Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-11-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

Did you notice how effortlessly and spontaneously you performed the 
stalking?  :-)

On 10/31/2014 8:52 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Don't you wish. I don't think there is a soul on this planet who cares 
enough about you to actually stalk you. But if it makes you feel 
better believe what you want. BTW, got any better pics of yourself? 
That one isn't so flattering. Mac- 1 bawee -0

Barry posted a red-herring. Everyone knows that Barry invited everyone 
on Google Groups a.m.t. to check out Yahoo FairfiledLife to see how he 
trashed Judy. It sure looks like a clear case of cognitive dissonance.Go 

/Nah, it wouldn't be the truth.  First of all, I remind you once again 
that it was *you* who suggested alt.m.t participants check out Fairfield 
Life.  All it would take to demolish your claim is to repost there what 
you said here.//

//And in any case, the only reason I would post to Fairfield Life is if 
you launched or participated in another attack on me, or on others here, 
and the alt.m.t participants on FL didn't call you on it./ - Judy Stein

First and last response to a cyberstalker:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-11-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/31/2014 10:02 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Barry is positively cheerful, having suckered Mr. I'm SO Enlightened 
And You're NOT into PROVING that he has been stalking me on the 
Internet. (He wouldn't have been able to come up with the photo he 
modified if he hadn't been.)

Here's the other side of the story, if anyone is interested:

/On alt.m.t, learning that I had seen what he//
//had posted on FL about me, Barry threatened to//
//retaliate by accusing me of being a cyberstalker//
//if I dared to speak up here./ - Judy Stein

What does that say about his claimed enlightenment? Are the 
enlightened so petty that the only thing they can think of to amuse 
themselves with is STALKING someone they don't like? So far Mr. 
Enlightened has admitted to reading two entire books as part of his 
attempts to stalk me, and to having searched all over the Internet 
just to find a photograph of me he can modify. Sounds more like yer 
classic Internet Troll than someone enlightened to me.  :-)

For that matter, what will his I am really done with any kind of back 
and forth posturing below say about his claimed enlightenment (much 
less ability to tell the truth) when he next gets his panties in a 
twist and feels he has to stalk me again?

We ALL know it will happen. He has NO self control, and has 
demonstrated that for years now. Some enlightenment...  :-)

As for you, Thundertwat, you'll keep stalking me, too.  You really 
can't help yourself...  :-)

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Saturday, November 1, 2014 3:06 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

No problem, Barry - I am really done with any kind of back and forth 
with you, and I sincerely wish you well.

Your final message to him in the form of that particularly interesting 
photo was a suitable swan song.
You certainly know how to move on in style, Mac. I sense bawee is 
positively apoplectic.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-11-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

I would say not. If I was in charge of the TMO I would pay him off or 
ask him to claim to be a Scientologist or something.

On 10/31/2014 10:13 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Richard Williams is a classic sociopath. He doesn't feel it's wrong to 
make up anything he wants about anyone he wants to make it up about. 
It must be a Texas thang, or maybe it's leftover behavior from all 
that time he spent in prison. 

/Cognitive dissonance: Barry is not a sociologist. Barry is from Texas. 
Richard Williams has never been in prison. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-11-01 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Ann, salyavin has said that he still does TM, so not former.
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 9:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

---In, wrote :

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

From: salyavin808

---In, punditster@... wrote :

I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you privatetypes, but I mean no threat. 
 If the bill collectors, pastwives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man are after 
you alongwith the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand yourneed. 

On 10/31/2014 2:26 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

It isn't really in thespirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea is 
thatyou can project the image you want and even hide what sex andage you are. 
It's a meeting of minds doncha know.

Anyone can be anythingthey want to be on an internet discussion group. The 
questionis, why would someone want to troll under an alias and trash 
adiscussion and make themselves look like an atheistic asshole?It just doesn't 
make any sense to normal people seeking answersto the spiritual life. 

When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD orserious anger 
management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to usean alias in a real online 
discussion. Only newbies andadolescents do that because they are trying to hide 
somethingfrom their parents. 

But, it is especially strange for science writers to post usingan alias - I 
mean, who is going to do an internet search for asalyavin808 - everything you 
post to the internet is lost inWarehouse 13. What a waste of time. In contrast, 
most of myinformation forms a huge data base of information and I'll befamous 
for several generations.You are a nobody.

I think you are quite probably insane. 

Uh, DUH. 

Are people on Fairfield Life *just* noticing this?  

I wouldn't say just as I do tend to avoid his stuff unless it pertains to 
something of mine and even then usually I just ignore him anyway. But I felt 
obliged to respond to that one as it came from nowhere, just a stupid joke 
about my screen name.
I'm surprised that I obviously I get under his skin. I'm kinda pleased about 
it, as the resort to abuse must mean he has no good answer. But I'd be worried 
if I actually disliked someone for their opinions about something, like it 
matters! I judge people by what they're like as people, not by what they think 
of fundamental reality. I'd be lonely if I did. LOL.
I think it was me me finding that one of his quotes was lifted from Wiki, it 
must have pissed him off. I'd be embarrassed, but then I wouldn't have done it 
in the first place. Own the knowledge guys!

Not the greatest advertisement for creative intelligence ever, eh?  :-)
I would say not. If I was in charge of the TMO I would pay him off or ask him 
to claim to be a Scientologist or something..
You guys are making me laugh. You're all former meditators and teachers, or did 
you selectively forget that small factoid?

  #yiv0843733467 #yiv0843733467 -- #yiv0843733467ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0843733467 
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0;width:400px;}#yiv0843733467 .yiv0843733467attach div a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-11-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, punditster@... wrote :


 I would say not. If I was in charge of the TMO I would pay him off or ask him 
to claim to be a Scientologist or something.

 On 10/31/2014 10:13 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Richard Williams is a classic sociopath. He doesn't feel it's wrong to make up 
anything he wants about anyone he wants to make it up about. It must be a Texas 
thang, or maybe it's leftover behavior from all that time he spent in prison. 
 Cognitive dissonance: Barry is not a sociologist. Barry is from Texas. Richard 
Williams has never been in prison. Go figure.

 And bawee thinks MMY is showing wear and tear as an older man. Geez, I guess 
senility can take the form of fantastical theories and lies all the while 
thinking one is speaking intelligibly. Perhaps we should take Mac's stance and 
just give the lampshade-wearing old fool a break now and then.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-11-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

Richard Williams is a classic sociopath. He doesn't feel it's wrong to 
make up anything he wants about anyone he wants to make it up about. 
It must be a Texas thang, or maybe it's leftover behavior from all 
that time he spent in prison.

/Cognitive dissonance: Barry is not a sociologist. Barry is from 
Texas. Richard Williams has never been in prison. Go figure./

On 11/1/2014 10:43 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

And bawee thinks MMY is showing wear and tear as an older man. Geez, I 
guess senility can take the form of fantastical theories and lies all 
the while thinking one is speaking intelligibly. Perhaps we should 
take Mac's stance and just give the lampshade-wearing old fool a break 
now and then.

So, I keep pointing out Barry's cognitive dissonance and he keeps 
sinking into it deeper and deeper, when all I'm doing is following his 
recomended process, but he doesn't seem to be getting any more realized 
- just more denial and avoidance. Go figure.

/So for me this is the same process.  It's the *process*that is 
important --

the active challenging of one's assumptions and beliefs -- not the outcome.
That *process* is what I suspect can trigger realization./ - TurquoiseB

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-11-01 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Here's what I find so fascinating about Barry.  He has told us many times, that 
he regards his primary purpose here as the pushing of people's buttons 

 But, by all appearances, he has graduated himself, out of any need to have his 
buttons pushed.  Or at least graduated out of the willingness for that.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 ---In, punditster@... wrote :


 I would say not. If I was in charge of the TMO I would pay him off or ask him 
to claim to be a Scientologist or something.

 On 10/31/2014 10:13 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Richard Williams is a classic sociopath. He doesn't feel it's wrong to make up 
anything he wants about anyone he wants to make it up about. It must be a Texas 
thang, or maybe it's leftover behavior from all that time he spent in prison. 
 Cognitive dissonance: Barry is not a sociologist. Barry is from Texas. Richard 
Williams has never been in prison. Go figure.

