Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-03-01 Thread Kirk
After Katrina a follower of the Dalai Lama who I merely knew from the net 
gave me twenty thousand dollars for helping us which we split with a family 
which had their whole house blown down to the slab so yes there are rich 
people who do reach out and help others. And poor people like me who just as 
easily gave away a big wad of cash. That man will never know the simple fun 
it was to cash the check for a moment when we had the bills and got to flap 
them, then into the bank and spent already.

That man taught me alot.  Unfortunately though he is not nor will ever be my 
friend, I was merely some dharmic recipient, some part of his moral code. 
After the cash I reached out to him for friendship and that freaked him out, 
so maybe not all helpful rich are entirely the common man either. But thanks 
always to him. What I said about him not being a friend is entirely wrong as 
he was a great friend at a real needfull time for me. Ironically, the ten 
thousand really bought me a Honda Civic 2006 which I have really loved alot. 
The irony being that later I met a Tibetan Buddhist lama who lives near me 
and I started driving him around places alot, so the Dharma money somehow is 
never lost. The woman I gave ten thousand bucks to bought the entire Tangyur 
and Kangyur and huge troves of sacred texts for her temple, in Mississippi, 
and her property has really excellent vibes.

We, meditators out front on the lines. What we do.
Seems some help can come
What were we talking about again.

If any of you live in Austin you should visit this Buddhist grounds just to 
meditate because it's beautiful.
Not trying to convert ya. Just as I went to SRF to meditate right next door 
to Pac Pal WPEC.

On a side note, Doug, ya seem to be behaving yourself again, what happened? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-28 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 28, 2009, at 1:45 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In, "dhamiltony2k5"

... America. If there is a market for the drugs,
that means that the people who live in this "medi-
tating community" DID NOT FIND WHAT THEY

Yeah, is a classic fall from Grace.  Is a shame and a cancer in
spiritual society.  I feel sorry for them.

"First —Are all the meetings for meditation attended? Do meditators
avoid unbecoming behavior therein? And is the hour of meditation

"Eighth.—Is care taken to deal with offenders seasonably and
impartially, and to endeavor to evince to those who will not be
reclaimed, the spirit of meekness and love, before judgment is
placed upon them?"

Yeah, let's try to reclaim them with the spirit of "meekness
and love" before we toss their asses in prison for 10 years
for the "crime" of possessing more than a gram of pot.

Doug, if this is satire, you definitely have the gift.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-26 Thread Vaj

On Feb 26, 2009, at 9:35 AM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

Abuse becomes abusive abuser.

 There is a reality there & it is not just benign.

What is the research?  Anybody have it to look at?

Seems is very timely in many ways here and everywhere.

There are several studies which claim to show marijuana increases  
susceptibility to "psychosis" or even (paranoid) schizophrenia. I  
believe what they're noticing is that some people tend to get really  
paranoid when they get stoned. Anyone who grew up in the 60's or 70's  
will already be familiar with this, as there was always someone who  
got really "freaked out" when stoned: the cops were following you,  
they were afraid if they forgot to breathe they'd die, people were  
"watching" them etc. Apparently if these type of people smoke long  
enough, they can develop problems--as opposed to the types that laugh  
their asses off, get totally into music or TV, make love like  
Casanova, enthrall at the minute details of nature or become very  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-25 Thread Vaj

On Feb 25, 2009, at 11:10 AM, grate.swan wrote:

The point is, it's effects on the brain are real and not necessarily
helpful for certain people in certain situations where quick memory
retrieval is necessary.

Yes?  And?

Per my prior post -- some activities are not enhanced with cannabis.
Don't do them. We are not talking using it 24/7 whereby the features
of cnnabis are permanent.

As per my previous post: In long term (or even relatively short term)  
use perfusion is diminished to areas of the frontal lobe, thus memory  
recall is impaired even when not using.

If it only happened during use, it wouldn't be such a big deal.

And the gateway drug thing may not be a myth.

Put it this way: I don't want to be the heart attack victim in an ER
with the Doc who just returned from two weeks of constantly being
stoned in Jamaica who can't remember what WTF to do next,

I hope you realized what a crap argument that is. Else I might wonder
how meditation affects logical and rational areas of the brain.

The effects on memory are DURING its use.

See above. Demonstrated long ago in cerebral perfusion imaging  
studies. Think swiss cheese. Mmmm.

nor do I

want that guy as my pilot trying to land by plane in the Hudson river
in a pinch. Nor do I necessarily want him working on my home or
building my car.

Crap squared.

