[Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-18 Thread Johannes Gebauer
I am having a little problem with OS X. Everytime I restart, or log out 
and log in again my Finder windows seem to have lost their preferences. 
They are always larger than before (and larger again when I restart once 
more) and they display large icons instead of lists etc.

Is there something I need to reset to get this back to normal? I have 
repaired permissions and checked the HD, that didn't help.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] OT: Websites with music (audio)

2004-10-18 Thread Matthew Hindson Fastmail Account
Dear List Members,

I'm currently teaching a Sound and Music for Multimedia course, and would
like to show the students some examples of how music and sound has been
integrated into websites.  So if anyone has a website that they would like
me to plug, please feel free to let me know!

(Or if they know of any other sites that are particularly good or bad...)

Thanks for any input received,


Matthew Hindson
Composer   http://www.hindson.com
Artistic Director, 2006 Aurora Festival

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-18 Thread Randolph Peters
I am having a little problem with OS X. Everytime I restart, or log 
out and log in again my Finder windows seem to have lost their 
preferences. They are always larger than before (and larger again 
when I restart once more) and they display large icons instead of 
lists etc.

Is there something I need to reset to get this back to normal? I 
have repaired permissions and checked the HD, that didn't help.

I have this problem as well. From what I've researched on the net, 
the problem originates from opening the top folder while you are in 
system 9 and changing the view settings. (I did this when the disc 
was in target mode.) Do this just once and the view settings in OS X 
won't stick. The so-called solutions involve using Terminal and 
they don't give you the ability to change settings to something else 
in the future and make them stick. (The solutions look complicated.)

I'll try to solve this annoyance on my computer when I gather some 
more gumption. In the meantime, you can find what has been written on 
the subject by googling OS X view settings stick (without the 
quotes). Here is a sampling of what I've found:

If anyone knows of an easier solution, I'd love to hear about it.
-Randolph Peters
Finale mailing list

RE: [Finale] OT: Websites with music (audio)

2004-10-18 Thread Cecil Rigby
Hi Matthew-
I'll leave it to you and your students as to whether mine is a good or bad
My homepage autoloads a midi file (www.harrockhall.com)
and in the online store each piece of music's Read more page does the
Bandwidth costs are the primary reason my site is so elementary at this
I'll soon be changing the format, and would like to hear back from you what
you find to be the best. 
Hoping this finds you well, as I am-
Cecil Rigby
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal)

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: Websites with music (audio)

2004-10-18 Thread Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
At 08:52 AM 10/18/04 -0400, dhbailey wrote:
If you are teaching how to integrate music and sound with websites, 
please teach them:
2) have a clearly visible, easy to locate, clickable OFF butto for those 
of us who hate web-sites that force their music on us;
3) program any music inclusion so that visitors don't have to download 
any special plug-ins to hear the music -- nothing makes me leave a 
website faster than being told that I have to download something else to 
fully enjoy the web-site.

There is, of course, a huge course in proper, polite, and effective use of
web media. But David brings up some important points that I'd like to expand.

Regarding #2: *Never* autoplay media files or pop up windows with them.
This breaks accessibility badly, so anyone browsing with speech output will
be interrupted and (because of the new window) lost in navigation. And I'll
add here that one should use standard tags for media links; Javascript and
Flash tags are not cross-browser cross-operating system compatible, and
security risks besides (until recently, Flash was not accessible, either).
A metafile ('streaming') link and a download link for dialup users are
really important if you don't want to lost possible auditions of music from
dialup users as well as those using palmtops and slower networks.

Regarding #3: Plugins are tricky. It used to be that browsers and operating
systems didn't have any plugins shipped with them -- no Midi, no AVI, no
Quicktime, no MP3, etc. Now they do have lots of media players installed,
but the occasional plugin is still needed for specialized items. There's
Scorch for Sibelius, for example, and with the media wars, some don't ship
with RealAudio. Using standard file types will always help make a site useful.

The key for music sites especially is never to force content on the
visitor, and never to use supposedly clever methods (scripts, Flash, etc.)
where standard methods are the most accessible. If you can do something on
the server (vs. in the browser), that's the way to go. Make it easy and
fast for the site visitor.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-18 Thread Randolph Peters
I am having a little problem with OS X. Everytime I restart, or log 
out and log in again my Finder windows seem to have lost their 
preferences. They are always larger than before (and larger again 
when I restart once more) and they display large icons instead of 
lists etc.

Is there something I need to reset to get this back to normal? I 
have repaired permissions and checked the HD, that didn't help.

--At 8:47 AM -0500 10/18/04, Randolph Peters wrote:
I have this problem as well. From what I've researched on the net, 
the problem originates from opening the top folder while you are in 
system 9 and changing the view settings.
Just one thing about my previous note on this subject. The program I 
listed above may have its merits, but it does not solve the view 
settings not sticking problem.

