Re: 20 CATS...

2005-11-14 Thread Karolyn Lount
Hi, I use to have 18 cats in a 1 bedroom condo and they all got along. I
did have a lot of high furniture that they could get on the top of.
Anytime I wanted to introduce a new cat into the group I did it very
slowly. There were times it didn't workout so I had to fine another home
for said cat. The most important thing was that the welfare of the cats
I already had had to come first.

FeLV girl Nutmeg needs a home

2005-11-14 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

  Cherie, the angel who took all the 12 FeLV 
  New Jersey shelter kits that were in danger of being euthanized 2-3 months 
  ago, forwarded this to me a couple of weeks ago.
  I just checked 
  in with her today, and Nutmeg has not found a home yet.

  Scroll to end for the contact info. (I can't post the pix of Nutmeg here, but will gladly 
  forward them directly if you'd like to see this sweet little 

  KerryHi there! My name is Nutmeg and 
  Im an Autumn spice-colored girl cat with apple-green eyes. Tiffany and 
  her husband Bob rescued me near a golf course.Im just 7 months 
  old and somehow found myself near the edge of the golf course where I had 
  been hiding out in the woods for a long time. Someone had put a light 
  green collar on me that Ive since grown into and it was getting pretty 
  snug around my neck. Tiffany loosened it up because I still have a lot of 
  growing to do! Although I love the way my collar compliments my eye color, 
  it had a little bell on it that made it impossible for me to hunt 
  successfully. I tried to be stealthy when stalking birds, mice, and 
  squirrels, but they always heard me coming! Needless to say, Im rail thin 
  under my lovely coat from lack of food.While I nuzzled their hands 
  and rolled around, they talked about the dilemma they found us all to be 
  in: if they left me there, I might try to cross the busy boulevard and get 
  smashed to bits, that I would not be able to hunt for food because I had 
  that cursed bell on me, and that as skinny as I am, I wouldnt make it 
  through this winter. It concerned them that I might be close to my home, 
  but they figured whoever had me last shouldve put a tag with information 
  on my collar, not a bell! And they worried about how skinny I am and how 
  long I might have been out there... Of course, the fact that they had been 
  admiring a giant hawk nearby when they first heard my cries also 
  weighed in as they deliberated. They were downright fearful that the 
  hawk would snatch me up!So they said theyd start walking and see 
  if I was desperate enough to follow them. Well, duh, thats easy! Who 
  wouldnt? They were so nice and they also said they would feed me. 
  Naturally, as they walked, I accompanied them, meowing a lot and running 
  zigzags and circles around their feet. Tiffany and Bob seemed quite amused 
  by this and so I kept doing it I havent had any companionship for a 
  really long time so if I can provide entertainment, its my pleasure. 
  Although Im underweight, Im still vibrant and energetic! We walked for a 
  long time through woods and grassy areas. I was distressed at the idea of 
  leaving the spot I had been hiding in and not being able to find my way 
  back, but I could tell that they were honest people and that I could 
  trust them.Tiffany was afraid that if we crossed the big boulevard 
  or went through another wooded area, Id get lost or run over. They 
  decided that Bob would run the remainder of the way through the park to 
  their car and bring it back to get me and Tiffany at the edge of the golf 
  course. So she and I sat on a bench for a long while, looking out over the 
  green, and it was nice. At first, Tiffany looked a little sad, but as we 
  watched the sunset developing, a short rainbow appeared in the western 
  sky! That made Tiffany feel better. She said it was a sign that 
  everything would be okay. The rainbow watched over us the whole time 
  we waited! It was peaceful sitting there, watching the golfers on the 
  putting green in front of us. A flock of honking geese flew across the 
  green, just above the tree tops with clear blue sky in the background, 
  and Tiffany talked softly to me. I was unsure about the golfers and 
  remained quiet while we sat there. For a little while, I sat on her 
  lap and she petted me. Then I hopped down and sat between the shrubs 
  and tall grasses so the golfers couldnt see me.When Bob came 
  back, we walked a little ways to the car and I became scared! I didnt 
  want to go in I wasnt sure what was happening and I didnt want to make 
  a mistake! It took them a few tries before they managed to get me into the 
  car. They kept reminding me all the way to their home that I would be 
  okay. Better than okay in fact! Tiffany said I picked the right people to 
  trust. She came up with my name Nutmeg during the car ride and I love 
  it!!I'm really cuddly and affectionate, and my coat is a very unique 
  design nutmeg spice sprinkled over a tabby striped background with a 
  little burnt orange spot right on my forehead! Tiffany says that as 
  much as she and Bob adore me, they are certain they can find me an even 
  better Forever Home! I can't imagine that, but judging by the way 
  they've taken care of me so far, I tend to believe that they know what 
  they're talking about. I mean, the nice words they say to me, the 
  delicious cat food, the warm 