Uh huh, see the above.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-25 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 25, 2009, at 4:49 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Here's what this article says about the Columbia
University "study." Note that they *started with*
33 patients who already had established symptoms
of psychosis, and then "worked backwards" to try
to establish the link to cannabis use. Sounds to
me like starting with a bunch of diabetes patients
and discovering that because diabetes makes you
thirsty they all drink water. Therefore there is
a causal link between drinking water and diabetes. :-)

I was wondering about that too...the cannabis
and psychosis link didn't sound credible.

Note also what constitutes "psychotic-like symptoms"
for these researchers -- "suspiciousness and percep-
tual disturbances." Given those criteria, Nabby and
Judy are psychotic, because they are definitely
suspicious of pretty much everyone and they talk
about rather disturbing perceptions like believing
in UFOs.

And don't forget the little green men
romping in cornfields in order to create
works of art.

One of them (Judy) has even admitted to
having smoked marijuana in her youth, and the other
(Nabby) probably toked up before that stick got
lodged up his butt so far that he could no longer
inhale. Their cannabis use was what made them
psychotic -- clear as day.  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-25 Thread Vaj

On Feb 25, 2009, at 10:30 AM, grate.swan wrote:

In his books on meditation, Zen master and neurologist Jim Austin not
only goes into the bodies endogenous "drug" producing systems, he
also goes over the research on all the major recreational drugs as  

On marijuana he shares an interesting study of 311 grown twins, where
one twin had used marijuana before 17, the other had not. The twin
who HAD used marijuana before 17 was  2.1 to 5.2 times more likely to
engage in other drug use, to develop alcohol dependence and to
develop some drug dependence. It true, it would back the idea of
marijuana being a gateway drug. (But clearly Austin is also of a
previous generation, he was born in 1925, and he seems to abhor all
drug use, even of botanicals.)

Marijuana also decrease theta waves globally in the brain and
"disrupts both the transient attentional and the more sustained
functions that the subjects require to solve working memory tasks."

And the point is?

The point is, it's effects on the brain are real and not necessarily  
helpful for certain people in certain situations where quick memory  
retrieval is necessary. And the gateway drug thing may not be a myth.  
Put it this way: I don't want to be the heart attack victim in an ER  
with the Doc who just returned from two weeks of constantly being  
stoned in Jamaica who can't remember what WTF to do next, nor do I  
want that guy as my pilot trying to land by plane in the Hudson river  
in a pinch. Nor do I necessarily want him working on my home or  
building my car.

The obvious seems to be being ignored in some of these posts. Cannabis
produces an altered state. As does meditation (different ones). Some
activities are enhanced by cannabis, others are diminished. As with
all altered states. That's the point. The suspension (during the
state, not after) of short-term memory is a BENEFIT of the altered
state. It gets rid of the clutter in the mind, the monkey/rat response
to everything, the chatter of the mind. In that state, different
perceptions and thoughts, connections, insights arise.

Sort of like when you sleep -- sleep is not dismissed as a dangerous
state just because memory is impaired in sleep -- as is motor
coordination. Don't drive while sleeping! Does that mean sleeping is
bad in general?

Meditation also reduces short term memory during that state. And it
impairs motor coordination during that state. Should we ban meditation
because it imparirs the ability to drive a car during the altered  

It's interesting that in Ayurveda, a botanical that causes excitation
of the cerebral cortex is used as the antidote for marijuana.

What botanical is that?

Calamus root.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-25 Thread Vaj

On Feb 25, 2009, at 7:43 AM, Kirk wrote:

Pot's not the problem it's fucking busy bodies who can't mind their  
business that's the problem, and it's the harder drug pushers  
that's the
problem.  The fucking government is the problem and the thugs  
called cops
are the problem. Pot is a god given cure for many ills of mind and  
It's a panacaea. It effects some badly. I know someone who went bye  
after one joint never to return.  I can't live without it. After  
some meanb
mother fuckers are shouting in your face for orders for hours on  
end and the
ticket machine is screwed and the new waitress is fucking up her  
tickets and
the boss decided to start a new menu that day and he yells in your  
face with
hatred while he then jeopardizes the kitchen by stepping into the  
middle and
pulling all the tickets off the board getting the cooking out of  
order. Then
I have to take a break while my head is squirting sweat, even  
though it's a
hot day outside the 100 degree breeze gives me chills.  I  need a  
been and
ajoint or my head will crack in half.  Just turn an eye mister. All  
you desk
sitting happy people talk about making pot illegal well you guys  
can go to


What you should do Kirk is think ahead.

