Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again

2012-10-06 Thread Sharyl
Edna, ondansetron (generic for Zofran) is a good med for nausea for cats.  Your 
vet will have to give you a Rx for it.  Check around at your local pharmacies 
as cost will vary a lot.  Usual dose is 1 mg every 8-12 hrs.    That and the 
pain meds will help make her comfortable.  I also fed whatever they wanted from 
meat baby food to baked salmon. 
Ondansetron can also be ordered on line with a Rx from
Hugs to Sophia

 From: Edna Taylor 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again

She does get nauseous a lot and we have her on some strong pain meds.  She is 
losing so much weight but I give her Fancy Feast and love on her.  Unlike dogs, 
cats are such picky eaters to begin with :(  I wish she would eat burgers and 
The vet who diagnosed her has been our vet for a long time and I absolutely 
trust her.  I knew something was wrong with SuzieQ because she just wasn't 
acting like herself and she was a bit thinner and then Dr. M found a big mass 
in her abdomen, did surgery and took a biopsy, it came back cancer :(
I try to give her lots of attention but unfortunately Frank goes out of town 
so much and I work full-time so when I get home I have to clean up and take 
care of everyone else and then I try to spend extra time alone with her :(___
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] SusieQ

2012-10-06 Thread Sharyl
Edna, I apologize for calling SuzieQ Sophia.  
Hugs to SuzieQ

 From: Edna Taylor 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again

REALLY?  Y'all think so?  I don't think anyone is being mean and hateful, but 
then again, I tend to see the positive side of most things :)
Anywho, I'll ask again DOES anyone have any advice on things I can do to make 
SuzieQ more comfortable in her last days.  She is 2-3 years old, was diagnosed 
with a rapidly advancing cancer a couple of weeks ago, doctor said she was 
exposed to FeLuk as a kitten even though she was able to shed the virus but 
there is nothing we can do because the cancer has already compromised her 
liver, etc.  Anyone have any pearls of wisdom to share

>   ___
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] O T

2012-10-06 Thread Lorrie
On 10-04, GRAS wrote:
>Obama ideally wanted single-payer.

 Yes, and it is shameful that America, supposedly the greatest
county in the world, lets it's people go without medical help.
Every other first world country has single payer.

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] O T Just don't read this if it upsets u.

2012-10-06 Thread Lorrie

On 10-04, Lee Evans wrote:
>I agree that neither candidate can make animal rights/welfare a major
>issue in this election and I also agree that the economy is the major
>issue that impacts our rescues and other people's companion animals the
>most.  Then I look at the incumbent and see a man who was trussed up
>like a chicken about to go into the rotisserie and I see who did the
>trussing up, the Republican Senate.  I look at who started the
>sub-prime mortgage mess that led to so many people losing their homes
>and I see a Republican President allowing banks and stock brokers and
>CEO's of investment companies to have free rein to grab the money and
>run.  I see an ineffectual congress trying to get a fair tax program
>wherein people earning over a quarter of a million dollars a  year
>would pay their fair share of taxes to run the country.  Then I see
>Republicans putting up road blocks by saying that businesses would have
>to shut down if taxes were raised.  Who the heck ever mentioned
>businesses?  The problem is INDIVIDUALS who are rolling in money. I see
>Republicans coming in with smoke and mirrors and clouding the issue,
>confusing people into thinking that the tax hike would be on
>businesses.  I see a ridiculous-on-both sides health care plan with
>over a thousand pages of gibberish regulations.  What's wrong with just
>extending Medicare and Medicaid to everyone?  What's the problem with
>not re-inventing the wheel and adopting the Canadian health care
>model?  Then my friends tell me that we need a business man with a good
>sense of the economy to run the country.  And I say, these are the same
>people who ran the country off a cliff for 8 years.  I don't think I
>want them in the drivers seat again.  Just my opinion.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread Lorrie
On 10-05, Edna Taylor wrote:
>My vet frowns on using any dog flea product on cats because she said
>even though it is the same ingredients, the portions of the same
>ingredients may be different. 

The vet will make much more money if you give individual doses. I cannot do
this as I have 24 rescued cats at this time, and at $15. a pop, every month,
I'd be broke in no time, so I buy flea stuff from CAnada or overseas and
dose down from the big dog size.  However, dosing down from the big dog
size MUST be carefully figured out so the cats are not hurt.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread Beth
My vet won't even sell Revolution. She said there are too many problems.

Kathryn Hargreaves  wrote:

>Advantage is safer than is Revolution for cats, or so my then-vet said.
>On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 7:51 PM,  wrote:
>>  Lee Evans  wrote:
>> > I'm not sure that fleas can become immune to meds.  The ones who are on
>> the cat die.  The ones who hatch from the floor jump on the cat, die.  The
>> ones who lay eggs are apparently still alive so how can they become immune
>> to a product?  Unless Super Flea survives the treatment and goes on to
>> reproduce.  But it's probably a good idea to switch products any way.  Some
>> are good for treating heavy flea infestations (Frontline Plus) and some
>> have mange, worm prevention also, Revolution.  I have not had good results
>> with Revolution on fleas although it's great for preventing mange and
>> sometimes reducing infestation of earmites.  I find that Advantage is also
>> good for heavy flea infestation but I haven't tried it yet.  I have
>> Frontline Plus right now and am on my way to treat the little lions, tigers
>> and panthers.
>> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
>> neighbors too!
>>  From: Beth 
>> To: FeLV Talk 
>> Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 4:06 PM
>> Subject: [Felvtalk] Fw:  Flea Products
>> Well I Googled before & did again. The only thing I can find is that some
>> cats are more prone to Moxidectin toxicity, which is why you have to be so
>> careful about dosages.
>> The Multi formula has meds for fleas - Imidacloprid & heartworm larvae -
>> Moxidectin
>> Either way the dog Multi has bit had much effect on my cats this year.
>> I've heard some people say you should switch products periodically to keep
>> the fleas from becoming immune to the
>>  meds.
>> Beth
>> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
>>  From: Maureen Olvey 
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 4:26 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products
>> It's been a while since I read that about the dog Multi, however I doubt
>> they've changed ingredients.  I can't remember what ingredient it is in the
>> dog multi that's bad for cats.  I found the info online though so I know
>> it's out there.  Maybe what I read was wrong though.  Find out what
>> ingredient is bad and ask your vet if he knows the dog multi has that
>> ingredient in there and tell him someone told you it was bad for cats.  I'd
>> go back and look it up if I had time but I've got to get back to work cause
>> the CPAs will be here Monday to audit the books for my company.
>> “I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are
>> profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon
>> unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me
>> sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark
>> Twain
>>  Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 12:56:46 -0700
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products
>> Oh great!. My vet said the Multi was OK.But it still isn't working
>> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
>>  From: Maureen Olvey 
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 3:48 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products
>> Also - don't get Advantage Multi for Dogs and break it down for cats.
>> Regular Advantage for dogs is okay to break down for cats but don't use the
>> "Multi."  Some extra ingredient in there is bad news for cats.  Obviously
>> the cat "Multi" is okay.
>> “I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are
>> profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon
>> unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me
>> sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark
>> Twain
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
>Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!
>If you can't adopt, then foster "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save their
>life.  Contact your local pound for information.

Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread Lorrie
Yes the surviving fleas become super fleas and the treatments we now
use don't bother them.  When they breed their offspring are also super
fleas.  The same thing is happening with antibiotics. They have been 
overused and bacteria has become super bacteria that nothing kills!
This is really scary!!


On 10-05, Beth wrote:
>I guess that is the problem - they are survivng the treatment. They are
>surviving in droves at my house. I have to flea comb every other day.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

2012-10-06 Thread Lorrie
What are your opinions on vaccinating FelV positive kittens??
They are 5 months old and should have their first vaccinations,
but I've had immune compromised kittens die from them, so I worry.
They do not go outside but are confined to three large rooms in
my cat sanctuary.


