Re: hemobartonella question, from another list

2006-04-19 Thread felv

I'll say, thanks!
As if I am not busy enough, LOL!
I got reamed out at my first job today, had to stay late to get reprimanded 
for not being fast enough and for being too "open" with my mouth. Then, I went 
to my second job. The I got home, and had to do all my Rescue/personal cat care 
jobs. And my first job wants me to come in EARLY tomorrow, to make up for how 
slow I was today. They do NOT understand I work there until 4:30 on a good day 
(today I was there until 5:30, yes, I got an HOUR of being reamed out), then I 
go to my second job, and was there tonight until 8:15, then I did my FIV+ cat's 
cage and let him out for a while, scooped the rest of the litterboxes, and NOW I 
am making dinner at 9:45pm. Even if I go straight to bed as soon as it is done 
and I can woof it down, I'll still only get a few hours sleep. Normally I get up 
at 7:00am to be at my first job at 8:00am, but they want me in at 6:00am 
tomorrow. Ahh, yeah, right. I told them I'd be there when I got there. The boss 
wasn't too impressed by me doing my nails while he was getting onto me though, 
LOL, at least I got that much in for myself. He was like, "Jenn, please look at 
me, what are you doing, I like to be looked at when I am speaking to someone." 
LOLOL I'm like yeah, sorry about that, but this job eats the skin off my 
hands and rips up my nails, and I wont have time to fix them tonight unless I do 
them now, cause I have to go to my other job after I leave here, and I don't 
like making eye contact because then I will start crying and have an anxiety 
attack... at which point, I broke down, and had an anxiety attack, LOL!
Ahh, a day in the life, eh? MY biggest worry right now, is FAR away from 
that place, this poor FIV+ cat is SO sad in this cage, all alone all day. I 
REALLY wish I could at least find him a fosterhome for the meantime (in hopes of 
someone wanting a nice housecat adopting him, as opposed to being added to the 
feral colony like he will be if he stays here). I don't know how ANYONE runs a 
shelter with all the cats in cages like this, it's SO heartbreaking every night, 
to have to put him back in there, and tell him "I'm so sorry Zack" as he gives 
me this pitiful sounding pleading scratchy meow. But, what can I do? I can't let 
him out, he hates the other cats, plus he's not adjusted to the location yet, 
and if I let him out with the ferals he might try to go "home" to his "family" 
in Mass. I tell you what, I now know WHY most experienced rescuers have such a 
shitty attitude about "owner surrenders", it's because WE have to WATCH as their 
cat's hearts BREAK because of THEM. On one hand, I know they tried to find a 
place that allowed pets, but on the other, they didn't CRY when they left Zack 
here either, so how much did they really LOVE this cat? This cat LOVED THEM 
though, and he cries about it every day when I have to stop petting him and make 
dinner and go to bed and he has to go back in that cage for the next 23 and 1/2 
Anyways, you can see why my sh*tty day at work pales in comparison to the 
IMPORTANT things in my life. My boos, at one point, was talking about how good 
he is at his job, and I began to cry, and he's like "What, why are you crying?" 
and I was like "Because I'm REALLY good at doing the job that I love, 
but what I love to do costs me money, and I have to work a REAL job to pay 
for it." and anyways... yeah. I think he knows where my loyalties lay now, for 
better or worse. I got to go, eat quickly and go to bed... no time for a shower 
tonight. I'll catch up with email on Saturday, see you guys then!
Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue: PLEASE DONATE 
TO THE TANGLE FUND:Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when 
someone wrapped wire around his neck to strangle him,Little Cheetah Cat 
Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find him a good 

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Re: hemobartonella question, from another list

2006-04-19 Thread gary
Both exist (I can't believe your vets never heard of Hemobartonella) and 
they are different.  Hemo is also know as Feline Infectious Anemia (also 
called feline hemotropic mycoplasmosis, infection by Hemobartonella felis, 
or infection by Mycoplasma haemophilus).

Bartonella is what causes what is known as Cat Scratch Disease or Cat 
Scratch Fever.

A Google search on hemobartonella and another on bartonella will have many 
results with lots of info on both.  It would appear that Hemobartonella is 
much more serious.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: hemobartonella question, from another list

Belinda, can you explain, clinically and technically, the difference 
Hemobartonella, and Bartonella? ALL of my local vets have NO knowledge of 
existing, and I assumed it was what they call Bartonella, but if you say 
it is
different, can you tell me what the difference is, so that I can educate 
them, so
THEY can help more cats in the future. Any highly technical papers and 
studies you

can find on the subject of HemoBartonella would be extremely helpful!

