Eye infection?

2006-01-30 Thread veggiepugs
Hi Everyone-
I think that Brooklyn AKA Wowie has an eye infection. I noticed he was 
squinting with his right eye this morning and then looked and it's all pink and 
swollen and teary. Anything I can do until I get to the vet? 

Re: Eye infection?

2006-01-30 Thread Lernermichelle

Give  him Lysine and wipe it with a moist tissue or cotton ball.
In a message dated 1/30/2006 4:48:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Everyone-I think that Brooklyn AKA Wowie has an eye infection. I noticed 
  he was squinting with his right eye this morning and then looked and it's all 
  pink and swollen and teary. Anything I can do until I get to the vet? 


Bandy has an eye infection

2006-01-29 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi everyone,  Bandy has a horrible eye infection of some sort...On Sunday, I found it running and his temp was up again...He just had dex on Thurs. so the temp shouldn't have come up this soon...so I gave him another dex which brought the temp down, but his eye was nearly stuck shut...I cleaned it then put some gentamycin in it..it isn't running now, but is all cloudy...Have any of you experienced this?  I am going to call his vet and take him in on Monday asap...the light seems to hurt it...I have another eye med that has a steroid in it, but I am not sure if I should switch at this point or even put anymore of the other in there until he sees the doctor..  Please let me know if you have any other suggestions..and if I should supplement him with something else now...  Thanks so much,  Kerry and Bandy
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[Felvtalk] Oliver has an eye infection

2012-02-14 Thread Holly Shelton
Hi everyone.  I am an infrequent poster, except maybe for giving some CRF info, 
but I read every post.  My cat Oliver, a 6 year old Siamese, was diagnosed with 
the leukemia virus back in December.  My Siamese mix, Daisy (4), got really 
sick suddenly and after two blood transfusions and a lot of meds, she was 
helped ahead.  What an awful experience. Cut to: all of my other cats, 
including some fosters, were tested and vaccinated.  Oliver was the only one 
out of five cats who came back with positive results after both tests. 

He has been doing great since then. He is on Pet-Tinic and Omega 3 treats. I 
tried the Omega 3 oil and he didn't go for it.

Today, I noticed that he has a weepy eye and we went straight to the vet's 
office, it turns out he has an eye infection and is on triple antibiotic 
ointment.  We go back for a check up on Saturday.

I am a bit nervous as I know that he has a compromised immune system and I want 
to make sure that he stays comfortable for a long time. 

And I am working some long hours so I am not around as much as I would like to 
be to monitor him.

Any words of wisdom are very welcomed.

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Oliver has an eye infection

2012-02-17 Thread Holly Shelton

Hi everyone.  I am an infrequent poster, except maybe for giving some CRF info, 
but I read every post.  My cat Oliver, a 6 year old Siamese, was diagnosed with 
the leukemia virus back in December.  My Siamese mix, Daisy (4), got really 
sick suddenly and after two blood transfusions and a lot of meds, she was 
helped ahead.  What an awful experience. Cut to: all of my other cats, 
including some fosters, were tested and vaccinated.  Oliver was the only one 
out of five cats who came back with positive results after both tests. 

He has been doing great since then. He is on Pet-Tinic and Omega 3 treats. I 
tried the Omega 3 oil and he didn't go for it.

Today, I noticed that he has a weepy eye and we went straight to the vet's 
office, it turns out he has an eye infection and is on triple antibiotic 
ointment.  We go back for a check up on Saturday.

I am a bit nervous as I know that he has a compromised immune system and I want 
to make sure that he stays comfortable for a long time. 

And I am working some long hours so I am not around as much as I would like to 
be to monitor him.

Any words of wisdom are very welcomed.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-01-30 Thread Gloria Lane
I'm sorry, I haven't been reading the posts because of working, so  
may have missed some of yours.

For my kitties, I give Lysine for URI - 250-500 mg twice a day.  If  
there seems to be an infection, my vet has prescribed Clindamycin,  
which has worked well.  I've used Vitamin C also.

I normally don't give steroids for fever and/or URI, because they  
suppress the immune system, although I certainly don't know for your  
and Randy, you may have a special situation.  Sure hope he gets  
better fast!

