[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-07 Thread turquoiseb

Just for fun (and suspecting that Xeno will like it), here is the same
run through Microsoft Word's "Autosummarize" feature, set to summarize
the selected text in 100 words or less:

Y'know, this is about the improvement in message quality following
removal of posting limits. Wow the freedom to be *DEEP* and probing the
deep psyche of whatever. Enlightenment, what a cool subject. That
requires attention. In-tent, kinda like being in a large canvas bag, but
with a door. For example MacDonalds' fries contain natural beef extract,
whereas others' lack that naturalness so they taste sort of fake by
comparison, lacking you might say, or not. Brewster is a lot closer to
Syria you know, than that city in the middle of the corn belt.

And here it is translatated into Ebonics:

Y'know, dis be about da improvement in message quality followin removal 
of postin limits. I think about dis A LOT!. Wow da freedom ta be *DEEP* 
and probin da deep psyche of whatever. Enlightenment, what a cool 
subject. And Turq talks about an island made of ice cream, isn't it cool
how all this is, like, connected?. At da moment I be starin at muh 
desk. That requires attention. Don't attention gots somethin ta do wit 
enlightenment? And what about dat yagya, savin da world through da 
power of dat thin we gots somewheea in our heads - CONSCIOUSNESS, datis 
what it is. And Neo, thrust upon us ta help us communicate moe 
succinctly (I think datis how da word be speled, I mean da way letters 
is supposed ta go in order). I think I send dis message ta all muh 
homies who do not meditate, cus they desperately need ta see how da 
power of consciousness be fulfellin muh life!! And why do people do da 
thins they do? Boy be dat a muhstery, unless ya consider INTENT. 
In-tent, kinda like bein in a large canvas bag, but wit a door. You come
outta da door, der be da world, ya go back in da door yas inside. (For 
ya doofusses datis an analogram about consciousness - outer and inner 
and how they be related by transcendental passage work, goin back and 
foth until, word, somethin different happens, cus ya gots gone 
*beyond*. I be sittin at a desk dat faces true North. When I twist 
slightly, I can FEEL da pressho of nature tryin ta get me ta realign 
muhself wit true reality, and so I twist back, and I feel a WHOLE lot 
better. You should try it, and accordin ta muh psychic dog, it helps wit
complexion (and fleas in case they is a problem). Because of da 
expansion of muh self, I be able ta interpret exactly what muh dog be 
thinkin and why wit quantum mechanical precisiveness: ya know, p = 
0.74. I be takin a course in Sthapatyaveda ride parkin right 
now. It be a challenge I can tell ya, crawlin out of da sun roof 85% of 
da time, but alignment wit whatever people tell me about nature is, I 
firmly believe, an absolute necessity fo a fulfilled life. For example 
MacDonalds' fries contain natural beef extract, wheeaas others' lack dat
naturalness so they taste sort of fake by comparison, lackin ya might 
say, or not. But what be fo real, fo real powerful about FFL right now 
be da quantity of divinely inspired knowledge and truth which just pours
and pours, dumpin its dump stuff inta da ocean of muh incredibly 
expanded ya know what, which means of course I AM ENLIGHTENED. Jeeze, I 
don't see how anyone could doubt dat. Look at da way I express muhself, 
immersed in da deep pool of da God of unified field. I think all da 
pundits, and everyone in Fairfield IA, and on FFL should come ta 
Brewster, NY and line da streets and meditate all day under da open sky,
thinkin GOOD THOUGHTS about da world. Brewster be a lot closer ta Syria 
ya know, than dat city in da middle of da corn belt. - aww yea foo.

--Iranitea sez:

> It's more like stream of consciousness. Very Un-Robin like

--- In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

> >Is this an experiment in emulating Robin's writing style? Or did your
Enter key break? :-D

On 09/06/2013 09:18 AM, anartaxius@... wrote:

Y'know, this is about the improvement in message quality following
removal of posting limits. I think about this A LOT!. Wow the freedom to
be *DEEP* and probing the deep psyche of whatever. Enlightenment, what a
cool subject. And Turq talks about an island made of ice cream, isn't it
cool how all things are, like, connected?. At the moment I am staring at
my desk. That requires attention. Doesn't attention have something to do
with enlightenment? And what about that yagya, saving the world through
the power of that thing we have somewhere in our heads - CONSCIOUSNESS,
that is what it is. And Neo, thrust upon us to help us communicate more
succinctly (I think that is how the word is speled, I mean the way
letters are supposed to go in order). I think I will send this message
to all my friends who do not meditate, because they desperately need to
see how the power of consciousness is fulfelling my life!! And why do
people do the things they do? Boy is that a mystery, unless you 

