[FairfieldLife] Time: Why Political Opposites in the U.S. Despise Each Other

2020-11-08 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
This article presents helpful insights toward our national healing! I pray we 

'We've Built the Most Toxic Marriage Ever': Why Political Opposites in the U.S. 
Despise Each Other

 OCTOBER 29, 2020 3:17 PM EDT
Americans clearly do not agree about the best solutions to the country’s 
biggest problems. But while those disagreements are fierce, they are not as 
strong as their feelings of distrust, dislike and disdain for people who belong 
to the opposing political party. In fact, Democrats and Republicans have 
developed such harsh antipathy for their political opposites that it exceeds 
the level of camaraderie they feel for those who vote the same way. It is these 
personal antipathies more than differing political beliefs that are driving 
Americans’ divisions.

These are the findings from a new report 
 by a group of 
social scientists from 11 universities and six different disciplines—political 
science, psychology, sociology, economics, management and computational social 
science—who did a review of the literature from each of their areas of 
expertise to see what the social sciences had to say about America’s current 
political divisions. The study, which was published on Oct. 29 in Science, was 
co-led by Northwestern University professor of social psychology Eli Finkel, 
whose area of expertise is actually marriage and interpersonal relationships.

For the first time, say the researchers, people’s animosity toward their 
political opponents exceeds their attachment to those who lean the same way. 
Finkel and his colleagues point to the American National Election Survey 
, which has been tallying the attitudes of voters 
since the ’70s and has found that Americans’ level of warmth for their own 
party has remained level; they have not become more loyal to or fonder of those 
who share their ideology. But especially since 2012, their feelings for the 
other party have become so cold that it is a more potent force than their party 
fidelity. A 2020 NBER  study 
of nine Western democracies found the U.S. had the highest rate of polarization 
 of any of them between 
the people in opposing political parties.

Adherents to one party increasingly see those who vote the other way as not 
just different but less moral, less trustworthy and unrecognizable to them.. 
It’s the combination of the three that makes the divisions so sharp. “It’s not 
just they are in a different group,” says Finkel. “They’re alien from me, 
they’re highly unlikeable and they’re doing immoral things. That creates the 
sectarian disaster.”

Of course, many of these impressions are not based in fact. In 2015, 
researchers  asked 
1,000 respondents on YouGov how many Republicans made more than $250,000 a 
year.. The average guess was 38%. (It was 2%.) The survey takers also estimated 
that almost a third of Democrats were LGBT. (About 6% are.) The impressions 
were more inaccurate when respondents were guessing about the party they didn’t 
belong to than when they were guessing about the one they did..

According to the Science study, these personal antipathies have been driven by 
three trends. One is the rise of partisan media and social media, which enables 
people to live in information and opinion bubbles, and makes those with 
opposing views seem more abnormal. Another is the tendency of political 
operatives and elites to identify and emphasize cudgel issues, such as abortion 
or LGBTQ rights, to make the adherents of other parties seem less humane and on 
the side of evil, in order to generate votes and for fundraising. “It’s 
strategically valuable for political elites to find a way to drum up hatred for 
the opposition,” says Finkel.

The final trend is the rise of the “mega-identity” in which other personality 
traits and beliefs are brought in line with a political identity. “For the 
first time in American history, immigrants, African Americans and other 
marginalized communities, LGBT all align with one political orientation,” says 
Finkel. “This is one of the major elements of othering. This highly 
multicultural party is a little difficult for some people who for several 
generations have lived in the same rural community, and are European-American. 
They find them increasingly odd and different. At the same time people in the 
multicultural party feel like, Well, you guys are not what America is now. You 
also are weird and incomprehensible and an anachronism.” This “mega-identity” 
works like a religion, in which adherents to a set of beliefs have strict rules 
for inclusion and regard tho

[FairfieldLife] Time to buy NOK??

2018-12-28 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]


[FairfieldLife] Time to sell AAPL?

2018-12-22 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 https://youtu.be/hUBsxCcJeUc https://youtu.be/hUBsxCcJeUc


 https://youtu.be/hUBsxCcJeUc?t=318 https://youtu.be/hUBsxCcJeUc?t=318



Re: [FairfieldLife] Time Travel and Warp drives may be possible

2018-05-28 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 If an electron can be observed as a wave or a particle, why does that mean the 
universe is not objective? The difference shows during different measurements 
at different times. Water can be liquid or solid at different times, but that 
does not mean it is not objective.
Campbell's ideas have not been well received by other physicists. A lot of 
people watch his videos, but unless his ideas are accepted on a wider scale in 
his own discipline, he will remain on the fringe as having interesting but 
unconfirmed ideas.
Because lay people really don't understand physics, having a large following of 
people who cannot evaluate what is being said is not confirmation on the truth 
of what is said. That does not mean we should not listen to his ideas.

On Monday, May 28, 2018, 4:58:15 AM GMT, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

Here's a video interview of Tom Campbell explaining the double slit experiment 
showing the electron as a wave or a particle.  By extension, the experiment 
shows that our universe is not an objective reality since the results show the 
electron can be a wave or a particle.  If the electron path is measured at the 
slits, the electron will show as a particle.  If the electron is not measured, 
the electron will show on the screen as a defraction pattern, meaning it is a 
For more explanation, please watch his other presentations in a seminar setting 
at the various locations, such as Spokane, WA or in Spain.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

You should watch Tom Campbell's seminars on YouTube.  In them, he explains 
clearly that the universe is not based on matter, but rather on information, 
which leads us to conclude that the universe is a simulation or virtual 
reality, like a computer game in a giant cosmic computer and shown before our 
own eyes, and we are participants of this virtual reality.  Campbell also 
mentions the erasure experiment which clearly shows that the universe data can 
be erased and we can experience the results with awe.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Physics is all about matter, quantum fields, gravitational fields are all 
In physics, a field is a physical quantity, represented by a number or tensor, 
that has a value for each point in space and time.  (Wikipedia)Consciousness 
does not yet have a definition in physics or in science in general; while we 
know we are conscious, this factor does not yet appear in physics. 
Science has no agreed upon definition of what consciousness is. All we know is 
there are physical correlates in the brain to our experience. 
Some physicists believe consciousness may be something different from matter, 
while others think consciousness is physical, but these are beliefs based 
largely on speculation because the answer is not known.

For one thing, if consciousness is not physical then it lies outside what 
physics can experiment upon, and thus it cannot be shown that the physical 
world is based on it.
Getting physics information from youtube.com videos is fraught with unverified 
All this comes about by indiscriminately mixing physics and spiritual ideas.. 


 On Saturday, May 26, 2018, 3:48:50 PM GMT, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 


Physics experiments by researchers in academia have shown that the world is not 
based on matter, but is based on information or consciousness.  A good example 
is the results in the double-slit experiment.  As such, there may be some 
protocols in the future that can make these "fantasies" real.  The ancient 
Vedic texts have mentioned rishis like Narada to travel to "other worlds" just 
by mantra alone.  I believe that's what MMY was trying to do with the siddhis 
and the flying sutra.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Delusional infantile fantasy would be a more apt and accurate take on this 
childish nonsense, i.e., as far as "time travel" is concerned. Science fiction 
fueled by science fantasy; the contemporary world is awash with this type of 

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

 On May 24, 2018 5:07 PM, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 


Given the new scientific paradigms that are being set by scientists like Tom 
Campbell and researchers in academia, we're finding out that the universe is a 
simulation and is a virtual reality like a computer game in a cosmic computer.  
In essence, everything is based on information, like 0's and 1's in a computer 
program.  When the next genius, like Einstein, comes around he or she may find 
a way to program Nature to travel in time or travel in warp speeds.  From what 
I'm foreseeing,  objective science and materialism are not the key to 
understand Nature and the universe.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time Travel and Warp drives may be possible

2018-05-28 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 A single person explaining something does not mean it is correct. Information 
is a pattern in matter and as matter is equivalent to energy (Einstein), it is 
also a pattern in energy. On a printed page, or as electrons in a computer, 
information exists in the form of matter.
There is the reality of the senses, and there is the reality fashioned by the 
mind, which is a virtual reality in the form of thoughts.
If the reality of the universe is it is based on information, then this 
contradicts the Vedic view (and other spiritual system views) that the universe 
is based on consciousness. Pure consciousness has no qualities, it is 
completely simple and so contains no information. Perhaps it is there as 
Information occurs when complete simplicity is subdivided. How this happens is 
unknown. Vedic sources call it Maya. The idea here is if Maya can be lifted, 
the actual reality can be experienced and the virtual reality in the mind is 
canceled. The mistake of the intellect is removed.
There is always a paradox when everything is brought together because the mind 
cannot think except in terms of differences. But it is possible to experience 
beyond this aspect of mind.
On Monday, May 28, 2018, 2:51:20 AM GMT, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

You should watch Tom Campbell's seminars on YouTube.  In them, he explains 
clearly that the universe is not based on matter, but rather on information, 
which leads us to conclude that the universe is a simulation or virtual 
reality, like a computer game in a giant cosmic computer and shown before our 
own eyes, and we are participants of this virtual reality.  Campbell also 
mentions the erasure experiment which clearly shows that the universe data can 
be erased and we can experience the results with awe.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Physics is all about matter, quantum fields, gravitational fields are all 
In physics, a field is a physical quantity, represented by a number or tensor, 
that has a value for each point in space and time.  (Wikipedia)Consciousness 
does not yet have a definition in physics or in science in general; while we 
know we are conscious, this factor does not yet appear in physics. 
Science has no agreed upon definition of what consciousness is. All we know is 
there are physical correlates in the brain to our experience. 
Some physicists believe consciousness may be something different from matter, 
while others think consciousness is physical, but these are beliefs based 
largely on speculation because the answer is not known.

For one thing, if consciousness is not physical then it lies outside what 
physics can experiment upon, and thus it cannot be shown that the physical 
world is based on it.
Getting physics information from youtube.com videos is fraught with unverified 
All this comes about by indiscriminately mixing physics and spiritual ideas.. 

 On Saturday, May 26, 2018, 3:48:50 PM GMT, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 


Physics experiments by researchers in academia have shown that the world is not 
based on matter, but is based on information or consciousness.  A good example 
is the results in the double-slit experiment.  As such, there may be some 
protocols in the future that can make these "fantasies" real.  The ancient 
Vedic texts have mentioned rishis like Narada to travel to "other worlds" just 
by mantra alone.  I believe that's what MMY was trying to do with the siddhis 
and the flying sutra.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Delusional infantile fantasy would be a more apt and accurate take on this 
childish nonsense, i.e., as far as "time travel" is concerned. Science fiction 
fueled by science fantasy; the contemporary world is awash with this type of 

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

 On May 24, 2018 5:07 PM, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 


Given the new scientific paradigms that are being set by scientists like Tom 
Campbell and researchers in academia, we're finding out that the universe is a 
simulation and is a virtual reality like a computer game in a cosmic computer.  
In essence, everything is based on information, like 0's and 1's in a computer 
program.  When the next genius, like Einstein, comes around he or she may find 
a way to program Nature to travel in time or travel in warp speeds.  From what 
I'm foreseeing,  objective science and materialism are not the key to 
understand Nature and the universe.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time Travel and Warp drives may be possible

2018-05-27 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Here's a video interview of Tom Campbell explaining the double slit experiment 
showing the electron as a wave or a particle.  By extension, the experiment 
shows that our universe is not an objective reality since the results show the 
electron can be a wave or a particle.  If the electron path is measured at the 
slits, the electron will show as a particle.  If the electron is not measured, 
the electron will show on the screen as a defraction pattern, meaning it is a 


 For more explanation, please watch his other presentations in a seminar 
setting at the various locations, such as Spokane, WA or in Spain.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 You should watch Tom Campbell's seminars on YouTube.  In them, he explains 
clearly that the universe is not based on matter, but rather on information, 
which leads us to conclude that the universe is a simulation or virtual 
reality, like a computer game in a giant cosmic computer and shown before our 
own eyes, and we are participants of this virtual reality.  Campbell also 
mentions the erasure experiment which clearly shows that the universe data can 
be erased and we can experience the results with awe.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Physics is all about matter, quantum fields, gravitational fields are all 


 In physics, a field is a physical quantity, represented by a number or tensor, 
that has a value for each point in space and time.  (Wikipedia)

Consciousness does not yet have a definition in physics or in science in 
general; while we know we are conscious, this factor does not yet appear in 

 Science has no agreed upon definition of what consciousness is. All we know is 
there are physical correlates in the brain to our experience. 

