Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Hi Everyone,
This may be premature, but I tend to get very anxious whenever Grace
doesn't feel well.  Most of my cats have been feeling a bit off lately,
just not quite right.  They all go outside in the backyard and my ferals
travel through my yard as well, and GG the feral with the earmite
problem has been very sick lately, so...  Anyway, Princess Grace was the
first one to show signs of not feeling well, nothing I can put my finger
on, a 'I just know', kind of thing.  She snapped out of it pretty
quickly and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  My right paw man,
Instigator (neg), seems to have been hit the hardest in that his eyes
still seem, not crusty, that's too strong, it sort of like he just woke
up, all day long, (does that make any sense?).  He's sleeping a bit more
than usual, but if I didn't have FelV babies I wouldn't be concerned,
I'd just figure he's under the weather and watch if he got worse.
Timmy, my miracle boy, (the only one of my litter to test neg), has had
his third eyelids up for over a week.  They get a little better, and
then when he's sleepy, they're back up again, otherwise he seems his
normal, happy, playful self.

Tonight, Grace has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  She had no
appetite at dinner, she's having a hard time keeping her eyes open and
she seems, I don't know, puffy.  She just doesn't look good to me at
all.  I gave her Dox, and I'm thinking of starting her on VO.  If she
hasn't made a dramatic turn around by morning, I'm calling my Internist
and begging to bring her in.

Sorry this is so long winded, but I was hoping one of you might
recognize some of these symptoms and be able to give me an idea of what
I may be dealing with.  I just wrote our newbie Niki about the
importance of not taking a 'wait and see' attitude and now my Grace is
in trouble!  Oh boy, I'm starting to panic again!

Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated.  I tell you, I'm
getting very tired.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole
family into the vet's waiting room and take up residence.

Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
NO!  MY face is red!  I really didn't expect any replies and didn't save the message as you'll see if you're up reading late!  I'll get it figured out if Susan hasn't already.

In a message dated 6/10/2005 10:29:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Has anyone contacted this man via e-mail with this info & advice?
Someone really should forward ALL info to him.
Accept my apologies for not reading ALL posts in order!
I should have KNOWN you were right on it!
Many Thanks,
Patti (Slightly red-faced...)

Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NYTanya

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
Where are you taking a cat from???  I've had quite a few heartbreakers this week.  We rarely hear though, when they get rescued!  Who are you getting?  From Spalding?

In a message dated 6/10/2005 10:33:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

That's what I thought!  I forwarded the ideas, but haven't had time to check up with anyone from the group yet tonight.  I'll let you know what I find out!!

Appreciate all your efforts to help these seniors!
Definitely keep us updated!
I'd offer,(I LOVE SENIORS!!) but I just agreed to save a baby from the gas chamber in Georgia!

earmite med reaction - Tonya

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Hi Tonya,
You probably caught the thread about my feral and the earmite problem.  
What earmite medication did your (cat?) have a reaction to.  More 
details please!


catatonya wrote:

I am so glad the transfer factor is making a difference. I'm not sure 
what all you've tried so far.  It seems to me that if it were a 
reaction to the flea med. there would have been some sort of 
antecdote.  I had something similar once happen with an ear mite 
treatment.  Also, it seems it would be good to flush out his system as 
much as possible.   Did the vet give him fluids?  Anything like that?

Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
Did you email the man directly? I have lost his email addy.
tSusan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I haven't sent any of the other ideas but I emailed with an offer to take them - into FuRR (Feline Rescue and Rehome), my rescue group - with me as the permanent foster.  I usually take any really elderly kitties we get in.  Didn't notice where he is located but could possibly arrange to fly to get.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Has anyone contacted this man via e-mail with this info & advice?
Someone really should forward ALL info to him.


Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
I don't have the original message because both of the people who replied, you and Joan, deleted the original from your replies. (which is highly unusual that I would get 2 replies and neither had the original) I normally delete originals, and if I get a reply I deal with it then because I go through so much mail  I emailed the group for an original and saved your messages.  If no one sends it to me I'll get it from archives.

Has anyone contacted this man via e-mail with this info & advice?
Someone really should forward ALL info to him.



2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
I am so glad the transfer factor is making a difference. I'm not sure what all you've tried so far.  It seems to me that if it were a reaction to the flea med. there would have been some sort of antecdote.  I had something similar once happen with an ear mite treatment.  Also, it seems it would be good to flush out his system as much as possible.   Did the vet give him fluids?  Anything like that?

RE: Information

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
Hi Niki!
I'm glad you found the list.  You'll get lots of support and advice!  First of all congratulations on your new baby!  The good news is that if Ziggy is only 8 weeks old he could still fight off the virus (which it sounds like you've already learned).  I'm not sure what the total time you would need to be sure with a kitten this young.  But I think by June 30 he could still be positive even if he were eventually going to be negative.  In the meantime I would get directions from the archives on feeding Ziggy good, nutritional food.  I would probably add some vitamin c and get interferon from my vet.  My vet used to give interferon to negative shelter cats to keep them from catching URI's at the shelter.  It's supposed to boost their immune system, so I would give it a try.  You'll get lots of other advice.  The most important thing, in my opinion, is not to over worry.  Even if Ziggy remains positive, it is possible he
 could only be carrying the disease and never get sick from it.  Also, add one thing at a time.  Try not to overwhelm yourself and Ziggy with a zillion new foods and additives, etc.  all at once.  Good luck with Ziggy!  I like the name!
tonyaNicholena Rushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello.  I have just adopted a 8 week old kitten named Ziggy.  Ziggy had his first vet visit on 6-9-05 and since I knew nothing about his mom or dad I decided to have a FeLV test done which resulted in a positive.  I was devastated and am now trying to figure out the best course for Ziggy.  He is acting like a normal kitten would, getting into all sorts of trouble and shows no signs of the diease.  I am trying to stave off an full blown attack and would like to have information regarding what I should be doing right from the start.  I am going to have retested in a follow up visit on 6-30 and am also curious to know if he could come up neg by then?  I know relatively little about this disease and am becoming increasingly confused  by all of the information on the web.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you 
Niki Rushton

Re: Med ?

2005-06-10 Thread TatorBunz

Yes I have, it has worked on the majority of mine.
In a message dated 6/10/2005 1:59:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Has anyone tries Periactin on there +kitties to increase their appetite?

 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

another forward I think goes along with what we've been discussing.....

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
I must say I was quick to stereotype the pet detective as a 'male' when actually the detective is a female named Kat.  :)  (only defense is that there are still over 600 emails still in the box!)
tonyaNMHPForum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>From: "NMHPForum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 19:06:09 -0700Subject: [NMHP] Member Comments on 'Unfit Owners'

My Groups | NMHP Main Page 

Comment from Barb:
This has been an extremely valuable week of information!  Kat is to be commended for all the work she has done in this area.  We get so many calls for lost animals and it is heartbreaking to not be able to provide much help for these people.  This information is a gold mine and it should be a great help to people searching for their animals.  
I also greatly appreciated her comments on whether or not shelters should give an animal back to a family who had lost them and not found them during the holding period.  This was a real paradigm shift for me!  And I have to say, this way of looking at the situation makes TONS of sense.  We in the animal welfare field tend to be so judgmental about how others take care of their animals, and maybe we need to take a hard look at this.  And I really appreciate the comments about what shape the animal might be in when he is rescued, and how we need to take a careful look at this before we decide the animal has been neglected/abused.  I mean, think about it, if a child was lost in the woods and found days later, it would never occur to us that the shape the child was in at the time he/she was found was caused by the PARENTS of that child.  And we would never say "If those parents could not keep better track of
 their child, they don't deserve him back, so we will give him a different home".  So this is lots of food for thought!  Thanks Kat!

Comment from Mary:
I appreciated this answer.  As a worker in a traditional municipal shelter, a reasonable voice in the storm is treasured.  Too often I see time and energy spent on one dog that could be used to save several.  I also like the fact that Kat points out that, “if they had not pampered the dog like you or I would have” does not necessarily make them reprehensible owners!

Comment from Brenda:

That is a GREAT answer!  I never thought to take those factors into consideration.  OF COURSE the animal would be in bad shape ... he's been LOST!!  Thanks a lot.  I think from now on I won't be so quick to judge.  Sometimes in our efforts to help the animals, we do just the opposite!
Comment from Lisa:
In response to the issue of finding lost dogs -- I'd like to add that some breeds, such as pit bulls, can be automatically put down if found and taken by the finder to the pound. I was told that there isn't even necessarily a waiting period at our shelter when it comes to pit bulls, nor is there a guarantee of effort to locate the owner -- at least, this is reputed to be true in North Carolina, where there aren't any pit bull rescues.I'm very disheartened by the lack of good press surrounding such gentle, loyal and loving dogs. Many pit bulls do run away, and often, for good reason. And it's just too sad to imagine that they might be put to sleep just because they've tried to escape a bad situation to begin with.

Comment from a member: 
I would like to add that sometimes returning an animal to a borderline home can be an education opportunity.  What better time to explain why you're giving the animal back microchipped, with proper collar and ID, spayed/neutered when applicable, treated for any pressing medical concerns, taught a new trick or two, groomed and having been fed a quality diet during their stay outside of their 'usual' home?  

What better moment to offer free or low cost behavior/training classes, shuttle services to a low cost clinic for regular vet care, amnesty on pet licensing fees--or for that matter, literature on steps to take if their pet is ever again lost?  Doing all of that, plus continuing to follow up to make sure at least the major points of our advice is taken, can still be a better solution than leaving a gap in that family's life--which will be replaced by another 'free' puppy or kitten before too long.  That only perpetuates the cycle of a poor quality of care.

I grew up un-pet-ducated and before I became involved in rescue many years ago, the 'pound' was a place of enforcement, fines no one in our neighborhood could afford, and generally negative associations.  It would have never occurred to any of us to actually ask an animal shelter for help with a (yes, unidentified and unaltered) lost animal.  Did we love our pets?  Of course!  Did we learn and comply soon enough with what were considered the 'new norms' for pet care, which include proper confinement, ID, sterilization--and suggested lost and found procedures?  Why, yes!  Are there still people out there who haven't 'heard the news' and are still caught in a time warp when it comes to pet care?  You

RE: OT - PETA question

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
I agree about charging the parents as well.  People just need to be educated about their pets.  They think they know all they need to know about dogs, cats, turtles, whatever and just go get one.  I also heard (or read) that Ingrid Newkirk herself was attacked by a pit bull as a child and 'personally dislikes/hates/whatever the breed'.  And I wonder if that effects her thoughts on singling out this one breed
tRachel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the info!
My personal opinion on the matter is that I do not believe any breed is more dangerous than another.  I think people become careless and complacent and forget that they are dealing with an animal.  I may view my dogs as my kids, however, I would not leave my 3yr old niece alone with my Sunny regardless of how great they have always been together!  I'm not that stupid, but apparently too many people are that stupid and that irresponsible.
Personally, I am very fond of pits.  Even though I have had a bad experience in the past with a specific breed, I do not believe all dogs of that breed are bad, evil, or should be killed.
Some may disagree with me on this, and that is ok, but this is my own opinion.  It is unfortunate that it may come down to this, but I sincerely believe the parents of the child mauled to death should be charged with child endangerment or even murder for leaving their child unattended with two dogs.  If we legislatively and/or legally enforce and apply laws to situations like this we *may* cause some pet owners to behave more responsibly.  It is a sad situation that people wouldn't be more intelligent & responsible, but for the benefit of people and the dogs, it may be our only course of action.

Angel Wings...

2005-06-10 Thread anzajaguar

Please what is the post about Angel wings..most of the psots arent comeing 
on teh digest..please email me them privately..I have a cat who I helped get 
in there about a year ago now..her name was Lacy..she was "owned" by a rescue 
group here in Charlottethey finally got her in.I had a gift basket of 
donated food etc.that was to go with her..well they never took 
it...and then whenever I tried to contact Angel Wings about see how she 
was doing..I never got a reply..I even told them I had a gift basket made for 
her...and anyone who may adopt herbut they never replied I preobally send 25 
emails in 2 weeks...what is this that happened?
Lisa and the 
furbratsAkira, Indy, Spooky, Mona, Lancelot, Bowtie, Bennie and 

RE: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

2005-06-10 Thread Chris

I thought he was in Astoria, Queens near LaGuardia Airport….




-Original Message-
Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:32
Subject: Re: Please Help!! 2 17y
old healthy cats...NY/TONYA


I haven't sent any of the other ideas but I emailed
with an offer to take them - into FuRR (Feline Rescue and Rehome), my rescue
group - with me as the permanent foster.  I usually take any really
elderly kitties we get in.  Didn't notice where he is located but could
possibly arrange to fly to get.


  Has anyone contacted this man
  via e-mail with this info & advice?
  Someone really
  should forward ALL info to him.


Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise) Treatment for tox

2005-06-10 Thread Belinda Sauro

Treatment and
The two drugs that are most often used—pyrimethamine and
together to inhibit Toxoplasma reproduction. Treatment must be
started as soon as possible after diagnosis and continued for
several days after signs have disappeared. In acute illness, treatment
is sometimes started on the basis of a high antibody titer in
the first test. If clinical improvement is not seen within two
to three days, the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis should be questioned.
Pyrimethamine may be unpalatable or toxic to some cats, even
if given in small amounts. Recently, the antibiotic clindamycin
has been reported to be effective in treating feline toxoplasmosis,
with few side-effects observed.
No vaccine is as yet available to prevent either Toxoplasma
infection or toxoplasmosis in cats, humans, or other species.
Research in this area is in progress.
Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Angel Wings Sanctuary [Very Bad if True] (all sorts of contact info)

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
It's too bad she couldn't be forced to turn over the property, and then maybe instead of confiscating the cats money could be raised to clean up the property, build a 'barn' there and keep it as a decent sanctuary  I think it did say she had put up cat fencing around the perimeter of the property, so the cats are fenced in.
tTad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jenn  You may be right...I don't think these are the same pictures I looked at...I don't remember the inside at all...As somebody else said...Is anybody livibg there or have they been abandoned???  I would think those inside pictures would be enough to show to a local official and with rescue onboard, cages in hand get a sherif escorted visit... The point is I guess...I don't believe in voting or writing letters etc. on something that I have to take somebody elses word on unless I know that person very well personaly...By those pictures they should be able to handel the problem localy...  And even here in VT they have a very active feral program to support a number of cats that live outdoors through our -30 degree winter nights ..And for that matter..those happy ending nuns cats are moving to ski
 country in NY...They may have to deal with a bit colder weather next winter too... Tad[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I did not mean to say you are doing nothing to save cats in general, I meant you are doing nothing in THIS case, sorry if I wasn't clear. I know you do alot in other cases.
They are ALREADY dying AT this place , so saying that you wont support the actions unless you are sure no death will come of it doesn't really make much sense (death is coming of it IF we do nothing).
You MUST not have looked at ALL of the photos Tad, the lush country side you speak of is a small consolation for the ones INSIDE in THIS: (look there, feces in the food)
And this is the lush countryside?
This cat is DRINKING that water!
The rescue that is working with Ms. Harvey (she's already turned over 6 cats voluntarily) is working very hard to be there when it all goes down, to try to save these cats from going into the hands of the city animal control. Unlike you, I do not believe that it is humane to let cats fend for themselves with minimal shelter and food, they are domesticated animals, and I feel they require a clean and safe living enviroment to thrive. Even minimal shelter is questionable in this case, it must REEK of ammonia inside that trailer that serves as their "shelter"! Cats have very sensitive respiratory tracts, and being forced to find refuge in filth that reeks of ammonia is very bad for them.
~~~Jenn  Please don't say I am doing nothingTrue..I am doing nothing on getting someone that may be doing a lot more than you are to save cats from be ing shut down  I asked for the proof that these cats were sufferingThey may have a couple junk piles but that has little to do on how the cats are being cared for...In the lush country side shown in the pictures most cats could survive quit well on their own and just having some very minimul shelter and care is far better than being rounded up and pronounced too sick to save and being PTS the same day...No time to get any rescue in to save them unless like the nuns the rescue goes in with the sherif and does the seizure...There just isn't room for these cats to remain alive at an instance notice...I just don't think writing a bunch of letter to officials complaining is going to bring a happy ending to these
 catsOver and over again if you follow up a seizure most of the animals are PTS the same day   And by the far as doing nothing...Remember those 3 FeLV+ cats you were going to take from NJ if you could set up transportation...Well..It so happened that I had taken in an FeLV+ from a few miles away down there just a month before...The same transport that I used was readily still available and I was going to take the remaining 2 positives...Fortunately the hole mess was taken care of locally... Yes...In the last 6 months I have lost 3 cats...But I have taken in 2 seniors left at my vets office to be PTS becouse our local no kill shelter had no room for them...And we don't even have a big problem here in VT...Also The shelter called me and asked if I could take a beautiful long haired buff colored cat that had be brought in stray...His ears half g

Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Hi Michelle,
 I talked with my vet and asked her what she thought about what was 
going on with Bramble.  She asked if he had been tested for toxopsamosis 
(sp?), she said FIV+ cats can hace seizures related to this.  Has he 
been tested for toxopasmosis?  If not I would get that done,  it is 
reatable with antibiotics.  She said she had never heard of cats having 
seizures from calcivirus.  Also she said there was NO reason not to give 
seizure medication to a cat on interferon (either one, human or 
feline).  And she can't imagine why a vet would withhold the medication.

Here this is an article that describes what some of the symthoms can be, 
look under signs:

Here are many more about it:

I hope you find out what is going on with Bramble soon, prayers coming 
to you both.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: OT: US military killing dogs in Iraq (real action you can take that can help and not cause any harm)

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
I agree about fostering military animals.  But,  this is not a case of us criticising how "they" treat "their" animals.  American soldiers were shooting "their" animals.  There's nothing very hypocritical about it.  It's pretty forthright, cruel, and hateful. Those kinds of behaviors are not going to win much support for America from anyone.  I just don't understand why if someone is going to act in such a despicable way they videotape it for prosperity?
 I've received a lot of email and read a lot about the military pets.  It is an awful situation and I know that there are many, many soldiers serving our country who have lost a pet through no fault of their own.  But I have heard too that it's a pretty common occurrence in military towns that soldiers(and their families) just turn in what they have whenever they get restationed and get something new when they move, and then turn around and do the same thing again. The war with Iraq then turned the problem into an all out disaster. I support our soldiers in their work, but in regard to animals, I'm sure there are responsible and irresponsible pet owners in the military just as there are in every walk of society.

If you REALLY want to help animals being killed by this war, sign up to foster a military pet here: 
The AMERICAN cats and dogs of soldiers who are being deployed over seas have no where to go but to be dumped or sent to local animal shelters who are already over-run by animals, and so, many of them are being killed. These are American pets, healthy, loved, and wanted, but who, because of this war, have been forced to be dumped by the enlisted men and women who own them. If more people would foster them, that would immediately save THOUSANDS of lives that have been effected by this war, right here in our own country!!! I firmly believe in saving the Iraqi dogs and cats, but it seems hypocritical for us to be going after people for not saving those animals when we haven't even saved the ones in our own country yet! This is one of the reasons WHY the Iraqi people hate us so much, because we go over there and try to tell them how to live, and control their country, but we don't even hold ourselves responsible for the same issue happening
 right here at home! I'm not trying to turn this into a political debate, but really, do we even have the right to complain when we can't even save our own animals here?! Think about it, and then go sign up at! The lady that runs that organization is a great lady, she does purebred cat rescue, and is the main coordinator for the CFA purebred cats rescue network. Her name is Linda Mercer, and to prove how hard she works to save animals, here is her signature line from one of her emails, so you can see how dedicated she is:
Linda Pollack Mercer, M.D.President & Rescue CoordinatorCFA Purebred Rescue, Inc., , DBA Purebred Cat Breed Rescue, http://PurebredCatBreedRescue.orgDirector, Operation Noble Foster, http://www.OperationNobleFoster.orgDirector/Facilitator, http://PurebredCatBreedRescue.orgDirector, http://PersianCatRescue.orgFounder & Volunteer, The Feline Rescue Network, http://www.FelineRescue.netModerator & Owner, The Persian Rescue Email list: (rescue emergencies only please): (888)303-9454 [toll free]Email: (remove the spaces)Alternate email: (remove the spaces)
Now, if we were ALL THAT dedicated to our own passions in animal rescue (this group being mainly FELV cats, rather than Linda's purebreds), THEN we might have a leg to stand on when we complain about animal welfare in other countries!
~~~I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Re: Angel Wings Sanctuary [Very Bad if True] (all sorts of contact info)

