2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:40 PM, feste37 wrote:

Good question. I did TM for more than 30 years, but then about 7 or  
8 years ago, I lost the desire to do it. This happened quite  
quickly, as I recall, over a period of maybe a few months. I just  
no longer had any desire to meditate, so I stopped doing it and  
have never gone back to it. Having said that, I still think it's a  
good technique that can dramatically change people's lives for the  
better, especially in the first year or so of practice, although I  
don't think it accomplishes all that its most ardent advocates  
claim for it, especially over the long term.

Interesting how certain, once pressing needs or desires, can just  
disappear, leaving no impulse to pursue them any longer.


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 4:38 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj

I'd more specifically call it expectation effect from  
indoctrination, that expectation creating a style of placebo  
relaxation response.

It really seems to center around belief. If you do not or cannot  
change the belief system you were imprinted with - and it seems  
because of the light trance states that TM induces makes such  
imprints more lasting - you may have to do more than change your  
belief. You may need to re-imprint yourself with a deeper, more  
integrated meditative experience to override the earlier imprint.  
Otherwise, you're stuck with what you got. And slowly over time, your  
brain have been altered to readjust the hardware to what you've been  
doing, month-to-month, year-to-year.

Of course if you also surround yourself with people who echo back the  
same memes, you become that world - but become effectively trapped in  
a samsara of your own creation.


2011-11-08 Thread Tom Pall
On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Vaj wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:40 PM, feste37 wrote:

 Good question. I did TM for more than 30 years, but then about 7 or 8
 years ago, I lost the desire to do it. This happened quite quickly, as I
 recall, over a period of maybe a few months. I just no longer had any
 desire to meditate, so I stopped doing it and have never gone back to it.
 Having said that, I still think it's a good technique that can dramatically
 change people's lives for the better, especially in the first year or so of
 practice, although I don't think it accomplishes all that its most ardent
 advocates claim for it, especially over the long term.

 Interesting how certain, once pressing needs or desires, can just
 disappear, leaving no impulse to pursue them any longer.

So why do you think people seem to get diminishing returns with decades of
doing TM/TMSP?   It's all so exciting during the first few years of TM, the
first 2 advanced techniques, the first few years of the TMSP.I just
can't buy the argument that one's working on deeper and more extensive
stress/karma.   If that were so, every few years, at least, there's be a
lurch forward.  But this isn't.   Indeed people I know who come to IA for a
few months every year and go back home actually find their quality of life
degrading.   And yes, they pay $25-$50/EUR 25/EUR 50 to get frequent


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 8:40 AM, Tom Pall wrote:

So why do you think people seem to get diminishing returns with  
decades of doing TM/TMSP?   It's all so exciting during the first  
few years of TM, the first 2 advanced techniques, the first few  
years of the TMSP.I just can't buy the argument that one's  
working on deeper and more extensive stress/karma.   If that were  
so, every few years, at least, there's be a lurch forward.  But  
this isn't.   Indeed people I know who come to IA for a few months  
every year and go back home actually find their quality of life  
degrading.   And yes, they pay $25-$50/EUR 25/EUR 50 to get  
frequent checkings.

There's no real mastery of the mind taking place, as it's too languid  
of a technique IMO. In traditional mantra meditation as I was taught  
it, the blank thought-free state, and esp. gaps in breathing were  
considered a sign that it was time to move onto the next stage, which  
was a more Patanjalian attentional training. Since an individual is  
more than a mental continuum, there's more to self-mastery than  
transcending the coarse mental level and imaging one's achieving  

Without a stable foundation for ones telescope one cannot reliably  
create a subjective facility with which to experience clearly. The  
subjective facility never becomes reliable. It's like a bouncing  
telescope trying to observe the inner sky. Without mental vividness,  
mental perception is entrained as a fuzz. And unless one knows how to  
defeat mental laxity and excitation at the subtle level, one can  
never reach the level of complete pacification of afflictive  
emotional states like aggression or cravings. Over time this  
unmastery becomes hardwired. We're stuck.

Getting stuck and staying stuck are great advantages for certain  
classes of gurus - esp. those with extensive and expensive product  

It becomes like the Matrix: we don't even realize we're seeing a  
projected reality and we're actually suspended in an enslaving device  
intended to utilize our bodily or monetary energy.


2011-11-08 Thread Bob Price
What's interesting, is the motivation, of dudes, who can't stay away---no 
matter how humiliated they get. 

Might be time to give it up to Jesus; not everyone can bowl.

From: Vaj
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 5:10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK

On Nov 8, 2011, at 4:38 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

I wouldn't use the words placebo effect, as Vaj 

I'd more specifically call it expectation effect from indoctrination, that 
expectation creating a style of placebo relaxation response.

It really seems to center around belief. If you do not or cannot change the 
belief system you were imprinted with - and it seems because of the light 
trance states that TM induces makes such imprints more lasting - you may have 
to do more than change your belief. You may need to re-imprint yourself with a 
deeper, more integrated meditative experience to override the earlier imprint. 
Otherwise, you're stuck with what you got. And slowly over time, your brain 
have been altered to readjust the hardware to what you've been doing, 
month-to-month, year-to-year.

