 when Maharishi was giving his course at Estes Park. He referred to Maharishi 
 as the Pope of the Transcendental Meditation Movement.
 There's no guarding yourself against the Eastern gods after the sixties—that 
 is, once you take the plunge. first psychedelically, then transcendentally 
 (via TM), reinforced by opening oneself to the majesty of the presence of 
 The most charismatic human being of my lifetime—by far.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
  This is what Fr. Basil Pennington said about TM
  Basil Pennington, the American Cistercian monk and theologian states:
  `The Christian who takes up TM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Beautiful Prayer (a Christian Orthodox point of view)

2011-09-23 Thread johnt
 his place in heaven. But he understood: after 
 all, what can one expect when the Holy Ghost abandons his Church? Basil had 
 no chance once he entered that Puja room.
 Thomas Keating, if I remember correctly, wrote in a newspaper about Maharishi 
 when Maharishi was giving his course at Estes Park. He referred to Maharishi 
 as the Pope of the Transcendental Meditation Movement.
 There's no guarding yourself against the Eastern gods after the sixties—that 
 is, once you take the plunge. first psychedelically, then transcendentally 
 (via TM), reinforced by opening oneself to the majesty of the presence of 
 The most charismatic human being of my lifetime—by far.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
  This is what Fr. Basil Pennington said about TM
  Basil Pennington, the American Cistercian monk and theologian states:
  `The Christian who takes up TM, if his vision and motivation are enlivened
  by his faith, realizes by this faith that he is entering upon a way of very
  pure prayer. He is leaving all behind, all his thoughts, feelings, desires, 
  order to enter into God. Even if in a particular instance he does not
  actually transcend and enter into the fourth state of consciousness, his
  motivation, his outreach toward God is still there as a very real prayer . 
  . . If
  he does transcend, and this will commonly be the case, he enters into a
  very restful and beautiful state of contemplation, of contemplative union
  with God.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   The Roman Catholic lineage is not dead because it produced Thomas
   However, much of it remain catatonic ... a mere semblance of its former
   If you broaden your field you'll find amazing riches beyond mere
   One excellent place to start is The Mystical Theology of the Eastern
   by Vladimir Lossky. It presents much of the original view of the
   tradition before
   it was severed by the mutual anathemas of the 11th Century Hierarchs.
   Worth reading is Centering Prayer by Fr. Basil Pennington, who also
   learned TM.
   The works of Trappist Abbot Thomas Keating best explain its traditional
   Here is a summary about the essence of contemplative prayer from Fr.
   Invitation to Love
   Keating first discusses what contemplative prayer is not. It is not a
   technique to achieve bliss, nor is it one of the charismatic gifts
   enumerated by Paul in 1 Corinthians 12. In particular, it is not the
   same thing as the gift of resting in the Spirit. These gifts are given
   for the benefit of the local Christian community and are an invitation
   to the spiritual journey rather than evidence that the individual has
   spiritually arrived.
   Contemplative prayer also is not a psychic or para-psychological
   phenomenon. Though these phenomena may indeed signal a transition from
   mental egoic to intuitive consciousness, this only means access to new
   energy, not freedom from the false self.
   The essence of contemplative prayer is not the experience of mystical
   phenomena, which, like the charismatic gifts, are probably also meant to
   encourage the Christian people in times of difficulty such as war,
   disaster, and persecution.
   The essence of contemplative prayer is not the way of external or
   internal phenomena, but the way of pure faith. This is the narrow door
   that leads to life. Our experience, what we feel, is not the most
   important part. Like the two nuns whose stories Keating briefly retells,
   we may arrive at transforming union either with or without exuberant
   mystical experiences.
   St. John of the Cross said that contemplative prayer is a ray of
   darkness. The darkness of faith is the evidence of things not seen; and
   the way of pure faith is to persevere in contemplative practice without
   worrying about where we are on the journey, and without comparing
   ourselves with others or judging others' gifts as better than ours.
   It is commitment to the journey and faithful practice rather than
   spiritual experiences that lead to the transforming union. Though we
   cannot perceive it through our natural senses, the divine light of
   faith is totally available in the degree that we consent and surrender
   ourselves to its presence and action within us.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
Looks like I've got some reading to do, emptybill. Thanks for the
Why can't everyone just agree with me: My theory is so damn reasonable
   and commonsensical. No?
No, I knew I was in for it in posting that response to what, all
   things considered, *is* a beautiful prayer. (If I had seen in the
   mid-seventies, I would have memorized it right then and there.)
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill

[FairfieldLife] Beautiful Prayer

2011-09-22 Thread johnt
I came across this prayer which the author says before their program. Kind of 
puts things in a different perspective for me.

Dear God

Please accept my practice of the TM and TM-Sidhis program, as an expression of 
my intention and willingness to come before you just as I am, without thoughts, 
feelings, images or other distractions which could impede my awareness of your 
presence. Please guide me into a state of openness to your presence and action 
within me. Let my practice integrate the state of openness into my daily 
thoughts and actions, so that I may be in a state of prayer continuously. Thank 
you for your blessings.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Beautiful Prayer

2011-09-22 Thread johnt
Doesn't sound like anything different than TM with a prayer before it. 
Centering prayer though outwardly similar and probably with aspects from TM is 
an entirely different approach.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 This sounds like the contemplative prayer technique used
 in Centering Prayer. This technique works but it is prayer
 based - i.e. offering up the field of experience to God.
 Hard core Catholic fideists (This Rock magazine) call
 Centering Prayer a TM sibling and straightforward Hinduism.
 They consequently condemn it and TM.
 Read it and weep.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@
  I came across this prayer which the author says before their program.
 Kind of puts things in a different perspective for me.
  Dear God
  Please accept my practice of the TM and TM-Sidhis program, as an
 expression of my intention and willingness to come before you just as I
 am, without thoughts, feelings, images or other distractions which could
 impede my awareness of your presence. Please guide me into a state of
 openness to your presence and action within me. Let my practice
 integrate the state of openness into my daily thoughts and actions, so
 that I may be in a state of prayer continuously. Thank you for your

[FairfieldLife] Re: Beautiful Prayer

2011-09-22 Thread johnt
Implicit in the prayer is the desire to connect with someone other it seems 
to be moving beyond the experience of the unconditioned individual self 
(which of course since there is no content is not really an experience but a 
natural state of rest'or witness)to call upon the ultimate reality, which 
the prayer and certainly St Theresa experience as personal, since person-ness 
would be part of the infinity of the One who is being called, since by 
definition it includes all Reality. 

