Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Bob Price

Manhattan will do that to ya, assumed you knew that. Do I have it right you 
feel superior to the guy that wrote half of: 'To Kill a Mockingbird" (why do 
you think she only wrote one book) and all of "In Cold Blood", and had two 
movies made about him---at the same time? Just a heads up; you might be showing 
just a bit too much leg on the homophobia front.  

From: turquoiseb 
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 11:25:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

--- In, Bob Price  wrote:
> Barry,
> In reference to your reviews, have ever considered what 
> Truman Capote meant when he described Kerouac's writing: 
> "That isn't writing at all, it's typing." 

No, but that's possibly because I don't recognize
one of the names in your question. I and most lovers 
of literature recognize the name Kerouac, but who 
is this Truman guy you speak of? Wasn't he that guy
who lived inside a big bubble that he thought was
the whole universe?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Bob Price

In reference to your reviews, have ever considered what Truman Capote meant 
when he described Kerouac's writing: "That isn't writing at all, it's typing." 

From: turquoiseb 
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 10:42:43 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

--- In, Bob Price  wrote:
> BTW, I think, if volume of verbiage count for anything, 
> I deserve the award for the most ignored poster on FFL. 

Have you ever considered the possibility that
there's a reason for this? 

Try writing about something that doesn't sound
so much like an attempt to restart a soap opera 
that jumped the shark several seasons ago but 
that you're addicted to and don't want to see
go off the air and I, for one, might respond. 
Perpetuating the same old same old, not inter-
ested. No challenge in it.

Suggested topics and koans:

* Dexter and other lovable serial killers

* The best beer to serve at a bris

* If, as suggested in the recent film "In Time,"
money is really replaced by time, how do you 
decide things? Flip a minute?

* What is the sound of one obsessive being ignored?

* Will they someday invent bottled "True Attention" 
for attention vampires so they can come out of the

* If volume of verbiage counted for anything in terms
of how much attention you got here, would you write 
more, or less?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Ravi Yogi
Vampire - No
Attention - yes, love it !!!
Interesting - Yes
Vicious Samskaric Cycles - No
Panicky - No
Needy - Tricky question  Sort of..needy of my beloved's love

Thank you.

On Nov 1, 2011, at 12:40 AM, turquoiseb  wrote:

> --- In, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> >
> > What I find unfortunate is that the rancor drives people away. 
> > I suppose Barry might say, "if you can't stand the heat.." 
> Actually, what Barry might say is, "If someone has
> told you in no uncertain terms that they don't find 
> either you or the things you say interesting, accept 
> that and walk away."
> It seems to me that most of the noise on this forum 
> is being made by people who can't do that. They react 
> to being dismissed as uninteresting by acting even 
> more needy and panicky -- and thus uninteresting -- 
> than ever. It's a vicious samskaric circle.
> Get over it. If you're that needy, find someone who 
> does think you're interesting enough to talk to and 
> talk with them. Not gonna happen with me.
> This comment is directed towards Robin, Jim, Ravi, 
> and Judy, and to no one else on this forum. Please
> catch a clue from it and stop acting like such 
> attention vampires, Ok? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-11-01 Thread Vaj

On Nov 1, 2011, at 10:36 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

--- In, nablusoss1008   

> --- In, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> >
> > > And don't think I haven't noted your own lack of intervening
> > > when the guns are pointed my way unfairly.
> >
> > Whose guns, Nabby's?
> Is he still hurt because I called his music "hillbilly" ??

You cut out the most insulting part where she said: "Get real".

Apparently you have no guns according to Judy, Nabbie.

But back to my least favorite insult here. You Euros and Brits so  
often get this wrong and it is maddening to a blues  
preservationist. This is why we got that abomination of the Rolling  
Stones cover of Robert Johnson's Love in Vain in a white country  

Hillbilly music was influenced by Irish and Scottish immigrants and  
their folk music. African Americans invented the blues style.

Hank Williams might be seen as an intersection of country and black  
blues and of course the early Elvis. Then you have some early  
bluesmen like Tommy Johnson throwing in some yodeling into their  
blues mixing the styles a bit. But the music I perform comes from  
the black side of the tracks. There is zero hillbilly influence.

