2006-12-09 Thread PEC2851
Ok, this is my THIRD time trying to send this!!!
(They do say 3's a charm, right?)
My memory (and eyesight) is so bad...
Let's hope  pray this finally gets to group.
Much love,
A Frustrated  Disgruntled Patti


I feel the need to reply. (Late as usual...)
This group is the most wonderful group I have  EVER belonged to.  So many 
wonderful members - I have  made many friends..
I joined when  i HAD MY Ethan, the rest is history When I lost  him. I  
continued 'cause Felv cats are SO misunderstood, a shame. and my  work at 
shelter, well, the Felv and FIV cats ALWAYS had a very special place in  my 
heart... Need I say  more?
I really believe that cats DO need us,,, And, who better take care of  
Rescue IS an enormous undertaking, but  someone  has to do it, so why not 
I  have always got such a WONDERFUL feeling for those  I  was able to save 
and rehabilitate  find good homes,,,  Forgive  me as I AM STARTING TO CRY... 
(goes w/ The 'JOB.)
Right now I  fear my rescue days are OVER AND  THAT'S BEEN MYL IFE, 
for so many years, that's what it is all about... :(
I just thank god that my Charity  Bart are still here And, they  sense 
Mom is different..Cats are so amazing.  They know I am not a  threat
I get there, like she knows that I am coming  (She must watch  me) she 
is now talking to me, and sniffs' MY HAND.  Maybe there  IS hope for our 
Today, even Bart didn't run Yes, he did (slightly) hiss, but he didn't  
run away
Maybe I will get 2 new house cats...
And, yes, Nina it was a year when Charity ran off. I remember that day like  
it was just yesterday... (AMAZING - the things I can remember, and those I  
can't!!! Poor Moonie, when I got home, I did not recognize her  it took me  
least) 3 weeks to remember her name  stuff
 Puma is doing well I was supposed to go back to vet, and  'PROBABLY 
have to make THE  DECISON.  not READY for that I mean, after  
Cornelius, well, NO WAY!
He does not seem to be in pain, so I will continue his treatments.
And, Nina, you asked why I took him to vets, long story, but I'll try to be  
When I got home from hosp., he was different   --seemed that way anyway, 
but what do I KNOW?? (When it comes to my babies,  those memories never 
He was eating (MIUCHO) and he was wetting his bed almost  every day!
So, knowing he's ancient, I 'thought kidneys or thyroid, maybe  both..
And, having gone thru both, I figured, no big deal, i could handle  it..
Boy, was I shocked when BOTH kidneys  thyroid tests came back  clean!  So 
the vet suggested testing for just aout everything else...   And, me being me, 
said fine,
I was totally shocked with the results... I mean, FIP  AND  toxo!!!  DOUBLE  
But I must say, the 'ole boy IS/SEEMS to be doing so much  better...  And I 
have decided, since apparently he is NOT IN  PAIN, I will NOT have him PTS
He IS very old, and as long as he is not in pain or  suffering, I will let 
him Cross The Bridge at home..
I know there is more I wanted to write, but it's late and my memory  
I WILL try to stay on top of things.Promise.
(Just TOO MANY babies seem to be crossing the  Bridge..)
Much Love To EVERYONE,
---End Message---
---End Message---
---End Message---


2006-12-09 Thread PEC2851
YEAH  It DID go through!  I got a copy in my  mail right after trying 
to send it again!
Now I have to work on what I forgot..Believe me, w/ my (lack  of) memory, 
it will not be an easy thing to do
But, for Nina, I WILL send you a personal e-mail Just  don't know when  
Also, for Sheila, ditto that!!!
And Tonya too..
NOT having a good day, make that  DAYS
Much love,

Re: New member introduction/questions-Michelle

2006-12-09 Thread Susan Tillman
On Thu, 7 Dec 2006 18:07:17 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would immediately put him on 500 mg/day of lysine for herpes.  For  the
 gingivitis you might want to try a 5 day course of clindamycin, an  antibiotic
 that is especially good for gums.


Hi Michelle,

Thanks for your reply and suggestions. The variety of responses I received,
both pro and con, on the dentistry emphasizes the fact that there is no
correct answer. G Shane has been on Lysine, 250 mg. twice daily, since the
ocular herpes was diagnosed and will remain on that for life. He was on
antiviral eye drops (eventually a prednisone eye drop was also added for the
inflammation) for about three months (he is off all the drops at present).
The eye looks okay at the moment, though it sometimes still looks a little
squinty. The vet had planned to do another thorough eye exam when he was
under for the dental. Right now, I am leaning toward proceeding with the
dental after pre-treating with antibiotics but I haven't decided yet. Thanks
again for your reply.