It will eventually get legalized. So therefore start working a the  
first series of hooch energy drinks. Get a formula that tastes great  
and get a food scientist to develop a process for the product. Then  
when it becomes legal, everyone will be drinkin' Uncle Kirk's Voodoo  
drinks, straight from NOLA. The first and the finest. You could be  
the new Coke.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-25 Thread Kirk
Pot's not the problem it's fucking busy bodies who can't mind their own 
business that's the problem, and it's the harder drug pushers that's the 
problem.  The fucking government is the problem and the thugs called cops 
are the problem. Pot is a god given cure for many ills of mind and body. 
It's a panacaea. It effects some badly. I know someone who went bye bye 
after one joint never to return.  I can't live without it. After some meanb 
mother fuckers are shouting in your face for orders for hours on end and the 
ticket machine is screwed and the new waitress is fucking up her tickets and 
the boss decided to start a new menu that day and he yells in your face with 
hatred while he then jeopardizes the kitchen by stepping into the middle and 
pulling all the tickets off the board getting the cooking out of order. Then 
I have to take a break while my head is squirting sweat, even though it's a 
hot day outside the 100 degree breeze gives me chills.  I  need a been and 
ajoint or my head will crack in half.  Just turn an eye mister. All you desk 
sitting happy people talk about making pot illegal well you guys can go to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-25 Thread Vaj

On Feb 25, 2009, at 5:49 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Pot has been used for thousands of years and has never been
anything but a boon to any culture -- until Hearst et al.

Actually, research being done at Columbia University for the
last 10 years shows that cannabis use (yes plain old marijuana)
increases the likelihood of developing psychosis by
ten fold.

You are joking right? Another satire?

Down at the bottom of the CNN report ("Marijuana may increase
psychosis risk, analysis says ") on the Lancet published study that
claims that frequent marijuana use may cause psychosis we find:


I will allow Ruth and others who like delving
into research to do so on this one, but it looks
to me as if they started backwards and worked
towards a foregone conclusion.

In his books on meditation, Zen master and neurologist Jim Austin not  
only goes into the bodies endogenous "drug" producing systems, he  
also goes over the research on all the major recreational drugs as well.

On marijuana he shares an interesting study of 311 grown twins, where  
one twin had used marijuana before 17, the other had not. The twin  
who HAD used marijuana before 17 was  2.1 to 5.2 times more likely to  
engage in other drug use, to develop alcohol dependence and to  
develop some drug dependence. It true, it would back the idea of  
marijuana being a gateway drug. (But clearly Austin is also of a  
previous generation, he was born in 1925, and he seems to abhor all  
drug use, even of botanicals.)

Marijuana also decrease theta waves globally in the brain and  
"disrupts both the transient attentional and the more sustained  
functions that the subjects require to solve working memory tasks."

It's interesting that in Ayurveda, a botanical that causes excitation  
of the cerebral cortex is used as the antidote for marijuana.

When pure THC is given to subjects it "produces schizophrenia-like  
positive and negative symptoms,
alters perception, leads to both anxiety and to euphoria, and  
disrupts both immediate and delayed word recall.27 Large doses of  
cannabis can also provoke an acute psychosis that resembles  
schizophrenia. Heavy users among young recruits in the Swedish army  
had a sixfold greater incidence of schizophrenia on follow-up."

It would be interesting to see some studies on the botanical  
antidotes to some of these side-effects and also a cross-comparison  
of smoking/vaporization of marijuana vs. traditional preparations  
like bhang--marijuana drinks, usually in almond milk with some herbs  
and jaggery. These traditional drinks are said to curb a number of  
the traditional side effects.

You can still purchase of number of Ayurvedic rasayanas and powders,  
which contain marijuana as key ingredients, in this country.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-24 Thread Kirk
It seems those who speak do not know while those who know do not speak.
But some nice words.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-24 Thread Vaj

On Feb 24, 2009, at 2:34 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

A better analogy is comparing mood altering drugs to marijuana.
Anti-depressants don't alter the mood and are not addicting in that
sense.  Benzodiazepines like Xanax or Valium are psychoactive drugs
that work on the central nervous system, altering mood and behavior.
They are usually dispensed in small amounts and are highly addictive.
They have their place but certainly should not be legal and freely
available.  Marijuana I have mixed feelings about. Face it, marijuana
makes you stupid. Not many people can use it day in and day out and
still function well. I can see some people may get some benefit from
it in medical treatment, though there usually is something else
available that works as well or better.  But the amount of resources
that go to combating this drug seems extreme.  I tend to favor
decriminalizing its use, but I am not happy about it.  California is
talking about legalizing it and taxing it.  I am sure that won't go
over well with the feds.

And yes, I smoked a few in my day.

Well not necessarily stupid, but it certainly predisposes you to, uh,  
a different style of functioning. If you've ever seen PET cerebral  
perfusion studies done across time on a marijuana smoker, it looks  
like someone took an eraser and erased parts of the frontal lobes. A  
kinda "swiss cheese" appearance, if you will.

