Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-08 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 4:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain
    I'm saying ... You stridently strutted outta here professing your 
independence and outrage. So stop being a pussy and live with it.Capisce?
Jimbo might also want to learn to live with the obvious FAILURE of his new 
forum. During the last week only four people besides himself posted there 
regularly. Three more people made two posts each. THIS is the forum that Judy 
Stein somehow believes people on FFL are jealous of.   :-)
Meanwhile, the Judester herself -- after having declared upon her return to FFL 
Barry and his acolytes can relax, BTW. I have no intention of starting to post 
regularly again -- has now made 31 posts, two-thirds of which involved dumping 
on Barry by name, and the remaining third involved dumping on other FFL posters 
who support him or don't mind him, and who she graciously calls thugs. Where 
is Doug screaming about Yahoo guideline violations when *she* does it, eh?

Crazy people. You can't live with 'em, and you can't live without 'em. 

Because they're crazy, and they won't LET you live without them.   :-)   :-)   


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-08 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: emptybill@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 4:40 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain
   I'm saying ... You stridently strutted outta here professing your 
independence and outrage. So stop being a pussy and live with it.

 Jimbo might also want to learn to live with the obvious FAILURE of his new 
forum. During the last week only four people besides himself posted there 
regularly. Three more people made two posts each. THIS is the forum that Judy 
Stein somehow believes people on FFL are jealous of.   :-)

 Meanwhile, the Judester herself -- after having declared upon her return to 
FFL Barry and his acolytes can relax, BTW. I have no intention of starting to 
post regularly again -- has now made 31 posts, two-thirds of which involved 
dumping on Barry by name, and the remaining third involved dumping on other FFL 
posters who support him or don't mind him, and who she graciously calls 
thugs. Where is Doug screaming about Yahoo guideline violations when *she* 
does it, eh?


 Crazy people. You can't live with 'em, and you can't live without 'em. 


 Because they're crazy, and they won't LET you live without them.   :-)   :-)   


 Watching Judy the death of irony Stein trying to throw her weight around 
again has been fun. But not worth responding to as she's not taking part in any 
threads or postings things people might want to read. Except her fellow 
discontents and they don't count anymore either. 

 I shall ignore them as long as they insist on wasting months of their 
one-and-only precious lives saying the same thing over and over again. The very 
definition of insanity.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-08 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 /Apparently, nobody currently posting to this forum has ever made this
claim. Correct me if I am wrong about this. It does not follow that because
Judy objects to anyone posting lies about her, and that she practices TM,
she does not have clarity in her messages. It seems pretty clear to me:

STOP LYING and telling fibs about Judy behind her back. It's not
complicated. /

Quoting [FairfieldLife]:

Perhaps that is just my perception, but unfortunately, that presents an
obvious argument that TM doesn’t really develop the clarity of the
witnessing neuro-physiology as claimed by true believers.

/Non sequitur./



Thank you for remaining in a state of apatheiatowards Judy's agitating
assalts towards you. In her absence from FFL, my memory became numb
regarding her willful intransigence. However, her FFL persona once again
appears only bounded by her current choice of likes and dislikes -
something variable from season to season, poster to poster. This
character trait indicates a petty (sometimes viciously petty) mentality
– something self-serving in function and compulsive in expression.


 Like you and many readers here, I overlook Barry’s baiting barbs
and self-involved vignettes. After all, on FFL we are free to ignore or
reply as we see fit - doing the same thing that Barry professes. At
least Barry offers some original assertions and views – all of that
rather than the old, “you are a liar, a thief and an uncharged



 I can read your posts only sometimes because I have limited
available time - if at all. But, when I do, I still appreciate the
/apatheia/. Many of our posting folks seem to lack even the semblance of
dispassion. Perhaps that is just my perception, but unfortunately, that
presents an obvious argument that TM doesn’t really develop the clarity
of the witnessing neuro-physiology as claimed by true believers.  





[FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It should probably be noted that anartaxious is one of the FFL informants that 
went over and started posting to The Peak, until Ann took him to task for being 
a poser - then he came back over here acting like a big-shot in front of Judy. 
Go figure. 
---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Nicely delineated.
---In, emptybill@... wrote :

 From the very beginning of this pseudo-issue, your FFL reaction appeared to 
many of us to be a calculated faux outrage. Most of us waited to see the 
clarifying remarks that might certify you as the single most offended person 
possible on FFL. Toward this end we let you run with this storyline long enough 
to clearly demonstrate your need to be the righteous moralist. It was a 
standard narrative - attempting to shame everyone for the high crime of reading 
the specified diabolical post without the appropriate apoplectic reaction. 
 After a while you left FFL and took your ball to another venue. Your issue 
should have remained with you there – or else simply passed on to the neutral 
ethers as you indulged your new fantasies.
 Now you are back - acting as if no time or other considerations have passed. 


