Re: Update on mva kitties - Sammi is alive and has been spotted

2007-05-03 Thread Nina

Hi Taylor,
He was able to go last night, but no sighting as far as I know.  It does 
seem like a good omen that Teddy chose the number 3!


Taylor Scobie Humphrey wrote:
33  A little message there from Baby 
Pooma Teddy!  He must be saying that those three kitties belong 
together.  When will the kitties' daddy be able to come back to call 
to Sammi?

Re: pet-food recall info

2007-05-03 Thread Nina
Thanks MC.  It would be much easier if a list was compiled with brands 
and foods that have been verified by testing to be safe.  I have 3 cases 
of Triumph wet food, (not the particular flavors on the list), that I'm 
now afraid to feed.  I'd eat them myself over crackers, but I'm not sure 
how much I'd like beef and salmon combined together, (maybe a little 
mayonnaise).  Pretty soon some adventurer will start selling 
home-testing kits we can use before we set the food bowls down.


MaryChristine wrote: hasn't been updated in a few 
days; not sure why. seems to have the most 
up-to-date info; and you can sign up for email alerts.


Re: pet-food recall info

2007-05-03 Thread Kelley Saveika

I tried some Evo last night (entirely accidentally) but the cats love
it, except Sugar, who I don't think realizes it is food.

On 5/3/07, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks MC.  It would be much easier if a list was compiled with brands and
foods that have been verified by testing to be safe.  I have 3 cases of
Triumph wet food, (not the particular flavors on the list), that I'm now
afraid to feed.  I'd eat them myself over crackers, but I'm not sure how
much I'd like beef and salmon combined together, (maybe a little
mayonnaise).  Pretty soon some adventurer will start selling home-testing
kits we can use before we set the food bowls down.

MaryChristine wrote: hasn't been updated in a few days; not sure why. seems to have the most up-to-date info; and you can sign up
for email alerts.


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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Re: pet-food recall info

2007-05-03 Thread Nina

You forgot the crackers and mayonnaise!

Kelley Saveika wrote:

I tried some Evo last night (entirely accidentally) but the cats love
it, except Sugar, who I don't think realizes it is food.

On 5/3/07, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks MC.  It would be much easier if a list was compiled with 
brands and

foods that have been verified by testing to be safe.  I have 3 cases of
Triumph wet food, (not the particular flavors on the list), that I'm now
afraid to feed.  I'd eat them myself over crackers, but I'm not sure how
much I'd like beef and salmon combined together, (maybe a little
mayonnaise).  Pretty soon some adventurer will start selling 

kits we can use before we set the food bowls down.

Re: Hello

2007-05-03 Thread Nina
Hi Debi and welcome!  Bless you for opening your home to felv kitties, 
(you're a brave woman to take so many in at one time).  It's wonderful 
that you sought us out while everyone is healthy.  I'm a little confused 
about your family line up.  Let me see if I've got this straight...  You 
have 6 permanent residents, 3 of whom are felv+ and 5 fosters, 2 of whom 
are felv+, is that right?  Are your other 3 permanent residents 
vaccinated?  How old are your personal neg cats?  The very old, (or 
infirm) and the very young are more susceptible to contracting felv.  
There are many on the list that have mixed neg and pos kitties together 
for years without any of the negs becoming pos.  Of course you can't 
take a chance like that with neg foster kitties.  Have you considered 
only fostering felv+ cats for the rescue you work with?  There are so 
few homes that would be willing to take these guys in and if you stopped 
fostering negs, you'd have less concerns for them and more room for 
pos.  Just a suggestion from an advocate of our pos friends :-) .

I'm sure you'll get lots of great advice and support from the list.  Ask 
as many questions as you like, as you may already have noticed, we go ot 
quite a bit around here.  It's a very warm and supportive community we 
share.  I love these people.  The general advice is to keep their 
environment as stress free as possible, feed the best food you can 
afford, supplement with immune boosters/modulators, and never take a 
wait-and-see approach to any sign of illness.  These guys bounce back 
from illnesses just like any other cat, the difference is an illness 
that a neg cat might fight off by themselves has to be caught and 
aggressively treated sooner because of their compromised immune systems.