 And bawee thinks MMY is showing wear and tear as an older man. Geez, I guess 
senility can take the form of fantastical theories and lies all the while 
thinking one is speaking intelligibly. Perhaps we should take Mac's stance and 
just give the lampshade-wearing old fool a break now and then.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread salyavin808


---In, wrote :

 Yeah I'm askin' -- so what?  I can't keep these goofy-assed fake names 
straight and I'm too lazy to make a list of real names by scrounging the posts 
here.  I think one person can have several names -- pisses me off no end.

If they've been already outted on FFLthen why not put it here for all to 
easily find?  Permission schmerission.if the name is already known, then 
why do I have to work to get it?  Give it to me, and I'll even repost this 
thread from time to time and let everyone add to it.

I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean no 
threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man 
are after you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand your 


 It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea 
is that you can project the image you want and even hide what sex and age you 
are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.

 But as it means so much to you: My real name is Professor Regius Chronotis, or 
Reg for short. Here's some details:

 Salyavin Salyavin was a Time Lord 
sentenced to be held on Shada, the prison planet of his people. He escaped and 
lived on Earth as Professor Chronotis. Salyavin lived over...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Bhairitu noozguru
 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 email4you mikemail4you
 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

---In, wrote :

Yeah I'm askin' -- so what?  I can't keep these goofy-assed fake names straight 
and I'm too lazy to make a list of real names by scrounging the posts here.  I 
think one person can have several names -- pisses me off no end.

If they've been already outted on FFLthen why not put it here for all to 
easily find?  Permission schmerission.if the name is already known, then 
why do I have to work to get it?  Give it to me, and I'll even repost this 
thread from time to time and let everyone add to it.

I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean no 
threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man 
are after you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand your 


It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea 
is that you can project the image you want and even hide what sex and age you 
are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.

The case of Jim Flanegin (currently fleetwood_macncheese), proves that one 
can definitely use Net anonymity to hide what sex you are. He Who More Recently 
Prefers To Be Called Mr. Enlightened previously spent several months claiming 
to be a woman here on Fairfield Life. Here's a photo of him as 
enlightened_dawn I was able to find on Google.  :-)

But as it means so much to you: My real name is Professor Regius Chronotis, or 
Reg for short. Here's some details:

My real name (Barry Wright) has been known here since the first day I posted on 
FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I can find only one photo of myself among 
the hundreds that show up (largely because my real name also happens to be the 
name of a large racing car company). The one that shows up is a small face 
shot from the photo I originally posted of myself on FFL, the one taken on top 
of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, with me surrounded by gargoyles. Anyone who 
claims to have found any other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying. 

I do write for publication under a number of pseudonyms, and so far cannot find 
a photo of myself associated with *any* of them, which I consider a badge of 
success. I certainly don't want the people who stalk me here (Richard Williams, 
Jim Flanegin, Ann, and Steve) to be able to also stalk me under any of my 
publication pseudonyms. 

Speaking of stalking, and photos, I just scrolled through the first few dozen 
pageloads of photos posted to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my surprise 
there seem to be dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz - Rama. ALL of them were 
posted by one of the people stalking me, Richard Williams, and not one of them 
by me. There are actually more photos of Rama posted there than there are of 
*him*, which says a lot about the extent of his obsession with me, given his 
narcissism and how many photos of himself he posts. 

I guess some people just have so little going on in their own lives that they 
have to obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I guess I should have 
figured this when he started posting photos of going to Costco as if that was 
the high point of his month...  :-)



Salyavin was a Time Lord sentenced to be held on Shada, the prison planet of 
his people. He escaped and lived on Earth as Professor Chronotis. Salyavin 
lived over...  
View on Preview by Yahoo

Bhairitu noozguru
Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
email4you mikemail4you
Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean 
no threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, 
and tax man are after you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of 
course I understand your need.

On 10/31/2014 2:26 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real name, 
the idea is that you can project the image you want and even hide what 
sex and age you are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.

/Anyone can be anything they want to be on an internet discussion group. 
The question is, why would someone want to troll under an alias and 
trash a discussion and make themselves look like an atheistic asshole? 
It just doesn't make any sense to normal people seeking answers to the 
spiritual life.

When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD or serious anger 
management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to use an alias in a real 
online discussion. Only newbies and adolescents do that because they are 
trying to hide something from their parents.

But, it is especially strange for science writers to post using an alias 
- I mean, who is going to do an internet search for a salyavin808 - 
everything you post to the internet is lost in Warehouse 13. What a 
waste of time. In contrast, most of my information forms a huge data 
base of information and I'll be famous for several generations.You are a 

An alias actually sometimes tells more about an informant than using 
their real name.

For example a Michael Jackson living in SC indicates to me a rebel guy 
that hates black people. Another example is Uncle Tantra which 
indicates to me an old guy with deviant sexual proclivities. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
The case of Jim Flanegin (currently fleetwood_macncheese), proves 
that one can definitely use Net anonymity to hide what sex you are. He 
Who More Recently Prefers To Be Called Mr. Enlightened previously 
spent several months claiming to be a woman here on Fairfield Life. 
Here's a photo of him as enlightened_dawn I was able to find on 
Google.  :-)

It's probably not a good idea to reveal someone's real name on FFL when 
they are posting anonymously. I think that's against the rules./

15) Keep in mind that many FFL members desire to maintain anonymity. If 
you happen to know a member's real name, perhaps because that member has 
mentioned it in a post or two, or to you privately, please refer to that 
member only by their pseudonym.

/This reveals a lot more about the TurquoiseB than it does about 
anyone else. He just revealed that he has a serious interest in trolling 
for deviant sexual content to be used against his imagined social media 

Next he will be wanting to out all the FFL gays and lesbians, 
trans-sexuals, and cross-dressers. On this Yahoo group it looks like 
it's alright to fink on your friends and make up stuff about people and 
their private sex life. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 
My real name (Barry Wright) has been known here since the first day I 
posted on FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I can find only one 
photo of myself among the hundreds that show up (largely because my 
real name also happens to be the name of a large racing car company). 
The one that shows up is a small face shot from the photo I 
originally posted of myself on FFL, the one taken on top of the 
Cathedral of Notre Dame, with me surrounded by gargoyles. Anyone who 
claims to have found any other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying.

/Your face is probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!/

/So you don't know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's 
nothing to be ashamed about, Barry./

I do write for publication under a number of pseudonyms, and so far 
cannot find a photo of myself associated with *any* of them, which I 
consider a badge of success. I certainly don't want the people who 
stalk me here (Richard Williams, Jim Flanegin, Ann, and Steve) to be 
able to also stalk me under any of my publication pseudonyms.

/Who would care about what you do for a living? //
//In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and you've outed several 
people, me and Judy included//.You are in a very deep cognitive 
dissonance. ./

Speaking of stalking,

/In fact Barry stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.

and photos, I just scrolled through the first few dozen pageloads of 
photos posted to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my surprise 
there seem to be dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz - Rama. ALL of 
them were posted by one of the people stalking me, Richard Williams, 
and not one of them by me. There are actually more photos of Rama 
posted there than there are of *him*, which says a lot about the 
extent of his obsession with me, given his narcissism and how many 
photos of himself he posts.

/There are no of Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they are 
just links to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.

I guess some people just have so little going on in their own lives 
that they have to obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I 
guess I should have figured this when he started posting photos of 
going to Costco as if that was the high point of his month...  :-)

/Yeah, Wright./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
yoohoo, I'm still here though still limited to public computers. My new one is 
arriving today and hopefully will be up and running tomorrow. Have fun!

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 2:26 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

---In, wrote :

Yeah I'm askin' -- so what?  I can't keep these goofy-assed fake names straight 
and I'm too lazy to make a list of real names by scrounging the posts here.  I 
think one person can have several names -- pisses me off no end.

If they've been already outted on FFLthen why not put it here for all to 
easily find?  Permission schmerission.if the name is already known, then 
why do I have to work to get it?  Give it to me, and I'll even repost this 
thread from time to time and let everyone add to it.

