Re: [Felvtalk] Here we go again!

2015-11-20 Thread James G Wilson
Hi everyone,

The list is running just fine. These kinds of bounces occur 
because of your email hosts. If it were an issue with the 
list, a lot more people would be experiencing the problem. 
This is not a Yahoo group or any other such forum. This 
mailing list program is caled Mailman, and it runs directly 
from the website. If Mailman receives 
too many bounces from an email account, it blocks it 
temporarily to avoid an overflow of continuing bounces 
back to it- which would otherwise clog up list resources. 
Again, either mailboxes are full or the email host 
misidentifies FeLVTalk messages as spam. You should 
contact your host and ask them make sure that our list 
mail is recognized as safe. I hope this information is 

Kind regards

On 20 Nov 2015 at 6:01, Lee wrote:

> About a year ago I also got a cluster of this nonsense although I
> had not posted anything to the list in months. Although I am on a
> couple of other cat lists, this one is the only one that turns
> screwy and sends out this type of message.
> On Nov 19, 2015 5:19 PM, Lorrie <> wrote:
> >
> > I get this *&^% about every three weeks.  Really maddening. 
> > Is anyone else getting them? 
> >
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> rg

James G Wilson - (Weather for Springfield, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ADMIN Re: Mail bounces

2015-10-30 Thread James G Wilson
Hi Lorri, 

I'm sorry you and others are having problems with the 
FeLVTalk list mail. This error is an automatic response 
that is sent out when too many emails from the list are 
rejected by your ISP (Internet Service Provider). is one of the more temperamental ISPs. Do 
you have any other email accounts you could use for list 
mail? Since these messages are automated, I have no 
control over them. Please let me know if you have 
another email address that you can use for this list, and I 
will help you set it up. Again, I apologize for the 

James G Wilson - (Weather for Springfield, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Testing the list

2015-09-21 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all,

Just testing the list. There hasn't been any traffic in 
awhile. Hope everyone and their little ones are doing well. 
Best wishes.

James G Wilson -
(217) 816-8680 (cell) (Weather for Springfield, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Winstrol Study Article

2015-09-21 Thread James G Wilson
Hi Amani, Kelley, and all,

This list does not provide for posting pdf files or picture 
images (jpg, gif, png, etc). It is a text-based information 
resource with a limit of 20Kb of text per message. If your 
message to the group bounces, it is probably because 
you need to trim down the quoted materials from all of the 
previous messages that have been quoted in the thread. 
Please let me know if you have any questions about all of 

Amani, I found the article on Winstrol online at:
3  Everyone should be able to copy and paste it into their 
browsers to read it. Please let me know if there are any 
problems accessing the link from here. Kind regards.

On 21 Sep 2015 at 18:54, Amani Oakley wrote:

> Hi Kelley
> I have responded and attached an article but I don't see my post
> coming through. It may be because of the article size, that there
> may be a delay. I will watch and see if it goes through and try to
> repost.
> Amani

James G Wilson -
(217) 816-8680 (cell) (Weather for Springfield, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] general list issue

2014-06-01 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

Sorry for the delay. I have fixed both the 'reply-to' 
problem and the archive issue. New messages should 
have as the reply-to 
address, and they should start showing up in the archive 
now. Lance, I am so sorry to hear about Ember... After 
seventeen years of doing this list, such news is still hard 
to read... Please let me know if there are any other issues 
that need taken care of. I will try to attend to them ASAP. 
Best wishes to everyone.

James G Wilson - (FeLV Support Site) (Weather for Springfield, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Testing - list is quiet

2013-03-13 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

I hope everyone is doing well. Just testing again since 
everything is a little too quiet. Please disregard.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Support) (for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Testing again to be sure the list is working

2013-02-26 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

Just sending a quick note to see if our webhost has fixed 
the mailing list issues. Please ignore this note. Hope all is 
well with everyone and their furries! Best wishes.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Support) (for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Testing.. no mail since Feb. 9th?

2013-02-24 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

I think there may be a problem with our server since there 
has been no mail since the 9th. I will be checking into this 
today as time permits. Sorry for the inconvenience. 
Kind regards.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Support) (for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ADMIN: Please take the politics and other OT topics to appropriate lists

2012-10-10 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all,

I must reiterate that this list is for discussing FeLV, 
treatments, and support for caregivers. It is NOT a 
politics, hunting, personal soapbox, etc. list. We have a 
well-defined mission here to discuss FeLV. All of these 
other topics need to be taken to forums where such topics 
are discussed. I would hate to have to suspend this list 
because some want to ignore or bring their own 
interpretations into my gentle reminder about OT posting 
here. But, if suspending this list for a short time is the only 
way to stop the continuation of the off-topic chatter, I will 
have to do so. It is rude to continue these conversations 
after being asked to stop. Thank you for your 
consideration and cooperation. Kind regards.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Support) (for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ADMIN: Too much OT posting

2012-10-09 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

Hope everyone is doing well. I have received a number of 
complaints privately about the amount of OT posting of 
late. There are a lot of people whose mailboxes simply 
cannot handle the volume of extraneous mail. Also, 
people should be respectful of the mission of this group 
and try to stay on topic as much as possible. Yes, OT 
posts once in awhile are ok. But, it has gotten a bit out of 
hand of late. So, please try to keep posts on topic again. 
Thank you all for your cooperation. After all, we are all 
here for our cats and for each other. Kind regards.

James G. Wilson - FeLV list administrator (FeLV Support) (for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Testing the list... too quiet

2012-08-13 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all,

Just testing the list since it's been so quiet. Hope this 
goes through ok. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Support) (for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] also not receiving emails

2012-06-27 Thread James G Wilson
Hi everyone,

List activity is pretty low (relative to what it has been in 
past years). Also, I think there are occasionally glitches 
with the free mail services (hotmail, yahoo, etc) where 
mail isn't always delivered in a timely way. If anyone feels 
they are missing any posts, please check the archives at:

Hope this helps, and sorry for any inconvenience. Best 
wishes to all.

On 20 Jun 2012 at 21:26, czadna sacarawicz wrote:

 used to get emails daily but for last couple months get them rarely
 though have emailed James??.
 you and our beloveds are vital in my life


James G. Wilson - (FeLV Support) (for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] TNR

2012-03-11 Thread James G Wilson
The maximum length of messages is set to 20Kb. So, I 
am not sure how a 30Kb one got through. I've added your 
other email address back. Let me know if there's anything 
else I can do. Kind regards.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] I guess the list is working again?

2012-02-03 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all,

I still have not heard back from our webhost regarding the 
glitch with the felvtalk mailing list. So, here's hoping that 
things are working again. I'll let everyone know as soon 
as I hear from the webhost. Best wishes to all!

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Testing the list

2012-01-30 Thread James G Wilson
Hey everyone,

I am just testing the list again. Our webhost moved our 
account to a new server earlier in the week. And, I haven't 
seen any traffic on here since then. I hope this goes 
through ok. And, I hope everyone is enjoying their 
weekend. Best wishes.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] testing

2011-12-14 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all,

Sorry for the extra mail. Just testing to be sure the list is 
working as it should. Haven't seen any traffic for a few 
days now. Hope all is well with everyone. Best wishes.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] testing the list again

2011-09-18 Thread James G Wilson
Hello all, 

We seem to have had another glitch with the list. I hope 
that I have it fixed now. So, I am just sending out a test 
message to be sure. I hope everyone is doing well. Best 

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ADMIN: Testing the list again

2011-08-14 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all,

Just testing the list again to be sure some new settings 
are working. They are measures to ensure that no spam 
or viruses make it through to the list. Please just ignore 
this note. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ADMIN: Testing the list on the new host

2011-08-08 Thread James G Wilson
Hello everyone,

I am testing the list now that we have moved to a new 
webhosting service. Sorry for the interruption here. I am 
hoping that I have everything set up correctly now. If you 
still have any problems/questions/etc., please feel free to 
contact me privately. Best wishes to everyone!

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] ADMIN: Testing the list on the new host

2011-08-08 Thread James G Wilson
On 8 Aug 2011 at 17:30, kathryn mundell wrote:

  Just a question for you - which host did you switch 
 to - and why the switch??

We switched from DailyRazor to 
because DailyRazor had become too unstable with so 
much traffic on each server. FusionHost is a little more 
expensive, but we get a lot more for it. Plus, they claim 
that their servers are never overloaded. DailyRazor ran 
really slow all the time because of their constant 
overloads. Hopefully, things are back to normal here. Best 

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Admin: Testing...

2011-01-31 Thread James G Wilson
The list has been rather quiet. As mentioned before, I 
hope no news is good news. Also (in case you missed the 
announcement), we have a forum for folks who'd like to 
post in that format. It's at:
If you've subscribed, but I haven't confirmed you yet, 
please let me know privately. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] New Forum for the group

2010-12-28 Thread James G Wilson
Hello everyone,

Hope you all are enjoying this holiday season. By request, 
I've created a new web forum on the 
website to supplement this mailing list. Feel free to 
browse the new forums and sign up at: 
Also, please feel free to send me your questions and/or 
suggestions on how to improve this project as it goes 
forward. Some people don't like being on mailing lists, so 
this is an option for them. I'm hoping to add FeLVTalk 
mails as a posted section to the forums so that nobody 
misses out on anything. Here's hoping this project goes 
well :)  Best wishes to all!

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] New Forum for the group

2010-12-28 Thread James G Wilson

On 28 Dec 2010 at 16:22, wrote:

 Is it possible to take me off the list?
 Thank you 

Yes. I removed Kathy. If anyone else would like to be 
removed or have their mail settings changed, please let 
me know. Best wishes.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude

2010-08-04 Thread Julie G.
Thanks Paola, I honestly thought he'd be around a year or so yet! His blood 
panel didnt show any signs of trouble so I was hopeful.  Didnt know what I was 
gonna DO with him for a year, but that's a different story ;)  (I have 4 cats 
he was living in the basement).

The tumor thing came out of no where and I wasnt expecting it.  But hey I didnt 
know what to expect!  

Amazing how a little guy can touch your heart so fast!

From: paola cresti
Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 10:47:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude

Hi Julie, 
I took in a stray that turned out to be FeLV+ at the same time you did (2 days 
before 4rth of July) so I really feel for you.
My little Angel is doing ok for now, but when I first took him to the vet I was 
thinking he'd be lasting a month or so as well, and the feeling was terrible 

wanted to give him the best time being as possible, not having to wonder where 
his next meal was coming from or run from other stray/feral cats in the area.
Your little Dude had a little luck in the end.

From: Julie G.
Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 3:31:17 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude

Hi I've been lurking a few weeks.  In July I picked up a stray that turned out 
to be FELV+.  In his few weeks with me he gained a pound, had a cushy bed, 
delicious premium canned food, and all the snuggles I had time to give him, 
since he lived in the basement while I tried to figure out where he could live 
(I have 4 cats).  I'd watch movies on the laptop with him on my lap, snoozing 
away happily.  He always seemed a little wobbly, and his pupils were always 
different sizes.  But he was relatively happy so we kept on.  Last night his 
back legs didnt work.  This had happened before, my pet sitter said, but they 
always came back on after a while.  But this morning they still didnt work.  
The vet examined and confirmed that he had tumors pressing on his spinal cord.  
He was in pain and his entire back end didn't do what he wanted it too.  So the 
decision was made to let him go.  

He'd been living under porches on my block for at least a few months when we 
finally caught him.  I'm so glad we did, I cant imagine what a frustrating, 
frightening life he'd be having out on the street right now, starving, full of 
tape worm, and 2 back legs that wont work.  I'm crushed that we couldnt give 

a better life, and for longer, but I'm glad we got to him when he needed us, 

filled his belly and his heart for a few weeks.  Safe and comfy and within a 
foot of food at all times. :)

Anyway, I dont know anything about FELV, this was my first introduction to 

so I dont exactly know how the tumors are related (cancer?)... but I wanted to 
drop a line to folks who understand.  He wasnt my kitty for long, but he was my 

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude

2010-08-04 Thread Julie G.
Oh boy thank you for the props. :)  

I'm so glad I didnt put him to sleep the moment they found out he was FELV.  
That was presented as an option, and I thought I at least have to go do some 
research, and give him some love and snuggles tonight if he really has to be 
to sleep... but then he stayed a month. :)

I have to wonder if the day we finally caught him (I'd tried a few times)... if 
that was a day his legs were off and that's why we were able to just go scoop 
him up from laying in the gutter.  It sort of all comes together now. 

Anyway... Thanks for the love you guys have all sent  It helps to have 
like you out there in the world who understand. 