2005-06-10 Thread felv

I believe, that the lady lives in a separate 
trailer on the same property and that this was the "cat trailer" but I could be 
mistaken on that, as I never actually asked that question. I can certainly find 
out, but my contact is out of touch until Sunday, so it will be a couple of 

You may be right...I don't think these are the same pictures I looked at...I 
don't remember the inside at all...As somebody else said...Is anybody living 
there or have they been abandoned???  I would think those inside 
pictures would be enough to show to a local official and with rescue onboard, 
cages in hand get a sheriff escorted visit... 
The point is I guess...I don't believe in voting or writing letters etc. on 
something that I have to take somebody else's word on unless I know that person 
very well personally...By those pictures they should be able to handle the 
problem locally...  And even here in VT they have a very 
active feral program to support a number of cats that live outdoors through our 
-30 degree winter nights ..And for that matter..those happy ending nuns cats 
are moving to ski country in NY...They may have to deal with a bit colder 
weather next winter too... Tad
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Forward I promised about judging quality of life

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
The 'pet detective' part I was talking about in my post is mostly the bottom part of the post.
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>From: "NMHPForum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 17:00:35 -0700Subject: [NMHP] But, what if their quality of life would be less in their old home?

My Groups | NMHP Main Page 

Question from Deborah:

I certainly see your side of it, but I believe that what you call HAB is sometimes mistaken for a simple battle over possession. Love, if that's what really motivated this family to try to get their dog back after they saw him healthy and happy on TV, is simply not enough. I know what can happen to dogs on the run: we see it every day. 


I think the rule of returning dogs to "cheese-ball" owners without adequate knowledge that the dogs will be safe represents an oversimplification of a very complex problem. Are you suggesting that we stop caring what happens to the dog after placement?


To us, the quality of care the dog receives is the most important consideration. The overpopulation problem is a long term one that won't be solved by fast, easy placements without adequate consideration of quality of life.


We do return some to their original homes, but we would never return a dog like the one I described to the conditions he came from. He would be back in Animal Control, once again terrified, lame, and showing evidence of starvation before the month was out.
Response from Kat Albrecht:
You have some really good points – and thanks for allowing me to express my very different point of view.  I do not believe that every single found stray should go back to its’ original owner – especially if physical evidence and other evidence show signs of severe neglect or abuse.  Clearly you know more than I about the case of the dog you mentioned.  If you know that this dog would have been starving and lame within a month, then it sounds like you made the most humane move possible and I agree with that decision.  
But I firmly believe that rescue workers need to use sound judgment and proper decision making skills in these situations.  If the bottom line is that you truly believe that this dog would be in harms way by giving it back to its owner, then follow your heart like you did in this case.  But I’ve seen many cases where misinterpretations of the dogs’ behavior, the dog’s physical condition, or the fact that the owner did not show up at the shelter (and there are MANY reasons why this can happen) caused a rescuer to refuse to return the dog to the owner who was searching for it.  We even had a case where a rescue group found a stray, skinny Boxer with a long tail.  Because the dog had no collar and was skinny (something that could result from being loose and lost for over a week), they assumed it was neglected.  A volunteer from the rescue group
 involved told me that they planned to have this (adult) dog’s tail docked (cut off) in order to alter the appearance of the dog “so that the neglectful owner can’t claim it.”  
Remember that I deal with the families who are grieving because the dog or cat who they loved like a child is missing or, in a few cases, is being held by someone who refuses to return it to them.  So the people whom I network with on a daily basis are those who do have a strong HAB – strong enough that they would contact a pet detective for assistance.  This obviously influences my view on this topic.
My view on this topic is also influenced by that fact that I come from a background in police work.  As a police officer (and detective for 7 years) I was responsible for helping people and rendering aid to people whom one could easily say did not deserve to be helped.  Stupid people, sick people, crazy people, mean people, stinky people, and many people who should never have been allowed to have children.  I worked several accident scenes where some idiot who was driving recklessly lost control and crashed – but I never went up and laughed at them and said, “Ha! Ha! You got what you deserved!” I was conditioned to serve and protect – even people who I considered to be living in a manner that was unacceptable to me.  There are ALWAYS going to be people out there who do not deserve to have children, let alone dogs and cats. 
So the bottom line is that I just encourage everyone to continue to place dogs into humane situations with people who will not abuse or neglect them.  But realize that there are often other circumstances that go beyond what we see or think.  Just because we find a dog trotting along a rural road does NOT mean that it was “dumped” and is unwanted.  And even if the dog was dumped there, it does NOT mean that the family who owns it dumped it!  Many people have had irate neighbors (who are tired of the their dog barking) enter their yards, take their dogs, and go and dump them outside of town.  We have done a great job of putting out the message of “ABANDONED PETS” and “HOMELESS PETS

Re: OT - PETA question

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
We've been having this same discussion on another group.  Evidently the information is true and is a direct quote from Ingrid Newkirk.  I was given several sites to look at, but they did all come from pit bull rescue  sites.  I haven't had time to verify anything on a peta site.  It was very upsetting to me because I've always supported (financially) peta.  And, according to the information peta has actively testified in favor of breed specific legislation in addition to what was stated in the article you mentioned.
We went on to discuss further though that groups like peta basically want to abolish people using animals in any form, including pets.  And it's really interesting, because this issue has come up on 3 different lists I'm on this week in different arenas.  Regarding the peta situation I think their opinion is that cats and dogs are worse off for having been 'domesticated' by humans.  I said I wondered what percentage of cats and dogs around the world are even 'adequately' cared for, much less those abused, eaten, tested on, etc  But then again, are there any 'wild' animals that aren't harmed by humans in some form or another.  I really can't think of any species that gets to live it's life in peace without interference much anymore. Maybe earthworms?
Then it came up on this list again with the differing viewpoints on the cats in Tennessee.  Jenn talking about going in to rescue them, with the idea that the rescue, even if it means pts is urgent, and Tad stating maybe they should wait, maybe the cats would rather be left alone than pts, or at least not to rush the issue. (I don't want to misquote either one of you)  But that's how I saw what you were saying, and I can see both sides.  I wouldn't want to be the one that decides what's "best" for those cats when it's obvious they cannot all be saved if the lady is shut down. (which she obviously will and should be)  And...  IF they saved every single cat from that sanctuary, let's say 80.  That means that 80 other area cats will be pts.  What is the best decision?  I don't know.  Maybe the best decision would be for humans to never have taken on animals as pets??  Maybe the best decision, but obviously never would have
 and never will happen.
Last, (all these forums are ones someone from this list has invited me to) the best friends forum has been discussing finding lost animals.  They have a pet detective kind of guy there this week talking about trying to find lost pets.   Someone spoke about the problem they have had in the past where a shelter dog comes in neglected, not vetted, neutered, etc.  Gets adopted, trained, etc and then the former owner recognizes and wants that animal back. Or when we find a straggly animal and say the owner must not have cared for the animal or they wouldn't have let it outside, etc I say that all the time. lol.  I will hardly ever give one back I find, because I NEVER think the owner is GOOD enough.  And maybe they're not as good as me. lol!  Buthe was saying he thought we were looking for a 'perfect' world and that we should give them back if there was someone that wanted them.  The pet overpopulation problem is bad
 enough.  If someone wants them, we may not think they are 'good enough' to have them, but was that really our place to decide?  (I know we think it is. lol) He was talking about coming from a law enforcement background.  I'll have to forward it to the list.  He said as an officer he often had to deal with stupid, lazy, uncaring people, who never should have had children, etc but had to treat them with respect.  
We all know it's pretty rare that children are taken from their parents no matter how bad the situation is, but we expect better for pets.  He said it better than I did. I'll forward it!
It's all very interesting to think about.  I think I may be off my high horse a bit with people.   It's easy to say I would never pts my pet because of lack of money, or whatever, but realistically, most people don't have the money we spend on our animals.  (Although a lot of people have a LOT more money than I do and I end up spending what little money I have to save their animals.)
I guess it is what it is, and I wonder if things will ever change.
tonyaRachel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't want to drive the list crazy on the pit topic again, but I thought this was rather interesting and was curious about PETA's stand on this (which is mentioned in the article).
First off, I recognize this is an opinion article, but the author claims to be part of PETA.  I am not a PETA supporter, so I don't know if she is actually in any way associated with PETA.
I was wondering if anyone could corroborate or dispute these statements, in particular to PETA's stand/opinion on this matter ...
many thanks ... 


"Folk will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a d

Re: Med ?

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

I had Cypro prescribed in a transdermal for my Gypsy.  I'm not sure if
it helped her appetite because she also started Pred at around the same
time and that stimulates the appetite too.


  AOL Email


Yes, Periactin,
also known as cyproheptadine is used commonly as an appetite stimulant.
I have used it
many times, and more often than not, it DOES increase appetite.



Re: Information

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Hi Niki,
I'm sorry your little Ziggy has tested positive.  I'm sure you're
already head over heals in love with him, how could you not be?  When I
first found out my babies were positive I was devastated and very
confused.  You've come to the right place to help you sort through all
the information out there   We can also help you with our personal
experience in dealing with FeLV.  First, let me try and help reassure
you that even though Ziggy may be positive, (he may be testing
false-positive because of his mom's antigens, or is it antibodies?), it
isn't the automatic death sentence that so many people, and even some
vets, think it is.  Many, many of our angels live happy, healthy lives,
(although, unfortunately, they usually have shorter life spans).  You
can't expect this disease to manifest the same way for any given cat. 
What it does is impair their immune system so that they have a harder
time fighting off diseases that other cats might not even have a
problem with, they are also much more prone to different kinds of
cancer.  The most important things you can do for Ziggy, are to feed
him the best quality food you can afford, put him on immune supportive
supplements, keep his home environment as stress free as possible and
never take a 'wait and see' approach to any signs of illness.  Make
sure you have a vet that has treated FeLV kitties before, or at least
one that is willing to keep an open mind about alternative treatments. 
Most of us have found Board Certified Internists that are necessary for
any unusual circumstances that regular vets just aren't equipped to
handle.  I'd start asking for referrals right away so you have someone
to go to when/if the need arises.  I also suggest waiting on re-testing
Ziggy.  Usually people wait 3 to 6 months.  Someone else on the list
I'm sure will jump in here with advice on that and the many other
questions I'm sure you have.  I'm sorry you had the need for us, but
welcome.  The members of this list are wonderful, supportive and very
well informed.  Give that Ziggy a kiss for me!

Nicholena Rushton wrote:


  Hello.  I have just adopted a 8 week old kitten named Ziggy. 
Ziggy had his first vet visit on 6-9-05 and since I knew nothing about
his mom or dad I decided to have a FeLV test done which resulted in a
positive.  I was devastated and am now trying to figure out the best
course for Ziggy.  He is acting like a normal kitten would, getting
into all sorts of trouble and shows no signs of the diease.  I am
trying to stave off an full blown attack and would like to have
information regarding what I should be doing right from the start.  I
am going to have retested in a follow up visit on 6-30 and am also
curious to know if he could come up neg by then?  I know relatively
little about this disease and am becoming increasingly confused  by all
of the information on the web.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  Thanks you 
  Niki Rushton

Re: Med ?

2005-06-10 Thread PEC2851
Title: AOL Email



  Yes, Periactin, also known as 
  cyproheptadine is used commonly as an appetite 
  I have used it many times, and 
  more often than not, it DOES increase appetite.

Re: Nina, ivermectin 4 earmites

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Thanks Patti, 
Mineral oil!  That's a great idea.  I like Jenn's idea of using the ear
wash to dilute it too.


  We actually "injected" the ivomec. With 1 ml syringes...doses vary according to weight, but normal
injectable dose was VERY low, check w/ vet ref guide.
  We NEVER gave higher than I believe .08mg.
  But it's been awhile, but I would check.
  You can also make your own Acarexx, using
Ivomec & mineral oil. Again, check doses
  Also Ivomec is a GREAT dewormer!
  There is a very good reference book
available, I just can't remember the name & due to my move. my
books are still in storage!

Admin: Gentle reminder

2005-06-10 Thread James G. Wilson
Hello all,

I've received some private complaints about our list starting to 
drift from its mission of late. While a certain amount of activism 
and off-topic (OT) posting is allowed (and appreciated), the focus of 
our main topic is getting a bit drowned out. This is a high-volume 
list anyway, so too much OT posting makes it harder for folks in need 
to get advice and assistance. There are many activism/rescue lists 
that are more appropriate for extended conversations on such topics, 
so maybe pointing folks to those lists would help alleviate some of 
the congestion here. If you have any questions/comments about this, 
please feel free to contact me privately. Take care, and best wishes 
to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Nina, ivermectin 4 earmites

2005-06-10 Thread PEC2851

We actually "injected" the ivomec. 
With 1 ml syringes...doses vary 
according to weight, but normal injectable dose was VERY low, check w/ vet ref 
We NEVER gave higher than I believe 
But it's been awhile, but I would 
You can also make your own Acarexx, using Ivomec & 
mineral oil. Again, check doses
Also Ivomec is a GREAT 

There is a very good reference book available, I just 
can't remember the name & due to my move. my books are still in storage!

Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

2005-06-10 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 6/10/2005 10:29:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

  Has anyone contacted this man via e-mail with this 
  info & advice?
  Someone really should forward ALL info to 
Accept my apologies for not reading ALL posts in 
I should have KNOWN you were right on it!
Many Thanks,
Patti (Slightly red-faced...)

Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NYTanya

2005-06-10 Thread PEC2851
Title: AOL Email


  In a message dated 6/10/2005 10:33:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
That's what I thought!  I forwarded the ideas, but haven't had 
time to check up with anyone from the group yet tonight.  I'll let 
you know what I find out!!
  Appreciate all your efforts to help these 
  Definitely keep us updated!
  I'd offer,(I LOVE SENIORS!!) but I just agreed to 
  save a baby from the gas chamber in Georgia!

Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

2005-06-10 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 6/10/2005 10:32:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
  notice where he is located but could possibly arrange to fly to 

In Bronx, 

RE: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY

2005-06-10 Thread Susan Loesch
Well, DUH - I just now read the full subject line - think I'd stopped at the age before!  Could probably arrange a NY  - AR transport.catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That's what I thought!  I forwarded the ideas, but haven't had time to check up with anyone from the group yet tonight.  I'll let you know what I find out!!
tChris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

He could try Angel’s Gate which is near him.  Also, North Shore does have a ‘retirement plan’ for animals but it does cost some…. How does he know they are 17 if he took them off the street a few years ago?

