[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-27 Thread authfriend
OK, Bar, here ya go. Sorry it took me so long to get
around to you.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ 
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?
 By the way, this is what is known among Internet
 old timers as a Hate Setup. It's akin to asking
 a guy wearing a white sheet and a pointy white hat
 what exactly he doesn't like about black people. 
 It's an invitation to rant. 
 But now that Ann has gotten the ball rolling,

Hee hee. Barry's so agitated he doesn't know whose
post he's commenting on.

 give the person she's feeding setup lines to 

That would be Share, not Ann, and Share is feeding
lines to anyone who will say something nasty about
me (like Barry).

 more fodder for when she Hits The Ground Hating 
 again just after the clock ticks midnight Friday:
 - What was it that Ruth did to piss off Judy so
 much that she drove her away from FFL?

Ooopsie, Barry's got his women confused. Ruth never
drove me off FFL; it was Ruth who left. You'd have
to ask her why.

 - What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
 spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
 rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade 
 after he last posted to any TM forum?

Actually, as Barry knows, it was Andrew who stalked
TMers on alt.m.t for years. He was a chronic and *very*
vicious liar. He stalked me specifically (even set up
a Web site about me) because I kept exposing his lies.

As Barry also knows, I *very* rarely mention Andrew
on FFL unless someone else (usually Barry) brings
him up (usually by posting the URL to his anti-Judy
Web site) and tells some lies about what went on
between Andrew and me (including the Really Big Lie
that I contacted Andrew's employer and tried to get
him fired).

 - What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
 ending hatred?

As Barry knows, John lied a blue streak when he was
on alt.m.t. As he also knows, I don't like liars.
For more documentation, check out the links Carol
provided here awhile back.

 - What exactly does Judy have against Vaj?

As Barry knows, because he's a liar, and I don't
like liars.

 - What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
 and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?

As Barry knows, I didn't turn on John; John turned on
*me* because I wouldn't join the pro-Obama bandwagon
during the primary campaign for the 2008 election.

 - What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
 that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
 much time to trying to get other people to hate
 him as much as she does?

Curtis doesn't drive me crazy. I dislike him because
he's dishonest to the core.

 - What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
 stalking him within days of his first appearance
 on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
 non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS?

Barry has always been the stalker. He alienated me
not too long after I first encountered him on alt.m.t
(days sort of covers everything, but as I recall
it was a couple of weeks; I also thought he was
there before I was, but I could be wrong about that).

As Barry knows, he and I had had an email conversation
(yes, he wasn't so paranoid back then) about TM
instruction, and he posted to alt.m.t about it,
grossly misrepresenting what each of us had said. That
was my first exposure to his habitual dishonesty,
which has only grown worse over the years.

 There. That should give her something to do while
 sitting on the Post Flood bench. :-)

Very little, actually. Gotta tell better lies than
these if you want to keep me busy exposing them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-26 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann wrote:
   Gez, I think you just gave away Sal's first name. How could
  Steve, is Barry despicable for doing this or just being silly?
  Hi Ann, No Ruth is not Sal's first name. I do happen to know what it
  is so I can say that with some authority. Ruth was another
  who had some good posts, or at least I thought so. I think in Ruth's
  case, she tired of the nitpickiness for which Judy is known for.
  Actually I thought Judy raised some good points with Ruth. IMO it
  didn't get to the level of nitpicking that I often find
  in Judy's posting. And in the case of Sal, (and I have nothing to
  this on, other than my own opinion) I think that she finally had had
  enough of the constant demeaning from Judy, not at all unlike what
  see from Judy towards Share. Although in Share's case I think Judy
  amped it up. Putting Share on the level of Monsanto is a first I

 Hey Steve. I 've missed you here. You went strangely silent for the
last few days and then Ravi showed up and you got verrry animated! In
fact, this afternoon became a veritable flurry of activity here at FFL.
It has been really, really entertaining.

 That is good that Sal's name is not Ruth because it didn't sound like
it should be Ruth, it just didn't FEEL right. Plus, Ruth is quite an old
fashioned name. It was my mother's name actually and she was born in
1921 and I doubt Sal is that old. Too bad I missed all the action here
when she was around because I don't have any real 'take' on her other
than she had a pretty good mouth on her.

Yes, she did, and it makes me smile just thinking of some of things she
would say.

I wonder if people will remember Judy so fondly when she quits this
place; it sounds like Sal was quite a pistol and of course Judy could
qualify as an Uzi in comparison. But I doubt, if Sal was half of what
she seems to be cracked up to be, that Judy could have demeaned Sal to
the point where she exited this place. That would disappoint me.

Barry feels that was not the case.  The thing is Ann, I think
continually being called STUPID SAL, constantly can take a toll of
sorts.  At some point you weigh the cost/benefit analysis and decide,
maybe this just isn't worth it

 Now about that Monsanto thing. I read it that Share said Judy should
take on Monsanto. I don't think it had anything to do with Share being
equated with Monsanto by Judy. Why not check it out for both of us so we
get it right?

Ann, I think you are right, and I got it wrong.  That happens when you
are trying to do too many things at once.  I'm not sure I will get  back
to sort out the details.  I just got it wrong.