From: Emeraldkittee
hi Julie,
He sure was your kitty, and always will be!  What a heartache that you came to 
know him during his final weeks, but what a blessing for him - I can't imagine 
the anquish he would have felt suffering like that.  I am sure he's in heaven 
now, but he surely thought he was in heaven the moment you took him in.  It's a 
beautiful story and you are to be commended for helping him without even 
much about the condition.  I, too, have a stray who turned out to be positive 
this story tugged at my heart.  Bless you and your angel boy.

--- On Tue, 8/3/10, Julie G. wrote:

Hi I've been lurking a few weeks.  In July I picked up a stray that turned out 
to be FELV+.  In his few weeks with me he gained a pound, had a cushy bed, 
delicious premium canned food, and all the snuggles I had time to give him, 
since he lived in the basement while I tried to figure out where he could live 
(I have 4 cats).  I'd watch movies on the laptop with him on my lap, snoozing 
away happily.  He always seemed a little wobbly, and his pupils were always 
different sizes.  But he was relatively happy so we kept on.  Last night his 
back legs didnt work.  This had happened before, my pet sitter said, but they 
always came back on after a while.  But this morning they still didnt work.  
The vet examined and confirmed that he had tumors pressing on his spinal cord.  
He was in pain and his entire back end didn't do what he wanted it too.  So the 
decision was made to let him go.  

He'd been living under porches on my block for at least a few months when we 
finally caught him.  I'm so glad we did, I cant imagine what a frustrating, 
frightening life he'd be having out on the street right now, starving, full of 
tape worm, and 2 back legs that wont work.  I'm crushed that we couldnt give 

a better life, and for longer, but I'm glad we got to him when he needed us, 

filled his belly and his heart for a few weeks.  Safe and comfy and within a 
foot of food at all times. :)

Anyway, I dont know anything about FELV, this was my first introduction to 

so I dont exactly know how the tumors are related (cancer?)... but I wanted to 
drop a line to folks who understand.  He wasnt my kitty for long, but he was my 

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude

2010-08-03 Thread Julie G.
Thanks. That's what's getting me by too, knowing that had we not snatched him 
last month, right now he'd be frustrated and scared, wondering how in the heck 
he was going to eat tonight since he couldnt make it up the stairs to the food 
dish on my neighbor's porch.  I just cant imagine.  

He didnt get to stay long, but I hope he had a good time at the Motel Julie. ;)


From: Chris
Good for you for giving this little guy some good times at the end of his
life.  Had you not been there for him, he would have suffered so much out
there.  No matter what happened to him in the first part of his life, he got
to know love and caring and the good life he so deserved.  Thank you so much
for doing that for him...

Christiane Biagi

-Original Message-
Hi I've been lurking a few weeks.  In July I picked up a stray that turned
to be FELV+.  In his few weeks with me he gained a pound, had a cushy bed, 
delicious premium canned food, and all the snuggles I had time to give him, 
since he lived in the basement while I tried to figure out where he could
(I have 4 cats).  I'd watch movies on the laptop with him on my lap,
away happily.  He always seemed a little wobbly, and his pupils were always 
different sizes.  But he was relatively happy so we kept on.  Last night his

back legs didnt work.  This had happened before, my pet sitter said, but
always came back on after a while.  But this morning they still didnt
The vet examined and confirmed that he had tumors pressing on his spinal
He was in pain and his entire back end didn't do what he wanted it too.  So
decision was made to let him go.  

He'd been living under porches on my block for at least a few months when we

finally caught him.  I'm so glad we did, I cant imagine what a frustrating, 
frightening life he'd be having out on the street right now, starving, full
tape worm, and 2 back legs that wont work.  I'm crushed that we couldnt give
a better life, and for longer, but I'm glad we got to him when he needed us,
filled his belly and his heart for a few weeks.  Safe and comfy and within a

foot of food at all times. :)

Anyway, I dont know anything about FELV, this was my first introduction to
so I dont exactly know how the tumors are related (cancer?)... but I wanted
drop a line to folks who understand.  He wasnt my kitty for long, but he was

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude

2010-08-03 Thread Julie G.
Thanks Sharyl.  I was hell bent that I was going to find him a home too. I was 
even trying to get some of my college kid neighbors to take him on, and I would 
sponsor his food and vet expenses.  I mean I was paying for him anyway, I may 
well pay for him to live in someone's house and not in my crummy basement 
But alas we didnt get that far.  For a stray kitty, he sure was well behaved 
lovey!  Big goofball. I lit a candle for him on too.  His 
temporary name was Big Head.  I guess it's the only one he got!  :)

From: Sharyl
Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 5:43:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude

Julie, thank you for taking in Dude and giving him the love and attention he 
deserved.  At least in the end he knew he was loved.  We each do what we can to 
help the FeLV kitties but you took that extra step to help a stray who 
desperately needed you.  

Thanks to you he had a peaceful passing.
Lighting a candle tonight for Dude.

--- On Tue, 8/3/10, Julie G. wrote:

 From: Julie G.
 Subject: [Felvtalk] Lost my FELV Stray dude
 Date: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 6:31 PM
 Hi I've been lurking a few weeks. 
 In July I picked up a stray that turned out 
 to be FELV+.  In his few weeks with me he gained a pound,
 had a cushy bed, 
 delicious premium canned food, and all the snuggles I had
 time to give him, 
 since he lived in the basement while I tried to figure out
 where he could live 
 (I have 4 cats).  I'd watch movies on the laptop with him
 on my lap, snoozing 
 away happily.  He always seemed a little wobbly, and his
 pupils were always 
 different sizes.  But he was relatively happy so we kept
 on.  Last night his 
 back legs didnt work.  This had happened before, my pet
 sitter said, but they 
 always came back on after a while.  But this morning
 they still didnt work.  
 The vet examined and confirmed that he had tumors pressing
 on his spinal cord.  
 He was in pain and his entire back end didn't do what he
 wanted it too.  So the 
 decision was made to let him go.  
 He'd been living under porches on my block for at least a
 few months when we 
 finally caught him.  I'm so glad we did, I cant imagine
 what a frustrating, 
 frightening life he'd be having out on the street right
 now, starving, full of 
 tape worm, and 2 back legs that wont work.  I'm crushed
 that we couldnt give him 
 a better life, and for longer, but I'm glad we got to him
 when he needed us, and 
 filled his belly and his heart for a few weeks.  Safe and
 comfy and within a 
 foot of food at all times. :)
 Anyway, I dont know anything about FELV, this was my first
 introduction to it... 
 so I dont exactly know how the tumors are related
 (cancer?)... but I wanted to 
 drop a line to folks who understand.  He wasnt my kitty
 for long, but he was my 
 Felvtalk mailing list


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Second Chance Meows Sanctuary - THANK YOU!

2010-04-12 Thread G Brickey

Hi list,


I just saw a post on the FeLV group list where someone was saying how 
depressing the posts on the FeLV list could be... I know much of the news seems 
to be sad, especially when cats pass on, but I wanted to post my heartfelt 
thanks to Michael and his family at Second Chance Meows for finding a spot in 
their home for my FeLV+ kitten Wisp. 


He responded to my posted plea a few weeks ago about finding a placement for my 
little 6 month old foster tabby girl who had just gotten her FeLV confirmation 
- second test.  I was being pressured by other fostering friends to euthanize 
her and was resisting since she was currently so healthy, loving, and playful, 
except for a tendency toward constipation.  


I foster many many neonatal kittens each year for a So. Cal. rescue group, so 
it was imperative for the potential wellbeing and lives of so many other 
incoming kittens that I find a safe place for Wisp to live so as not 
unwittingly endanger my other fosters.  I had her in the best quarantine I 
could manage, but everyone knows that kittens are both inquisitive and 
ingenious... so I knew it could be a big problem when they got to the climbing 
age.  I had contacted a couple of other shelters, but they were just not a good 
fit for her for various reasons.  I had just taken in 5 newborn kittens and was 
getting pretty desperate when I joined this group and googled for information 
and discovered Snowball's story.


Well, to make a long story short, Michael agreed to take Wisp, and my husband 
and I, with Wisp in a large wire crate in the back seat, made the long trek 
from Ventura to Reno, via I-5 - about 9 or 10 hours of driving... some of it 
behind a snowplow and praying all the time that we could make it through in our 
old Subaru... without any snowchains onboard...we eventually arrived and Wisp 
received a warm welcome from Michael and his wife and one of their other FeLV+ 
cats.  We stayed for over an hour and got to meet almost all the other kitties 
(one was a bit shy and out of sight) and see where Wisp would be living 
whatever days, months, or years that she will be allowed by her Creator and of 
course to talk to Michael and his family and watch him expertly assess our 


I just had a call from Michael and Wisp is having the time of her life.  She 
doesn't have the run of the whole home yet, but what she does have even right 
now is one heck of a lot better than a 7 by 3 by 2 foot cage on sawhorses in my 
livingroom!  Michael told us that the bowel issues are resolving and she is 
looking great and acting very happy.  I miss her, but I KNOW this is the most 
perfect placement I could have found for her... a loving home with other FeLV+ 
cats she can socialize with and someone who is knowledgeable about FeLV+ and a 
family that will take care of her for as long as she lives.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart - Michael, Char, and family!




Georgetta (with 11 neonatal fosters - gotta go feed!)  bye for now!


The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Testing

2010-04-06 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, just testing the system since there hasn't been 
any posts for a few days. Hope everyone is doing well. 
Best wishes

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Newbie with FeLV kitten

2010-03-22 Thread G Brickey

Dear List,


I haven't read too many of your list posts, but I ran onto one while googling 
for sanctuary options and wondered if somone on the list could provide me with 
more information about Snowball's placement in the Second Chance Meow in Reno.


I have a 5-6 month old kitten who has been in my care (quarantined) since 
January 2.  She was a mess when she arrived - very scared, skinny,  
dehydrated, bad case of mange, diarrhea, etc... She has tested positive with 2 
different FeLV tests (Snap and a confirming test that the vet sent out for 


I foster bottle babies for a local (So. Calif.) rescue and this is my first 
FeLV + kitten in 6 years (and over 150 kittens) of fostering neonatals.  I have 
spent many hours googling and reading about FeLV in cats, but have been unable 
to locate a sanctuary that will consider taking my little Wisp tabby girl.  She 
has some special needs in that she has to have wet food mixed with water and  
Benefiber powder instead of free feeding kibble or she gets horribly plugged up 


I happened onto the post where one of your members (Laurie) found a sanctuary 
for Snowball at Second Chance Meow in Reno.  Can Laurie or someone give me more 
information about it and possibly contact information/link to their website?


Kitten season is beginning here and I can't safely quarantine Wisp for much 
longer.  She is getting too big and active.  I dread the thought of euth. but I 
can't risk the health of our 3 cats (former fosters) and I just got my first 
litter of 2010 - 5 10-day olds found in an attic.  Little Wisp wants so badly 
to come out and play with the other cats - I need to find her a place where she 
can get the care she needs and hopefully have a few FeLV friends to play with.  
She is sweet and lively and pretty darn feisty now that she is feeling so good.


Thank you in advance for any advice and/or information you can provide.



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Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Lyttle Guy passed away

2010-01-25 Thread James G Wilson
Lyttle Guy passed away in my arms at 4:18am this 
morning. He had series of seizures and then gasped his 
last breath. He was truly loved and shall be dearly 

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] OT: Pleural Effusion

2010-01-22 Thread James G Wilson
Hi everyone, 

Three months ago, my cat, LG, was first treated for fluid 
buildup in his lungs. He went nine weeks before needing 
to have that fluid drained again. Now, it seems that we 
are having it done every four or five days. 

LG is on prednisolone and Salix (diuretic to help slow the 
fluid buildup). The vet is calling what he has pleural 
effusion. Has anyone else here had this problem? Do you 
and/or your vets have any other suggestions about 
possible treatments for it? Once LG gets the fluid drained, 
he eats like crazy and is pretty much his old self. He is 
twelve and a half years old now. Thanks for any and all 
suggestions on this. Best wishes to all!

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT: Pleural Effusion

2010-01-22 Thread James G Wilson
On 22 Jan 2010 at 18:15, Belinda Sauro wrote:

Is he on any lasix or spirnolactone, he should be on 
 one or both?

He's on Salix- which is the same class of diuretic. Another 
member wrote off list about a combo of stuff that she 
used to get her young cat well after having the exact 
same symptoms. 

She said, We started him on antibotics (Zenaquin - .25 
mg.), Interferon ( 1 Ml.) ,DMG ( 1ml), and Lysine (500 
mg.) and  1/2 pred 2ml.).  Mixed it all up in a needle-less 
syringe and squirited it in his mouth.I gave this to him for 
three weeks and he has never been sick again.

Has anyone else here had luck with this combo? I hate to 
give him this much diuretic because it will have adverse 
effects on his kidneys :(  Thanks again for any and all 

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] SPAM!