 They have. 


 You are only here because this place is so lightly moderated that no one has 
insisted that you no longer belong here – specifically in accord with your 
proudly professed self-exile.  After all this is your chosen revulsion zone – a 
carry-over invective of your selected obsession.
 Please go back to the Peek where you can reign supreme. Bereft of challenge 
and opposition of view, you can call yourself “The Enlightened”, “Mr. Unity 
Consciousness To You”, “Paradigm of Maharishi’s Awakened Satya Yuga”.   
 We promise we won’t come over and Peek behind the curtain.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 So, I guess empty doesn't realize that Rick and Alex both went over and posted 
to The Peak. Maybe he should just keep his big pie-hole shut about it, since he 
obviously doesn't even read The Peak and he probably wouldn't be allowed to 
even post there. 

---In, emptybill@... wrote :

 I'm saying ... You stridently strutted outta here professing your 
independence and outrage. So stop being a pussy and live with it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Good examples of bigotry at face-value that set upon Reverse-Archery and drove 
him off FFL. In reading FFL and from my experience I felt that R-A most always 
did fine writing from his perspective of experience and a small crowd here was 
intolerant. He quite fairly expressed a more enlightened experience and its 
consequence in life. An anthology of his writings about enlightenment 
experience would be a pertinent one for the files here for reading. I feel it 
is regrettable that he and some others more timid than him had been so badly 
handled and so unkindly driven without protection from the field of FFL. A few 
in method here have destroyed FFL as the free-speech zone Rick had hoped for. 
It is time to re-frame FFL with respect to the yahoo-groups guidelines.

---In, wrote :

 Nicely delineated.

---In, emptybill@... wrote :

 From the very beginning of this pseudo-issue, your FFL reaction appeared to 
many of us to be a calculated faux outrage. Most of us waited to see the 
clarifying remarks that might certify you as the single most offended person 
possible on FFL. Toward this end we let you run with this storyline long enough 
to clearly demonstrate your need to be the righteous moralist. It was a 
standard narrative - attempting to shame everyone for the high crime of reading 
the specified diabolical post without the appropriate apoplectic reaction. 
 After a while you left FFL and took your ball to another venue. Your issue 
should have remained with you there – or else simply passed on to the neutral 
ethers as you indulged your new fantasies.
 Now you are back - acting as if no time or other considerations have passed. 


 They have. 


 You are only here because this place is so lightly moderated that no one has 
insisted that you no longer belong here – specifically in accord with your 
proudly professed self-exile.  After all this is your chosen revulsion zone – a 
carry-over invective of your selected obsession.
 Please go back to the Peek where you can reign supreme. Bereft of challenge 
and opposition of view, you can call yourself “The Enlightened”, “Mr. Unity 
Consciousness To You”, “Paradigm of Maharishi’s Awakened Satya Yuga”.   
 We promise we won’t come over and Peek behind the curtain.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That's neat, Bill. 

 I guess, in a nutshell you are saying, Jim, we don't care for your input 
here, and since you started another group you shouldn't be allowed to come 

 But, things change, situations change, circumstances change.

 There are misrepresentations made that irk people, and (speaking for myself) I 
feel the need to speak up, especially since the proponent of many of these 
misrepresentations, fashions himself as some kind of spiritual or anti cult 
warrior with a stated mission of uncovering flaws in other people's beliefs 

 And really, on the surface, who could object to that.

 But as they say, the devil is in the details, and when said person, goes about 
his self appointed task in a way that appears dishonest, then others may raise 
an objection to it, and attempt to point out a more accurate or balanced 

 And, of course, when they do so, they are promptly accused of being trolls, 
and cult apologists, and true believers..

 This doesn't even take into account the general lack of civility one would 
expect in an true exchange of ideas.

 Perhaps the next chapter of FFL will soon be upon us with an actual moderator.

 I'd be down with that, but I'd imagine most of those in the anti TM camp would 
find any moderator oversight objectionable.

---In, emptybill@... wrote :

 From the very beginning of this pseudo-issue, your FFL reaction appeared to 
many of us to be a calculated faux outrage. Most of us waited to see the 
clarifying remarks that might certify you as the single most offended person 
possible on FFL. Toward this end we let you run with this storyline long enough 
to clearly demonstrate your need to be the righteous moralist. It was a 
standard narrative - attempting to shame everyone for the high crime of reading 
the specified diabolical post without the appropriate apoplectic reaction. 
 After a while you left FFL and took your ball to another venue. Your issue 
should have remained with you there – or else simply passed on to the neutral 
ethers as you indulged your new fantasies.
 Now you are back - acting as if no time or other considerations have passed. 