On 10-05, wrote:
> There seem to be a lot of questions about the flea meds.  I am having
> enough problems in deciding to vaccinate or not.  I have a couple who
> never go outside so are not exposed to critters that might infect them and
> 1 is 14 years old.  I am afraid that vaccinating her at that age might do
> more harm than good.  The others only go out for an hour or 2 and most of
> the time they are on the deck laying in the sun.  Rabies is required here,
> but not the others.  I do give the negative cats the FELV vaccine since I
> have 2 positives.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again

2012-10-06 Thread Natalie
That’s what my vet gives me – Cyproheptadine (Periactin) – ¼ pill does a good 


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee 
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again


Another brain cell woke up and reminded me that there's also an antihistamine 
called Ciproheptadine.  I'm thinking that this is the one they use as an 
appetite stimulant.

I just Googled it and sure enough, this is the one.  If you want more 
information on getting your cat to eat go to the following Website: Tanya's 
Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease.  The URL is:  There are some other hints on getting an 
anorexic cat to chow down also.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 



From: Edna Taylor 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again


I have been trying that, she eats just a smidge and then turns away :(  Thank 
you :)  Poor thing is just wasting away and I feel so helpless :(

> Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 17:58:20 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again
> You can try gerber stage2 baby food...the meat kind (ham, beef, turkey, etc). 
> Not all thw nutrition a cat needs but it gets them something. 
> Christiane Biagi
> Sent from my Samsung Epic™ 4G

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

2012-10-06 Thread MaiMaiPG
I might give them rabies simply because of law enforcement issues but  
you should be able to get a waiver for that.  I don't vaccinate sick/ 
immune compromised animals.

On Oct 6, 2012, at 5:52 AM, Lorrie wrote:

What are your opinions on vaccinating FelV positive kittens??
They are 5 months old and should have their first vaccinations,
but I've had immune compromised kittens die from them, so I worry.
They do not go outside but are confined to three large rooms in
my cat sanctuary.


On 10-05, wrote:

There seem to be a lot of questions about the flea meds.  I am having
enough problems in deciding to vaccinate or not.  I have a couple who
never go outside so are not exposed to critters that might infect  
them and
1 is 14 years old.  I am afraid that vaccinating her at that age  
might do
more harm than good.  The others only go out for an hour or 2 and  
most of
the time they are on the deck laying in the sun.  Rabies is  
required here,
but not the others.  I do give the negative cats the FELV vaccine  
since I

have 2 positives.

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] President

2012-10-06 Thread Natalie
Not really, you can always find out what's true or not: All you have to do
is check on either (on any floating around rumors, even silly
ones), or - political, lots already to choose from, and if
you don't see what you need, write in the topic on top right, and search.

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] President

Problem is that there are so many rumors floating around in print and cyber
space that it makes it hard to discren the truth.

 Diane Rosenfeldt  wrote: 
> We probably should not. But it is in fact true, although it got taken 
> off the table fairly early when the Dems realized it would never fly 
> in that political atmosphere. So what we have is a slight improvement 
> on the Republican health care plan.
> Diane R.
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf 
> Of Terri Brown
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 7:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] President
> This is why I don't think we should be discussing this on this list.
> - Original Message -
> From: Lorrie 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 6:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] President
> It is true.  
> On 10-04, Terri Brown wrote:
> >I don't know where you heard that Lorrie, but it's not true.
> > 
> >Terri
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] SusieQ

2012-10-06 Thread KG BarnCats
If chemotherapy is an option, you could try one dose on the
Wisconsin-Madison protocol.

my diabetic Danny was dx with lymphoma in his liver, intestines and liver -
very fast moving.  he was given very poor prognosis, maybe 10% of making a
couple months, and could easily die from the chemo since he was so
debilitated from the time it took to get a diagnosis.  honestly I only
tried because it was my sons cat and he begged for one more chance for
Danny to fight (he had beaten several life threatening illnesses before).
 Well don't you know that chemo stomped the crap out of that cancer and
literally the day after the chemo, Danny was like a new cat and came home
and ate like crazy... this was the day I thought I would be letting him go.
 I was actually furious with the ER vet because I called and was told he
could come home and I thought they didn't even know which horribly sick cat
was mine.   That was 5.5 years who and Danny is still cancer free.  (He did
complete the 26 week protocol)

The point is, sometimes you get lucky.  One dose of chemo will let you know
if chemo is going to work, statistically.  Those that respond well to the
first dose tend to do very well; those that don't respond, don't do well.
 So you could stop after the first chemo if it didn't help.

Another thing to try either way is agaricus blazei from
 this is given to all cancer patients by Dr Alice villalobos who is one of
the nations top feline cancer specialists (Google villalobos
immunonutrition).  It is low cost and Danny's weekly bloodwork proved
without a doubt that it greatly increased his white blood cell count during

By the way do not let the liver damage overly scare you.  The liver can
heal itself, regenerate.  Denamarin works great.  Danny's went from very
damaged per bloodwork to normal in a month.

Best wishes whatever you decide.


> From: Edna Taylor 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 2:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again
> REALLY?  Y'all think so?  I don't think anyone is being mean and hateful,
but then again, I tend to see the positive side of most things :)
> Anywho, I'll ask again DOES anyone have any advice on things I can do to
make SuzieQ more comfortable in her last days.  She is 2-3 years old, was
diagnosed with a rapidly advancing cancer a couple of weeks ago, doctor
said she was exposed to FeLuk as a kitten even though she was able to shed
the virus but there is nothing we can do because the cancer has
already compromised her liver, etc.  Anyone have any pearls of wisdom to
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

2012-10-06 Thread Maryam Ulomi
Thank for this advice. Kitty, the little feral, I rescued us living in her 
bedroom with all her toys and things. She is due for her vaccinations and very 
soon to be spayed. I'm holding off on the vaccinations but she will get spayed 
soon. Keeping fingers crossed that when I retest her she is negative so she can 
play with my other two cats.


Sent from my iPhone.

On Oct 6, 2012, at 9:12, MaiMaiPG  wrote:

> I might give them rabies simply because of law enforcement issues but you 
> should be able to get a waiver for that.  I don't vaccinate sick/immune 
> compromised animals.
> On Oct 6, 2012, at 5:52 AM, Lorrie wrote:
>> What are your opinions on vaccinating FelV positive kittens??
>> They are 5 months old and should have their first vaccinations,
>> but I've had immune compromised kittens die from them, so I worry.
>> They do not go outside but are confined to three large rooms in
>> my cat sanctuary.
>> Lorrie
>> On 10-05, wrote:
>>> There seem to be a lot of questions about the flea meds.  I am having
>>> enough problems in deciding to vaccinate or not.  I have a couple who
>>> never go outside so are not exposed to critters that might infect them and
>>> 1 is 14 years old.  I am afraid that vaccinating her at that age might do
>>> more harm than good.  The others only go out for an hour or 2 and most of
>>> the time they are on the deck laying in the sun.  Rabies is required here,
>>> but not the others.  I do give the negative cats the FELV vaccine since I
>>> have 2 positives.
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] O T Just don't read this if it upsets u.

2012-10-06 Thread Marcia Baronda

Sent from my iPad that my most awesome kids surprised me with, Christmas 2010. 