In this context the TM is being used as a means to, in effect, transcend 
transcending, through the action of the Other, or if I'm understanding the 
way in which many are referring to as enlightenment, to transcend 
enlightenment and seek relationship to the Other. This of course by this 
definition has to come from the action of the Other as is implicit in the 
above and is certainly how St Theresa understood it, although her methods of 
opening were probably different. Interestingly in this philosophy enlightenment 
would not be required for the Other to make contact, but it would certainly 
make it easier in my opinion.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@... wrote:

 Re: Beautiful Prayer
 This prayer demonstrates the utter sincerity of the person who composed it. As
 well it demonstrates the extreme beauty and power of the experiential context 
 TM and the TM-Sidhis program. And there is the real sense of a prayer being
 addressed to a Personal God, not just the Absolute (or, as Maharishi calls it 
 The Science of Being and The Art of Living: the Impersonal God).
 In my estimation there could not be a more apt and relevant prayer. The only
 question that comes in is: does the bliss of TM and the TM-Sidhis program
 constitute the same bliss that St Teresa of Avila experienced when her heart 
 pierced with love. I have come to the strange and unprovable conclusion that,
 while TM and the TM-Sidhis program can produce plenty of the ecstasy and sense
 of inner gratitude that is implied by the person who created this prayer, that
 ecstasy and gratitude comes about from a very different and ultimately alien
 source than what engendered this experience inside St Teresa.
 Her experience is no longer available to us (since the death of the 
 reality of the Roman Catholic Church), and so, anything which would provide 
 imitation of that experience (such as TM and the TM-Sidhis program) must
 perforce not be essentially supernatural. It must be something else. (Even
 though we are convinced, as I certainly was, it *is* the same.]
 My prayer became quite the opposite of this: as in: Save me from my experience
 of Unity Consciousness. And: Let me be entirely free of all the effects of
 having done TM and TM-Sidhis program.
 The answer to my prayer is being slowly, painfully granted to me.
 But again: this prayer (below) is one of the best things to come out of TM.
 And all that I can said against it is nugatory.
 The prayer as I read it, then, only goes to show that, in our lifetime at 
 there has never been anything as convincing and powerful as TM and the 
 program. I defy one person to tell me that, comparatively, they have received 
 spiritual experience from some other tradition than Maharishi's which exceeded
 their TM experience in terms of its depth and subtlety.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
  Doesn't sound like anything different than TM with a prayer before it. 
  Centering prayer though outwardly similar and probably with aspects from TM 
  is an entirely different approach.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   This sounds like the contemplative prayer technique used
   in Centering Prayer. This technique works but it is prayer
   based - i.e. offering up the field of experience to God.
   Hard core Catholic fideists (This Rock magazine) call
   Centering Prayer a TM sibling and straightforward Hinduism.
   They consequently condemn it and TM.
   Read it and weep.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@
I came across this prayer which the author says before their program.
   Kind of puts things in a different perspective for me.
Dear God
Please accept my practice of the TM and TM-Sidhis program, as an
   expression of my intention and willingness to come before you just as I
   am, without thoughts, feelings, images or other distractions which could
   impede my awareness of your presence. Please guide me into a state of
   openness to your presence and action within me. Let my practice
   integrate the state of openness into my daily thoughts and actions, so
   that I may be in a state of prayer continuously. Thank you for your

[FairfieldLife] Re: Beautiful Prayer

2011-09-22 Thread johnt
This is what Fr. Basil Pennington said about TM

Basil Pennington, the American Cistercian monk and theologian states:

`The Christian who takes up TM, if his vision and motivation are enlivened
by his faith, realizes by this faith that he is entering upon a way of very
pure prayer. He is leaving all behind, all his thoughts, feelings, desires, in
order to enter into God. Even if in a particular instance he does not
actually transcend and enter into the fourth state of consciousness, his
motivation, his outreach toward God is still there as a very real prayer . . . 
he does transcend, and this will commonly be the case, he enters into a
very restful and beautiful state of contemplation, of contemplative union
with God.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@... wrote:

 The Roman Catholic lineage is not dead because it produced Thomas
 However, much of it remain catatonic ... a mere semblance of its former
 If you broaden your field you'll find amazing riches beyond mere
 One excellent place to start is The Mystical Theology of the Eastern
 by Vladimir Lossky. It presents much of the original view of the
 tradition before
 it was severed by the mutual anathemas of the 11th Century Hierarchs.
 Worth reading is Centering Prayer by Fr. Basil Pennington, who also
 learned TM.
 The works of Trappist Abbot Thomas Keating best explain its traditional
 Here is a summary about the essence of contemplative prayer from Fr.
 Invitation to Love
 Keating first discusses what contemplative prayer is not. It is not a
 technique to achieve bliss, nor is it one of the charismatic gifts
 enumerated by Paul in 1 Corinthians 12. In particular, it is not the
 same thing as the gift of resting in the Spirit. These gifts are given
 for the benefit of the local Christian community and are an invitation
 to the spiritual journey rather than evidence that the individual has
 spiritually arrived.
 Contemplative prayer also is not a psychic or para-psychological
 phenomenon. Though these phenomena may indeed signal a transition from
 mental egoic to intuitive consciousness, this only means access to new
 energy, not freedom from the false self.
 The essence of contemplative prayer is not the experience of mystical
 phenomena, which, like the charismatic gifts, are probably also meant to
 encourage the Christian people in times of difficulty such as war,
 disaster, and persecution.
 The essence of contemplative prayer is not the way of external or
 internal phenomena, but the way of pure faith. This is the narrow door
 that leads to life. Our experience, what we feel, is not the most
 important part. Like the two nuns whose stories Keating briefly retells,
 we may arrive at transforming union either with or without exuberant
 mystical experiences.
 St. John of the Cross said that contemplative prayer is a ray of
 darkness. The darkness of faith is the evidence of things not seen; and
 the way of pure faith is to persevere in contemplative practice without
 worrying about where we are on the journey, and without comparing
 ourselves with others or judging others' gifts as better than ours.
 It is commitment to the journey and faithful practice rather than
 spiritual experiences that lead to the transforming union. Though we
 cannot perceive it through our natural senses, the divine light of
 faith is totally available in the degree that we consent and surrender
 ourselves to its presence and action within us.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra no_reply@ wrote:
  Looks like I've got some reading to do, emptybill. Thanks for the
  Why can't everyone just agree with me: My theory is so damn reasonable
 and commonsensical. No?
  No, I knew I was in for it in posting that response to what, all
 things considered, *is* a beautiful prayer. (If I had seen in the
 mid-seventies, I would have memorized it right then and there.)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill emptybill@ wrote:
   You theological knowledge appears quite restricted, as do your
   Haven't you ever read St. Dionysius Areopagite?
   What about the Skemmata of Evagius? St. Maximus the Confessor? St.
   Gregory Palamas? St. Symeon the New Theologian?