 They have. 


 You are only here because this place is so lightly moderated that no one has 
insisted that you no longer belong here – specifically in accord with your 
proudly professed self-exile.  After all this is your chose revulsion zone – a 
carry-over invective of your selected obsession.
 Please go back to the Peek where you can reign supreme. Bereft of challenge 
and opposition of view, you can call yourself “The Enlightened”, “Mr. Unity 
Consciousness To You”, “Paradigm of Maharishi’s Awakened Satya Yuga”.   
 We promise we won’t come over and Peek behind the curtain.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Nicely delineated.

---In, emptybill@... wrote :

 From the very beginning of this pseudo-issue, your FFL reaction appeared to 
many of us to be a calculated faux outrage. Most of us waited to see the 
clarifying remarks that might certify you as the single most offended person 
possible on FFL. Toward this end we let you run with this storyline long enough 
to clearly demonstrate your need to be the righteous moralist. It was a 
standard narrative - attempting to shame everyone for the high crime of reading 
the specified diabolical post without the appropriate apoplectic reaction. 
 After a while you left FFL and took your ball to another venue. Your issue 
should have remained with you there – or else simply passed on to the neutral 
ethers as you indulged your new fantasies.
 Now you are back - acting as if no time or other considerations have passed. 


 They have. 


 You are only here because this place is so lightly moderated that no one has 
insisted that you no longer belong here – specifically in accord with your 
proudly professed self-exile.  After all this is your chosen revulsion zone – a 
carry-over invective of your selected obsession.
 Please go back to the Peek where you can reign supreme. Bereft of challenge 
and opposition of view, you can call yourself “The Enlightened”, “Mr. Unity 
Consciousness To You”, “Paradigm of Maharishi’s Awakened Satya Yuga”.   
 We promise we won’t come over and Peek behind the curtain.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 Thank you for remaining in a state of apatheia towards Judy's agitating 
assalts towards you. In her absence from FFL, my memory became numb regarding 
her willful intransigence. However, her FFL persona once again appears only 
bounded by her current choice of likes and dislikes - something variable from 
season to season, poster to poster. This character trait indicates a petty 
(sometimes viciously petty) mentality – something self-serving in function and 
compulsive in expression. 
 Like you and many readers here, I overlook Barry’s baiting barbs and 
self-involved vignettes. After all, on FFL we are free to ignore or reply as we 
see fit - doing the same thing that Barry professes. At least Barry offers some 
original assertions and views – all of that rather than the old, “you are a 
liar, a thief and an uncharged felon”.  
 I can read your posts only sometimes because I have limited available time - 
if at all. But, when I do, I still appreciate the apatheia. Many of our posting 
folks seem to lack even the semblance of dispassion. Perhaps that is just my 
perception, but unfortunately, that presents an obvious argument that TM 
doesn’t really develop the clarity of the witnessing neuro-physiology as 
claimed by true believers.   



[FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 Thank you for remaining in a state of apatheia towards Judy's agitating 
assalts towards you. In her absence from FFL, my memory became numb regarding 
her willful intransigence. However, her FFL persona appears once again bounded 
only by her current choice of likes and dislikes. Tthese are indeed choices 
because they variate from season to season, poster to poster. This particular 
character trait indicates a petty (sometimes viciously petty) mentality – 
self-serving in function and compulsive in expression. 
 Like you and many readers here, I overlook Barry’s baiting barbs and 
self-involved vignettes. After all, on FFL we are free to ignore or reply as we 
see fit - doing the same thing that Barry professes. At least Barry offers some 
original assertions and views – all of that rather than the old, “you are a 
liar, a thief and an uncharged felon”.  
 I can read your posts only sometimes because I have limited available time - 
if at all. But, when I do, I still appreciate the apatheia. Many of our posting 
folks seem to lack even the semblance of dispassion. Perhaps that is just my 
perception, but unfortunately, that presents an obvious argument that TM 
doesn’t really develop the clarity of the witnessing neuro-physiology as 
claimed by true believers. 


 D.Harmilton, attempting to be a neo-fascist exordianare, is a case in point. 
Ever ready to insist that his own view of a law 'n order forum is the only 
valid type of forum, he really should just give up his discontent and plunge 
into the fire of a TM type commune. Perhaps he can then claim 'litemint just 
like Shoot Myself Jim. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Peek behind the Curtain

2015-06-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm saying ... You stridently strutted outta here professing your independence 
and outrage. So stop being a pussy and live with it.
