On Feb 25, 2009, at 11:10 AM, grate.swan wrote:

The point is, it's effects on the brain are real and not necessarily
helpful for certain people in certain situations where quick memory
retrieval is necessary.

Yes?  And?

Per my prior post -- some activities are not enhanced with cannabis.
Don't do them. We are not talking using it 24/7 whereby the features
of cnnabis are permanent.

As per my previous post: In long term (or even relatively short term) use perfusion is diminished to areas of the frontal lobe, thus memory recall is impaired even when not using.

If it only happened during use, it wouldn't be such a big deal.

And the gateway drug thing may not be a myth.
Put it this way: I don't want to be the heart attack victim in an ER
with the Doc who just returned from two weeks of constantly being
stoned in Jamaica who can't remember what WTF to do next,

I hope you realized what a crap argument that is. Else I might wonder
how meditation affects logical and rational areas of the brain.

The effects on memory are DURING its use.

See above. Demonstrated long ago in cerebral perfusion imaging studies. Think swiss cheese. Mmmm.

nor do I
want that guy as my pilot trying to land by plane in the Hudson river
in a pinch. Nor do I necessarily want him working on my home or
building my car.

Crap squared.

Uh huh, see the above.

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