Best of luck,


On Jan 30, 2006, at 1:50 AM, Kerry Roach wrote:

Hi everyone,
Bandy has a horrible eye infection of some sort...On Sunday, I  
found it running and his temp was up again...He just had dex on  
Thurs. so the temp shouldn't have come up this soon...so I gave him  
another dex which brought the temp down, but his eye was nearly  
stuck shut...I cleaned it then put some gentamycin in it..it isn't  
running now, but is all cloudy...Have any of you experienced this?   
I am going to call his vet and take him in on Monday asap...the  
light seems to hurt it...I have another eye med that has a steroid  
in it, but I am not sure if I should switch at this point or even  
put anymore of the other in there until he sees the doctor..
Please let me know if you have any other suggestions..and if I  
should supplement him with something else now...

Thanks so much,
Kerry and Bandy

What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! Autos

RE: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-01-30 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

I'm sorry I have no advice to offer re eye infections but I will pray the vet 
knows what's going on and helps Bandy. Hope you get an early appointment, and 
good luck. hugs for Bandy, Kerry
-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Kerry RoachSent: Monday, January 30, 2006 1:50 
AMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Bandy has an eye 
Hi everyone,
Bandy has a horrible eye infection of some sort...On Sunday, I found it 
running and his temp was up again...He just had dex on Thurs. so the temp 
shouldn't have come up this soon...so I gave him another dex which brought the 
temp down, but his eye was nearly stuck shut...I cleaned it then put some 
gentamycin in it..it isn't running now, but is all cloudy...Have any of you 
experienced this?  I am going to call his vet and take him in on Monday 
asap...the light seems to hurt it...I have another eye med that has a steroid in 
it, but I am not sure if I should switch at this point or even put anymore of 
the other in there until he sees the doctor..
Please let me know if you have any other suggestions..and if I should 
supplement him with something else now...
Thanks so much,
Kerry and Bandy

What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! 
=00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-01-30 Thread Nina

Hi Kerry,
I'm no vet, but I'm wondering if the temp coming back up again so soon
and the runny eye are indications of his immune response being so low,
(you must be so nervous for him!).  I'm glad he's going into the vet
today.  When my guys get runny eyes, (Star has runny eyes and
congestion too), I clean them with cotton balls and saline.  If they're
gooey, I usually use terramycin too.  They usually clear up in a couple
of days.  The crow I rescued had gooey eyes and the crow rehabber
suggested terramycin for him too.  I'm not familiar with gentamycin,
but it sounds like the same sort of med.  Is it an antibiotic
ointment?  Star's runny eyes are chronic and I've been cleaning them
every morning and that seems to keep them clear all day.  I'm anxious
to hear about Bandy, please let us know as soon as you can.

Kerry Roach wrote:

  Hi everyone,
  Bandy has a horrible eye infection of some sort...On Sunday, I
found it running and his temp was up again...He just had dex on Thurs.
so the temp shouldn't have come up this soon...so I gave him another
dex which brought the temp down, but his eye was nearly stuck shut...I
cleaned it then put some gentamycin in it..it isn't running now, but is
all cloudy...Have any of you experienced this?  I am going to call his
vet and take him in on Monday asap...the light seems to hurt it...I
have another eye med that has a steroid in it, but I am not sure if I
should switch at this point or even put anymore of the other in there
until he sees the doctor..
  Please let me know if you have any other suggestions..and if I
should supplement him with something else now...
  Thanks so much,
  Kerry and Bandy
What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo!

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-01-30 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi all,  We got in just before lunch today...She said I did the right thing with the other eye drops that I have which contains dex as well...I think I said that I gave him a dex for his temp, too..anyway, the temp is down and no runny eye today...The odd thing about it all was that his eye was cloudy...the colored part kept gettting more cloudy as the day went on Sunday...Light seemed to really hurt him..  The doctor said that he didn't have a rupture or any sort of abrasion...she put some drops in it and looked at it with a black light then she looked at it really good with the other instrument...Today the cloudiness has fallen to the lower part of the eye...it is inside the eye ball...she called it fibrigin, I think...due to his Felv and FIV.. On Sunday, it wouldn't even dilate and she said that is why he didn't want to be in the light because it was causing him pain...  So he is on the antibiotic/steroid drops 3x a day for 10
 days then we re-check...He seems to feel better today...I am going to add the lysin to his supplements...I thought I should have done that along time ago, but I guess I thought it only helped stomatitis..I did some more reading and remembered that you all and Nina had told me about using it...  Anyway, I will keep you posted and once again, thank you all for your prayers and your help..Don't know what we would do without this group...You are great!!  Kerry and Bandy
		Bring words and photos together (easily) with 
PhotoMail  - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-01-30 Thread Lernermichelle

