Re: [Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-20 Thread laloba2
I don't think cocktail caused your problem.  It may have uncovered a 
latent problem but I have been running it for a couple of years now 
and this has never happened to me as a result of cocktail.  But if 
deleting your .DS_Store files (using cocktail or whatever other 
method you choose) didn't work, then you may also try either 
modifying your finder prefs (using a text editor) or trashing them 
all together and starting over with setting your finder preferences.

The file is here:  youruserfolder>Library>Preferences>
This document is where the "always open in list view" option among 
others is stored for example.


Finally,  there is a program called cocktail that is basically a 
GUI for command line (terminal) commands.  It is more sophisticated 
than the OS X GUI itself but easier than logging into the terminal:
You know, I am pretty sure that using cocktail caused the problem in 
the first place, so I would be a little careful.

It certainly didn't solve the problem at all.
Finale mailing list

Karen Guthery
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-19 Thread Dennis W. Manasco
At 11:23 am +0200 10/18/04, Johannes Gebauer wrote:
I am having a little problem with OS X. Everytime I restart, or log 
out and log in again my Finder windows seem to have lost their 
preferences. They are always larger than before (and larger again 
when I restart once more) and they display large icons instead of 
lists etc.

Is there something I need to reset to get this back to normal? I 
have repaired permissions and checked the HD, that didn't help.

Johannes --
I won't swear that this will help, but...
It sounds like the ".DS_Store" file(s) for the folder(s) is (are) corrupted.
For individual folders the easiest solution is to launch Terminal and type
rm /.DS_Store
{ or, alternatively:
rm .DS_Store
n.b.: The file name .DS_Store starts with a period.
You can save yourself a lot of hassle in the  entry stage by dragging the folder to the 
Terminal command line: this properly quotes it if it has spaces and 
escapes special characters, etc.

A utility like Cocktail will allow you to do more massive .DS_Store 
deletions. ()

n.b.: Deleting .DS_Store removes all formatting information for the 
folder and leaves it in its default state.

To get your windows back to a standard set of options open any folder 
and select Finder>View>Show View Options. Set this up the way you 
want your standard folder and then select the "All windows" radio 
button. Now all of your windows should default to this format and 
corresponding .DS_Store files should be created when you open them. 
You can then modify this format for specific windows using Show View 
Options, clicking on the "This window only" button and then modifying 
the other parameters as needed.

I hope that helps. All the above aside, it seems that the neXtoids 
have left some bugs in the window coding of 10.3.5, though I've not 
seen your exact problem before. (Mine have to do with snap-to-content 
being slightly off.)

Best wishes,
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-19 Thread Johannes Gebauer

Finally,  there is a program called cocktail that is basically a GUI for 
command line (terminal) commands.  It is more sophisticated than the OS 
X GUI itself but easier than logging into the terminal:
You know, I am pretty sure that using cocktail caused the problem in the 
first place, so I would be a little careful.

It certainly didn't solve the problem at all.
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-18 Thread laloba2
These two are good links I thinkthe second one is probably the 
quickest way to solve the problem but I'd rather not post how to log 
in as root on the list as doing so and then doing something wrong can 
be a major problem.  But if anyone wants to know how and is willing 
to proceed AT THEIR OWN RISK, you can e-mail me off list and I'll 
tell you how to log in and out as a root user without going through 
the command line (terminal)

Regarding this first link.  Editing a plist is a rather benign thing 
that you can actually fool around with if you want to.  The worst 
case scenario is that you mess up the plist and have to throw it away 
in which case a new one will be recreated automatically with default 
settings...plist files are preferences.

You can also throw away DS_Store files.  There are two ways to to 
this.  You can do a search for the files..command F...Criteria 1 is 
name contains .ds  Criteria 2 is Visibility is invisible files...You 
can then throw these files away once you know which one you want to 
throw away.

A CAVEAT...don't do searches for invisible files unless you know what 
you are doing and why you are doing it.  You can also mess up your 
machine throwing away the wrong invisible file.  But getting rid of 
DS_Store files is O.K.

Finally,  there is a program called cocktail that is basically a GUI 
for command line (terminal) commands.  It is more sophisticated than 
the OS X GUI itself but easier than logging into the terminal:

You can also get rid of DS_Store files using this program.  I use 
this program all the time to initiate system maintenence, cache 
cleaning, permission repairing etc.  One can run it in pilot mode 
safely without having a lot of computer experience too.  I believe it 
costs around $12.00 US

(P.S.  This is not my program and I don't get any monetary benefit 
from suggesting it...I just really like it!)

Take care,

Karen Guthery
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-18 Thread Randolph Peters
I am having a little problem with OS X. Everytime I restart, or log 
out and log in again my Finder windows seem to have lost their 
preferences. They are always larger than before (and larger again 
when I restart once more) and they display large icons instead of 
lists etc.

Is there something I need to reset to get this back to normal? I 
have repaired permissions and checked the HD, that didn't help.

--At 8:47 AM -0500 10/18/04, Randolph Peters wrote:
I have this problem as well. From what I've researched on the net, 
the problem originates from opening the top folder while you are in 
system 9 and changing the view settings.
Just one thing about my previous note on this subject. The program I 
listed above may have its merits, but it does not solve the view 
settings not sticking problem.

-Randolph Peters
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-18 Thread Randolph Peters
I am having a little problem with OS X. Everytime I restart, or log 
out and log in again my Finder windows seem to have lost their 
preferences. They are always larger than before (and larger again 
when I restart once more) and they display large icons instead of 
lists etc.

Is there something I need to reset to get this back to normal? I 
have repaired permissions and checked the HD, that didn't help.

I have this problem as well. From what I've researched on the net, 
the problem originates from opening the top folder while you are in 
system 9 and changing the view settings. (I did this when the disc 
was in target mode.) Do this just once and the view settings in OS X 
won't "stick". The so-called solutions involve using Terminal and 
they don't give you the ability to change settings to something else 
in the future and make them stick. (The solutions look complicated.)

I'll try to solve this annoyance on my computer when I gather some 
more gumption. In the meantime, you can find what has been written on 
the subject by googling "OS X view settings stick" (without the 
quotes). Here is a sampling of what I've found:
If anyone knows of an easier solution, I'd love to hear about it.
-Randolph Peters
Finale mailing list

[Finale] OT: OS X problem

2004-10-18 Thread Johannes Gebauer
I am having a little problem with OS X. Everytime I restart, or log out 
and log in again my Finder windows seem to have lost their preferences. 
They are always larger than before (and larger again when I restart once 
more) and they display large icons instead of lists etc.

Is there something I need to reset to get this back to normal? I have 
repaired permissions and checked the HD, that didn't help.

Finale mailing list