So tell me my music sucks or that I am an inept musician all you  
want. Claim that my blues is terrible in every way that blues can  
be rated. But calling it hillbilly music is like calling it disco.  
It blurs the lines that my life is dedicated to maintaining. The  
essence of the pure Delta "non hillbilly" blues

Gets me every time Nabby but thanks for another opportunity to rant  
about my favorite topic so I really can't get mad at you.

Howsabowt Deltabilly?

Two hillbillies walk into a bar. While having a shot of whisky, they  
talk about their moonshine operation.

Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins  
to cough. And, after a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is  
in real distress.

One of the hillbillies looks at her and says, "Kin ya swallar?"

The woman shakes her head no.

Then he asks, "Kin ya breathe?"

The woman begins to turn blue and shakes her head no.

The hillbilly walks over to the woman, lifts up her dress, yanks down  
her drawers and quickly gives her right butt cheek a lick with his  

The woman is so shocked that she has a violent spasm and the  
obstruction flies out of her mouth.


As she begins to breathe again, the Hillbilly walks slowly back to  
the bar.

His friend says, "Ya know, I'd heerd of that there 'Hind Lick  
Maneuver' but I ain't niver seed nobody do it!"

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-10-31 Thread Bob Price

From: seventhray1 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:52:38 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

I always enjoy your comments Bob.  I am trying to sort things out.

***BP2: Steve, your participation is always appreciated. I think one of the 
things we might share is the joy in creating employment for others. One of my 
favorite threads was you explaining to the great unwashed why you stiffed that 
waiter! Having negotiated contracts in Abu Dhabi, I knew exactly what you were 
getting at.  

> Bullying is based on one party being weaker than another. 
> ***I know you're not so simple as to think this explains bullying. If you 
> used this explanation to explain bullying to a child, they might be forgiven 
> for concluding that bullying is done out of strength while resisting a bully 
> is form of weakness (I know you don't think that). We both know, if anything, 
> bullying demonstrates a type of inadequacy (weakness) in the bully.  
So what.  I think we're past the point of trying to modify behavior, or get to 
the root cause of our behaviors.  I mean, at the risk of sounding  arrogant, 
I'm not.  It's something I think about every day.  But for the purposes of FFL, 
I think we can go with Curtis' definition.

***BP2: I'm from the school of: "Empty your hand gun into that shaking bush and 
if you get a few innocents that's just the cost of doing business."  That said, 
I think FFL is grown up enough to consider my definition of bullying as well as 
the dictionary definition. When I'm working on characterization, the last book 
i pick up is the dictionary, this could be a failing of mine.

> I don't see how that applies here.  What situation makes Robin weaker than 
> Barry in their power position on a public board, and therefor subject to 
> bullying?
> ***I didn't say Robin was the weaker party---quite the contrary, who would 
> you want watching your back on Safari?
I would have to disagree.   I would not remove Barry from the category of being 
a loyal friend.  I can't relate to the manner in which he goes after Robin, for 
example, but I understand the impulse.  I often have the same impulses, but I 
guess I put a greater value on trying to find common ground,  on trying to get 
along.  I know that is how people coexist in a more harmonious fashion.

***BP2: Its no put down on anyone; it's just when I go on Safari---I prefer 
someone with high emotional intelligence. I also like to get along; 
particularly with lions.

> Posting here has an emotional learning curve.  You learn who to hang with 
> and who to ignore. You are one of the good ones here.
What I find unfortunate is that the rancor drives people away.  I suppose Barry 
might say, "if you can't stand the heat"  And of course that's 
true.  And as Curtis has pointed out, there are so many ways to make a  point 
without unleashing both barrels.  Like just remaining silent for example.  But 
maybe that's where the glitch is.  Feeling you need to blast, when there's no 
need to say anything.  You know, the live and let live thing. 

***BP2: I would always hope that no one is ever driven away because that 
increases the chances that someone will say something nice about me.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-10-31 Thread Ravi Yogi
Yep, if his friends and family look back to a day in the - today will be it.