Hi, Kerry.  My positive Buddy got that when he got really sick, and my 
horse Pepsi had it the last few years of her life. The cloudiness usually means 
uveitis, which is a swelling in the cornea, I think, and is treated with 
steroids, either in ointment or prednisolone drops if needed. BUT I would not 
put steroids in there until you get it stained and looked at by your vet, 
because if it is a cut instead of uveitis and you put a steroid on it you can 
make it much worse and cause blindness.  I would get him looked at, and if 
it is uveitis treat it with a topical steroid.  Cats with FeLV are 
apparently more prone to uveitis. It can also be a sign of something like 
lymphoma or FIP, but give how long Bandy's infection problems have been going on 
I would bet it is just from the FeLV.  I would get it looked at soon 
though. Eyes are not something to wait long about.
Let us know what happens,
In a message dated 1/30/2006 2:50:42 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Hi everyone,
  Bandy has a horrible eye infection of some sort...On Sunday, I found it 
  running and his temp was up again...He just had dex on Thurs. so the temp 
  shouldn't have come up this soon...so I gave him another dex which brought the 
  temp down, but his eye was nearly stuck shut...I cleaned it then put some 
  gentamycin in it..it isn't running now, but is all cloudy...Have any of you 
  experienced this?  I am going to call his vet and take him in on Monday 
  asap...the light seems to hurt it...I have another eye med that has a steroid 
  in it, but I am not sure if I should switch at this point or even put anymore 
  of the other in there until he sees the doctor..
  Please let me know if you have any other suggestions..and if I should 
  supplement him with something else now...
  Thanks so much,
  Kerry and Bandy


Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-01-30 Thread Lernermichelle

Kerry, I did not see this when I sent the other email. I am glad you got 
him in to the vet.  It sounds just like uveitis, which steroids do help. 
Uveitis can be kept under control with steroids if caught early enough. I 
unfortunately did not get it properly diagnosed with my horse Pepsi at first (a 
bad vet told me her eye was runny from the summer flies, which did not even make 
sense since it was only one eye!) and she went blind in the eye before it was 
finally diagnosed as uveitis by another vet. It's called Moon Blindness in 
horses, because it comes on so fast. She occasionally needed steroids in it even 
after she lost the sight in it or it would get painful or weepy.  I watched 
her other eye like a hawk after that.  All of which is to say -- keep an 
eye on it, no pun intended!
In a message dated 1/30/2006 3:29:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Hi all,
  We got in just before lunch today...She said I did the right thing with 
  the other eye drops that I have which contains dex as well...I think I said 
  that I gave him a dex for his temp, too..anyway, the temp is down and no runny 
  eye today...The odd thing about it all was that his eye was cloudy...the 
  colored part kept gettting more cloudy as the day went on Sunday...Light 
  seemed to really hurt him..
  The doctor said that he didn't have a rupture or any sort of 
  abrasion...she put some drops in it and looked at it with a black light then 
  she looked at it really good with the other instrument...Today the cloudiness 
  has fallen to the lower part of the eye...it is inside the eye ball...she 
  called it fibrigin, I think...due to his Felv and FIV.. On Sunday, it wouldn't 
  even dilate and she said that is why he didn't want to be in the light because 
  it was causing him pain...
  So he is on the antibiotic/steroid drops 3x a day for 10 days then we 
  re-check...He seems to feel better today...I am going to add the lysin 
  to his supplements...I thought I should have done that along time ago, 
  but I guess I thought it only helped stomatitis..I did some more reading 
  and remembered that you all and Nina had told me about using it...
  Anyway, I will keep you posted and once again, thank you all for your 
  prayers and your help..Don't know what we would do without this group...You 
  are great!!
  Kerry and Bandy