I'm so glad you found us,

Debi Holmes wrote:

I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about my 
situation.  My name is Debi and I live in Nazareth, Pennsylvania.  I 
am a foster mom for a cat rescue.  I have 6 of my own cats and I 
currently have 5 foster cats.  I also have 3 of my own FELV positive 
kitties and 2 other FELV positive kitties that I am fostering.  My 3 
girls Sunshine, Cutie Pie, and Chloe are all sisters that are about 9 
months old, they live in my computer room, which is great for them 
because my daughter is in there alot, so they get my attention and 
hers.  The 2 fosters that I have live in the room, I had initially 
built for my girls downstairs, and they are BooBoo who is about one 
and half years old, and then there is Thumbelina who is about 8 months 
old.  The girls I have had since they were just 8 weeks old, BooBoo 
was living outside a nursing home and they called us to come and get 
him.  Thumbelina was rescued from underneath a shed.  All are super 
sweet except for Thumbelina she wants nothing to do with BooBoo or 
with me, she just hangs out up in the rafters of the room.
Anyway these kitties will be my first experience with FELV positive 
kitties so I wanted to be in a group with other owners of FELV 
positive kitties.
Thank you,
Debi H.

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Re: Hello

2007-05-03 Thread Debi Holmes
  You have it right!  And yes my 3 are vaccinated.  My personal cats are 13, 6 
and 4.  
  It all started with the 3 girls kittens I took in.  I took them to foster 
until we could find a home or a sanctuary, but months went by and I could not 
bare to see them seperated and found that most people don't even want to take a 
look at them and they are just beautiful girls.  They are just like other 
kittens/cats.  I feed them the best quality food that I can afford and I always 
do them first for feeding and litterboxes as my fosters come in looking good 
and then whamo they have something.  I have heard that if they make it through 
the first year then their chances of survival go up greatly.  I do not know if 
this is true or not.
  I have thought about just fostering positive kitties but I am a little afraid 
of getting attached and losing them way to soon, because like you said nobody 
really wants them.
  Anyway I am hoping to hear alot of good things and to get information when I 
am in need.
  Thank you,
  Debi H

  Hi Debi and welcome!  Bless you for opening your home to felv kitties, 
(you're a brave woman to take so many in at one time).  It's wonderful that you 
sought us out while everyone is healthy.  I'm a little confused about your 
family line up.  Let me see if I've got this straight...  You have 6 permanent 
residents, 3 of whom are felv+ and 5 fosters, 2 of whom are felv+, is that 
right?  Are your other 3 permanent residents vaccinated?  How old are your 
personal neg cats?  The very old, (or infirm) and the very young are more 
susceptible to contracting felv.  There are many on the list that have mixed 
neg and pos kitties together for years without any of the negs becoming pos.  
Of course you can't take a chance like that with neg foster kitties.  Have you 
considered only fostering felv+ cats for the rescue you work with?  There are 
so few homes that would be willing to take these guys in and if you stopped 
fostering negs, you'd have less concerns for them and more room for
 pos.  Just a suggestion from an advocate of our pos friends :-) .

