Help, please! xserver or evdev and laptop keyboard

2008-08-04 Thread kwhiskerz
I was away last week and updated my laptop around last Wednesday while on 
vacation (bad move). I noticed that xorg-x11-server-Xorg-1.4.99-905.2.20080702 
and the corresponding xorg-x11-server-common were updated. I am not sure 
whether evdev was also updated then, or whether it had been updated a week or 
so earlier (if so, then it is not the problem, but most likely the xserver 
would be).

Since doing the update, I have full mouse functionality, but no keyboard. The 
keys just type nothing at all in gnome, kde4.1 (which I use), kdm and gdm. The 
keys work in grub and when I boot into run level 3 from grub (but limited, 
cannot type ' or ", for example, just letters).

As per recent instructions, I do not use an xorg.conf file, but thinking that 
that might be the problem, I tried to create a skeleton xorg.conf with just 
the keyboard section, thinking that my keyboard doesn't like evdev and wanting 
to make it use the old kbd driver instead (at least I presume that evdev is 
the present default), but, as I just said, I am unable to type a ", so I am 
unable to create an xorg.conf file.

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Re: Help, please! xserver or evdev and laptop keyboard

2008-08-04 Thread kwhiskerz
I tried that, but it refused to start X with the generated file. The message 
said something about some intel module not existing. Very strange, as that 
module is not loaded, now that I have sort of solved the problem.

What I did was sftp the old archived xorg.conf from my desktop and now the 
laptop keyboard works.

The problem remains, however, as one is not supposed to use an xorg.conf at 
all, and it was working just fine without right up until last week when I 
installed those updates (likely the xserver ones, I think).

So, how can I have a laptop keyboard and no xorg.conf, like one is supposed to 
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Re: Help, please! xserver or evdev and laptop keyboard

2008-08-05 Thread kwhiskerz
On Tue, 05 Aug 2008 14:40:24 +0930, Tim wrote:

> If having one makes it work, then have one.  You don't not have to have
> one.  I do see your point about not having to do something special to
> make things work, but I wouldn't fret too much about having an xorg.conf
> file.

I liked not having the file, as I prefer to have the system set itself up 
correctly, which it was actually doing, without my intervention. This works, 
too, and is not that much of a hassle. Thanks.

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Fedora Infinity: A Dumb Question?

2008-08-05 Thread kwhiskerz
I have always wondered why it is necessary to issue a new version of Fedora 
(or any other OS every 6 months). Why cannot an OS be like a river, constantly 
flowing and always being the latest edition, with a simple yum update. Cannot 
programs clean up after themselves, leaving no cruft, so that this would be 
possible? That way, one could jump on the infinite Fedora flow at any time and 
always have the latest version of all programs. What forces the necessity to 
stop a particular version and recreate all the software and redo all of the 
old mistakes that were already fixed and issue a new version?

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Re: Fedora Infinity: A Dumb Question?

2008-08-05 Thread kwhiskerz
That was a lot of answers. I guess I get the drift. I have tried Rawhide, but 
found it too much work, except when it gets close to a release and I just 
can't wait any longer. It sure would be nice if one didn't have to keep 
reinstalling twice a year and still have the latest. Well, someone, someday 
may figure it out. Rawhide is not for me. Too much work.

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To yum or not to yum

2008-08-26 Thread kwhiskerz
What is up with yum? Is the crisis over? I have not had any updates for a 
couple of weeks now. Do I need to take some special action to get things 
moving again? Or will it happen by itself?

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Re: To yum or not to yum

2008-08-26 Thread kwhiskerz
Thanks, Rahul.

It's nice to finally hear something about what a Fedora user is supposed to do. 
I had read stuff about new keys and stuff, but it didn't seem to apply to the 
general user, but nothing definite about how to proceed was ever said.

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Re: Ping KDE users

2008-08-30 Thread kwhiskerz
Favourites: all the time
Recently Used: barely at all, but have used

I use kickoff as the primary, almost sole, way of starting applications.