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonyaSent: Friday, June 10, 2005 5:19 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY

anyone know of a retirement home for 2?



I live in Astoria, Queens NY.  I took the cats off the streets a few years ago; abandoned in a cardboard box. I have severe health concerns and my energy is nil. 






On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 20:21:40 -0400 "rjmondello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:



My name is Richard Mondello and I have two adult cats that I can't find a home for. They are 17 but in very good health. I will be moving in four weeks and my new home will not allow pets.  Can you direct me to a place where the cats would not be put down? I am prepared to make a donation for help. As stated, the cats are in good health, declawed and very friendly. I've contacted some organizations but have been told that adult cats are difficult to place.


Thanks for your time,


To you, it's just a temporary gift of a bit of space and some extra food~ to him it is the immeasurable gift of life!~ Never underestimate the importance of fostering!(>''<) 

Yahoo! Groups Links
· To visit your group on the web, go to:  
· To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
· Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. 

Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

2005-06-10 Thread Susan Loesch
I haven't sent any of the other ideas but I emailed with an offer to take them - into FuRR (Feline Rescue and Rehome), my rescue group - with me as the permanent foster.  I usually take any really elderly kitties we get in.  Didn't notice where he is located but could possibly arrange to fly to get.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has anyone contacted this man via e-mail with this info & advice?
Someone really should forward ALL info to him.


Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

2005-06-10 Thread PEC2851
Title: AOL Email


  Has anyone 
  contacted this man via e-mail with this info & 
  Someone really should forward ALL info to 

Re: sanctuaries: open to the public?

2005-06-10 Thread PEC2851
Title: AOL Email


  In a 
  message dated 6/10/2005 1:24:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
  how the sanctuary where i lived/worked handled taking in 
cats:we did NOT list a street address anywhere, for reasons i've 
mentionedpreviously. it was our home as well as that of the cats; 
the potentialfor problems with neighbors tho we were licensed by the 
state and incompliance with local regulations; the very real problem 
of dump offs;the need to get our work done without constant 
interruption frompeople who just wanted to stop by. liability was 
also an issue, thonot the greatest concern.while we 
theoretically only took in FIVs and FeLVs from rescues andshelters, 
rather than individuals, once people knew of us, that wasn'talways 
the long as we had room for the cats--which included 
isolation spacefor the first two weeks following arrival, we 
accepted any FIV/FeLVcats that were spayed/neutered, had the 
requisite vaccinations, andhad been tested adequately (western blot 
for FIV; IFA for FeLV).we did NOT go out and get cats; we did 
NOT meet people off-site: wewere too busy caring for the cats to do 
that! we were NOT askingpeople to donate their cats to us (tho 
people would call and say theywanted to do just that; funny, "cats" 
was NEVER on our donation-needslists).anyone who had a 
legitimate reason to come to the sanctuary was givendirections--the 
only restriction was that visits, including bringing acat into 
sanctuary, had to be arranged in advance so that we couldmake sure 
someone would be there. and that other things weren'tscheduled at 
the same favorite times were when people would come with 
a cat, and leavewith it. that happened often enough with FIV cats to 
let us know howvital accurate information and education are. rarely, 
people wouldeven take their FeLVs home with them when they learned 
the facts aboutthat virus, but nowhere near as 
often...-- MaryChristine
  Mary Christine,
  I could have written the same story 
  about our sanctuary!!

RE: AC Kat - How can you tell?

2005-06-10 Thread Kathleen A. Berard
Hi, Nina. The best way you know is through actively practicing your
attempts to communicate with them telepathically. For instance, you're
sitting there reading a book, totally absorbed in it, and from nowhere
pops in the idea that "I should take the dog for a walk" or "he wants a
biscuit" or "I should go see what he's doing, it's gotten too quiet".
That is you picking up information from the dog. 

You can also try it in reverse: be reading your book and send your dog
an image of you going to the door, getting their leash, and taking them
for a walk. Or send them the thought, "would you like a biscuit?" and
see what happens. Sometimes they respond to what you send, if they're
open to your messages and you send it with a soft focus (not "pushing"
the thought at them). Animals are very adept at picking up our
intentions (how many cats disappear when it's time to go to the vet? How
did they know?), our emotions and the mental images we send. Learning to
do this just takes practice. 

I highly recommend reading a few books about animal communication to get
more information about what-all is involved, it's a bit more (but not
much more) complicated than I'm describing. See for suggestions. The
books I start folks off with are Animal Voices and Awakening to Animal
Voices by Dawn Brunke; Animal Talk and When Animals Speak by Penelope
Smith; and Learning Their Language by Marta Williams.

I don't believe you can be a good dog trainer without employing some
telepathy because you learn to read body language yes, but what about
the information you receive that has nothing to do with body language?
Just that sense of "knowing" you get about something, or a thought pops
in from nowhere, or a picture comes to you in your mind; it's probably
the animal relaying information to you because it's not you consciously
thinking those things. You as a trainer are in a different, more skilled
position, because you understand body language, so I can see where it
might be a bit confusing as to what you already know and what's coming
from the animal. But there are those little pieces of info that occur to
you - perhaps "inspiration" if you will - that could be coming from the

The only way to validate it is to practice, see what happens, and also
do the reverse: deliberately send information (thoughtforms, concepts,
images, feelings) to the animal and see how they react. Now, please
don't think you can't communicate if they don't do anything! You may not
have gotten through, they may have been distracted/anxious/agitated and
cannot focus on what you're sending, they may not want to do what you're
asking . . .

Getting validation is sometimes easier when working with another
person's animal because you have no preconceived notion (assuming you
don't know the animal) of who they might be. You ask for certain data,
then you scan the situation or ask the animal what could be helpful,
what do they need/what's missing in their life, what is the feeling and
reason behind why they do they do a certain behavior, etc. and see what
comes back (in whatever form: words, pictures, sounds, feelings,
thought-forms or concepts, physical sensations . . .)

When it comes to talking with an animal that is near the end of its
life, sit quietly and get centered. Ask them how they're feeling and let
them know that you do not want them to stay and suffer for you. That you
will be okay when they go; sad, but okay. This is so important to tell
them because sometimes animals will hang around a lot longer than they
should, just for us. Then you tell them it's okay to go to the Light
when they're ready. And then ask them if they want assistance out of
their body [you convey - gently- the euthanasia process, i.e. a poke
with a needle and they fall asleep, another poke with a needle and their
heart stops beating and their spirit is free to let go of the body].
You'll get a sense of knowing, one way or the other, whether they want
assistance or they want to go under their own power. Sometimes they
change their mind and want assistance when the going gets rough (if it
does). You just have to trust your instincts and intuition. There comes
- I promise you - a definitive moment when you look in their eyes and
you just know it's time, if they're wanting assistance.

And one question to ask yourself about any of the information you
receive, regarding whatever, is: if I'm wrong, is this going to hurt
anyone? And, if I'm making this up, why would I make this up and not
that up? Chances are high that you're not just making it up/thinking it
yourself. It's coming from the animal (yes, even thoughts of euthanasia
assistance can come from them before you ask them). Never feel bad or
guilty about asking an animal if they want assistance; if they seem to
struggle near the end, ask them again if they want assistance if they
previously said they want to go on their own. Trust your intuition. If
you're still not sure, have 

RE: Information

2005-06-10 Thread Nicholena Rushton

Hello.  I have just adopted a 8 week old kitten named Ziggy.  
Ziggy had his first vet visit on 6-9-05 and since I knew nothing about his mom 
or dad I decided to have a FeLV test done which resulted in a positive.  I 
was devastated and am now trying to figure out the best course for Ziggy.  
He is acting like a normal kitten would, getting into all sorts of trouble and 
shows no signs of the diease.  I am trying to stave off an full blown 
attack and would like to have information regarding what I should be doing right 
from the start.  I am going to have retested in a follow up visit on 6-30 
and am also curious to know if he could come up neg by then?  I know 
relatively little about this disease and am becoming increasingly confused 
 by all of the information on the web.  Any help would be greatly 
Thanks you 
Niki Rushton

Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread Belinda Sauro
   Why is she stuck with thiso ne vet, and who is paying who.  I 
wouldn't give that vet another dime.  Is there any ohter vets in her 
area she can go see?

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
That's what I thought!  I forwarded the ideas, but haven't had time to check up with anyone from the group yet tonight.  I'll let you know what I find out!!
tChris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

He could try Angel’s Gate which is near him.  Also, North Shore does have a ‘retirement plan’ for animals but it does cost some…. How does he know they are 17 if he took them off the street a few years ago?

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonyaSent: Friday, June 10, 2005 5:19 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY

anyone know of a retirement home for 2?



I live in Astoria, Queens NY.  I took the cats off the streets a few years ago; abandoned in a cardboard box. I have severe health concerns and my energy is nil. 






On Tue, 7 Jun 2005 20:21:40 -0400 "rjmondello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:



My name is Richard Mondello and I have two adult cats that I can't find a home for. They are 17 but in very good health. I will be moving in four weeks and my new home will not allow pets.  Can you direct me to a place where the cats would not be put down? I am prepared to make a donation for help. As stated, the cats are in good health, declawed and very friendly. I've contacted some organizations but have been told that adult cats are difficult to place.


Thanks for your time,


To you, it's just a temporary gift of a bit of space and some extra food~ to him it is the immeasurable gift of life!~ Never underestimate the importance of fostering!(>''<) 

Yahoo! Groups Links
· To visit your group on the web, go to:  
· To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
· Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. 

Re: Nina, ivermectin 4 earmites

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

I'm fully aware of the logic behind not freely handing out prescription
drugs, or advising people on medical treatments based on the reporting
of a couple of symptoms.  Not being an idiot, I'm fully aware of the
idiots that are out there, and the danger of arming them with
medications at whim.  In this specific case, and in general with feral
cats that can't easily, (or, many times, at all), be examined and cared
for in the same way a house cat might, I am willing to do something
that MIGHT help, rather than do nothing at all for fear it's the wrong
thing.  In other words, in many cases, I'm willing to intervene on the
side of proaction.  I would just like to find a vet that understands
that without this sort of help, these cats may be doomed to slow
lingering deaths anyway.  It would be infinately better for these
animals to have a vet work closely with a caregiver making sure the
choices we make are the most informed they can be.


  Just try to change your way of seeing
this situation Nina. Your vet may truly have your cat's best interests
at heart, She may have had a client in the past who was an idiot and
killed their cat at home with meds she gave out, and that made her less
trustful of people now, so she just doesn't want to take any chances
with any animal's health. Also, the FDA and USDA are very strict about
which drugs get used for which purpose. Many times it's a pain in all
of our asses, like the Feline Interferon, we can't get it here (in the
USA), and it sucks. But other times, it can save animals (and humans
too), like in Michelle's case with Bramble, she lives outside the USA,
and her flea medication (Stronghold) did not say on the label "not for
use in sick or weak cats", and now Bramble is very ill from it. In the
USA the same drug here (Revolution) has that warning on the box. The
government is, if anything guilty of creating laws that protect us TOO
MUCH (think the seatbelt law). Much preferable to a government that
does not give a crap at all and lets any freak with snake oil poison us
all (think Hartz). Your vet is probably the same way, she's doing what
she feels is necessary to protect you and your cats, maybe it's going a
tad too far, but I'm sure she means well. You called her and told her
you have a sick cat, and that it has a sore on it's neck from
scratching, she probably wants to be sure the cat is not really ill or
getting an infection before she gives you the meds. Back to the flea
meds, the Revolution, that's the same med that I'm talking about
Michelle gave to Bramble, you are NOT suppose to give it to sick or
weak cats, so your vet is probably correct in not giving it to you if
you've told her the cat is sick. See? You just have to change your
perspective around some. Of course, there are vets who are only in the
business to line their pockets, but we'll hope she isn't one of those.
Have you tried calling other local vets and asking them if they can
sell the Acarexx to you without an office visit? I think you can use it
even on a sick cat, so you may have better luck not mentioning that
your cat has been sick, and ONLY asking for the earmite meds, not the
Thank you very much Jenn.  I had read that Ivermectin is now approved, 
can't remember where I saw it though, somewhere in my research
It does however still require a prescription when packaged for this 
specific use.  Really, I want to be fair and charitable, but I feel
hitting somebody.

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Re: Angel Wings Sanctuary [Very Bad if True] (all sorts of contact info)

2005-06-10 Thread Tad Burnett

  You may be right...I don't think these are the same pictures I looked
at...I don't remember the inside at all...As somebody else said...Is
anybody livibg there or have they been abandoned???
  I would think those inside pictures would be enough to show to a
local official and with rescue onboard, cages in hand get a sherif
escorted visit...
    The point is I guess...I don't believe in voting or writing letters
etc. on something that I have to take somebody elses word on unless I
know that person very well personaly...By those pictures they should be
able to handel the problem localy...
 And even here in VT they have a very active feral program to support a
number of cats that live outdoors through our -30 degree winter nights
And for that matter..those happy ending nuns cats are moving to ski
country in NY...They may have to deal with a bit colder weather next
winter too...


  I did not mean to say you are doing
nothing to save cats in general, I meant you are doing nothing in THIS
case, sorry if I wasn't clear. I know you do alot in other cases.
  They are ALREADY dying AT this place ,
so saying that you wont support the actions unless you are sure no
death will come of it doesn't really make much sense (death is coming
of it IF we do nothing).
  You MUST not have looked at ALL of the
photos Tad, the lush country side you speak of is a small consolation
for the ones INSIDE in THIS: (look
there, feces in the food)
  And this is the lush countryside?
  This cat is DRINKING that water!
  The rescue that is working with Ms.
Harvey (she's already turned over 6 cats voluntarily) is working very
hard to be there when it all goes down, to try to save these cats from
going into the hands of the city animal control. Unlike you, I do not
believe that it is humane to let cats fend for themselves with minimal
shelter and food, they are domesticated animals, and I feel they
require a clean and safe living enviroment to thrive. Even minimal
shelter is questionable in this case, it must REEK of ammonia inside
that trailer that serves as their "shelter"! Cats have very sensitive
respiratory tracts, and being forced to find refuge in filth that reeks
of ammonia is very bad for them.
  Please don't say I am doing nothingTrue..I am doing nothing on
getting someone that may be doing a lot more than you are to save cats
from be ing shut down
  I asked for the proof that these cats were sufferingThey may have
a couple junk piles but that has little to do on how the cats are being
cared for...In the lush country side shown in the pictures most cats
could survive quit well on their own and just having some very minimul
shelter and care is far better than being rounded up and pronounced too
sick to save and being PTS the same day...No time to get any rescue in
to save them unless like the nuns the rescue goes in with the sherif
and does the seizure...There just isn't room for these cats to remain
alive at an instance notice...
I just don't think writing a bunch of letter to officials complaining
is going to bring a happy ending to these catsOver and over again
if you follow up a seizure most of the animals are PTS the same day
  And by the far as doing nothing...Remember those 3 FeLV+ cats
you were going to take from NJ if you could set up
transportation...Well..It so happened that I had taken in an FeLV+ from
a few miles away down there just a month before...The same transport
that I used was readily still available and I was going to take the
remaining 2 positives...Fortunately the hole mess was taken care of
Yes...In the last 6 months I have lost 3 cats...But I have taken in 2
seniors left at my vets office to be PTS becouse our local no kill
shelter had no room for them...And we don't even have a big problem
here in VT...Also The shelter called me and asked if I could take a
beautiful long haired buff colored cat that had be brought in
stray...His ears half gone from frost bite...and FeLV+Probably some
students kitten that grew up and got put outside at Green Mountain
My vet bills and food bills are well over $400 a month for my 27 rescue
cats and it all comes out of my pocket...
But you are right...I will not write letters to a sherif 

Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise) (Nina, ivermectin 4 earmites)

2005-06-10 Thread Sheila208
Thanks Jenn,It really helps when you have a lot of animals.

Re: Angel Wings Sanctuary [Very Bad if True] (all sorts of contact info)

2005-06-10 Thread felv

I did not mean to say you are doing nothing to 
save cats in general, I meant you are doing nothing in THIS case, sorry if I 
wasn't clear. I know you do alot in other cases.
They are ALREADY dying AT this place , 
so saying that you wont support the actions unless you are sure no death will 
come of it doesn't really make much sense (death is coming of it IF we do 
You MUST not have looked at ALL of the photos 
Tad, the lush country side you speak of is a small consolation for the ones 
INSIDE in THIS: (look 
there, feces in the food)
And this is the lush countryside?
This cat is DRINKING that water!
The rescue that is working with Ms. Harvey (she's 
already turned over 6 cats voluntarily) is working very hard to be there when it 
all goes down, to try to save these cats from going into the hands of the 
city animal control. Unlike you, I do not believe that it is humane to let 
cats fend for themselves with minimal shelter and food, they are domesticated 
animals, and I feel they require a clean and safe living enviroment to thrive. 
Even minimal shelter is questionable in this case, it must REEK of ammonia 
inside that trailer that serves as their "shelter"! Cats have very sensitive 
respiratory tracts, and being forced to find refuge in filth that reeks of 
ammonia is very bad for them.