On Oct 6, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Lorrie  wrote:

> On 10-04, Lee Evans wrote:
>>   I agree that neither candidate can make animal rights/welfare a major
>>   issue in this election and I also agree that the economy is the major
>>   issue that impacts our rescues and other people's companion animals the
>>   most.  Then I look at the incumbent and see a man who was trussed up
>>   like a chicken about to go into the rotisserie and I see who did the
>>   trussing up, the Republican Senate.  I look at who started the
>>   sub-prime mortgage mess that led to so many people losing their homes
>>   and I see a Republican President allowing banks and stock brokers and
>>   CEO's of investment companies to have free rein to grab the money and
>>   run.  I see an ineffectual congress trying to get a fair tax program
>>   wherein people earning over a quarter of a million dollars a  year
>>   would pay their fair share of taxes to run the country.  Then I see
>>   Republicans putting up road blocks by saying that businesses would have
>>   to shut down if taxes were raised.  Who the heck ever mentioned
>>   businesses?  The problem is INDIVIDUALS who are rolling in money. I see
>>   Republicans coming in with smoke and mirrors and clouding the issue,
>>   confusing people into thinking that the tax hike would be on
>>   businesses.  I see a ridiculous-on-both sides health care plan with
>>   over a thousand pages of gibberish regulations.  What's wrong with just
>>   extending Medicare and Medicaid to everyone?  What's the problem with
>>   not re-inventing the wheel and adopting the Canadian health care
>>   model?  Then my friends tell me that we need a business man with a good
>>   sense of the economy to run the country.  And I say, these are the same
>>   people who ran the country off a cliff for 8 years.  I don't think I
>>   want them in the drivers seat again.  Just my opinion.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread longhornfans
Same thing happened to one of my cats with Revolution. But his fur did not come 
back white. It eventually grew back to his normal color. By the way, 
Interceptor is a pill for both dogs & cats. I will no longer give topical 
applications for treatment.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-Original Message-
Sender: "Felvtalk" 
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2012 22:51:30 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw:  Flea Products


 Lee Evans  wrote: 
> I'm not sure that fleas can become immune to meds.  The ones who are on the 
> cat die.  The ones who hatch from the floor jump on the cat, die.  The ones 
> who lay eggs are apparently still alive so how can they become immune to a 
> product?  Unless Super Flea survives the treatment and goes on to reproduce.  
> But it's probably a good idea to switch products any way.  Some are good for 
> treating heavy flea infestations (Frontline Plus) and some have mange, worm 
> prevention also, Revolution.  I have not had good results with Revolution on 
> fleas although it's great for preventing mange and sometimes reducing 
> infestation of earmites.  I find that Advantage is also good for heavy flea 
> infestation but I haven't tried it yet.  I have Frontline Plus right now and 
> am on my way to treat the little lions, tigers and panthers.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: Beth 
To: FeLV Talk  
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 4:06 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Fw:  Flea Products

Well I Googled before & did again. The only thing I can find is that some cats 
are more prone to Moxidectin toxicity, which is why you have to be so careful 
about dosages.
The Multi formula has meds for fleas - Imidacloprid & heartworm larvae - 

Either way the dog Multi has bit had much effect on my cats this year. I've 
heard some people say you should switch products periodically to keep the fleas 
from becoming immune to the


Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!

 From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

It's been a while since I read that about the dog Multi, however I doubt 
they've changed ingredients.  I can't remember what ingredient it is in the dog 
multi that's bad for cats.  I found the info online though so I know it's out 
there.  Maybe what I read was wrong though.  Find out what ingredient is bad 
and ask your vet if he knows the dog multi has that ingredient in there and 
tell him someone told you it was bad for cats.  I'd go back and look it up if I 
had time but I've got to get back to work cause the CPAs will be here Monday to 
audit the books for my company. 
“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

 Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 12:56:46 -0700
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

Oh great!. My vet said the Multi was OK.But it still isn't working

Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!

 From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

Also - don't get Advantage Multi for Dogs and break it down for cats.  Regular 
Advantage for dogs is okay to break down for cats but don't use the "Multi."  
Some extra ingredient in there is bad news for cats.  Obviously the cat "Multi" 
is okay.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

2012-10-06 Thread Natalie
It's true about declawing...people NEVER knew how awful it was, they thought 
it's like a manicure! Vets who suggest it are in it to make money, that's all!  
Most of them, I can guarantee, have no idea (or don't care to know) about side 
effects, emotional and physical.  1) people abandon declawed cats because of 
urinating outside the litter box, 2) cats become totally unpredictable/bite, 
and 3) going into deep depression. So, when people tell me that their cats were 
absolutely normal, how would they know that? What is normal? I've had a few 
declawed rescues - each one, without fail, peed everywhere.  I had to get 
piddle pants for them!  One would bite for absolutely no reason (that I saw), 
but he had a good reason!  Yes, there are some cats that seem not to be 
affected, at least outwardly, and people even allow them to go outside, which 
it the worst thing to do.
A friend declawed her two cats when she adopted a baby.  Both cats bit the baby 
really hard when their tails or ears were pulled, and guess what happened to 
the cats?

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)

But isn't it the different opinions and even judgementalism that sparks new 
ideas, makes people think?  No, we should not get nasty, but especially 
declawing, that is so detrimental to the cat.  Isn't it better to find a 
solution for the clawing on furniture, find out why the cat is doing it.  Then 
we can corrrect the situation.  One thing I have learned thru the years is that 
most BAD cat behavior is caused by their people's actions or lack of 

 Kelley S  wrote: 
> I think yall misunderstand.  I don't care about off topic posts and we 
> used to talk about everything under the sun.  It's the JUDGEMENTALISM 
> that has been creeping in for a long, long time.
> Declawing  I don't do it, but one of our valued long term list members 
> (at least I hope she is even still here) volunteers for a rescue that 
> has 2 parts, an FELV sanctuary and an adoptable cat rescue - and all 
> the adoptable cats are routinely declawed by the rescue owner, a veterinarian.
> Now I'm sure just this post will generate about a month long argument, 
> which is kind of my point about judgement.
> And let a breeder come on here and dear Lord.  More judgement.  I hate 
> fighting and judging.
> On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 2:24 PM, Cindy McHugh  wrote:
> >I understand the purpose of this group, but I think it’s up to 
> > the mod to decide of OT posts are permitted. I found the OT subjects 
> > interesting, but when I didn’t feel like reading any more, I used 
> > the magical delete key.I t part, those who have participated in the 
> > OT discussions have made their points very respectfully and without 
> > insult. (I’m not sure I can say the same regarding the comment that 
> > the list has gone way, way downhill.)
> >
> > 
> >
> > I hope we call all agree to disagree as necessary while 
> > remaining dedicated to the FeLV+ kitties that need us. **I do rescue 
> > and joined this group when one of our rescues tested positive. He 
> > was adopted more than a year ago, but I’ve stayed on the list 
> > because of the kindness and compassion of the folks here. I don’t 
> > think the list has gone downhill at all and I’m sure that if someone 
> > poses a question about a cat in need, focus will quickly be 
> > redirected.**
> >
> > **
> > Cindy**
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > *From:* Felvtalk [] *On 
> > Behalf Of *Kelley S
> > *Sent:* Friday, October 05, 2012 2:46 PM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] (no subject)
> >
> > 
> >
> > I have to agree - this list used to be such a positive influence in 
> > my life - I joined years ago when I had a kitten test false pos - 
> > and I stayed because the people were so wonderful.  It has gone way, 
> > way downhill.  ***
> > *
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:55 PM, Elizabeth Malone 
> > 
> > wrote:
> >
> > I have been with this list since my kitten developed Feline Leukemia 
> > in 2006. I have seen it go way off topic and people that have been 
> > invaluable leave. I realize I don’t post often, but as I am with 
> > many animal groups I do send people that are struggling. It was most 
> > disheartening to know that they were not able to get help, but did 
> > learn that people hated their beliefs. They just needed guidance 
> > because they are dealing with this for the first time. This has 
> > always been a place to hear the newest treatments and for those 
> > given grim news the knowledge that there is always hope.
> >
> >  
> >
> > *From:* Felvtalk [] *On 
> > Behalf Of *Lee Evans
> > *Sent:* Thursday, October 04, 2012 9:47 PM
> > *To

Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread Natalie
Definitely; my vet said that cats had convulsions from Revolution – it treats 
so many things, contains more poisons!