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Script Test [OT]

2008-09-06 Thread kwhiskerz
This is OT, but perhaps someone knows an answer.

Is there a way a script can determine which computer it is running on and 
refuse to run if it is on the wrong computer?

if [ some case ]; then
 don't run

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Re: Script Test [OT]

2008-09-06 Thread kwhiskerz
The problem is that both computers return hostname = localhost, so that won't 
work. IP address is not always possible, as the network might not be up, 
especially on the laptop.

How would I check the HWaddress (MAC)?

As ifconfig returns a whole list of things:

1.How can I isolate just 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx in order to make a comparision?
2.How do I make this comparison in bash? I guess this value must be a string?

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Re: Script Test [OT]

2008-09-06 Thread kwhiskerz
A suggestion I found on the net is to test for the value of md5sum 
/etc/passwd. Now, does this stay the same, even if a password is added or 
changed? Is it unique to a computer? And also, how do I isolate the number and 
strip off the space and "/etc/passwd" from the result?

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Re: Script Test [OT]

2008-09-06 Thread kwhiskerz
I will see if I can make the HWaddr test work.

Thanks, those are great suggestions.

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Re: Script Test [OT]

2008-09-06 Thread kwhiskerz
Tried it on both computers. Works great! Neither will run the other's script.



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Compositing Woe in FXa

2008-09-21 Thread kwhiskerz
I have 2 computers, both running Fedora X alpha (and current with 
the latest updates from Rawhide and Livna-development), both 
using on-board Intel graphics.

On the desktop, when I enable kwin's OpenGL compositing, all is 
fine. On the laptop, the same choice works just great for the 
session, but when I log out and back in or reboot, X hangs and locks 
both the keyboard and mouse, and refuses to log in.

I have tried various grub kernel boot line options, such as removing 
rhgb, using nomodeset, or even enforcing=0, but none produced 
any difference. I am forced to edit kwinrc after booting to run level 
3, setting compositing to false. Login is then possible.

Both computers have minimal xorg.conf files in place, as per recent 
threads, namely Option "AllowEmptyInput" "off" in the ServerFlags 
section, as no keyboard was available on either computer without 
this tweak.

So, why do these 2 computers react differently, despite both using 
Intel graphics and having the same configurations? How can I use 
OpenGL compositing on the laptop without disabling it every time 
before logging out and re-enabling it once logged in?

[FX looks super :) by the way! Pulseaudio doesn't crash all the time, 
KDE 4 is colossal, Firefox and OpenOffice have had their wrinkles 
removed, their icons blending into the desktop theme nicely...]

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Groups running wild

2008-09-22 Thread kwhiskerz
I have noticed differences in /etc/groups lately.

Older files had the form group:*:
Newer files have the form group :x:
On my laptop yesterday, a groups.rpmnew was created with the form group::

I read the manual and it suggests that the latter form means no password.

What does all of this mean? What effect does the * or x have? If it is blank, 
what does it mean for a group to have no password? No password for login? Why 
would such a file be generated upon yum update for my laptop?

Can one have different settings for different groups in the same file? When 
one use which setting?
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Re: Groups running wild

2008-09-23 Thread kwhiskerz
Thanks. I will delete the groups.rpmnew with the empty fields group:: on my 
laptop and revert to the original groups:x: format.
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Re: How is KDE4 supposed to be used ?

2008-10-04 Thread kwhiskerz
Dave Feustel wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 01:32:22PM -0500, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Linuxguy123 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> > There is and has been a lot of grumbling about KDE4 from a number of
>> > people including myself.  On the other hand, some people think its
>> > great.
>> >
>> > I can't help but wonder if I am missing something on how its supposed
>> > to
>> > be used.  Is there a guide or website that has a little tutorial
>> > somewhere ?
>> >
>> > Thanks.
>> What exactly are you trying to do that you can't do?
> Put icons for launching xterm and konqueror on the upper or lower panel.
Xterm is superseded by Konsole, which is already in the menu under 

Konqueror already has an icon under Favourites, but is also under 

As well, you can simply type Alt-F2 and begin typing kon... and a drop-down 
window will appear with possibilities. Just click on the one you want to launch.