2011-09-11 Thread johnt
In remembering the dead of 911 also remember the dead killed by Israel

June 8, 1967: The USS Liberty was an American intelligence gathering ship. On 
June 8, 1967, during the fourth day of the third Arab-Israeli War, the Liberty 
was steaming in international waters in the Mediterranean, 60 miles off the 
coast of Egypt. It flew the American flag. It had clear, English markings on 
its hull (GTR-5). It was a bright, sunny day that posed no visibility problems.
At 2 p.m., the ship is attacked by air and sea. Out of a crew of 294 officers 
and men, 34 are killed, 73 are wounded, and the ship sustains $40 million in 
damages. The ship never sailed again. It was sold as scrap in 1970 for $102,000.

Israel claimed it made a mistake. The Johnson administration officially took 
Israel at its words, although Dean Rusk, secretary of state at the time, said 
the attack was quite literally incomprehensible given repeated Israeli 
reconnaissance flights before the attack and said that at a minimum, the 
attack must be condemned as an act of military recklessness reflecting wanton 
disregard for human life. Rusk's words were unheeded, and the USS Liberty's 
surviving crew members forbidden from discussing the attack publicly.

Subsequent research undermines Israeli claims that the attack was an accident.

A reconnaissance flights by the Israeli air force at 6 a.m. that morning 
reported seeing a US Navy cargo type ship outside Israeli radar range. 
Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, a detailed, 
well-documented 2005 report to the Secretary of the U.S. Army by Report is 
filed by the USS Liberty Veterans Association noted, Israeli reconnaissance 
aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty's position and orbited the ship 
before returning to their bases in Israel. A total of no fewer than eight such 
flights were made.

[FairfieldLife] SOILENT GREEN

2011-08-11 Thread johnt

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mantra Meditation

2011-08-01 Thread johnt
Like Mother Meera both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches have a 
long tradition of transcending on the name Jesus below is from the catechism 
of the Roman Catholic church.

CCC 2666 But the one name that contains everything is the one that the Son of 
God received in his incarnation: JESUS. The divine name may not be spoken by 
human lips, but by assuming our humanity The Word of God hands it over to us 
and we can invoke it: Jesus, YHWH saves. The name Jesus contains all: God 
and man and the whole economy of creation and salvation. To pray Jesus is to 
invoke him and to call him within us. His name is the only one that contains 
the presence it signifies. Jesus is the Risen One, and whoever invokes the name 
of Jesus is welcoming the Son of God who loved him and who gave himself up for 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Each syllable of a divine name - such as Krishna or Jesus - has vibrations 
 which change the atmosphere. Any object that we think about repeatedly 
 generates its own vibration. Even though mantras are strong and powerful, we 
 may not feel the effects immediately but results will come. One can feel the 
 differences in the vibrations of words. Using the word, one can make things 
 change.  -Mother Meera
  Close your eyes and sit in silence and do japa on any divine name.
  -Mother Meera
   Find a position to sit, on the floor or in a chair, that you will be 
   comfortable in for an entire session.  Use a position that will allow you 
   to keep your backbone straight, with your head and neck aligned with your 
   spine.  When we sit upright with a straight spine, the energy generated 
   by meditation can circulate freely throughout our body without being 
   blocked.  -Karunamayi
As you start your meditation, Amma recommends that you can use a 
mantra to help silence and focus your mind.  If you are accustomed to 
using only a particular mantra during meditation and would like to 
continue with that, please feel free to do so.   -Karunamayi

 If you wish to continue with your mantra, it is not necessary to ask 
 Amma if you should use it or Saraswati or Gayatri Mantra or not.   
 Divine Mother has blessed you with abundant powers of intellect and 
 spiritual discrimination.  You are welcome to use your discrimination 
 to decide which mantra you feel is best.  -Karunamayi
  What ever you decide, it is important to come to meditation 
  without any doubts or questions.  -Karunamayi
   If you have been using a particular meditation mantra and you 
   have obtained good results from it, you are welcome to continue 
   with your technique.  Amma teaches certain mantras for meditation 
   because She has personally experienced the tremendous benefits 
   that they bring.

My sweet child, meditate.  Experience your true self.  Silence 
is elegance.  My baby, be silent and hear the voice of the soul 
within you.  Silence is the foundation for self-realization.  
It does not matter what you believe if you are only in silence. 
 Silence is honesty in heart.  -Karunamayi

 My sweet children seek the light through truth.  Truth is 
 known only by your wise heart.  The supreme truth is in the 
 heart of everyone. Only a few can practice meditation 
 continuously, but I am expecting everyone to practice 
 meditation sincerely.  -Karunamayi
  Time ill spent, is life wasted away. Burst with divine 
  grace at every step.  Be still in meditation; realize the 
  truth.  Keep out of worldly temptations, and control 
  negative thoughts one by one.  Truth leads and purifies 
  your heart.  Your meditation power transforms your life 
  into truth and divinity.  -Karunamayi
   Meditate every day.  Be humble.  Humility embraces all of 
   the other qualities.  In the great battle of life, the 
   difficulties broaden.  Have full trust; trust your 
   meditation power.  Truth is all for life.

Meditation leads life from ignorance to wisdom, from 
weakness to strength, from disharmony to harmony, from 
hatred to love, from want to fullness, from limitations 
to boundlessness, from diversity to unity and from 
imperfection to perfection.

 As a way of life meditation deepens your 
 understanding and enables you to know your true Self. 
  Meditation gives discipline, poise and tranquility; 
  it miraculously rebuilds one's life.  -karunamayi

[FairfieldLife] maskedzebra

2011-07-25 Thread johnt
Check out the Eastern Orthodox Church

On Jul 24, 2011, at 11:36 PM, maskedzebra wrote:

Dear Buck,

Regrettably I cannot offer a substitute for TM (and Maharishi).