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

Re: New member introduction/questions-Phaewryn

2006-12-09 Thread Susan Tillman
On Thu, 7 Dec 2006 15:10:56 -0500 Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn [EMAIL 
I once had a vet that scaled cat's teeth without any sedatives or
anesthesiaPersonally, I wouldn't risk putting a FELV+ cat under anesthesia
for a dental, the trade off is not worth the risks, IMO.

Hi Phaewryn,

Thanks for your reply and suggestions. I don't think a hand scaling
without anesthesia would be very beneficial in this situation (even if I
could find someone who would do it) as it doesn't clean under the gum line.
My understanding is that hand scaling is primarily a cosmetic procedure that
removes visible calculus. I also don't think that Shane would tolerate it.
:-O I'm still debating risks vs. benefits of doing a conventional dental.
Thanks again for your help.

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

Re: New member introduction/questions-Sally

2006-12-09 Thread Susan Tillman
On Wed, 13 Dec 2006 19:27:04 -0500 Sally [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Junior's gingivitis cleared up with the immunoregulin treatments. I would
 say within two weeks.


Hi Sally,

That sounds very encouraging! So, in Junior's case, the gingivitis cleared
up strictly using the Immunoregulin and no dentistry was needed? I have a
call in to my vet to find out if she's used Immunoregulin (or would be
willing to try it). Thanks for your help!

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

Re: New member introduction/questions-Elizabeth

2006-12-09 Thread Susan Tillman
On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 00:39:48 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Subject: Re: New member introduction/questions
 This is a tricky one. Dental health is very important. You would hate for your
 baby to overcome the rigors of fighting FeVL only to succumb to a debilitating
 and preventable illness caused by dental neglect.

Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for your detailed reply. A big issue is that the gingivitis is
progressing quite rapidly and I'm certain it will tax Shane's already
compromised immune system if we don't try to get it under control.

 Three to four years is about right to get your first dental. People may
 disagree with me but I think that every other year there-after would be a good
 schedule for dentals for most cats.

The issue is that he isn't most cats--he's an FeLV positive cat and his gum
disease has progressed dramatically in just a few months' time. If he were a
normal cat, I would most certainly do any and all routine dental care
without hesitation.

 there is a lot you can do yourself in regard to dental hygiene but i really
don't think it compares to an ultrasonic scaling beneath the gum-line and all
that they can do now for
 tartar build-up.

I agree 100%--once the teeth are clean, home dental hygiene may help keep
them that way, but initially, a thorough cleaning is the only thing that is
effective for getting under the gum line.

 With recent weight loss, however - my gut instinct says: wait. Even a pound of
 weight loss is a very large percentage of body weight for a cat.

I'll probably take him to the vet's office in about a week to see if his
weight has stabilized and go from there.

  If it were my FeVL+ kitty...and I knew she was very stable and wasn't
 experiencing any current problems related to the disease -- I would take her
 for a dental in a heartbeat.

Thanks for weighing in on this subject! I'd still like to hear opinions from
folks on the topic of when it's appropriate (is it too soon to think about
it when lab work is still normal?) to consider using Immunoregulin and/or
interferon alpha.

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

Re: New member introduction/questions-Belinda

2006-12-09 Thread Susan Tillman
On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 06:14:07 -0800 Belinda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 He did fine with the surgery which lasted about 45 minutes, they used
 sevoflurane and fluids before, during and after.


Hi Belinda,

Thanks for sharing Bailey's dentistry success story. :-) Shane seems to be
eating okay, so I don't know that the weight loss has to do with the state
of his mouth, but it certainly could be related. My vet did tell me she
would keep Shane on IV fluids before, during and after the procedure as
well. I don't think they use sevoflurane, but they use isoflurane, which is
also very safe. I'll probably take Shane in to be weighed in about a week
and then make a decision about how to proceed. I'll let you know how it
goes. Thanks again!

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

Re: New member introduction/questions-Nina

2006-12-09 Thread Susan Tillman
Fri, 08 Dec 2006 09:44:00 -0800, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How is Shane with vet visits?  Would he do okay with dental work while he's
awake?  How long ago was your last vet visit?  Did he drop the weight quickly,
or over a length of time?  Depending on how bad his gums are, you might want to
 try and address his gingivitis and herpes infection first.  Maybe try
 the antibiotics and lysine and see how he responds.