RE: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-01-30 Thread catatonya
Kerry,     I'd go ahead and get to the vet if you haven't already in case it's herpes.  If it is the sooner you start treatment the better.  Best of luck.  I hope that's not what it is!  t"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Kerry, I'm sorry I have no advice to offer re eye infections but I will pray the vet knows what's going on and helps Bandy. Hope you get an early appointment, and good luck. hugs for Bandy, Kerry   -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry RoachSent:
 Monday, January 30, 2006 1:50 AMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Bandy has an eye infection  Hi everyone,  Bandy has a horrible eye infection of some sort...On Sunday, I found it running and his temp was up again...He just had dex on Thurs. so the temp shouldn't have come up this soon...so I gave him another dex which brought the temp down, but his eye was nearly stuck shut...I cleaned it then put some gentamycin in it..it isn't running now, but is all cloudy...Have any of you experienced this?  I am going to call his vet and take him in on Monday asap...the light seems to hurt it...I have another eye med that has a steroid in it, but I am not sure if I should switch at this point or even put anymore of the other in there until he sees the doctor..  Please let me know if you have any other suggestions..and if I should supplement him with something else now...  Thanks so
 much,  Kerry and Bandy  What are the most popular cars? Find out at Yahoo! Autos =00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers
 particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-02 Thread Kerry Roach
Thanks Michelle for the info...but what do I look for in the other eye?  He had no signs of anything the day before so this came on rather sudden...That day I found his eye runny and all cloudy...Now, it isn't running anymore and hasn't really since I started the meds, but in the bottom of it inside the eye ball itself is a hazy spot...She didn't call it uveitis either, but I didn't know to ask that at the time either...she has an eye chart in the exam room and his eye didn't look like any of them...there were more than 20 different kitty eye disorders on that chart...Also, the first day his eye wouldn't dilate either and now it does and just has that spot (which looks like it is inside the eye ball). It is sorta brownish/grey...He is playing and eating good again...only that one day was he out of it, but his temp was up, too..Wonder if I should give him about 10 days of pred, too?   5mg for 5 days then 2.5 mg for another 5 days..as I did read about this after you
 mentioned it to me...and it did say in some places that oral steroids were needed on occasion...just wondering if you did this, too..  I know it is another mystery in Bandy's situation...  I am giving him 500 to 1000mg of lysine a day now, too...should have done that all along, but just didn't know it..Since the other kitties eat with him, I figured it would be good for them as well...they are all on the same supplements since they do eat together...Little Rascal needs his heart supps. so most of the same can be used for both him and Bandy..  Let me know what you think.  Thanks again,  kerry and bandy
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PhotoMail  - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-02 Thread Nina

I'm glad to hear Bandy is feeling better.  Prayers that his eye clears
up as well.  I take it his temp has stayed down?  How do you get him to
consume 500 to 1000mg of lysine a day?  Mine aren't nearly so good at
eating sup laced food!

Kerry Roach wrote:

  Thanks Michelle for the info...but what do I look for in the
other eye?  He had no signs of anything the day before so this came on
rather sudden...That day I found his eye runny and all cloudy...Now, it
isn't running anymore and hasn't really since I started the meds, but
in the bottom of it inside the eye ball itself is a hazy spot...She
didn't call it uveitis either, but I didn't know to ask that at the
time either...she has an eye chart in the exam room and his eye didn't
look like any of them...there were more than 20 different kitty eye
disorders on that chart...Also, the first day his eye wouldn't dilate
either and now it does and just has that spot (which looks like it is
inside the eye ball). It is sorta brownish/grey...He is playing and
eating good again...only that one day was he out of it, but his temp
was up, too..Wonder if I should give him about 10 days of pred, too?  
5mg for 5 days then 2.5 mg for another 5 days..as I did read about this
after you mentioned it to me...and it did say in some places that oral
steroids were needed on occasion...just wondering if you did this, too..
  I know it is another mystery in Bandy's situation...
  I am giving him 500 to 1000mg of lysine a day now, too...should
have done that all along, but just didn't know it..Since the other
kitties eat with him, I figured it would be good for them as
well...they are all on the same supplements since they do eat
together...Little Rascal needs his heart supps. so most of the same can
be used for both him and Bandy..
  Let me know what you think.
  Thanks again,
  kerry and bandy
  Brings words and photos together (easily) with
   - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-03 Thread Lernermichelle