For me, it was either TM or nothing (as a method of acquiring an objective 
religious experience: i.e. to know what is reality).

Same goes for Maharishi. It was him as the would-be Christ, or it was no one.

Now I was absolutely dependent upon TM (and, in a certain classic 
disciple-to-master sense, Maharishi: he was always my beacon, my ideal). I 
could not conceive of getting through one morning of my life without 
meditating. Then came Unity; I didn't really have to meditate after that—but I 
still did. But just to feel good, not to prepare myself for activity.

Now it's a complicated story, but I determined that my Enlightenment was a 
lie—Not that I was *not* enlightened. I was. But this kind of 'state of 
consciousness' is not natural, and is not DNA or otherwise intended. We can (I 
proved this for myself) 'enter into' Unity Consciousness and experience our 
actions as originating in some intelligence outside of ourselves and seemingly 
intimately connected to what is behind the universe itself. This, plus 
apprehending that one is unified with the cosmos.

Unity is everything Maharishi said it is. And the Science of Being and the Art 
of Living is all about Unity Consciousness.

But this too is a lie. If Unity Consciousness is not true (false to reality as 
reality conceived of in terms of what God has put there), then the experience 
of having one's actions transformed by the context of UC is also a lie. It 
happens and it is convincing: after all the most sophisticated of 
initiators—some with direct connections to MMY—came to utterly believe in my 
Enlightenment—for ten years. But providence would have it that I came into 
contact with another form of truth (Thomas Aquinas) which contradicted my TM 
experiences, my Enlightenment, Maharishi, and Maharishi's Teachings.

I knew that I had been deceived, but this deception had been perpetrated upon 
me by forces, intelligences, more powerful and knowing than I could ever be.

These were the Vedic gods, the devas (and I include my mantras in this too: 
these were living invisible beings—what I now believe to be fallen angels; on 
my Two Week Extension there was an initiator there (I think April 1975) who had 
his mantra appear to him and speak to him: he related this experience to 
Maharishi and all of us who had just completed our ATR; Maharishi endorsed his 
experience—and he made a believer out of all of us who were present: hundreds 
of initiators).

Now it took me nearly 24 years to get out of Unity Consciousness. I became 
enlightened in September 1976; I became convinced my enlightenment was a form 
of subtle madness near the beginning of 1987. This year (2011) I am able to 
experience that most of the dynamic causality of my enlightenment has been 
eliminated from my life, and from my consciousness. But barring a miracle, I 
will enter my death experience with the effects of TM, Maharishi, and my Unity 
Consciousness, still influencing my physiology, including all its functions.

I have determined there is no source of spiritual truth out there anymore. 
There once *was* (and I have written about this in previous posts) and that was 
the Roman Catholic Church. But in some mind-breaking mystery, God seems to have 
withdrawn from his Church, and therefore this supernatural institution which he 
set up to organize his revelations [arising out of the Incarnation] and to 
teach the supernatural truths necessary for the salvation of the soul can no 
longer deliver up any evidence of the living presence of the Holy Trinity.

Once the Roman Catholic Church dies, there can be no source of truth faithful 
to the Creator. And I believe this is the case at the present moment in 

The only source of spiritual truth or wisdom or even grace comes out of this 
experience and understanding. Therefore this is all that I can offer: the 
conviction, and perhaps the argument, that TM and Maharishi are metaphysical 
false, and that at the present time *there is no way to know God* or to make 
contact with Truth.

This is the only truth I know. Although there is more to it than this, but this 
is all that it is prudent for me to say.


2011-07-22 Thread johnt


2011-07-22 Thread johnt

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Sandals TRUTH

2011-07-21 Thread johnt
For me, the only truth that's relevant is my own experience. Having never met 
Maharishi, nor had any particular desire to one way or the other, the 
techniques he brought out, at least in my life, are phenomenal. That's all that 
matters to me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:

 Ah, yes, first the easy way out.  Thank you, Ravi, for your well wishes on 
 the sandals, but let's go into epistemology.  And, of course, Robin does so 
 eloquently in a subsequent response, which beautifully exemplifies the not so 
 easy way out and will not be as easy for me to reply to.
 It's all Mark.  None of it could be MMY.  Mark must be an imbecile not to see 
 this.  (Should I even reply to this email?  Let's see if it might be 
 In order to make it fruitful, I guess I have to bring up spiritual maturity 
 again, previously alluded to as developed being.
 I believe in discernment.  I believe that, with true, sincere discernment, 
 one can more and more approach an objective appreciation of the truth.  And I 
 know, quite directly, that using real discernment to winnow judgement and 
 projection from reality ain't easy.  I also believe in what Robin called 
 (will call) meta-psychological effect, the profound resonance and 
 repercussions that can ensue when our highly developed inner truth meter, if 
 we have the spiritual maturity to have developed one, encounters a deeper 
 truth than we have yet allowed ourselves to assimilate.
 So, just as an example, if I say M slept with women and got sexually 
 frustrated when he couldn't get any, what kind of statement is this?  Is it 
 purely my projection?  Is it a moral judgement?  Is it objective?  Is it 
 subjective?  Is it true?  Is it false?  Is it cavil?  Will I be reborn a 
 donkey for saying it?
 Only discernment can cut through it all if one really wants the truth.  Of 
 course it's not necessary to really want the truth.  I believe that most 
 people don't.
 Why did so many skin boys get disillusioned?  Because, as Robin says, the 
 images that forced themselves upon us forced us to revise our estimation of 
 the man.  Bevan never really became skin boy.  He always wanted to, but was 
 spared that.  Most of the skin boys got close enough to the man to see his 
 underbelly.  And it wasn't as pretty as we all thought it was.
 So, yes, my statement above is either true or false.  I leave that for each 
 to decide for yourselves.  Is it purely my projection?  I, obviously, don't 
 believe so.  For me, there is such overwhelming evidence, that, as I said, I 
 believe it simply to be true.  Is it moral judgement?  This gets trickier.  
 Can I make the above statement with no moral judgement?  I believe that would 
 be the sign of true spiritual maturity.  Have I attained that?  Let's say I'm 
 still working on it.  Is it subjective, objective?  For me, both.  Is it 
 cavil?  I would say that depends on one's real motivation, and who can know 
 another's?  I came to the decision, long ago, that, in the case of MMY, it 
 really would be liberating for many people to know God's simple truth, the 
 actual reality of what occurred.  Cavil would come from hurt, smallness, 
 venality, self-loathing, etc., etc., etc.  Can I say that I have eliminated 
 all elements of cavil from everything I say about him?  Let's say that's 
 something else I'm still working on.  Will I be reborn a donkey for saying 
 it?  Perhaps, I had an experience with M about just that at the San Diego 
 Zoo.  Maybe I'll get to recount that sometime.  But, for me, the truth became 
 more important than my next life.  If that's what's meant to be, so be it.  
 We all must take the consequences of everything we do, no?
 So, enough of this for now and the future, if it's fruitful for one person, 
 it's worth it.  If not, forgive my indulgence.
 On Jul 21, 2011, at 1:32 AM, Ravi Yogi wrote:
  As much as I would love to see Mark getting the max $ for M's sandals, I 
  would certainly have to agree with Ted.
  Mark seems pretty one-dimensional. 
  With my limited experiences I can just can't comprehend the things Mark 
  says about M unless he was acting out against M when his ego was hurt or he 
  is just so plain stupid that he doesn't understand basic spiritual 
  Reveling in paradoxes *doesn't * mean moral judgement of others. Reveling 
  in paradoxes is a highly internal experience, the paradoxes of love and 
  hate and all the other conflicting emotions seen as a pure witness.
  Compare Mark's moral judgement of Judith as wonderful, honest person and 
  then M as conflicting, bewildering array of emotions. With my limited Unity 
  experiences I just can't see how I will ever be sexually frustrated, I was 
  before not anymore. Sure I would love to have a partner, to have sex but I 
  have been single since last year and I am not old, like the old farts here 
  on FFL, there are sexual thoughts similar to other 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Not Satire eliminate the old and disabled Judy