 Some physicists believe consciousness may be something different from matter, 
while others think consciousness is physical, but these are beliefs based 
largely on speculation because the answer is not known.


 For one thing, if consciousness is not physical then it lies outside what 
physics can experiment upon, and thus it cannot be shown that the physical 
world is based on it.

 Getting physics information from youtube.com videos is fraught with unverified 

 All this comes about by indiscriminately mixing physics and spiritual ideas. 
 On Saturday, May 26, 2018, 3:48:50 PM GMT, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 



 Physics experiments by researchers in academia have shown that the world is 
not based on matter, but is based on information or consciousness.  A good 
example is the results in the double-slit experiment.  As such, there may be 
some protocols in the future that can make these "fantasies" real.  The ancient 
Vedic texts have mentioned rishis like Narada to travel to "other worlds" just 
by mantra alone.  I believe that's what MMY was trying to do with the siddhis 
and the flying sutra.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Delusional infantile fantasy would be a more apt and accurate take on this 
childish nonsense, i.e., as far as "time travel" is concerned. Science fiction 
fueled by science fantasy; the contemporary world is awash with this type of 


 Sent with ProtonMail https://protonmail.com Secure Email.


 ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
 On May 24, 2018 5:07 PM, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 




 Given the new scientific paradigms that are being set by scientists like Tom 
Campbell and researchers in academia, we're finding out that the universe is a 
simulation and is a virtual reality like a computer game in a cosmic computer.  
In essence, everything is based on information, like 0's and 1's in a computer 
program.  When the next genius, like Einstein, comes around he or she may find 
a way to program Nature to travel in time or travel in warp speeds.  From what 
I'm foreseeing,  objective science and materialism are not the key to 
understand Nature and the universe.










Re: [FairfieldLife] Time Travel and Warp drives may be possible

2018-05-27 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 You should watch Tom Campbell's seminars on YouTube.  In them, he explains 
clearly that the universe is not based on matter, but rather on information, 
which leads us to conclude that the universe is a simulation or virtual 
reality, like a computer game in a giant cosmic computer and shown before our 
own eyes, and we are participants of this virtual reality.  Campbell also 
mentions the erasure experiment which clearly shows that the universe data can 
be erased and we can experience the results with awe.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Physics is all about matter, quantum fields, gravitational fields are all 


 In physics, a field is a physical quantity, represented by a number or tensor, 
that has a value for each point in space and time.  (Wikipedia)

Consciousness does not yet have a definition in physics or in science in 
general; while we know we are conscious, this factor does not yet appear in 

 Science has no agreed upon definition of what consciousness is. All we know is 
there are physical correlates in the brain to our experience. 

 Some physicists believe consciousness may be something different from matter, 
while others think consciousness is physical, but these are beliefs based 
largely on speculation because the answer is not known.


 For one thing, if consciousness is not physical then it lies outside what 
physics can experiment upon, and thus it cannot be shown that the physical 
world is based on it.

 Getting physics information from youtube.com videos is fraught with unverified 

 All this comes about by indiscriminately mixing physics and spiritual ideas. 

 On Saturday, May 26, 2018, 3:48:50 PM GMT, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 



 Physics experiments by researchers in academia have shown that the world is 
not based on matter, but is based on information or consciousness.  A good 
example is the results in the double-slit experiment.  As such, there may be 
some protocols in the future that can make these "fantasies" real.  The ancient 
Vedic texts have mentioned rishis like Narada to travel to "other worlds" just 
by mantra alone.  I believe that's what MMY was trying to do with the siddhis 
and the flying sutra.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Delusional infantile fantasy would be a more apt and accurate take on this 
childish nonsense, i.e., as far as "time travel" is concerned. Science fiction 
fueled by science fantasy; the contemporary world is awash with this type of 


 Sent with ProtonMail https://protonmail.com Secure Email.


 ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
 On May 24, 2018 5:07 PM, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 




 Given the new scientific paradigms that are being set by scientists like Tom 
Campbell and researchers in academia, we're finding out that the universe is a 
simulation and is a virtual reality like a computer game in a cosmic computer.  
In essence, everything is based on information, like 0's and 1's in a computer 
program.  When the next genius, like Einstein, comes around he or she may find 
a way to program Nature to travel in time or travel in warp speeds.  From what 
I'm foreseeing,  objective science and materialism are not the key to 
understand Nature and the universe.










Re: [FairfieldLife] Time Travel and Warp drives may be possible

2018-05-27 Thread Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 Physics is all about matter, quantum fields, gravitational fields are all 
In physics, a field is a physical quantity, represented by a number or tensor, 
that has a value for each point in space and time.  (Wikipedia)Consciousness 
does not yet have a definition in physics or in science in general; while we 
know we are conscious, this factor does not yet appear in physics. 
Science has no agreed upon definition of what consciousness is. All we know is 
there are physical correlates in the brain to our experience. 
Some physicists believe consciousness may be something different from matter, 
while others think consciousness is physical, but these are beliefs based 
largely on speculation because the answer is not known.

For one thing, if consciousness is not physical then it lies outside what 
physics can experiment upon, and thus it cannot be shown that the physical 
world is based on it.
Getting physics information from youtube.com videos is fraught with unverified 
All this comes about by indiscriminately mixing physics and spiritual ideas.. 
On Saturday, May 26, 2018, 3:48:50 PM GMT, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

Physics experiments by researchers in academia have shown that the world is not 
based on matter, but is based on information or consciousness.  A good example 
is the results in the double-slit experiment.  As such, there may be some 
protocols in the future that can make these "fantasies" real.  The ancient 
Vedic texts have mentioned rishis like Narada to travel to "other worlds" just 
by mantra alone.  I believe that's what MMY was trying to do with the siddhis 
and the flying sutra.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Delusional infantile fantasy would be a more apt and accurate take on this 
childish nonsense, i.e., as far as "time travel" is concerned. Science fiction 
fueled by science fantasy; the contemporary world is awash with this type of 

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

 On May 24, 2018 5:07 PM, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 


Given the new scientific paradigms that are being set by scientists like Tom 
Campbell and researchers in academia, we're finding out that the universe is a 
simulation and is a virtual reality like a computer game in a cosmic computer.  
In essence, everything is based on information, like 0's and 1's in a computer 
program.  When the next genius, like Einstein, comes around he or she may find 
a way to program Nature to travel in time or travel in warp speeds.  From what 
I'm foreseeing,  objective science and materialism are not the key to 
understand Nature and the universe.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time Travel and Warp drives may be possible

2018-05-26 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Physics experiments by researchers in academia have shown that the world is 
not based on matter, but is based on information or consciousness.  A good 
example is the results in the double-slit experiment.  As such, there may be 
some protocols in the future that can make these "fantasies" real.  The ancient 
Vedic texts have mentioned rishis like Narada to travel to "other worlds" just 
by mantra alone.  I believe that's what MMY was trying to do with the siddhis 
and the flying sutra.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Delusional infantile fantasy would be a more apt and accurate take on this 
childish nonsense, i.e., as far as "time travel" is concerned. Science fiction 
fueled by science fantasy; the contemporary world is awash with this type of 


 Sent with ProtonMail https://protonmail.com Secure Email.


 ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
 On May 24, 2018 5:07 PM, jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] 




 Given the new scientific paradigms that are being set by scientists like Tom 
Campbell and researchers in academia, we're finding out that the universe is a 
simulation and is a virtual reality like a computer game in a cosmic computer.  
In essence, everything is based on information, like 0's and 1's in a computer 
program.  When the next genius, like Einstein, comes around he or she may find 
a way to program Nature to travel in time or travel in warp speeds.  From what 
I'm foreseeing,  objective science and materialism are not the key to 
understand Nature and the universe.









Re: [FairfieldLife] Time Travel and Warp drives may be possible

2018-05-26 Thread Brumah bru...@protonmail.ch [FairfieldLife]
Delusional infantile fantasy would be a more apt and accurate take on this 
childish nonsense, i.e., as far as "time travel" is concerned. Science fiction 
fueled by science fantasy; the contemporary world is awash with this type of 

Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com) Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On May 24, 2018 5:07 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

> Given the new scientific paradigms that are being set by scientists like Tom 
> Campbell and researchers in academia, we're finding out that the universe is 
> a simulation and is a virtual reality like a computer game in a cosmic 
> computer.  In essence, everything is based on information, like 0's and 1's 
> in a computer program.  When the next genius, like Einstein, comes around he 
> or she may find a way to program Nature to travel in time or travel in warp 
> speeds.  From what I'm foreseeing,  objective science and materialism are not 
> the key to understand Nature and the universe.
> https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/6a667085-b566-3296-8b08-872403f798d9/ss_the-us-military-released-a.html

[FairfieldLife] Time Travel and Warp drives may be possible

2018-05-24 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Given the new scientific paradigms that are being set by scientists like Tom 
Campbell and researchers in academia, we're finding out that the universe is a 
simulation and is a virtual reality like a computer game in a cosmic computer.  
In essence, everything is based on information, like 0's and 1's in a computer 
program.  When the next genius, like Einstein, comes around he or she may find 
a way to program Nature to travel in time or travel in warp speeds.  From what 
I'm foreseeing,  objective science and materialism are not the key to 
understand Nature and the universe.




[FairfieldLife] Time to buy NOK??

2018-05-02 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]



 More critically, 5G is coming, and that is a huge tailwind for NOK. The 
company is already a leading player in the 4G/LTE broadband market, so it will 
naturally be a big winner in this massive forthcoming 5G-upgrade cycle. Over 
the next several years, demand for new 5G-integrated products and technology 
components will soar, and NOK’s numbers will start to look a lot better.
 From this perspective, it is easy to see why investors largely ignored the 
quarterly numbers. They were just near-term noise. Everyone is looking toward 
the 5G boom, and until something happens to negatively affect that catalyst, 
NOK stock should head higher.
 Nokia Stock Could Get Above $7 Management is very confident about its ability 
to fully capture benefits from large-scale 5G deployment globally over the next 
several years. Revenue growth is expected to inflect into positive territory. 
Margins are expected to start expanding, and earnings are expected to head 
 In other words, Nokia stock is turning into a growth story.
 Well, perhaps better wait and buy only after the next July stock market crash 
predicted by some
 jyotish-astrologers, like Joni Patry


[FairfieldLife] Time to buy NOKIA ADR's??

2018-02-07 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]


 Nokia Oyj (HEL:NOKIA) received a €8.30 ($10.25) price objective from 
investment analysts at Societe Generale in a research report issued to clients 
and investors on Monday. The brokerage currently has a “buy” rating on the 
stock. Societe Generale’s target price would indicate a potential upside of 
90.37% from the company’s current price. 

 I'm not that optimistic as to Nokia Corp. , though...


[FairfieldLife] time and time again

2017-10-08 Thread srijau
is not just correlation


[FairfieldLife] Time Crystals Created by Scientists

2017-03-10 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
They could be used in quantum computers.





[FairfieldLife] Time Travel Back to the Beginning of the Universe

2017-03-07 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
NASA is launching the Webb Telescope.  It should be able to see light from the 
Big Bang.




[FairfieldLife] Time!

2016-09-18 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alo7A0NLmxU Official lyric video for WINTERSUN 
"Time" Subscribe to Wintersun: http://bit.ly/wntrsn-yt Subscribe to Nuclear 
Blast: http://bit.ly/subs-nb-yt TIME I out ...
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alo7A0NLmxU 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Jarryd Mahabir https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPGsnWhbK2wW0SaeRf02PtA1 
kuukausi sitten 
 Everything is so perfect, honestly I thought they would've been a generic 
metal band, that gives up their musicianship for being more technical. But it 
takes true artists to put their emotions in this song. Probably the best song I 
ever heard

 Vastaa 9   

 SinisterSkip https://www.youtube.com/user/SinisterSkip1 kuukausi sitten 
 Honestly I feel like Wintersun is the EPITOMY of 'epic metal'. The 
musicianship, mix, master, writing, production and instrumental skills are all 
endgame. When you listen to a Wintersun song, you know there's gonna be 
technical nerdism but instead of diverting attention from the song, it always 
makes the song better. Instead of stealing the attention, 


[FairfieldLife] Time for pitchforks and torches yet?