Lots of cats - Sandy

2005-11-14 Thread Nina

Hi Sandy,
You struck a cord with your story of dog-person to cat-person.  I was a 
dog-person too, until a very special cat entered my life.  I always 
tell people that say they don't like cats, that they just haven't had 
the opportunity to be loved by the right cat!  Someone on another list 
just posted about how cats are associated more with energy and dogs 
more with the physical.  That hadn't really occurred to me before.  
When I thought back to when cats began entering my life, it did coincide 
with the point in my life when satisfying my physical desires, (I used 
to be quite the party animal!), became less important to me than 
pursuing more spiritual quests.

In answer to you question about cats being territorial, they are, but 
they are also very social.  Much more social than most people who don't 
truly observe them give them credit for.  It's amazing how dependent on 
each other they can become.  It's especially true of feral colony 
interaction.  I remember reading somewhere how cats get along better in 
large groups, (as long as they have enough personal space and their 
survival needs are being met).  That there can be more friction in a 
household with two to four cats than in one with five or more.  I don't 
know why five seems to be the magic number.  There's generally a bit of 
hissing and posturing that goes on while they work out their status and 
hierarchy, but it does seem like they get to the point that they become 
more accommodating of new arrivals, when they just keep coming!


Dudes wrote:

I'm always amazed when people say that they have lots of cats.  I would
probably have a lot more if my husband didn't stop me.  I have always had
dogs my entire life, until we were adopted by our first cat, Miss, some
years ago.  I remember the exact moment that I knew I loved her.   I looked
into her eyes as she sat in the crook of my arm purring, just staring at me
with half closed eyes in contentment.  I was amazed at how calming and
peaceful a cat is.

But on the other hand, I have 4 who are all indoors, and they barely get
along.  I can't imagine what would happen if we added more.  Aren't cats
notoriously territorial?  I consider myself a cat novice, so I wonder what
those of you with lots of cats observe about yours.


Re: Lots of cats - Terrie

2005-11-14 Thread TatorBunz

Geez, I don't feel so bad now because of all my cats.
I have 4 rescues in which I'm glad to say two of them are Ragamuffins that were adopted over the weekend. Will be holding them until Friday this week.

"By the way my rescue of over 200 Ragamuffins is officially over" everyone has been adopted into loving homes"
They were adopted to people all over the country.

The other two are purebred Siameses that were turned into a kill shelter. Reason for surrendered is divorce. These two are siblings and are 7 yrs old. Very beautiful I might add.
Due to my relocating I have to keep my rescues down for the move. (Moving onto some acreage...YAY!!)

Then there are my outside cats (5)
My personal kitties are:
Ragamuffins (2)
Persians (3)
Siameses (6)

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Lots of cats - Terrie

2005-11-14 Thread Belinda Sauro

   Hi Terri,
 Are you still going to be in the same area?

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: 20 CATS...

2005-11-14 Thread chris

I have 13 indoorcats, 2 dogs and a rabbit. Everyone gets along pretty good. The cats are not territorial at all with each other. In fact, they end up all curled together alot of times. I think it is really neat how close they all are to each other.