Of course if you also surround yourself with people who echo back the same 
memes, you become that world - but become effectively trapped in a samsara of 
your own creation.



2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:40 AM, cardemaister wrote:

Well, duh! That's rather exactly what according to PJ seems to
be the conditio sine qua non of (asaMprajñaata?)-samaadhi
(for upaaya-pratyaya-yogi_s):


shraddhA	f. faith , trust , confidence , trustfulness ,  
faithfulness , belief in...

Of course you'd have to accept that TM was a practice that related to  
the YS - which it does not. But even if it did, the deeper meaning of  
shraddha as I understood it was having faith that samadhi was the  
path and that the lineage from the guru was authentic, thus leading  
us to samadhi, which is a tool for realization.

Since we now know two important things: there still is no evidence of  
higher states of consciousness in TMers as of 2011 and the sad news  
that MMY was not from the tradition he claimed, it's kind of  
irrelevant. You could certainly have the faith that MMY was from the  
tradition he claimed, but given what we know today, you'd be a fool  
to believe that. But he did put on a very convincing show.

My point being such faith depends on the authenticity of the guru,  
not his stage presence or persona.


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:40 AM, cardemaister wrote:

Well, duh! That's rather exactly what according to PJ seems to
be the conditio sine qua non of (asaMprajñaata?)-samaadhi
(for upaaya-pratyaya-yogi_s):

BTW, it's samprajnata NOT asamprajnata.


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 11:09 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

 The reason is that in the years between then and now 
 I've had many more experiences, some of which put the 
 earlier experiences in the shade and raised the bar 
 on my internal Woo Scale. What I used to consider a 9 
 I now consider a 4. I'm sure you get what I'm talking 

Oh yes, definitely. It was a long time before I was able to wrap my head around 
the fact that TM-style phenomenon were largely mental plane phenomenon. The 
light mental bliss I thought was so special, was just a mere shadow; the 
kundalini, mere prana-kundalini and the visions mental mirages. The perspective 
of time and experience changes everything. 


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:09 PM, Yifu wrote:

 To Vaj: ok, you experienced nothing of value from what you thought was TM but 
 wasn't really. And, you prefer Mindfulness and Vipassana. Very good!

It's all good IMO.

There's a lot of wonderful people I would've missed if it weren't for TM. And I 
treasure it as a learning experience.


2011-11-08 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2011, at 5:09 PM, emptybill wrote:

 And unless one knows how to defeat mental laxity and excitation at the subtle 
 level, one can never reach the level of complete pacification of afflictive 
 emotional states like aggression or cravings.
 What Vag is not telling you is that this explanation is just standard 
 Mahayana Buddhist instructions for training in sutra-level meditative 
 concentration (shamata). It is not prescriptive for Mahamudra or Dzogchen. 
 Those instructions are based upon effortlessness, as is the Chinese Zen 
 (Chan) method of silent illumination (Mo-Zhao).

Exactly. I approach the topic at it's own level. Very good Billy!


2011-11-07 Thread Vaj

On Nov 6, 2011, at 9:56 PM, johnt wrote:

 Then what is it saying. Be precise I value tradition in the sense that it 
 preserves elements that are life supporting, it doesn't tell me how it works. 
 That's what modern psychologists are only beginning to try and do do. Vedic 
 masters were masters of what's now becoming NLP, however people just 
 parroting what they heard doesn't show understanding. 

So how do you square the fact that Mahesh was not an actual student of SBS and 
the fact that TM is a perversion of the purity of what Guru Dev taught? How 
important could you value the Shank. tradition if you're supporting a 
distortion and an nonlineal tradition? 

Or are you just ignoring it and playing pretend?


2011-11-07 Thread Vaj

On Nov 6, 2011, at 8:58 PM, johnt wrote:

 You never will in a TM context, but if you study some of Milton Erickson, 
 Bandler and Grinder and other related sources you will find that each part of 
 a TM initiation has a well studied neurolinguistic effect which in this case 
 is very effective at producing a self transcending accessing cue which 
 accesses an experience at a primal (original) level prior to subsequent 

It's called the placebo effect silly.

We actually now know where the TM puja came from and what sources the puja was 
hobbled together from. It's from a pundits poem that Mahesh was told to throw 
away. There's nothing magical about it at all - unless you believe it is. But 
it does not come from a real lineal tradition, it's something Mahesh made up.


2011-11-07 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 10:17 AM, jpgillam wrote:

--- In, Vaj wrote:

 On Nov 6, 2011, at 8:58 PM, johnt wrote:

  You never will in a TM context, but if you study some of Milton  
Erickson, Bandler and Grinder and other related sources you will  
find that each part of a TM initiation has a well studied  
neurolinguistic effect which in this case is very effective at  
producing a self transcending accessing cue which accesses an  
experience at a primal (original) level prior to subsequent  

 It's called the placebo effect silly.