Please don't say I am doing nothingTrue..I am doing nothing on getting 
someone that may be doing a lot more than you are to save cats from be ing shut 
down  I asked for the proof that these cats were sufferingThey 
may have a couple junk piles but that has little to do on how the cats are being 
cared for...In the lush country side shown in the pictures most cats could 
survive quit well on their own and just having some very minimul shelter and 
care is far better than being rounded up and pronounced too sick to save and 
being PTS the same day...No time to get any rescue in to save them unless like 
the nuns the rescue goes in with the sherif and does the seizure...There just 
isn't room for these cats to remain alive at an instance notice...I just 
don't think writing a bunch of letter to officials complaining is going to bring 
a happy ending to these catsOver and over again if you follow up a seizure 
most of the animals are PTS the same day   And by the far as doing nothing...Remember those 3 FeLV+ cats you were going to 
take from NJ if you could set up transportation...Well..It so happened that I 
had taken in an FeLV+ from a few miles away down there just a month before...The 
same transport that I used was readily still available and I was going to take 
the remaining 2 positives...Fortunately the hole mess was taken care of 
locally... Yes...In the last 6 months I have lost 3 cats...But I 
have taken in 2 seniors left at my vets office to be PTS becouse our local no 
kill shelter had no room for them...And we don't even have a big problem here in 
VT...Also The shelter called me and asked if I could take a beautiful long 
haired buff colored cat that had be brought in stray...His ears half gone from 
frost bite...and FeLV+Probably some students kitten that grew up and got put 
outside at Green Mountain Collage...My vet bills and food bills are well 
over $400 a month for my 27 rescue cats and it all comes out of my 
pocket...But you are right...I will not write letters to a sherif 1000 miles 
away complaining about something that I don't have more proof of without knowing 
that something other than death will come of 
it Tad
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Re: Activism and Bramble

2005-06-10 Thread catatonya
I just realized we had a new Michelle on our list.  Welcome to the list, although it sounds like you and poor Bramble are going through a horrible time right now.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and Bramble.  If the seizures stop, I'm sure Bramble can deal with the blindness per se.  Blind cats do well as they learn to adjust.  Maybe he will still recover.  I am so sorry.
tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Patti if you let me have the contact details about who we need to contact and the basic story again I will happily write to them. I am in UK so they can have some worldwide complaints.
As for Bramble the vet just phone to say he hasn't got FeLV but appears to have calicivirus. He hasn't had anymore involuntary motor movement seizures however, things have got worse. His pupils dilated for hours last night - I can't remember if I posted that here or not - and he couldn't see for that time. They are slightly better this morning but he is still partially blind. He is eating - crying for his food and getting really excited over his chicken - and getting to the toilet. But last night he stepped in his cat milk as he couldn't see it - although he did this morning and drank from it instead. He is mainly being guided my my voice and touch. My vet says if they don't improve today then we need to say enough and put him to sleep. If he stays blind I am inclined to agree as his quality of life cannot be good and is also making me think more it might be FIP or a series of CVA's - but I am sure they were triggered by the flea treatment still. 
Michelle xx

Re: Interferon and seizure meds

2005-06-10 Thread Barbara Baass
Thanks Michelle. Could you please E-Mail me a copy? I sure would appreciate it. My number is 512-835-2484.
Barbara BaassNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Hideyo, I was going to post it for Barbara, but hadn't gotten the chance yet.  Barbara, your vet has to be the one to call.  Good luck, let us know what happens.NinaHideyo Yamamoto wrote:

Ask your vet to contact Michelle Rose - the number is 805-339-2290 (Nina’s vet) – I also a received a packet, if you want me to make a copy for you, I can.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Barbara BaassSent: Friday, June 10, 2005 2:30 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Interferon and seizure meds


What is your vets name & address, so we can get the information packet on the interferon.

Barbara BaassNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Barbara,I know you asked Michelle this question, but I thought I'd jump in here. Michelle lives in the UK where Feline Interferon Omega has been approved for use. It's easier to get, (and I'm guessing cheaper too!) there. In the US, we have to have our vets apply for a special dispensation to the FDA for approval in each individual case. I've done that, along with a couple other people on the list. If you're interested, check the archives for further information about it and getting it. My vet's office has developed an information packet that they happily share with other vets to speed the process.NinaBarbara Baass wrote:> *Michelle,*> *Where
 did you get this interferon?*> *Barbara Baass*> *//*
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Re: Angel Wings Sanctuary [Very Bad if True] (all sorts of contact info)

2005-06-10 Thread Tad Burnett

  Please don't say I am doing nothingTrue..I am doing nothing on
getting someone that may be doing a lot more than you are to save cats
from be ing shut down
  I asked for the proof that these cats were sufferingThey may have
a couple junk piles but that has little to do on how the cats are being
cared for...In the lush country side shown in the pictures most cats
could survive quit well on their own and just having some very minimul
shelter and care is far better than being rounded up and pronounced too
sick to save and being PTS the same day...No time to get any rescue in
to save them unless like the nuns the rescue goes in with the sherif
and does the seizure...There just isn't room for these cats to remain
alive at an instance notice...
I just don't think writing a bunch of letter to officials complaining
is going to bring a happy ending to these catsOver and over again
if you follow up a seizure most of the animals are PTS the same day
  And by the far as doing nothing...Remember those 3 FeLV+ cats
you were going to take from NJ if you could set up
transportation...Well..It so happened that I had taken in an FeLV+ from
a few miles away down there just a month before...The same transport
that I used was readily still available and I was going to take the
remaining 2 positives...Fortunately the hole mess was taken care of
Yes...In the last 6 months I have lost 3 cats...But I have taken in 2
seniors left at my vets office to be PTS becouse our local no kill
shelter had no room for them...And we don't even have a big problem
here in VT...Also The shelter called me and asked if I could take a
beautiful long haired buff colored cat that had be brought in
stray...His ears half gone from frost bite...and FeLV+Probably some
students kitten that grew up and got put outside at Green Mountain
My vet bills and food bills are well over $400 a month for my 27 rescue
cats and it all comes out of my pocket...
But you are right...I will not write letters to a sherif 1000 miles
away complaining about something that I don't have more proof of
without knowing that something other than death will come of it


  Tad, I have been in contact with a
woman who lives in the next county over from this place and has
personal experience with the case. The facts are, I have been sending
out the info that possible foster homes may be needed since I first
heard about the case, but nothing can be done until they get the cats
released from Rehnee Harvey's care. Another TN shelter was just
recently shut down too, so this is not the only TN shelter desperately
needing foster homes at this time. Trust me, I know about the
overpopulation problems in Tennessee, I used to live there, and all my
family still does. The fact is, we can't make foster arrangements UNTIL
we know we will be getting the cats out of there, and in order to do
that, we need people to call and urge a quick resolution to the case. I
can help with transportation arrangements, BUT ONLY AFTER I know what
needs to be transported, and that can't happen until this place gets
opened up and the cats get removed. I don't know why you seem so bent
on the idea that since the photo quality is not the best that this
doesn't exist, you can CLEARLY see the feces and filth and dead cats in
the photos. Are you just going through denial? Trust me, as soon as the
sheriff makes an official statement, I will post it to this group. The
truth is, until the case breaks open, and the legal measures are taken
to allow access to the property, then there wont be any proof other
than the good Samaritan who risked his/her safety to get those photos.
The woman I am in contact with in the area has said that Rehnee has
approached her and threatened to kill her if she goes anywhere near her
property, so at this point, all anyone can do is wait for the officials
to make their move. PRESSURE THEM TO DO IT SOON! AFTER that happens,
then I will go into the next phase of soliciting donations for FELV
testing, and trying to find foster homes and arranging transportation.
The thing that is going to be the hardest with this case, I think, is
the fact that the FELV+ cats have had full access to all other cats,
and now, for most rescues to accept any of them, they will all have to
be tested, a very expensive task to undertake. That leaves all the
FELV/FIV positive ones still needing to be placed in a sanctuary that
accepts them. Sadly, if their original owners are not found (and there
is a network in place trying to do this), many of them may end up being
euthanised because it is unlikely we will be able to find the positive
cats anywhere else to go (like you said, it will be hard enough to find
the negative cats places to go). So, yes, if anyone can take a positive
cat, keep your eyes on my updates, because there will most likely be a
need for foster/adoptive homes for them. I know some of you have

Re: Nina, ivermectin 4 earmites

2005-06-10 Thread felv

Just try to change your way of seeing this 
situation Nina. Your vet may truly have your cat's best interests at heart, She 
may have had a client in the past who was an idiot and killed their cat at home 
with meds she gave out, and that made her less trustful of people now, so she 
just doesn't want to take any chances with any animal's health. Also, the FDA 
and USDA are very strict about which drugs get used for which purpose. Many 
times it's a pain in all of our asses, like the Feline Interferon, we can't get 
it here (in the USA), and it sucks. But other times, it can save animals (and 
humans too), like in Michelle's case with Bramble, she lives outside the USA, 
and her flea medication (Stronghold) did not say on the label "not for use 
in sick or weak cats", and now Bramble is very ill from it. In the USA the same 
drug here (Revolution) has that warning on the box. The government is, if 
anything guilty of creating laws that protect us TOO MUCH (think the seatbelt 
law). Much preferable to a government that does not give a crap at all and lets 
any freak with snake oil poison us all (think Hartz). Your vet is probably the 
same way, she's doing what she feels is necessary to protect you and your cats, 
maybe it's going a tad too far, but I'm sure she means well. You called her and 
told her you have a sick cat, and that it has a sore on it's neck from 
scratching, she probably wants to be sure the cat is not really ill or getting 
an infection before she gives you the meds. Back to the flea meds, the 
Revolution, that's the same med that I'm talking about Michelle gave to Bramble, 
you are NOT suppose to give it to sick or weak cats, so your vet is probably 
correct in not giving it to you if you've told her the cat is sick. See? You 
just have to change your perspective around some. Of course, there are vets who 
are only in the business to line their pockets, but we'll hope she isn't one of 
those. Have you tried calling other local vets and asking them if they can 
sell the Acarexx to you without an office visit? I think you can use 
it even on a sick cat, so you may have better luck not mentioning that your cat 
has been sick, and ONLY asking for the earmite meds, not the 

you very much Jenn.  I had read that Ivermectin is now approved, can't 
remember where I saw it though, somewhere in my research travels.  It 
does however still require a prescription when packaged for this specific 
use.  Really, I want to be fair and charitable, but I feel like hitting 
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Re: Angel Wings Update (more info again)

2005-06-10 Thread felv
>From my contact:
We only have one FIV+ cat so far [note from Jenn: no FELV+ yet].  And he is a 
Weighs 18 pounds.  Beautiful boy. Black and White, VERY VERY scared.   I have
pictures, but will not have time to download til Sunday.  He is very cool boy.

We hope that Rehnee will keep surrendering the cats to her trusted rescue.  We 
testing every cat.  No way around it, cost or not.  Now the story will be very
different if the shelter seizes them.  I just hope that they will let other 
groups intervene.  That could go bad, very bad.  I see a big kill if that 
It just scares me to even think about it.

You could possibly find FeLV homes also??  I do not know anyone who can/will 
them.  I am a few others are not afraid of FIV.  But if you could get some
connections for the Leuk, please!!

Hey, I would like to see more info on how contagious the FeLV is.  I would love 
see that it is not so bad.  Yes, I know not to mix the FeLV with anyone.

We are trying to get fosters for all, running out.  I will set up cages before 
I will
let them be killed.  And if we do have to euth, it will be the humane way, I 
you.  There are a few groups working on this.  Unfortunately, this is the busy 
season... sigh.. of course.  We do have a couple of adoption places that can 
take 1-2
cats each.  Hopefully we can keep the rest in foster care, you know.  We will 
out a way.

A website for positive cats, how cool.  THANK YOU!!!

Can you guys send me all of the best webpages you have on the facts of FELV and 
contagiousness? I know there is new info out there that says it is not as 
as once thought, but I'm running out of research time, and I have a date 
tonight. I
need as much positive info about FELV as I can find to send to this lady, she 
wants to help, but is of the older thinking of FELV being a death sentence and 
requiring quarantine. She needs info to give to possible fosters so they wont 
be so
scared of FELV.


I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up 
until she
earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address you 
can send
them to, to help feed Bazil!

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Re: Med ?

2005-06-10 Thread Lernermichelle

Yes, with three cats.  The first had a reaction to it where she went into a stupor for many hours. The second, who had cancer like the first, had no reaction to it and it did nothing. But Ginger, who was not eating after dental surgery and had a URI with a stuffy nose, starting eating about 30 minutes after getting the first dose of it and a few days of it got her back to eating normally.  So I would try it.
In a message dated 6/10/2005 4:59:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Has anyone tries Periactin on there +kitties to increase their appetite?

Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread Lernermichelle

That sounds crazy for me. Did he say interferon interacts with seizure medications?
Acupuncture sometimes helps with seizures, as well as steroids. 
In a message dated 6/10/2005 2:02:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hey guys... I've been talking to Michelle privately, and she said something that worries me:
"Forgot to say the vet wouldn't try anything for the seizures due to him being on interferon - she thinks he should be euthanased now. Problem I have is that I need to stay with that particular branch of vets because the sanctuary pay the bills. However I am seeking advice from neurology if they will give it."
Have any of you had any cats that have been on Interferon and been treated for seizures? Michelle's vet wont give Bramble any meds to stop the seizures just because he is in the Interferon! Does this sound reasonable to you guys? Or is it as silly and unreasonable as it sounds? Do seizure meds interact with Interferon?
I feel so bad for her, she seems stuck with this one vet who doesn't seem to be too informed because of funding issues.

Re: OT - PETA question

2005-06-10 Thread Lernermichelle

I have to say, I actually agree with PETA on all of that, though not on their feral cat stance.  They do not think that people should not adopt and care for animals, they just think they should not be bred in order to be pets for people. I agree.  I also took care of my two horses for decades without riding them, because after some years of riding I discovered that our relationships were much better without doing that.  And breeding dogs certainly leads to the population issues that cause shelter euthanasia. I doubt many people on this list would support breeding cats intentionally.  We are all adamant about spaying and neutering them!  I certainly do not think existing pit bulls or any other animals should be banned anywhere, but I am in favor of banning intentional breeding of animals.
Anyway, I agree this is not the forum for a big debate on any of these issues. But I wanted to voice that some of us, or at least I, do not think these stances are crazy and in fact believe in them strongly.  I am not a PETA supporter, though, because I disagree with their oppositioln to TNR with ferals and because I think a lot of their ad campaigns are sexist. But I think they have done a lot for animals too.
In a message dated 6/10/2005 11:51:51 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I believe that truly is PETA's stance. But not just for Pits, for ALL pets. PETA is against breeding, period.
Here is the actual PETA website article on pit bull breeding bans:
And here is another one about breeding in general ("no breeding is responsible"): 
PETA does not believe in animals being use by humans in any way. Pets are used just by being pets (they see companion animals as human creations that should never have been created, much less continued to be bred). They do not believe in riding horses, they believe they should roam freely and never be used for any work. They do not believe in cows existing at all, more or less, because cows more or less have been changed by humanity to suit our needs as a food source. And on and on, etc. I used to be a member of PETA, but as the years go by, they just get more and more extreme, and now if you are even a member of PETA, the government red flags your name, as they consider PETA a terrorist group now.
That's all I'm saying on the issue, I do NOT intend to be part of a PETA opinion debate.

Re: Ginger is eating with Periactin

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Ah, thank you so much for letting us know Michelle.  Suddenly, I don't
feel like hitting anyone anymore!


  Ginger is still at my mom's in NJ, because I am moving there in
a month and, after taking her down there when I went to care for Pepsi,
my horse, I did not want to put her through 2 more 5 hour car rides to
bring her back to MA and then down to NJ again. So she is still there.
She was doing really well by the time I left down there, eating great. 
According to my mom she is doing even better now-- eating 2-3 small
cans of food a day plus dry food and drinking and playing a lot.  So I
have my fingers crossed that it was just the surgery and the URI that
she got afterwards.  
  Thanks for asking,
  In a message dated 6/9/2005 5:39:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,
  Michelle, how is Ginger?

Re: Nina, ivermectin 4 earmites

2005-06-10 Thread Nina
Thank you very much Jenn.  I had read that Ivermectin is now approved, 
can't remember where I saw it though, somewhere in my research travels.  
It does however still require a prescription when packaged for this 
specific use.  Really, I want to be fair and charitable, but I feel like 
hitting somebody.



I have used it diluted in ear cleaner personally. I just squirted a bit of the 
cleaner out of the bottle and shot some of the Ivomec in, nothing too 
BUT, I can figure the exact dilution for you, but someone needs to re-check my 
as I'm not mathematically inclined!

If the Acarexx dosage is .01%, and the cattle injectible is 1.0%, then you would
dilute 1 part injectible Ivomec with 100 parts water (I'd personally use sterile
saline for ears) or ear cleaner. That would leave you with the same dosage as 
Acarexx topical for otic use (you guys fix my math if I'm wrong). However, since
Ivermectin is not easily absorbed via a transdermal route (meaning it doesn't 
into the blood stream from getting on the skin), I'd say you could go twice that
strong and be perfectly safe. It is actually being used NON-diluted by many 
societies and feral cat clinics now as an injectible for cats. The dosage is 
0.1 ML
administered under the skin. If you can safely INJECT that much, you can 
use that much IN the ear, since it's not absorbed that way anyways. 0.1 ML is 
about 2
drops, in my experience. I'd take the 0.1 ML of Ivomec, add another 0.2 ML's of
saline to it, and give 2 to 4 drops in each ear, just because it would get into 
ear canal better that way, and it would thin it a bit and allow it to be easier 
apply. Keep in mind, if you buy the Acarexx drops, they have to be repeated in 
3 weeks, same goes for any ear mite treatment, simply because the drug does not 
the eggs, only the live adults, so when they hatch, you have to get them.