-- Original message --  I'm always amazed when people say that they have lots of cats. I would  probably have a lot more if my husband didn't stop me. I have always had  dogs my entire life, until we were adopted by our first cat, Miss, some  years ago. I remember the exact moment that I knew I loved her. I looked  into her eyes as she sat in the crook of my arm purring, just staring at me  with half closed eyes in contentment. I was amazed at how calming and  peaceful a cat is.   But on the other hand, I have 4 who are all indoors, and they barely get  along. I can't imagine what would happen if we added more. Aren't cats  notoriously territorial? I consider myself a cat novice, so I wonder what  those of you with lots of cats observe about yours.  Sandy  

Re: Lots of cats - Terrie

2005-11-14 Thread TatorBunz

In a message dated 11/14/2005 12:00:26 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Terri, Are you still going to be in the same area?
Well, I'm looking at property in Eastern WA. (Soap Lake/Mosses Lake area)
South by Toledo/Chehalis 
Haven't made up my mind yet...of course the price has to be right to make husband happy. 
Will be moving out of the Arlington area in Snohomish County. Husband says he wants us out of that county and King County. Anywhere is fine with him.

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Lots of cats - Terrie

2005-11-14 Thread TatorBunz

Oh I forgot to add my Collies.
Tri-color (2)
Sable Rescues (3)
Working on two other collies at this moment.
My god can't believe I forgot to add them to my herd when I posted. Pretty obvious in the home.

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Lots of cats - Terrie

2005-11-14 Thread TatorBunz

In a message dated 11/14/2005 12:23:17 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
It took me forever to list and describe everybody and the way they interact!N
Boy, do I know that feeling!

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Lots of cats - Terrie

2005-11-14 Thread Belinda Sauro
  Don't blame ya for wanting to get out of King County, they really 
suck  :)

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Lots of cats - Terrie

2005-11-14 Thread Belinda Sauro
  My friend just moved to Idaho because there is such a difference in 
prices of homes and waht you get for your money!!

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: To Wendy Markers for Cricket

2005-11-14 Thread wendy
Thanks Belinda for the information on markers.  I will
look into it.  Thanks also for Cricket's compliments. 
I am sure he is beaming even in the afterlife at all
the wonderful things said about him.  He certainly was
mischevious; he's probably sharpening his claws on the
wood of the Rainbow Bridge as we speak!  LOL.  

--- Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a friend that makes these types of things,
 in fact I am just 
 putting her website together, she rescues cats and
 some of the money 
 will go towards that, she just bought this business
 and is branching out 
 into Pet Stones.  Here is the address if you care to
 Creative Designs Unlimited
 I saw Crickets pictures and he is very beautiful,
 you can see just from 
 his picture he had personality!!
 Happiness is being owned by cats ...
 Be-Mi-Kitties ...
 Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
 FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)
 BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Cotton's visit to new vet

2005-11-14 Thread wendy
Hi Sandy,

It's great to hear that your Cotton found a vet that
is sane and sounds like intelligent enough to care for
him!  Thank goodness!!!  I wish I knew of a cat's only
vet that was good in my neck of the woods.  I hope
that the Interferon works.  I never put Cricket on it;
I wonder sometimes if it would have helped the anemia
or not.  Keep us posted on the course of treatment
they decide on for Cotton, other than Interferon.  And
let us know what you think about the effectiveness of
the Interferon after Cotton has been on it awhile.


--- Dudes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Michelle:
 I live north of Houston, TX.  The vet clinic where I
 took Cotton is called Just Cats.
 - Original Message - 
   Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 10:17 AM
   Subject: Re: Cotton visit to new vet
   Where are you located?

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: CLS Service for Monday 11/14/2005

2005-11-14 Thread wendy
Wow, what a heart squeezing website.  I was surprised
to see Cricket's name there.  Thank you Belinda.  You
truly have a soul of compassion.  Thank you for all
you do to acknowledge these kitties lives.


--- Belinda Sauro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi All,
It's been a hard and sad week for us, my
 sympathies to those who have 
 lost a furchild, they are with you always in your
 heart.  Prayers that 
 all the furkids now feeling well recover completely
 and are around for a 
 long, long time!!  Take care all ...
 FeLV Candle Light Service
 Happiness is being owned by cats ...
 Be-Mi-Kitties ...
 Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Re: Cricket

2005-11-14 Thread wendy
Hi Tonya,

No, of course you didn't offend either of us.  Thanks
for caring enough in the first place!  I appreciate
your kind words and so does Cricket.  