[FairfieldLife] RE: True Attention

2013-09-07 Thread iranitea

[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread obbajeeba
So sweet, Ravi. Some of my most intimate and favorite people in the whole world 
have Uttar Phalguni as their Moon. 
Thank you very much. I will look at it as a birthday to this love.
This love of what you say below.
One. Two.
Ravi, this gift you send in picture form, I accept as your wishes for my 
fulfillment of desires. Wishing this for another is like wishing it for 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> Oh dear sweet Obba, your testing posts totally cracked me up this morning
> and knocked me, momentarily at least, out of my sadness. No worries though
> work's keeping me sane though, I look forward to the weekend to wallow in
> it unconditionally :-)
> This day, the second day of the waxing Moon in the nakshatra of the
> Uttaraphaalguni, the month of Bhaadrapada, to the beautiful, blessed,
> radiant one.
> [image: Inline image 1]
> On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 1:03 PM, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > Testing. FYI. I just received this original post to my inbox this
> > afternoon.
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > This post never "came back" from the Yahoo! black hole yesterday, so
> > > I'll try again because I had so much fun writing it...
> > >
> > >
> > > Overheard in a cafe on Ile Saint-Louis this morning:
> > >
> > > "Saul? Is that you? How amazing to run into you here in Paris. What are
> > > you doing here?"
> > >
> > > "Knock it off, Morty. I saw you earlier stalking me outside my hotel,
> > > and following me here. You probably stalked me here all the way from
> > > L.A. What do you want?"
> > >
> > > "That was *your* hotel? I wasn't stalking you...I was...uh...just
> > > looking through the garbage cans to see whether Parisians recycle. Yeah,
> > > that's the ticket."
> > >
> > > "Cut to the chase, Morty. What the fuck do you want?"
> > >
> > > "I want to pitch you a story idea for a new series, Saul. I know that
> > > you're interested in new ideas, original ideas, so I'm bringing it to
> > > you first, even though a bunch of other producers are already bugging me
> > > about it."
> > >
> > > "Yeah, right. But OK, I'm in a good mood, and the *real* writer I'm
> > > waiting for isn't due for a few minutes, so you've got that long to give
> > > me your 'elevator pitch.'"
> > >
> > > "Thanks, Saul. I call it 'True Attention.' It's a story about a bunch of
> > > vampires who live in Faux Temps, Iowa and survive by sucking attention
> > > from other people."
> > >
> > > "Iowa? It sounds more like L.A."
> > >
> > > "Yeah, we could probably set it in L.A. if you wanted. Anyway, the main
> > > character is named Nookie Snackhouse, and she's *not* a vamp. But she is
> > > half fey...sort of a closet fey...and she has this ability to read
> > > people's minds, and know what their real thoughts and intentions are
> > > even better than the people whose minds she's reading do."
> > >
> > > "She sounds like a real pain in the ass. But go on...where do the vamps
> > > fit into all of this?"
> > >
> > > "Well, first, they're not real vamps, like in that other series that
> > > this one is nothing like. They don't feed on blood or anything. Instead,
> > > just as you noted, they feed off of attention. Being unable to generate
> > > any kind of energy themselves, they suck it from other people by getting
> > > them to focus on them."
> > >
> > > "So how do they do this? Do they, for example, stalk these victims whose
> > > attention they want to steal halfway around the world and corner them in
> > > a sidewalk cafe?"
> > >
> > > "No, no...nothing like that. Heh heh...good one, Saul. What they do,
> > > since none of these attention vamps have actually ever DONE anything in
> > > their lives that would attract the attention they feed off of, they get
> > > people to focus on them by insulting them, trying to portray them as
> > > stupid, and calling them names."
> > >
> > > "And that works?"
> > >
> > > "More than you might think. Many of the vamps in Faux Temps have been
> > > running this number for *years*, and have managed to get a *lot* of
> > > people to focus on them and give them their attention so that they can
> > > feed off of it. And all without ever DOING anything to deserve that
> > > attention in the first place."
> > >
> > > "I don't get it...they accomplish all this just by insulting people?"
> > >
> > > "Not *just* insulting people. Sometimes they make up stories about
> > > themselves and try to convince others that those stories are real. For
> > > example, they brag about their 'endarkenment,' or imply that they're
> > > successes in life even though they've never been anything but wage
> > > slaves. That's where Nookie comes in."
> > >
> > > "The suspense is killing me. Do tell..."
> > >
> > > "Well, as I said, Nookie is *not* one of these vamps per se, and in fact
> > > is even less interesting than they are and has DONE even less in her
> > > life than they have, but she ca

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh dear sweet Obba, your testing posts totally cracked me up this morning
and knocked me, momentarily at least, out of my sadness. No worries though
work's keeping me sane though
​, I look forward to the weekend to wallow in it unconditionally​

​his day, the second day of the waxing Moon in the nakshatra of the
Uttaraphaalguni, the month of Bhaadrapada, to the beautiful, blessed,
radiant one

[image: Inline image 1]

On Sep 6, 2013, at 1:03 PM, obbajeeba  wrote:

> Testing. FYI. I just received this original post to my inbox this
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
>> This post never "came back" from the Yahoo! black hole yesterday, so
>> I'll try again because I had so much fun writing it...
>> Overheard in a cafe on Ile Saint-Louis this morning:
>> "Saul? Is that you? How amazing to run into you here in Paris. What are
>> you doing here?"
>> "Knock it off, Morty. I saw you earlier stalking me outside my hotel,
>> and following me here. You probably stalked me here all the way from
>> L.A. What do you want?"
>> "That was *your* hotel? I wasn't stalking you...I was...uh...just
>> looking through the garbage cans to see whether Parisians recycle. Yeah,
>> that's the ticket."
>> "Cut to the chase, Morty. What the fuck do you want?"
>> "I want to pitch you a story idea for a new series, Saul. I know that
>> you're interested in new ideas, original ideas, so I'm bringing it to
>> you first, even though a bunch of other producers are already bugging me
>> about it."
>> "Yeah, right. But OK, I'm in a good mood, and the *real* writer I'm
>> waiting for isn't due for a few minutes, so you've got that long to give
>> me your 'elevator pitch.'"
>> "Thanks, Saul. I call it 'True Attention.' It's a story about a bunch of
>> vampires who live in Faux Temps, Iowa and survive by sucking attention
>> from other people."
>> "Iowa? It sounds more like L.A."
>> "Yeah, we could probably set it in L.A. if you wanted. Anyway, the main
>> character is named Nookie Snackhouse, and she's *not* a vamp. But she is
>> half fey...sort of a closet fey...and she has this ability to read
>> people's minds, and know what their real thoughts and intentions are
>> even better than the people whose minds she's reading do."
>> "She sounds like a real pain in the ass. But go on...where do the vamps
>> fit into all of this?"
>> "Well, first, they're not real vamps, like in that other series that
>> this one is nothing like. They don't feed on blood or anything. Instead,
>> just as you noted, they feed off of attention. Being unable to generate
>> any kind of energy themselves, they suck it from other people by getting
>> them to focus on them."
>> "So how do they do this? Do they, for example, stalk these victims whose
>> attention they want to steal halfway around the world and corner them in
>> a sidewalk cafe?"
>> "No, no...nothing like that. Heh heh...good one, Saul. What they do,
>> since none of these attention vamps have actually ever DONE anything in
>> their lives that would attract the attention they feed off of, they get
>> people to focus on them by insulting them, trying to portray them as
>> stupid, and calling them names."
>> "And that works?"
>> "More than you might think. Many of the vamps in Faux Temps have been
>> running this number for *years*, and have managed to get a *lot* of
>> people to focus on them and give them their attention so that they can
>> feed off of it. And all without ever DOING anything to deserve that
>> attention in the first place."
>> "I don't get it...they accomplish all this just by insulting people?"
>> "Not *just* insulting people. Sometimes they make up stories about
>> themselves and try to convince others that those stories are real. For
>> example, they brag about their 'endarkenment,' or imply that they're
>> successes in life even though they've never been anything but wage
>> slaves. That's where Nookie comes in."
>> "The suspense is killing me. Do tell..."
>> "Well, as I said, Nookie is *not* one of these vamps per se, and in fact
>> is even less interesting than they are and has DONE even less in her
>> life than they have, but she can read their thoughts and so she knows
>> when they're bullshitting to attract attention and when they're not."
>> "Aha. So she busts them when she catches them lying?"
>> "No, not at all. That's the twist. She ignores their bullshit, and
>> instead praises them so that they'll focus on HER. When they do that,
>> she sucks *their* attention. So in effect, she's got all these attention
>> vampires *working for her*, stealing attention and energy from other
>> people, and then passing it along to her by focusing on her. Brilliant,
>> right?"
>> "Sounds boring to me. Who on earth would tune in each week to watch a
>> bunch of people who have never DONE anything in their lives try to suck
>> attention, as if they were the center of the univers