I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean no 
threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man 
are after you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand your 

It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea 
is that you can project the image you want and even hide what sex and age you 
are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.
But as it means so much to you: My real name is Professor Regius Chronotis, or 
Reg for short. Here's some details:
||||   Salyavin  Salyavin was a Time Lord sentenced to be 
held on Shada, the prison planet of his people. He escaped and lived on Earth 
as Professor Chronotis. Salyavin lived over...||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|


 Bhairitu noozguru
 jr_esq dhamiltony2k5
 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 email4you mikemail4you
 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius

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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv3682631857 div.yiv3682631857photo-title a, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 My real name (Barry Wright) has been known here since the first day I posted 
on FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I can find only one photo of myself 
among the hundreds that show up (largely because my real name also happens to 
be the name of a large racing car company). The one that shows up is a small 
face shot from the photo I originally posted of myself on FFL, the one taken 
on top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, with me surrounded by gargoyles. Anyone 
who claims to have found any other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying. 
 Your face is probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!
 So you don't know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's nothing to be 
ashamed about, Barry.
 I do write for publication under a number of pseudonyms, and so far cannot 
find a photo of myself associated with *any* of them, which I consider a badge 
of success. I certainly don't want the people who stalk me here (Richard 
Williams, Jim Flanegin, Ann, and Steve) to be able to also stalk me under any 
of my publication pseudonyms. 
 Who would care about what you do for a living? 
 In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and you've outed several people, 
me and Judy included.You are in a very deep cognitive dissonance. .
 Speaking of stalking, 
 In fact Barry stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.
 and photos, I just scrolled through the first few dozen pageloads of photos 
posted to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my surprise there seem to be 
dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz - Rama. ALL of them were posted by one of 
the people stalking me, Richard Williams, and not one of them by me. There are 
actually more photos of Rama posted there than there are of *him*, which says a 
lot about the extent of his obsession with me, given his narcissism and how 
many photos of himself he posts. 
 There are no of Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they are just links 
to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.
 I guess some people just have so little going on in their own lives that they 
have to obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I guess I should have 
figured this when he started posting photos of going to Costco as if that was 
the high point of his month...  :-)
 Yeah, Wright.

 Now this is funny. bawee is worried about those he dislikes stalking him. As 
if we don't get more than enough of him here at FFL. LOL

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers? [1 Attachment]

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 My real name (Barry Wright) has been known here since the first day I posted 
on FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I can find only one photo of myself 
among the hundreds that show up (largely because my real name also happens to 
be the name of a large racing car company). The one that shows up is a small 
face shot from the photo I originally posted of myself on FFL, the one taken 
on top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, with me surrounded by gargoyles. Anyone 
who claims to have found any other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying. 
 Your face is probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!
 So you don't know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's nothing to be 
ashamed about, Barry.
 I do write for publication under a number of pseudonyms, and so far cannot 
find a photo of myself associated with *any* of them, which I consider a badge 
of success. I certainly don't want the people who stalk me here (Richard 
Williams, Jim Flanegin, Ann, and Steve) to be able to also stalk me under any 
of my publication pseudonyms. 
 Who would care about what you do for a living? 
 In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and you've outed several people, 
me and Judy included.You are in a very deep cognitive dissonance. .
 Speaking of stalking, 
 In fact Barry stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.
 and photos, I just scrolled through the first few dozen pageloads of photos 
posted to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my surprise there seem to be 
dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz - Rama. ALL of them were posted by one of 
the people stalking me, Richard Williams, and not one of them by me. There are 
actually more photos of Rama posted there than there are of *him*, which says a 
lot about the extent of his obsession with me, given his narcissism and how 
many photos of himself he posts. 
 There are no of Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they are just links 
to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.
 I guess some people just have so little going on in their own lives that they 
have to obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I guess I should have 
figured this when he started posting photos of going to Costco as if that was 
the high point of his month...  :-)
 Yeah, Wright.

 Now this is funny. bawee is worried about those he dislikes stalking him. As 
if we don't get more than enough of him here at FFL. LOL

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I kinda figured that Mr. Enlightened and SO Not Attached wouldn't be able to 
resist that one. Guess I was right. :-)

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers? [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from [FairfieldLife] included 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

My real name (Barry Wright)
has been known here since the first day I posted on
FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I can find only
one photo of myself among the hundreds that show up
(largely because my real name also happens to be the
name of a large racing car company). The one that
shows up is a small face shot from the photo I
originally posted of myself on FFL, the one taken on
top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, with me surrounded
by gargoyles. Anyone who claims to have found any
other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying. 

Your face is
probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!

So you don't
know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's nothing
to be ashamed about, Barry.

I do write for publication under a
number of pseudonyms, and so far cannot find a photo
of myself associated with *any* of them, which I
consider a badge of success. I certainly don't want
the people who stalk me here (Richard Williams, Jim
Flanegin, Ann, and Steve) to be able to also stalk me
under any of my publication pseudonyms. 

Who would care
about what you do for a living? 

In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and
you've outed several people, me and Judy included.You
are in a very deep cognitive dissonance. .

Speaking of stalking, 
In fact Barry
stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.

and photos, I just scrolled
through the first few dozen pageloads of photos posted
to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my surprise
there seem to be dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz -
Rama. ALL of them were posted by one of the people
stalking me, Richard Williams, and not one of them by
me. There are actually more photos of Rama posted
there than there are of *him*, which says a lot about
the extent of his obsession with me, given his
narcissism and how many photos of himself he posts. 

There are no of
Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they are just
links to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.

I guess some people just have so
little going on in their own lives that they have to
obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I guess
I should have figured this when he started posting
photos of going to Costco as if that was the high
point of his month...  :-)

Yeah, Wright.

Now this is funny. bawee is worried about those he dislikes stalking him. As 
if we don't get more than enough of him here at FFL. LOL

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

I guess some people just have so little going on in their own lives 
that they have to obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I 
guess I should have figured this when he started posting photos of 
going to Costco as if that was the high point of his month...  :-)

/Yeah, Wright./

On 10/31/2014 10:13 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Now this is funny. bawee is worried about those he dislikes stalking 
him. As if we don't get more than enough of him here at FFL. LOL

/This what you get when you try to defend a guy.

Judy called Barry a liar, and I felt sorry for him getting so beat up 
all the time, so I started to reach out to him to start a dialog about 
ten years ago. But, he was so egotistical and arrogant that I realized 
he wasn't here to discuss anything - he just wants a bulletin board to 
make himself look like a big-shot wise old uncle.

So, now I just point out his obvious cognitive dissonance because I 
realize he is a troll. Way back in the old days he used to post some 
amusing reviews and a good story or two but //in the past few years he's 
just been a pest. Seriously, I used to like him - now I don't even like 
his face. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]


On 10/31/2014 9:56 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
yoohoo, I'm still here though still limited to public computers. My 
new one is arriving today and hopefully will be up and running 
tomorrow. Have fun!

*From:* salyavin808
*Sent:* Friday, October 31, 2014 2:26 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

---In, wrote :

Yeah I'm askin' -- so what?  I can't keep these goofy-assed fake names 
straight and I'm too lazy to make a list of real names by scrounging 
the posts here.  I think one person can have several names -- pisses 
me off no end.

If they've been already outted on FFLthen why not put it here 
for all to easily find?  Permission schmerission.if the name is 
already known, then why do I have to work to get it?  Give it to me, 
and I'll even repost this thread from time to time and let everyone 
add to it.

I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean 
no threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, 
and tax man are after you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of 
course I understand your need.


It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real name, 
the idea is that you can project the image you want and even hide what 
sex and age you are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.

But as it means so much to you: My real name is Professor Regius 
Chronotis, or Reg for short. Here's some details:



Salyavin was a Time Lord sentenced to be held on Shada, the prison 
planet of his people. He escaped and lived on Earth as Professor 
Chronotis. Salyavin lived over...

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Bhairitu noozguru
Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
email4you mikemail4you
Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Did you notice how effortlessly and spontaneously you performed the stalking?  