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
Kathryn Hargreaves
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products


Advantage is safer than is Revolution for cats, or so my then-vet said.

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 7:51 PM,  wrote:


 Lee Evans  wrote:
> I'm not sure that fleas can become immune to meds.  The ones who are on the 
> cat die.  The ones who hatch from the floor jump on the cat, die.  The ones 
> who lay eggs are apparently still alive so how can they become immune to a 
> product?  Unless Super Flea survives the treatment and goes on to reproduce.  
> But it's probably a good idea to switch products any way.  Some are good for 
> treating heavy flea infestations (Frontline Plus) and some have mange, worm 
> prevention also, Revolution.  I have not had good results with Revolution on 
> fleas although it's great for preventing mange and sometimes reducing 
> infestation of earmites.  I find that Advantage is also good for heavy flea 
> infestation but I haven't tried it yet.  I have Frontline Plus right now and 
> am on my way to treat the little lions, tigers and panthers.
Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: Beth 
To: FeLV Talk 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 4:06 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Fw:  Flea Products

Well I Googled before & did again. The only thing I can find is that some cats 
are more prone to Moxidectin toxicity, which is why you have to be so careful 
about dosages.
The Multi formula has meds for fleas - Imidacloprid & heartworm larvae - 

Either way the dog Multi has bit had much effect on my cats this year. I've 
heard some people say you should switch products periodically to keep the fleas 
from becoming immune to the


Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!


“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain



Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] NY - Does Anyone know of a CAT SANCTUARY FOR: Feline Leukumia kitties?

2012-10-06 Thread Natalie

Any advice for this rescue person?  Natalie

Hi, please contact 
  if you have the info. 

Subject: Re: FeLeuk
Date: Thursday, October 4, 2012, 11:45 PM

We have a darling kitten,who's been beautifully fostered and about to be placed 
in a fabulous home; was diagnosed with FeLV today.
Do any of you have any sanctuaries or homes which could take this sweet kitty? 

Please let us know. Many thanks!


Ms. Gregg Mayer

Certified Integrative Yoga Therapist
500 Hr. RYT Kripalu Yoga Instructor
Certified Pilates Instructor
All Sentient Beings, Inc. 
(Animal Rescue, Information Clearinghouse) 
All Sentient Beings, Inc. is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization in 
the United States 


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] O T

2012-10-06 Thread Natalie
My mother-in-law is in Sweden, at 94 1/2, she lives alone, gets someone
coming in 6 times a day, bring her 3 meals, help her up, get to bed, etc.
clean her place.  It costs $200/month.  Yes, they paid into it all their
lives, but she'll never go bankrupt or be subjected to a horrible place when
time comes to move to a nursing home.  Father-in-law had a sunny private
room, great care for $10/day!

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] O T

On 10-04, GRAS wrote:
>Obama ideally wanted single-payer.

 Yes, and it is shameful that America, supposedly the greatest county in the
world, lets it's people go without medical help.
Every other first world country has single payer.

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread Natalie
That's what happened to cockroaches - they survived since the Ice Age, and
requires more lethal stuff to kill them

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products

Yes the surviving fleas become super fleas and the treatments we now use
don't bother them.  When they breed their offspring are also super fleas.
The same thing is happening with antibiotics. They have been overused and
bacteria has become super bacteria that nothing kills!
This is really scary!!


On 10-05, Beth wrote:
>I guess that is the problem - they are survivng the treatment. They are
>surviving in droves at my house. I have to flea comb every other day.

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

2012-10-06 Thread Natalie
I wouldn't do it, and if by law, you have to give them rabies vaccines, try
to get a waiver from your veterinarian.  It's not good to bombard
compromised immune systems with all those vaccines.  I would say, maybe the
initial series of FVRCP, which technically should protect them for life (not
that they say though!).

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 6:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

What are your opinions on vaccinating FelV positive kittens??
They are 5 months old and should have their first vaccinations, but I've had
immune compromised kittens die from them, so I worry.
They do not go outside but are confined to three large rooms in my cat


On 10-05, wrote:
> There seem to be a lot of questions about the flea meds.  I am having 
> enough problems in deciding to vaccinate or not.  I have a couple who 
> never go outside so are not exposed to critters that might infect them 
> and
> 1 is 14 years old.  I am afraid that vaccinating her at that age might 
> do more harm than good.  The others only go out for an hour or 2 and 
> most of the time they are on the deck laying in the sun.  Rabies is 
> required here, but not the others.  I do give the negative cats the 
> FELV vaccine since I have 2 positives.

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

2012-10-06 Thread Kathryn Hargreaves
I wonder if you should try to get a tubal ligation instead, as a recent
study indicates that longevity is tied to keeping the ovaries:

I'd avoid the vaxes, as the immune system is already wonked.

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 5:40 AM, Maryam Ulomi  wrote:

> Thank for this advice. Kitty, the little feral, I rescued us living in her
> bedroom with all her toys and things. She is due for her vaccinations and
> very soon to be spayed. I'm holding off on the vaccinations but she will
> get spayed soon. Keeping fingers crossed that when I retest her she is
> negative so she can play with my other two cats.
> Maryam
> Sent from my iPhone.
> On Oct 6, 2012, at 9:12, MaiMaiPG  wrote:
> > I might give them rabies simply because of law enforcement issues but
> you should be able to get a waiver for that.  I don't vaccinate sick/immune
> compromised animals.
> > On Oct 6, 2012, at 5:52 AM, Lorrie wrote:
> >
> >> What are your opinions on vaccinating FelV positive kittens??
> >> They are 5 months old and should have their first vaccinations,
> >> but I've had immune compromised kittens die from them, so I worry.
> >> They do not go outside but are confined to three large rooms in
> >> my cat sanctuary.
> >>
> >> Lorrie
> >>
> >> On 10-05, wrote:
> >>>
> >>> There seem to be a lot of questions about the flea meds.  I am having
> >>> enough problems in deciding to vaccinate or not.  I have a couple who
> >>> never go outside so are not exposed to critters that might infect them
> and
> >>> 1 is 14 years old.  I am afraid that vaccinating her at that age might
> do
> >>> more harm than good.  The others only go out for an hour or 2 and most
> of
> >>> the time they are on the deck laying in the sun.  Rabies is required
> here,
> >>> but not the others.  I do give the negative cats the FELV vaccine
> since I
> >>> have 2 positives.
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Felvtalk mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!

If you can't adopt, then foster "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save their
life.  Contact your local pound for information.

If you can't bottle feed, foster an older animal, to save their life, and
to free up cage space.

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by
implementing the No Kill Equation:

Here's the current growing list of true No Kill communities:

Legislate better animal pound conditions:

More fun reading:

More fun watching: especially

Local feral cat crisis?   See Alley Cat Allies' for how to respond:
Felvtalk mailing list


2012-10-06 Thread CATHERINE DIDONNA
I'm getting a message saying my message is too long. this is the second time 
this happened.My message is the most three lines. I told the person that a wet 
cloth or cotton ball dipped in Star Olive Oil kills fleas,It came from the book 
Joey Green's pet cures.Thanks. C L DiDonna___
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] sOMETHING IS WRONG.

2012-10-06 Thread Lee Evans
When you get a "message is too long" notice from the moderator, it means that 
you sent the entire thread of conversation, maybe 10 or more of everyone elses 
messages along with your two lines.  When  you click on "Reply" and write your 
message, remember to scroll down and delete all but the message you are 
answering. Also delete all the junk that Yahoo adds.  I once sent such a long 
thread through the email tool to a client at the website I work that it crashed 
our email. Boss was so angry he wrote in upper case to me for the rest of the 

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

To: ""  
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 2:44 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] sOMETHING IS WRONG.

