[FairfieldLife] Forest Fires in the Amazon Forest

2019-08-25 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The fires in the Amazon are being caused by the malefic planets in the sign of 
Leo.  Mars and the Sun are fiery planets in conjunction with Venus.   This 
conjunction is not good for women, and ironically is not good for President 
Trump either.  The prez may have some health issues relating to heat in the 
body or related issues..  Stay tuned.

 Stay tuned.  




[FairfieldLife] Mountain lion spotted on Fairfield Loop Trail North of MUM Campus

2019-08-25 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
Message on Facebook

[FairfieldLife] Re: What is Conscionable, in TM?

2019-08-25 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In community..

and hurtful tendency exposed - particularly, that of coveting and grasping 
after riches. To obtain which, many of the members of our society had launched 
into extensive business - more particularly, in the line of commerce. And in 
order for the carrying it on, had involved themselves in debt beyond their 
ability to pay. And in order to keep up a false credit, had through a show of 
friendship and a deceptive appearance of having great possession, drawn in 
others to lend them money and become their sureties for large sums, until both 
the borrowers and lenders were involved in utter ruin - to the great scandal of 
themselves, the distress of their families, and the reproach of our holy 
profession. 1814

 Evidently there is a behavioral axis between self-interest and altruism.. 
 and maybe not strictly related to 'consciousness', as we have seen. 


 Hauptman’s Federal indictment is on the internet to read.. then also hearing 
immediate reactions with how other felons have been in the flock, and some 
infamous names unindicted. 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 The Transcendentalists’

 In the ™ movement we were told some little details about Maharishi’s teacher 
Guru Dev, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. About how Maharishi first met SBS and 
also about how Guru Dev found his own teacher. On advanced training residential 
courses with Maharishi back in the 1970’s for those of us who were TM teachers 
there was a typed one page translated discourse of Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, 
of Guru Dev’s that was let to be passed around. This was the talk warning of 
the selling of life for the price of spinach. An advice that held intrinsic 
value that was important clarification, like a moral wake up, for people in TM 

 Discourse 59
 “After experiencing 8,400,000 births, we have obtained this rare human body; 
don't waste it. Each and every moment of life is very valuable. And if you 
don't understand its value? Then you will have nothing else to do but weep, and 
you will have nothing in your hands in the end.  
 You are a human being, therefore you have the power to discriminate what is 
good and what is bad, and you can accomplish the greatest human goals. Don't 
think of yourself as weak or fallen. Whatever has happened in the past, 
understand that it was done unknowingly. But now be careful, begin doing the 
type of acts appropriate for a human being. Discern for yourself what is good 
and what is bad. Adopt the good and reject the bad.
 As a human being, if you don't know Paramàtmà (the Transcendent), then 
understand that you have sold a diamond for the price of spinach. One does not 
worship Paramàtmà for the sake of Paramàtmà. One worships Paramàtmà to remove 
one's own sorrow, lack of peace, ignorance, and lack of power. Paramàtmà is all 
knowing, omnipotent, and full of limitless bliss. Through worship, one can 
grasp on to his unending power. The fulfillment of this superb act is the real 
purpose of human life. If there is no effort made toward this, then understand 
that you have cheated yourself.”
 The Sweet Teachings  of the Blessed Shankaràcàrya 
 translation by Cynthia A. Humes

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Later on MMY counseled a type of self discipline.. to be happy and mind your 
own business towards being regular practicing meditators and ‘on the program’ 
as a basis for behavior. This instruction would be a spiritual working ethic 
maybe different from social cultural ethic like the Golden Rule, that kindness 
seems overtly more to do with effects of behavior on subtle psycho-spiritual 
light-bodies of people. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Evidently there is a behavioral axis between self-interest and altruism..  and 
maybe not strictly related to 'consciousness', as we have seen.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A hardwired morality of self-interest v Altruism..

 In a core worldview

[FairfieldLife] Re: What is Conscionable, in TM?

2019-08-25 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Evidently there is a behavioral axis between self-interest and altruism.. 
 and maybe not strictly related to 'consciousness', as we have seen. 


 Hauptman’s Federal indictment is on the internet to read.. then also hearing 
immediate reactions with how other felons have been in the flock, and some 
infamous names unindicted. 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 The Transcendentalists’

 In the ™ movement we were told some little details about Maharishi’s teacher 
Guru Dev, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. About how Maharishi first met SBS and 
also about how Guru Dev found his own teacher. On advanced training residential 
courses with Maharishi back in the 1970’s for those of us who were TM teachers 
there was a typed one page translated discourse of Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, 
of Guru Dev’s that was let to be passed around. This was the talk warning of 
the selling of life for the price of spinach. An advice that held intrinsic 
value that was important clarification, like a moral wake up, for people in TM 

 Discourse 59
 “After experiencing 8,400,000 births, we have obtained this rare human body; 
don't waste it. Each and every moment of life is very valuable. And if you 
don't understand its value? Then you will have nothing else to do but weep, and 
you will have nothing in your hands in the end.  
 You are a human being, therefore you have the power to discriminate what is 
good and what is bad, and you can accomplish the greatest human goals. Don't 
think of yourself as weak or fallen. Whatever has happened in the past, 
understand that it was done unknowingly. But now be careful, begin doing the 
type of acts appropriate for a human being. Discern for yourself what is good 
and what is bad. Adopt the good and reject the bad.
 As a human being, if you don't know Paramàtmà (the Transcendent), then 
understand that you have sold a diamond for the price of spinach. One does not 
worship Paramàtmà for the sake of Paramàtmà. One worships Paramàtmà to remove 
one's own sorrow, lack of peace, ignorance, and lack of power. Paramàtmà is all 
knowing, omnipotent, and full of limitless bliss. Through worship, one can 
grasp on to his unending power. The fulfillment of this superb act is the real 
purpose of human life. If there is no effort made toward this, then understand 
that you have cheated yourself.”
 The Sweet Teachings  of the Blessed Shankaràcàrya 
 translation by Cynthia A. Humes

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Later on MMY counseled a type of self discipline.. to be happy and mind your 
own business towards being regular practicing meditators and ‘on the program’ 
as a basis for behavior. This instruction would be a spiritual working ethic 
maybe different from social cultural ethic like the Golden Rule, that kindness 
seems overtly more to do with effects of behavior on subtle psycho-spiritual 
light-bodies of people. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Evidently there is a behavioral axis between self-interest and altruism..  and 
maybe not strictly related to 'consciousness', as we have seen.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A hardwired morality of self-interest v Altruism..

 In a core worldview that life is nakedly a selfish struggle for money and 
dominance the great act of moral decoupling woven through this in this 
worldview, morality has nothing to do with anything.  Altruism, trust, 
cooperation and virtue are unaffordable luxuries in the struggle of all against 
all. Everything is about self-interest.
 Powerful, selfish people have always adopted this dirty-minded realism to 
justify their own selfishness. The problem is that this philosophy is based on 
an error about human beings and it leads to self-destructive behavior in all 
 The error is that it misunderstands what drives human action. Of course people 
are driven by selfish motivations — for individual status, wealth and power

[FairfieldLife] Community Group Meditation

2019-08-25 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Sunday, August 25: Community Group Meditation followed by social in the Golden 
Dome Market Cafe
 Sunday, August 25, our second Community Group Meditation will be held at all 
11 local group meditation halls: 9 for TM-Sidhi practice, and 2 for 
Transcendental Meditation practice. 

Community Group Meditations for TM Meditators are at 5 PM on the second floor 
of the Orpheum Building on Broadway Avenue (near the square, south hallway), 
and in the MUM Campus Peace Palace. A Group Check will also take place at the 
Peace Palace at 4:30 PM. 
 TM-Sidhas begin Group Practice as usual in their ten local halls at 5 PM.   
 The Super-Radiance Social for both the Women’s and Men’s Domes will be held 
right after Community Group Meditation, upstairs in the Golden Dome Cafe, as it 
was in July, supplemented by Everybody’s Whole Foods’ major generous layout of 
savories and snacks. 
 “Our National Coherence-Creating Group was established 40 years ago, in August 
of 1979, after the Amherst World Peace Assembly, to help prevent and reduce 
social, political, and cultural tensions. If enough TM-Sidhas and Meditators 
enjoy that bliss in togetherness enough of the time, it will work,” said Mary 
Cathryn Olsen of the Super-Radiance Action Team (SAT). 
 The Super-Radiance Action Team invites each practitioner of the TM and 
TM-Sidhi Program to enjoy Community Group Meditation and help build National 
Super-Radiance attendance at a time when it is so obviously needed. 

[FairfieldLife] friends of Tom Winquist; he passed away 8/23

2019-08-25 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Hello to everyone,


 My name is John Congdon and I have been helping Tom with his affairs for 
around 3 months now. Tom and I first met late in 1969 when he came to my 
hometown to teach a TM course that I was helping to organize. We have been 
friends and in contact on and off ever since, and much more the last two years 
as we both have been living in Fairfield.


 Most know that Tom has been suffering from Parkinson's Disease with some early 
symptoms appearing 5 years ago with symptoms being more evident in the last 
three years. Though Tom has tried many different products to help with his PD 
nothing seemed to help, even with treatments where others had found benefits. 
During the last 6 months the deterioration in his health and endurance has been 
quite rapid. Summer in Fairfield and Utopia Park didn't help much but the fact 
that Iowa's chiggers found Tom to be exceptionally tasty was the worst for him. 
Tom devised an escape plan of coming to Laramie, Wyoming for 10 days, where 
chiggers do not roam and elevation is said to help Parkinson's. I accompanied 
him on the trip to do the driving and heavy lifting. He wasn't bothered by any 
chiggers which was a big relief. However at his more advanced stage of PD he 
continued to weaken and spent the majority of time trying to rest which the 
disease had made very difficult if not impossible for him. He passed yesterday 
in Laramie. His 76th birthday would be on this coming September 18.


 Tom's wishes were to be cremated and have his ashes scattered with his 
parents' on his older brother's property near Eugene, Oregon. Plans are being 
formed to have a celebration of Tom's life in Fairfield, probably in mid 
September, perhaps the 18th. The actual date will be announced after 
arrangements are finalized.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The USA is buying Greenland?

2019-08-22 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 why would Greenlanders want to be part of a shithole country? if you can send 
migrants there why couldnt you have sent to any other of the US territories? 
youre just a crazy as Drumpf


 I was joking meaning to say that Trump will use the migrants to populate a 
desolate land area--which is Greenland.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The USA is buying Greenland?

2019-08-22 Thread srijau
why would Greenlanders want to be part of a shithole country? if you can send 
migrants there why couldnt you have sent to any other of the US territories? 
youre just a crazy as Drumpf

[FairfieldLife] Seattle Healing & Meditation Concert [1 Attachment]

2019-08-22 Thread netineti108
His Holiness Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji will be in Chicago September 
14th-15th, with
 "Anahata Raga Sagara" Healing and Meditation concert on the 15th.Tickets only 

 Sri Chakra Puja  on the 14th morning and bhajans on that evening at Lakshmi 
Venkateshwara Temple in Redmond.
 See the schedule at this link. 
 https://www.facebook.com/sgsseattle/ http://dycchicago.com/wp/



 Rare opportunity for Datta darshan.


 Jaya Guru Datta

[FairfieldLife] Re: 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community

2019-08-21 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The meditating University community as an academic institution survives now 
with better tone but oh the nature of the separation of the movement with the 
community and oh what squandered goodwill that occurred with the meditating 
community here! The coherence creating world peace program could use a communal 
mediation towards the renewal of the Domes, superradiance and the larger TM 

 Engaging Restorative Justice in Reclamation of Community


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 In the low Dome attendance numbers now..

 “Where have all the meditators gone, long time passing, where have all the 
meditators gone long time ago?”   


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Nice reminisce meeting, of the scope of what we did there at Amherst and here 
in Fairfield. The meeting as hosted did not engage with the low Dome attendance 
numbers as they are now, the loss of communal critical mass.  Surprising how 
many meditators in town, veterans of Amherst, did not even hear of this 
How disassociated from the movement so many have become.

 Dick Mays Shares:
 Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Amherst Course in Dalby Hall at 2:00 today!

 See old friends and share memories!



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The 40th Anniversary of the Amherst course, 

 The Creating Coherence Program.  


The 40th Anniversary of
Maharishi Founding the
National Super Radiance Program
At Amherst, Massachusetts
August 1979
That Changed the History of the United States




 In Fairfield, Dalby Hall – 2 pm – Sunday August 18

Everyone who was there that day
is invited to submit their memories to 
share with all, and be recorded for all time.

Governors, Teachers, Sidhas, and Mediators Invited
Dome Badge Not Required
 Please E-mail your memories – including good photos to: 





 Come celebrate these anniversaries:

-the 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community

 -the 13th Anniversary of the Invincible America Assembly (IAA)

 The Invincible America Assembly began on July 23, 2006, when Maharishi and Dr. 
John Hagelin saw a keen and obvious need to stop a war that had suddenly and 
unexpectedly broken out in Lebanon. Upon their timely call, hundreds of TM 
Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators poured into Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic 
City for Group Practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi progams. 
 Within a few weeks, the war in Lebanon vanished. And on the day the IAA began, 
July 23, the long-term decline of the American stock market stopped, and began 
a 10-month climb that hit 12 all-time highs.
 “There is nothing more important to our global Movement than the Invincible 
America Assembly,” said Maharishi. Come and celebrate “the most powerful method 
of transforming society that exists -- or ever will exist” 
 This Tuesday, July 23, 2019 after group program..


 The party will include savories, snacks, and live entertainment. It will be 
held between the Women’s Golden Dome and the Golden Dome Market, between 6:15 
PM and 9 PM on MUM Campus. Maharishi defined the IAA as all those who are 
attending Group Practice morning and evening. 
 Everybody’s Whole Foods will be providing their incredible layout of treats 
and snacks to support the IAA, along with any sweets and savories you would 
like to provide as well. 

Also available will be a delicious dinner menu prepared by Nayna Dave of India, 
who has decades of success in delighting many with her refined and delicious 
traditional cooking. Nayna, currently evening chef at the Golden Dome Market, 
will be offering roasted saffron rice, mixed curried vegetables, and yogurt 
dumplings, at $9.49/pound.

You are also welcome to bring your own dinner.

