Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-31 Thread Ravi Chivukula
If I am not mistaken - Curtis refers to those, his rant, as incoherent

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 11:51 AM, authfriend wrote:


 Still smarting, arn'cha, Curtis? Por baby.
 I think you could use a little renewal yourself.

 --- In, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  And still no pat on the head? No passing of the torch from the
 previously enlightened to the currently enlightened? Robin please take pity
 on this poor soul. This is the second time since your post that Jim has
 begged you for just a moment of your time to help him reinforce his sence
 of special identity. A little collegial high fiving from the perspective of
 another one,who has risen so far above the rest of us. ( In their own
 minds.). Even though you have renounced your formal title, please have some
 compassion on those who still need the velvet robes of
  We both know why this can never happen don't we? I get it, mums the
  --- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
   Hi, yeah I found Robin's analysis really helpful. As for integrity or
 lack thereof, all of us have to mature to a point where we see the long
 term usefulness of integrity.
   Both recognizing our identity in full, so that we actually know what
 personal integrity feels like, and maturing somewhat, so that immediate
 gratification is tempered with self-knowledge, make integrity a value in
   If on the other hand, one is unsure of oneself, emotionally immature,
 and seeking instant gratification, then integrity is just a definition in a
   So as far as a corruption of one's integrity, that can only occur if
 integrity is recognized as a value. Everyone pretends to have it, because
 it is socially acceptable. However, there are a lot of boys running around
 in men's clothing these days, and to them, everything is merely kid's play.
 That is why they act, and get treated, like children. Emotional blindness
 caused by ego tripping. Thy 'Emperor' has no clothes.
   --- In, authfriend authfriend@
--- In, doctordumbass@ no_reply@

 Robin, I enjoyed both your assessment of Barry's persona
 earlier on here, and your response to Curtis below. Sane,
 comprehensive, honest, clear, brilliantly written,
 deconstructed perfectly, mental molecular gastronomy. :-)
 It was a very enjoyable process to follow and validate
 each turn of your mind as you witnessed it. Alive and real.
I couldn't agree more (albeit not as eloquently). I can't say I
blame Barry's and Curtis's fans for finding Robin's analyses of
their heroes...uh...distressing. They were devastatingly accurate.
I would have been deeply impressed by Robin's insights even if
I had begun lurking on FFL right after Robin left at Christmas,
having no idea who he, Curtis, or Barry were, but following the
posts of the latter two.
As I read the posts from last week, it was disturbing to see
the increasing degree of corruption in the posts of several of
the most vocal participants here, primarily Barry, Curtis, and
navashok. The more they're able to get away with, the more they
assume they *can* get away with, so the corruption is
What's equally distressing is that most here *let* them get
away with it, either because they don't care, or because
they simply aren't perceptive enough to notice.
(Corruption = impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Awesome work - snipping out everything irrelevant and letting the pristine, 
purity of you guys's impartial, disinterested POV's shine through. Good job 
Barry !!!

On Mar 24, 2013, at 11:04 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  Robin will you PLEZE pat Ravi on the head. He 
  is dying for your approval, and will not let up on 
  these incoherent tirades till you make him a deputy 
  in crazy town or something. Give him a badge or 
  deputize him, so he can be a happy little Barney 
  Fife for your Andy.
  (Sorry for the Amero-centric references but the 
  audience I am playing to knows them.)
 Thanks for the kind (and right on) words, Curtis,
 and for nailing this situation. The only thing I'd
 say is that I don't think you go far enough. It's
 not just Robin that Ravi is desperate for a pat 
 the head from, or just Ravi that is motivated by
 that. It's the whole lot of them, who seem to get
 off these days ONLY on being stroked (yes, in that
 sense, too) by the other members of the Cultist
 Clique, especially the person they're ALL playing
 to, who isn't even here this week. 
 I don't know about you, but to me it makes the 
 place even more boring than usual. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
On Mar 24, 2013, at 10:50 PM, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 10:19 PM, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
   That you could somehow come out of this
perverse, juvenile need for adulation from your pack and that you could
stand up on your own, willing to take a strong stand against Barry,
that you could be somehow a man that could be appreciated for his
   Yes I see now. If I exchange the approval of the pack that includes
   Barry and inexplicably, Azgrey, for the pack that includes Ravi and Judy
   and Robin, I can be appreciated for my integrity in crazy town. But with
   Judy as Aunt Bea and you as the hapless Barny Fife and Robin as Andy the
   sheriff, isn't the only other good part Otis the Drunk? I really don't 
   to be that obsequious hand wringing barber guy.
  Cute. What do you say - a disinterested, impartial POV or an incoherent
  tirade :-).
 I am never disinterested Ravi. You know that. Nor would I claim Impartiality, 
 that is a myth. Tirade? If I wanted that much drama I would muster something 
 better than this. Andy of Mayberry nonsense. Don't you think?

This is your whole shtick here - so sorry doesn't cut it, that you don't 
posture yourself as disinterested and impartial. You are contradicting 
everything you have written ever and repeated again the last two days - master 
of deception under your His Holiness persona. Perhaps something contemporary 
would help my puzzled mind understand your brilliance and wisdom?

You always have created some hope Curtis - regardless of what Judy, 
and I myself have said in the past. I am always open to see if there's
another Curtis that would show up. That you could somehow come out of
perverse, juvenile need for adulation from your pack and that you could
stand up on your own, willing to take a strong stand against Barry,
that you could be somehow a man that could be appreciated for his
No luck - the same old routine, same old moves that you have repeated 
last couple of days in response to Robin's post. Sad.
On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
 Funny Curtis - same old bullshit moves, regardless of your clever
 your fucking moves don't work on me - OK?

 No longer am I another one of the robotic POV's on FFL that you could
 impartially observe and choose to accept or reject and finetune your

 Give me a fucking break and try your moves on some of the suckers

 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 9:32 PM, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:


 Intellectual re-compounding. You are FFL's Zelig.

 Like a Philippine lounge singer you ALMOST sound like Celine Dione.
 Really, almost.