2011-07-20 Thread johnt
It's the same exact evil. It's just that the Fascists have become more subtle 
about how they do it. Many right wing Republicans are still linked to the Nazis 
of WW2. Prescott Bush was almost charged with treason for dealing with Hitler 
during the war, but his connections quashed it. The eugenics program is alive 
and well and just like Hitler they want to eliminate the non producers from 
society. Greed and lust for power has always been at the root of it.No they 
aren't rounding them up in the street, too visible. They're just feeding them 
poison and cutting off health care to eliminate millions.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
  What I'm saying, and I fully understand what satire and irony
  are, is that this is too serious a situation to deal with
  subtly or through sarcasm. The point I was trying to make is
  not a matter of you doing my homework asking you (Judy) to
  write a satire on the holocaust, but to demonstrate that with
  such a serious threat to millions neither you nor most people
  would be willing to approach the holocaust in that manner.
 You're quite right, I wouldn't. But there's a significant
 difference between allowing people to die for lack of
 health care, and deliberately rounding them up and gassing
 them to death. They're still just as dead, but the *malice*
 involved is vastly greater with the Holocaust. You can't
 really satirize that degree of malice the way you can
 ignorance, greed, and lack of empathy.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Nobody is making light of or trivializing the issue in
   question. That's not what satire does--quite the opposite.
   Maybe this will help: satire is like mockery. Everett is
   *mocking* those who think it's a good idea to cut Medicare
   and Medicaid and Social Security, pointing out that
   they're stupid and cruel and insensitive and greedy. He's
   being sarcastic when he praises the idea.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:

I'm not stupid you arrogant * It's just that making light or 
trivializing a potential genocide is what I object to. Don't bother 
responding if you're to stupid to get my point.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ 
  Perhaps you could write an example of a satire about the
  holocaust so I can have more of an idea of how you think
  this literary form is being used, not being an English
  scholar myself.
 No, I'm not going to do your homework for you. There's
 no need to be an English scholar to understand what
 satire is.
 Did you read the Wikipedia entry I linked to on A 
 Modest Proposal? You might also read Wikipedia's entry
 on satire:
 Take a look at both of these, then if you still have 
 questions, get back to me, OK?
  The number of deaths of the most helpless in society due
  to this movement by some Republicans could easily result
  in many more than 6 million deaths.
 Right. That's what the writer was pointing out. He thinks
 that's a terrible idea. If you understand that he's NOT
 in favor of cutting Medicaid and Medicare and read his
 piece with that in mind, I think you'll quickly recognize
 what satire is.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ 
   The fact is, that elements in the Republican party and indeed 
   Obama are talking about cutting Medicaid and Medicare. If they 
   succeed this will have the actual effect of shorting the lives of 
   the poor, elderly and disabled as quoted in the article, and will 
   indeed lessen the expenses to the government without raising 
   taxes on corporations and the wealthy. Regardless of the author's 
   intent, which may have admittedly been to raise public ire, what 
   he's said is actually happening. It would be similar to having a 
   satire on the Holocaust which should still raise public 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt 
johnlasher20002000@ wrote:

 Not only is the Wall Street Journal involved in a wiretapping
 scandal, but now they have writers suggesting the elimination
 of the elderly and disabled through cutting their medical 
 insurance. This article was published by Market watch, which
 is owned by the Wall Street Journal and Rupert Murdoch. 
 This is NOT a satire

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Sandals Phone

2011-07-19 Thread johnt
They're in Hawaii Cliff DeVries at 808 947-2266 would know their number. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:

 Thank you, cdb, I would let the Zimmermans know, if I knew how.
 On Jul 18, 2011, at 10:42 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  I appreciate your offering them here for the story value. And as 
  disillusioned as I am, the attraction of these sandals is understandable, 
  so you need to cash all the way in for these.
  I think you should go after the rich guys in Fairfield, the Zimmermans, or 
  whoever else are the names who have the bucks and the belief system. If I 
  had their money I would be all in for some version of the 10- whatever 
  thousand dollar range for these. I would put them in my Stapatya Veda house 
  in a shrine and would appreciate them as the relic they are for the right 
  believer. And every time I had a dinner party with people for whom my chef 
  prepared each meal with the RIGHT churna for their prakriti and the season, 
  they would take a moment to see these sandals under the glass or even hold 
  them if they were soul brothers and sistas. Hold the great Maharishi's 
  sandals just as I did at his feet in India, getting the Vedic buzz of a 
  lifetime. I understand. I really do.
  I hope you can find the right buyer who will cherish them and can translate 
  that feeling into dead presidents.
  Good luck!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:
   On Jul 18, 2011, at 10:17 PM, authfriend wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau m@... wrote:

 Thank you, J, we're pretty much on the same page. I'm not
 aware of pro-MMY forums. Are there such and what might
 they be?