Music will be provided by Geoffrey Shaffer,  IAA veteran and multi-decade 
composer and keyboardist.  Geoffrey's music aims for the beautiful and provides 
a melodic touch and phrasing that is felt by the heart.  Flavors of light 
classical, melodic New Age, and contemporary are included along with original 
compositions all encouraging the experience of blissful listening. For our 
anniversary, he also promises to offer several crowd favorites including 
special keyboard stylings of many of the Beatles best and most beautiful 


[FairfieldLife] Re: The USA is buying Greenland?

2019-08-21 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Then send all of the migrants from Mexico over there.  If this is done, 
Trump's name will be etched in America's history along with the presidents who 
purchased Alaska and Louisiana.

 Here's the article:




[FairfieldLife] The USA is buying Greenland?

2019-08-21 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Then send all of the migrants from Mexico over there.  If this is done, Trump's 
name will be etched in America's history along with the presidents who 
purchased Alaska and Louisiana.


[FairfieldLife] Do you want a boarding ticket to go to Mars in 2020?

2019-08-21 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
If you want to go, let me know.  Just for the record, I will be running the 
subperiod of Saturn, placed in the 3rd house, in July 2020.  Also, Saturn is my 
lord of the 7th and 8th house in my birth kundali.


[FairfieldLife] Re: 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community

2019-08-21 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In the low Dome attendance numbers now..

 “Where have all the meditators gone, long time passing, where have all the 
meditators gone long time ago?”   


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Nice reminisce meeting, of the scope of what we did there at Amherst and here 
in Fairfield. The meeting as hosted did not engage with the low Dome attendance 
numbers as they are now, the loss of communal critical mass.  Surprising how 
many meditators in town, veterans of Amherst, did not even hear of this 
How disassociated from the movement so many have become.

 Dick Mays Shares:
 Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Amherst Course in Dalby Hall at 2:00 today!

 See old friends and share memories!



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The 40th Anniversary of the Amherst course, 

 The Creating Coherence Program.  


The 40th Anniversary of
Maharishi Founding the
National Super Radiance Program
At Amherst, Massachusetts
August 1979
That Changed the History of the United States




 In Fairfield, Dalby Hall – 2 pm – Sunday August 18

Everyone who was there that day
is invited to submit their memories to 
share with all, and be recorded for all time.

Governors, Teachers, Sidhas, and Mediators Invited
Dome Badge Not Required
 Please E-mail your memories – including good photos to: 





 Come celebrate these anniversaries:

-the 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community

 -the 13th Anniversary of the Invincible America Assembly (IAA)

 The Invincible America Assembly began on July 23, 2006, when Maharishi and Dr. 
John Hagelin saw a keen and obvious need to stop a war that had suddenly and 
unexpectedly broken out in Lebanon. Upon their timely call, hundreds of TM 
Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators poured into Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic 
City for Group Practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi progams. 
 Within a few weeks, the war in Lebanon vanished. And on the day the IAA began, 
July 23, the long-term decline of the American stock market stopped, and began 
a 10-month climb that hit 12 all-time highs.
 “There is nothing more important to our global Movement than the Invincible 
America Assembly,” said Maharishi. Come and celebrate “the most powerful method 
of transforming society that exists -- or ever will exist” 
 This Tuesday, July 23, 2019 after group program..


 The party will include savories, snacks, and live entertainment. It will be 
held between the Women’s Golden Dome and the Golden Dome Market, between 6:15 
PM and 9 PM on MUM Campus. Maharishi defined the IAA as all those who are 
attending Group Practice morning and evening. 
 Everybody’s Whole Foods will be providing their incredible layout of treats 
and snacks to support the IAA, along with any sweets and savories you would 
like to provide as well. 

Also available will be a delicious dinner menu prepared by Nayna Dave of India, 
who has decades of success in delighting many with her refined and delicious 
traditional cooking. Nayna, currently evening chef at the Golden Dome Market, 
will be offering roasted saffron rice, mixed curried vegetables, and yogurt 
dumplings, at $9.49/pound.

You are also welcome to bring your own dinner.

Music will be provided by Geoffrey Shaffer,  IAA veteran and multi-decade 
composer and keyboardist.  Geoffrey's music aims for the beautiful and provides 
a melodic touch and phrasing that is felt by the heart.  Flavors of light 
classical, melodic New Age, and contemporary are included along with original 
compositions all encouraging the experience of blissful listening. For our 
anniversary, he also promises to offer several crowd favorites including 
special keyboard stylings of many of the Beatles best and most beautiful 


[FairfieldLife] Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji in Chicago

2019-08-21 Thread netineti108
His Holiness Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji will be in Chicago September 
6th-8th, with free
 "Nada Shobha Raga Sagara" Healing and Meditation concert on the 7th.
 Sri Chakra Puja and Ganapathy Homa on the 8th morning and bhajans as only Sri 
Swamiji does on that evening.
 See the schedule at this link. 
 http://dycchicago.com/wp/ http://dycchicago.com/wp/


 Rare opportunity for Datta darshan.


 Jaya Guru Datta


[FairfieldLife] Re: 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community

2019-08-21 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Nice reminisce meeting, of the scope of what we did there at Amherst and here 
in Fairfield. The meeting as hosted did not engage with the low Dome attendance 
numbers as they are now, the loss of communal critical mass.  Surprising how 
many meditators in town, veterans of Amherst, did not even hear of this 
How disassociated from the movement so many have become.

 Dick Mays Shares:
 Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Amherst Course in Dalby Hall at 2:00 today!

 See old friends and share memories!



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The 40th Anniversary of the Amherst course, 

 The Creating Coherence Program.  


The 40th Anniversary of
Maharishi Founding the
National Super Radiance Program
At Amherst, Massachusetts
August 1979
That Changed the History of the United States




 In Fairfield, Dalby Hall – 2 pm – Sunday August 18

Everyone who was there that day
is invited to submit their memories to 
share with all, and be recorded for all time.

Governors, Teachers, Sidhas, and Mediators Invited
Dome Badge Not Required
 Please E-mail your memories – including good photos to: 





 Come celebrate these anniversaries:

-the 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community
-the 13th Anniversary of the Invincible America Assembly (IAA)

 The Invincible America Assembly began on July 23, 2006, when Maharishi and Dr. 
John Hagelin saw a keen and obvious need to stop a war that had suddenly and 
unexpectedly broken out in Lebanon. Upon their timely call, hundreds of TM 
Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators poured into Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic 
City for Group Practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi progams. 
 Within a few weeks, the war in Lebanon vanished. And on the day the IAA began, 
July 23, the long-term decline of the American stock market stopped, and began 
a 10-month climb that hit 12 all-time highs.
 “There is nothing more important to our global Movement than the Invincible 
America Assembly,” said Maharishi. Come and celebrate “the most powerful method 
of transforming society that exists -- or ever will exist” 
 This Tuesday, July 23, 2019 after group program..


 The party will include savories, snacks, and live entertainment. It will be 
held between the Women’s Golden Dome and the Golden Dome Market, between 6:15 
PM and 9 PM on MUM Campus. Maharishi defined the IAA as all those who are 
attending Group Practice morning and evening. 
 Everybody’s Whole Foods will be providing their incredible layout of treats 
and snacks to support the IAA, along with any sweets and savories you would 
like to provide as well. 

Also available will be a delicious dinner menu prepared by Nayna Dave of India, 
who has decades of success in delighting many with her refined and delicious 
traditional cooking. Nayna, currently evening chef at the Golden Dome Market, 
will be offering roasted saffron rice, mixed curried vegetables, and yogurt 
dumplings, at $9.49/pound.

You are also welcome to bring your own dinner.

Music will be provided by Geoffrey Shaffer,  IAA veteran and multi-decade 
composer and keyboardist.  Geoffrey's music aims for the beautiful and provides 
a melodic touch and phrasing that is felt by the heart.  Flavors of light 
classical, melodic New Age, and contemporary are included along with original 
compositions all encouraging the experience of blissful listening. For our 
anniversary, he also promises to offer several crowd favorites including 
special keyboard stylings of many of the Beatles best and most beautiful 


[FairfieldLife] Nokic flying!

2019-08-20 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]


 Time to buy NOK in stead of, say, AAPL?  Absolutely NO!

[FairfieldLife] Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Amherst Course in Dalby Hall at 2:00 today!

2019-08-18 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
See old friends and share memories!

[FairfieldLife] Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Amherst Course in Dalby Hall at 2:00 today!

2019-08-18 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
See old friends and share memories!

[FairfieldLife] Re: 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community

2019-08-18 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 The 40th Anniversary of the Amherst course, 

 The Creating Coherence Program.  


The 40th Anniversary of
Maharishi Founding the
National Super Radiance Program
At Amherst, Massachusetts
August 1979
That Changed the History of the United States




 In Fairfield, Dalby Hall – 2 pm – Sunday August 18

Everyone who was there that day
is invited to submit their memories to 
share with all, and be recorded for all time.

Governors, Teachers, Sidhas, and Mediators Invited
Dome Badge Not Required
 Please E-mail your memories – including good photos to: 





 Come celebrate these anniversaries:

-the 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community
-the 13th Anniversary of the Invincible America Assembly (IAA)

 The Invincible America Assembly began on July 23, 2006, when Maharishi and Dr. 
John Hagelin saw a keen and obvious need to stop a war that had suddenly and 
unexpectedly broken out in Lebanon. Upon their timely call, hundreds of TM 
Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators poured into Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic 
City for Group Practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi progams. 
 Within a few weeks, the war in Lebanon vanished. And on the day the IAA began, 
July 23, the long-term decline of the American stock market stopped, and began 
a 10-month climb that hit 12 all-time highs.
 “There is nothing more important to our global Movement than the Invincible 
America Assembly,” said Maharishi. Come and celebrate “the most powerful method 
of transforming society that exists -- or ever will exist” 
 This Tuesday, July 23, 2019 after group program..


 The party will include savories, snacks, and live entertainment. It will be 
held between the Women’s Golden Dome and the Golden Dome Market, between 6:15 
PM and 9 PM on MUM Campus. Maharishi defined the IAA as all those who are 
attending Group Practice morning and evening. 
 Everybody’s Whole Foods will be providing their incredible layout of treats 
and snacks to support the IAA, along with any sweets and savories you would 
like to provide as well. 

Also available will be a delicious dinner menu prepared by Nayna Dave of India, 
who has decades of success in delighting many with her refined and delicious 
traditional cooking. Nayna, currently evening chef at the Golden Dome Market, 
will be offering roasted saffron rice, mixed curried vegetables, and yogurt 
dumplings, at $9.49/pound.

You are also welcome to bring your own dinner.

Music will be provided by Geoffrey Shaffer,  IAA veteran and multi-decade 
composer and keyboardist.  Geoffrey's music aims for the beautiful and provides 
a melodic touch and phrasing that is felt by the heart.  Flavors of light 
classical, melodic New Age, and contemporary are included along with original 
compositions all encouraging the experience of blissful listening. For our 
anniversary, he also promises to offer several crowd favorites including 
special keyboard stylings of many of the Beatles best and most beautiful 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Giving a bad name to TM’ers?

2019-08-17 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Surprise in relating to communal meditators that Hauptman’s Federal indictment 
is on the internet to read then hearing immediate reactions with how other 
felons have been in the flock, and some infamous names unindicted. 


 Evidently there is a behavioral axis between self-interest and altruism.. 
 and maybe not strictly related to 'consciousness', as we have seen. 


[FairfieldLife] 8 pts.of agreement from the lived experience of contemporary mystics..

2019-08-16 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The 1984 Smowmass Conference Eight Points of Agreement,
 from the lived experience of contemporary mystics..
 The world religions bear witness to the experience of Ultimate Reality, to 
which they give various names.
 Ultimate Reality cannot be limited by any name or concept.
 Ultimate Reality is the ground of infinite potentiality and actualization.
 Faith is opening, accepting, and responding to Ultimate Reality. Faith in this 
sense precedes every belief system.
 The potential for human wholeness—or, in other frames of reference, 
enlightenment, salvation, transcendence, transformation, blessedness—is present 
in every human being.
 Ultimate Reality may be experienced not only through religious practices but 
also through nature, art, human relationships, and service to others.
 As long as the human condition is experienced as separate from Ultimate 
Reality, it is subject to ignorance and illusion, weakness and suffering.
 Disciplined practice is essential to the spiritual life; yet spiritual 
attainment is not the result of one’s own efforts, but the result of the 
experience of oneness with Ultimate Reality. [2]

[FairfieldLife] ™ is Apolitical

2019-08-15 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
TM Is not religion and also not interested or involved in politics. Is 



 Office of the President


 Dear MUM community members,
 You may have received emails or communications from the University announcing 
upcoming meetings in town for political candidates.
 As we have informed the University community in the past, we wish to restate 
that the University does not endorse any political candidate.
 However, MUM wishes to support an informed electorate and, therefore, whenever 
asked by any candidate to announce their visits to our town we always seek to 
oblige them, regardless of their political affiliation, party, or ideology.
 We hope you appreciate this policy, which we believe will serve to enable each 
of us to select the candidate who best reflects our personal views and desires 
for our country.
 John Hagelin
 15 Aug. 2019

[FairfieldLife] Re: 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community

2019-08-15 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 40th Anniversary of the Amherst course. 


40th Anniversary of
Maharishi Founding the
National Super Radiance Program
At Amherst, Massachusetts
August 1979
That Changed the History of the United States




 In Fairfield, Dalby Hall – 2 pm – Sunday August 18

Everyone who was there that day
is invited to submit their memories to 
share with all, and be recorded for all time.

Governors, Teachers, Sidhas, and Mediators Invited
Dome Badge Not Required
 Please E-mail your memories – including good photos to: 



 The Creating Coherence Program  

 Come celebrate these anniversaries:

-the 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community
-the 13th Anniversary of the Invincible America Assembly (IAA)

 The Invincible America Assembly began on July 23, 2006, when Maharishi and Dr. 
John Hagelin saw a keen and obvious need to stop a war that had suddenly and 
unexpectedly broken out in Lebanon. Upon their timely call, hundreds of TM 
Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators poured into Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic 
City for Group Practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi progams. 
 Within a few weeks, the war in Lebanon vanished. And on the day the IAA began, 
July 23, the long-term decline of the American stock market stopped, and began 
a 10-month climb that hit 12 all-time highs.
 “There is nothing more important to our global Movement than the Invincible 
America Assembly,” said Maharishi. Come and celebrate “the most powerful method 
of transforming society that exists -- or ever will exist” 
 This Tuesday, July 23, 2019 after group program..