Ivermectin should not be used in combination with valium or related 
Operation catnip, a feral cat neutering clinic states:
"Use 1 cc syringes for the Ivomec. There is one dose for cats: 0.1 ml SQ once. 
If you
have a very small kitten (3-4 months old weighing 3-4 lbs), half the dose! This
dosage of Ivomec treats ear mites, round and hook worms. Ivomec solution is very
thick and can be difficult to draw out of the bottle. "
(they actually inject it, rather than use it topically)
In our opinion, Ivomec® (Ivermectin) is the most effective treatment to date. 
It is
now commonly used by a number of veterinarians in the U.S. for the treatment of 
mites in cats and dogs. This is the same prescription medicine used in monthly
heartworm preventative tablets for cats and dogs and requires that you take 
your pet
to the vet for treatment.
There are two methods of  application - by injection or topically in the ear 
It has been our experience that this is absolutely the most effective method of
eliminating an ear mite infestation in a large group of animals.
If your veterinarian is unfamiliar with the latest medical literature that 
states the
safe formulations and dosages of Ivermectin to use for this purpose, we strongly
recommend that you avoid this method of treatment! The correct dosages are 
small (micrograms) and do not correlate in any way to proportional dosages used 
Ivermectin is not FDA approved for the treatment of ear mites in cats and dogs 
this time. Your vet should inform you of this fact before proceeding.

More Info:

Stay away from the pig stuff, or anything that says drench, or sheep. Get the 
injectible. Make sure it's ONLY ivermection, and doesn't have any other things 
in it.
Some of the sheep and pig stuff has other chemicals in it too.


Thanks Jenn, I had seen the "Ivomec" wormer for cattle and pigs, but it's a 
solution amount, cattle: 1% and the, what looks like ingestible one for pigs is 
The .02% is closer to the .01% that's used for earmites, but I hesitate to put 
in her ears, when I'm not sure exactly how much to use, or if it's lacking 
that would make it less irritating to the delicate lining of the ear canal.  
I'm not
even sure of how much to use.  Have you used this before directly into a cat's 
I've used Acarexx, (the Ivermectin specifically packaged for ear mites in 
cats), with
good results, so I trust it.  My concern is, what if I get this into her ears 
and she
has some adverse reaction?  I'll get my ass in the car and race to the feed 
store, if
I know it's safe and effective.
Thanks for the help,


Angel Wings Update (from my inside contact)

2005-06-10 Thread felv

In regards to finding homes for the cats at Angel Wings, my contact 
"If it is a good foster, I don't care where it is!  I just hope we can 
get them all.  We got the 6 last night, and one is at least 10 (guess) 
years old and one has FIV.  Some of these would be definite euth candidates 
if the shelter seizes them.  Heck I sure don't mind a few old or FIV 
cats!  I personally am not set up to handle any FeLV cats tho.
The sanctuary is in Kingston, TN, which is outside of 
Knoxville. "
So they managed to get  6 cats out, I have replied to her asking her 
how she managed that, and will let you guys know. I asked her about what 
arrangements can be made for any FELV+ and FIV+ cats, and am waiting to hear 
back on if they can go anywhere for a few days to a week until transport to 
foster homes is arranged, waiting to hear back on that too. Like she said, all 
we can do is hope that the authorities will turn the cats over to rescues, and 
not to the city, because if they do, the city will immediately kill all FIV+ and 
FELV+ cats, even though their owners placed them at this place for sanctuary. 
PLEASE, if you know of anyone who may have taken a cat there, they need to get 
in contact with these people right away, to reclaim their cat! I also asked her 
if the city shelter there does humane euthanasia, or if it stills has a gas 
chamber (many backwoods small towns still gas them to death). Is there any other 
info I should ask of her? Is anyone willing to take a 

collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

RE: Ginger is eating with Periactin

2005-06-10 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I am sure it was – I am so so glad
that she is doing so well!  Thank you for letting me know.


Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 4:01
Subject: Re: Ginger is eating with


Ginger is still at my mom's in NJ, because I am moving there
in a month and, after taking her down there when I went to care for Pepsi, my
horse, I did not want to put her through 2 more 5 hour car rides to bring her
back to MA and then down to NJ again. So she is still there. She was doing
really well by the time I left down there, eating great.  According to my
mom she is doing even better now-- eating 2-3 small cans of food a day plus dry
food and drinking and playing a lot.  So I have my fingers crossed that it
was just the surgery and the URI that she got afterwards.  


Thanks for asking,




In a message dated 6/9/2005 5:39:18 PM Eastern Standard
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michelle, how is Ginger?

Re: Ginger is eating with Periactin

2005-06-10 Thread Lernermichelle

Ginger is still at my mom's in NJ, because I am moving there in a month and, after taking her down there when I went to care for Pepsi, my horse, I did not want to put her through 2 more 5 hour car rides to bring her back to MA and then down to NJ again. So she is still there. She was doing really well by the time I left down there, eating great.  According to my mom she is doing even better now-- eating 2-3 small cans of food a day plus dry food and drinking and playing a lot.  So I have my fingers crossed that it was just the surgery and the URI that she got afterwards.  
Thanks for asking,
In a message dated 6/9/2005 5:39:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Michelle, how is Ginger?

Cats at Corpus Christi

2005-06-10 Thread Chris

Just for info… I got
this from Neighborhood
There must be some poor nun who must be devestated!  Lets hope they get the
remaining 3 cats soon…


“A volunteer who lived
in the area is the one who TNR'ed the cats and supplied food to a cat-friendly
nun.  The other nuns were always a bit hostile, but nothing like this.”






RE: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY

2005-06-10 Thread Chris

Good to know….




-Original Message-
Behalf Of Barbara Lowe
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 1:41
Subject: Re: Please Help!! 2 17y
old healthy cats...NY


i would be very leary of any
retirement program north shore has because as I recall, they also try to find
homes for these retired pets--so in essence, you the owner might pay thousands
of dollars to have your pet retire to a supposedly safe environment however if
north shore adopts it out to someone, they're not monitoring what happens to
the pet afterwards, are they?  Bide a Wee in Wantagh NY i believe it
is,  has a retirement home and they keep the animals there forever. 


- Original Message - 

From: Chris 


Sent: Friday,
June 10, 2005 10:57 AM

Subject: RE: Please
Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY


He could try
Angel’s Gate which is near him.  Also, North Shore does have a
‘retirement plan’ for animals but it does cost some…. How
does he know they are 17 if he took them off the street a few years ago?




-Original Message-
Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 5:19
Subject: Please Help!! 2 17y old
healthy cats...NY


know of a retirement home for 2?



I live
in Astoria, Queens NY.  I took the cats off the streets a few years ago;
abandoned in a cardboard box. I have severe health concerns and my energy is






On Tue,
7 Jun 2005 20:21:40 -0400 "rjmondello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



My name is Richard Mondello and I have two adult cats that I can't
find a home for. They are 17 but in very good health. I will be moving
in four weeks and my new home will not allow pets.  Can you direct me
to a place where the cats would not be put down? I am prepared to make a
donation for help. As stated, the cats are in good health, declawed and very
friendly. I've contacted some organizations but have been told that adult cats
are difficult to place.


Thanks for your time,



you, it's just a temporary gift of a bit of space and some extra food~ to him
it is the immeasurable gift of life!~ Never underestimate the importance of

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Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise) (Nina, ivermectin 4 earmites)

2005-06-10 Thread felv

LOL, yeah, I know, but when you work in rescues, 
you need to find every break you can. It helps that I've worked in a vet office 
and a few livestock supply stores, I picked up alot of info that 

hee, jenn, you're giving away all the secrets!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise) (Nina, links to buy the stuff)

2005-06-10 Thread felv (for 
the cats earmites, use in the ears only, 3-4 drops should be more than 
enough in each ear, if you have a hard to dose cat, try mixing it into ear 
cleaner (I like the Nolvasan Otic brand) and just squirt in as much in as 
you need to ensure it gets down the ear canal, but you might have to retreat a 
few times if you need to dilute it much.) (for 
heartworm prevention in DOGS, dosage in 100 LB units on most horse wormers (it 
should click at each 100 lbs), most medium [labs, heelers, setters] sized 
dogs use a dime sized amount hidden in some peanut butter on a 
OTC antibiotics: (I 
use the Amoxicillin for cats, the Erythromycin for myself. For 
cats, if it's a tablet, crush it well until it's powder, if it a capsule, cut it 
open. Dump the powder into a small bottle with a screw on cap, use a syringe to 
add slightly less than 5 CC's distilled water (go to just below the 5 CC line on 
the syringe), shake well, keep refridgerated. Shake well before each use. Use a 
syringe to draw 1 CC up for dosage, then draw something tasty into it as well to 
cover the flavor a bit (tuna juice or garlic oil works good). Cover the end with 
your finger, and shake it a little to mix the tasty stuff in inside the syringe, 
then dose cat as usual. If he/she foams at the mouth, next time add more or 
stronger flavored stuff, it just means you didn't cover the taste well 
enough). At that dilution, if the tablet/capsule was a 250 MG tablet, then 
1 CC will be a 50 MG dose, an appropiate dosage of amoxicillin for cats) 


collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Re: Interferon and seizure meds

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Thanks Hideyo, I was going to post it for Barbara, but hadn't gotten
the chance yet.  Barbara, your vet has to be the one to call.  Good
luck, let us know what happens.

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:



  Ask your vet
to contact Michelle Rose - the
number is 805-339-2290 (Nina’s vet) – I also a received a packet,
if you want me to make a copy for you, I can.
Behalf Of Barbara Baass
  Sent: Friday, June 10,
2005 2:30
  Subject: Re:
Interferon and
seizure meds
  What is
your vets name & address, so we can get the information packet on
I know you asked Michelle this question, but I thought I'd jump in 
here. Michelle lives in the UK
where Feline Interferon Omega has been 
approved for use. It's easier to get, (and I'm guessing cheaper too!) 
there. In the US,
we have to have our vets apply for a special 
dispensation to the FDA for approval in each individual case. I've done

that, along with a couple other people on the list. If you're 
interested, check the archives for further information about it and 
getting it. My vet's office has developed an information packet that 
they happily share with other vets to speed the process.

Barbara Baass wrote:

> *Michelle,*
> *Where did you get this interferon?*
> *Barbara Baass*
> *//*

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Med ?

2005-06-10 Thread JENNIFER RATLIFF

Has anyone tries Periactin on there +kitties to increase their appetite?

Nina, ivermectin 4 earmites

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Thanks Jenn, I had seen the "Ivomec" wormer for cattle and pigs, but
it's a different solution amount, cattle: 1% and the, what looks like
ingestible one for pigs is .02%.  The .02% is closer to the .01% that's
used for earmites, but I hesitate to put this in her ears, when I'm not
sure exactly how much to use, or if it's lacking something that would
make it less irritating to the delicate lining of the ear canal.  I'm
not even sure of how much to use.  Have you used this before directly
into a cat's ears?  I've used Acarexx, (the Ivermectin specifically
packaged for ear mites in cats), with good results, so I trust it.  My
concern is, what if I get this into her ears and she has some adverse
reaction?  I'll get my ass in the car and race to the feed store, if I
know it's safe and effective.
Thanks for the help,


  Nina, go to your local livestock
supply store, and buy a bottle of the injectable Ivomec cattle wormer.
It's the same drug as what your vet wont prescribe for you. Use it
TOPICALLY in the ears, just like you would if your vet had prescribed
the stuff you wanted (you'll need a syringe with a needle to get it out
of the bottle, but then either take the needle off the syringe, or
transfer it into a dish and suck it up in a feeding syringe). It's the
same drug. DO NOT inject it into a cat, for topical use in the ears
ONLY for cats! 
  There's other off-label shortcuts to
get around vets (and human doctors too). 
  You can get OTC amoxicillin labeled
for use in fish tanks, crush them dilute with distilled bottled water,
and do the math on the milligrams per the amount of liquid you added
(home made amoxi-drops, add a bit of tuna water for flavor to each
dose). Humans can use the fish tanks antibiotic too, I do, because I
don't have any insurance, and I get pneumonia everytime I catch a cold
because I have asthma (I buy the eythromycin for my own use). :)
  For dogs, for preventing heartworms,
get the paste horse wormer Zimectrin (or any one that has ivermectin as
the only ingredient). It's a dime sized amount hidden in a peanutbutter
cracker per month. Same thing as Heart-Guard.


2005-06-10 Thread JENNIFER RATLIFF

Does everyone give injections of Interferon themselves?  Sebastian takes Interferon orally, on one week then off one week.  What is the difference between Interferon Alpha or Omega?  Should he be taking injections?  Also his weakness in his hind legs are really bothering me.  I suggested to the vet to do complete bloodwork, but then he seemed to being alot better so I decided not to put him through that because he hates the vet.  Sebastian was getting injections of Depo Medrol for about two years.  We have recently stopped them because I was afraid that the long term steroid use was causing the leg problems.  before when he wasn't feeling well I would go and get him another steroid shot.  He isn't feeling well now, so should I start the steroid injections again?  I do not know what to do.  
P.S. He was getting the Depo injections because he has problems with his gums and teeth.

Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise) (Nina, ivermectin 4 earmites)

2005-06-10 Thread TenHouseCats
hee hee, jenn, you're giving away all the secrets!

> Nina, go to your local livestock supply store, and buy a bottle of the
> injectable Ivomec cattle wormer. It's the same drug as what your vet wont
> prescribe for you. Use it TOPICALLY in the ears, just like you would if your
> vet had prescribed the stuff you wanted (you'll need a syringe with a needle
> to get it out of the bottle, but then either take the needle off the
> syringe, or transfer it into a dish and suck it up in a feeding syringe).
> It's the same drug. DO NOT inject it into a cat, for topical use in the ears
> ONLY for cats! 
> There's other off-label shortcuts to get around vets (and human doctors
> too). 
> You can get OTC amoxicillin labeled for use in fish tanks, crush them dilute
> with distilled bottled water, and do the math on the milligrams per the
> amount of liquid you added (home made amoxi-drops, add a bit of tuna water
> for flavor to each dose). Humans can use the fish tanks antibiotic too, I
> do, because I don't have any insurance, and I get pneumonia everytime I
> catch a cold because I have asthma (I buy the eythromycin for my own use).
> :) 
> - 
> For dogs, for preventing heartworms, get the paste horse wormer Zimectrin
> (or any one that has ivermectin as the only ingredient). It's a dime sized
> amount hidden in a peanutbutter cracker per month. Same thing as
> Heart-Guard. 
> Jenn
> ~~~
> I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat
> who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
> Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up
> until she earns a free can of formula!
> PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil! 
> If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address you
> can send them to, to help feed Bazil! 
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: Interferon and seizure meds

2005-06-10 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Ask your vet to contact Michelle Rose - the
number is 805-339-2290 (Nina’s vet) – I also a received a packet,
if you want me to make a copy for you, I can.


Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 2:30
Subject: Re: Interferon and
seizure meds



What is
your vets name & address, so we can get the information packet on the



I know you asked Michelle this question, but I thought I'd jump in 
here. Michelle lives in the UK
where Feline Interferon Omega has been 
approved for use. It's easier to get, (and I'm guessing cheaper too!) 
there. In the US,
we have to have our vets apply for a special 
dispensation to the FDA for approval in each individual case. I've done 
that, along with a couple other people on the list. If you're 
interested, check the archives for further information about it and 
getting it. My vet's office has developed an information packet that 
they happily share with other vets to speed the process.

Barbara Baass wrote:

> *Michelle,*
> *Where did you get this interferon?*
> *Barbara Baass*
> *//*

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: AC Kat - How can you tell?

2005-06-10 Thread TatorBunz

Very good question, Nina! 
I would like to know myself.
 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: Interferon and seizure meds

2005-06-10 Thread Barbara Baass
What is your vets name & address, so we can get the information packet on the interferon.
Barbara BaassNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Barbara,I know you asked Michelle this question, but I thought I'd jump in here. Michelle lives in the UK where Feline Interferon Omega has been approved for use. It's easier to get, (and I'm guessing cheaper too!) there. In the US, we have to have our vets apply for a special dispensation to the FDA for approval in each individual case. I've done that, along with a couple other people on the list. If you're interested, check the archives for further information about it and getting it. My vet's office has developed an information packet that they happily share with other vets to speed the process.NinaBarbara Baass wrote:> *Michelle,*> *Where did you get this interferon?*> *Barbara Baass*> *//*__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of
 spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Wow, your vet gets it.
Thanks very very much for the offer, Hideyo.
Now I'm going to pray I never have to take it up!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 2:42 PM
Subject: RE: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

If you ever need for an antibiotics (clavormox or amoxicillin), let me
know - I will try to get it for you.  My vets prescribes to me for my
feral cats for the very reason you mentioned - there is no way that I
can catch some of them to bring it to a vet - I also have a friend who
is a vet tech - so if you need them, try to contact me, and I will ship
it to you.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie,
Kerry N.
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

I'm so sorry, Nina---I TOTALLY relate. My vets are just the same--they
will not prescribe antibiotics for a URI e.g. unless they see the cat
first. They don't seem to have any idea of the stress involved--and the
effect on all the kitties of all that stress--in bringing in a feral
FeLV cat.
And while in some ways having a housecall vet was better, it still did
not avoid the need to catch and the stress involved (now there are 3
giants, not just 1--me-- running around the room creating havoc).
I've been telling friends for a year that I need to find myself a nice
vet, with a big house/lots of rooms and a yard so i can expand the
brood, but so far zippo. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

Michelle L.,
Formulate your questions and what Bramble has been prescribed/tested for

so I can ask my vet's office.  They've been incredibly indulgent with me

in the past, so I'm hoping they will help.  I'm not a vet, so I can't 
say what the reason would be to not give Bramble seizure meds, (are we 
talking Phenobarbital here?) while on interferon.  It doesn't make sense

to me, but maybe there's some sort of dangerous interaction that we're 
not aware of.  As far as I know from my research on interferon, it 
doesn't make sense.  Something else that makes NO SENSE AT ALL to me is,

if this vet is so strongly advocating euthanasia, why is he/she so 
concerned with prescribing medication that may eliviate symptoms?  If 
he's given up on Bramble, why won't he do what  MIGHT help? 