2009-11-17 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

It takes a pretty sad individual to go through the process 
of signing up to this group just to SPAM us... :(  That 
person has been removed now. So, please don't bother 
responding to it. Sorry that this has to happen, but it is 
taken care of. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT: Fluid buildup in the chest

2009-10-24 Thread James G Wilson
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and suggestions 
on LG's chest fluid. Thankfully, he is not FeLV+. This fluid 
just seemed to come out of nowhere because he is so 
healthy otherwise. He is on prednisone and a diuretic 
(salix- 12.5mg). He is going to the litterbox about every 
three hours to pee now. He is eating, and I saw him drink 
some water just awhile ago. 

I was worried about how to pill LG because he is so 
stubborn about such things. The vet gave (sold!) me 
these treats called LeanTreats from NutriSentials. I was 
skeptical since LG is so finicky. I put the pills in the treat 
and squished it up and put it front of him. He sniffed it for 
a bit, licked it once and then acted like he was going to 
walk away. Then, he came right back and wolfed it down 
in one bite! I was shocked! :)  So, he's getting his pills.

I guess the main questions I have are these. How long 
before the fluid builds up again? He's on seven days 
straight of the pred and diuretic.. then it goes to every 
other day. I was given 20 pills each. He's breathing SO 
MUCH better today- no heavy breaths at all. Even after 
they drained the fluid yesterday, he was still breathing a 
bit heavy. But, that could have been the stress of it all too. 
I just want the best for him- a good quality of life for as 
long as he wants it... Thanks again for everyone's 
assistance. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Wolfie Update

2009-10-24 Thread James G Wilson
MC, Belinda and all, 

Yes, the archives are intact. They are on a separate 
server, so they weren't affected by the issues we had 
back in July of '08. Belinda, I typed in Acemannan just to 
be sure. Here's the url: 

I hope that helps. We too are keeping fingers and paws 
crossed for Fred. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] OT: Fluid buildup in the chest

2009-10-23 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

Sorry for the off-topic post. But, my male cat, LG, is sick. 
Took him to the vet this morning because he wasn't 
breathing right. He had 288cc's of fluid built up around his 
heart and lungs :( :( :(  They drained the fluid, and his 
color came back almost immediately. He's on prednisone 
and a diuretic to help curb the fluid buildup... 
Unfortunately, there were lots of leukocytes in the fluid 
which means a great chance of lymphatic cancer :( :( :(  
The prednisone is giving him his appetite back at least. 
He hadn't eaten in two days now... And, he was already 
too thin. 

Does anyone here have any experience with all of this? 
LG is twelve years old and quite healthy otherwise. 
Thanks for any and all assistance. Best wishes to 

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ADMIN: testing the list

2009-09-18 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

I'm just testing the list since there hasn't been any activity 
since Monday. I hope no news is good news for everyone 
here. Please let me know if you're having any problems 
with the list. I'm always happy to assist. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Life without Pixie

2009-05-28 Thread G D

Hi everyone. 

I really, really appreciate
the support and wisdom this group has provided over the last 3 years
-- when strange things were happening (frothy clear vomit, a non-dilating 
pupil) and I didn't know what to do, and especially during the scary and sad 
days surrounding Pixie's death. This listserv is an example of the internet at 
its finest, bringing together a
warm virtual community of FeLV cat guardians from across the globe. You gave me 
the courage to adopt FeLV+ Pixie in the first place, when I was only a foster 
parent to her and had no previous experience with + cats.

It's been two weeks without Pixie. Grief feels like a private hell but
apparently I'm going through all the normal stages. I was in bad shape when I 
went to pick up her ashes and the woman at the crematorium asked if Pixie had 
lived a long life. I could
barely reply that she was still a baby when this disease snatched her.
But once I got her urn home and put it on the mantle, which was one
of her favorite places to perch, I felt strangely relieved: the awful
business of deterioration, dying and death was over. I
attached her collar tag to my keys (the jingling sound of which
made Pixie come running from any corner of the house in the hope she'd
get to go outside). I miss her 100 times day. 

I'm comforted to know that many of you have survived the loss of a beloved cat 
and have eventually come to love new cats.

Onwards and upwards,


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Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Pixie is a fluffy orange angel

2009-05-15 Thread G D

It is with profound sadness that I share that my sweet baby Pixie 
Katzenellenbogan passed away yesterday evening. She was euthanized by a gentle 
and sympathetic vet while I stroked and talked to her. I told her she was deeply

Yesterday I got second and third opinions from vets I felt were genuinely 
interested in Pixie (unlike the apathetic first vet) and it was terrible news 
all around (see the bloodwork analysis below). In the last two days she 
deteriorated quickly before my eyes despite the regimen of
syringe-administered diluted wet food prescribed by the vet. Her breathing had 
become increasingly fast and
shallow (a vet explained she was gasping for oxygen due to the anemia). She was 
crying out in
pain, even while lying still, too weak to stand up or walk, and staring 
blankly. It was heartbreaking to
see her suffering.  Things she once enjoyed held no interest (favorite stinky 
foods, lying in a sunbeam, toys, going out in the yard, being brushed). 

I emailed the lab results from Pixie's bloodwork to a friend who's a vet in 
Canada and her analysis was: There are a couple of things on her bloodwork 
that are alarming. 
First of all, she is very anemic (ie very low red blood cell count).  In 
with what's going on with her high white blood cell count and platelets though,
I'm less concerned about the anemia itself and more concerned about an
actual leukemia (ie cancer).  Her red blood cells and platelets are both very 
which indicates that the bone marrow is likely diseased and not
producing them properly.  On top of that, according to the written
interpretation at the bottom, the red blood cells and platelets that do
exist are all showing signs of immaturity- this means that they are not
sticking around in the bone marrow long enough to mature completely
because something (ie the leukemia that is pumping out cells) is taking
up space in the bone marrow. Besides the changes in her CBC, some other 
parameters also point
towards this diagnosis:  her calcium level is elevated which is often
seen in association with cancer and her CPK is high which might
indicate muscle wasting.  Muscle wasting is often also seen with

I thought yesterday was hard (choosing to end Pixie's suffering  helping her 
cross over) but today is even worse. Waking up with
no Pixie at the foot of the bed, no Pixie meowing for her tuna, no
scampering down the stairs. Seeing her things everywhere -- food
bowls, toys, blankets, cat grass, scratching mats, the armchair she shredded, a 
brush full of orange
fur -- is devastating. HOW can I possibly live here without her?

Pixie was born in South Philadelphia in spring 2005, rescued from the
streets during a snowstorm in February 2006, and came into my life in
March 2006. She was a feisty little champ like Rocky. Pixie became a
Dutch cat in August 2006 when we moved to the Netherlands (her
permanent  final home), flying Northwest so I could bring her in
the cabin, tucking her carrier under the seat in front of me, and carrying a
pop-up make-shift litterbox, food, water, vet documents, and Rescue

She was the perfect companion.

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Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Pixie didn't eat during the five days I was away

2009-05-13 Thread G D

Hi everyone,

Pixie is my best buddy and constant companion as I work from home. She's a 
4-year old female FeLV+. Last Thursday I went away for 5 days, leaving her home 
alone with a neighbor coming over for at least an hour each day to keep her 
company, feed wet food, brush, clean litterbox, etc. I returned from my trip 
yesterday and immediately knew something was wrong -- Pixie didn't come greet 
me and her dry food and water bowls were almost totally full (how I left them 
before leaving on Thursday).

The neighbor said Pixie didn't eat her wet food either. She is now much 
skinnier around the midsection/haunches and clearly weak. Straight away I 
syringe-fed her a wet food  water slurry before rushing over to the vet where 
the vet on duty found Pixie had lost over 1 lb (since she was last weighed in 
2007) and said her gums and eyes looked pale. The vet suggested Pixie might 
have nonregenerative anemia linked to bone marrow failure. 

She had some blood drawn, got weighed and had temperature taken but that's it. 
I'm waiting to hear the blood work results tomorrow. Vet didn't even recommend 
how to deal with the weight loss and probable dehydration. Didn't suggest 
x-rays either. This woman basically shrugged when I asked about courses of 
treatment (like, why bother?) for a FeLV cat who might have anemia. 

Bottom line: I'm terrified about Pixie and don't know what to do to help her 
recover. She's my second cat ever, and first cat I've been primary caregiver 
to. I feel guilty about going away at all last week, but she had been OK on 
previous occasions when I travelled. I've been syringe-feeding her slurries 
every 2 hours all day but she doesn't seem to be regaining strength and she's 
breathing faster than normal and I catch her staring blankly.

Any advice from you guys is much appreciated. 

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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Has anyone here used Vetricine for immune boosting

2009-04-14 Thread G. Lane

Yup, I agree...sounds like a reasonable protocol to try.  Gloria

At 07:59 PM 4/14/2009, you wrote:

I noticed when we were giving MeMe interferon daily that she became
and slept a lot. We are now alternating one day on and one day off
and I think that is working
very well. I would tend to believe your cat before your vet.

On Apr 14, 2009, at 8:34 PM, wrote:

In a message dated 4/14/2009 5:55:11 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 If it were making one
of my cats sick, I'd probably just lower the dose, but that's just a
gut reaction.  Might discuss it with the vet, of course, or research
it a bit.

well, I did.  My vet just insists that it can't be what is causing
him to
be sick on those days.  He swears it must be a coincidence but it
EVERY TIME, after about 3 days of interferon.  He says it just
doesn't make
them sick.


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Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Has anyone here used Vetricine for immune boosting

2009-04-14 Thread G. Lane

Yup, I agree...sounds like a reasonable protocol to try.  Gloria

At 07:59 PM 4/14/2009, you wrote:

I noticed when we were giving MeMe interferon daily that she became
and slept a lot. We are now alternating one day on and one day off
and I think that is working
very well. I would tend to believe your cat before your vet.

On Apr 14, 2009, at 8:34 PM, wrote:

In a message dated 4/14/2009 5:55:11 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 If it were making one
of my cats sick, I'd probably just lower the dose, but that's just a
gut reaction.  Might discuss it with the vet, of course, or research
it a bit.

well, I did.  My vet just insists that it can't be what is causing
him to
be sick on those days.  He swears it must be a coincidence but it
EVERY TIME, after about 3 days of interferon.  He says it just
doesn't make
them sick.


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Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Fwd: New to the list, would like some advice!

2009-04-01 Thread James G Wilson
Subject: New to the list, would like some advice!


I'll try to make the history brief but clear (not always easy 
for me), we adopted a kitten from ACC here in NYC in 
July 2007 to keep our cranky, one and a half year old, 
only cat Onyx company. The kitten (Cinder) was 9 weeks 
old and tested negative at adoption for FeLV. We  
added a third cat (Horus) from a rescue group that 
October (tested negative after adoption, the rescue group 
said he was negative, but there was no record of testing 
with his paperwork), and this past October added a tamed 
feral (Blackie) to the mix (kept separate from the other 
three until she was medically cleared and tested 

On January 12, 2009 our darling little Cinder was 
diagnosed with lymphoma after an extremely sudden 
decline (fine on Friday, heavy breathing, not 
eating/drinking, hiding under the bed Sunday night) at  
one year and eight months of age. I took her to the vet 
first thing Monday morning, and after xrays and an 
ultrasound found her chest so full of fluid she couldn't 
breathe and a massive tumor in her liver, we made the 
decision to let her go rather than tormenting her with  
treatment to make ourselves feel better. The postmortem 
tests revealed that Cinder had FeLV. We were in shock 
and couldn't believe how quickly she got sick!

Onyx is a three year old persian, Horus is a five year old 
mix (Siberian/Maine Coon?) and Blackie is a dsh. Onyx 
and Blackie have been the picture of health, Horus was 
diagnosed with asthma almost a year ago and is on 
Flovent twice a day.

After waiting the recommended two months, I had the 
other three tested this past Thursday. Horus and Blackie 
are negative, but Onyx came up positive. Yesterday, I had 
Horus  Blackie vaccinated, and the IFA test results for 
Onyx will be back in about a week. For now I have some 
questions that maybe some of you can answer:

1. My vet said no booster was necessary for the 
vaccinated cats, yet I see many references here to 30 day 
boosters - should I ask again or insist on the boosters?

2. The vet said to separate my kitties, but I can't stand the 
idea of locking Onyx up. From what I read, most of you 
seem to mix your positive and negative-vaccinated kitties, 
so am I being awful by not separating them? They say low 
stress environment, but Onyx likes to roam the apartment 
and it seems like it would be very stressful for her to be 

3. I feed my kitties Weruva canned and California Natural 
dry. I was thinking about supplementing with a vitamin like 
Nupro. Any suggestions in that department? Onyx is very 
picky, and it has been difficult to find foods that she will 
eat that don't upset her tummy.