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ssmtp problem

2008-10-06 Thread kwhiskerz
I need system mail to be delivered to my user account. I do not send mail to 
the outside world using mailx etc, as I use my ISP's pop server. I only have 
one user on the computer, me (and me as root).

I used sendmail successfully, but thought it might be overkill, so decided to 
try ssmtp.

I stopped the sendmail daemon. I configured alternatives --config mta. I edited 
/etc/ssmtp.conf, with root=me and mailhub=localhost.localdomain (I have also 
tried localhost.localdomain:25).

When I try to send mail as root to me, or as me to root, the following error 
ensues: send-mail: Cannot open localhost.localdomain:25. System mail is not 

I left newaliases as it was for sendmail, with root's mail being delivered to 
me, as I still want that, but using ssmtp instead.

Do I need to open the firewall? But I don't want the program to send to the 
outside world, nor do I want to receive with this program from the outside 
world. Just system mail on this computer to an account on this computer.

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Re: Kaffeine codecs

2008-10-06 Thread kwhiskerz
Kaffeine is a front-end to xine. The mplayer plugins are located in 
/usr/lib/codecs and xine understands this. Although kaffeine should recognize 
this, it doesn't, hence it is necessary to ln -s /usr/lib/codecs /usr/lib/win32.

So, then you need the codecs. Go to and grab the essential 
codecs tarball. Unpack it, as root, in /usr/lib/codecs. There is some 
indication that you will require xine-lib-devel for xine to be able to make use 
of these mplayer codecs (this might be available from fedora, otherwise livna).

If kaffeine doesn't forget that the codecs weren't there the first time around, 
make it forget and have the startup wizard rerun by deleting 
/home/you/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine/wizard_stamp* and restart the program.

There is also a package, xine-lib-extras-nonfree from livna, that you should 

This appears to permit playback of anything I have ever encountered. With this 
set-up, I have not needed real player or helios player, for example.

While you're at livna, grab libdvdcss so that you can play DVDs in kaffeine, 

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Re: ssmtp problem

2008-10-06 Thread kwhiskerz
> Put sendmail back.  It was configured to do what you say you want out of
> the box.
Ok (sheepishly) ;-)

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Re: Kaffeine codecs

2008-10-06 Thread kwhiskerz
Rex Dieter wrote:

> This shouldn't be necessary.  Are you sure?
I don't know, Rex. I was heeding the warning. I never thought to try without 
making the link.

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Re: Kaffeine codecs

2008-10-06 Thread kwhiskerz
=?UTF-8?Q?Joonas_Saraj=C3=A4rvi?= wrote:

> I'd recommend against bypassing package management. And also against
> installation of binary-only codecs (Isn't the tarball essentially the
> infamous w32codes package?). Especially when there is very little
> content that can't be decoded just with the open source decoders from
Interesting. I seem to recall having tried that and NOT being able to access 
some multimedia file, but I can no longer say for certain. I will try in Fedora 
11, I guess, as I already have my setup for Fedora 10. It would be better if 
you were right, of course, as it is one less hassle to deal with.

Even if the codecs are not required for xine, as a xine nonfree package is 
supplied by livna, what about mplayer? These codecs are actually intended for 
mplayer and there is no livna mplayer nonfree package that I ever recall having 

So, why are these codecs infamous? I have been using them for years and have 
had very few multimedia complaints, compared to all of the laments I have read 
accompanying every new release of Fedora and the alleged lack of multimedia 

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Re: multimedia keys stopped working