 The party will include savories, snacks, and live entertainment. It will be 
held between the Women’s Golden Dome and the Golden Dome Market, between 6:15 
PM and 9 PM on MUM Campus. Maharishi defined the IAA as all those who are 
attending Group Practice morning and evening. 
 Everybody’s Whole Foods will be providing their incredible layout of treats 
and snacks to support the IAA, along with any sweets and savories you would 
like to provide as well. 

Also available will be a delicious dinner menu prepared by Nayna Dave of India, 
who has decades of success in delighting many with her refined and delicious 
traditional cooking. Nayna, currently evening chef at the Golden Dome Market, 
will be offering roasted saffron rice, mixed curried vegetables, and yogurt 
dumplings, at $9.49/pound.

You are also welcome to bring your own dinner.

Music will be provided by Geoffrey Shaffer,  IAA veteran and multi-decade 
composer and keyboardist.  Geoffrey's music aims for the beautiful and provides 
a melodic touch and phrasing that is felt by the heart.  Flavors of light 
classical, melodic New Age, and contemporary are included along with original 
compositions all encouraging the experience of blissful listening. For our 
anniversary, he also promises to offer several crowd favorites including 
special keyboard stylings of many of the Beatles best and most beautiful 


[FairfieldLife] Can a robot be a temple priest?

2019-08-14 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yes, apparently, according to some Buddhists in Japan.



[FairfieldLife] This Thursday at 11:30: Democratic Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Will Host Town Hall Meeting

2019-08-14 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]

There will be many Presidential Candidates visiting Fairfield in the coming 
months. The next visit is happening this Thursday morning:

Democratic Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Will Host 
A Town Hall Meeting at the Fairfield Town Square

Thursday, August 15 – Event opens at 11:30 AM.

Pete is the 37 year old Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, serving his 2nd term. He 
is the youngest of the twenty Democratic presidential candidates, and is an 
extremely clear, intelligent, and creative problem solver.

The Town Hall Meeting is free and open to the public.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stilling and YF?

2019-08-12 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Stillness, No mantra no thought is one of the correct experiences in the 
practice of TM. 


 3.3 And when that same awareness, its essential nature shining forth in 
purity, is as if unbounded, this is known as Samadhi



3.4 Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi practiced together are known as Sanyama


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Could there be a connection between stilling and group practice of Yogic 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual mission of TM-

2019-08-12 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 'Our task of the day is to find a cure for this major ill of 
 humanity. The heart of man is so changed. The inner man has to be 
 transformed.. A direct experience of the Blissful nature of Soul and 
 the inner man is completely transformed. The mind, experiencing the 
 Great Bliss, feels satisfaction and this satisfaction of the mind 
 results in right understanding and virtuous action, kindness, love 
 and compassion for all
 Extracted from Maharishi's address to the 15th session of the World 
 Vegetarian Congress held at Madras on 30 November 1957
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
"Rick Archer"  wrote:
 > 15th World Vegetarian Congress 1957
 > Delhi/Bombay/Madras/Calcutta, India
 > Found on a website about Transcendental Meditation (slightly 
 corrected as
 > they gave the date as 1958):
 > The extract below is from Maharishi's address to the 15th session 
 of the
 > World Vegetarian Congress held at Madras on 30 November 1957 (taken 
 from a
 > Canadian Publication from the early 1960s). Considering the recent 
 events in
 > the world it seems particularly relevant to the present times.
 > 'How are we going to change the 'Killing world' of today into a non-
 > world of tomorrow? How are we going to change the spirit of 
 killing, the
 > spirit of aggression, the spirit of violence into the spirit of 
 kindness and
 > love - overflowing love for the whole creation? How are we going to 
 > hardness and cruelty of heart to softness and overflowing love for
 > everybody?
 > 'Through platform speaking? No, it is not possible. Through singing 
 > values of Vegetarianism in to the ears of the non-vegetarians? No, 
 > their ears may receive the message but the hardness of their hearts 
 > repel it..
 > 'Suggestive knowledge? Suggestions from outside do not much change 
 the man.
 > 'Speaking does not go a long way to change a man. All the great 
 religions of
 > the world have been speaking for it from time immemorial - Eternal 
 > have been speaking of it, Holy Bible has been speaking of it, Holy 
 Koran has
 > been speaking of it, yet the killer kills. The killer knows that he 
 > killing and in return he will be killed. The sinner knows that he is
 > committing a sin and that he will be punished for it. Not that he 
 does not
 > know. He knows it. But, with this information, the cruel is not 
 afraid - his
 > cruelty is hardened still. The killer declares his action is the 
 role of a
 > saviour, he kills in the name of life, he kills in the name of 
 saving life,
 > he kills in the name of maintaining life. He kills and murders 
 ruthlessly in
 > the name of protection and peace. 'In the name of world peace and 
 > have been waged the deadliest of wars. In the name of peace and 
 > are preparations being made for the murder of man and creation. 
 Shame to the
 > greatness of the human intelligence which fails to recognise the 
 > Supreme!
 > 'Our task of the day is to find a cure for this major ill of 
 humanity. The
 > heart of man is so changed. The inner man has to be transformed.. A 
 > experience of the Blissful nature of Soul and the inner man is 
 > transformed. The mind, experiencing the Great Bliss, feels 
 satisfaction and
 > this satisfaction of the mind results in right understanding and 
 > action, kindness, love and compassion for all
 > Extracted from Maharishi's address to the 15th session of the World
 > Vegetarian Congress held at Madras on 30 November 1957
 > No virus found in this outgoing message.
 > Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.12/1203 - Release Date: 
 > 11:27 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Meditation Revolutionary Mission:

2019-08-12 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 “This is what happens in the Domes: A wave of infinity spreads from one end of 
the Dome to the other end. But the wave is not constrained by the walls. It 
permeates the whole collective consciousness -the whole field of unmanifest 
infinity… This is what you are here for. And as the group gets larger and 
larger, your experiences will become even more profound.”
 --Maharishi, Inauguration of the Invincible America Assembly, July 2006 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 “We will count ourselves successful only when the problems of today's world 
are substantially reduced and eventually eliminated and the educational 
institutions of every country are capable of producing fully developed 
 -Maharishi, from the founding catalog of Maharishi International University, 

[FairfieldLife] Stilling and YF?

2019-08-12 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Could there be a connection between stilling and group practice of Yogic Flying?




[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogananda's SRF

2019-08-11 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yogananda passed away in 1952, Maharishi passed away over ten years ago now.

 SRF’s Brother Chidananda‘s recent talk is excellent perspective in the 
navigation of a spiritual renewal movement. SRF as a worldwide spiritual 
practice movement is roughly 90 years old, nine decades ahead of Maharishi and 
the TM movement in cycle. 

 Bro. Chidananda now in his address does a superb job of voicing together 
mission from their past, the present and where they are going now in their 
communal movement. They have now made a transition to directors and group 
leaders who are members who had never met with Yogananda. With a renewed 
youthfulness they evidently have a vital movement inclusive with youth going 
forward now. Bro. Chidananda seems to be a right person at the right time for 
the job of leadership of their group.

 His satsanga talk at about 1:16 minutes is worth listening to as to who, how 
and where they are going as a group. With evident good tone they are going 
forward now in clear mission and with cohesion as a group. For those who can 
hear it In comparison theirs is a good story to follow.
 Satsanga with Brother Chidananda:


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Tonite: A special satsanga with Brother Chidananda, president and spiritual 
head of Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 5000 SRF meditators gathered in LA meditating this week.

 2019 SRF World Convocation

 2019 SRF World Convocation2019 SRF World Convocation2019 SRF World Convocation

[FairfieldLife] Re: current astro for USA

2019-08-09 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 I have a chart of the USA based on July 4, 1776, Philadelphia PA.  The chart 
was researched by a Vedic astrologer who was a member of a Vedic astrology 
group many years ago.  He came up with a lagna in Dhanus with Saturn in Kanya 
or Virgo.  Based on most Vedic astrologers back then, the chart was 
representative of the USA historical trends.  Personally, I agree with their 


 John R.
 PS:  I don't use the systems analysis method.  But I have heard of David 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 a Fairfield Jyotishi on the USA  chart 

 if you want prediction just listen to the last 5 mins
 unless you are trying to learn this school of astrology which does have some 
valid insights but does not work for a lot of human birth times.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogananda's SRF

2019-08-09 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Tonite: A special satsanga with Brother Chidananda, president and spiritual 
head of Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 5000 SRF meditators gathered in LA meditating this week.

 2019 SRF World Convocation

 2019 SRF World Convocation2019 SRF World Convocation2019 SRF World Convocation

[FairfieldLife] Yogananda's SRF

2019-08-09 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 5000 SRF meditators gathered in LA meditating this week.

 2019 SRF World Convocation

 2019 SRF World Convocation2019 SRF World Convocation2019 SRF World Convocation

[FairfieldLife] current astro for USA

2019-08-08 Thread srijau
a Fairfield Jyotishi on the USA  chart 

 if you want prediction just listen to the last 5 mins
 unless you are trying to learn this school of astrology which does have some 
valid insights but does not work for a lot of human birth times.

[FairfieldLife] Giving a bad name to TM’ers?

2019-08-08 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Evidently there is a behavioral axis between self-interest and altruism.. 
 and maybe not strictly related to 'consciousness', as we have seen. 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Waging Radical Peace, A Call to Group Meditations

2019-08-08 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
World Peace Projects,
 Where the heck is the ™ movement?

The number of people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 70 million 
globally last year - the highest number in the UN refugee agency's almost 70 
years of operations. The number averaged out to 37,000 new displacements every 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There is an unconventional, yet highly effective approach with a proven 
scientific record for diffusing terrorism and violence, called Invincible 
Defense Technology (IDT), based on the non-religious Transcendental Meditation 
(TM) program. There is an unconventional, yet highly effective approach with a 
proven scientific record for diffusing terrorism and violence, called 
Invincible Defense Technology (IDT), based on the non-religious Transcendental 
Meditation (TM) program.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The revelation that group meditation reduces turbulence in society and 
improves community or global health is simply an extension of the individual 
practice of meditation. 
 This is a new paradigm to be implemented, for it may hold the secret for 
planetary peace. If wars start in the minds of men, then peace logically should 
start there as well.
  438473Prevent Terrorism

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Kim Jong-un warns of change in direction on denuclearisation He made the 
remarks during his closely-watched annual New Year's address.
 Mr Kim said, "if the US does not keep its promise made in front of the whole 
world... and insists on sanctions and pressures on our republic, we may be left 
with no choice but to consider a new way to safeguard our sovereignty and 
 The annual New Year's address is a tradition Mr Kim picked up from his 
grandfather, Kim Il-sung, founder of the communist country.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ..at the interdisciplinary Global Zen Consciousness Conference in Atlanta...

 The conference was organized by the Shaolin Chan [Zen] Foundation, which hopes 
to “create a worldwide revolution by combining the spheres of science and 
Eastern philosophy to help humanity realize that at the deepest sub-nuclear 
level and at the innermost consciousness level we are all one.” “This was a 
breakthrough event, with both the modern and ancient corroborating each other 
in an authentic and science-based manner,” said Dr. Schneider, dean of MUM’s 
College of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Hagelin spoke about the physics of 
consciousness and higher states of consciousness. Dr. Schneider discussed the 
physiological correlates.. 


 Peace by the Meissner-like effect of groups meditating:
 Creating an Ideal Society:
 The phenomenon of a powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole 
community or nation when a small fraction of the population practices the 
Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the Maharishi Effect [ME].  The 
influence of orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation 
experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique is so powerful that 
even one per cent of the people in society practising the Transcendental 
Meditation technique is sufficient to neutralize negative tendencies and give 
an evolutionary direction to community life as a whole. With the growth of 
individual consciousness, family consciousness, community consciousness, 
national consciousness, and world consciousness are enriched. More than one and 
a half million people currently practising the Transcendental Meditation 
technique are constantly intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to 
the Age of Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the day.
 12 January 1977

 Brave meditators, you have done all we asked you to do, and more than could be 
reasonably expected; but your own global country of World Peace is at stake, 
your partners, families, your homes and all that you hold dear. You have worn 
yourselves out with fatigues and hardships of waging world peace, but we know 
not how to spare you. If you will consent to stay in the Domes only one month 
longer, you will render that service to the cause of liberty of all and to your 
global country of world peace which you probably never can do under any other 
 -Buck in the Dome

 Transcendental Meditation:

 Crime rate decreased in cities after one percent of their populations had 
begun practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique. -Editors


 Paper 98
 Improved Quality of Life Through The Transcendental Meditation Program:
 Decreased Crime Rate

 Paper 98
 In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
program, predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderly and 
harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction -on the order of one 
percent- of a population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique (6), 
and in December 1974 we found that crime rate di

[FairfieldLife] Re: How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry

2019-08-08 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Critique by Maharishi: 