 Anyway, you keep that Ravi in line, okay? I think you're just the man
for the job - he is such a pest and what is with all those insults he
keeps throwing around? Maybe he's trying to quit smoking and is just a
bit cranky these days. At any rate, I don't want to take him on, he sort
of likes me at the moment and I want to keep it that way. The last thing
I want is either Judy or Ravi to start harping at me. One they get the
taste of blood it's over, man.

Ann, let's just talk, you and me.  Really, I think you would be better
trying to keep Ravi in line.   But I understand you reluctance to do

 Anyway, glad to see you're back and in full swing. Raunchy even made
an appearance today. The only one conspicuous by his absence was Curtis
- oh, and Robin but he doesn't really count.

I miss Robin.  I do.  But you can be sure he is reading every word here.
I think Curtis also, takes most of it in.  Certainly I miss him.

- What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade
after he last posted to any TM forum?
- What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
ending hatred?
- What exactly does Judy have against Vaj?
- What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
- What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
much time to trying to get other people to hate
him as much as she does?
- What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
stalking him within days of his first appearance
on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS?
   Steve, I think it is Barry who has the almighty flow chart posted
  his wall and he seems to carry it with him wherever he goes.
There. That should give her something to do while
sitting on the Post Flood bench. :-)
Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-26 Thread Share Long
Ditto to what Ann said to Steve:  it's great that you're posting again, Steve.  
BTW, you both forgot Emily in listing who's missing here these days.  
Anyway, I've sent the post to Robin so we'll see what happens with that, if 

 From: seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 6:57 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann wrote:
   Gez, I think you just gave away Sal's first name. How could you?
  Steve, is Barry despicable for doing this or just being silly?
  Hi Ann, No Ruth is not Sal's first name. I do happen to know what it
  is so I can say that with some authority. Ruth was another contributor
  who had some good posts, or at least I thought so. I think in Ruth's
  case, she tired of the nitpickiness for which Judy is known for.
  Actually I thought Judy raised some good points with Ruth. IMO it
  didn't get to the level of nitpicking that I often find objectionable
  in Judy's posting. And in the case of Sal, (and I have nothing to base
  this on, other than my own opinion) I think that she finally had had
  enough of the constant demeaning from Judy, not at all unlike what we
  see from Judy towards Share. Although in Share's case I think Judy has
  amped it up. Putting Share on the level of Monsanto is a first I
 Hey Steve. I 've missed you here. You went strangely silent for the last few 
 days and then Ravi showed up and you got verrry animated! In fact, this 
 afternoon became a veritable flurry of activity here at FFL. It has been 
 really, really entertaining. 
 That is good that Sal's name is not Ruth because it didn't sound like it 
 should be Ruth, it just didn't FEEL right. Plus, Ruth is quite an old 
 fashioned name. It was my mother's name actually and she was born in 1921 and 
 I doubt Sal is that old. Too bad I missed all the action here when she was 
 around because I don't have any real 'take' on her other than she had a 
 pretty good mouth on her. 
Yes, she did, and it makes me smile just thinking of some of things she would 
I wonder if people will remember Judy so fondly when she quits this place; it 
sounds like Sal was quite a pistol and of course Judy could qualify as an Uzi 
in comparison. But I doubt, if Sal was half of what she seems to be cracked up 
to be, that Judy could have demeaned Sal to the point where she exited this 
place. That would disappoint me.

Barry feels that was not the case.  The thing is Ann, I think continually being 
called STUPID SAL, constantly can take a toll of sorts.  At some point you 
weigh the cost/benefit analysis and decide, maybe this just isn't worth it 

 Now about that Monsanto thing. I read it that Share said Judy should take on 
 Monsanto. I don't think it had anything to do with Share being equated with 
 Monsanto by Judy. Why not check it out for both of us so we get it right?

Ann, I think you are right, and I got it wrong.  That happens when you are 
trying to do too many things at once.  I'm not sure I will get  back to sort 
out the details.  I just got it wrong.
 Anyway, you keep that Ravi in line, okay? I think you're just the man for the 
 job - he is such a pest and what is with all those insults he keeps throwing 
 around? Maybe he's trying to quit smoking and is just a bit cranky these 
 days. At any rate, I don't want to take him on, he sort of likes me at the 
 moment and I want to keep it that way. The last thing I want is either Judy 
 or Ravi to start harping at me. One they get the taste of blood it's over, 

Ann, let's just talk, you and me.  Really, I think you would be better trying 
to keep Ravi in line.   But I understand you reluctance to do this.  

 Anyway, glad to see you're back and in full swing. Raunchy even made an 
 appearance today. The only one conspicuous by his absence was Curtis - oh, 
 and Robin but he doesn't really count.
I miss Robin.  I do.  But you can be sure he is reading every word here.  I 
think Curtis also, takes most of it in.  Certainly I miss him.

- What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade
after he last posted to any TM forum?
- What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
ending hatred?
- What exactly does Judy have against Vaj?
- What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
- What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
much time to trying to get other people to hate
him as much as she does?
- What was it about Barry that caused Judy

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Sunshine Sal always refused to take Judy seriously,
and treated her as the abusive petty tyrant she is.