I thought the placebo effect tended to
go away after a few weeks. I've been getting
results from the TM puja for 34 years. It
stills my mind. I recite it often, for
that purpose.

The way we know the TM puja and initiation process acts like a  
placebo is because independent researchers fabricated a faux-TM  
instruction and were able to get the exact same results as TM - the  
same EEG profile and relaxation response, everything. So it's not the  
mantra at all, it's the inculcation of belief. The puja is dramatic  
and convincing to most types of people who self-select based on the  
intro lecture (and we actually know what types of people self-select  


2011-11-07 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:25 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:


 This is the usual disinformation from Vag, the
 master of misanthropic subterfuge.

 Here are the reality of the TM Puja:

It looks like we've got another fib by Vaj, but why
would he be fibbing, when it's so easy to source the
material? Go figure.

What did you think I was referring to? Gosh you guys are dim.


2011-11-07 Thread Bhairitu
The first thing any research needs to do is to learn the procedures and 
they won't do that so they'll always be spectators and draw false 
conclusions.  Shakti is simply life force, a concept beyond the ability 
of contemporary science to understand.  One should also look into the 
yoga of sound and understand how sound effects people, not in an NLP way 
but a vibratory way.  It's more physics than  anything else.  Mantras 
work due to their resonance and charged they work faster than when 
they're not.  You'll see in books the instruction where one must repeat 
a certain mantra 100,000 times to get results.  But that's from the book 
and if give by a guru it may take only 100 repetitions.

On 11/06/2011 09:22 PM, johnt wrote:
 No one can explain what the shakti energy is yet but they certainly agree it 
 can be passed on through the process known as entrainment. There is some 
 early research that may indicate that shakti can be seen on kirlian 
 photography and others can be seen being entrained by it, but it's still 
 early in the process of understanding.

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 I'm talking about shakti which is an energy.  You should be experiencing
 it when you meditate.  I can transfer that energy to someone else
 without saying a word, just by touching them.  So explain that by NLP.
 You can't.  They are going down the wrong road though they wouldn't be
 the first researchers to do that by any means. ;-)

 On 11/06/2011 06:56 PM, johnt wrote:
 Then what is it saying. Be precise I value tradition in the sense that it 
 preserves elements that are life supporting, it doesn't tell me how it 
 works. That's what modern psychologists are only beginning to try and do 
 do. Vedic masters were masters of what's now becoming NLP, however people 
 just parroting what they heard doesn't show understanding.

 What exactly do YOU mean by charged

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
 Oh yes it does.  Centuries of tantrics and yogis would argue with you on
 that.  These guys you are talking about are blind men feeling an
 elephant. :-D

 On 11/06/2011 06:00 PM, johnt wrote:
 charge is a nice ooga booga term that says nothing. It's only part of 
 philosophy not science unless you understand it in the sense of Rupert 
 sheldrake' morphic field, in which case your saying the same thing I am.

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@wrote:
 That's a wild ass theory trying to make the puja sound scientific.
 What the puja actually does is charge the mantra.  In other traditions
 you are given the mantra by someone who has enough juice to charge the
 mantra with shakti without the need for a puja.  Reciting a 3-4 minute
 puja takes it place.  It would have taken years to create even a small
 army of TM teachers the traditional way.  The traditional way is what
 Muktananda used and his instructors gave shaktipat along with the
 mantra.  It is also the way my tantra teacher has instructed me to teach

 On 11/05/2011 11:48 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
 Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?

 From: johntjohnlasher20002000@
 Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK

 Why TM can't be learned from a book

 A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
 puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
 meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
 neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
 synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave 
 frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a 
 frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state. This is only one 
 of the Neuro effects of a TM initiation which is a very well crafted 
 design of several which lead to a self transcending effect of the 


2011-11-07 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:18 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:

Vaj: does not come from a real lineal tradition,
 it's something Mahesh made up.

What exactly, are the parts by MMY that are different
from those recited by GD? From what I've heard, the
MMY GD puja is standard - I've heard it recited by
at least three sources other than the TMO, such as
at a recent Sri Sri Ravi Shankar yoga camp. Sri Sri
says it's the same as the one recited by GD, the one
recited at the Jyortirmath Peeth in the Himalayas.

Explain how Mahesh used what was to be thrown away to hobble together  
the puja:

Right from the very early times, MMY definitely claimed that the  
meditation he teaches (TM) was taught to him by Guru Dev [a fact now  
known to be false]. A look at page 244 of 'Thirty Years Around the  
World' (a TMO publication by Maharishi Vedic University, 1986)  
confirms this.

Allegedly on 29th April 1959 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi told journalists:-

'My life truly began 19 years ago at the feet of my master when I  
learned the secret of swift and deep meditation, a secret I now  
impart to the world.'

