Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]
s. 18 statues made by Joey who couldn't spell the word
"statue." 18 statues that were to Joey, by his own inner logic, as
precious as fingerprints that could only be assigned to one and only
one person. 18 statues in boxes that Joey knew so well that he could
dive into the boxes after saying each pupil's name and instantly pull
out Pedro's statue, then Anna's statue, then Cathy's statue . . . 18
statues with names assigned to them. Joey knew which was to go to
whom. Silently, for Joey could hardly talk, he gave each statue out
like it was a soul. And every kid there opened themselves to Joey's
vision of the moment and took their statues into their hugging arms
like each trophy was a new born babe. Joey gave everyone a symbolic a
kiss on the forehead to take home. Everyone deserved a symbol of "job
well done," thought Joey. And 18 kids with almost no chance to
succeed in life, hummed with delight.

And no one I've ever seen in my whole life was as happy as Joey that
day. He so innocently beamed his love.

That's my goal in life. Be as happy and as wrong . . . and as right
as Joey.

---In,  wrote :

 And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.

 I am only aware of Brother Jim aka Dr. Dumbass - who else claimed spiritual 
awareness/awakening/enlightenment and received a stout thrashing as a result?


 From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

 I'm thinking over here that having had an "experience" does not validate "as 
necessarily true" the thoughts that arise afterwards.  We see most folks here 
thinking otherwise -- that is: they think that their thoughts MUST be resonant 
with the ultimate reality of their recent experience.  

To have seen someone levitate doesn't make one's subsequent thoughts about 
levitation necessarily true.  Even the person who levitates can be expected to 
have but a mere abstraction for an explanation that is open to every sort of 

Relativity being such a dynamic, if one knows this, hypocrisy of a deeper 
degree is needed to validate one's thoughts and yet invalidate the subsequent 
thoughts of others -- others that had differing experiences.

Nabby is a very very sincere poster, for instance, yet we found him being 
bonked by those who claim to not personally have such blinkeredness when it is 
obvious to all that everyone is blinkered in some IMPORTANT and PROFOUND manner.

Stone, glass house and all that.  No one gets to toss the first stone.  Or the 

I would expect that someone who found fault in others for being a true believer 
and "running with it," would be especially careful to underline ones obvious 
conflict of interests.  

As for me being inside my head and not having had experiences.  Harrumph.  
While this assertion is not couched in the normal cruel-troll manner of 
FFL-past, it does seem to accuse me of being spiritually bereft of the basic 
information needed to be clear about spirituality.  Only I could know if that's 
true -- to assert it as true is to do a one-upman-ship deal.   I claim that 
this kind of insinuation is AGAINST THE GUIDELINES.

And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.

This is the place where prophets come to not be honoredheh heh.

And, by the way, I have had and continue to have some very profound moments 
when all my abstractions align -- with a wonderful congruence -- with my heart 
and thought stream.  Moment by moment, if I wish to do so, I can suss out from 
my flow of consciousness  perfect examples of the concepts I hold dear.  
Doesn't make me correct, but I sure do have experiences.   I'll walk this back: 
 everyone has great experiences -- even if they've never personally noted such. 

Given the human karma of the ego daily dying-into-sleep, being reborn in 
dreams, and then coming back to life in the morning, what isn't magical?  To 
diss others for not describing it "well" or "logically" or "intuitively 
acceptably,"  is at least juvenile and probably an act of aggression.and 

---In,  wrote :

 Edg, because you're so...uh...edgy and all, I suspect you'll take my quickie 
response below as if it was intended as some kind of affront, and it really 
wasn't. I was just taking advantage of these "revalidated FFL guidelines" vibes 
to just be honest. 


 To expand on this a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-12 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
if Bob Schneider shows up here I will give him the whuppin' he deserves. 

That is how I phrase it, what it means is that I will ask him direct, non-TM 
TB'er questions such as how he purports to know anything about psychiatry when 
he is a cardiologist, how he thinks his "vedic" prescription that he gave in 
his taped lecture at MUM can possibly be helpful to people who are really 
struggling with mental/emotional problems and contemplating suicide when the 
prescription is as follows:
Listen to the person's problemsTell them to avoid negative thoughtsTell them to 
think sweet thoughtsTell them to expose themselves to positive energy (by 
listening to the vedas being recited or reading the Gita or the mandalas)Tell 
them to do TM.
All of which ignores the fact that in many cases it is the PRACTICE of TM 
itself, esp TMSP and all the cultish nonsensical mind sets that go along with 
it that often LEAD to such states of depression and anxiety that lead to 
So if Bobby wants a whuppin' tell him to come on over. 

Bring Johnny Hagelin too, I wanna ask him if he is still using his position as 
professor at MUM to get him some student girlfriends.
 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

---In,  wrote :

From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 2:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 All I can say is that my post referenced VEBAL slapping, meaning that I would 
not cut Schneider any slack for his prepsoterous claims for TM, especially his 
idea that he as a cardiologist is in any way an expert or authority on any form 
of psychiatry. Having watched his first "Vedic psychiatry" presentation I have 
already stated here on FFL that his ideas are more TM fluff and bs. 

OF COURSE you were referring to verbal slapping, and Doug knows it. He's just 
being a drama queen. But it's interesting that in doing so and in calling what 
you wrote a "threat," he's revealing the incredible extent of his bias against 
you and people like you who don't toe the TM party line.
Seems to me Doug is referring to a threat of *verbal* abuse, which is precisely 
what Michael made (he reiterates it above).
What I find most fascinating is that Doug believes that these people are such 
wimps and so UNinvincible that the only way they'd agree to appear on Fairfield 
Life is if he put everyone who isn't a TM TB on "moderated" status and sat 
there poised with his finger on the button to make sure that no one was able to 
sneak through a real question. That's pretty revealing.

That may fascinate you, Barry, but it's your fantasy, not anything Doug has 
said he believes or is going to do. And FYI, it's entirely possible to ask a 
"real" question without being abusive.

I suspect that you and I are both high on Doug's agenda for who he had already 
*planned* to ban when he took on the job of FFL moderator, so we'll probably be 
"neck and neck" down the stretch until one of us finally "wins."  :-)  :-)  :-)

As I said earlier, it seems some here think the only form moderation takes is 
expulsion. I doubt that's how Doug sees it. His post to Michael sounds to me 
like a very gentle warning. My guess is that people will be put on moderated 
status, warnings will be given, and only if the warnings are repeatedly ignored 
will expulsion be considered.
  From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 OK, my bad. I managed to get all dyslexic while typing in the post number, and 
got post 416431 instead. Sorry. 

Thus I retract the things I said in my post below in points 1, 2 and 3.
How about retracting all the accusations you made against me in your earlier 
post, which you messed up as badly as you did this one?

  #yiv3966030111 #yiv3966030111 -- #yiv3966030111ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3966030111 
#yiv3966030111ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3966030111 
#yiv3966030111ygrp-mkp #yiv3966030111hd 
0;}#yiv3966030111 #yiv3966030111ygrp-mkp #yiv3966030111ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3966030111 #yiv3966030111ygrp-mkp .yiv3966030111ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv3966030111 #yiv3966030111ygrp-mkp .yiv3966030111ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv3966030111 #yiv3966030111ygrp-mkp .yiv3966030111ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3966030111 #yiv3966030111ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv3966030111ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv39660

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-12 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I have actually traded words with Bobby Schneider on the blog Cardio Brief by 
Larry Husten who writes for Forbes.

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 9:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 2:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    All I can say is that my post referenced VEBAL slapping, meaning that I 
would not cut Schneider any slack for his prepsoterous claims for TM, 
especially his idea that he as a cardiologist is in any way an expert or 
authority on any form of psychiatry. Having watched his first "Vedic 
psychiatry" presentation I have already stated here on FFL that his ideas are 
more TM fluff and bs. 

OF COURSE you were referring to verbal slapping, and Doug knows it. He's just 
being a drama queen. But it's interesting that in doing so and in calling what 
you wrote a "threat," he's revealing the incredible extent of his bias against 
you and people like you who don't toe the TM party line. I still have hopes 
that he can get his act together and his "TM ego" out of the way and become a 
truly fair moderator, but he's sure making it difficult for me to maintain that 

I am pretty sure that neither Schneider nor any other TM big shot has any 
desire to show up here on FFL where there are too many former TM'ers who have 
stopped drinking the kool-aide and have seen the man behind the curtain. Those 
guys prefer an audience who is guzzling the soporific of TM PR and so applaud 
instead of asking incisive or even intelligent questions. I would however love 
to see any exchanges between Hagelin and Sal and his physicist friends. 

What I find most fascinating is that Doug believes that these people are such 
wimps and so UNinvincible that the only way they'd agree to appear on Fairfield 
Life is if he put everyone who isn't a TM TB on "moderated" status and sat 
there poised with his finger on the button to make sure that no one was able to 
sneak through a real question. That's pretty revealing. 

I don't know what you expect would happen if one of the TM hot shots posted 
here. How can you not call a liar a liar? And Marshy was a liar, and he set the 
tone for all his followers.

I also expect to be the first FFL member to be banned by Dougy. 

It'll be interesting to see who Doug will ban first. For example, since he's 
been moderator, there is one person who has posted repeatedly to FFL *for no 
other purpose than to harass another poster he doesn't like* (as he has done 
consistently for over a year), violating the Yahoo Guidelines in many minor 
ways in almost every post, and Doug's never said a word about it. But when YOU 
use a Southern turn of phrase in an obviously funny way ("I would verbally slap 
this jackass into the middle of next week"), suddenly it's a "threat." 