I guess that's it for now, any advice anyone can give will 
be most appreciated!!


James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (MySpace) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Anyone else on Facebook?

2009-03-26 Thread James G Wilson
Yep, I'm on FB as well. Search for James G Wilson. I'm 
the one with the big red beard that's going grey...  Or, it 
might be easier to find me in Belinda Sauro's friend list :)  
Hope to see all of you there. Best wishes.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support) (MySpace) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] FelV vaccine for FelV positive cats?

2009-02-19 Thread G. Lane
Well, not exactly - what actually happened was I obtained 2 cats from 
a lady in Oklahoma, and she was a vet tech.  She knew they were FELV 
positive, and had them for several years.  HER VET (not mine) had 
vaccinated them for FELV regularly, and believed that it was helpful 
to FELV cats.

I took the cats (here in Arkansas) when she had a family problem and 
couldn't keep the cats.  I have not continued the FELV 
vaccinations.  The cats are fine.

Actually we took 4 cats - kind of long story, but they first went to 
a rescue in Missouri, for a few weeks, and then we got them in 
Arkansas.  One cat died (fatty liver - hepatic lipidosis, as I 
recall).  Another cat died after I was gone on vacation for 2 weeks 
(stress perhaps?).  The other two remaining cats have continued to 
prosper.  I haven't had them tested or vaccinated since I got 
them.I've had them for a few years, have to check when I got them.


At 03:33 PM 2/19/2009, you wrote:

Hi, Gloria,  Let me get this straightYour vet vaccinated FelV
positive cats with the FelV vaccine to deal with FelV.  I understood
that once a cat was FelV positive the vaccine was not going to change
it's status, and the cat would still remain positive.  Does anyone else
know anything about this?


 On 02-19, wrote:
 Sorry, didn't see your message till today.

 I've had 10 or 15 FELV cats over the last 6 years.  I have 5 now.
 Two of the current cats, Oliver and Chloe, came from a lady in
 Oklahoma who had to give them up because of family problems.  Her
 vet there vaccinated them regularly against FELV, as a way to deal
 with the FELV.  I'd never heard of that, always believed that was
 not appropriate.  HOWEVER - these are the only FELV cats I've had
 that live beyond 10 years old.  Go figure.

 had that live beyond 10 years old.  Go figure. Anyhow - I also have
 a friend with 1 FELV and 1 non-FELV cat who are great buddies, had
 them since they were kittens.  She's kept the FELV cat on
 interferon daily, and they're doing great - now beyond 4 years old,
 no problems.  She's had them tested once or twice - the FELV- cat
 stays negative.


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] FelV vaccine for FelV positive cats?

2009-02-19 Thread G. Lane
Well, not exactly - what actually happened was I obtained 2 cats from 
a lady in Oklahoma, and she was a vet tech.  She knew they were FELV 
positive, and had them for several years.  HER VET (not mine) had 
vaccinated them for FELV regularly, and believed that it was helpful 
to FELV cats.

I took the cats (here in Arkansas) when she had a family problem and 
couldn't keep the cats.  I have not continued the FELV 
vaccinations.  The cats are fine.

Actually we took 4 cats - kind of long story, but they first went to 
a rescue in Missouri, for a few weeks, and then we got them in 
Arkansas.  One cat died (fatty liver - hepatic lipidosis, as I 
recall).  Another cat died after I was gone on vacation for 2 weeks 
(stress perhaps?).  The other two remaining cats have continued to 
prosper.  I haven't had them tested or vaccinated since I got 
them.I've had them for a few years, have to check when I got them.


At 03:33 PM 2/19/2009, you wrote:

Hi, Gloria,  Let me get this straightYour vet vaccinated FelV
positive cats with the FelV vaccine to deal with FelV.  I understood
that once a cat was FelV positive the vaccine was not going to change
it's status, and the cat would still remain positive.  Does anyone else
know anything about this?


 On 02-19, wrote:
 Sorry, didn't see your message till today.

 I've had 10 or 15 FELV cats over the last 6 years.  I have 5 now.
 Two of the current cats, Oliver and Chloe, came from a lady in
 Oklahoma who had to give them up because of family problems.  Her
 vet there vaccinated them regularly against FELV, as a way to deal
 with the FELV.  I'd never heard of that, always believed that was
 not appropriate.  HOWEVER - these are the only FELV cats I've had
 that live beyond 10 years old.  Go figure.

 had that live beyond 10 years old.  Go figure. Anyhow - I also have
 a friend with 1 FELV and 1 non-FELV cat who are great buddies, had
 them since they were kittens.  She's kept the FELV cat on
 interferon daily, and they're doing great - now beyond 4 years old,
 no problems.  She's had them tested once or twice - the FELV- cat
 stays negative.


Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] testing the list

2009-02-03 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

Just testing the list since there's been no activity since 
Saturday. Here's hoping that everyone is doing well. 
Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - (FeLV Research  Support)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] (Fwd) Blood transfusion on Felv+ cat

2009-01-21 Thread James G Wilson
--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Jennifer Dykhouse
Subject:Blood transfusion on Felv+ cat
Date sent:  Wed, 21 Jan 2009 14:17:45 -0500

Hello everyone,
I thought I'd let you know how the blood transfusion 
helped/didn't help my Felv+ cat, so that if you need to 
reach that decision, you can see my example.
The day before we did the blood transfusion, Mr. Darcy's 
hematocrit count was at 7 (I was told that 30 is the lowest 
you can be and still be healthy).  He was extremely 
lethargic and as a result would eat. He lost 2 pounds in a 
month (even with us assist feeding him) and he was 
starting to catch a respiratory bug.
Right after the transfusion, which cost 800 dollars and 
took about 5 hours, his hematocrit was at 17.  That's 
great, but I am upset. I was thinking he'd be brought up to 
a healthy level, not just a slightly better level.  He had 
perked up and he is eating turkey baby food now, but he 
still is extremely tired and now he has balance troubles. 
What I am most upset with was the lack of information 
from my vet and the animal hospital. When told about the 
blood transfusion by my normal vet, she made it sound 
like he'd be back at a healthy level and that it could work 
for months and that it was perfectly safe. When we were 
handing him over to the vet at the hospital, he finally told 
me that Mr. Darcy could die during the procedure and that 
it may only last a few hours, days. I am furious. It makes 
me feel like money is more important then informing the 
I have decided to not do any more transfusions due to the 
fact that he's in the last stage of his illness and going to 
the vet really stresses him out. He won't eat for the rest of 
the day and since the transfusion may only give him days, 
I would rather have him enjoy his last days/weeks.  So 
right now, we're at the point where the most we can do is 
get him to eat and sleep and to pet him and love him as 
much as we can.
Now, your cat may have a different experience, but I just 
wanted to tell my story.
Jennifer and Mr. Darcy

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ADMIN: bouncing mail

2008-10-30 Thread James G Wilson
Hey everyone,

There have been a number of 'bounced' messages to the 
list lately. This is because the messages exceed size 
limits for the list. Please remember to trim your messages 
to only what is relevant to your responses. There is no 
need to quote whole messages (and whole threads) when 
responding. I know that this is a 'default setting' on many 
email programs. So, please take a moment to remove 
unnecessary quoted material from the end of your replies. 
Feel free to contact me privately if you need assistance in 
learning how to do this with your particular mail program. 
Sorry if this message comes across as mean. I certainly 
don't intend it to be so. Take care, and best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ADMIN: test

2008-09-06 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, this is just another test. Our host server is having 
problems again :(  I'm going to request that we be moved 
to a server that isn't being overused... Sorry for the 
inconvenience. We should be back up to speed soon. Best 
wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ADMIN: testing

2008-08-29 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all,

Haven't seen any activity on the list for a couple of days. 
So, I'm testing the list. Hope all is well with everyone. 
Best wishes.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] please remove me from mailing list...

2008-07-22 Thread James G Wilson
Hello all,

If anyone else needs assistance on changing preferences 
(digest mode, no mail, etc.) or if they want to leave the list 
altogether, please write to me privately at: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'm here to help. Best wishes. 

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] ADMIN: Gentle reminder about netiquette

2008-07-21 Thread James G Wilson
Hello everyone,

I apologize in advance for making this message longer 
than I'd first thought...

Now that our list appears to be back up and running 
properly, I think it's time to send out a gentle reminder 
about netiquette and what this list's mission is. 

First, remember that this list is for discussions of feline 
leukemia, related treatments and support for those who 
are dealing with this dreaded disease. We do, however, 
allow a bit of off-topic discussion because of the close-knit 
nature of this group of wonderful people. If you do plan to 
post something that is off-topic (but, hopefully, somehow 
related to FeLV and/or list members), remember to put 'OT' 
(without the quotes) at the beginning of the subject line. 

Next, remember to properly edit your emails to this list. 
Lately, folks have been posting messages that contain the 
complete text of the entire thread to which they are 
responding. This is causing problems with both the digest 
mode and email size limits for this list. So, please edit your 
messages to contain only the relevant text of previous 
emails. If you need assistance with this, please contact 
me privately, and I'll try to explain it further. 

Also, attachments are NOT allowed. That means, do not 
attach pictures, pdf files, Word document files, Excel files, 
etc. I will not forward such messages to the list.

Lastly, due to the nature of this disease and its effects on 
our furry friends, there is a potential for passionate 
debates every now and then. While this may be healthy in 
a general sense, please try to observe the following rules: 

No flaming- ie; no personal attacks, hostile language, 
personal threats, etc.,

No posting messages that proclaim a, my way or the 
highway type of rhetoric. We are a diverse group of 
people with varying opinions on which treatment options 
work best for our loved ones. Some here believe that 
certain treatment options are not viable (or are simply 
hokum) while others swear by a particular treatment. Some 
here believe in mixing positives and negatives while others 
say that it shouldn't happen at all. Even if you adamantly 
disagree with another list member's point of view, please 
be respectful and sensitive to their right to their opinions. 
Members are free to share their opinions, but they are not 
permitted to badger others into submission. 

It is my hope that this message will serve as a general 
guideline to posting to FeLVTalk. If I've forgotten 
something, or if you disagree with the content of this note, 
please contact me PRIVATELY to discuss it further. 
Please do not try to create a controversy on the list about 
all of this. Thank you. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Attn: AOL users

2008-07-18 Thread James G Wilson
Attn: AOL users

Someone with an AOL account has accused our mailing 
list of sending SPAM. I suspect that they simply want to 
leave the list but do not know how. Please either contact 
me directly, or use this link: 

If this happens again, I'll have no choice but to remove 
ALL AOL users from this list. This is an extremely urgent 
matter. Regards.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Lymphocyte T-Cell Immune Modulator

2008-07-17 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

Has anyone used Lymphocyte T-Cell Immune Modulator 
for treating FeLV? I just added it to the FeLV site after 
reading about it at Wikipedia. The info from there can be 
found at:
nt_Options   Are there other treatments that we have not 
listed on the site? If so, please send me the information 
privately along with any documentation of its 
effectiveness. Kind regards to all.

ps: Thanks to all who've donated to this project. Your 
generosity is much appreciated.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Admin: New website design

2008-07-17 Thread James G Wilson
On 17 Jul 2008 at 16:18, Gloria Lane wrote:

 It does load up faster, James - is that because of the 
 new server or hosting co, or what?

It's a combination of the new host service and the new 
design. I'm still in shock that folks hadn't told me earlier 
that the old design was so bad... At least it's fixed now, 
and the links and info are updated. Again, if anyone has 
more information and/or comments about the site, please 
let me know. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Admin: New website design

2008-07-17 Thread James G Wilson
On 17 Jul 2008 at 17:01, Marylyn wrote:

 Is there a mailing address for those of us who 
 don't do credit cards?