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh dear sweet Obba, your testing posts totally cracked me up this morning
and knocked me, momentarily at least, out of my sadness. No worries though
work's keeping me sane though, I look forward to the weekend to wallow in
it unconditionally :-)

This day, the second day of the waxing Moon in the nakshatra of the
Uttaraphaalguni, the month of Bhaadrapada, to the beautiful, blessed,
radiant one.

[image: Inline image 1]

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 1:03 PM, obbajeeba  wrote:

> Testing. FYI. I just received this original post to my inbox this
> afternoon.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > This post never "came back" from the Yahoo! black hole yesterday, so
> > I'll try again because I had so much fun writing it...
> >
> >
> > Overheard in a cafe on Ile Saint-Louis this morning:
> >
> > "Saul? Is that you? How amazing to run into you here in Paris. What are
> > you doing here?"
> >
> > "Knock it off, Morty. I saw you earlier stalking me outside my hotel,
> > and following me here. You probably stalked me here all the way from
> > L.A. What do you want?"
> >
> > "That was *your* hotel? I wasn't stalking you...I was...uh...just
> > looking through the garbage cans to see whether Parisians recycle. Yeah,
> > that's the ticket."
> >
> > "Cut to the chase, Morty. What the fuck do you want?"
> >
> > "I want to pitch you a story idea for a new series, Saul. I know that
> > you're interested in new ideas, original ideas, so I'm bringing it to
> > you first, even though a bunch of other producers are already bugging me
> > about it."
> >
> > "Yeah, right. But OK, I'm in a good mood, and the *real* writer I'm
> > waiting for isn't due for a few minutes, so you've got that long to give
> > me your 'elevator pitch.'"
> >
> > "Thanks, Saul. I call it 'True Attention.' It's a story about a bunch of
> > vampires who live in Faux Temps, Iowa and survive by sucking attention
> > from other people."
> >
> > "Iowa? It sounds more like L.A."
> >
> > "Yeah, we could probably set it in L.A. if you wanted. Anyway, the main
> > character is named Nookie Snackhouse, and she's *not* a vamp. But she is
> > half fey...sort of a closet fey...and she has this ability to read
> > people's minds, and know what their real thoughts and intentions are
> > even better than the people whose minds she's reading do."
> >
> > "She sounds like a real pain in the ass. But go on...where do the vamps
> > fit into all of this?"
> >
> > "Well, first, they're not real vamps, like in that other series that
> > this one is nothing like. They don't feed on blood or anything. Instead,
> > just as you noted, they feed off of attention. Being unable to generate
> > any kind of energy themselves, they suck it from other people by getting
> > them to focus on them."
> >
> > "So how do they do this? Do they, for example, stalk these victims whose
> > attention they want to steal halfway around the world and corner them in
> > a sidewalk cafe?"
> >
> > "No, no...nothing like that. Heh heh...good one, Saul. What they do,
> > since none of these attention vamps have actually ever DONE anything in
> > their lives that would attract the attention they feed off of, they get
> > people to focus on them by insulting them, trying to portray them as
> > stupid, and calling them names."
> >
> > "And that works?"
> >
> > "More than you might think. Many of the vamps in Faux Temps have been
> > running this number for *years*, and have managed to get a *lot* of
> > people to focus on them and give them their attention so that they can
> > feed off of it. And all without ever DOING anything to deserve that
> > attention in the first place."
> >
> > "I don't get it...they accomplish all this just by insulting people?"
> >
> > "Not *just* insulting people. Sometimes they make up stories about
> > themselves and try to convince others that those stories are real. For
> > example, they brag about their 'endarkenment,' or imply that they're
> > successes in life even though they've never been anything but wage
> > slaves. That's where Nookie comes in."
> >
> > "The suspense is killing me. Do tell..."
> >
> > "Well, as I said, Nookie is *not* one of these vamps per se, and in fact
> > is even less interesting than they are and has DONE even less in her
> > life than they have, but she can read their thoughts and so she knows
> > when they're bullshitting to attract attention and when they're not."
> >
> > "Aha. So she busts them when she catches them lying?"
> >
> > "No, not at all. That's the twist. She ignores their bullshit, and
> > instead praises them so that they'll focus on HER. When they do that,
> > she sucks *their* attention. So in effect, she's got all these attention
> > vampires *working for her*, stealing attention and energy from other
> > people, and then passing it along to her by focusing on her. Brilliant,
> > right?"
> >
> > "Sounds boring to me. Who on earth would tune in each week to watch a
> > bunch of people who have never DON