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
  I like this Curtis - the fact that you don't try to disassemble my
  using your patented context shifting moves and with just one fell
  dismiss my post as an incoherent tirade makes me happy.
  Good job Ravi - you have hit the mark :-). Ravi don't shoot no
  On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 9:14 PM, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

   Robin will you PLEZE pat Ravi on the head. He is dying for
   approval, and will not let up on these incoherent tirades till 
 make him
   a deputy in crazy town or something. Give him a badge or deputize
 him, so
   he can be a happy little Barney Fife for your Andy.
   (Sorry for the Amero-centric references but the audience I am
   knows them.)
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula
Oh Curtis - I have to say this is a really beautiful slick
which will make the Steves and Shares of this list break into a
However remember the old adage - you can't deceive everyone
The magic you weave with your tricks, sleight of hand
   deceptions is
to behold.
You start off with leveling the play field on FFL for your pal
 Barry -
the voices on FFL are equaled to a robotic set of POV's devoid
personal subjectivity of individual posters, devoid of any
   biases of
posters creeping into 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Share Long
To:  Awoe, as Buck in Dome calls her
Dear Missy Ann, I beg of you, please refrain from such undiluted praise of the 
writing of my client Share F. Long.  I'll have you know that I have worked long 
and hard, steeped in the adoration I bestow on all my clients, attempting to 
promote her to Hollywood's A list of actresses.  If you continue with such 
lavish blandishments of her forays into this other avenue of artistic endeavor, 
she may give in to temptation and forego her acting career in favor or favour 
of this more literary pursuit.  Think Carrie Fisher.

OTOH, dear lady, I believe you yourself could have a wonderful career here in 
Hollywood offering workshops in the Art of the Left Handed Compliment.  Or the 
Art of the Backhanded Compliment.  I could have my people do some research on 
those 2 different brandings and see which might work better.  As much as I love 
Tinseltown, I do realize my fellow City of Angels inhabitants can be a bit 
jaded about such.

And I do realize tee hee that my dear Missy Share might be the first in line to 
take your workshop.
Your humble servant,
Wilbur Farnsworpy Tigglewud III

PS  If we ever become closer please feel free to call me as my friends do:  
Tiggy 3.  But please, no monogrammed ascots, riding crops or poop scoopers for 
me.  Someday I will explain all.

 From: Ann
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2013 8:59 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,


The post Share made the other day from her agent declining Share's bit part 
in the MJ remake of The Lord of the Rings. That didn't even sound at all like 
Share and I LOVED it. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh dear Aunt Share, this is not you - the other Share that's destroying your 
innocent purity. That neurotic b$tch up in Fairfield that's a sweet talking 
b$tch that hides her delusions behind inane platitudes, visiting every healer, 
Guru, light worker. She who levels the playing field a la Curtis by her - we 
all have positive and negative qualities BS. She, like many neurotic birches 
that I have seen around Amma's cult that accuse men of psychological rape.

Yes a little grumpy dear Auntie but you have made me feel better.

I love you.


On Mar 25, 2013, at 7:55 AM, Share Long wrote:

 dear Ravi, pray tell, who is this other Share and how dare she join FFL!  
 Though I did not break into applause of any kind, I have been enjoying the 
 posts of Curtis.  And those of just about everybody else.  As probably just 
 about everybody else has been enjoying mine (-:  
 But why are you picking on Marek?  Are you becoming a grumpy boots down there 
 in sunny San Diego?  
 From: Ravi Chivukula
 Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2013 10:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,
 Oh Curtis - I have to say this is a really beautiful slick presentation which 
 will make the Steves and Shares of this list break into a spontaneous 
 However remember the old adage - you can't deceive everyone every time.
 The magic you weave with your tricks, sleight of hand deceptions is a sight 
 to behold.
 You start off with leveling the play field on FFL for your pal Barry - all 
 the voices on FFL are equaled to a robotic set of POV's devoid of any 
 personal subjectivity of individual posters, devoid of any biases of posters 
 creeping into their posts.
 It's all POV's - the voice of Ann is no different from Barry, the posts of 
 Emily no different from azgrey.
 And you Curtis are this supremely disinterested, impartial poster who is 
 constantly adjusting his POV based on other's POV's.
 But wait, what do we have here?
 Well Barry has likes and dislikes as anyone else. Oh you go further - he 
 gives it back good to people who give the poor guy a hard time.
 And then Judy is someone who directs her toxic energy towards a stranger (you 
 !!) on an internet forum. Robin is an insincere, condescending fool who 
 insults others.
 Oh boy your theory has completely broken down here.
 His Holiness is now no impartial, disinterested poster - he is delivering his 
 judgement with impunity.
 Curtis - you seem to really crave for adulation and praise from your pack of 
 males. It is so perverse and juvenile - this male pack mentality can be 
 forgiven in the teenagers of Steubenville not a bunch of 60 year old's who 
 claim to be philosophers, lawyers, educators, artists.
 You and Marek are blind to this male pack mentality that is so eager to 
 makeup for the flaws of your pack - the Barry's and azgrey's and their vile 
 filth on FFL - disgusting and pitiful. Your dishonesty and deviousness is 
 On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 4:48 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
   Your analysis might apply to people he does not like. 
  Curtis, Barry does not like anyone who disagrees with him.
 I don't see a lot of people not agreeing with Barry. I see a lot of people 
 attacking him personally. 
 His criteria for liking or not liking someone are very transparent and quite 
 simple. They include more than the one I just mentioned, but ultimately he 
 dislikes personal challenge coming from others.
 He expressed his dislike for you and Robin before any of that happened. ( His 
 objection to my use of dislike here is noted.)
  If that challenge takes the form of anything resembling a different 
 viewpoint or one that makes him have to question his very rigid beliefs or 
 one that requires him to retract, apologize or question his position he will 
 take that as a personal attack or as a sign of boringness, cuntness, small 
 mindedness or stupidity on the part of that person.
 I might have to see an example of this. I am more familiar with the 
 predictable Barry is bad meme that flows freely here.  I see more actual 
 personal attacks than a challenge to beliefs. And I am not denying that he 
 both gives as good as he gets and sometime initiates the insult cycle as he 
 did with you and Robin. But since then the nature of your posts about him 
 have been more insult to belief challenging as has Robin's.
   He is not open to being vulnerable to people who he does not like. 
  Barry is never vulnerable on this forum. Ever.
   Sometimes this is people who attack him, but not always. He didn't like 
   you right off. So you

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Share Long
Surely you mean sugar maples rather than birches smiley face


 From: Ravi Chivukula
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

Oh dear Aunt Share, this is not you - the other Share that's destroying your 
innocent purity. That neurotic b$tch up in Fairfield that's a sweet talking 
b$tch that hides her delusions behind inane platitudes, visiting every healer, 
Guru, light worker. She who levels the playing field a la Curtis by her - we 
all have positive and negative qualities BS. She, like many neurotic birches 
that I have seen around Amma's cult that accuse men of psychological rape.

Yes a little grumpy dear Auntie but you have made me feel better.

I love you.