I just don't understand vets sometimes.  I have a feral that has been 
sliding downhill lately and I've been extremely concerned.  I've been 
talking to one of the vets I go to about her and her office agreed to 
see her, if I can catch her.  She's shown symptoms of a URI, (which seem

to be getting better finally :) ), was listless, not eating.  She's 
scratched the fur off her neck and has a nasty wound there.  Yesterday, 
I saw her shaking her head, and yep, I got close enough to see she has a

nasty case of ear mite.  I begged this vet to please prescribe me 
Acarexx ivermectin, (one application into the ears and earmites are 
gone).  I could net her admin the ivermectin, topical her with 
Revolution and let her go.  So much less stressful than having to 
capture her and bring her in.  Well, the vet won't do it!  I really 
should have married a vet!  I desperately need one that understands what

one-on-one rescuers go through.  Quick, someone tell me a nice story 
about a compassionate vet!


> Hey guys... I've been talking to Michelle privately, and she said 
> something that worries me:
> "Forgot to say the vet wouldn't try anything for the seizures due to 
> him being on interferon - she thinks he should be euthanased now. 
> Problem I have is that I need to stay with that particular branch of 
> vets because the sanctuary pay the bills. However I am seeking advice 
> from neurology if they will give it."
> Have any of you had any cats that have been on Interferon and been 
> treated for seizures? Michelle's vet wont give Bramble any meds to 
> stop the seizures just because he is in the Interferon! Does this 
> sound reasonable to you guys? Or is it as silly and unreasonable as it

> sounds? Do seizure meds interact with Interferon?
> I feel so bad for her, she seems stuck with this one vet who doesn't 
> seem to be too informed because of funding issues.
> Jenn

> I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special 
> needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
> Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they 
> add up until she earns a free can of formula!
> PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula la

RE: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Ranting is very necessary 
Yes, I 
understand the liability thing too. But as you say...can't they treat a case 
like this on its own merits? 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of NinaSent: Friday, June 10, 2005 2:14 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Bramble 
(help guys, need advise)Hi Kerry,You know, I do 
understand about liability, and not wanting to base judgments on what people 
relate without actually doing an exam.  I get that, really I do.  I 
can't tell you how many times someone has told me something about their dog's 
behavior that has been WAY off the mark, so I understand not trusting someone 
else's judgement who hasn't been through vet school to make a proper 
diagnosis.  But, come on, if the animal in question is going to be left to 
languish with whatever aliment is plaguing them because they CAN'T be brought 
in, then, what the heck is the harm?  I'd be so willing to sign a waiver, 
or something saying I don't intend to sue, or lodge complaints, if it doesn't 
work out the way I hope.  And for heaven's sake, shouldn't the proven 
trustworthiness of the caregiver involved count for something?  Unless the 
animal has some sort of allergic reaction to antibiotics, then what's the harm 
of administering them, even if the animal doesn't even need them?  Speaking 
of antibiotics, can't you order Baytril, Albon, Clavomox and Penicillin G from 
KV vets w/o a prescription?  I know I've seen them offered for sale, but I 
don't know if you can get them w/o vet approval.  They also have 
Ivermectin, (for use in swine), but it's not in an otic suspension and it's 
.02%, instead of .01%.  I don't want to take any chances giving her 
something that I haven't seen work with others.  Argggh! Sorry for 
the rant,NinaMacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:
I'm so sorry, Nina---I TOTALLY relate. My vets are just the same--they
will not prescribe antibiotics for a URI e.g. unless they see the cat
first. They don't seem to have any idea of the stress involved--and the
effect on all the kitties of all that stress--in bringing in a feral
FeLV cat.
And while in some ways having a housecall vet was better, it still did
not avoid the need to catch and the stress involved (now there are 3
giants, not just 1--me-- running around the room creating havoc).
I've been telling friends for a year that I need to find myself a nice
vet, with a big house/lots of rooms and a yard so i can expand the
brood, but so far zippo. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

Michelle L.,
Formulate your questions and what Bramble has been prescribed/tested for

so I can ask my vet's office.  They've been incredibly indulgent with me

in the past, so I'm hoping they will help.  I'm not a vet, so I can't 
say what the reason would be to not give Bramble seizure meds, (are we 
talking Phenobarbital here?) while on interferon.  It doesn't make sense

to me, but maybe there's some sort of dangerous interaction that we're 
not aware of.  As far as I know from my research on interferon, it 
doesn't make sense.  Something else that makes NO SENSE AT ALL to me is,

if this vet is so strongly advocating euthanasia, why is he/she so 
concerned with prescribing medication that may eliviate symptoms?  If 
he's given up on Bramble, why won't he do what  MIGHT help? 

I just don't understand vets sometimes.  I have a feral that has been 
sliding downhill lately and I've been extremely concerned.  I've been 
talking to one of the vets I go to about her and her office agreed to 
see her, if I can catch her.  She's shown symptoms of a URI, (which seem

to be getting better finally :) ), was listless, not eating.  She's 
scratched the fur off her neck and has a nasty wound there.  Yesterday, 
I saw her shaking her head, and yep, I got close enough to see she has a

nasty case of ear mite.  I begged this vet to please prescribe me 
Acarexx ivermectin, (one application into the ears and earmites are 
gone).  I could net her admin the ivermectin, topical her with 
Revolution and let her go.  So much less stressful than having to 
capture her and bring her in.  Well, the vet won't do it!  I really 
should have married a vet!  I desperately need one that understands what

one-on-one rescuers go through.  Quick, someone tell me a nice story 
about a compassionate vet!


  Hey guys... I've been talking to Michelle privately, and she said 
something that worries me:
"Forgot to say the vet wouldn't try anything for the seizures due to 
him being on interferon - she thinks he should be euthanased now. 
Problem I have is that I need to stay with that particular branch of 
vets because the sanctuary pay the bills. However I am seeking advice 
from neurology if the

Re: Interferon and seizure meds

2005-06-10 Thread Barbara Baass
Thanks Nina. Yes, I need to get this for Samson's mouth.
Barbara BaassNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Barbara,I know you asked Michelle this question, but I thought I'd jump in here. Michelle lives in the UK where Feline Interferon Omega has been approved for use. It's easier to get, (and I'm guessing cheaper too!) there. In the US, we have to have our vets apply for a special dispensation to the FDA for approval in each individual case. I've done that, along with a couple other people on the list. If you're interested, check the archives for further information about it and getting it. My vet's office has developed an information packet that they happily share with other vets to speed the process.NinaBarbara Baass wrote:> *Michelle,*> *Where did you get this interferon?*> *Barbara Baass*> *//*
		Discover Yahoo! 
Find restaurants, movies, travel & more fun for the weekend. Check it out!


2005-06-10 Thread Lomaxturtle

The vet prescribed the omega interferon Barbara - it's they only one they 
use in UK
Michelle L

RE: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
If you ever need for an antibiotics (clavormox or amoxicillin), let me
know - I will try to get it for you.  My vets prescribes to me for my
feral cats for the very reason you mentioned - there is no way that I
can catch some of them to bring it to a vet - I also have a friend who
is a vet tech - so if you need them, try to contact me, and I will ship
it to you.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie,
Kerry N.
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

I'm so sorry, Nina---I TOTALLY relate. My vets are just the same--they
will not prescribe antibiotics for a URI e.g. unless they see the cat
first. They don't seem to have any idea of the stress involved--and the
effect on all the kitties of all that stress--in bringing in a feral
FeLV cat.
And while in some ways having a housecall vet was better, it still did
not avoid the need to catch and the stress involved (now there are 3
giants, not just 1--me-- running around the room creating havoc).
I've been telling friends for a year that I need to find myself a nice
vet, with a big house/lots of rooms and a yard so i can expand the
brood, but so far zippo. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

Michelle L.,
Formulate your questions and what Bramble has been prescribed/tested for

so I can ask my vet's office.  They've been incredibly indulgent with me

in the past, so I'm hoping they will help.  I'm not a vet, so I can't 
say what the reason would be to not give Bramble seizure meds, (are we 
talking Phenobarbital here?) while on interferon.  It doesn't make sense

to me, but maybe there's some sort of dangerous interaction that we're 
not aware of.  As far as I know from my research on interferon, it 
doesn't make sense.  Something else that makes NO SENSE AT ALL to me is,

if this vet is so strongly advocating euthanasia, why is he/she so 
concerned with prescribing medication that may eliviate symptoms?  If 
he's given up on Bramble, why won't he do what  MIGHT help? 

I just don't understand vets sometimes.  I have a feral that has been 
sliding downhill lately and I've been extremely concerned.  I've been 
talking to one of the vets I go to about her and her office agreed to 
see her, if I can catch her.  She's shown symptoms of a URI, (which seem

to be getting better finally :) ), was listless, not eating.  She's 
scratched the fur off her neck and has a nasty wound there.  Yesterday, 
I saw her shaking her head, and yep, I got close enough to see she has a

nasty case of ear mite.  I begged this vet to please prescribe me 
Acarexx ivermectin, (one application into the ears and earmites are 
gone).  I could net her admin the ivermectin, topical her with 
Revolution and let her go.  So much less stressful than having to 
capture her and bring her in.  Well, the vet won't do it!  I really 
should have married a vet!  I desperately need one that understands what

one-on-one rescuers go through.  Quick, someone tell me a nice story 
about a compassionate vet!


> Hey guys... I've been talking to Michelle privately, and she said 
> something that worries me:
> "Forgot to say the vet wouldn't try anything for the seizures due to 
> him being on interferon - she thinks he should be euthanased now. 
> Problem I have is that I need to stay with that particular branch of 
> vets because the sanctuary pay the bills. However I am seeking advice 
> from neurology if they will give it."
> Have any of you had any cats that have been on Interferon and been 
> treated for seizures? Michelle's vet wont give Bramble any meds to 
> stop the seizures just because he is in the Interferon! Does this 
> sound reasonable to you guys? Or is it as silly and unreasonable as it

> sounds? Do seizure meds interact with Interferon?
> I feel so bad for her, she seems stuck with this one vet who doesn't 
> seem to be too informed because of funding issues.
> Jenn

> I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special 
> needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
> Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they 
> add up until she earns a free can of formula!
> PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
> If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing 
> address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
>No virus found in this outgoing message.
>Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
>Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date

Re: Interferon and seizure meds

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

I know you asked Michelle this question, but I thought I'd jump in 
here.  Michelle lives in the UK where Feline Interferon Omega has been 
approved for use.  It's easier to get, (and I'm guessing cheaper too!) 
there.  In the US, we have to have our vets apply for a special 
dispensation to the FDA for approval in each individual case.  I've done 
that, along with a couple other people on the list.  If you're 
interested, check the archives for further information about it and 
getting it.  My vet's office has developed an information packet that 
they happily share with other vets to speed the process.


Barbara Baass wrote:

*Where did you get this interferon?*
*Barbara Baass*

Bramble rundown in full

2005-06-10 Thread Lomaxturtle

I should have just put the whole information to begin with sorry.
He is currently taking Antirobe (antibiotic) for gingivitis following his 
dental op - has about a week of these left.
2.5mg of Fortekor for heart Murmer - Daily
Has had 5 injections of Feline Omega Interferon - starts the next 5 on 
Has had thyroid (T4), liver and kidney function tests - normal but protein 
levels were slightly raised - vet said that was normal due to his inflamation 
Has been tested for Calicivirus-isolation, Herpesvirus and FeLV - FeLV 
negative, no result yet on herpes and from what I gather he most likely has 
I don't think he is fit to undergo anymore anaesthesia - he needs as little 
stress as possible
He has wasted somewhat around his spine don't know how long he has been 
like that for and his coat is not in great condition.
In the four weeks I've had him - he has had ears syringed, scale and polish 
and 3 teeth extracted and gingivitis treatment as listed above. He showed 
mild seizure like activity in that he would stop with his jaw open for a 
few seconds about every 5 days. Had right and left occular discharge, nasal 
discharge, drooling, sneezing (occasionally sneezing blood), wheezing, coughing, 
breathing difficulty (this is now so much better) still sneezing occasionally 
but breathing musch better.
Over a week ago he swayed and then became ataxic. Sunday 
stronghold/revolution spot on given - 14hrs laters paddling in seizure followed 
by momentary ataxia - same occured 12-13 hrs later. 2 days later pupils dilated 
with blindness and had involuntary motor control seizure about 3-4 mins long - 
seemed to regain sight a little later. Was quiet afterwards as expected. Day 
later his pupils dilated and took about 18hrs to respond to light again - but 
still appears partially blind.
Is eating ok and is excited when he gets his chicken pieces 
as treats.
gets to the toilet ok although his stools have been loose they are a little 
firmer now.
Hope this helps
Michelle L

Re: Interferon

2005-06-10 Thread Barbara Baass
thanks for the information.
Barbara BaassNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you need a prescription for Interferon Alpha?  I got mine from my Internist.  It wasn't very expensive.NinaDel Daniels wrote:

I ordered mine from Island Pharmacy in Wisconsin 
It is not the only place.

- Original Message - 
From: Barbara Baass 
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 5:31 PM
Subject: RE: thanking for the incredible support system

Where do all of you get the interferon? I need to get some for Samson's mouth.
Barbara Baass"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmm. Any chance a bunch of you could start another FIP list, without her? It sounds such a shame that in order to lose her, you had to lose all the good people too.
I've never belonged to any other web group of any sort, so I've landed real lucky in finding this one. Totally agree--everyone is so generous and supportive as well as incredibly knowledgeable. 
I can't understand what gets into people when they behave like the one you describe. They clearly have "Issues" and instead of facing up to them, they just make everyone else suffer. It's such a shame and so unnecessary. 
-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Hideyo YamamotoSent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 4:43 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: thanking for the incredible support system

I know people on this list make a lot of comments on this, but I also personally want to thank you for all the support you give for me and for my babies, and for anyone who may need the support for that matter – 
I really love this list as we can talk about anything (any OT stuff) – 
I used to be on FIP list since I have many many corona virus kitties and I was very concerned about FIPs – but the mediator on the list is very controlling and mean – if you questions anything she says she gets made and took you off the list – she only believes in certain treatment and she doesn’t let you argue about it otherwise – and she does not allow any OT subjects – I really liked everyone else on that list, but couldn’t stand the mediator (and so did other people on the list) –
Anyway, thank you so very much for your support – don’t’ know what to do without you guys – I am glad that I found you!

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60606 - effective June 15, 2005. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Effective July 1, 2005, some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. 

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Yahoo! Mail MobileTake Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Medication - Michelle L and Bramble

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Your vet's concerns of interaction may not be with the Interferon 
Omega.  With all of Brambles conditions, I'm afraid that no one would be 
able to address his medication needs/concerns w/o having his history in 
front of them.  If you don't trust the vet that the sanctuary is paying 
for, and you do like the vet that you're bringing your dog to, couldn't 
you speak with the sanctuary and your vet about making some sort of 
arrangement?  Perhaps your vet would be willing to take less than her 
normal fee, (or make payment arrangements with you for the difference).  
The sanctuary might be willing to pay her directly instead of the vet 
they normally use, (esp if it's not going to cost them any extra for the 
services).  It sounds like it might be a good idea for this sanctuary to 
try and develop relationships with other vets anyway.  It never hurts to 
ask!  I'm praying you find the help you need to make informed decisions. 


I should also mention that he takes 2.5mg of Fortekor daily too for a 
heart murmer. And also that he has been treated for many secondary 
infections - respiratory, earmites, dental etc... over the last two years.
Michelle L

Re: Interferon and seizure meds

2005-06-10 Thread Barbara Baass
Where did you get this interferon?
Barbara Baass[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Jenn for adding that.
Thanks for offering to find out Nina - if anyone else can find anything out too that would be great - baring in mind the neurological problems probably are FIV related. 
PS - Bramble is on feline omega interferon - not human form interferon.
Thanks Michelle
I will try to find out myself too.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


2005-06-10 Thread Lomaxturtle

I should also mention that he takes 2.5mg of Fortekor daily too for a heart 
murmer. And also that he has been treated for many secondary infections - 
respiratory, earmites, dental etc... over the last two years.
Michelle L

Interferon and seizure meds

2005-06-10 Thread Lomaxturtle

Thanks Jenn for adding that.
Thanks for offering to find out Nina - if anyone else can find anything out 
too that would be great - baring in mind the neurological problems probably are 
FIV related. 
PS - Bramble is on feline omega interferon - not human form 
Thanks Michelle
I will try to find out myself too.