I suspect that you and I are both high on Doug's agenda for who he had already 
*planned* to ban when he took on the job of FFL moderator, so we'll probably be 
"neck and neck" down the stretch until one of us finally "wins."  :-)  :-)  :-)


 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    OK, my bad. I managed to get all dyslexic while typing in the post number, 
and got post 416431 instead. Sorry. 

Thus I retract the things I said in my post below in points 1, 2 and 3. 

I still stand behind what I said in my last paragraph, however, because if Doug 
actually took what Michael said in the real post #416341 as a threat, he's not 
terribly sane. Michael suggesting that he would "verbally slap" someone is NOT 
a threat. Here is what Michael actually SAID, and that Doug is so biased that 
he's characterizing as a "threat."

Jesus Christ. I really which I could attend. I would verbally slap this jackass 
into the middle of next week. What a huckster. A cardiologist claiming 
expertise in a non-existent form of psychiatry, laced with ancient superstition.
Some of you folk in Fairfield are indeed making progress in helping those who 
need help with mental and emotional problems, this ass is not one of them. I 
hope he gets shut down in a time soon to come.


   From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    From: " [FairfieldLife]" 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 2:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 All I can say is that my post referenced VEBAL slapping, meaning that I would 
not cut Schneider any slack for his prepsoterous claims for TM, especially his 
idea that he as a cardiologist is in any way an expert or authority on any form 
of psychiatry. Having watched his first "Vedic psychiatry" presentation I have 
already stated here on FFL that his ideas are more TM fluff and bs. 


 OF COURSE you were referring to verbal slapping, and Doug knows it. He's just 
being a drama queen. But it's interesting that in doing so and in calling what 
you wrote a "threat," he's revealing the incredible extent of his bias against 
you and people like you who don't toe the TM party line.

 Seems to me Doug is referring to a threat of *verbal* abuse, which is 
precisely what Michael made (he reiterates it above).


 What I find most fascinating is that Doug believes that these people are such 
wimps and so UNinvincible that the only way they'd agree to appear on Fairfield 
Life is if he put everyone who isn't a TM TB on "moderated" status and sat 
there poised with his finger on the button to make sure that no one was able to 
sneak through a real question. That's pretty revealing.


 That may fascinate you, Barry, but it's your fantasy, not anything Doug has 
said he believes or is going to do. And FYI, it's entirely possible to ask a 
"real" question without being abusive.



 I suspect that you and I are both high on Doug's agenda for who he had already 
*planned* to ban when he took on the job of FFL moderator, so we'll probably be 
"neck and neck" down the stretch until one of us finally "wins."  :-)  :-)  :-)


 As I said earlier, it seems some here think the only form moderation takes is 
expulsion. I doubt that's how Doug sees it. His post to Michael sounds to me 
like a very gentle warning. My guess is that people will be put on moderated 
status, warnings will be given, and only if the warnings are repeatedly ignored 
will expulsion be considered.

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 OK, my bad. I managed to get all dyslexic while typing in the post number, and 
got post 416431 instead. Sorry. 


 Thus I retract the things I said in my post below in points 1, 2 and 3.

 How about retracting all the accusations you made against me in your earlier 
post, which you messed up as badly as you did this one?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-12 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
> Just out of interest though, what do you think the term "spiritual" actually 
> means?
I haven't seen Doug's answer to this, but thought that the question deserved 
*some* response, so here's one from Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, discussing that 
very question: "What is spirituality?"
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness – Lion's Roar

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| The Four Foundations of Mindfulness – Lion's RoarAccording to the late 
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, spirituality means relating with the working basis of 
one’s existence, which is one’s state of mind. |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 8:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
RE post 416341
It's just a knee jerk reaction, nothing to worry about. I said exactly the same 
thing only with the addition of a few qualifying statements. I'm sure that if 
anyone from MUM joined up for a chat we'd all be interested to hear what they 
have to say, just because we rant occasionally amongst ourselves doesn't mean 
we're a bunch of animals. When Fred Travis joined in with TM-Free he got a very 
respectful welcome and some serious questions all of which he attempted to 
answer - he even agreed with me that the TMO shouldn't try to make money out of 
products - yagya, MVVT etc - that it hasn't scientifically verified!
I'd rather you got Nader or Hagelin though, I'll line up some proper physicists 
and we'll have a grand old time.
Just out of interest though, what do you think the term "spiritual" actually 
It comes from the Latin Spiritus Animus or that which animates us. The idea 
being that there is some spark or soul within us that gives us life. It's a 
term that seems to have morphed somewhat in recent years though with the 
co-opting and mingling of scientific principles with eastern thought whether 
it's justified or not. Discussions about whether such an entity exists, how it 
might work and what it might do are what interest me most, and whether 
Spiritual is a "mere" religious system nowadays rather than the all 
encompassing Theory of Everything that it claims to be.
Anyway, it's lucky that Rick just put FFL in that category because it seems to 
fit with the TM belief system and that he wasn't seriously expecting us to 
limit our conversation to matters of the new age and nothing else.
>From the FFL home page:
"Pretty much any topic is fair game.
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell "
I mention all this Doug, because you have a history of accepting and promoting 
the dogmatic insistence of the TMO that certain of it's beliefs are in fact 
facts and I don't want alternative viewpoints moderated on partisan grounds.
Things should stand or fall on the strength of evidence not devotion.
"The healthy mind challenges its own assumptions." ~ The I Ching

---In,  wrote :

MJ, FFL being categorized withYahoo-groups as a spiritual group one would hope 
that people couldcome in here and express their own spiritual experience 
without the harassing suppression of threats being made against them.  You 
seemto have some parochial way in threatening people here by 'slap'.Would 
pushing the 'moderate' button over your membership status herebetter provide 
safe space for spiritual people to come forward on FFLwith their experiences? 
For instance I should think it valuable to also have Robert Schneider or 
someone from his office come on here andexpress their feelings in conversation 
here, without threat of abuse.Threat exampled within FFL post #416341 as what 
evidently was a slurring rant and an invasion of someone's privacy, using FFL 
as avehicle.   

---In,  wrote :

And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted myspiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions asunder.ashas been done to 
every single person who has come here to reportsuchlike.
I am only aware of Brother Jim aka Dr. Dumbass - who else claimed spiritual 
awareness/awakening/enlightenment and received a stout thrashing as a result?

  From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
I'm thinking over here that having had an "experience" does not validate "as 
necessarily true" the thoughts that arise afterwards.  We see most folks here 
thinking otherwise -- that is: they think that their thoughts MUST be resonant 
with the ultimate reality of their recent experience.  

To have seen someone levitate doesn't make one's subsequent thou

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-12 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Unfortunately, as I  predicted, we have a member here, Barry, who is so 
threatened by this change in moderatorship, that he is on a non stop campaign 
to disrupt the new direction in which FFL is moving, at any cost.

 I think it will take a while for some of the older members of FFL who left  to 
feel comfortable again about posting on the topics which come up, but in the 
meantime, we can be assured that Barry will continue, undiminished in his 
campaign to keep this from happening.

 I hope we can stay the course, and maybe, Barry, will feel more comfortable 
with a more civil interaction.

 After all, Xeno has advised us, and I quote, (mostly),

 "Barry is creative enough to adopt to the new environment at FFL"

---In,  wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 2:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 All I can say is that my post referenced VEBAL slapping, meaning that I would 
not cut Schneider any slack for his prepsoterous claims for TM, especially his 
idea that he as a cardiologist is in any way an expert or authority on any form 
of psychiatry. Having watched his first "Vedic psychiatry" presentation I have 
already stated here on FFL that his ideas are more TM fluff and bs. 


 OF COURSE you were referring to verbal slapping, and Doug knows it. He's just 
being a drama queen. But it's interesting that in doing so and in calling what 
you wrote a "threat," he's revealing the incredible extent of his bias against 
you and people like you who don't toe the TM party line. I still have hopes 
that he can get his act together and his "TM ego" out of the way and become a 
truly fair moderator, but he's sure making it difficult for me to maintain that 


 I am pretty sure that neither Schneider nor any other TM big shot has any 
desire to show up here on FFL where there are too many former TM'ers who have 
stopped drinking the kool-aide and have seen the man behind the curtain. Those 
guys prefer an audience who is guzzling the soporific of TM PR and so applaud 
instead of asking incisive or even intelligent questions. I would however love 
to see any exchanges between Hagelin and Sal and his physicist friends. 


 What I find most fascinating is that Doug believes that these people are such 
wimps and so UNinvincible that the only way they'd agree to appear on Fairfield 
Life is if he put everyone who isn't a TM TB on "moderated" status and sat 
there poised with his finger on the button to make sure that no one was able to 
sneak through a real question. That's pretty revealing. 


 I don't know what you expect would happen if one of the TM hot shots posted 
here. How can you not call a liar a liar? And Marshy was a liar, and he set the 
tone for all his followers.


 I also expect to be the first FFL member to be banned by Dougy. 


 It'll be interesting to see who Doug will ban first. For example, since he's 
been moderator, there is one person who has posted repeatedly to FFL *for no 
other purpose than to harass another poster he doesn't like* (as he has done 
consistently for over a year), violating the Yahoo Guidelines in many minor 
ways in almost every post, and Doug's never said a word about it. But when YOU 
use a Southern turn of phrase in an obviously funny way ("I would verbally slap 
this jackass into the middle of next week"), suddenly it's a "threat." 