 Maharishi - What creates real deep Peace:
 “The basis of peace is bliss. Unless one is happy, he cannot be in peace. 
Peace without lasting happiness is only passivity. When one sleeps in the night 
he feels absence of activity. This is called peace. But when he wakes up in the 
morning and comes into the field of thought, speech, and activity, he begins to 
feel miserable again. The peace felt by the absence of activity is not lasting.
 The peace gained by emptying the mind of thoughts, holding the mind in 
suspension, is due only to the lack of pressure of thought.
 When such a mind returns to the field of thinking and acting, it again begins 
to feel the pressures of thought and action. Then the individual begins to feel 
unpeaceful. All such practices of silencing the mind are wrong. Such practices 
continued for much time result in making the mind dull.
 There are many groups in the world who sit in silence and try to hear their 
inner voice or the voice of God, as they term it. All such practices make the 
mind passive and dull.
 Those who practice silencing the mind begin to lack in brilliance. Dullness 
can be seen on their faces. They are not energetic in the field of action. They 
look peaceful, but they are passive in life. Peace at the cost of activity is 
at the cost of life.
 Such an experience of peace is at the cost of efficiency in life and at the 
cost of life itself. An attempt to silence the mind in the hope of experiencing 
pure consciousness is pursuing a mirage.
 When one keeps the thoughts out of the mind, it becomes passive because it 
remains on the conscious thinking level without a thought. This practice makes 
the mind dull.
 What is necessary is not the attempt to vacate the mind, but that the 
conscious mind be led on to the subtle states of thinking to eventually 
transcend the subtlest state and arrive at the positive state of Being.
 Holding the mind on the conscious level is only taking it out of the field of 
activity and allowing it to be passive and inactive. This only helps to 
diminish the brilliancy of the mind and brings dullness and passivity to it.
 People who practice this do feel peace in life because they are practicing 
suppression or negation of thoughts. When a mind that has gained the quality of 
sluggishness and dullness through such practices does not have a thought in a 
very energetic manner and does not engage itself energetically in the field of 
experience and activity, peace is felt because of the innate dullness of the 
 But, whenever some serious problems in life arise, the mind feels a strain 
because it has been trained to remain dull and passive. When the individual 
must become active to accomplish some work in a very precise and energetic 
manner, the mind feels the strain.
 Such practices have also done great damage to the progress of the individual 
and society.
 Thus we find that practices that silence the mind in the first place produce 
dullness in the mind, and, in the second place, the peace that is felt is not 
lasting. As we have said, peace can be lasting only if the mind could be made 
happy forever.
 Only if the very nature of the mind could be transformed to bliss 
consciousness could peace be lasting. The quest for peace should be directed to 
bringing the mind to the field of the transcendent, the source of all happiness 
through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.
 When one is not peaceful, fear, lack of self-confidence, and all the pettiness 
in life arise and the consciousness of man becomes so abjectly miserable that 
he cannot think and cannot accomplish anything worthwhile.
 Fear is just lack of self-confidence, and the basis of confidence is in 
contentment which can only result from the experience of bliss.
 There is nothing in the world which can really bring lasting contentment to 
the mind because everything in the world, although it provides some happiness 
to the mind, is not intensive enough to satisfy the great thirst for happiness 
of the mind.
 The only field of contentment is the transcendental field of bliss 
consciousness. Unless one arrives at that state, one’s peace will always be 
threatened by everything in the world because of lack of contentment.
 The only golden gate to peace in life is the experience of transcendental 
bliss consciousness and this great glory of life is easy for everyone to 
achieve and live throughout life.”
 — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi from MERU Course

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

  Is interesting in the article how they define and expect revolution. However 
evidently a regular practice of meditation, even mindfulness meditation, 
evidently brings change to the individual and society as a Meissner-like Effect 
(ME) of meditators on groups.
 Political struggle could hope that society could transform individuals. But 
someone asserting trope that meditating ‘does not require change

[FairfieldLife] Ethnomusicology, for Maharishi

2019-08-07 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 This is a collection of songs written for His Holiness, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
over several decades starting in 1971, 



 Songs for Maharishi https://paulfauerso.bandcamp.com/album/songs-for-maharshi 
 by Paul Fauerso http://paulfauerso.bandcamp.com/

[FairfieldLife] Re: World Plan Assessment

2019-08-07 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The world without the SRM arriving as it did? 
 The World Plan figured out a lot of things just by meditating. 
 Doubters and haters may reference the volumes of the Collected Papers. 
 At 47 years, this is still likely too soon to tell what the whole of it did as 
being developmental in spiritual revolution. Was part of a work in progress.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 How would you assess the World Plan, nearly 50 years on?

 Goals of the World Plan (1972)

 1. To develop the full potential of the individual.
 2. To improve governmental achievements.
 3. To realize the highest ideal of education.
 4. To solve the problems of crime, drug abuse, and all behavior that brings 
unhappiness to the family of man.
 5. To maximize the intelligent use of the environment.
 6. To bring fulfillment to the economic aspirations of individuals and society.
 7. To achieve the spiritual goals of mankind in this generation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: World Plan Assessment

2019-08-07 Thread dbra...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I was there in Fiuggi.  We were all very young and very inspired by the World 
Plan Maharishi described.  I suppose we believed all these high ideals could be 
achieved with enough people doing TM.  Looking at them now, they could only 
possibly exist in Satya Yuga, if even then, as we live in the ever imperfect 
material creation.  To evaluate success in any of them, specific, quantifiable 
targets or indicators would have had to have been laid out.  I doubt that any 
ever were.  Looking them over now, I wonder if we have not regressed from where 
we were then.  

[FairfieldLife] World Plan Assessment

2019-08-06 Thread keosauquakid
How would you assess the World Plan, nearly 50 years on?

 Goals of the World Plan (1972)

 1. To develop the full potential of the individual.
 2. To improve governmental achievements.
 3. To realize the highest ideal of education.
 4. To solve the problems of crime, drug abuse, and all behavior that brings 
unhappiness to the family of man.
 5. To maximize the intelligent use of the environment.
 6. To bring fulfillment to the economic aspirations of individuals and society.
 7. To achieve the spiritual goals of mankind in this generation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry

2019-08-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 Is interesting in the article how they define and expect revolution. However 
evidently a regular practice of meditation, even mindfulness meditation, 
evidently brings change to the individual and society as a Meissner-like Effect 
(ME) of meditators on groups.
 Political struggle could hope that society could transform individuals. But 
someone asserting trope that meditating ‘does not require change’ like the 
critique entailed in this article is asserting old school marxist criticism 
that it is social struggles which shape individual condition in 
transformational (revolutionary) change and not necessarily the other way 
around, denying the collective (corporate?) effect of the individual.
 Assertion from the article: “..mindfulness as a practice and discourse focused 
on the self minimizes social critique and change and contributes to keeping 
existing social injustices and inequitable power structures intact. 
  There is nothing revolutionary about the so-called Mindful Revolution. Chris 
Goto-Jones says: “The revolution doesn’t require any particular change in 
values or economic systems … For a revolution this movement shows remarkable 
conservatism. The leading voices make no demands on followers. They need not 
become activists or participate in political struggle.”


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 People do make a same indictment of a secular presentation of transcendental 
meditation and a culture in its business .orgs..  Does the stripping away of 
spiritual revival in the presentation necessarily say more about about the 
people and their institution than the practice of meditation. 

"..authors argued that a “stripped down, secular technique” of mindfulness 
originating in Buddhism not just fails to serve to awaken people and 
organizations from “the unwholesome roots of greed, ill will and delusion, it 
is usually being refashioned into a banal, therapeutic, self-help technique 
that can actually reinforce those roots."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The spiritual moral bypass..

"By negating and downplaying actual social and political contexts and focusing 
on the individual, or more so, the individual’s brain, McMindfulness 
interventions ignore seeing our inseparability from all others. They ignore 
seeing our inseparability from inequitable cultural patterns and social 
structures that affect and constitute our relations, and thereby ourselves. 
McMindfulness thus forfeits the moral demand that follows this insight: to 
challenge social inequities and enact universal compassion, service and social 
justice in all forms of human endeavor." (Note where someone points three 
fingers are pointing back at the person) 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry 



[FairfieldLife] Reunion: TM Teachers from the 1960s and 1970s Sept. 20-22

2019-08-05 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
>From a card I received today:


September 20-22, 2019

TM Teachers from the 1960s and 1970s reunion.

Hosted by Maharishi University of Management

Save the date.

Here’s your chance to meet with buddies from the early days and reconnect with 
others from the origin of the TM Movement.

Times to see some familiar faces, share stories, catch up with old friends, and 
experience the MUM campus of 2019.

Details here:  https://originals.mum.edu

Be there! And spread the word…!

[FairfieldLife] wisdom-traditions

2019-08-05 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Self Knowledge from
Around the World 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Scorpionland?

2019-08-05 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Evidently back as Maharishi made his decision to raise the price of learning 
TM then initiations of new meditators dropped off precipitously. Furloughed by 
effect in this some numbers of old ™ teachers kept on with initiating new 
meditators as old prices worked out.
 In Vlodrop this was brought to Maharishi’s attention.  As this became apparent 
that some numbers of ™ teachers were continuing on with teaching ™ under old 
pricing he responded calling these old ™ teachers of his ‘scorpions’ and Brits 
‘scorpion nation’. It was a developed bit of a rant to a point of urging TM 
people to leave Britain.  

 A similar thing happened with a collapse in initiations of new meditators in 
France and other countries where ™ teachers continued trying on with the 
propagation of meditation. Triggering of wider reactionary separations, 
disownments of old ™ teachers, legal disputes, and then some long decades of a 
missing of or the skipping over of the millennial generations in which ™ was 
not taught so much at all to new meditators. It is a backstory to the present.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Why did Maharishi start to call UK Scorpionland, or something like that?

[FairfieldLife] Scorpionland?

2019-08-05 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Why did Maharishi start to call UK Scorpionland, or something like that?


[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's Gita

2019-08-03 Thread j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The Gita chapters are copyrighted material, and I was forced to take the files 
down. That was years ago, and I have zero interest in TM stuff any more.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Long-time lurker who finally had to join to ask - there used to be so many 
files on here, namely on Alex Stanley's server, that I've lost, and 
subsequently don't seem to be up anymore. There's hardly anywhere you can go 
for the large collection of Maharishi's lectures, as well as the chapters 7/8/9 
of the Gita manuscript by Maharishi. Can someone help out with this?

[FairfieldLife] MMY's Gita

2019-08-03 Thread jalalkai...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 Long-time lurker who finally had to join to ask - there used to be so many 
files on here, namely on Alex Stanley's server, that I've lost, and 
subsequently don't seem to be up anymore. There's hardly anywhere you can go 
for the large collection of Maharishi's lectures, as well as the chapters 7/8/9 
of the Gita manuscript by Maharishi. Can someone help out with this?

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-08-02 Thread srijau
its good for where they are it does not work well for the whole world. 
Maharishi was trying to re-establish something after thousands of years, he was 
playing with time that householders do TM in the beginning at one point an hour 
and at another 15mins and then 20, he didnt now everything in detail without 
experimentation. .. He also said every place need to have its own groups as 
well these big groups in one place which are a start. The world as a whole may 
be on an upward path but the super-power countries are all lacking in 
coherence. It could be a formula for a very rough transformation

[FairfieldLife] Dr Tony Nader

2019-08-02 Thread srijau


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-08-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Poll Finds Trust In Science Is Rising, But as contrast there seems a meditating 
communal skepticism to the superradiant value of meditating in groups now.  A 
communal antipathy of the science of meditating. A deeper lack of science 
literacy in a disrespect for the significance or a victim of hyperbole? The 
communal Dome group meditation numbers seem to be in the dumper.  
 Trust in Science, 
 NPR on Pew survey of Americans..

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-08-02 Thread keosauquakid
According to Raja Luis, there are now groups of 10,000 somewhere in South 

 According to the Super Radiance theory, this exceeds the square root of 1% of 
the world's population -- and this should be sufficient to bring about world 

 So doesn't this make Fairfield numbers moot?

 Do you believe the Raja?


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-08-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In studying the science, the low numbers meditating together evidently shows a 
dangerous communal lack of discipline.
 .. Invincible Defense Technology:A Non-Religious, Humane and Beneficial 
Approach to Peace..
 The practical components of IDT are the non-religious Transcendental 
Meditation (TM) and the more advanced TM-Sidhi programs. When large groups of 
experts practice these programs together, a powerful field effect of coherence 
and peace is generated that spills over into the surrounding population. This 
effect has been shown in extensive scientific research that has repeatedly 
confirmed measurable decreases in war deaths, terrorism, and crime. Studies 
have also shown, for example, reductions in verbal hostilities and hostile 
acts, increased number of cooperative events, and other improvements in quality 
of life such as reduced accidents, hospital admissions, and infant mortality. 
These are all tangible signs of reduction of societal stress. Due to this 
research the non-profit organization Global Union of Scientists for Peace 
(GUSP) advocates this simple and cost-effective approach for reducing social 
stress (see: https://www.gusp.org/global-peace-summit 
https://www.gusp.org/global-peace-summit ).
 See more at 

 A morality,   

 : Meditation in groups,  Maharishi was consistent the whole way about the 
utility of group meditating influencing a wellbeing of good for others at a 
distance. This remarkable idea in practice is a simple disruptor to a lot of 
people’s material paradigm but after so many decades of inquiry in to this 
observation the science has well borne out the hypothesis.  
 And, Guru Dev too in his spiritual construct on moral order could have easily 
agreed now given what all we know from the inquiry of science, that people who 
do not go to group meditations when they could join with them are being amoral 
in their selfishness. 
 That someone sitting out in a coffee house whether in Leiden watching videos 
on their laptop or those meditators idle downtown around the Fairfield, iowa 
town square at Paradiso, the Cider House, the Sushi bar, or in Revelations 
during the communal group meditation is near to worthless and worse morally in 
their contribution to the general good and communal welfare, a drag, amoral.  
 So this, the virtue of group meditation is now in the reach of this spiritual 
but not religious time of science and spirituality that we do live in.  Yet, 
people who would stay home by themselves, be it some Raja hold up somewhere out 
there by themselves, or an editor working overtime somewhere and may be would 
meditate later, but also an administration and its defenders with a 
religious-like adherence to ill-serving guidelines that should keep people away 
who could otherwise be meditating with the group evidently are all worst than 
sad but pretty bad morally.  Jai Guru Dev. 
 Thread 437705
 Re: What did ‘Guru Dev’ say on Spiritual Morality and its Moral Compass
 .< Interesting to see how the principles of higher moral character that were 
the communal experiment started at Amherst in ‘78 have been eroded and hurt in 
the administration of it.
 For outsiders or people from away looking in on the experiment I recommend 
their reading "Greetings From Utopia Park" and listening to the NPR 'Fresh Air' 
interview of Claire Hoffman for insight to how it went.  
 I don’t recall anything about “principles of higher moral character” in the 
air when we first came here from Amherst.
 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 
meditating at home. I usually take a nap first, then just sit up and meditate. 
Times vary.
 A: Evidently a lot of people feel this way also about meditating with the TM 
group, not turning out for what was superradiance
 of the group. 
 The numbers in the Dome meditation are incredibly low now.