Flea Treatment

2005-06-10 Thread Lomaxturtle

I just had an interesting conversation with my dogs vet. Unfortunately 
Bramble has to go to a different vet because the sanctuary pay but I sure wish 
he went to my dogs vet. I mentioned the current episode and my concerns about 
stronghold/Revolution. When I told her she was nodding her head in agreement 
saying so it's exacerbated his neurological problems. And she was more accepting 
of seizures than the one who Bramble has seen whilst his current vet is away. To 
be fair looking at him I think he had neurological signs developing and 
gradually worsening and most likely FIV related - I've seen that before but not 
the seizures. And the flea stuff has just hurried it up immensly. The guy from 
Pfizer said he has now made sure that the factory and warehouse stocks have got 
the right leaflets in - whether he has or not is another story.
Nina - I also discovered from a member of the epi-feline group that the 
excitement over food is a side effect of some seizures when they are not quiet. 
He seems mostly blind although his pupils are reacting to light again. My 
other concern is FIP - I will see how he goes over the next day or so.
Michelle L

Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Hi Kerry,
You know, I do understand about liability, and not wanting to base
judgments on what people relate without actually doing an exam.  I get
that, really I do.  I can't tell you how many times someone has told me
something about their dog's behavior that has been WAY off the mark, so
I understand not trusting someone else's judgement who hasn't been
through vet school to make a proper diagnosis.  But, come on, if the
animal in question is going to be left to languish with whatever
aliment is plaguing them because they CAN'T be brought in, then, what
the heck is the harm?  I'd be so willing to sign a waiver, or something
saying I don't intend to sue, or lodge complaints, if it doesn't work
out the way I hope.  And for heaven's sake, shouldn't the proven
trustworthiness of the caregiver involved count for something?  Unless
the animal has some sort of allergic reaction to antibiotics, then
what's the harm of administering them, even if the animal doesn't even
need them?  Speaking of antibiotics, can't you order Baytril, Albon,
Clavomox and Penicillin G from KV vets w/o a prescription?  I know I've
seen them offered for sale, but I don't know if you can get them w/o
vet approval.  They also have Ivermectin, (for use in swine), but it's
not in an otic suspension and it's .02%, instead of .01%.  I don't want
to take any chances giving her something that I haven't seen work with
others.  Argggh! 

Sorry for the rant,

MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

  I'm so sorry, Nina---I TOTALLY relate. My vets are just the same--they
will not prescribe antibiotics for a URI e.g. unless they see the cat
first. They don't seem to have any idea of the stress involved--and the
effect on all the kitties of all that stress--in bringing in a feral
FeLV cat.
And while in some ways having a housecall vet was better, it still did
not avoid the need to catch and the stress involved (now there are 3
giants, not just 1--me-- running around the room creating havoc).
I've been telling friends for a year that I need to find myself a nice
vet, with a big house/lots of rooms and a yard so i can expand the
brood, but so far zippo. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

Michelle L.,
Formulate your questions and what Bramble has been prescribed/tested for

so I can ask my vet's office.  They've been incredibly indulgent with me

in the past, so I'm hoping they will help.  I'm not a vet, so I can't 
say what the reason would be to not give Bramble seizure meds, (are we 
talking Phenobarbital here?) while on interferon.  It doesn't make sense

to me, but maybe there's some sort of dangerous interaction that we're 
not aware of.  As far as I know from my research on interferon, it 
doesn't make sense.  Something else that makes NO SENSE AT ALL to me is,

if this vet is so strongly advocating euthanasia, why is he/she so 
concerned with prescribing medication that may eliviate symptoms?  If 
he's given up on Bramble, why won't he do what  MIGHT help? 

I just don't understand vets sometimes.  I have a feral that has been 
sliding downhill lately and I've been extremely concerned.  I've been 
talking to one of the vets I go to about her and her office agreed to 
see her, if I can catch her.  She's shown symptoms of a URI, (which seem

to be getting better finally :) ), was listless, not eating.  She's 
scratched the fur off her neck and has a nasty wound there.  Yesterday, 
I saw her shaking her head, and yep, I got close enough to see she has a

nasty case of ear mite.  I begged this vet to please prescribe me 
Acarexx ivermectin, (one application into the ears and earmites are 
gone).  I could net her admin the ivermectin, topical her with 
Revolution and let her go.  So much less stressful than having to 
capture her and bring her in.  Well, the vet won't do it!  I really 
should have married a vet!  I desperately need one that understands what

one-on-one rescuers go through.  Quick, someone tell me a nice story 
about a compassionate vet!


Hey guys... I've been talking to Michelle privately, and she said 
something that worries me:
"Forgot to say the vet wouldn't try anything for the seizures due to 
him being on interferon - she thinks he should be euthanased now. 
Problem I have is that I need to stay with that particular branch of 
vets because the sanctuary pay the bills. However I am seeking advice 
from neurology if they will give it."
Have any of you had any cats that have been on Interferon and been 
treated for seizures? Michelle's vet wont give Bramble any meds to 
stop the seizures just because he is in the Interferon! Does this 
sound reasonable to you guys? Or is it as silly and unreasonable as it

sounds? Do seizure meds interact with Interferon?
I feel so bad for her, she see

Military situation

2005-06-10 Thread Lomaxturtle

Barbara - I just emailed it to them.
Michelle L

RE: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
I'm so sorry, Nina---I TOTALLY relate. My vets are just the same--they
will not prescribe antibiotics for a URI e.g. unless they see the cat
first. They don't seem to have any idea of the stress involved--and the
effect on all the kitties of all that stress--in bringing in a feral
FeLV cat.
And while in some ways having a housecall vet was better, it still did
not avoid the need to catch and the stress involved (now there are 3
giants, not just 1--me-- running around the room creating havoc).
I've been telling friends for a year that I need to find myself a nice
vet, with a big house/lots of rooms and a yard so i can expand the
brood, but so far zippo. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

Michelle L.,
Formulate your questions and what Bramble has been prescribed/tested for

so I can ask my vet's office.  They've been incredibly indulgent with me

in the past, so I'm hoping they will help.  I'm not a vet, so I can't 
say what the reason would be to not give Bramble seizure meds, (are we 
talking Phenobarbital here?) while on interferon.  It doesn't make sense

to me, but maybe there's some sort of dangerous interaction that we're 
not aware of.  As far as I know from my research on interferon, it 
doesn't make sense.  Something else that makes NO SENSE AT ALL to me is,

if this vet is so strongly advocating euthanasia, why is he/she so 
concerned with prescribing medication that may eliviate symptoms?  If 
he's given up on Bramble, why won't he do what  MIGHT help? 

I just don't understand vets sometimes.  I have a feral that has been 
sliding downhill lately and I've been extremely concerned.  I've been 
talking to one of the vets I go to about her and her office agreed to 
see her, if I can catch her.  She's shown symptoms of a URI, (which seem

to be getting better finally :) ), was listless, not eating.  She's 
scratched the fur off her neck and has a nasty wound there.  Yesterday, 
I saw her shaking her head, and yep, I got close enough to see she has a

nasty case of ear mite.  I begged this vet to please prescribe me 
Acarexx ivermectin, (one application into the ears and earmites are 
gone).  I could net her admin the ivermectin, topical her with 
Revolution and let her go.  So much less stressful than having to 
capture her and bring her in.  Well, the vet won't do it!  I really 
should have married a vet!  I desperately need one that understands what

one-on-one rescuers go through.  Quick, someone tell me a nice story 
about a compassionate vet!


> Hey guys... I've been talking to Michelle privately, and she said 
> something that worries me:
> "Forgot to say the vet wouldn't try anything for the seizures due to 
> him being on interferon - she thinks he should be euthanased now. 
> Problem I have is that I need to stay with that particular branch of 
> vets because the sanctuary pay the bills. However I am seeking advice 
> from neurology if they will give it."
> Have any of you had any cats that have been on Interferon and been 
> treated for seizures? Michelle's vet wont give Bramble any meds to 
> stop the seizures just because he is in the Interferon! Does this 
> sound reasonable to you guys? Or is it as silly and unreasonable as it

> sounds? Do seizure meds interact with Interferon?
> I feel so bad for her, she seems stuck with this one vet who doesn't 
> seem to be too informed because of funding issues.
> Jenn

> I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special 
> needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
> Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they 
> add up until she earns a free can of formula!
> PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
> If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing 
> address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
>No virus found in this outgoing message.
>Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
>Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 
71 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60606 - effective June 15, 2005. Email 
addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more 
information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar 
of your Web browser:";>

Please Note: Effective July 1, 2005, some administrative functions will be 
located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. 

This em

Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Michelle L.,
Formulate your questions and what Bramble has been prescribed/tested for 
so I can ask my vet's office.  They've been incredibly indulgent with me 
in the past, so I'm hoping they will help.  I'm not a vet, so I can't 
say what the reason would be to not give Bramble seizure meds, (are we 
talking Phenobarbital here?) while on interferon.  It doesn't make sense 
to me, but maybe there's some sort of dangerous interaction that we're 
not aware of.  As far as I know from my research on interferon, it 
doesn't make sense.  Something else that makes NO SENSE AT ALL to me is, 
if this vet is so strongly advocating euthanasia, why is he/she so 
concerned with prescribing medication that may eliviate symptoms?  If 
he's given up on Bramble, why won't he do what  MIGHT help? 

I just don't understand vets sometimes.  I have a feral that has been 
sliding downhill lately and I've been extremely concerned.  I've been 
talking to one of the vets I go to about her and her office agreed to 
see her, if I can catch her.  She's shown symptoms of a URI, (which seem 
to be getting better finally :) ), was listless, not eating.  She's 
scratched the fur off her neck and has a nasty wound there.  Yesterday, 
I saw her shaking her head, and yep, I got close enough to see she has a 
nasty case of ear mite.  I begged this vet to please prescribe me 
Acarexx ivermectin, (one application into the ears and earmites are 
gone).  I could net her admin the ivermectin, topical her with 
Revolution and let her go.  So much less stressful than having to 
capture her and bring her in.  Well, the vet won't do it!  I really 
should have married a vet!  I desperately need one that understands what 
one-on-one rescuers go through.  Quick, someone tell me a nice story 
about a compassionate vet!



Hey guys... I've been talking to Michelle privately, and she said 
something that worries me:
"Forgot to say the vet wouldn't try anything for the seizures due to 
him being on interferon - she thinks he should be euthanased now. 
Problem I have is that I need to stay with that particular branch of 
vets because the sanctuary pay the bills. However I am seeking advice 
from neurology if they will give it."
Have any of you had any cats that have been on Interferon and been 
treated for seizures? Michelle's vet wont give Bramble any meds to 
stop the seizures just because he is in the Interferon! Does this 
sound reasonable to you guys? Or is it as silly and unreasonable as it 
sounds? Do seizure meds interact with Interferon?
I feel so bad for her, she seems stuck with this one vet who doesn't 
seem to be too informed because of funding issues.

I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special 
needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they 
add up until she earns a free can of formula!

PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing 
address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Re: Angel Wings Sanctuary [Very Bad if True] (all sorts of contact info)

2005-06-10 Thread felv

Tad, I have been in contact with a woman who 
lives in the next county over from this place and has personal experience with 
the case. The facts are, I have been sending out the info that possible 
foster homes may be needed since I first heard about the case, but 
nothing can be done until they get the cats released from Rehnee Harvey's care. 
Another TN shelter was just recently shut down too, so this is not the only TN 
shelter desperately needing foster homes at this time. Trust me, I know about 
the overpopulation problems in Tennessee, I used to live there, and all my 
family still does. The fact is, we can't make foster arrangements UNTIL we know 
we will be getting the cats out of there, and in order to do that, we need 
people to call and urge a quick resolution to the case. I can help with 
transportation arrangements, BUT ONLY AFTER I know what needs to be transported, 
and that can't happen until this place gets opened up and the cats get removed. 
I don't know why you seem so bent on the idea that since the photo quality is 
not the best that this doesn't exist, you can CLEARLY see the feces and filth 
and dead cats in the photos. Are you just going through denial? Trust me, as 
soon as the sheriff makes an official statement, I will post it to this group. 
The truth is, until the case breaks open, and the legal measures are taken to 
allow access to the property, then there wont be any proof other than the good 
Samaritan who risked his/her safety to get those photos. The woman I am in 
contact with in the area has said that Rehnee has approached her and threatened 
to kill her if she goes anywhere near her property, so at this point, all anyone 
can do is wait for the officials to make their move. PRESSURE THEM TO DO IT 
SOON! AFTER that happens, then I will go into the next phase of soliciting 
donations for FELV testing, and trying to find foster homes and arranging 
transportation. The thing that is going to be the hardest with this case, I 
think, is the fact that the FELV+ cats have had full access to all other cats, 
and now, for most rescues to accept any of them, they will all have to be 
tested, a very expensive task to undertake. That leaves all the FELV/FIV 
positive ones still needing to be placed in a sanctuary that accepts them. 
Sadly, if their original owners are not found (and there is a network in place 
trying to do this), many of them may end up being euthanised because it is 
unlikely we will be able to find the positive cats anywhere else to go (like you 
said, it will be hard enough to find the negative cats places to go). So, yes, 
if anyone can take a positive cat, keep your eyes on my updates, because there 
will most likely be a need for foster/adoptive homes for them. I know some of 
you have recently lost a cat. Maybe you guys could find it in your heart to take 
in one of these, since you now have an empty space? (I know that sounds harsh, 
but I couldn't think of any other way to phrase it, sorry guys)
I am doing everything I can from my end, Tad. I 
take offense in the fact that you seem to be criticizing me in a way, when you 
are doing NOTHING to save anything. I have gathered info, done some networking, 
and am keeping up with current updates for the online communities that are 
involved. The fact that you make light of, and even criticize my efforts to 
help, does not garner any respect towards you from me. I'm about a half a step 
away from blocking your address so I don't have to read anymore of your 
negativity. Try to open your mind a little bit, and not be such a critic. It's 
not good for your health.

Are you offering the safe environment and transportation for these 
catsYou seem quit knowledgeable but don't you know that a safe 
environment in these parts of the country means PTS  I don't know 
where you got your information that these cats are suffering so much...Please 
give me the details other than the word of some amateur photographer and a throw 
away camera Tad
No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

RE: Activism and Bramble

2005-06-10 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Michelle, I've never had a blind cat myself, but my 
friend in Portsmouth had a cat that became blind as an adult--and went on 
to live happily to a ripe old age. I guess because cats' other senses 
are so acute they adapt better than a human might expect of them. I've also read 
about other perfectly happy-sounding blind cats.
Nina says, if he is excited about his chicken, that sounds a really good sign to 
me. So many of us here, at different times, including myself, have wanted 
nothing more than a regained appetite for a desperately sick kitty, 
and tried to tempt them with so many things, in vain. 
I honestly think that if he is still 
enjoying his food, then he is enjoying quality of life. He certainly couldn't 
wish for a more loving, caring friend that he has in 
keep us posted when you get time. Kerry 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of NinaSent: Friday, June 10, 2005 12:53 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Activism and 
BrambleHey Sweetie,It sounds like Bramble may be 
improving, despite the pupil dilation and possible blindness.  It sure 
sounds like he's still enjoying life, anybody who gets "excited over his 
chicken" doesn't sound like they've given up!  Being blind isn't the worst 
thing that can happen, many animals and humans are blind, that's certainly not 
reason in itself to help him cross.  I feel really optimistic about his 
progress.  I don't know anything about calicivirus, so maybe that's why my 
heart is feeling lighter for you guys.  I do know he's in wonderful 
hands.  Please give him a snuggle for me.  Keep following your 
intuition and let us know how you're doing.Hang in there 
girl,Nina[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Patti if you let me have the contact details about who we need to contact 
  and the basic story again I will happily write to them. I am in UK so they can 
  have some worldwide complaints.
  As for Bramble the vet just phone to say he hasn't got FeLV but appears 
  to have calicivirus. He hasn't had anymore involuntary motor movement seizures 
  however, things have got worse. His pupils dilated for hours last night - I 
  can't remember if I posted that here or not - and he couldn't see for that 
  time. They are slightly better this morning but he is still partially blind. 
  He is eating - crying for his food and getting really excited over his chicken 
  - and getting to the toilet. But last night he stepped in his cat milk as he 
  couldn't see it - although he did this morning and drank from it instead. He 
  is mainly being guided my my voice and touch. My vet says if they don't 
  improve today then we need to say enough and put him to sleep. If he stays 
  blind I am inclined to agree as his quality of life cannot be good and is also 
  making me think more it might be FIP or a series of CVA's - but I am sure they 
  were triggered by the flea treatment still. 
  Michelle xxMayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60606 - effective June 15, 2005. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Effective July 1, 2005, some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Michelle, or Jenn,
Which Interferon are we talking about feline, or human?

Nina wrote:

I'll try and give my Internist a call.  They don't always get back to 
me right away, but maybe they'll be able to answer the question about 
interferon and seziure meds.



Hey guys... I've been talking to Michelle privately, and she said 
something that worries me:
"Forgot to say the vet wouldn't try anything for the seizures due to 
him being on interferon - she thinks he should be euthanased now. 
Problem I have is that I need to stay with that particular branch of 
vets because the sanctuary pay the bills. However I am seeking advice 
from neurology if they will give it."
Have any of you had any cats that have been on Interferon and been 
treated for seizures? Michelle's vet wont give Bramble any meds to 
stop the seizures just because he is in the Interferon! Does this 
sound reasonable to you guys? Or is it as silly and unreasonable as 
it sounds? Do seizure meds interact with Interferon?
I feel so bad for her, she seems stuck with this one vet who doesn't 
seem to be too informed because of funding issues.


I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special 
needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they 
add up until she earns a free can of formula!

PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing 
address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

I'll try and give my Internist a call.  They don't always get back to me 
right away, but maybe they'll be able to answer the question about 
interferon and seziure meds.