Hi Nina,

Shane does quite well at the vet's office. He usually purrs the whole time
he is there and is very cooperative about everything. However, I'm sure he
finds it stressful (don't most animals?) between being put in his carrier,
riding in the car and then all the weird sounds and smells at the clinic. He
certainly does better than many cats I've seen there. It had been about six
weeks since his last vet appointment so the weight loss took place over that
period of time. He's a little on the pudgy side, so he can actually stand to
lose a little weight. However, since I hadn't been making a concerted effort
to get any weight off of him, the weight loss does concern me. I plan to
take him back in about a week to see if he is continuing to drop weight. He
has been on L-lysine, 250 mg. twice daily for months (since his eye
infection was diagnosed). The vet didn't start him on an antibiotic yet but
will probably put him on a course of antibiotics whether we decide to do the
dental or not. Thanks for your help!

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

Re: Elizabeth - glad you're feeling better

2006-12-09 Thread wendy
Hey Elizabeth,

I am getting caught up on my email.  Things have been
crazy here on my end.  I am so sorry to hear that you
got sick!!!  Food poisoning sucks!  Are you here in
Dallas?  I remember you saying something about
traveling to Texas this time of year back in May. 
Girl, I am going to feel terrible if you were here and
sick and I haven't been checking my mail.


--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm glad to hear you are feeling better Elizabeth. 
 It sounds like you 
 were hit with a very nasty case of food poisoning to
 have lost 12 lbs in 
 3 days!  To be out of town on top of it, you poor
 thing!  What a lousy 
 diet plan you've come up with!
  Thanks, Terrie.  I hope your business trip is
 better than mine.  I had 
  to go out of town for a week and Wednesday I got a
 very severe form of 
  food poisoning.  I thought I would die.  I've lost
 12lbs in 3 days.  
  I'm glad to say that I think I will live now...but
 I'm not completely 


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RE: New member introduction/questions-Sally

2006-12-09 Thread Sally
Hi Sue and Shane

I was not expecting it to clear up, but it did. He had anemia and bleeding
gums. The anemia had been treated with antibiotics by a different vet who
wanted to euthanize Junior after testing positive and after he came back
with a fever of 106.5. I only thank her that she did not suggest this action
when the test was first done or I fear that is what would have happened to
Junior. My bf already had been through FeLV with his cats many years ago and
I don't think the end was a very pleasant experience for him. Junior is
mostly his cat, and I am the caregiver for both of them lol.

His anemia has remained in check as well. The only problem we are
experiencing is the ongoing upper respiratory this time accompanied by
uveitis which seemed very painful to him. He is still not his usual self but
the eye looks better and very few sneezing episodes. He does sleep a lot. He
eats dry food when he wants drinks a lot of water and I fix him wet food
baby food and sour cream for the diarrhea. He did not like the yogurt. He
also gets L Lysine Pet Tabs with iron that I ordered by accident. I meant to
get Pet Tinic.  I just added CoQ10. I do believe the l Lysine helped the
eye. It took me a week to get antibiotic drops for his eye as they were not
initially prescribed. I did have some eye ointment left over from his
accident in the spring. He is blind in this eye from nerve damage although
it looks normal. 

I think the biggest thing going on with Junior is stress. I try not to act
stressed around him but he knows when I am getting ready to take him to the
vet or give him medicine. I had the feliway unit plugged into the wall in my
room. I could not tell a difference so I just moved it to the living room
where the other cats hang out. I replaced it with a glade chamomile and
lavender air freshener. It had the cats sleeping ;ole babies. Well they
pretty much do that anyway. 

At this point I am not going to do dentistry. His mouth is clear of any
sores or bleeding. Oh yes with junior it was the mouth ulcer that first got
him to the vet. I thought his jaw was not properly aligned. This was a
couple months after it has been broken. This was the first hint of things to

Sally and her 10 cats

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Tillman
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 1:17 PM
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: New member introduction/questions-Sally

On Wed, 13 Dec 2006 19:27:04 -0500 Sally [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Junior's gingivitis cleared up with the immunoregulin treatments. I would
 say within two weeks.