--- catatonya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I'm so terribly sorry.  You certainly did all you
 could for little Cricket.  I love that name by the
 way.  She is at peace now and will always be with
 you in spirit.

 wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Everyone,
 I just wanted to let you know that Cricket passed
 last night about 2:42 am Texas time. I am pretty
 up right now. I feel like such a dork because I
 carried his collar to work with me today. He had the
 feeding tube procedure done, but was just so anemic,
 that after the procedure, he couldn't get his
 For most of the night, I thought he was just having
 hard time coming out of the sedation (gas) because
 never really did and was having problems breathing,
 but the vet said his trachea probably got irritated
 from the procedure, and that he should be fine
 He slept right next to me last night and about 2:20
 woke me up trying to cry, and I picked him up and
 him to the living room because I knew something
 right. He died about 20 minutes later. I have asked
 God countless times to let me be there when Cricket
 passed so that he wouldn't be as scared or lonely
 (like he would be if I was at work and died). God
 honored that request, thankfully, but it was still
 very hard. My husband, nephew, and I will have a
 little ceremony this afternoon for him. I am glad
 that he is not in pain or weak or suffering and I
 that I did just about everything humanly and
 financially possible, but it doesn't help. At least
 not right now. I am going to write him a little
 tribute to bury with him. He was such a wonderful
 companion. I will send a pic out of him later when I
 get home. Thank all of you SO much for helping me
 Cricket through these last three and a half weeks. 
 Your kindness is immeasurable, and I plan to stick
 around and help out anyone else I can even though I
 don't have anymore FeLV (that I know of-I need to
 my other two retested). God Bless each and every one
 of you.
 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

RE: my baby Garfunkle

2005-11-14 Thread wendy
Hi Hideyo,

I know you don't have a lot of time to read emails so
I will try to keep this short.  I am happy that you
are keeping vigil with Garfunkle while he is ill.  I
so hope he pulls through.  I wish we could all be
there with our furangels when they are so sick.  Don't
give up hope Hideyo!!!  Please keep us posted on


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 Hi, everyone, thank you so very much for your kinds
 words - Garfunkle
 and I appreciate it very much - he is resting
 peacefully right now - I
 need to get back to him very quickly.  I wrapped him
 around with blanket
 and heat pad.. whenever I pet him, he tries very
 hard to purr - I love
 this boy - he is one of my favorite feral boy - I am
 going to spend as
 much time as possible, and praying that a miracle
 will happen to him.
 Behalf Of
 Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 4:37 PM
 Subject: Re: Pictures of Cricket on Web!
 oops!!! My apology wasn't watching what I typed
 instead of she I meant
 Sorry Wendy!!!
 Terrie Mohr
 Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!
 Adopt a Homeless Pet!

Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Re: my baby Garfunkle

2005-11-14 Thread Nina

Hi Wendy and list,
I heard from Hideyo today, she had wonderful news.  Not only is 
Garfunkle still with us, but he's improved!  His temp is up to, I think 
she said 99.6, (still low, but so much better).  He's not eating on his 
own, but he's moving around more and he doesn't appear to be as 
jaundiced.  She thinks the subq fluids must be flushing his system, but 
she still doesn't know exactly what the problem is.  Keep praying and 
sending her and Garfunkle good thoughts!


wendy wrote:

Hi Hideyo,

I know you don't have a lot of time to read emails so
I will try to keep this short.  I am happy that you
are keeping vigil with Garfunkle while he is ill.  I
so hope he pulls through.  I wish we could all be
there with our furangels when they are so sick.  Don't
give up hope Hideyo!!!  Please keep us posted on