Hey guys... I've been talking to Michelle privately, and she said 
something that worries me:
"Forgot to say the vet wouldn't try anything for the seizures due to 
him being on interferon - she thinks he should be euthanased now. 
Problem I have is that I need to stay with that particular branch of 
vets because the sanctuary pay the bills. However I am seeking advice 
from neurology if they will give it."
Have any of you had any cats that have been on Interferon and been 
treated for seizures? Michelle's vet wont give Bramble any meds to 
stop the seizures just because he is in the Interferon! Does this 
sound reasonable to you guys? Or is it as silly and unreasonable as it 
sounds? Do seizure meds interact with Interferon?
I feel so bad for her, she seems stuck with this one vet who doesn't 
seem to be too informed because of funding issues.

I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special 
needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they 
add up until she earns a free can of formula!

PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing 
address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005


2005-06-10 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Barbara, I got my interferon from Walgreen 
after my vet wrote the prescription. (It's not the feline interferon, Virbagen 
Omega, of course, but the kind that's available in the US, for 
Walgreen were a bit taken aback at first, but once they 
made a call or two, they got it in for me pretty quickly, and my vet 
diluted it.
cost $49 for a year's worth for several cats, then there's the vet charge each 
time for making a 6-month batch up.) 
Samson have ulcers, or what?

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Barbara BaassSent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 5:31 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: thanking for 
the incredible support system

Where do all of you get the interferon? I need 
to get some for Samson's mouth.
Baassphone.Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60606 - effective June 15, 2005. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Effective July 1, 2005, some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Activism and Bramble

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Hey Sweetie,
It sounds like Bramble may be improving, despite the pupil dilation and
possible blindness.  It sure sounds like he's still enjoying life,
anybody who gets "excited over his chicken" doesn't sound like they've
given up!  Being blind isn't the worst thing that can happen, many
animals and humans are blind, that's certainly not reason in itself to
help him cross.  I feel really optimistic about his progress.  I don't
know anything about calicivirus, so maybe that's why my heart is
feeling lighter for you guys.  I do know he's in wonderful hands. 
Please give him a snuggle for me.  Keep following your intuition and
let us know how you're doing.
Hang in there girl,


  Patti if you let me have the contact details about who we need
to contact and the basic story again I will happily write to them. I am
in UK so they can have some worldwide complaints.
  As for Bramble the vet just phone to say he hasn't got FeLV but
appears to have calicivirus. He hasn't had anymore involuntary motor
movement seizures however, things have got worse. His pupils dilated
for hours last night - I can't remember if I posted that here or not -
and he couldn't see for that time. They are slightly better this
morning but he is still partially blind. He is eating - crying for his
food and getting really excited over his chicken - and getting to the
toilet. But last night he stepped in his cat milk as he couldn't see it
- although he did this morning and drank from it instead. He is mainly
being guided my my voice and touch. My vet says if they don't improve
today then we need to say enough and put him to sleep. If he stays
blind I am inclined to agree as his quality of life cannot be good and
is also making me think more it might be FIP or a series of CVA's - but
I am sure they were triggered by the flea treatment still. 
  Michelle xx

Re: Left my view about the military

2005-06-10 Thread Barbara Lowe

maybe i missed a post, where did you leave your view?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 12:04 
  Subject: Left my view about the 
  I have just left my views about the military issue - hope they choke on 
  it too - that it so horrendous - the amount of fear those poor dogs must have 
  felt is just to heartbreaking to consider.
  My transfer factor has arrived today so I have given Bramble one straight 
  away. His pupils have started to react to light again today but I don't know 
  how long for. Thankyou every one for your support and guidance - I am not 
  giving up on the little man yet - all your efforts are very much 
  Fingers crossed still.

Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY

2005-06-10 Thread Barbara Lowe

i would be very leary of any retirement program 
north shore has because as I recall, they also try to find homes for these 
retired pets--so in essence, you the owner might pay thousands of dollars to 
have your pet retire to a supposedly safe environment however if north shore 
adopts it out to someone, they're not monitoring what happens to the pet 
afterwards, are they?  Bide a Wee in Wantagh NY i believe it is,  has 
a retirement home and they keep the animals there forever. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:57 
  Subject: RE: Please Help!! 2 17y old 
  healthy cats...NY
  He could try Angel’s 
  Gate which is near him.  Also, North Shore does have a 
  ‘retirement plan’ for animals but it does cost some…. How does he know they 
  are 17 if he took them off the street a few years ago?
  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonyaSent: Friday, June 10, 2005 5:19 
  AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy 
  anyone know of a 
  retirement home for 2?
  I live 
  in Astoria, Queens NY.  I took the cats off the streets a few years ago; 
  abandoned in a cardboard box. I have severe health concerns and my energy is 


Tue, 7 Jun 2005 20:21:40 -0400 "rjmondello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  My name is 
  Richard Mondello and I have two adult cats that I can't find a home for. 
  They are 17 but in very good health. I will be moving in four weeks 
  and my new home will not allow pets.  Can you direct me to a place 
  where the cats would not be put down? I am prepared to make a donation for 
  help. As stated, the cats are in good health, declawed and very friendly. 
  I've contacted some organizations but have been told that adult cats are 
  difficult to place.
  Thanks for your 
  To you, it's just a 
  temporary gift of a bit of space and some extra food~ to him it is the 
  immeasurable gift of life!~ Never underestimate the importance of 
  Yahoo! Groups 
  To visit your group on the 
  web, go to:  
  To unsubscribe from this 
  group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  Your use of Yahoo! Groups 
  is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of 

Re: sanctuaries: open to the public?

2005-06-10 Thread Nina
Oh, MC, how wonderful it must have been to have made such a difference 
in the lives of people you were able to educate!  It gives me goose 
bumps thinking about the people that came to you distraught, ready to 
relinquish a loved one, and left with a lighter happier heart!  Those 
are the kind of experiences that keep me going.


Re: Interferon

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Do you need a prescription for Interferon Alpha?  I got mine from my
Internist.  It wasn't very expensive.

Del Daniels wrote:

  I ordered mine from Island Pharmacy
in Wisconsin
  It is not the only place.
Original Message - 

Thursday, June 09, 2005 5:31 PM
RE: thanking for the incredible support system

Where do all of you get the
interferon? I need to get some for Samson's mouth.
Barbara Baass

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Hmm. Any chance a bunch of you could start
another FIP list, without her? It sounds such a shame that in order to
lose her, you had to lose all the good people too.
  I've never belonged to any other web group
of any sort, so I've landed real lucky in finding this one. Totally
agree--everyone is so generous and supportive as well as incredibly
  I can't understand what gets into people
when they behave like the one you describe. They clearly have
"Issues" and instead of facing up to them, they just make everyone else
suffer. It's such a shame and so unnecessary. 
  -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Hideyo
  Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 4:43 PM
  Subject: thanking for the incredible support system
  I know people on this
list make a lot of comments on this, but I also personally want to
thank you for all the support you give for me and for my babies, and
for anyone who may need the support for that matter – 
  I really love this list
as we can talk about anything (any OT stuff) – 
  I used to be on FIP list
since I have many many corona virus kitties and I was very concerned
about FIPs – but the mediator on the list is very controlling and mean
– if you questions anything she says she gets made and took you off the
list – she only believes in certain treatment and she doesn’t let you
argue about it otherwise – and she does not allow any OT subjects – I
really liked everyone else on that list, but couldn’t stand the
mediator (and so did other people on the list) –
  Anyway, thank you so very
much for your support – don’t’ know what to do without you guys – I am
glad that I found you!
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the
Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60606 - effective
June 15, 2005. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile
numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or
copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser:
Please Note: Effective July 1, 2005, some administrative functions will
be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. 
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

 Yahoo! Mail Mobile
Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

AC Kat - How can you tell?

2005-06-10 Thread Nina

Hi Kat,
While we have you here, I'd like to pick your brain some more about AC.  
My question concerns communicating on our own without the help of a 
professional AC.  I feel, like most people that have a close 
relationship with the animals in their care, that I do have a connection 
with the animals I come in contact with.  I've always thought that the 
"reading" I do mostly involves caring enough to pay attention to body 
language and mood.  I, (almost automatically at this point), piece 
together details relayed to me by my clients about home environment, 
specific 'behavioral problems', dog's temperament, history, health 
considerations, personality of the humans/dogs involved, etc.; I take 
all these things are into consideration to try and figure out the whys 
of whatever is causing communication breakdown and what to recommend to 
fix it.  (Did I mention, I'm a dog trainer?).  Because I'm committed to 
helping people relate better to their animals, I naturally pay close 
attention to the details.  How do I know that what I think I'm getting 
is what the dog, cat, bird, etc. is really sending and not just what I'm 
projecting?  A simplistic example would be, "Oh, you want to go 
outside?", and the dog runs to the door.  How do I know that the dog 
really was asking to go outside, or just figured, well, since you're 
asking, why not?  Clients have said, wow, you know what he's thinking!  
Most of the time, it seems that anyone with eyes in their head, could 
see what they're trying to get across.  How do we know that we are 
getting messages from the animals?  How can we validate that what's 
coming through is from them, and not from us?   When we ask if they'd 
like a new collar, the answer's not that important.  When we want to 
know if they want to keep fighting a debilitating illness, or are ready 
for help crossing over, it's very important.


sanctuaries: open to the public?

2005-06-10 Thread TenHouseCats
how the sanctuary where i lived/worked handled taking in cats:

we did NOT list a street address anywhere, for reasons i've mentioned
previously. it was our home as well as that of the cats; the potential
for problems with neighbors tho we were licensed by the state and in
compliance with local regulations; the very real problem of dump offs;
the need to get our work done without constant interruption from
people who just wanted to stop by. liability was also an issue, tho
not the greatest concern.

while we theoretically only took in FIVs and FeLVs from rescues and
shelters, rather than individuals, once people knew of us, that wasn't
always the case.

as long as we had room for the cats--which included isolation space
for the first two weeks following arrival, we accepted any FIV/FeLV
cats that were spayed/neutered, had the requisite vaccinations, and
had been tested adequately (western blot for FIV; IFA for FeLV).

we did NOT go out and get cats; we did NOT meet people off-site: we
were too busy caring for the cats to do that! we were NOT asking
people to donate their cats to us (tho people would call and say they
wanted to do just that; funny, "cats" was NEVER on our donation-needs

anyone who had a legitimate reason to come to the sanctuary was given
directions--the only restriction was that visits, including bringing a
cat into sanctuary, had to be arranged in advance so that we could
make sure someone would be there. and that other things weren't
scheduled at the same time.

my favorite times were when people would come with a cat, and leave
with it. that happened often enough with FIV cats to let us know how
vital accurate information and education are. rarely, people would
even take their FeLVs home with them when they learned the facts about
that virus, but nowhere near as often...


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892


2005-06-10 Thread Del Daniels

I ordered mine from Island Pharmacy in 
It is not the only place.

  - Original Message - 
  Barbara Baass 
  Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 5:31 
  Subject: RE: thanking for the incredible 
  support system
  Where do all of you get the interferon? I 
  need to get some for Samson's mouth.
  Baass"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hmm. Any chance a bunch of you could start another 
FIP list, without her? It sounds such a shame that in order to lose her, you 
had to lose all the good people too.
I've never belonged to any other web group of any 
sort, so I've landed real lucky in finding this one. Totally agree--everyone 
is so generous and supportive as well as incredibly 
can't understand what gets into people when they behave like the one you 
describe. They clearly have "Issues" and instead of facing up to them, 
they just make everyone else suffer. It's such a shame and so 

-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo 
YamamotoSent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 4:43 PMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: thanking for the incredible 
support system

I know people on this list make 
a lot of comments on this, but I also personally want to thank you for all 
the support you give for me and for my babies, and for anyone who may need 
the support for that matter – 
I really love this list as we 
can talk about anything (any OT stuff) – 
I used to be on FIP list since I 
have many many corona virus kitties and I was very concerned about FIPs – 
but the mediator on the list is very controlling and mean – if you questions 
anything she says she gets made and took you off the list – she only 
believes in certain treatment and she doesn’t let you argue about it 
otherwise – and she does not allow any OT subjects – I really liked everyone 
else on that list, but couldn’t stand the mediator (and so did other people 
on the list) –
Anyway, thank you so very much 
for your support – don’t’ know what to do without you guys – I am glad that 
I found you!

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the 
Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60606 - effective June 15, 
2005. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain 
unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the 
link into the address bar of your Web browser: 
Please Note: Effective July 1, 2005, some administrative functions 
will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. 

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are 
addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system 
manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only 
for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not 
disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 
  Yahoo! Mail MobileTake 
  Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile 

Re: Angel Wings Sancuary [Very Bad if True] (all sorts of contactinfo)

2005-06-10 Thread Tad Burnett

  Are you offering the safe environment and transportation for these
You seem quit knowledgable but don't you know that a safe environment
in these parts of the country means PTS
  I don't know where you got your information that these cats are
suffering so much...Please give me the details other than the word of
some amature photographer and a throw away camera


  Please guys, if you haven't called
yet, please take just about 5 minutes to leave a message on two
voicemail machines!
  Call Scott McCluen, the District
Attorney General at: (865) 376-2145
  And the Roane County Sheriff, David B.
Haggard at: (865) 376-5582
  Anyone who has not called yet, please
do so, just a quick message left on anyone at those office's voicemails
could help get this processed faster, and save these cats! They have
automated menus, but really, just state that it's a message for either
the sheriff or the district attorney, and urge them to please take
immediate action to get the cats out of Angel Wings, and into a safe
environment as quickly as possible, and to fully prosecute Ms. Harvey
to every extent possible.
I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs
cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add
up until she earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
  If you use KMR, even just one can,
please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help
feed Bazil!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Re: OT - PETA question

2005-06-10 Thread Rachel
Jenn - 
Thank you for the information.  I don't want to get into a debate on it either.  I really appreciate the info & I know some of the folks here know about the organization.  I wasn't even aware of their stance on some of these issues.
Rachel[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, I believe that truly is PETA's stance. But not just for Pits, for ALL pets. PETA is against breeding, period.
Here is the actual PETA website article on pit bull breeding bans:
And here is another one about breeding in general ("no breeding is responsible"): 
PETA does not believe in animals being use by humans in any way. Pets are used just by being pets (they see companion animals as human creations that should never have been created, much less continued to be bred). They do not believe in riding horses, they believe they should roam freely and never be used for any work. They do not believe in cows existing at all, more or less, because cows more or less have been changed by humanity to suit our needs as a food source. And on and on, etc. I used to be a member of PETA, but as the years go by, they just get more and more extreme, and now if you are even a member of PETA, the government red flags your name, as they consider PETA a terrorist group now.
That's all I'm saying on the issue, I do NOT intend to be part of a PETA opinion debate.
~~~I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005


"Folk will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog"  C. Doran__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: OT - PETA question

2005-06-10 Thread Rachel
Thanks for the info!
My personal opinion on the matter is that I do not believe any breed is more dangerous than another.  I think people become careless and complacent and forget that they are dealing with an animal.  I may view my dogs as my kids, however, I would not leave my 3yr old niece alone with my Sunny regardless of how great they have always been together!  I'm not that stupid, but apparently too many people are that stupid and that irresponsible.
Personally, I am very fond of pits.  Even though I have had a bad experience in the past with a specific breed, I do not believe all dogs of that breed are bad, evil, or should be killed.
Some may disagree with me on this, and that is ok, but this is my own opinion.  It is unfortunate that it may come down to this, but I sincerely believe the parents of the child mauled to death should be charged with child endangerment or even murder for leaving their child unattended with two dogs.  If we legislatively and/or legally enforce and apply laws to situations like this we *may* cause some pet owners to behave more responsibly.  It is a sad situation that people wouldn't be more intelligent & responsible, but for the benefit of people and the dogs, it may be our only course of action.
"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ingrid Newkirk WAS Peta when I first heard of Peta years ago.
Please if poss see Chicagoland Tails Spring issue (I'll try and see if I can find it later on the web--I'm at work right now) where there is a very good article by writer/radio presenter Steve Dale on Pitbulls that says there is no scientific evidence to show that pits are any more dangerous than any other breeds. I just came across the article this am.

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of RachelSent: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:11 AMTo: FELV TALK ListSubject: OT - PETA question

I don't want to drive the list crazy on the pit topic again, but I thought this was rather interesting and was curious about PETA's stand on this (which is mentioned in the article).
First off, I recognize this is an opinion article, but the author claims to be part of PETA.  I am not a PETA supporter, so I don't know if she is actually in any way associated with PETA.
I was wondering if anyone could corroborate or dispute these statements, in particular to PETA's stand/opinion on this matter ...
many thanks ... 


"Folk will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog"  C. Doran
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"Folk will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog"  C. Doran__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Angel Wings Sancuary [Very Bad if True] (all sorts of contactinfo)

2005-06-10 Thread felv

Please guys, if you haven't called yet, please 
take just about 5 minutes to leave a message on two voicemail 
Call Scott McCluen, the District Attorney 
General at: (865) 376-2145
And the Roane County Sheriff, David B. Haggard 
at: (865) 376-5582
Anyone who has not called yet, please do so, just 
a quick message left on anyone at those office's voicemails could help get this 
processed faster, and save these cats! They have automated menus, but really, 
just state that it's a message for either the sheriff or the district attorney, 
and urge them to please take immediate action to get the cats out of Angel 
Wings, and into a safe environment as quickly as possible, and to fully 
prosecute Ms. Harvey to every extent possible.

collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
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