[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread obbajeeba
Testing. FYI. I just received this original post to my inbox this afternoon. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> This post never "came back" from the Yahoo! black hole yesterday, so
> I'll try again because I had so much fun writing it...
> Overheard in a cafe on Ile Saint-Louis this morning:
> "Saul? Is that you? How amazing to run into you here in Paris. What are
> you doing here?"
> "Knock it off, Morty. I saw you earlier stalking me outside my hotel,
> and following me here. You probably stalked me here all the way from
> L.A. What do you want?"
> "That was *your* hotel? I wasn't stalking you...I was...uh...just
> looking through the garbage cans to see whether Parisians recycle. Yeah,
> that's the ticket."
> "Cut to the chase, Morty. What the fuck do you want?"
> "I want to pitch you a story idea for a new series, Saul. I know that
> you're interested in new ideas, original ideas, so I'm bringing it to
> you first, even though a bunch of other producers are already bugging me
> about it."
> "Yeah, right. But OK, I'm in a good mood, and the *real* writer I'm
> waiting for isn't due for a few minutes, so you've got that long to give
> me your 'elevator pitch.'"
> "Thanks, Saul. I call it 'True Attention.' It's a story about a bunch of
> vampires who live in Faux Temps, Iowa and survive by sucking attention
> from other people."
> "Iowa? It sounds more like L.A."
> "Yeah, we could probably set it in L.A. if you wanted. Anyway, the main
> character is named Nookie Snackhouse, and she's *not* a vamp. But she is
> half fey...sort of a closet fey...and she has this ability to read
> people's minds, and know what their real thoughts and intentions are
> even better than the people whose minds she's reading do."
> "She sounds like a real pain in the ass. But go on...where do the vamps
> fit into all of this?"
> "Well, first, they're not real vamps, like in that other series that
> this one is nothing like. They don't feed on blood or anything. Instead,
> just as you noted, they feed off of attention. Being unable to generate
> any kind of energy themselves, they suck it from other people by getting
> them to focus on them."
> "So how do they do this? Do they, for example, stalk these victims whose
> attention they want to steal halfway around the world and corner them in
> a sidewalk cafe?"
> "No, no...nothing like that. Heh heh...good one, Saul. What they do,
> since none of these attention vamps have actually ever DONE anything in
> their lives that would attract the attention they feed off of, they get
> people to focus on them by insulting them, trying to portray them as
> stupid, and calling them names."
> "And that works?"
> "More than you might think. Many of the vamps in Faux Temps have been
> running this number for *years*, and have managed to get a *lot* of
> people to focus on them and give them their attention so that they can
> feed off of it. And all without ever DOING anything to deserve that
> attention in the first place."
> "I don't get it...they accomplish all this just by insulting people?"
> "Not *just* insulting people. Sometimes they make up stories about
> themselves and try to convince others that those stories are real. For
> example, they brag about their 'endarkenment,' or imply that they're
> successes in life even though they've never been anything but wage
> slaves. That's where Nookie comes in."
> "The suspense is killing me. Do tell..."
> "Well, as I said, Nookie is *not* one of these vamps per se, and in fact
> is even less interesting than they are and has DONE even less in her
> life than they have, but she can read their thoughts and so she knows
> when they're bullshitting to attract attention and when they're not."
> "Aha. So she busts them when she catches them lying?"
> "No, not at all. That's the twist. She ignores their bullshit, and
> instead praises them so that they'll focus on HER. When they do that,
> she sucks *their* attention. So in effect, she's got all these attention
> vampires *working for her*, stealing attention and energy from other
> people, and then passing it along to her by focusing on her. Brilliant,
> right?"
> "Sounds boring to me. Who on earth would tune in each week to watch a
> bunch of people who have never DONE anything in their lives try to suck
> attention, as if they were the center of the universe?"
> "Hey, Saul...don't knock it...it worked for 'Seinfeld.'"
> "Good point."
> "So? Ya interested?"
> "Not really. Got anything else?"
> "Well, I am working on another completely original treatment called
> 'Freaking Mad.' It's about a mild-mannered meditation teacher who starts
> selling black-market enlightenment..."
> "Nice talking to you, Morty. But I see a real writer approaching, so
> buzz off. Give my secretary a call when you get back to L.A. We won't do
> lunch."

[FairfieldLife] [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread obbajeeba

Thank you, Alex. Spoken like a true Statesman.

[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread obbajeeba
I have still have not gotten the below two emails in my inbox.
I am getting the regular addressed email senders post and some of the 
no_re...@yahoo.com posts also. So progress is happening.

Yeah, Share, I am not into hog tying a man unless he wants it. haha
Freedom is good. :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> I was teasing, Obbajee. I sort of knew what hogtie means. But it was fun to 
> look it up and learn more (-:
>  From: obbajeeba 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 1:20 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention
> Hog tie was wrote "tongue in cheek."  Look that one up too, Share?
> LOL.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Hog tie?! Never mind, I'll be a good girl and google it (-:
> > PS thanks for comment about the Art Student. Horrifying but good to know.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ____
> >  From: obbajeeba 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 9:37 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Share, it is work in progress. haha. Takes patience and non attachment to 
> > hog tie a good one. 
> > 
> > Testing.
> > 
> > Only one post comes in after a few minutes, then some don't show up till 
> > later or even the next day. Either the software is bad or probably being 
> > monitored by those goons because of associations. So now you guys are all 
> > watched more too. Even more than John Hagelin enjoys reading this board. LOL
> > God Bless America. 
> > 
> > 
> > snip
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread sharelong60
Ok, Richard, thanks, I didn't know that. Hopefully will keep it in mind.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  
> Alex:
> > Bandwidth is only an issue for the very few who still 
> > connect to the Internet over dial-up. 
> >
> Maybe so, but all data sits on hard drives in computers, 
> somewhere - there is no data on a real cloud.


[FairfieldLife] [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Bandwidth is only an issue for the very few who still 
> connect to the Internet over dial-up. 
Maybe so, but all data sits on hard drives in computers, 
somewhere - there is no data on a real cloud.

> Any of the images that get posted on here consume far more 
> bandwidth than the longest block of unsnipped text. There 
> may be reasons for snipping posts, but bandwidth is not 
> one of them.
My guess is that the images on FFL take up only a few 
megabytes, since there's not that any of them. In the old 
days, all the data on alt.m.t. used to fit on one single 
gigabyte drive- it's probably several terabytes by now. 

Snipping is a way to limit redundant data storage for 
fast and easy search retrieval.

We just don't need four copies of a single long post when 
the only comment was a three word test and a 'not' test. 

That's what I'm saying. 