Re: Annie is gone

2005-11-14 Thread catatonya
Tad,I'm so sorry for your loss. It seems like the list is going through another bad time of losses and problems. :( I'm glad your little Annie had a loving place to call home and people who loved her. I have an Annie too. She's not feral, but a bit standoffish at times.Take care,  tonyaTad Burnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Sadly I have to report another FeLV+ has passed on today...Annie was a beautiful calico with a white milk mustache...She came to live with me about a year and a half ago...She was a stray who was brought into a shelter in NJ...She had a huge gash in her side probably from a carbut she was healing well from that but she tested posand had to live in a cage with the dogs at the vets...The dogs
 didn't seem to bother her and she was friendlywith people and she was friendly with me until I broughther in the room with my other FeLV+ cats...She establishedher own corner with a window of her own and kept everyoneelse out...I gave her her own food and box there and shewould let me pat her if no one else was aroundAbout a month ago she stopped eating and we found shehad become anemic ...I put her in my isolation cage andput her on vitamins the vet gave us and got her eating AD..After a few days she seemed to be getting better and badlywanted out of the cage so I let her out...For a few days she was impossible to catch and didn't alwaysget her vitamins but soon she started to slide again and she waseasy to catch and medicate and we started seringe feeding...She took that easily and we had her gaining weight again...In the process she was spending more and more time on mybed where the rest of the cats all
 hang out and soon my feralcat who won't let me pat her but was very quick to make friendswith the other cats was able to snuggle with AnnieThe best thing of this is now the feral cat has suddenly decidedit is OK to be touched by humans and she even let me pick herup for a minute without strugglingI have been following Wendy and Cricket as it has been so closeto Annie...Yesterday she was too weak to make it to her litter boxeven though I had placed it up level with the bed for her...This washer first accidentI was struggling with the same thought of if Ishould PTS but she seemed to rest comfortably and took theseringe feedings fairly well...We had gone to smaller feedings moreoftenI was so happy when Wendy decided to try the feeding tubeyesterday as I was looking to Wendy for guidance But then itwas so very sad to here this morning that Cricket had passed duringthe nightAnnie ate well for a bit
 but then stopped swallowing andthen again the next feeding she didn't want to take anythingShortly after that she was resting on my stomach as I patted herand she let out a cry and then I noticed that she had stopped breathing...It was over...I believe she was comfortable and new she was lovedright up to the end...Some are very close all their life and others. like Anie its just at the endbut it doesn't make it any easier to say good buy.Michelle said it all.." But it does not get easier, as far as I can tell. Just less surprising."I will miss you sweet Annie and I hope we do get to meet againTad  

RE: my baby Garfunkle

2005-11-14 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
That's great news, Nina. I emailed her late last night wondering how
things were.
Let's hope the little fellow just keeps getting better and better.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: my baby Garfunkle

Hi Wendy and list,
I heard from Hideyo today, she had wonderful news.  Not only is 
Garfunkle still with us, but he's improved!  His temp is up to, I think 
she said 99.6, (still low, but so much better).  He's not eating on his 
own, but he's moving around more and he doesn't appear to be as 
jaundiced.  She thinks the subq fluids must be flushing his system, but 
she still doesn't know exactly what the problem is.  Keep praying and 
sending her and Garfunkle good thoughts!

wendy wrote:

Hi Hideyo,

I know you don't have a lot of time to read emails so
I will try to keep this short.  I am happy that you
are keeping vigil with Garfunkle while he is ill.  I
so hope he pulls through.  I wish we could all be
there with our furangels when they are so sick.  Don't
give up hope Hideyo!!!  Please keep us posted on



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Re: my baby Garfunkle

2005-11-14 Thread TatorBunz

Please tell Hideyo that Garfunkle is in my thoughts and prayers!
Glad the kitty seems to be improving!

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: my baby Garfunkle

2005-11-14 Thread Terri Brown


Way to go, Garfunkle!