Ayurveda claims to be able to help in this regard. I remember eating  
dinner with a particular guru and the women arranged all of our large  
round plates so that food on the opposite side of the plate, was  
always it's antidote. That way, if you ever ate anything that didn't  
agree with you, you just ate it's opposite. Same with hooch, it's  
opposite is acorus calamus (calamus root). It is alleged to remove  
most of the negative side effects.

Calamus root, which contains asarone, is taken, a red-hot gold needle  
inserted and the small amount of powder added to honey, and then added  
to a mother's breast milk in many upper-caste Indian homes with their  
newborns. It is believed to awaken higher intelligence. Asarone is a  
precurser of TMA-2, which is many times more potent than mescaline. Of  
course it's only available in extremely small quantities as given.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-24 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 2:28 PM, curtisdeltablues
> --- In, ruthsimplicity 
>> A better analogy is comparing mood altering drugs to marijuana.
>> Anti-depressants don't alter the mood and are not addicting in that
>> sense.  Benzodiazepines like Xanax or Valium are psychoactive drugs
>> that work on the central nervous system, altering mood and behavior.
>> They are usually dispensed in small amounts and are highly addictive.
>> They have their place but certainly should not be legal and freely
>> available.  Marijuana I have mixed feelings about. Face it,marijuana
>> makes you stupid.
> This is context dependent and depends on your experience practicing
> any activity while stoned.  Give a neewbie a joint and they will
> probably have some trouble with the math section of the SATs.  (unless
> that is their thing and they practice math stoned)  But in the context
> of a musical jam the increased connection between kinostetic and
> auditory channels can boost creativity, just turn on the radio to hear
> the results.  It can make your mind distracted by causing you to hyper
> focus on sensation. (bedroom boon!)  But in the context where this
> shift is valuable it can be an asset.

This is gratuitous.  I've heard this a million times.  It is the same
litany, pretty much word for word.   Practice makes perfect.  "I can
get stoned and act perfectly normal.  Nobody is the wiser."  I'm not
sure if I buy this or not.  I would like to see some studies that show
this is really the case and not just a stoner telling me it's the
case.  My observation is that judgement and behavior are impaired, no
matter what the experience level with the weed is.  I suspect the
person is saying that they've accumulated to being stoned so that they
don't notice being stoned anymore.

But I don't care to debate this issue.  I have my vote and I have my
campaign contributions to give.  I will use them as I desire and see

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-24 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:34 PM, ruthsimplicity

> Marijuana I have mixed feelings about. Face it, marijuana
> makes you stupid. Not many people can use it day in and day out and
> still function well. I can see some people may get some benefit from
> it in medical treatment, though there usually is something else
> available that works as well or better.  But the amount of resources
> that go to combating this drug seems extreme.  I tend to favor
> decriminalizing its use, but I am not happy about it.  California is
> talking about legalizing it and taxing it.  I am sure that won't go
> over well with the feds.
> And yes, I smoked a few in my day.

I feelings on the matter.  I have extremely mixed feelings about
Marijuana.  It's not easily detectable in drivers and it does impair
driving and other things.  The active ingredients in Marijuana
accumulate in the body, unlike alcohol.  Too much money is spent on
drug enforcement of Marijuana.  I favor decriminalization of it.  I'm
not happy about full decriminalization of its use, though, because
it's not at all like alcohol.  Perhaps making Marijuana a sort of
scheduled drug without the need of a doctor's prescription.

I have known for years how and why Marijuana got criminalized.  But
I've also known for years how and why opiates got criminalized.  Just
because something was criminalized for the wrong reasons doesn't mean
that criminal sanctions are wrong.  New evidence is revealed in the
fullness of time and the march of science.

I had one experience with Marijuana.  It was not at all pleasant.
That experience, however, is not why I am ambivalent about having it
decriminalized or not.  Much of my negative feelings about Marijuana
are the result of close quarter observation of people smoking the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-24 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 24, 2009, at 10:25 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I, too, dropped drugs during my whole TM period,
and during most of the time since. But on my
first trip to Amsterdam, I had a "What the fuck"
moment and decided to see what the staid but
efficient Dutch had managed to achieve in the
cultivation of high-class weed.

What I found surprised me -- in a pleasant way.
I expected my clarity of mind to vanish and be
replaced with what others here have called a "fog."
It did not.

That's because your state of mind was so foggy
already you had nowhere to go but up, Barry. :)

I'm just throwing that in so that the usual
suspects can save themselves the trouble.
Don't thank me, Judy, Bob and eternal...
it was nothing.

