Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-14 Thread Bhairitu
lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
> Lurk:
> Tell me.  How does this plays out in your daily life, 
> Bhairitu:
>> I vote and financially support political candidates whose agenda is 
>> liberal for one.  And in my area they win.  And that is how we 
>> accomplish those goals you mention above.  I like to contribute 
> whatever I can whether it be money or if I can't afford that at least 
> join in the dialog and help pull on that rope in the great tug-a-war 
> going on.   And  words on the right forum can help sway opinions or 
> form them.
> Fair enough. The sphere of influence of any one person is pretty 
> limited.  Seems that one cannot really do much more than you 
> describe.  Other than try to pass on something of what you believe in 
> daily interactions.  Hopefully in a positive way.
Unless the person is *extremely* wealthy in which case they have 
disproportionate influence.  I don't believe we should allow such absurd 
and dangerous accumulations of wealth.  Unfortunately they tend to 
protect themselves by influencing gullible people into believing that 
someday they too might be as right as them and support their extremist 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread Bhairitu
lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   > >> As I see it people vote Republican because they are selfish. It is
 the "me" crowd. They are concerned about what's in it for them.
 Liberals, the more evolved of the human species, are the "we"
> crowd.
 Why? Because we're smart enough to see if you include everyone then
 our own boat will of course get raised too. So both concerns get
> Tell me.  How does this plays out in your daily life,  besides lofty
> words?  What do you do that directly helps your fellow man?  Perhaps you
> are referring to how we distribute the common wealth we have as a 
> country,  as in more for education, infrasturcture  and less on
> military.  Yes, I can go along with that.
I vote and financially support political candidates whose agenda is 
liberal for one.  And in my area they win.  And that is how we 
accomplish those goals you mention above.  I like to contribute whatever 
I can whether it be money or if I can't afford that at least join in the 
dialog and help pull on that rope in the great tug-a-war going on.   And 
words on the right forum can help sway opinions or form them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread Bhairitu
lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> As I see it people vote Republican because they are selfish.  It is 
>> the "me" crowd.  They are concerned about what's in it for them. 
>> Liberals, the more evolved of the human species, are the "we" crowd.  
>> Why? Because we're smart enough to see if you include everyone then 
>> our own boat will of course get raised too.  So both concerns get 
>> addressed.
> Bhairitu, would it be unreasonable for me to assume that you donate 
> any part of your income that exceeds the mean income of the rest of 
> the world.  Should I assume that your caloric intake would be the same 
> mean.  Are you aware that the $3.00-$4.00 you spent might be the 
> weekly income of a family of bricklayers in India.
Your response, to use someone else's favorite word, seems 
non-sequitur.   I can't see how it relates at all with what I said or do 
I have to explain again what that paragraph of mine means to you?  You 
seem to be "unclear of the concept" or you a superb example of the "me 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread Peter

--- On Sat, 9/13/08, raunchydog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: raunchydog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 
> 'Bush Doctrine'
> To:
> Date: Saturday, September 13, 2008, 2:14 PM
> --- In, "authfriend"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > --- In,
> "curtisdeltablues" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In,
> "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In,
> "curtisdeltablues" 
> > > >  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > But I> do agree the volume of viral
> email smears on Palin in 
> > such a
> > > > > short> span of time is one for the
> Guinness Book of Records.
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > > Saying that Palin is not ready for this
> job is not a smear.
> > > > 
> > > > Did raunchydog say that was a smear? I
> don't believe so.
> > > I understand that people, myself included have to
> be careful
> > > about jumping to conclusions about her. 
> Category 5 hurricane Obamaton, assaults our intrepid
> heroine of the
> working class, moose hunter, sharp shooter, Sarah Palin,
> and the
> flotsam and jetsam of her life crashes forcefully ashore.
> As her surge
> battered life lay bare; the Obamatons frantically pick
> through the
> rubble hoping to find a legitimate reason to discredit her.
> In their
> haste to program everyone to hate her as they instinctively
> do, they
> remain unapologetic for the wreckage they caused. While
> stepping over
> the bodies of the friends and family they helped lay waste,
> their
> brown shirted thuggery is on full display. Keep it up guys
> and sink
> your candidate.

Yeah, leave Sarah alone. She is so obviously such a great VP candidate. She 
spews forth the talking points so eloquently. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-13 Thread Bhairitu
curtisdeltablues wrote:
> But I> do agree the volume of viral email smears on Palin in such a
> short> span of time is one for the Guinness Book of Records.
> Actually that record still stands.  It was the more than twenty
> million emails I received and continue to receive from my republican
> relatives concerning Obama being a secret Muslim who will hand our
> country over to the terrorists as soon as he is elected.
The other day I was sitting at the local Starbucks downtown and 
listening to a discussion at the next table.  Seems I had some folks 
whose business is freight transport discussing the state of the economy 
and the effect on their business.  I took it that they were truckers.  
They were kinda pissed at what the Bush administration with their silly 
DHS rules has done to their business and how apparently the cost of gas 
is raising their prices to where shipping by rail is starting to make 
more sense (and hey that would get those be f'in behemoths off our 
highways too).   Any the woman said she it was not a left or right 
argument and one guy spoke up and said he was rather an old fashioned 
conservative but hates Bush and can't stand McCain.  They think Palin is 
a joke.  He said he doesn't know who to vote for *because* he thinks 
Obama will open the door to Muslims to enter the country.  And we wonder 
about the intelligence of people?