On Oct 31, 2011, at 7:00 PM, "whynotnow7"  wrote:

> Its official - you are nuts.
> --- In, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Oct 31, 2011, at 1:35 PM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > 
> > > Curtis to Judy: He gets your goat by talking trash. Gets a rise 
> > > every time. You have
> > > different styles of antagonizing each other, you are both 
> > > experienced pros. I
> > > know you want to convince me you are a victim here, but that is not 
> > > going to
> > > happen. You have a part in this dynamic and you are choosing it, 
> > > that was my
> > > original point.
> > >
> > > Dear Curtis,
> > >
> > > Of course Judy will answer you on this; but I can't help myself. 
> > > And before I say anything, maybe two things are true that I 
> > > currently believe are false: namely 1. that Barry does get Judy's 
> > > goat; and 2. Judy really is into the game of antagonizing Barry.
> > >
> > > I don't think that Barry gets Judy's goat whatsoever. She remains 
> > > rational, quick-witted, logical, and coherent. These are not the 
> > > signs of someone whose goat has been got.
> > 
> > 
> > What you miss - and this is hard to get if you cannot see what's 
> > actually going on - is that Judy is a chronic liar and red herring 
> > merchant. She makes shit up about people all the time, and then based 
> > on these false perspectives, weaves a story. It's very believable. 
> > Logically she uses the straw man fallacy with unusual, probably 
> > pathological, regularity and strange precision.
> > 
> > Curtis has caught her at it numerous times, but he prefers to simply 
> > keep the peace.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-10-31 Thread Ravi Yogi
Vicious yeah but sadistic may be too harsh on Barry. 

On Oct 31, 2011, at 4:14 PM, "authfriend"  wrote:

> --- In, Ravi Yogi  wrote:
> >
> > Yeah beats me why Curtis keeps saying that. You have never 
> > portrayed yourself as one. In fact you give it pretty good
> > and it's fun, that's why Barry hates it.
> > 
> > He hates anyone who keeps giving it back to him. In fact he
> > is the one who plays the bully-victim game.
> Thank you for pointing this out. He has repeatedly
> portrayed himself as the victim, even calling me a
> "cyberstalker" (and numerous times knowingly falsely
> accusing me of following him from forum to forum).
> > At this point Curtis is coming across as a very bad parent
> > of a truly errant child..LOL..
> Well put.
> It's also important to point out that I'm far from the
> only target of his sadistic viciousness, nor am I the
> only person who finds his behavior inexcusable.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-10-31 Thread Ravi Yogi
Yeah beats me why Curtis keeps saying that. You have never portrayed yourself 
as one. In fact you give it pretty good and it's fun, that's why Barry hates it.

He hates anyone who keeps giving it back to him. In fact he is the one who 
plays the bully-victim game.

At this point Curtis is coming across as a very bad parent of a truly errant 

On Oct 31, 2011, at 3:32 PM, "authfriend"  wrote:

> --- In, "curtisdeltablues" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > -- In, maskedzebra  wrote:
> > > I just don't get it, Curtis. WHAT PRAY TELL is at the
> > > bottom of your tenacious and pugnacious defence of Barry?
> > 
> > ME: That is not what I am doing. I am implicating Judy in
> > the responsibility for the way they interact. She is making
> > a case that she is a pure victim of Barry's badness.
> The case for Barry's "badness" has been well made long
> since by me and Robin and many others here (and before
> that on alt.m.t). And it will continue to be made as
> long as he continues to behave the way he does.
> I and those others are "victims" only in the same sense
> that he's the "victim" of the case we've made against
> him, i.e., in the abstract.
> Sadly, there are some who *have* been victims of Barry's
> viciousness in the concrete sense, i.e., they've been
> harmed by it. That does not include me or Robin or most
> if not all of those on FFL currently. The folks who have
> been genuinely victimized have left for their own self-
> protection so as not to be wounded any further. Hopefully
> they'll be able to heal and carry on.
> The case I'm making with you has to do with your inability
> or unwillingness to see Barry for who he is, a sadist,
> someone who gets off on hurting people; and its
> consequences, specifically your reluctance to criticize
> his behavior.
> As Robin says:
> > > I like the idea of protecting, supporting a friend. But
> > > are truth and friendship incompatible?
> I even wonder whether you are being a true friend to Barry
> by tolerating his sadism.
> Finally, I've never denied responsibility for the way
> Barry and I interact. What I maintain is that far more
> of it falls on Barry than on me.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-10-31 Thread Ravi Yogi
Beautiful, go Zebras. Boo, disembodied enigmatic phantoms/ghosts/et's aka 