I'm getting a message saying my message is too long. this is the second time 
this happened.My message is the most three lines. I told the person that a wet 
cloth or cotton ball dipped in Star Olive Oil kills fleas,It came from the book 
Joey Green's pet cures.Thanks. C L DiDonna
Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread Lee Evans
I don't believe that the doses would be different because you break the big one 
into 7 doses (as in Frontline Plus).  I was afraid to do this at first because 
I thought it might somehow be different than the single doses but if you think 
about it, there's no sediment at the bottom of the tube.  It's all uniformly 
mixed so no possibility of different strengths from breaking up the tube into 
smaller doses. What you are paying for in the standard cat dose is the 
packaging.  You are paying for 3 plastic tubes instead of one larger plastic 
tube.  I don't feel that plastic tubes are so great that  I want to pay $15 
extra above the cost of the ingredients.  I wish more stuff was on a "bring 
your own bottle" basis.  Some stuff in the grocery store is sold that way - 
peanut butter, honey, some cosmetics.  Everything else is over-packaged so that 
when you finish your juice or your ketchup or whatever, you either toss the 
package, bottle  into the landfill
 or you have to lug it to recycle if you don't live in a city with curbside 
pick-up.  I have been breaking Frontline Plus and Revolution into cat size 
doses for years.  Haven't tried Advantage though because it goes by weight and 
that's a little more work intensive, since I have several cats who can't fit 
through the doorway and several more who could slip through the keyhole.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: Lorrie 
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products
On 10-05, Edna Taylor wrote:
>    My vet frowns on using any dog flea product on cats because she said
>    even though it is the same ingredients, the portions of the same
>    ingredients may be different. 

The vet will make much more money if you give individual doses. I cannot do
this as I have 24 rescued cats at this time, and at $15. a pop, every month,
I'd be broke in no time, so I buy flea stuff from CAnada or overseas and
dose down from the big dog size.  However, dosing down from the big dog
size MUST be carefully figured out so the cats are not hurt.

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

2012-10-06 Thread Lee Evans
This is just an opinion stemming from a human experience with vaccinations.  I 
almost died from the whooping cough vaccination when I was 9 years old.  Again, 
when the Salk vaccine came out, my father, a physician gave me the anti-polio 
vaccination.  Now, I do approve of polio vaccinations since it's such a dread 
disease and the vaccination did almost completely wipe it out in the USA. 
However, the vaccine contained an error and some of the virus was not killed. I 
got a mild case of polio and have had some minor nerve damage on my right side 
ever since.  It doesn't improve with age, either.  So I do NOT vaccinate my 
cats.  Not with FeLv or FIV or anything but rabies (it's the law).  I do have 
to vaccinate with the FVRCP vaccine when I know that one of my rescues will be 
going for adoption though.  But I never vaccinate for leukemia.  If you have 
kittens who need the FVRCP for adoption, then you do it.  But if you are 
keeping them, I would
 advise not to do it.  And try not to get them vaccinated at the time that you 
are getting the spay/neuter operation for a cat or dog.  No medical doctor ever 
gives a human patient a vaccination before surgery.  It's terribly dangerous 
and I really resent vets who do that to people's pets.  However, sometimes you 
need to get the rabies shot at the time of s/n surgery because you are using a 
low cost clinic and you have a feral cat who can't be trapped twice. So you 
have to do both at the same time. But ferals who are outside don't really need 
any other vaccination once they are neutered/spayed.I also really resent the 
new FIV vaccination that turns negative cats positive on tests and jeopardizes 
their lives should they get lost and then tested by the person who finds them.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: Lorrie 
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 5:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations
What are your opinions on vaccinating FelV positive kittens??
They are 5 months old and should have their first vaccinations,
but I've had immune compromised kittens die from them, so I worry.
They do not go outside but are confined to three large rooms in
my cat sanctuary.


On 10-05, wrote:
> There seem to be a lot of questions about the flea meds.  I am having
> enough problems in deciding to vaccinate or not.  I have a couple who
> never go outside so are not exposed to critters that might infect them and
> 1 is 14 years old.  I am afraid that vaccinating her at that age might do
> more harm than good.  The others only go out for an hour or 2 and most of
> the time they are on the deck laying in the sun.  Rabies is required here,
> but not the others.  I do give the negative cats the FELV vaccine since I
> have 2 positives.

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread Lee Evans
I thought Interceptor was only for dogs and that they haven't developed the cat 
type yet. Could you email us the ingredients of the cat type?  I'm very 
interested because when I'm treating for fleas in the late fall and winter, I 
have to wait to be sure there will be 3 days in a row without rain. My outside 
cats think they are Gene Kelly, bouncing around to a tune in their head, 
"Singing in the Rain". And it's so much easier to give a pill in a spoonful of 
ice cream then climb walls and run across the ceiling chasing after that last 
cat who does not want his dose of Frontline Plus. In addition, it's almost 
impossible to treat my house ferals.  I managed to treat one of them on 
occasion and the one treated turned around and treated me to a 5" long scratch 
on my arm.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: "" 
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw:  Flea Products
Same thing happened to one of my cats with Revolution. But his fur did not come 
back white. It eventually grew back to his normal color. By the way, 
Interceptor is a pill for both dogs & cats. I will no longer give topical 
applications for treatment.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-Original Message-
Sender: "Felvtalk" 
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2012 22:51:30 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw:  Flea Products


 Lee Evans  wrote: 
> I'm not sure that fleas can become immune to meds.  The ones who are on the 
> cat die.  The ones who hatch from the floor jump on the cat, die.  The ones 
> who lay eggs are apparently still alive so how can they become immune to a 
> product?  Unless Super Flea survives the treatment and goes on to reproduce.  
> But it's probably a good idea to switch products any way.  Some are good for 
> treating heavy flea infestations (Frontline Plus) and some have mange, worm 
> prevention also, Revolution.  I have not had good results with Revolution on 
> fleas although it's great for preventing mange and sometimes reducing 
> infestation of earmites.  I find that Advantage is also good for heavy flea 
> infestation but I haven't tried it yet.  I have Frontline Plus right now and 
> am on my way to treat the little lions, tigers and panthers.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

From: Beth 
To: FeLV Talk  
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 4:06 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Fw:  Flea Products

Well I Googled before & did again. The only thing I can find is that some cats 
are more prone to Moxidectin toxicity, which is why you have to be so careful 
about dosages.
The Multi formula has meds for fleas - Imidacloprid & heartworm larvae - 

Either way the dog Multi has bit had much effect on my cats this year. I've 
heard some people say you should switch products periodically to keep the fleas 
from becoming immune to the


Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!

From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

It's been a while since I read that about the dog Multi, however I doubt 
they've changed ingredients.  I can't remember what ingredient it is in the dog 
multi that's bad for cats.  I found the info online though so I know it's out 
there.  Maybe what I read was wrong though.  Find out what ingredient is bad 
and ask your vet if he knows the dog multi has that ingredient in there and 
tell him someone told you it was bad for cats.  I'd go back and look it up if I 
had time but I've got to get back to work cause the CPAs will be here Monday to 
audit the books for my company. 
“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 12:56:46 -0700
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

Oh great!. My vet said the Multi was OK.But it still isn't working

Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!

From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

Also - don't get Advantage Multi for Dogs and break it down for cats.  Regular 
Advantage for dogs is okay to break down for cats but d

Re: [Felvtalk] sOMETHING IS WRONG.

2012-10-06 Thread GRAS
You have to erase a lot of stuff - previous messages!  It happens all the
time because we've all been adding our 2 cents!



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:44 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] sOMETHING IS WRONG.


I'm getting a message saying my message is too long. this is the second time
this happened.My message is the most three lines. I told the person that a
wet cloth or cotton ball dipped in Star Olive Oil kills fleas,It came from
the book Joey Green's pet cures.Thanks. C L DiDonna

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread GRAS
I actually use Frontline on incoming cats with fleas..just that once, then
it's the friendly little nematodes!