 From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

I kinda figured that Mr. Enlightened and SO Not Attached wouldn't be able to 
resist that one. Guess I was right. :-)

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers? [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from [FairfieldLife] included 

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

My real name (Barry Wright)
has been known here since the first day I posted on
FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I can find only
one photo of myself among the hundreds that show up
(largely because my real name also happens to be the
name of a large racing car company). The one that
shows up is a small face shot from the photo I
originally posted of myself on FFL, the one taken on
top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, with me surrounded
by gargoyles. Anyone who claims to have found any
other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying. 

Your face is
probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!

So you don't
know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's nothing
to be ashamed about, Barry.

I do write for publication under a
number of pseudonyms, and so far cannot find a photo
of myself associated with *any* of them, which I
consider a badge of success. I certainly don't want
the people who stalk me here (Richard Williams, Jim
Flanegin, Ann, and Steve) to be able to also stalk me
under any of my publication pseudonyms. 

Who would care
about what you do for a living? 

In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and
you've outed several people, me and Judy included.You
are in a very deep cognitive dissonance. .

Speaking of stalking, 
In fact Barry
stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.

and photos, I just scrolled
through the first few dozen pageloads of photos posted
to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my surprise
there seem to be dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz -
Rama. ALL of them were posted by one of the people
stalking me, Richard Williams, and not one of them by
me. There are actually more photos of Rama posted
there than there are of *him*, which says a lot about
the extent of his obsession with me, given his
narcissism and how many photos of himself he posts. 

There are no of
Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they are just
links to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.

I guess some people just have so
little going on in their own lives that they have to
obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I guess
I should have figured this when he started posting
photos of going to Costco as if that was the high
point of his month...  :-)

Yeah, Wright.

Now this is funny. bawee is worried about those he dislikes stalking him. As 
if we don't get more than enough of him here at FFL. LOL

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/31/2014 12:11 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

I kinda figured that Mr. Enlightened and SO Not Attached wouldn't be 
able to resist that one. Guess I was right. :-)

/Barry forgot the photo of him on the cover of the TMO bulletin - the 
one with the gold leaf in an oval on the top. Go figure./

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Friday, October 31, 2014 6:04 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers? [1 Attachment]

from [FairfieldLife] included below]

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
mailto:turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

My real name (Barry Wright) has been known here since the
first day I posted on FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I
can find only one photo of myself among the hundreds that show
up (largely because my real name also happens to be the name
of a large racing car company). The one that shows up is a
small face shot from the photo I originally posted of myself
on FFL, the one taken on top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame,
with me surrounded by gargoyles. Anyone who claims to have
found any other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying.

/Your face is probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!/

/So you don't know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's
nothing to be ashamed about, Barry./

I do write for publication under a number of pseudonyms, and so
far cannot find a photo of myself associated with *any* of them,
which I consider a badge of success. I certainly don't want the
people who stalk me here (Richard Williams, Jim Flanegin, Ann, and
Steve) to be able to also stalk me under any of my publication

/Who would care about what you do for a living? //
//In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and you've outed
several people, me and Judy included//.You are in a very deep
cognitive dissonance. ./

Speaking of stalking,

/In fact Barry stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.

and photos, I just scrolled through the first few dozen pageloads
of photos posted to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my
surprise there seem to be dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz -
Rama. ALL of them were posted by one of the people stalking me,
Richard Williams, and not one of them by me. There are actually
more photos of Rama posted there than there are of *him*, which
says a lot about the extent of his obsession with me, given his
narcissism and how many photos of himself he posts.

/There are no of Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they
are just links to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.

I guess some people just have so little going on in their own
lives that they have to obsess on the lives of the people they
stalk. I guess I should have figured this when he started posting
photos of going to Costco as if that was the high point of his
month...  :-)

/Yeah, Wright./

Now this is funny. bawee is worried about those he dislikes stalking 
him. As if we don't get more than enough of him here at FFL. LOL

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 10/31/2014 12:15 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
Did you notice how effortlessly and spontaneously you performed the 
stalking?  :-)

/Apparently Barry forgot to make his Facebook page private. Maybe he 
wants us to post to his timeline. Go figure./

*From:* TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Friday, October 31, 2014 6:11 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

I kinda figured that Mr. Enlightened and SO Not Attached wouldn't be 
able to resist that one. Guess I was right. :-)

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Friday, October 31, 2014 6:04 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers? [1 Attachment]

from [FairfieldLife] included below]

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
mailto:turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

My real name (Barry Wright) has been known here since the
first day I posted on FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I
can find only one photo of myself among the hundreds that show
up (largely because my real name also happens to be the name
of a large racing car company). The one that shows up is a
small face shot from the photo I originally posted of myself
on FFL, the one taken on top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame,
with me surrounded by gargoyles. Anyone who claims to have
found any other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying.

/Your face is probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!/

/So you don't know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's
nothing to be ashamed about, Barry./

I do write for publication under a number of pseudonyms, and so
far cannot find a photo of myself associated with *any* of them,
which I consider a badge of success. I certainly don't want the
people who stalk me here (Richard Williams, Jim Flanegin, Ann, and
Steve) to be able to also stalk me under any of my publication

/Who would care about what you do for a living? //
//In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and you've outed
several people, me and Judy included//.You are in a very deep
cognitive dissonance. ./

Speaking of stalking,

/In fact Barry stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.

and photos, I just scrolled through the first few dozen pageloads
of photos posted to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my
surprise there seem to be dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz -
Rama. ALL of them were posted by one of the people stalking me,
Richard Williams, and not one of them by me. There are actually
more photos of Rama posted there than there are of *him*, which
says a lot about the extent of his obsession with me, given his
narcissism and how many photos of himself he posts.

/There are no of Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they
are just links to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.

I guess some people just have so little going on in their own
lives that they have to obsess on the lives of the people they
stalk. I guess I should have figured this when he started posting
photos of going to Costco as if that was the high point of his
month...  :-)

/Yeah, Wright./

Now this is funny. bawee is worried about those he dislikes stalking 
him. As if we don't get more than enough of him here at FFL. LOL

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread nablusoss1008
Judy called Curtis a liar, and I felt sorry for him getting so beat up all the 
time, so I started to reach out to him to start a dialog a few hours ago. But, 
he was so egotistical and arrogant that I realized he wasn't here to discuss 
anything - he just wants a bulletin board to make himself look like a big-shot 

---In, punditster@... wrote :


 I guess some people just have so little going on in their own lives that they 
have to obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I guess I should have 
figured this when he started posting photos of going to Costco as if that was 
the high point of his month...  :-)
 Yeah, Wright.

 On 10/31/2014 10:13 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Now this is funny. bawee is worried about those he dislikes stalking him. As 
if we don't get more than enough of him here at FFL. LOL
 This what you get when you try to defend a guy. 
 Judy called Curtis a liar, and I felt sorry for him getting so beat up all the 
time, so I started to reach out to him to start a dialog a few hours ago. But, 
he was so egotistical and arrogant that I realized he wasn't here to discuss 
anything - he just wants a bulletin board to make himself look like a big-shot 
wise old artist. 
 So, now I just point out his obvious cognitive dissonance because I realize he 
is a troll. Way back in the old days he used to post some amusing reviews and a 
good story or two but in the past few years he's just been a pest. Seriously, I 
used to like him - now I don't even like his face. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/31/2014 12:34 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

/Judy called Curtis a liar, and I felt sorry for him getting so beat 
up all the time, so I started to reach out to him to start a dialog a 
few hours ago. But, he was so egotistical and arrogant that I realized 
he wasn't here to discuss anything - he just wants a bulletin board to 
make himself look like a big-shot artist. /

/Judy called everybody a liar/, //so I started to reach out to everyone 
to start a dialog a few years ago. But, most everyone is so busy they 
don't have time to dialog, because they have a life. I just want a 
bulletin board to make myself look like a big-shot, arrogant, lying 
artist.///It's not complicated./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread salyavin808


---In, punditster@... wrote :