Thanks for reminding me. I've added my mailing address 
to the donations page. Here it is: 

James G Wilson
436 W Union St.
Lot# 8
Edwardsville, IL  62025-1476

Thanks again to all who've donated. It is truly 
appreciated. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Admin: New website design

2008-07-16 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all,

I've finally gotten around to updating our FeLV website 
(with Belinda's help). You can check it out at:  
I hope that it is easier to read and loads a bit faster. If 
anyone wishes to help update the content of the site, 
please let me and/or Belinda know privately. Reluctantly, 
I've added a donations page to the site to help offset my 
out-of-pocket costs for maintaining the site. Best wishes.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Admin: New website design

2008-07-16 Thread James G Wilson
Thanks, Sharyl. It was a typo on my part on the FeLV 
FAQ. It has been corrected :)  I know that there is still an 
issue with the fonts on that page, and I hope to have it 
corrected soon. Best wishes.

ps: I have a MySpace page if others on this list are 
interested in joining it. Belinda, MC and Davy are already 
there :)

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Admin: Working on the bugs

2008-07-14 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

I am (again) working on getting the bugs fixed with the 
FeLV project- especially the mail program. I bought us our 
own server, so things should be back to normal in the next 
two days or so. Again, I apologize for all of the 
inconvenience during the past two months. Please let me 
know if you have any questions or comments. Kind 

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] =Admin: Working on the bugs

2008-07-14 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, 

I am (again) working on getting the bugs fixed with the 
FeLV project- especially the mail program. I bought us our 
own server, so things should be back to normal in the next 
two days or so. Again, I apologize for all of the 
inconvenience during the past two months. Please let me 
know if you have any questions or comments. Kind 

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: Fwd: failure notice

2008-06-19 Thread James G Wilson
Hi Tonya, 

There are technical issues still going on with everything. 
Certain hubs on the net have not updated their 
nameserver systems since before Memorial Day. And, 
that's about the time we switched web hosts. That's why it 
is sometimes impossible to reach Plus, I 
just read that Yahoo!'s mail servers have some issues 
going on with them, as well. My apologies for the continued 
inconvenience. As soon as I find another job, I'm going to 
put on its own server. Please let me 
know if y'all have any problems/questions/etc. Best wishes 
to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (3PartHarmony Productions) (My Space Page) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

ADMIN: List back up?

2008-05-26 Thread James G Wilson
Hello everyone, 

Our webhost has been down for the past three days. But, 
they say we're back up and running. Let's hope so! 

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (3PartHarmony Productions) (My Space Page) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Reply-to fixed --- again :)

2008-05-26 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, I forgot to reset the Reply-to function again. It's 
fixed now (I hope). Sorry for the extra mail. Best regards.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (3PartHarmony Productions) (My Space Page) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Testing the list...

2008-05-18 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, I'm testing the list because it's been too quiet of 
late. My apologies for the disruption earlier this week. 
Kindest regards.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (3PartHarmony Productions) (My Space Page) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list


2008-05-15 Thread James G Wilson
Hey all, sorry I forgot to mention that everyone has a new 
password now that we're on a new server. Just go to the 
link at the very end of this message and follow the 
instructions on how to retrieve your passwords. Again, I 
apologize for all of the confusion. Hopefully, things will be 
back to normal soon. Best regards.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (3PartHarmony Productions) (My Space Page) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: Passwords

2008-05-15 Thread James G Wilson
On 15 May 2008 at 15:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi do we need to subscribe again - I couldn't see anything 
 about getting new passwords for already subscribed - 
 but that might be just me.

It's at the bottom of the page where it says, To 
from Felvtalk, get a password reminder, or change your 
subscription options enter your subscription email 

Sorry, I know it is confusing since it seems to imply that 
want to unsubscribe. But, just put your email address in 
box and follow the instructions on the next page for getting 
your password. Also, everyone is already re-subscribed to 
the list. So, y'all don't need to do anything special- unless 
want to change your settings (digest, nomail, etc.). Please 
me know if I can be of further assistance. Kind regards.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (3PartHarmony Productions) (My Space Page) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

ADMIN: Testing the list

2008-05-14 Thread James G Wilson
Hello everyone, 

We've had some recent problems with our list host. So, I 
moved us to a more reliable service. For those who would 
like to change their setting for this list (digest, nomail, 
unsub, etc.), please follow this link:
Scroll all the way down to the bottom and enter your email 
address. You'll then be instructed on what to do next. If 
you have any questions/comments about all of this, please 
feel free to contact me directly at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
and I'll assist you as best I can. Take care, and best 
wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (3PartHarmony Productions) (My Space Page) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: test

2008-04-18 Thread James G Wilson
On 18 Apr 2008 at 16:37, Marylyn wrote:

 I got it but I have been told mine was bouncing too.

I'm the list administrator, and I received the same 
message earlier today. Not sure what the problem was. 
Let's hope that it's fixed now. Please let me know if 
anyone has any further problems with the list. Regards.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (3PartHarmony Productions) (My Space Page) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

ADMIN: Recent Events

2007-11-19 Thread James G Wilson
Hello all, 

Sorry I wasn't on top of this issue sooner. I've had a 
houseguest. Anyway, both Susan and Michael have left 
the list. So, please everyone calm down and let's get back 
to the topic of this group- FeLV. We have some new 
members who may want to ask questions and/or introduce 
themselves. For the record, Belinda has my full confidence 
and authority to moderate this list. Hopefully, this will be 
the end of this nasty, off-topic nonsense. Take care and 
best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research  Support) (My Space Page) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

Re: Clear vomit in new home

2007-08-12 Thread G D
Thanks for the advice Wendy and Kelley. The good news is that Pixie isn't 
vomiting anymore and seems generally healthy (no diarrhea, normal appetite 
and energy) so I haven't taken her in to the vet...yet. I adopted Pixie 
about 18 months ago back in Philadelphia and got her old vet records from 
the woman who rescued her but it doesn't look like Pixie was vaccinated for 
panleukopenia OR anything other than rabies! Is there a set of recommended 
vaccinations I should take her in for and anything particular for protecting 
sensitive FeLV immune systems? I live in the Netherlands where there are 
very few FeLV+ cats so I don't really trust my vet to know how to give Pixie 
the special treatment she deserves. This listserv is my best resource!

I'm going to try to sterilize the floors in my new house in case the 
previous cats had infections that are still hanging around. Diluted bleach 
is safe to use right? I don't generally like using harsh chemicals around 
Pixie but the goal is to kill viruses here, I guess.

Thanks again!

Message: 6
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 12:59:24 -0500
From: Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Clear vomit in new home
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Giselle,

I would take the kitty in.  It probably isn't panleuk if she has been
vaccinated - but if she hasn't - she would need immediate and
aggressive treatment in order to live.  It isn't really something you
can treat at home.

Taking her in would also make you feel better.:)

On 8/8/07, wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Giselle,

 Welcome to our group!

 Like you, I read on the Internet that clear vomit is a symptom of 
panleukopenia, which can last in an environment at room temperature for a 

 Is your kitty vaccinated for this disease?  If not, I would take her in 
asap, just in case.  Is she having diarrhea?  I don't want to scare you, 
but because of the situation you described (new home with cats) and the 
fact that you just moved and your kitty is FeLV+, I would go ahead and take 
her in just to be safe.  Please keep us posted on her progress Giselle.  
Prayers going out that this is nothing.


 Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can 
change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ Margaret 
Meade ~~~

 - Original Message 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2007 12:37:02 PM
 Subject: Clear vomit in new home

 Hi everyone, 8 days ago I moved with my felv+ cat Pixie into a new house
 across town. Pixie seems to be adjusting well to her new environment 
 hasn't peed anywhere inappropriate so far, as she did at our old apt. 
 we were packing up). She is, however, vomiting clear liquid (sometimes 

 tiny yellow bits in it, maybe mucus?) every couple days, including last
 night and this morning. I've also noticed her hiccuping occasionally in 


 A brief Google search has me freaked out about feline distemper and/or 
 being the beginning of the end for my precious Pixie (who is about 2.5 
 She's still eating and drinking normally, although I wasn't adding 

 to her wet food as I normally do, just for the last few days while
 unpacking, and I gave her Rescue Remedy on move day and following day 
 And she actually seems to be enjoying the new house (great views of a 

 with ducks, trees with birds) and her energy level is normal. She's also
 sniffing every nook and cranny in this place with enthusiasm. I've got a
 Feliway (Comfort Zone) diffuser plugged in too.

 At first I thought she was just vomiting up Rescue Remedy (if that's 
 normal...). Do you think her immune system was compromised by the move 

 the fact I wasn't giving her L-lysine)? Two indoor-outdoor cats lived in
 this house until a couple weeks ago, and a neighbor's cat frequently 
 on the 2nd floor back terrace and it seems he left a turd there (either 
 or one of the two previous cats). Pixie never goes out there but is 
 to walk a few feet into the back garden when I'm out there. Is it 
 she's picked up a virus or bacterial infection left by these previous 

 or is breathing too much dust? Does she need to go to the vet?

 Thanks! Any advice is certainly appreciated!

Puzzles, trivia teasers, word scrambles and more. Play for your chance to 

Clear vomit in new home

2007-08-08 Thread G D
Hi everyone, 8 days ago I moved with my felv+ cat Pixie into a new house 
across town. Pixie seems to be adjusting well to her new environment (and 
hasn't peed anywhere inappropriate so far, as she did at our old apt. while 
we were packing up). She is, however, vomiting clear liquid (sometimes with 
tiny yellow bits in it, maybe mucus?) every couple days, including last 
night and this morning. I've also noticed her hiccuping occasionally in her 

A brief Google search has me freaked out about feline distemper and/or this 
being the beginning of the end for my precious Pixie (who is about 2.5 y/o). 
She's still eating and drinking normally, although I wasn't adding L-lysine 
to her wet food as I normally do, just for the last few days while 
unpacking, and I gave her Rescue Remedy on move day and following day only. 
And she actually seems to be enjoying the new house (great views of a canal 
with ducks, trees with birds) and her energy level is normal. She's also 
sniffing every nook and cranny in this place with enthusiasm. I've got a 
Feliway (Comfort Zone) diffuser plugged in too.

At first I thought she was just vomiting up Rescue Remedy (if that's even 
normal...). Do you think her immune system was compromised by the move (and 
the fact I wasn't giving her L-lysine)? Two indoor-outdoor cats lived in 
this house until a couple weeks ago, and a neighbor's cat frequently appears 
on the 2nd floor back terrace and it seems he left a turd there (either him 
or one of the two previous cats). Pixie never goes out there but is allowed 
to walk a few feet into the back garden when I'm out there. Is it possible 
she's picked up a virus or bacterial infection left by these previous cats 
or is breathing too much dust? Does she need to go to the vet?

Thanks! Any advice is certainly appreciated!

Booking a flight? Know when to buy with airfare predictions on MSN Travel.

RE: Technical issues with FeLV/does anyone know the moderatorpersonally?

2007-07-12 Thread James G Wilson
Hi Wendy and all,  

Sorry to take so long to respond to this concern. As has 
been posted, my health isn't that good. It's not bad, but it's 
not good either. When there are problems between list 
members, I tend to wait and let folks work it out for 
themselves (unless it turns into a flame war, of course). 
And, over the nearly ten years of running this list, I've only 
had to ban five people for continuing to cause trouble. This 
is a good list with good folk who are trying to care for their 
FeLV+ cats. There maybe differences of opinion on 
certain topics, but as long as everyone is respectful of 
others' opinions, all is well. 

Wendy, as to the problem with your Yahoo account, I'm 
not sure what to say other than Yahoo has had a lot of 
problems lately. They are testing various methods of 
SPAM control, so we are an occasional casualty. Also, I 
didn't receive your previous emails asking for assistance 
because the felvtalk-owner account is deluged with SPAM 
(several hundred per day now). If anyone needs me for 
anything, please keep my personal email address handy: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Best wishes to everyone.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(Fwd) from Dede

2007-04-15 Thread James G. Wilson
from Dede:
Hi everybody, I'm having my friend Missy write this for me.  You 
wanted to know about Scooter, the FeLV positive cat at Jax HS.  
Yesterday (Thursday 4/12) they finished the forensics and they 
accounted for 68 cats.  Scooter was not among them.  There were four 
FeLV positive cats at the shelter.  The week before the fire, three 
were moved out of the building.  Scooter tested negative and was 
moved in with the other cats.  When the fire broke out, he was in an 
area where the firemen first entered.  When they began breaking 
windows and tearing down doors, they threw open all of those cages.  
The other cats that survived were in this area.  All I can tell you 
is that Scooter's body was not there's still hope.  They 
think he escaped to the 14 acre woods next to the HS.  He and one 
other cat are unaccounted for.  The grey cat they found last week 
turned out to be white after they washed him!  His name is Casper, 
and he was a nasty fellow and now he is a lap bunny.  They are joking 
and saying there's nothing like losing 8 of your 9 lives to get a 
different perspective. My computer is off, and the furniture is ready 
to go (went Friday 4/13)!   Cats and us go on the 21st.
Take care, everyone.

Dede and Ki

unsubscribe me please

2007-03-22 Thread A G

Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Maybe she should try petting him 
and comforting him, if this seems like a really distressed crying sort of 
thing.  Is there dry food and water down at night, so he knows he isn't going 
to go hungry?  A bedtime snack could help too -- canned food, a little shredded 
chicken or canned tuna, some kind of treat to settle him for the night.  Might 
be worth wearing him out a little earlier in the evening -- one of those 
trackball toys or a laser light, throw in some catnip.  
  He needs a little adjustment time, and some spoiling to welcome him to his 
new home.  Maybe a few days, with ear plugs for the adopter?

Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,
  I adopted out a cat on Thursday night.  The adopter called me today and said 
he has been crying all night every night and she hasn't been able to sleep at 
all.  He is fine during the day, very affectionate, likes to give her kisses, 
but he will not let her sleep.  I need suggestions, or else this adopter will 
return this cat.  As he's a black cat, he is not going to have too many 
options.  She is not petting him when he is crying.  He is eating and using the 
litterbox.  I don't know how to get this adopter past this.  She's willing to 
try things for a few more days, but I don't think much longer than that. 

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

TV dinner still cooling?
Check out Tonight's Picks on Yahoo! TV.

Re: OT:need input: weakness in front legs

2007-02-14 Thread G. Lane
Hideyo, I'm not familiar with that - my only 
thought was to check the gums and see if he seems anemic...


At 12:12 PM 2/14/2007, you wrote:
Hi, I wanted to ask if anyone knows anything 
about the cause of weakness of front legs – it 
happened rather acute –like, his front leg ankle 
cannot seem to bend outward, and it does inward 
– therefore, he cannot sit up and has to lay on 
the side way all the time.. but he is very 
alert, and not in pain.. he does have feeling on 
all legs (not paralyzed or anything) – and his 
hid legs seem to be fine.. the vet and I area 
not sure what to make out of it – we ruled out 
FIP – any idea?  Any insight is appreciated.

Re: OT:need input: weakness in front legs

2007-02-14 Thread G. Lane
Hideyo, I'm not familiar with that - my only 
thought was to check the gums and see if he seems anemic...


At 12:12 PM 2/14/2007, you wrote:
Hi, I wanted to ask if anyone knows anything 
about the cause of weakness of front legs – it 
happened rather acute –like, his front leg ankle 
cannot seem to bend outward, and it does inward 
– therefore, he cannot sit up and has to lay on 
the side way all the time.. but he is very 
alert, and not in pain.. he does have feeling on 
all legs (not paralyzed or anything) – and his 
hid legs seem to be fine.. the vet and I area 
not sure what to make out of it – we ruled out 
FIP – any idea?  Any insight is appreciated.

Re: Midnight still peeing

2007-02-14 Thread G. Lane
Hmm - possible he's still smelling the pee on the comforter.  Might 
try something to deorderize it, and try Cat Attract cat litter in the 
litter box.


At 03:09 PM 2/14/2007, you wrote:

Ok, Midnight has been fixed and is done with his antibiotics for the 
UTI.  He is still peeing but only on my 5 year old comforter.  My 
son is in pull ups at night.  Is it possible that he is trying to 
mark over the scent of my son?
That is the only thing I can think of.  I am keeping the door closed 
and  not letting midnight in that room.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Midnight still peeing

2007-02-14 Thread G. Lane
Hmm - possible he's still smelling the pee on the comforter.  Might 
try something to deorderize it, and try Cat Attract cat litter in the 
litter box.


At 03:09 PM 2/14/2007, you wrote:

Ok, Midnight has been fixed and is done with his antibiotics for the 
UTI.  He is still peeing but only on my 5 year old comforter.  My 
son is in pull ups at night.  Is it possible that he is trying to 
mark over the scent of my son?
That is the only thing I can think of.  I am keeping the door closed 
and  not letting midnight in that room.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Big G at the bridge

2007-02-10 Thread G. Lane
Good thought coming for you and your kitty.  I took care of several 
CRF kitties, know how hard it can be.


At 10:52 PM 2/10/2007, you wrote:
My wonderful CRF kity is in a bad way. He did so well on fluids for 
3 years and is over 20 years old, but he has a large lesion under 
his tongue and cannot eat. he is anemic,,,and it would be cruel to 
extend his suffering, He is on Buprenex now and is surrounded by 
warm rice socks and comfortable,,I gave him his fluids as that is a 
wonderful comfort measure.
Please just send some good thoughts for us as this is the part of my 
rescue that is so very hard  for me. but necessary ,,,Monday morning 
I shall hole him in my arms when he makes that final journey and 
once again becomes part of the universeas do we all,


Re: Big G at the bridge

2007-02-10 Thread G. Lane
Good thought coming for you and your kitty.  I took care of several 
CRF kitties, know how hard it can be.


At 10:52 PM 2/10/2007, you wrote:
My wonderful CRF kity is in a bad way. He did so well on fluids for 
3 years and is over 20 years old, but he has a large lesion under 
his tongue and cannot eat. he is anemic,,,and it would be cruel to 
extend his suffering, He is on Buprenex now and is surrounded by 
warm rice socks and comfortable,,I gave him his fluids as that is a 
wonderful comfort measure.
Please just send some good thoughts for us as this is the part of my 
rescue that is so very hard  for me. but necessary ,,,Monday morning 
I shall hole him in my arms when he makes that final journey and 
once again becomes part of the universeas do we all,


Re: add sweet Houston to the CLS 2/8/2007

2007-02-09 Thread G. Lane
Thanks everyone, I read all these messages, you know how good they 
feel, I'm sure.


At 08:18 PM 2/9/2007, you wrote:

Gloria I am so sorry for your loss of Houston.Hugs to you.

Gloria Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It took me 6 months to get their names straight - never sure who was 
Dallas and who was Houston.  They were great, big fat, gorgeous 
kitties.  Houston black and sleek,  Dallas a fluffy white and gray.


On Feb 9, 2007, at 2:49 PM, Susan Loesch wrote:

I'm sure they didn't feel really lucky in those traps, but I bet 
they felt pretty good about it before long!   As it was, the woodsy 
area where they lived was partially plowed down, the person feeding 
them moved, and besides being crowed out, it was next to a huge 
high-traffic shopping center and just off a busy highway -- they 
probably wouldn't have lasted long there.   I named them Dallas and 
Houston right after they got to Gloria's.  I think she kept them at 
first because I was going out of town -- to Dallas.  And then she 
let them stay.
MacKenzie, Kerry N. 
That's a great background story, Susan. Thanks to you and then 
Gloria, these little souls got lucky for the rest of their 
all-too-short lives.

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Susan Loesch

Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: add sweet Houston to the CLS 2/8/2007

Houston and Dallas both were wonderful.  I'll never forget trapping 
them.  Dallas got into the first trap - this fluffy little gray and 
white ball.  Then I waited...and waited and waited.   Houston would 
come closer and go away - come closer, then back to the edge of the 
woods.  I was trapping with mackerel and his appetite- thank 
goodness - finally got the best of him!   Got them both in one 
day.  I was sure that Dallas was going to be the first to tame down 
and that Houston would stay a wild man -- but Houston tamed first 
and best - he was beautiful, so sleek and black.  They were lucky 
enough to get to live with Gloria and I got to see them 
often.  Dallas was right there across the bridge ready to meet 
Houston, as was my Leader.  How wonderful to think of all three as 
free and healthy and happy!

aw, gloria, i'm sorry.

GLOW to guide houston to his new place at the bridge, and to heal your heart.


On 2/9/07, Gloria Lane wrote:
 My sweet Houston died last night. He came to me from Susan, who
 worked hard to trap him and bubba Dallas out west of Little Rock.
 Houston and Dallas tested positive for FELV. They were just babies,
 and Dallas was a wormy kitten back then. That was Spring 2004. They
 grew up healthy happy cats, at least up until the last couple of
 weeks of their lives.

 Dallas died in September 2006, of mediastinal lymphoma. His bubba
 Houston just now joined him last night; he died quietly, was anemic,
 and Susan came over to see him before his passing. They both died
 after missing some time on their daily interferon, don't know for
 sure if that's connected, but I do think it is.

 They were both sweet loving kitties, playful, mischievous, just
 wonderful. I'm glad to have known them; I'll miss them. They'll be
 in good company - Leader, Mittens, Calawalla Banana Booboo, Mr. Black
 Kitty, and all the rest.


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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Re: add sweet Houston to the CLS 2/8/2007

2007-02-09 Thread G. Lane
Thanks everyone, I read all these messages, you know how good they 
feel, I'm sure.


At 08:18 PM 2/9/2007, you wrote:

Gloria I am so sorry for your loss of Houston.Hugs to you.

Gloria Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It took me 6 months to get their names straight - never sure who was 
Dallas and who was Houston.  They were great, big fat, gorgeous 
kitties.  Houston black and sleek,  Dallas a fluffy white and gray.


On Feb 9, 2007, at 2:49 PM, Susan Loesch wrote:

I'm sure they didn't feel really lucky in those traps, but I bet 
they felt pretty good about it before long!   As it was, the woodsy 
area where they lived was partially plowed down, the person feeding 
them moved, and besides being crowed out, it was next to a huge 
high-traffic shopping center and just off a busy highway -- they 
probably wouldn't have lasted long there.   I named them Dallas and 
Houston right after they got to Gloria's.  I think she kept them at 
first because I was going out of town -- to Dallas.  And then she 
let them stay.
MacKenzie, Kerry N. 
That's a great background story, Susan. Thanks to you and then 
Gloria, these little souls got lucky for the rest of their 
all-too-short lives.

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Susan Loesch

Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: add sweet Houston to the CLS 2/8/2007

Houston and Dallas both were wonderful.  I'll never forget trapping 
them.  Dallas got into the first trap - this fluffy little gray and 
white ball.  Then I waited...and waited and waited.   Houston would 
come closer and go away - come closer, then back to the edge of the 
woods.  I was trapping with mackerel and his appetite- thank 
goodness - finally got the best of him!   Got them both in one 
day.  I was sure that Dallas was going to be the first to tame down 
and that Houston would stay a wild man -- but Houston tamed first 
and best - he was beautiful, so sleek and black.  They were lucky 
enough to get to live with Gloria and I got to see them 
often.  Dallas was right there across the bridge ready to meet 
Houston, as was my Leader.  How wonderful to think of all three as 
free and healthy and happy!

aw, gloria, i'm sorry.

GLOW to guide houston to his new place at the bridge, and to heal your heart.


On 2/9/07, Gloria Lane wrote:
 My sweet Houston died last night. He came to me from Susan, who
 worked hard to trap him and bubba Dallas out west of Little Rock.
 Houston and Dallas tested positive for FELV. They were just babies,
 and Dallas was a wormy kitten back then. That was Spring 2004. They
 grew up healthy happy cats, at least up until the last couple of
 weeks of their lives.

 Dallas died in September 2006, of mediastinal lymphoma. His bubba
 Houston just now joined him last night; he died quietly, was anemic,
 and Susan came over to see him before his passing. They both died
 after missing some time on their daily interferon, don't know for
 sure if that's connected, but I do think it is.

 They were both sweet loving kitties, playful, mischievous, just
 wonderful. I'm glad to have known them; I'll miss them. They'll be
 in good company - Leader, Mittens, Calawalla Banana Booboo, Mr. Black
 Kitty, and all the rest.


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax 
matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, 
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Re: cat BM in inappropriate locations

2007-01-26 Thread G. Lane
You've been thru a lot with your kitty.  I certainly don't know - but 
just briefly, if he was mine, I'd try Flagyl, which is not only for 
parasites but can be useful as an anti-inflammatory.  If that didn't 
work, I'd talk to my vet about it other parasite problems.  If that 
didn't work, I'd try some of the drugs that effect mood - like 
Elavil, Valium, that sort of thing.

Might also try locking him up in a bathroom with a litter box and 
caring for him there for a couple of days.I've done that with a 
couple of cats who pooped inappropriately, feeding them good wet food 
twice a day, and after a while the poop becomes loose - guess I'm 
feeding the parasites.  When that became apparent, I switched to Flagyl, etc.

Hope you find a good solution, and maybe this helps in some way.


At 07:28 PM 1/26/2007, you wrote:

In a way, this is almost funny, and I hate to interject it between all
the terribly serious things that are happening with other's cats and
the desperate measures some are going to try and save their babies. My
heart goes out to you, Paolo and Michelle in particular.

Our ~12 y.o. FIV+ male, Otis, has begun defecating in various places
around the house. The first incidence happened probably a month ago,
when he was locked in the bedroom with no litter box for about 1/2 an
hour (feeding time). He used the closet. We said stupid us and made
sure never to do that again. A few days later, he went in the closet
again. The doors were all open and he was never locked in.

A month later, we found it in the bathroom, on the bathmat. Next, we
found urine on the bathmat. The next day, he went right on the tile in
the corner of the bathroom. Today, I *knew* he was going to do it, went
in there and caught him, put him in the litterbox. He vaulted out of
there like a teenager and headed right back to the bathroom. When he
squatted, I picked him up, and, well, he did it anyway.