On Mar 25, 2013, at 7:55 AM, Share Long wrote:

dear Ravi, pray tell, who is this other Share and how dare she join FFL!  
Though I did not break into applause of any kind, I have been enjoying the 
posts of Curtis.  And those of just about everybody else.  As probably just 
about everybody else has been enjoying mine (-:  

But why are you picking on Marek?  Are you becoming a grumpy boots down there 
in sunny San Diego?  

 From: Ravi Chivukula
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2013 10:47 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

Oh Curtis - I have to say this is a really beautiful slick presentation which 
will make the Steves and Shares of this list break into a spontaneous applause.

However remember the old adage - you can't deceive everyone every time.

The magic you weave with your tricks, sleight of hand deceptions is a sight to 

You start off with leveling the play field on FFL for your pal Barry - all the 
voices on FFL are equaled to a robotic set of POV's devoid of any personal 
subjectivity of individual posters, devoid of any biases of posters creeping 
into their posts.

It's all POV's - the voice of Ann is no different from Barry, the posts of 
Emily no different from azgrey.

And you Curtis are this supremely disinterested, impartial poster who is 
constantly adjusting his POV based on other's POV's.

But wait, what do we have here?

Well Barry has likes and dislikes as anyone else. Oh you go further - he gives 
it back good to people who give the poor guy a hard time.

And then Judy is someone who directs her toxic energy towards a stranger (you 
!!) on an internet forum. Robin is an insincere, condescending fool who 
insults others.

Oh boy your theory has completely broken down here.

His Holiness is now no impartial, disinterested poster - he is delivering his 
judgement with impunity.

Curtis - you seem to really crave for adulation and praise from your pack of 
males. It is so perverse and juvenile - this male pack mentality can be 
forgiven in the teenagers of Steubenville not a bunch of 60 year old's who 
claim to be philosophers, lawyers, educators, artists.

You and Marek are blind to this male pack mentality that is so eager to makeup 
for the flaws of your pack - the Barry's and azgrey's and their vile filth on 
FFL - disgusting and pitiful. Your dishonesty and deviousness is sickening.

On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 4:48 PM, curtisdeltablues 

--- In, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
  Your analysis might apply to people he does not like. 
 Curtis, Barry does not like anyone who disagrees with him.

I don't see a lot of people not agreeing with Barry. I see a lot of people 
attacking him personally. 

His criteria for liking or not liking someone are very transparent and quite 
simple. They include more than the one I just mentioned, but ultimately he 
dislikes personal challenge coming from others.

He expressed his dislike for you and Robin before any of that happened.  ( His 
objection to my use of dislike here is noted.)

 If that challenge takes the form of anything resembling a different 
viewpoint or one that makes him have to question his very rigid beliefs or 
one that requires him to retract, apologize or question his position he will 
take that as a personal attack or as a sign of boringness, cuntness, small 
mindedness or stupidity on the part of that person.

I might have to see an example of this.  I am more familiar with the 
predictable Barry is bad meme that flows freely here.  I see more actual 
personal attacks than a challenge to beliefs.  And I am not denying that he 
both gives as good as he gets and sometime initiates the insult cycle as he did 
with you and Robin. But since then the nature of your posts about him have been 
more insult

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear LG - you are awesome, your brilliance shines through. I am on the same 
page as you, I think Ann loves this exchange where her doubts are totally 
clarified by the impartial, disinterested POV of Curtis. I think she will be a 
fan of Curtis's belief in epistemological purity of neuroscience soon !!!

On Mar 25, 2013, at 6:00 AM, laughinggull108 wrote:

 Curtis  Ann,
 I just wanted to say that I'm *lovin'* this rational, so 
 calm, so from the heart, so real, so intelligent, so everthing. I hope all 
 conversations here aspire to this level. Thank you.
 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@... wrote:
  Hey Curtis, thanks for this comprehensive reply. Although on one level it 
  seems to be all about Barry it isn't really and it has gone past that into 
  more interesting territory. I'd like to touch on some of what that 
  territory is below:
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:

--- In, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 
 Your analysis might apply to people he does not like. 

Curtis, Barry does not like anyone who disagrees with him.
   I don't see a lot of people not agreeing with Barry. I see a lot of 
   people attacking him personally. 
   His criteria for liking or not liking someone are very transparent and 
   quite simple. They include more than the one I just mentioned, but 
   ultimately he dislikes personal challenge coming from others.
   He expressed his dislike for you and Robin before any of that happened. ( 
   His objection to my use of dislike here is noted.)
If that challenge takes the form of anything resembling a different 
   viewpoint or one that makes him have to question his very rigid beliefs 
   or one that requires him to retract, apologize or question his position 
   he will take that as a personal attack or as a sign of boringness, 
   cuntness, small mindedness or stupidity on the part of that person.
   I might have to see an example of this. I am more familiar with the 
   predictable Barry is bad meme that flows freely here. I see more actual 
   personal attacks than a challenge to beliefs. And I am not denying that 
   he both gives as good as he gets and sometime initiates the insult cycle 
   as he did with you and Robin. But since then the nature of your posts 
   about him have been more insult to belief challenging as has Robin's.
  Barry aside and generally speaking I think when one challenges someone it 
  can take many forms. It can come across as insulting, it can come across as 
  inappropriate or harsh. One can challenge beliefs by poking at the 
  character of a man. You can expose or reveal something about someone by 
  using the back door. A conversation doesn't have to be about how someone 
  feels about Buddhism, for example, to figure out how Buddhist someone is in 
  their life. Just like you can walk into someone's house and come to 
  understand, on some level, many aspects of their personality, their 
  priorities, their tastes, what is valued and what isn't. Everything about 
  what we do and wear and eat and read and watch tell the world about us. So 
  my point is, you don't have to talk about a subject directly to come to 
  understand how someone thinks about that subject. Granted, it can be the 
  most direct way but words are easy to come by and actions and reactions 
  under certain conditions can tell us much about another's beliefs. (I am 
  trying not to talk specifically about Barry here and it may be coming out a 
  bit unclear. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.)

 He is not open to being vulnerable to people who he does not like. 

Barry is never vulnerable on this forum. Ever.

 Sometimes this is people who attack him, but not always. He didn't 
 like you right off. So you only see the version of Barry that applies 
 to you, a person he does not respect.