 I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean no 
threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man 
are after you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand your 
 On 10/31/2014 2:26 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea 
is that you can project the image you want and even hide what sex and age you 
are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.
 Anyone can be anything they want to be on an internet discussion group. The 
question is, why would someone want to troll under an alias and trash a 
discussion and make themselves look like an atheistic asshole? It just doesn't 
make any sense to normal people seeking answers to the spiritual life. 
 When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD or serious anger 
management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to use an alias in a real online 
discussion. Only newbies and adolescents do that because they are trying to 
hide something from their parents. 
 But, it is especially strange for science writers to post using an alias - I 
mean, who is going to do an internet search for a salyavin808 - everything 
you post to the internet is lost in Warehouse 13. What a waste of time. In 
contrast, most of my information forms a huge data base of information and I'll 
be famous for several generations.You are a nobody.
I think you are quite probably insane. I can't perform an actual diagnosis over 
the internet but if you think you post any information at all - other than the 
fact you are insane - then I've yet to see it.  But perhaps I'm being too harsh 
and you are merely autistic or have behavioural problems. I have tried to 
discuss things with you in the past - many times - but you always just get 
abusive and start posting irrelevant rubbish that you cut and paste from 
Wikipedia. I don't know if you just don't know anything or think that posting 
anything as long as it appears contrary to my position is helpful to whatever 
cause it is you have. Or maybe they only give you limited computer use at your 
care home. Either way, I have tried.  I'm sorry if you think that someone who 
doesn't believe in magic is automatically an asshole, I can't help you there. I 
do explain why I think the supernatural is an inadequate explanation for our 
experience but you just stick your fingers in your ears and post endless 
bollocks to spam the whole thread up. Every single time. What pleasure you get 
from your online existence I cannot guess at because you contribute absolutely 
nothing of any intellectual value either way that I've seen here. You may very 
well be famous, and I'm sure that is very important to you, I'm also sure that 
anyone who has tried to read your dribble every day on here will be telling 
their friends with horror what a full spiritual life can do for you. Someone 
should make a flicker book of your last ten years of posts here and we can look 
at them one after the other and maybe even you will shudder as you watch them 
not change, even remotely.  And I am happy to be a nobody. I suspect for you to 
think that is an adequate insult means you must think you are a somebody. Good 
luck with whoever you really are because you inspire no jealousy in me at all.

 An alias actually sometimes tells more about an informant than using their 
real name. 
 For example a Michael Jackson living in SC indicates to me a rebel guy that 
hates black people. Another example is Uncle Tantra which indicates to me an 
old guy with deviant sexual proclivities. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread nablusoss1008
HaHa, good one Richard :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread nablusoss1008
Haha, good one Richard :-)

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/31/2014 12:34 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

   Judy called Curtis a liar, and I felt sorry for him getting so beat up all 
the time, so I started to reach out to him to start a dialog a few hours ago. 
But, he was so egotistical and arrogant that I realized he wasn't here to 
discuss anything - he just wants a bulletin board to make himself look like a 
big-shot artist. 

 Judy called everybody a liar, so I started to reach out to everyone to start a 
dialog a few years ago. But, most everyone is so busy they don't have time to 
dialog, because they have a life. I just want a bulletin board to make myself 
look like a big-shot, arrogant, lying artist. It's not complicated.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

---In, punditster@... wrote :

I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private
types, but I mean no threat.  If the bill collectors, past
wives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man are after you along
with the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand your

On 10/31/2014 2:26 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

It isn't really in the
spirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea is that
you can project the image you want and even hide what sex and
age you are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.

Anyone can be anything
they want to be on an internet discussion group. The question
is, why would someone want to troll under an alias and trash a
discussion and make themselves look like an atheistic asshole?
It just doesn't make any sense to normal people seeking answers
to the spiritual life. 

When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD or
serious anger management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to use
an alias in a real online discussion. Only newbies and
adolescents do that because they are trying to hide something
from their parents. 

But, it is especially strange for science writers to post using
an alias - I mean, who is going to do an internet search for a
salyavin808 - everything you post to the internet is lost in
Warehouse 13. What a waste of time. In contrast, most of my
information forms a huge data base of information and I'll be
famous for several generations.You are a nobody.

I think you are quite probably insane. 

Uh, DUH. 

Are people on Fairfield Life *just* noticing this?  

Not the greatest advertisement for creative intelligence ever, eh?  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: salyavin808
---In, punditster@... wrote :
 I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean no 
threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man 
are after you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand your 

 On 10/31/2014 2:26 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea 
is that you can project the image you want and even hide what sex and age you 
are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.
 Anyone can be anything they want to be on an internet discussion group. The 
question is, why would someone want to troll under an alias and trash a 
discussion and make themselves look like an atheistic asshole? It just doesn't 
make any sense to normal people seeking answers to the spiritual life. 
 When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD or serious anger 
management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to use an alias in a real online 
discussion. Only newbies and adolescents do that because they are trying to 
hide something from their parents. 
 But, it is especially strange for science writers to post using an alias - I 
mean, who is going to do an internet search for a salyavin808 - everything 
you post to the internet is lost in Warehouse 13. What a waste of time. In 
contrast, most of my information forms a huge data base of information and I'll 
be famous for several generations.You are a nobody.

I think you are quite probably insane. 

Uh, DUH. 

Are people on Fairfield Life *just* noticing this?  

I wouldn't say just as I do tend to avoid his stuff unless it pertains to 
something of mine and even then usually I just ignore him anyway. But I felt 
obliged to respond to that one as it came from nowhere, just a stupid joke 
about my screen name.

 I'm surprised that I obviously I get under his skin. I'm kinda pleased about 
it, as the resort to abuse must mean he has no good answer. But I'd be worried 
if I actually disliked someone for their opinions about something, like it 
matters! I judge people by what they're like as people, not by what they think 
of fundamental reality. I'd be lonely if I did. LOL.

 I think it was me me finding that one of his quotes was lifted from Wiki, it 
must have pissed him off. I'd be embarrassed, but then I wouldn't have done it 
in the first place. Own the knowledge guys!

Not the greatest advertisement for creative intelligence ever, eh?  :-)

 I would say not. If I was in charge of the TMO I would pay him off or ask him 
to claim to be a Scientologist or something..

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, life is very very different without a computer at home. It's been a 
fascinating experience, learning how addicted I am!

  From: 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 12:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?
 On 10/31/2014 9:56 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] wrote:

     yoohoo, I'm still here though still limited to public computers. My new 
one is arriving today and hopefully will be up and running tomorrow. Have fun!
  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 2:26 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?
 ---In, wrote :
  Yeah I'm askin' -- so what?  I can't keep these goofy-assed fake names 
straight and I'm too lazy to  make a list of real names by scrounging the posts 
here.  I think one person can have several names -- pisses me off no end.
 If they've been already outted on FFLthen why not put it here  for all 
to easily find?  Permission schmerission.if the name is already known, then 
why do I have to work to get it?   Give it to me, and I'll even repost this 
thread from time to time and let everyone add to it.
 I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean no 
threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man 
are after  you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand your 
  It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea 
is that you can project the image you want and even hide what sex and age you 
are. It's a  meeting of minds doncha know. 
  But as it means so much to you: My real name is Professor Regius Chronotis, 
or Reg for short. Here's some details: 
  |   Salyavin  Salyavin was a Time Lord sentenced to be held on Shada, the 
prison planet of his people. He escaped and lived  on Earth as Professor 
Chronotis. Salyavin lived over...|  
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

  Bhairitu noozguru
  jr_esq  dhamiltony2k5
  Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  email4you mikemail4you
  Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius

  #yiv2652042239 #yiv2652042239 -- #yiv2652042239ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2652042239 
#yiv2652042239ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv2652042239 
#yiv2652042239ygrp-mkp #yiv2652042239hd 
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{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2652042239 #yiv2652042239ygrp-mkp .yiv2652042239ad 
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{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2652042239 #yiv2652042239ygrp-sponsor 
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#yiv2652042239ygrp-sponsor #yiv2652042239ygrp-lc .yiv2652042239ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv2652042239 #yiv2652042239actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv2652042239 
 #yiv2652042239activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv2652042239 
#yiv2652042239activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv2652042239 #yiv2652042239activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2652042239 #yiv2652042239activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv2652042239 #yiv2652042239activity span 
.yiv2652042239underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv2652042239 
0;width:400px;}#yiv2652042239 .yiv2652042239attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2652042239 .yiv2652042239attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv2652042239 .yiv2652042239attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv2652042239 .yiv2652042239attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv2652042239 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv2652042239 .yiv2652042239bold 
.yiv2652042239bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv2652042239 dd.yiv2652042239last 
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span {margin-right:10px;font

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
No problem, Barry - I am really done with any kind of back and forth with you, 
and I sincerely wish you well.  