In the TM puja there are four lines which refer directly to Guru Dev:

yadvaare nikhilaa nilimpaparishatsiddhiM vidhatte.anisham
shrimat shriilasitaM jagadgurupadaM natvaa.atmatR^iptiM gataaH
lokaaGYaanapayoda paaTanadhuraM shriisha~NkaraM sharmadam
brahmaanandasaraswatiiM guruvaraM dhyaayaami jyotirmayam

which means:-

'At whose door the whole galaxy of gods pray for perfection day and  
Adorned by immeasurable glory, preceptor of the whole world, having  
bowed down to Him, we gain fulfilment.
Skilled in dispelling the cloud of ignorance of the people, the  
gentle emancipator,
Brahmananda Saraswati, the supreme teacher, full of brilliance, on  
Him we meditate.'

Maharishi explains who wrote these lines:-

'This was done by us, I didn't compose those lines, because I am not  
a Sanskrit scholar, but this was done by a, very, very eminent  
Sanskrit poet of Banares, and he was, such a mysterious man, the poet  
1. He used to live us, just like us, and a good pandit, and when  
some, some pandits, learned people used to come to pay their respects  
to Guru Dev, and he would sit like that. And generally it is  
traditional, that in the presence of Shankaracharya, pandits gather.  
Pandits mean the learned people, highly great intellectuals of the  
country. They sit together, and they, try to bring home to  
Shankaracharya, each one of them, that he is the greater pandit than  
the others. And these dialogues are so highly intellectual and so  
very interesting, because they, everyone wants to, to win the grace  
of Shankaracharya, apart from his spiritual development for their  
material glorification, because a certificate from the  
Shankaracharya, of the great learning of the pandits will make him  
flourish in his area. So, they, very beautiful, and this pandit he  
used to defeat everyone, because he was a born poet, poet. He would  
versify anything that he wants to say. In poetry he would speak. And  
when in poetry, and so fluent and so high-class, so, high-class  
fluent Sanskrit poetry, and others would just sit and listen to him,  
what he says.
He was very dear, sweet pandit. He wrote lots of stanzas of Guru Dev,  
absolutely and, and this was one of them.
What happened was... this is very interesting this great pandit  
in his flight of, of the poet, he wrote Guru Dev's life, and he, he  
didn't know Guru Dev's life. Because all the time was spent in  
loneliness in the jungles, and, nobody would know.

And he said to me, I am going to write.

And I said Yes, you write, and this was our agreement that I'll get  
it printed, and he wrote, and I enjoyed it so much, but someday it  
was to come to Guru Dev for sanction. So, Guru Dev, he enjoyed  
hearing the whole thing. It was highly scholarly and very great, and  
everything that, that a good poet could put in that, he put it.
And then, when it was finished Guru Dev said, It's very good, yes.  
And when the pandit went out of the room he asked him to take it to  
the Ganges, tie it down with a big stone, heavy, put it in the Ganges.
And I, it was a shock to me, I said But, but there are beautiful  
passages in it.

He said, Don't talk!'

He said, Nobody should read it, tell him to take it, it is because  
he didn't know his life and he said If you don't put it in the  
Ganges I'll ask someone else to do it.

I said, I'll do it.

We would have used all those beautiful, sen... poetry. These days you  
would have enjoyed all. But he wouldn't allow it to remain.

He was absolutely divine, simple and great, very great, he was very  

1. The poet was 'Ashu Kavi', Pandit Veni Madhava Sastri.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi speaking in February / March 1969 in Rishikesh  


2011-11-07 Thread Bhairitu
Sorry but I just don't buy the NLP story.  It just sounds like a 
ignorant flatlander theory.

On 11/07/2011 12:54 PM, johnt wrote:
 Since you seem to not be aware of it NLP deals extensively with sound 
 vibration known as auditory tonal as contrasted to auditory digital which 
 deals with the meaning of words. Read a little before you comment.

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 The first thing any research needs to do is to learn the procedures and
 they won't do that so they'll always be spectators and draw false
 conclusions.  Shakti is simply life force, a concept beyond the ability
 of contemporary science to understand.  One should also look into the
 yoga of sound and understand how sound effects people, not in an NLP way
 but a vibratory way.  It's more physics than  anything else.  Mantras
 work due to their resonance and charged they work faster than when
 they're not.  You'll see in books the instruction where one must repeat
 a certain mantra 100,000 times to get results.  But that's from the book
 and if give by a guru it may take only 100 repetitions.

 On 11/06/2011 09:22 PM, johnt wrote:
 No one can explain what the shakti energy is yet but they certainly agree 
 it can be passed on through the process known as entrainment. There is some 
 early research that may indicate that shakti can be seen on kirlian 
 photography and others can be seen being entrained by it, but it's still 
 early in the process of understanding.

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
 I'm talking about shakti which is an energy.  You should be experiencing
 it when you meditate.  I can transfer that energy to someone else
 without saying a word, just by touching them.  So explain that by NLP.
 You can't.  They are going down the wrong road though they wouldn't be
 the first researchers to do that by any means. ;-)

 On 11/06/2011 06:56 PM, johnt wrote:
 Then what is it saying. Be precise I value tradition in the sense that it 
 preserves elements that are life supporting, it doesn't tell me how it 
 works. That's what modern psychologists are only beginning to try and do 
 do. Vedic masters were masters of what's now becoming NLP, however people 
 just parroting what they heard doesn't show understanding.