    The hazy spot does sound like uveitis to me, but that is 
the only eye condition I have experience with so it is possible  that it is 
a symptom of other things that I don't know about too.  So who knows if I 
am right or not.
    Buddy was on oral pred also, but that was because he had 
either lymphoma or FIP and was terminally ill.  He was on a lot of steroids 
(dex and depo eventually) his last few months. Whether they helped with his eye 
or not, I don't know.  I think that prednisolone eye drops helped the 
most-- definitely more than the ointment did.  But he was only supposed to 
get those drops short-term and when I stopped them the cloudiness increased 
again, so I went back to using them again even though I was not supposed to, 
because it kept him more comfortable and he did not have much time left.  I 
think you need to be more careful with Bandy, because hopefully he does not have 
a terminal condition right now and will be around long enough that bad effects 
of meds could catch up with him.  But you might want to ask about 
prednisolone drops for a few days (I think it was for 10 days or something like 
    When I said to watch the other eye, I just meant to look 
at it closely every day and if he gets any symptoms in it to talk to the vet 
right away about treating it.  There are so many things that can cause a 
runny eye in a cat that it might seem normal to take a wait and see approach if 
it is not bothering him, but if he does have uveitis you want to make sure you 
treat right away.  However, I don't mean to make you feel panicked about 
it. I have this feeling mostly from Pepsi, my horse, because she lost her sight 
in that eye due to her uveitis going undiagnosed and untreated for too 
long.  But I am pretty sure the uveitis affects horses more quickly than it 
does cats-- they call it "moon blindness" in horses because it tends to come on 
quickly and cause blindness.
    Did you so an internet search on feline uveitis? You 
might find some info that way that could help you figure out if it is what he 
has, and if so info on treating it.
Good luck,
In a message dated 2/2/2006 8:45:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  Thanks Michelle for the info...but what do I look for in the other 
  eye?  He had no signs of anything the day before so this came on rather 
  sudden...That day I found his eye runny and all cloudy...Now, it isn't running 
  anymore and hasn't really since I started the meds, but in the bottom of it 
  inside the eye ball itself is a hazy spot...She didn't call it uveitis either, 
  but I didn't know to ask that at the time either...she has an eye chart in the 
  exam room and his eye didn't look like any of them...there were more than 20 
  different kitty eye disorders on that chart...Also, the first day his eye 
  wouldn't dilate either and now it does and just has that spot (which looks 
  like it is inside the eye ball). It is sorta brownish/grey...He is playing and 
  eating good again...only that one day was he out of it, but his temp was up, 
  too..Wonder if I should give him about 10 days of pred, too?   5mg 
  for 5 days then 2.5 mg for another 5 days..as I did read about this after you 
  mentioned it to me...and it did say in some places that oral steroids were 
  needed on occasion...just wondering if you did this, too..
  I know it is another mystery in Bandy's situation...
  I am giving him 500 to 1000mg of lysine a day now, too...should have done 
  that all along, but just didn't know it..Since the other kitties eat with him, 
  I figured it would be good for them as well...they are all on the same 
  supplements since they do eat together...Little Rascal needs his heart supps. 
  so most of the same can be used for both him and Bandy..
  Let me know what you think.
  Thanks again,
  kerry and bandy


Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-03 Thread Lernermichelle

Do you mix it with chicken baby food? That's how I get mine to take 
supplements, and they will take almost anything that way, knock on wood.  
But you can also pill lysine -- the pills are so big that I could not believe 
this was possible when someone told me, but I have coated lysine in baby food 
and pilled them with a half a pill at a time on occasion and it has been 
In a message dated 2/2/2006 10:33:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  aren't nearly so good at eating sup laced food!


Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-04 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Michelle,  I mix the lysine in Bandy's food.  Right now he is eating fancy feast salmon or some other fishy flavor or Salmon Science Diet..I top it with low sodium tuna since Little Rascal eats with him and has a heart condtion...I have to keep it low sodium because of Lil Rascal..and he eats his meds better with it topped with tuna...  I mix the lysine, bovine colostrum, Co Q 10 and folic acid in every meal..I try to feed them 3 meals this way for sure and sometimes 4..Lil Rascal also gets a cardio supp in some of his meals, but sometimes, they just won't eat it so I have to switch around..If I add some corn oil to it and make it a little slushy, they eat it well...  So it is hard to really tell how much lysine Bandy gets, but I use 2- 500mg pills a day mixed in these meals...they both have been eating good for now..  Can you put some lysine in the water bowl?  I was wondering if that would be ok to do..I do know that
 Bandy and his 2 buddies should all benefit from all the supplements..Like I mentioned, I just have to try to watch the sodium since Lil Rascal is on lasix for congestive heart failure.  Bandy's eye seems to be doing ok, but I sure don't like that spot that is in it..or whatever it is...I take him back to the vet in a week or so, but he is still on eye drops with dex in it until then...  Kerry and Bandy
		Brings words and photos together (easily) with 
PhotoMail  - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-04 Thread Lernermichelle

I have no idea about putting lysine in the water. It seems like they might 
be able to taste it, as it does have a taste.

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-05 Thread Nina

Seems to me someone who worked with a shelter, (Patti?), posted that
they used to add lysine to the water and that the rate of illness went
down presumably because of it.  I've tasted so many supps...  Doesn't
lysine have a slightly bitter taste?  I'd hate to have them drink less
water because of it.


  I have no idea about putting lysine in the water. It seems like
they might be able to taste it, as it does have a taste.

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-08 Thread Kerry Roach
Good news...Bandy's eye seems to be healing good...the dark spot in the eye ball seems to be going away..We are down to meds twice daily now...I talked with his vet today, and she said that sometimes the spot will go away...So I hope that will be his case...I am watching the other eye for any signs..  I am not going to add the lysine to the water cause like Nina said, they need to keep drinking...I have it added to everyone's food..  Thanks for all your help,  Kerry and Bandy
		 Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-08 Thread Nina

That's very good news that Bandy's eye is getting better.  I know I 
sometimes hate to even say something is getting better out loud because 
I'm afraid I'll jinx it!  It's scary about Buster, but like always, 
you're right on top of it.  You're such a good cat mom!  How many 
geriatric kitties do you have??  Bless you and the whole bunch.  Let us 
know about Buster's test results and prayers for Bandy's eye "spot" 
going away completely.

Love to the gang,

Kerry Roach wrote:

Good news...Bandy's eye seems to be healing good...the dark spot in 
the eye ball seems to be going away..We are down to meds twice daily 
now...I talked with his vet today, and she said that sometimes the 
spot will go away...So I hope that will be his case...I am watching 
the other eye for any signs..
I am not going to add the lysine to the water cause like Nina said, 
they need to keep drinking...I have it added to everyone's food..

Thanks for all your help,
Kerry and Bandy

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-09 Thread catatonya
That's great that his eye is healing.  You really have the magic touch with your Bandy.  Go Bandy!!!     tKerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Good news...Bandy's eye seems to be healing good...the dark spot in the eye ball seems to be going away..We are down to meds twice daily now...I talked with his vet today, and she said that sometimes the spot will go away...So I hope that will be his case...I am watching the other eye for any signs..  I am not going to add the lysine to the water cause like Nina said, they need to keep drinking...I have it added to everyone's food..  Thanks for all your help,  Kerry and Bandy  Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you
 from nasty viruses.

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-10 Thread Kerry Roach
I know I don't like to say things at times either as I am afraid I will jinx him..Seems that has happened on occasion, too...His vet said today that he has been quite amazing...He has really been a trooper.  We are going to continue the eye meds for a few more days to be on the safe side...I am going to keep them all on lysine for sure now...  I have 5 geriatric kitties...  Inky 19   Aug. 9, 1986  Little Rascal 16  Oct. 31, 1989  Albert and Alberta  14  April 12, 1991  Buster 13  March 30, 1992  I had all of their mothers and grandmothers...Inky, Little Rascal and Buster are all related.  Inky's sister was Lil Rascal's mom and Lil Rascal's sister was Buster's mom..It is quite a long history, and they were and are wonderful kitties..As each of you know...how they touch our hearts in very special ways...Sorry to go on about this, but you all know how that is.. 
 Anyway our thoughts and prayers are with you all always.  Kerry, Bandy, Lil Rascal and Buster
		Brings words and photos together (easily) with 
PhotoMail  - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: Bandy has an eye infection

2006-02-10 Thread Nina
Blessings to the whole family!!!  Don't ever be sorry about "going on", 
we love to hear about each other's charges!