2008-10-06 Thread kwhiskerz
oleksandr korneta wrote:
> I've rebooted my f8 desktop today (which I do rather rarely) and
> discovered that my multimedia keys suddenly stopped working. Since I
> have everything configured in  ~/.Xmodmap I decided to just rerun
> "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap", but it did not help. I launched xev and was
> surprised to find that the multimedia keys which I've been using for at
> least 2 years now produce no keycodes whatsoever. Instead, the keys not
> detectable before (a row of 6 keys numbered from 1 to 5 plus a star,
> presumably browser bookmarks) produce the keycodes 183, 184, 93, 131,
> 247 which are unknown to me.
I have a similar problem, both in Fedora 9 and Fedora 10. I used to use xmodmap 
successfully. Now, some of my keys have entirely different keycodes with xev 
than they did before and some don't generate any keycodes at all. I use a 
Logitech USB keyboard. Some of the keys do generate keycodes and have X 
mappings, but it is impossible to use them in Khotkeys/Input Actions anyway. I 
have not complained because I am so thrilled that KDE4 is so great and this is 
a low priority problem, but as KDE gets better, this is moving up the list of 
things that would be nice to have fixed (actually, festival text-to-speech is a 
much higher priority for me, hint hint).

My guess is that this problem stems from the new X Server and possibly the use 
of evdev as the keyboard driver. Once again, I am so thrilled that I am 
actually using evdev successfully, that this seems minor to me and I would be 
more ecstatic to have the Intel display driver fixed that will permit OpenGL 
effects and modesetting. Patience, my boy. It is coming.

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Re: Video card

2008-10-06 Thread kwhiskerz
Dennis Kaptain wrote:
>> Could you give me some names of Video cards that are most compatible
>> with Fedora 9 and that have drivers for Fedora 9??
If you don't need a high-end gaming card, just get a motherboard that has 
onboard Intel graphics. It is fantastic! I used to use nvidia and always had to 
get the livna nvidia drivers and they never showed up on time with the new 
kernels, so I'd be waiting, on a few occasions a couple of weeks running an old 
kernel because livna hadn't yet released the appropriate nvidia kernel module. 
With Intel, you don't have any of this hassle, as it's all built into X. Intel 
supports video effects, like OpenGL compositing and Compiz-Fusion, too 
(although at the moment, the driver is unstable with my KDE4 setup, but it was 
working excellently up until the most recent X server release last week, so it 
is just a matter of time before all will be even better than before). Go with 
Intel and you'll save a bundle, too, as a MoBo costs about $150 and you've got 
graphics and audio and LAN and all...

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Re: Kaffeine codecs

2008-10-07 Thread kwhiskerz
=?UTF-8?Q?Joonas_Saraj=C3=A4rvi?= wrote: (a whole bunch of stuff)

You've got me curious. Maybe I'll just remove those codecs to a backup for a 
while and see if the livna nonfree package is able to do everything in both 
xine and mplayer/ffmpeg, etc. It would be a whole lot simpler.

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Re: ssmtp problem

2008-10-07 Thread kwhiskerz
Jonathan Underwood wrote:

> An alternative is to use esmtp (a lightweight ssmtp equivalent) with
> postfix for local mail delivery - see here:
I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't see how this would be an advantage 
(this is arcane territory for me). I would disable the sendmail daemon, then 
have to configure 2 applications, where sendmail needs NO configuration, and 
have to run another daemon named procmail? So, I'm still running a daemon 
anyway and have a whole lot of work to do every Fedora upgrade.

What got me started on this was that I had read an article about a 5-second 
linux boot and they said they had disabled sendmail and were using ssmtp 
instead with significant time saving.

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Re: ssmtp problem

2008-10-07 Thread kwhiskerz
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

> esmtp or ssmtp are replacements Sendmail, and are faster loading.
> You are using procmail for local mail delivery now - Sendmail calls
> it when needed. It is not a daemon.
I didn't realize I was already running procmail! I was curious to see if this 
would give me a slight time improvement, as my mail delivery needs are very 
basic. Perhaps I will look into it after all.

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Re: ssmtp problem

2008-10-07 Thread kwhiskerz
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote: some suggestions...
> Mikkel
So, I installed esmtp, shut down the sendmail daemon, and created a file, 
/etc/esmtprc with the following contents:

hostname = localhost.localdomain:25
mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"  

I did not enter a username, password or identity line, as I do not send myself 
mail as root, nor does root send me mail. All I want is for the system mail to 
be sent to root and for newaliases to route it to me.