 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I kinda figured that Mr. Enlightened and SO Not Attached wouldn't be able to 
resist that one. Guess I was right. :-)


 From: fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 6:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers? [1 Attachment]
   [Attachment(s) from 
fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] included below]

 ---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :
 ---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 My real name (Barry Wright) has been known here since the first day I posted 
on FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I can find only one photo of myself 
among the hundreds that show up (largely because my real name also happens to 
be the name of a large racing car company). The one that shows up is a small 
face shot from the photo I originally posted of myself on FFL, the one taken 
on top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, with me surrounded by gargoyles. Anyone 
who claims to have found any other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying. 
 Your face is probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!
 So you don't know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's nothing to be 
ashamed about, Barry.
 I do write for publication under a number of pseudonyms, and so far cannot 
find a photo of myself associated with *any* of them, which I consider a badge 
of success. I certainly don't want the people who stalk me here (Richard 
Williams, Jim Flanegin, Ann, and Steve) to be able to also stalk me under any 
of my publication pseudonyms. 
 Who would care about what you do for a living? 
 In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and you've outed several people, 
me and Judy included.You are in a very deep cognitive dissonance. .
 Speaking of stalking, 
 In fact Barry stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.
 and photos, I just scrolled through the first few dozen pageloads of photos 
posted to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my surprise there seem to be 
dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz - Rama. ALL of them were posted by one of 
the people stalking me, Richard Williams, and not one of them by me. There are 
actually more photos of Rama posted there than there are of *him*, which says a 
lot about the extent of his obsession with me, given his narcissism and how 
many photos of himself he posts. 
 There are no of Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they are just links 
to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.
 I guess some people just have so little going on in their own lives that they 
have to obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I guess I should have 
figured this when he started posting photos of going to Costco as if that was 
the high point of his month...  :-)
 Yeah, Wright.


 Now this is funny. bawee is worried about those he dislikes stalking him. As 
if we don't get more than enough of him here at FFL. LOL



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real
name, the idea is that you can project the image you want and
even hide what sex and age you are. It's a meeting of minds
doncha know.

/Anyone can be anything they want to be on an internet discussion
group. The question is, why would someone want to troll under an
alias and trash a discussion and make themselves look like an
atheistic asshole? It just doesn't make any sense to normal people
seeking answers to the spiritual life.

When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD or serious
anger management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to use an alias
in a real online discussion. Only newbies and adolescents do that
because they are trying to hide something from their parents.

But, it is especially strange for science writers to post using an
alias - I mean, who is going to do an internet search for a
salyavin808 - everything you post to the internet is lost in
Warehouse 13. What a waste of time. In contrast, most of my
information forms a huge data base of information and I'll be
famous for several generations.You are a nobody.

I think you are quite probably insane.

/On 10/31/2014 2:24 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Uh, DUH.

Are people on Fairfield Life *just* noticing this?

Not the greatest advertisement for creative intelligence ever, eh?  :-)

/So, Barry spent what, $50,000 and 20 years trying to learn how to fly 
and levitate without success, while I stuck to basic TM, got an 
education, worked and raised a family and retired with a nice pension, 
but I'm the one who is insane? Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sure Barry, people here are just dying to stalk you. 

 As usual, it's all about you.

 For all I know you are only into selfies for your own viewing.



---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 My real name (Barry Wright) has been known here since the first day I posted 
on FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I can find only one photo of myself 
among the hundreds that show up (largely because my real name also happens to 
be the name of a large racing car company). The one that shows up is a small 
face shot from the photo I originally posted of myself on FFL, the one taken 
on top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, with me surrounded by gargoyles. Anyone 
who claims to have found any other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying. 
 Your face is probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!
 So you don't know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's nothing to be 
ashamed about, Barry.
 I do write for publication under a number of pseudonyms, and so far cannot 
find a photo of myself associated with *any* of them, which I consider a badge 
of success. I certainly don't want the people who stalk me here (Richard 
Williams, Jim Flanegin, Ann, and Steve) to be able to also stalk me under any 
of my publication pseudonyms. 
 Who would care about what you do for a living? 
 In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and you've outed several people, 
me and Judy included.You are in a very deep cognitive dissonance. .
 Speaking of stalking, 
 In fact Barry stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.
 and photos, I just scrolled through the first few dozen pageloads of photos 
posted to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my surprise there seem to be 
dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz - Rama. ALL of them were posted by one of 
the people stalking me, Richard Williams, and not one of them by me. There are 
actually more photos of Rama posted there than there are of *him*, which says a 
lot about the extent of his obsession with me, given his narcissism and how 
many photos of himself he posts. 
 There are no of Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they are just links 
to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.
 I guess some people just have so little going on in their own lives that they 
have to obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I guess I should have 
figured this when he started posting photos of going to Costco as if that was 
the high point of his month...  :-)
 Yeah, Wright.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It is rather funny.  I mean he love to paste that narcissistic label on others 

 Just another blind spot, I'd say. (but a biggie)


---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

 ---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 My real name (Barry Wright) has been known here since the first day I posted 
on FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I can find only one photo of myself 
among the hundreds that show up (largely because my real name also happens to 
be the name of a large racing car company). The one that shows up is a small 
face shot from the photo I originally posted of myself on FFL, the one taken 
on top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, with me surrounded by gargoyles. Anyone 
who claims to have found any other photo of me (except here on FFL) is lying. 
 Your face is probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!
 So you don't know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's nothing to be 
ashamed about, Barry.
 I do write for publication under a number of pseudonyms, and so far cannot 
find a photo of myself associated with *any* of them, which I consider a badge 
of success. I certainly don't want the people who stalk me here (Richard 
Williams, Jim Flanegin, Ann, and Steve) to be able to also stalk me under any 
of my publication pseudonyms. 
 Who would care about what you do for a living? 
 In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and you've outed several people, 
me and Judy included.You are in a very deep cognitive dissonance. .
 Speaking of stalking, 
 In fact Barry stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.
 and photos, I just scrolled through the first few dozen pageloads of photos 
posted to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my surprise there seem to be 
dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz - Rama. ALL of them were posted by one of 
the people stalking me, Richard Williams, and not one of them by me. There are 
actually more photos of Rama posted there than there are of *him*, which says a 
lot about the extent of his obsession with me, given his narcissism and how 
many photos of himself he posts. 
 There are no of Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they are just links 
to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.
 I guess some people just have so little going on in their own lives that they 
have to obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I guess I should have 
figured this when he started posting photos of going to Costco as if that was 
the high point of his month...  :-)
 Yeah, Wright.

 Now this is funny. bawee is worried about those he dislikes stalking him. As 
if we don't get more than enough of him here at FFL. LOL

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real
name, the idea is that you can project the image you want and even
hide what sex and age you are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.

   /Anyone can be anything they want to be on an internet discussion
   group. The question is, why would someone want to troll under an
   alias and trash a discussion and make themselves look like an
   atheistic asshole? It just doesn't make any sense to normal people
   seeking answers to the spiritual life.

   When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD or serious
   anger management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to use an alias in
   a real online discussion. Only newbies and adolescents do that
   because they are trying to hide something from their parents.

   But, it is especially strange for science writers to post using an
   alias - I mean, who is going to do an internet search for a
   salyavin808 - everything you post to the internet is lost in
   Warehouse 13. What a waste of time. In contrast, most of my
   information forms a huge data base of information and I'll be famous
   for several generations.You are a nobody.

/On 10/31/2014 2:09 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

I think you are quite probably insane. I can't perform an actual
diagnosis over the internet but if you think you post any
information at all - other than the fact you are insane - then
I've yet to see it.

Non sequitur.


/But perhaps I'm being too harsh and you are merely autistic or
have behavioural problems. I have tried to discuss things with you
in the past - many times - but you always just get abusive and
start posting irrelevant rubbish that you cut and paste from
Wikipedia. I don't know if you just don't know anything or think
that posting anything as long as it appears contrary to my
position is helpful to whatever cause it is you have. Or maybe
they only give you limited computer use at your care home. Either
way, I have tried.