I'm sure you'll get lots of great advice and support from the list.  Ask as 
many questions as you like, as you may already have noticed, we go ot quite a 
bit around here.  It's a very warm and supportive community we share.  I love 
these people.  The general advice is to keep their environment as stress free 
as possible, feed the best food you can afford, supplement with immune 
boosters/modulators, and never take a wait-and-see approach to any sign of 
illness.  These guys bounce back from illnesses just like any other cat, the 
difference is an illness that a neg cat might fight off by themselves has to be 
caught and aggressively treated sooner because of their compromised immune 

I'm so glad you found us,

Debi Holmes wrote: Hello,
  I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about my situation.  
My name is Debi and I live in Nazareth, Pennsylvania.  I am a foster mom for a 
cat rescue.  I have 6 of my own cats and I currently have 5 foster cats.  I 
also have 3 of my own FELV positive kitties and 2 other FELV positive kitties 
that I am fostering.  My 3 girls Sunshine, Cutie Pie, and Chloe are all sisters 
that are about 9 months old, they live in my computer room, which is great for 
them because my daughter is in there alot, so they get my attention and hers.  
The 2 fosters that I have live in the room, I had initially built for my girls 
downstairs, and they are BooBoo who is about one and half years old, and then 
there is Thumbelina who is about 8 months old.  The girls I have had since they 
were just 8 weeks old, BooBoo was living outside a nursing home and they called 
us to come and get him.  Thumbelina was rescued from underneath a shed.  All 
are super sweet except for Thumbelina she
 wants nothing to do with BooBoo or with me, she just hangs out up in the 
rafters of the room.
  Anyway these kitties will be my first experience with FELV positive kitties 
so I wanted to be in a group with other owners of FELV positive kitties.
  Thank you,
  Debi H.
  Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Re: Hello

2007-05-03 Thread Nina

Hi Debi,
Yes, it's true that we do lose a lot of kittens born with felv before 
their first year, so it's a good sign when they reach that milestone.  
Another thing to keep in mind is that many kittens test false pos, (it 
is an indicator that your first 3 girls were actually pos, since they 
all tested that way).  Many previously healthy cats seroconvert (clear 
the virus) on their own and for that reason should be retested using the 
IFA test, (a more accurate testing method than the in-house ELISA) in 3 
to 6 mos or so.

We all hear you about the heartbreak of losing these kitties and how 
insane it can seem to purposely sign up for so much possible grief.  The 
way I have come to terms with dealing with special needs cats and 
losing them way to soon, is to appreciate the time we do have together 
and to know that I am providing them the chance at a life, (no matter 
how long or short that life may be), full of love, commitment and 
understanding.  The quality of time we spend together, the lessons 
learned and valued that come from our associations, at least for me, 
make anything I may suffer worthwhile.


Debi Holmes wrote:

You have it right!  And yes my 3 are vaccinated.  My personal cats are 
13, 6 and 4. 
It all started with the 3 girls kittens I took in.  I took them to 
foster until we could find a home or a sanctuary, but months went by 
and I could not bare to see them seperated and found that most people 
don't even want to take a look at them and they are just beautiful 
girls.  They are just like other kittens/cats.  I feed them the best 
quality food that I can afford and I always do them first for feeding 
and litterboxes as my fosters come in looking good and then whamo they 
have something.  I have heard that if they make it through the first 
year then their chances of survival go up greatly.  I do not know if 
this is true or not.
I have thought about just fostering positive kitties but I am a little 
afraid of getting attached and losing them way to soon, because like 
you said nobody really wants them.
Anyway I am hoping to hear alot of good things and to get information 
when I am in need.
Thank you,

Debi H

Re: pet-food recall info

2007-05-03 Thread cindy reasoner
I finally got 3 of my cats to eat the Evo.  Katie's
(my diabetic cat)true brother Simon was diagnosed as
being diabetic on Sunday so the vet said I needed to
get him to eat the Evo because it is low carbs.  Katie
won't touch it but Simon, Nick and Tabby Cat are
starting to eat it now.  I can't believe I have 2
diabetic cats and Nick is another true brother so
eventually I may have 3.  I am so relieved they are
eating the EVO especially Simon because it is better
for him.