 What exactly do YOU mean by charged

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@wrote:
 Oh yes it does.  Centuries of tantrics and yogis would argue with you on
 that.  These guys you are talking about are blind men feeling an
 elephant. :-D

 On 11/06/2011 06:00 PM, johnt wrote:
 charge is a nice ooga booga term that says nothing. It's only part of 
 philosophy not science unless you understand it in the sense of Rupert 
 sheldrake' morphic field, in which case your saying the same thing I am.

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@ wrote:
 That's a wild ass theory trying to make the puja sound scientific.
 What the puja actually does is charge the mantra.  In other 
 you are given the mantra by someone who has enough juice to charge 
 mantra with shakti without the need for a puja.  Reciting a 3-4 minute
 puja takes it place.  It would have taken years to create even a small
 army of TM teachers the traditional way.  The traditional way is what
 Muktananda used and his instructors gave shaktipat along with the
 mantra.  It is also the way my tantra teacher has instructed me to 

 On 11/05/2011 11:48 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
 Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?

 From: johntjohnlasher20002000@
 Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK

 Why TM can't be learned from a book

 A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing 
 the puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person 
 learning meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process 
 know in neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or 
 brainwave synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause 
 brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus 
 having a frequency corresponding to the intended brain-state. This is 
 only one of the Neuro effects of a TM initiation which is a very well 
 crafted design of several which lead to a self transcending effect of 
 the mantra.


2011-11-07 Thread Tom Pall
On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 3:27 PM, jpgillam wrote:

 My most profound experience of the stilling
 power of the puja occurred when I was learning
 it on my TM teacher training course. One
 afternoon upon finishing my rounds I sang
 the puja as I sat on my bed. Afterward, I
 had intended to mentally review some other
 material I was memorizing, but I could not
 summon a thought. I was awake and alert, but
 I was mentally constipated. I just stared at
 the wall for a few minutes before I could get
 a thought to bubble up. That's when I realized
 that the purpose of the puja was to shift my
 center from my thoughts and feelings to the
 stillness of consciousness itself, which, by
 the way, is a good definition of a first stage
 of enlightenment.

I transcended during the puja and the initiator had to stop and wait for me
to come back.   I was gone for quite some time.   This was so memorable to
my initiator that when I made contact with him finally after all these
years he repeated asked Who are you?.


2011-11-07 Thread Bhairitu
It's cobbled from a number of different recitations and shuddhis 
including the guru puja.  The tradition of masters is the only thing 
that is probably TM unique.  There is no one standard puja.  Offerings 
different and length according to who is performing the puja.

On 11/07/2011 01:50 PM, Susan wrote:
 Wait a minute, Vaj. The TM puja is the same as used by many Hindus.  When I 
 initiated Hindus from India they could sing it along with me - pretty much 
 word for word.  What ever else you might think of TM, this is not something 
 MMY hobbled together at all.
 --- In, Vajvajradhatu@...  wrote:

 On Nov 7, 2011, at 12:18 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:

 Vaj: does not come from a real lineal tradition,
 it's something Mahesh made up.

 What exactly, are the parts by MMY that are different
 from those recited by GD? From what I've heard, the
 MMY GD puja is standard - I've heard it recited by
 at least three sources other than the TMO, such as
 at a recent Sri Sri Ravi Shankar yoga camp. Sri Sri
 says it's the same as the one recited by GD, the one
 recited at the Jyortirmath Peeth in the Himalayas.
 Explain how Mahesh used what was to be thrown away to hobble together
 the puja:

 Right from the very early times, MMY definitely claimed that the
 meditation he teaches (TM) was taught to him by Guru Dev [a fact now
 known to be false]. A look at page 244 of 'Thirty Years Around the
 World' (a TMO publication by Maharishi Vedic University, 1986)
 confirms this.

 Allegedly on 29th April 1959 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi told journalists:-

 'My life truly began 19 years ago at the feet of my master when I
 learned the secret of swift and deep meditation, a secret I now
 impart to the world.'

 In the TM puja there are four lines which refer directly to Guru Dev:

 yadvaare nikhilaa nilimpaparishatsiddhiM vidhatte.anisham
 shrimat shriilasitaM jagadgurupadaM natvaa.atmatR^iptiM gataaH
 lokaaGYaanapayoda paaTanadhuraM shriisha~NkaraM sharmadam
 brahmaanandasaraswatiiM guruvaraM dhyaayaami jyotirmayam

 which means:-

 'At whose door the whole galaxy of gods pray for perfection day and
 Adorned by immeasurable glory, preceptor of the whole world, having
 bowed down to Him, we gain fulfilment.
 Skilled in dispelling the cloud of ignorance of the people, the
 gentle emancipator,
 Brahmananda Saraswati, the supreme teacher, full of brilliance, on
 Him we meditate.'