/Non sequitur.


/I'm sorry if you think that someone who doesn't believe in magic
is automatically an asshole, I can't help you there. I do explain
why I think the supernatural is an inadequate explanation for our
experience but you just stick your fingers in your ears and post
endless bollocks to spam the whole thread up. Every single time.
What pleasure you get from your online existence I cannot guess at
because you contribute absolutely nothing of any intellectual
value either way that I've seen here./


/You may very well be famous, and I'm sure that is very important
to you, I'm also sure that anyone who has tried to read your
dribble every day on here will be telling their friends with
horror what a full spiritual life can do for you. Someone should
make a flicker book of your last ten years of posts here and we
can look at them one after the other and maybe even you will
shudder as you watch them not change, even remotely.

/Non sequitur.


/And I am happy to be a nobody. I suspect for you to think that is
an adequate insult means you must think you are a somebody. Good
luck with whoever you really are because you inspire no jealousy
in me at all./

/Whenever informants post using an alias it indicates they are nobody in 
particular and that anything they say is relegated to Warehouse 13, 
never to be seen again, unless by accident. While you were posting 
messages that end on one line and almost all begin with RE:, I wrote a 
whole book using my real name. It's always better to use your real name 
on a discussion group because that way, you'll be somebody to remember 
and other respondents can do an advanced search to find out what you've 

As it is, you've already wasted a year or two posting as a nobody. When 
you are gone, you are gone - nobody is going to do a search for 
//salyavin808 because nobody even knows who you are. It's not 


/An alias actually sometimes tells more about an informant than
using their real name.

For example a Michael Jackson living in SC indicates to me a
rebel guy that hates black people. Another example is Uncle
Tantra which indicates to me an old guy with deviant sexual
proclivities. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your
real name, the idea is that you can project the image you
want and even hide what sex and age you are. It's a meeting
of minds doncha know.

/Anyone can be anything they want to be on an internet
discussion group. The question is, why would someone want to
troll under an alias and trash a discussion and make
themselves look like an atheistic asshole? It just doesn't
make any sense to normal people seeking answers to the
spiritual life.

When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD or
serious anger management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to
use an alias in a real online discussion. Only newbies and
adolescents do that because they are trying to hide something
from their parents.

But, it is especially strange for science writers to post
using an alias - I mean, who is going to do an internet search
for a salyavin808 - everything you post to the internet is
lost in Warehouse 13. What a waste of time. In contrast, most
of my information forms a huge data base of information and
I'll be famous for several generations.You are a nobody.


/I think you are quite probably insane.


Uh, DUH.

Are people on Fairfield Life *just* noticing this?

I think it was me me finding that one of his quotes was lifted from 
Wiki, it must have pissed him off. I'd be embarrassed, but then I 
wouldn't have done it in the first place. Own the knowledge guys!

/Non sequitur.

So, when are you going to direct us to your online photo gallery? /

Not the greatest advertisement for creative intelligence ever, eh?  :-)

On 10/31/2014 3:33 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

I would say not. If I was in charge of the TMO I would pay him off or 
ask him to claim to be a Scientologist or something.

/Non sequitur.

Maybe I should rephrase my statement: When you post using an alias you 
are an impostor - there is no way to prove anything you say about the 
TMO or anybody you used to know because you are not a real person - you 
are a nobody posting as an alias.//Nobody can vouch for anything you say 
because you have not a single witness to anything you might claim. It's 
not complicated./

/As a matter of fact, you're not even listed as a TM Teacher in good 
standing, according to the official TMO list of teachers.//It may be 
that you are an informant. So, yeah, own the knowledge. Let's see your 
face and prove that you are somebody. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 10/31/2014 6:54 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Sure Barry, people here are just dying to stalk you.

/Oh my Gawd.  Yazidi women sold, raped, enslaved by ISIS, but a guy in 
NE is being stalked to Yahoo FFL, yet he was the guy that invited Judy 
and all the others over here in the first place. This is just outrageous 
cognitive dissonance!/

As usual, it's all about you.

For all I know you are only into selfies for your own viewing.

---In, punditster@... wrote :

On 10/31/2014 4:15 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
mailto:turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

My real name (Barry Wright) has been known here since the first
day I posted on FFL. To my relief, when I Google it I can find
only one photo of myself among the hundreds that show up (largely
because my real name also happens to be the name of a large racing
car company). The one that shows up is a small face shot from
the photo I originally posted of myself on FFL, the one taken on
top of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, with me surrounded by
gargoyles. Anyone who claims to have found any other photo of me
(except here on FFL) is lying.

/Your face is probably all over your Facebook page, Barry.LoL!/

/So you don't know how to take a selfie with an iPhone - that's 
nothing to be ashamed about, Barry./

I do write for publication under a number of pseudonyms, and so far 
cannot find a photo of myself associated with *any* of them, which I 
consider a badge of success. I certainly don't want the people who 
stalk me here (Richard Williams, Jim Flanegin, Ann, and Steve) to be 
able to also stalk me under any of my publication pseudonyms.

/Who would care about what you do for a living? //
//In fact, you got outed on FFL by Vaj and Judy and you've outed 
several people, me and Judy included//.You are in a very deep 
cognitive dissonance. ./

Speaking of stalking,

/In fact Barry stalked me over here from Google Groups. Go figure.

and photos, I just scrolled through the first few dozen pageloads of 
photos posted to Fairfield Life over the years, and to my surprise 
there seem to be dozens of photos there of Fred Lenz - Rama. ALL of 
them were posted by one of the people stalking me, Richard Williams, 
and not one of them by me. There are actually more photos of Rama 
posted there than there are of *him*, which says a lot about the 
extent of his obsession with me, given his narcissism and how many 
photos of himself he posts.

/There are no of Rama photos uploaded to Yahoo FFL photos - they are 
just links to Google images that you posted to your Rama website.

I guess some people just have so little going on in their own lives 
that they have to obsess on the lives of the people they stalk. I 
guess I should have figured this when he started posting photos of 
going to Costco as if that was the high point of his month...  :-)

/Yeah, Wright./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I kinda figured that Mr. Enlightened and SO Not Attached wouldn't be able to 
resist that one. Guess I was right. :-)


 You're lookin' real good there reading a comic book and wearing a lamp shade 
on your head. Yessiree, real yummy, not to mention intelligent.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Did you notice how effortlessly and spontaneously you performed the stalking?  


 Don't you wish. I don't think there is a soul on this planet who cares enough 
about you to actually stalk you. But if it makes you feel better believe what 
you want. BTW, got any better pics of yourself? That one isn't so flattering. 
Mac- 1 bawee -0


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, wrote :


---In, punditster@... wrote :


 I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean no 
threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man 
are after you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand your 
 On 10/31/2014 2:26 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea 
is that you can project the image you want and even hide what sex and age you 
are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.
 Anyone can be anything they want to be on an internet discussion group. The 
question is, why would someone want to troll under an alias and trash a 
discussion and make themselves look like an atheistic asshole? It just doesn't 
make any sense to normal people seeking answers to the spiritual life. 
 When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD or serious anger 
management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to use an alias in a real online 
discussion. Only newbies and adolescents do that because they are trying to 
hide something from their parents. 
 But, it is especially strange for science writers to post using an alias - I 
mean, who is going to do an internet search for a salyavin808 - everything 
you post to the internet is lost in Warehouse 13. What a waste of time. In 
contrast, most of my information forms a huge data base of information and I'll 
be famous for several generations.You are a nobody.
I think you are quite probably insane. I can't perform an actual diagnosis over 
the internet but if you think you post any information at all - other than the 
fact you are insane - then I've yet to see it.  But perhaps I'm being too harsh 
and you are merely autistic or have behavioural problems. I have tried to 
discuss things with you in the past - many times - but you always just get 
abusive and start posting irrelevant rubbish that you cut and paste from 
Wikipedia. I don't know if you just don't know anything or think that posting 
anything as long as it appears contrary to my position is helpful to whatever 
cause it is you have. Or maybe they only give you limited computer use at your 
care home. Either way, I have tried.  I'm sorry if you think that someone who 
doesn't believe in magic is automatically an asshole, I can't help you there. I 
do explain why I think the supernatural is an inadequate explanation for our 
experience but you just stick your fingers in your ears and post endless 
bollocks to spam the whole thread up. Every single time. What pleasure you get 
from your online existence I cannot guess at because you contribute absolutely 
nothing of any intellectual value either way that I've seen here. You may very 
well be famous, and I'm sure that is very important to you, I'm also sure that 
anyone who has tried to read your dribble every day on here will be telling 
their friends with horror what a full spiritual life can do for you. Someone 
should make a flicker book of your last ten years of posts here and we can look 
at them one after the other and maybe even you will shudder as you watch them 
not change, even remotely.  And I am happy to be a nobody. I suspect for you to 
think that is an adequate insult means you must think you are a somebody. Good 
luck with whoever you really are because you inspire no jealousy in me at all.
Thank you Sal. May I plagiarize this and address it to bawee now? 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, wrote :