Just as a test, I did send a mail as root to me and it worked (there was no 
name in the 'from' field, but that is because I didn't define an identity, as 
can be seen above). Do you think this configuration is all I need to get what I 
want, without any errors or loss of system mail?

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Re: ssmtp problem [solved]

2008-10-07 Thread kwhiskerz
Install esmtp, shut down the sendmail daemon, create a file, /etc/esmtprc with 
only 2 lines:

hostname = localhost.localdomain:25
mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"

Run alternatives --config mta and select '2' for esmtp.

Presto! A split second of boot time saved.

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Re: ssmtp problem [not solved]

2008-10-07 Thread kwhiskerz
I went back to sendmail, as it doesn't work after all. System mail does not get 
delivered with procmail and esmtp.

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Re: Kaffeine codecs

2008-10-08 Thread kwhiskerz
Alex Makhlin wrote:

> Beta version. How is it working for you? Many bugs or not so?
I started using it when it was alpha and was so satisfied that I installed it 
on both my desk- and laptop computers. I continued to do all of the 
livna-development and rawhide updates daily and then beta was released and the 
system automatically became the beta through the updates. It is still working 
great, although, with the recent X Server upgrades, since about 1 week, I can 
no longer use compositing, as it is unstable with my Intel graphics on both 
computers. Other than that, it is excellent.

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Re: Kaffeine codecs

2008-10-08 Thread kwhiskerz
Oh, and I DO use PackageKit, NetworkManager (and have Intel wireless on my 
laptop), and PulseAudio, etc... Also, I DO use SELinux in enforcing mode, and 
have done so since about Fedora 8, without any problems (a fantastic help, in 
that regard, is to enable the setroubleshoot daemon, as it tells you how to 
restore contexts for problem files). A good way to start is to grab the 
Fedora-KDE-Live CD and install it, then enable Livna-development and do the 
package updates.

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Re: No sound in Flashplayer

2008-10-15 Thread kwhiskerz
 FC8-i386 To get sound in flashplayer, do you need to install
 libflashsupport ??
Is there a definitive answer?
I have Fedora 10 (rawhide) with flash-plugin 10 (released last night).
Do I need libflashsupport?

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libdvdcss [quasi OT, quasi not OT]

2008-10-15 Thread kwhiskerz
I read that rpmfusion, formerly livna, will no longer provide libdvdcss. I have 
always religiously installed it.

Does this mean that it will no longer be possible to play DVDs in Fedora? I 
don't rip or copy DVDs, just watch them, so would I actually need libdvdcss?

Do other programs now provide the functionality formerly provided by libdvdcss?

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libflashsupport and Adobe flash-plugin 10

2008-10-15 Thread kwhiskerz
I am unclear about the use of libflashsupport to enable sound in Fedora 10 
using Adobe flash-plugin 10.

In previous fedoras using older versions of the plugin, it was said that one 
needed libflashsupport to have sound when viewing flash media, but some 
indications on the web suggest that this is not required with flash 10.

What is the case using Fedora 10 and Adobe flash-plugin 10? Is libflashsupport 
still required to have sound?

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Re: libflashsupport and Adobe flash-plugin 10

2008-10-15 Thread kwhiskerz
Rahul Sundaram wrote:

> Shouldn't be required anymore. libflashsupport was a hack to make flash
> despite their improper use of ALSA. The new version fixes that and the
> library to workaround it, is not needed anymore.
I have uninstalled it. So far, I do get sound. Will see what happens tomorrow 
morning, after a reboot.

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Re: libdvdcss [quasi OT, quasi not OT]

2008-10-16 Thread kwhiskerz
Rex Dieter wrote:

> Yes, you would still need it, but you'd need to get it elsewhere.
I thought that's what the nonfree repo is for! So, will there be another 
nonfree repo, or will there still be a livna apart from rpmfusion?