Kerry Roach wrote:

I know I don't like to say things at times either as I am afraid I 
will jinx him..Seems that has happened on occasion, too...His vet said 
today that he has been quite amazing...He has really been a trooper.  
We are going to continue the eye meds for a few more days to be on the 
safe side...I am going to keep them all on lysine for sure now...

I have 5 geriatric kitties...
Inky 19   Aug. 9, 1986
Little Rascal 16  Oct. 31, 1989
Albert and Alberta  14  April 12, 1991
Buster 13  March 30, 1992
I had all of their mothers and grandmothers...Inky, Little Rascal and 
Buster are all related.  Inky's sister was Lil Rascal's mom and Lil 
Rascal's sister was Buster's mom..It is quite a long history, and they 
were and are wonderful kitties..As each of you know...how they touch 
our hearts in very special ways...Sorry to go on about this, but you 
all know how that is..

Anyway our thoughts and prayers are with you all always.
Kerry, Bandy, Lil Rascal and Buster

Re: [Felvtalk] Oliver has an eye infection

2012-02-17 Thread Kathryn Hargreaves
How about using Standard Process Feline Immune System Support (and Feline
Whole Body Support) instead of Pet-Tinic, which has a lot of
species-inappropriate things in it?

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Holly Shelton  wrote:

>  Hi everyone.  I am an infrequent poster, except maybe for giving some
> CRF info, but I read every post.  My cat Oliver, a 6 year old Siamese, was
> diagnosed with the leukemia virus back in December.  My Siamese mix, Daisy
> (4), got really sick suddenly and after two blood transfusions and a lot of
> meds, she was helped ahead.  What an awful experience. Cut to: all of my
> other cats, including some fosters, were tested and vaccinated.  Oliver was
> the only one out of five cats who came back with positive results after
> both tests.
>  He has been doing great since then. He is on Pet-Tinic and Omega 3
> treats. I tried the Omega 3 oil and he didn't go for it.
>  Today, I noticed that he has a weepy eye and we went straight to the
> vet's office, it turns out he has an eye infection and is on triple
> antibiotic ointment.  We go back for a check up on Saturday.
>  I am a bit nervous as I know that he has a compromised immune system and
> I want to make sure that he stays comfortable for a long time.
>  And I am working some long hours so I am not around as much as I would
> like to be to monitor him.
>  Any words of wisdom are very welcomed.
>  Holly
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by
implementing the No Kill Equation: http://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/

Legislate better animal pound conditions: http://www.rescue50.org
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Oliver has an eye infection

2012-02-17 Thread MaiMaiPG
I'm a big fan of Standard Process products thanks to my holistic vet  
and my regular vet.

On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Kathryn Hargreaves wrote:

How about using Standard Process Feline Immune System Support (and  
Feline Whole Body Support) instead of Pet-Tinic, which has a lot of  
species-inappropriate things in it?

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Holly Shelton   

Hi everyone.  I am an infrequent poster, except maybe for giving  
some CRF info, but I read every post.  My cat Oliver, a 6 year old  
Siamese, was diagnosed with the leukemia virus back in December.  My  
Siamese mix, Daisy (4), got really sick suddenly and after two blood  
transfusions and a lot of meds, she was helped ahead.  What an awful  
experience. Cut to: all of my other cats, including some fosters,  
were tested and vaccinated.  Oliver was the only one out of five  
cats who came back with positive results after both tests.

He has been doing great since then. He is on Pet-Tinic and Omega 3  
treats. I tried the Omega 3 oil and he didn't go for it.

Today, I noticed that he has a weepy eye and we went straight to the  
vet's office, it turns out he has an eye infection and is on triple  
antibiotic ointment.  We go back for a check up on Saturday.

I am a bit nervous as I know that he has a compromised immune system  
and I want to make sure that he stays comfortable for a long time.

And I am working some long hours so I am not around as much as I  
would like to be to monitor him.

Any words of wisdom are very welcomed.


Felvtalk mailing list


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake  
by implementing the No Kill Equation: http://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/

Legislate better animal pound conditions: http://www.rescue50.org

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Oliver has an eye infection

2012-02-17 Thread Holly Shelton
Oh great. I will check into that.  Where can one buy it? I see that there is 
some on Amazon...