What I found was a *different* clarity
of mind. The closest I can come to describing it
is to use the phrase from Castaneda -- it was a
shifting of my assemblage point.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-24 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 24, 2009, at 9:42 AM, boo_lives wrote:

People I know who "see auras" all say that anti-depressants are about
the worst drug to take, and no-one is in jail for taking and selling
antidepressants, and anti-depressants are much more common among ffld
sidhas than pot.  I won't even bother to get into alchohol and the
suffering that causes in society and in ffld.

Well maybe your friends who "see auras" ought to
go back to the loony bins they obviously
escaped from, boo.  Who the hell are they to
pass judgements on medication which has helped


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-24 Thread Vaj

On Feb 24, 2009, at 10:00 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

So if you're asking me which should be illegal --
pot or TM -- it's a pretty clear call for me.

Some dopers get stupid and lazy. Some TMers
get not only stupid and lazy but elitist and
nasty and hypocritical about being those things.

If marijuana is a "gateway drug" to lazy and
stupid, give me that any day over what seems
to be a "gateway drug" to being stupid, lazy,
elitist, nasty, hypocritical, and devoid of

Some TMers can obviously "handle" TM, and find
a way to NOT turn stupid, lazy, elitist, nasty,
hypocritical and devoid of compassion. There-
fore I tolerate it.

Some dopers -- such as the people I listed --
can obviously "handle" a toke now and then
without showing any ill effects. Therefore I
tolerate it, too.

I think many TMers would appreciate the buzz of good weed, as  
marijuana also induces EEG alpha waves--the same waves people get  
buzzed on with correct TM.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-24 Thread Kirk
No, he needs a fucking joint of some good KB.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Sal Sunshine 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 8:20 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For 
Growing Pot

  On Feb 24, 2009, at 3:14 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

You're being a bigot, Doug, and an ignorant one to
boot. Let it go. You're not going to win. Science is
going to win in the long run, and tolerance, and a
growing perception that among ALL of the drugs that
society uses to get through the day -- caffeine, 
tobacco, alcohol, and so many pills that over half
of the adult population of the U.S. is on a regular
prescription for some kind of antidepressant -- pot
has the least bad side effects and causes the least
amount of permanent damage. 

  Not to mention that chocolate supposedly has more
  caffeine than coffee...something all the loonies ranting about
  how bad that is for you usually forget.

  Frankly, after this latest rant I just think
  Doug needs a long vacation.  Ar first I 
  really thought it was satire.  And as 
  satire, it would be great.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-24 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 24, 2009, at 3:14 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

You're being a bigot, Doug, and an ignorant one to
boot. Let it go. You're not going to win. Science is
going to win in the long run, and tolerance, and a
growing perception that among ALL of the drugs that
society uses to get through the day -- caffeine,
tobacco, alcohol, and so many pills that over half
of the adult population of the U.S. is on a regular
prescription for some kind of antidepressant -- pot
has the least bad side effects and causes the least
amount of permanent damage.

Not to mention that chocolate supposedly has more
caffeine than coffee...something all the loonies ranting about
how bad that is for you usually forget.

Frankly, after this latest rant I just think
Doug needs a long vacation.  Ar first I
really thought it was satire.  And as
satire, it would be great.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-21 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 9:59 PM, ruthsimplicity
> How about Austin?  I am going to be there next week.

Drive south across the Ann Richards (formerly Congress) Bridge from
down town.  Choose a place on either side of the road.   If you don't
see something you like, keep driving.  If you are very particular,
bring your passport with you because in 200 odd miles you'll cross
over into Nuevo Loredo and US Border Patrol will want to see your
passport to return to the US.  Or look for Taquerias Arandas and have
some facility in Spanish.  It is a real, authentic Mexican chain in
Texas and the menu and cooking varies from restaurant to restaurant.
It serves real authentic border style food which might disappoint you
because that type of food gets to the point instead of making
everything colorful the way it's done in California.  California style
ranchero looks a lot like cooked salsa fresca or pico de gallo.
Loredo style ranchero is a single color and contains peppers,
tomatoes, onions, lots of garlic and spices but is sort of brown in
color.  If you find a place which serves mole enchiladas, order them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-21 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 21, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

I've seen or heard about a few "mental cases in FF," but I have yet to
conclude that TM triggers these folks past their tipping points.  The
TMO policies might do that, but I still see the technique as restful
and healthful in the main.

It's fine in the main...what isn't fine is telling people that's
all they need, and threatening them with expulsion if they
seek out medical attention for psychological problems.   To
someone dealing with massive insecurity that can often
be the last straw.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-21 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 21, 2009, at 10:11 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Are you sure about this happening here, Barry?
I'm just asking because I'm surprised I haven't
heard of it myself.  Anyone know who this was?
It's horrible, to put it mildly.