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nina 
  Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 7:23 
  Subject: Re: my baby Garfunkle
  Hi Wendy and list,I heard from Hideyo today, she had 
  wonderful news. Not only is Garfunkle still with us, but he's 
  improved! His temp is up to, I think she said 99.6, (still low, but 
  so much better). He's not eating on his own, but he's moving around 
  more and he doesn't appear to be as jaundiced. She thinks the subq 
  fluids must be flushing his system, but she still doesn't know exactly 
  what the problem is. Keep praying and sending her and Garfunkle good 
  thoughts!Ninawendy wrote:Hi Hideyo,I 
  know you don't have a lot of time to read emails soI will try to keep 
  this short. I am happy that youare keeping vigil with Garfunkle 
  while he is ill. Iso hope he pulls through. I wish we 
  could all bethere with our furangels when they are so sick. 
  Don'tgive up hope Hideyo!!! Please keep us posted 

Re: 20 CATS...

2005-11-14 Thread Dudes
Title: Message

Kerry, that's exactly what happened to me!I 
had two that cuddled until #3 came along. They don't hate each other, but 
they don't cuddle, either. Now that there are 4, it seems the original 3 
get along a little better. 

- Original Message - 

  MacKenzie, Kerry N. 
  Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 2:22 
  Subject: RE: 20 CATS...
  Hven't been able to keep up with all the thread, but I sure would like 
  to know the secret of interfeline harmony!!---When I only had 2 they loved 
  cuddling up. When No 3 
  along everything changed. Nobody curls up with anybody. Now I have a foster, 
  and it's even worse---lots of growling and hissing, and jealousy when I pick 
  any of them up. I only have one lap but they don't understand that! If I try 
  and pet two at the same time, one or both get mad!
  2 positives on the other hand do seem to cuddle a lot more in recent 
  would love harmony---it makes me sad that the two who used to get on don't any 
  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 2:02 
  PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: 20 
  I have 13 indoorcats, 2 dogs and a rabbit. Everyone gets 
  along pretty good. The cats are not territorial at all with each 
  other. In fact, they end up all curled together alot of times. I 
  think it is really neat how close they all are to each other.
Original message --  I'm always amazed when people 
say that they have lots of cats. I would  probably have a lot more 
if my husband didn't stop me. I have always had  dogs my entire 
life, until we were adopted by our first cat, Miss, some  years ago. 
I remember the exact moment that I knew I loved her. I looked  into 
her eyes as she sat in the crook of my arm purring, just staring at me 
 with half closed eyes in contentment. I was amazed at how calming 
and  peaceful a cat is.   But on the other hand, I 
have 4 who are all indoors, and they barely get  along. I can't 
imagine what would happen if we added more. Aren't cats  notoriously 
territorial? I consider myself a cat novice, so I wonder what  those 
of you with lots of cats observe about yours.  Sandy  
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Re: Lots of cats - Nina

2005-11-14 Thread Dudes
Nina you know, I still enjoy my dogs and other's dogs, but much of the time
when I look into their faces, I see...I need something from you.  (Pet me
now? Gonna eat that? Gonna let me out now? Not now?  How bout now?)  Could
be I have anxious dogs.
But when I look into the eyes of my cats, I see that they truly enjoy my
presence. They seem to convey such peace to me.  The adult cats exude calm.
Most of the time.   I guess they don't exude calm when they are chewing on
my hair or sitting on my chest licking my nose in the middle of the night,
but you know what I mean.  So I have to agree with you about the spiritual
quality cats posess.

Re: Cotton's visit to new vet

2005-11-14 Thread Dudes
Thank you Wendy!  I'm very encouraged as well.  I should get young Mr.
Cotton's lab results tomorrow.  He's been a very good sport about his
metranidazole pills.  He's his usual happy bouncy self as soon as it's all
over.  Sandy

Re: 20 CATS...

2005-11-14 Thread Dudes

I think that's so cool, Chris. I'm sure there 
are lots of factors that influence how cats behave toward each 
other.But Iwould love it if my cats enjoyed each others 
company as much as we enjoy them individually. Maybe they do in their own 
way, and I am just not privy to it.

Sometimes I seemine all sitting in a sort of 
a circle with each other, all facing each other, just...sitting. When 
Ihappen on that situation, Iwonder if they are having a private, 
silent "cat meeting".