Barry doesn't begin to have the tools to deal with Robin. He is so 
far out of his depth, his comfort zone his perception of what is 
unknown or possible that to actually interact on even the most 
superficial level with Robin would require something Barry simply does 
not possess or refuses to acknowledge. It is kind of like asking a seal 
to run the 100m dash in 10 seconds on dry land. Not possible.
   I guess we don't hold the same lofty view of Robin's intellect. 
  I don't hold a lofty view of Robin's intellect. I think he sees the world 
  in a different way than I see it. I am open to figuring out if that way, in 
  each form that it expresses itself under many different circumstances, is 
  valid or not. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
LG baby - I think you will be better off if you search the archives and read 
the art of irony as expounded by Robin, 'cause seriously your lame, retarded 
attempt at irony is pretty pathetic.

Where did you say you were from again - South or North Carolina? (Oh God - I 
beg you, please let it be NC).

On Mar 25, 2013, at 10:18 AM, laughinggull108 wrote:

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  Dear LG - you are awesome, your brilliance shines through. I am on the same 
  page as you, I think Ann loves this exchange where her doubts are totally 
  clarified by the impartial, disinterested POV of Curtis. I think she will 
  be a fan of Curtis's belief in epistemological purity of neuroscience soon 
 (LJB in full prostrate e-position with e-hands touching His Holiness' e-feet) 
 If I may humbly offer a word of advice Your Worshipfulness? (Permission 
 granted by an e-tap to the e-head) Don't make the devotee into the Devoted; 
 it is too much of a burden for one to bare and I am unworthy. (An e-nod of 
 His e-head) And don't be afraid to say what You really think. (E-eyes widen 
 with understanding as LJB awkwardly backs away remaining in full prostrate 
  On Mar 25, 2013, at 6:00 AM, laughinggull108 
   Curtis  Ann,
   I just wanted to say that I'm *lovin'* this rational, 
   so calm, so from the heart, so real, so intelligent, so everthing. I hope 
   all conversations here aspire to this level. Thank you.
   --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
Hey Curtis, thanks for this comprehensive reply. Although on one level 
it seems to be all about Barry it isn't really and it has gone past 
that into more interesting territory. I'd like to touch on some of what 
that territory is below:

--- In, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In, Robin Carlsen 
   maskedzebra@ wrote:
   Your analysis might apply to people he does not like. 
  Curtis, Barry does not like anyone who disagrees with him.
 I don't see a lot of people not agreeing with Barry. I see a lot of 
 people attacking him personally. 
 His criteria for liking or not liking someone are very transparent 
 and quite simple. They include more than the one I just mentioned, 
 but ultimately he dislikes personal challenge coming from others.
 He expressed his dislike for you and Robin before any of that 
 happened. ( His objection to my use of dislike here is noted.)
  If that challenge takes the form of anything resembling a different 
 viewpoint or one that makes him have to question his very rigid 
 beliefs or one that requires him to retract, apologize or question 
 his position he will take that as a personal attack or as a sign of 
 boringness, cuntness, small mindedness or stupidity on the part of 
 that person.
 I might have to see an example of this. I am more familiar with the 
 predictable Barry is bad meme that flows freely here. I see more 
 actual personal attacks than a challenge to beliefs. And I am not 
 denying that he both gives as good as he gets and sometime initiates 
 the insult cycle as he did with you and Robin. But since then the 
 nature of your posts about him have been more insult to belief 
 challenging as has Robin's.

Barry aside and generally speaking I think when one challenges someone 
it can take many forms. It can come across as insulting, it can come 
across as inappropriate or harsh. One can challenge beliefs by poking 
at the character of a man. You can expose or reveal something about 
someone by using the back door. A conversation doesn't have to be about 
how someone feels about Buddhism, for example, to figure out how 
Buddhist someone is in their life. Just like you can walk into 
someone's house and come to understand, on some level, many aspects of 
their personality, their priorities, their tastes, what is valued and 
what isn't. Everything about what we do and wear and eat and read and 
watch tell the world about us. So my point is, you don't have to talk 
about a subject directly to come to understand how someone thinks about 
that subject. Granted, it can be the most direct way but words are easy 
to come by and actions and reactions under certain conditions can tell 
us much about another's beliefs. (I am trying not to talk specifically 
about Barry here and it may be coming out a bit unclear. I hope you 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oh LG, I take everything back. I should have never gotten mad at you - I 
apologize. You are from NC? You hit me at my sensitive spot - have two friends 
with connections there, both sweet, sensitive women, authentic unlike my 
neurotic aunt. No LG, I'm good - we are cool.

On Mar 25, 2013, at 11:12 AM, laughinggull108 wrote:

 Archives??? You mean there are archives here at FFL where anything the anyone 
 has written, even when they make total asses of themselves, is kept forever 
 and ever??? Please say it isn't true!
 North Carolina
 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@... 
  LG baby - I think you will be better off if you search the archives and 
  read the art of irony as expounded by Robin, 'cause seriously your lame, 
  retarded attempt at irony is pretty pathetic.
  Where did you say you were from again - South or North Carolina? (Oh God - 
  I beg you, please let it be NC).
  On Mar 25, 2013, at 10:18 AM, laughinggull108 
   --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@ 
Dear LG - you are awesome, your brilliance shines through. I am on the 
same page as you, I think Ann loves this exchange where her doubts are 
totally clarified by the impartial, disinterested POV of Curtis. I 
think she will be a fan of Curtis's belief in epistemological purity of 
neuroscience soon !!!

   (LJB in full prostrate e-position with e-hands touching His Holiness' 
   e-feet) If I may humbly offer a word of advice Your Worshipfulness? 
   (Permission granted by an e-tap to the e-head) Don't make the devotee 
   into the Devoted; it is too much of a burden for one to bare and I am 
   unworthy. (An e-nod of His e-head) And don't be afraid to say what You 
   really think. (E-eyes widen with understanding as LJB awkwardly backs 
   away remaining in full prostrate e-position)
On Mar 25, 2013, at 6:00 AM, laughinggull108 

 Curtis  Ann,
 I just wanted to say that I'm *lovin'* this 
 rational, so calm, so from the heart, so real, so intelligent, so 
 everthing. I hope all conversations here aspire to this level. Thank 
 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  Hey Curtis, thanks for this comprehensive reply. Although on one 
  level it seems to be all about Barry it isn't really and it has 
  gone past that into more interesting territory. I'd like to touch 
  on some of what that territory is below:
  --- In, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ 

--- In, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In, Robin Carlsen 
 maskedzebra@ wrote:
 Your analysis might apply to people he does not like. 