Judy reacted to that the way she always does, with
hatred and vendettas. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

By the way, this is what is known among Internet
old timers as a Hate Setup. It's akin to asking
a guy wearing a white sheet and a pointy white hat
what exactly he doesn't like about black people. 
It's an invitation to rant. 

But now that Ann has gotten the ball rolling, let's
give the person she's feeding setup lines to some
more fodder for when she Hits The Ground Hating 
again just after the clock ticks midnight Friday:

- What was it that Ruth did to piss off Judy so
much that she drove her away from FFL?

- What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade 
after he last posted to any TM forum?

- What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
ending hatred?

- What exactly does Judy have against Vaj? 

- What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?

- What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
much time to trying to get other people to hate
him as much as she does?

- What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
stalking him within days of his first appearance
on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS? 

There. That should give her something to do while
sitting on the Post Flood bench.  :-)

Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
Wow, good thing turq responded, before he leaves FFL!!! Close call, Share. 
Sally Sunshine lives in Fairfield. You could probably look her up, and ask her 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I keep hearing 
about these gathering spots, like Revelations. Possibly someone there could 
assist you? 

Though as a fellow  member of the Geminian tribe, I conclude that you have 
many, many, better things to do, today, and every day, than  fulfilling your 
curiosity about whats-her-face. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar has plummeted to 
 dangerously low levels.  Go get some lunch for God's sake, and not the 
 liquid kind, if you know what I mean.  
 Comment to Doc:  no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book.  What to do?
  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar 
 has plummeted to dangerously low levels. Go get some 
 lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid kind, if you 
 know what I mean.
 Comment to Doc: no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book. 
 What to do?

Get a life. If Sal had wanted to be known by her real
name, she would have used it here on FFL. Those of us
who know it respect her -- and her decision to leave
this place behind in favor of Having A Life -- well
enough that we're not going to tell you. If someone
else does, it probably means that they mean Sal ill,
and want to try to suck her back into the FFL tarbaby.

She was -- and is -- a nice lady, and funny as hell. 
I miss her intelligence here. Her crime was refusing 
to take Judy's shit. 

In other words, don't try to stalk someone in real
life who left this this virtual place and stayed left. 
That's just rude. 

  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Call me paranoid, call me delusional but this post by Barry just nails the pure 
evilness of Judy.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:58 AM, turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?
 By the way, this is what is known among Internet
 old timers as a Hate Setup. It's akin to asking
 a guy wearing a white sheet and a pointy white hat
 what exactly he doesn't like about black people. 
 It's an invitation to rant. 
 But now that Ann has gotten the ball rolling, let's
 give the person she's feeding setup lines to some
 more fodder for when she Hits The Ground Hating 
 again just after the clock ticks midnight Friday:
 - What was it that Ruth did to piss off Judy so
 much that she drove her away from FFL?
 - What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
 spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
 rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade 
 after he last posted to any TM forum?
 - What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
 ending hatred?
 - What exactly does Judy have against Vaj? 
 - What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
 and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
 - What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
 that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
 much time to trying to get other people to hate
 him as much as she does?
 - What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
 stalking him within days of his first appearance
 on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
 non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS? 
 There. That should give her something to do while
 sitting on the Post Flood bench. :-)
 Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread doctordumbass
You are a strange bird, castigating us all, for not leaving this place, FFL, 
your addiction. Praising someone for their fortitude and strength because they 
have overcome FFL, your addiction. Implying just recently that you were ready 
to leaving here, FFL, your addiction.

Confused much, Barry? Can't tell a snake from a ladder anymore?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar 
  has plummeted to dangerously low levels. Go get some 
  lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid kind, if you 
  know what I mean.
  Comment to Doc: no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book. 
  What to do?
 Get a life. If Sal had wanted to be known by her real
 name, she would have used it here on FFL. Those of us
 who know it respect her -- and her decision to leave
 this place behind in favor of Having A Life -- well
 enough that we're not going to tell you. If someone
 else does, it probably means that they mean Sal ill,
 and want to try to suck her back into the FFL tarbaby.
 She was -- and is -- a nice lady, and funny as hell. 
 I miss her intelligence here. Her crime was refusing 
 to take Judy's shit. 
 In other words, don't try to stalk someone in real
 life who left this this virtual place and stayed left. 
 That's just rude. 
   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
  Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had 
  long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and 
  worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated 
  This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, 
  alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the 
  hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
  But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally 
  blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, 
  feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal 
  from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to 
  a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever 
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Hey Doc - stop being such an attention vampire, big tits are a turn off for me, 
I recall Sal being skinny with beautiful small tits, you think she was curvy 
with really big tits - let's just agree to disagree. The point here is the 
vile, vindictiveness of the evil witch Judy.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:01 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had 
  long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and 
  worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
  This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, 
  alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the 
  hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
  But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally 
  blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, 
  feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal 
  from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to 
  a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever 
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
   What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
 keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
 Possibly someone there could assist you? 

I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in person. 
To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of ones and 
zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27
Ravi, I'm not sure you'd still even know what to do with a set if you
were fortunate to come across them.
That's why you got me.  I can help you navigate these kinds of
Here for ya bro.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:

 Hey Doc - stop being such an attention vampire, big tits are a turn
off for me, I recall Sal being skinny with beautiful small tits, you
think she was curvy with really big tits - let's just agree to disagree.
The point here is the vile, vindictiveness of the evil witch Judy.