 I suspect that you and I are both high on Doug's agenda for who he had already 
*planned* to ban when he took on the job of FFL moderator, so we'll probably be 
"neck and neck" down the stretch until one of us finally "wins."  :-)  :-)  :-)



 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 OK, my bad. I managed to get all dyslexic while typing in the post number, and 
got post 416431 instead. Sorry. 


 Thus I retract the things I said in my post below in points 1, 2 and 3. 


 I still stand behind what I said in my last paragraph, however, because if 
Doug actually took what Michael said in the real post #416341 as a threat, he's 
not terribly sane. Michael suggesting that he would "verbally slap" someone is 
NOT a threat. Here is what Michael actually SAID, and that Doug is so biased 
that he's characterizing as a "threat."



 Jesus Christ. I really which I could attend. I would verbally slap this 
jackass into the middle of next week. What a huckster. A cardiologist claiming 
expertise in a non-existent form of psychiatry, laced with ancient superstition.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-12 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 2:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    All I can say is that my post referenced VEBAL slapping, meaning that I 
would not cut Schneider any slack for his prepsoterous claims for TM, 
especially his idea that he as a cardiologist is in any way an expert or 
authority on any form of psychiatry. Having watched his first "Vedic 
psychiatry" presentation I have already stated here on FFL that his ideas are 
more TM fluff and bs. 

OF COURSE you were referring to verbal slapping, and Doug knows it. He's just 
being a drama queen. But it's interesting that in doing so and in calling what 
you wrote a "threat," he's revealing the incredible extent of his bias against 
you and people like you who don't toe the TM party line. I still have hopes 
that he can get his act together and his "TM ego" out of the way and become a 
truly fair moderator, but he's sure making it difficult for me to maintain that 

I am pretty sure that neither Schneider nor any other TM big shot has any 
desire to show up here on FFL where there are too many former TM'ers who have 
stopped drinking the kool-aide and have seen the man behind the curtain. Those 
guys prefer an audience who is guzzling the soporific of TM PR and so applaud 
instead of asking incisive or even intelligent questions. I would however love 
to see any exchanges between Hagelin and Sal and his physicist friends. 

What I find most fascinating is that Doug believes that these people are such 
wimps and so UNinvincible that the only way they'd agree to appear on Fairfield 
Life is if he put everyone who isn't a TM TB on "moderated" status and sat 
there poised with his finger on the button to make sure that no one was able to 
sneak through a real question. That's pretty revealing. 

I don't know what you expect would happen if one of the TM hot shots posted 
here. How can you not call a liar a liar? And Marshy was a liar, and he set the 
tone for all his followers.

I also expect to be the first FFL member to be banned by Dougy. 

It'll be interesting to see who Doug will ban first. For example, since he's 
been moderator, there is one person who has posted repeatedly to FFL *for no 
other purpose than to harass another poster he doesn't like* (as he has done 
consistently for over a year), violating the Yahoo Guidelines in many minor 
ways in almost every post, and Doug's never said a word about it. But when YOU 
use a Southern turn of phrase in an obviously funny way ("I would verbally slap 
this jackass into the middle of next week"), suddenly it's a "threat." 

I suspect that you and I are both high on Doug's agenda for who he had already 
*planned* to ban when he took on the job of FFL moderator, so we'll probably be 
"neck and neck" down the stretch until one of us finally "wins."  :-)  :-)  :-)


 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    OK, my bad. I managed to get all dyslexic while typing in the post number, 
and got post 416431 instead. Sorry. 

Thus I retract the things I said in my post below in points 1, 2 and 3. 

I still stand behind what I said in my last paragraph, however, because if Doug 
actually took what Michael said in the real post #416341 as a threat, he's not 
terribly sane. Michael suggesting that he would "verbally slap" someone is NOT 
a threat. Here is what Michael actually SAID, and that Doug is so biased that 
he's characterizing as a "threat."

Jesus Christ. I really which I could attend. I would verbally slap this jackass 
into the middle of next week. What a huckster. A cardiologist claiming 
expertise in a non-existent form of psychiatry, laced with ancient superstition.
Some of you folk in Fairfield are indeed making progress in helping those who 
need help with mental and emotional problems, this ass is not one of them. I 
hope he gets shut down in a time soon to come.


   From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    MJ, FFL being categorized withYahoo-groups as a spiritual group one would 
hope that people couldcome in here and express their own spiritual experience 
without the harassing suppression of threats being made against them.  You 
seemto hav

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-12 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
All I can say is that my post referenced VEBAL slapping, meaning that I would 
not cut Schneider any slack for his prepsoterous claims for TM, especially his 
idea that he as a cardiologist is in any way an expert or authority on any form 
of psychiatry. Having watched his first "Vedic psychiatry" presentation I have 
already stated here on FFL that his ideas are more TM fluff and bs. 
I am pretty sure that neither Schneider nor any other TM big shot has any 
desire to show up here on FFL where there are too many former TM'ers who have 
stopped drinking the kool-aide and have seen the man behind the curtain. Those 
guys prefer an audience who is guzzling the soporific of TM PR and so applaud 
instead of asking incisive or even intelligent questions. I would however love 
to see any exchanges between Hagelin and Sal and his physicist friends. 
I don't know what you expect would happen if one of the TM hot shots posted 
here. How can you not call a liar a liar? And Marshy was a liar, and he set the 
tone for all his followers.

I also expect to be the first FFL member to be banned by Dougy. 

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    OK, my bad. I managed to get all dyslexic while typing in the post number, 
and got post 416431 instead. Sorry. 

Thus I retract the things I said in my post below in points 1, 2 and 3. 

I still stand behind what I said in my last paragraph, however, because if Doug 
actually took what Michael said in the real post #416341 as a threat, he's not 
terribly sane. Michael suggesting that he would "verbally slap" someone is NOT 
a threat. Here is what Michael actually SAID, and that Doug is so biased that 
he's characterizing as a "threat."

Jesus Christ. I really which I could attend. I would verbally slap this jackass 
into the middle of next week. What a huckster. A cardiologist claiming 
expertise in a non-existent form of psychiatry, laced with ancient superstition.
Some of you folk in Fairfield are indeed making progress in helping those who 
need help with mental and emotional problems, this ass is not one of them. I 
hope he gets shut down in a time soon to come.


   From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    MJ, FFL being categorized withYahoo-groups as a spiritual group one would 
hope that people couldcome in here and express their own spiritual experience 
without the harassing suppression of threats being made against them.  You 
seemto have some parochial way in threatening people here by 'slap'. Would 
pushing the 'moderate' button over your membership status herebetter provide 
safe space for spiritual people to come forward on FFLwith their experiences? 
For instance I should think it valuable to also have Robert Schneider or 
someone from his office come on here andexpress their feelings in conversation 
here, without threat of abuse. Threat exampled within FFL post #416341 as what 
evidently was a slurring rant and an invasion of someone's privacy, using FFL 
as avehicle.   

OK, Doug, here is another example that demonstrates how incapable you are (so 
far) of moderating this group fairly:
1. The post you cite (#416341) is *not even from Michael*. It's from 
serious_richard. You care so little about facts that you aren't even careful 
enough to point to the *right* post you feel is a "threat." 

2. The content of Michael's that was encapsulated inside the post you pointed 
to is *also* not a "threat" in any way. He said, "Even if I say that Marshy was 
a liar, cheat, fraud and con artist and that he was a serial womanizer?" In the 
recent past, you replied to Michael saying that you didn't feel that such a 
statement was cause for moderation, and NOW you're pointing to it as a 
"threat?"  WTF, man.  

3. What Michael posted (as a query, we should all remember) was NOT a "slurring 
rant and an invasion of someone's privacy," as you claim above in your last 
sentence. There actually IS ample evidence -- both in the mainstream media and 
in the FFL archives -- that Maharishi WAS a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a con 
artist, and a serial womanizer. The fact that some don't choose to believe this 
evidence does not mean that evidence is not true. So again, Michael stating 
actual *facts* based on freely-available evidence cannot be construed as a 
"slur," let alone a "threat." 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-12 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
OK, my bad. I managed to get all dyslexic while typing in the post number, and 
got post 416431 instead. Sorry. 

Thus I retract the things I said in my post below in points 1, 2 and 3. 

I still stand behind what I said in my last paragraph, however, because if Doug 
actually took what Michael said in the real post #416341 as a threat, he's not 
terribly sane. Michael suggesting that he would "verbally slap" someone is NOT 
a threat. Here is what Michael actually SAID, and that Doug is so biased that 
he's characterizing as a "threat."

Jesus Christ. I really which I could attend. I would verbally slap this jackass 
into the middle of next week. What a huckster. A cardiologist claiming 
expertise in a non-existent form of psychiatry, laced with ancient superstition.
Some of you folk in Fairfield are indeed making progress in helping those who 
need help with mental and emotional problems, this ass is not one of them. I 
hope he gets shut down in a time soon to come.


   From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    MJ, FFL being categorized withYahoo-groups as a spiritual group one would 
hope that people couldcome in here and express their own spiritual experience 
without the harassing suppression of threats being made against them.  You 
seemto have some parochial way in threatening people here by 'slap'. Would 
pushing the 'moderate' button over your membership status herebetter provide 
safe space for spiritual people to come forward on FFLwith their experiences? 
For instance I should think it valuable to also have Robert Schneider or 
someone from his office come on here andexpress their feelings in conversation 
here, without threat of abuse. Threat exampled within FFL post #416341 as what 
evidently was a slurring rant and an invasion of someone's privacy, using FFL 
as avehicle.   

