On Feb 25, 2009, at 4:49 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
Here's what this article says about the Columbia
University "study." Note that they *started with*
33 patients who already had established symptoms
of psychosis, and then "worked backwards" to try
to establish the link to cannabis use. Sounds to
me like starting with a bunch of diabetes patients
and discovering that because diabetes makes you
thirsty they all drink water. Therefore there is
a causal link between drinking water and diabetes. :-)

I was wondering about that too...the cannabis
and psychosis link didn't sound credible.

Note also what constitutes "psychotic-like symptoms"
for these researchers -- "suspiciousness and percep-
tual disturbances." Given those criteria, Nabby and
Judy are psychotic, because they are definitely
suspicious of pretty much everyone and they talk
about rather disturbing perceptions like believing
in UFOs.

And don't forget the little green men
romping in cornfields in order to create
works of art.

One of them (Judy) has even admitted to
having smoked marijuana in her youth, and the other
(Nabby) probably toked up before that stick got
lodged up his butt so far that he could no longer
inhale. Their cannabis use was what made them
psychotic -- clear as day.  :-)


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