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products


I don't believe that the doses would be different because you break the big
one into 7 doses (as in Frontline Plus).  I was afraid to do this at first
because I thought it might somehow be different than the single doses but if
you think about it, there's no sediment at the bottom of the tube.  It's all
uniformly mixed so no possibility of different strengths from breaking up
the tube into smaller doses. What you are paying for in the standard cat
dose is the packaging.  You are paying for 3 plastic tubes instead of one
larger plastic tube.  I don't feel that plastic tubes are so great that  I
want to pay $15 extra above the cost of the ingredients.  I wish more stuff
was on a "bring your own bottle" basis.  Some stuff in the grocery store is
sold that way - peanut butter, honey, some cosmetics.  Everything else is
over-packaged so that when you finish your juice or your ketchup or
whatever, you either toss the package, bottle  into the landfill or you have
to lug it to recycle if you don't live in a city with curbside pick-up.  I
have been breaking Frontline Plus and Revolution into cat size doses for
years.  Haven't tried Advantage though because it goes by weight and that's
a little more work intensive, since I have several cats who can't fit
through the doorway and several more who could slip through the keyhole.



Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
neighbors too!



From: Lorrie 
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

On 10-05, Edna Taylor wrote:
>My vet frowns on using any dog flea product on cats because she said
>even though it is the same ingredients, the portions of the same
>ingredients may be different. 

The vet will make much more money if you give individual doses. I cannot do
this as I have 24 rescued cats at this time, and at $15. a pop, every month,
I'd be broke in no time, so I buy flea stuff from CAnada or overseas and
dose down from the big dog size.  However, dosing down from the big dog
size MUST be carefully figured out so the cats are not hurt.

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

2012-10-06 Thread Lee Evans
Tubal ligations are even dangerous in human females.  They can open up, get 
infected, cause blockages, even lead to tubal pregnancies although I don't know 
exactly how that would happen.  I worked in a medical office for 12 years and 
tubals never seemed to work as advertised. Most women complained of pain long 
afterwards, cramping, even bleeding. In addition, tubal ligation does nothing 
to protect from breast cancer.  Cats are very prone to mammary cancer so 
spaying would be the best prevention for that terrible menace to cat health.  
One of my cats had been diagnosed as borderline diabetic. Since Cookie was 
going to be an indoor-only cat, the vet recommended leaving her intact, not 
spaying.  She was an older cat, went into heat about 3 times in my house and 
then gave it up as a bad idea.  But she still had her hormone glands intact.  
About 5 years after I took her in, I noticed that her belly fur was wet and 
clumpy and that her nipples had turned
 dark brown.  Her appetite was also failing and she actually was allowing me to 
touch her, she was so weak.  I took her to the vet.  He diagnosed multiple 
tumors in her mammary glands.  Hormones are NOT the fountain of youth for a 
cat. They do nothing for the immune system that good care, good food and good 
supplements can't do.  In addition, tubal ligation would do nothing to relieve 
the cat from the distress of going into heat when breeding season comes 
around.  That's very stressful especially when the cat is not going to be 
bred.  Same with vasectomy for a male cat.  You would have a howling, spraying 
cat pacing around the house or running out to bite and fight although he could 
not make a female pregnant.  Sometimes vasectomies reverse themselves so the 
cat might end up being fertile after all.  It happens in humans quite often.  
In cats, it still exposes them to the dangers of mating, including contracting 
FIV and FeLv.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: Kathryn Hargreaves 
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

I wonder if you should try to get a tubal ligation instead, as a recent study 
indicates that longevity is tied to keeping the ovaries:  

I'd avoid the vaxes, as the immune system is already wonked.

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 5:40 AM, Maryam Ulomi  wrote:

Thank for this advice. Kitty, the little feral, I rescued us living in her 
bedroom with all her toys and things. She is due for her vaccinations and very 
soon to be spayed. I'm holding off on the vaccinations but she will get spayed 
soon. Keeping fingers crossed that when I retest her she is negative so she can 
play with my other two cats.
>Sent from my iPhone.
>On Oct 6, 2012, at 9:12, MaiMaiPG  wrote:
>> I might give them rabies simply because of law enforcement issues but you 
>> should be able to get a waiver for that.  I don't vaccinate sick/immune 
>> compromised animals.
>> On Oct 6, 2012, at 5:52 AM, Lorrie wrote:
>>> What are your opinions on vaccinating FelV positive kittens??
>>> They are 5 months old and should have their first vaccinations,
>>> but I've had immune compromised kittens die from them, so I worry.
>>> They do not go outside but are confined to three large rooms in
>>> my cat sanctuary.
>>> Lorrie
>>> On 10-05, wrote:

 There seem to be a lot of questions about the flea meds.  I am having
 enough problems in deciding to vaccinate or not.  I have a couple who
 never go outside so are not exposed to critters that might infect them and
 1 is 14 years old.  I am afraid that vaccinating her at that age might do
 more harm than good.  The others only go out for an hour or 2 and most of
 the time they are on the deck laying in the sun.  Rabies is required here,
 but not the others.  I do give the negative cats the FELV vaccine since I
 have 2 positives.
>>> ___
>>> Felvtalk mailing list
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
>Felvtalk mailing list


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!

If you can't adopt, then foster "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save their 
life.  Contact your local pound for information. 

If you can't bottle feed, foster an older animal, to save their life, and to 
free up cage space.

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their

Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

2012-10-06 Thread KG BarnCats
You can definitely get waiver for some medical issues or immunodeficiency.
 For rabies, if you can't get a waiver, insist on the purevax brand which
is non-adjuvanted.  It has less irritating ingredients, making it far less
likely to cause cancer etc.


On Saturday, October 6, 2012, MaiMaiPG  wrote:
> I might give them rabies simply because of law enforcement issues but you
should be able to get a waiver for that.  I don't vaccinate sick/immune
compromised animals.
> On Oct 6, 2012, at 5:52 AM, Lorrie wrote:
>> What are your opinions on vaccinating FelV positive kittens??
>> They are 5 months old and should have their first vaccinations,
>> but I've had immune compromised kittens die from them, so I worry.
>> They do not go outside but are confined to three large rooms in
>> my cat sanctuary.
>> Lorrie
>> On 10-05, wrote:
>>> There seem to be a lot of questions about the flea meds.  I am having
>>> enough problems in deciding to vaccinate or not.  I have a couple who
>>> never go outside so are not exposed to critters that might infect them
>>> 1 is 14 years old.  I am afraid that vaccinating her at that age might
>>> more harm than good.  The others only go out for an hour or 2 and most
>>> the time they are on the deck laying in the sun.  Rabies is required
>>> but not the others.  I do give the negative cats the FELV vaccine since
>>> have 2 positives.
>> ___it costs more but would
be very wise
>> Felvtalk mailing list
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread Lee Evans
Do you use nematodes inside your house?  I thought they are just for the yard, 
need soil and water to do their thing.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: GRAS 
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

I actually use Frontline on incoming cats with fleas….just that once, then it’s 
the friendly little nematodes!
From:Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee 
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products
I don't believe that the doses would be different because you break the big one 
into 7 doses (as in Frontline Plus).  I was afraid to do this at first because 
I thought it might somehow be different than the single doses but if you think 
about it, there's no sediment at the bottom of the tube.  It's all uniformly 
mixed so no possibility of different strengths from breaking up the tube into 
smaller doses. What you are paying for in the standard cat dose is the 
packaging.  You are paying for 3 plastic tubes instead of one larger plastic 
tube.  I don't feel that plastic tubes are so great that  I want to pay $15 
extra above the cost of the ingredients.  I wish more stuff was on a "bring 
your own bottle" basis.  Some stuff in the grocery store is sold that way - 
peanut butter, honey, some cosmetics.  Everything else is over-packaged so that 
when you finish your juice or your ketchup or whatever, you either toss the 
package, bottle  into the landfill
 or you have to lug it to recycle if you don't live in a city with curbside 
pick-up.  I have been breaking Frontline Plus and Revolution into cat size 
doses for years.  Haven't tried Advantage though because it goes by weight and 
that's a little more work intensive, since I have several cats who can't fit 
through the doorway and several more who could slip through the keyhole.
Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

On 10-05, Edna Taylor wrote:
>    My vet frowns on using any dog flea product on cats because she said
>    even though it is the same ingredients, the portions of the same
>    ingredients may be different. 