> > ...I don't really understand what that means and why it 
> > is a bad thing. This is still not a test. GF!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Share Long
I was teasing, Obbajee. I sort of knew what hogtie means. But it was fun to 
look it up and learn more (-:

 From: obbajeeba 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 1:20 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

Hog tie was wrote "tongue in cheek."  Look that one up too, Share?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Hog tie?! Never mind, I'll be a good girl and google it (-:
> PS thanks for comment about the Art Student. Horrifying but good to know.
>  From: obbajeeba 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 9:37 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention
> Share, it is work in progress. haha. Takes patience and non attachment to hog 
> tie a good one. 
> Testing.
> Only one post comes in after a few minutes, then some don't show up till 
> later or even the next day. Either the software is bad or probably being 
> monitored by those goons because of associations. So now you guys are all 
> watched more too. Even more than John Hagelin enjoys reading this board. LOL
> God Bless America. 
> snip


[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread obbajeeba
Hog tie was wrote "tongue in cheek."  Look that one up too, Share?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Hog tie?! Never mind, I'll be a good girl and google it (-:
> PS thanks for comment about the Art Student. Horrifying but good to know.
>  From: obbajeeba 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 9:37 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention
> Share, it is work in progress. haha. Takes patience and non attachment to hog 
> tie a good one. 
> Testing.
> Only one post comes in after a few minutes, then some don't show up till 
> later or even the next day. Either the software is bad or probably being 
> monitored by those goons because of associations. So now you guys are all 
> watched more too. Even more than John Hagelin enjoys reading this board. LOL
> God Bless America. 
> snip

[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Is this an experiment in emulating Robin's writing 
> style? Or did your Enter key break? :-D
Apparently hardly anyone here uses the Enter key to
break paragraphs or sentences - they use text wrap.

> >  Y'know, this is about the improvement in message quality following 
> > removal of posting limits. I think about this A LOT!. Wow the freedom 
> > to be *DEEP* and probing the deep psyche of whatever. Enlightenment, 
> > what a cool subject. And Turq talks about an island made of ice cream, 
> > isn't it cool how all things are, like, connected?. At the moment I am 
> > staring at my desk. That requires attention. Doesn't attention have 
> > something to do with enlightenment? And what about that yagya, saving 
> > the world through the power of that thing we have somewhere in our 
> > heads - CONSCIOUSNESS, that is what it is. And Neo, thrust upon us to 
> > help us communicate more succinctly (I think that is how the word is 
> > speled, I mean the way letters are supposed to go in order). I think I 
> > will send this message to all my friends who do not meditate, because 
> > they desperately need to see how the power of consciousness is 
> > fulfelling my life!! And why do people do the things they do? Boy is 
> > that a mystery, unless you consider INTENT. In-tent, kinda like being 
> > in a large canvas bag, but with a door. You come outta the door, there 
> > is the world, you go back in the door you are inside. (For you 
> > doofusses that is an analogram about consciousness - outer and inner 
> > and how they are related by transcendental passage work, going back 
> > and forth until, viola, something different happens, because you have 
> > gone *beyond*. I am sitting at a desk that faces true North. When I 
> > twist slightly, I can FEEL the pressure of nature trying to get me to 
> > realign myself with true reality, and so I twist back, and I feel a 
> > WHOLE lot better. You should try it, and according to my psychic dog, 
> > it helps with complexion (and fleas in case they are a problem). 
> > Because of the expansion of my self, I am able to interpret exactly 
> > what my dog is thinking and why with quantum mechanical precisiveness: 
> > you know, p = 0.74. I am taking a course in Sthapatyaveda car 
> > parking right now. It is a challenge I can tell you, crawling out of 
> > the sun roof 85% of the time, but alignment with whatever people tell 
> > me about nature is, I firmly believe, an absolute necessity for a 
> > fulfilled life. For example MacDonalds' fries contain natural beef 
> > extract, whereas others' lack that naturalness so they taste sort of 
> > fake by comparison, lacking you might say, or not. But what is really, 
> > really powerful about FFL right now is the quantity of divinely 
> > inspired knowledge and truth which just pours and pours, dumping its 
> > dump stuff into the ocean of my incredibly expanded you know what, 
> > which means of course I AM ENLIGHTENED. Jeeze, I don't see how anyone 
> > could doubt that. Look at the way I express myself, immersed in the 
> > deep pool of the God of unified field. I think all the pundits, and 
> > everyone in Fairfield IA, and on FFL should come to Brewster, NY and 
> > line the streets and meditate all day under the open sky, thinking 
> > GOOD THOUGHTS about the world. Brewster is a lot closer to Syria you 
> > know, than that city in the middle of the corn belt.
> >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Bhairitu
Is this an experiment in emulating Robin's writing style?  Or did your 
Enter key break? :-D

On 09/06/2013 09:18 AM, anartax...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Y'know, this is about the improvement in message quality following 
removal of posting limits. I think about this A LOT!. Wow the freedom 
to be *DEEP* and probing the deep psyche of whatever. Enlightenment, 
what a cool subject. And Turq talks about an island made of ice cream, 
isn't it cool how all things are, like, connected?. At the moment I am 
staring at my desk. That requires attention. Doesn't attention have 
something to do with enlightenment? And what about that yagya, saving 
the world through the power of that thing we have somewhere in our 
heads - CONSCIOUSNESS, that is what it is. And Neo, thrust upon us to 
help us communicate more succinctly (I think that is how the word is 
speled, I mean the way letters are supposed to go in order). I think I 
will send this message to all my friends who do not meditate, because 
they desperately need to see how the power of consciousness is 
fulfelling my life!! And why do people do the things they do? Boy is 
that a mystery, unless you consider INTENT. In-tent, kinda like being 
in a large canvas bag, but with a door. You come outta the door, there 
is the world, you go back in the door you are inside. (For you 
doofusses that is an analogram about consciousness - outer and inner 
and how they are related by transcendental passage work, going back 
and forth until, viola, something different happens, because you have 
gone *beyond*. I am sitting at a desk that faces true North. When I 
twist slightly, I can FEEL the pressure of nature trying to get me to 
realign myself with true reality, and so I twist back, and I feel a 
WHOLE lot better. You should try it, and according to my psychic dog, 
it helps with complexion (and fleas in case they are a problem). 
Because of the expansion of my self, I am able to interpret exactly 
what my dog is thinking and why with quantum mechanical precisiveness: 
you know, p = 0.74. I am taking a course in Sthapatyaveda car 
parking right now. It is a challenge I can tell you, crawling out of 
the sun roof 85% of the time, but alignment with whatever people tell 
me about nature is, I firmly believe, an absolute necessity for a 
fulfilled life. For example MacDonalds' fries contain natural beef 
extract, whereas others' lack that naturalness so they taste sort of 
fake by comparison, lacking you might say, or not. But what is really, 
really powerful about FFL right now is the quantity of divinely 
inspired knowledge and truth which just pours and pours, dumping its 
dump stuff into the ocean of my incredibly expanded you know what, 
which means of course I AM ENLIGHTENED. Jeeze, I don't see how anyone 
could doubt that. Look at the way I express myself, immersed in the 
deep pool of the God of unified field. I think all the pundits, and 
everyone in Fairfield IA, and on FFL should come to Brewster, NY and 
line the streets and meditate all day under the open sky, thinking 
GOOD THOUGHTS about the world. Brewster is a lot closer to Syria you 
know, than that city in the middle of the corn belt.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread anartaxius