Re: hemobartonella question, from another list

2006-04-18 Thread Belinda

    Hi Jenn,
  Here are some links on each and the differences between them:  [on bartonella]  [on bartonella]  [on bartonella]  [on bartonella]  [on bartonella]  [on bartonella]
[on bartonella - this one is written in 2006,
very good article]
[there is a picture of the test used to detect it
and the severity of it, Bailey started as a +3 and after some
treatment, we tried many different things, acupunture, chinese herbs,
doxy after these he actually went to a +4, then we tried the zitromax
and finally pulled his teeth.  It was only after pulling his teeth that
his lymph nodes completely resolved BUT I never did get a third test
done, so he may very well still be positive, the test at my vets was
about $180.00 a bit expensive, the retest was cheaper.]

Here is one explaining the differences between
the two:

Here is one associating bartonella with stomatitis:

Now some on Hemobartonella or feline infectious anemia

That should keep them busy for a while   :)


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: hemobartonella question, from another list

2006-04-18 Thread felv
Belinda, can you explain, clinically and technically, the difference between
Hemobartonella, and Bartonella? ALL of my local vets have NO knowledge of 
existing, and I assumed it was what they call Bartonella, but if you say it is
different, can you tell me what the difference is, so that I can educate them, 
THEY can help more cats in the future. Any highly technical papers and studies 
can find on the subject of HemoBartonella would be extremely helpful!

Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah (UCAT) Cat Rescue:
Tangle is a cat in Greece that was severely injured when someone wrapped wire 
his neck to strangle him,
Little Cheetah Cat Rescue is raising funds to bring Tangle to Vermont to find 
him a
good home!

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Re: hemobartonella question, from another list

2006-04-18 Thread Belinda

   Hi Jenn & Ermelinda,
  Just an FYI, bartonella is not the same thing as hemobartonella, 
bartonella usually shows up with swollen lymphnodes and many times 
stomastisis, Bailey was also positive for that and was on the Zithromax 
for 6 weeks, he also eventually had to have all but his canines and tiny 
teeth in between those pulled which finally relieved the stomatisis and 
the swollen lymphnodes.  I never did get him retested for bartonella so 
not sure if he is still positive of not.

It's been about two years ago and I can't remember how long it took for 
the lymphnodes to go down, but if there are mouth problems along with it 
and infection it probably won't completely resolve until that is 
addressed.  Has kitty been checked for stomastsis?


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

hemobartonella question, from another list

2006-04-18 Thread Jenn

Can you guys reply back to this person personally ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ), she's not on 
this list, but I know many of you have dealth with hemobartonella:
Message: 10       
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 11:31:22 -0700 (PDT)   From: Ermelinda 
Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: 
Hello From a New Member and Bartonella QuestionHello,I thought 
that now would be a good chance for me tointroduce myself to the 
group.  I am a doctoralstudent in Connecticut, and first got involved 
withferal cats when I helped my aunt catch, socialize, andfind homes for 
four feral kittens living under herdeck when I went home to the midwest for 
a longweekend.  I used Alley Cat Allies fact sheets 
forguidance.  Upon returning to Connecticut, I joined alocal rescue 
group in New Haven, and now serve ontheir Board as development 
director.  I continue tovolunteer for this group, and also do private 
rescuework on my own.I do have a situation that I would like to 
describe toall of you, and would appreciate any feedback or inputyou 
might have.  I recently trapped and socialized aferal kitten living in 
a parking lot.  The kitten hasa wonderful home, with a close family 
member.  We arefostering him right now, until he is well enough to 
goto this home.  He was very sick when I caught him andthe 
veterinarian who treated him thought that it wasCalici.  After treating 
him with Clavamox, he waslater diagnosed with a urinary infection, and 
treatedwith Baytril.  When I took him in to be neutered, the 
veterinarianindicated that the lymph nodes in his hind legs werestill 
swollen (I was cognizant of this swelling, andwe were actively monitoring 
it).  He was tested for,and diagnosed with, Bartonella.  He has 
been onZithromax for just over two weeks.  While I have notedsome 
decrease in the swelling of his lymph nodes, theyare still undeniably 
swollen.May I ask if any of you have faced a similar situationand, 
if so, how long it typically takes the swellingof the lymph nodes to 
significantly decrease? Although I am relatively new to rescue work, I 
amaware that Bartonella is tricky to treat.  I wouldvalue any input 
you might have, and thank you inadvance for it.This group seems 
wonderfully supportive, and I lookforward to 
FN:Jennifer D. O'Guin
ORG:UCAT rescue;operations/field work
TITLE:Cat Rescuer
NOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843
TEL;HOME;VOICE:802 472-8628
ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USA
ADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 1008=0D=0AHardwick, Vermont 05843=0D=0AUSA
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