OK, Doug, here is another example that demonstrates how incapable you are (so 
far) of moderating this group fairly:
1. The post you cite (#416341) is *not even from Michael*. It's from 
serious_richard. You care so little about facts that you aren't even careful 
enough to point to the *right* post you feel is a "threat." 

2. The content of Michael's that was encapsulated inside the post you pointed 
to is *also* not a "threat" in any way. He said, "Even if I say that Marshy was 
a liar, cheat, fraud and con artist and that he was a serial womanizer?" In the 
recent past, you replied to Michael saying that you didn't feel that such a 
statement was cause for moderation, and NOW you're pointing to it as a 
"threat?"  WTF, man.  

3. What Michael posted (as a query, we should all remember) was NOT a "slurring 
rant and an invasion of someone's privacy," as you claim above in your last 
sentence. There actually IS ample evidence -- both in the mainstream media and 
in the FFL archives -- that Maharishi WAS a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a con 
artist, and a serial womanizer. The fact that some don't choose to believe this 
evidence does not mean that evidence is not true. So again, Michael stating 
actual *facts* based on freely-available evidence cannot be construed as a 
"slur," let alone a "threat." 

Doug, you've really got to work on cleaning up YOUR act before you can ever 
expect anyone to accept you as a fair and honorable moderator. BOTH of the 
posts I have taken the trouble to comment on this morning indicate that you are 
anything BUT fair. Your bias is obvious. I honestly hope that you are able to 
get it under control. 

---In,  wrote :

And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted myspiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions asunder.ashas been done to 
every single person who has come here to reportsuchlike.
I am only aware of Brother Jim aka Dr. Dumbass - who else claimed spiritual 
awareness/awakening/enlightenment and received a stout thrashing as a result?

  From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
I'm thinking over here that having had an "experience" does not validate "as 
necessarily true" the thoughts that arise afterwards.  We see most folks here 
thinking otherwise -- that is: they think that their thoughts MUST be resonant 
with the ultimate reality of their recent experience.  

To have seen someone levitate doesn't make one's subsequent thoughts about 
levitation necessarily true.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-12 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    MJ, FFL being categorized withYahoo-groups as a spiritual group one would 
hope that people couldcome in here and express their own spiritual experience 
without the harassing suppression of threats being made against them.  You 
seemto have some parochial way in threatening people here by 'slap'. Would 
pushing the 'moderate' button over your membership status herebetter provide 
safe space for spiritual people to come forward on FFLwith their experiences? 
For instance I should think it valuable to also have Robert Schneider or 
someone from his office come on here andexpress their feelings in conversation 
here, without threat of abuse. Threat exampled within FFL post #416341 as what 
evidently was a slurring rant and an invasion of someone's privacy, using FFL 
as avehicle.   

OK, Doug, here is another example that demonstrates how incapable you are (so 
far) of moderating this group fairly:
1. The post you cite (#416341) is *not even from Michael*. It's from 
serious_richard. You care so little about facts that you aren't even careful 
enough to point to the *right* post you feel is a "threat." 

2. The content of Michael's that was encapsulated inside the post you pointed 
to is *also* not a "threat" in any way. He said, "Even if I say that Marshy was 
a liar, cheat, fraud and con artist and that he was a serial womanizer?" In the 
recent past, you replied to Michael saying that you didn't feel that such a 
statement was cause for moderation, and NOW you're pointing to it as a 
"threat?"  WTF, man.  

3. What Michael posted (as a query, we should all remember) was NOT a "slurring 
rant and an invasion of someone's privacy," as you claim above in your last 
sentence. There actually IS ample evidence -- both in the mainstream media and 
in the FFL archives -- that Maharishi WAS a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a con 
artist, and a serial womanizer. The fact that some don't choose to believe this 
evidence does not mean that evidence is not true. So again, Michael stating 
actual *facts* based on freely-available evidence cannot be construed as a 
"slur," let alone a "threat." 

Doug, you've really got to work on cleaning up YOUR act before you can ever 
expect anyone to accept you as a fair and honorable moderator. BOTH of the 
posts I have taken the trouble to comment on this morning indicate that you are 
anything BUT fair. Your bias is obvious. I honestly hope that you are able to 
get it under control. 

---In,  wrote :

And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted myspiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions asunder.ashas been done to 
every single person who has come here to reportsuchlike.
I am only aware of Brother Jim aka Dr. Dumbass - who else claimed spiritual 
awareness/awakening/enlightenment and received a stout thrashing as a result?

  From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
I'm thinking over here that having had an "experience" does not validate "as 
necessarily true" the thoughts that arise afterwards.  We see most folks here 
thinking otherwise -- that is: they think that their thoughts MUST be resonant 
with the ultimate reality of their recent experience.  

To have seen someone levitate doesn't make one's subsequent thoughts about 
levitation necessarily true.  Even the person who levitates can be expected to 
have but a mere abstraction for an explanation that is open to every sort of 

Relativity being such a dynamic, if one knows this, hypocrisy of a deeper 
degree is needed to validate one's thoughts and yet invalidate the subsequent 
thoughts of others -- others that had differing experiences.

Nabby is a very very sincere poster, for instance, yet we found him being 
bonked by those who claim to not personally have such blinkeredness when it is 
obvious to all that everyone is blinkered in some IMPORTANT and PROFOUND manner.

Stone, glass house and all that.  No one gets to toss the first stone.  Or the 

I would expect that someone who found fault in others for being a true believer 
and "running with it," would be especially careful to underline ones obvious 
conflict of interests.  

As for me being inside my head and not having had experiences.  Harrumph.  
While this assertion is not couched in the normal cruel-troll manner of 
FFL-past, it does seem to accuse me of being spiritually bereft of the basic 
information needed to be clear about spirituality.  Only I could know if that's 
true -- to assert it as true is to do 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-11 Thread salyavin808

 RE post 416341

 It's just a knee jerk reaction, nothing to worry about. I said exactly the 
same thing only with the addition of a few qualifying statements. I'm sure that 
if anyone from MUM joined up for a chat we'd all be interested to hear what 
they have to say, just because we rant occasionally amongst ourselves doesn't 
mean we're a bunch of animals. When Fred Travis joined in with TM-Free he got a 
very respectful welcome and some serious questions all of which he attempted to 
answer - he even agreed with me that the TMO shouldn't try to make money out of 
products - yagya, MVVT etc - that it hasn't scientifically verified!

 I'd rather you got Nader or Hagelin though, I'll line up some proper 
physicists and we'll have a grand old time.

 Just out of interest though, what do you think the term "spiritual" actually 

 It comes from the Latin Spiritus Animus or that which animates us. The idea 
being that there is some spark or soul within us that gives us life. It's a 
term that seems to have morphed somewhat in recent years though with the 
co-opting and mingling of scientific principles with eastern thought whether 
it's justified or not. Discussions about whether such an entity exists, how it 
might work and what it might do are what interest me most, and whether 
Spiritual is a "mere" religious system nowadays rather than the all 
encompassing Theory of Everything that it claims to be.

 Anyway, it's lucky that Rick just put FFL in that category because it seems to 
fit with the TM belief system 
 and that he wasn't seriously expecting us to limit our conversation to matters 
of the new age and nothing else.

 From the FFL home page:

 "Pretty much any topic is fair game.

 "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell "

 I mention all this Doug, because you have a history of accepting and promoting 
the dogmatic insistence of the TMO that certain of it's beliefs are in fact 
facts and I don't want alternative viewpoints moderated on partisan grounds.

 Things should stand or fall on the strength of evidence not devotion.

 "The healthy mind challenges its own assumptions." ~ The I Ching







---In,  wrote :

 MJ, FFL being categorized with Yahoo-groups as a spiritual group one would 
hope that people could come in here and express their own spiritual experience 
without the harassing suppression of threats being made against them. 
  You seem to have some parochial way in threatening people here by 'slap'. 
Would pushing the 'moderate' button over your membership status here better 
provide safe space for spiritual people to come forward on FFL with their 
experiences? For instance I should think it valuable to also have Robert 
Schneider or someone from his office come on here and express their feelings in 
conversation here, without threat of abuse. Threat exampled within FFL post 
#416341 as what evidently was a slurring rant and an invasion of someone's 
privacy, using FFL as a vehicle.   

---In,  wrote :

 And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.

 I am only aware of Brother Jim aka Dr. Dumbass - who else claimed spiritual 
awareness/awakening/enlightenment and received a stout thrashing as a result?


 From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

 I'm thinking over here that having had an "experience" does not validate "as 
necessarily true" the thoughts that arise afterwards.  We see most folks here 
thinking otherwise -- that is: they think that their thoughts MUST be resonant 
with the ultimate reality of their recent experience.  

To have seen someone levitate doesn't make one's subsequent thoughts about 
levitation necessarily true.  Even the person who levitates can be expected to 
have but a mere abstraction for an explanation that is open to every sort of 

Relativity being such a dynamic, if one knows this, hypocrisy of a deeper 
degree is needed to validate one's thoughts and yet invalidate the subsequent 
thoughts of others -- others that had differing experiences.

Nabby is a very very sincere poster, for instance, yet we found him being 
bonked by those who claim to not personally have such blinkeredness when it is 
obvious to all that everyone is blinkered in some IMPORTANT and PROFOUND manner.

Stone, glass house and all that.  No one gets to toss the first stone.  Or the 

I would expect that som

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Doug, if I could make a suggestion--I'm not sure everyone here understands what 
the term "moderation" actually refers to since it's never really been in effect 
here. Some seem to think it means nothing less than expulsion from the group. 
I'm not clear myself about how you plan to handle things. 