2016-05-04 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Time to bring these bastards down!

[FairfieldLife] Time for Group Meditation in Burns, Oregon

2016-02-03 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The Constitution’s Article 4, Section 3 for a more complete image: 
 “Congress shall have the power to dispose of and make all needful rules and 
regulations respecting the territory or property belonging to the United 
 Period … and that’s what’s held up in court over the years.
 Little v. United States in 1911, the Sage Brush Rebellion of the 1970s, and 
other mid-1990s land disputes as evidence of a consistent public disagreement 
with federal ownership.
 Although these situations have repeatedly popped up throughout U.S. history, 
they have led to the same judicial decision. The Supreme Court has continuously 
upheld the constitutional right of the federal government to own land — so why 
continue to fight this decision?  
 We should all meditate on this and allow everyone involved to have victory in 
peace before war.
 History Of Land Disputes Shows The Malheur Occupation Is No New Phenomenon 
 History Of Land Disputes Shows The Malheur Occup... 
 If history tells us anything about the occupation of the Malheur National 
Wildlife Refuge, it's that land management disputes like this one are nothing 
 View on www.opb.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We should be facilitating and let them have a meditation, count to ten and a 
quiet time and naturally avert the danger posed by this fundamentally ignorant 
and incoherent militant armed blight in our society.  

 But local residents formed a counter protest to say the outsiders don’t speak 
for them. They gathered to demand that the outsiders go home and to show 
support for local officials and law enforcement.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

  ..should mobilize a group meditation there right now. Bring a little calmness 
to the armed wingnuts inciting insurrection there.

  Emotional Protesters Face Off In Burns 
 Emotional Protesters Face Off In Burns 
 Between 400-500 people from across rural Oregon and Idaho converged for a 
protest in front of the courthouse in Burns Monday.

 View on www.opb.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Several of the folks have been arrested; however, some are still at the refuge.

 Oregon occupiers’ live video stream shows suspense among holdouts 

 Oregon occupiers’ live video stream shows suspense among... 
 The capture of its top leaders dealt the Ammon Bundy-led occupation of a 
federal wildlife refuge in rural Oregon a serious setback this week, but a few 
stragglers r...

 View on www.yahoo.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



 From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditators and Militia Madness
 Sage Remarks of an Avatar:

 I know the American People are much attached to their Government;--I know they 
would suffer much for its sake;--I know they would endure evils long and 
patiently, before they would ever think of exchanging it for another. Yet, 
notwithstanding all this, if the laws be continually despised and disregarded, 
if their rights to be secure in their persons and property, are held by no 
better tenure than the caprice of a mob, the alienation of their affections 
from the Government is the natural consequence; and to that, sooner or later, 
it m

[FairfieldLife] Time for Group Meditation in Burns, Oregon

2016-02-03 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 ..should mobilize a group meditation there right now. Bring a little calmness 
to the armed wingnuts inciting insurrection there.

  Emotional Protesters Face Off In Burns 
 Emotional Protesters Face Off In Burns 
 Between 400-500 people from across rural Oregon and Idaho converged for a 
protest in front of the courthouse in Burns Monday.
 View on www.opb.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Several of the folks have been arrested; however, some are still at the refuge.

 Oregon occupiers’ live video stream shows suspense among holdouts 

 Oregon occupiers’ live video stream shows suspense among... 
 The capture of its top leaders dealt the Ammon Bundy-led occupation of a 
federal wildlife refuge in rural Oregon a serious setback this week, but a few 
stragglers r...

 View on www.yahoo.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



 From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 2:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditators and Militia Madness
 Sage Remarks of an Avatar:

 I know the American People are much attached to their Government;--I know they 
would suffer much for its sake;--I know they would endure evils long and 
patiently, before they would ever think of exchanging it for another. Yet, 
notwithstanding all this, if the laws be continually despised and disregarded, 
if their rights to be secure in their persons and property, are held by no 
better tenure than the caprice of a mob, the alienation of their affections 
from the Government is the natural consequence; and to that, sooner or later, 
it must come.

 Here then, is one point at which danger may be expected.

 The question recurs, "how shall we fortify against it?" The answer is simple. 
Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher to his posterity, 
swear by the blood of the Revolution, never to violate in the least particular, 
the laws of the country; and never to tolerate their violation by others. 

 As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of 
Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every 
American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor;--let every man 
remember that to violate the law, is to trample on the blood of his father, and 
to tear the character of his own, and his children's liberty. 

 Let reverence for the laws, be breathed by every American mother, to the 
lisping babe, that prattles on her lap--let it be taught in schools, in 
seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in Primers, spelling books, and 
in Almanacs;--let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative 
halls, and enforced in courts of justice. 
 And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the 
old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes 
and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars.


 While ever a state of feeling, such as this, shall universally, or even, very 
generally prevail throughout the nation, vain will be every effort, and 
fruitless every attempt, to subvert our national freedom.

 -An Honest Abraham Speaks


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Isn't this what asocial terrorism hopes for:  

 "This has been tearing our community apart," Ward said. "It's time for 
everyone in this illegal occupation to move on. It doesn't have to be bloodshed 
in our community. If we have issues with the way things are going in our 
government, we have a responsibility as citizens to act on them in an 
appropriate manner. We don't arm up and rebel. We work through the appropriate 



"If we have issues with the way things are going in our government, we have a 
responsibility as citizens to act on them in an appropriate mann

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-18 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Seems like this quip is using a blanket spiritual putdown on some quite 
experienced meditators who would continue to sit in meditation.  Quite 
evidently though even the awakened continue to meditate.  Yes, like calling on 
taxis that take you further on.  

 Rick has a good conversation on Batgap with someone talking about the awakened 
coming in to realization and actualizing it as embodiment in life.  Human life 
being exploration of the embodiment of the transcendent where meditation can 
have its place, even for the enlightened who have the transcendent on tap.  It 
is an honest conversation about this.  You might like the conversation around 

 282. Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas) - 2nd Interview - Buddha at the Gas Pump 
 282. Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas) - 2nd Interview - ... 
https://batgap.com/hameed-ali-a-h-almaas-2/ A. Hameed Ali was born in Kuwait in 
1944. At the age of eighteen, he moved to the USA to study at the University of 
California in Berkeley. Hameed was wo...
 View on batgap.com https://batgap.com/hameed-ali-a-h-almaas-2/ 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Meditation is like taking a taxi to get somewhere.  Once you're there you 
don't need the taxi anymore.  Same with meditation, once you have the 
transcendent on demand you don't need to call a taxi.  This happens with some 
people but apparently not all? 
 On 01/11/2016 11:51 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   We do have a bunch of people here in Fairfield, Iowa who work at meditating, 
who are ‘paid’ in income support to meditate long hours in the group 
meditation.   It is about 80 people who are still paid to be meditating in the 
long meditations daily, morning and evening, in the group meditation here.  The 
‘stipend’ is about $800 per month per person now. 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote :
 Nearly a century ago, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that American 
productivity and the age of abundance would mean less toil for workers. And 
until the 1970s, the average workweek was shrinking.


 Why Do Americans Work So Much?
 Why Do Americans Work So Much? The economist John Maynard Keynes predicted a 
society so prosperous that people would hardly have to work. But that isn’t 
exactly how things have play...

 View on www.theatlantic.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote :
 The Doors open for group meditation daily at 7am and again at 5pm in 
Fairfield, Iowa
 ..in 1930. Over the next century, he predicted, the economy would become so 
productive that people would barely need to work at all.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote :
 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week? That was 
the question that worried the economist John Maynard Keynes when he wrote his 
short essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren” in 1930. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote :
 Some places, like tech companies, employees feel it it as "badge of honor" to 
put in long hours.  My boss said it was probably more a sign of  incompetence.  
And HP study back in the 1990s showed that working anymore than 50 hours a week 
was counter productive.  I knew someone who worked at Microsoft who was 
"salaried" (in California it's called "exempted") and if it took him one day to 
finish his part of the project for the week then it was okay for him not to 
come in the rest of the week.  Computer programming is more like working on a 
piece of art and productivity comes in spurts not 9 to 5.
 On 01/10/2016 11:42 AM, mailto:emily.mae50@yahoo.comemily.ma...@yahoo.com 
mailto:emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   As a salaried employee, this was much more my experience(40 to 60, but 
paid for 40).

 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- by Seven Hours 
 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- b... Adults employed full time in 
the U.S. report working an average of 47 hours a week, almost a full workday 
longer than what a standard five-day, 9-to-5 schedu...

 View on www.gallup.com http://www.gallup.com 
 ! Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comfairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mailto:noozguru@... 
mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Of course work is not the purpose of life.  That was an industrial age piece 
of propaganda to keep the chickens busy.  There are lots of things to do other 
than work.
 On 01/10/2016 05:07 AM, dha

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-14 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Well, one could make a thesis that the general lack of human contact with 
domesticated large mammals in the post-modern era is an exacerbating element in 
the evident current of incivility in humanity. Having the opportunity to 
compose ones self to be successful around large mammals is always an exercise 
in all that is good in being human. 
 That laboratory of cultivation of humanity has almost disappeared from the 
start to the end of the 20th Century, a nearly lost schooling in humanity. 
There is just not a lot of room in a modern world in the spirituality that can 
come from the caring for large domesticated mammals who had formerly come along 
with us as a mutual cultivation that has existed for millennium.  -JaiGuruYou

 You know it. The interaction with any animal species is priceless and a gift. 
I couldn't raise animals for meat, however. It seems so much of a betrayal to 
house and nourish and nurture them only to slit their throats later. But at 
least if you can do it at home it saves them the agony of the travel with all 
of the fear and uncertainty.

 emptybill writes: 
 Go ride your horse. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-14 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Well, one could make a thesis that the general lack of human contact with 
domesticated large mammals in the post-modern era is an exacerbating element in 
the evident current of incivility in humanity. Having the opportunity to 
compose ones self to be successful around large mammals is always an exercise 
in all that is good in being human. 
 That laboratory of cultivation of humanity has almost disappeared from the 
start to the end of the 20th Century, a nearly lost schooling in humanity. 
There is just not a lot of room in a modern world in the spirituality that can 
come from the caring for large domesticated mammals who had formerly come along 
with us as a mutual cultivation that has existed for millennium.  -JaiGuruYou

 emptybill writes: 
 Go ride your horse. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 O, I thought he was a TM'er who expanded into other "lineages," or 
something like that.  I will try to pay more attention (smile). 

Oh, he probably dabbled in TM, I haven't followed his life story close enough 
to know for sure, but the aristocracy of spirituality, like Pants, who have 
learned through reading like to think of themselves as hierarchically above 
other fools, like us for example. So please don't besmirch his lineage and 
pedigree with your inane and bubble-headed musings. Get it right. I think you 
might be able to trace his bloodlines through Ancestryforspiritualnerds.com

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ann, ignore him, he's just a "meany."  I think he took serious offense at the 
nickname Emptypants—who knows why?  I could take a guess; his ego (I mean 
manhood) has been challenged and he just can't past it.  What I find very, very 
amusing is how angry and fearful, Empty, as a meditator is.  It seems certainly 
true that one cannot lump "meditators" into a single category or assume that a 
TM practice assures one any short cuts in evolution as a soul or a human being. 

 Oh my dear Emily, I don't think The Pants would care to associate himself with 
TM. He was made for bigger meditations. You see, he knows it all. And I mean 
every last bit of it. For a bubble headed bleached blond I can at least 
recognize this. But yes, he seems to have failed somewhere along the way. 
Perhaps the hair shirts weren't hairy enough or the whips quite lashy enough, 
the bed of nails too dull. Maybe next time around he'll get it right. I'm not 
sure how much time he has left in this body of his but he better hurry up or 
he's going to miss the boat completely this time around. I do believe he has a 
dislike of the fairer sex (if I am allowed to mention 'sex' and 'Pants' in the 
same sentence, which I think is unlikely). 

 I do appreciate your concern. We smart women need to stick together. I know 
you have my back and I thank you for it. You're a great ally.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now that's my idea of personal hell. LOL, you'd have to tie me down and 
tranquilize me.

 You are personally unqualified even to contemplate this kind of practice. In 
fact, you are unqualified to enter into any form of contemplative or meditative 
practice. No wonder you ended up following a complete fraud for a teacher.