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:01 AM, doctordumbass@...
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

  LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty.
She had long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after
her and worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just
hated her.
   This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent
purity, alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal
suffered at the hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
   But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with
equally blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was
known as, feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis
rescued Sal from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in
Curtis's horse to a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both
lived happily ever after.
   On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Share Long
turq, please don't you go daft too.  Of course I figured Sunshine was not her 
last name!  But I wanted to kid Doc without fibbing so I did look it up in the 
FF phone book.  Besides I don't think having been bullied by Judy makes a great 
basis for anything so I'm fine with foregoing comradeship with Sal.    

Doc:  I'm a triple Gemini.  I love to write.  I love to connect via the written 
word.  Go figure.  Plus I've been retired much longer than you have so I have 
pretty much figured out what activities give me the most enjoyment.  Good Lord, 
did I just say that about FFL?!  You all have finally driven me bonkers!

Just how desperate Judy is shows in her most recent jabs at feste.  Feste and 
Robin, as best as I remember, have had only cordial and interesting exchanges.  
But Judy seems to be trying to put the kabash on that friendship too.  Hmmm, 
detecting a pattern, light bulb going on over Share head...

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 1:19 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar 
 has plummeted to dangerously low levels. Go get some 
 lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid kind, if you 
 know what I mean.
 Comment to Doc: no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book. 
 What to do?

Get a life. If Sal had wanted to be known by her real
name, she would have used it here on FFL. Those of us
who know it respect her -- and her decision to leave
this place behind in favor of Having A Life -- well
enough that we're not going to tell you. If someone
else does, it probably means that they mean Sal ill,
and want to try to suck her back into the FFL tarbaby.

She was -- and is -- a nice lady, and funny as hell. 
I miss her intelligence here. Her crime was refusing 
to take Judy's shit. 

In other words, don't try to stalk someone in real
life who left this this virtual place and stayed left. 
That's just rude. 

  From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had long 
 blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and worshipped 
 the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated her. 
 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, alas 
 turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at the hands of 
 Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally blond 
 hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, feared for 
 his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal from Judy, the 
 evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse to a magical, 
 beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily ever after.
 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
See - how you don't come across as an obnoxious, moronic troll here? This is 
funny. Good progress Steve - stick to this (not the big tits but the style of 
the post :-)) and we can all enjoy your posts again.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:54 AM, seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Ravi, I'm not sure you'd still even know what to do with a set if you were 
 fortunate to come across them.
 That's why you got me.  I can help you navigate these kinds of situations.
 Here for ya bro.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  Hey Doc - stop being such an attention vampire, big tits are a turn off for 
  me, I recall Sal being skinny with beautiful small tits, you think she was 
  curvy with really big tits - let's just agree to disagree. The point here 
  is the vile, vindictiveness of the evil witch Judy.
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:01 AM, doctordumbass@... no_re...@yahoogroups.com 
   LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She had 
long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her and 
worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just hated 

This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent purity, 
alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal suffered at 
the hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.

But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with equally 
blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was known as, 
feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis rescued Sal 
from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in Curtis's horse 
to a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both lived happily 
ever after.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 What was her alleged transgression against Judy?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:
  I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
  keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
  Possibly someone there could assist you? 
 I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in person. 
 To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of ones and 
 zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.

OMG - what the fuck is wrong with you all attention vampires - reducing Sal to 
a non-entity? Putting a damper on all paranoid fantasies of Share? We need to 
help Share out so her bulbs work right - come on people, am I the only one on 
Share's side?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
   I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
   keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
   Possibly someone there could assist you? 
  I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in 
  person. To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of 
  ones and zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.
 OMG - what the fuck is wrong with you all attention vampires - reducing Sal 
 to a non-entity? Putting a damper on all paranoid fantasies of Share? We need 
 to help Share out so her bulbs work right - come on people, am I the only one 
 on Share's side?

The evil witch Judy is no match for the light bulb short-circuiting over Share' 

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
   I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
   keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
   Possibly someone there could assist you? 
  I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in 
  person. To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of 
  ones and zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.
 OMG - what the fuck is wrong with you all attention vampires - reducing Sal 
 to a non-entity? Putting a damper on all paranoid fantasies of Share? We need 
 to help Share out so her bulbs work right - come on people, am I the only one 
 on Share's side?

I can't help it, Ravi. It pains me to see all this juicy attention going to 
waste on someone who isn't even here to revel in it. It's just not fair, or as 
Jan Brady would say, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
   I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
   keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
   Possibly someone there could assist you? 
  I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in 
  person. To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of 
  ones and zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.
 OMG - what the fuck is wrong with you all attention vampires - reducing Sal 
 to a non-entity? Putting a damper on all paranoid fantasies of Share? We need 
 to help Share out so her bulbs work right - come on people, am I the only one 
 on Share's side?