 Meditation brings wisdom;
 lack of meditation leaves ignorance.
 Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back,
 and choose the path that leads to wisdom.  -The Buddha

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Meditate and Act

 Meditation with activity has always been the TM teaching (B.Gita II v 48).  
This teaching was one of the things also used to convince a change in the 
administration policy at a point to modify the ‘long’ IAAssembly morning 
program rounds to get it all shortened down more to what it is now with the 
idea according to the teaching to get them out of there and in to the world and 
community before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in 

[FairfieldLife] File - FFL Acronyms

2019-08-01 Thread FairfieldLife

BC - Brahman Consciousness
BN - Bliss Ninny or Bliss Nazi
CC - Cosmic Consciousness
GC - God Consciousness
MMY - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
OTP - Off the Program - a phrase used in the TM movement meaning to do 
something (such as see another spiritual teacher) considered in violation of 
Maharishi's program.
POV - Point of View
SBS - Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Maharishi's master
SCI – Science of Creative Intelligence
SOC - State of Consciousness
SSRS - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Pundit-ji)
SV - Stpathya Ved (Vedic Architecture)
TB - True Believer (in TM doctrines)
TNB - True Non-Believer
TMO - The Transcendental Meditation organization
TTC – TM Teacher Training Course
UC - Unity Consciousness
WYMS - "World Youth Meditation Society" later changed to "World Youth Movement 
for the Science of Creative Intelligence" was founded by Peter Hübner in 
Germany, as a national TM outlet competing with SIMS, Students International 
Meditation Society
YMMV = Your Mileage may vary

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[FairfieldLife] Re: VasiSTha and YF!

2019-08-01 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]




[FairfieldLife] VasiSTha and YF!

2019-08-01 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Peter Freund's book on YF is extremely interesting, at least for an Asperger's 
(self diagnosed)
 like myself.

 Sometimes the connection between the translation and the original devanaagarii 
 is very hard to grasp, even if I know at least almost all the words in the 

 Anyhow, loads of new information for myself about what enlightenment is, and  
the differences
 between the "levels"(?) of it!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The UK Dome 20 Years On

2019-07-26 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Dome - 20 Years On https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olvIddB4ZdM

 Dome - 20 Years On https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olvIddB4ZdM Celebrating 20 
years of the Maharishi Golden Dome, Skelmersdale UK. Produced for the 
anniversary 19th March 2008. John Stanley trumpet tune in D p...

 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olvIddB4ZdM
 Preview by Yahoo

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Radical Transcendentalism?  These are good observations and question.  
Evidently ‘respectability’ didn’t work very well for ™ after the 1970’s the way 
that they did it. Revolutionary is another narrative of our being 
transcendentalists who look to broad transformations may now be more in keeping 
with these times now.  

 Your definitions on transcendentalism are fine and could be added in well with 
the recent threads on transcendentalism here that were explored before you 
joined FFL.
 (You can find those threads gathered on Oct 1 posts in the matrix that is at 
the bottom of the FFL homepage). 

 Transcendentalists both contemporary and going back in time as a people it 
seems have an ongoing kind of spirituality way more than the historical 
artifacts and cultural expression of the 1830’s American movement of 
Transcendentalists. As a people now we ™’ers fit in with the definitions quite 

 A more recent academic definition goes well to describe a spirituality of the 
meditating community, the Fairfield Transcendental Meditationists but I see it 
also is describing a wider movement in the current postmodern, evidently a 
growing ‘spiritual but not religious’ demographic. (in mindfulness and TM, 
tolle, chopra, centering, oprah, Yogananda ..)  
 Our initial working definition of transcendentalism, however, will stress a 
divine force in each individual, a force that is also linked to nature and has 
the power to transform lives, as well as social institutions. -Professor Ashton 
Nichols, Emerson, Thoreau, and the Transcendentalist Movement

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The triumphal trumpet, 

 radical transcendentalists in the postmodern age... 

 With these short words I think you may have undercut the movement's attempt at 

 From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 1:20 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The UK Dome 20 Years On
 The triumphal trumpet, 

 radical transcendentalists in the postmodern age... 

 With these short words I think you may have undercut the movement's attempt at 

 "Radical means advocating, advocating complete political or social reform or 
supporting an extreme section of a idealistic movement."

 "Transcendentalism is an idealistic philosophical and social movement that 
developed in New England around 1836 in reaction to rationalism. Influenced by 
romanticism, Platonism, and Kantian philosophy, it taught that divinity 
pervades all nature and humanity, and its members held progressive views on 
feminism and communal living. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were 
central figures."

 "Postmodernism is an era and a broad movement that developed in the late-20th 
century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism which marked a 
departure from modernism typically defined by an attitude of skepticism or 
distrust toward grand narratives, ideologies, and various tenets of 
Enlightenment rationality, including the existence of objective reality and 
absolute truth, as well as notions of rationality, human nature, and 
progress.It asserts that knowledge and truth are the product of unique systems 
of social, historical, and political discourse and interpretation, and are 
therefore contextual and constructed."

 Postmodernism also exhibits a high degree of irrationality, at odds with 

 It seems to me this kind of language does not really suit the Transcendental 
Meditation movement which prides itself on a public face of religious 
neutrality, scientific rigor and as not being a lifestyle or philosophy.

 It creates a sense of extremism and religious advocacy which does not forward 
the movement's public image they have cultured for the last 45 years or so, to 
avoid the appearance of crass Hinduism.

 The movement has enough trouble with this as it is.

 What do you think is the best way for TM to be promoted to modern, rational 
people that have perhaps paid lip service in the direction of spiritual 
activities, people who are basically secular in outlook and desire?

 Dome - 20 Years On https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olvIddB4ZdM

 Dome - 20 Years On https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olvIddB4ZdM Celebrating 20 
years of the Maharishi Golden Dome, Skelmersdale UK. Produced for the 
anniversary 19th Marc

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Radical' 'Revolutionary' Transcendental Meditationists

2019-07-25 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Weber defined charisma as "a certain quality of an individual personality by 
virtue of which he is considered extraordinary and treated as endowed with 
supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers . . . 
[that] are regarded as of divine origin." Weber added, however, that the 
leader’s disciples--those who see him as divine--are as much a source of his 
power as are his personal talents, for without them he is nothing (Weber 1968a, 

 It is creative and revolutionary, for "in its pure form charisma . . . may be 
said to exist only in the process of originating" (Weber 1964, 364). At the 
other end of the continuum, routinized charisma describes what happens when a 
leader’s charisma is thinly dispersed throughout the followers who act in the 
leader’s name, typically after he has died. It may survive many generations and 
underlie a stable social order, but it is conservative and is not a force for 
social change (Miyahara 1983, 370).

 Along this continuum lie the variants of magical and prophetic charisma. 
Magical charisma is attached to the shaman or magician who is "permanently 
endowed with charisma" (Weber 1968a, 401). Such charisma is basically 
conservative, supporting the customs of the tribe. Prophetic charisma occurs in 
more complex societies and adheres to the prophet who proclaims a divine 
mission or radical political doctrine. This form of charisma leads to 
revolution and social change. Weber regarded the prophet as the prototype for 
other kinds of charismatic leaders (Schweitzer 1984, 32).

 In using charisma to explain social change and heroic leaders, Weber did not 
intend merely to invent a dry academic term. Rather, he saw charisma as 
representing the incarnate life force itself, "the thrust of the sap in the 
tree and the blood in the veins," an elemental or daemonic power (Dow 1978).
 By critical contrast:
 How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry.. The secular technique and 
its relativist lack of a moral foundation has opened itself up to a host of 
dubious uses, called out by its critics as McMindfulness.

 Without a critical account of the social context of neoliberal individualism, 
mindfulness as a practice and discourse focused on the self minimizes social 
critique and change and contributes to keeping existing social injustices and 
inequitable power structures intact. 

There is nothing revolutionary about the so-called Mindful Revolution. Chris 
Goto-Jones says: “The revolution doesn’t require any particular change in 
values or economic systems … For a revolution this movement shows remarkable 
conservatism. The leading voices make no demands on followers. They need not 
become activists or participate in political struggle.” 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The 40th Anniversary, of the 1979 Amherst course.
 Taking from current history, a paraphrasing of a NYTimes article:
 as something like our own TM movement’s annual January 12th meetings of the 
essential group.. 
  “Facing deepening tensions abroad and anxieties inside, 
 ..using a key anniversary to argue that the recipe of guided growth under 
strong movement control must not waver.
 he said,  The first lesson from these 40 years of spiritual regeneration was 
the need to maintain party (Movement) leadership “over all tasks.”
 “It was precisely because we’ve adhered to the centralized and united 
leadership of the movement that we were able to achieve this great historic 
transition, said” .. at a pivotal, potentially fraught moment in the movement 
when all the contradictions in its governance appeared in stark relief.
 ..as great as that of any leadership in decades, yet the movement’s tightening 
of controls over the organization and ever more aspects of its society suggest 
a deep-seated insecurity at the highest levels.
 “Today many policy goals in the Movement are in tension with one another. 
Which ones take precedence? This is what officials will need to know to carry 
out their work on a practical level.”
 Some had been hoping for signals that the leadership would take further steps 
to liberalize the movement or ease tensions with its membership.”
 Jai Guru Dev

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A Spiritual Regenerative Movement (SRM) in the TM.org?  
 Is the TM movement currently transformational as regenerative, reform, or 

 A Consideration,
 TM as Revolutionary Millenarian:

[FairfieldLife] IEA and Skelmersdale weather?

2019-07-24 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 You can follow Skelmersdale temperature e.g. in here:



 It "should" drop at least some 4 degrees Celsius around Aug 9!






[FairfieldLife] celebration of Ron Khare

2019-07-24 Thread srijau

 For those of you who live or can travel to Fairfield, we will be having an 
informal Celebration of Life for Ron. This is not a memorial service - more of 
a gathering of his friends to chat with each other and reminisce. We have 
created a nice Google photo album that will be playing as a slideshow during 
the gathering. If you have pictures to add - send them to me and I will put 
them in. 
 Ron loved having people over - so we will do this on Sunday, July 28th 1-5 pm 
at our house 1108 N. B St, Fairfield, IA 52556. Those attending are welcome to 
bring something to share to eat or drink. 
 For those of you thinking to travel here, know that RAGBRI is happening this 
week and all the hotels are full until Sat. 
 I have two small rooms open at the house, sharing a bathroom with Ronnie and 
 The response to how much Ron meant to so many people is beyond heartwarming. 
Thank you again for everything. 
 You may share this post with anyone who would like to know what the plans are. 
There will be a notice at the Fairfield Men's Dome, too, soon. 
 Much love and appreciation, 


[FairfieldLife] 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community

2019-07-23 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The Creating Coherence Program  

 Come celebrate these anniversaries:

-the 40th Anniversary of Our National Coherence Creating Community
-the 13th Anniversary of the Invincible America Assembly (IAA)

 The Invincible America Assembly began on July 23, 2006, when Maharishi and Dr. 
John Hagelin saw a keen and obvious need to stop a war that had suddenly and 
unexpectedly broken out in Lebanon. Upon their timely call, hundreds of TM 
Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators poured into Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic 
City for Group Practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi progams. 
 Within a few weeks, the war in Lebanon vanished. And on the day the IAA began, 
July 23, the long-term decline of the American stock market stopped, and began 
a 10-month climb that hit 12 all-time highs.
 “There is nothing more important to our global Movement than the Invincible 
America Assembly,” said Maharishi. Come and celebrate “the most powerful method 
of transforming society that exists -- or ever will exist” 
 This Tuesday, July 23, 2019 after group program..


 The party will include savories, snacks, and live entertainment. It will be 
held between the Women’s Golden Dome and the Golden Dome Market, between 6:15 
PM and 9 PM on MUM Campus. Maharishi defined the IAA as all those who are 
attending Group Practice morning and evening. 
 Everybody’s Whole Foods will be providing their incredible layout of treats 
and snacks to support the IAA, along with any sweets and savories you would 
like to provide as well. 

Also available will be a delicious dinner menu prepared by Nayna Dave of India, 
who has decades of success in delighting many with her refined and delicious 
traditional cooking. Nayna, currently evening chef at the Golden Dome Market, 
will be offering roasted saffron rice, mixed curried vegetables, and yogurt 
dumplings, at $9.49/pound.

You are also welcome to bring your own dinner.

Music will be provided by Geoffrey Shaffer,  IAA veteran and multi-decade 
composer and keyboardist.  Geoffrey's music aims for the beautiful and provides 
a melodic touch and phrasing that is felt by the heart.  Flavors of light 
classical, melodic New Age, and contemporary are included along with original 
compositions all encouraging the experience of blissful listening. For our 
anniversary, he also promises to offer several crowd favorites including 
special keyboard stylings of many of the Beatles best and most beautiful 


[FairfieldLife] RakSasas(sp?) in the Netherlands??

2019-07-22 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]


 A secret report has sent shockwaves through the Netherlands. The report points 
out that significant parts of Dutch police have links to organized crime.
 The report’s content has been published by the Dutch newspaper Algemeen 
Dagblad (AD).
 It is notable and shocking that something like this is happening in a country 
that is usually regarded as orderly and law-abiding.

[FairfieldLife] Shatakam, the Days of Shiva

2019-07-22 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I am consciousness-bliss, I am Shiva. I am consciousness-bliss, I am Shiva. I 
am neither the mind, intellect, ego, nor memory. I am neither the five sense 
organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue nor skin). I am neither the five elements 
(earth, wind, fire, water nor ether). I am consciousness-bliss, I am Shiva. I 
am neither energy, the five types of breath, the seven material essences, nor 
the five coverings. I am not the organs of elimination (rectum), procreation 
(genitals), motion (legs), grasping (hands) nor speech (mouth). I am 
consciousness-bliss, I am Shiva. I have neither hatred nor dislike, neither 
affiliation nor liking, neither greed nor delusion, neither pride nor 
haughtiness, neither feelings of envy nor jealousy. I have neither duty, nor 
wealth, neither desire nor liberation. I am consciousness-bliss, I am Shiva. I 
have neither merit, nor demerit. I do not commit deeds bad nor good, I am 
neither happy nor sad, I have neither pain nor pleasure. I do not need of 
mantras, holy places, scriptures, rituals nor sacrifices. I am neither the seer 
nor the seen, neither the experiencer nor the experience. I am 
consciousness-bliss, I am Shiva. I fear no death as I am deathless. I have no 
separation of Self, nor doubt of my existence, I have no caste discrimination. 
I have no father nor mother, I am not born. I am no one's relative, friend, 
guru, or disciple. I am consciousness-bliss, I am Shiva. I am all-pervasive. I 
have no attributes, I am formless. I have no world attachment, nor am I 
liberated. I have no wish for anything as I am everything, everywhere, always, 
always in equilibrium. I am consciousness-bliss, I am Shiva. 


 Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham Mano 
Buddhi Ahankara Chitta Ninaham Nacha Shrotra Jihve Na Cha Ghrana Netre Nacha 
Vyoma Bhoomir Na Tejo Na Vayu Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham Na Cha Prana 
Samjno Na Vai Pancha Vayu Na Va Saptadhatur Na Va Pancha Koshah Na Vak Pani 
Padau Na Chopastha Payu Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham Na Me Dvesha Ragau Na 
Me Lobha Mohau Mado Naiva Me Naiva Matsarya Bhavah Na Dharmo Na Chartho Na Kamo 
Na Mokshah Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham Na Punyam Na Papam Na Saukhyam Na 
Dukham Na Mantro Na Teertham Na Vedo Na Yajnaha Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na 
Bhokta Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham Na Me Mrityu Shanka Na Me Jati Bhedah 
Pita Naiva Me Naiva Mata Na Janma Na Bandhur Na Mitram Gurur Naiva Shishyah 
Chidananda Rupa Shivoham Shivoham Aham Nirvikalpo Nirakara Roopaha Vibhur 
Vyapya Sarvatra Sarvendriyanam Sada Me Samatvam Na Muktir Na Bandhah Chidananda 
Rupa Shivoham Shivoham 

 These stanzas, are known as "Nirvana Shatakam" or "Atma Shatakam." "Nirvana" 
is complete equanimity, peace, tranquility, freedom and joy. "Atma" is the True 



[FairfieldLife] Visit Spiritual Fairfield, Iowa..

2019-07-20 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Radical Spirituality
 The Spiritual Heart of America
 A Top City for Meditation
 26 Square Miles Surrounded by Reality

 Visit Spiritual Fairfield, Iowa..
 Fairfield, Iowa rated the number one Top City for Meditation..
 30 Top Cities and Towns for Meditation in America, An article:

 12 Great Places: Fairfield, Iowa 

  Niche Grade, Fairfield, Ia.

 Why this Iowa town is thriving when so many aren't 


 US News and World Report selects Fairfield, Iowa with Maharishi University of 
Management as one of their Healthiest Communities 

[FairfieldLife] Community Group Meditation, Sunday, July 21

2019-07-20 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
All TM meditators and TM-Sidhas are invited to join together this coming 
Sunday, July 21, for the monthly Community Group Meditation, at nine local 
TM-Sidha halls and the Orpheum hall for TM meditators. This group meditation 
will be at the regular meditation time of 5 pm.
 While there will not be a global or nationwide group meditation this month, we 
are eager to come together to foster coherence, which is so needed and 
important these days.
 PS: Watch for an upcoming announcement about a big party coming up on Tuesday, 
July 23, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our national coherence-creating 

[FairfieldLife] DJT wouldn't allow this?

2019-07-20 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]



[FairfieldLife] Litmus test of ME in Skelmersdale?

2019-07-19 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]




[FairfieldLife] Re: universal fee structure usa for TM

2019-07-18 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
An earlier baseline metric:

 Stats in the United States:
 5799 Initiators
 Initiations per Month: 16,000
 440,000 meditators
 World Plan Centers: 205
 Satellite Centres: 173
 ATR Courses given: 48
 Residence SIMS Courses: Numerous
 Source: World Plan Executive Council
 First National Leaders’ Conference in the
 Age of Enlightenment (1975) National Reports

 In contrast, 1975: 
 Germany with 664 initiators doing 1000 initiations a month and 54,000 
 England 305 initiators doing 1,400 initiations a month and 40,000 meditators, 
 France with 92 initiators initiating 250 per month & 5,577 meditators, 
 Sweden with 122 initiators initiating 400 per month and 27,000 meditators, 
 Canada with 553 initiators initiating 3,500 per month and 89,853 meditators.

New for July 1 2019..

 at $380 for full-time students, and based on an individual's earnings,"  

 New prices, per person: 

 $380 for full-time students $500 for households earning less than $50,000 
annually $740 for households earning between $50,000 and $99,999 annually $860 
for households earning between $100,000 and $199,999 annually $960 for 
households earning $200,000 or more annually


 TM Rajas break faith with Maharishi over the pricing of TM
 in a competitive marketplace: the price to learn TM is dropped. 

 Pricing of the basic course to learn the meditation is to be means tested. 

Coveting the rich to get to 1% turned out a null set. TM looks for a comeback  
(Metrics show 'Trickle Down' as a policy failing..) the hope is to have more 
people learning to meditate. Jai Guru Dev. 



 srijau defends,  

 David Lynch Foundation and a million people taught for free is a null set to 

 And, where are the million?

 The current adult fee is lower in inflation adjusted dollars than it was in 
1977. For those under 50.000 income its likely the lowest it has ever been.


 Ever?  Learning TM before 1977?   A day's, week's wage.   Multiply Bernie 
Sander's proposed $15 an hour minimum wage?

 1/5 of the population lives under the Federal Poverty level. Almost a quarter 
of children are beneath poverty level. Likewise a third are 'income 
insufficient', by another metric. 

 Towards the 'middle-class' this change of pricing policy for TM is a major 
change of heart. 
  There is no " break faith with Maharishi" as you said, Maharishi was 
delighted with what David Lynch was doing he just wanted his TM teachers to be 
able to work full time with a good standard of living which is what David Lynch 
Foundation is paying thanks almost entirely to getting rich people onside and 
donating. It is going  from success to more success.

 You are copying the Fox News schools of empty  rhetoric and the Paul Ryan 
school of saying stuff you don't even really believe yourself.

 wow so manipulative dishonest and negative. there is no breaking faith with 
 and there is no metrics showing a policy failing, the metrics are 
fantastically good. 
 srijau offers: “..he couldn't go straight to large groups anymore. he had to 
focus on teaching the rich, the ruling class, the decision makers “

 ironically if you are low income north of the border with Canada you are 
probably S.O,L,


 ranscendental Meditation Turns 60 Transcendental Meditation® has been learned 
by 10 million people, including 1 million inner-city youth in high-crime 
 Nationwide income-based pricing will help millions more to start to meditate 
to reduce stress, improve creativity, and increase happiness


Transcendental Meditation  
https://www.prnewswire.com/news/transcendental-meditation Jul 09, 2019, 10:04 ET



 NEW YORK, July 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- TM® turns 60 this year. First 
introduced in the US in 1959 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
 the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has now been learned by more than 
10 million people, worldwide its health benefits have been documented through 
more than 400 published peer-reviewed research studies through the efforts of 
filmmaker David Lynch, the technique has been taught at no charge to more than 
one million inner-city youth, veterans with PTSD, and adults and children 
battling substance use disorder
 Studies on inner-city students have found the TM technique improves academic 
performance and reduces toxic stress and violence. Learn more at www.TM.org or 

 However, the need for Transcendental Meditation is more urgent than ever, 
according to quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, who heads the TM organization 
in the U.S.
 "We live in an epidemic of stress. Tens of millions of Americans are anxious 
or depressed—or feel overwhelmed and overburdened by the critical need to be 
more productive, more creative, more energetic, and more focused than ever," 
Dr. Hagelin said. "People are learning TM because it's a simple, easily learned 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bhogic flying?

2019-07-18 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 Let's hope Nokia's Indian CEO Rajeev Suri (more accurately, probably suuri, 
which in Finnish means great) makes Nokia fly, and great again, mainly to 
prevent communist Huawei taking over the whole 5G network stuff!

 May 29, 2019

Last month, the Netherlands' leading wireless carrier chose Huawei to provide 
equipment for its next-generation 5G wireless network. The carrier, KPN, 
insisted the choice was based on quality. But Huawei had another advantage: 

Huawei underbid the existing vendor, Swedish firm Ericsson, by 60 per cent, 
according to two industry officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to 
discuss a sensitive matter - offering a price that wouldn't even cover the cost 
of parts.

[FairfieldLife] Bhogic flying?

2019-07-17 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
The group Vikas* from Mumbai:



 In Sanskrit, prolly either vikasa or vikaasa (vikAsa):

 (In Finnish, vika is fault and vikas would colloquial for vikasi = your 

 * vikasa m. the moon L. ; (%{A}) f. Bengal madder (also written %{vikaSA}) L. 
; = %{mAMsa-rohiNI} L.
 vikAsa m. expanding , budding , blowing (of flowers) Kum. S3is3. ; opening (of 
the mouth or eyes) VarBr2S. Pan5cat. ;  opening (of the heart) , cheerfulness , 
serenity Das3. S3is3. ; expansion , development , growth S3is3. Pur. Sarvad. ;

[FairfieldLife] The Key to Healthy Relationships

2019-07-17 Thread dbra...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Timeless advice from three spiritual teachers on love and relationships.  These 
do not just apply to people entering a relationship, but to all of us, whether 
our relationships are romantic or otherwise.  




[FairfieldLife] Ammericans badly need TM...

2019-07-17 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 https://youtu.be/SbXmGgJePsk https://youtu.be/SbXmGgJePsk



[FairfieldLife] Re: universal fee structure usa for TM

2019-07-16 Thread srijau
David Lynch Foundation and a million people taught for free is a null set to 
 The current adult fee is lower in inflation adjusted dollars than it was in 
1977. For those under 50.000 income its likely the lowest it has ever been.

 There is no " break faith with Maharishi" as you said, Maharishi was delighted 
with what David Lynch was doing he just wanted his TM teachers to be able to 
work full time with a good standard of living which is what David Lynch 
Foundation is paying thanks almost entirely to getting rich people onside and 
donating. It is going  from success to more success.

 You are copying the Fox News schools of empty  rhetoric and the Paul Ryan 
school of saying stuff you don't even really believe yourself.


[FairfieldLife] Y. Soma on Ellen; sextuplet?

2019-07-16 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Yoyoka ("sadly", not yoyoga) Soma has been a couple of time on TMer Ellen's
 talk show. Is this a sextuplet? At least she seems to try, but it doesn't seem
 very clean; impressive, all the same?

 https://youtu.be/4_mrIy3_JgM?t=200 https://youtu.be/4_mrIy3_JgM?t=200




[FairfieldLife] Re: universal fee structure usa for TM

2019-07-15 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
at $380 for full-time students, and based on an individual's earnings,"  

 New prices, per person: 

 $380 for full-time students $500 for households earning less than $50,000 
annually $740 for households earning between $50,000 and $99,999 annually $860 
for households earning between $100,000 and $199,999 annually $960 for 
households earning $200,000 or more annually

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 TM Rajas break faith with Maharishi over the pricing of TM
 in a competitive marketplace: the price to learn TM is dropped. 

 Pricing of the basic course to learn the meditation is to be means tested. 

Coveting the rich to get to 1% turned out a null set. TM looks for a comeback  
(Metrics show 'Trickle Down' as a policy failing..) the hope is to have more 
people learning to meditate. Jai Guru Dev. 

 srijau defends, 
 wow so manipulative dishonest and negative. there is no breaking faith with 
 and there is no metrics showing a policy failing, the metrics are 
fantastically good. 
 “..he couldn't go straight to large groups anymore. he had to focus on 
teaching the rich, the ruling class, the decision makers “

 ironically if you are low income north of the border with Canada you are 
probably S.O,L,


 ranscendental Meditation Turns 60 Transcendental Meditation® has been learned 
by 10 million people, including 1 million inner-city youth in high-crime 
 Nationwide income-based pricing will help millions more to start to meditate 
to reduce stress, improve creativity, and increase happiness


Transcendental Meditation  
https://www.prnewswire.com/news/transcendental-meditation Jul 09, 2019, 10:04 ET



 NEW YORK, July 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- TM® turns 60 this year. First 
introduced in the US in 1959 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
 the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has now been learned by more than 
10 million people, worldwide its health benefits have been documented through 
more than 400 published peer-reviewed research studies through the efforts of 
filmmaker David Lynch, the technique has been taught at no charge to more than 
one million inner-city youth, veterans with PTSD, and adults and children 
battling substance use disorder
 Studies on inner-city students have found the TM technique improves academic 
performance and reduces toxic stress and violence. Learn more at www.TM.org or 

 However, the need for Transcendental Meditation is more urgent than ever, 
according to quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, who heads the TM organization 
in the U.S.
 "We live in an epidemic of stress. Tens of millions of Americans are anxious 
or depressed—or feel overwhelmed and overburdened by the critical need to be 
more productive, more creative, more energetic, and more focused than ever," 
Dr. Hagelin said. "People are learning TM because it's a simple, easily learned 
technique that markedly reduces stress, promotes health, improves brain and 
cognitive functioning, and promotes happiness and self-actualization."
 To celebrate the sixtieth anniversary, Dr. Hagelin announced a national 
initiative to teach the TM technique to millions of Americans in the next five 
years. To facilitate the process, a new nationwide income-based pricing plan is 
being introduced in July, based on annual household income.
 "This will bring the extraordinary benefits of Transcendental Meditation to a 
broader audience. The one-time course fee now starts at $380 for full-time 
students, and increases based on an individual's earnings," Dr. Hagelin said.
 The plan will be implemented at all Transcendental Meditation Centers in the 
U.S., and will apply to all instructions booked on and after July 1. New prices 
per person are as follows:
 $380 for full-time students $500 for households earning less than $50,000 
annually $740 for households earning between $50,000 and $99,999 annually $860 
for households earning between $100,000 and $199,999 annually $960 for 
households earning $200,000 or more annually The TM course comes with a 
satisfaction guarantee, and includes a lifetime of free personal follow-up.
 The Transcendental Meditation organization also offers partial grant support 
to deserving individuals in need.
 For more information: www.TM.org 
 and DavidLynchFoundation.org 
To arrange interviews: Keith DeBoer at (888) 300-1439, pressoff...@tm.org. 
 ©2019 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization. All 
rights reserved. Transcendental Meditation® and TM® are protected trademarks 
and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.
 SOURCE Transcendental Meditatio

[FairfieldLife] Re: Charismatic Spiritual

2019-07-15 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 Charisma and shakti classically are not taught as the same thing. Charisma 
being more of the personality in faculties and shakti a life force itself.  