On Oct 31, 2011, at 1:29 PM, maskedzebra  wrote:

> Dear Vaj,
> Seems definitive to me. I only wish you had posted this before all the posts 
> I wrote today. 
> I am a busy man; and I have wasted my time. But, better late than never.
> You are a total enigma to me, Vaj, so even if there is merit in all that you 
> say here, you say it as if disembodied from your flesh and blood. Sure, 
> that's an easy way out for me; but believe it or not, I resist all this 
> cosmic-enlightenment-Maharishi-TM thing. With a vengeance. So, if I seem to 
> be making myself over into another disguise which differs little from the one 
> when I passed myself off as enlightened, well that is kind of tragic, isn't 
> it.
> You are existing and writing behind a massive and impenetrable wall, Vaj; and 
> if I am to respond honestly and sincerely to your post here—regardless of its 
> validity in terms of the information and point of view—then, forgive me, I 
> will have to ask you to reveal yourself. Because a ghost would be more 
> prepossessing to me as an arbiter of the truth about myself than you, in your 
> present persona, can be.
> I know: I am just being paranoid here—as you have said in the past when I 
> have asked you to unmask yourself. Nevertheless, until you humanize yourself 
> I will choose to not deal straight-on with what you say here. Although, 
> believe me, I have pondered it very carefully.
> If in my long dialogues with Curtis there is the slightest sense of lording 
> it over on people; if there is anything but a human being giving it his 
> best—without once reverting to the authority of his state of consciousness 
> (which presently is extremely fallible and imperfect), then I have committed 
> a grave error of judgment–about myself.
> I have felt I was just a person, a thinker, a friend throughout the entire 
> course of my posts with Curtis. And I think anyone on the outside, who did 
> not know I once thought i was enlightened—if you deleted all references to 
> this fact—would never imagine what you say is so easily projected onto me. In 
> other words, Vaj, if I never did disclose that I was once in Unity 
> Consciousness—and there were no references to this—I defy anyone to have an 
> experience of me [based upon my posts] that says: Oh boy: this guy is acting 
> like some disgraced former guru. And he *has* an agenda, See for yourself. He 
> is trying to *influence* us.
> True or not true, Vaj? If you are right and I am wrong, that of course means 
> something.
> I shouldn't dare to show my face if I am still at the business of giving out 
> my darshan of perfect individuation (or whatever BS I put in that book you 
> refer to).
> Appreciate your dropping me a line.
> But the context of your presentation of yourself still seems to me to be the 
> occultation of the personality.
> That said, I do read very carefully all that you say. As have here.
> As you see I started off ironic here, but I have ended up being the real 
> Robin.
> At least I hope I have. This at least was my firm intention.
> Thanks for the thoughtful reflection, and implied counsel.
> Maskedzebra
> --- In, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Oct 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > 
> > > Robin2: "Full-on aggression". Again a terrible and inaccurate 
> > > characterization of what Barry did when he criticized me. Tell me 
> > > one thing, Curtis (hey, I'm always doing this, n'est-pas?): did 
> > > Barry *ever* say anything by way of criticizing me which indicated 
> > > he was willing to answer to that criticism; that is, stand behind 
> > > it? Did he demonstrate in his silence he was confident about what 
> > > he said such that further discussion was pointless? Barry would 
> > > never get caught in "full-on aggression". I invite him to deal with 
> > > me with "full-on aggression". WTF are you doing here, Curtis? You 
> > > are aiding and abetting Barry in being arrested in his post- 
> > > Frederick Lenz fall-out, something which he does not understand, 
> > > but which he is, in my estimation, a victim of. Don't get it, 
> > > Curtis; don't get it at all.
> > 
> > (large snippage)
> > 
> > I think a blindspot you may be missing is that we've seen and 
> > experienced a good number of self-proclaimed TM "enlightened" folks 
> > here already, often acting out in some stereotypical fashion. I 
> > suspect given your own verbosity and long-windedness this simply 
> > highlights the pain we've already experienced here from having to 
> > deal with such individuals. A simple look at one of your posts is 
> > probably enough to set off this type of person.
> > 
> > I mean I've read the Discovery of Grace and even I cannot bear to 
> > read through your often lengthy posts the whole way. It's like nails 
> > scraping against the akasha. Really, you've changed li