Curtis, Barry does not like anyone who disagrees with him.
   I don't see a lot of people not agreeing with Barry. I see a lot 
   of people attacking him personally. 
   His criteria for liking or not liking someone are very 
   transparent and quite simple. They include more than the one I 
   just mentioned, but ultimately he dislikes personal challenge 
   coming from others.
   He expressed his dislike for you and Robin before any of that 
   happened. ( His objection to my use of dislike here is noted.)
If that challenge takes the form of anything resembling a 
   different viewpoint or one that makes him have to question his 
   very rigid beliefs or one that requires him to retract, apologize 
   or question his position he will take that as a personal attack 
   or as a sign of boringness, cuntness, small mindedness or 
   stupidity on the part of that person.
   I might have to see an example of this. I am more familiar with 
   the predictable Barry is bad meme that flows freely here. I see 
   more actual personal attacks than a challenge to beliefs. And I 
   am not denying that he both gives as good as he gets and sometime 
   initiates the insult cycle as he did with you and Robin. But 
   since then the nature of your posts about him have been more 
   insult to belief challenging as has Robin's.
  Barry aside and generally speaking I think when one challenges 
  someone it can take many forms. It can come across as insulting, it 
  can come across as inappropriate or harsh. One can challenge 
  beliefs by poking at the character of a man. You can expose or 
  reveal something about someone by using the back door. A 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Agree !!! We will always choose the clarity, brevity of Guru Xeno's inane 
platitudes and the clarity, brevity of His Holiness Curtis's devious 
disinterestedness. Fuck complexities - fuck all life's baffling, bewildering, 
puzzling contradictions. Let's all numb our pain, fears, insecurities thus.

Hail to Guru Xeno and His Holiness Curtis !!!

On Mar 25, 2013, at 12:04 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius 

 Your recent posts have been a model of clarity Curtis. I am working on a 
 tablet with an onscreen keyboard, requiring brevity. I think Robin would 
 benefit from being sentenced to using an iPhone or similar device (without 
 voice control or physical keyboard) for a few years.
 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ wrote:
   - In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
--- In, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@ 

   Curtis: Your analysis might apply to people he does not like.
   AWB: Curtis, Barry does not like anyone who disagrees with him.
   Curtis: I don't see a lot of people not agreeing with Barry. I see a lot 
   of people
   attacking him personally.
   Robin2: Curtis, you did not address A's point whatsoever. Does it seem 
   true that, over the years, Barry's antipathy (as he expresses it) towards 
   someone correlates significantly with the extent to which that person 
   contradicts Barry? I think it does. A made a simple declaration of this 
  Me: I don't think it is factual. There is zero back and forth discussion 
  going on between Barry and his detractors. So I believe the weight is more 
  on personal attack. You and Ann see it differently. OK. I don't have to 
  claim that you are being deceptive because you see it differently. You are 
  missing the point that I disagree with Barry on many things and we get 
  along fine. 
  R: You have chosen to ignore the substance of what she said, turning it 
  inside-out: Now it's others who are being accused of what A implied was a 
  self-evident fact. This is cunning and deceptive. Why not just address A's 
  point: Does Barry allow himself to separate an argument from the person who 
  is making that argument, if that argument challenges what he believes? I 
  have not seen him do this. And show me where someone, gratuitously, 
  prejudicially, attacks Barry personally. You know what Barry does; you 
  have turned A's point around *without even attempting to take on what she 
  said. This is a classic manoeuvre on your part, Curtis.
  ME: And you are turning a disagreement into a accusatory insult.  Barry 
  would not have responded to what you wrote, but I am. I don't need to take 
  on what she said. Her opinion of Barry is not something I need to argue 
  about. Remember I know Barry differently than you guys. I have zero 
  interest in your take on him.  I am presenting mine, take it or leave it. 
   And by the way, if you choose to answer this post, you will do the same 
   to the very point I am making right here. Watch for it.
  ME: The Robin set-up. Does that really provide you intellectual 
  satisfaction? It is so lame and intellectually lazy. I am presenting my 
  view which is different from yours and does not conform to the tiny 
  conditions you tried to fit me into. I don't need to argue with you about 
  if people attack Barry personally with your added contrived criteria of 
  gratuitously, prejudicially,. That is your spin. I already said that 
  Barry often starts it, so your point is irrelevant. If you want to 
  understand my views you are going to have to go beyond the accusatory 
  double bind set-ups that accuse me of nefarious agendas.
   AWB:His criteria for liking or not liking someone are very transparent 
   and quite
   simple. They include more than the one I just mentioned, but ultimately he
   dislikes personal challenge coming from others.
   Curtis: He expressed his dislike for you and Robin before any of that 
   happened. ( His
   objection to my use of dislike here is noted.)
   Robin2: Again, Curtis, you sidestep the very essence of what A is saying. 
   Now I ask you, Curtis, Does Barry like personal challenges coming from 
  M: I would say he has a much lower threshold for this here than I do.
  R: If we are to judge by his reaction (see my analysis of him), it would 
  seem A is drawing an objective conclusion based on the data. 
  ME; And once again you are trying to elevate a personal opinion to being 
  more than that.
  You are so doubting in the matter of the integrity of your friend that you 
  will refuse, systematically, to defend him on the merits of attempting to 
  come to terms with 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
LOL..Steve you are cracking me up, you clearly have trouble abiding by our
rules - that thou shall not analyze people's motivations.

Perhaps looking at the following list may help you focus better. Here's the
list of things you have come up analyzing my motives - this is just in the
recent past

1) Ravi craves attention and adulation (This post) (That would be actually
your hero/pack leader - His Holiness Curtis)
2) Ravi should  free himself from any remants(sic) of British Imperialism
in his mind and express himself in a more liberated way (Yesterday) (This
really cracked me up but I didn't have time to reply)
3) Ravi is stressed out working in a cubicle (Last week)
4) Ravi is stressed out being single (Last week)
5) Ravi is eager to peddle a list of beliefs (Last week + This post)
6) Ravi fashions himself as a Guru (Last week + This post + Last 3 years)
(He better get out of the damn cubicle..LOL)
7) Ravi is a suspected murderer (of his girlfriend) (Few weeks back) (Not
at all compatible with #6, LOL)

OK that's all I have now Stevie baby. I may add more - but this should help
I promise.

As always - I love you like a brother.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 5:55 PM, seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.comwrote:


 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  Dear LG - you are awesome, your brilliance shines through. I am on the
 same page as you, I think Ann loves this exchange where her doubts are
 totally clarified by the impartial, disinterested POV of Curtis. I think
 she will be a fan of Curtis's belief in epistemological purity of
 neuroscience soon !!!

 Easy Ravi baby, easy. I think you are becoming a little (more than usual)
 unhinged here.