-Randolph Peters
Finale mailing list

[Finale] 8. RE: OT: Websites with music (audio)

2004-10-18 Thread Terry Vosbein
I have quite a bit of my music on my website...MP3's and PDF's of almost
every piece



Dear List Members,

I'm currently teaching a Sound and Music for Multimedia course, and would
like to show the students some examples of how music and sound has been
integrated into websites.  So if anyone has a website that they would like
me to plug, please feel free to let me know!

(Or if they know of any other sites that are particularly good or bad...)

Thanks for any input received,


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] 8. RE: OT: Websites with music (audio)

2004-10-18 Thread Roger JuliĆ  Satorra
Hello Matthew,

At my website http://www.rogerjulia.com you will find more than 30 minutes of
MP3 files, clasified in orchestral music and non orchestral music. 

I hope that it is of your interest,

 Dear List Members,
 I'm currently teaching a Sound and Music for Multimedia
 course, and would
 like to show the students some examples of how music and
 sound has been
 integrated into websites.  So if anyone has a website that
 they would like
 me to plug, please feel free to let me know!
 (Or if they know of any other sites that are particularly
 good or bad...)
 Thanks for any input received,
 Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: Websites with music (audio)

2004-10-18 Thread Mark D Lew
On Oct 18, 2004, at 5:52 AM, dhbailey wrote:
If you are teaching how to integrate music and sound with websites, 
please teach them:
1) make the volume fairly quiet so it doesn't blast the neighbors 
awake at 1 in the morning;
2) have a clearly visible, easy to locate, clickable OFF butto for 
those of us who hate web-sites that force their music on us;
3) program any music inclusion so that visitors don't have to download 
any special plug-ins to hear the music -- nothing makes me leave a 
website faster than being told that I have to download something else 
to fully enjoy the web-site.
Amen to all three of these.  With regard to the third, less than a year 
ago I was using an ancient computer which could only handle a fairly 
old browser.  On that computer, most sites which gave me the you must 
download window crashed my system.  It was because of things like that 
that I was extremely careful exploring the Web on that computer, 
basically not going to any site unless I knew ahead of time what it 

The more general rule, of course, is that when designing any aspect of 
a website, don't assume that the user has the same system that you do.  
All the books preach that, but it still seems like most amateur and 
even some professional designers pay no heed.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-18 Thread laloba2
These two are good links I thinkthe second one is probably the 
quickest way to solve the problem but I'd rather not post how to log 
in as root on the list as doing so and then doing something wrong can 
be a major problem.  But if anyone wants to know how and is willing 
to proceed AT THEIR OWN RISK, you can e-mail me off list and I'll 
tell you how to log in and out as a root user without going through 
the command line (terminal)

Regarding this first link.  Editing a plist is a rather benign thing 
that you can actually fool around with if you want to.  The worst 
case scenario is that you mess up the plist and have to throw it away 
in which case a new one will be recreated automatically with default 
settings...plist files are preferences.

You can also throw away DS_Store files.  There are two ways to to 
this.  You can do a search for the files..command F...Criteria 1 is 
name contains .ds  Criteria 2 is Visibility is invisible files...You 
can then throw these files away once you know which one you want to 
throw away.

A CAVEAT...don't do searches for invisible files unless you know what 
you are doing and why you are doing it.  You can also mess up your 
machine throwing away the wrong invisible file.  But getting rid of 
DS_Store files is O.K.

Finally,  there is a program called cocktail that is basically a GUI 
for command line (terminal) commands.  It is more sophisticated than 
the OS X GUI itself but easier than logging into the terminal:

You can also get rid of DS_Store files using this program.  I use 
this program all the time to initiate system maintenence, cache 
cleaning, permission repairing etc.  One can run it in pilot mode 
safely without having a lot of computer experience too.  I believe it 
costs around $12.00 US

(P.S.  This is not my program and I don't get any monetary benefit 
from suggesting it...I just really like it!)

Take care,

Karen Guthery
Finale mailing list

[Finale] TOOL BAR

2004-10-18 Thread Kim Richmond
Dear Listers,
	This is driving me nuts, and I have been hassling with this all 
through 2004, and now the same thing is true of 2005 version of MacFin.
	I like to have the Tool Bar in a single strip across the top of the 
screen, using the Contemporary palette. I like the tools in a certain 
order, and change them to what I want by dragging them to their 
preferred positions while hold down Shift/Control. Nothing I do will 
retain the way I configure it when I restart Finale and reopen a file.
	Extenuating circumstances: I can get a single strip only if I switch 
to Classic palette. That will stay and appear the next time I open 
Finale. But the preferred position order will not. If, before I close 
the file, I change back to Contemporary palette, it will not stay there 
and the order will be back to a default setting.
	Also, I have always been important to Save the file and also, under 
Edit/Save Special, do Save Prefs. To no avail.
	Any solutions come to mind?
All the best,
KIM Richmond

Finale mailing list