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-10-31 Thread Tom Pall
On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Vaj  wrote:

No need to explain, Vaj, we've got your (case) number.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-10-31 Thread Vaj

On Oct 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, maskedzebra wrote:

Robin2: "Full-on aggression". Again a terrible and inaccurate  
characterization of what Barry did when he criticized me. Tell me  
one thing, Curtis (hey, I'm always doing this, n'est-pas?): did  
Barry *ever* say anything by way of criticizing me which indicated  
he was willing to answer to that criticism; that is, stand behind  
it? Did he demonstrate in his silence he was confident about what  
he said such that further discussion was pointless? Barry would  
never get caught in "full-on aggression". I invite him to deal with  
me with "full-on aggression". WTF are you doing here, Curtis? You  
are aiding and abetting Barry in being arrested in his post- 
Frederick Lenz fall-out, something which he does not understand,  
but which he is, in my estimation, a victim of. Don't get it,  
Curtis; don't get it at all.

(large snippage)

I think a blindspot you may be missing is that we've seen and  
experienced a good number of self-proclaimed TM "enlightened" folks  
here already, often acting out in some stereotypical fashion. I  
suspect given your own verbosity and long-windedness this simply  
highlights the pain we've already experienced here from having to  
deal with such individuals. A simple look at one of your posts is  
probably enough to set off this type of person.

I mean I've read the Discovery of Grace and even I cannot bear to  
read through your often lengthy posts the whole way. It's like nails  
scraping against the akasha. Really, you've changed little from your  
early days as a hypomanic over-rounder/writer. I'm not saying this to  
be mean, but simply to point out how you may be pushing other  
people's buttons without even realizing it.

You've probably heard the words "those who talk, don't know" but  
somehow Lao Tzu was silent on those who cannot STFU. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-10-31 Thread Vaj

On Oct 31, 2011, at 1:58 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

NOT wishing to suck Curtis into this, merely in
appreciation of him having said it perfectly, I
repost his comment below, changing nothing except
to highlight the words "mindnumbingly high."

I mean, that's really the issue, isn't it?

16+ years. Up to 50% percent of her posts in any
given week, for all that time.

Who on this forum really gives a shit about the
purported "Barry-Judy Feud" except Judy and her
Pips? The rest -- wisely -- had their minds numbed
by the whole thing years ago and tuned it all out.

As numerous psychiatric and psychological professionals have noted  
several times on this list, there's very likely an underlying  
pathology here. Most likely a personality disorder, Borderline being  
the most likely diagnosis (although Axis II disorders to tend to  
appear in groups). If you have any familiarity with this disorder,  
it's extremely difficult to deal with. And unmoderated lists are a  
haven for such people.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Everyone here in my FFL mind

2011-10-31 Thread Vaj

On Oct 31, 2011, at 1:35 PM, maskedzebra wrote:

Curtis to Judy: He gets your goat by talking trash. Gets a rise  
every time. You have
different styles of antagonizing each other, you are both  
experienced pros. I
know you want to convince me you are a victim here, but that is not  
going to
happen. You have a part in this dynamic and you are choosing it,  
that was my

original point.

Dear Curtis,

Of course Judy will answer you on this; but I can't help myself.  
And before I say anything, maybe two things are true that I  
currently believe are false: namely 1. that Barry does get Judy's  
goat; and 2. Judy really is into the game of antagonizing Barry.

I don't think that Barry gets Judy's goat whatsoever. She remains  
rational, quick-witted, logical, and coherent. These are not the  
signs of someone whose goat has been got.

What you miss - and this is hard to get if you cannot see what's  
actually going on - is that Judy is a chronic liar and red herring  
merchant. She makes shit up about people all the time, and then based  
on these false perspectives, weaves a story. It's very believable.  
Logically she uses the straw man fallacy with unusual, probably  
pathological, regularity and strange precision.

Curtis has caught her at it numerous times, but he prefers to simply  
keep the peace.