 Somebody, somebody, give little Ravi a pat on the head, or deputize him
 (as has been suggested), or give him SOME attention of some kind.

 Okay, I will.

 Hey Ravi, you are really an awesome guy!  When you walk into a room,
 EVERYONE turns their head and remarks what a presence has just arrived.
 See everyone crowding around you to hear your pearls of wisdom.

 Whew! Will that suffice for now Ravi?

  On Mar 25, 2013, at 6:00 AM, laughinggull108 no_reply@yahoogroups.comwrote:
   Curtis  Ann,
   I just wanted to say that I'm *lovin'* this
 rational, so calm, so from the heart, so real, so intelligent, so
 everthing. I hope all conversations here aspire to this level. Thank you.
   --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
Hey Curtis, thanks for this comprehensive reply. Although on one
 level it seems to be all about Barry it isn't really and it has gone past
 that into more interesting territory. I'd like to touch on some of what
 that territory is below:
--- In, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@
  --- In, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In, Robin Carlsen
 maskedzebra@ wrote:
   Your analysis might apply to people he does not like.
  Curtis, Barry does not like anyone who disagrees with him.

 I don't see a lot of people not agreeing with Barry. I see a lot
 of people attacking him personally.

 His criteria for liking or not liking someone are very
 transparent and quite simple. They include more than the one I just
 mentioned, but ultimately he dislikes personal challenge coming from

 He expressed his dislike for you and Robin before any of that
 happened. ( His objection to my use of dislike here is noted.)

  If that challenge takes the form of anything resembling a
 different viewpoint or one that makes him have to question his very rigid
 beliefs or one that requires him to retract, apologize or question his
 position he will take that as a personal attack or as a sign of boringness,
 cuntness, small mindedness or stupidity on the part of that person.

 I might have to see an example of this. I am more familiar with
 the predictable Barry is bad meme that flows freely here. I see more
 actual personal attacks than a challenge to beliefs. And I am not denying
 that he both gives as good as he gets and sometime initiates the insult
 cycle as he did with you and Robin. But since then the nature of your posts
 about him have been more insult to belief challenging as has Robin's.
Barry aside and generally speaking I think when one challenges
 someone it can take many forms. It can come across as insulting, it can
 come across as inappropriate or harsh. One can challenge beliefs by poking
 at the character of a man. You can expose or reveal something about someone
 by using the back door. A conversation doesn't have to be about how someone
 feels about Buddhism, for example, to figure out how Buddhist someone is in
 their life. Just like you 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-25 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Nope - Guru Xeno needs that, not me. Guru Xeno - a dead man with dead
beliefs, of dead words, of platitudes, of philosophy, of stupid apps.

I always want to get better, I am always learning - never happy with
myself, I am a perfectionist, always looking for more data to learn
something new. I never want to be caught frozen, immobile by any set of
beliefs. I always want to be spontaneous, want my words to be a
performance, should touch the person I am interacting with.

I respond with total sincerity or total insincerity. With sincerity is the
nice, humble guy who loves unconditionally or the arrogant guy who
humiliates in pure unconditioned anger. Within the insincerity is the
irony, sarcasm and playful humor and I don't know how I will respond - so
there, that's it - the truth. So give up your quest for analyzing my

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 6:42 PM, seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.comwrote:



 You've got me here.  I had an insult all planned out for what I
 anticipated to be your reply, but you've thrown me for a loop here.

 Now, tell me, have you been tinkering with that new condensed text app?
 Go ahead, tell me the truth.

 I'm giving you this round Ravi.  Well done.

 --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@...
  LOL..Steve you are cracking me up, you clearly have trouble abiding by
  rules - that thou shall not analyze people's motivations.
  Perhaps looking at the following list may help you focus better. Here's
  list of things you have come up analyzing my motives - this is just in
  recent past
  1) Ravi craves attention and adulation (This post) (That would be
  your hero/pack leader - His Holiness Curtis)
  2) Ravi should free himself from any remants(sic) of British Imperialism
  in his mind and express himself in a more liberated way (Yesterday) (This
  really cracked me up but I didn't have time to reply)
  3) Ravi is stressed out working in a cubicle (Last week)
  4) Ravi is stressed out being single (Last week)
  5) Ravi is eager to peddle a list of beliefs (Last week + This post)
  6) Ravi fashions himself as a Guru (Last week + This post + Last 3 years)
  (He better get out of the damn cubicle..LOL)
  7) Ravi is a suspected murderer (of his girlfriend) (Few weeks back) (Not
  at all compatible with #6, LOL)
  OK that's all I have now Stevie baby. I may add more - but this should
  I promise.
  As always - I love you like a brother.
  On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 5:55 PM, seventhray27 steve.sundur@...wrote:

   --- In, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
Dear LG - you are awesome, your brilliance shines through. I am on
   same page as you, I think Ann loves this exchange where her doubts are
   totally clarified by the impartial, disinterested POV of Curtis. I
   she will be a fan of Curtis's belief in epistemological purity of
   neuroscience soon !!!
   Easy Ravi baby, easy. I think you are becoming a little (more than
   unhinged here.
   Somebody, somebody, give little Ravi a pat on the head, or deputize him
   (as has been suggested), or give him SOME attention of some kind.
   Okay, I will.
   Hey Ravi, you are really an awesome guy! When you walk into a room,
   EVERYONE turns their head and remarks what a presence has just arrived.
   See everyone crowding around you to hear your pearls of wisdom.
   Whew! Will that suffice for now Ravi?
On Mar 25, 2013, at 6:00 AM, laughinggull108 no_reply@...:

 Curtis  Ann,

 I just wanted to say that I'm *lovin'* this
   rational, so calm, so from the heart, so real, so intelligent, so
   everthing. I hope all conversations here aspire to this level. Thank

 --- In, Ann awoelflebater@ wrote:
  Hey Curtis, thanks for this comprehensive reply. Although on one
   level it seems to be all about Barry it isn't really and it has gone
   that into more interesting territory. I'd like to touch on some of what
   that territory is below:
  --- In, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In, Ann awoelflebater@
--- In, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In, Robin Carlsen
   maskedzebra@ wrote:

 Your analysis might apply to people he does not like.
Curtis, Barry does not like anyone who disagrees with him.
   I don't see a lot of people not agreeing with Barry. I see a
   of people attacking him personally.
   His criteria for liking or not liking someone are very
   transparent and quite simple. They include more than the one I just
   mentioned, but 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-24 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Barry doesn't begin to have the tools to deal with Robin.