 I think when you say "pushing the 'moderate' button over your membership 
status" you mean change the member's settings so that his posts are sent to you 
for approval (or not) before they're posted to the Web site, so that you can 
cancel any that you feel transgress the guidelines. Is that correct? Would it 
also be correct to say that expulsion is a last resort if none of the milder 
measures available to you (e.g., canceling posts, warnings) have the desired 

---In,  wrote :

 MJ, FFL being categorized with Yahoo-groups as a spiritual group one would 
hope that people could come in here and express their own spiritual experience 
without the harassing suppression of threats being made against them. 
  You seem to have some parochial way in threatening people here by 'slap'. 
Would pushing the 'moderate' button over your membership status here better 
provide safe space for spiritual people to come forward on FFL with their 
experiences? For instance I should think it valuable to also have Robert 
Schneider or someone from his office come on here and express their feelings in 
conversation here, without threat of abuse. Threat exampled within FFL post 
#416341 as what evidently was a slurring rant and an invasion of someone's 
privacy, using FFL as a vehicle.   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-11 Thread [FairfieldLife]
MJ, FFL being categorized with Yahoo-groups as a spiritual group one would hope 
that people could come in here and express their own spiritual experience 
without the harassing suppression of threats being made against them. 
  You seem to have some parochial way in threatening people here by 'slap'. 
Would pushing the 'moderate' button over your membership status here better 
provide safe space for spiritual people to come forward on FFL with their 
experiences? For instance I should think it valuable to also have Robert 
Schneider or someone from his office come on here and express their feelings in 
conversation here, without threat of abuse. Threat exampled within FFL post 
#416341 as what evidently was a slurring rant and an invasion of someone's 
privacy, using FFL as a vehicle.   

---In,  wrote :

 And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.

 I am only aware of Brother Jim aka Dr. Dumbass - who else claimed spiritual 
awareness/awakening/enlightenment and received a stout thrashing as a result?


 From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

 I'm thinking over here that having had an "experience" does not validate "as 
necessarily true" the thoughts that arise afterwards.  We see most folks here 
thinking otherwise -- that is: they think that their thoughts MUST be resonant 
with the ultimate reality of their recent experience.  

To have seen someone levitate doesn't make one's subsequent thoughts about 
levitation necessarily true.  Even the person who levitates can be expected to 
have but a mere abstraction for an explanation that is open to every sort of 

Relativity being such a dynamic, if one knows this, hypocrisy of a deeper 
degree is needed to validate one's thoughts and yet invalidate the subsequent 
thoughts of others -- others that had differing experiences.

Nabby is a very very sincere poster, for instance, yet we found him being 
bonked by those who claim to not personally have such blinkeredness when it is 
obvious to all that everyone is blinkered in some IMPORTANT and PROFOUND manner.

Stone, glass house and all that.  No one gets to toss the first stone.  Or the 

I would expect that someone who found fault in others for being a true believer 
and "running with it," would be especially careful to underline ones obvious 
conflict of interests.  

As for me being inside my head and not having had experiences.  Harrumph.  
While this assertion is not couched in the normal cruel-troll manner of 
FFL-past, it does seem to accuse me of being spiritually bereft of the basic 
information needed to be clear about spirituality.  Only I could know if that's 
true -- to assert it as true is to do a one-upman-ship deal.   I claim that 
this kind of insinuation is AGAINST THE GUIDELINES.

And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.

This is the place where prophets come to not be honoredheh heh.

And, by the way, I have had and continue to have some very profound moments 
when all my abstractions align -- with a wonderful congruence -- with my heart 
and thought stream.  Moment by moment, if I wish to do so, I can suss out from 
my flow of consciousness  perfect examples of the concepts I hold dear.  
Doesn't make me correct, but I sure do have experiences.   I'll walk this back: 
 everyone has great experiences -- even if they've never personally noted such. 

Given the human karma of the ego daily dying-into-sleep, being reborn in 
dreams, and then coming back to life in the morning, what isn't magical?  To 
diss others for not describing it "well" or "logically" or "intuitively 
acceptably,"  is at least juvenile and probably an act of aggression.and 

---In,  wrote :

 Edg, because you're so...uh...edgy and all, I suspect you'll take my quickie 
response below as if it was intended as some kind of affront, and it really 
wasn't. I was just taking advantage of these "revalidated FFL guidelines" vibes 
to just be honest. 


 To expand on this a bit, to be honest I've always gotten the impression from 
your writing that your approach to most spiritual topics is intellectual, as 
opposed to experiential. When you get into how much you know about Advaita, for 
example, my impression is that this is stuff that you "know" -- intellectually 
-- about Advai

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 This is the way it is with spiritual experiences; they come, they go, 

 yes, that is the way it happens

 at the time they seem as if they are important, 

 not necessarily.  see your statement above.

 and then they are not. As ego dies away, it grabs onto them as a lifeline, 
puffing them up beyond their real significance. 

 I guess for some this might be the case, but certainly not for all.  In fact 
most of the individuals I know personally, who have (or had) such experiences, 
were extremely low key about them.

 Before enlightenment, brush your teeth and go to bed; after enlightenment, 
brush your teeth and go to bed. Once you find out there is nothing of 
significance, you no longer have to shoulder the oppression of the world and 
meddle with the inane intricacies of spiritual systems. Wake, work, brush 
teeth, sleep, over and over and over. Everything comes to nothing, and through 
all this diamonds of no significance are strewn along your way.

 Yes, that is way I think it goes, and way I feel about my own experiences 
along these lines.

 But, really, so what, if one is inclined to be more bold about the whole 


---In,  wrote :

 This is rather funny.

 I would say the requirement for the reporting of so called spiritual 
experiences on FFL, to avoid the routine belittling and lampooning of such 
experiences, had to meet the following requirements, and post the following 

 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that this experience has absolutely NO 
IMPORTANCE and is akin to brushing my teeth.
 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that this experience could JUST AS LIKELY be 
 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that there is an equal possibility that this 
experiences was a result of mood making as from any true “spiritual” experience 
or awakening. In fact I must concede that this is likely the case.
 And, as long as the reporting of such experiences met these requirements, (and 
others) they were given a pass.

 If not, let the ridicule begin.

 Just sayin'


Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This is the way it is with spiritual experiences; they come, they go, at the 
time they seem as if they are important, and then they are not. As ego dies 
away, it grabs onto them as a lifeline, puffing them up beyond their real 
significance. Before enlightenment, brush your teeth and go to bed; after 
enlightenment, brush your teeth and go to bed. Once you find out there is 
nothing of significance, you no longer have to shoulder the oppression of the 
world and meddle with the inane intricacies of spiritual systems. Wake, work, 
brush teeth, sleep, over and over and over. Everything comes to nothing, and 
through all this diamonds of no significance are strewn along your way.

---In,  wrote :

 This is rather funny.

 I would say the requirement for the reporting of so called spiritual 
experiences on FFL, to avoid the routine belittling and lampooning of such 
experiences, had to meet the following requirements, and post the following 

 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that this experience has absolutely NO 
IMPORTANCE and is akin to brushing my teeth.
 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that this experience could JUST AS LIKELY be 
 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that there is an equal possibility that this 
experiences was a result of mood making as from any true “spiritual” experience 
or awakening. In fact I must concede that this is likely the case.
 And, as long as the reporting of such experiences met these requirements, (and 
others) they were given a pass.

 If not, let the ridicule begin.

 Just sayin'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-10 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This is rather funny.
 I would say the requirement for the reporting of so called spiritual 
experiences on FFL, to avoid the routine belittling and lampooning of such 
experiences, had to meet the following requirements, and post the following 
 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that this experience has absolutely NO 
IMPORTANCE and is akin to brushing my teeth.
 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that this experience could JUST AS LIKELY be 
 I hereby acknowledge and DECLARE that there is an equal possibility that this 
experiences was a result of mood making as from any true “spiritual” experience 
or awakening. In fact I must concede that this is likely the case.
 And, as long as the reporting of such experiences met these requirements, (and 
others) they were given a pass.
 If not, let the ridicule begin.
 Just sayin'

And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.

 NOT every single person. Show me who has taken Salyavin or Curtis to task for 
mentioning their Unity experiences, or Anartaxius for writing about some of his 
experiences. I don't remember that happening. Why? Well, IMO because when they 
did so it was pretty matter-of-fact (this happened) and devoid of pretense 
(this thing that happened "meant" what I say it did and nothing else). Now 
think back to how many people -- not just myself -- have reacted to those whose 
ego was flashing like a neon sign and who seemed unable to describe any 
experience without declaring what it "means" and how superior that makes them. 
















Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
ence -- with my heart 
and thought stream.  Moment by moment, if I wish to do so, I can suss out from 
my flow of consciousness  perfect examples of the concepts I hold dear.  
Doesn't make me correct, but I sure do have experiences.   I'll walk this back: 
 everyone has great experiences -- even if they've never personally noted such. 

Given the human karma of the ego daily dying-into-sleep, being reborn in 
dreams, and then coming back to life in the morning, what isn't magical?  To 
diss others for not describing it "well" or "logically" or "intuitively 
acceptably,"  is at least juvenile and probably an act of aggression.and 

Unless you can show me the Yahoo Guidelines section that prohibits what you are isn't. It's just you wanting people to react a certain way 
to things that you say or write and feeling unhappy when they don't. 

---In,  wrote :

Edg, because you're so...uh...edgy and all, I suspect you'll take my quickie 
response below as if it was intended as some kind of affront, and it really 
wasn't. I was just taking advantage of these "revalidated FFL guidelines" vibes 
to just be honest. 