 Maharishi explains who wrote these lines:-

 'This was done by us, I didn't compose those lines, because I am not
 a Sanskrit scholar, but this was done by a, very, very eminent
 Sanskrit poet of Banares, and he was, such a mysterious man, the poet
 1. He used to live us, just like us, and a good pandit, and when
 some, some pandits, learned people used to come to pay their respects
 to Guru Dev, and he would sit like that. And generally it is
 traditional, that in the presence of Shankaracharya, pandits gather.
 Pandits mean the learned people, highly great intellectuals of the
 country. They sit together, and they, try to bring home to
 Shankaracharya, each one of them, that he is the greater pandit than
 the others. And these dialogues are so highly intellectual and so
 very interesting, because they, everyone wants to, to win the grace
 of Shankaracharya, apart from his spiritual development for their
 material glorification, because a certificate from the
 Shankaracharya, of the great learning of the pandits will make him
 flourish in his area. So, they, very beautiful, and this pandit he
 used to defeat everyone, because he was a born poet, poet. He would
 versify anything that he wants to say. In poetry he would speak. And
 when in poetry, and so fluent and so high-class, so, high-class
 fluent Sanskrit poetry, and others would just sit and listen to him,
 what he says.
 He was very dear, sweet pandit. He wrote lots of stanzas of Guru Dev,
 absolutely and, and this was one of them.
 What happened was... this is very interesting this great pandit
 in his flight of, of the poet, he wrote Guru Dev's life, and he, he
 didn't know Guru Dev's life. Because all the time was spent in
 loneliness in the jungles, and, nobody would know.

 And he said to me, I am going to write.

 And I said Yes, you write, and this was our agreement that I'll get
 it printed, and he wrote, and I enjoyed it so much, but someday it
 was to come to Guru Dev for sanction. So, Guru Dev, he enjoyed
 hearing the whole thing. It was highly scholarly and very great, and
 everything that, that a good poet could put in that, he put it.
 And then, when it was finished Guru Dev said, It's very good, yes.
 And when the pandit went out of the room he asked him to take it to
 the Ganges, tie it down with a big stone, heavy, put it in the Ganges.
 And I, it was a shock to me, I said But, but there are beautiful
 passages in it.

 He said, Don't talk!'

 He said, Nobody should read 


2011-11-07 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 4:18 PM, maskedzebra wrote:

 The majority of TM initiators not only stopped teaching TM, but have probably 
 even stopped meditating. I am almost certain of this.

That's true. It was actually true before recertification was required.

 However, for you to propose that the Puja ceremony works on the basis of the 
 placebo effect is so bizarre and misinformed as to be the same as saying that 
 when you are in a car that is moving, it turns out it is really an illusion: 
 you are actually not going anywhere.
 Maybe one in a hundred TM initiators (of all those that Maharishi made 
 teachers) still do the Puja;; but even all those who have turned their back 
 on TM and Maharishi, they, to a one, know that *the Puja works*. That is, to 
 say, singing the Puga (especially in the context of teaching someone to 
 meditate) alters one's consciousness, changes one's perception, and acts on 
 every level of one's being, including the physical.

Well it's important to understand the context of the comment. Early TM 
marketing emphasized that TM was unique, you could get a mantra anywhere, but 
nothing was like TM - or so they wanted us and the public to believe. A couple 
dozen lousy research studies attempted to bolster the idea. If you were part 
of the TM buzz, you felt special, part of an in crowd, and possessor of 
something unique, lineal and ancient-but-scientific.

Neuroscientists were of course interested to see if there actually was 
something unique, as claimed.

One after one, all the key claims were found to be false:

-it was not unique, it was actually a common relaxation response.
-researchers used methodology to isolate the mantra as a variable and found 
there was also nothing special about the mantra - the TM experience 
(neurologically speaking) wasn't unique at all. It could be replicated with 
faux-TM in naive subjects.
-metabolic rate, alleged to be much deeper than deep sleep also turned out to 
be false (and it appeared Wallace had used vey deceptive methodology to fake 
the results). TM was actually no different from a nap.
-etc., etc.

 Now I personally would never conceive of doing a Puja, because of its very 
 power to change me in a way that I believe is inimical to sustaining the 
 integrity of my own personality.But for you to advance the idea that the 
 effect of singing the Puja is produced by the placebo effect, this is the 
 final evidence of your fraudulent claim to be a TM initiator. And not only 
 this: it proves you never learned TM, because you would not make this claim 
 had you passed through that experience.

I would actually say most of the puja could be attributed to expectation effect 
from indoctrination, that expectation creating a style of placebo effect.

Having said that, there are subtle aspects of mantra that allude the blade of 
science. But again, they're highly subjective - and since TM does not aim to 
balance attention nor does it allow a mindful clarify of the object of 
meditation, it's like trying to look at the stars through a telescope and 
hoping to see them clearly. The object of meditation largely remains a fuzzy 
buzz alternating with a comfortable laya. It's very comfortable and those with 
previous awakening of their shakti can progress. Others tend to languish and 

The principle of charm it turns out, isn't charming enough. Consciousness is 
not discerned clearly, but one is indoctrinated that mental silence IS pure 

Tell it to someone else.