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Re: flash and firefox again

2008-10-20 Thread kwhiskerz
Amadeus W.M. wrote:

> Man, is flash broken (again?) or what? It was working before the upgrade
> to flash-10, but now cnn videos are very choppy when they play, or simply
> don't play at all. Do other people have this problem? I have a
> hyperthreaded 2.8GHz processor and cnn video takes some 70% on each
> thread. Prior to the update I would see some 30-40% (as far as I can
> recall), and only on one of the threads, not both.
I haven't tried it on my laptop, but on my desktop (Intel dual core), the new 
flash 10 produces choppy video, oftentimes the video stops entirely while the 
audio continues playing, and then all of a sudden the video will fast-forward 
in a flurry and catch up.

I never thought to consider that it might be different on a different computer. 
Thought it was just a buggy release.

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Re: flash and firefox again

2008-10-20 Thread kwhiskerz
PS: I haven't visited any of those sites you guys mention: hulu, cnn, uefa, but 
I regularly visit youtube and continually experience these problems.

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Re: When will KDE4 get a desktop like in KDE3.x ?

2008-10-21 Thread kwhiskerz
Fred Silsbee wrote:

> other than "hide a panel", what is missing
Auto-hide is back!!! I just discovered it under panel properties/more settings.

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Yeah, I have desktop effects:

2008-05-28 Thread kwhiskerz
I hope someone in the know answers your question. I would like to add some, on 

Having chosen OpenGL, should one choose:

1. Texture from Pixmap, Shared Memory or Fallback?
2. Nearest, Bilinear or Trilinear?
3. Direct Rendering?
4. VSync?

So, as to my experiences regarding your question...

I use Intel graphics. In Fedora 9 alpha, it was not possible to use OpenGL, 
only XRender, which supports less effects and is slower, I thought. Since 
Fedora 9 beta and the actual Fedora 9 release, it is possible to use OpenGL, 
which I now use without any apparent problem. I have set options: Texture 
from Pixmap, Bilinear, Direct Rendering and VSync, but haven't a clue which 
are best, but I assumed that turning them all on would give me the fullest 
user experience. It would be nice to know which is the best choice. I am very 
pleased with the effects and performance.

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Yeah, I have desktop effects:

2008-05-29 Thread kwhiskerz
Rex Dieter wrote:

IMHO, if you don't know what these mean, what they do, or their impact,
stick with the defaults. :)

Sheesh! You mean I have to turn them all off again? :-)

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Today's kernel is no good

2008-05-29 Thread kwhiskerz
kernel- won't boot.

I get error, EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "auto" or missing value, and 
as a result, /selinux, /sys, etc are not created and the system hangs.

Yet, fstab seems fine and the previous kernels all worked and the last one 
still does.

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Re: [F8]: Getting MIDI player to work: HOW?

2008-06-11 Thread kwhiskerz
I am using F9, but this worked in previous F's, too. I have a SoundBlaster 
card with midi, but you can use timidity and maybe kernel module snd-virmidi, 
too, I think, but I don't know how. Perhaps this will steer you in the right 

To show available midi ports, aplaymidi -l. To get these at boot, put into 
.bash_profile (not necessary in F9, as it seems to happen automatically - 
adjust for yours):
 export ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS="17:0 17:1 17:2 17:3"

In F9, don't create /etc/modprobe.conf, as it is supposed to cause problems 
with pulseaudio (you need to use jack for midi, but I haven't needed to stop 
pulseaudio to run jack in F9). Install jack-audio-connection-kit, qjackctl, 
the gui, and pulseaudio-module-jack (don't know what this does or how to use 
it). qjackctl creates ~/.jackrc, but you can create it manually, with a line 
something like this:
 /usr/bin/jackd -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n2 -Xseq
I have set jack to run as a temporary server in qjackctl.