My partner is a vet tech, and I held him while she expressed his anal
glands today. One had a lot of relatively hard matter in it; the other
seemed pretty normal. We were hoping that was the reason for his
behavior. Lo, he went in the bathtub while we were out at the gym this
evening -- just a small bit, but there it was.

Did he develop a litterbox aversion because the anal gland was
bothering him and just hasn't figured out that it will not hurt to use
the litterbox? Or ... what on earth is going on? On the tile and in
the bathtub are two of the least destructive choices he could make but
naturally we want him in the litterbox!

Lynette  =^..^=

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be measured by
the way in which its animals are treated. --Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948

RE: internist thinks Lucy has FIP

2007-01-20 Thread G. Lane

Thanks for all the great info ...


At 11:01 PM 1/20/2007, you wrote:

Here is one more link on diagnosing FIP, the 
percentages that rule FIP in or out are interesting.

An excerpt from this site:

How is FIP diagnosed?

Because we can not rely totally on the antibody 
test for a diagnosis, we must combine the 
history, clinical signs, laboratory results, 
FCoV test result, and possibly radiographs to 
come to a probable diagnosis. The only way to 
be absolutely sure of an FIPV infection is to 
50, 50, 350, 300)biopsy affected tissues and 
have them examined by a veterinarian 
pathologist. As a result, most often the 
diagnosis is made after the cat has died, a 
postmortem examination has been performed and tissues have been examined.

In an attempt to try to make the best diagnosis 
we can while the cat is still alive, we can 
follow these criteria for a cat with clinical signs of FIP:

   * The cat has a low number of lymphocytes: 1.5x103 cells/µl.
   * The cat has a positive FCoV test result (titer  1:160).
   * The cat has elevated globulins in his blood  5.1 gm/dl.

If the cat meets all three criteria, the 
probability the cat has FIP is 88.9%. If the cat 
does NOT meet all three criteria, the 
probability the cat does NOT have FIP is 98.8%.

In those cats who have fluid in the thorax or abdomen that can be analyzed:
   * If the gamma globulin fraction in the 
fluid is greater than 32%, the chances that the cat has FIP are almost 100%.
   * If the albumin fraction is greater than 
48% or the ratio of albumin to globulin is 
greater than 0.81, it is almost 100% certain that the cat does NOT have FIP.

From this discussion, you can see that a 
certain diagnosis of FIP is not made very 
easily. Remember, the gold standard for 
diagnosis of FIP is through microscopic 
examinations of biopsies (a procedure called histopathology).


Re: Missy has a bloody nose:(

2007-01-18 Thread G. Lane
I know not everyone uses homeopathy, and it's not used like regular 
allopathic medicine -- but I use either Arnica or Phosphorus for 
unusual bleeding - usually Arnica.  It works really well, I take it 
myself for nosebleed, especially get it during the dry winter.

I gave it to my dear departed Nicky who had a mouth cancer that kept 
bleeding, and it worked well.


At 09:20 AM 1/18/2007, you wrote:
My vet is closed and has been for days due to the ice stormI am 
so worried about her.  I am hoping it is due to the dry air, but no 
one else has a bloody nose.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: OT Anyone care to take a shot at this question?

2007-01-17 Thread G. Lane

Do volunteer work at a shelter --- is a great response.


At 10:41 AM 1/17/2007, you wrote:

At 08:37 AM 1/17/2007, you wrote:

STRANGE INDEED. I would find out where this person got rid of the 
cat and if it was the SPCA  should never be adopted out ot, My 
response would be

Please take that love and go volunteer at the shelter .
Kelly lane

This is an email I got.  I've been thinking about how to respond 
for a while and still can't figure it out.


This may seem odd, but I figured you guys would
probably know best.  I want to be a cat owner.  I'm
27, a professional with no life in sight, and I love
cats.  I grew up with cats, back on my parents ranch,
and simply adore them.  I'd adopt one without any
hesitation except for one problem.

I adopted a cat before, and had to take him back to
the rescue shelter I got him from.  After almost 2
years with him it was very heart breaking, but I had
lost my job, and the Bay Area of California is a
fairly unforgiving place economically.  My only close
friend (we both moved there from Boerne, TX) said I
could live with him and his girlfriend, but that I
couldn't bring my cat.  It still brings tears to my
eyes when I think about him, as I truly did love him.
I couldn't provide for him and had to give him up.  I
like to think that he's somewhere warm and nice, and
that his new owners give him as much love and care as
I did.  My mother, who is a fanatical cat lover,
almost disowned me, and will still cry about it.

Anyway, as I've said, I'm alone, and want to adopt a
cat to have someone to love, basically.  I just don't
know if that's a valid/healthy/good reason to want to
adopt and figured I'd ask some professionals./i

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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Re: Ki's done

2007-01-04 Thread G. Lane
Sorry to hear that - I remember how disappointed I was when my dear 
Calawalla tested positive a second time - she looked and acted so 
healthy, I just knew it would be neg.  They can look so healthy, but 
still carry the virus, sigh.

Good luck with the move...


At 11:53 AM 1/4/2007, you wrote:

Well, Just got off the phone with the vet.  My little
darling is still +.  Oh well, This is a big step for
me.  We will soon have everyone vaccinated, and I can
let him out of his room.

I hope the trip to NY in the spring does not cause him
any problems.  I know it's gonna stress ME out with
all these cats!!!

The neuter went fine, and he'll be home soon!!!

---  On 1/4/07, dede hicken [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  We just dropped Ki off to be neutered. He is
  to be a big boy...8 mo now, I think. He will be
  today too, so keep your fingers crossed.
  I have such a supportive vet.  Told her we were
  keeping him no matter what the outcome.  Will have
  everyone vaccinated.  This group has given me the
  knowledge to do this.  A yr. ago, i would have had
  PTS.  I got over the stigma of FIV years ago, and
  i understand FeLV so much better.
  What will be will be.
  When you are in the service of your fellow
 beings, you are only in the
  service of your God
Mosiah 2:17
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 Leslie =^..^=

 To leave the world a better place - whether by a
 healthy child, a garden
 patch, or an improved social condition - that is to
 have succeeded.  That
 only one life breathed easier because you lived -
 that is success.
 ---Ralph Waldo Emerson

When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in 
the service of your God

   Mosiah 2:17

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Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2007-01-03 Thread G. Lane
I couldn't get the 1st one to load, but got the 2nd.  She's gorgeous 
- I can almost hear her purrr!



At 07:13 PM 1/3/2007, you wrote:

I took some pictures of her, if anyone wants to see:

On 1/3/07, Kelley Saveika 
It always scares me when they won't eat.  Especially since I could 
not even have syringe fed her.

On 1/3/07, Gloria Lane 
I wouldn't do the anti-anxiety as of yet, just let the cat 
food.  I'm so glad she's coming around - thought she would.


On Jan 3, 2007, at 9:29 AM, Kelley Saveika wrote:

She's MUCH better as of last night.  Ate a whole bowl of food, and 
let me come very close to touching her, then put her paw out to 
stop me (no claws this time, though.).

I'm not sure of the next step.  I can put her on anti anxiety meds, 
but if she's ok with me I won't know if they are working.  I don't 
think I can take a chance on adopting her out at this point.

On 1/2/07, Marylyn 
This is very true.  Dixie Louise, who is a very laid back cat, 
snarled at a friend who had on a strange fragrance.

 If you have men 
who will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter 
of compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal 
likewise with their fellow man.

St. Francis
- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]tamara stickler
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat


Do you wear any scentsor are you a smoker?  It may take her a 
while to get used to your smellor lack of if her owner used 
perfume or smoked.

Kelley Saveika mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
No, I don't think she is feral at all.  Her ex-guardian had her 
since 8 weeks of age, per the medical records she gave me.  (she's 
had WAY too many shots, IMHO - the vet we have inside Petsmart here 
seems to be quite the ripoff joint).

She doesn't seem to like my voice, she bares her teeth and hisses 
at me when she hears it.

Seems pretty indifferent to other cats so far (I shoo them out when 
they go in her room, but she pays no mind to them).

On 12/31/06, Gloria Lane 
Keep in mind that apparently she's not feral, just terrified.  Give 
her time, and try tasty stuff (like the fried chicken - great 
idea). Talk to her soothingly.


On Dec 31, 2006, at 6:28 AM, Kelley Saveika wrote:

Oh, she also hasn't eaten since she got here.  I have tried her 
regular food (they brought the remains of a bag over), pill 
pockets (with no pills in them - my cats love them), freeze dried 
shrimp, yucky Pounce treats, and canned food.  Next I am going to 
try tuna.  There's no way I can syringe her, and I can't get her 
to a vet without trapping her, which usually involves food.  So I 
just have to hope that she eats, I guess.  Judging from my cats, 
maybe I should try white bread - they think that is the best thing going!

On 12/31/06, Kelley Saveika 
Not only can I not touch her ears, I can't get closer than about a 
foot and a half without being in danger of losing a finger.

If you are able to touch her ears, I would ask the vet to 
prescribe benadryl to be compounded at a compounding pharmacy into 
transdermal cream to rub inside her ear.  My Patches has been on 
this for years for anxiety.  She was prescribed it because she was 
pulling her fur out of her belly and back legs, and the benadryl 
stopped that. But she also used to go after the other cats, and 
the benadryl pretty much stopped that too. If I forget to give it 
to her, it is noticeable because she goes after Lucy and sometimes 
even me. With the benadryl she is pretty much fine. It does not 
seem to make her groggy at all-- she is quite perky and 
energetic-- but just takes the edge off I guess.


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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Tired of 

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2007-01-02 Thread G. Lane
Great!  Sounds like she's doing well and coming round.  It's a big 
shock leaving the home you've known..


At 12:13 PM 1/2/2007, you wrote:
Apparently the only scent I wear is cat pee, according to my 
coworkers, but that's another thread:p.

I don't smoke.

She is a LITTLE better.  She ate enough canned food to produce a 
bowel movement.  She's still not eating what I think she should, 
though - especially since her former guardian said she was a very 
enthusiastic eater and would make friends with the person who fed her.

On 1/2/07, tamara stickler 


Do you wear any scentsor are you a smoker?  It may take her a 
while to get used to your smellor lack of if her owner used 
perfume or smoked.

Kelley Saveika mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
No, I don't think she is feral at all.  Her ex-guardian had her 
since 8 weeks of age, per the medical records she gave me.  (she's 
had WAY too many shots, IMHO - the vet we have inside Petsmart here 
seems to be quite the ripoff joint).

She doesn't seem to like my voice, she bares her teeth and hisses at 
me when she hears it.

Seems pretty indifferent to other cats so far (I shoo them out when 
they go in her room, but she pays no mind to them).

On 12/31/06, Gloria Lane 
Keep in mind that apparently she's not feral, just terrified.  Give 
her time, and try tasty stuff (like the fried chicken - great idea). 
Talk to her soothingly.


On Dec 31, 2006, at 6:28 AM, Kelley Saveika wrote:

Oh, she also hasn't eaten since she got here.  I have tried her 
regular food (they brought the remains of a bag over), pill pockets 
(with no pills in them - my cats love them), freeze dried shrimp, 
yucky Pounce treats, and canned food.  Next I am going to try 
tuna.  There's no way I can syringe her, and I can't get her to a 
vet without trapping her, which usually involves food.  So I just 
have to hope that she eats, I guess.  Judging from my cats, maybe I 
should try white bread - they think that is the best thing going!

On 12/31/06, Kelley Saveika 
Not only can I not touch her ears, I can't get closer than about a 
foot and a half without being in danger of losing a finger.

If you are able to touch her ears, I would ask the vet to prescribe 
benadryl to be compounded at a compounding pharmacy into 
transdermal cream to rub inside her ear.  My Patches has been on 
this for years for anxiety.  She was prescribed it because she was 
pulling her fur out of her belly and back legs, and the benadryl 
stopped that. But she also used to go after the other cats, and the 
benadryl pretty much stopped that too. If I forget to give it to 
her, it is noticeable because she goes after Lucy and sometimes 
even me. With the benadryl she is pretty much fine. It does not 
seem to make her groggy at all-- she is quite perky and energetic-- 
but just takes the edge off I guess.


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: please add my Lizzie to CLS and prayer list

2007-01-01 Thread G. Lane
Hideyo, I'm so sorry - many prayers and good 
wishes for her peace.  Sleep soft...


At 05:20 PM 12/18/2006, you wrote:
My little gentle soul, Lizzie passed away this 
morning – she is the sweetest and kindest and 
most affectionate soul I have ever counted – I 
have bottle fed her from the day one and it’s 
been such a pleasure to have met her – I miss 
her just so terribly and I feel so empty all over….. please pray for her peace.