 No, Vaj; you must stop this. Whatever TM, Maharishi, and the Puja are all 
 about, the notion of the placebo effect is utterly inapplicable. I have the 
 strongest resistance and aversion to the TM experience, to Maharishi, to the 
 Puja; but I know this: were I to sing it alone right now, and go through the 
 proper ritualistic motions (and offerings) my consciousness would undergo an 
 objective change, and I would find myself, however subtly, in another context 
 than the one I am in as I write this. TM and the Puja, they do, as Maharishi 
 insisted, operate mechanically. Your attempt to portray the Puja as a placebo 
 effect is so wrong-headed, so false to reality, and therefore such a lie, it 
 would be as if you said that lifting weights cannot affect your muscles.
 Not one initiator could ever say to himself or herself: That Puja thing; it 
 was just the placebo effect. And if anyone saying he or she was an former 
 initiator said it worked on the basis of the placebo effect, every initiator 
 in the world—who did not have a dishonest agenda—would know that such a 
 person never knew Maharishi, never learned Transcendental Meiditation, and 
 never was a Teacher of TM.
 The Puja was perhaps the most powerful thing about the whole TM Movement. And 
 it truly bathed us in the purest form of Hinduism. You never got baptized, 
 Vaj. You are an outsider. Even among those of us who have repudiated 
 Maharishi and TM and the beneficence of their 


2011-11-07 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 4:40 PM, John wrote:

 You should do some research before making such disingenuous statements. Parts 
 of the TM puja actually can be found in the Vishnu kavach which is stated in 
 Srila Prabhupada's commentary to the Srimad Bhagavatam.

I'm well aware that it was hobbled together from various sources already John. 
I actually remember Paul Mason being kind enough to write to a bunch of us and 
show us his research on it's origins. Of course posting it here met with an, 
uh, silence. Now all the sudden everyones seeming to catch up to most of it, 
except the part where SBS insisted it be attached to a heavy rock and hurled 
into the Ganges...


2011-11-07 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 4:50 PM, Susan wrote:

 Wait a minute, Vaj. The TM puja is the same as used by many Hindus. When I 
 initiated Hindus from India they could sing it along with me - pretty much 
 word for word. What ever else you might think of TM, this is not something 
 MMY hobbled together at all.

I think you should review the evidence.

The melody is traditional and occurs in numerous other rituals, as are other 
pieces of it.


2011-11-07 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 It's cobbled from a number of different recitations and shuddhis 
 including the guru puja. The tradition of masters is the only thing 
 that is probably TM unique. There is no one standard puja. Offerings 
 different and length according to who is performing the puja.

And we now know at least part of it was done by a poet-pandit and retrieved 
instead of destroyed despite the insistence of his master. Such is the karma of 
Asuriac gurus the west is oh so familiar with. Vimalananda was right.


2011-11-07 Thread Vaj

On Nov 7, 2011, at 6:00 PM, feste37 wrote:

 As a former TM teacher who taught hundreds of people but no longer practices 
 TM, I would say that MZ is absolutely correct here in every point he so 
 eloquently makes. 

If I may ask: why on earth did you stop doing TM Feste?


2011-11-06 Thread Denise Evans
Entrainment...expressed beautifully in a song.  

From: merudanda
Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 4:30 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
--- In, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 Sheeet. please please do not make the walking mantra of my kids public!!
 Is that what brainwashing is?
 From: johnt johnlasher20002000@...
 Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
 Why TM can't be learned from a book
 A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the puja. 
 When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning meditation 
 he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in neurophysiology as 
 entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave synchronization, is any 
 practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a 
 periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding to the intended 
 brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM initiation which 
 is a very well crafted design of several which lead to a self transcending 
 effect of the mantra.



2011-11-06 Thread Denise Evans
I hear you.  I'm going to check this out, here, because it's accessible and 
easy and I'm lazy.  I don't join groups and never say pledges, but it's time to 
try out a few new things.

From: obbajeeba
Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 9:29 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK


Denise, I do TM and I do not see it as brainwashing, other than washing the 
brain of clutter, naturally. I like it. It makes me feel good. 
All the crap of people trying to manipulate in the TMO, are only that of people 
who had previously manipulating behaviors, IMHO, and not the result of 
practicing TM, in itself. Although, it took me quite a few years to figure it 
out and I have been fooled by some of them. 

The fools anger me to no end, because they can make what looks good appear like 
a piece of shit. 
This category of, fools, does not include people with claims of injury and 
hurt by people in the organization or people who may have had a bad experience 
with the presenter, the Maharishi. I believe these people have a right to 
express their opinion and also seek comforting or similar words to help them 
cope with whatever it was that made them sad, pissed off, or even stop 
They are not judged as any kind of losers in my thinking sphere. 
I had to really look at the source of my frustrations and that being how I 
viewed those who idol worship and are on power trips. I will probably continue 
to bash the idiots on this FFL board, but that does not mean I am bashing TM or 
any other practice that brings people peace and bliss. 
I could not have learned it from a book, because   my questions exceed what a book 
can answer. I have met good TM teachers and bad TM teachers. 
For the most part, having friends who practice this same practice does not make 
a mold one could formulate the same stereotype person from, as all opinions 
differ among this same practicing group.
I have lots of very good friends who meditate and lots who do not meditate.
I am happy with them all. 

