On Feb 26, 2009, at 9:35 AM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

Abuse becomes abusive abuser.

 There is a reality there & it is not just benign.

What is the research?  Anybody have it to look at?

Seems is very timely in many ways here and everywhere.

There are several studies which claim to show marijuana increases susceptibility to "psychosis" or even (paranoid) schizophrenia. I believe what they're noticing is that some people tend to get really paranoid when they get stoned. Anyone who grew up in the 60's or 70's will already be familiar with this, as there was always someone who got really "freaked out" when stoned: the cops were following you, they were afraid if they forgot to breathe they'd die, people were "watching" them etc. Apparently if these type of people smoke long enough, they can develop problems--as opposed to the types that laugh their asses off, get totally into music or TV, make love like Casanova, enthrall at the minute details of nature or become very creative.

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