The vet will make much more money if you give individual doses. I cannot do
this as I have 24 rescued cats at this time, and at $15. a pop, every month,
I'd be broke in no time, so I buy flea stuff from CAnada or overseas and
dose down from the big dog size.  However, dosing down from the big dog
size MUST be carefully figured out so the cats are not hurt.

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] SusieQ

2012-10-06 Thread Christiane Biagi
This is what I love about this group.  the sharing of all kinds of info.
Its info to keep  and check out if the situation ever comes up.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of KG
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] SusieQ


If chemotherapy is an option, you could try one dose on the
Wisconsin-Madison protocol. 

my diabetic Danny was dx with lymphoma in his liver, intestines and liver -
very fast moving.  he was given very poor prognosis, maybe 10% of making a
couple months, and could easily die from the chemo since he was so
debilitated from the time it took to get a diagnosis.  honestly I only tried
because it was my sons cat and he begged for one more chance for Danny to
fight (he had beaten several life threatening illnesses before).  Well don't
you know that chemo stomped the crap out of that cancer and literally the
day after the chemo, Danny was like a new cat and came home and ate like
crazy... this was the day I thought I would be letting him go.  I was
actually furious with the ER vet because I called and was told he could come
home and I thought they didn't even know which horribly sick cat was mine.
That was 5.5 years who and Danny is still cancer free.  (He did complete the
26 week protocol)

The point is, sometimes you get lucky.  One dose of chemo will let you know
if chemo is going to work, statistically.  Those that respond well to the
first dose tend to do very well; those that don't respond, don't do well.
So you could stop after the first chemo if it didn't help. 

Another thing to try either way is agaricus blazei from
this is given to all cancer patients by Dr Alice villalobos who is one of
the nations top feline cancer specialists (Google villalobos
immunonutrition).  It is low cost and Danny's weekly bloodwork proved
without a doubt that it greatly increased his white blood cell count during

By the way do not let the liver damage overly scare you.  The liver can heal
itself, regenerate.  Denamarin works great.  Danny's went from very damaged
per bloodwork to normal in a month.

Best wishes whatever you decide.


> From: Edna Taylor 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 2:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again
> REALLY?  Y'all think so?  I don't think anyone is being mean and hateful,
but then again, I tend to see the positive side of most things :)
> Anywho, I'll ask again DOES anyone have any advice on things I can do to
make SuzieQ more comfortable in her last days.  She is 2-3 years old, was
diagnosed with a rapidly advancing cancer a couple of weeks ago, doctor said
she was exposed to FeLuk as a kitten even though she was able to shed the
virus but there is nothing we can do because the cancer has already
compromised her liver, etc.  Anyone have any pearls of wisdom to

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] President

2012-10-06 Thread Christiane Biagi
And for any kind of info, I always try to go to the original links to read
the stuff for myself.  

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] President
Importance: High

Not really, you can always find out what's true or not: All you have to do
is check on either (on any floating around rumors, even silly
ones), or - political, lots already to choose from, and if
you don't see what you need, write in the topic on top right, and search.

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] President

Problem is that there are so many rumors floating around in print and cyber
space that it makes it hard to discren the truth.

 Diane Rosenfeldt  wrote: 
> We probably should not. But it is in fact true, although it got taken 
> off the table fairly early when the Dems realized it would never fly 
> in that political atmosphere. So what we have is a slight improvement 
> on the Republican health care plan.
> Diane R.
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf 
> Of Terri Brown
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 7:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] President
> This is why I don't think we should be discussing this on this list.
> - Original Message -
> From: Lorrie 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 6:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] President
> It is true.  
> On 10-04, Terri Brown wrote:
> >I don't know where you heard that Lorrie, but it's not true.
> > 
> >Terri
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread GRAS
All around the house on the grass and under their outdoor enclosures.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee 
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products


Do you use nematodes inside your house?  I thought they are just for the yard, 
need soil and water to do their thing.



Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 



From: GRAS 
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products


I actually use Frontline on incoming cats with fleas….just that once, then it’s 
the friendly little nematodes!



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee 
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products


I don't believe that the doses would be different because you break the big one 
into 7 doses (as in Frontline Plus).  I was afraid to do this at first because 
I thought it might somehow be different than the single doses but if you think 
about it, there's no sediment at the bottom of the tube.  It's all uniformly 
mixed so no possibility of different strengths from breaking up the tube into 
smaller doses. What you are paying for in the standard cat dose is the 
packaging.  You are paying for 3 plastic tubes instead of one larger plastic 
tube.  I don't feel that plastic tubes are so great that  I want to pay $15 
extra above the cost of the ingredients.  I wish more stuff was on a "bring 
your own bottle" basis.  Some stuff in the grocery store is sold that way - 
peanut butter, honey, some cosmetics.  Everything else is over-packaged so that 
when you finish your juice or your ketchup or whatever, you either toss the 
package, bottle  into the landfill or you have to lug it to recycle if you 
don't live in a city with curbside pick-up.  I have been breaking Frontline 
Plus and Revolution into cat size doses for years.  Haven't tried Advantage 
though because it goes by weight and that's a little more work intensive, since 
I have several cats who can't fit through the doorway and several more who 
could slip through the keyhole.



Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 



From: Lorrie 
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Flea Products

On 10-05, Edna Taylor wrote:
>My vet frowns on using any dog flea product on cats because she said
>even though it is the same ingredients, the portions of the same
>ingredients may be different. 

The vet will make much more money if you give individual doses. I cannot do
this as I have 24 rescued cats at this time, and at $15. a pop, every month,
I'd be broke in no time, so I buy flea stuff from CAnada or overseas and
dose down from the big dog size.  However, dosing down from the big dog
size MUST be carefully figured out so the cats are not hurt.

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread Sharyl
I've been using Revolution on my 13 house rescues for a yr now with no 
problems.  Age ranges from kittens to 19 yr old.  I like that there is a size 
for under 5 lbs for my kittens.   It really depends on the cat.

 From: Natalie 
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products

Definitely; my vet said that cats had convulsions from Revolution – it treats 
so many things, contains more poisons!
From:Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Kathryn 
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products
Advantage is safer than is Revolution for cats, or so my then-vet said.
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 7:51 PM,  wrote:
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

2012-10-06 Thread molveywda
Also, if female cats continually go into heat but not bred they can develop a 
very dangerous condition.  It's called pyrometra something or another.  
Long time ago since my friend's cat got it so I'm not positive about the name.  
But it causes a very serious infection and can kill them if not caught.  Her 
cat had to have an emergency spay and the vet had to basically scrape her 
insides to clean out all the infection.  Very painful for the cat.

