RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White House

2009-08-06 Thread Rick Archer
From: []
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 9:45 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White
 Barry is wrong. The request for citizens to report fishy emails comes
directly from the White House:

From the White House:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there,
spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors
often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual
conversation. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White
House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on
the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

Who decide what is fishy? I don't agree with right wing opposition to
health care and I don't believe the Democrats should do anything to torpedo
the public option, which I believe the fishy email request will do. Obama
has absolutely no business suppressing free speech. Only in totalitarian
governments do citizens spy on citizens.
They're not suppressing anything or spying on anyone. They're asking to be
informed of misinformation that is being forwarded around between millions
of people, so that they can get a sense of which lies are most commonplace
and most in need of rebuttal. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White House

2009-08-06 Thread It's just a ride
On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Rick wrote:

 They're not suppressing anything or spying on anyone. They're asking to be
 informed of misinformation that is being forwarded around between millions
 of people, so that they can get a sense of which lies are most commonplace
 and most in need of rebuttal.

I agree.  I suppose those spreading false rumors about spying are
also part of the problem.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White House

2009-08-06 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:

 Apparently Obama gives a shit about suppressing free speech by encouraging 
 citizens to rat on each other and doesn't give a shit for the reasons you 

 to learn what disinfo is being circulated so they can prepare the 
 appropriate counter arguments. 

You still don't get it.  It's about the disinformation not about 
collecting email addresses.  It's not about suppressing free speech.  If 
anyone is trying to suppress free speech it is the teabaggers 
themselves.  Wake up and smell the coffee.  Who's stirring this up?  Not 
the WH but the criminal run health insurance companies who are trying 
hoodwink you so they can continue ripping off the public.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White House

2009-08-06 Thread Rick Archer
From: []
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 11:24 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White
Quoting myself again:

There isn't any reason for Obama to have private email addresses to counter
To reiterate what Bhairtu just said, they're not trying to collect email
addresses. They're interested in the content of the emails which are
spreading lies around the country, so they can put out rebuttals to those
lies. Your posts fall into that category by claiming that the administration
is trying to spy, collect emails, etc. So either you're misinformed,
confused, or deliberately trying to do damage, with no concern for truth, as
are the right wing nutters.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White House

2009-08-06 Thread It's just a ride
On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 11:28 AM, wrote:
 What you don't get is that both the Democrats and Republicans are sleeping in 
 the same bed with the insurance industry. This just smoke and mirrors to 
 quash the public option.

Not true.  Public option will go into the exchange where those
electing the public option will have the benefit of mass pricing and
safeguards from being denied coverage because of pre-existing
condition or being dropped because of an expensive claim.

RD, I never believed you'd lie, cheat and do anything to get back at
the guy who rightly trounced your unworthy candidate.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White House

2009-08-06 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:
 --- In, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 raunchydog wrote:
 Apparently Obama gives a shit about suppressing free speech by encouraging 
 citizens to rat on each other and doesn't give a shit for the reasons you 

 to learn what disinfo is being circulated so they can prepare the 
 appropriate counter arguments. 
 You still don't get it.  It's about the disinformation not about 
 collecting email addresses.  It's not about suppressing free speech.  If 
 anyone is trying to suppress free speech it is the teabaggers 
 themselves.  Wake up and smell the coffee.  Who's stirring this up?  Not 
 the WH but the criminal run health insurance companies who are trying 
 hoodwink you so they can continue ripping off the public.


 What you don't get is that both the Democrats and Republicans are sleeping in 
 the same bed with the insurance industry. This just smoke and mirrors to 
 quash the public option.
Oh yes I get that and have said so many times.  Never said that congress 
wasn't corrupt.  That's why we need to push for single payer.  After all 
I was opposed to ANY bailout last September.  There were both 
progressives and conservatives opposed to it.  It was a sellout to the 
banksters and their wealthy offshore backers.  Love to see those age old 
families lose their money.  They SO deserve it.

Worse then that is our congress critters are obsolete.  There are 
probably few if any of them who understand technology and yet they are 
passing very stupid technology laws at the behest of lobbyists.

This whole thing is just amusing to me.  It IS like a national IQ test 
and many are failing.  Aren't we fortunate to be alive in such an 
exciting time?

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White House

2009-08-06 Thread Rick Archer
From: []
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 11:54 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White
You sound like Hugo Chavez, John, when people protest to him that he is
stifling freedom of the press and the right to dissent when Chavez closes
down virtually all the media outlets that oppose him: Oh, no, we're not
stifling dissent we're merely closing down media that are operating outside
the law.

You also sound like supporters of Joe McCarthy.

The White House has no place asking for people to rat on other citizens by
sending the words of dissenting voices to the government.
Who's talking about closing down the media? It's statements like that that
characterize the right wing as raving lunatics who deserve to be as
marginalized as they have become. They just want to be kept abreast of all
the bullshit that goes around so they can counter it with the truth.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White House

2009-08-06 Thread It's just a ride
On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Rick wrote:
 Who's talking about closing down the media? It's statements like that that
 characterize the right wing as raving lunatics who deserve to be as
 marginalized as they have become. They just want to be kept abreast of all
 the bullshit that goes around so they can counter it with the truth.

Rick, I have this strong sense of discomfort.  I find myself actually
agreeing with you on this.  I hope it's just a case of every 12 hours
even a broken clock tells the right time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White House

2009-08-05 Thread Bhairitu
BillyG. wrote:
 --- In, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 Yes Mikey, I'm sure that the White House is going to be looking at FFL 
 as a major source of disinformation.  :-D

 No, the purpose is to scare and intimidate uncooperative citizens into 
 submission through fear, that's where we're at with this President, it's a 
 sad day in America.
ROTFL!  The reason the White House is doing this is to learn what 
disinfo is being circulated so they can prepare the appropriate counter 
arguments.   I doubt if they are taking names unless you're a big 
corporation.  It is to inform citizens through the proper facts not 
right wing bullshit.  Now if this had happened during the Bush 
administration then you might have had something to worry about.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama wants FFLer's to report me to the White House

2009-08-05 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:
 --- In, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 BillyG. wrote:
 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 Yes Mikey, I'm sure that the White House is going to be looking at FFL 
 as a major source of disinformation.  :-D
 No, the purpose is to scare and intimidate uncooperative citizens into 
 submission through fear, that's where we're at with this President, it's a 
 sad day in America.
 ROTFL!  The reason the White House is doing this is to learn what 
 disinfo is being circulated so they can prepare the appropriate counter 
 arguments.   I doubt if they are taking names unless you're a big 
 corporation.  It is to inform citizens through the proper facts not 
 right wing bullshit.  Now if this had happened during the Bush 
 administration then you might have had something to worry about.


 Capitulation of your constitutional rights to ANYONE in government is just 
 plain stupid. There isn't any reason for Obama to have private email 
 addresses to counter disinformation. Do you think for one moment that the 
 most tech savvy president in history with Homeland Security and the FBI at 
 his disposal can't find out what's happening on the internet? Do you think 
 Alexrod, the most media savvy Svengali ever to grace a presidential candidate 
 doesn't know exactly how to counter disinformation? Do you really think your 
 puny little email ratting out a fellow citizen would be helpful to the most 
 powerful government on the planet? Think again. 
Just like I said to Mikey, nobody gives a shit about disinfo spread in 
the Funny Farm Lounge.  Plus I think the whole thing is just a national 
IQ test.   So now go cool down with some lemonade or like me some Ben 
and Jerry's Banana Split ice cream.  Yum!