Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #69

1998-05-29 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, All Fjord Lovers!! Since it has been pointed out not to over-advertise
on this list, I at this time, would NOT like to remind everyone, NOT to come
to PETSANDVETS on Sun. nights, 9:00 Eastern time for Fjord Chat! It has NOT
been fun getting to talk to so many fjord owners all at one time, and I look
forward to NOT seeing you all there this Sun. ( PS , its NOT on the
Internet...) Go to PETSANDVETS, scroll down to CHATS, click on HORSE CHAT and
you are there. Enter your name, and join us there!!  Saska, are you brave
enough to stay awake and join us??? Your cheery friendly posts have been a
highlight of reading this list, please dont change a bit!!!   Lisa Pedersen

Amish dating buggy

1998-05-29 Thread BRIAN C JACOBSEN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)

I have a chance to purchase an Amish dating buggy,  four wheel (wooden
with steel around them), covered (has a top), for one horse, and it's in
good condition.  Can anyone help me know what to offer for it?  I'm sure
it depends on a number of things, but can any of the carriage builders or
anyone with some knowledge/experience in the subject give me some idea?


Brian Jacobsen
Norwegian Fjordhest Ranch
Salisbury, North Carolina

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RE: virtual fjords!

1998-05-29 Thread Frederick J. Pack II
This message is from: "Frederick J. Pack II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Gail and Saskia,

I sent both Saskia and Gail the picture of FJ that I worked on (via Jean
Ernest).  I also sent Saskia a picture of our youngest Fjord, Hiejenta, who
we obtained from Anne Appleby.

Best Regards to all,

Fred and Lois Pack

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gail Russell
Sent:   Wednesday, May 27, 1998 9:47 AM
Subject:RE: virtual fjords!

This message is from: Gail Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Saskia,

The picture of FJ is on my "non-Internet Compliant" computer (well,
actually, my completely non-compliant computer, that is functioning for
business, thankfully, but threatens to crash if I ask it to do extras like
go online).  There is a "fixed up version" of FJ out there in cyber
fjord-land that someone else is likely to volunteer to send you.  In the
meantime, I'm doing Internet stuff on my old overloaded hard drive computer
until I can work up the courage to back up everything on my new computer,
assemble all original disks and reformat. Sorry for the delay, and my
computer wimpiness.

>Gail, I lost the picture of Fj again... Could you please send it to me
>(for the last time, I promise!!!).
Gail Russell
Forestville CA

Re: Goodbye for now.

1998-05-29 Thread saskia
This message is from: saskia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Philis B. Anderson wrote:

>I have to bow out of this mailing list.

what a pity! I hope you'll be back soon! and then, don't *lurk* any 
longer! :-) I am very curious to meet you and to hear more about your 

Bye! Happy Fjording!


Round Pen Work

1998-05-29 Thread Starfire Farm
This message is from: Starfire Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Being like everyone else on this list, I have too many horses and too
little time! (Can you ever have too many Fjords?)  In an effort to keep
everyone (including myself) properly exercised,  I have been playing
with our three Fjords in the round pen (actually, it's a 60' x 60'
square pole barn, but it still works), all at the same time.  I have, in
the past, worked with all of them individually, getting them to "hook
on" and to follow the minimal body changes that I make for changes in
pace and direction.  Adding one or two horses to the picture really
makes the work interesting!  I started with two, then added a third,
then (much to his chagrin) added our Morgan gelding to the bunch.  What
I find really interesting is that, by working them all together, they
start getting into "work mode" and will trot up three abreast (the
Morgan won't join in with this, at this point), or in a single line
based upon my body positioning!  Any squabbling that might occurr is
dealt with by singling out the horse doing the squabbling, making him
work a little harder for a couple of rounds, then letting him back in
with his friends.  After that, he is more than happy to stay in step
with the rest.  I am interested, in the future, in putting together a 4
in h I have also learned that, while the one horse is being singled out,
the remaining horses seem to understand what is going on, and will stay
together until the "Prodigal son" returns.  This has been some very fun,
amusing and interesting work!  If you are fortunate enough to have a
round pen accessible to you, I highly recommend trying this!

In the future I would like to put together a four-in-hand and would like
some commentary from those with experience in building teams on how they
chose their horses, and how they "fit" together.  A friend of mine who
has Percherons lunges his horses together, all attached by the halters
with trailer ties (he's actually had as many as six abreast!) to get
them thinking about working as a team as well as getting him listening
to his voice.

In the meantime, thanks for the interesting reading!  And, Saskia, I
finally visited your web page.  What a wonderful way for folks to learn
about each other.  I wish we could all send pictures!

Happy Fjording!

Beth, Sandy and the Gang
Maerta, John Arthur, Magnum and the Non Fjords.

P.S. - Our chickens eat potaoes!

Re: Fjords and equipment for sale

1998-05-29 Thread Amy K White
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Amy K White)

Hello all. A fellow Fjord-lover here in Nebraska is in poor health and
must sell his Fjords and equipment. He does not have access to this list,
so we offered to post this message on his behalf. He has 2 registered 
geldings, half-brothers, ages 4 and 5 , broke to drive single or double
and is asking $3000 for each. Also some very nice harness, carts, and
wagons for very reasonable prices, as well as collars and miscellaneous
items. Steve and I visited him last year and can tell you that his horses
are well-broke and his harness and equipment are in good to excellent
condition. We would love to have the horses ourselves, but our stable is
full at the moment! If you are interested, please e-mail us privately and
we can provide you with the complete list and prices.  

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