The evil witch Judy is no match for the light bulb short-circuiting over 
Share's head. You're right, Ravi. Share needs help, so I'm placing an ad in the 
Weekly Reader stalker section: Desperately seeking Sal Sunshine. All tips as 
to the whereabouts and identity of Sal Sunshire will remain confidential.   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula

On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:10 PM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:49 AM, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
I have not been to Fairfield, Iowa for twenty years. However, I
keep hearing about these gathering spots, like Revelations.
Possibly someone there could assist you? 

   I hang out at Revs, and in all these years, I have yet to meet Sal in 
   person. To be honest, I'm not sure she even exists beyond a collection of 
   ones and zeros scattered among millions of Internet-connected hard drives.
  OMG - what the fuck is wrong with you all attention vampires - reducing Sal 
  to a non-entity? Putting a damper on all paranoid fantasies of Share? We 
  need to help Share out so her bulbs work right - come on people, am I the 
  only one on Share's side?
 The evil witch Judy is no match for the light bulb short-circuiting over 
 Share's head. You're right, Ravi. Share needs help, so I'm placing an ad in 
 the Weekly Reader stalker section: Desperately seeking Sal Sunshine. All 
 tips as to the whereabouts and identity of Sal Sunshire will remain 

OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share orgy isn't 
it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of this? Recall he is 
already quite pissed off at depriving your granddaughter of his goat fainting 
healing magic.


[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27
Subject matter Rav. Subject matter.  There are times when I get my game
face on.  This qualifies.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:

 See - how you don't come across as an obnoxious, moronic troll here?
This is funny. Good progress Steve - stick to this (not the big tits but
the style of the post :-)) and we can all enjoy your posts again.

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:54 AM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

  Ravi, I'm not sure you'd still even know what to do with a set if
you were fortunate to come across them.
  That's why you got me.  I can help you navigate these kinds of
  Here for ya bro.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   Hey Doc - stop being such an attention vampire, big tits are a
turn off for me, I recall Sal being skinny with beautiful small tits,
you think she was curvy with really big tits - let's just agree to
disagree. The point here is the vile, vindictiveness of the evil witch
   On Apr 25, 2013, at 11:01 AM, doctordumbass@
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
LOL - I heard she had really big tits, too!
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula
chivukula.ravi@ wrote:

 Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and
beauty. She had long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted
after her and worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well,
they just hated her.

 This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very
innocent purity, alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor
Sal suffered at the hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.

 But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with
equally blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was
known as, feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis
rescued Sal from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in
Curtis's horse to a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both
lived happily ever after.

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?


[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog  wrote:

This is what I think you meant to say Raunch, and in the absence of a
qualified editor, I will assume the role.  And finally you're making
some sense.
  The evil witch Judy is no match for Share.

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:

 OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share orgy
isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of this?
Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your granddaughter of
his goat fainting healing magic.

All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you don't
get Share fest
You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
then maybe you'll have more luck
* old Yiddish expression

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share orgy 
  isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of this? Recall 
  he is already quite pissed off at depriving your granddaughter of his goat 
  fainting healing magic.
 All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you don't get 
 Share fest
 You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
 then maybe you'll have more luck
 * old Yiddish expression

This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious, obnoxious, outrageous. 
This man is just trolling for attention.

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27
I'm sorry Ravi.  Thank God you're a Brahmin.  You'd never make it as a
Kshatriya.  But no matter.  Ya got

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share
orgy isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of
this? Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your
granddaughter of his goat fainting healing magic.
  All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you
don't get Share fest
  You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
  then maybe you'll have more luck
  * old Yiddish expression

 This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious, obnoxious,
outrageous. This man is just trolling for attention.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
That was my attorney Jackie Chiles you idiot.

On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:55 PM, seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I'm sorry Ravi.  Thank God you're a Brahmin.  You'd never make it as a 
 Kshatriya.  But no matter.  Ya got friends.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share orgy 
isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of this? 
Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your granddaughter 
of his goat fainting healing magic.
   All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you don't 
   get Share fest
   You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
   then maybe you'll have more luck
   * old Yiddish expression
  This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious, obnoxious, 
  outrageous. This man is just trolling for attention.

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27
Boy, boy, crazy boy, keep cool boy.  Got a rocket, in your pocket, turn
off the juice boy.  Go man go, but not like a yo-yo, cool boy, just play
it cool.
BTW, you're not making a lot of sense.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:

 That was my attorney Jackie Chiles you idiot.

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:55 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

  I'm sorry Ravi.  Thank God you're a Brahmin.  You'd never make it as
a Kshatriya.  But no matter.  Ya got friends.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
 OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this
get-Share orgy isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton
approve of this? Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your
granddaughter of his goat fainting healing magic.
All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you
don't get Share fest
You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
then maybe you'll have more luck
* old Yiddish expression
   This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious,
obnoxious, outrageous. This man is just trolling for attention.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Stop irritating me with your irrelevant videos Steve, I don't have to make any 
sense to idiots like you - but Jackie sure will knock some sense in to you - 
got taken aback there didn't you? Anyway don't you have better things to do - 
like console your poor, pitta-putrefied, paranoid friend Share? Even Barry 
asked her to stop stalking her friend Sal !!!