You need to load a sound font. If you have a Creative card, install awefx and 
the PCLite sound font. Load it with /bin/asfxload /path/to/PCLite.sf2 (you can 
set up qjackctl or rosegarden or possibly timidity to do this automatically, 
if you use them - qjackctl is best to manage these things). Start jack with 
qjackctl (click on play, I think it is - again, you can have it start jack on 
load of the program). If you don't have midi capability, you might need to use 
fluidsynth, which is a sound font synthesizer, but I don't know how to use it. 
It has a gui, qsynth.

qjackctl allows you to create input and output connections between application 
in-/outputs and the alsa midi in-/outputs in the connection section (I don't 
know what the patchbay is). When you start an application, it will appear in 
the connection window and you need to connect it to an alsa midi input to get 

Install vkeybd, the virtual keyboard, and run it, vkeybd --octave 5 --addr 
s17:3 (change for your address, or omit --addr and connect in qjackctl, I 
think - read the man for curiosities about the s before the address, sometimes 
it's needed, sometimes not). Test to see if you can make sounds.

To use Kmid, choose one of the 4 alsa ports and define the midi mapper, 
/usr/share/kde4/apps/kmid/maps/ Choose a .mid file to play (make sure 
jack is running). Sometimes nothing happens for a couple of seconds before the 
sound begins. I don't think you need to connect Kmid in qjackctl.

Once you get the keyboard going, you can try some synthesizers to modify the 
sound. Install zynaddsubfx or download and compile minicomputer or amsynth! 

I am not sure about making firefox play midi. Something tells me it used to 
just work (after installing a sound font, I think), but I haven't tried it for 
a while.

Hope this helps.
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Miro no longer works

2008-06-19 Thread kwhiskerz
Miro doesn't work anymore, likely since Firefox 3 upgrade. The program opens 
and there is a huge amount of internet activity, but the window remains a 
white blank and no video library or playlists or channel selector ever 
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Re: kde-redhat

2008-06-22 Thread kwhiskerz
I have enabled kde-unstable and kde-unstable-all. This allows me to use 
kde4.0.83, a terrific improvement over kde4.0.5.

There are bugs, so be forewarned: kde-redhat is presently providing beta 
releases (kde4.0.5 can at best be considered an alpha). And, yes, there are 
some conflicts. I found that I had to uninstall kipi-plugins, digikam, libkipi 
and libkdcraw. I prefer digikam to gwenview and the kipi-plugins are nicer to 
use than ImageMagick, but I will likely only have to put up with this minor 
inconvenience until the end of July, when kde4.1 is officially released.

This will get your system upgraded:
sudo yum --enablerepo=kde-unstable --enablerepo=kde-unstable-all update

Once kde has arrived at a more robust and stout level of maturity, I will 
likely discontinue use of kde-redhat. I cannot predict how rocky the road back 
to the official fedora repositories will be, but I expect that it will be a 
smooth one, as the version numbering and kde-sig should take care of that very 
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selinux update generates strange error message

2008-06-22 Thread kwhiskerz
After applying Sunday evening's updates, selinux-policy generated this error:

Updating   : selinux-policy-targeted [ 9/18]
libsemanage.semanage_fc_sort: WARNING: semanage_fc_sort: Incomplete context.
libsemanage.semanage_fc_sort: WARNING: semanage_fc_sort: Incomplete context.
libsemanage.semanage_fc_sort: WARNING: semanage_fc_sort: Incomplete context.
libsepol.context_from_record: type prelude_lm is not defined
libsepol.context_from_record: could not create context structure
libsepol.context_from_string: could not create context structure
libsepol.sepol_context_to_sid: could not convert system_u:object_r:prelude_lm 
to sid
invalid context system_u:object_r:prelude_lm
libsemanage.semanage_install_active: setfiles returned error code 1.
semodule:  Failed!

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Re: selinux update generates strange error message

2008-06-23 Thread kwhiskerz
dwalsh wrote:
> This should have only been in testing?  selinux-policy-3.3.1-69.fc9.noarch

has fix
Yes, I use testing. 3.3.1-69 installed fine. THX
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