Cats are reproductively different than us so maybe that's why.  They do not 
drop their egg until they are stimulated (sex).  It may be that's why the 
male's penis has the barbs on it - to stimulate the female to drop the egg, 
thereby almost 100% guaranteeing fertilization.  Yes, I read too much.  Anyway, 
so if she's not getting booty then what happens to the egg?  I don't remember 
what I read about that but I think that's part of why they can develop this 

Sent from my HTC Inspire™ 4G on AT&T

- Reply message -
From: "Lee Evans" 
To: "" 
Subject: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations
Date: Sat, Oct 6, 2012 6:05 pm
Tubal ligations are even dangerous in human females.  They can open up, get 
infected, cause blockages, even lead to tubal pregnancies although I don't know 
exactly how that would happen.  I worked in a medical office for 12 years and 
tubals never seemed to work as advertised. Most women complained of pain long 
afterwards, cramping, even bleeding. In addition, tubal ligation does nothing 
to protect from breast cancer.  Cats are very prone to mammary cancer so 
spaying would be the best prevention for that terrible menace to cat health.  
One of my cats had been diagnosed as borderline diabetic. Since Cookie was 
going to be an indoor-only cat, the vet recommended leaving her intact, not 
spaying.  She was an older cat, went into heat about 3 times in my house and 
then gave it up as a bad idea.  But she
still had her hormone glands intact.  About 5 years after I took her in, I 
noticed that her belly fur was wet and clumpy and that her nipples had turned 
dark brown.  Her appetite was also failing and she actually was allowing me to 
touch her, she was so weak.  I took her to the vet.  He diagnosed multiple 
tumors in her mammary glands.  Hormones are NOT the fountain of youth for a 
cat. They do nothing for the immune system that good care, good food and good 
supplements can't do.  In addition, tubal ligation would do nothing to relieve 
the cat from the distress of going into heat when breeding season comes around. 
 That's very stressful especially when the cat is not going to be bred.  Same 
with vasectomy for a male cat.  You would have a howling, spraying cat pacing 
around the house or running out to bite and fight although he could not make a 
female pregnant.  Sometimes vasectomies reverse themselves so
the cat might end up being fertile after all.  It happens in humans quite 
often.  In cats, it still exposes them to the dangers of mating, including 
contracting FIV and FeLv.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 


>> ___

>> Felvtalk mailing list





> ___

> Felvtalk mailing list




Felvtalk mailing list


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!
If you can't adopt, then foster "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save their 
life.  Contact your local pound for information. 

If you can't bottle feed, foster an older animal, to save their life, and to 
free up cage space.

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by 
implementing the No Kill Equation:

Here's the current growing list of true No Kill communities:

Legislate better animal pound conditions:

More fun reading:

More fun watching: especially

Local feral cat crisis?   See Alley Cat Allies' for how to respond:

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] sOMETHING IS WRONG.

2012-10-06 Thread WESTNINTHST
Understand. Thanks.cathyy

Sent via my Samsung Transform™ Ultra from Boost Mobile

Lee Evans  wrote:

When you get a "message is too long" notice from the moderator, it means that 
you sent the entire thread of conversation, maybe 10 or more of everyone elses 
messages along with your two lines.  When  you click on "Reply" and write your 
message, remember to scroll down and delete all but the message you are 
answering. Also delete all the junk that Yahoo adds.  I once sent such a long 
thread through the email tool to a client at the website I work that it crashed 
our email. Boss was so angry he wrote in upper case to me for the rest of the 

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

To: ""  
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 2:44 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] sOMETHING IS WRONG.

I'm getting a message saying my message is too long. this is the second time 
this happened.My message is the most three lines. I told the person that a wet 
cloth or cotton ball dipped in Star Olive Oil kills fleas,It came from the book 
Joey Green's pet cures.Thanks. C L DiDonna

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again/back to Leukemia list

2012-10-06 Thread janine paton
I am surprised this list got so off topic.  A few years ago, this wouldn't be 
allowed to happen.  I have very strong political opinions, and very strong 
opinions about hunting, but what I rejoined this list for was only to 
how to deal with 9 kittens from a few different litters in same colony, where 
one tested positive and I think I got one, maybe two answers.  

I guess it's OK to talk about other things, if a newcomer feels like he or she 
has been listened to, but I did not.  

For me, 9 kittens are a lot of kittens to worry about even with past LK 
experience.  So I don't really see how a total newcomer would have been helped 
by this list over the last week or two whatsoever.  

Leukemia is scary, and this list should be an opportunity to educate.  I don't 
feel comfortable sending people to this list if they are ignored.

  Would rather stick to common sense, out of the box, how to help and what to 
expect.It's shame to loose this resource.  My 2 cents. 


From: Natalie 
Sent: Sat, October 6, 2012 7:30:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again

That’s what my vet gives me – Cyproheptadine (Periactin) – ¼ pill does a good 

From:Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee 
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again
Another brain cell woke up and reminded me that there's also an antihistamine 
called Ciproheptadine.  I'm thinking that this is the one they use as an 
appetite stimulant.

I just Googled it and sure enough, this is the one.  If you want more 
information on getting your cat to eat go to the following Website: Tanya's 
Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease.  The URL is:  There are some other hints on getting an 
anorexic cat to chow down also.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

From:Edna Taylor 
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again
I have been trying that, she eats just a smidge and then turns away :(  Thank 
you :)  Poor thing is just wasting away and I feel so helpless :(
> Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 17:58:20 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again
> You can try gerber stage2 baby food...the meat kind (ham, beef, turkey, etc). 
>Not all thw nutrition a cat needs but it gets them something. 
> Christiane Biagi
> Sent from my Samsung Epic™ 4G
> ___
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Vaccinations

2012-10-06 Thread Kathryn Hargreaves
Can you get a titer instead of vaxing for rabies each (three) year(s) or
does your law not allow that?

Also, I'm sure you know that 1-year and 3-year rabies vax are the same
contents with different labels.   And that experiments have shown the
rabies vax lasts at least 7 years, if not for life.

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Lee Evans  wrote:

> This is just an opinion stemming from a human experience with
> vaccinations.  I almost died from the whooping cough vaccination when I was
> 9 years old.  Again, when the Salk vaccine came out, my father, a physician
> gave me the anti-polio vaccination.  Now, I do approve of polio
> vaccinations since it's such a dread disease and the vaccination did almost
> completely wipe it out in the USA. However, the vaccine contained an error
> and some of the virus was not killed. I got a mild case of polio and have
> had some minor nerve damage on my right side ever since.  It doesn't
> improve with age, either.  So I do NOT vaccinate my cats.  Not with FeLv or
> FIV or anything but rabies (it's the law).  I do have to vaccinate with the
> FVRCP vaccine when I know that one of my rescues will be going for adoption
> though.  But I never vaccinate for leukemia.  If you have kittens who need
> the FVRCP for adoption, then you do it.  But if you are keeping them, I
> would advise not to do it.  And try not to get them vaccinated at the time
> that you are getting the spay/neuter operation for a cat or dog.  No
> medical doctor ever gives a human patient a vaccination before surgery.
> It's terribly dangerous and I really resent vets who do that to people's
> pets.  However, sometimes you need to get the rabies shot at the time of
> s/n surgery because you are using a low cost clinic and you have a feral
> cat who can't be trapped twice. So you have to do both at the same time.
> But ferals who are outside don't really need any other vaccination once
> they are neutered/spayed.I also really resent the new FIV vaccination that
> turns negative cats positive on tests and jeopardizes their lives should
> they get lost and then tested by the person who finds them.
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
> neighbors too!
>   --
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Flea Products

2012-10-06 Thread Kathryn Hargreaves
Just note that with cats, who lack the liver enzyme to process toxins the
way humans and doggies can, the toxic buildup is over time.

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Sharyl  wrote:

> I've been using Revolution on my 13 house rescues for a yr now with no
> problems.  Age ranges from kittens to 19 yr old.  I like that there is a
> size for under 5 lbs for my kittens.   It really depends on the cat.
> Sharyl
>   * *
> *=*


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!

If you can't adopt, then foster "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save their
life.  Contact your local pound for information.

If you can't bottle feed, foster an older animal, to save their life, and
to free up cage space.

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by
implementing the No Kill Equation:

Here's the current growing list of true No Kill communities:

Legislate better animal pound conditions:

More fun reading:

More fun watching: especially

Local feral cat crisis?   See Alley Cat Allies' for how to respond:
Felvtalk mailing list