 Go ride your horse. Go act important. You have no clue.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-12 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
O, I thought he was a TM'er who expanded into other "lineages," or 
something like that.  I will try to pay more attention (smile). 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ann, ignore him, he's just a "meany."  I think he took serious offense at the 
nickname Emptypants—who knows why?  I could take a guess; his ego (I mean 
manhood) has been challenged and he just can't past it.  What I find very, very 
amusing is how angry and fearful, Empty, as a meditator is.  It seems certainly 
true that one cannot lump "meditators" into a single category or assume that a 
TM practice assures one any short cuts in evolution as a soul or a human being. 

 Oh my dear Emily, I don't think The Pants would care to associate himself with 
TM. He was made for bigger meditations. You see, he knows it all. And I mean 
every last bit of it. For a bubble headed bleached blond I can at least 
recognize this. But yes, he seems to have failed somewhere along the way. 
Perhaps the hair shirts weren't hairy enough or the whips quite lashy enough, 
the bed of nails too dull. Maybe next time around he'll get it right. I'm not 
sure how much time he has left in this body of his but he better hurry up or 
he's going to miss the boat completely this time around. I do believe he has a 
dislike of the fairer sex (if I am allowed to mention 'sex' and 'Pants' in the 
same sentence, which I think is unlikely). 

 I do appreciate your concern. We smart women need to stick together. I know 
you have my back and I thank you for it. You're a great ally.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now that's my idea of personal hell. LOL, you'd have to tie me down and 
tranquilize me.

 You are personally unqualified even to contemplate this kind of practice. In 
fact, you are unqualified to enter into any form of contemplative or meditative 
practice. No wonder you ended up following a complete fraud for a teacher.

 Go ride your horse. Go act important. You have no clue.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ann, ignore him, he's just a "meany."  I think he took serious offense at the 
nickname Emptypants—who knows why?  I could take a guess; his ego (I mean 
manhood) has been challenged and he just can't past it.  What I find very, very 
amusing is how angry and fearful, Empty, as a meditator is.  It seems certainly 
true that one cannot lump "meditators" into a single category or assume that a 
TM practice assures one any short cuts in evolution as a soul or a human being. 

 Oh my dear Emily, I don't think The Pants would care to associate himself with 
TM. He was made for bigger meditations. You see, he knows it all. And I mean 
every last bit of it. For a bubble headed bleached blond I can at least 
recognize this. But yes, he seems to have failed somewhere along the way. 
Perhaps the hair shirts weren't hairy enough or the whips quite lashy enough, 
the bed of nails too dull. Maybe next time around he'll get it right. I'm not 
sure how much time he has left in this body of his but he better hurry up or 
he's going to miss the boat completely this time around. I do believe he has a 
dislike of the fairer sex (if I am allowed to mention 'sex' and 'Pants' in the 
same sentence, which I think is unlikely). 

 I do appreciate your concern. We smart women need to stick together. I know 
you have my back and I thank you for it. You're a great ally.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now that's my idea of personal hell. LOL, you'd have to tie me down and 
tranquilize me.

 You are personally unqualified even to contemplate this kind of practice. In 
fact, you are unqualified to enter into any form of contemplative or meditative 
practice. No wonder you ended up following a complete fraud for a teacher.

 Go ride your horse. Go act important. You have no clue.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now that's my idea of personal hell. LOL, you'd have to tie me down and 
tranquilize me.

 You are personally unqualified even to contemplate this kind of practice. In 
fact, you are unqualified to enter into any form of contemplative or meditative 
practice. No wonder you ended up following a complete fraud for a teacher.

 Go ride your horse. Go act important. You have no clue.

 I love to get you going, Emptypants. You are so easy to incite. I can do it 
with my eyes closed (or is that too much like meditation, God forbid? LOL). 
Forgive me, I am not worthy but I am im -po-tent.

 My golly gosh, Pants, you are fun to razz. Do I get you going? Do you feel 
compelled to follow my every post? Driven by your nature to respond? I'm having 
fun, are you? I have fun with almost everything, that's the way of it, you'll 
see - one day. Have you watched that video of David Bowie's "Lazarus" I believe 
it's called. It's pretty good. Take a look. You might figure something out, 
something deep and im-po-tent. But don't take my fraudulent word for it, see 
for yourself.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-JqH1M4Ya8 

 Now, that book there. It is pretty interesting. All those people in that small 
house at Sunnyside having dinners and chatting, getting confronted, figuring 
stuff out. It was before my time but what a time it appeared to be. It was a 
journey alright. It didn't involve dusty books and learning words like 'bhogi' 
and stuff but they did have some rolicking times, way back then in the 70's in 
Victoria, BC. The names were changed to protect the innocent but I met them 
all. Pretty Canadian, the lot of them. Polite, proper but they went on a roller 
coaster ride. Most came out the other side to tell the story. But, you prefer 
moldy tomes, musty words of wisdom and bantering about this school of thought 
and that. You wouldn't have liked being around Robin, you would have had your 
nose bloodied and your knees skinned. It would have been all a bit rough and 
tumble for nerds like yourself. Now go put your jammies on and perhaps someone 
nice will come and tuck you in. Nighty night!




Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
"can't get past it."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ann, ignore him, he's just a "meany."  I think he took serious offense at the 
nickname Emptypants—who knows why?  I could take a guess; his ego (I mean 
manhood) has been challenged and he just can't past it.  What I find very, very 
amusing is how angry and fearful, Empty, as a meditator is.  It seems certainly 
true that one cannot lump "meditators" into a single category or assume that a 
TM practice assures one any short cuts in evolution as a soul or a human being. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now that's my idea of personal hell. LOL, you'd have to tie me down and 
tranquilize me.

 You are personally unqualified even to contemplate this kind of practice. In 
fact, you are unqualified to enter into any form of contemplative or meditative 
practice. No wonder you ended up following a complete fraud for a teacher.

 Go ride your horse. Go act important. You have no clue.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Ann, ignore him, he's just a "meany."  I think he took serious offense at the 
nickname Emptypants—who knows why?  I could take a guess; his ego (I mean 
manhood) has been challenged and he just can't past it.  What I find very, very 
amusing is how angry and fearful, Empty, as a meditator is.  It seems certainly 
true that one cannot lump "meditators" into a single category or assume that a 
TM practice assures one any short cuts in evolution as a soul or a human being. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Now that's my idea of personal hell. LOL, you'd have to tie me down and 
tranquilize me.

 You are personally unqualified even to contemplate this kind of practice. In 
fact, you are unqualified to enter into any form of contemplative or meditative 
practice. No wonder you ended up following a complete fraud for a teacher.

 Go ride your horse. Go act important. You have no clue.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread emptyb...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Now that's my idea of personal hell. LOL, you'd have to tie me down and 
tranquilize me.

 You are personally unqualified even to contemplate this kind of practice. In 
fact, you are unqualified to enter into any form of contemplative or meditative 
practice. No wonder you ended up following a complete fraud for a teacher.

 Go ride your horse. Go act important. You have no clue.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We do have a bunch of people here in Fairfield, Iowa who work at meditating, 
who are ‘paid’ in income support to meditate long hours in the group 
meditation.   It is about 80 people who are still paid to be meditating in the 
long meditations daily, morning and evening, in the group meditation here.  The 
‘stipend’ is about $800 per month per person now. 


 Now that's my idea of personal hell. LOL, you'd have to tie me down and 
tranquilize me.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Nearly a century ago, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that American 
productivity and the age of abundance would mean less toil for workers. And 
until the 1970s, the average workweek was shrinking.


 Why Do Americans Work So Much? 
 Why Do Americans Work So Much? 
 The economist John Maynard Keynes predicted a society so prosperous that 
people would hardly have to work. But that isn’t exactly how things have play...

 View on www.theatlantic.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Doors open for group meditation daily at 7am and again at 5pm in 
Fairfield, Iowa

 ..in 1930. Over the next century, he predicted, the economy would become so 
productive that people would barely need to work at all.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week? That was 
the question that worried the economist John Maynard Keynes when he wrote his 
short essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren 
http://www.econ.yale.edu/smith/econ116a/keynes1.pdf” in 1930. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Some places, like tech companies, employees feel it it as "badge of honor" to 
put in long hours.  My boss said it was probably more a sign of  incompetence.  
And HP study back in the 1990s showed that working anymore than 50 hours a week 
was counter productive.  I knew someone who worked at Microsoft who was 
"salaried" (in California it's called "exempted") and if it took him one day to 
finish his part of the project for the week then it was okay for him not to 
come in the rest of the week.  Computer programming is more like working on a 
piece of art and productivity comes in spurts not 9 to 5.
 On 01/10/2016 11:42 AM, emily.mae50@... mailto:emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife] 

   As a salaried employee, this was much more my experience(40 to 60, but 
paid for 40).

 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- by Seven Hours 
 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- b... Adults employed full time in 
the U.S. report working an average of 47 hours a week, almost a full workday 
longer than what a standard five-day, 9-to-5 schedu...

 View on www.gallup.com 
 ! Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Of course work is not the purpose of life.  That was an industrial age piece 
of propaganda to keep the chickens busy.  There are lots of things to do other 
than work.
 On 01/10/2016 05:07 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 In 1930 the average workweek was 47 hours. By 1970 it had fallen to slightly 
less than 39.
 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week?

 The Dome doors open for meditation at 7am in Fairfield, Iowa.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Meditation is like taking a taxi to get somewhere.  Once you're there 
you don't need the taxi anymore. Same with meditation, once you have the 
transcendent on demand you don't need to call a taxi.  This happens with 
some people but apparently not all?

On 01/11/2016 11:51 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

We do have a bunch of people here in Fairfield, Iowa who work at 
meditating, who are ‘paid’ in income support to meditate long hours in 
the group meditation.   It is about 80 people who are still paid to be 
meditating in the long meditations daily, morning and evening, in the 
group meditation here.  The ‘stipend’ is about $800 per month per 
person now.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Nearly a century ago, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that 
American productivity and the age of abundance would mean less toil 
for workers. And until the 1970s, the average workweek was shrinking.

Why Do Americans Work So Much? 


Why Do Americans Work So Much? 

The economist John Maynard Keynes predicted a society so prosperous 
that people would hardly have to work. But that isn’t exactly how 
things have play...

View on www.theatlantic.com 

Preview by Yahoo

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The Doors open for group meditation daily at 7am and again at 5pm in 
Fairfield, Iowa

..in 1930. Over the next century, he predicted, the economy would 
become so productive that people would barely need to work at all.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week? 
That was the question that worried the economist John Maynard Keynes 
when he wrote his short essay “Economic Possibilities for Our 
Grandchildren ” 
in 1930.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Some places, like tech companies, employees feel it it as "badge of 
honor" to put in long hours.  My boss said it was probably more a sign 
of incompetence.  And HP study back in the 1990s showed that working 
anymore than 50 hours a week was counter productive.  I knew someone 
who worked at Microsoft who was "salaried" (in California it's called 
"exempted") and if it took him one day to finish his part of the 
project for the week then it was okay for him not to come in the rest 
of the week.  Computer programming is more like working on a piece of 
art and productivity comes in spurts not 9 to 5.

On 01/10/2016 11:42 AM, emily.ma...@yahoo.com 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

As a salaried employee, this was much more my
experience(40 to 60, but paid for 40).

The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- by Seven


The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- b...

Adults employed full time in the U.S. report working
an average of 47 hours a week, almost a full workday
longer than what a standard five-day, 9-to-5 schedu...

View on www.gallup.com

Preview by Yahoo

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  wrote :

Of course work is not the purpose of life.  That was
an industrial age piece of propaganda to keep the
chickens busy. There are lots of things to do other
than work.

On 01/10/2016 05:07 AM, dhamiltony2k5@...
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

In 1930 the average workweek was 47 hours. By
1970 it had fallen to slightly less than 39.

How will we all keep busy when we only have to
work 15 hours a week?

The Dome doors open for meditation at 7am in
Fairfield, Iowa.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
We do have a bunch of people here in Fairfield, Iowa who work at meditating, 
who are ‘paid’ in income support to meditate long hours in the group 
meditation.   It is about 80 people who are still paid to be meditating in the 
long meditations daily, morning and evening, in the group meditation here.  The 
‘stipend’ is about $800 per month per person now. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Nearly a century ago, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that American 
productivity and the age of abundance would mean less toil for workers. And 
until the 1970s, the average workweek was shrinking.