I am *not* sure. I heard it on one of the
TM-related forums I've been part of over
the years...don't remember which one. The
woman's name that I knew was Karen Hudson,
but she would have had a different married

Very interesting, Barry...thanks.  The one
person I know of who did this or something
very similar is named Anita...not sure if it
was in FF or if she was even in the TMO at
that point, it might have been when she was
younger.  She survived as well.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-20 Thread Kirk
All these kids will leave prison experts in every aspect of their area of 
expertise with loads of connections. They will not get caught again. They are 
merely n ow going to college. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: I am the eternal 
  Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 5:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For 
Growing Pot

  On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 4:11 PM, bob_brigante  

--- In, Duveyoung  wrote:

Smoking pot makes ya lazy and stupid, that's why society has enacted
laws agin it (not that this alcohol-based society has a leg up on
stupidity). These kids threw away the opportunity to really expand
their consciousness through TM and, proving the point about how
stupid pot makes ya, used 100x the electricity an ordinary household
would use just so Sheriff John would get the message.

I take no joy in seeing young people choose the wrong road in life,
but make no mistake, that's what they did, now they and their
arrogant parents  will pay the price for the wrong path. Years from
now, if the fog clears from these kids' brains, they'll realize what
a blessing this bust was, before their ass got shot up in some drug
deal gone bad, which is a common occurrence in NoCal drug trafficking:


  I absolutely agree.  The law is the law.  This men knew what the law was and 
what the penalties were for violating it.  No court has declared the laws these 
men will face unconstitutional because one interest or another caused the laws 
to be enacted or because one race tends to commit crimes against these laws or 

  Now as far as the poor suffering parents, well these aren't kids.  They are 
adults.  Adults who it appears had parents who didn't  do a good job of raising 
their kids.  But there's no reason to fault them on that.  Children have their 
own dharma/karma and they just happen to grow up in the house of their parents. 

  Now, getting back to the Mexican food.  I made the observation in my group 
when I was in Phoenix that if you want real Mexican food, head for the places 
with the bars on the windows.  Well, wouldn't you know it, that became the 
motto of our lunch group and we were never unhappy in our choices.

  Houston?  Why even both to rate Mexican restaurants?  Anyplace around North 
Main Street and anyplace to the east of Main Street serves good Mexican food.  
Choose places with no English on the signs and where English is not spoken 
inside.  Definitely keep away from the chains and keep away from any place that 
advertises  el cheapo Mexican buffets on billboards.  There's not even real 
cheese served at Panchos.  OTOH there are real Mexican as opposed to Tex-Mex 
food served at little hole in the wall places with bars on the windows if they 
serve buffet style or off a menu (assuming they have a menu).


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-20 Thread Kirk
 You have posted before in support of ecstacy, so I'm not surprised of
> your salute to pot. You stick with drugs, I'll stick with TM, and on
> the day these bodies no longer function, I'm sure that your clear
> mind on that day will see how much of a mistake drug use is.
> Maharishi noted about drug users: Drug users are dumber than rocks -- 
> a rock has the good grace to remain silent when it hears the truth,
> but the drug user shakes his head no.

-Maharishi also commented on the great good grace of castro and Mugabe 
for their abilities to withstand world opinion. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-20 Thread Kirk

> As regards cannabis' value as an adjunct to a "spiritual" life, I would
> agree with both Kirk's and Grate.Swan's stated opinions on the subject.

Oh yeah, who would argue that kumbakonampranayama was deweloped for the 
optainment of sidhi with marijuwanna? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-20 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 4:11 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

> --- In, Duveyoung  wrote:
> Smoking pot makes ya lazy and stupid, that's why society has enacted
> laws agin it (not that this alcohol-based society has a leg up on
> stupidity). These kids threw away the opportunity to really expand
> their consciousness through TM and, proving the point about how
> stupid pot makes ya, used 100x the electricity an ordinary household
> would use just so Sheriff John would get the message.
> I take no joy in seeing young people choose the wrong road in life,
> but make no mistake, that's what they did, now they and their
> arrogant parents  will pay the price for the wrong path. Years from
> now, if the fog clears from these kids' brains, they'll realize what
> a blessing this bust was, before their ass got shot up in some drug
> deal gone bad, which is a common occurrence in NoCal drug trafficking:
> Bob

I absolutely agree.  The law is the law.  This men knew what the law was and
what the penalties were for violating it.  No court has declared the laws
these men will face unconstitutional because one interest or another caused
the laws to be enacted or because one race tends to commit crimes against
these laws or not.