Mark, I don't know their names. I'm pretty sure there's at
least one Yahoo Group. You could try doing a group search
for Transcendental Meditation here:


   Thanks again, I'll try.

Maybe others here will know some names.

 I used to think that some day there would be a world class
 auction of M's things, including his Mercedes or whatever
 car(s) he ended up with, you know, like at Christie's or 

Who has custody of his things now?

   His family. I suppose it's possible they would do an auction someday to 
   raise more money.

I don't mean to conjure false hopes, but I'd be astonished
if MMY's sandals wouldn't be a very desirable item for a
wealthy devotee. But you have to get the word out. You 
might think about finding out who the wealthy ones are and
doing a private snail-mailing.

   I've begun that via email, but haven't gotten very far with it.
I wish you the best of luck. It can't be easy for you to
part with those sandals.

   Thanks, I guess I'm finally ready to.

 But that thought is fading. And you're right, for me, SS
 wouldn't be enough to live on even in Costa Rica...
 On Jul 18, 2011, at 9:50 PM, authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
   On Jul 18, 2011, at 4:18 PM, Mark Landau wrote:
At sixty-five, I have very little savings and have lost my job. 
I was planning to work into my seventies. My predicament forces 
me to attempt to sell them. I am hoping that the person they 
are meant to go to will have the wherewithal and will to honor 
their value. As 108 for over four years, I spent around $100K 
working for the movement pretty much seven days a week (when 
not rounding). As 108s, we weren't paid, paid $1000 a month so 
as not to be a financial drain on the movement, and paid all 
our own travel (and sometimes other) expenses. Small amounts 
will not be considered.

Another possibility is donating to me so I can donate them to 
the movement.

   Mark, this sounds familiar. Didn't you try 
   selling them here a few years back? Did 
   you ever try the suggestions about ebay? Sorry
   to hear you're in such dire circumstances, but I 
   am failing to see what the sale of the sandals, even
   if they were to bring in, say, $1000,
  Even if? You have to be kidding. He just said small
  amounts will not be considered. He wants, and should
  get, many times $1,000. If I were him, if he hasn't
  already, I'd check out auction houses that deal in
  celebrity collectibles.
   is going to do for you in the long run,
  If he sells them for what they should bring, he could
  buy an annuity (unless he has some major expense he
  needs to pay, like medical bills).
  not to mention that 
   trying to sell MMY memorabilia on a forum filled with
   disillusioned former TMers is a serious losing battle.
  Let's hope he's 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Not Satire eliminate the old and disabled

2011-07-17 Thread johnt
The fact is, that elements in the Republican party and indeed Obama are talking 
about cutting Medicaid and Medicare. If they succeed this will have the actual 
effect of shorting the lives of the poor, elderly and disabled as quoted in the 
article, and will indeed lessen the expenses to the government without raising 
taxes on corporations and the wealthy. Regardless of the author's intent, which 
may have admittedly been to raise public ire, what he's said is actually 
happening. It would be similar to having a satire on the Holocaust which should 
still raise public indignation. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
  Not only is the Wall Street Journal involved in a wiretapping
  scandal, but now they have writers suggesting the elimination
  of the elderly and disabled through cutting their medical 
  insurance. This article was published by Market watch, which
  is owned by the Wall Street Journal and Rupert Murdoch. 
  This is NOT a satire
 John...it's absolutely a satire. As feste explained, the
 words modest proposal give it away.
 Read this:
 Ever since Swift's essay, modest proposal has been a
 term that signals satire.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Not Satire eliminate the old and disabled Judy

2011-07-17 Thread johnt
Perhaps you could write an example of a satire about the holocaust so I can 
have more of an idea of how you think this literary form is being used, not 
being an English scholar myself. The number of deaths of the most helpless in 
society due to this movement by some Republicans could easily result in many 
more than 6 million deaths.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@... wrote:

 The fact is, that elements in the Republican party and indeed Obama are 
 talking about cutting Medicaid and Medicare. If they succeed this will have 
 the actual effect of shorting the lives of the poor, elderly and disabled as 
 quoted in the article, and will indeed lessen the expenses to the government 
 without raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy. Regardless of the 
 author's intent, which may have admittedly been to raise public ire, what 
 he's said is actually happening. It would be similar to having a satire on 
 the Holocaust which should still raise public indignation. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
   Not only is the Wall Street Journal involved in a wiretapping
   scandal, but now they have writers suggesting the elimination
   of the elderly and disabled through cutting their medical 
   insurance. This article was published by Market watch, which
   is owned by the Wall Street Journal and Rupert Murdoch. 
   This is NOT a satire
  John...it's absolutely a satire. As feste explained, the
  words modest proposal give it away.
  Read this:
  Ever since Swift's essay, modest proposal has been a
  term that signals satire.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Not Satire eliminate the old and disabled Judy

2011-07-17 Thread johnt

I'm not stupid you arrogant * It's just that making light or trivializing a 
potential genocide is what I object to. Don't bother responding if you're to 
stupid to get my point.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
  Perhaps you could write an example of a satire about the
  holocaust so I can have more of an idea of how you think
  this literary form is being used, not being an English
  scholar myself.
 No, I'm not going to do your homework for you. There's
 no need to be an English scholar to understand what
 satire is.
 Did you read the Wikipedia entry I linked to on A 
 Modest Proposal? You might also read Wikipedia's entry
 on satire:
 Take a look at both of these, then if you still have 
 questions, get back to me, OK?
  The number of deaths of the most helpless in society due
  to this movement by some Republicans could easily result
  in many more than 6 million deaths.
 Right. That's what the writer was pointing out. He thinks
 that's a terrible idea. If you understand that he's NOT
 in favor of cutting Medicaid and Medicare and read his
 piece with that in mind, I think you'll quickly recognize
 what satire is.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
   The fact is, that elements in the Republican party and indeed Obama are 
   talking about cutting Medicaid and Medicare. If they succeed this will 
   have the actual effect of shorting the lives of the poor, elderly and 
   disabled as quoted in the article, and will indeed lessen the expenses to 
   the government without raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy. 
   Regardless of the author's intent, which may have admittedly been to 
   raise public ire, what he's said is actually happening. It would be 
   similar to having a satire on the Holocaust which should still raise 
   public indignation. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ 

 Not only is the Wall Street Journal involved in a wiretapping
 scandal, but now they have writers suggesting the elimination
 of the elderly and disabled through cutting their medical 
 insurance. This article was published by Market watch, which
 is owned by the Wall Street Journal and Rupert Murdoch. 
 This is NOT a satire

John...it's absolutely a satire. As feste explained, the
words modest proposal give it away.