Cindy Reasoner

--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You forgot the crackers and mayonnaise!
 Kelley Saveika wrote:
  I tried some Evo last night (entirely
 accidentally) but the cats love
  it, except Sugar, who I don't think realizes it is
  On 5/3/07, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks MC.  It would be much easier if a list was
 compiled with 
  brands and
  foods that have been verified by testing to be
 safe.  I have 3 cases of
  Triumph wet food, (not the particular flavors on
 the list), that I'm now
  afraid to feed.  I'd eat them myself over
 crackers, but I'm not sure how
  much I'd like beef and salmon combined together,
 (maybe a little
  mayonnaise).  Pretty soon some adventurer will
 start selling 
  kits we can use before we set the food bowls

Do You Yahoo!?
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Homemdae Recipes from Books I got

2007-05-03 Thread Belinda

   Hi All,
  I found a board that has already typed out some of the recipes that 
are in one of the books I ordered.  It is from Dr Strombecks book.  
There are two recipes for renal cats and two for normal cats with no 
health problems.  I use dark chicken meat and not the breast because my 
guys like it better and there is more fat in it.  I also add taurine 
because I think most of it gets cooked out of the meat.  I also add my 
usual supplements, nutrived, salmon oil, probotics, and other things 
Fred my CRF guy needs.

I found out today *Foster Farms chicken has NOT* been fed the 
contaminated food which is the only chicken I buy, I was freaking out 
when I heard they were finding the chicken feed now contaminated but 
saying it wasn't in high enough doses to affect humans so they weren't 
doing anything about it.  My God, what about those of us who are for 
obvious reasons now cooking for our cats?

OK here is the link to the page with the recipes until I can get around 
to posting a few more, this should get you started:


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Homemdae Recipes from Books I got

2007-05-03 Thread Belinda
PS.  I don't use potatoes either, I do use rice sometimes, I try to vary 
the recipes so it isn't always the same, I usually make 4 or 5 days 
worth of food and freeze it.  I take it out the day morning I'm going to 
use it.  I nuke it at 10% power (the lowest setting) for about 2.30 to 3 
minutes.  I don't know what nuking it does, I'm hoping by doing it on 
such a low setting it's OK, I'll find out when Fred gets blood work 
again because his supplements are all in there.  So far Fred likes it 
and is eating pretty good, I'm slowly switching the others over but they 
are a very hard sell ...


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Expanded Menu recall announced today

2007-05-03 Thread Chris
Now they're pulling foods for cross-contamination-nightmare never ends! 


Christiane Biagi




Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)


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Re: pet-food recall info

2007-05-03 Thread Marylyn
Ask your vet about feeding raw.  Primal has cubes that you fuss, no 
mess and, for those of us who have meat only for the cats, no having to deal 
with it.  According to my Junior Partner, Dixie Louise, the stuff is great 
mixed with some water and lots of chopped broccoli.  For her, the price is 
less than Fancy Feast or EVO because it is so concentrated (the reason for 
adding some water).

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: cindy reasoner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: pet-food recall info

I finally got 3 of my cats to eat the Evo.  Katie's
(my diabetic cat)true brother Simon was diagnosed as
being diabetic on Sunday so the vet said I needed to
get him to eat the Evo because it is low carbs.  Katie
won't touch it but Simon, Nick and Tabby Cat are
starting to eat it now.  I can't believe I have 2
diabetic cats and Nick is another true brother so
eventually I may have 3.  I am so relieved they are
eating the EVO especially Simon because it is better
for him.

Cindy Reasoner

--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You forgot the crackers and mayonnaise!