On Apr 25, 2013, at 2:22 PM, seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Boy, boy, crazy boy, keep cool boy.  Got a rocket, in your pocket, turn off 
 the juice boy.  Go man go, but not like a yo-yo, cool boy, just play it cool.
 BTW, you're not making a lot of sense.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  That was my attorney Jackie Chiles you idiot.
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:55 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:
   I'm sorry Ravi. Thank God you're a Brahmin. You'd never make it as a 
   Kshatriya. But no matter. Ya got friends.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
  OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share 
  orgy isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve of 
  this? Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your 
  granddaughter of his goat fainting healing magic.
 All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you 
 don't get Share fest
 You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
 then maybe you'll have more luck
 * old Yiddish expression

This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious, obnoxious, 
outrageous. This man is just trolling for attention.


[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:

 turq, please don't you go daft too.  Of course I figured Sunshine
was not her last name!  But I wanted to kid Doc without fibbing so I
did look it up in the FF phone book.  Besides I don't think having
been bullied by Judy makes a great basis for anything so I'm fine with
foregoing comradeship with Sal.  Â

 Doc:  I'm a triple Gemini.  I love to write.  I love to
connect via the written word.  Go figure.  Plus I've been
retired much longer than you have so I have pretty much figured out what
activities give me the most enjoyment.  Good Lord, did I just say
that about FFL?!  You all have finally driven me bonkers!

 Just how desperate Judy is shows in her most recent jabs at feste.Â
Feste and Robin, as best as I remember, have had only cordial and
interesting exchanges.  But Judy seems to be trying to put the
kabash on that friendship too.  Hmmm, detecting a pattern, light
bulb going on over Share head...

  [light figures art lamp sculptures people recycled material socket
electricity bulb heads electricity ]

  From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 1:19 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Ravi, very cute but I'm concerned that your blood sugar
  has plummeted to dangerously low levels. Go get some
  lunch for God's sake, and not the liquid kind, if you
  know what I mean.
  Comment to Doc: no Sal Sunshine in the FF phone book.
  What to do?

 Get a life. If Sal had wanted to be known by her real
 name, she would have used it here on FFL. Those of us
 who know it respect her -- and her decision to leave
 this place behind in favor of Having A Life -- well
 enough that we're not going to tell you. If someone
 else does, it probably means that they mean Sal ill,
 and want to try to suck her back into the FFL tarbaby.

 She was -- and is -- a nice lady, and funny as hell.
 I miss her intelligence here. Her crime was refusing
 to take Judy's shit.

 In other words, don't try to stalk someone in real
 life who left this this virtual place and stayed left.
 That's just rude.

   From: Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] curious about Sal Sunshine
  Sally Sunshine was the epitome of innocence, purity and beauty. She
had long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes, men lusted after her
and worshipped the very ground she walked on. Women, well, they just
hated her.ÂÂ
  This is it Share, as simple and pure as that. Her very innocent
purity, alas turned out to be her transgression. Oh how poor Sal
suffered at the hands of Judy, the evil witch of FFL.
  But Share - one day, a stranger, a handsome, strong youth with
equally blond hair and equally blue eyes arrived - Curtis as he was
known as, feared for his prowess, valor. They fell in love and Curtis
rescued Sal from Judy, the evil witch and they both galloped away in
Curtis's horse to a magical, beautiful, mysterious land and they both
lived happily ever after.
  On Apr 25, 2013, at 10:05 AM, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  What was her alleged transgression against Judy?
 By the way, this is what is known among Internet
 old timers as a Hate Setup. It's akin to asking
 a guy wearing a white sheet and a pointy white hat
 what exactly he doesn't like about black people. 
 It's an invitation to rant. 

I don't get that. Who is going to rant? Judy? Don't think so since Share didn't 
ask Judy and Judy is almost out of posts and certainly isn't going to waste her 
last one answering this question. So that leaves everyone else to answer (who 
actually knows, which I don't, before my time) and it is unlikely to create a 
rant since nobody probably wants to answer (too much old news) and those who 
would bother to answer probably don't like Judy anyway so that leads me to 
believe there would be no rant from the peanut gallery you consider the 'bad 
guys'. Clear as mud?
 But now that Ann has gotten the ball rolling,

With what dear boy? I think you may have me confused with another Ann or 
somebody else completly.

 let's give the person she's feeding setup lines to some
 more fodder for when she Hits The Ground Hating 
 again just after the clock ticks midnight Friday:

Huh? This sentence is not understandable and you keep confusing me with Judy or 
me with Sal or Sal with the KKK or what the hell are you trying to say? Spit it 
 - What was it that Ruth did to piss off Judy so
 much that she drove her away from FFL?

Gez, I think you just gave away Sal's first name. How could you? Steve, is 
Barry despicable for doing this or just being silly?
 - What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
 spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
 rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade 
 after he last posted to any TM forum?
 - What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
 ending hatred?
 - What exactly does Judy have against Vaj? 
 - What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
 and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
 - What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
 that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
 much time to trying to get other people to hate
 him as much as she does?
 - What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
 stalking him within days of his first appearance
 on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
 non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS? 