-Original Message-
From: MaiMaiPG 
To: felvtalk 
Sent: Fri, Feb 17, 2012 3:34 pm
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Oliver has an eye infection

I'm a big fan of Standard Process products thanks to my holistic vet and my 
regular vet.  

On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Kathryn Hargreaves wrote:

How about using Standard Process Feline Immune System Support (and Feline Whole 
Body Support) instead of Pet-Tinic, which has a lot of species-inappropriate 
things in it?

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Holly Shelton  wrote:

 Hi everyone.  I am an infrequent poster, except maybe for giving some CRF 
info, but I read every post.  My cat Oliver, a 6 year old Siamese, was 
diagnosed with the leukemia virus back in December.  My Siamese mix, Daisy (4), 
got really sick suddenly and after two blood transfusions and a lot of meds, 
she was helped ahead.  What an awful experience. Cut to: all of my other cats, 
including some fosters, were tested and vaccinated.  Oliver was the only one 
out of five cats who came back with positive results after both tests.  

He has been doing great since then. He is on Pet-Tinic and Omega 3 treats. I 
tried the Omega 3 oil and he didn't go for it.

Today, I noticed that he has a weepy eye and we went straight to the vet's 
office, it turns out he has an eye infection and is on triple antibiotic 
ointment.  We go back for a check up on Saturday.

I am a bit nervous as I know that he has a compromised immune system and I want 
to make sure that he stays comfortable for a long time. 

And I am working some long hours so I am not around as much as I would like to 
be to monitor him.

Any words of wisdom are very welcomed.

 Felvtalk mailing list


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by 
implementing the No Kill Equation: http://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/
Legislate better animal pound conditions: http://www.rescue50.org

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Oliver has an eye infection

2012-02-17 Thread Kathryn Hargreaves
Just avoid Spinelife, as they take forever to send things.

Often homeopathic pharmacies carry SP.If you have to wait a long time,
then you can get some Thymus extract to tide you over.

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 3:07 PM, Holly Shelton  wrote:

> Oh great. I will check into that.  Where can one buy it? I see that there
> is some on Amazon...
> -Original Message-
> From: MaiMaiPG 
> To: felvtalk 
> Sent: Fri, Feb 17, 2012 3:34 pm
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Oliver has an eye infection
>  I'm a big fan of Standard Process products thanks to my holistic vet and
> my regular vet.
>  On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Kathryn Hargreaves wrote:
> How about using Standard Process Feline Immune System Support (and Feline
> Whole Body Support) instead of Pet-Tinic, which has a lot of
> species-inappropriate things in it?
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Holly Shelton  wrote:
>>  Hi everyone.  I am an infrequent poster, except maybe for giving some
>> CRF info, but I read every post.  My cat Oliver, a 6 year old Siamese, was
>> diagnosed with the leukemia virus back in December.  My Siamese mix, Daisy
>> (4), got really sick suddenly and after two blood transfusions and a lot of
>> meds, she was helped ahead.  What an awful experience. Cut to: all of my
>> other cats, including some fosters, were tested and vaccinated.  Oliver was
>> the only one out of five cats who came back with positive results after
>> both tests.
>>  He has been doing great since then. He is on Pet-Tinic and Omega 3
>> treats. I tried the Omega 3 oil and he didn't go for it.
>>  Today, I noticed that he has a weepy eye and we went straight to the
>> vet's office, it turns out he has an eye infection and is on triple
>> antibiotic ointment.  We go back for a check up on Saturday.
>>  I am a bit nervous as I know that he has a compromised immune system
>> and I want to make sure that he stays comfortable for a long time.
>>  And I am working some long hours so I am not around as much as I would
>> like to be to monitor him.
>>  Any words of wisdom are very welcomed.
>>  Holly
>> ___
>> Felvtalk mailing list
>> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> --
> Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!
> Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by
> implementing the No Kill Equation: http://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/
> Legislate better animal pound conditions: http://www.rescue50.org
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
>  ___
> Felvtalk mailing 
> listFelvtalk@felineleukemia.orghttp://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by
implementing the No Kill Equation: http://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/

Legislate better animal pound conditions: http://www.rescue50.org
Felvtalk mailing list