Kelley Saveika wrote:
 I tried some Evo last night (entirely
accidentally) but the cats love
 it, except Sugar, who I don't think realizes it is

 On 5/3/07, Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks MC.  It would be much easier if a list was
compiled with
 brands and
 foods that have been verified by testing to be
safe.  I have 3 cases of
 Triumph wet food, (not the particular flavors on
the list), that I'm now
 afraid to feed.  I'd eat them myself over
crackers, but I'm not sure how
 much I'd like beef and salmon combined together,
(maybe a little
 mayonnaise).  Pretty soon some adventurer will
start selling
 kits we can use before we set the food bowls

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: Homemdae Recipes from Books I got

2007-05-03 Thread Marylyn
If you are concerned about nuking Fred's food (I am about Dixie's) then try 
putting the food in a bowl and setting the bowl in another bowl of hot 
water.  It takes about the same amount of time without the worry..especially 
if you freeze in small amounts.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: Homemdae Recipes from Books I got

PS.  I don't use potatoes either, I do use rice sometimes, I try to vary 
the recipes so it isn't always the same, I usually make 4 or 5 days worth 
of food and freeze it.  I take it out the day morning I'm going to use it. 
I nuke it at 10% power (the lowest setting) for about 2.30 to 3 minutes. 
I don't know what nuking it does, I'm hoping by doing it on such a low 
setting it's OK, I'll find out when Fred gets blood work again because his 
supplements are all in there.  So far Fred likes it and is eating pretty 
good, I'm slowly switching the others over but they are a very hard sell 


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Homemdae Recipes from Books I got

2007-05-03 Thread Belinda

   Thanks Marilyn,
  I'll give that a try I do that with Joey baby food treat after meds 
and it works fine, course the baby food isn't frozen.  I freeze in the 
pint canning jars, they give me about a full day and one meal the next 
day's worth of food for Fred, I take one out each morning or afternoon. 
14 thighs or 16 drummies makes about 4 or 5 days worth of food.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Homemdae Recipes from Books I got

2007-05-03 Thread Marylyn
I freeze in 1/4 cup muffin pans then pop the muffins into a Ziploc.  This 
allows me to vary her diet by size and content.  I am just learning this and 
am shifting her to Primal raw cat food which she seems to love---mixed with 
lots of broccoli (don't ask me--it + extra water = a happy Dixie).

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: Homemdae Recipes from Books I got

   Thanks Marilyn,
  I'll give that a try I do that with Joey baby food treat after meds and 
it works fine, course the baby food isn't frozen.  I freeze in the pint 
canning jars, they give me about a full day and one meal the next day's 
worth of food for Fred, I take one out each morning or afternoon. 14 
thighs or 16 drummies makes about 4 or 5 days worth of food.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Homemdae Recipes from Books I got

2007-05-03 Thread Belinda
  Sounds good, I fed raw for a while and they sort of like it for a 
while, then they seemed to get tired of it.  Hope that doesn't happen 
with the cooked since they'll have no choice.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Homemdae Recipes from Books I got

2007-05-03 Thread C J
I've been trying to make the raw food recipes from Dr. Pitcairn's book, but am 
not sure I like the grain component.  My cats aren't sure yet what they think 
of it either.

Has anyone tried the recipe here ?

This recipe is pretty much all meat/organs/bone with some supplements.  I think 
I would like to try it, but i'm not sure about grinding up bones...i'm thinking 
my cats wouldn't go for chunks of bone.   I would also have to buy a grinder.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Belinda 
  Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 3:04 PM
  Subject: Homemdae Recipes from Books I got

  Hi All,
 I found a board that has already typed out some of the recipes that are in 
one of the books I ordered.  It is from Dr Strombecks book.  There are two 
recipes for renal cats and two for normal cats with no health problems.  I use 
dark chicken meat and not the breast because my guys like it better and there 
is more fat in it.  I also add taurine because I think most of it gets cooked 
out of the meat.  I also add my usual supplements, nutrived, salmon oil, 
probotics, and other things Fred my CRF guy needs.

  I found out today Foster Farms chicken has NOT been fed the contaminated food 
which is the only chicken I buy, I was freaking out when I heard they were 
finding the chicken feed now contaminated but saying it wasn't in high enough 
doses to affect humans so they weren't doing anything about it.  My God, what 
about those of us who are for obvious reasons now cooking for our cats?

  OK here is the link to the page with the recipes until I can get around to 
posting a few more, this should get you started:


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]


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