 Why Do Americans Work So Much? 
 Why Do Americans Work So Much? 
 The economist John Maynard Keynes predicted a society so prosperous that 
people would hardly have to work. But that isn’t exactly how things have play...

 View on www.theatlantic.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Doors open for group meditation daily at 7am and again at 5pm in 
Fairfield, Iowa

 ..in 1930. Over the next century, he predicted, the economy would become so 
productive that people would barely need to work at all.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week? That was 
the question that worried the economist John Maynard Keynes when he wrote his 
short essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren 
http://www.econ.yale.edu/smith/econ116a/keynes1.pdf” in 1930. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Some places, like tech companies, employees feel it it as "badge of honor" to 
put in long hours.  My boss said it was probably more a sign of  incompetence.  
And HP study back in the 1990s showed that working anymore than 50 hours a week 
was counter productive.  I knew someone who worked at Microsoft who was 
"salaried" (in California it's called "exempted") and if it took him one day to 
finish his part of the project for the week then it was okay for him not to 
come in the rest of the week.  Computer programming is more like working on a 
piece of art and productivity comes in spurts not 9 to 5.
 On 01/10/2016 11:42 AM, emily.ma...@yahoo.com mailto:emily.ma...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   As a salaried employee, this was much more my experience(40 to 60, but 
paid for 40).

 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- by Seven Hours 
 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- b... Adults employed full time in 
the U.S. report working an average of 47 hours a week, almost a full workday 
longer than what a standard five-day, 9-to-5 schedu...

 View on www.gallup.com 
 ! Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Of course work is not the purpose of life.  That was an industrial age piece 
of propaganda to keep the chickens busy.  There are lots of things to do other 
than work.
 On 01/10/2016 05:07 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 In 1930 the average workweek was 47 hours. By 1970 it had fallen to slightly 
less than 39.
 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week?

 The Dome doors open for meditation at 7am in Fairfield, Iowa.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Nearly a century ago, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that American 
productivity and the age of abundance would mean less toil for workers. And 
until the 1970s, the average workweek was shrinking.


 Why Do Americans Work So Much? 
 Why Do Americans Work So Much? 
 The economist John Maynard Keynes predicted a society so prosperous that 
people would hardly have to work. But that isn’t exactly how things have play...
 View on www.theatlantic.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Doors open for group meditation daily at 7am and again at 5pm in 
Fairfield, Iowa

 ..in 1930. Over the next century, he predicted, the economy would become so 
productive that people would barely need to work at all.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week? That was 
the question that worried the economist John Maynard Keynes when he wrote his 
short essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren 
http://www.econ.yale.edu/smith/econ116a/keynes1.pdf” in 1930. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Some places, like tech companies, employees feel it it as "badge of honor" to 
put in long hours.  My boss said it was probably more a sign of  incompetence.  
And HP study back in the 1990s showed that working anymore than 50 hours a week 
was counter productive.  I knew someone who worked at Microsoft who was 
"salaried" (in California it's called "exempted") and if it took him one day to 
finish his part of the project for the week then it was okay for him not to 
come in the rest of the week.  Computer programming is more like working on a 
piece of art and productivity comes in spurts not 9 to 5.
 On 01/10/2016 11:42 AM, emily.ma...@yahoo.com mailto:emily.ma...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   As a salaried employee, this was much more my experience(40 to 60, but 
paid for 40).

 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- by Seven Hours 
 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- b... Adults employed full time in 
the U.S. report working an average of 47 hours a week, almost a full workday 
longer than what a standard five-day, 9-to-5 schedu...

 View on www.gallup.com 
 ! Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Of course work is not the purpose of life.  That was an industrial age piece 
of propaganda to keep the chickens busy.  There are lots of things to do other 
than work.
 On 01/10/2016 05:07 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 In 1930 the average workweek was 47 hours. By 1970 it had fallen to slightly 
less than 39.
 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week?

 The Dome doors open for meditation at 7am in Fairfield, Iowa.






Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The Doors open for group meditation daily at 7am and again at 5pm in Fairfield, 

 ..in 1930. Over the next century, he predicted, the economy would become so 
productive that people would barely need to work at all.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week? That was 
the question that worried the economist John Maynard Keynes when he wrote his 
short essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren 
http://www.econ.yale.edu/smith/econ116a/keynes1.pdf” in 1930. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Some places, like tech companies, employees feel it it as "badge of honor" to 
put in long hours.  My boss said it was probably more a sign of  incompetence.  
And HP study back in the 1990s showed that working anymore than 50 hours a week 
was counter productive.  I knew someone who worked at Microsoft who was 
"salaried" (in California it's called "exempted") and if it took him one day to 
finish his part of the project for the week then it was okay for him not to 
come in the rest of the week.  Computer programming is more like working on a 
piece of art and productivity comes in spurts not 9 to 5.
 On 01/10/2016 11:42 AM, emily.ma...@yahoo.com mailto:emily.ma...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   As a salaried employee, this was much more my experience(40 to 60, but 
paid for 40).

 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- by Seven Hours 
 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- b... Adults employed full time in 
the U.S. report working an average of 47 hours a week, almost a full workday 
longer than what a standard five-day, 9-to-5 schedu...

 View on www.gallup.com 
 ! Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Of course work is not the purpose of life.  That was an industrial age piece 
of propaganda to keep the chickens busy.  There are lots of things to do other 
than work.
 On 01/10/2016 05:07 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 In 1930 the average workweek was 47 hours. By 1970 it had fallen to slightly 
less than 39.
 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week?

 The Dome doors open for meditation at 7am in Fairfield, Iowa.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-11 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week? That was 
the question that worried the economist John Maynard Keynes when he wrote his 
short essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren 
http://www.econ.yale.edu/smith/econ116a/keynes1.pdf” in 1930. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Some places, like tech companies, employees feel it it as "badge of honor" to 
put in long hours.  My boss said it was probably more a sign of  incompetence.  
And HP study back in the 1990s showed that working anymore than 50 hours a week 
was counter productive.  I knew someone who worked at Microsoft who was 
"salaried" (in California it's called "exempted") and if it took him one day to 
finish his part of the project for the week then it was okay for him not to 
come in the rest of the week.  Computer programming is more like working on a 
piece of art and productivity comes in spurts not 9 to 5.
 On 01/10/2016 11:42 AM, emily.ma...@yahoo.com mailto:emily.ma...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   As a salaried employee, this was much more my experience(40 to 60, but 
paid for 40).

 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- by Seven Hours 
 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- b... Adults employed full time in 
the U.S. report working an average of 47 hours a week, almost a full workday 
longer than what a standard five-day, 9-to-5 schedu...

 View on www.gallup.com 
 ! Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Of course work is not the purpose of life.  That was an industrial age piece 
of propaganda to keep the chickens busy.  There are lots of things to do other 
than work.
 On 01/10/2016 05:07 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 In 1930 the average workweek was 47 hours. By 1970 it had fallen to slightly 
less than 39.
 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week?

 The Dome doors open for meditation at 7am in Fairfield, Iowa.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-10 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Some places, like tech companies, employees feel it it as "badge of 
honor" to put in long hours.  My boss said it was probably more a sign 
of  incompetence.  And HP study back in the 1990s showed that working 
anymore than 50 hours a week was counter productive.  I knew someone who 
worked at Microsoft who was "salaried" (in California it's called 
"exempted") and if it took him one day to finish his part of the project 
for the week then it was okay for him not to come in the rest of the 
week.  Computer programming is more like working on a piece of art and 
productivity comes in spurts not 9 to 5.

On 01/10/2016 11:42 AM, emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

As a salaried employee, this was much more my experience(40 to 60, 
but paid for 40).

The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- by Seven Hours 


The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- b... 

Adults employed full time in the U.S. report working an average of 47 
hours a week, almost a full workday longer than what a standard 
five-day, 9-to-5 schedu...

View on www.gallup.com 

Preview by Yahoo

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Of course work is not the purpose of life.  That was an industrial age 
piece of propaganda to keep the chickens busy.  There are lots of 
things to do other than work.

On 01/10/2016 05:07 AM, dhamiltony2k5@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

In 1930 the average workweek was 47 hours. By 1970 it had fallen
to slightly less than 39.

How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week?

The Dome doors open for meditation at 7am in Fairfield, Iowa.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-10 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
As a salaried employee, this was much more my experience(40 to 60, but paid 
for 40). 

 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- by Seven Hours 
 The "40-Hour" Workweek Is Actually Longer -- b... 
 Adults employed full time in the U.S. report working an average of 47 hours a 
week, almost a full workday longer than what a standard five-day, 9-to-5 
 View on www.gallup.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Of course work is not the purpose of life.  That was an industrial age piece 
of propaganda to keep the chickens busy.  There are lots of things to do other 
than work.
 On 01/10/2016 05:07 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 In 1930 the average workweek was 47 hours. By 1970 it had fallen to slightly 
less than 39.
 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week?

 The Dome doors open for meditation at 7am in Fairfield, Iowa.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-10 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Of course work is not the purpose of life.  That was an industrial age 
piece of propaganda to keep the chickens busy.  There are lots of things 
to do other than work.

On 01/10/2016 05:07 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

In 1930 the average workweek was 47 hours. By 1970 it had fallen to 
slightly less than 39.

How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week?

The Dome doors open for meditation at 7am in Fairfield, Iowa.


[FairfieldLife] Time for Meditation

2016-01-10 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 In 1930 the average workweek was 47 hours. By 1970 it had fallen to slightly 
less than 39.

 How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week?

 The Dome doors open for meditation at 7am in Fairfield, Iowa.



[FairfieldLife] Time to sell AAPL??

2015-10-27 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

Meet Apple's sole skeptic 
 Meet Apple's sole skeptic 
 Per Lindberg's 'sell' rating has been a costly one for investors, but he says 
a bubble may be brewing
 View on www.theg... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Time to buy NOK?

2015-08-31 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 I wouldn't buy any more NOK (have some 10K), because of sh'mita... 

 Nokia's Plan With Alcatel-Lucent Begins To Take Form 

 Nokia's Plan With Alcatel-Lucent Begins To Take Form 
 NOK has made its first big move in connection to its ALU acquisition.This move 
will increase NOK's exposure in China, and open up new business oppo...
 View on seekingalpha.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Nokia Corporation (NOK) Real-Time Stock Quote - NASDAQ.com 

 Nokia Corporation (NOK) Real-Time Stock Quote - ... 
http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/nok/real-time NOK Real Time Stock Quote - Get 
Nokia Corporation (NOK) last sale data in real-time at NASDAQ.com.
 View on www.nasdaq.com http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/nok/real-time 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thank you Ravi. And yes, I am happy. I do not feel all that dissonant. I do not 
feel obsessive, it just kind of oozes out. It is hard to philosophise when you 
are insane, but guys like Charles Manson made interesting attempts. Keep 
trying. I hope your grandmother's passing was an easy one.
  From: dr_rc_racy 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 7:28 AM
 Subject: Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to 
come clean Doug
    Hi dear Grandpa Xeno - yes I'm doing very well indeed. My grandmother, alas 
is no longer with us, she passed away last year in April. Thank you for your 
concern, much appreciated.
Jekyll & Hyde you say?
This is my insight for you grandpa, this dissonance is the product of your mind 
that goes on this incessant, obsessive philosophizing, almost effortless, 
mechanical and autonomic,  totally insulated from the truth.
It fools people into believing you are presenting some sort of objective, 
enlightened, dispassionate, disinterested position when in reality it is 
masquerading your biases.
I almost admire and envy this ability of you to philosophize on auto-pilot. I 
tried a few times to emulate you, as an experiment in response to specific 
situations. I tried to come up with the sort of philosophizing that you indulge 
in with such wild abandon and I mostly failed, it's hard. I cant' be you 
Grandpa Xeno.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

How are you these days? Is your grandmother still with us? I still remember 
that picture you posted. As for you, you always seemed to have Dr Jekyll/Mr 
Hyde personality here. This here is Dr Jekyll posting. When the Mr Hyde side 
posted, it was difficult to respond because there was no logical handle upon 
which to grasp. Have you had any big insights recently?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Curtis - you really need to stop this malice and deception please. I don't have 
the time or energy or the inclination to post here and re-hash old issues from 
4 years back. The fact of the matter is Ravi didn't cause you any personal harm 
nor did I cause this international conspiracy of flooding the search engines, 
how hilarious and preposterous.
You got a taste of your own medicine and a taste of what your pal dishes out to 
everyone else - gratuitous, egregious barrage of insults.
Please move on Curtis - stop your poor me routine.
Same goes for the likes of Xeno and empty bill, stop these personal attacks on 
Otherwise I agree with you. Doug's not the moderator I would have, he has been 
a TM cult enabler, an unoriginal, uninteresting poster who spammed the list 
repeatedly over the years. But that doesn't disqualify him from being a 
moderator but I would be concerned if his moderatorship results in stopping the 
freedom of expression FFL is renowned for. You are right in questioning his 
motivations in banning Barry, he just needs to state clearly why he has banned 
Barry that's all.
As a former poster I'm glad to see Barry go, Edg's impassioned posts 
demonstrate why Barry has been such a toxic influence here and you Curtis have 
been one of his greatest enablers here, and you should be ashamed for that.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.


Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread dr_rc_racy
 find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and ruin 
their fucking day with a major self-esteem wound.  

Psychic fucking vampire slavering to lick up any spilled blood.  

Sick.  Sociopath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 




Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

 Trying to like someone is like trying to crush a mantra into transcendence. 
You have the wrong technique. Some people we do not like. It is easier to like 
something you understand.

 Nope. I understand him and I still don't like him.


Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
ere to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 




Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

 Trying to like someone is like trying to crush a mantra into transcendence. 
You have the wrong technique. Some people we do not like. It is easier to like 
something you understand.

Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Maybe, try to move past it for a while, and see how things play out.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 SO crazy Ravi is back, and Doug still won't say why he banned Barry - Funny 
Farm indeed.

 From: "j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 10:30 PM
 Subject: Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to 
come clean Doug

 As Ravi demonstrates, another aspect of the whole banning people thing is that 
by having originally configured the group for anonymous posting, there's really 
not much Rick and the mods can do if a banned person insists on posting here. 
Ravi just posted as rc_racy, but when he was finished posting, he changed the 
nickname to something else, and there's no way to identify him in the 
subscriber list. And, once a group is configured for anonymous posting, it 
can't be changed back. To even attempt to boot Ravi, a mod would literally have 
to sit and watch the email traffic arrive in real time and immediately search 
the subscriber list for Ravi's current posting nickname as soon as one of his 
posts came in. Every time Ravi posts, I just laugh at the absurdity of the 
whole situation. 

--In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Curtis - you really need to stop this malice and deception please. I don't 
have the time or energy or the inclination to post here and re-hash old issues 
from 4 years back. The fact of the matter is Ravi didn't cause you any personal 
harm nor did I cause this international conspiracy of flooding the search 
engines, how hilarious and preposterous.

 You got a taste of your own medicine and a taste of what your pal dishes out 
to everyone else - gratuitous, egregious barrage of insults.

 Please move on Curtis - stop your poor me routine.

 Same goes for the likes of Xeno and empty bill, stop these personal attacks on 

 Otherwise I agree with you. Doug's not the moderator I would have, he has been 
a TM cult enabler, an unoriginal, uninteresting poster who spammed the list 
repeatedly over the years. But that doesn't disqualify him from being a 
moderator but I would be concerned if his moderatorship results in stopping the 
freedom of expression FFL is renowned for. You are right in questioning his 
motivations in banning Barry, he just needs to state clearly why he has banned 
Barry that's all.

 As a former poster I'm glad to see Barry go, Edg's impassioned posts 
demonstrate why Barry has been such a toxic influence here and you Curtis have 
been one of his greatest enablers here, and you should be ashamed for that.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of tr

Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I believe Doug responded this question. 

 Perhaps it was not the answer you liked.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 SO crazy Ravi is back, and Doug still won't say why he banned Barry - Funny 
Farm indeed.

 From: "j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 10:30 PM
 Subject: Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to 
come clean Doug

 As Ravi demonstrates, another aspect of the whole banning people thing is that 
by having originally configured the group for anonymous posting, there's really 
not much Rick and the mods can do if a banned person insists on posting here. 
Ravi just posted as rc_racy, but when he was finished posting, he changed the 
nickname to something else, and there's no way to identify him in the 
subscriber list. And, once a group is configured for anonymous posting, it 
can't be changed back. To even attempt to boot Ravi, a mod would literally have 
to sit and watch the email traffic arrive in real time and immediately search 
the subscriber list for Ravi's current posting nickname as soon as one of his 
posts came in. Every time Ravi posts, I just laugh at the absurdity of the 
whole situation. 

--In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Curtis - you really need to stop this malice and deception please. I don't 
have the time or energy or the inclination to post here and re-hash old issues 
from 4 years back. The fact of the matter is Ravi didn't cause you any personal 
harm nor did I cause this international conspiracy of flooding the search 
engines, how hilarious and preposterous.

 You got a taste of your own medicine and a taste of what your pal dishes out 
to everyone else - gratuitous, egregious barrage of insults.

 Please move on Curtis - stop your poor me routine.

 Same goes for the likes of Xeno and empty bill, stop these personal attacks on 

 Otherwise I agree with you. Doug's not the moderator I would have, he has been 
a TM cult enabler, an unoriginal, uninteresting poster who spammed the list 
repeatedly over the years. But that doesn't disqualify him from being a 
moderator but I would be concerned if his moderatorship results in stopping the 
freedom of expression FFL is renowned for. You are right in questioning his 
motivations in banning Barry, he just needs to state clearly why he has banned 
Barry that's all.

 As a former poster I'm glad to see Barry go, Edg's impassioned posts 
demonstrate why Barry has been such a toxic influence here and you Curtis have 
been one of his greatest enablers here, and you should be ashamed for that.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person

Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
SO crazy Ravi is back, and Doug still won't say why he banned Barry - Funny 
Farm indeed.

  From: "j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 10:30 PM
 Subject: Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to 
come clean Doug
As Ravi demonstrates, another aspect of the whole banning people thing is that 
by having originally configured the group for anonymous posting, there's really 
not much Rick and the mods can do if a banned person insists on posting here. 
Ravi just posted as rc_racy, but when he was finished posting, he changed the 
nickname to something else, and there's no way to identify him in the 
subscriber list. And, once a group is configured for anonymous posting, it 
can't be changed back. To even attempt to boot Ravi, a mod would literally have 
to sit and watch the email traffic arrive in real time and immediately search 
the subscriber list for Ravi's current posting nickname as soon as one of his 
posts came in. Every time Ravi posts, I just laugh at the absurdity of the 
whole situation. 

--In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Curtis - you really need to stop this malice and deception please. I don't have 
the time or energy or the inclination to post here and re-hash old issues from 
4 years back. The fact of the matter is Ravi didn't cause you any personal harm 
nor did I cause this international conspiracy of flooding the search engines, 
how hilarious and preposterous.
You got a taste of your own medicine and a taste of what your pal dishes out to 
everyone else - gratuitous, egregious barrage of insults.
Please move on Curtis - stop your poor me routine.
Same goes for the likes of Xeno and empty bill, stop these personal attacks on 
Otherwise I agree with you. Doug's not the moderator I would have, he has been 
a TM cult enabler, an unoriginal, uninteresting poster who spammed the list 
repeatedly over the years. But that doesn't disqualify him from being a 
moderator but I would be concerned if his moderatorship results in stopping the 
freedom of expression FFL is renowned for. You are right in questioning his 
motivations in banning Barry, he just needs to state clearly why he has banned 
Barry that's all.
As a former poster I'm glad to see Barry go, Edg's impassioned posts 
demonstrate why Barry has been such a toxic influence here and you Curtis have 
been one of his greatest enablers here, and you should be ashamed for that.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and 

Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-24 Thread dr_rc_racy
ent judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and ruin 
their fucking day with a major self-esteem wound.  

Psychic fucking vampire slavering to lick up any spilled blood.  

Sick.  Sociopath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 






Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread salyavin808
ath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Has Barry really been blocked? What has he done now? I haven't noticed he's 
posted-in anything particularly shocking in recent weeks.

 He hasn't done anything at all. 

 The story so far: The site owner - Rick Archer, who you may not even have 
noticed as he doesn't post here himself anymore having other projects to keep 
busy with - finally gave in to pressure from Fairfield resident Doug Hamilton 
(also known as "Buck" on here) to have him as site moderator.

 Doug had discovered the Yahoo guidelines and thought that we could do with 
losing some of our more boisterous posters and asked Rick if he could moderate 
the site according to these guides. As all grown ups know, guidelines are just 
that, they don't have to be stuck to religiously. But Doug is religious as most 
of his posts will testify. He has stated many times in the past that he has an 
agenda to clear this place of what he calls "apostates".

 So he found a perfectly valid post of Barry's about David Lynch and twisted 
the guidelines around so it looked like he had a fair reason to delete Barry's 
account. Barry told him to fuck off and stop being such a Nazi and that was 
that. I woke up the next day to a mysteriously Turq free environment and we 
found out later that someone who had posted here for more than 10 years hadn't 
even got an email explaining the reason for the action. Charming. Jai Guru Us.

 Can we have him back please (perhaps after he's spent a week on the Naughty 

 Barry has been one of FFL's most prolific contributors so he's proved his 
dedication to the cause (and the reactions he provokes from other site members 
make up a considerable proportion of each week's total!). And his input sure 
ain't like anyone else's here  

 Well said. We the Friends of Barry and campaigners for his reinstatement 
appreciate all support!

 This place will definitely be a lot duller without him. A lot duller. 


 They've thrown the baby out with the bath water and no mistake.






---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 




Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
g inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 





Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread rc_racy
, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and ruin 
their fucking day with a major self-esteem wound.  

Psychic fucking vampire slavering to lick up any spilled blood.  

Sick.  Sociopath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 





Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
ucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 





Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread rc_racy
ut it is a kind of training that 
I value. I don't seem to need too much of it these days, but when I need a 
dose, this place delivers. 

Thanks for writing and I will accept the feedback not to invoke names from the 
past that way.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and ruin 
their fucking day with a major self-esteem wound.  

Psychic fucking vampire slavering to lick up any spilled blood.  

Sick.  Sociopath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned 

Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread rc_racy
x27;s crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and ruin 
their fucking day with a major self-esteem wound.  

Psychic fucking vampire slavering to lick up any spilled blood.  

Sick.  Sociopath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 




Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
 until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and ruin 
their fucking day with a major self-esteem wound.  

Psychic fucking vampire slavering to lick up any spilled blood.  

Sick.  Sociopath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 




Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread rc_racy
d, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 




Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread rc_racy
takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 




Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread Duveyoung


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

Fist bump!  Thank you for the added clarity.  Unless I'm reading or writing on 
FFL, I think I can honestly say I've never had a single emotion or thought 
about Barry.  But, my FFL persona has to have a "certain consistency," and 
perforce, I'm truly dancing on his gravethe grave of his troll persona.  
Who Barry truly is HAS NOT been displayed by the masks he's worn here, nor does 
anyone here not wear a mask, so I'm feeling pretty okay morally about me being 
this cheap-ass-putz, because, to me, it's like Tweety Bird getting to bell the 

Gotta love belling the puddy.

It's all merely characters in all our brains..whizzin' around and drowning 
out the cries of the dying 3rd world.  

 Just to show how fair I'm willing to be, when I post this, I'll close my eyes 
and, ten times in a row, I will imagine Barry knitting cat sweaters.  And also 
I'll toss in one Our Father.  

Such a deal ! 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and ruin 
their fucking day with a major self-esteem wound.  

Psychic fucking vampire slavering to lick up any spilled blood.  

Sick.  Sociopath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLif

Re: And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


I was not in Barry's crosshairs and you were. I never viewed you through his 
eyes. You and I became friends on our own as we sized each other up as good 
people. So I am not judging you for your opinion of him nor him for his opinion 
of you. That is between you two guys and is none of my business. I always deal 
one on one and make up my own mind on people here.

If I was Barry's target I would probably feel as you do. But I would just tune 
him out like I did others who went after me or find a way to interact that 
suited my writing interests. And I might write as you have dancing on his grave 
a bit. I get the appeal and I always enjoy reading you whatever the topic.

But the bigger issue for me isn't Barry, it is an environment I have valued for 
a place to exercise free thought. It has been hijacked by someone who not only 
does not value free expression, he has acted against it. I know you felt the 
chill when he went after that Lynch comment as an actionable offense. 