Hi Sally,

That sounds very encouraging! So, in Junior's case, the gingivitis cleared
up strictly using the Immunoregulin and no dentistry was needed? I have a
call in to my vet to find out if she's used Immunoregulin (or would be
willing to try it). Thanks for your help!

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

Re: Elizabeth - glad you're feeling better

2006-12-09 Thread etrent
 Hey Wendy! I was supposed to go to Texas this weekend but just was not up for 
it. I got sick in Atlanta but I am back to my normal cranky self now and very 
glad of it. I don't ever want to leave the kids that long again. 
*Save the earth. It's the only planet with chocolate.*   
 -Original Message-
 To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
 Sent: Sat, 9 Dec 2006 2:58 PM
 Subject: Re: Elizabeth - glad you're feeling better
  Hey Elizabeth,

I am getting caught up on my email.  Things have been
crazy here on my end.  I am so sorry to hear that you
got sick!!!  Food poisoning sucks!  Are you here in
Dallas?  I remember you saying something about
traveling to Texas this time of year back in May. 
Girl, I am going to feel terrible if you were here and
sick and I haven't been checking my mail.


--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm glad to hear you are feeling better Elizabeth. 
 It sounds like you 
 were hit with a very nasty case of food poisoning to
 have lost 12 lbs in 
 3 days!  To be out of town on top of it, you poor
 thing!  What a lousy 
 diet plan you've come up with!
  Thanks, Terrie.  I hope your business trip is
 better than mine.  I had 
  to go out of town for a week and Wednesday I got a
 very severe form of 
  food poisoning.  I thought I would die.  I've lost
 12lbs in 3 days.  
  I'm glad to say that I think I will live now...but
 I'm not completely 


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Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

Re: New member introduction/questions-Sally

2006-12-09 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Sour cream for the diarrhea? Does the sour cream you use say on the label  
with live
and active acidophilus cultures?
Most sour cream does NOT have any beneficial bacteria in it, so make sure you're
feeding one that has it in there, like this one:


Please save Whitey! http://ucat.us/Whitey.html
VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources: http://ucat.us/domesticcatlinks.html

To Sue Re: New member introduction/questions

2006-12-09 Thread wendy
Hi Sue,

Glad you have found our site.  It's a great one!  You
might consider upping the L-lysine dose for your
kitty.  I adopted a kitten last February that had
severe corneal ulcers (had to have one eye removed
before we adopted her).  After I took her home, I
tried everything the vet gave me (anti-viral drops,
like Viroptic, and antibiotics).  Nothing worked. 
Then I started Smookie on 500 mg., 2x a day, and I
couldn't believe the ulcer started going away!  It
took a while.  After her ulcer cleared up, we stopped
the lysine (she is not FeLV+).  She's been great
since.  Make sure your lysine does not contain
propylene glycol; it affects kitty's blood.  

I don't have any advice concerning the dental work,
other than you are going to be the best judge of
what's best for Shane.  If the dental IS definitely
needed to head off a potential problem later on, then
it's probably best to take care of it now, rather than
when kitty might be going through some other problem
associated with the FeLV.



Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: Elizabeth - glad you're feeling better

2006-12-09 Thread wendy
Well, I am so glad you are ok, and I totally
understand about leaving your furbabies.  There's
nothing like coming home to your kitties after being
on vacation!!!


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey Wendy! I was supposed to go to Texas this
 weekend but just was not up for it. I got sick in
 Atlanta but I am back to my normal cranky self now
 and very glad of it. I don't ever want to leave the
 kids that long again. 
 *Save the earth. It's the only planet with
  -Original Message-
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
  Sent: Sat, 9 Dec 2006 2:58 PM
  Subject: Re: Elizabeth - glad you're feeling better
   Hey Elizabeth,
 I am getting caught up on my email.  Things have
 crazy here on my end.  I am so sorry to hear that
 got sick!!!  Food poisoning sucks!  Are you here in
 Dallas?  I remember you saying something about
 traveling to Texas this time of year back in May. 
 Girl, I am going to feel terrible if you were here
 sick and I haven't been checking my mail.
 --- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm glad to hear you are feeling better Elizabeth.
  It sounds like you 
  were hit with a very nasty case of food poisoning
  have lost 12 lbs in 
  3 days!  To be out of town on top of it, you poor
  thing!  What a lousy 
  diet plan you've come up with!
   Thanks, Terrie.  I hope your business trip is
  better than mine.  I had 
   to go out of town for a week and Wednesday I got
  very severe form of 
   food poisoning.  I thought I would die.  I've
  12lbs in 3 days.  
   I'm glad to say that I think I will live
  I'm not completely 


 Yahoo! Music Unlimited
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 Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of
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 free AOL Mail and more.


Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

RE: New member introduction/questions-Sally

2006-12-09 Thread Sally
Well to be honest I had no way of checking this because the sour cream came
from a Mexican restaurant, but I had already checked to see which brands
have live cultures. I first had to make sure he would eat it. He loves it.
His diarrhea is not all that bad mainly loose stools from the antibiotics as
we all have experienced.

At any rate the calories may help to keep weight on. He is still eating but
not as much as usual. 

The eye drops are much easier to use than the ointment. I thought it would
be harder to get them in his eye.

One of my negative cats, Ittle Bitty is sneezing now. This cat did not catch
the original URI that apparently brought on the FeLV. He is vaccinated for
everything and it only seems to be sneezing involved. I do mix the cats as
some suggested, but mostly they are separated. All the negative cats were
vaccinated and kept separate for a period of time. Junior and Tiny stay in
my room. This creates some stress for Junior as he does not like Tiny never
has! They do tolerate each other, but occasionally hiss at each other.
Nothing I can do about this. It is the only place I can keep them. They are
half brothers. Funny thing is all the sick cats were orange or yellow(buff)
colored. I have one other Orange and white cat, Speedy who is negative and
their half sister who is negative. I don't know if genetics play a role in
predisposing the cats to infection by the virus. Have any studies been done
on this?  

Thanks for the heads up.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jennifer Phaewryn
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 7:30 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: New member introduction/questions-Sally

Sour cream for the diarrhea? Does the sour cream you use say on the label 
with live
and active acidophilus cultures?
Most sour cream does NOT have any beneficial bacteria in it, so make sure
feeding one that has it in there, like this one:


Please save Whitey! http://ucat.us/Whitey.html
VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources: http://ucat.us/domesticcatlinks.html

Faint positive tests question

2006-12-09 Thread Barbara Oberst
  I'm fostering a kitten, aged 8-9 months, who has had 2 faint positive ELISA 
tests since the beginning of October 2006.  I had him IFA tested a few days 
after the last ELISA (12/2/06), and that was negative.  Any ideas on what this 
could mean?  Could he have had leukemia earlier in his life (we obtained him 
and his 3 siblings when they were about 5 months old; the mother was killed in 
an accident, so I don't know if she had it), and has overcome the virus?  Or 
does this mean his leukemia will show up as a stronger positive later on? His 
siblings all tested negative in October 2006.  Also, if I had all of my other 
cats (I have the fosters plus 5 of my own) vaccinated against feline leukemia, 
could he be let out to live with them (he's quarantined in a separate room, and 
is very unhappy and lonely!)?
  Thanks for any info you can give me!

Any questions?  Get answers on any topic at Yahoo! Answers. Try it now.

OT: Finally named our Pit Bull Rescue

2006-12-09 Thread wendy
Hey guys,

My husband and I finally named our new dog, the Pit
Bull we rescued in November.  We named her Nilla Belle
(Nilla is short for vanilla because she's white).  I
wanted something sweet for her.  It fits her well. 
She's laying on the couch right now snoring like a big
bull, with her paw on my husband's arm.  We're taking
her Thursday to get spayed and vaccinated, tested for
worms, etc.  Wish her luck and say a prayer for her if
you get a chance.  She's such a sweet dog.



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Re: Faint positive tests question

2006-12-09 Thread wendy

Hi and welcome to our group.  Glad you found it.  Many
kittens test positive for FeLV early on, only to test
negative later on.  The mother's antibodies still
remaining in kitty's system is what causes this. 
About 40% of cats who actually contract FeLV throw off
the virus.  Chances are this is what happened with
your kitten, thank goodness.  Most of us here believe
that the FeLV virus is very hard to pass, and
therefore mix positives and negatives.  I did for four
years and none of the other kitties contracted the
virus.  Because your kitten is now negative, you can
probably safely assume your others will be ok.  If you
are worried about it, get another test just to double
check, and then you should be good to let him out! 
Keep us updated!

Dallas, Tx


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OT:crying for help - serious side effect from antibiotics

2006-12-09 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Hi, my Ghani was given aminoglycoside antibiotics to his ear due to the
minor ear infection - since that day one, it changed his life. He
stopped eating and can no longer walk due to vestibular disorders - I
have been researching more about this - and it's fairly common in human
as well - I would like to hear about anything you know about the
treatment and prognosis and etc... I am so devastated and I am very
desparate - thank you in advance.