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: salyavin808
---In, punditster@... wrote :
 I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean no 
threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man 
are after you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand your 

 On 10/31/2014 2:26 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 It isn't really in the spirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea 
is that you can project the image you want and even hide what sex and age you 
are. It's a meeting of minds doncha know.
 Anyone can be anything they want to be on an internet discussion group. The 
question is, why would someone want to troll under an alias and trash a 
discussion and make themselves look like an atheistic asshole? It just doesn't 
make any sense to normal people seeking answers to the spiritual life. 
 When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD or serious anger 
management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to use an alias in a real online 
discussion. Only newbies and adolescents do that because they are trying to 
hide something from their parents. 
 But, it is especially strange for science writers to post using an alias - I 
mean, who is going to do an internet search for a salyavin808 - everything 
you post to the internet is lost in Warehouse 13. What a waste of time. In 
contrast, most of my information forms a huge data base of information and I'll 
be famous for several generations.You are a nobody.

I think you are quite probably insane. 

Uh, DUH. 

Are people on Fairfield Life *just* noticing this?  

I wouldn't say just as I do tend to avoid his stuff unless it pertains to 
something of mine and even then usually I just ignore him anyway. But I felt 
obliged to respond to that one as it came from nowhere, just a stupid joke 
about my screen name.

 I'm surprised that I obviously I get under his skin. I'm kinda pleased about 
it, as the resort to abuse must mean he has no good answer. But I'd be worried 
if I actually disliked someone for their opinions about something, like it 
matters! I judge people by what they're like as people, not by what they think 
of fundamental reality. I'd be lonely if I did. LOL.

 I think it was me me finding that one of his quotes was lifted from Wiki, it 
must have pissed him off. I'd be embarrassed, but then I wouldn't have done it 
in the first place. Own the knowledge guys!

Not the greatest advertisement for creative intelligence ever, eh?  :-)

 I would say not. If I was in charge of the TMO I would pay him off or ask him 
to claim to be a Scientologist or something..

 You guys are making me laugh. You're all former meditators and teachers, or 
did you selectively forget that small factoid?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, life is very very different without a computer at home. It's been a 
fascinating experience, learning how addicted I am!

 Everyone's addicted. The fact that they all show up here everyday is testimony 
to that fact. And if they show up here in this dump they'll show up anywhere.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

 No problem, Barry - I am really done with any kind of back and forth with you, 
and I sincerely wish you well. 

 Your final message to him in the form of that particularly interesting photo 
was a suitable swan song.
 You certainly know how to move on in style, Mac. I sense bawee is positively 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Barry is positively cheerful, having suckered Mr. I'm SO Enlightened And 
You're NOT into PROVING that he has been stalking me on the Internet. (He 
wouldn't have been able to come up with the photo he modified if he hadn't 

What does that say about his claimed enlightenment? Are the enlightened so 
petty that the only thing they can think of to amuse themselves with is 
STALKING someone they don't like? So far Mr. Enlightened has admitted to 
reading two entire books as part of his attempts to stalk me, and to having 
searched all over the Internet just to find a photograph of me he can modify. 
Sounds more like yer classic Internet Troll than someone enlightened to me.  

For that matter, what will his I am really done with any kind of back and 
forth posturing below say about his claimed enlightenment (much less ability 
to tell the truth) when he next gets his panties in a twist and feels he has to 
stalk me again? 

We ALL know it will happen. He has NO self control, and has demonstrated that 
for years now. Some enlightenment...  :-)

As for you, Thundertwat, you'll keep stalking me, too.  You really can't help 
yourself...  :-)

 From: [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Saturday, November 1, 2014 3:06 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?


---In, fleetwood_macncheese@... wrote :

No problem, Barry - I am really done with any kind of back and forth with you, 
and I sincerely wish you well. 

Your final message to him in the form of that particularly interesting photo 
was a suitable swan song.

You certainly know how to move on in style, Mac. I sense bawee is positively 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

 From: salyavin808
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :


I think you are quite probably insane. 

Uh, DUH. 

Are people on Fairfield Life *just* noticing this?  

I wouldn't say just as I do tend to avoid his stuff unless it pertains to 
something of mine and even then usually I just ignore him anyway. But I felt 
obliged to respond to that one as it came from nowhere, just a stupid joke 
about my screen name.

I'm surprised that I obviously I get under his skin. I'm kinda pleased about 
it, as the resort to abuse must mean he has no good answer. But I'd be worried 
if I actually disliked someone for their opinions about something, like it 
matters! I judge people by what they're like as people, not by what they think 
of fundamental reality. I'd be lonely if I did. LOL.

I think it was me me finding that one of his quotes was lifted from Wiki, it 
must have pissed him off. I'd be embarrassed, but then I wouldn't have done it 
in the first place. Own the knowledge guys!

Not the greatest advertisement for creative intelligence ever, eh?  :-)

I would say not. If I was in charge of the TMO I would pay him off or ask him 
to claim to be a Scientologist or something..

Richard Williams is a classic sociopath. He doesn't feel it's wrong to make up 
anything he wants about anyone he wants to make it up about. It must be a Texas 
thang, or maybe it's leftover behavior from all that time he spent in prison. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-31 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Barry is positively cheerful, having suckered Mr. I'm SO Enlightened And 
You're NOT into PROVING that he has been stalking me on the Internet. (He 
wouldn't have been able to come up with the photo he modified if he hadn't 


 What does that say about his claimed enlightenment? Are the enlightened so 
petty that the only thing they can think of to amuse themselves with is 
STALKING someone they don't like? So far Mr. Enlightened has admitted to 
reading two entire books as part of his attempts to stalk me, and to having 
searched all over the Internet just to find a photograph of me he can modify. 
Sounds more like yer classic Internet Troll than someone enlightened to me.  


 For that matter, what will his I am really done with any kind of back and 
forth posturing below say about his claimed enlightenment (much less ability 
to tell the truth) when he next gets his panties in a twist and feels he has to 
stalk me again? 


 We ALL know it will happen. He has NO self control, and has demonstrated that 
for years now. Some enlightenment...  :-)

 As for you, Thundertwat, you'll keep stalking me, too.  You really can't help 
yourself...  :-)


 Yup, as I said, positively apoplectic.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, wrote :

 Yeah I'm askin' -- so what?  I can't keep these goofy-assed fake names 
straight and I'm too lazy to make a list of real names by scrounging the posts 
here.  I think one person can have several names -- pisses me off no end.

If they've been already outted on FFLthen why not put it here for all to 
easily find?  Permission schmerission.if the name is already known, then 
why do I have to work to get it?  Give it to me, and I'll even repost this 
thread from time to time and let everyone add to it.

I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you private types, but I mean no 
threat.  If the bill collectors, past wives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man 
are after you along with the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand your 

 I think you can figure my name out, no nom de plume for me. Just plain old Ann 
Woelfle Bater.

 Bhairitu noozguru
 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 email4you mikemail4you
 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius


[FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

2014-10-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I commented on this last week - I have no idea who 'Barry' or 'Jim' are posting 
under (for example)   It really only matters for folks who are referred to by 
names other than their user/post name.  If I told you my real name it wouldn't 
mean a thang - I didn't make the Most Wanted List.