If we want to understand what freedom of speech is all about, defend it for 
someone whose views we disagree with. I used to argue against banning Ravi for 
raving here until he crossed over a clear line of personal harm. I thought he 
deserved to be able to post because I didn't want anyone making that kind of 
content judgement calls on anyone here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and ruin 
their fucking day with a major self-esteem wound.  

Psychic fucking vampire slavering to lick up any spilled blood.  

Sick.  Sociopath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 




And talk about Turq's personality too Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread Duveyoung
I would be willing to give Turq an offer to post ONCE more.cuz it'd be 
great to see how hard he'd cram everything into it.  Hilarious, right?

I tried hard as hell to like Turq, because: Curtis.

I'd do numbers on my head about "Turq's a good writer, posts some newsy stuff, 
gives some headsup on films" like that like that, because Curtis is smarter 
than any two of us here and he was okay with Turq, so I had to re-think this 
issue many times, but every single time I posted something -- even if it was 
neutral-ish and not turq-ish related and not even true-believer-ish -- BAM this 
dick would go out of his way to somehow find something with which to, once 
again as he did for so many here, deride me, the person, instead of trying to  
uplift with countering and educating debate points.  

Turq was a hunting sniper here -- shooting to crush anyone's spirit and ruin 
their fucking day with a major self-esteem wound.  

Psychic fucking vampire slavering to lick up any spilled blood.  

Sick.  Sociopath almost certainly.  Willfully anti-sanity.  Living inside a 
bullet proof bubble.  Not blinkered, blind.

I tried.  He shot poisoned arrows.  I am not the most lovable person, hee 
fucking hee, but Turq attacked almost everyone in this manner, so I'm felling 
pretty okay about being targeted "for no reason."  Yeah, I post some crap here 
and should be wrist slapped maybe sorta but shit, gimme a break.

Not that Turq couldn't have had great insights in the psychological and 
spiritual dissonances some of us experience regularly, but that he NEVER wanted 
to help anyone towards clarity -- he was only here to rape your mind in public 
and then walk away like he'd slain a dragon for all our benefits.

Talk about your  terror-minded, teeny brained, tawdry life intents!  

I know you're reading, Turq.  Ha ha ha ha ha...payback's a bitchand get 
this: just like you NEVER gave anyone a break, I'm smackin' the fuckin' shit 
outta ya when YOU'RE DOWN, because IT'S PERFECT KARMA.

And, it takes a thorn to remove a thorn -- thank you Rick for giving us Doug!  
Yes, I said it!  Ha ha!  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Has Barry really been blocked? What has he done now? I haven't noticed he's 
posted-in anything particularly shocking in recent weeks. 

 Can we have him back please (perhaps after he's spent a week on the Naughty 

 Barry has been one of FFL's most prolific contributors so he's proved his 
dedication to the cause (and the reactions he provokes from other site members 
make up a considerable proportion of each week's total!). And his input sure 
ain't like anyone else's here  

 This place will definitely be a lot duller without him. A lot duller. 





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 


 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
   OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I second the motion! And for the record I like Barry and Duveyoung too, who 
doesn't like Barry. 

  From: "curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug
    OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us 
and it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 

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[FairfieldLife] Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-23 Thread curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
OK I've done my homework Doug. You have not been dealing straight with us and 
it is time for you to man up and explain why YOU decided on your own to ban 
Barry and what the reason was.

Seriously dude, you have been naughty and you owe us an explanation.

I get it that many people who post here didn't like Barry and they are happy he 
is gone so they may not all as a group stand up together and call you out for 
being dishonest and devious with us. They might think that the end justified 
the means. This is shortsighted thinking when it comes to abuse of power.

I don't appreciate being lied to here and I am calling you out for abusing your 
powers in exactly the way Rick explicitly warned you against. You are throwing 
his trust back in his face by your actions as well as disrespecting everyone 
who builds discussions here.

Stop dodging the legitimate questions you have been asked even by Alex.

On what specific basis have you banished Barry?  What rule did he violate? 

Let's put out those flaming pants with a a little truth now that you have been 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to leave SC

2015-03-14 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
I've been playing the rain melody for the last few minutes and my neighbor's 
dog appears to be hearing it and is barking every so often.  So, maybe that's a 
sign Nature is hearing the sounds as well.  But I'm still waiting for rain.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Namaste Richard, 

 You must have been moved by the Unified Field to find this music on the 
internet.  This is the music that I had on tape many years ago when I was in 
Seattle, WA.

 I'll play this often for rain here in California.


 Jai Guru Dev

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Raga Megha (Rain-Melody) Part 1 
Raga Megha (Rain-Melody) Part 1 
 Raga Megha (Rain-Melody) Part 1 
https://youtu.be/_cmfK21kXfE?list=PL071B6EA148D92F22 This beautiful & heart 
melting "Raga Megha "was performed by Flute-Player Shri Amar Nath. You can buy 
the CD in Europe at: http://www.ayurveda-produk...

 View on youtu.be https://youtu.be/_cmfK21kXfE?list=PL071B6EA148D92F22
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We still have a chance for a miracle March which would bring rain to the 
state.   We probably need a rainfall yagya to call for rain.  In the meantime, 
I'll try to find the old tape of a Gandharva rain melody played by an Indian 
bamboo flutist.   If I find it, I'll play it everyday this month.  Perhaps, 
that would help. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 While folks will be fleeing California.
 Only 1 year of water left in California, NASA scientist suggests rationing
 On 03/14/2015 06:40 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Crap! Time to move out of South Carolina. 

 Mebbe I'll move to Fairfield. 

 Mebbe I'll buy the farm nex to Bucks and start me a pig farm or sumpin' real 

 EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reopen SC atomic waste 
 EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reop... A Utah nuclear waste 
corporation has taken to the airwaves and the internet in South Carolina to 
build support for reopening its low-level atomic garbage dump near ...

 View on www.thestate.com
 Preview by Yahoo




Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to leave SC

2015-03-14 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Namaste Richard, 

 You must have been moved by the Unified Field to find this music on the 
internet.  This is the music that I had on tape many years ago when I was in 
Seattle, WA.

 I'll play this often for rain here in California.


 Jai Guru Dev

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Raga Megha (Rain-Melody) Part 1 
Raga Megha (Rain-Melody) Part 1 
 Raga Megha (Rain-Melody) Part 1 
https://youtu.be/_cmfK21kXfE?list=PL071B6EA148D92F22 This beautiful & heart 
melting "Raga Megha "was performed by Flute-Player Shri Amar Nath. You can buy 
the CD in Europe at: http://www.ayurveda-produk...

 View on youtu.be https://youtu.be/_cmfK21kXfE?list=PL071B6EA148D92F22
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We still have a chance for a miracle March which would bring rain to the 
state.   We probably need a rainfall yagya to call for rain.  In the meantime, 
I'll try to find the old tape of a Gandharva rain melody played by an Indian 
bamboo flutist.   If I find it, I'll play it everyday this month.  Perhaps, 
that would help. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 While folks will be fleeing California.
 Only 1 year of water left in California, NASA scientist suggests rationing
 On 03/14/2015 06:40 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Crap! Time to move out of South Carolina. 

 Mebbe I'll move to Fairfield. 

 Mebbe I'll buy the farm nex to Bucks and start me a pig farm or sumpin' real 

 EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reopen SC atomic waste 
 EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reop... A Utah nuclear waste 
corporation has taken to the airwaves and the internet in South Carolina to 
build support for reopening its low-level atomic garbage dump near ...

 View on www.thestate.com
 Preview by Yahoo




Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to leave SC

2015-03-14 Thread rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife]

 Raga Megha (Rain-Melody) Part 1 
Raga Megha (Rain-Melody) Part 1 
 Raga Megha (Rain-Melody) Part 1 
https://youtu.be/_cmfK21kXfE?list=PL071B6EA148D92F22 This beautiful & heart 
melting "Raga Megha "was performed by Flute-Player Shri Amar Nath. You can buy 
the CD in Europe at: http://www.ayurveda-produk...
 View on youtu.be https://youtu.be/_cmfK21kXfE?list=PL071B6EA148D92F22 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We still have a chance for a miracle March which would bring rain to the 
state.   We probably need a rainfall yagya to call for rain.  In the meantime, 
I'll try to find the old tape of a Gandharva rain melody played by an Indian 
bamboo flutist.   If I find it, I'll play it everyday this month.  Perhaps, 
that would help. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 While folks will be fleeing California.
 Only 1 year of water left in California, NASA scientist suggests rationing
 On 03/14/2015 06:40 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Crap! Time to move out of South Carolina. 

 Mebbe I'll move to Fairfield. 

 Mebbe I'll buy the farm nex to Bucks and start me a pig farm or sumpin' real 

 EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reopen SC atomic waste 
 EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reop... A Utah nuclear waste 
corporation has taken to the airwaves and the internet in South Carolina to 
build support for reopening its low-level atomic garbage dump near ...

 View on www.thestate.com
 Preview by Yahoo




Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to leave SC

2015-03-14 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
We still have a chance for a miracle March which would bring rain to the state. 
  We probably need a rainfall yagya to call for rain.  In the meantime, I'll 
try to find the old tape of a Gandharva rain melody played by an Indian bamboo 
flutist.   If I find it, I'll play it everyday this month.  Perhaps, that would 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 While folks will be fleeing California.
 Only 1 year of water left in California, NASA scientist suggests rationing
 On 03/14/2015 06:40 AM, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Crap! Time to move out of South Carolina. 

 Mebbe I'll move to Fairfield. 

 Mebbe I'll buy the farm nex to Bucks and start me a pig farm or sumpin' real 

 EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reopen SC atomic waste 
 EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reop... A Utah nuclear waste 
corporation has taken to the airwaves and the internet in South Carolina to 
build support for reopening its low-level atomic garbage dump near ...

 View on www.thestate.com
 Preview by Yahoo



Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to leave SC

2015-03-14 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

While folks will be fleeing California.

/Only 1 year of water left in California, NASA scientist suggests rationing/


On 03/14/2015 06:40 AM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Crap! Time to move out of South Carolina.
Mebbe I'll move to Fairfield.
Mebbe I'll buy the farm nex to Bucks and start me a pig farm or 
sumpin' real good.

EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reopen SC atomic waste 


EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reop... 

A Utah nuclear waste corporation has taken to the airwaves and the 
internet in South Carolina to build support for reopening its 
low-level atomic garbage dump near ...

View on www.thestate.com 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Time to leave SC

2015-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Crap! Time to move out of South Carolina. 
Mebbe I'll move to Fairfield. 
Mebbe I'll buy the farm nex to Bucks and start me a pig farm or sumpin' real 
EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reopen SC atomic waste landfill
|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| EXCLUSIVE: Utah company launches media blitz to reop...A Utah nuclear waste 
corporation has taken to the airwaves and the internet in South Carolina to 
build support for reopening its low-level atomic garbage dump near ... |
|  |
| View on www.thestate.com | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |


[FairfieldLife] Time Trap

2014-12-03 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
You obviously don't have to be rich any more to make a scifi movie...
The Most Original Portrayal Of Time Travel We've Seen Lately

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| The Most Original Portrayal Of Time Travel We've Seen La..."Time travel" and 
"slapstick" are not mutually exclusive, as "Time Trap" brilliantly proves. |
|  |
| View on digg.com | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to ditch Columbus Day?

2014-10-13 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
There were a lot of people that knew the earth wasn't flat at that time and 
even earlier.  Education was not for the common man at that time. People 
struggled to just have enough to eat and a roof over their heads. Not a lot of 
time for anything else, much less ponder the shape of the earth or the orbit of 
the planets. I'm not quite sure it's fair to judge people from the past by the 
standards we set for our selves. We have an awful lot going for us today.< It's 
kind of interesting to note that in Daniel's prophecy, that the end of 
times(change of the age) would be marked by a great increase of knowledge and 
the *coming and going*(travel) of people. 

On Monday, October 13, 2014 9:14 AM, "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Apparently the Vikings and off course India sailors discovered the earth wasn't 
flat either and way before Columbus.