To expand on this a bit, to be honest I've always gotten the impression from 
your writing that your approach to most spiritual topics is intellectual, as 
opposed to experiential. When you get into how much you know about Advaita, for 
example, my impression is that this is stuff that you "know" -- intellectually 
-- about Advaita, but without ever having experienced the states of 
consciousness that are being written about. Correct me if I'm wrong about this. 

I say this not to take a dig at you but to point out a possible distinction 
between the two of us. I haven't just read about and thought about the basic 
principle of Tantra -- the peaceful co-existence of complete opposites -- I've 
*lived* it. I've spent fourteen years with Rama -- and all the time since -- 
living it. 
Please try to remember who you're talking to here. 

I write science articles for a living. I have a strong feel for what science 
considers "real" in this world and what it does not. 

At the same time, *I cannot deny my own experience*. 

While knowing all of this about science, I have personally witnessed many of 
the siddhis you have only read about. I have sat in the desert -- or in a 
Dennys along a California highway -- and watched someone just gently lift up 
off the ground (or the naugahyde Dennys benches) and float in the air for a 

The morning after experiencing something like that, if you are a bit of a 
cynical scientist like myself, you tend to wake up thinking, "OK, what the fuck 
was that?"
I still don't know. 

All I know is that I experienced it, in states of mind that were as high and 
clear as I have ever experienced in this incarnation, and that were completely 
free from the effects of any kinds of drugs, and that for me it all really 
fuckin' happened. 

I am NOT saying that I know exactly *what* happened. What I'm saying is that 
*something* fairly extraordinary happened, and that until someone proves to me 
exactly what it was, I'm going to go easy on myself for not getting all anal 
about what is "real" and what isn't.
That "real" enough for you, dude?   :-)

  From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 I have *absolutely no problem* with such seeming contradictions. 

If you do, I would suggest that they just might be *your* problems.  :-)

  From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
Barry -- you are on record here being quite against most "magical thinking," 
but here we find you being quite the believer.  "That explained quite a few of 
my dreams during the period I lived there.  :-)"  Would this be hypocrisy or 
you just playing loose with "what's real?"  I ask this in the fullest sincerity 
to honor the recently re-validated FFL guidelines.

---In,  wrote :


A few years ago, before we actually moved from Spain to the Netherlands, my odd 
extended family and I spent a month living in Amsterdam in a house we'd rented 
there. It was a really cool house, with multiple floors and a grand piano and a 
great kitchen, but at the same time there was always something "off" about it. 
So I asked around the neighborhood and found that it had in previous centuries 
been an asylum for crazy women. That explained quite a few of my dreams during 
the period I lived there.  :-)

  From: sa

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-09 Thread Duveyoung
y as Joey that
day. He so innocently beamed his love.

That's my goal in life. Be as happy and as wrong . . . and as right
as Joey.

---In,  wrote :

 And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.

 I am only aware of Brother Jim aka Dr. Dumbass - who else claimed spiritual 
awareness/awakening/enlightenment and received a stout thrashing as a result?


 From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

 I'm thinking over here that having had an "experience" does not validate "as 
necessarily true" the thoughts that arise afterwards.  We see most folks here 
thinking otherwise -- that is: they think that their thoughts MUST be resonant 
with the ultimate reality of their recent experience.  

To have seen someone levitate doesn't make one's subsequent thoughts about 
levitation necessarily true.  Even the person who levitates can be expected to 
have but a mere abstraction for an explanation that is open to every sort of 

Relativity being such a dynamic, if one knows this, hypocrisy of a deeper 
degree is needed to validate one's thoughts and yet invalidate the subsequent 
thoughts of others -- others that had differing experiences.

Nabby is a very very sincere poster, for instance, yet we found him being 
bonked by those who claim to not personally have such blinkeredness when it is 
obvious to all that everyone is blinkered in some IMPORTANT and PROFOUND manner.

Stone, glass house and all that.  No one gets to toss the first stone.  Or the 

I would expect that someone who found fault in others for being a true believer 
and "running with it," would be especially careful to underline ones obvious 
conflict of interests.  

As for me being inside my head and not having had experiences.  Harrumph.  
While this assertion is not couched in the normal cruel-troll manner of 
FFL-past, it does seem to accuse me of being spiritually bereft of the basic 
information needed to be clear about spirituality.  Only I could know if that's 
true -- to assert it as true is to do a one-upman-ship deal.   I claim that 
this kind of insinuation is AGAINST THE GUIDELINES.

And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.

This is the place where prophets come to not be honoredheh heh.

And, by the way, I have had and continue to have some very profound moments 
when all my abstractions align -- with a wonderful congruence -- with my heart 
and thought stream.  Moment by moment, if I wish to do so, I can suss out from 
my flow of consciousness  perfect examples of the concepts I hold dear.  
Doesn't make me correct, but I sure do have experiences.   I'll walk this back: 
 everyone has great experiences -- even if they've never personally noted such. 

Given the human karma of the ego daily dying-into-sleep, being reborn in 
dreams, and then coming back to life in the morning, what isn't magical?  To 
diss others for not describing it "well" or "logically" or "intuitively 
acceptably,"  is at least juvenile and probably an act of aggression.and 

---In,  wrote :

 Edg, because you're so...uh...edgy and all, I suspect you'll take my quickie 
response below as if it was intended as some kind of affront, and it really 
wasn't. I was just taking advantage of these "revalidated FFL guidelines" vibes 
to just be honest. 


 To expand on this a bit, to be honest I've always gotten the impression from 
your writing that your approach to most spiritual topics is intellectual, as 
opposed to experiential. When you get into how much you know about Advaita, for 
example, my impression is that this is stuff that you "know" -- intellectually 
-- about Advaita, but without ever having experienced the states of 
consciousness that are being written about. Correct me if I'm wrong about this. 


 I say this not to take a dig at you but to point out a possible distinction 
between the two of us. I haven't just read about and thought about the basic 
principle of Tantra -- the peaceful co-existence of complete opposites -- I've 
*lived* it. I've spent fourteen years with Rama -- and all the time since -- 
living it. 

 Please try to remember who you're talking to here. 


 I write science articles for a living. I have a strong feel for what science 
considers "real" in this world and what it doe

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-09 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.
I am only aware of Brother Jim aka Dr. Dumbass - who else claimed spiritual 
awareness/awakening/enlightenment and received a stout thrashing as a result?

  From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
I'm thinking over here that having had an "experience" does not validate "as 
necessarily true" the thoughts that arise afterwards.  We see most folks here 
thinking otherwise -- that is: they think that their thoughts MUST be resonant 
with the ultimate reality of their recent experience.  

To have seen someone levitate doesn't make one's subsequent thoughts about 
levitation necessarily true.  Even the person who levitates can be expected to 
have but a mere abstraction for an explanation that is open to every sort of 

Relativity being such a dynamic, if one knows this, hypocrisy of a deeper 
degree is needed to validate one's thoughts and yet invalidate the subsequent 
thoughts of others -- others that had differing experiences.

Nabby is a very very sincere poster, for instance, yet we found him being 
bonked by those who claim to not personally have such blinkeredness when it is 
obvious to all that everyone is blinkered in some IMPORTANT and PROFOUND manner.

Stone, glass house and all that.  No one gets to toss the first stone.  Or the 

I would expect that someone who found fault in others for being a true believer 
and "running with it," would be especially careful to underline ones obvious 
conflict of interests.  

As for me being inside my head and not having had experiences.  Harrumph.  
While this assertion is not couched in the normal cruel-troll manner of 
FFL-past, it does seem to accuse me of being spiritually bereft of the basic 
information needed to be clear about spirituality.  Only I could know if that's 
true -- to assert it as true is to do a one-upman-ship deal.   I claim that 
this kind of insinuation is AGAINST THE GUIDELINES.

And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.

This is the place where prophets come to not be honoredheh heh.

And, by the way, I have had and continue to have some very profound moments 
when all my abstractions align -- with a wonderful congruence -- with my heart 
and thought stream.  Moment by moment, if I wish to do so, I can suss out from 
my flow of consciousness  perfect examples of the concepts I hold dear.  
Doesn't make me correct, but I sure do have experiences.   I'll walk this back: 
 everyone has great experiences -- even if they've never personally noted such. 

Given the human karma of the ego daily dying-into-sleep, being reborn in 
dreams, and then coming back to life in the morning, what isn't magical?  To 
diss others for not describing it "well" or "logically" or "intuitively 
acceptably,"  is at least juvenile and probably an act of aggression.and 

---In,  wrote :

Edg, because you're so...uh...edgy and all, I suspect you'll take my quickie 
response below as if it was intended as some kind of affront, and it really 
wasn't. I was just taking advantage of these "revalidated FFL guidelines" vibes 
to just be honest. 

To expand on this a bit, to be honest I've always gotten the impression from 
your writing that your approach to most spiritual topics is intellectual, as 
opposed to experiential. When you get into how much you know about Advaita, for 
example, my impression is that this is stuff that you "know" -- intellectually 
-- about Advaita, but without ever having experienced the states of 
consciousness that are being written about. Correct me if I'm wrong about this. 

I say this not to take a dig at you but to point out a possible distinction 
between the two of us. I haven't just read about and thought about the basic 
principle of Tantra -- the peaceful co-existence of complete opposites -- I've 
*lived* it. I've spent fourteen years with Rama -- and all the time since -- 
living it. 
Please try to remember who you're talking to here. 