Read this:


Ever since Swift's essay, modest proposal has been a
term that signals satire.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Not Satire eliminate the old and disabled Judy

2011-07-17 Thread johnt
What I'm saying, and I fully understand what satire and irony are, is that this 
is too serious a situation to deal with subtly or through sarcasm. The point I 
was trying to make is not a matter of you doing my homework asking you (Judy) 
to write a satire on the holocaust, but to demonstrate that with such a serious 
threat to millions neither you nor most people would be willing to approach the 
holocaust in that manner.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 Nobody is making light of or trivializing the issue in
 question. That's not what satire does--quite the opposite.
 Maybe this will help: satire is like mockery. Everett is
 *mocking* those who think it's a good idea to cut Medicare
 and Medicaid and Social Security, pointing out that
 they're stupid and cruel and insensitive and greedy. He's
 being sarcastic when he praises the idea.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
  I'm not stupid you arrogant * It's just that making light or 
  trivializing a potential genocide is what I object to. Don't bother 
  responding if you're to stupid to get my point.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
Perhaps you could write an example of a satire about the
holocaust so I can have more of an idea of how you think
this literary form is being used, not being an English
scholar myself.
   No, I'm not going to do your homework for you. There's
   no need to be an English scholar to understand what
   satire is.
   Did you read the Wikipedia entry I linked to on A 
   Modest Proposal? You might also read Wikipedia's entry
   on satire:
   Take a look at both of these, then if you still have 
   questions, get back to me, OK?
The number of deaths of the most helpless in society due
to this movement by some Republicans could easily result
in many more than 6 million deaths.
   Right. That's what the writer was pointing out. He thinks
   that's a terrible idea. If you understand that he's NOT
   in favor of cutting Medicaid and Medicare and read his
   piece with that in mind, I think you'll quickly recognize
   what satire is.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ 

 The fact is, that elements in the Republican party and indeed Obama 
 are talking about cutting Medicaid and Medicare. If they succeed this 
 will have the actual effect of shorting the lives of the poor, 
 elderly and disabled as quoted in the article, and will indeed lessen 
 the expenses to the government without raising taxes on corporations 
 and the wealthy. Regardless of the author's intent, which may have 
 admittedly been to raise public ire, what he's said is actually 
 happening. It would be similar to having a satire on the Holocaust 
 which should still raise public indignation. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ 
   Not only is the Wall Street Journal involved in a wiretapping
   scandal, but now they have writers suggesting the elimination
   of the elderly and disabled through cutting their medical 
   insurance. This article was published by Market watch, which
   is owned by the Wall Street Journal and Rupert Murdoch. 
   This is NOT a satire
  John...it's absolutely a satire. As feste explained, the
  words modest proposal give it away.
  Read this:
  Ever since Swift's essay, modest proposal has been a
  term that signals satire.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Not Satire eliminate the old and disabled Judy

2011-07-17 Thread johnt

The malice is just as great just under the guise of legitimacy probably for the 
same reasons greed. The right wing Republicans have a direct link to the Nazis. 
Look at Prescott Bush's dealing with the third Reich during WW2 (which was 
quashed) .the same underlying Fascism is alive and well and people better wake 
up to it. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:
  What I'm saying, and I fully understand what satire and irony
  are, is that this is too serious a situation to deal with
  subtly or through sarcasm. The point I was trying to make is
  not a matter of you doing my homework asking you (Judy) to
  write a satire on the holocaust, but to demonstrate that with
  such a serious threat to millions neither you nor most people
  would be willing to approach the holocaust in that manner.
 You're quite right, I wouldn't. But there's a significant
 difference between allowing people to die for lack of
 health care, and deliberately rounding them up and gassing
 them to death. They're still just as dead, but the *malice*
 involved is vastly greater with the Holocaust. You can't
 really satirize that degree of malice the way you can
 ignorance, greed, and lack of empathy.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Nobody is making light of or trivializing the issue in
   question. That's not what satire does--quite the opposite.
   Maybe this will help: satire is like mockery. Everett is
   *mocking* those who think it's a good idea to cut Medicare
   and Medicaid and Social Security, pointing out that
   they're stupid and cruel and insensitive and greedy. He's
   being sarcastic when he praises the idea.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ wrote:

I'm not stupid you arrogant * It's just that making light or 
trivializing a potential genocide is what I object to. Don't bother 
responding if you're to stupid to get my point.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ 
  Perhaps you could write an example of a satire about the
  holocaust so I can have more of an idea of how you think
  this literary form is being used, not being an English
  scholar myself.
 No, I'm not going to do your homework for you. There's
 no need to be an English scholar to understand what
 satire is.
 Did you read the Wikipedia entry I linked to on A 
 Modest Proposal? You might also read Wikipedia's entry
 on satire:
 Take a look at both of these, then if you still have 
 questions, get back to me, OK?
  The number of deaths of the most helpless in society due
  to this movement by some Republicans could easily result
  in many more than 6 million deaths.
 Right. That's what the writer was pointing out. He thinks
 that's a terrible idea. If you understand that he's NOT
 in favor of cutting Medicaid and Medicare and read his
 piece with that in mind, I think you'll quickly recognize
 what satire is.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@ 
   The fact is, that elements in the Republican party and indeed 
   Obama are talking about cutting Medicaid and Medicare. If they 
   succeed this will have the actual effect of shorting the lives of 
   the poor, elderly and disabled as quoted in the article, and will 
   indeed lessen the expenses to the government without raising 
   taxes on corporations and the wealthy. Regardless of the author's 
   intent, which may have admittedly been to raise public ire, what 
   he's said is actually happening. It would be similar to having a 
   satire on the Holocaust which should still raise public 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt 
johnlasher20002000@ wrote:

 Not only is the Wall Street Journal involved in a wiretapping
 scandal, but now they have writers suggesting the elimination
 of the elderly and disabled through cutting their medical 
 insurance. This article was published by Market watch, which
 is owned by the Wall Street Journal and Rupert Murdoch. 
 This is NOT a satire

John...it's absolutely a satire. As feste explained, the
words modest proposal give it away.