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Bhairitu
Snipping has always been a hot topiic on newsgroups.  The old timers 
complain they don't to go look up other posts to see the context so they 
want the posts to be like logs.  No problem if the quoted text is short.

Yahoo should borrow a page from Google and on the site make "include 
quoted text" optional. IOW, the post by default would go out 
auto-snipped.  I mean they have all these hot shot 20 year old 
engineers, it should be a piece of cake.

On 09/06/2013 07:32 AM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:

Bandwidth is only an issue for the very few who still connect to the 
Internet over dial-up. Any of the images that get posted on here 
consume far more bandwidth than the longest block of unsnipped text. 
There may be reasons for snipping posts, but bandwidth is not one of them.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  

Sorry, Richard. I know you once explained that unsnipped posts takes 
up bandwidth but I don't really understand what that means and why it 
is a bad thing. This is still not a test. GF!

*From:* obbajeeba 
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Friday, September 6, 2013 9:18 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

When my email delivery coincides with at least less than a 5 minute 
delay, then my tests will be over and I can resume to typing other 
shit you may not wish to read. :)

This is another test.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> This is a test.
> P.S.
> What would it take to get you guys to snip your tests
> and tweets? LoL!
> > > This is not a test
> > >
> > This is a test.
> >
snip of snip (-:

[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread obbajeeba
When my email delivery coincides with at least less than a 5 minute delay, then 
my tests will be over and I can resume to typing other shit you may not wish to 
read. :)
This is another test.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  
> This is a test.
> P.S.
> What would it take to get you guys to snip your tests 
> and tweets? LoL!
> > > This is not a test
> > >
> > This is a test.
> > 

[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Richard J. Williams
This is a test.


What would it take to get you guys to snip your tests 
and tweets? LoL!

> > This is not a test
> >
> This is a test.

[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Richard J. Williams

The post should have been called 'True Attention v.6'. 


> It's a story about a bunch of vampires who live in 
> Faux Temps, Iowa and survive by sucking attention
> from other people...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Share Long
Hog tie?! Never mind, I'll be a good girl and google it (-:
PS thanks for comment about the Art Student. Horrifying but good to know.

 From: obbajeeba 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 9:37 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

Share, it is work in progress. haha. Takes patience and non attachment to hog 
tie a good one. 


Only one post comes in after a few minutes, then some don't show up till later 
or even the next day. Either the software is bad or probably being monitored by 
those goons because of associations. So now you guys are all watched more too. 
Even more than John Hagelin enjoys reading this board. LOL
God Bless America. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread obbajeeba
Share, it is work in progress. haha. Takes patience and non attachment to hog 
tie a good one. 


Only one post comes in after a few minutes, then some don't show up till later 
or even the next day. Either the software is bad or probably being monitored by 
those goons because of associations. So now you guys are all watched more too. 
Even more than John Hagelin enjoys reading this board. LOL
God Bless America. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sharelong60"  wrote:
> Yay for you, Obbajee. And for Ravi too, with his Devi. sigh...
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > Yes, Share. I am not a dog. I know just one whom my interest is attached 
> > to. haha.
> > Testing.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Obbajee, just one?!
> > > 
> > > This is not a test (-:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ____
> > >  From: obbajeeba 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 7:12 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention
> > >  
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > This is a test.
> > > Share, I know at least one 60 plus dude that is still smoking hot. 
> > > :)
> > > Test.
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Saul! What are you doing in Farmtown, USA?
> > > > 
> > > > What does it look like I'm doing, Morty? I'm trying to read the local 
> > > > newspaper. Betty Lou just got engaged to her high school sweetheart Big 
> > > > Joe.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Huh? Look Saul let me give you my elevator pitch on another idea.
> > > > 
> > > > In case you haven't noticed Morty, there are no elevators in this town. 
> > > > Just flat flat and more flat. Sigh, ok, let's hear it.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I call it The Ex Patted. 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Ah, Morty, a short title that speaks volumes. I like it already. Say 
> > > > more.
> > > > 
> > > > It's about a 60 something guy Neal A. List  living outside the US. 
> > > > And what can I say, Saul, he's got issues. He's terrified of needing 
> > > > attention. He's terrified of being boring. He's terrified of not 
> > > > leaving his mark on the world. He's an elitist and perfectionist and 
> > > > life is good. But only as long as it lives up to those standards of his 
> > > > that he's so attached to and identified with. I guess we could say he's 
> > > > terrified of being an ordinary human.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I don't know, Morty, will audiences be able to identify with this guy?
> > > > 
> > > > Saul, what can I say? Aren't you already? ha ha!
> > > > 
> > > > Cute, Morty! Tell you what. Let's make him hate astrology and all that 
> > > > New Age stuff and I think we got a winner.
> > > > 
> > > > Saul, you're a genius. Hey, maybe this small town living is good for 
> > > > you.
> > > > 
> > > > Morty, don't put a kabash on our new partnership!
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >  From: turquoiseb 
> > > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > > Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:19 PM
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] True Attention
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >   
> > > > This post never "came back" from the Yahoo! black hole yesterday, so 
> > > > I'll try again because I had so much fun writing it...
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Overheard in a cafe on Ile Saint-Louis this morning:
> > > > 
> > > > "Saul? Is that you? How amazing to run into you here in Paris. What are 
> > > > you doing here?"
> > > > 
> > > > "Knock it off, Morty. I saw you earlier stalking me outside my hotel, 
> > > > and following me here. You probably stalked me here all the way from 
> > > > L.A. What do you want?"
> > > > 
> > > > "That was *your* hotel? I wasn't stalking you...I wa