I write science articles for a living. I have a strong feel for what science 
considers "real" in this world and what it does not. 

At the same time, *I cannot deny my own experience*. 

While knowing all of this about science, I have personally witnessed many of 
the siddhis you have only read about. I have sat in the desert -- 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-09 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I'm thinking over here that having had an "experience" does not validate "as 
necessarily true" the thoughts that arise afterwards.  We see most folks here 
thinking otherwise -- that is: they think that their thoughts MUST be resonant 
with the ultimate reality of their recent experience.

 This is a good observation. There are experiences where thoughts will be 
consonant with experience. Awakening tends not to be that way, because it shows 
that on the level of thought, you had no idea what you were talking about. 
After a few years, thoughts about that can become more consonant, but by that 
time, you are pretty well settled into thinking your thoughts are at best 
tenuously connected to spiritual experiences. Thought are better suited to 
figuring out how to open a bottle of beer that does not have a twist-off cap 
and you have not bottle opener.  

To have seen someone levitate doesn't make one's subsequent thoughts about 
levitation necessarily true.  Even the person who levitates can be expected to 
have but a mere abstraction for an explanation that is open to every sort of 

Relativity being such a dynamic, if one knows this, hypocrisy of a deeper 
degree is needed to validate one's thoughts and yet invalidate the subsequent 
thoughts of others -- others that had differing experiences.

Nabby is a very very sincere poster, for instance, yet we found him being 
bonked by those who claim to not personally have such blinkeredness when it is 
obvious to all that everyone is blinkered in some IMPORTANT and PROFOUND manner.

 Nabby is sincere, but seems unable to accept prosaic, simple explanations for 
things that are obvious to most people. That is not an argument he is wrong, 
but his aliens are pretty stupid if that is the only way they can communicate. 
Look, we only have very local space travel, but we have RADIO and TELEVISION, 
and BILLBOARDS, we have all sorts of ways to communicate. If you wanted to tell 
someone something, would you make a crop circle or do something a bit more 

Stone, glass house and all that.  No one gets to toss the first stone.  Or the 

 Anyone can toss a stone, and be the first if you are fast enough. It is the 
repercussions in your mind that you have to be cognizant of, after the fact. If 
you think of them before the fact, maybe you will not toss that rock. 

I would expect that someone who found fault in others for being a true believer 
and "running with it," would be especially careful to underline ones obvious 
conflict of interests.  

As for me being inside my head and not having had experiences.  Harrumph.  
While this assertion is not couched in the normal cruel-troll manner of 
FFL-past, it does seem to accuse me of being spiritually bereft of the basic 
information needed to be clear about spirituality.  Only I could know if that's 
true -- to assert it as true is to do a one-upman-ship deal.   I claim that 
this kind of insinuation is AGAINST THE GUIDELINES.

 Except by what you say, we cannot know whether you have had experiences or 
not, so no facts are in evidence except second-hand information about 
something. You cannot prove you had them, we cannot prove you did not. But it 
is reasonable to question what you say. Now from a few years ago, I recall 
responding to you about something you said about experiences. I thought you had 
had some. Not sure what exactly, but you sounded like someone who had had some 
sort of experience. Now Barry said he saw what's-his-name levitate. I don't 
believe it, but I have no evidence one way or the other. There are many 
possible explanations in the absence of having been there. All we know is Barry 
said this. Other followers of Lenz also reported similar things. So we have 
evidence that something happened, but not an explanation.

And let's face it, if I came on like gangbusters here and touted my spiritual 
experiences, the mob would tear my descriptions has been done to 
every single person who has come here to report suchlike.

This is the place where prophets come to not be honoredheh heh.

 I think people shy away from your posts a bit because sometimes you come on a 
bit crazy sounding. Another way to talk about experiences is to talk about them 
as if someone else had them, not in the first person. Maharishi rarely talked 
about experiences in the first person. There are dangers in talking about 
experiences, but ultimately experiences are not where it is at. Experiences are 
the side effect of movement toward awakening, they are artefacts of the garbage 
removal process. So when the garbage is gone, it smells nicer, but the garbage 
can (the mind and body) is still there, and all that has happened is you have 
moved a bit closer to normalcy.

 FFL is the place where prophets go to find out if they are fooling themselves. 
Of course we have idiots here too. Wonder which one we are.

And, b

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-09 Thread Duveyoung
d in this incarnation, and that were completely 
free from the effects of any kinds of drugs, and that for me it all really 
fuckin' happened. 


 I am NOT saying that I know exactly *what* happened. What I'm saying is that 
*something* fairly extraordinary happened, and that until someone proves to me 
exactly what it was, I'm going to go easy on myself for not getting all anal 
about what is "real" and what isn't.

 That "real" enough for you, dude?   :-)

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 I have *absolutely no problem* with such seeming contradictions. 


 If you do, I would suggest that they just might be *your* problems.  :-)



 From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

 Barry -- you are on record here being quite against most "magical thinking," 
but here we find you being quite the believer.  "That explained quite a few of 
my dreams during the period I lived there.  :-)"  Would this be hypocrisy or 
you just playing loose with "what's real?"  I ask this in the fullest sincerity 
to honor the recently re-validated FFL guidelines.

---In,  wrote :




 A few years ago, before we actually moved from Spain to the Netherlands, my 
odd extended family and I spent a month living in Amsterdam in a house we'd 
rented there. It was a really cool house, with multiple floors and a grand 
piano and a great kitchen, but at the same time there was always something 
"off" about it. So I asked around the neighborhood and found that it had in 
previous centuries been an asylum for crazy women. That explained quite a few 
of my dreams during the period I lived there.  :-)


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 In the late '90's the TMO acquired a mansion in a highly sought after part of 
London. Namely Kensington palace gardens. It was a fabulous house, right 
opposite Kensington palace. Huge place with double iron gates and a massive 

 It faced east too. The heads of the movement all lived there and all said how 
amazing the perfect vastu felt. I lived there too for a while, just helping out 
the media department. Great place to stay as the big knobs sure knew how to 
live, bespoke silk carpets and the best food eaten off mahogany tables.

 The idea was that they'd use it to wine and dine the rich and famous thus 
spreading TM to the top of society, as was Marshy's wish at the time. "The rich 
won't eat in a poor house" he said, they sure didn't here! Not that all that 
many came. Hardly any in fact, but the intention was a good one if you approve 
of that sort of elitism. I didn't but staying there made a nice change from our 
draughty, cold and empty mansion in the Bedfordshire countryside.

 But as I was finishing my book on The Great Escape I was reminded that the 
house had a rather more chequered history than expected. It was owned and used 
by MI6 to interrogate captured Nazi officers during and after WW2. Including 
the masterminds of the massacre that wiped out 50 allied airmen in 1944.

 Fancy that, I might have slept in a room that was once occupied by a terrified 
Gestapo murderer who sat awake all night dreading his fate at the hands of a 
war crimes tribunal. I wonder if they appreciated the vastu at all?








Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-09 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :



 A few years ago, before we actually moved from Spain to the Netherlands, my 
odd extended family and I spent a month living in Amsterdam in a house we'd 
rented there. It was a really cool house, with multiple floors and a grand 
piano and a great kitchen, but at the same time there was always something 
"off" about it. So I asked around the neighborhood and found that it had in 
previous centuries been an asylum for crazy women. That explained quite a few 
of my dreams during the period I lived there.  :-)


I just wish I'd tried peeling some wallpaper back, I might have found some Nazi 
graffiti, a few swastikas and odes to the Fatherland maybe. That would have 
been cool.

 In another TM mansion I lived in we had a haunted corridor. The house was 14th 
century so quite a few people must have passed away in that time. Most of the 
place was lovely with oak panels and that sort of thing but this one place used 
to give me the screaming heebies. I hated walking through it even but when I 
had to fix a new smoke detector up there I must have aged years. It was the 
corridor outside the room Marshy used to stay in. No connection implied as I 
slept in the room once myself and the atmosphere stopped at the door. Huge 
stone fireplace I recall, all it needed was some suits of armour and the Scooby 
Doo illusion would have been complete.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 In the late '90's the TMO acquired a mansion in a highly sought after part of 
London. Namely Kensington palace gardens. It was a fabulous house, right 
opposite Kensington palace. Huge place with double iron gates and a massive 

 It faced east too. The heads of the movement all lived there and all said how 
amazing the perfect vastu felt. I lived there too for a while, just helping out 
the media department. Great place to stay as the big knobs sure knew how to 
live, bespoke silk carpets and the best food eaten off mahogany tables.

 The idea was that they'd use it to wine and dine the rich and famous thus 
spreading TM to the top of society, as was Marshy's wish at the time. "The rich 
won't eat in a poor house" he said, they sure didn't here! Not that all that 
many came. Hardly any in fact, but the intention was a good one if you approve 
of that sort of elitism. I didn't but staying there made a nice change from our 
draughty, cold and empty mansion in the Bedfordshire countryside.

 But as I was finishing my book on The Great Escape I was reminded that the 
house had a rather more chequered history than expected. It was owned and used 
by MI6 to interrogate captured Nazi officers during and after WW2. Including 
the masterminds of the massacre that wiped out 50 allied airmen in 1944.

 Fancy that, I might have slept in a room that was once occupied by a terrified 
Gestapo murderer who sat awake all night dreading his fate at the hands of a 
war crimes tribunal. I wonder if they appreciated the vastu at all?




Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Edg, because you're so...uh...edgy and all, I suspect you'll take my quickie 
response below as if it was intended as some kind of affront, and it really 
wasn't. I was just taking advantage of these "revalidated FFL guidelines" vibes 
to just be honest. 