As I see it people vote Republican because they are selfish.  It is the 
"me" crowd.  They are concerned about what's in it for them. Liberals, 
the more evolved of the human species, are the "we" crowd.  Why?  
Because we're smart enough to see if you include everyone then our own 
boat will of course get raised too.  So both concerns get addressed.

Perhaps rather than saying that Americans are dumb we should say they 
are belligerent because that is how they are behaving and it carries a 
completely different connotation than "stupid" or "dumb."  Belligerence 
is not considered a good trait so they will want to shed that mantle 
whereas they'll use "stupid" as an excuse.
> Saying that Palin is not ready for this job is not a smear.  Were you
> satisfied with her answers in her first interview with Gibson?

The local ABC affiliate (actually an ABC O&O) in their 6 PM news last 
night said they were going to show clips from the Gibson-Palin interview 
"ABC won't show you" (very interesting since they are an ABC or Disney 
owned station).  They have clips on their website but I haven't located 
the clip that "ABC wouldn't show you" yet. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-12 Thread Peter
Gov Palin is grossly under-qualified to be in such a position. She's also just 
your typical political bullshit artist, but not very good at it because she's 
been in such a back-water location. I think she's going to blow-up soon because 
there's just too many inconsistencies of positions to reconcile into one 
coherent neo-con position. McCain made a very bad choice. I used to respect 
McCain, but he has really lost me now. This interview with Gibson completely 
exposes her as a political ra-ra. 

--- On Fri, 9/12/08, Richard J. Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Richard J. Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 
> 'Bush Doctrine'
> To:
> Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 10:23 PM
> feste37 wrote:
> > She's linking 9/11 with Iraq, which is 
> > a Big Lie that even the Bush
> > administration has stopped repeating. 
> >
> You need to stop the gaffs, festus!
> The notion that Geroge W. Bush 'once promoted' 
> the assertion that Saddam "helped plan the 
> September 11 attacks" is false. And Sarah
> Palin didn't say that either. In fact, you
> seem to be the only one who thinks that.
> News flash to FFL political pundits:
> The Alaska National Guard isn't going to Iraq 
> to fight "the Iraqi government under Saddam 
> Hussein." 
> "Saddam is dead, and the government of Iraq 
> is now our ally. The only organized opposition 
> these troops will encounter in Iraq comes 
> precisely, as Palin said, from 'the enemies 
> who planned and carried out and rejoiced in 
> the death of thousands of Americans,' al Qaeda."
> Read more:
> 'Another Gaffe by the Washington Post'
> Posted by John Hindraker
> Powerline, September 12, 2008
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-12 Thread Bhairitu
Only if you buy the "official version" of 9-11.  I certainly don't buy 
that version nor do other thinking people.   Al-Qaeda was in fact a CIA 
organized group put together to fight the Russians in Afghanistan.  They 
are an artificial "contracted" organization designed to keep people in 
fear so those behind the government can profit from the oil in Iraq and 
what other profitable wars they can pursue.

Don't buy the MSM kool-aid.

lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
> Look, I agree, she did not look too good in the interview.  Not that 
> Gibson wasn't pretty demeaning in his attitude towars her.  But 
> isn't the definiton of Al Quida pretty much what is described 
> below?  If that is not the definiton of Al Quida, please advise what 
> is. 
> --- In, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> from the New York Times today, on the interview with Palin: 
>> At a separate event on Thursday, a deployment ceremony for her son
>> Track and thousands of other soldiers heading to Iraq from Fort
>> Wainwright, Alaska, Ms. Palin told them they would be fighting "the
>> enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of
>> thousands of Americans."
>> This is a stupid, ignorant, dangerous woman. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-12 Thread Bhairitu
I bet Frances McDormand could do a good impression of her.  Palin still 
sounds like a sketch out of SNL.  Dream on Repugs.

feste37 wrote:
> Absolutely hopeless. She doesn't know a damn thing, and it clearly shows. 
> --- In, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Good Lord! This is like watching a rank amateur on the Gong Show. US
>> foreign policy is NOT cheerleader tryouts. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Painful to watch - Gibson interview: Palin On 'Bush Doctrine'

2008-09-12 Thread Peter

--- On Fri, 9/12/08, feste37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

..."unreflective self-confidence that
only the
truly ignorant and stupid can possess."

You said it right there, feste.