--- In, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In, Denise Evans dmevans365@ wrote:
  Sheeet. Is that what brainwashing is?
 Nope. It's not necessarily what *TM* is, either. I don't
 know where johnt picked up this purported explanation,
 but I've never encountered it in the TM context.
  From: johnt johnlasher20002000@
  Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
  Why TM can't be learned from a book
  A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
  puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
  meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
  neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
  synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies 
  to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding 
  to the intended brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM 
  initiation which is a very well crafted design of several which lead to a 
  self transcending effect of the mantra.



2011-11-06 Thread Denise Evans
Thanks.  I might.  Judy also pointed out that I don't understand the meaning of 
the term brainwashing.  It was an off the cuff remark better left unsaid - I 
apologize.  Stupid's o.k. with me though.  

From: johnt
Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 5:49 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK

try reading some of Bandler and Grinder and some NLP research and educate 
yourself or just stay stupid

--- In, Denise Evans dmevans365@... wrote:

 Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?
 From: johnt johnlasher20002000@...
 Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
 Why TM can't be learned from a book
 A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the puja. 
 When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning meditation 
 he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in neurophysiology as 
 entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave synchronization, is any 
 practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a 
 periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding to the intended 
 brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM initiation which 
 is a very well crafted design of several which lead to a self transcending 
 effect of the mantra.



2011-11-06 Thread Bhairitu
Oh yes it does.  Centuries of tantrics and yogis would argue with you on 
that.  These guys you are talking about are blind men feeling an 
elephant. :-D

On 11/06/2011 06:00 PM, johnt wrote:
 charge is a nice ooga booga term that says nothing. It's only part of 
 philosophy not science unless you understand it in the sense of Rupert 
 sheldrake' morphic field, in which case your saying the same thing I am.

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 That's a wild ass theory trying to make the puja sound scientific.
 What the puja actually does is charge the mantra.  In other traditions
 you are given the mantra by someone who has enough juice to charge the
 mantra with shakti without the need for a puja.  Reciting a 3-4 minute
 puja takes it place.  It would have taken years to create even a small
 army of TM teachers the traditional way.  The traditional way is what
 Muktananda used and his instructors gave shaktipat along with the
 mantra.  It is also the way my tantra teacher has instructed me to teach

 On 11/05/2011 11:48 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
 Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?

 From: johntjohnlasher20002000@...
 Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK

 Why TM can't be learned from a book

 A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
 puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
 meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
 neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
 synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies 
 to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding 
 to the intended brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM 
 initiation which is a very well crafted design of several which lead to a 
 self transcending effect of the mantra.


2011-11-06 Thread Bhairitu
I'm talking about shakti which is an energy.  You should be experiencing 
it when you meditate.  I can transfer that energy to someone else 
without saying a word, just by touching them.  So explain that by NLP.  
You can't.  They are going down the wrong road though they wouldn't be 
the first researchers to do that by any means. ;-)

On 11/06/2011 06:56 PM, johnt wrote:
 Then what is it saying. Be precise I value tradition in the sense that it 
 preserves elements that are life supporting, it doesn't tell me how it works. 
 That's what modern psychologists are only beginning to try and do do. Vedic 
 masters were masters of what's now becoming NLP, however people just 
 parroting what they heard doesn't show understanding.

 What exactly do YOU mean by charged

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 Oh yes it does.  Centuries of tantrics and yogis would argue with you on
 that.  These guys you are talking about are blind men feeling an
 elephant. :-D

 On 11/06/2011 06:00 PM, johnt wrote:
 charge is a nice ooga booga term that says nothing. It's only part of 
 philosophy not science unless you understand it in the sense of Rupert 
 sheldrake' morphic field, in which case your saying the same thing I am.

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@   wrote:
 That's a wild ass theory trying to make the puja sound scientific.
 What the puja actually does is charge the mantra.  In other traditions
 you are given the mantra by someone who has enough juice to charge the
 mantra with shakti without the need for a puja.  Reciting a 3-4 minute
 puja takes it place.  It would have taken years to create even a small
 army of TM teachers the traditional way.  The traditional way is what
 Muktananda used and his instructors gave shaktipat along with the
 mantra.  It is also the way my tantra teacher has instructed me to teach

 On 11/05/2011 11:48 PM, Denise Evans wrote:
 Sheeet.  Is that what brainwashing is?

 From: johntjohnlasher20002000@
 Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK

 Why TM can't be learned from a book

 A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
 puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
 meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
 neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or brainwave 
 synchronization, is any practice that aims to cause brainwave 
 frequencies to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency 
 corresponding to the intended brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro 
 effects of a TM initiation which is a very well crafted design of several 
 which lead to a self transcending effect of the mantra.