To expand on this a bit, to be honest I've always gotten the impression from 
your writing that your approach to most spiritual topics is intellectual, as 
opposed to experiential. When you get into how much you know about Advaita, for 
example, my impression is that this is stuff that you "know" -- intellectually 
-- about Advaita, but without ever having experienced the states of 
consciousness that are being written about. Correct me if I'm wrong about this. 

I say this not to take a dig at you but to point out a possible distinction 
between the two of us. I haven't just read about and thought about the basic 
principle of Tantra -- the peaceful co-existence of complete opposites -- I've 
*lived* it. I've spent fourteen years with Rama -- and all the time since -- 
living it. 
Please try to remember who you're talking to here. 

I write science articles for a living. I have a strong feel for what science 
considers "real" in this world and what it does not. 

At the same time, *I cannot deny my own experience*. 

While knowing all of this about science, I have personally witnessed many of 
the siddhis you have only read about. I have sat in the desert -- or in a 
Dennys along a California highway -- and watched someone just gently lift up 
off the ground (or the naugahyde Dennys benches) and float in the air for a 

The morning after experiencing something like that, if you are a bit of a 
cynical scientist like myself, you tend to wake up thinking, "OK, what the fuck 
was that?"
I still don't know. 

All I know is that I experienced it, in states of mind that were as high and 
clear as I have ever experienced in this incarnation, and that were completely 
free from the effects of any kinds of drugs, and that for me it all really 
fuckin' happened. 

I am NOT saying that I know exactly *what* happened. What I'm saying is that 
*something* fairly extraordinary happened, and that until someone proves to me 
exactly what it was, I'm going to go easy on myself for not getting all anal 
about what is "real" and what isn't.
That "real" enough for you, dude?   :-)

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    I have *absolutely no problem* with such seeming contradictions. 

If you do, I would suggest that they just might be *your* problems.  :-)


 From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
Barry -- you are on record here being quite against most "magical thinking," 
but here we find you being quite the believer.  "That explained quite a few of 
my dreams during the period I lived there.  :-)"  Would this be hypocrisy or 
you just playing loose with "what's real?"  I ask this in the fullest sincerity 
to honor the recently re-validated FFL guidelines.

---In,  wrote :


A few years ago, before we actually moved from Spain to the Netherlands, my odd 
extended family and I spent a month living in Amsterdam in a house we'd rented 
there. It was a really cool house, with multiple floors and a grand piano and a 
great kitchen, but at the same time there was always something "off" about it. 
So I asked around the neighborhood and found that it had in previous centuries 
been an asylum for crazy women. That explained quite a few of my dreams during 
the period I lived there.  :-)

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 In the late '90's the TMO acquired a mansion in a highly sought after part of 
London. Namely Kensington palace gardens. It was a fabulous house, right 
opposite Kensington palace. Huge place with double iron gates and a massive 
It faced east too. The heads of the movement all lived there and all said how 
amazing the perfect vastu felt. I lived there too for a while, just helping out 
the media department. Great place to stay as the big knobs sure knew how to 
live, bespoke silk carpets and the best food eaten off mahogany tables.
The idea was that they'd use it to wine and dine the rich and famous thus 
spreading TM to the top of society, as was Marshy's wish at the time. "The rich 
won't eat in a poor house" he said, they sure didn't here! Not that all that 
many came. Hardly any in fact, but the inte

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I have *absolutely no problem* with such seeming contradictions. 

If you do, I would suggest that they just might be *your* problems.  :-)

  From: Duveyoung 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
Barry -- you are on record here being quite against most "magical thinking," 
but here we find you being quite the believer.  "That explained quite a few of 
my dreams during the period I lived there.  :-)"  Would this be hypocrisy or 
you just playing loose with "what's real?"  I ask this in the fullest sincerity 
to honor the recently re-validated FFL guidelines.

---In,  wrote :


A few years ago, before we actually moved from Spain to the Netherlands, my odd 
extended family and I spent a month living in Amsterdam in a house we'd rented 
there. It was a really cool house, with multiple floors and a grand piano and a 
great kitchen, but at the same time there was always something "off" about it. 
So I asked around the neighborhood and found that it had in previous centuries 
been an asylum for crazy women. That explained quite a few of my dreams during 
the period I lived there.  :-)

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 In the late '90's the TMO acquired a mansion in a highly sought after part of 
London. Namely Kensington palace gardens. It was a fabulous house, right 
opposite Kensington palace. Huge place with double iron gates and a massive 
It faced east too. The heads of the movement all lived there and all said how 
amazing the perfect vastu felt. I lived there too for a while, just helping out 
the media department. Great place to stay as the big knobs sure knew how to 
live, bespoke silk carpets and the best food eaten off mahogany tables.
The idea was that they'd use it to wine and dine the rich and famous thus 
spreading TM to the top of society, as was Marshy's wish at the time. "The rich 
won't eat in a poor house" he said, they sure didn't here! Not that all that 
many came. Hardly any in fact, but the intention was a good one if you approve 
of that sort of elitism. I didn't but staying there made a nice change from our 
draughty, cold and empty mansion in the Bedfordshire countryside.
But as I was finishing my book on The Great Escape I was reminded that the 
house had a rather more chequered history than expected. It was owned and used 
by MI6 to interrogate captured Nazi officers during and after WW2. Including 
the masterminds of the massacre that wiped out 50 allied airmen in 1944.
Fancy that, I might have slept in a room that was once occupied by a terrified 
Gestapo murderer who sat awake all night dreading his fate at the hands of a 
war crimes tribunal. I wonder if they appreciated the vastu at all?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-09 Thread Duveyoung

 Barry -- you are on record here being quite against most "magical thinking," 
but here we find you being quite the believer.  "That explained quite a few of 
my dreams during the period I lived there.  :-)"  Would this be hypocrisy or 
you just playing loose with "what's real?"  I ask this in the fullest sincerity 
to honor the recently re-validated FFL guidelines.

---In,  wrote :



 A few years ago, before we actually moved from Spain to the Netherlands, my 
odd extended family and I spent a month living in Amsterdam in a house we'd 
rented there. It was a really cool house, with multiple floors and a grand 
piano and a great kitchen, but at the same time there was always something 
"off" about it. So I asked around the neighborhood and found that it had in 
previous centuries been an asylum for crazy women. That explained quite a few 
of my dreams during the period I lived there.  :-)


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
 In the late '90's the TMO acquired a mansion in a highly sought after part of 
London. Namely Kensington palace gardens. It was a fabulous house, right 
opposite Kensington palace. Huge place with double iron gates and a massive 

 It faced east too. The heads of the movement all lived there and all said how 
amazing the perfect vastu felt. I lived there too for a while, just helping out 
the media department. Great place to stay as the big knobs sure knew how to 
live, bespoke silk carpets and the best food eaten off mahogany tables.

 The idea was that they'd use it to wine and dine the rich and famous thus 
spreading TM to the top of society, as was Marshy's wish at the time. "The rich 
won't eat in a poor house" he said, they sure didn't here! Not that all that 
many came. Hardly any in fact, but the intention was a good one if you approve 
of that sort of elitism. I didn't but staying there made a nice change from our 
draughty, cold and empty mansion in the Bedfordshire countryside.

 But as I was finishing my book on The Great Escape I was reminded that the 
house had a rather more chequered history than expected. It was owned and used 
by MI6 to interrogate captured Nazi officers during and after WW2. Including 
the masterminds of the massacre that wiped out 50 allied airmen in 1944.

 Fancy that, I might have slept in a room that was once occupied by a terrified 
Gestapo murderer who sat awake all night dreading his fate at the hands of a 
war crimes tribunal. I wonder if they appreciated the vastu at all?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!

2015-06-09 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

A few years ago, before we actually moved from Spain to the Netherlands, my odd 
extended family and I spent a month living in Amsterdam in a house we'd rented 
there. It was a really cool house, with multiple floors and a grand piano and a 
great kitchen, but at the same time there was always something "off" about it. 
So I asked around the neighborhood and found that it had in previous centuries 
been an asylum for crazy women. That explained quite a few of my dreams during 
the period I lived there.  :-)

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 8:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fancy that!
    In the late '90's the TMO acquired a mansion in a highly sought after part 
of London. Namely Kensington palace gardens. It was a fabulous house, right 
opposite Kensington palace. Huge place with double iron gates and a massive 
It faced east too. The heads of the movement all lived there and all said how 
amazing the perfect vastu felt. I lived there too for a while, just helping out 
the media department. Great place to stay as the big knobs sure knew how to 
live, bespoke silk carpets and the best food eaten off mahogany tables.
The idea was that they'd use it to wine and dine the rich and famous thus 
spreading TM to the top of society, as was Marshy's wish at the time. "The rich 
won't eat in a poor house" he said, they sure didn't here! Not that all that 
many came. Hardly any in fact, but the intention was a good one if you approve 
of that sort of elitism. I didn't but staying there made a nice change from our 
draughty, cold and empty mansion in the Bedfordshire countryside.
But as I was finishing my book on The Great Escape I was reminded that the 
house had a rather more chequered history than expected. It was owned and used 
by MI6 to interrogate captured Nazi officers during and after WW2. Including 
the masterminds of the massacre that wiped out 50 allied airmen in 1944.
Fancy that, I might have slept in a room that was once occupied by a terrified 
Gestapo murderer who sat awake all night dreading his fate at the hands of a 
war crimes tribunal. I wonder if they appreciated the vastu at all?

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