2006-12-19 Thread James G. Wilson
Hi Elizabeth, there's something wrong with AOL accounts and our list. 
Messages to your email address have been bouncing, so the system 
suspended your account. Please visit:
 to reactivate your list settings. Please let me know if you need 
further assistance. Best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: anyone having trouble with the list?

2006-12-18 Thread James G. Wilson
On 18 Dec 2006 at 19:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I got an email from the system that 3 list emails to me bounced 
 and I was being removed from the list unless I confirmed and 
 rejoined.  Did this happen to anyone else? Anyone know what's 

Hi Michelle and all, 

I'm not quite sure what's happening either. It seems to be affecting 
mostly AOL users (and a few Earthlink users, as well). In the past, 
AOL temporarily blocked FeLVTalk mail because they thought it was 
spam. Could those of you on AOL please contact them to see if this is 
happening again? I'd really appreciate it. My apologies for the 
inconveniences, and I hope we get this straightened out soon. 
Kind regards to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: New member introduction/questions

2006-12-13 Thread G. Lane

What dosage?

At 06:27 PM 12/13/2006, you wrote:

Junior's gingivitis cleared up with the immunoregulin treatments. I would
say within two weeks.


The URI seems better and I am able to put the erythromycin ointment in his
eye. This I had left from when he was in an accident and his eye was
damaged. The vet has yet to call me back. I called today and it seemed like
the main message of getting something for Junior's eye went unread. I did
leave here papers on the Alferon to read. She is not there tomorrow, so I
may have to stop by and see what I can get.

Best of luck with your kitty.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Tillman
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:23 PM
Subject: New member introduction/questions

Hi Folks,

I just joined this list after finding out that my cat, Shane, is FeLV
positive. Shane is approximately 3-4 years old. I adopted him about 2 1/2
years ago from our local shelter. I did not have him tested at the time I
adopted him, so there is no way to know how long he has been infected (he
does spend some time outdoors, though there are few other cats that venture
onto our property). In July, he started having a problem with his left eye,
which my vet diagnosed as an ocular herpes infection. It took about three
months to clear things up and it now appears that it may be coming back.
During this time, we also noticed that Shane was developing pretty severe
gingivitis that has progressed pretty rapidly. I took him in for a
pre-dental blood test on Monday and that is when his FeLV positive status
became known. The rest of his blood work was fine--most everything was
within normal range. I now have to make a decision about whether to stress
him with a dental procedure or just do nothing. On the one hand, the
worsening gum disease will have a negative impact on his health but, on the
other hand, my vet is concerned that the anesthetic and procedure could
potentially create a health crisis as well. I also wonder how long the
benefits of the dental would last, considering how fast the gum disease has
progressed in just a few months' time. Basically, my vet has left it up to
me and says there are arguments for (and against) either option. Shane is in
good condition (though he had dropped about 3/4 of a pound since our last
visit to the vet), his appetite is excellent and there are no other
abnormalities that we have detected so far. Does anyone have any thoughts in
regard to the dental? Also, I've been reading through the files regarding
interferon alpha, immunoregulin, etc. At what point is it reasonable to
consider using those treatments? Do you wait until the CBC starts to show
problems (anemia or drop in WBCs, etc.)? I look forward to you input.

Sue and Shane
Jerome, AZ

Re: Pepper died

2006-11-29 Thread G. Lane

I'm so sorry, Candace


At 05:18 PM 11/26/2006, you wrote:
I just wanted to let you know that Pepper died a few hours ago. He 
started getting better with this current episode but was not so good 
earlier today.
 I was not expecting him to go so suddenly. I was not at home at 
the time so not sure what happened.

I want to thank everyone for their advice and support.
This group is great for those of us who want to take responsibility 
for the health care of our pets and give them the best chance 
possible for a good outcome.

Thank you all

Re: Update on Valley - and thank you

2006-11-15 Thread G. Lane

Susan!  That's wonderful!!!  Wow!


At 12:49 PM 11/15/2006, you wrote:
My big flamepoint Siamese, Valley, who had the 7 hematocrit, is much 
better!!  Thank you all for your prayers, good vibes and input.

He has now had two shots of Epogen.  Last night he came into the 
kitchen to drink water with the other kids rather than my taking a 
bowl to hiim.  He came into the den and jumped up on the couch - 
where he spent the night.   This morning I took him to the litterbox 
as I have been doiing and he jumped right out - which tells me that 
he is going on his own now.  Also, for the first time in almost a 
week I didn't have to syringe-feed him.  He ate Fancy Feast on his 
own.My vet says his gums look better - I wasn't sure.We are 
now doing a hide and watch - and wait and see if he continues to 
feel better and if his gums pinken some more.  We may go to an 
Epogen shot once per week.   I am very encouraged!

Re: Aloe vera, is it poisonous? (was Update on Antonio)

2006-11-15 Thread G. Lane
Re Aloe Vera - it has some great healing 
properties.  There's a part of the plant that's 
toxic, but part of it is not. In general, I think 
that aloe juice is from the healing part of the 
plant, not the membrane that is or can be 
toxic.   I looked it up a few years ago and found 
a nice diagram, can't find it now though.

It's UNFORTUNATE that the web sites that label it 
as poison or not poison don't go into more detail.

For example, I use Georges Aloe vera juice 
routinely with cats, it's not poison, and has had 
some good effects on mouth problems for example, 
my Lucy had mouth inflammation and my acupuncture 
vet recommended it - and it worked great.

Also, acemanan is based on Aloe - go figure - this is from Wikipedia:
Many of Aloe vera's beneficial properties are 
attributed to 
present in the inner gel of the leaf, especially 
(acetylated mannans). An injectable form of 
acemannan manufactured and marketed by Carrington 
Laboratories as Acemannan Immunostimulant™ has 
been approved in the USA for treatment of 
(a type of 
in dogs and cats after clinical trials. It has 
not been approved for use by humans, and although 
it is not a drug its sale is controlled and it 
can only be obtained through a veterinary doctor.

A site called 
- lists these significant dates and events:
1991 - Ian R. Tizard, PhD, of Texas AM, 
reported in the Journal of Molecular Biotherapy, 
that Aloe mannose was highly effective against 
feline leukemia and soft tissue cancer in cats and dogs.

1992 - Dr. James Duke, United States Department 
of Agriculture, approved the use of Aloe mannose 
as a treatment of soft tissue cancer in animals and feline leukemia.

Aloe is not to be written off  - it has some great healing properties.


At 12:50 PM 11/15/2006, you wrote:
Okay, while I was reading about aloes and aloe 
vera gel I did start to remember something about 
the skin of the plant being toxic, (not the gel 
from the inside).  I found this post from a 
Holisticat archive.  I'm still confused after 
reading it, but I thought I'd pass it along while I look for clearer answers:

ALOE(part used: leaf gel) vera vs ALOES (parts 
used: dried leaf juice---the following info was 
taken from the book Herbal Medicines: A Guide 
for Health-Care Professionals, by Newhall, 
Anderson,and Phillipson; hardcover, 296 pages, 
$77, available through the American Botanical Council 1-800-373-7105)

Aloe vera (Aloe vera and aloes are often 
confused with each other) refers to the 
mucilaginous tissue located in the leaf of Aloe 
vera or related Aloe species. However, many 
documented studies for Aloe vera have utilised 
homogenised leaf extracts which therefore 
combine aloe vera with aloes, the laxative 
preparation obtained from the bitter, yellow 
juice also found in the leaf. Commercial aloin 
is a concentrated form of aloes.

Aloe vera is obtained from the mucilaginous 
tissue in the center of the Aloe vera leaf and 
consists mainly of polysacharides and lipids. It 
should not be confused with aloes, which is 
obtained by evaporation of water from the bitter 
yellow juice that is drained from the 
leaf.Unlike aloes, aloe vera does not contain 
any anthraquinone compounds and does not therefore, exert any laxative action.

Hypoglycemic activity has been documented for an 
aloe vera extract, although it is unclear 
whether this is associated with the true aloe vera gel or the aloes extract.

The external application of aloe vera gel during 
pregnancy is not thought to be any cause for 
concern. However, products stated to contain 
aloe extracts or aloe vera may well contain 
gastrointestinal stimulant anthraquinone 
components that are well recognized as the 
active constituents in aloes(laxative). As such, 
ingestion of such preparations during pregnancy 
and lactation should be avoided.

...recommended for the treatment of atonic 
constipation and suppressed menstruation.

In human studies: the purgative action of the 
anthraquinone glycosides is well recognized, 
although aloes is reported to be more potent 
than both senna and cascara. An aloes extract in 
doses too small to cause abdominal cramps or 
diarrhea had a significant hypoglycemic effect 
in 5 non-insulin-dependant diabetics.(Ghannam N 
et al. The antidiabetic activity of aloes: 
preliminary and experimental observations. Hormone Res 1986; 24:288-94)

Aloes is a potent purgative that may cause 
abdominal pains, gastro-intestinal irritation 
leading to pelvic congestion and in large doses, 
may result in nephritis, bloody diarrhea, and hemorrhagic gastritis.
The drastic purgative action of aloes 
contra-indicates its use in 

RE: You are my support group-please add Schumacher to the CLS

2006-11-15 Thread G. Lane
Brenda, I'm so sorry, I know how hard it is - he was so lucky to have 
you -  Gloria

Original message:
I know I only post to this group when I have a tragedy, but I read 
almost all the posts online daily.  I feel like you all are my 
support group although I don't have any FeLV+ cats any more.  I lost 
my last one in June.

Anyway, our FIV+ Schumacher as gone to Rainbow Bridge today.  About 
6 weeks ago he went to the vet because he was a little depressed and 
wasn't eating well.  The bloodwork showed kidney problems (elevated 
BUN  creatinine) and below normal PCV.  He spent 5 days in the 
hospital and the vet pulled him through.  He's been on prednisolone, 
cyproheptadine, Pepsid AC, Procrit  sub-Q fluids.  Over the 
weekend, he just took a nose dive and wouldn't eat or drink 
anything.  He was drooling and gagging at the sight of any food.

I took him back to the vet this morning and she didn't think anythig 
else could be done.  His anemia appeared to be gone, but he was just 
very depressed and vocalizing (normally quiet) alot when I tried to 
hold him.  He had clearly had enough of the needles  pills.  The 
vet recommend PTS and I decided it was the best thing.

He was a very loving orange tabby with a little cattitude on the 
side and was my husband's favorite.  This is never easy and it's 
already been a rough year.  We've lost 2 others since June.  Please 
add our Schumacher to the CLS as a non-positive.

Thanks for always being there to listen when I need you all.


Re: OT Help, I am so embarrassed

2006-11-10 Thread G. Lane

Are you sure its giardia?

At 11:38 AM 11/10/2006, you wrote:
So how did you get your giardia under control?  I'm doing 
metronidazole and panacur right now, and desperately trying to get 
the adoptables ready for adoption.

Kelley Saveika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I *KNOW* my house stinks.  I had a giardia outbreak, and even though 
it is over they have decided the floor is a better place to poop 
than the litterbox.  At least it is solid now.  I am gone from home 
8-10 hours a day at work and they wreak havoc.  I never let anyone 
come over unless they are a very, very close friend.

I'm steam cleaning the carpets again this weekend...

On 11/10/06, Nina mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I know it's not funny, but I'm laughing at the thought that we've 
found one more thing we all share in common:
WE STINK!  I too have become accustomed to the fragrances of my 
animals.  I'm always asking trusted visitors, does my house 
stink??  Maybe we should have T shirts printed up, If you can smell 
Cat, then you're too close!


Susan Hoffman wrote:
A hook and eye latch type lock is cheap and effective.  I started 
doing this because one of my own little gremlins, Trixie, loved to 
go into the closet and remove EVERYTHING from all the shelves.

tamara stickler mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Nina and others have mentioned keeping closet doors closed.  But 
you may need to do more than that.  I currently have a foster cat 
that is VERY adept at opening closet doors...aaand locking himself 
inside.  (I've nicknamed him Tully after the character Lewis Tully 
in Ghostbusters who kept doing the same thing!)  It's not that he 
Can't get outits just more fun to sit in there and howl until I 
come looking for him.  My point may want to rig the 
closet doors to be certain the cats can't possibly open 
them...Remember, they're cats..they're SNEAKY!!!

wondering if one of your little angels is marking your closet. I'd get
in there and make sure everything smells fresh and then keep those doors
Kelley Saveika wrote:
 My supervisor just called me in for a meeting and apparently people
 have been complaining that I smell like cat urine.

 I do have some sprayers. I wash my clothes with Oxyclean and I bathe
 every day, of course. I have only smelled cat urine on myself once
 and then I was aware of it.

 Could I smell bad and not know it?

 Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Everyone is raving about* 
all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

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