Read this:


Ever since Swift's essay, modest proposal has been

[FairfieldLife] Re: Not Satire eliminate the old and disabled Judy

2011-07-17 Thread johnt
Hissy plus plus still having it

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray1 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, johnt johnlasher20002000@
  What I'm saying, and I fully understand what satire and irony are, is
 that this is too serious a situation to deal with subtly or through
 sarcasm. The point I was trying to make is not a matter of you doing my
 homework asking you (Judy) to write a satire on the holocaust, but to
 demonstrate that with such a serious threat to millions neither you nor
 most people would be willing to approach the holocaust in that manner.
 I think what you are saying is that you had a full blown hissy fit.

[FairfieldLife] Not Satire eliminate the old and disabled

2011-07-16 Thread johnt
Not only is the Wall Street Journal involved in a wiretapping scandal, but now 
they have writers suggesting the elimination of the elderly and disabled 
through cutting their medical insurance. This article was published by Market 
watch, which is owned by the Wall Street Journal and Rupert Murdoch. 

This is NOT a satire (read the authors face book) as some claim the time to do 
something is now. Send copies of this to your congressmen especially 
Republicans. Send copies to everyone you know to prevent this way of thinking. 
Remember the main stream media won't publish it, especially fox News which 
Murdoch owns. 
Finally someone publicly voiced how the ultra-rightwing of the GOP feels about 
the elderly and disabled... the least among us!
First they came for someone I did not know... then they came for my 
neighbors...   THEN THEY CAME FOR ME. 


This is an article by Jeff Reeves for market watch. It shows the mentality of 
him towards seniors. Word of this and hime should be sent far and widwide and 
Market Watch should be contacted and all sponsors boycotted.
JEFF REEVES Archives | Email alerts
July 14, 2011, 12:00 p.m. EDT
ROCKVILLE, Md. (Marketwatch)
Take Medicare, one of the biggest causes of our current budget trouble. If we 
slash spending dramatically, we will not only eliminate one of the biggest 
drains on the U.S. Treasury, but we will also fix the nagging demographic 
problem caused by the baby boomers living longer and clogging Social Security 
Without health care, surely few of our seniors will survive into old age. This 
will dramatically reduce both future Medicare and Social Security payouts.
These socialist programs are part of the problem. It's time to make them part 
of the solution.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Best UFO video we've ever seen?

2011-07-15 Thread johnt
If you look just before the upper object goes off screen you can see as the 
reflection changes the wings of the plane

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 6:27 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Best UFO video we've ever seen?
 Yes, it's on my list of 10 best videos of UFO's. On the list of the 5 best
 is this:
 Here's a closer look video of that one:

[FairfieldLife] GENOCIDAL EVIL

2011-07-15 Thread johnt

This is an article by Jeff Reeves for market watch. It shows the mentality of 
him towards seniors. Word of this and hime should be sent far and widwide and 
Market Watch should be contacted and all sponsors boycotted.

JEFF REEVES Archives | Email alerts
July 14, 2011, 12:00 p.m. EDT

ROCKVILLE, Md. (MarketWatch)

Take Medicare, one of the biggest causes of our current budget trouble. If we 
slash spending dramatically, we will not only eliminate one of the biggest 
drains on the U.S. Treasury, but we will also fix the nagging demographic 
problem caused by the baby boomers living longer and clogging Social Security 
Without health care, surely few of our seniors will survive into old age. This 
will dramatically reduce both future Medicare and Social Security payouts.
These socialist programs are part of the problem. It's time to make them part 
of the solution.

[FairfieldLife] Question for cardemaister

2011-06-18 Thread johnt
What is the literal translation of Sat Naam ? Would it be the Name of Truth 
Just Truth Name or what? thanks for your help

[FairfieldLife] Write Your Congressman if you relly want change

2011-02-17 Thread johnt
These ideas make so much since that I'm urging everyone I know to send it to 
all their friends and representatives. Power to the people.

1. Rein In The Military Budget: Neither the president's budget or the House 
CR cuts the overall level of defense spending. In fact, Defense Secretary 
Robert Gates's request for the Pentagon budget is a whopping $553 billion — 
the largest request ever by the Pentagon and the largest adjusted for 
inflation since World War II. CAP Senior Fellow Lawrence Korb has laid out $1 
trillion in defense reductions that can be made over the next 10 years by 
phasing out outdated programs and resizing our military. This comes out to 
roughly $100 billion a year, which is approximately how much funding is being 
proposed to be cut from the Pell Grant program.

2. Reduce Or Eliminate Subsidies To Big Agribusiness: The federal 
government paid out a quarter of a trillion dollars in federal farm subsidies 
between 1995 and 2009. Just ten percent of America's largest and richest 
farms collect almost three-fourths of these subsidies. Rep. Jan Schakowsky 
(D-IL) has proposed — as a part of her progressive deficit reduction plan — a 
fifty percent cut in federal direct support for agriculture, which would save 
$7.5 billion in 2015.

3. Reduce Or Eliminate Wasteful Tax Expenditures: The CAP paper Cracking 
the Code: A Closer Look at Tax Expenditure Spending notes that special 
credits, deductions, exclusions, exemptions, and preferential tax rates provide 
more than $1 trillion in subsidies intended to support public objectives, yet 
are ineffective and should be reduced or eliminated. Eliminating this tax 
expenditure could save $100 billion, for example.

4. Enact A Financial Transactions Tax: A 0.25 percent tax on trades of 
stocks, bonds, derivatives, and other Wall Street financial instruments would 
do little to nothing to reduce commerce or productivity but would generate 
between $50 billion and $150 billion annually, according to a CAP analysis.

5. Empower Medicare To Negotiate For Lower Drug Prices: One of the main 
drivers of the growing U.S. budget deficit is health care costs. While there 
are a number of things that can be done to streamline the efficiency of our 
health care system, like introducing a public option or even moving towards a 
Medicare-for-all system, one policy option that would be very simple to enact 
and would not require any sort of increased spending or expansion of government 
would be to simply allow Medicare to use its bulk purchasing power to negotiate 
with drugmakers for lower prices. Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) estimates that doing 
this could save as much as $156 billion over 10 years.


2011-02-10 Thread johnt