 Something I find interesting in this academic introduction further below is 
the attempt to introduce for academicians the aspect of shakti as primordial 
into the consideration of charisma, separate from personality features. .."Pure 
charisma thus is personal and is based on face-to-face contact and feelings of 
trust, duty, and love on the part of the followers (Schweitzer 1984, 33). It is 
creative and revolutionary, for "in its pure form charisma . . . may be said to 
exist only in the process of originating" (Weber 1964, 364). 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Shakti, What are they doing for good with it? 

 On a ‘shaktic scale’ different spiritual people evidently have different 
capacity to help transform others in their spiritual life.  And then there are 
the ones we call ‘saints’ for their transforming  capacity. In the old Quaker 
practice of silent meditative meetings some individual old Friends whose 
presence ‘settled’ the silence of the group meditative Quaker meetings were 
known as “Weighty Friends” for their field effect of shakti on others.  And 
then the scope of shakti transmission in someone living like Ammachi helps one 
consider the possibilities of homo sapien. 
 A 'shaktic' or spiritual experience scale different 
 from beliefs, enthusiasm, or faith in a doctrine.  'Shaktic' possibly 
 as a word for scale of actual spiritual experience.  Shakti as a word 
 for a spiritual energy or field  experienced directly. 
 -Graphing, Spiritual Experience with Millennial-ism

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "In using charisma to explain social change and heroic leaders, Weber did not 
intend merely to invent a dry academic term. Rather, he saw charisma as 
representing the incarnate life force itself, "the thrust of the sap in the 
tree and the blood in the veins," an elemental or daemonic power (Dow 1978)."  
-Prophetic Charisma.. Intro.


 Book Review:
 Prophetic Charisma: A Psychological Explanation for the Castaneda Phenomenon 
 Prophetic Charisma: A Psychological Explanation f... 
 Prophetic Charisma: A Psychological Explanation for the 'Castaneda Phenomenon' 
Introduction by Corey Donovan

 View on sustainedaction.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What of charisma, spiritually? 
  Where is TM with charisma?
 Evidently it would seem that TM's charisma is now "dispersed and routinized, 
..and not necessarily as great a force for social change,"  .. 
 'routinized', by this way of thinking:

 Prophetic Charisma: The Psychology of Revolutionary Religious Personalities 
(1997) by Len Oakes
 Introduction by Corey Donovan
 What is this thing called charisma?
 [T]he idea of a divinely inspired power or talent is as old as mankind. The 
oldest surviving work of fiction, the Epic of Gilgamesh, tells of a 
warrior-king, part god and part man, who quests for the secret of eternal life. 
He has many adventures in the lands of the gods, and even attains that which he 
seeks, only to have it torn from his grasp at the last moment. He returns home 
convinced of the futility of his quest and knowing that "the central fact of my 
life is my death" (Kopp 1972, 31; Heidel 1968).

 The word "charisma" comes from the name of the Greek goddess Charis, who 
personified grace, beauty, purity, and altruism. Possession of these faculties 
came to be known as charisma. [Footnote: The Greek word is charizesthai, and it 
means favor or gift of divine origin. The Greeks do not seem to have associated 
this with the kind of demagogic and irrational leadership of which Plato wrote 
in his Gorgias, although they were well aware of the rhapsodic "Dionysian" 
aspect of life; Plato was a member of the Elysian mystery cult. For Aristotle 
the megalopsychos was the great man who dares to live alone in secret worship 
of his own soul. 
 The Romans called the hero’s charismatic power facilitas and believed it was 
derived from the gods.] 
 Later usages derive from St. Paul, who saw it as a gift of grace from God: "To 
one there is given through the spirit the message of wisdom, to

[FairfieldLife] Marshall Plan for Central America?

2019-07-15 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
This appears to be a viable solution to stem the tide of migrants on the 
southern US border, rather than building a wall to prevent migrants to the US.


 Julian Castro suggested this idea.  And it may turn out that he would  lead 
the Democratic pack in opposing Trump for the next election.

[FairfieldLife] Barry Turns to a Hurricane

2019-07-13 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I've been waiting the past couple of weeks when the effects of Mars will 
manifest in the USA.  As some of you may know, Mars is now transiting the rashi 
of Cancer or Karka. and typically brings on hurricanes or tornadoes.  Along 
with the negative  mutual aspects of the Sun and Saturn, there will be bad news 
that will arise in the southeastern  seaboard or Louisiana Gulf regions in the 
next few weeks.


[FairfieldLife] Re: universal fee structure usa for TM

2019-07-13 Thread srijau
wow so manipulative dishonest and negative. there is no breaking faith with 
 and there is no metrics showing a policy failing, the metrics are 
fantastically good. 

[FairfieldLife] Vogue onTM

2019-07-13 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: universal fee structure usa for TM

2019-07-12 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
TM Rajas break faith with Maharishi over the pricing of TM
 in a competitive marketplace: the price to learn TM is dropped. 

 Pricing of the basic course to learn the meditation is to be means tested. 

(Metrics show'Trickle Down' as a policy failing..“..he couldn't go straight to 
large groups anymore. he had to focus on teaching the rich, the ruling class, 
the decision makers “) 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ironically if you are low income north of the border with Canada you are 
probably S.O,L,


 ranscendental Meditation Turns 60 Transcendental Meditation® has been learned 
by 10 million people, including 1 million inner-city youth in high-crime 
 Nationwide income-based pricing will help millions more to start to meditate 
to reduce stress, improve creativity, and increase happiness


Transcendental Meditation  
https://www.prnewswire.com/news/transcendental-meditation Jul 09, 2019, 10:04 ET



 NEW YORK, July 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- TM® turns 60 this year. First 
introduced in the US in 1959 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
 the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has now been learned by more than 
10 million people, worldwide its health benefits have been documented through 
more than 400 published peer-reviewed research studies through the efforts of 
filmmaker David Lynch, the technique has been taught at no charge to more than 
one million inner-city youth, veterans with PTSD, and adults and children 
battling substance use disorder
 Studies on inner-city students have found the TM technique improves academic 
performance and reduces toxic stress and violence. Learn more at www.TM.org or 

 However, the need for Transcendental Meditation is more urgent than ever, 
according to quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, who heads the TM organization 
in the U.S.
 "We live in an epidemic of stress. Tens of millions of Americans are anxious 
or depressed—or feel overwhelmed and overburdened by the critical need to be 
more productive, more creative, more energetic, and more focused than ever," 
Dr. Hagelin said. "People are learning TM because it's a simple, easily learned 
technique that markedly reduces stress, promotes health, improves brain and 
cognitive functioning, and promotes happiness and self-actualization."
 To celebrate the sixtieth anniversary, Dr. Hagelin announced a national 
initiative to teach the TM technique to millions of Americans in the next five 
years. To facilitate the process, a new nationwide income-based pricing plan is 
being introduced in July, based on annual household income.
 "This will bring the extraordinary benefits of Transcendental Meditation to a 
broader audience. The one-time course fee now starts at $380 for full-time 
students, and increases based on an individual's earnings," Dr. Hagelin said.
 The plan will be implemented at all Transcendental Meditation Centers in the 
U.S., and will apply to all instructions booked on and after July 1. New prices 
per person are as follows:
 $380 for full-time students $500 for households earning less than $50,000 
annually $740 for households earning between $50,000 and $99,999 annually $860 
for households earning between $100,000 and $199,999 annually $960 for 
households earning $200,000 or more annually The TM course comes with a 
satisfaction guarantee, and includes a lifetime of free personal follow-up.
 The Transcendental Meditation organization also offers partial grant support 
to deserving individuals in need.
 For more information: www.TM.org 
 and DavidLynchFoundation.org 
To arrange interviews: Keith DeBoer at (888) 300-1439, pressoff...@tm.org. 
 ©2019 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization. All 
rights reserved. Transcendental Meditation® and TM® are protected trademarks 
and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.
 SOURCE Transcendental Meditation
 Related Links https://www.tm.org https://www.tm.org/


[FairfieldLife] long term prediction of countries

2019-07-10 Thread srijau
a video of PVR Narasimha Rao a very respected
astrological researcher, he does not do any consultation he makes his
living as a corporate computer engineer, he showed a successful method
of predicting about 285 year cycles of history without any kind of
need of accurate birth time for a nation you just use the capital
location and the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn when Ketu is in
if the theory that Yuga change happening now is not correct then he may have 
the best method of prediction of long term trends.
it depends mostly on the region you are
in, as when the chart changes the appropriate dasha system might not
be vimshottari, but as most will use vimshottari and he says
USA and China charts do therefore it indicates the next 16 years are warlike
with competition between different countries for dominance and out of
it the current chinese government collapses due to dissatisfaction
with governance and also the USA remains relatively powerful but loses
its pre-eminent position hat it has now. 

[FairfieldLife] universal fee structure usa for TM

2019-07-10 Thread srijau
ironically if you are low income north of the border with Canada you are 
probably S.O,L,


 ranscendental Meditation Turns 60 Transcendental Meditation® has been learned 
by 10 million people, including 1 million inner-city youth in high-crime 
 Nationwide income-based pricing will help millions more to start to meditate 
to reduce stress, improve creativity, and increase happiness


Transcendental Meditation  
https://www.prnewswire.com/news/transcendental-meditation Jul 09, 2019, 10:04 ET



 NEW YORK, July 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- TM® turns 60 this year. First 
introduced in the US in 1959 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
 the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has now been learned by more than 
10 million people, worldwide its health benefits have been documented through 
more than 400 published peer-reviewed research studies through the efforts of 
filmmaker David Lynch, the technique has been taught at no charge to more than 
one million inner-city youth, veterans with PTSD, and adults and children 
battling substance use disorder
 Studies on inner-city students have found the TM technique improves academic 
performance and reduces toxic stress and violence. Learn more at www.TM.org or 

 However, the need for Transcendental Meditation is more urgent than ever, 
according to quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, who heads the TM organization 
in the U.S.
 "We live in an epidemic of stress. Tens of millions of Americans are anxious 
or depressed—or feel overwhelmed and overburdened by the critical need to be 
more productive, more creative, more energetic, and more focused than ever," 
Dr. Hagelin said. "People are learning TM because it's a simple, easily learned 
technique that markedly reduces stress, promotes health, improves brain and 
cognitive functioning, and promotes happiness and self-actualization."
 To celebrate the sixtieth anniversary, Dr. Hagelin announced a national 
initiative to teach the TM technique to millions of Americans in the next five 
years. To facilitate the process, a new nationwide income-based pricing plan is 
being introduced in July, based on annual household income.
 "This will bring the extraordinary benefits of Transcendental Meditation to a 
broader audience. The one-time course fee now starts at $380 for full-time 
students, and increases based on an individual's earnings," Dr. Hagelin said.
 The plan will be implemented at all Transcendental Meditation Centers in the 
U.S., and will apply to all instructions booked on and after July 1. New prices 
per person are as follows:
 $380 for full-time students $500 for households earning less than $50,000 
annually $740 for households earning between $50,000 and $99,999 annually $860 
for households earning between $100,000 and $199,999 annually $960 for 
households earning $200,000 or more annually The TM course comes with a 
satisfaction guarantee, and includes a lifetime of free personal follow-up.
 The Transcendental Meditation organization also offers partial grant support 
to deserving individuals in need.
 For more information: www.TM.org 
 and DavidLynchFoundation.org 
To arrange interviews: Keith DeBoer at (888) 300-1439, pressoff...@tm.org. 
 ©2019 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization. All 
rights reserved. Transcendental Meditation® and TM® are protected trademarks 
and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.
 SOURCE Transcendental Meditation
 Related Links https://www.tm.org https://www.tm.org/


[FairfieldLife] A 17th Century Spiritual Regeneration

2019-07-03 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
At a time one percent of Great Britain became Quaker meditators. 
 Some towns had 10 percent Quakers. 
 A spiritual movement fast erupting something like Maharishi’s was late in the 
20th Century. Makes for good comparisons... as history repeats itself. 

 A mystic, 
 George Fox: “And this I knew experimentally.” Radical Spirituality: the Early 
History of the Quakers
 ..This is an excellent, important (and free) university course presentation of 
substantial material at the foundation of what Quakers are. I am appreciating 
this course recently as being well worth the investment of some small time 
towards learning or review about Quakers and The Society of Friends..

 A theme occurring throughout the material:
 “When Fox writes in his journal of his transformational 1647 experience that 
he ‘knew this experimentally’, he means simply that he knew this 
‘experientially’. He knew this from an experience, not from a text or teacher.”
 “Fox claims that other Christians have focused too much on outward forms and 
outward notions, and have lost their way. They are concluded under sin. The 
outward creates a barrier between humanity and God. These early Quakers became 
very critical of the outward, and their spirituality is focused on the inward-- 
what we can term as interiorised. We can see this in the form of worship which 
Quakers adopted, and in the style of early meeting houses like the one at 

 They worshipped in stillness and silence, usually for about three hours, 
without any outward form or ritual. Everyone was spiritually equal. Everyone 
was a minister. Nobody stood at the front, because everyone was fulfilling the 
priestly role, one to another.” -B. P. Dandelion, Radical Spirituality: the 
Early History of the Quakers

[FairfieldLife] Caution: Solar Eclipse Today

2019-07-02 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
>From the Maharishi Purusha Calendar for today:

Total Solar Eclipse, South America, 2:01 p.m - 4:45 p.m.

Also coming up for July 16th, Guru Purnima:

Partial Lunar Eclipse, Eastern Hemisphere, 4:02 p.m - 7:00 p.m.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry

2019-07-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 People do make a same indictment of a secular presentation of transcendental 
meditation and a culture in its business .orgs..  Does the stripping away of 
spiritual revival in the presentation necessarily say more about about the 
people and the institution than the practice of meditation. 

"..authors argued that a “stripped down, secular technique” of mindfulness 
originating in Buddhism not just fails to serve to awaken people and 
organizations from “the unwholesome roots of greed, ill will and delusion, it 
is usually being refashioned into a banal, therapeutic, self-help technique 
that can actually reinforce those roots."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The spiritual moral bypass..