Steve, I think it is Barry who has the almighty flow chart posted on his wall 
and he seems to carry it with him wherever he goes.
 There. That should give her something to do while
 sitting on the Post Flood bench.  :-)
 Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... wrote:

 Stop irritating me with your irrelevant videos Steve, I don't have to make 
 any sense to idiots like you - but Jackie sure will knock some sense in to 
 you - got taken aback there didn't you?

Ravi, do you even know what you are talking about. I think you are getting this 
Jackie Chiles and Jackie Chan mixed up. But I think I think you'll figure it 
out. At least I hope so! And let's be real, given your track record with 

got taken aback there didn't you? Anyway don't you have better things to do - 
like console your poor, pitta-putrefied, paranoid friend Share? 

Ravi, you are doing what's known in the trade as babbling. Please stop 
embarassing yourself. A smoke break might have been in order here.   Some nice  
deep drags might have done you a load of good.

Even Barry asked her to stop stalking her friend Sal !!!

Hooboy. Is this where the term off the rails' comes from?

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 2:22 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:
  Boy, boy, crazy boy, keep cool boy.  Got a rocket, in your pocket, turn off 
  the juice boy.  Go man go, but not like a yo-yo, cool boy, just play it 
  BTW, you're not making a lot of sense.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   That was my attorney Jackie Chiles you idiot.
   On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:55 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
I'm sorry Ravi. Thank God you're a Brahmin. You'd never make it as a 
Kshatriya. But no matter. Ya got friends.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

 On Apr 25, 2013, at 1:43 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
   OMG dear RD - you had to join this get-Share fest, this get-Share 
   orgy isn't it? Remember this dear RD - would John Newton approve 
   of this? Recall he is already quite pissed off at depriving your 
   granddaughter of his goat fainting healing magic.
  All well and good Ravi,but let's call it like it is. It's a you 
  don't get Share fest
  You need to gettus your headus outofyour tuchuss*
  then maybe you'll have more luck
  * old Yiddish expression
 This is totally inappropriate. It's nebulous, malicious, obnoxious, 
 outrageous. This man is just trolling for attention.


[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann wrote:

 Gez, I think you just gave away Sal's first name. How could you?
Steve, is Barry despicable for doing this or just being silly?

Hi Ann,  No Ruth is not Sal's first name.  I do happen to know what it
is so I can say that with some authority.  Ruth was another contributor
who had some good posts, or at least I thought so.  I think in Ruth's
case, she tired of the nitpickiness for which Judy is known for.

Actually I thought Judy raised some good points with Ruth.  IMO it
didn't get to the level of  nitpicking that I often find objectionable
in Judy's posting.  And in the case of Sal, (and I have nothing to base
this on, other than my own opinion) I think that she finally had had
enough of the constant demeaning from Judy, not at all unlike what we
see from Judy towards Share.  Although in Share's case I think Judy has
amped it up.  Putting Share on the level of Monsanto is a first I

  - What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
  spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
  rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade
  after he last posted to any TM forum?
  - What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
  ending hatred?
  - What exactly does Judy have against Vaj?
  - What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
  and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
  - What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
  that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
  much time to trying to get other people to hate
  him as much as she does?
  - What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
  stalking him within days of his first appearance
  on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
  non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS?

 Steve, I think it is Barry who has the almighty flow chart posted on
his wall and he seems to carry it with him wherever he goes.
  There. That should give her something to do while
  sitting on the Post Flood bench. :-)
  Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

[FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann wrote:
  Gez, I think you just gave away Sal's first name. How could you?
 Steve, is Barry despicable for doing this or just being silly?
 Hi Ann,  No Ruth is not Sal's first name.  I do happen to know what it
 is so I can say that with some authority.  Ruth was another contributor
 who had some good posts, or at least I thought so.  I think in Ruth's
 case, she tired of the nitpickiness for which Judy is known for.
 Actually I thought Judy raised some good points with Ruth.  IMO it
 didn't get to the level of  nitpicking that I often find objectionable
 in Judy's posting.  And in the case of Sal, (and I have nothing to base
 this on, other than my own opinion) I think that she finally had had
 enough of the constant demeaning from Judy, not at all unlike what we
 see from Judy towards Share.  Although in Share's case I think Judy has
 amped it up.  Putting Share on the level of Monsanto is a first I

Hey Steve. I 've missed you here. You went strangely silent for the last few 
days and then Ravi showed up and you got verrry animated! In fact, this 
afternoon became a veritable flurry of activity here at FFL. It has been 
really, really entertaining. 

That is good that Sal's name is not Ruth because it didn't sound like it should 
be Ruth, it just didn't FEEL right. Plus, Ruth is quite an old fashioned name. 
It was my mother's name actually and she was born in 1921 and I doubt Sal is 
that old. Too bad I missed all the action here when she was around because I 
don't have any real 'take' on her other than she had a pretty good mouth on 
her. I wonder if people will remember Judy so fondly when she quits this place; 
it sounds like Sal was quite a pistol and of course Judy could qualify as an 
Uzi in comparison. But I doubt, if Sal was half of what she seems to be cracked 
up to be, that Judy could have demeaned Sal to the point where she exited this 
place. That would disappoint me.

Now about that Monsanto thing. I read it that Share said Judy should take on 
Monsanto. I don't think it had anything to do with Share being equated with 
Monsanto by Judy. Why not check it out for both of us so we get it right?