Re: OT:crying for help - serious side effect from antibiotics

2006-12-09 Thread Dianne K Perry, Ph.D.

I don't know about this antibiotic but when my shih tzu had idiopathic 
vestibular disease the vet had me give her over the counter sea sickness pills 
and in a few days I saw a difference in her.

Don't know if this will work for Ghani or not, but you might want to ask vet.  
Has someone else had this experience?

Dianne and Asia
  - Original Message - 
  From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 
  Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 9:10 PM
  Subject: OT:crying for help - serious side effect from antibiotics

  Hi, my Ghani was given aminoglycoside antibiotics to his ear due to the minor 
ear infection - since that day one, it changed his life. He stopped eating and 
can no longer walk due to vestibular disorders - I have been researching more 
about this - and it's fairly common in human as well - I would like to hear 
about anything you know about the treatment and prognosis and etc. I am so 
devastated and I am very desparate - thank you in advance.

Re: New member introduction/questions-Sally

2006-12-09 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
If you give me your mailing address, I'll send you a small tube of probiotics 
gel. I
bought a box of 6, and then didn't need it (turns out it wasn't helpful for the
condition my cat had). I'd rather give some of it away than to just let it sit 
and expire. Come to think of it, I have several left-over medications here... 
I'll do
an inventory tomorrow and post it, if anyone can use it, I'm happy to share, 
than to just waste it.


Please save Whitey! http://ucat.us/Whitey.html
VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources: http://ucat.us/domesticcatlinks.html

Re: Finally named our Pit Bull Rescue

2006-12-09 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Wishing Nilla good luck at her vet appointment! I'm SO happy you decided to 
keep her,
pits can be good pets when they are raised properly.


Please save Whitey! http://ucat.us/Whitey.html
VT low cost SpayNeuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources: http://ucat.us/domesticcatlinks.html

Re: OT:crying for help - serious side effect from antibiotics

2006-12-09 Thread Kelly L

At 06:10 PM 12/9/2006, you wrote:

My Muffin recovered with antibiotics and no side effects.

Hi, my Ghani was given aminoglycoside 
antibiotics to his ear due to the minor ear 
infection – since that day one, it changed his 
life. He stopped eating and can no longer walk 
due to vestibular disorders – I have been 
researching more about this – and it’s fairly 
common in human as well – I would like to hear 
about anything you know about the treatment and 
prognosis and etc… I am so devastated and I am 
very desparate – thank you in advance.

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Re: OT:crying for help - serious side effect from antibiotics

2006-12-09 Thread Kelly L

At 06:10 PM 12/9/2006, you wrote:

another thought might be that the meds did not 
cause this problem, but the ear infection went to 
the inner earand the meds did not clear up 
the infection in time, My Muffin went on oral 
meds and made a complete recovery, she had even 
gone blind and her vision returned,,,Ghani may 
make a complete recovery, seems to take a bit of time though,

Is not too serious,,,if it is vestibular,..It gets better

Hi, my Ghani was given aminoglycoside 
antibiotics to his ear due to the minor ear 
infection – since that day one, it changed his 
life. He stopped eating and can no longer walk 
due to vestibular disorders – I have been 
researching more about this – and it’s fairly 
common in human as well – I would like to hear 
about anything you know about the treatment and 
prognosis and etc… I am so devastated and I am 
very desparate – thank you in advance.

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Re: OT: Finally named our Pit Bull Rescue

2006-12-09 Thread etrent
 What a sweet name :0) Hope all goes well Thursday.
*Save the earth. It's the only planet with chocolate.*   
 -Original Message-
 To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
 Sent: Sat, 9 Dec 2006 7:39 PM
 Subject: OT: Finally named our Pit Bull Rescue
  Hey guys,

My husband and I finally named our new dog, the Pit
Bull we rescued in November.  We named her Nilla Belle
(Nilla is short for vanilla because she's white).  I
wanted something sweet for her.  It fits her well. 
She's laying on the couch right now snoring like a big
bull, with her paw on my husband's arm.  We're taking
her Thursday to get spayed and vaccinated, tested for
worms, etc.  Wish her luck and say a prayer for her if
you get a chance.  She's such a sweet dog.



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