Now as far as the poor suffering parents, well these aren't kids.  They are
adults.  Adults who it appears had parents who didn't  do a good job of
raising their kids.  But there's no reason to fault them on that.  Children
have their own dharma/karma and they just happen to grow up in the house of
their parents.

Now, getting back to the Mexican food.  I made the observation in my group
when I was in Phoenix that if you want real Mexican food, head for the
places with the bars on the windows.  Well, wouldn't you know it, that
became the motto of our lunch group and we were never unhappy in our

Houston?  Why even both to rate Mexican restaurants?  Anyplace around North
Main Street and anyplace to the east of Main Street serves good Mexican
food.  Choose places with no English on the signs and where English is not
spoken inside.  Definitely keep away from the chains and keep away from any
place that advertises  el cheapo Mexican buffets on billboards.  There's not
even real cheese served at Panchos.  OTOH there are real Mexican as opposed
to Tex-Mex food served at little hole in the wall places with bars on the
windows if they serve buffet style or off a menu (assuming they have a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-20 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 20, 2009, at 4:33 PM, bob_brigante wrote:

You have posted before in support of ecstacy, so I'm not surprised of
your salute to pot. You stick with drugs, I'll stick with TM, and on
the day these bodies no longer function, I'm sure that your clear
mind on that day will see how much of a mistake drug use is.
Maharishi noted about drug users: Drug users are dumber than rocks --
a rock has the good grace to remain silent when it hears the truth,
but the drug user shakes his head no.

You stick with TM,'s that working out?
Having a fulfilling life?

Your views on MJ are about as intelligent and
well-thought out as your views were on the election,
namely, that too many whites were inherently
bigoted to vote for Obama, that all the polls
were wrong, and that there was no doubt
McCain would be our next Prez.

Well, I guess a few whites voted for him, didn't they?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-19 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:16 PM, bob_brigante 
>  [www_zwire_com]
> Fairfield Ledger article on bust

North of Chico, eh?  Herb Caen, who wrote *Don't Call it Frisco* and was a
long time writer for the San Francisco Chronicle wrote a trip report on
Chico.  I read it years ago when I was in SF.  He said that Chico is the
kind of town where they sell Velveta Cheese in the gourmet food section of
the supermarket.  He said he went into an Italian Restaurant and ordered
pasta.  He asked if he could have it cooked al dente. The waitress came back
and told him that she could only offer it with tomato sauce or alfredo.

One of the "boys" is 29.  Either he was held back some grades or he's not
that recent a graduate of the Maharishi School.

Well, at least they kept their loot in a safe.  Honor amongst...

Hash oil.  Probably to sell to Amrita, if they are still in Fairfield, eh?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-19 Thread Kirk
Doug, you've finally lost it.
Can't say I didn't see it coming :)

- Original Message - 
From: "dhamiltony2k5" 
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 6:29 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing 

> This kind of illegal drug cultural behavior of thinking they could
> and even should run a drug grow house is incipit pernicious mob rule
> that is a direct threat to all our American communal freedoms which
> we have fought for and won for so long and so hard.   Yield not to
> that of these mobster counter-revolutionaries.  They absolutely
> should not be tolerated. This is the price of all our liberty.  Stand
> firm fellow citizens.
> Jai Guru Dev,
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to:
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-19 Thread I am the eternal
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 2:04 AM, sparaig  wrote:
> --- In, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
>> The kids arrested included the sons of Fairfield's meditating mayor and
>> Board of Education member:
> When I was on my Siddhis course, several of the high school students
> were thrown off the course because they had been discovered to have
> smoked pot within 6 months of the course.
> That included the son and daughter of two different MIU professors.
> The kids were upset, but they said their parents just rolled their eyes  at 
> the whole
> thing and didn't say much about it.
> As my walk'n'talk partner commented: they're enlightened kids but still kids.

Enlightened kids my ass.  Spoiled brats.  I remember the kids who had
Ru parents.  The children would scream and throw tantrums.  Couldn't
quiet them down or teach them to be quiet because that would destroy
their little hearts.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-18 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 8:48 PM, grate. swan  wrote:
> I have had experiences much as LShad describes. No thoughts -- and the
> famous lack of short-term memory aka being totally in the present. It
> seems the height of spiritual bigotry, parochialism and folly to
> believe one is quite superior to sadhus who are devoting their life to
> their spiritual quest -- and using cannabis as a spiritual fertilizer.
> Such know-nothingness is what keeps many thousand in jail for pursuing
> their choice of spiritual discover. (Not that cannabis is not used in
> non spiritual settings also but I venture a speculation that the vast
> majority in jail for cannabis related activity have gained spiritual
> benefit from it.
> Live long and prosper on your path. Let others do likewise.