Tell me about it, Barry is too intellectually, emotionally stunted and
retarded to watch Robin's brilliance - his intelligence, wit, irony,
sensitivity, love. Is this even a topic of discussion - that Barry has
tools to deal with Robin? God I hope not...LOL.

On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 9:17 PM, Ann wrote:


 --- In, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@
  Your analysis might apply to people he does not like.

 Curtis, Barry does not like anyone who disagrees with him. His criteria
 for liking or not liking someone are very transparent and quite simple.
 They include more than the one I just mentioned, but ultimately he dislikes
 personal challenge coming from others. If that challenge takes the form of
 anything resembling a different viewpoint or one that makes him have to
 question his very rigid beliefs or one that requires him to retract,
 apologize or question his position he will take that as a personal attack
 or as a sign of boringness, cuntness, small mindedness or stupidity on the
 part of that person.

  He is not open to being vulnerable to people who he does not like.

 Barry is never vulnerable on this forum. Ever.

  Sometimes this is people who attack him, but not always. He didn't like
 you right off. So you only see the version of Barry that applies to you, a
 person he does not respect.

 Barry doesn't begin to have the tools to deal with Robin. He is so far
 out of his depth, his comfort zone his perception of what is unknown or
 possible that to actually interact on even the most superficial level with
 Robin would require something Barry simply does not possess or refuses to
 acknowledge. It is kind of like asking a seal to run the 100m dash in 10
 seconds on dry land. Not possible.

   BW, then, does not allow the reader, either consciously or
 unconsciously, to derive any experience of what kind of experience BW must
 be having as he so slovenly and insincerely (the latter is quite subtle and
 can easily be missed) argues for his position.
  The digs aside (slovenly? insincerely?) I don't believe he sees any
 reason to share anything with people he does not like or respect.

 This excuse of respect is not about that at all. That is a convenient
 but erroneous description of what is really going on. It isn't about what
 Barry feels about the other person it is what the other person makes Barry
 feel about himself and THAT is what Barry dislikes. When he is made to feel
 inadequate he will point his finger at the other person and claim they are
 to blame; they are too boring or stupid or dogmatic. He will never take
 responsibility for himself and the reasons he feels the way he does. It
 will always be about the other guy.

 He just calls it as he sees it and moves on. His blasts are not an
 opening for a dialogue, they are just projections of his POV, more writing
 exercise than conversation.


  If you look at the list of people who have received such attention they
 often have some similar traits that Barry is outspoken about not respecting
 or liking. I have a very good idea of his POV from his pieces contrary to
 your perspective. If a new poster showed up here today I could probably
 predict with good accuracy how Barry would react to them. It was easy to
 predict that you were not gunna be friends.

 Yes, I will give you that. Barry IS predictable. Ridiculously so. This is
 a man who lives in a world that is bound and known and very limited. He can
 only venture so far with a person - new acquaintance or old. When he hits
 the property line, where the boundaries end, he stops dead. And those
 boundaries are those determined by his own limitations of self.
  So your statements probably do apply to you. You may not have the
 ability to see where he is coming from and he seems hidden from you.

 I don't think so Curtis. Many people have pretty good ideas of how Barry
 functions but Robin's today took the proverbial cake; it was far and away
 the most sophisticated reading of the man and one that you might have a
 chance of comprehending but Barry never will for, if he could, it would
 disprove what Robin wrote and what I have just said. Not that we said or
 are saying the same thing.

 Do you see Judy as any more vulnerable and interested in really
 interacting with a person when she is doing her Judy thing? Are you or me
 for that matter? Once we size someone up as not being worth the trouble, or
 that they are openly hostile toward us, we all shut down the two way
 conversation and might say something with no intention to be open to that

 You can't generalize like this. I, for one, am always open to reading
 someone's post for what new tone or attitude might emerge. I have ideas
 about what people are like here but I am happy to be surprised 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-24 Thread Share Long
Good God, Xeno!  Sorry for religious term but I don't know how else to express 
my flabbergastedness.  Thank you so much for translation too.  
I wasn't able to find a good translator online.  They would translate a few 
words then revert to Latin.  Very vexing.  
Ok, I'll simply fumble along, not really adding much, but simply want to say 
that this IMHO has got to be not only one of your best writings but also one of 
the best writings to Robin that I have seen.  I appreciate how you're clear but 
also nuanced and rich in your expressions.  I appreciate how you're challenging 
without being confrontational or mean spirited.  Last but not least I 
appreciate your touch of humor with the kidney stones image.  I think I'm more 
than a little envious of your writing acumen in this post.  I shall now shut up 
and go shovel snow for the umpteenth time this year.  Ann, where are you when I 
need you and your shovel?   

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2013 12:07 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

--- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:
 --- In, Robin Carlsen maskedzebra@... wrote:

 With God. Trying to get him to make my subjectivity purely objective--i.e. 
 truthful to reality.
 [This would mean being able to trust implicitly in the deliverances of my 
 first person ontology--that they are in agreement with the way things really 
 It's very hard, feste--as you can see from my intemperate and irrational 
 outburst against BW.
 I am trying to find the self that is better than the Self. 
 And, as you know, I am a very humble man.
 But Christ! it ain't easy.
 Magna secessione a tumultu rerum labentium, mihi crede, opus est, ut non 
 duritia, non audacia, non cupiditate inanis gloriae, non superstitiosa 
 credulitate fiat in homine nihil timere. Hine enim fit illud etiam solidum 
 guadium nullis omnino laetitiis ulla ex particula conferendum.

Complete withdrawal from the turmoil of transitory things 
is, believe me, essential before a man can develop that 
fearlessness in the face of death which is based neither 
on insensibility nor on foolhardy presumption, neither 
on the desire for empty glory nor on superstitious 
credulity. It is that which is the origin of that solid 
joy with which no pleasure from any transitory source 
is in any way to be compared. 