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread j_alexander_stanley

[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread sharelong60
Yay for you, Obbajee. And for Ravi too, with his Devi. sigh...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> Yes, Share. I am not a dog. I know just one whom my interest is attached to. 
> haha.
> Testing.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Obbajee, just one?!
> > 
> > This is not a test (-:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: obbajeeba 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 7:12 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > This is a test.
> > Share, I know at least one 60 plus dude that is still smoking hot. 
> > :)
> > Test.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Saul! What are you doing in Farmtown, USA?
> > > 
> > > What does it look like I'm doing, Morty? I'm trying to read the local 
> > > newspaper. Betty Lou just got engaged to her high school sweetheart Big 
> > > Joe.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Huh? Look Saul let me give you my elevator pitch on another idea.
> > > 
> > > In case you haven't noticed Morty, there are no elevators in this town. 
> > > Just flat flat and more flat. Sigh, ok, let's hear it.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I call it The Ex Patted. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Ah, Morty, a short title that speaks volumes. I like it already. Say more.
> > > 
> > > It's about a 60 something guy Neal A. List  living outside the US. And 
> > > what can I say, Saul, he's got issues. He's terrified of needing 
> > > attention. He's terrified of being boring. He's terrified of not leaving 
> > > his mark on the world. He's an elitist and perfectionist and life is 
> > > good. But only as long as it lives up to those standards of his that he's 
> > > so attached to and identified with. I guess we could say he's terrified 
> > > of being an ordinary human.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I don't know, Morty, will audiences be able to identify with this guy?
> > > 
> > > Saul, what can I say? Aren't you already? ha ha!
> > > 
> > > Cute, Morty! Tell you what. Let's make him hate astrology and all that 
> > > New Age stuff and I think we got a winner.
> > > 
> > > Saul, you're a genius. Hey, maybe this small town living is good for you.
> > > 
> > > Morty, don't put a kabash on our new partnership!
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: turquoiseb 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:19 PM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] True Attention
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > This post never "came back" from the Yahoo! black hole yesterday, so I'll 
> > > try again because I had so much fun writing it...
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Overheard in a cafe on Ile Saint-Louis this morning:
> > > 
> > > "Saul? Is that you? How amazing to run into you here in Paris. What are 
> > > you doing here?"
> > > 
> > > "Knock it off, Morty. I saw you earlier stalking me outside my hotel, and 
> > > following me here. You probably stalked me here all the way from L.A. 
> > > What do you want?"
> > > 
> > > "That was *your* hotel? I wasn't stalking you...I was...uh...just looking 
> > > through the garbage cans to see whether Parisians recycle. Yeah, that's 
> > > the ticket."
> > > 
> > > "Cut to the chase, Morty. What the fuck do you want?"
> > > 
> > > "I want to pitch you a story idea for a new series, Saul. I know that 
> > > you're interested in new ideas, original ideas, so I'm bringing it to you 
> > > first, even though a bunch of other producers are already bugging me about
> > >  it."
> > > 
> > > "Yeah, right. But OK, I'm in a good mood, and the *real* writer I'm 
> > > waiting for isn't due for a few minutes, so you've got that long to give 
> > > me your 'elevator pitch.'"
> > > 
> > > "Thanks, Saul. I call it 'True Attention.' It's a story about a bunch of 
> > > vampires who live in Faux Temps, Iowa and survive by

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Share Long
Sorry, Richard. I know you once explained that unsnipped posts takes up 
bandwidth but I don't really understand what that means and why it is a bad 
thing. This is still not a test. GF!

 From: obbajeeba 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 9:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

When my email delivery coincides with at least less than a 5 minute delay, then 
my tests will be over and I can resume to typing other shit you may not wish to 
read. :)
This is another test.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"  
> This is a test.
> P.S.
> What would it take to get you guys to snip your tests 
> and tweets? LoL!
> > > This is not a test
> > >
> > This is a test.
> > 
snip of snip (-:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread Share Long
Obbajee, just one?!

This is not a test (-:

 From: obbajeeba 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 7:12 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