Live long and prosper, indeed.  I'm packing up to go to northern
California.  A supplier of pot has been put out of business.  Though I
can't smoke the stuff (Maharishi said it's a no no), I have no problem
making money.  Especially since Maharishi said that I can clean my
money by donating a portion of it to a good cause.  Hmm.  I wonder
which cause HH would favor?

There's enough money in pot production to use LCDs and cover one's
signatures.  I'll probably find that Eng and that other butthole who
called me a racist are competitors.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-18 Thread Vaj

On Feb 18, 2009, at 8:01 PM, Joe Smith wrote:

It's not possible to transcend while stoned on pot because as any pot
head will tell you, there's this constant flow or stream of
consciousness-thoughts while stoned, the opposite of settled
awareness. The whole cycle of settling down, having a thought, feeling
the mantra on a subtle level, settling down, etc. can't be achieved
while stuck in an astral-thought kaleidoscope. Being stoned is the
antithesis of quiet mind-transcendental consciousness.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-18 Thread I am the eternal
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Joe Smith  wrote:
> It's not possible to transcend while stoned on pot because as any pot
> head will tell you, there's this constant flow or stream of
> consciousness-thoughts while stoned, the opposite of settled
> awareness. The whole cycle of settling down, having a thought, feeling
> the mantra on a subtle level, settling down, etc. can't be achieved
> while stuck in an astral-thought kaleidoscope. Being stoned is the
> antithesis of quiet mind-transcendental consciousness.

Hmm.  That's interesting.  When the guys passed around the joints in
my sophomore year in college I gave it a try.  I got very, very
concerned that I could not hold a thought.  I would be thinking then
I'd be gone for God knows how long.  I'd come back, desperately try to
have and hold on to another thought.  I was sort of like Sisyphus.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-18 Thread Kirk

>  wrote:
> That's what happens when TM is taught in place of Religion! Ethics and
> morality don't magically appear after a few months (or years) of TM.
> MMY dropped Patanjali's precious teachings on Yama and NiYama
> rendering TM less effective. TM must be practiced in conjunction with
> Religion for an all around, complete education, even MMY says as much.
---It should also be clear to most TM practitioners that TM is a 
technique and doesn't itself develop jnana.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-18 Thread Kirk
Unless of course they had designed some special Vedic Transcendental 
Weed.Wouldn't that be cool?

It would be the Bam.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-18 Thread Rick Archer
From: []
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:12 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing


--- In
 , "sparaig"  wrote:

> They may have believed that "support of nature" would keep them out 
of jail.
> L.

How do you even know that these young persons are regular meditators ?
You don't. Like Rick Archer you act like a foolish rumourmonger.

No one suggested they were meditators. They grew up in FF and went to MSAE,
but who knows if they're still meditating?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-18 Thread Peter

--- On Wed, 2/18/09, nablusoss1008  wrote:

> From: nablusoss1008 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing 
> Pot
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 4:12 PM
> --- In, "sparaig"
>  wrote:
> > 
> > They may have believed that "support of
> nature" would keep them out 
> of jail.
> > 
> > 
> > L.
> How do you even know that these young persons are regular
> meditators ?
> You don't. Like Rick Archer you act like a foolish
> rumourmonger.

Nabs, I think they needed to be checked!

> To subscribe, send a message to:
> Or go to: 
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-18 Thread Vaj

On Feb 18, 2009, at 8:43 AM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

Yeah, that Designer pot use and its addiction in society…

Is too bad.

The simple explanation is that:

Pervasive use of modern powerful pot is the larger spiritual societal
problem with people not meditating anymore.  Folks just don't have
transcendent spiritual experiences anymore or are hazy at best with  


Unless of course they had designed some special Vedic Transcendental  

Wouldn't that be cool?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Several Maharishi Graduates Busted For Growing Pot

2009-02-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:10 PM, bob_brigante  wrote:
> I can't believe anybody is so out of it that they would start a grow
> operation without being aware of utility co./cop cooperation in
> monitoring high electricity usage. Didn't these guys read one of the
> weed magazines while boning up on how to grow? (bought at a newstand
> with cash, not by subscription, of course:
> ).

Can you say infrared?  A house was busted in Buda, a rural town south
of Austin.  Ceiling to floor, every room filled with pot plants.  Set
up by a computer wiz/control systems engineer.  Everything was
automated.  He just showed up about once every 10 days.  He was busted
because of the tremendous amount of IR the house was giving off.   A
very large haul.  Took the heat off of the police and sheriffs being
busted for child porn, groping non-suspects and arranging dates in
chat rooms with underage girls and boys for a couple weeks.