Still seeking enlightenment by any other name, Robin. I think you're 
approaching this backwards. 'With God. Trying to get him to make my 
subjectivity purely objective--i.e. truthful to reality.' In a world view of 
gods and men, the gods rule, man is subjugated. You cannot get the totality to 
bow to the demands of a part. You cannot have your objective reality as long as 
'you' are a part of it. In religious terms (which I tend to despise in 
actuality), you need to give up the ghost of your personal ontology, you cannot 
make a jumble of ideas that are called a personal 'self' a reality. Personal 
ontology is a useful conceptual vehicle for acting in the world, but it is 
mythological, it's a narrative, its not an entity, it is not actually real. You 
are trying to use a fictitious vehicle to understand reality. Your 'self' is 
like a massive impacted mass of kidney stones. It's your spiritual blockade. It 
is in your way at every turn. Forget trying to
 understand why Barry rejects you so wholeheartedly; your 'personal self', your 
ego, is nothing to him. Nobody's is (unless she has a bold personality and 
certain topographical contours perhaps). Your rejection of unity is based on 
the same problem, that 'you' were in unity. Nobody is in unity. The whole, 
whatever you call it, God as you would like to have it, is its own thing by 
itself. When the personal ontology drops away, the whole reveals itself, not 
because now you have achieved something and it decides to show you, but because 
it is always there and the crap has floated away, and so naturally, it can then 
be appreciated. Robin Carlsen is so dear to you. Robin Carlsen has to die. 
That's it.

I think you best pen pal here would be Curtis. But those discussions always go 
awry because whatever Robin is seen to be in your mind, that Robin is the 
centre. If you want to be religious about it, put God in the centre and lay 
Robin to rest. The nature of God might then express itself through that body 
with the name Robin, but not through 'you'. Personal ontology and spiritual 
maturity are not compatible.

'Although you perform many works, if you do not deny your will and submit 
yourself, losing all solicitude about yourself and your affairs, you will not 
make progress.' - St. John of the Cross

'Magna secessione a tumultu rerum labentium: Complete withdrawal from the 
turmoil of transitory things'. Why do you come back onto FFL?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-23 Thread Share Long
When I was doing the MA in SCI, a classmate and I both noticed a big difference 
going to bed at 9:15 rather than 9:30.  So we asked our Sanskrit prof Tom 
Egenes about it and he said that there's something in the Vedic literature 
about every 15 min before 10 pm being the equivalent of an hour of sleep.  

And does anyone remember the famous quote attributed to Triguna:  that if we 
all went to bed at 8:30 we wouldn't even need ayurveda?  I have 2 
acqaintenances who did this for a while and they both looked radiant.  I've 
done it when I've felt an illness coming on and it seems to nip it in the bud.  
I'm an early riser no matter what time I go to bed and I tend to wake up at 
least once during the night.  So early bedtime is a good habit for me though I 
realize it's not even necessary for others much less preferred.

This past year I read a fascinating article about sleep habits and our cave 
people ancestors.  That they went to bed early, woke in the middle of the night 
and did stuff, then went back to bed for another chunk of sleeping time.  So it 
might be hardwired into us.  Knowing this made me a lot more relaxed about my 
sleep habits.

 From: Alex Stanley
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 8:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,


--- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  --- In, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   Was a good lecture. Extremely well spoken story of his [LB's]
   lifetime with FF and TM and his really nice resolution.  Looked at
   as a FF communitarian it was proly unfortunate that it was heard by
   only a small subset of the larger community.  Nothing was said that
   could not have been heard by and been helpful to a lot more people.
  I probably would have enjoyed it, and I hope it was recorded. But, with my 
  life so completely focused on Vedic purity, I was in bed by 9pm and unable 
  to attend.
 9PM is truly impressive, a goal I could never achieve even on Purusha now 
 using living in a city as a lame excuse. When then do you rise ?

Depends on how quickly I fall asleep and whether my sleep is interrupted during 
the night. In a perfect night, I sleep ~7 hours straight. So, if I fall quickly 
to sleep and don't wake up during the night, I'll get up between 4 and 5 am. 
Most of the time, I get up between 5 and 6 am. On crappy sleep nights, I get up 
at 7 am; regardless of how little or crappy my sleep is, my body won't really 
sleep beyond 7 am.

Needless to say, this isn't a TM/Vedic thing for me. I'm a naturally hard-wired 
morning person, and going to bed early greatly improves my quality of life.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only,

2013-03-22 Thread WLeed3
Does any one know LB's Tel # I would like to talk to him as an old  
supporting friend now in Buffalo NY  have missed our talks when he  I  were 
in FF 
IA. He was the 1 who 1 St opened my eyes to the movement being like  as 
Ashram  or rather the MIU being such. I am deeply indebted to him 4 such   
read all his news prints they are of quality  germain  today 4 the most part.
In a message dated 3/22/2013 10:12:42 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

--- In, Alex Stanley  
j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:

 ---  In, Buck  wrote:
  Was a good lecture. Extremely well spoken story of his  [LB's]
  lifetime with FF and TM and his really nice  resolution.  Looked at
  as a FF communitarian it was proly  unfortunate that it was heard by
  only a small subset of the  larger community.  Nothing was said that
  could not have been  heard by and been helpful to a lot more people.
  I probably would have enjoyed it, and I hope it was recorded. But, with 
my  life so completely focused on Vedic purity, I was in bed by 9pm and 
unable to  attend.

Yeah, funny thing is that it was proactive women in  the larger FF 
community that managed getting it video recorded.  

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Men only?

2006-09-02 Thread Peter
I'm with you on this one, Curtis. If celibacy comes
naturally, with no thought or strain, then fine. But
most people need to have sex and guess what, it has no
impact on your evolution at all. People can be so
unsimple and so un-natural in the TMO.   

--- curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I honestly think celibacy is an unhealthy practice. 
 Use it or lose it
 is the rule in biology.  Semen was considered magic
 in Vedic culture,
 but MMY's belief that it get transmuted into soma is
 pre-scientific nonsense.  The body does not work
 that way.  On the
 other hand, believing that you are losing magical
 energy by having sex
 is a great way to insure that you will not have a
 fulfilling intimate
 relationship with your partner.  Sex is not only
 natural, it is one of
 the greatest communications you can have with
 someone you love.  
 Believing that you should hold it back is a sad
 metaphor for holding
 back your heart or other energy from the people you
 love in your life.
  Losing this misunderstanding about how my body
 worked was one of the
 greatest benefits of my leaving MMY's belief system.
  Sex is not a
 loss of energy, or a lower use of your life force.
 Even if you are not in love with someone, don't give
 up on sex.  As
 the great sage Woody Alan said:  Sex without love
 is an empty,
 meaningless experience.  But among empty,
 meaningless experiences, it
 is one of the best!
 As each cast member of Seinfield  on the famous
 Bramacharin episode 
 said one by one: I'm out!
 --- In, cardemaister
  What is the longest time youse have stayed
  /uurdhva-retas/(brahmacharin)? Does it become
  after a couple of weeks or so?
 --- In, cardemaister
  What is the longest time youse have stayed
  /uurdhva-retas/(brahmacharin)? Does it become
  after a couple of weeks or so?
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