- Original Message - 

  Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 2:02 
  Subject: Re: 20 CATS...
  I have 13 indoorcats, 2 dogs and a rabbit. Everyone gets 
  along pretty good. The cats are not territorial at all with each 
  other. In fact, they end up all curled together alot of times. I 
  think it is really neat how close they all are to each other.

Re: 20 CATS...

2005-11-14 Thread Dudes
Karolyn, I think you are a smart cat mom!  I have read and heard that cats
love it when people think vertically.  It makes me smile to remember when my
big shy male tuxedo cat Myca was a kitten, and he first encountered a
houseguest whom we had invited to stay for a week.  It was quite unnerving
for him!   For almost the entire week, he slept in the top of my closet!  I
think he felt the safest there.

- Original Message -
From: Karolyn Lount [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 5:01 AM
Subject: Re: 20 CATS...

 Hi, I use to have 18 cats in a 1 bedroom condo and they all got along. I
 did have a lot of high furniture that they could get on the top of.
 Anytime I wanted to introduce a new cat into the group I did it very
 slowly. There were times it didn't workout so I had to fine another home
 for said cat. The most important thing was that the welfare of the cats
 I already had had to come first.

Fw: [florida] FELV positive cat needs a home.

2005-11-14 Thread Jenn
Is it OK to send these type of things to this group? I know this is a support 
not a rescue group, but who ELSE will take cats like this if not one of the kind
members here?

- Original Message - 
From: prnorth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2005 12:53 PM
Subject: [Special_Needs_Rescue_Cats] Feluk positive cat needs a home.

A feluk positive cat needs a new home in Jacksonville, Fla..The owner
said, other then that problem, cat is medically ok.If anyone can help
this lady pleas call...904 230-6023.Sorry the lady did not leave her
Thanks, Peggy
Pet Rescue North, Inc.

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Re: Cricket

2005-11-14 Thread felv
I am a few days behind on email, but I am so sorry to hear that Cricket passed 
Sending late sympathies to you Wendy. Time doesn't heal, but it does get easier 
cope after a while. Please take care of yourself, and know that you did 
right, and that you couldn't have been a better mommy to Cricket.

Adopt a cat from UCAT rescue:
Adopt a FIV+ cat:
Adopt a FELV+ cat:
Saving one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it will make a 
world of
difference for that one animal.
I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up 
until she
earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please email me for the NEW address to send 

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UPDATE on the FELV and FIV cats from RPC in Maine

2005-11-14 Thread Jenn

Some of you will remember the FIV+ and FELV+ cats I had listed on my 
website for a while who needed to be placed by RPC in Maine (I sent out many 
emails trying to help place them). Many of you may have wondered about them 
since then. I have good news. The cats were all accepted by a new sanctuary in 
Iowa, and went there a month or so back. 

This is thesanctuary the FIV and FELV cats from RPC in Maine went to, 
I told you I would passthe infoalong if they got back to me. They 
did! It's:

On another great note, their hind end paralysis cat, Jupiter, who has been 
posted on my webpage forever ALSO is in foster care, and the family will most 
likely be adopting him! So RPC has had some great success lately! I SO happy for 
them! And for Jupiter, of course! I'm going to miss his face on my webpage now 
that he's found a home! He's such a poster child for handicapped cats!

Please pass along the URL for that FIV sanctuary, it sounds like it may be 
useful if it turns out to be a good one. Maybe someone in that state could do a 
"home visit" of it and let us know if it is a "good" one? Does anyone have any 
contacts in Iowa?
a cat from UCAT rescue: Adopt a 
FIV+ cat: a 
FELV+ cat:"Saving 
one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it will make a world of 
difference for that one 
collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please email me for the NEW address to 
send them to!
FN:Jennifer D. O'Guin
ORG:UCAT rescue;operations/field work
TITLE:Cat Rescuer
NOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843
TEL;HOME;VOICE:802 472-8628
ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USA
ADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 1008=0D=0AHardwick, Vermont 05843=0D=0AUSA
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Version: 7.1.362 / Virus Database: 267.13.0/167 - Release Date: 11/11/2005