This is a test.
Share, I know at least one 60 plus dude that is still smoking hot. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Saul! What are you doing in Farmtown, USA?
> What does it look like I'm doing, Morty? I'm trying to read the local 
> newspaper. Betty Lou just got engaged to her high school sweetheart Big Joe.
> Huh? Look Saul let me give you my elevator pitch on another idea.
> In case you haven't noticed Morty, there are no elevators in this town. Just 
> flat flat and more flat. Sigh, ok, let's hear it.
> I call it The Ex Patted. 
> Ah, Morty, a short title that speaks volumes. I like it already. Say more.
> It's about a 60 something guy Neal A. List  living outside the US. And what 
> can I say, Saul, he's got issues. He's terrified of needing attention. He's 
> terrified of being boring. He's terrified of not leaving his mark on the 
> world. He's an elitist and perfectionist and life is good. But only as long 
> as it lives up to those standards of his that he's so attached to and 
> identified with. I guess we could say he's terrified of being an ordinary 
> human.
> I don't know, Morty, will audiences be able to identify with this guy?
> Saul, what can I say? Aren't you already? ha ha!
> Cute, Morty! Tell you what. Let's make him hate astrology and all that New 
> Age stuff and I think we got a winner.
> Saul, you're a genius. Hey, maybe this small town living is good for you.
> Morty, don't put a kabash on our new partnership!
>  From: turquoiseb 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:19 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] True Attention
> This post never "came back" from the Yahoo! black hole yesterday, so I'll try 
> again because I had so much fun writing it...
> Overheard in a cafe on Ile Saint-Louis this morning:
> "Saul? Is that you? How amazing to run into you here in Paris. What are you 
> doing here?"
> "Knock it off, Morty. I saw you earlier stalking me outside my hotel, and 
> following me here. You probably stalked me here all the way from L.A. What do 
> you want?"
> "That was *your* hotel? I wasn't stalking you...I was...uh...just looking 
> through the garbage cans to see whether Parisians recycle. Yeah, that's the 
> ticket."
> "Cut to the chase, Morty. What the fuck do you want?"
> "I want to pitch you a story idea for a new series, Saul. I know that you're 
> interested in new ideas, original ideas, so I'm bringing it to you first, 
> even though a bunch of other producers are already bugging me about
>  it."
> "Yeah, right. But OK, I'm in a good mood, and the *real* writer I'm waiting 
> for isn't due for a few minutes, so you've got that long to give me your 
> 'elevator pitch.'"
> "Thanks, Saul. I call it 'True Attention.' It's a story about a bunch of 
> vampires who live in Faux Temps, Iowa and survive by sucking attention from 
> other people."
> "Iowa? It sounds more like L.A."
> "Yeah, we could probably set it in L.A. if you wanted. Anyway, the main 
> character is named Nookie Snackhouse, and she's *not* a vamp. But she is half 
> fey...sort of a closet fey...and she has this ability to read people's minds, 
> and know what their real thoughts and intentions are even better than the 
> people whose minds she's reading do." 
> "She sounds like a real pain in the ass. But go on...where do the vamps fit 
> into all of this?"
> "Well, first, they're not real vamps, like in that other series that this one 
> is nothing like. They don't feed on blood
>  or anything. Instead, just as you noted, they feed off of attention. Being 
> unable to generate any kind of energy themselves, they suck it from other 
> people by getting them to focus on them."
> "So how do they do this? Do they, for example, stalk these victims whose 
> attention they want to steal halfway around the world and corner them in a 
> sidewalk cafe?"
> "No, no...nothing like that. Heh heh...good one, Saul. What they do, since 
> none of these attention vamps

[FairfieldLife] Re: True Attention

2013-09-06 Thread obbajeeba
This is a test.
Share, I know at least one 60 plus dude that is still smoking hot. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Saul! What are you doing in Farmtown, USA?
> What does it look like I'm doing, Morty? I'm trying to read the local 
> newspaper. Betty Lou just got engaged to her high school sweetheart Big Joe.
> Huh? Look Saul let me give you my elevator pitch on another idea.
> In case you haven't noticed Morty, there are no elevators in this town. Just 
> flat flat and more flat. Sigh, ok, let's hear it.
> I call it The Ex Patted. 
> Ah, Morty, a short title that speaks volumes. I like it already. Say more.
> It's about a 60 something guy Neal A. List  living outside the US. And what 
> can I say, Saul, he's got issues. He's terrified of needing attention. He's 
> terrified of being boring. He's terrified of not leaving his mark on the 
> world. He's an elitist and perfectionist and life is good. But only as long 
> as it lives up to those standards of his that he's so attached to and 
> identified with. I guess we could say he's terrified of being an ordinary 
> human.
> I don't know, Morty, will audiences be able to identify with this guy?
> Saul, what can I say? Aren't you already? ha ha!
> Cute, Morty! Tell you what. Let's make him hate astrology and all that New 
> Age stuff and I think we got a winner.
> Saul, you're a genius. Hey, maybe this small town living is good for you.
> Morty, don't put a kabash on our new partnership!
>  From: turquoiseb 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:19 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] True Attention
> This post never "came back" from the Yahoo! black hole yesterday, so I'll try 
> again because I had so much fun writing it...
> Overheard in a cafe on Ile Saint-Louis this morning:
> "Saul? Is that you? How amazing to run into you here in Paris. What are you 
> doing here?"
> "Knock it off, Morty. I saw you earlier stalking me outside my hotel, and 
> following me here. You probably stalked me here all the way from L.A. What do 
> you want?"
> "That was *your* hotel? I wasn't stalking you...I was...uh...just looking 
> through the garbage cans to see whether Parisians recycle. Yeah, that's the 
> ticket."
> "Cut to the chase, Morty. What the fuck do you want?"
> "I want to pitch you a story idea for a new series, Saul. I know that you're 
> interested in new ideas, original ideas, so I'm bringing it to you first, 
> even though a bunch of other producers are already bugging me about
>  it."
> "Yeah, right. But OK, I'm in a good mood, and the *real* writer I'm waiting 
> for isn't due for a few minutes, so you've got that long to give me your 
> 'elevator pitch.'"
> "Thanks, Saul. I call it 'True Attention.' It's a story about a bunch of 
> vampires who live in Faux Temps, Iowa and survive by sucking attention from 
> other people."
> "Iowa? It sounds more like L.A."
> "Yeah, we could probably set it in L.A. if you wanted. Anyway, the main 
> character is named Nookie Snackhouse, and she's *not* a vamp. But she is half 
> fey...sort of a closet fey...and she has this ability to read people's minds, 
> and know what their real thoughts and intentions are even better than the 
> people whose minds she's reading do." 
> "She sounds like a real pain in the ass. But go on...where do the vamps fit 
> into all of this?"
> "Well, first, they're not real vamps, like in that other series that this one 
> is nothing like. They don't feed on blood
>  or anything. Instead, just as you noted, they feed off of attention. Being 
> unable to generate any kind of energy themselves, they suck it from other 
> people by getting them to focus on them."
> "So how do they do this? Do they, for example, stalk these victims whose 
> attention they want to steal halfway around the world and corner them in a 
> sidewalk cafe?"
> "No, no...nothing like that. Heh heh...good one, Saul. What they do, since 
> none of these attention vamps have actually ever DONE anything in their lives 
> that would attract the attention they feed off of, they get people to focus 
> on them by insulting them, trying to portray them as stupid, and calling them 
> names." 
> "And that works?"
> "More than you might think. Many of the vamps in Faux Temps have been running 
> this number for *years*, and have managed to get a *lot* of people to focus 
> on them and give them their attention so that they can feed off of it. And 
> all without ever
>  DOING anything to deserve that attention in the first place."
> "I don't get it...they accomplish all this just by insulting people?"
> "Not *just* insulting people. Sometimes they make up stories about themselves 
> and try to convince others that those stories are real. For example, they 
> brag about their 'endarkenment,' or imply that the