"By negating and downplaying actual social and political contexts and focusing 
on the individual, or more so, the individual’s brain, McMindfulness 
interventions ignore seeing our inseparability from all others. They ignore 
seeing our inseparability from inequitable cultural patterns and social 
structures that affect and constitute our relations, and thereby ourselves. 
McMindfulness thus forfeits the moral demand that follows this insight: to 
challenge social inequities and enact universal compassion, service and social 
justice in all forms of human endeavor."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Communal Studies

2019-07-02 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
‘Movements’ & Organizations, with Culture..
 Bales’ observation of variables here seems fair over a range of spectrum both 
of spiritual to religious movements as they might warp as institutions in time. 
Like these observations about:
 Life-cycle within Communal Spiritual Groups

 “While institutions focus primarily on self-perpetuation, movements focus on 
mission. Institutions most highly value results that can be concretely 
measured, while movements are most concerned about being faithful to how the 
Holy Spirit is leading. Institutions are based in rules and procedures, while 
movements are primarily based in relationships and vision. On a fundamental 
level, institutions believe that they are the answer, but an apostolic movement 
believes that Jesus Christ is the answer.”
 [Micah Bales, 2010]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 . Checklist:  
 “..something of a template 
 for how it goes with spiritual practice groups as our own:  
 Diminution in the cheering of core values, 
 administrative rigidity setting in, 
 loss of people, 
 loss of altruism towards the community, 
 loss of donors, 
 loss of critical mass, 
 financial crisis, 
 and finally an auction of assets attendant to the dispersal of community." 

 A long declining arc of the Dome meditation attendance numbers in what is the 
Fairfield, Ia. meditating community seems far along on this path.”

 for as large as our communal ‘artifacts’ here in meditating Fairfield appear 
to be, a tragedy which people coming from the outside will not be able to see 
is the collapse in aggregate numbers attending the communal group meditations 
inside the Domes.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A driving tour yesterday around meditating Fairfield again for a visitor, this 
time an old SRF (Yogananda) meditator visiting Fairfield.  
 The scale of our whole facility of communal meditating is remarkably stunning 
 when visitors get to see the whole scope of it. 
 It is fun to see and be with people when they 'get it'. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Eroding Core Values and Loss of Communal Critical Mass
 One session of papers at the Communal Studies conference was on ‘the end of 
community’ with three in depth papers given on three different communal groups. 
One of the groups was a 19th Century group something like our own in Fairfield 
and the others were of more secular communal groups of the earlier 20th Century 
and late 19th. 

 The commonality in their three narratives was what came as diffusion of their 
core values in time as there came along arrivals of newer outsiders in 
membership and fewer of generations born to the older founding generation would 
stay on in community. These trends were supplanting to founding generations 
then in time. Hence, the loss in perspective of foundational core communal 
values over time as those values came to not be so well spoken to (championed) 
or lived in the groups. 

 Evidently once core foundational values diminished in time within each group 
example there came in a mundane to the workload of sustaining ‘community’ as 
resources of energy and altruistic goodwill ebbed and dried. The cohesion of a 
communal ‘shakti’ generally went down, people leave, people stop coming.  Each 
group then arriving to point whence their assets of what had been built up to 
facilitate their core values are then auctioned off. The sale. 
 Within the examples in these papers was the group of Zoar separatists, 
something like our own in transcendentalism, seems something of a template for 
how it goes with spiritual practice groups as our own:  Diminution of the 
cheering of core values, administrative rigidity setting in, loss of people, 
loss of altruism towards the community, loss of donors, loss of critical mass, 
financial crisis, and finally an auction of assets attendant to the dispersal 
of community.  

 A long declining arc of the Dome meditation attendance numbers in what is the 
Fairfield, Ia. meditating community seems far along on this path. 

 In TM community it is said: “The Past is a lesser state of evolution.”  But, 
financial planners warn cautioning us otherwise,  “Past performance is not a 
guarantee of future returns” .  Towards becoming something else like a historic 
site to visit, according to these histories evidently things may not look the 
same as what we may see now as community.

 Already we are hearing grumblings in TM from what is an elder International 
Council of Rajas that the Domes in Fairfield, Iowa are too expensive to 
maintain.  While at the same time the University being without endowment 
requires active and substantial donor cohorts every year to make budget for 
what all they should like to do to keep on.  With

[FairfieldLife] File - FFL Acronyms

2019-07-01 Thread FairfieldLife

BC - Brahman Consciousness
BN - Bliss Ninny or Bliss Nazi
CC - Cosmic Consciousness
GC - God Consciousness
MMY - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
OTP - Off the Program - a phrase used in the TM movement meaning to do 
something (such as see another spiritual teacher) considered in violation of 
Maharishi's program.
POV - Point of View
SBS - Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Maharishi's master
SCI – Science of Creative Intelligence
SOC - State of Consciousness
SSRS - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Pundit-ji)
SV - Stpathya Ved (Vedic Architecture)
TB - True Believer (in TM doctrines)
TNB - True Non-Believer
TMO - The Transcendental Meditation organization
TTC – TM Teacher Training Course
UC - Unity Consciousness
WYMS - "World Youth Meditation Society" later changed to "World Youth Movement 
for the Science of Creative Intelligence" was founded by Peter Hübner in 
Germany, as a national TM outlet competing with SIMS, Students International 
Meditation Society
YMMV = Your Mileage may vary

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[FairfieldLife] Smart Meters

2019-06-30 Thread eustace10679
https://vimeo.com/227169236 https://vimeo.com/227169236

 Have smart meters been installed in Fairfield yet?


[FairfieldLife] > Fairfield's transcendental meditators lead opposition to Alliant Energy's smart meters

2019-06-29 Thread email4you mikemail4...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield's transcendental meditators lead opposition to Alliant Energy's smart 

[FairfieldLife] [humour?] The Sekond Koming?

2019-06-29 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]


 FWIW, the deminutive form of his family name, kakkonen, means either
 number 2 or the sekond one...



[FairfieldLife] Re: Dalai Lama says Donald Trump has a 'lack of moral principle'

2019-06-28 Thread srijau
I think he is right , its not racist for Europeans to keep their own homeland.

[FairfieldLife] Dalai Lama says Donald Trump has a 'lack of moral principle'

2019-06-28 Thread eustace10679
Dalai Lama says Donald Trump has a 'lack of moral principle'


[FairfieldLife] TM in 4 Sweden schools

2019-06-27 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: Respite from Climate wreckage: Come to Fairfield, Iowa

2019-06-26 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Europe heatwave: Why are temperatures on the continent soaring? A: Climate 
Change Karma.. 


 Paradise Lost?
. .
 Respite:  a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or 



 Come meditate now with the meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.


 Fleeing towards respite, 
 throw essential belongs you may have into a car and start driving.

 Note: Available Short-term Lodging of Meditators who practice TM and the 
™-Sidhis is now more opened up at the pundit campus. For Short-term 
accommodation, including meditation with the group.

 Check out the..
 Idealife Campus http://www.idealifecampus.com/home.html 
http://www.idealifecampus.com/home.html Rounding on the ‘long program’ of the 
Assembly is no longer required for rental lease at the pundit campus.



 There are rentals in Fairfield, Iowa
 on AirBnB.



 For meditators, come meditate along with other meditators in Fairfield, Iowa.
 There are several group meditations in Fairfield to attend. Also meetings
 to attend with other meditators.
 Fairfield, Iowa is a fabulous place for spiritual respite, renewal.


 An Iowa retreat offers a place of peace to those fleeing extreme weather 

 Also a place to learn to meditate.. 




 2018 Hurricane Season Will Bring Another Battery Of Storms 

 Lodging and Housing 






 Vastu Rentals in Fairfield (on Facebook):
 Temporary Vastu Housing (without lease) 
 Permanent Vastu Housing (with lease) 




 Cries she
 With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
 Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
 The wretched refuse of your teeming storms.
 Send these, the homeless, the climate’s tempest-tossed to me,
 I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


 FW: Paradigm Change..the last week in May atmospheric scientists at: 
http://www.copernicus.eu/ http://www.copernicus.eu/  reported a huge albeit 
temporary spike in Methane gas release in the northern hemisphere. This 
indicated to us that we may not even have 1-3 years before the 'preverbal SHIT 
hits the fan' as Dr. McPherson so aptly referred to what is about to unfold. 

 FW email: "..Finally we must inspire and motivate those present that 
collective consciousness can and must alter this apparent scientific 
inevitability of climate change.  Now is the final call for our consciousness 
based community to rally together in large groups to routinely do their 
meditation practices."
Better to move to Fairfield than come as a refugee.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 An Irony is that climate change peer review science and meditation peer review 
science are both met with the same strategies of character assassination, 
assertions by false truth, posing doubt about the economy being able to afford 
remediation and skepticisms sown about science in whether correlation means 
 In the same way that the scientists of meditation have known the hateful works 
of the deniers the same strategies carried out by the same kind of anti-science 
people and ideologies the meditation scientists can have a lot of empathy for 
climate change scientists by shared experience.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Public Policy should be driven by Science. Considering the science of climate 
change and science of meditation it is worth making a stand in human life.
 "Live urgently: meditate now! The end is plainly very near!" 
 We can contribute spirituality in to the rational consideration of of the 
consequent of Arctic Ice Melt.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Considering Human life brings up spirituality right away.
 Such overwhelming fatalism like the climate science gives will bring 
 the push back to nihilism. Spirituality then as we know it in our 
 meditational experience is the antidote to all that of 'nothing of purpose' and
 materialistic thinking.
 The meditating community has i

(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

[FairfieldLife] Funny immigrant joke in Germany

2019-06-26 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]



RE: [FairfieldLife] Sunday Nationwide Group Meditation W.N. Y. report on same! [1 Attachment]

2019-06-26 Thread Bill wle...@aol.com [FairfieldLife]
11 of us did so in Western NY & found the experience deeper than sometimes 90% 
felt so , all will do so again,11 will join us … … me to meditate, 3 did 
breathing teck prior  to meditation, I note. Next time & the numbers will 
increase all felt so by bringing friends,  the next time when ever that may be! 
3 were sidhas,  5 joined in 4 veggie soup after. 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 8:37 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Sunday Nationwide Group Meditation

Sunday, June 23, 4:30 pm
Please Join Us for the Next Nationwide TM Group Meditation
Fairfield Peace Palace
1040 N. 4th St., Fairfield, IA 52556
4:30 pm — Group TM Checking
5:05 pm — Nationwide Group Meditation
Refreshments following.
Please register by June 20 by clicking on this link.
Nationwide Group Meditation: Sunday, June 23
Please plan to arrive by 4:30 pm or slip in quietly for the Group Meditation 
that will start promptly at 5:05 pm.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Radical' 'Revolutionary' Transcendental Meditationists

2019-06-26 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 By critical contrast:
 How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry.. The secular technique and 
its relativist lack of a moral foundation has opened itself up to a host of 
dubious uses, called out by its critics as McMindfulness.

 Without a critical account of the social context of neoliberal individualism, 
mindfulness as a practice and discourse focused on the self minimizes social 
critique and change and contributes to keeping existing social injustices and 
inequitable power structures intact. 

There is nothing revolutionary about the so-called Mindful Revolution. Chris 
Goto-Jones says: “The revolution doesn’t require any particular change in 
values or economic systems … For a revolution this movement shows remarkable 
conservatism. The leading voices make no demands on followers. They need not 
become activists or participate in political struggle.” 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The 40th Anniversary, of the 1979 Amherst course.
 Taking from current history, a paraphrasing of a NYTimes article:
 as something like our own TM movement’s annual January 12th meetings of the 
essential group.. 
  “Facing deepening tensions abroad and anxieties inside, 
 ..using a key anniversary to argue that the recipe of guided growth under 
strong movement control must not waver.
 he said,  The first lesson from these 40 years of spiritual regeneration was 
the need to maintain party (Movement) leadership “over all tasks.”
 “It was precisely because we’ve adhered to the centralized and united 
leadership of the movement that we were able to achieve this great historic 
transition, said” .. at a pivotal, potentially fraught moment in the movement 
when all the contradictions in its governance appeared in stark relief.
 ..as great as that of any leadership in decades, yet the movement’s tightening 
of controls over the organization and ever more aspects of its society suggest 
a deep-seated insecurity at the highest levels.
 “Today many policy goals in the Movement are in tension with one another. 
Which ones take precedence? This is what officials will need to know to carry 
out their work on a practical level.”
 Some had been hoping for signals that the leadership would take further steps 
to liberalize the movement or ease tensions with its membership.”
 Jai Guru Dev

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A Spiritual Regenerative Movement (SRM) in the TM.org?  
 Is the TM movement currently transformational as regenerative, reform, or 

 A Consideration,
 TM as Revolutionary Millenarian:


 Revolution does not have to be violent to be revolutionary. Different than 
fomenting violent revolution Maharishi was about peace and he worked in a long 
career on improving people’s lives on earth..

 What Mao, (as paraphrased) could have said to meditators in transcendentalist 
 To meditators:
 "The force at the core leading our cause forward is the Transcendental 
Meditation Movement. The theoretical basis guiding our spiritual experience and 
thinking is the Meissner Effect, the ME, found in Natural Law and our 
manifestly Self-evident experience meditating.

 If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary meditating 
movement. Without a revolutionary meditating movement, without a movement built 
on the scientific and revolutionary theory of the ME and group meditation and 
in the style of science and spiritual experience of the Unified Field, it is 
impossible to lead the practicing meditator and the broad groupings of the 
meditators everywhere against the entrenched forces of reductionist 
materialism, of deconstructionism and their running-dogs.:


 Revolutionaries, where it has happened and where revolution has brought change 
in broader status quo for humanity it is interesting in study to look at and 
hear how they said it, how they said it, led it, and acted it out such that 
they compelled and led broader societal change.  

 Like looking back at Mao’s quotations, the little red book, to seeing what/how 
he said that resonated a people then.   

 While Mao (or Castro either) is not in the tradition of transcendentalists, 
 A Study of what Mao could have said to meditators in his Maoist way.. 
 Link to a leadership mash-up of Mao’s quotations and transcendental 
meditationist revolution..
 A mash-up of, 
 Mao and Maharishi:

 Now folded in to one millen

[FairfieldLife] Re: How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry

2019-06-26 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The spiritual moral bypass..

"By negating and downplaying actual social and political contexts and focusing 
on the individual, or more so, the individual’s brain, McMindfulness 
interventions ignore seeing our inseparability from all others. They ignore 
seeing our inseparability from inequitable cultural patterns and social 
structures that affect and constitute our relations, and thereby ourselves. 
McMindfulness thus forfeits the moral demand that follows this insight: to 
challenge social inequities and enact universal compassion, service and social 
justice in all forms of human endeavor."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry 



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