Anyway, you keep that Ravi in line, okay? I think you're just the man for the 
job - he is such a pest and what is with all those insults he keeps throwing 
around? Maybe he's trying to quit smoking and is just a bit cranky these days. 
At any rate, I don't want to take him on, he sort of likes me at the moment and 
I want to keep it that way. The last thing I want is either Judy or Ravi to 
start harping at me. One they get the taste of blood it's over, man.

Anyway, glad to see you're back and in full swing. Raunchy even made an 
appearance today. The only one conspicuous by his absence was Curtis - oh, and 
Robin but he doesn't really count.

   - What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
   spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
   rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade
   after he last posted to any TM forum?
   - What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
   ending hatred?
   - What exactly does Judy have against Vaj?
   - What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
   and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
   - What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
   that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
   much time to trying to get other people to hate
   him as much as she does?
   - What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
   stalking him within days of his first appearance
   on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
   non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS?
  Steve, I think it is Barry who has the almighty flow chart posted on
 his wall and he seems to carry it with him wherever he goes.
   There. That should give her something to do while
   sitting on the Post Flood bench. :-)
   Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: curious about Sal Sunshine

2013-04-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Maybe he's trying to quit smoking and is just a bit cranky these days. At
any rate, I don't want to take him on, he sort of likes me at the moment
and I want to keep it that way. The last thing I want is either Judy or
Ravi to start harping at me. One they get the taste of blood it's over,

Oh I'm just feeding off my full moon, mystical, manical high - I actually
smoke more when I am high, look I'm so high I even skipped the gym. You and
me is cool dear Ann - love you.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 9:34 PM, Ann awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ann wrote:
   Gez, I think you just gave away Sal's first name. How could you?
  Steve, is Barry despicable for doing this or just being silly?
  Hi Ann, No Ruth is not Sal's first name. I do happen to know what it
  is so I can say that with some authority. Ruth was another contributor
  who had some good posts, or at least I thought so. I think in Ruth's
  case, she tired of the nitpickiness for which Judy is known for.
  Actually I thought Judy raised some good points with Ruth. IMO it
  didn't get to the level of nitpicking that I often find objectionable
  in Judy's posting. And in the case of Sal, (and I have nothing to base
  this on, other than my own opinion) I think that she finally had had
  enough of the constant demeaning from Judy, not at all unlike what we
  see from Judy towards Share. Although in Share's case I think Judy has
  amped it up. Putting Share on the level of Monsanto is a first I

 Hey Steve. I 've missed you here. You went strangely silent for the last
 few days and then Ravi showed up and you got verrry animated! In fact, this
 afternoon became a veritable flurry of activity here at FFL. It has been
 really, really entertaining.

 That is good that Sal's name is not Ruth because it didn't sound like it
 should be Ruth, it just didn't FEEL right. Plus, Ruth is quite an old
 fashioned name. It was my mother's name actually and she was born in 1921
 and I doubt Sal is that old. Too bad I missed all the action here when she
 was around because I don't have any real 'take' on her other than she had a
 pretty good mouth on her. I wonder if people will remember Judy so fondly
 when she quits this place; it sounds like Sal was quite a pistol and of
 course Judy could qualify as an Uzi in comparison. But I doubt, if Sal was
 half of what she seems to be cracked up to be, that Judy could have
 demeaned Sal to the point where she exited this place. That would
 disappoint me.

 Now about that Monsanto thing. I read it that Share said Judy should take
 on Monsanto. I don't think it had anything to do with Share being equated
 with Monsanto by Judy. Why not check it out for both of us so we get it

 Anyway, you keep that Ravi in line, okay? I think you're just the man for
 the job - he is such a pest and what is with all those insults he keeps
 throwing around? Maybe he's trying to quit smoking and is just a bit cranky
 these days. At any rate, I don't want to take him on, he sort of likes me
 at the moment and I want to keep it that way. The last thing I want is
 either Judy or Ravi to start harping at me. One they get the taste of blood
 it's over, man.

 Anyway, glad to see you're back and in full swing. Raunchy even made an
 appearance today. The only one conspicuous by his absence was Curtis - oh,
 and Robin but he doesn't really count.

- What was Andrew Skolnick's mortal sin that she
spent *years* stalking him on alt.m.t. and still
rants about him occasionally on FFL, a decade
after he last posted to any TM forum?
- What did John Knapp do to deserve Judy's never-
ending hatred?
- What exactly does Judy have against Vaj?
- What made Judy turn on John from Brazil (do.rflex)
and spend so many posts trying to demonize him?
- What is it about Curtis (whom most people like)
that drives Judy crazy and causes her to devote so
much time to trying to get other people to hate
him as much as she does?
- What was it about Barry that caused Judy to start
stalking him within days of his first appearance
on alt.m.t., and to continue doing so -- pretty much
non-stop -- for over EIGHTEEN YEARS?
   Steve, I think it is Barry who has the almighty flow chart posted on
  his wall and he seems to carry it with him wherever he goes.

There. That should give her something to do while
sitting on the Post Flood bench. :-)
Isn't it GREAT that Rick invented the Posting Limits?