On 10/13/2014 07:15 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>Just wondering if Eric Kasum would have been born had there been no Columbus, 
>much less have his education, wealth,freedom to pursue his hearts desire, and  
>all the leisure time he seems to have to think and write  about peace and 
>justice.  Columbus was a man of his *time* as is Eric Kasum.  Kasum judges 
>Columbus based on what are normal values today, not what reality was then. 
>Kasum compares Columbus to the peaceful Arawak Indians, not the blood thirsty 
>Mayan or Aztecs, go figure(sorry willie).We don't celebrate Christopher 
>Columbus for his personality but what his contribution has done for mankind. 
>Columbus's accidental discovery lead to further exploration and development 
>that has given us what we have and are today. Thank you Chris! 
>On Sunday, October 12, 2014 5:24 PM, "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net 
>[FairfieldLife]" mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
>Why do we celebrate this creep anyway?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to ditch Columbus Day?

2014-10-13 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Apparently the Vikings and off course India sailors discovered the earth 
wasn't flat either and way before Columbus.

On 10/13/2014 07:15 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
Just wondering if Eric Kasum would have been born had there been no 
Columbus, much less have his education, wealth,freedom to pursue his 
hearts desire, and  all the leisure time he seems to have to think and 
write  about peace and justice.  Columbus was a man of his *time* as 
is Eric Kasum. Kasum judges Columbus based on what are normal 
values today, not what reality was then. Kasum compares Columbus to 
the peaceful Arawak Indians, not the blood thirsty Mayan or Aztecs, go 
figure(sorry willie).We don't celebrate Christopher Columbus for his 
personality but what his contribution has done for mankind. Columbus's 
accidental discovery lead to further exploration and development that 
has given us what we have and are today. Thank you Chris!

On Sunday, October 12, 2014 5:24 PM, "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Why do we celebrate this creep anyway?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to ditch Columbus Day?

2014-10-13 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Just wondering if Eric Kasum would have been born had there been no Columbus, 
much less have his education, wealth,freedom to pursue his hearts desire, and  
all the leisure time he seems to have to think and write  about peace and 
justice.  Columbus was a man of his *time* as is Eric Kasum.  Kasum judges 
Columbus based on what are normal values today, not what reality was then. 
Kasum compares Columbus to the peaceful Arawak Indians, not the blood thirsty 
Mayan or Aztecs, go figure(sorry willie).We don't celebrate Christopher 
Columbus for his personality but what his contribution has done for mankind. 
Columbus's accidental discovery lead to further exploration and development 
that has given us what we have and are today. Thank you Chris! 

On Sunday, October 12, 2014 5:24 PM, "Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Why do we celebrate this creep anyway?



[FairfieldLife] Time to ditch Columbus Day?

2014-10-12 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
Why do we celebrate this creep anyway?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time-saving keyboard for conspiracy theorists

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
On 6/24/2014 11:05 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
Richard, in that case I'd feel huge compassion for the people who have 
to wade through all that data!

It's all done with software searching for key words such as /pirate /and 
quoted /Bible verses/.


On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:59 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]"  

What if you woke up in the morning and found out that every single key 
stroke you ever used online was recorded and stored in a data center 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time-saving keyboard for conspiracy theorists

2014-06-24 Thread Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Richard, in that case I'd feel huge compassion for the people who have to wade 
through all that data! 

On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:59 AM, "'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

What if you woke up in the morning and found out that every single key stroke 
you ever used online was recorded and stored in a data center somewhere?

On 6/24/2014 10:08 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time-saving keyboard for conspiracy theorists

2014-06-24 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
What if you woke up in the morning and found out that every single key 
stroke you ever used online was recorded and stored in a data center 


On 6/24/2014 10:08 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 


[FairfieldLife] Time-saving keyboard for conspiracy theorists

2014-06-24 Thread TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Time to buy??

2014-06-03 Thread cardemais...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
(NOK now at about 8 bucks?)

Nokia’s patent muscle

As a result of the high R&D spend Nokia incurred over the last decade, Nokia 
has a very strong patent portfolio comprised of close to 16,000 issued patents 
and 4,500 pending patent applications in the U.S. Outside the U.S., the company 
has over 20,000 patents (both issued and pending combined) with a majority of 
them being in Europe. Even in terms of quality, Nokia’s patents stand out. In a 
2011 review of the 3000+ patents considered essential to the LTE technology 
that has fast emerged as the preferred 4G standard, Thomson Reuters TRI +1.41% 
and Article-one found that Nokia held close to 19% of the standard essential 
LTE patents and was the LTE leader by a big margin. Qualcomm QCOM +0.04%, the 
dominant mobile chipset manufacturer, trailed Nokia with a share of about 12.5% 
of the LTE patents deemed essential. 


[FairfieldLife] Time travelling future humans visit site of TM village!

2014-04-19 Thread salyavin808


 The Rendlesham forest UFO incident is a classic. The story has been added to 
over the years by these guys and now bears no relation to the original reported 
events in which a bunch of airmen got lost in the woods at night and scared 
themselves silly after seeing some lights which were most likely the lighthouse 
on the coast, and then failed to use their geiger counters properly. 

 Or they had a close encounter with alien beings.

 The other thing you need to know is that Nick Pope isn't a UFO expert any more 
than I am, he worked at the Ministry of Defence for a few years and dealt with 
enquiries from the public about lights in the sky. He was on duty when the 
reports about flying triangles came in during the first Gulf war and was as 
puzzled as everyone else. He had no top secret clearance and so wasn't informed 
of their true origins. He also didn't know anything about the UK governments 
previous investigations into unexplained arial phenomena and had no comment 
when it all came out under the official secrets act a few years ago. He is 
however a UFO True Believer of the very first order.

 But it's a great story, I really want to believe it:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time to buy NOK?

2014-04-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/18/2014 3:27 AM, cardemais...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Strong buy! NYSE
> http://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/NOK
> 7.34 USD...
So, I guess you'll be retiring in a year or two.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[FairfieldLife] Time to buy NOK?

2014-04-18 Thread cardemaister
Strong  buy! NYSE

http://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/NOK http://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/NOK

7.34 USD...

[FairfieldLife] Time "embedded" in Genesis 1 : 1?? (part 1; draft version)

2014-03-20 Thread cardemaister
In Biblical Hebrew, Genesis 1 : 1 goes something like this:
b'reshit bara elohim et-hasshamayim ve-et ha-aretz.
The particle(?) 'et' is an indicator of the direct object, and thus,  not 
translated, or stuff.
(In modern English only a couple of pronouns have preserved the indicator of the
direct object, like -m in who - whom and he - him...)

Amongst Hebrew consonants, aleph and ayin are silent. They are pronounced
as the nikkud (vowel diacritic) under them (qamets, patach, tsere, segol, 

When 'et' is that indicator, it's written: aleph (nikkud under aleph:  tsere, 
having the 
phonetic value of 'eh') , tav:

What did God create? et-hasshamayim (the heaven) ve-et ha-aretz (and [ve-] the 

The word 'et' also means 'time'. In that case it's written like:
ayin (nikkud: tsere), tav.

We think at least in modern Hebrew, those two words ("aleph-et" and "ayin-et"
 sound exactly the same when pronounced.

[FairfieldLife] Time for that old Aretha Franklin classic: D-E-F-L-E-C-T

2014-03-20 Thread TurquoiseBee

That's what challenge means to me
Take heart, TBs

Now that criticism of the TM movement has hit the fan again, I figured it was 
time for a post to remind the True Believers how they should react to it. This 
information has been posted before, but some may have forgotten it, so ignore 
the repetition the same way you ignored Maharishi giving the same introductory 
talks for 40 years. 

Don't worry your little heads about the criticisms themselves. You know they 
aren't true, because you just "know" those kinda things. Instead, do what True 
Believers such as yourself have done for centuries, and D-E-F-L-E-C-T. 

Don't meet the criticism head=on, and try to dispute it. Instead, 
D-E-F-L-E-C-T, and do something to steer the conversation away from the current 
criticism and focus it elsewhere. There are many tried-and-true methods of 
doing this, but here are a few of the best, just in case you've forgotten them. 

* Shoot the messenger. Do anything you can to demonize the person or persons 
making the criticisms. Your goal here is to undermine their credibility and get 
other people on the forum to ignore what they're saying. 

* Call them liars. One of the best methods of sabotaging a critic's credibility 
is to pretend that he or she is a chronic liar. The lurking TBs you're trying 
to appeal to would rather believe that the critics *are* lying than believe the 
criticism anyway, so if you call them liars enough times, the TBs will stop 
listening to them. 

* Call them crazy. Speculate about the horrible things that happened to them in 
the past that made them this way. If you're of the Willytex persuasion, you can 
even make up crazy shit. All that's important is that a few fellow TBs see them 
as psychologically disturbed. 

* Nitpick them into arguing with you. Any nitpick will do, but the best is some 
kind of semantic nitpick about one or two words in something they posted that 
doesn't really have anything to do with the criticism you're trying to 
D-E-F-L-E-C-T. If you can get them -- or other posters -- all involved in a 
meaningless nitpick side argument that has nothing to do with the original 
criticism, they aren't involved in the criticism. You've won. 

* Trash their supporters. Anyone who says anything positive about the critics 
you're trying to silence is your enemy, and thus Fair Game. 

* Do all of these things while claiming that the criticism itself -- the thing 
that has your panties in a twist and halfway up your anal canal -- isn't what 
you're really responding to. 

[FairfieldLife] Time to buy NOK ADR?

2014-02-20 Thread cardemaister

Pre-market last  $ 7.34 ...

My advice is: don't buy!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time lapse (Northern lights, etc)

2014-02-14 Thread cardemaister
FWIW, that's some degrees North from where I live (61.30 vs. about 65)...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time lapse (Northern lights, etc)

2014-02-14 Thread TurquoiseBee
Stunning. Thanks so much for posting it.

I know that each frame of these time lapses has to have been a long exposure 
(possibly up to a minute per frame) to capture the stars we see in these 
montages. But can you really see this many stars in the night sky with your 
naked eyes? Is the air in Finland still that clear and free from both pollution 
and ambient light? If so, lucky you. 

 From: "cardemais...@yahoo.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 11:24 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Time lapse (Northern lights, etc)


[FairfieldLife] Time lapse (Northern lights, etc)

2014-02-14 Thread cardemaister
http://www.hlp.fi/timelapse/ http://www.hlp.fi/timelapse/

[FairfieldLife] Time Top Ten Gadgets: no Samsungs!

2013-12-20 Thread cardemaister

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread Richard J. Williams
They say it's the "moon's day" and 7:45 PM based on planetary rotation 
around the sun. Time is relative and the universe is curved, according 
to Albert. There is the "past" which is already gone; and there is the 
"present" which passes in an instant; and there is the "future" which 
hasn't arrived yet.

According to Omar Khayyám, :...the moving finger, having writ, moves 
on." But, there is probably no Creator that came down and divided 
history into two parts, calling one BC and the other AD.

Go figure.

On 12/9/2013 3:50 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

There is no time.  It is an illusion we experience.

BTW, your link got skewed up.  Here's the proper one:


Yours had an extra www.http.com at the front for some reason.

On 12/09/2013 01:25 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:

This is one of the wacko theories going on among the scientific 
circles.  It's not likely this will replace the Big Bang Theory any 
time soon.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread jr_esq

 If time is an illusion, then would you consider space and illusion too?  If 
these are so, what is REAL?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread Share Long
I admit I love thinking about the nature of time yet I never thought of it as 
an illusion. It seems so real moment to moment. But what is it really that is 
so real?! I guess it's another one of those illusions, like the self, which is 
useful to function with.

I wonder what is the relationship between time and Being.

On Monday, December 9, 2013 3:50 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
There is no time.  It is an illusion we experience.

BTW, your link got skewed up.  Here's the proper one:


Yours had an extra www.http.com at the front for some reason.

On 12/09/2013 01:25 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:

>This is one of the wacko theories going on among the scientific circles.  It's 
>not likely this will replace the Big Bang Theory any time soon.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread Bhairitu

There is no time.  It is an illusion we experience.

BTW, your link got skewed up.  Here's the proper one:


Yours had an extra www.http.com at the front for some reason.

On 12/09/2013 01:25 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:

This is one of the wacko theories going on among the scientific 
circles.  It's not likely this will replace the Big Bang Theory any 
time soon.


[FairfieldLife] Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread jr_esq
This is one of the wacko theories going on among the scientific circles.  It's 
not likely this will replace the Big Bang Theory any time soon. 


RE: Re: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] TIME cover story

2013-09-19 Thread awoelflebater

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] TIME cover story

2013-09-19 Thread authfriend

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